#alan iv of brittany
athingofvikings · 4 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 129: And A Warm Embrace
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Chapter 129: And A Warm Embrace
During the periods of the Kingdoms of Francia, Brittany (Breton: Breizh), in its position occupying the westernmost peninsula of the region, was regarded as a stubborn outsider—culturally Brythonic Celtic instead of Gallo-Roman, with a different and distinct language, identity, and historical background. Beginning as independent petty kingdoms formed by displaced Celts from the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain, Brittany spent the next few centuries fully independent, occasionally joining forces with the Roman Empire against the likes of Attila the Hun, but otherwise being mostly occupied with domestic political matters and associating with their fellow Celtic nations in the Isles, occasionally sending reinforcements to the Cymru, Picts, Kernowyon, and Gaels as they fought against the Anglo-Saxon invaders.
Later, in the 9th century AD, Brittany became a tributary suzerain state to the Carolingian Empire under Emperor Charlemagne, who managed to impose vassalhood on the region, reducing the Breton lords to semi-autonomous status. This did not last long, however, as in the aftermath of Charlemagne’s death, they rebelled against the Carolingians, securing their independence as a unified kingdom of Brittany in 851 AD after defeating Charles the Bald at the Battle of Jengland. From there, they proceeded to expand their kingdom at Francian expense, taking large swaths of territory around the eastern extents of their peninsula, and reaching their greatest territorial extent in 867 AD.
Internal political disputes ensued, stopping the kingdom’s expansion, and rendering it ripe for conquest by Viking raiders in the early 900s; by 919 AD, the entire kingdom was fully occupied by Norsemen, who looted and pillaged many cities and monasteries without facing organized resistance. The region was eventually liberated from the Norse occupiers by Alan “Twistedbeard” II, grandson of King Alan the Great, the prior king of Brittany, between 935 and 939, culminating in an attack on the last Norse stronghold at Trans-la-Fôret by joint Breizh and Frankish forces. Meanwhile, to the neighboring east on what had once been part of the kingdom of Brittany, Rollo the Viking had settled in with his own men, offering allegiance to King Charles the Simple in exchange for claim to what would become known as the Duchy of Normandy.
With his lands in ruin from decades of war and looting, Alan could not hope to restore his prior kingship and likewise made the same decision as Rollo had, offering tribute to King Louis IV of Francia in 942 AD as the Duke of Brittany. This action ended Brittany’s time of independence and politically brought it into the Kingdom of Francia as the Duchy of Brittany. However, the newly-born duchy still had a long independent history and a cultural identity as separate from the rest of the kingdom…
—A History of Old Francia, 1432, Oxford Press
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ardenrosegarden · 2 years
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"Powerful in eloquence, shrewd in counsel" was how Bishop Marbode of Rennes described Countess Ermengarde of Brittany in a poem he dedicated to her around 1096. Ermengarde's mother, also named Ermengarde, was Ralph I's sister and daughter of Lancelin II. Her father was Count Fulk IV of Anjou and Ermengarde was raised at his court. Count Fulk IV was one of the most powerful men of his day and established a thriving intellectual center at his court in Angers. It was here that Ermengarde learned the rudiments of lordship, but also encountered many of the important intellectuals and clergy of the time. She married Count Alan IV of Brittany around 1093. Three years later, she found herself solely in charge of the county as he departed on crusade (likely in the company of Ermengarde's uncle, Ralph). Ermengarde ruled Brittany in his absence and did an admirable job of maintaining political stability of a county which was often plagued with internal fighting. Once Alan returned in 1101, they ruled the county together. Ermengarde appears in virtually every comital act from the period 1101 to 1112. Like countesses in other regions, she was present at law courts, settled disputes, oversaw vassals and made gifts to the church. Nor was Ermengarde a mere spectator to these events. The verbs used to describe these rulings and actions are plural verbs indicating that Ermengarde and Alan ruled together. In particular, Ermengarde was valuable in helping Alan maintain cordial relationships with the church. As we know from the Beaugency lords, counts and lords alike depended upon the church to help them provide stability but also to support their authority.
-Amy Livingstone, Medieval Lives c. 1000-1292: The World of the Beaugency Family
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Are you Breton or smth bc the only person I can think of who would put stoat in their username is Alan IV Duke of Brittany.
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venicepearl · 1 month
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Hawise of Rennes (c. 1024-1037 – 19 August 1072) was Duchess of Brittany from 1066 until her death.
Hawise was daughter and heiress of Alan III, Duke of Brittany, by his wife, Bertha of Blois, and as such, a member of the House of Rennes. She had two siblings: Conan II and Emma of Brittany. Hawise succeeded her older brother Conan, who was assassinated by poisoning on 11 December 1066.
Little is known of the life of Hawise of Rennes. She was married to Hoel of Cornwall some time before 1058. Hoel exercised authority jure uxoris and continued to control the government after her death in 1072 acting as regent for their son, Alan IV.
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histoireettralala · 3 years
Medieval Brittany
Brittany was a region with strong traditions of independance, with an ethnic identity, a language and culture of its own. Formal integration into and continued interaction with the Carolingian empire, and with adjacent regions, nevertheless ensured that the political and social institutions of Brittany were similar to those prevailing elsewhere in western Francia. This was especially true of the eastern portion of the medieval duchy (the counties of Rennes and Nantes) which were within the Carolingian Breton march.
Brittany was severely affected by Viking attacks, and when ducal authority was re-established in the 930s (with the first ducal charters surviving from the 940s), it remained fragile. Dynastic disputes caused the political fragmentation of the duchy into counties. Comital authority was in turn diminished by the appearance of adulterine castellanies, which by the mid-twelth century constituted independant baronies. Comital authority further suffered from the pressures of resisting claims to overlordship pursued by both the dukes of Normandy and the counts of Anjou in the tenth and eleventh centuries. The process of fragmentation was halted and reversed from the mid-eleventh century, when intermarriage among the comital houses resulted in the ducal title vesting in one individual, Duke Alan IV (1084-1112). It remained for the ducal dynasty to revive central authority. The long and stable reigns of Alan IV and his son Conan III (1112-1148), ably assisted by the dowager-duchess Ermengard, daughter of Count Fulk IV of Anjou, saw progress in this direction.
A succession dispute following Conan's death not only undid the dukes' achievement, but also created the circumstances in which the claims to overlordship by neighboring princes could be fulfilled in the person of Henry II, king of England, duke of Normandy and count of Anjou. Between 1158 and 1166, Henry II annexed Brittany to his continental possessions, marrying his younger son Geoffrey to Constance, heiress of the duchy. The Plantagenet regime in Brittany further consolidated important links with the Anglo-Norman kingdom, which began with grants of lands in England to Bretons who had supported William the Conqueror in 1066 and later his son Henry I. The largest bloc of English lands, the honour of Richmond, pertained to the dukes of Brittany by hereditary right after 1146, but other Bretons held English lands in chief of the crown independantly of Richmond.
The Plantagenet regime came to an end in 1203, in consequence of King John's murder of his nephew Arthur, the son of Duke Geoffrey and Constance. From that point, Brittany was indisputably subject to Capetian authority, which could now be exercised directly. Brittany had at all times acknowledged Capetian sovereignty- even the Plantagenet rulers had rendered homage for the duchy to the kings of France- but typically of the principalities, this sovereignty was purely nominal until the early thirteenth century. Nevertheless, after the marriage of infant heiress, Alix, to Pierre de Dreux, a Capetian cadet, in 1213, Brittany was allowed a large measure of autonomy, subject to the continued acknowledgement of Capetian sovereignty, and the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries would see the golden age of ducal Brittany.
Elizabeth M. Hallam & Charles West- Capetian France, 987-1328
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catherinesboleyn · 4 years
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Every English Princess Ever
You’ve heard of Every Queen of England Ever, now I present to you another product that proves I have way too much time on my hands! If you notice any mistakes, please point them out to me kindly. I am sorry I do not know everything, but there is no reason to be rude. 😁
Æthelswith - Daughter of Æthelwulf and his first wife Osburh. She married King Burgred of Mercia in 853, making her the Queen of Mercia.
Æthelflæd - Daughter of Alfred the Great and Ealhswith. When her husband Æthelred, Lord of Mercians died in 911, she became Lady of the Mercians, and reigned for seven years.
Æthelgifu - Daughter of Alfred the Great and Ealhswith. When Alfred founded Shaftesbury Abbey in 890, he made her its first abbess.
Ælfthryth - Daughter of Alfred the Great and Ealhswith. Her marriage to Baldwin II, Count of Flanders made her Countess of Flanders.
Eadgifu - Daughter of Edward the Elder and his second wife Ælfflæd. She was Queen of West Francia by her marriage to Charles III.
Eadhild - Daughter of Edward the Elder and his second wife Ælfflæd. She married Hugh, Duke of the Franks in 937.
Eadgyth - Daughter of Edward the Elder and his second wife Ælfflæd. She married Otto in 930, who became Otto I, King of Germany in 936, also making her Queen of Germany.
Eadburh - Daughter of Edward the Elder and his third wife Eadgifu. She lived her life as a nun.
Godgifu - Daughter of Æthelred the Unready and his second wife Emma of Normandy. Her marriage to Eustace II, Count of Boulogne made her Countess of Boulogne.
