azure-wolf-227 · 2 years
Alan is in love with Mary AU
I can’t find the post right now but someone once suggested to me an AU where Alan is actually in love with Mary since the beginning.
Like in canon, Alan writes songs for the one he loves but in this AU, mary is his muse instead of Katarina.
The thing is that Mary and the rest of the harem believe that Alan is in love with Katarina but is dense to his own feelings (like in canon).
Katarina knows the truth and is always trying to help Alan since he’s still a tsundere. But everyone else mistakes things as Alan trying to court Katarina.
I don’t remember if this was in the original idea but Geordo knows about Alan’s feelings but no one else believes him, thinking that the third prince is just trying to remove two rivals.
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maboroshi-no · 8 days
Hello, thank you for your efforts to share Light Novel 14 and I enjoyed reading your summaries very much. I wanted to know what questions and theories came to you while reading Volume 14? I'd be happy if you could tell them.
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Ok, I'll answer these two asks since they are highly similar.
Answer below.
Questions and theories while I read LN14...? I guess I'll just go in order. Though, I think they will mostly be random questions that came to mind while reading.
Could Cyrus be the reincarnation of Monkey Girl's brother?
When Cyrus mentioned how his dog died right in front of his eyes, it sounded suspiciously similar to the circumstances of Monkey Girl's death. On top of this, Cyrus is not sensitive to Katarina's charm despite their affinities, and they have sibling-like interactions when Katarina acts as his love counselor. So at the beginning of the volume, I thought "Maybe?", but after reading the truth about the dog's death, I guess it was a false lead.
So Sorcier's history is 300 years old...
I was a bit surprised since Sorcier's ancient history doesn't sound so ancient. And they changed the script in the meanwhile (ancient script / current script)
Did all these foreign nobles make such a long trip for a 1-day party...?
Like, it would at least be a 4-day trip for people coming from the neighboring country Sharma. If Cezar wasn't already here, he would have crossed the sea just to attend this party... It makes me wonder if the foreign guests came from afar?
Do capture targets still have a role once their routes end?
Cezar is still around even though his route is over, and now Cyrus's route is also finished. I also wonder if there is a harem route in FL2.
So Alan is sensitive to Mary's charm...
It makes me wonder if I can take it as a strong AlanxMary development.
Why is Geordo so wary of Cezar?
Geordo explains in the extra story that he feels like he would be no match for Cezar if he seriously approached Katarina, but I don't understand why he is specifically wary of Cezar.
So Geordo's polite speech is not natural...
Geordo was pretty casual in his thoughts while he was fighting with Katarina about his fever.
Is it really odd that Sora has a Japanese name?
Haru and Ryou also have Japanese names since they come from Sharma, so it might not be so odd for Sora to be given a Japanese name. Though, I still think it is odd because the important point is not that "Sora" sounds like a Japanese name, but that "Sora" is supposed to mean "sky". Haru and Ryou's names are written in katakana and not kanjis, so I interpret it as "their names sound Japanese" and not "their names have Japanese meanings".
Isn't it odd that Katarina can have FL2 dream without Sophia around?
Sophia is always with Katarina when she wakes up, but not necessarily when she falls asleep. It makes me wonder if the dream starts before Sophia is near Katarina.
Aren't people scared of Sora's dark magic in FL2?
In the current timeline, Larna took Sora in because she was interested in his dark magic, but normally the other directors would frown on someone using dark magic. But in FL2, Sora seemed to get along with the director.
Is Larna's benefactor the original creator of dark magic?
Larna seemed to talk about the person as if their name was mentioned in history. It feels weird if we consider them as someone who was alive like, 10-15 years ago?
Is Tank Top really here for comic relief?
His scenes are so pointless that it makes me wonder if he doesn't have a hidden role, like a spy or someone secretly delivering stuff to people.
Was Sorcier's history written by the FL2's game writer?
It is so detailed that it would be a shame if the content wasn't used in the game.
Why is Nathan so interested in dark magic?
I think he might be related in some way to the original dark magic. I don't think he is part of the organization.
Did Nathan want to avoid Katarina?
When Katarina offered to take him to the Magic Power & Magic Research department, he initially refused and tried going in the opposite direction. But if he really wanted to go somewhere else, was it a smart move to go in the opposite direction in front of Katarina?
