#albo rambles
albobeati7 · 3 months
Eliza in C4 please!!!
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Out of art block, you know what THAT means!! I can DO THESE AGAIN
Elisa rocking this fit aaaHHHHHH
Years later LOL
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dragon-spaghetti · 27 days
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THIS IS ALSO GENIUS AND I CANNOT STOP LAUGHING OH MY GOD I wanna draw something for it so I'll reply to the ask itself at a later date when I can actually do that!! It is late here so I gotta head to bed lmfao 😭💖
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jascurka · 3 months
it's so rare for me to find a recent Polish song and the music slaps, the singing slaps and the lyrics slap as hell!!!! my god my god ;w; big rec, the band seems not very popular
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jainkoa · 10 months
My grandma has said for years that albo had an affair with Linda burney idk if it’s true or it’s just her typical angry old Aboriginal woman rambling
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orangecrane · 4 years
Could I request 57 & 28 from the fluff-hurt/comfort list with some platonic Ralbert perhaps?
i see stars (and i think of you)
Albert's not having a great time. But one late night phone call to arguably (definitely) the best friend ever might make it better, even if said friend insists on driving over in the middle of the night. Racetrack just hopes that Albert knows that he wouldn't do this for anyone else. 
A/n: Thanks for the prompt and sorry it took a bit to get around to, I hope you enjoy it! As always this is cross-posted on ao3
CW: Some swearing
Race’s phone is ringing. It’s one in the morning and he’s almost asleep when it goes off. He’s tempted to decline the call and block whoever dared to call him, he’s also tempted to throw his phone across the room. He does neither of these things. Instead he half-assedly reaches for his glasses and practically jams them onto his face, and finally checks the caller ID. Oh, it’s Albert. What the fuck does he want now?
It’s only by virtue of about a decade of friendship that Race picks up. “Albert I swear to all that is holy if you’re calling me to talk about some fuckin’ alien conspiracy theories I am hanging up and ending our friendship immediately,” Race says, not even giving Albert a chance to speak.
“Race you can’t seriously tell me you don’t believe in aliens, can you? They’re out there!” Albert replies indignantly. Race is all of two seconds away from hanging up when Albert continues, “No, but seriously Racer, I- I really need someone to talk to right now.”
“Oh shit Albo, what’s up?”
“I’ve just been having a bad day. Well, week,” Albert takes a shuddering breath.
And Race is suddenly more awake. He knows that Al wouldn’t have called him this late for something like this if it wasn’t serious. “Talk to me, Al,” Race says softly.
“I just… why are you my friend? Why are any of you guys my friends?”
“You heard me Race, I- I’m not especially skilled or smart,” Albert’s voice breaks and he starts talking faster, “an-and I just need to know why you like me.” Race’s heart breaks, pain radiates from his chest and he feels sick to his stomach. His friend sounds like he’s about to cry. Albert almost never cries.
“Oh Albert… you’re my best friend in the world,” Race breathes out, “you may not be the most booksmart but that doesn’t mean you aren’t smart, you’re fantastic at skateboarding and researching things and taking care of your plants and you always find the best rocks and you’re the only one who can match me when we talk about astronomy. Those are all skills aren’t they? You’re also funny and you put up with so much of my shit, you’re like, the most loyal person I know and you’re always there for your friends when we need you. What’s there not to like?”
“... A lot,” Albert mumbles.
Race is insistent, “Well I can’t think of a single thing, besides, you know me too well to think that I’d lie to you about something like this. You know what? I’m coming over. I’ll see you in like twenty minutes Albie.”
“Wait, Race, you don’t need to-” Race hangs up. Too bad for Al, Race has already made up his mind. It’ll be easier to talk to him in person and maybe he’ll be able to slap some sense into Albert if he continues to think poorly about himself. No one is allowed to talk down to Race’s best friend besides Race himself, not even said best friend.
He drags himself out of bed and briefly considers just driving to Al’s as is, but quickly reasons that if he wants to stop by a store on the way over he’d need to put on pants. He fumbles around for a pair of sweatpants using his phone as a light. Finds a pair that doesn’t seem too dirty and throws them on, then makes his way downstairs quietly, grabbing his keys and wallet on the way out the door.