Gunhilda - Daughter of Cnut the Great and his second wife Emma of Normandy. She became Queen of Germany when she married Henry III.
Gytha - Daughter of Harold II and Edith Swanneck. She was Princess of Rus from her marriage to Vladimir II Monomakh.
Adeliza - Daughter of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders.
Cecilia - Daughter of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders. She was entered into the Abbey of the Holy Trinity of Caen at a young age, and became Abbess in 1112.
Constance - Daughter of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders. She became Duchess of Brittany when she married Alan IV, Duke of Brittany.
Adela - Daughter of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders. She was Countess of Blois by her marriage to Stephen, Count of Blois, and was regent of Blois two times.
Empress Matilda - Daughter of Henry I and Matilda of Scotland. She became Holy Roman Empress in 1114, and acted as Queen of England from 1141 to 1148, but was disputed.
Marie I - Daughter of Stephen and Matilda I, Countess of Boulogne. When her brother William I, Count of Boulogne died childless in 1159, Marie succeeded him as the Countess of Boulogne.
Matilda - Daughter of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. She was Duchess of Saxony and Bavaria from her marriage to Henry the Lion.
Eleanor - Daughter of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. She became Queen of Castile and Toledo when she married Alfonso VIII.
Joan - Daughter of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. She was Queen of Sicily by her marriage to William II until his death in 1189, and became Countess of Toulouse when she married Raymond VI in 1196.
Joan - Daughter of John and Isabella of Angoulême. She was Queen of Scotland by her marriage to Alexander II.
Isabella - Daughter of John and Isabella of Angoulême. She was Holy Roman Empress and Queen of Sicily and Germany by her marriage to Frederick II.
Eleanor - Daughter of John and Isabella of Angoulême. She was Countess of Pembroke by her first marriage to William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, and Countess of Leicester by her second marriage to Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester.
Margaret - Daughter of Henry III and Eleanor of Provence. She was Queen of Scotland by her marriage to Alexander III.
Beatrice - Daughter of Henry III and Eleanor of Provence. (Her wikipedia says she was Countess of Richmond, which I’m not sure is true or not. Her husband was the Duke of Brittany, but it is possible she somehow inherited the title in her own right).
Katherine - Daughter of Henry III and Eleanor of Provence. She passed away at the age of three.
Eleanor - Daughter of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile. She was Countess of Bar by her marriage to Henry III, Count of Bar.
Joan of Acre - Daughter of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile. She was Countess of Hertford and Gloucester by her first marriage to Gilbert de Clare, 7th Earl of Gloucester and 6th Earl of Hertford.
Margaret - Daughter of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile. She was Duchess of Brabant, Lothier and Limburg by her marriage to John II.
Mary of Woodstock - Daughter of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile. She was a nun at Amesbury Priory.
Elizabeth of Rhuddlan - Daughter of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile. She was Countess of Holland by her first marriage to John I, and Countess of Hereford by her second marriage to Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford.
Eleanor of Woodstock - Daughter of Edward II and Isabella of France. She was Duchess of Guelders by her marriage to Reginald II, and was regent of Guelders while her son was still young.
Joan of the Tower - Daughter of Edward II and Isabella of France. She got her name from being born in the Tower of London. Joan was Queen of Scotland by her marriage to David II.
Isabella - Daughter of Edward III and Philippa of Hainault. She was Countess of Bedford and Lady of Coucy by her marriage to Enguerrand VIII, and was made a Lady of the Garter in 1376.
Joan - Daughter of Edward III and Philippa of Hainault. She died during the Black Death at the age of fourteen.
Mary of Waltham - Daughter of Edward III and Philippa of Hainault. She was Duchess of Brittany by her marriage to John IV, Duke of Brittany, and was made a Lady of the Garter in 1378. She died young at the age of sixteen.
Margaret of Windsor - Daughter of Edward III and Philippa of Hainault. She was Countess of Pembroke by her marriage to John Hastings, 2nd Earl of Pembroke. Margaret died young at the age of fifteen.
Blanche of Lancaster - Daughter of Henry IV and Mary de Bohun. She was Electress Palatine by her marriage to Louis III, Electress Palatine.
Philippa of Lancaster - Daughter of Henry IV and Mary de Bohun. She was Queen of Denmark, Sweden and Norway by her marriage to Eric III, VIII & XIII.
Elizabeth of York - Daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. She was Queen of England by her marriage to Henry VII.
Mary of York - Daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. She died at the age of fourteen.
Cecily of York - Daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. She was First Lady of the Bedchamber to her sister, Elizabeth of York, from 1485 to 1487. Cecily was Viscountess Welles by her marriage to John Welles, 1st Viscount Welles.
Margaret of York - Daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. She died at just eight months old.
Anne of York - Daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. She was First Lady of the Bedchamber to her sister, Elizabeth of York, from 1487 to 1494.
Catherine of York - Daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. She was Countess of Devon by her marriage to William Courtenay, 1st Earl of Devon.
Bridget of York - Daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. She was a nun at Dartford Priory.
Margaret Tudor - Daughter of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. She was Queen of Scotland by her marriage to James IV of Scotland.
Elizabeth Tudor - Daughter of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. She died at the age of three.
Mary Tudor - Daughter of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. She was Queen of France by her first marriage to Louis XII of France, and Duchess of Suffolk by her second marriage to Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk.
Mary I - Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. She was Queen of England from 1553 to 1558, and Queen of Spain by her marriage to Philip II of Spain.
Elizabeth I - Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. She was Queen of England from 1558 to 1603.
Elizabeth Stuart - Daughter of James VI & I and Anne of Denmark. She was Electress Palatine and Queen of Bohemia by her marriage to Frederick V.
Margaret Stuart - Daughter of James VI & I and Anne of Denmark. She died at the age of one year old.
Mary Stuart - Daughter of James VI & I and Anne of Denmark. She died at the age of two years old.
Sophia Stuart - Daughter of James VI & I and Anne of Denmark. She lived for just one day.
Mary - Daughter of Charles I and Henrietta Maria. She was Princess of Orange and Countess of Nassau by her marriage to William II, Prince of Orange.
Elizabeth Stuart - Daughter of Charles I and Henrietta Maria. She died at the age of fourteen.
Anne Stuart - Daughter of Charles I and Henrietta Maria. She died at the age of three.
Henrietta - Daughter of Charles I and Henrietta Maria. She was Duchess of Orléans by her marriage to Philippe I, Duke of Orléans.
Mary II - Daughter of James II & VII and Anne Hyde. She was Queen of England from 1689 to 1694.
Anne - Daughter of James II & VII and Anne Hyde. She was Queen of England and Great Britain from 1702 to 1714.
Louisa Maria Stuart - Daughter of James II & VII and Mary of Modena. She died at the age of nineteen.
Sophia Dorothea of Hanover - Daughter of George I and Sophia Dorothea of Celle. She was Queen of Prussia and Electress Brandenburg by her marriage to Frederick William I of Prussia.
Anne - Daughter of George II and Caroline of Ansbach. She was Princess of Orange by her marriage to William IV, Prince of Orange.
Amelia of Great Britain - Daughter of George II and Caroline of Ansbach.
Caroline Elizabeth of Great Britain - Daughter of George II and Caroline of Ansbach.
Mary of Great Britain - Daughter of George II and Caroline of Ansbach. She was Landgravine of Hesse-Kassel by her marriage to Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel.
Louise of Great Britain - Daughter of George II and Caroline of Ansbach. She was Queen of Denmark and Norway by her marriage to Frederick V of Denmark.
Charlotte - Daughter of George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. She was Duchess, Electress and Queen of Württemberg by her marriage to Frederick I of Württemberg.
Augusta Sophia - Daughter of George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
Elizabeth - Daughter of George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. She was Landgravine of Hesse-Homburg by her marriage to Frederick VI, Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg.
Mary - Daughter of George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. She was Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh by her marriage to Prince William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh.
Sophia - Daughter of George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
Amelia - Daughter of George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
Charlotte of Wales - Daughter of George IV and Caroline of Brunswick. She was their only child, and died before both of them.
Charlotte Augusta Louisa of Clarence - Daughter of William IV and Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen. She died shortly after birth.
Elizabeth Georgiana Adelaide of Clarence - Daughter of William IV and Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen. She died shortly after birth.
Victoria - Daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. She was German Empress and Queen of Prussia by her marriage to Frederick III, German Emperor.
Alice - Daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. She was Grand Duchess of Hesse and Rhine by her marriage to Louis IV, Grand Duke of Hesse.
Helena - Daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. She was Princess of Schleswig-Holstein by her marriage to Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein.
Louise - Daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. She was Duchess of Argyll and Viceregal of Canada by her marriage to John Campbell, 9th Duke of Argyll.
Beatrice - Daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. She was Princess of Battenberg by her marriage to Prince Henry of Battenberg.
Louise of Wales - Daughter of Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark. She was Duchess of Fife by her marriage to Alexander Duff, 1st Duke of Fife.
Victoria of Wales - Daughter of Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark.
Maud of Wales - Daughter of Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark. She was Queen of Norway by her marriage to Haakon VII of Norway.
Mary of York - Daughter of George V and Mary of Teck. She was Countess of Harewood by her marriage to Henry Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood.
