#alban hearst
ruthiesrambles2 · 2 years
BESTIE you know i gotta do it to em!!! 003 for wilford <3 hehe
Girl I swear you're trying to kill me this week.
How I feel about this character: mixed feelings on Wilford really. I loved the man as a myth. I do quite like him as a villain I suppose. Inconsistent in his punishments and treatment of people. I don't know I didn't gel with him as a character as much as I would have liked. I do like Sean Bean as the bad guy though.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: to my sheer and utter disgust I have been sucked into a little bit of Mel/Wilford but more on the historical/creepy/dubcon end. Obviously I wouldn't undo his canon relationship with Audrey although I'd like to see it explored a bit more from both sides.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Wilford & Kevin. The worship and adoration. The grooming of an evil sidekick. Love it. Wilford definitely playing on Kevin's infatuation.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Shhhh I don't think I've ever said this before but I actually quite like the mango scene. I think it worked well and I liked seeing a sexual side of him.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I do wish they properly killed him off, I think they left it so they could bring him back but the track scaler has been ridiculous since they first invented it, and I think he needs a good clean ending. That said even the dialogue in his send off scene is stupid. The end of season 3 was so rushed. So I guess I'd like there to be a bigger battle for power, more clever comments, and ultimately he dies.
Favorite friendship for this character: Wilford and Alex. He is so conflicted about her but I think he desperately wants her to like him and respect him. But it's such a multifaceted relationship. He loathes that she's Melanie's but also loves it because she's another protégée. He loves being a father figure but also has no patience for her. He wants her to do his bidding and be evil and make the same choices as him but he also wants her to be powerful and capable. Idk I love them.
My crossover ship: Wilford/Alban Hearst in a sort of Wilford/Kevin way. Think of the havoc Wilford could wreak as part of the Camarilla. Think of the awkward sass Alban would bring to Snowpiercer! Idk my only crossovers these days are with MFS because I barely watch any other TV. OH WAIT. Wilford/Prue Leith. Wilford judging bake off would be fucking hilarious and I reckon Prue loves a bad guy.
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motherland-thoughts · 2 years
M:FS The Witchplague
Some thoughts about Motherland: Fort Salem. Full spoilers for seasons 1 to the end of 3, you are warned.
Alban Hearst, about the Witchplague, in M:FS s2e07: “Every generation gets a little stronger.”
There are 4 different versions of the Witchplague that we see in M:FS (non-official names):
The Slow Witchplague: this is the 1st version we see. It is slow moving, colonizing the infected witch’s body for days, maybe weeks. It is not contagious (lots of people touch Khalida without getting infected).
Expected results for the infected witch is loss of control over vocal cords (inflicting additional collateral damage), followed by death.
Usual Fixing techniques result in collateral damage and death. Raelle Collar’s christo-pagan Fixing technique, with added mycelium help, is the only known cure.
Way(s) of infection: unknown (used against Khalida and some of the Tarim during s1).
The Rapid Witchplague: this is the 2nd version that we see. Its effects are almost instantaneous, entirely colonizing the infected witch in seconds. It is potentially contagious via direct skin contact.
Expected results for the infected witch is rapid death (a few seconds at most).
No known cure, death occurs too rapidly to attempt anything. The Witchbomb can’t destroy it. With her christo-pagan Fixing technique, Willa Collar was able to completely take onto herself the Witchplague taking Raelle over. Willa still died but Raelle survived.
Way(s) of infection:
injection via puncture wound: an individual projectile containing a sample of the Witchplague is launched at a target through a blowpipe (used against a Biddy in M:FS s1e10); or several projectiles are set inside an exploding container, this Witchplague grenade is then thrown at groups of witches (used against the Spree Leadership meeting in Bruxelles in M:FS s2e01);
skin contact: a sample of the Witchplague is dropped directly onto the target’s skin (used against Raelle Collar in M:FS s2e07).
The Hunter Witchplague: this is the 3rd version that we see. Its effects are almost instantaneous, entirely colonizing the infected witch in seconds. It is extremely contagious, by way of the tendrils of the Witchplague capability of extending themselves far from the original contagion site, hunting any witch around over some distance and destroying any obstacle in its way.
