#alexa play I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red
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TOLKIEN: Zzzzzzzzrzrzrzrrzzzz
TOLKIEN: Zzazzazazezezezezezrzrzzrrzrrr
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TOLKIEN: Huhhheheehdbfd…
TOLKIEN: What the fuck?
TOLKIEN: Why is my phone going off?
TOLKIEN: Are the fucking queers calling me again?
TOLKIEN: Eeeeyup its them
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GARY: Have you ever been beaten by a wet spaghetti noodle by your girlfriend cuz she has a twin sister and you got confused and fucked her dad, well that’s how it feels to drive a Ford F-250. That sounds really cool. But you know what else is cool? The new 2020 Ford F-150, winner of 10 J.D. power awards. Perfect for hauling big things and going long distances. But you want to go offroad? Try the new Raptor Edition, which cannot just go offroad, it is perfect for going extreme off-roading. You can go rock climbing or across a desert, really quickly. It is also good for the great American thing - BBQs! In fact, you can haul MORE than one oven! That's pretty cool, huh? So hurry, and buy the new 2020 Ford F-150, now for sale at your local Ford dealership. RED: Wgat RED: Stop RED: Stop speaking BEBE: Girl get the tape from the backseat RED: Already on it NICHOLE: Heyyyy Tolkien NICHOLE: Did I wake you?
NICHOLE: Oh NICHOLE: That’s  NICHOLE: That's good
TOLKIEN: What's going on
NICHOLE: So uhm NICHOLE: Ahahaha NICHOLE: Funny story
TOLKIEN: Nichole what did you do??
TOLKIEN: Did you fuckin
TOLKIEN: Commit fraud?
NICHOLE: What NICHOLE: No NICHOLE: Of course not NICHOLE: I am a law abiding citizen NICHOLE: Except for when it comes to the Barbie Movies
TOLKIEN: Okay? We’ve all  pirated a Barbie Movie
TOLKIEN: What makes you special?
TOLKIEN: If it's not fraud or piracy what did you even do
NICHOLE: There’s a sentient advertisement in our Porsche now
TOLKIEN: Excuse me?
NICHOLE: Yeah uh NICHOLE: We saw Gary NICHOLE: Or G-4R-Y if you wanna use his actual name? NICHOLE: Fuck I don't know anymore NICHOLE: He was walking in the cold for some reason? NICHOLE: And you know how he only speaks in ads?
TOLKIEN: We all do
BEBE: Wait BITCH do you think we could reprogram him to be like
GARY: Need some music for that impromptu dance off? Ask Alexa to play songs or playlists from Prime Music and Spotify so you're always ready to show off your sweet moves-if that's what you call them ;) "Amazon Echo: Alec Baldwin and Missy Elliott Dance Party Commercial" via @popisms :https://www.popisms.com/TelevisionCommercial/126873/Amazon-Echo-Commercial-2016 GARY: I really don't want you to see me like this. You need some entrance music. Alexa, play Alex dance playlist. Playing Alex playlist. That's dance music? Alexa, play Pep Rally by Missy Elliott. Really? Perfect! I got a little something for you. It's beautiful. Does this mean I'm gonna be in your next video? Let me see what you got. (Lyrics) Anything you want me to (Lyrics) Pep rally, pep rally, pep rally Oh, this a pep rally Pep rally, pep rally, pep rally Bounce, biggity bounce, biggity-biggity bounce, bounce Where my clappers that stomp? Now rock with it Bounce, biggity bounce, biggity-biggity bounce via @popisms : https://www.popisms.com/TelevisionCommercial/126873/Amazon-Echo-Commercial-2016 GARY: I’m Gary! The Mormon who advertises! RED: I mean RED: I’ll become a mechanic if it gets him to stfu 💀💀💀 WENDY: No- RED- NO PUT THE WRENCH DOWN! RED: FUCK YOU GARY: The future. You used to chase it. Now you’re living in it. The Wavefront is an all-electric automobile that propels driving into a new era. With sleek, aerodynamic design, and ultrasonic sensors that prevent collisions, there’s no more getting left behind. Life’s short. Drive fast.  GARY: I’m Gary! The Mormon who advertises! RED: SHUT THE FUCK UP!! WENDY: RED!! NO!! BEBE: GIRLY POPS AS MUCH AS I LOVE YOU BEBE: I'M GONNA HIT A DEER IF YOU ALL DONT HUSH RED: WENDY LET ME GO I'M GONNA KILL HIM WENDY: WE ARE NOT KILLING THE AD NICHOLE: SHUT THE FUCK UP IM ON THE PHONE BEBE: SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M DRIVING!!!! RED: CAN I THROW HIM OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR??!?!?!?!?!? WENDY AND NICHOLE: NO!!! NICHOLE: Tolkien I'm gonna have to let you go NICHOLE: We might die- NICHOLE: RED PUT DOWN THE WRENCH YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE! RED: THAT'S THE GOAL!! GARY: As a parent, I want to know that my kids are safe wherever they are. That includes riding in the car. With the new Carpool Optic from Solar I can breathe easy knowing my kids will arrive where they need to safely – whether I am the driver or not. RED: AUGHHHH!!!!!! NICHOLE: I’m hanging up now NICHOLE: MMMMMMMMMOKAYBYE
(Beep Beep Beep)
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TOLKIEN: Jesus christ
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TOLKIEN: Oh my god I got jumpscared by a fucking queer!
KENNY: Oh hardy har har har
KENNY: You got games on yo phone?
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KENNY: Do you got games
KENNY: On yo phone
TOLKIEN: I mean like
TOLKIEN: I got like
TOLKIEN: Subway surfers??
TOLKIEN: If that works???
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TOLKIEN: Ok?????
KENNY: Thanks
KENNY: Oh yeah, can I call my sister while I play subway surfers?
KENNY: I gotta make sure she’s not
KENNY: Yknow
KENNY: Fuckin’ dead
TOLKIEN: No you’re gonna kill my damn battery
TOLKIEN: Just call your sister you dont need to play fucking subway surfers
KENNY: Killjoy
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KAREN: I can't believe McDonald's served me that lukewarm fucking patty 
KAREN: And then had the AUDACITY to tell me KAREN: That it gets cold over time!?!?