He’s about three steps outside when he shivers in the cold air, maybe not grabbing a jacket as well was a bad idea. Welp, too late for that. Grumbles to himself about how cold it is and how late it is on his way to the car and nearly all the way to the nearest twenty-four hour convenience store. Albert is so lucky he’s Race's best friend, he wouldn’t do this for anyone else. Like, seriously, he’s out here in a stupid store at stupid o’clock getting weird looks from the cashier while he looks for some stupid star stickers (they’re not stupid but Race is tired and grumpy and cold and he wants to complain) for his stupid friend (also not stupid: see earlier note). Not only that but Race is spending his hard earned money on these little glow in the dark star stickers just to make him feel better, well Albert better appreciate all that Race does for him.
He moves through the checkout station as quickly and with as little speaking as possible. He knows that glow stars are a bit of a weird thing to be buying at this hour, but he’s got a plan and they are a vital piece. Race takes his receipt and the stars and throws them in the passenger seat of his car and continues his drive to Albert’s house.
When Race arrives he grabs the stickers and hops the fence to walk down the side of Albert’s house. He walks down the narrow alleyway and crouches down about three-quarters to the end, slides through the open window in Albert’s room in the basement. Smiles to himself, he always enjoyed entering his house this way, there’s just a certain thrill that makes him feel like he’s in a heist or something. Though the way the window sill scrapes at his back is certainly less fun.
“You didn’t have to come over, Racer,” Albert says the moment Racetrack’s feet hit the floor.
“Yeah well I did, and I come bearing gifts,” Race proclaims. He quickly surveys the room, the only light on is the lamp on the bedside table and Albert is sitting on his bed, phone in hand and looking the slightest bit like he was trying to hide the fact that he’d been crying. That was mildly concerning, Race was glad Albert had called him.
“Well since it seems you have little object permanence-”
“-What’s that supposed to mean!” Okay maybe Race shouldn't be teasing him right now, but maybe it'd be even weirder not to.
Race shakes the packet of stickers at Albert. “I have acquired some objects to be here permanently when I am not so you cannot possibly forget that I am the best friend ever.”
“Are those glow in the dark stars? Like for a ceiling?” Albert looks more confused than anything. That is… disappointing but expected.
“Yes, my dear friend, they are,” Race says with all the drama one would expect of the one and only Racetrack Higgins.
“Okay, but why?” Race falters. He’s not exactly prone to thinking things through but he was certain this made sense. However, Albert still doesn’t seem to get it.
“Well…” Race continues much quieter and considerably more nervous, maybe this is a stupid idea, “we always talk about the stars ‘n stuff and whenever I look at them now I think of you.”
Fuck, that was sappy, and not exactly to the point but important nonetheless. And Albert still looks like he doesn’t get what he's trying to say. So Race continues, now almost rambling, “And I kinda thought that maybe you did the same thing so if we put these on your ceiling then whenever you feel down on yourself or like I don't like you for some reason you’d see the stars and think of me and know that I’ll always be here for you, ya know? Best friends for life ‘n all that. Do you really think I would have done this for someone I didn't like or who wasn't a good friend?”
There's a moment where neither of them speak before Race starts cracking his knuckles nervously. “It kinda sounds stupid now that I say it out loud.”
“No,” Albert chokes out, and Race swears he looks like he’s about to cry, though maybe that was just from before Race and he hadn’t been paying enough attention, “it’s not stupid.”
Race shoots him a look that screams ‘Are you kidding me?’, now that he’d said it out loud he was almost certain it was a stupid idea. Seriously, who gets a call from their friend who is clearly having kind of a hard time and then proceeds to hang up on them, buy some cheap little decorations, and show up at their house like that would fix anything? God, what was Race thinking? “Okay, it’s a little ridiculous,” Albert amends, “but that is such a Racetrack plan I shouldn’t have expected anything else.”
“I… don't know what you mean by that Albie…”
“It means I like it and think it's a good idea,” and Albert gives him this grin, like he’s something precious, and it makes Race feel all warm inside. He loves being able to make the red-head smile like that. “In fact, we’re putting these up right now.”
“Oh, so now you’re making me do work? After I came all this way? You’re lucky you’re my best friend Dasilva,” Race teases, but he’s already opening the package to get going. He won’t admit it but he thinks that them putting up the stars together makes it a little more special. Reinforces the idea that they’re a physical reminder of Race and that he loves Albert enough to go through all this trouble for him.