Is Nathan really Uncle Stuart?
Because his reaction when Katarina thanked him and when she grabbed his arm was the same as Uncle Stuart in LN13.
What did Maria think during the lunch?
I really wonder what she thought when she saw Katarina relish the food made by another girl.
Will Luigi confront the royal family and the Ministry more seriously at some point?
He really seemed pissed off that they readily sent Katarina to danger.
Is Geordo really okay with "the royals's recommendation"?
I really expected him to react regarding the mission.
Can Haru freely go to Sorcier's parties?
It makes me wonder if Haru has the means to travel to whatever big party is held in Sorcier. And if it isn't so odd to have foreign people at these parties when Katarina is used to parties with only Sorcier people.
What was the point of the super horses and carriages?
Like, I don't think making the trip 1 day and a half instead of 4 days really made such a big difference to the plot.
Why did Maria decide to support Haru?
I wondered if it wasn't because she wanted Cyrus to stop pursuing her. Like, I doubt Maria is oblivious to Cyrus's feelings.
Why did Maria decide to speak to Cyrus on the balcony?
Maria is not particularly close to Cyrus and it wouldn't have been so odd for her to think she could leave things to Haru, who is way closer to Cyrus, and whom she has decided to support. And even leaving Haru aside, she could have thought Katarina would somehow comfort Cyrus since they are best buddies. But Maria still decided to comfort Cyrus herself on the balcony, and she didn't even witness Haru being rejected. I dunno, Maria's action here seems strange to me. It is like she expected Cyrus to open up to her.
Was the child Cyrus saved Uncle Stuart?
I guess there is a high chance the child was Uncle Stuart since the child was a royal and Uncle Stuart reminded Katarina that pets were not allowed in the castle. But I wonder if this connection will have an impact on the plot?
Will we see again the royal lady who killed Cyrus's dog?
It was mentioned several times in the story she should not be here anymore, which sounds unsettling. I also wonder if the mysterious lady in LN6 might not be her.
Why weren't the dragons aggressive?
Dragon 1 seemed to have been conscious enough not to rampage. So I wonder if they hadn't a mind of their own.
Will Katarina be able to summon the dragon she sucked up?
It would make sense since FL!Katarina could summon a dragon.
Is FL!Maria more powerful than the current Maria?
FL!Maria could handle Pochi and a dragon probably by herself, while Maria was about to collapse after defeating one dragon.
What will happen between Raphael and Sarah from now on?
I look forward to the development on that front.
Supposing the grey-eyed man is Marquis Dieke, will something happen between him and Raphael?
I think he was referring to Raphael when he said "that child". But I wonder if they met once before.
What was Haru's role in the plot?
If Haru really was a rival character, she didn't seem to have impacted Cyrus and Maria's relationship. She has nothing to do with Cyrus's change. So I wonder if she really was introduced only to be rejected so sadly :(. Or was she introduced to remind Katarina of her past life with her brothers?
Did Maria not join everyone after the report?
Maria may be in the picture, but there is no mention of her in the scene...
Why did Katarina dream about Cyrus's route only after the events actually happened?
It feels so odd. She has no use for this information except for knowing that Cyrus's route is over.
Who was the person in the last POV scene?
The big question.
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azure-wolf-227 · 3 years
Plant Mage Katarina AU
Katarina's magic is actually very powerful but most of it is aligned towards plants (Botanokinesis or Phytokinesis). Very little is related to literal earth - explaining her Earth Bump - though she can make any soil optimal for plant growth. She can also make any plants, fruits, and vegetables grow bigger and faster, as well as enhance their attributes like taste, nutrituness and in the case of magical plants, enhance their natural properties.
Plant Magic is a rare variant of Earth Magic that very few people possess. It’s actually rarer that Light Magic as Katarina is the only person who presently has it - the last wielder of this magic lived about a century ago - and there are other Light Mages besides Maria.
Katarina first manifests this magic when she's learning to farm, around the time that she met Mary. At first, the girls notice that the plants seem to grow faster/thrive and wonder about it but, since it's not too extreme, they shrug it off as luck. That is, until Katarina mentally wishes that the eggplants or cucumbers or something were bigger; her magic activates and they instantly grow larger. The giant vegetables surprise everyone and after Katarina explains what happened, her parents bring some MInistry officials that confirm that Katarina is a Plant Mage.