KAREN: I think they just undercooked it ON PURPOSE to make ME look like an idiot
TRICIA: Damn, that's crazy
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TRICIA: Bro just say 2 AM 💀
TRICIA: I can’t believe I just said that out loud
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KENNY: Sis it's me
KAREN: You missed your nail appointment
KENNY: Shiiiit that was today?
KAREN: You still owe me the money for it
KENNY: … KENNY: Karen, we don't have money, we’re poor
KAREN: Get a job
KENNY: …I do have a job
KAREN: Okay so then you have money?
KAREN: That doesn't make sense
KENNY: Anyways- KENNY: You alive?
KAREN: Clearly
KENNY: Okay cool KENNY: So uh KENNY: There's demons around, I hope they find you and kill you and you die bye
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KAREN: …What?
KAREN: Tricia do you know what the fuck he’s talking about?
TRICIA: Also stop calling on speakerphone
TRICIA: You remind me of my brother (derogatorily) 
TRICIA: I’m gonna go yell at my brother by cursing me into the influencer gene pool
TRICIA: You wanna come?
KAREN: If I get to yell at someone, of course
TRICIA: I'm not even gonna say that 
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CRAIG: Who the fuck where you talking to
CRAIG: I feel like they were talking shit smh my head
KENNY: Oh just my bitch sister and your bitch sister
KENNY: Told her she was gonna die soon
CRAIG: LMAOOOO I’m dead 💀💀💀
KENNY: Lol it was funny she was so mad
TOLKIEN: I swear to god you guys are the same person sometimes
CRAIG: Smh my head no literally untrue
KENNY: Common Tolkien L
TOLKIEN: I want you both dead
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TRICIA: Okay where tf is blud
TRICIA: I'm gonna kill his ass
KAREN: He probably set up Kenny to fucking prank us
KAREN: Going to yell at them both when we find them
TRICIA: For real
TRICIA: Smh my fucking head
KAREN: There's his door
KAREN: Should I kick it down?
TRICIA: No he will literally kill me
TRICIA: Instead we’re gonna go in his room
TRICIA: Steal all his shit
TRICIA: And fucking burn it
KAREN: Ohh yay! Property damage! My favorite!
TRICIA: Shhh shhh shhhh
TRICIA: He’ll hear us
KAREN: You're not the boss of me
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TRICIA: On three
TRICIA: One- Two-
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KAREN: Ew it's so dark in here
KAREN: It smells like fucking Ccool Ranch Doritos in here
TRICIA: Shut the fuck up
TRICIA: He’s gonna hear you
TRICIA: I know where he keeps his Supreme hoodies
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KAREN: I’m calling the police
TRICIA: That is the smartest thing you could ever do
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KAREN: Hello? 911?
KAREN: Hi yeah, there's some queers in our house
KAREN: Please come
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(Edits made by @pissblanket and @cattpup5)
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mug0 · 1 year
Alexa play I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend by girl in red
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theres-a-bea · 2 years
as an avid Ingrid Rosworth enjoyer I'm always left wondering how the fuck does she have the prettiest names ever
罗羽好 (CN) Luō Yǔhǎo
look, ik this is a mihoyo ceo but it sounds pretty on her
森永呉羽 (JP) Morinaga Kureha
나윤성 (KR) Na Yun-seong
like??? you're hot and you have pretty names? girl HOW
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astraltrain · 4 years
it's gay hours
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infinitegalahad · 3 years
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"This is just me formally submitting a request for that gk boys offering their own forms of comfort fic/ headcanon/ thoughts wtevr. Lol just as a reminder. 😀"@theboardwalkbody
Gif Credit: @ymagor
A/N: You're wish is my command, homes❣️ Here's a little change of pace! @theboardwalkbody inspired this post (and asked it!), so thanks for the Inspo friend! 🤩 I'm doing this for BoB and TP because I'm going through a slight writer's block and instead of thinking about long descriptions, I just wanna so head canons that get a little out of hand. I hope this isn't too ooc😔 Reader has *inserted mental illness* btw, it's up for interpretation! ALSO GN! READER! Enjoy!
Taglist: @theboardwalkbody @contrabandhothead
Nate's a calculated person. He can see the patterns in people, things, etc. Like how his father's eyebrows wrinkle when he's excited, or when his mother likes to prep a meal from vegetables to the main course. So when you're happy, sad, whatever-he knows it, and you don't even have to tell him.
He'll come home and see you. He knows that you've heard him calling you're name, but you don't move. He looks all over the house and finds you inside of your tub, just sitting there with no response. The water is running, and your clothes and hair are soaked.
So in an attempt to not disrupt your peace, Nate climbs in and sits next to you. You look over and he's stares at you. Just as your about to speak, he beats you to it.
"I'll get you a towel and some clothes."
And then, he just leaves. You hear the door quietly shut, and you blink for a few seconds. What the hell just happened? It snapped you out of your depressive trance. Now instead of feeling sad-you just were confused.
So you hear the door lightly open again and then close. After a few more minutes of soaking, you get out and see a towel and a set of clothes that are most certainly not yours. It's Nate's Dartmouth Lacrosse sweater and a pair of underwear-he knows you too well.
So you exit the bathroom and you see Nate, putting two cups down of you're favorite tea
And he's got that face. You know the face were he's like ☹️
"Hey, c'mere."
The two of you climb into bed with eachtoher. He throws one of those ugg blankets over you. You rest his head in his chest and he pats your head. There's a silence, until Nate says, "Do you wanna walk about it."
Normally, you'd say no and he'd read you a book you're reading or hold you as you cry, but this time, it's different.
"Yeah, I do. You won't judge, right?"
Nate tilts you chin up, and he's got a tired smile on his face.
"Why would I?"
Brad may appear horrible with emotions and reading the room...in which he isn’t
Okay, scratch that. He tries to understand them, it’s just hard for him to give advice and use words to comfort you. He feels like he’s walking on glass, But sometimes, you just need him psychically more then anything.
When you storm out of a room when Chaffin makes a comment on your weight, Brad takes a few minutes to think what he should do.