Both boys get to work quickly, dragging furniture around to stand on and filling Albert’s ceiling. They laugh and joke as they work, occasionally trying to create actual constellations only to have the other mess it up. Race is almost successful at creating a dick out of stars before Albert notices and derails his art piece, leaving Race pouting and Albert caught between laughing and telling him off. By the time they finish they are both in considerably better moods and utterly exhausted.
“You gonna sleep here, Racer?” Albert questions, already half-asleep. Race takes off his glasses and sets them on Albert’s nightstand.
“If you think you can get away with waking me up in the middle of the night, making me drive all the way over here, forcing me to work for you, and then not giving me any cuddles in return then you have got another thing coming mister. Now scoot over bitch,” Race demands, not waiting for Albert to move before flopping down onto the bed half-way on top of the other boy.
“Stupider isn’t a word,” Albert says. He adjusts himself anyways, moving over to give Race some more room. Once they are both situated Albert wraps his arm around Race, allowing him to curl into his side. Albert sighs contentedly, holding his friend close and looking at his new ceiling decorations. There really was no way he’d ever be able to look at them and not think of the boy next to him and how much he cares for him. “Hey Racer,” Albert hesitates, “thanks for… everything.”
“‘S no problem Albie,” Race burrows his head into the crook of Albert’s neck and mumbles, “I’d do just about anything for you.”
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
Departed Chap 2
Ship: Slow burn Sprace
Warnings: Oof more mentions of abuse? blood
Thirty minutes later, Race had stopped crying and was now taking a shower in Spot’s bathroom. Spot sighed as he picked up Race’s bloody shirt from the floor. Upon further inspection, he realized it was Race’s favorite white Styx shirt. The blood on the front had dried overnight leaving splotchy brown stains across the logo. It was unlikely that the blood would wash out completely, but Spot decided he would throw it in the washing machine with cold water regardless.
A crash sounded from the bathroom, along with a loud, “Shit!” From Race.
Spot was immediately at the bathroom door, “Race? You okay in there?”
“Yeah,” He heard Race call back, “Sorry! I just dropped the shampoo bottle!”
Spot rolled his eyes, “Alright, idiot, I’ma run down to the laundromat downstairs real fast, you gonna be good for a few minutes?”
All he got back was a bland, “Yeah.”
“Alright, ya know where ta find me.”
On his way out the door, Spot swooped down to grab Race’s discarded jeans as well. He pulled out his phone to absentmindedly check Snapchat during his descent to the basement where the laundromat was located.
“Hey Spottie!” A loud voice called from in front of one of the laundry machines. Spot looked up to see Albert, his across the hall neighbor and long time friend, leaning against a dryer, earbuds dangling down his shirt.
“Hey Albo,” Spot greeted, strolling over to the washing machine across from his friend.
“Yoooo, who fuckin’ died?” Albert said, gesturing wildly to the bloody shirt in Spot’s hand, “Hol’ up a sec, ain’t that Racer’s? He okay?”
“Yeah, he’s fine.” Spot answered, taking out a few quarters and tossing Race’s clothes into the machine.
“What happened?” Albert pushed, “Is it his blood?”
“What, d’you think he murdered someone?” Spot asked, turning to Albert with a slightly amused smirk, “Yeah, it’s his blood, but I dunno if he’d want me sharing what happened.”
Albert was quiet for a minute, “Welp, m’glad he didn’t murder no one.” There was an awkward pause before Albert’s dryer went off signalling his clothes were ready. Spot kicked a laundry basket across the room to him and Albert nodded his thanks.
“See ya around, Spottie-boy.” Albert said, starting to leave. He was almost out the door when he turned around again, “Oh yeah! Are you and Race gonna come to Jack and Kath’s holiday party? Like, everyone’s gonna be there.”
Spot bit his lip, “When’s that again?”
“Monday, after the last midterm.”
“I’ll see if Racer’s up to it, but definitely count us interested.”
“Sure thing, dude,” Albert hoisted his laundry basket higher on his hip, “Whatever’s wrong with Race, uh, tell ‘im to feel better.”
Spot shot him a thumbs up and watched as Albert’s red hair disappeared from sight. He sat down on one of the benches set up in the middle of the room and scrubbed a hand down his face. He didn’t know what he was gonna do about Race. He was obviously lost and scared and the fact that he had left his and Melissa’s apartment meant that he knew his situation was bad, he just didn’t know how to go about fixing it.