Expected result for the infected witch is rapid death (a few seconds at most).
No known cure. Total incineration destroys the Witchplague.
Way(s) of infection:
injection via puncture wound: an individual projectile containing the Witchplague is launched at a target through a blowpipe (used against a Biddy in M:FS s2e10);
proximity: a sample of the Witchplague is put onto an object, and it activates only when a witch is in close proximity (used against General Sharma and her entourage in the train in India in M:FS s2e05).
This is the version Izadora engineers the Witchplague vaccine from.
The Parasitic Witchplague: this is the 4th and last version that we see. It settles inside a witch, the host, keeping them alive at all cost, and, once mature (after a few minutes), goes to attack every witch in close enough proximity to the host. It is extremely contagious but only in its area of effect, centered on the host.
Expected results for the host are loss of awareness and sustained life. Expected results for any secondary-infected witch are loss of control over vocal cords (inflicting additional collateral damage), closely followed by death.
No known cure for the host. Destruction of the host’s body removes the infection in linked infected witches, saving those who are still alive. No known cure for the secondary-infected witches except for the removal of the source.
Way(s) of infection: injection via puncture wound (used against Penelope Silver in M:FS s2e09).
In M:FS s3e01, Izadora manages to finalize a vaccine against the Witchplague, from a sample from the Hunter Witchplague. The Witchplague is never seen again, the vaccine seeming to be effective against all versions of it.
Additional consideration:
It’s unclear whether the Rapid Witchplague is contagious or not:
The infected Biddy in the Tarim is touched by another witch but not via direct skin contact (we see a glove touching her uniform), and there are no tendrils reaching out of her. It isn’t shown to be contagious, but it’s also not explicitly shown that it isn’t.
The infected Spree members are all affected at the same time, none seems to touch any of the others, and there are no tendrils reaching out of any of them, leaving us to believe that each witch has to have been hit by an individual projectile. The projectiles seemed to hone in on the witches, as proven by the one that targets Willa who’s further away, and is only stopped by an obstacle she hides behind. It isn’t shown to be contagious, but Willa later states that it is. Either she misunderstood what she saw, or she simply assumes that it is (plagues generally are), or the writers slightly messed up (not super important).
Yet, Raelle is infected by direct skin contact with the Witchplague, which leaves the possibility for anyone else touching her infected skin to become infected too. Willa’s christo pagan Fixing involves absorbing the illness, so her getting infected while Fixing Raelle isn’t proof that it is contagious.
All in all, it could be that either the Rapid Witchplague is contagious by direct skin contact but, by chance, it simply never happens, or that there are in fact 2 versions of it, one that is contagious and one that isn’t. In any case, it’s probably for the best that no one else than Willa touched Raelle while she was infected.
There exists another potential problem with the Rapid Witchplague. When Willa Collar goes to unbind Raelle before Fixing her, the Witchplague in Raelle doesn’t reach out at all for her. Yet, seconds after Willa dies, the Witchplague grows tendrils and reaches out, rapidly chasing Raelle, Abigail and Scylla until they close the door in front of it. It now behaves like the Hunter Witchplague. This is the only case where we see the lines being muddled between different versions of the Witchplague. Was that in fact not the Rapid Witchplague, but a new version that needs an infected witch to die to evolve into a Hunter-like version? Was that potential new version engineered by Hearst or did it evolve spontaneously inside Willa? Or was that an incoherence in the script, to allow Raelle to be saved but force her and her rescuers to leave in a hurry, or to simply amp up the terror factor of the scene?
In M:FS s2e07, Alban Hearst calls the Witchplague by male pronouns, which is on point for the Camarilla, an organization that’s based on hating everything female: “Oh, he’s a frisky little bugger, isn’t he? I must confess, I love this little guy.”