Normally, he’d just leave you be, but he’s gotta do something. Getting up, he follows you down the hallway. You’re not far, and he’s calling you’re name.
You stop in the hallway, wiping the tears coming down toye face. Brad turns you around with his hands on your shoulder. He’s got a blank face on as he looks at you, seeing your red face and the tears.
While you sob and stutter, he fixes the collar of your shirt, tucks your hair behind your ear, which is normal. He likes to neaten you up to make you feel better.
But he starts to use his thumb, wiping the tears coming down your face. You shocked as he cups your face, making you look into those icy cold eyes. He looks like the Iceman, cold and emotionless, but what he says very Brad.
“You’re beautiful.”
Then he pulls you into a tight grasp. He’s a whole foot taller then you, and you like the way he snakes his hands around his waist and slightly lifts off you your feet. His sheer presence is intimating, but for you; comforting. 
THIS MAN. although a hick with a big mouth, he does know when to shut up and can read you’re emotions like the back of his hand.
He can just see the sadness swelling in your eyes and the way you pick at the foot at your plate and avoid all of needs for cuddles in bed. Heck, it’s making Ray sad.
So he does what he does best-not shutting up, well-about things he likes about you.
“Man! Look at my hot girlfriend/wife! There reading books by the liberal media, total smartie here! Oh! And they have a degree from-“
Ray will also beg for to your attention and follows you around like a puppy. Like you’ll be sitting on the couch and he’ll come rest his head on your lap. You ignore him, but he starts to twist and quote random movies so you finally give in.
Is Ray annoying? Yes. But did he make you smile? Also yes.
Also Ray is a cook, and knows all of your favorite meals. Of course, he sets the table, lights a few Mantown candles (yes there real google them), and comes to serve your meal with two plates.
“The most beautiful man/woman I have ever seen, the love of my life, the apple of my eye, the Avril to my Bizzy D-you’re hot pockets.”
It makes you laugh, which makes Ray happy. He feeds off of that attention. You sit in Ray’s lap, eating hot pockets, and watching The Best Damn Tour. You lean on Ray’s shoulder, and he leans right back.
Alexa play Whatta Man’ by Salt-N-Peppa BECAUSE! WHAT! A! MAN!
Poke is one tough mofo. He embodies the meme of “Good morning to my beautiful wife/husband and child everybody else get fucked”.
But like every baddie; baddie’s gotta have soft spots for there bitches. He has two; you and his daughter. And oh god he’s love the two of more then anything in the world.
Poke knows you and his daughter well enough. His daughter first notices that your not as enthusiastic and bubbly, and then she tells Poke. But Poke already knows because he’s observant and very in touch with his emotions.
So when he’s a work; he thinks and does a lot of self reflection. He wonders why you’re upset. Did he cause it? What can he do to make it better? He asks all the guys for advice, and even his own daughter.
An idea strikes! Poke’s got a lot of anger, so his therapist told him to express his emotions by journalling. But Poke learns that it helps him get everything out of system, so he’s a secret writer. Heck, he even likes poetry; and would kill anyone if they’d find out.
While off at work, small letters start to appear across you’re house. Some are long, some are short, but there sweet and make you’re day.
“I held the stars in my arms wen I held you”
“I can’t wait to kiss you.”
“Your eyes stole all of my words away”
And the covers of the notes are done by Poke’s daughter, covered in glitter and Lisa Frank stickers.
You confront Poke about this “mysterious pen pal” and Poke is like “I mean, your lips do sound tempting”
You know it’s Poke, and he knows it, but there’s something about the mystery that is very romantic.
Here comes our favourie country pumpkin
Now let me say. This man LOVES you more then anything the world
Doesn’t wanna show you off (but he does)
So when you’re the slightest bit sad, Walt is even sadder then you are
Walt is someone that lives to receive attention, and also he’s someone that likes to give it. Especially to the love of his life!
Walt gives you things you actually need, and nothing that is materialistic. Growing up, his parents had a healthy relationship, and the apple clearly doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Waits on you hand and foot. A back massage? Done. A fuzzy blanket? Right on it! A specific burger from a joint that is thirty minutes away at three in the morning? Walt’s driving like a manic just for you. You have the man’s undivided attention.
He stops whatever he’s doing and runs over, getting on his knees, “Yeah, what’s up baby?”
“Can you sing the song? Y’know, our song?”
Walt nods his head, now an eager puppy, and gets his gutair to play the song he wrote especially for you. And this is making me realize how painfully single I am oh my
Rudy has an iv of respect woman/men juice. He always understands the assignment-and desires extra credit.
So whenever you’re down in the dumps, Rudy will drop everything and drag you into the car to go walk on his favorite trail. It’s ten miles long, but Rudy is a fitness freak.
First, you hate doing it. But the more you talk these long walks, the more you begin to enjoy it.
Sometimes there silence. Rudy won’t speak force you to talk. Talking is stressful, and Rudy will wait until you’re ready. The two of you holds hands, and Rudy has such a calming presence. It’s really hard to get angry at him.
You finally speak and tell Rudy you’re problems, and he listens and doesn’t interrupt. He’s got a hand on you’re lower back, or on your thigh. He’s basically you’re emotional support teddy bear and will always be a lending ear, or a total cuddle monster.
Rudy has the best advice as well. It’s always some yoga shit, but damn, those breathing  exercises do actually help.
Oh Q-Tip. My feral goblin son😭
I love him, but sometimes-things can fly over his head.
But when you start to ignore him and hide away from him, he begins to notice. And he HATES IT.
Like Christianson will ask him if he’s okay and he’ll literally quote a 2pac song and be like,
“I would drop all my girls for you, Walk barefoot 'round the world for you, Fly around like the birds for you, Thats why I wrote these words for you..”
Lilley is like “Brah we gotta help a homie out”
So the three stooges create Lovegate. The mission? to make Q-Tip’s partner happier.
Q-Tip is very artistically inclined. So with Christenson’s editing skills and Lilley’s camera, Q-Tip writes you a song and does a whole music video.
The man rents out a movie theatre venue just to show you. Of course, you’re blown away. It’s horrible and you can taste the autotone, BUT IT’S THE EFFORT THAT COUNTS. and q-tip has that smile on. you know what i’m talking about!