He sat in thought for a little while longer until the timer for the washing machine went off. Pulling out Race’s clothes, he grimaced when he saw that the stains were still quite prominent on the front of the shirt.
“Oh, that’s where my clothes went.”
Spot jumped when Race’s voice rang across the room. Race walked over to where Spot was now transferring his stuff to a dryer and clicked his tongue.
“Shame,” He sighed, “That was my favorite shirt. It figures that she’d be the one ta ruin it.”
Spot glanced sideways at him, “M’sorry.”
Race only shrugged, “Whatever.”
“So,” Spot began, “I was thinking that ya should maybe stay with me for a while.”
Race opened his mouth to protest, but Spot continued, “Dude, I know you’re scared of her comin’ after ya or whatever, but she fuckin’ beat the shit outta you last night. There’s no way in hell I’m lettin’ ya go back there.”
“Spot, you don’t understand she’ll-”
“Race, you’re right, I don’t understand. But I promise you, I won’t let her do anythin’ ta ya while you’re with me.”
“Antonio. Please let me help you.” Spot fixed Race with a stern, but pleading look, “I’m real worried an’ I don’t want nothin’ worse happenin’ ta you, man. Last night was bad enough.”
Race looked down at his hands, which were visibly shaking again. He shoved them into his pockets and looked at Spot.
“Alright,” He said, quietly, “I’ma hafta get some stuff from the apartment though-”
“I’ll go,” Spot immediately offered.
“No, Spot,” Race said, shaking his head, “I can go. I’ll just wait until I know she’s at work or some shit.”
Spot considered this, “Okay, but I’m comin’ with ya.”
The car ride to Race and Melissa’s apartment complex was quiet and tense. Race was visibly on edge. He sat, absentmindedly biting his nails, something Spot would normally admonish him for doing. Right now, however, he let Race do whatever he needed to keep collected.
Another few minutes passed in silence before they turned into the apartment parking lot.
“She’s not here, right?” Spot asked, scanning his eyes across the somewhat crowded lot.
“No,” Race mumbled, “I don’t see her car anywhere.”
Spot nodded and pulled into a guest spot. As soon as they were parked, Race unbuckled his seatbelt, “C’mon,” He grumbled, climbing outta the car, “Let’s just get this over with.”
Spot turned off the car and followed Race into the building. Race anxiously chewed on his lip as they took the elevator to the fifth floor.
“You sure you’re up to this?” Spot gently asked.
“Yeah,” Race said, shaking his head to clear it, “Yeah, m’fine.”
Race fumbled with his key for a moment before unlocking the door to his apartment.
“Hello?” He tentatively called. When there was no answer, his shoulders visibly relaxed.
“Okay,” Race said, already making his way across the living room to his and Melissa’s bedroom, “I’ll just be a minute.”
Spot hummed in acknowledgement and took a minute to observe the place. Race had only been living with Melissa for half a year, so Spot had only ever been here once to pick him up on the way to campus when he needed a ride. The apartment still looked generally the same as it had the last time he was here, but the atmosphere was different. It seemed darker, gloomier, and upon further inspection, Spot could see bits of broken glass on the floor behind the couch. He winced as images of Race cowering from Melissa who was coming towards him with a bottle flashed through his mind and suddenly, he wanted to be anywhere but there. It felt like he was standing in a crime scene.
“Let’s go,” Race’s voice snapped Spot out of his thoughts, “I got m’shit. Let’s leave before she comes back.”
Race was carrying nothing but his backpack with his coursework in it and a small duffel bag. His stance was tense and uncomfortable, almost like he wanted to run.
“Alright, c’mon.” Spot said, opening the door to the apartment to let Race through.
Once they were back down at the car, Spot popped the trunk so Race could stow his belongings.
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot ta ask,” Spot said, as Race shut the trunk.
“I saw Albert in the laundromat earlier. He wanted ta know if we were goin’ ta Jack and Katherine’s holiday thing Monday. Wouldja wanna go? I totally understand if you don’t-”
Spot,” Race cut off Spot before he could start rambling, “Yeah, we can go.”
“Alright, if ya sure,” When Race still didn’t object, Spot said, “I’ll let Jackie know we’re comin’.”