At the meeting of the Hague in M:FS s1e03, the British commander states: “Our embassy was taken out by a plague bomb that no one’s used in 50 years. 263 dead, 91 injured.” Although it sounds, with hindsight, that it might have been a Camarilla attack, an embassy is manned by government employees, aka civilians. Only the Spree target civilians. Still, it’s interesting to wonder about who used to use plague bombs in the 1970s and what kind of plague they were using.
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svnsetromance · 2 years
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3.02 | 3.05
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crea-miserymind · 2 years
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BTS of Motherland fort salem.
🚨🚨🚨 Sign the petition, go comment and RT HULU's message. We must continue to show our interest and motivation to keep the series on our screens!
The link of the petition : bit.ly/3N7l5Fw
The link to HULU's message : https://bit.ly/3xjwydT
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theaurorasky · 2 years
Motherland: Fort Salem 3x10 “Revolution Part 2″
Penelope Kills Hearst and Her Father
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b-412 · 2 years
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Why do they look like they're best friends lmao
This picture is literally Killing me
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Damn Hearst is disrespecting the mushroom.
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So, if everyone turnes into a witch, than what happens with Hearst? I means he had both witch and mundane chords, both functional.
If his original chord changes, and he has two witch vocal cords, is he twice as strong or do his chords neutralize each other?
Edit: so there's been some misunderstanding. I meant this to be a hypothetical question, nothing more.
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shark-lover0307 · 2 years
My only theory for motherland fort Salem’s episode tomorrow is that Penelope stops Hearst. She just walks out of the shadows and saves Izadora
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themehplace · 3 years
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rambling-addict · 2 years
And so I’m back with my ramblings again.
As always, SPOILER WARNING. Click away if you must.
So, for me, nothing much really happened in MFS 3x03. Again, it’s a set up episode… defining the root problem and the objectives of the season.
First of all, the Marshals are no joke. They really lived up to their boogeyman status. Running from the Marshals were futile. They’re older and wiser. I also found it interesting that the army seemed to have no power in the Cession, and the Cession had their own leader/jurisdiction there. I mean, Petra had to speak to that Cession leader and got turned away. Did Alder have no reach there? But Raelle got the call and everything, her mum too… So how does that work? Interesting, indeed.
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Anyway, Abigail pissed me off a little bit in this. She pushed Tally a little too much even though Tally said it wasn’t safe. Her logic goes out the drain when Adil is involved in the picture. I get it, Tally is powerful with her sight work… but she doesn’t know the extent of it all. She needs to thread lightly.
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This Kara character is something else, too. You’d think Alban Hearst was crazy, but this woman seems like a real psycho. I bet she was the one who planned that assassination on President Wade.
…which leads me to a thought. If Wade is dead, then who’s officiating Adigail and Raylla’s “wedding”?? Or was that teaser scene just another vision or dream?
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And how come mushrooms sprouted at the spot where Wade died? It was everywhere.
Also, I hope M isn’t dead. We all know Anacostia and Sterling were captured, as spoiled by the trailer, lol.
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And Raelle… I miss her so much. It’s just not the same. It’s unfortunate what happened to Taylor, but this is supposedly the “last” season (for now—still praying to have more seasons). I just hope she didn’t miss out on much and that we’ll see her in the next episode.
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As usual, Raylla is apart again *heart broken into million pieces*. Freakin’ mycelium is so dodgy. Scylla’s voice crack and that little sob she let out as she confessed that she couldn’t contact Raelle… my gosh, it was so heartbreaking. She feels so helpless.
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She’s so broken that she can’t even keep her tough act anymore. She has no energy to pretend or be sassy as a defense mechanism. But I’m glad she broke down and that Abigail and Tally were there to catch her. At this moment, Scylla really needs to open up instead of bottling everything in.
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As for my last thought… this First Song and collecting seeds… something seems so off. Khalida suddenly trusting Alder? I mean, she said they both hold a seed… (btw, the seed Alder has might have been her song of grief that triggered the birth of the mycelium? I’m curious to see who the other seed holders are.)
…but if Alder had that seed all along, how come she never revealed them to Khalida before? Why now? I don’t know if I trust Khalida at the moment.
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To add to that, I’m going on a limb here and say this.. It might sound crazy but I think that’s not really Sarah Alder, but the embodiment of the mycelium. Hear me out.