Doc Bryan walks in on the two of you making out and is pissed since all he wanted to do was see the re-screening of Bridemaids but NO, Q-Tip just had to rent out a theatre to show his partner a music video about them and then make out.
He see’s Lilley, who’s recording and asks to interview what Doc’s opinion on the music video, and this is what he’s says.
“I think my ears bled, but thank fuck those two aren’t acting like emo’s.”
The gif has a purpose. Trust me. SPEAKING OF THE MAN OF THE HOUR
Bryan, like Poke, is a very observant guy. He’s an angry motherfucker, and even a little insensitive, but ever since dating you; he’s tried to change.
He hates the world. People are shitty, and it makes him feel shitty that you’re sad because when you feel shitty, he’s in a shitter mood then he’s usually in
Knowing that his words might sound a little harsh, Byran knows how to distract you. Without words. After all, he didn’t work out for nothing.
Long hugs are you’re thing. The two of you will run into eachother, find a private place, and he’ll just wrap his arms around you. His big arms are protective, and he’s warm, and you just sink into him.
Sometimes, you’ll fall asleep. Byran sometimes will fall asleep with you, other times he’ll gently lay you down and put a blanket with a gentle forehead kiss.
When you cry in his arms, he’ll wipe the tears away. He can feel them against his arm, and he doesn’t know what to do. Crying girls/guys are not his speciality.
But when you squeeze his arm back, to let you know what your there and that you love him, Byran will freeze. He has no idea what to next with words. He’ll put his hand over yours, and turns out; it works well.
After this is all over, he’ll check up on you and ask you simply if you’re okay. You respond with a smile. Byran isn’t one for smiles, but for you, he shows a subtle smile back. Just to let you know.
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honeyitsalright · 3 years
hey alexa play “i wanna be your girlfriend” by girl in red
i’m blushing it’s not ok
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
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Genre: None
Characters: Christian Yu x Original Character [Naomi]
Christian entered Naomi’s apartment as he wiped his brow. He glanced up from the doorway to see Naomi on her tiptoes as she tried to reach the box on the shelf. He couldn’t help a smile grace his lip, “Babe” Naomi jolted at his sudden voice drawing a laugh from him. Christian walked over as he reached over his 5 foot 2 inches fiancée, “I’ll get this, you can grab that little box” He nudged his head towards the side.
Naomi rolled her eyes with pursed lips. “I would have gotten it, ya know. I’m the one who put it up there, I could get it down.” 
Christian looked her over as he placed the bottom of the box on his shoulder. His free hand reached out to her cheek, “I don’t want you getting hurt when I’m right here.” 
“Yea, relax Nay-Nay, let him be the strong supportive boyfriend that he is” Dabin teased as he entered the living room. His hand wrapped his arm over her shoulder earning an irritated sigh.
Naomi swatted both of them from her, “He’s my fiancé, Dabin--And shouldn’t you be helping too.” She used little force as she pushed his back towards the hallway, “Go--Go be useful and get some boxes.”
Dabin let out a laugh and it echoed in the bare apartment, “Dude, your fiancée is being mean again!” 
Naomi clicked her teeth as Dabin entered a back room. Christian chuckled under his breath as she threw herself on the floor, “You both give me a headache.” She whined. 
“It’s okay, we love you” Christian teased as he walked out the apartment with the box. “PIZZA’S HERE!” He hollered from outside.
Two hours later, Naomi found herself in the middle of her now empty apartment. Her first ever apartment when she moved to Korea to help out DPR. Her arms crossed at her abdomen. This was where she celebrated DPR’s singles, where they wrote lyrics or composed songs, and where she let her creativity flow with her photography. Her head fell to the side as her eyes wandered around the room.
Arms wrapped over hers, bringing her from her thoughts. “You sad about leaving?” Christian’s head rested on her shoulder. He buried his face in her hair that fell over her neck, “Having second thoughts?”
“No, never” she shook her head. Naomi wiggled herself around in his arms to turn. He moved to straighten up. His hands now rested on her lower back. Naomi looked at him lovingly as she reached up to his face. Her fingers brushed over his jaw as her engagement ring glistened under the living room lights. “Of course I’m sad about leaving. This is my first apartment since coming here” her eyes watered, “The memories I have with everyone started from me coming here.” 
Christian went to speak, but she held up her finger to his lips.
“But, now I get to start my life with you in our new place. Of course, with Lori too. We’ll make new memories in our new home.” She flashed him a smile as she slipped her finger from his lips.
Christian leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Her hand rested on his cheek as he pulled her closer to his body to deepen the kiss. 
A whistle sounded behind them breaking their kiss, “You about to get it on one last time while you got the chance?” Dabin wiggled his eyebrows.
Christian scoffed, “Shut up, man. Get a girlfriend already and hop off.” 
Dabin approached the two and threw his arms over the couple, “I mean, I would, but you two had me here actin like some kind of pack mule.”
“Acting?” Naomi placed her manicure nail to the corner of her lips in thought, “I thought you were a pack mule.” She hummed, “Well that explains a lot.” 
Dabin tsked as he lodged his arm around her neck and drew his other arm from Christian. He rubbed his fist into her the top of her head and she let out a surprised yelp. “What was that, brat? I don’t think I heard you very well.” He let out a gut laugh as he released her. 
Naomi’s face reddened as she brushed down her hair. Murderous intent in her eyes as she watched Dabin.
“Aye, D-- you better run.”
Dabin waved Christian off as he looked back at Naomi. His grin fell when he saw how angry she was. “Fuck!” He rushed out the apartment just as she lunged to strike. 
“Get back here you, pack mule. I’m going to shove my foot in your ass!” 
Christian shook his head at the two and trudged along slowly. At the entrance, he looked back at the apartment. With a smile, he hit the switch off and let the door shut behind him.
That evening, after unpacking a few boxes, Naomi returned to the new apartment after shopping for dinner ingredients. She hummed happily as she chopped the celery. Naomi wanted to make this night special. It was their first night living together. Naomi had plans to make a large meal and even ventured out to buy some fancy wine. Lori whined beside her as Naomi pulled out the carrots. “Fine…” she cooed, “Only one, but don’t tell, daddy, okay?” She tossed a carrot up and Lori caught it in her mouth. “Good girl!” She smiled widely as she pulled out a handful of carrots and put them under the cold sink water. 