The two boys lapsed back into quiet as Spot pulled out of their parking space and Race began to hum to himself again, something Spot observed that he did when he felt awkward. Eventually they arrived back at Spot’s apartment complex.
“Thanks, man,” Race said, before opening his car door, “For lettin’ me stay with ya.”
“”Course, Racer.”
That night, Race cooked his favorite lasagna for the two of them, waving down Spot’s offers to order take-out. Cooking had always been a comforting activity for Race. He had grown up in a purely Italian household and had been working in the kitchen from a young age. Whenever he was stressed or upset, he cooked. It was safe and whenever he could feel something getting out of hand, it was the one thing he felt in control of.
He and Spot sat in front of the TV and watched House Hunters as they ate. As the night went on, Race began to relax and Spot could feel himself starting to doze.
“Spot, dude, wake up.” Spot jerked awake and blinked, trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness.
He heard Race chuckle, “You we’re droolin’ on my pillow. Since when do ya drool?”
“I don’t,” Spot muttered, wiping at his mouth where there was, indeed, drool, “Or I usually don’t.”
Race laughed again, “You should sleep.”
“You should too,” Spot countered, he pulled himself stiffly off the couch and waved his hand over the blankets and pillows that were still there from the night previous, “These still gonna be okay?”
Race nodded, “Yeah, go ahead and sleep, man. You look dead.”
“Says you,” Spot retorted.
“Shut up.”
“What time’s it, anyway?” Spot said, squinting at the clock.
“Two somethin’,” Race said, pulling his toothbrush from his duffel, “Can I use your bathroom?”
“Ya don’t gotta ask,” Spot said, starting to walk towards his own bedroom, nodding for Race to follow. Race quietly slipped into the bathroom as Spot pulled a fresh pair of sweatpants from his drawer. A few minutes later, Race came out and gestured for Spot to take his turn.
Race wasn’t in the room anymore when Spot was done. He poked his head out of his bedroom to call, “Night Racer.”
A few seconds later he heard Race sleepily call, “G’night Spottie.”
As he settled into his bed, Spot took a deep breath. He had Race here and safe. It was going to be okay.
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fungusbabey · 6 years
sleepy cuddly jojo headcanons
as requested by @crystalball-anon
-he’s always cuddly and sleepy, but it gets amplified by like 10 times (who knew that was possible?) when he’s tired
-he’d hug you (from in front and from behind, whichever is facing him), bury his face in your neck, and groan but he’d smile at the contact
-or if you were lying down, he’d wrap all of his limbs around you and chatter, asking you about your day and rambling about how amazing you were
-but the thing is, he’d also get super cuddly with the guys
-he’d sit really close to one of them and they’d look over after a while of him not saying anything and he’d have these big ol’ puppy dog eyes and no one could deny the hugs he’d ask for
-some of them would be comfortable to full on cuddle with him
-race and good boy albo are the ones who really come to mind when thinking of those who would give Sleepy Boy his cuddles
-jack would buy him a teddy bear so he’d have something when humans we unable to provide him the snugs he needs
-he’d also be really whiny when he’s tired and make lots of grabby hands
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timetogoslumming · 7 years
okay. we got to talking about headcanons tonight, and i got to rambling. so here are some of my newsies hcs.
okay so spot is a vegetarian. know that. you'll pry veggie spot from my cold, dead hands. gay. just straight up gay. but it took him a long time to recognize that. he was raised by a single dad, and his mom is in prison, and he has a much older sister that he's not close to. (i actually have a really detailed backstory for him that im saving for a rainy day.) speaking of rainy days, he loves them. spot is very into that "treat your body like a temple thing". he does yoga. lifeguard. plays a lot of app games? like angry birds, temple run, etc. loves to read. depending on the au, he's either a law student or works in construction with jack. he's got some ptsd from Some Stuff That Happened Once. drives a big ass jeep with loud music, usually either rock or rap, blaring from the speakers. actually a really good rapper, but pretty much no one sees that. likes to read.
sarah is like 90% gay. she'll occasionally make out with a guy for fun, like with jack, but let's be real. when she decides to settle down, it's going to be with a lady. she and davey are twins. she's a botanist with a big interest in environmental conservation (science twins.) very sarcastic. she's the less compassionate twin.