Elizabeth II - Daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She is Queen of the UK from 1952 to present.
Margaret Rose of York - Daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She was Countess of Snowdon.
Anne of Edinburgh - Daughter of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 357
Non-Marvel/DC September 2022 Solicits
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Something is Killing the Children 24 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto
I Hate This Place 2 by Kyle Starks, Artyom Topilin, Lee Loughridge
Beware the Eye of Odin 1 by Doug Wagner, Tim Odland
Flash 783 by Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan, Jeromy Cox
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The age of the Anglo-Saxon kings has passed, so now we move on to the Conqueror that I’m sure you’ve heard of? 🙂 . William the Conqueror (or William I) ______________ . Reign: 25 December 1066 – 9 September 1087 Coronation: 25 December 1066.
Born: about 1028, Falaise, Duchy of Normandy. Parents: Robert the Magnificent (1000 – 1035), Duke of Normandy & Herleva of Falaise. House of: Normandy. _______________ . Marriage & children; . William married Matilda of Flanders in 1051/52. Matilda of Flanders (c. 1031 – 2 November 1083). Matilda was born into the House of Flanders, the second daughter of Count Baldwin V of Flanders & Adela of France. . They had at least nine children. The birth order of the sons is clear, but no source gives the relative order of birth of the daughters. . Robert Curthouse was born between 1051 & 1054, died in 1134. Duke of Normandy, married Sybilla, daughter of Geoffrey, Count of Conversano. . Richard was born before 1056, died around 1075. . William was born between 1056 & 1060, died 2 August 1100. King of England. . Henry was born in late 1068, died 1 December 1135. King of England, married Edith, daughter of Malcolm III of Scotland. His second wife was Adeliza of Louvain. . Adeliza (or Adelida, Adelaide) died before 1113, reportedly betrothed to Harold Godwinson, probably a nun of Saint Léger at Préaux. . Cecilia (or Cecily) was born before 1066, died 1127, Abbess of Holy Trinity, Caen. . Matilda was born around 1061, died perhaps about 1086. Mentioned in Domesday Book as a daughter of William. . Constance died 1090, married Alan IV, Duke of Brittany.
Adela died 1137, married Stephen, Count of Blois. (Possibly) Agatha, the betrothed of Alfonso VI of León & Castile ____________________ . Died: 9 September 1087 (aged about 59), Priory of Saint Gervase, Rouen, Duchy of Normandy. Burial: Saint-Étienne de Caen, Normandy. . Successor: William II (son) . Use the following hashtag to view the full set posted so far #kingsandqueensofgreatbritain 👍 . Swipe to see what’s new in our British Monarchy Blog Shop 👀 . . . #WilliamI #WilliamtheConqueror #Royalhistory #Britishmonarchy #Normans (at Normandy, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRrk43BMzcA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thelastuniverse · 4 years
GRAMMYs Awards 2021
Record Of The Year: ‘EVERYTHING I WANTED’ — Billie Eilish Finneas O’Connell, producer; Rob Kinelski & Finneas O’Connell, engineers/mixers; John Greenham, mastering engineer
Album Of The Year: ‘FOLKLORE’ — Taylor Swift Jack Antonoff, Aaron Dessner & Taylor Swift, producers; Jack Antonoff, Aaron Dessner, Serban Ghenea, John Hanes, Jonathan Low & Laura Sisk, engineers/mixers; Aaron Dessner & Taylor Swift, songwriters; Randy Merrill, mastering engineer
Song Of The Year: ‘I CAN’T BREATHE’ — Dernst Emile II, H.E.R. & Tiara Thomas, songwriters (H.E.R.)
Best New Artist: Megan Thee Stallion
Best Pop Solo Performance: ‘WATERMELON SUGAR’ — Harry Styles
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance: ‘RAIN ON ME’ — Lady Gaga with Ariana Grande
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album: ‘AMERICAN STANDARD’ — James Taylor
Best Pop Vocal Album: ‘FUTURE NOSTALGIA’ — Dua Lipa
Best Dance Recording: ‘10%’ — Kaytranada Featuring Kali Uchis Kaytranada, producer; Neal H. Pogue, mixer
Best Dance/Electronic Album: ‘BUBBA’ — Kaytranada
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album: ‘LIVE AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL’ — Snarky Puppy
Best Rock Performance: ‘SHAMEIKA’ — Fiona Apple
Best Metal Performance: ‘BUM-RUSH’ — Body Count
Best Rock Song: ‘STAY HIGH’ — Brittany Howard, songwriter (Brittany Howard)
Best Rock Album: ‘THE NEW ABNORMAL’ — The Strokes
Best Alternative Music Album: ‘FETCH THE BOLT CUTTERS’ — Fiona Apple
Best R&B Performance: ‘BLACK PARADE’ — Beyoncé
Best Traditional R&B Performance: ‘ANYTHING FOR YOU’ — Ledisi
Best R&B Song: ‘BETTER THAN I IMAGINED’ — Robert Glasper, Meshell Ndegeocello & Gabriella Wilson, songwriters (Robert Glasper Featuring H.E.R. & Meshell Ndegeocello)
Best Progressive R&B Album: ‘IT IS WHAT IT IS’ — Thundercat
Best R&B Album: ‘BIGGER LOVE’ — John Legend
Best Rap Performance: ‘SAVAGE ‘— Megan Thee Stallion Featuring Beyoncé
Best Melodic Rap Performance: ‘LOCKDOWN’ — Anderson .Paak
Best Rap Song: ‘SAVAGE’ — Beyoncé, Shawn Carter, Brittany Hazzard, Derrick Milano, Terius Nash, Megan Pete, Bobby Session Jr., Jordan Kyle Lanier Thorpe & Anthony White, songwriters (Megan Thee Stallion Featuring Beyoncé)
Best Rap Album: ‘KING’S DISEASE’ — Nas
Best Country Solo Performance: ‘WHEN MY AMY PRAYS’ — Vince Gill
Best Country Duo/Group Performance: ‘10,000 HOURS’ — Dan + Shay & Justin Bieber
Best Country Song: ‘CROWDED TABLE’ — Brandi Carlile, Natalie Hemby & Lori McKenna, songwriters (The Highwomen)
Best Country Album: ‘WILDCARD’ — Miranda Lambert
Best New Age Album: ‘MORE GUITAR STORIES’ — Jim “Kimo” West
Best Improvised Jazz Solo: ‘ALL BLUES’ — Chick Corea, soloist Track from: Trilogy 2 (Chick Corea, Christian McBride & Brian Blade)
Best Jazz Vocal Album: ‘SECRETS ARE THE BEST STORIES’ — Kurt Elling Featuring Danilo Pérez
Best Jazz Instrumental Album: ‘TRILOGY 2’ — Chick Corea, Christian McBride & Brian Blade
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album: ‘DATA LORDS’ — Maria Schneider Orchestra
Best Latin Jazz Album: ‘FOUR QUESTIONS’ — Arturo O’Farrill & The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra
Best Gospel Performance/Song: ‘MOVIN’ ON’ — Jonathan McReynolds & Mali Music; Darryl L. Howell, Jonathan Caleb McReynolds, Kortney Jamaal Pollard & Terrell Demetrius Wilson, songwriters
Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song: ‘THERE WAS JESUS’ — Zach Williams & Dolly Parton; Casey Beathard, Jonathan Smith & Zach Williams, songwriters
Best Gospel Album: ‘GOSPEL ACCORDING TO PJ’ — PJ Morton
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album: ‘JESUS IS KING’ — Kanye West
Best Roots Gospel Album: ‘CELEBRATING FISK! (THE 150TH ANNIVERSARY ALBUM)’ — Fisk Jubilee Singers
Best Latin Pop or Urban Album: ‘YHLQMDLG’ — Bad Bunny
Best Latin Rock or Alternative Album: ‘LA CONQUISTA DEL ESPACIO’ —Fito Paez
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano): ‘UN CANTO POR MÉXICO, VOL. 1’ — Natalia Lafourcade
Best Tropical Latin Album: ‘40’ — Grupo Niche
Best American Roots Performance: ‘I REMEMBER EVERYTHING’ — John Prine
Best American Roots Song: ‘I REMEMBER EVERYTHING’ — Pat McLaughlin & John Prine, songwriters (John Prine)
Best Americana Album: ‘WORLD ON THE GROUND’ — Sarah Jarosz
Best Bluegrass Album: ‘HOME’ — Billy Strings
Best Traditional Blues Album: ‘RAWER THAN RAW’ — Bobby Rush
Best Contemporary Blues Album: ‘HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND YET?’ —Fantastic Negrito
Best Folk Album: ‘ALL THE GOOD TIMES’ — Gillian Welch & David Rawlings
Best Regional Roots Music Album: ‘ATMOSPHERE’ — New Orleans Nightcrawlers
Best Reggae Album: ‘GOT TO BE TOUGH’ — Toots & The Maytals
Best Global Music Album: ‘TWICE AS TALL’ — Burna Boy
Best Children’s Music Album: ‘ALL THE LADIES’ — Joanie Leeds
Best Comedy Album: ‘BLACK MITZVAH’ — Tiffany Haddish
Best Musical Theater Album: ‘JAGGED LITTLE PILL’ — Kathryn Gallagher, Celia Rose Gooding, Lauren Patten & Elizabeth Stanley, principal soloists; Neal Avron, Pete Ganbarg, Tom Kitt, Michael Parker, Craig Rosen & Vivek J. Tiwary, producers (Glen Ballard, composer; Alanis Morissette, composer & lyricist) (Original Broadway Cast)
Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media: ‘JOJO RABBIT’ — (Various Artists) Taika Waititi, compilation producer
Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media: ‘JOKER’ — Hildur Guðnadóttir, composer
Best Song Written For Visual Media: ‘NO TIME TO DIE [FROM NO TIME TO DIE]’ — Billie Eilish O’Connell & Finneas Baird O’Connell, songwriters (Billie Eilish)
Best Instrumental Composition: ‘SPUTNIK’ — Maria Schneider, composer (Maria Schneider)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella: ‘DONNA LEE’ — John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley)
Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals: ‘HE WON’T HOLD YOU’ —Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier Featuring Rapsody)
Best Recording Package: ‘VOLS. 11 & 12’ — Doug Cunningham & Jason Noto, art directors (Desert Sessions)
Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package: ‘ODE TO JOY’ — Lawrence Azerrad & Jeff Tweedy, art directors (Wilco)
Best Album Notes: ‘DEAD MAN’S POP’ — Bob Mehr, album notes writer (The Replacements)
Best Historical Album: ‘IT’S SUCH A GOOD FEELING: THE BEST OF MISTER ROGERS’ — Lee Lodyga & Cheryl Pawelski, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Mister Rogers)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical: ‘HYPERSPACE’ — Drew Brown, Julian Burg, Andrew Coleman, Paul Epworth, Shawn Everett, Serban Ghenea, David Greenbaum, John Hanes, Beck Hansen, Jaycen Joshua, Greg Kurstin, Mike Larson, Cole M.G.N., Alex Pasco & Matt Wiggins, engineers; Randy Merrill, mastering engineer (Beck)
Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical: ANDREW WATT
• Break My Heart (Dua Lipa) (T) • Me And My Guitar (A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie) (T) • Midnight Sky (Miley Cyrus) (S) • Old Me (5 Seconds Of Summer) (T) • Ordinary Man (Ozzy Osbourne Featuring Elton John) (T) • Take What You Want (Post Malone Featuring Ozzy Osbourne & Travis Scott) (T) • Under The Graveyard (Ozzy Osbourne) (T)
Best Remixed Recording: ‘ROSES (IMANBEK REMIX)’ — Imanbek Zeikenov, remixer (SAINt JHN)
Best Immersive Audio Album: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Best Immersive Audio Album Craft Committee was unable to meet. The judging of the entries in this category has been postponed until such time that we are able to meet in a way that is appropriate to judge the many formats and configurations of the entries and is safe for the committee members. The nominations for the 63rd GRAMMYs will be announced next year in addition to (and separately from) the 64th GRAMMY nominations in the category
Best Engineered Album, Classical: ‘SHOSTAKOVICH: SYMPHONY NO. 13, ‘BABI YAR’ — David Frost & Charlie Post, engineers; Silas Brown, mastering engineer (Riccardo Muti & Chicago Symphony Orchestra)
Producer Of The Year, Classical: DAVID FROST
 Beethoven: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 9 (Jonathan Biss) • Gershwin: Porgy And Bess (David Robertson, Frederick Ballentine, Angel Blue, Denyce Graves, Latonia Moore, Eric Owens, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus) • Gluck: Orphée & Eurydice (Harry Bicket, Dmitry Korchak, Andriana Chuchman, Lauren Snouffer, Lyric Opera Of Chicago Orchestra & Chorus) • Holst: The Planets; The Perfect Fool (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) • Muhly: Marnie (Robert Spano, Isabel Leonard, Christopher Maltman, Denyce Graves, Iestyn Davies, Janis Kelly, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus) • Schubert: Piano Sonatas, D. 845, D. 894, D. 958, D. 960 (Shai Wosner) • Shostakovich: Symphony №13, ‘Babi Yar’ (Riccardo Muti, Alexey Tikhomirov, Chicago Symphony Orchestra & Chorus)
Best Orchestral Performance: ‘IVES: COMPLETE SYMPHONIES’ — Gustavo Dudamel, conductor (Los Angeles Philharmonic)
Best Opera Recording: ‘GERSHWIN: PORGY AND BESS’ — David Robertson, conductor; Frederick Ballentine, Angel Blue, Denyce Graves, Latonia Moore & Eric Owens; David Frost, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)
Best Choral Performance: ‘DANIELPOUR: THE PASSION OF YESHUAH’ — JoAnn Falletta, conductor; James K. Bass & Adam Luebke, chorus masters (James K. Bass, J’Nai Bridges, Timothy Fallon, Kenneth Overton, Hila Plitmann & Matthew Worth; Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra; Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus & UCLA Chamber Singers)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance: ‘CONTEMPORARY VOICES’ — Pacifica Quartet
Best Classical Instrumental Solo: ‘THEOFANIDIS: CONCERTO FOR VIOLA AND CHAMBER ORCHESTRA’ — Richard O’Neill; David Alan Miller, conductor (Albany Symphony)
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album: ‘SMYTH: THE PRISON’ — Sarah Brailey & Dashon Burton; James Blachly, conductor (Experiential Chorus; Experiential Orchestra)
Best Classical Compendium: ‘THOMAS, M.T.: FROM THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK & MEDITATIONS ON RILKE’— Isabel Leonard; Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor; Jack Vad, producer
Best Contemporary Classical Composition: ‘ROUSE: SYMPHONY NO. 5’ — Christopher Rouse, composer (Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony)
Best Music Video: ‘BROWN SKIN GIRL’ — Beyoncé, Blue Ivy & WizKid , Beyoncé Knowles-Carter & Jenn Nkiru, video directors; Astrid Edwards, Aya Kaida, Jean Mougin, Nathan Scherrer & Erinn Williams, video producers
Best Music Film: ‘LINDA RONSTADT: THE SOUND OF MY VOICE’ — Linda Ronstadt, Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman, video directors; Michele Farinola & James Keach, video producers
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duggardata · 4 years
Info, Please:  Extended Families  (Part 2, Bateses + In–Laws)
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The Bates Family
The Bates Family is headed by William Gilvin (“Gil”) Bates (b. 1965) + Kelly Jo (Callaham) Bates (b. 1966). Together, they have 19 Children—Zach, Michaela, etc.—and 14 Grandchildren.  Gil’s Parents are William (“Bill”) Gilvin Bates + Jane Bates, and he has 2 Siblings—Greg and Jennifer.  As for Kelly Jo...  Her Parents are Kenneth Hubbard Callaham, Sr. (1934–2003) + Betty Jo.  (Duggar Data isn’t too sure of Betty’s last name.  She has been remarried twice.)  Kelly has 5 Siblings—3 Biological (Kenneth (“Chip”), Melinda (“Kay”), and Kim), and 2 Adopted (Beth and Beka).
Paternal Grandparents   William (“Bill”) Gilvin Bates + Jane Bates
Maternal Grandparents   Kenneth Hubbard Callaham, Sr. + Betty Jo
Paternal Aunts / Uncles   Greg Bates, Jennifer Bates
Maternal Aunts / Uncles   Kenneth Hubbard (“Chip”) Callaham, Jr., Melinda Kay Mount, Kim Jones Batten, Beth Miller, Beka Miller
Parents   William Gilvin (“Gil”) Bates + Kelly Jo (Callaham) Bates
Children   19 Children  (Zach, Michaela, etc.)
Grandchildren   14 So Far   
Read on for the Bates In–Laws...
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The Balka Family
Kelton’s Family includes his Father, Michael Balka (b. 1966), and his Siblings—Ariana, Grant, Carson, and Kiersten.  Kelton’s Mother is Kristy (Dotson) Balka (1970–2009); tragically, she died in childbirth with her Fifthborn.  Kelton’s Maternal Grandparents are Gerald (“Jerry”) Dotson, Jr. + Norma Dotson.  His Paternal Grandparents are Unknown.
Paternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Maternal Grandparents   Gerald (“Jerry”) Dotson, Jr. + Norma Dotson
Parents   Michael Balka + Kristy (Dotson) Balka
Children   Kelton Edward, Ariana Kristine, Grant, Carson, Kiersten Joy
Grandchildren   1 So Far  (Willow Kristy Balka)  
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The Keilen Family
Brandon’s Family consists of Parents Ronald + Jillene (“Jill”) (Pope) Keilen, and 9 Siblings (7 Older, 2 Younger)—Angela, Ronald, Alison, Craig, Rebecca, Brent, Cara, Christy Ann, and Amber.  His Paternal Grandparents are Francis J. Keilen (1925–2007) + Hildegard (“Hilda”) T. (Simon) Keilen (1930–2012).  His Maternal Grandparents are Darrell H. Pope (1930–2008) + Geraldine (“Jeri”) Joyce Pope (1926–2018).          