Christian entered the kitchen with a worried expression. He approached Naomi as he tried to piece together what he is about to say, “Baby--Love of my life…”
Naomi placed the carrots on the cutting boards and shut off the water as she took in a breath. “You’re about to tell me bad news, aren’t you?” She asked not looking up at him.
Christian sucked in air between his teeth, “I’m really sorry. Junhong just called in a panic. He accidentally deleted his new tracks from his laptop and I have the copies, but they aren’t completed…”
“And-- can’t that be done tomorrow?” Naomi didn’t mean to whine, but it was their first night together. Her hand raked through her hair as she turned to Christian who looked like a dog with his tail between his legs. “You have tomorrow or the next day--”
“The album has to be done in two days” he touched her cheek. “I’ll be home by 11 tonight. I swear. Then we can just spend the rest of the night together watching one of your weird dramas.” 
Naomi’s tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth, “You’re about to ditch out and you have the audacity to insult my dramas? You’re really pushing it Yu.” Christian gave her his best puppy dog eye expression with the infamous pout that made her cave every time. She pursed her lips as she placed her hand on her hip, “Fine… fine, but tell Junhong, he’s on my shit list as are you.”
Christian grinned widely as he pecked her cheek, “I’ll make it up to you, baby.” He gave her a quick peck on her lips, “I’ll really make it up to you.” Christian pressed a final kiss on her forehead, “I’ll be back by 11. I love you, bye!” He flew out of the apartment fearing she would change her mind.
“11 O’CLOCK OR LORI IS TAKING YOUR SIDE OF THE BED!” She shouted moments before the door shut. Naomi groaned as she leaned over the counter. She peeked off at Lori who sat beside her on the ground, “Your dad sucks…” She pushed a carrot off the cutting board beside her and watched Lori devour it in an instant. Pushing off the counter, Naomi stretched, “Wanna bet he’ll get so wrapped up in helping Junhong and he’ll be late.” Lori whined in response and Naomi tilted her head, “Give him the benefit of the doubt?” She spoke to herself. “Yea, maybe. He could surprise me, but I know him all too well.” She washed her hands before she set back to the dinner. Now with less enthusiasm as before.
Naomi sobbed into the tissues stuffed in her hand with Lori pressing her face into Naomi’s in an attempt to cheer her up. Sadness overwhelmed her as the tears fell harder. Her free hand rubbed on Lori’s side. She blew hard into the tissues before discarding them in the trash bin beside her. “I can’t believe it…” She whimpered as she grabbed more tissue. Her popcorn on the table went stale as it sat there uneaten, “How can he do that?” Her eyes glued to the tv as the credits rolled, “He totally forgot her and--he asked if he knew who she was” her tears fell harder. “What a shitty ending. Did you see how sad she was, Lori? I feel you, girl. I’m on your side.” 
Naomi wiped her tear-stained face with the soft tissue as she glanced at the digital clock on the corner of the screen. “And it’s midnight” she sniffled as she stopped the recorded drama “told you he wouldn’t make it.” She glanced over at Lori who had all but thrown herself over Naomi’s legs. It wasn’t that Naomi didn’t support Christian’s love of music, hell she loved music just as much, but she was looking forward to their first night together. Naomi sought for her wine glass beside her on the end table before she downed the remainder of the red liquid. “Come on, Lori” Lori shot up at the sound of her name. 
She jumped off the couch with her butt shaking side to side ready for the next words from Naomi. 
Naomi smiled as she leaned down to pet Lori, “Let’s go to bed. You get to sleep on daddy’s side!” She cooed. Flipping the tv off, Naomi stood, tossed out the remaining popcorn and cleaned her bowl and wine glass in the sink before discarding them on the dish holder to dry. Naomi maneuvered passed the stacks of boxes before she flipped off the lights with Lori beside her side as they headed to the bedroom. She threw herself on the bed with a thud, “Up, girl!” Lori leaped on the bed as Naomi petted Christian’s side of the bed. She got under the covers and turned off the lights. The silence was overwhelming, so she grabbed her Alexa, “Alexa…” Her words echoed in the room, “Play ocean white noises.” Alexa gave a response before the sound of waves crashing on land filled the room. Naomi reached out to touch Lori before her eyes closed and she fell into a deep slumber.
Christian dreaded the ride home. He had set an alarm and everything and he was still so late. He gulped as he pulled his car into a parking space. He stared at their apartment, the lights weren’t reflective through the window. “She’s either sleeping or she’s waiting to pull a Mrs. Incredible on me when I enter…” Knowing Naomi, he worried it was the latter. The amount of groveling he had to prepare for-- he gulped. “Just have to get it over with” he resigned to the punishment he had yet been dealt. Christian headed up to the apartment and pressed in their code before unlocking the deadbolt with his key. He spared a moment to check the time once more and grimaced at the 2: 37 am that mocked him. Christian swung open the door that gave a chime. 
Lori’s head sprang up at the door sounding. However, Naomi turned the opposite way, her face partially lit by the full moon’s light, but she remained asleep. Lori’s head fell back on the bed as the white noise eased her back to sleep.
Christian tiptoed into the living room only to run into a stack of boxes. He bit his lip to silence any complaints. He rubbed his shin as he grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight. Instead of his fiancée, the room of boxes greeted Christian. He hated to admit it, but he was a little disappointed. He would have rather seen an angry Naomi than not… Christian made his way to their bedroom and heard the white noise Naomi often had on when she was asleep. He opened the door silently and approached the bed to see Lori sprawled out on his side of the bed.”She wasn’t kidding…” He let out a breath. Naomi’s back was to him as she faced the window. Christian made his way over to her to check on her. He noticed her sleeping expression, but what really caught his eye was the visible tear stain on her cheek. Guilt flooded him. Not only had he missed spending the night for the first time in their apartment together, but he managed to make her cry. Great going, jackass he congratulated himself silently. Going back to his side, he moved Lori from his spot and went to change before he slid under the covers. As he fell asleep, he made a mental plan on how he would make it up to Naomi.