specs is nearly legally blind, but not quite there. he's a ridiculously slow driver. dad friend. bi. dancer at nyu. also plays baseball and the cello, and he's very athletic- he runs every day. specs is incredibly detail-oriented and responsible. also, he and jack are the oldest, and he's kind of jack's secret right hand man. a lot of people think it's race or crutchie before davey shows up, but no. it's actually specs, he just works in the wings. loves crime shows. he and romeo are really into the paranormal- like ghosts and stuff.
in my head, romeo is colombian, so i dont see him as any of the actors that played him. he's gay, but also ace, but flirts a lot just because he thinks it's fun. he and specs have been best friends forever (im not getting too into detail about that but keep reading my christmas au). romeo loves candy, and constantly has like, a bag of twizzlers or pixie sticks in his bag or something. he's really good at crafts, especially making friendship bracelets. like specs, loves the paranormal.
kath has chronic migraines. she ids as queer. she wants to be a reporter, but has a very successful blog, as well. (like a long-form blog, not like tumblr) with a few thousand followers. very politically inclined, and she and elmer talk about politics a lot. she and jack dated for a while, and they had a legitimately good time, but things sometimes just dont work out, and thats what happened with them. kath also really loves youtubers and spends more time than she wants to admit watching makeup tutorials. her dad is pulitzer, but he and her mom never married, so her actual last name is plumber (her mom's maiden name) and she was raised by her and her stepdad, who she adores.
okay so he's diabetic. (btw the mush fc i always have in my head is ephraim.) he's SUPER good with kids. like, they think he's an absolute superhero. he's really, really patient and tells really good stories. he's a big ol stoner. he and blink are best friends (sorry, i dont ship it!!) and he's quite a potty mouth. mush and blink are actually REALLY fratty. also, he plays guitar
albo is colorblind. it gives him a variety of vision problems. albo is obsessed with cryptids: his favorite is bigfoot, and he's also very into aliens. favorite movies: space jam and the fast and the furious. albo is also dyslexic and adhd- he and jack bond over it. as a result, school really isnt his thing, and he just sort of wants to be a mechanic, because cars make sense to him and he loves them. then there's his whole backstory- two older brothers, one of whom is a marine, and then a half sister. his dad cheated on his mom and got the girlfriend pregnant, but he loves his sister a whole lot. albert likes to make a lot of jokes about his colorblindness. he is also pan or queer bc what is projecting, anyway? ummmmm................ he gets really frustrated by how he's treated because of his learning disabilities. he loves dogs and cities and loud noises. also, that boy is a mama’s boy
jack has severe dyslexia, to the point where reading is EXTREMELY difficult and frustrating for him, so he just doesnt do it. he's also got adhd. he's an artist, but for his day job, he's a house painter. or sometimes just generally in construction, idk. i generally make him a painter. he does a lot of odd jobs. jack loves cartoons. his favorite show is bob's burgers. he also loves american ninja warrior. likes to think he's fearless but he's actually pretty scared of thunder. jack unironically loves nickelback
race is a future rocket scientist, obviously. his dream is to get people on mars. he's got severe adhd. he's constantly fidgeting, and his favorite fidget toys are tennis balls or rubiks cubes. ps he can solves a rubiks cube in under half a minute. loves the kardashians- especially khloe. used to do a lot of shoplifting, but grew out of it. scared of horses. not a huge fan of animals in general, actually. queer or pan. totally tells everyone that his favorite color is green, but it’s be real. it’s gold glitter. used to smoke like a chimney but quit, although it was a struggle. 
gay. hecka gay. he realized that he was gay when he played soccer and realized that he didnt want to be the soccer player, he just WANTED the soccer player. loves animals but snakes especially. also really likes alligators? anxiety, but like, the kind of anxiety where if you try to talk to him, he'll get pissed. let him be alone. started as a business major for practicality but switched to zoology. RIDICULOUSLY sarcastic. very flirty. has had multiple relationships before jack. scared of heights. doesnt love horses, but he'll deal with them. loves lord of the rings more than almost anything. hates getting his hair wet. VERY good at mario kart. he used to speedrun it and at one point, he was 14th in the world. 
