#alejo vidal quadras
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Alejo Vidal-Quadras paints Audrey Hepburn in his Paris atelier in 1965.
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filodendron63 · 7 months
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basilepesso · 7 months
Ancien président de VOX, Vidal Quadras vient de se prendre une balle dans la tête dans la rue à Madrid.
Il est l'ancien président du PP catalan (UMP espagnol), ancien président du Conseil européen il y a 10 ans environ, et membre de la fondation Amis Européens d'Israël.
Cet attentat probablement mortel s'inscrit à la fois dans le contexte israélo-palestinien et la lutte de plusieurs partis dont le PP et VOX contre la loi d'amnistie contre la bande de Puigdemont. Le thème "haine contre VOX" semble secondaire car Vidal Quadras n'est plus tant considéré comme ancien président de VOX que comme "ennemi de l'indépendance catalane".
C'est le 1er ministre Sánchez qui a proposé cette loi pour amnistier le groupe de séparatistes qui avaient mis le feu aux poudres en 2 017.
Basile Pesso, 9 novembre 2 023 (Fb)
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gwydionmisha · 7 months
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graceandfamily · 2 years
The Australian Women’s Weekly (September 20, 1961)
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jugosocial · 7 months
Video de Alejo Vidal-Quadras que es necesario ver
Recordemos estas palabras de Alejo Vidal-Quadras pronunciadas días antes de que fuera tiroteado en la cara: “… la sociedad civil tiene que movilizarse… “ Recordemos esto 👏 https://t.co/fUaCINXmyr— Chinpum (@ladypinpom) November 13, 2023 Video de Alejo Vidal-Quadras que es necesario ver 11 principios que Sánchez aplica sin parar Descarga la Guía del Manifestante
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12endigital · 7 months
Disparan en la cara al expresidente del PP de Cataluña, Alejo Vidal-Quadras
El expresidente del PP de Cataluña y candidato de Vox a las elecciones europeas de 2014, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, ha recibido un disparo en la cara sobre la 13:30 horas en pleno barrio de Salamanca, Madrid. Según los informes médicos, el expresidente del PP presenta una doble fractura mandibular y debe ser intervenido quirúrgicamente. A pesar de ello, el partido ha confirmado a través de un…
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markdigitalcr · 5 months
Así cayó el venezolano que participó en el atentado contra político español (VIDEO)
El venezolano Greg Oliver Higuera, acusado de participar en el atentado contra el político español Alejo Vidal-Quadras, fue detenido mientras intentaba ingresar a Colombia – crédito Jesús Aviles / Infobae   El miércoles 16 de enero se dio a conocer que en la frontera colombo-venezolana fue capturado un ciudadano venezolano identificado como Greg Oliver Higuera…Así cayó el venezolano que participó…
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swldx · 5 months
12095Khz 0359 18 JAN 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM)  in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55434. English, ID@0359z pips and Newsroom preview. @0401z World News anchored by Roisin Hastie. The US has carried out a fourth round of strikes on Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen, Pentagon officials confirmed on Wednesday night. The strikes come as the US designated the Houthis as "global terrorists". Wednesday's strikes on Houthi targets followed further attacks on commercial shipping. Hours earlier, the group struck a US owned and operated vessel for the second time this week. The rebels used a one-way drone to target the M/V Genco Picardy in the Gulf of Aden, Centcom said. The ship suffered some damage, but no crew members were injured in the attack. Singapore's transport minister S Iswaran has resigned after he was formally informed of charges, including that of corruption, by the country's anti-graft agency after months of investigations. On Thursday, Iswaran appeared in court and was handed 27 charges. There were 24 charges of obtaining gratification as a public servant, two charges of corruption and one charge of obstructing the course of justice. He pleaded not guilty. China and the Philippines agreed to improve maritime communication and to properly manage conflicts and differences through friendly talks in regards to issues around the South China Sea, their foreign ministries said in a statement. The public prosecutor who was leading the investigation into the on-air assault on an Ecuadorian television station has been shot and killed in a brazen daylight attack in the crime-ridden city of Guayaquil. Ecuador has been shaken by a dramatic surge in violence, including the dramatic attack on the studio of TC Television in Guayaquil, the hostage-taking of more than 200 prison staff, explosions in several cities and the kidnapping of police officers. Colombian police say they have arrested a Venezuelan suspected of involvement in the alleged attempted assassination in Madrid last year of a co-founder of Spain’s far-right Vox party. Greg Oliver Higuera Marcano was wanted in connection with last year’s shooting of Alejo Vidal-Quadras, a former leader of Spain’s main rightwing political party in Catalonia who went on to co-found Vox, and is a former vice-president of the European parliament. A Salvadoran woman has been freed from prison more than seven years after she was convicted for having an abortion. The 28-year-old, identified only as Lilian, was sentenced to 30 years in prison in 2015. She gave birth to a girl in a public hospital in 2015, but the baby suffered health complications and died there three days later. There is a total ban on abortion in El Salvador, which has one of the world's strictest anti-abortion laws. Prosecutors had accused Lilian of not taking care of the foetus during her pregnancy, and she was charged with negligence and aggravated murder. Lilian, who has a 10-year-old daughter, has always maintained her innocence, and said she never intended to terminate her pregnancy. Rishi Sunak has succeeded in getting his key Rwanda bill through the House of Commons after a Tory rebellion failed to materialise. The bill, which aims to stop legal challenges against ministers' plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, was approved by 320 votes to 276 votes. The bill now goes to the House of Lords where it will face stiff opposition. On Wednesday, former immigration minister Robert Jenrick tabled an amendment which would permit the UK government to ignore parts of human rights law in relation to sending people to Rwanda. The Princess of Wales is to stay in hospital for up to two weeks after undergoing abdominal surgery. The palace did not disclose further details about her condition but said it is not cancer-related. @0406z "The Newsroom" begins. Backyard gutter antenna, Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2159.