We all knew Raelle’s mum is dead. But we also know that no one is ever really dead, because all witches go back to the Mother. We know Penelope died as well, but somehow she’s “back”, too. That could be not related to this. But Alder died, too, and her physical body went into the mycelium… and now, she’s back.
However, like I said, the mycelium is dodgy af. With that somber music and the scene turning suspiciously gray when “Willa” told Raelle to ignore Scylla’s S sign and that “mother” is going to take care of her.
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Then you’ve got Alder who had this glowy mycelium-like eyes when they confronted Elayne. And Elayne screamed as she saw it. Why the hell would this lady suddenly be scared so much? And Alder looking ill? Is it because the mycelium is still feeling the effects of the poison? And when Tally and everyone were being high on Elayne’s singing, Alder wasn’t affected at all. And something is just so off about Alder.
And maybe that’s why Khalida just recklessly followed Alder, because she was the mycelium. It just doesn’t add up that she left without even leaving a sign to the others about where she’s going.
But anyway, maybe I’m just overthinking… I just don’t like the mycelium very much for taking Raelle away from Scylla. Lol.
I don’t like seeing my baby cry.
Little baby necro needs her cool-haired girlfriend. I hope nothing happens to Raelle.
But in all seriousness, kudos to Amalia for yet another top notch acting. Hey, at least we get another Raylla reunion scene again… I just know that’s gonna be so epic again.
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crea-miserymind · 2 years
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BTS of Motherland fort salem season 03 part 3.
🚨🚨🚨 Sign the petition, go comment and RT HULU's message. We must continue to show our interest and motivation to keep the series on our screens !
The link of the petition : bit.ly/3N7l5Fw
The link to HULU's message : https://bit.ly/3xjwydT
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ferrisraccoon · 2 years
MOTHERLAND: DORK SALEM sketchcap of 302: Bisexual Ramsweather disaster
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worried gfs
always fighting over Raelle and agreeing on Raelle.
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Punching in the name of Raelle
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Tally and Rae are just happy to be here
color variant:
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(Support 🍄)
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iloveyoutoinfinity · 2 years
Everyone made it out, except for Anacostia Quartermaine, whose spirit is with Me, now. Know that I am mourning the loss with all of you, Raelle, Abigail, Tally and Scylla. Rani as well. You too, Sarah, as this was your daughter. @captainquartermaine @raelleshitbirdcollar @bellweathervengeance @tallyseercraven @scyllaspree @retiredgeneral1692
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As for the souls of Alban Hearst and Blanton Silver, they will have to answer for the crimes they committed against Penelope, the Bellweather Unit, President Wade and all witches across the world. @ebbyscrooge @joshuawilliams74 @sweeneytodddemonbarber @strangestephendoctor @cunningwarrior @iammasterk @maverickjedimasterjinn
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lifeandlemons · 3 years
Okay so I'm fairly new to the Motherland Fort Salem Fandom. But I binged the show in like three days and caught up to watch S2 EP9/10 live. So I'm sure that someone has already posted about this. But I just want to ramble about how much I love the show, Raylla in specific, and why I think they are soulmates.
In season 1, it was established that sexuality is very fluid in the MFS universe and it also doesn't really matter. It's never brought up as like a thing and even Elliot mentions in an After the Storm episode that sexuality is pretty irrelevant. You are free to love who you love and be whoever you want to be without any judgement. Which is quite the opposite of what we see in our world and most other shows with LGBT+ rep.
What's interesting is the shows take on the concept of marriage and I guess monogamy to a certain degree. During the Beltane episode we see Abigail with Clive and Augustin, Gerit despite being with Tally in the end is seen talking to other girls and is eventually married off. You can even see Glory off in the background leaving with a group of girls (whether that was romantic or more of a friendship connect that's up to you to decide). But from the very get go, all the girls are encouraged to meet and be with multiple different people. Not just one. It's about charging up and having connections and getting stronger. Whether that be a romantic or friendly connection.
