munequitx-blog · 10 years
that black america rp'r was the hero the hetalia fandom deserves AND the one it needs right now
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imovedwhoopssorry · 11 years
albsureashell replied to your post:i want to put xochi in a romance with a human...
thank you for your support
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imperiumxromanum · 11 years
albsureashell replied to your post: How you feel about them Christian folk that started poppin up alla sudden?
They are interesting to study, the Roman gods. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, I guess. *chuckles*
Do you know much about my father?
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facciataa · 11 years
we should totally rp sometime uwu I love your character, and I think it'd be awesome if we did ouo
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munequitx-blog · 11 years
albsureashell said: Yeah, that’s….I mean, I’m sorry to hear that, man.
[chin hands at him]
[bats his eyelashes]
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imovedwhoopssorry · 11 years
albsureashell replied to your post:i think coffee is an acquired taste, like wine or...
((COFFEEEEEEEEEE Do you like yours flavored?))
i'm actually starting to like my coffee black. as black as my soul was through my sixth-grade hot topic phase.
either that or w/ chocolate
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imperiumxromanum · 11 years
How you feel about them Christian folk that started poppin up alla sudden?
As long as they were not breaking Roman laws, we did not mind what religion someone was.
... Until Nero. Nero was not kind to them at all- blaming them for a fire that destroyed large parts of my city... I do not want to go into detail- fearing that if I do, I will cause an upset with "the Vatican". I went along with many of these things- orders are orders and... well. I was not kind to them either after the Fire. I do not care if one's religion is different. But they refused to participate in our Roman traditions. Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more; Si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi.
Constantine- he was the first Emperor to start accepting Christianity. As that happened, my people started to accept it more. I accepted it more-so. I do not mind if someone is Christian, nowadays. I believe differently- although I have been baptized Christian. I cannot leave behind my Gods, however. The ones that were with me at my rise, at my height- it is hard to turn one's back on something as important as that.
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sheepsy · 11 years
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munequitx-blog · 11 years
albsureashell said: Maybe you should just carry around a mirror and adore yourself *snorts*
I am the princess I deserve affection.
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sappyhub · 11 years
albsureashell replied to your post: I have a joke. What do you get when you cross a...
a talking turd?
A dummy doodoo.
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imovedwhoopssorry · 11 years
albsureashell replied to your post: then finish him! finish him off!
*laughing* Dis ain’t Mortal Kombat bruh!
I don't know what this is anymore.
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albsureashell ha reblogueado tu publicación: albsureashell ha contestado a tu publicación:...
oh. ((ooooohhhhhhh)) Anyway, how you been?
Yeah- well *laughs* I've been busy.
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feelboss · 11 years
*pantomimes jerking-off motion*
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imperiumxromanum · 11 years
albsureashell replied to your post: albsureashell replied to your post: Uh, Mister...
You funny doe.
I am not a female deer- although I am hilarious.
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sheepsy · 11 years
((that was from ooc for ic "I agree he should burn...who is he again?"))
[[ Oh!! Ehehe thank you~~ yes Aija is having logic yes she is! ]]
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lalelervebaklava-blog · 11 years
albsureashell replied to your post: albsureashell replied to...
reblog replies? do you just copy/paste, and then make text post?
Oh! You meant a literal reply. Yeah you just copy/ paste and make a text post.
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