#akutagwa ryunoske
kauenelikha · 19 days
Last Line Tag
Thanks for tagging me @unicornpopcorn14 & @anticidic!!! :DDD
RULES: show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you’d like).
"I am grateful to the tiger, for it allows you to still take breathe despite my best efforts."
Atsushi breathes, chest heavy.
I don't write sskk usually but this thing hit me right before I slept last night. Maybe this turns into a fic maybe it doesn't, we'll see.
(I don't know anyone else to tag I've only just started talking to people😭)
If you see this feel free to participate!!!
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queer-n-here · 4 months
mayhaps...... some corruption, breeding, mating press, cruel levels of edging and some dubcon if ok? with akutagawa and atsushi ♡ or poe and dazai.
second offhand idea would be using a controlled vibrator on them in public uwu
(with poe itd be more so him becoming our little fleshlight, to make it different from last ask with poe ;3) TLDR; I WANT THAT MAN IMPREGNATED!!!also remember to take breaks and not overwork yourself!!
Aww thanks! Is 🕸️ the emoji you chose to be? 'Cause it's giving spiderman. Also oh my god?? You totally read my mind???
So here you go, Atsushi and Akutagawa! I changed the contents a lil bit, but I hope you like it!
Contents: Breeding, corrupting and overstimming Atsushi in front of a mirror. Putting a vibrator up Akutagawa's ass in public.
Warnings: Smut, top male reader, nipple play (Atsushi), breeding kink (Atsushi), corruption kink (?) (Atsushi), mirror sex (Atsushi), praise kink (Atsushi), dubcon, overstimming (Atsushi), sex toys (Akutagwa), public (Akutagwa), punishment (Akutagwa).
Nakajima Atsushi
Oh the thought of corrupting this man has me in a trap hold.
Holding him by the cheek as you fuck him in front of a mirror, making him watch every single movement of your cock as it slides in and out of his slutty hole.
Let him try to struggle to pull his face away from your grasp, but you both know that it's no use; if you want him to watch you fuck him then he will.
Make him focus on that bulge that appears and disappears in his stomach every time you thrust, the sound of skin slapping skin almost drowned in the lewd noises pouring from his mouth.
Atsushi would do anything you ask him to, so sit back and tell him to ride you, then watch as he flushes so beautifully you almost lose control and fuck him into oblivion yourself.
And then, as he tries to move his hips in a slow rhythm on your lap, tease and bite his nipples.
Hear him complaining about how he wasn't good enough yet at this, and make him beg for you to fuck him before you do, his tight ass clenching around you at the pleasure.
Tell him you're gonna impregnate him and make him birth your children. It'll make him arch his back like a little slut and clutch at your arms desperately, his brain all fogged and cloudy from the feeling of your cock in him.
Make him cum over and over and over again, only stopping to push him down on his back to put him in a mating press. He'll cry and scream, begging you to stop, to let him take a break.
But don't listen to him. Keep overstimulating his little cock and hole both, stroking in rhythm to each thrust that hits his sweet spots. Wipe away those pretty tears of his even as more drip down from his eyes onto his red cheeks.
Once you're done, take him to the bathroom and clean him up, whispering in his ear about how good he is for you, and how pretty he looks all fucked out, then watch as he gets hard again.
But don't indulge in him all over again just yet, make him beg and try to convince you that he NEEDS you to fuck him, to put your cock inside him and bully all those pleasing spots inside him with your tip.
And when you do decide to listen (because he's YOUR pretty baby after all, you have to take care of him) make sure you have him screaming and writing beneath you again.
Ryunoske Akutagawa
I can imagine Akutagawa being so bratty you have no other choice but to put a little toy in him on your next date.
He'd try to act like it didn't bother him, that there was no way this would even be a punishment that bad, but deep down he'd know what grave he'd dug for himself when he sits down, feeling the toy nudge ever so slightly against his walls.
So don't go easy on Akutagawa, switch the toy only on the low mode in the beginning, and then watch as your sensitive boyfriend tries to muffle his moans with his sleeve, disguise them as coughs and even use fractions of Rashoumoun to stop them from spilling.
But you wouldn't let him off that easily, would you? Sneakily use your own ability to pry Rashoumoun away as you switch the toy to the medium level, making Akutagawa gasp and shudder.
Watch as some people turn their heads to give him weird looks as you guide him to walk through a crowd on your arm, smirking when their gazes make him whine into the sleeve of your jacket.
Turn it up to high every time Akutagawa tries to open his mouth to speak. He tries to suggest sitting down somewhere? Interrupt him with five continuous seconds of the high level that has his legs trembling so bad he needs to clutch you to stand.
Then raise your eyebrows innocently as he pants and huffs, tears streaming down his face at the situation, and ask him what he was saying.
When Akutagawa tries to talk again, repeat your teasing, till he's begging you through whimpers hidden in his sleeve to please, please, PLEASE, just be nice to him, he swear he won't ever be bratty again.
So take him to a nice restaurant, and make him order for you two while you constantly turn the toy a notch higher, making him squirm and shoot you pleading glances with his blurred up eyes.