The next morning, Naomi woke to a heaviness over her hip. She groaned as she wiped her eyes. The yawn that left her lips alerted Lori who was at the end of the bed. Lori stood and after a huge stretch, she made her way over in front of Naomi. “Mornin’ Lor” she mumbled still half asleep and rubbed Lori’s face. Naomi turned on her back to see the object on her hip was Christian’s arm. She scoffed, “Oh, now you’re home…” She pushed off the blankets before she wiggled out from under Christian’s arm. Naomi headed to the bathroom where she cringed at her tear-stained face, “Oh god.” She grabbed her face cleaner and got ready for the day. 
After changing into a pair of Christian’s sweatpants and one of her tees, she twisted her hair up into a messy bun before she got Lori’s leash and headed out with a hyperactive Lori prepared to take off out the door. Naomi shut the apartment door as quietly as possible before descending the stairs with Lori. 
While on their hour long walk, Naomi’s mind cleared. Though she was sad that they didn’t celebrate their first night together, it didn’t mean any of the days following wouldn’t be cause for celebration. She crouched down and Lori ran into her arms. “You think I should make us some breakfast? Maybe pancakes or something, yea?” Lori licked Naomi’s face causing her to let out a laugh, “Ew, no! You lick your butt!” She rubbed Lori’s face with both her hands, “Come on! Let’s go home!” Naomi couldn’t hold back the smile that grew on her lips when she said that. Home. The place Christian was waiting for them. It made her feel like butterflies erupted in her stomach.
Back home, Naomi punched in their code and pushed open the door. Lori’s paws hit the wood floors first before Naomi entered. Naomi pulled off Lori’s leash and she took off into the house. She placed the leash inside the entrance cabinet and tugged off her shoes with her toes. Naomi headed into the living room where she could hear the faint sound of music playing. Following the sound, Naomi headed towards the study where they had set up all of Christian’s equipment the day before. The door stood ajar, possibly by Lori, so Naomi pushed it open more with the tips of her fingers. 
Christian looked up from his computer with a sleepy smile on his face. He pushed his chair away from his desk as he held out a hand for Naomi. She let out a breath through her nose as a small smile graced her lips. She walked over to Christian and when she took his hand, he pulled her on his lap. Her back pressed against him as he wrapped his arms around her, “I love you. You know that, right?” He whispered before he placed a kiss on her bare shoulder. 
“I know that” her eyes strayed to the engagement ring on her finger. She rubbed his arm before giving it a loving squeeze.
His hand found hers and pulled her hand with the engagement ring up to his lips. He gave the ring a kiss, “I’m sorry I was so late… I really did want to spend our first night together--even if that meant I had to suffer through your dramas.”
“Well, I’ll have you know, I watched it without you and that ending made me cry. You missed it. It was so heartbreaking.”
Christian paused for a moment, “So… the drama made you cry, not me?”
Naomi twisted on his lap as she gave him a confused look, “Yea?” She thought about her appearance this morning and her mouth opened, “Ohhhhh. I know what you’re talking about now--psh” she got off him and stretched. “Sure I was sad you weren’t here, but it wasn’t serious enough to cry over. You’re not that important, but my dramas--ughhh.” 
Christian’s lips twitched as he looked over her. His hand went to the mouse and saved his work, his eyes trained on her. “Yea? I’ll get you for that.” 
Her eyes widened, “Oh crap!” She raced out of the study as the sound of Christian’s chair clanking around echoed in the apartment. However, speed had never been on her side and in moments, Christian’s arms wrapped around her. She let out a squeal as he lifted her off the ground. 
Christian let out a loud laugh as he claimed his victory. He walked back towards the bedroom with Naomi struggling in his arms. “I’m going to drop you if you don’t stop” he teased her by pretending to lose his grip. Once he reached the bed, he tossed Naomi on it. He crawled on top of her as he claimed her lips with his. 
Her hand touched his bare chest in a feeble attempt to push him back which he reluctantly did. “I gotta feed Lori first” she tried to make her way off the bed. 
Christian was faster. He pressed her back on the bed as he pressed a feverish kiss on her lips. “Lori will be fine” his voice dropped an octave. His eyes met hers, his desire showed clear as day. “I want to make up for our missed night together” he leaned down to press his lips to her neck as one hand made its way under her shirt. 
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alexa play i wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red
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thegreywarren · 5 years
*Robbe breaks up with Noor*
Me: This is so sad Alexa play I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red
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lanihaluki · 4 years
MAJOR REALITY CHECK SPOILERS (if you haven’t read up to chapter 41 DONT EVEN LOOK AT THIS LOL)
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So this a continuation of the kielany porch scene I recently drew bc I really really felt the urge to draw the whole thing in detail so... haha basically my hand slipped and I accidentally drew the entire scene😂
p.s, alexa play I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red🥺 (go listen to this bc it sums up like,, everything Kiel was thinking in this scene)
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alexa play i wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red ~ 🌈🥺
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one day
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Words: 1.1K
Warnings: none?
summary: fluff. pure fluff with cal and his future girl
“Cal” She called out to the boy that was laying in their bed scrolling through his phone. He was too focused on whatever caught his attention on social media for him to respond to her. That’s one of the things that annoyed her the most when he would hear her talk and ignore her. “Cal!” She called out again, this time louder. He dropped his phone on his bare chest and looked over at the girl he loved who was standing by the closet in their room.“Which should I wear out tonight?” She asked she held up two different tops, one was a black tube top and the other was a red tank top. Both were simple and would make a decent outfit for your casual night out but she always wants Calum’s opinion, or maybe just his attention. “You know you’re showing me two basic tops, right? Anyways you don’t have to look good, it’s just a casual get together sorta thing.” He said reaching for his phone to keep himself occupied. She rolled her eyes, but she wasn’t surprised by his answer, of course he would say something sassy. “I’m dating The Calum Hood, so I have to look good, gotta make us look good.” She said as she put her hands on her hips and glared at him. “The Calum Hood, huh? I like that.” He laughed at the fact that she was referring to him as if he was the most important thing ever. He was to her. “Tell me which to wear or I won’t wear anything” Calum liked that idea, “So I’m not gonna tell you what to wear then.” He said as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. She picked up the red top and threw it at the boy laughing at her while laying in his bed. “You suck Hood.” She yelled over to him. “I do. That’s why you love me.” He said.