okay so: crutchie's disability can be a few things, depending on  the universe im using, but i generally do it as either a degenerative disorder or a major injury that was never treated properly so it never healed. hates mornings. so much. terrible loser. will literally fight you if he loses. sarcastic. can be kind of an asshole. wants to be a runner. : ((( crutchie is THE best wingman. like, you’re trying to impress someone? call up the big leagues aka crutchie
sarcastic motherfucker. news junkie. super skeptical. questions everything. trouble with his eyesight. he's the kind of guy who replays arguments in his head thinking up comebacks he should have used. he'll text you at 3 am like "AND ANOTHER THING"
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jack-cowboy-kelly · 7 years
Can I have a ship please? I'm not entirely sure how they work, so I'm going to go off what I've seen from others. I'm 5'6, with chest length dirty blonde hair. I talk/ramble a lot, I'm really shy but when I warm up to someone I get loud and talkative. I love musical theater, history, and speech. I do tech crew and sometimes act although I get really nervous on stage. I live off sugary coffee and I love cats. Things I look for in relationships are support and kindness. (I hope I did that right)
ooooh I think albo is your boyo
when you are in a show, hes always front and center in the audience! he loves to hear you ramble about history or current events (he likes your voice). he also brings you coffee when he can afford it bc hes a sweet boi
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albobeati7 · 9 months
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albobeati7 · 2 months
Hey, I love your artwork, so, I was wondering, is that okay to help you with ideas to draw, cause I'm an editor, so I can send you a photo, that can help you, if you like to?
Thanks! Im glad you like my art!
And thanks for the offer!
Im good on ideas but i appreciate you reaching out! And best of luck on all your edits!
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albobeati7 · 8 months
that digital circus thingy is taking over my dash so imma watch it before i get spoiled LOL
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albobeati7 · 1 year
Imagining a domestic-ish AU where non humans and humans can be in the same universe and its not AS weird 😎
And the Terror Trio are all content creators:
Streex is obv a trick skating shark mutant. That's hecking lit. While trick skating makes up most of his content, he also does drum covers and will HAPPILY roast your favorite musical during a stream or something. Because he's a theater kid with ✨️opinions✨️ Also my man's can sing 🎶. He'll also talk about his life since becoming a mutant and will answer questions buuuuut it usually devolves into theatrical roasting. And yes, there are thirst traps 💋
Vinnie is a dare devil biker mad mouse from Mars 😈. His content includes stunts, racing vlogs, and him performing wild dares and challenges from his ADORING public. Also the self proclaimed selfie King, he's ALWAYS taking a selfie. Like, c'mon, he can't get ENOUGH of himself. He'll also have story time, talking about his time in the rebel forces on Mars and his work on earth too! And yes, there are thirst traps.👅💦
Now Brooklyn still had that sweet 1000 year sleep and had to wake up to new world, new tech, ect, ect. But y'know, once things got settled, I could DEF see him getting into street/urban photography. He doesn't seem like the type who NEEDS the spotlight on HIMSELF, but loves to capture the beauty around him. And when you can scale buildings like HE can, getting some crazy angled, perfect shots is a reward on its own! Vidoegraphy is a more recent passion of his and what sets off his content creating journey (and its also how he meets Streex and Vinnie in this AU 👀👀👀). He'll hold streams to show off his editing process and talk about his adjustment to modern times. Alot of people come for the art, stay for the voice tho--....he shoots the thirst traps for the other two when they start dating 🤫
......I have been thinking about this all day, it's SO FUN AAAUGH!
But I'll stop with the ramblings here 😌😌😌
.....Unless 🤔🤔🤔
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albobeati7 · 4 months
Just a quick message to thank you for being an awesome mutual and bearing with me and my Biker Mice shenanigans.
Thank you for everything, and I wish you the best.
Rock and ride buddy ! 🐭
Heck yeah bruv!!!
Its our Biker Mice Shenanigans that brought us together! And i love that!
Wishing you the best too!!
Rock and Ride BRUV!!
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albobeati7 · 1 year
do you know extreme dinosaurs? if you knew, what do you think of this animation?
I watched it a big growing up, but like with many other shows i'm revisiting, I didn't really watch it all the way through!
So I'll be doing that once I'm done with my Gargoyles watch through :D
Always seeking more content at ALL times
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albobeati7 · 1 year
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So I play Star Stable Online because I never left my horse girl phase, and they are having their Pride Event, so ya’ll gonna be subjected to the Pride horses rn (Also if u are horse loving person, check out the honking game)
(They had all my flags :’D)
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