This is further solidified when we find out in episode 5 that marriage is more of a contract to make kids rather than a lifelong commitment made from love. Charvel and Ciro are only to be married for 5 years to basically have kids and continue on the Bellweather line. Charvel even says that she's not upset about being married to Ciro because she isn't tied down necessarily she can still be with other people if she wanted. Ciro was more of a means to the end to create a "proper" Bellweather heir.
What makes me think Raelle and Scylla are soulmates is because in a world where monogamy isn't necessarily the norm in the militarized witches world we have a couple that is so thoroughly meant for only each other. That are so instantly drawn to one another and continuously fight for one another.
First off Raelle and Scylla only have eyes for each other. At no point do either of them show interest in literally anyone else. Which yes I know Scylla's initial interest is very sketch because she was told to get close to Raelle from the Spree... but work with me here!
Secondly, we have Raylla's parents. Willa married Edwin and stayed with him the entire time, even though he is a civilian and she likely knew that would be heavily frowned upon. I can only assume their marriage was formed out of love, rather than the obligation to have more girls to continue on the Collar line. Similarly, I'm assuming that Scylla's parents relationship was formed out of love due to the fact that they were dodgers and probably weren't fans of the "make babies for the army" thing that's going on. I feel like Raylla would see their parents love and want what they had. A super deep connection rather than a charge up so to speak.
Third, I want to compare their relationship to Abigail and Adil's. Abigail in season 1 was very casual with her sexuality having multiple partners. But we can kinda see that shifting in season 2 where she forms a really close bond with Adil and fights for their relationship despite her mother's wishes. She even says herself that her relationship with him is different because it's so much deeper than anything else that she's had. And it's when Alban Hearst says that the sky and earth cannot meet that they are basically prophesied to be together... i.e. soulmates. They are the opposites of each other, but they blend together so well. And besides Raylla they are the only couple that we see (besides background characters i.e. Willa and Edwin) that are dedicated to literally only one other person. Now I'd like to argue that Scylla and Raelle are kind of the same. Scylla being the earth, the Necro, connecting to death and bringing people back to life. Raelle being the sky, the the Fixer, healing people keeping them from dying. Together they form the circle of life. death and rebirth almost in a sense. They are the opposites of each other and that's why they work so well together. They are connected to each other on a much deeper level. And I mean opposites attract after all.
Idk if this makes any sense and I feel like I'm rambling here and none of my thoughts are coherent at all. But my main point is that in a world that is telling them they can't be together forever, they are saying fuck that because they're soulmates and they can do whatever the fuck they want.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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fswitchinghour · 2 years
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In this episode, the Bellweather Unit  sneaks into the Cession. Abigail is worried Scylla is going to steal Raelle away from them, but the Mycellium steals her away first, as she's sucked into the ground and put in a shiny prison somewhere in the earth.  Nicte shows off her hamburger Phantom face to Tally, before unleashing some fun new acid and bat-related abilities on some unsuspecting Camarilla agents at a chemical factory. The unit manages to luck into capturing Alban Hearst, only to immediately allow him to escape once the dreaded Cession Marshalls show up on the scene. Khalida acts super suspicious before disappearing (or maybe being kidnapped, I don't know) Meanwhile, in a much better subplot, Petra hosts a dinner party, M dazzles us with their snappy suit, and  we are blessed with the return of two queens in the form of President Wade and Minerva Bellweather. VP Silver is set back in his plan for total domination for the moment, as Wade flexes her presidential power all over him with a rousing speech in support of equal rights for witches. Also, Penelope Silver is back and 100% more insane than when we last saw her. She tries to choke out our beloved Izadora and is apparently able to transfer into a gaseous form at will. Also possibly insane? The Mycellium network, which does a very creepy "Mother will protect you, my dear" act with Raelle. Yikes. We answer all your burning questions and more. As always, we appreciate you leaving ratings or reviews on iTunes, Spotify and other platforms. Hit us up on Twitter (or Instagram and Tumblr) and talk with us about the show! You can find us at @FSWitchingHour or @mad_typist and @DJaedyxe.  If you want to support our show you can also donate to our Patreon.     
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