Paternal Grandparents   Francis J. Keilen + Hilda T. (Simon) Keilen
Maternal Grandparents   Darrell Pope + Geraldine (“Jeri”) Joyce Pope
Parents   Ronald Keilen + Jillene (Pope) Keilen
Children   Angela, Ronald, Jr., Alison, Craig, Rebecca, Brent, Cara, Brandon, Christy Ann, Amber
Grandchildren   [ Unknown ]  
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The Paine Family
Chad Paine married Erin (Bates) Paine in 2013.  Like Erin, He comes from a big family.  His Parents, Dr. Charles Stephen Paine., Jr. (b. 1960) + Tammy Paine (b. 1964), had 10 Children—Tabitha, Charles III (“Chad”), Thomas, Nathan, Hannah, Abigail (“Abby”), Gabrielle (“Brielle”), Josiah, Daniel, and Johnny.  Their Paternal Grandparents include Charles Stephen Paine, Sr. + Grace Elizabeth (McKinney) Paine (1930–2013).  Their Maternal Grandparents are Unknown.  
Paternal Grandparents   Charles Stephen Paine, Sr. + Grace Elizabeth (McKinney) Paine
Maternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Parents   Charles Stephen Paine, Jr. + Tammy Paine 
Children   Tabitha Robertson, Charles Stephen (“Chad”) Paine III, Thomas Hugh Paine, Nathan Paine, Hannah Charis Pelletier, Abigail Unruh, Gabrielle (“Brielle”) Hardy, Josiah Samuel Paine, Daniel Paine, Johnny Paine         
Grandchildren   8 So Far  (+1 On The Way)  
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The Perkins / Owens Families
Whitney’s Family is a bit complicated.  She was born to Biological Parents J.C. + Lynn Perkins, and is their only child.  As a teenager, she was adopted by her friend’s parents (Johnny + Lydia Owens) for unknown reasons.  Via the Owens Family, Whitney has 11 Adoptive Siblings.  She has 0 Biological Siblings.  She reunited with her Biological Parents sometime after marrying Zach Bates—but again, the details are fuzzy.  Recent episodes of Bringing Up Bates suggested that Whitney may no longer be in contact with her Adoptive Parents...  Neither they, nor any of her Adoptive Siblings, seems to have attended her and Zach’s 2018 Vow Renewal.  (See Bringing Up Bates (1–3–19), “Ultrasounds, Wedding Vows, and A Bride To Be?”)  Nothing is known about Whitney’s Grandparents.
Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Biological Parents   J.C. Perkins + Lynn Perkins
Adoptive Parents   Johnny Owens + Lydia Owens
Children (Perkins)   Whitney Eileen Bates
Children (Owens)   Whitney Eileen Bates + 11 Others
Grandchildren (Perkins)   3 So Far  (Bradley Gilvin Bates, Kaci Lynn Bates, Khloe Eileen Bates)
Grandchildren (Owens)   Zach + Whitney’s 3 + [ Unknown ]  
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The Smith Family
Tori’s In–Laws include Bobby’s Parents, Robert (“Rob”) Ellis Smith, Jr. + Sheri (Renner) Smith, and 2 Younger Sisters (Catherine and Amanda).  That’s all we know about Bobby’s family...  His Grandparents are all Unknown, except that his Paternal Grandfather is presumably Robert Ellis Smith, Sr.
Paternal Grandparents   Robert Ellis Smith, Sr. + [ Unknown ]
Maternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Parents   Robert Ellis Smith, Jr. + Sheri (Renner) Smith
Children   Robert (“Bobby”) Ellis Smith III, Catherine Smith, Amanda Smith
Grandchildren   2 So Far  (Robert Ellis [“Kade”] Smith IV, Kolter Smith)  
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The Stewart Family
The Stewart Family includes Evan’s Parents—Paul Dennis Stewart (b. 1954) + Denese D. Stewart (b. 1955)—his Older Sisters (Maegan, Brittany, Ashley, and Kailyn), and his Younger Brother (Ethan).  His Grandparents are Unknown.
Paternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Maternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Parents   Paul Dennis Stewart + Denese D. Stewart
Children   Maegan Stewart, Brittany Randolph, Ashley Sparkman, Kailyn Stewart, Evan Stewart, Ethan Stewart   
Grandchildren   7 So Far  (inc. Layla Rae Stewart)  
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The Webster Family
Alyssa’s In–Laws include John’s Parents, Congressman Daniel Alan Webster (b. 1949) + Sandra (“Sandy”) Eileen (Jordan) Webster (b. 1952), and 5 Siblings—3 Older Brothers (David, Brent, Jordan), 1 Older Sister (Elizabeth), and 1 Younger Sister (Victoria “Tori”).  John’s Paternal Grandparents were Dennis Ray Webster (1916–1984) + Mildred Rada (Schoolcraft) Webster (1918–2001) (See Also).  His Maternal Grandparents are Unknown.  
Paternal Grandparents   Dennis Ray Webster + Mildred Rada (Schoolcraft) Webster
Maternal Grandparents   [ Unknown ]
Parents   Daniel Alan Webster + Sandra Eileen (Jordan) Webster
Children   David Lee Webster, Brent Alan Webster, Jordan Webster, Elizabeth Miller, John Elliott Webster, Victoria (“Tori”) Susannah Webster   
Grandchildren   18 So Far
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everydayshalloween · 3 years
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I posted 189 times in 2021
125 posts created (66%)
64 posts reblogged (34%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.5 posts.
I added 11 tags in 2021
#this is so soft i'm in love - 2 posts
#they're like puppy :0 - 1 posts
#she just gently hugs and sits there like :d - 1 posts
#even better: arthur carrying the twins and alix all at once because he's a strong boy (and he loves his little sisters very much) - 1 posts
#guy of thouars is a very worried dad sometimes - 1 posts
#she's like claude in my headcanons for her as a child except she's usually more hyper - 1 posts
#she's so tiny and cute in twp i love her - 1 posts
#bridget will be your bestest friend if you're nice to her - 1 posts
#arthur's also a proud big brother bc his little sister is so happy - 1 posts
#arthur gives alix the puppy and she looks like a kid in a candy store - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#even better: arthur carrying the twins and alix all at once because he's a strong boy (and he loves his little sisters very much)
My Top Posts in 2021
I’m a big fan of historical couples being happy and dear god why couldn’t Constance of Normandy have lived a little longer? I don’t know how Alan IV acted toward her since she was William the Conqueror’s daughter and William was...well, William. But please I just want her and Alan to at least be friendly towards each other. I mean, they WERE married for 4 years before Constance died; there should be at least some sort of feeling there.
7 notes • Posted 2021-01-25 03:05:21 GMT
Lil Alix hears one of the nobles swear and just confidently repeats it and everyone’s like “nonononono baby no, no swearing” and Alix is just confused.
8 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 20:57:10 GMT
I’m in the mood for fluff, so here’s fluffy stuff with John IV of Brittany and Mary of Waltham.
-From the time Mary starts walking, the two quickly become inseparable, spending almost every day together.
-During the spring, Mary makes her and John matching flower crowns and they both wear them for a while.
-Mary asks John about Brittany and he tries his best to tell her what he can remember about it before coming to England with his mother. Mary doesn’t really mind when he can’t remember too much.
-Mary totally rambles about John to her older sister Isabella and her younger sister Margaret. In return, Isabella teases Mary saying she has a crush on John (which Mary doesn’t confirm nor deny).
-They’re both pretty excited about getting married and John promises to take Mary to Brittany so she can see it. She is also the duchess after all. They spend hours together talking and kinda planning for the future since shit’s currently hit the fan in Europe.
-When Mary falls ill a few months after the wedding, John stays with her whenever he’s allowed to. There’s not much he can do, but he does hold her hand so she knows he’s there. (Sad fluff, I’m sorry.)
8 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 04:00:38 GMT
Modern AU with Constance and all her kids: Arthur and Eleanor take care of Alix and the twins while their mom works and Alix ends up learning some colorful language from her big bro. So she’s just working on homework, gets stumped, and just yells “FUCK” and Arthur and Eleanor just freak out because she’s like 7 she shouldn’t be saying that stuff.
And then Alix says she learned it from Arthur and Eleanor’s just glaring at her brother.
8 notes • Posted 2021-04-04 04:16:29 GMT
Me: Wh- What?
Mind: So Matilda Fitzroy and Conan III’s second daughter was named Constance, right?
Me: Yeah.
Mind: Matilda’s aunt was named Constance.
8 notes • Posted 2021-12-20 05:12:58 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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athingofvikings · 2 years
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 129: And A Warm Embrace
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Chapter 129: And A Warm Embrace
During the periods of the Kingdoms of Francia, Brittany (Breton: Breizh), in its position occupying the westernmost peninsula of the region, was regarded as a stubborn outsider—culturally Brythonic Celtic instead of Gallo-Roman, with a different and distinct language, identity, and historical background. Beginning as independent petty kingdoms formed by displaced Celts from the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain, Brittany spent the next few centuries fully independent, occasionally joining forces with the Roman Empire against the likes of Attila the Hun, but otherwise being mostly occupied with domestic political matters and associating with their fellow Celtic nations in the Isles, occasionally sending reinforcements to the Cymru, Picts, Kernowyon, and Gaels as they fought against the Anglo-Saxon invaders.
