#alcohol moderation
morningmantra · 6 months
10 Tips for a Healthier, Happier You: Embracing a Balanced Lifestyle for Optimal Well-being
10 Tips for a Healthier, Happier You: Embracing a Balanced Lifestyle for Optimal Well-being.Read More...
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body weight can seem like a daunting task. However, making small, consistent changes can significantly impact your overall well-being. Here are 10 tips to help you achieve your health and fitness goals: 1. Prioritize Nutrient-Rich Foods Nourish your body with an abundance of nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits,…
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canisalbus · 8 months
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✦ Tipsy ✦
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why-the-heck-not · 9 months
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16.09.23, saturday
fun beverages >>>>>
things done today:
2h of coding
a long-ish walk
actually reserved some time for reading
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jackednephi · 4 months
Anyway I found a cake mix and had some scraps of things so I tried to make cupcakes. You can pinpoint the exact cupcake where I went "lol screw this my hand is broken"
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Observe my hideous but tasty children. They've given me ideas for future endeavors and represent much needed calories
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focsle · 2 months
I gotta make batches of switchel more often to cut down on my Bourbon While Cooking Dinner habit…
I’m not an alcoholic I just need a fun drink to sip that is a little sharp to bribe myself into cooking.
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rockybloo · 16 days
If your characters were alcoholic beverages, I would die from an alcohol overdose (but I would keep drinking in the afterlife)
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deweydecimalchickens · 9 months
So I went down a rabbit hole after the throwaway comment about England's Queen(ish) Matilda/Maud in 'Only Murders in the Building'. You get a years-long civil war known as The Anarchy in the 12th century (Cadfael times) after Henry I died without a legitimate male heir (one legitimate daughter and 24 illegitimate kids). Henry's daughter Matilda and his nephew Stephen are fighting for the throne. I maintain this period should actually be called The Bullshit for reasons including but not limited to:
Entire crisis precipitated by putting all your eggs in one basket, or in this case aristocrats in one boat. The White Ship disaster (which is caused by the passengers getting drunk on the heir's wine and wanting to race another boat) takes out, as far as I can tell, 300 people important enough to be doing international travel in 1120, including the heir to the throne and two of his half-siblings. It's a bit of a political problem.
Stephen, incidentally, was supposed to be on the White Ship but misses it because he's got the shits.
Henry I dies FIFTEEN YEARS LATER, of an honest-to-god SURFEIT OF LAMPREYS (palfreys, according to '1066 and All That'), not having managed to produce another legitimate male child despite apparently being very worried about it and marrying a second wife for this very purpose.
Stephen and Matilda basically fight to a standstill over multiple years with the amount of ridiculous capturings-and-escapings you'd expect from a children's cartoon where nobody can die and the villain has to come back next week, and not actual for-reals warfare. The country is nonfunctional while all this shit is going on. At one point Stephen just straight-up lets Matilda go, because he's too stupid to live, apparently.
Matilda gets as far as a coronation but is chased out by a hostile crowd because god forbid women do anything. She keeps the title 'Lady of the English' which is like when you don't get any more money but your job title gets fancier.
The eventual solution, that Stephen can keep the throne but Matilda's son will inherit, absolutely stinks of everyone else being sick of their nonsense and wanting it to be over. (Stephen has a son, but he's called Eustace so he's obviously shit, but nobody knows this because CS Lewis hasn't been invented yet.)
ANYWAY! That's not the point. The point is Adeliza of Louvain, Matilda's stepmother. Henry I marries her in 1121, after his first wife dies in 1118 and his only legitimate son dies in 1120. Her one job is to produce a male heir to ward off a succession crisis. He's a 54-year-old with 24 illegitimate kids who claimed the throne after his brother had a hunting accident. She's an 18-year-old who likes French poetry. They are together for fourteen years until Henry dies of eating goddamn eels in 1135. They have zero (0) children.
Henry's bits clearly work; see above re: 24 illegitimate children. Okay he's getting on, but that's not a problem for fathers the way it is for mothers. It's not like their part of the baby-making process is difficult or time-consuming.
Maybe she's tragically infertile? LOL NOPE. Three years after Henry dies, Adeliza remarries - to William d'Aubigny, who is six years younger than her. Starting in her thirties, she has seven children with him in twelve years before fucking off to an abbey.
I can only conclude Adeliza - barely an adult, married to the king of England, given the one job of Incubator With A Pulse - spent fourteen years fighting Henry off her lady parts with a shovel. As soon as she's free to marry her toyboy, she has ALL the babies, until she loses interest and does something else instead.
I want to talk to this incredible woman. I need a ouija board and someone who can speak Medieval French.
This has been an episode of Feverish History.
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sneckoil · 2 months
crashing 👍
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eggnogs-art · 6 months
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More oc art RAHHHHH (i really shouldve written their names on the sheets but whatever) his name is ezekiel (zeke for short) and he needs more art tbh like im kinda lacking ngl
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
I love OP but I loathe the way Oda treats alcohol? Maybe I’m not seeing it but I feel like he treats characters drinking a lot as fun trait? I came from country where alcoholism is extremely prevalent and I know how it makes people suffer even if it’s just for fun? What do you think
I mean, I understand the concern and dislike for alcohol, but drinking is something very cliché and common when it comes to pirates. It's one of those traits everybody associates with the title. I actually think the drinking in OP is like, less prominent than it probably would be if they were treated as irl/common pirates.
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solradguy · 11 months
I was raised as turbo mega catholic so being naked was Bad but obviously I'd still see nudity occasionally and when I was a kid I'd ask my dad why the naked person was allowed to be naked if it was bad, and he'd be like "It's alright to be naked if it's art" but then he'd say that about every naked person lol
My uncle had a mug where the handle was a naked woman with her arms up behind her head and cartoonishly pink nipples, and I asked my dad why uncle had a naked woman cup and he was like "A woman's body is art so it's alright." He said about the same for a nude marble sculpture of a man too. Something along the lines of "The human form is art. Look at how much skill it takes to depict the muscles and emotion." It confused me as a child but it's funny to look back on it. He wasn't wrong
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bogkeep · 6 months
there's many foods and drinks i miss from norway but i will say the swedes have a Very good selection of (non-alcoholic!!!) gløgg. you have of course, the classic gløgg, but also orange gløgg, or pear gløgg, or even flavours like mojito gløgg, or raspberry and liquorice gløgg? delicious thank you
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elluminis · 4 months
“hey lib what do you get up to when you’re drunk” the answer is cartwheels. fuckin pulled a muscle in my leg cartwheeling around like a dumbass
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stop-entropy-lie-down · 15 hours
alcoholism is so easy and acceptable and encouraged wtf
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They made Wakasa a drunk!! I can't believe it! he had so much style!
I hope that in the good ending he will no longer be like that
I mean he still has his style! He's just now someone who enjoys alcohol a lot too, he did seem to take it a little too far though. I'm sure in the good ending Shinichiro, Benkei, Senju and Inui all helped him out though, supported him and helped him to cut back a bit.
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melloneah · 1 month
just had my mother walk up to me, pause, and very seriously ask ‘helena………..you’re not an alcoholic, right?’
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