When the waiter asks if Akutagwa's feeling okay, he has no other option but to jump at the chance, saying that he feels a bit 'under the weather' before dashing away to the bathroom to jerk off.
Follow him to the bathroom, and put your cock in him right next to the toy before turning it to the highest setting.
Akutagwa'll never be bratty again (or so he swears).
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kauenelikha · 3 months
Will forever be mad at how canon absolutely WASTED the potential their sibling dynamics could've had. The Tanizakis? Sure sometimes we get Junichirou going apeshit over Naomi being threatened but. That's it? Beyond that there's only creepy jokes, no normal interactions. The Akutagwas? We see them together ONCE. And Gin's presence in that episode was more of a tool to introduce Katai. Where's the drama? The worry? They're both front liners for a strong and dangerous organisation. Hell Akutagawa almost died fighting Atsushi. Granted we didn't know at that point and Gin does swoop in to save him. Never do we see them talk after that episode.
Like look at BEAST. They did such a good job with it. Gin's an actual person too.
Imagine the parallels we could've had. How one pair interacts because they were brought up in the mafia compared to the other getting to live in a normal(ish) environment.
Maybe that wouldn't work so well given Noami's a non combatant but ugghhh.
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queer-n-here · 4 months
Heyy. Can you pretty please write for subby Akutagawa? I want to dominate him so bad /srs
(Your sigma one was awesome sauce btw👍)
Hi, you're my first request! Thanks for reading man, and ohhh, bro, I would die for subby Akutagwa. You didn't mention a lot of details, so I let my intuition lead me with this one, I hope you like it!
Content: You come home to Akutagawa trying to pretend his fingers are your cock, and long story short, you fuck him. (Established relationship)
Warnings: Smut, top male reader, ability user reader, degrading kink, and... I think that's about it?
Fem aligned and MDNI
Ryunoske Akutagawa was hanging on by a thread.
You two had been trying to find time for each other, but what with the number of assignments the Port Mafia threw at you two after the Guild incident, you barely had time to even look at each other's faces. It was frustrating, to say the least.
You'd come back late at night, exhausted and drained out, and just as you'd step into the house, Akutagawa would be hurrying to get out of it. A hurried kiss and 'Have a good day/night at work, love...' had been the only interaction between you two for the past whole month.
And it was starting to take its toll on Akutagawa.
You hadn't been intimate for a month. An entire month! How was Akutagawa supposed to deal with this type of separation when before this sudden rush hour (or rush month, really) you had showered him with your love? There had been a time when he could barely fall asleep without your arms around him, and now he couldn't remember the last time you two had cuddled.
It was so frustrating, Akutagawa almost threw a fit in Mori's face one day. But he held back, thinking of the future, and how things were bound to get better soon.
Now, however, Akutagawa felt that maybe he should have thrown a fit at Mori.
He was filled with pent-up frustration, and as much as he tried to focus on other things, he just couldn't stop thinking about you. Your voice, your calloused hands, the way you touched him, the way your hands knew almost automatically where to poke to make him throw his head back and call your name, his hips bucking into your han-
Akutagawa tried to pull his mind away from this line of thought, but it was impossible. Sighing, he slipped off his boxers, and turned to lay on his stomach.
This was the only way he could get release.
He coated his fingers with his own spit, and reached back to insert a finger into his achingly empty entrance.
It was a pathetic attempt, he knew. You knew his body so much better than himself. And he couldn't even reach back properly.
Still, he tried, rubbing his throbbing dick against the bed sheets to get a faster release. And that was how you found him. Rutting against the sheets with two of his digits in his hole, calling out your name as tears built in his eyes.
You had stepped into the house feeling cheerful, after all, you had managed to convince Mori to give the two of you a two-day long break. It wasn't much, but it was something you knew would bring a smile to Akutagawa's face.
Your expression had turned tense immediately, however, when you'd heard something like a whimper coming from your and Akutagawa's shared room. Was he hurt?
You had hurried across the house, throwing away your jacket and stumbling out of your shoes, calling your boyfriend's name with worry in your voice. You'd threw open the bedroom door, and stopped short at the sight before you.
What. The. Fuck.
When Akutagawa saw you, his eyes widened. He let out a yelp, and immediately, Rashoumon jumped out, creating a sphere of black cloth around him, preventing you from seeing him.
Still reeling from the surprise, you sighed.
"Ryu?" You said tentatively. "Baby, let me in."
There was some rustling, and you knew Akutagawa was hiding his face in the sheets.
"I'm gonna have to cut Rashoumon apart, baby..." You said, your voice gentle as you sat down on the part of the bed Akutagawa's ability hadn't enveloped. "And you know I can do that."
There was a pause, and then Rashoumon retreated to reveal a flushed Akutagawa who had pulled up the bed sheets to his chin, his eyes glued to the wall three feet on the left of your head.
"It wasn't a weird thing to do, alright?" He said before you could open your mouth to speak. "I just... I just got kind of d-desperate. And I mean, we haven't been intimate for weeks, so-"
"I never said it was," You cut him off, and he looked at you. "But now I'm home, and we have time, so let me take care of you, hmm?"