Later, in the 9th century AD, Brittany became a tributary suzerain state to the Carolingian Empire under Emperor Charlemagne, who managed to impose vassalhood on the region, reducing the Breton lords to semi-autonomous status. This did not last long, however, as in the aftermath of Charlemagne’s death, they rebelled against the Carolingians, securing their independence as a unified kingdom of Brittany in 851 AD after defeating Charles the Bald at the Battle of Jengland. From there, they proceeded to expand their kingdom at Francian expense, taking large swaths of territory around the eastern extents of their peninsula, and reaching their greatest territorial extent in 867 AD.
Internal political disputes ensued, stopping the kingdom’s expansion, and rendering it ripe for conquest by Viking raiders in the early 900s; by 919 AD, the entire kingdom was fully occupied by Norsemen, who looted and pillaged many cities and monasteries without facing organized resistance. The region was eventually liberated from the Norse occupiers by Alan “Twistedbeard” II, grandson of King Alan the Great, the prior king of Brittany, between 935 and 939, culminating in an attack on the last Norse stronghold at Trans-la-Fôret by joint Breizh and Frankish forces. Meanwhile, to the neighboring east on what had once been part of the kingdom of Brittany, Rollo the Viking had settled in with his own men, offering allegiance to King Charles the Simple in exchange for claim to what would become known as the Duchy of Normandy.
With his lands in ruin from decades of war and looting, Alan could not hope to restore his prior kingship and likewise made the same decision as Rollo had, offering tribute to King Louis IV of Francia in 942 AD as the Duke of Brittany. This action ended Brittany’s time of independence and politically brought it into the Kingdom of Francia as the Duchy of Brittany. However, the newly-born duchy still had a long independent history and a cultural identity as separate from the rest of the kingdom…
—A History of Old Francia, 1432, Oxford Press
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ardenrosegarden · 4 months
Alan le Noir's tragedy is trying to gain power by any means and in an attempt to not end up like his father, who was pushed into a corner by the rebellion of his eldest son, saw a grab for land as a means of stability. Despite being referred to as the "Count of Brittany" by the English he dies before he can actually get that title.
Conan IV's tragedy is that he grew up in a broken family situation– both with a father and mother who didn't like each other and later a stepfather who hated him– and in an attempt to not end up like his father, who was criticized for being ambitious sometimes to the point of cruelty, tried to start over and rebuild a stable family of his own only to have his power ripped out from under him and his son sent to a monastery and his daughter sent to grow up across the Channel.
Constance of Brittany's tragedy is growing up in an environment that punished expression of vulnerability, and in attempt to not end up dethroned as powerless to protect people close to her as her father had, adopted a "if I give an inch, they'll take a mile" mindset and incredibly self-sacrificing behaviors only for the people she was trying to protect meet their own tragic ends as soon as they were out of her reach.
is that anything
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lorenzotriburgo · 3 years
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How do we confront and resist the criminalization of queerness? 70 artists respond in Criminalize THIS!⁠ ⁠ [1 of 3 posts featuring artists from #CriminalizeTHIS!]⁠ ⁠ ⁠ Image 1⁠ ⁠ Lila Freeman, Nephew with long hair and a yogurt cup, Nephew growing up @lilafreeman.art⁠ Mary Cobb, Ascensio⁠ Julie Green, First Meal for Kristine Bunch @juliegreen_art⁠ Marc Ohrem-Leclef, Jugaad/Of Love and Intimacy @marcleclef⁠ Milo Wissig, Apple Pie @mwissig⁠ Alex Dolores Salerno & Francisco Eraso Jr., Perfect Lovers⁠ Rafael Soldi, Cargamontón @rafaelsoldi⁠ Slava Mogutin, Young Blood Open Heart @slavamogutin⁠ ⁠2 Billie Stultz, Never Let Me Go⁠ Marval Rex, @marvalarex ⁠ Rainn Jackson, Smoking @Rainn_jackson_media_art⁠ J Houston, Body Index @j__houston⁠ Mia Cinelli, Gender Tools @miacinelli⁠ James Falciano, @jamesfalciano⁠ ⁠ 3 Julie Rae Powers, @julieraepowers⁠ Vaughan Larsen, Self Portrait as my Mother as a Cheerleader @the.vaughan.show⁠ Alan Vincent, Forced Feed⁠ (video)⁠ ⁠ 4 Detail @miacinelli⁠ ⁠ 5 Kyle Anderson, Queer @kmazing84⁠ Robyn Day, Untitled @robyndayphotograffiti⁠ Garth Amundson/Pierre Gour, Mr. & Mr. @amundsongour⁠ Guta Galli & Aaron Wilder, Sugar & Snails @aaronwilderart @gutagalli⁠ Benjamin Saulnier, Coppertone @Bensaulnier⁠ Elise Askonas, Fight My Body @eliseaskonasart⁠ ⁠ 6 Opening⁠ ⁠ 7⁠ Stephanie Paine, Diver⁠ Robert Gordon, Predator Eyez @robgordon87⁠ Jordan McGirk, Goldenboy @jordanmcgirkart⁠ Gabriel Garcia Roman, Dorian @gbrlgrcrmn⁠ Vanessa Haney, Rough and Tumble 3⁠ Peter Clough, ‘Peter (Scaffold)’ @cloughabunga⁠ David Andersson, Derek at Harrier Hill IV @davidjandersson⁠ Jon Feinstein, Untitled, From "It Follows" @jonfeinstein⁠ Guy Woodard, Out⁠ Peter Clough, Peter (with coors light) @cloughabunga⁠ Rowan Renee, ‘No Spirit For Me - Polaroids’ @brooklyntintype⁠ Brittany Knapp, No Real Harm Done and Undue Process @brittanyknappart⁠ Kaylee Weyrauch, Shoe, @kayleeweyrauch⁠ Clark Stoeckley, Defense Arguments @clarkstoeckley⁠ Vick Quezada, The Precarity of a Myth @vickquezada⁠ ⁠ 8 Detail from 8⁠ ⁠ ⁠#QueerArt #prisonabolition #resistance #queerresistance #queerliberation #pride #queeraf (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQenWQfFc9_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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geoffrey5867 · 6 years
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Late medieval picture from the 15th century of the Battle of Tinchebray, that was part of King Henry I of England's invasion of Normandy (1105-1106).
This battle was fought 28 September 1106, in Tinchebray, Normandy, between an invading force led by the King Henry I of England and his older brother Robert Curthose, the Duke of Normandy. Henry's knights won a decisive victory, capturing Robert and imprisoning him in England and then Wales until Robert's death (in Cardiff Castle).
Henry invaded Normandy in 1105, taking Bayeux and Caen. He broke off his campaign because of political problems arising from the Investiture Controversy.  With these settled, he returned to Normandy in the spring of 1106. After quickly taking the fortified abbey of Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives (near Falaise), Henry turned south and besieged Tinchebray Castle, on a hill above the town. Tinchebray is on the border of the county of Mortain, in the southwest of Normandy, and was held by William, Count of Mortain, who was one of the few important Norman barons still loyal to Robert. Duke Robert then brought up his forces to break the siege. After some unsuccessful negotiations, Duke Robert decided that a battle in the open was his best option.
Henry's army was organized into three groups.  Ranulf of Bayeux, Robert de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Leicester, and William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey commanded the two primary forces.  A reserve, commanded by Elias I of Maine, remained out of sight on the flank.  Alan IV, Duke of Brittany, William, Count of Évreux, Ralph of Tosny, Robert of Montfort, and Robert of Grandmesnil also fought with Henry. William, Count of Mortain, and Robert of Bellême, 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury fought with Robert Curthose.
The battle only lasted an hour. Henry dismounted and ordered most of his knights to dismount. This was unusual for Norman battle tactics, and meant the infantry played a decisive role. William, Count of Évreux, charged the front line, with men from Bayeux, Avranches and the Cotentin. Henry's reserve proved decisive. Most of Robert's army was captured or killed. Those captured included Robert, Edgar Atheling (uncle of Henry's wife)  and William, Count of Mortain. Robert de Bellême, commanding the Duke's rear guard, led the retreat, saving himself from capture or death.  Most of the prisoners were released, but Robert Curthose and William of Mortain spent the rest of their lives in captivity.  Robert Curthose had a legitimate son, William Clito, whose claims to the dukedom of Normandy led to several rebellions that continued through the rest of Henry's reign.