Katarina's parents are shocked at first, then very proud when they learn that Katarina possesses a rare form of magic. Though Milli is a bit miffed that they had to tell the Ministry officials about Katarina's field. Then they learn just how valuable Katarina's magic is - the last mage with this power saved the kingdom from a famine. If she weren't engaged to Gerald, many nobles would be offering marriage proposals for the chance to have that magic in their families. The Ministry is also very interested in having Katarina join them. The only reason they don’t push is because the Duke and Duchess won’t allow their daughter to be pressured to join.
Due to the value of Katarina's plant magic and to prevent people from trying to exploit her, the engagement with Prince Gerald must be kept. Also, if the Claes try to annul it, other nobles could accuse them of wanting to keep the power to themselves. Katarina believes that this is a Doom Flag because Gerald can't just break the engagement anymore, even if they both agree. So (in her logic) if he falls for Maria he will have to get rid of Katarina for sure.
Since the engagement cannot be broken, Millidiana starts to put more pressure on Katarina to improve her manners, giving her longer and more frequent etiquette lessons that cut on her hobbies and time with her friends. Katarina initially puts up with it but, eventually, she can’t take the pressure anymore and stands up to her mother about it.
Katarina also calls her mother out on her favoritism towards Keith as well as her criticism towards Katarina’s hobbies and behavior for not being “ladylike”. Millidiana argues that she must think about the Claes’ family reputation and what the other nobles will think of her. Katarina argues back that her friends don’t mind her quirks and that she doesn’t care about what others nobles think because they don’t know the real her, so their insults don’t hurt her. What does hurt is that her own mother doesn’t have any faith in her. (I know that it seems OOC for Katarina to get angry and call-out someone like that, but she was under a lot of pressure that finally boiled over and everyone has limits). Katarina then goes back to her room, leaving a shocked and guilty Millidiana to think about her actions.
Afterwards, Millidiana and Katarina have a talk where Millidiana explains that she was so strict because she didn’t want Katarina to suffer like she did and was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to handle the responsibilities of being a prince’s consort. Katarina understands her mother’s reasons and promises to do her best to take her manners a bit more seriously while Milli promises to be a bit more open-minded about Katarina’s eccentricities.
Although she now has a better relationship with her mother, Katarina is still worried about the Doom Flags related to her engagement to Gerald. Her parents reassure her that, if she doesn’t want to marry Prince Gerald, they’ll ask for the engagement to be broken no matter what the other nobles may think, but Katarina doesn’t want her family to be hurt for her sake.
Sometime before her 15th birthday and social debut, Katarina talks to Gerald about how she feels like she has him trapped in the engagement and that she’s afraid that he’ll hate her for it. Gerald reassures her that he doesn’t hold it against her and he reveals this feelings for her. Katarina is shocked and a bit in denial, asking Gerald why would he fall in love with her. When Gerald tells her why, Katarina asks him how he’s sure that it’s not just a passing infatuation and that he won’t fall in love with another girl. Gerald is certain that he truly loves Katarina but, if she really doesn’t feel the same, he’ll break the engagement in a way that will keep her safe and won’t hurt her family. Katarina tells him that she needs time to think about it and he accepts.
After learning that Gerald confessed to Katarina, Mary and Sophia do the same. Katarina is surprised and flattered but tells them that, while she does love them, she only sees them as sisters. Mary and Sophia are sad but they understand and are glad that they at least told Katarina their feelings. Mary decides that she’ll settle for being her sister in-law by marrying Alan and Sophia has the idea to pursue Keith because “if Katarina won’t marry my brother, then I’ll become her sister by marrying hers!”
As for the boys, Keith accepts that Katarina only sees him as a brother, Nicol keeps his feelings for Katarina hidden, and Alan is still unaware of his feelings for Katarina at this point.
Due to her unique magic, Katarina takes specialized practical classes with Kai Gerran as her teacher - he’s part of the Department of Magical Powers Research. Part of her lessons include identifying what plants grow where and what uses they have. It’s a bit difficult to learn about all the plants but Katarina receives help from Mary, and the two girls enjoy spending time together. Katarina bonds with Maria over both having rare magic and the expectations people have on them because of it.