She changed her outfit for the last time before strolling over to the bed to sit down. “We have to leave in 15 minutes and you’re only wearing grey sweatpants and your hair is a mess.” She commented looking over at him. “What’s wrong with wearing grey sweatpants out to the club?” He asked. “Everything is wrong with it.” She chuckled. “How about we stay in tonight” He looked at her and frowned, giving her a pleading face, “please?” He moved across the bed and pushed her down so her head was resting on the pillows. He hovered over her body and asked her again, “Please?” He said looking down at her. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips before he began kissing under her jaw and down her neck. She gently pushed his face away from her neck and gave him a quick peck. “I’m not staying in tonight because you’re horny, but nice try.”
He huffed in response before moving to the side of her and “Being horny is a good reason to stay in.” He stated. She ignored his comment as she moved off the bed to put her shoes on. It was obvious to Calum that she wasn’t gonna give in tonight so he climbed out of bed and strolled over to his closet to put on black pants and a striped button-down shirt. “Can you wear your sparkly boots tonight?” She asked. He nodded as he pulled out his boots to put on. The two strolled out of their house and went to the club with their friends.
When they got back from the club it was 2am and she was more awake than ever. She grabbed two cups and set them on on the coffee table in front of the couch Calum was sitting on. She went back to the kitchen and grabbed her liter of diet coke and vodka and placed them down on the coffee table.
“Remind me why we are still drinking?” Calum asked as he watched his girlfriend make them mixed drinks. “Because I wanna dance with you.” She said as she handed him the drink she made. She sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder for a minute or so before she lifted her head to chug her drink. Calum looked over at her with wide eyes and started laughing, “You better not throw up tonight doll.” Even though he knew it would be a bad idea, he copied her actions and chugged his drink too.
She stood up and walked around the room and called out, “Hey Alexa, play disconnected by 5 Seconds of Summer.” The second he heard her say disconnected he rolled his eyes at her. He really wasn’t in the mood to listen to the song he made as a teen, but clearly, she was. “Hey Alexa, Stop.” He called to the speaker. She looked over at her boy and pouted. She walked over to him and grabbed his hands to make him stand up. “We are gonna listen to the song disconnected, made by a very talented and hot boy and dance to it. And you’re gonna like it.” She stated. The song started playing as she started dancing in their living room to the music. Of course Calum had to give in and walk over to his wasted girlfriend and joined her in dancing terribly. “You are my getaway. You are my favorite place. We put the world away. Yeah, we’re so disconnected.” She sang along. Calum looked over at the gorgeous girl who stood in their living room screaming the song his band made. He smiled at her as he sang the rest of the song with her. He grabbed her hands as they moved and danced around the living room. Eventually, the song was over and Calum moved himself and her over to the couch.
Calum sat down on the couch and she rested her head on his thigh and closed her eyes so she could catch her breath from the screaming and dancing. She looked up at him and moved her head to give him a short kiss before moving her head back to his thigh.
“One day in the future we are going to wake up on a Sunday morning and dance to that song in our beautiful living room. And we are going to wake up our future kids because we will be screaming the song too loud, and they will walk in and make fun of us. And I will be so happy.” She started smiling to herself and the thought of what could be their future.
“One day,” Calum repeated to himself and her.
Tagging my favorites (let me know if you want to be added to the tag list)
@wildhearthood @boytoynamedcalum @sleepyemmalou @who-do-you-love-5sos@calssunflower @lilacsos @currentlyupcalsass
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krekdon · 6 years
yesterday’s Gay Panic mood: accidentally screaming FUCK in my mum’s face but uhh i’m not sure if she heard me or not
today’s Gay Panic mood: i wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red started playing through alexa and my dad was there hahaha managed to change it before it got the the head between your thighs lyric though pheeyew
stay in tune for more Gay Panics
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jksadhj she’s so pretty,, but she’s straight. hnnng Alexa, play I wish you like girls by Abbey Glover, then loop I wanna be your girlfriend by Girl in Red.
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rosetylerlesbians · 4 years
Oh my high school best friend just snap chatted me? Alexa play I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Captain Falcon: The Last Mimeosome Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Making a name (Disclaimer!) Cross and I headed out to look for clues with Alexa monitoring us. “Just keep following this path and you’ll find the first area,” she said. “Got it boss,” I said. I noticed somebody else heading our way. Using my scouter, I noticed it was Elma. “Elma?” I asked. “We should follow,” said Cross. “I was just about to say that,” I said, “Let’s move.” We followed her to a building. Somebody else was with her. As I went inside I heard talking. “Now listen carefully,” said someone, “Where is my vessel?” I peeked and saw a guy in a red cloak. “I told you I don’t know!” said a hostage. Agent Zero had his gun pointed at his family. “Let’s try this again,” said the person. He was wearing a yellow and black exo skeleton with two floating guns. “Psycho launchers?” I asked. “You’re standing in the presence of the Yellow Devil,” said Yellow Devil, “So I suggest you think before you answer.” I had my plasma buster ready to fire. “On, on the count of three, we fight him,” I said, “One…. Two…” I heard someone yell and jump in. It was Elma and that other guy. “Blade soldiers,” said Yellow Devil, “Zero you know what to do.” He nodded and started fighting them. I jumped out firing at Zero. I activated my arm blade and pointed it at Yellow Devil. “So you’re the one behind the scheme,” I said. “So you know who I am,” said Yellow Devil. He summoned a bunch of the yellow clay. “But unfortunately you won’t live long enough to know what I’m doing,” he said. He fired some of it at me and I evaded quickly. “Alright,” I said. I started attacking him but he was able dodge. “Is that all you got boy?” he asked. “Oh you’ll find out I’m full of surprises,” I said. I used the arching horn tactic and managed to hit him. “Now, that wasn’t NICE!” he said. He forced me back using the clay substance. I got a look at it. “Labranyum?” I asked. Yellow Devil saw Elma trying to help the family and had her pinned. “Elma!” said Cross. He jumped out and started fighting Yellow Devil. “And who are you supposed to be?” he asked. “I’m the Blue Angel,” said Cross, “Every devil needs an angel.” “Very well,” said Yellow Devil. He started attacking with the labranyum but Cross managed to cut through it like a knife through hot butter. “Whoa,” said the other soldier. I got a look at him. “Yelv?” I asked. “Sup pard?” he asked. It was one of my friends, Bert Pajor, Codename; Yelv. He cut me free using his photon saber. “You wanna take this opportunity to tell me what the fuck-shit is goin’ on?” I asked. “Elma needed somebody to help with the stakeout and I volunteered,” said Yelv, “My girlfriend’s probably gonna wonder where I am.” Both of us got the Yellow Devil’s attention. That gave Cross the advantage to save Elma. “I’m gonna cut you loose,” he said using his sword. Elma was free. “Can you help me get these people out?” asked Elma. “You got it ma’am,” said Cross. That sounded familiar to her. They got the family out of the building. “Sir, its time,” said Zero. “I’d truly love to continue but I’m needed elsewhere,” said Yellow Devil, “Its your lucky day!” He used the labranyum to make a platform and escape. 