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bdscuatui · 5 years
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Các giao dịch bất động sản ở Massachusetts cho các hạt Hampden, Hampshire và Franklin, ngày 9 tháng 2 năm 2020 AgawamPhát triển Nhà ở & Đô thị của U S A để Chase Reisbig, 12 Mansion Woods Drive, #B, $ 148,100.Justin David đến JLX Properties LLC, 69 Kensington St., $ 125.000.Matthew M. Weiner đến Neri Daniel Teo Morataya và Juan Ayala, 1443 Main St., 155.000 đô la.Patrick E. Goonan đến Alyssa L. Febo, 616 Suffield St., $ 8.150.Thomas F. Marquette đến Joseph Marquette, Michael Marquette và Thomas F. Marquette, bất động sản cuộc sống, 469 North Westfield St., 100 đô la.AmherstLuke Woodward và Dori E. Ehrlich cho Jennifer A. Lorang, 45 Spaulding St., $ 387.920.BelchertownTập đoàn bất động sản Inc., đến David Lee Brosseau và Felicia Marie Brosseau, 290 Rockrimmon St., 229.900 đô la.Rakshitha Athukorala cho Michael A. Demento Jr., và Amanda L. Ryan, 1130 Liên bang St., 400.000 đô la.BernardstonTimothy E. Deneault và Mary E. Glabach đến Don J. Powell và Tammy J. Powell, 222 đường Brattleboro. 160.000 đô laPatrica K. Cohn ở Middlebury, từ Ct đến Jacob Hubbard, 530 Huckle Hill Road, 150.000 USD.BlandfordWilliam E. O KhắcBrien cho Daniel M. Wead và Camille V. Wead, 104 Main St., $ 157.000.Cánh đồngJames J. Hoffey và Becky A. Hoffey cho Alfred J. Albano Jr., người được ủy thác, Regina Murdock, người được ủy thác và Sugar River Nominee Trust, người được ủy thác, 138 Brookfield Road, 295.900 đô la.CharlemontRobert A. Canuel đến Margaret J. Veith, 17 Warfield Road, $ 162.500.ChicopeeBeverly G. Rossi và Robert A. Beaulieu đến Kelly G. O SựBrien, 79 Providence St., $ 142,260.Brian T. Gorman và Suzanne P. Gorman gửi 685 Fuller LLC, 685 Fuller Road, 492.444 USD.Cynthia I. Buss, đại diện, và Dona M. Hall, bất động sản, cho David E. Lopez, 248 Carew St., $ 185.000.John Martin đến Slawomir P. Madro, 200 Lambert Terrace, Đơn vị 71, $ 176.500.Jongsun J. Lim, đại diện, và Ronald R. Lempke, bất động sản, đến Jason A. Spear, 294 Britton St., $ 163.500.Linda M. Ledbury đến Kinda Shea, 61 Abbey Abbey Drive, Đơn vị 128, $ 157.000.Marshall Payne đến Juan D. Rios, 551 -553 Front St., $ 235.000.Perry R. Dulude và Michael J. Hearn đến Sol Maria Culhane, 117 Pondview Drive, 227.000 đô la.Theresa Johnson, đại diện, và Christine Clarke, bất động sản, đến Precious Ng và Gilberto Ng, 25 ngõ Lanelark, Đơn vị 6086D, 125.000 đô la.Thomas E. McMahon đến 9 Canal LLC, 9 Canal St., 150.000 đô la.Waycon Inc., đến Leslie L. Christen và Susan M. Christen, 2 Stockbridge St., $ 370.000.DeerfieldRichard V. Smiaroski Estate và Stephen Smiaroski, đại diện cá nhân, đến Eric J. Covey và Heather C. Poulin, 202 Mill Village Road, 210.000 đô la.Đông LongmeadowNgân hàng Mỹ đến JMB Property Management LLC, 48 Van Dyke Road, 108.000 USD.David L. Lorenzi Jr., đến Susan Jones và Susan P. Jones, 27 đường Hill Hill, 54.000 đô la.Emily R. Gralia, Emily R. Quinn và Kyle Quinn đến Carole L. Jones, 337 Pinehurst Drive, Đơn vị 337, 300.000 USD.Marco Andrea Scibelli đến Lori Crum, 43 đường Pease, 375.000 USD.Mark Lorenzi đến Susan Jones và Susan P. Jones, 27 đường Hill Hill, 54.000 đô la.Regina M. Retynsky đến Kristin M. Lapointe và Kyle J. Sherman, 66 Smith Ave., $ 235.000.Đông thànhRonald P. Finnessey Sr., và Rosemarie Finnessey đến Ronald P. Finnessey Jr., và Michelle Shanley, 84 Northamtpon St., $ 310.000.Warren Jones và Roberta Jones đến James G. Mailloux, 44 Maple St., $ 217.500.ChungAlyn M. Hastings và David W. Hastings đến Thomas W. Wyman và Susanne H. Lacosse, 88 North Cross Road, $ 310.000.GranbyMountain Stream LLC, đến Joseph M. Macsisak, Phố Amherst, 49.900 đô la.John R. Blanchard đến Heather L. Cruz, 18 High St., 150.000 đô la.Ronald A. Gnatek đến Jill A. Hodnicki và Carole L. Peternansel, Phố Amherst, 90.000 USD.Cánh đồng xanhAmanda Hale-Doyle, Hồi nka Hồi Amanda Vigue và Melissa Vigue cho Jessica A. Washer, 30 Vòng tròn Glen Glen, Đơn vị B-30, Chung cư Nhà Greenfield Town, 165.500 đô laSean M. Paper Estate, Lorraine H. Bates, đại diện cá nhân, đến Robert E. Shave, 16 Coolidge Avenue, 192.000 đô laPaul Eliot Hurwitz và Roseanne Apfeldorf Hurwitz đến Thomas A. Powers, 80 Munson St., 138.000 USDMichael W. Smith động sản, Bonnie Smith, đại diện cá nhân và cá nhân, đến Samuel Veillette và Jamie Veillette, 234 Barton Road, 209.000 đô la.Greenfield Paper Box Co., cho David A. Erickson và Gallagher K. Hannan, 55-57 Pierce St., 200.000 đô la.HampdenLeslie A. Glista đến Mark A. Imbriglio và Dawn M. Imbriglio, 438 Main St., $ 275,000.Michael D. Laffert và Sharyn A. Laffert đến Michele Laffert, 437 Wilbraham Road, $ 309.000.HolyokeAna Ynoa đến Carla L. Cruz và Elvin A. Ynoa, 962 Main St., 100.000 đô la.Cristal Redding cho Gregory M. Case, 42 Washington Ave., $ 120.000.Edward S. Scott và Dawn Scott đến Jennifer A. Perez, 35 Saint James Ave., $ 257.500.Tổng chưởng lý bang Massachusetts, Holyoke City, Ronald M. Pellitier và Home Equity Assets Realty LLC, người nhận, đến Home Equity Assets Realty LLC, 1117 Main St., $ 155,895.Raymond W. Barron, bất động sản, và Rebecca A. Rolon, đại diện, đến Karol Makusiewicz, 297-299 Sargeant St., 255.000 đô la.HuntingtonGoss Road Estates LLC, đến Mark Iwanicki và Christine Stochlinski, Goss Hill Road, 79.900 đô la.LeverettKimberly A. Adams, "fka" Kimberly A. Brownlee và Kimberlee A. Brownlee, đến Marielle L. Emond, 20 North Leverett Road, 100.000 đô la.Douglas P. Glazier, Ronald P. Glazier và Terry P. Glazier đến John A. Fiscella và Laurie L. Lassiter, đường Montague. 55.000 đô la.LeydenCatherine C. Cayer đến Kayla B. Bernard và Jonathan R. Rice, 18 Eden Trail, 295.000 USD.LongmeadowAntonio DiGioia đến Hans A. Doup, 486 Đường Maple, $ 225.000.Chelsea A. Samble đến Joanne Hetherington, Đường 176 Dunn, $ 445.000.Ramona O. Carando đến Constantine Delis và Sarah Delis, Churchill Drive, $ 330.000.LudlowSamuel P. Carson và Debra A. Carson đến Jackson Rodriguez LLC, 200 Center St., Đơn vị 13, $ 100.000.Đức ôngCarolyn D. Szarlan đến Robert P. Williams, 7 Cơ khí, $ 210.000.MontagueSusan T. Bellemare và David P. Brule đến Phillip E. Lucas Jr., và Lauren A. Lucas, 12 Carlisle Ave., 195.000 đô laGiáo dụcNgân hàng Wells Fargo NA, ủy thác và Tín thác cho vay thế chấp Carrington cho Patricia Duffy, 37 Hatfield St., 158.000 đô la.Michelle A. Carrera đến Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA, ủy thác và Ủy thác tham gia chính của LSF10, 201 Nonotuck St., $ 182.500.Alan Joseph Clemente cho Simon Elliot Scher, 5 Vòng tròn Austin, 184.000 đô la.Peter M. Schlessinger đến Ferdene I. Chin-Yee và Scott Reed, 24 Stoddard St., 150.000 đô la.Linda S. Youngblood và Alicia M. Spence đến Maha Moushabeck và Harrison Williams, 89 Straw Ave., và Holyoke Street, 515.000 đô la.Joel P. Westerdale và Sarah-Jane Poindexter cho Christopher J. Kusek và Molly Kusek, 68 Fort St., 341.000 đô la.Hoa Kỳ Phát triển Nhà ở & Đô thị cho Donna Hoener, 400 South St., $ 175.000.trái camDavid C. Dorow đến Timothy A. Mallet, 151 đường Athol, $ 17,381,17.Ronny Departo và John Gregory đến Nicole