Akutagwa turned to look at the clock.
"It's not time for you to be back home yet," He stated dully, and you chuckled.
"No, it's not," You reached out, taking the sheets from Akutagawa's hands and gently lowering them. "I got Mori to give us a forty-eight-hour break."
His eyes brightened. "Really?"
"Yeah," You nodded. "And I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie, or go on a date... But who would've though that I'd come home to you touching yourself and calling my name?"
He flushed again, and made as if to hide in the sheets one more time, but you were faster.
You ripped the sheets off of him, leaving his bare pale body exposed. Before he could react, you had pressed him back down on the bed, one hand supporting your weight beside his head, and the other at his waist.
"Come to think of it, it HAS been a long time since we had sex, right Ryu?" You smirked.
Akutagwa's breath hitched at the sudden change of your tone, and he nodded.
You lowered your head, placing your lips on his as his hands rose to clutch the fabric of your shirt. You kissed him passionately, nibbling and biting and sucking to your heart's content till you couldn't take it anymore, till you could feel the tent in your pants grow unbearable.
You pushed off of him, using your ability to strip in a millisecond, and turned Akutagawa around to make him lay on his stomach, just the way you'd found him.
He'd prepped himself well, and his arousal was such that his hole was opening and closing like a breathless fish, begging to be filled and abused to your liking.
You placed your tip against his entrance, planting a small kiss between his shoulder blades as you entered. He twitched beneath you, his fingers clenching around the sheets beneath him as he buried his head into them to muffle the sounds that he knew he would make soon.
When you had entered fully, you gave him a moment to adjust to the feeling of being stuffed full of your cock.
"Ryu, baby," You whispered, your breath warm on his neck. "It's kind of disobedient of you, isn't it, to do something like behind my back?"
"What do you- Mmph!" You pulled back and thrusted the very moment Akutagwa opened his mouth to speak.
"You could have waited," You said, as your hips rolled further into his, making him moan lewdly. "You could have been good and waited. But I bet you couldn't handle the feeling of not being stuffed full for a minute. I should be grateful you held on for a month."
Your thrusts sped up slowly, gaining a rhythm as you fucked Akutagawa into the sheets, making him push his hips back to meet you half-way.
"How slutty," You sneered, pounding into him as if it were your last day on earth. "Couldn't have held back till I came home, hmm? Such a pretty little whore."
Akutagawa bit down into the sheets, unsuccessfully trying to muffle his whimpers at your words. You grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, making him scream as your thrusts hit a certain place.
"But I bet you couldn't find that spot in you, right?" You shifted to hit it again, making Akutagawa thrash around in your grip. "That one that makes you see stars..."
You hit his prostrate again and again, making him clench pathetically around your fat cock. You chuckled, using your more force to ram into his ass.
"Wai..." Akutagawa panted, his brain foggy and barely able to form words at that amazing feel of you fucking him like he was just a hole. "I couldn't.... Nhh, ah! I c-couldn't help it."
"Of course you couldn't," You leered. "True nature is always hard to hide. A slut through and through aren't you?"
Akutagawa whined, nodding his head erratically like a dumb cock-drunk whore. "Just yours... Only yours"
"That's right," You thrusted faster, almost dislocating your hips in that chase of pleasure. "My dumb slut. My pretty little cocksleeve."
That alone was too much for him, and he squirted onto the bed sheets with a loud cry of your name. You let go of his hair as he tightened around your dick, and he collapsed, his body limp even when you turned him around to look at his beautiful fucked-out expression.
"A slut that can't even do his job right." You spat, entering him again, making writhe under you, clutching your arms without any force in his fingers.
"[Name]!" He blubbered. "I just came, I just..."
But you weren't going to listen, continuing your abuse of his lewd hole as you degraded him more, making him whine and sob from the over stimulation.
"Tell me," You panted. "Could you have cum so quick just from your own two fingers? Could you have made yourself feel as good as I can?"
Akutagawa shook his head, his damp hair sticking to his forehead. "F-Feels so good...Nghh!"
You felt heat pooling into your stomach, your throbbing dick loaded and ready to release into the man beneath you. You sped up sloppily, making him throw his head back and arch his body.
"Do you deserve my cum, Ryu?" You panted, your hips bludgeoning into him. "Do you deserve to be released in?"
He nodded frantically, his poor brain barely able to comprehend anything that wasn't your cock and your strong hands holding him place. "I-I do! Please, [Name], please. Cum in me, I'll be good, I'll-"
And so you released, using the last of your power to hit his sweet spot a few more times, and just that was enough to make him squirt a second time, his used hole milking your cock as ropes of white fluid shot out of his own dick.
You collapsed beside Akutagawa, panting as you turned your head to look at your boyfriend. On his waist were red hand prints, and his ass was still leaking your cum. His closed eyes were underlined with tears, and his entire face was covered in them. You couldn't help but smirk.
"Such a pretty boy..." You murmured, and Akutagwa smiled faintly.
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