A little girl saw Cross. “The Blue Angel….” She said. “Nicholas, how did you get here?” asked Elma. “Well, I thought I should do some stakeout and find out what this Yellow Devil is up to,” I said. “And who’s the man behind you?” asked Yelv. “He’s the Blue Angel,” I said, “Apparently a big deal in Republic City.” “I’m glad you’re ok El….” Started Cross, “Uh ma’am. Whoever you are.” Elma recognized his voice. “Cross?” she asked. Cross sighed and took off his mask. Elma smiled. “You certainly did your homework on blade combat,” she said, “You really mastered the longsword.” “That’s because of this chip I installed in him, which is programmed with dozens of combat procedures,” I said, “This chip is what makes Blue Angel, Blue Angel.” “We should head back before Doug wonders where we are,” said Elma. Later in the morning I was asleep. “SON OF A BITCH!” shouted Doug. That woke me up and I fell to the floor. Colleen and I went outside. “What’s goin’ on?” I asked. “Somebody sabotaged our chopper,” said Doug. “Oh man,” said Colleen, “Who was it?” “How should I know?” asked Doug, “Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a few days.” Alexa and I grinned. Captain Falcon and I started doing more stakeouts and helping people at night while Alexa was training Cross with his armor and gear. Walking the Wire from Evolve Do you feel the same when I'm away from you? Do you know the line that I'd walk for you? We could turn around and we could give it up But we'll take what comes, take what comes Oh, the storm is raging against us now If you're afraid of falling then don't look down But we took the step, oh, we took the leap And we'll take what comes, take what comes Little by little, we were coming close to bringing Republic City back to its former glory. Korra and Asami even helped out with some stakeouts. I made her promise not to tell anybody about what we were doing. Feel the wind in your hair Feel the rush way up here We're walking the wire, love We're walking the wire, love We couldn't be higher, up We're walking the wire, wire, wire There's nights we had to just walk away And there's tears we'll cry but those tears will fade It's a price you pay when it comes to love And we'll take what comes, take what comes Feel the wind in your hair Feel the rush way up here A few days later Cross and I walked around Republic City and noticed people going around and playing. “It feels…. Happier around here,” said Cross. “It was because of this hero called the Blue Angel,” said Opal, “He’s been delivering food, bringing people shelter and more.” “I say he’s done a pretty damn good job,” said Mako looking around. “Looks like they’ve already got somebody protecting them,” said Doug. We're walking the wire, love We're walking the wire, love We couldn't be higher, up We're walking the wire, wire, wire So look out down below Look out down below Look out down below Walking the wire, wire, wire So look out down below Oh, I'll take your hand when thunder roars And I'll hold you close, I'll stay the course I promise you from up above That we'll take what comes, take what comes Love We're walking the wire, love We're walking the wire, love We couldn't be higher, up We're walking the wire, wire, wire It took some doing, but Cross and I finally managed to clean the entire city of the labranyum used by the Yellow Devil. “Cross, you might wanna see this!” I said. Cross came up to the top of the roof and saw some kind of lights. They were chained together to look like the Blue Angel. “I guess I made a name for myself,” said Cross. “It sure looks that way,” said Elma smiling at him. So look out down below Look out down below Look out down below Walking the wire, wire, wire So look out down below We're walking the wire We're walking the wire We're walking the wire, wire, wire I was at a bar drinking some beer. I was actually surprised that I couldn’t get too drunk thanks to the healing factor. Korra joined me. “How have things been over the past few years?” she asked. “So far, so good,” I said. “Oh, how are things with Wendy?” asked Korra, “You never told me about her.” I looked down at my cup. “We broke up,” I said. “OH man,” said Korra, “I’m sorry to hear that.” “Its ok,” I said, “I found somebody new and brought her home from Japan, her name’s Sakura.” I showed her a picture. “She seems nice,” said Korra. “I know,” I said, “What about you?” “Usual Avatar business,” said Korra, “Stopping thieves, saving lives, the usual. Plus Asami got back together with Mako.” “Trust me, I found out,” I said, “But I thought you and her were a…” “Gosh no,” said Korra, “We’re just the best of friends and we can trust each other with anything.” I took a sip of my drink. “I was the same way with Connor Kelly,” I said. “The original Captain Falcon?” asked Korra, “I heard stories about him.” Korra took a sip. “I didn’t know the avatar could drink beer,” I said. “I can handle almost 4 drinks at once,” said Korra. “Is that so?” I asked. I took a sip and then started drinking it all. I grinned at her then threw the cup on the ground. “Another!” I said. I started to chuckle and she joined me. “Another!” said Korra. “Another!” I said. The bartender gave us another round. Korra and I started heading back to the condo. “The mood is good, the hearts are full there’s magic in the air, its all because we’re here tonight, and haven’t got a care!” we sung, “So raise your glass a toast to life wherever it may lead, lalala lalalala a friend is fine indeed, lalala lalalala a friend is fine indeed!” I fell to the ground and Korra carried me home.
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