A few other things that Katarina does with her magic are: creating plant Golems/animals, growing fruits and vegetables in interesting shapes, and swinging on vines like Tarzan.
Most of the Academy plot stays the same except that Katarina is aware of Gerald’s feelings and her friends are not competing for her affection - though they still warn Gerald to not try anything funny with Katarina. Katarina begins to develop feelings for Gerald but it’s hesitant to pursue him because, even though Gerald has no interest in Maria, she doesn’t know if Maria is interested in Gerald. After talking to Maria and Gerald and being reassured by them, Katarina starts to go on dates with him. There also Alan/Mary and Keith/Sophia developing in the background.
Katarina will still get Pochi and will become a Grass/Dark Dual-Type.
Some of the threats that Katarina faces due to her powers are: unscrupulous Ministry officials interested in studying her magic and others countries with agricultural issues looking to acquire her for themselves. Some foreign nobles attempt to seduce her into marrying them but Bakarina is to dense to notice their attempt and her friends protect her. One noble resorts to kidnapping Katarina but he’s captured before he can return to his country - and Katarina had pretty much rescued herself already. There are a few more kidnapping attempt - from both nobles and researchers - but they are thwarted before they happen.
(Added 2/11/2022)
OG Katarina also had this magic but, since she never interacted with plants directly, it never awakened/became noticeable. Her ego would have inflated even more that it already was if she did learn that she had this magic.
OG Prince Gerald would actually benefit a lot more from keeping this engagement since having a fiancée with rare magic would intimidate other ladies. Unfortunately, OG Katarina interprets his words “I already have a fiancée that has rare magic” as “I love my fiancée” which would cause her romantic pursues to get worse.
Not to mention, OG Maria’s chances of graduating the Academy with minimal mental health would drop drastically - unless the other Capture Targets protect her.
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azure-wolf-227 · 3 years
Reincarnator Mary AU
Set in the Verge of Doom spin-off, Mary Hunt is a reincarnated person and she regains the memories of her past life. Unlike Katarina and Sophia, Mary did not like Otome Games - barely knows anything about them beyond the worst cliches - and thinks that being reborn into one is the worse thing.
Even without the knowledge of Fortune Lover, Mary causes huge changes to the script. She has no patience for Alan’s inferiority complex and tells him to stop with his immature behaviour instead of coddling him.
Alan is startled by Mary’s change of behaviour and he’s so busy trying to figure out what’s up, that he stops competing with Gerald and harassing Maria.
The endgame is Alan/Mary as she helps him with his issues while the main plot of VoD happens in the background - though Mary’s indirectly changes some thing.
Funny thing: since Mary doesn’t have knowledge of FL, she thinks that Sophia is the heroine/protagonist, Maria is the main rival, and Katarina is a sidekick character.
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maboroshi-no · 3 years
I think it's better for Alan and Nicole instead of being hopelessly in love with katarina to get together with other female characters like Mary and Fray do you think it's possible
Hello anon,
Yes, I also think it is sad that Alan and Nicol are hopelessly and yet silently in love with Katarina. I don't think either of them would want to take Katarina for themselves no matter what, so yes it would be great if they could get together with other persons. But if they do, I wish they would honestly confess to Katarina before, instead of keeping unresolved feelings. This is what Nicol tried to do and I am glad Frey could convince him this was a bad idea.
Regarding AlanxMary I think it is possible. Mary hasn't made progress with Katarina for a while and it feels like she only appears to get in the way of Geordo. From what I remember from latest volumes, she still hasn't given up but it feels like there is more focus on her relationship with Alan. Alan still isn't ready to give up on Katarina, based on his moment with Katarina in LN11 when he felt shocked for a moment when he thought Katarina might have feelings for Geordo, before feeling deeply relieved when he realized it was a misunderstanding.
As for Nicol, I also think it would be great if he got together with Frey. But since he doesn't seem to have further interactions with Frey after the marriage interview, I am not sure if it will happen. Like Alan, so far in LN11, Nicol still seems attached to Katarina. In his moment, he freely and passionately voiced all his feelings for her to her face because he knew she would misunderstand, saying he just can't give up on her/his love.
Based on these moments, it feels like Alan and Nicol might be given an opportunity to confess to Katarina later. I don't know if they will get together with other persons soon after, but I think they will at least get away from their silent unrequited love at some point.
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