Ward và Thomas Ward, 157 West River St., $ 209.000.Karen R. Anderson và Robert D. Anderson đến Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA, ủy thác, 75 E. Main St., $ 441.017,98.PalmerAnnunziata Cardaropoli đến Tòa án Quận Hoa Kỳ, 36 Edgewood St., $ 50.000.David Swain đến Donald P. Lafleur và Dawn Lafleur, 2214 Main St., $ 160.000.Melissa Desimone, Melissa A. Cormier, Tracy N. Cormier và Tracy Herzik đến Steven E. Cormier và Ann A. Cormier, Jim Ash Road, 24.500 đô la.Peter E. Easton và Deborah L. Dill to Lisa M. Ducharme, 49 Meadowbrook Lane, Đơn vị 49, $ 127.000.Steven E. Cormier và Ann A. Cormier cho Jerald E. Jacobs Jr., và Paige A. Jacobs, 146 Jim Ash Road, $ 34,900.ShutesburySean A. Sawicki và Brittany E. Sawicki, "fka" Brittany E. Dawson, đến David J. Bourgeois và Naomi R. Bourgeois, 1 Pelham Hill Road, 205.000 đô la.Michael E. Shane đến Donna West và Gary West, 57 Shore Drive, 65.000 đô la.Nam HadleyJamison J. Buchanan đến Daniel North và Brittania Weatherspoon-North, 15 Kimberly Drive, $ 262.500.David L. Morrissette, đại diện cá nhân, Brian H. Lyons, đại diện cá nhân, và Gerard W. Morrissette, bất động sản, đến Trang T. Tran, Hai Tran và Danh Lang, 41 Susan Ave., $ 170.000.Remigiusz Paluszak, Remigiusz M. Paluszak, Liliana Herakova và Liliana L. Herakova đến Stacie D. Manning, 159 Lyman St., $ 235.000.David A. Stuntz đến Mary T. Quesnel, Đại lộ Richview, $ 40.000.NamwickBernard F. Berard và Lisa M. Berard đến Melanie Ann Guillemette và Joshua Alan Goodman, Nơi ẩn náu, 430.000 đô la.Fiore Realty Holdings LLC, đến Hamelin Framing Inc., Sawgrass Lane, $ 117.000.John M. Zomek, Carole Sullivan, Stanley C. Zomek Jr., Christopher Sullivan, Loretta A. Fedora-O hèConnor và Loretta A. Fedora đến Ronald Vandervlet và Lisa Vandervlet, 392 North Loomis St., $ 142.000.SpringfieldAmat Victoria Curam LLC, đến Xiomara Bezares, 75-77 McKnight St., $ 167.000.Aquarius Real Real LLC, đến Lekeisha Walker và James C. Lee, 3 Ashley St., $ 170.000.Barbara Tardy đến Jack Tardy, 278 Denver St., 100 đô la.Chad T. Lynch và James W. Rocca đến Alexis R. Marquez và Yailine S. Figueroa, 264 Main St., 165.000 đô la.Chad T. Lynch và James W. Rocca đến Danielle Johnson và Patrick Johnson, 149 Quincy St., # 151, $ 224.500.Daniel M. Grogan đến Cig4 LLC, 7-9 Glendell sân thượng, 90.000 USD.Derek J. Rose và Erica L. Rose đến Waleska Lugo-DeJesus, 192 Wollaston St., $ 181,200.Destiny R. Norcott, William F. Kern, giám đốc điều hành, và Clarence A. Norcott, bất động sản, đến Angelo A. Gomez và Dawn E. Bourbeau, 22 Boyer St., 80.000 đô la.Edward T. Longtin và Ellen M. Longtin đến Barbara A. Mason và James G. White IV, sân thượng 124 Pheonix, 152.000 đô la.Eli S. Santana và Jessica Sotomayor đến Nancy Rivera và Edgar Galarza, 115 Catalina Drive, 220.000 USD.Erik J. Correa và Yazdel T. Correa đến Cig4 LLC, 845 Worthington St., 98.000 đô la.Cực kỳ sạch sẽ (2) LLC, đến David D. Guasco Loja, 80-82 Knox St., $ 201.000.Insight Homes LLC, đến Jose J. Diaz, 140 W. Alvord St., $ 215.000.Jahjan LLC, đến Anthony McNeil, 11 Sidney Place, 150.000 đô la.Hoàng tử Joan đến Erica Canty, 2 đường Washington, 255.000 đô la.John W. Cody đến Nicole O. Ogoke, 122 Rhinebeck Ave., $ 203.000.Karen J. Amato đến Peter Creanza, 617 Nassau Drive, 149.500 đô la.Lori A. Maynard cho Edward G. Brush Jr., và Lindsey C. Brush, 105 Temby St., 130.000 đô la.Maura C. O hèNeil đến Alfred Shattelroe và Shunard Hoa, 67 Gillette Ave., 80.000 đô la.Michael P. Hogan đến Vòng Hai LLC, 33 Margerie St., $ 78.500.Milton Finklea đến Erika Flores, 76 Cambridge St., $ 62.000.Ming Tsang, người nhận, Nhà thi hành luật thành phố Springfield và Timrick Gresham đến Ming Tsang, Lifang Luo và Lisa Cassidy, 108-110 Colton St., 210.000 đô la.Nancy Geurrandeno đến Regina M. DiGiovanni, 123 Peekkill Ave., $ 220.000.Norman C. Levesque đến Jasnia Realty LLC, 914-916 Belmont Ave., $ 192.000.Phoenix Island LLC, đến Npn Realty LLC, 91 Pinevale St., $ 1,300,000.Ngân hàng PNC đến Juan Angel Santana, 11 San Miguel St., $ 90,160.Ryan H. Flannery đến Alexis J. Veguilla và Yonaiza Sanchez, 26 đường Brittany, $ 185.000.Sandra Jean Savenko, Evelyn Marie Pratt và Eleanor M. Artioli đến Luisa M. Melendez, 1009 Carew St., 169.900 USD.Thành phố Springfield đến Sonia Vazquez và Sonia N. Senrra, Phố Clark, $ 476.Thành phố Springfield đến Yudeli Rijo, ủy thác và Altagracia Rijo Trust, ủy thác của, 38 Lafayette St., $ 38,850.Stoneridge Realty LLC, đến Ironsides Sumner LLC, 16-20 Sumner Ave., 5.500.000 đô la.TAScon Homes Llc đến Billy Santiago (JR), 41 Merrimac Ave, $ 239.500.Ngân hàng TD đến SA Capital Group LLC, 246 Dwight Road, $ 115.000.đồPaul F. Russell Jr., và Crystal L. Russell cho Aaron L. Plankey và Kayla J. Plankey, 16 Pinecrest Circle, $ 245.000.Edward P. Wloch và Cindy L. Wloch cho Paul F. Russell Jr., và Crystal L. Russell, 47 Gould Road, $ 286.000.Leon A. Gaumond Jr., và Candace O. Gaumond cho George H. Plouffe, 58 Church St., 229.900 đô la.WendellSharon Wachsler đến Ellen M. Trousdale, Locke Hill Road, gian hay còn gọi là đường 208 Locke Hill Road, $ 316.500.Tây SpringfieldDavid J. Giám mục và Barbara S. Giám mục cho Luis Rosario và Maria M. Ortiz, 82 Harney St., 256.000 đô la.Joyce A. Polastri đến Ivan Mokan, 15 Oxford, $ 100.000.Julie Thomson, Pete Thomson và Julie E. Van Doren đến Molly S. Moynihan và Justin D. Adams, 33 Woodmont St, $ 215.000.Marilyn M. Tomlinson, Paul R. Tomlinson và Mark E. Tomlinson đến Cameron Beaulieu, 46 đường Braintree, $ 245.000.Sebastian Murphy đến Richard A. Strong và Ann T. Strong, 453 Cold Spring Ave., Unit 3, $ 70.000.Svetlana Kaletina và Vladimir Kaletina đến Natalya Sosnina, 524 Cold Spring Ave., Đơn vị 4, 70.000 đô la.Westfield Christine Pajouh đến Joseph G. Thibault, 48 East Silver St Unit 4, $ 87.500.Eagle Home Users LLC, đến Kevin Lugo và Robin A. Conley, 1 Auburn St., 238.000 đô la.Prime Partners LLC, đến Anatolie Popescu, 6 Miller St., $ 185.000.Susan N. Nokers và Susan M. Nief cho Alan R. Kelley và Carol L. Caldwell Kelley, 125 Western Circle, 195.000 đô la.Tristan P. Kiendzior, Renee S. Kiendzior và Renee S. Phụ huynh cho Brian C. Baker, 76 Westminster St., 194.900 đô la.WilbrahamAndrew K. Fortune và Lauren Anne Fortune tới Alison L. Mapplethorpe và Gregory J. Balicki, 18 Devonshire Drive, 269.900 USD.David J. Strickland và Gina M. Strickland cho Scott Michael Gierlich và Mindy Gierlich, 281 Three Rivers Road, 512.000 đô la.James H. Anderson đến Jules O. Gaudreau III, 2205 Đường Boston, Đơn vị L110, $ 185.000.Cảnh quan núi Inc., đến Gerard F. Bruno và Hilda Rivera-Rivera, 599 Main St., $ 451.000.Yongqi Chen và Chuanping Jian đến Connor Courtney, 59 Glenn Drive, $ 239.000.WorthingtonBenjamin E. Cenedella và Rachel Cenedella cho Michael J. Squadrille, người được ủy thác và Squadrille Family Revocable Trust, 44 Goss Hill Road, $ 325.000.Joseph D. Frost đến Marian J. Welch và John P. Welch, 40 Old Post Road, 184.000 đô la.Jane L. Reid McAn Khoa cho Michael J. Burke và Marie Burke, 217 Lindsey Hill Road và Buffington Hill Road, 135.000 đô la.[ad_2] Nguồn
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