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gracie-bird · 6 months
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Spanish artist, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, with Princess Caroline and Prince Albert at the palace nursery in 1959.
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ferrolano-blog · 6 months
Un concejal, Daniel Pérez, ha dejado en las redes su satisfacción por el atentado a Alejo Vidal-Quadras. “Hoy es un buen día”. Lo cerró a la noche cuando se supo que lo que estaba determinado a ser mortal se convertía en grave. “No acabó siendo un buen día”, manifestó al enterarse... Lo que distingue a un grupo político de una organización de malhechores, de una mafia, es que tienen muy clara la diferencia entre un crimen y una opción política (Gregorio Morán)
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yespat49 · 6 months
Espagne : Le tireur qui a tenté d’assassiner l’un des fondateurs de Vox, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, serait un franco-tunisien actuellement en fuite.
Michel Festivi  Silence radio dans les médias français. La police spéciale madrilène a arrêté et fait mettre en détention un dénommé Naraya Gomez, incarcéré dans une prison madrilène à Soto del Real, où il est détenu au niveau 3, c’est-à-dire dans un quartier réservé à ceux qui relèvent du terrorisme. Continue reading Untitled
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korrektheiten · 7 months
SpanienNach Schüssen auf Vox-Mitgründer: Polizei verhaftet Verdächtige
Die JF schreibt: »Knapp zwei Wochen nach dem Attentat auf den Vox-Mitgründer Alejo Vidal-Quadras verhaftet die spanische Polizei mehrere Verdächtige. Ein politisches Motiv kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Dieser Beitrag SpanienNach Schüssen auf Vox-Mitgründer: Polizei verhaftet Verdächtige wurde veröffentlich auf JUNGE FREIHEIT. http://dlvr.it/Sz73L4 «
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themfp1 · 7 months
Tehran's Reign of Terror Requires a Rapid Response
By: Ken Blackwell In the aftermath of Tehran’s recent warmongering in the Middle East last month, the ominous specter of the Iranian regime’s designs materialized once more in a chilling act of terrorism on the streets of Madrid on Thursday. Prominent Spanish politician, Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, President of the International Committee in Search of Justice and former Vice President of the…
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lilbukatnews · 7 months
Perdiguero: "A Vidal-Quadras le dispararon el día del acuerdo Junts-PSOE"
Alfredo Perdiguero no oculta su sorpresa con el presunto atentado contra la vida del ex popular y fundador de Vox, Alejo Vidal-Quadras — Leer en okdiario.com/espana/perdiguero-vidal-quadras-dispararon-dia-del-acuerdo-junts-psoe-hay-cosas-que-dan-grima-11894061
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jaumesclub · 7 months
En el nou capítol de: "Un home 10", Jau Fibla, el carismàtic i sexi presentador, transporta l'audiència a una jornada plena de diversió, informació i reflexió. 💫 Amb la seva habilitat única per connectar amb el públic, en Jau ofereix un contingut ric i variat que captiva cada dia al millor de l'audiència de parla catalana! Aquesta vegada, el programa aborda el dia de la ciència per la pau i el desenvolupament, el dia de la sostenibilitat i el de la lluita contra el càncer neuroendocrí. Una oportunitat per aprendre i reflexionar sobre temes crucials que afecten la nostra societat. 🌐🔬 En un altre àmbit, comentem les protestes ultra per l'acord d'investidura!📰👥 El programa també destaca la crisi a l'Orient Mitjà i presenta emocionants detalls sobre mega ciutats futuristes en projecte, transportant l'espectador a un futur potencial fascinant. 🌆🤖 En l'àmbit dels successos: Alejo Vidal-Quadras sobreviu a un tret a la cara, i us expliquem l'impactant història de l'assassina que tenia orgasmes al matar, explorant la màgica complexitat de la psique humana. 😱💔 Barcelona rep un 12% menys de recursos que la mitjana espanyola, les desigualtats territorials son una realitat sovint injusta. 🏙️💰 Hi ha hagut una erupció d'un volcà submarí a Japó!🌋🌊 Kiko Rivera té un canal a Twitch, ja era hora! no?🎮👑 Piqué, amb la seva usual reserva, no es mulla sobre el cas Rubiales, la qual cosa ja ens diu de quin costat està!⚽🤐 Finalment, el programa informa sobre una recent condemna contra Robert De Niro, una notícia que segur captivarà l'atenció dels amants del cinema. 🎬⚖️ Per acabar, celebrem l'aniversari de Taron Egerton, una estrella que segueix brillant amb el pas del temps. 🎉🎂
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