richardmurrayhumblr · 2 years
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Model: Alexanderia Model mayhem 3818120 Photographer: Jfinite justin bonaparte https://www.flickr.com/photos/jfinite/33082612681/in/album-72157677297706334/ #rmaalbc #model #alexanderia
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botaniqueer · 3 months
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My Orb Stack is putting out more orblets!!!
This is Tephrocactus alexanderi (T. geometricus in the horticultural trade), a cactus in the same subfamily as Opuntia. From what I understand they can be finicky sometimes so I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to acclimate this one properly since I’ve had issues before with cactuses I bought as plants and not seed but this one made it!!! I’m glad to see it put out more branches instead of stalling forever like my other ones.
The seller recommended not watering it for half the year, only starting in May and watering throughout the summer. I had tried to grow this one from seed but had too much trouble keeping the seedlings alive.
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storywriter12 · 4 months
When he has a bad dream
(Rick) he does have nightmares often but this one was really bad. 
It was about you and Carl. That he went out looking for food he would hear you screaming. both of you. But he couldn't see you or find you. He ran through bushes calling both of your names and you kept on calling back out to him “RICK /DAD HELP! “ you both screamed when he finally found you both of you were covered in blood Carl was shot and you was hurt very bad he shouted for help and then daryl and michonne found you rick begged them to help but they just stood there until daryl and michonne shouted at rick “IT WAS YOUR FAULT LOOK WHAT YOU DID! “rick looked down and he saw the gun.. He shot Carl. You looked at him in horror and hate in your eyes you would get up and walk away. He would call your name but you kept on walking. 
That's when he would wake up in a cold sweat he shot up in bed screaming his chest going up and down you jumped as he flinched away from you he looked at you asking you were Carl was you told him that he was a sleep he burst into tears and you held him. 
(Daryl) he does have bad dreams but he never says anything. When he has bad dreams about you he just wants to be close to you. 
You went out for a while but it was ages since anyone heard from you so he went looking and tracked you to a barn he called out your name. But nothing. All he saw was blood everywhere. His heart beat faster it could've fallen out of his chest he kept on walking following the blood and the footprints that's when he saw you….. You were a walker his heart sank and Broke  tears burn in his eyes as he cried he shouted “NO!  NOT YOU! “ he stood in his spot looking at you, you looked back at him of course not knowing who he was that part of you was gone..  For good  you walked over to him as he backtracked away from you he knew what he had to do he couldn't let you be like this he pulled his cross bow and shot a bow right in your head and you fell down. You just stopped growling and moving and everything, he fell down. and cried he didn't care what happened to him he was broken 
He woke up jumping up and running to your front door banging on it like crazy it scared you but you answered it. When he saw you he looked at you and you were fine he hugged you telling you never to go out without him ever. This wasn't like him. He never told you what to do but you could hear the worry in his voice and how scared he was you told him OK you would stay near him. 
(negan) now his no stranger to bad dreams he hates them but even more when they are about you 
Your group got forced to their knees by Simon and Negan came out holding Lucille smiling. He gave a big speech. He looked down at you, he saw how upset you were and he laughed…. Laughed in your face asking you who he should kill and how he should do it, the more upset you got the more he liked it he killed two of your best friends in front of you looking right at you the ground was covered in a red thick liquid and all what he did was laugh he crouched down looking at you but you couldn't look at him his hand came to your cheek moving some of your loose hair away from your face he saw the tears roll down your red cheeks, he killed everyone of the people in your group made you watch you were broken and then he took you back to the sanctuary and  order   you to be one of his wife's, like. It or not he did like you and you felt sick knowing that, you would look at him coldly and he sounded like he got off on it, one. Day he asked you to tell him Stories about the people in your group and he would laugh about how they begged him not to kill them and you snapped. You told him that he was the devil, that he wasn't human and you hated him. He got Simon to take you back to your cell and then next morning he woke you up but found you dead covered in blood. 
When he woke up he walked out of his room and sneaked into Alexanderi and knocked on your door you didn't answer so he broke a window and. Climb through walking  upstairs to your room opening the door and pushing back the covers he lied down wrapping his arm around you tightly you woke up he kissed your neck tell you how sorry he was everything and he would understand if you hated him you looked at him in shock explaining that you did at first but you saw the softer side the funny side of him and you don't hate him anymore, you kissed his lips softly and you both fell asleep. 
(Simon) he knows that he has done some really bad stuff but he sleeps just fine but when he has bad dreams about you that's when he wakes up. The one biggest thing he doesn't want to happen is for you to hate him or if he ever hurt you 
He gets like it when his tired or had a rough  day or when negan is just being so difficult he didn't mean to shout at you like that the last thing he wanted to do was make you cry but that's what he did and he felt like a dick for it you cried and he tried to touch you but you flinched away telling him to leave you alone which made him more mad he was trying he flipped out at you screaming saying that if you wanted to leave you could you looked at him and walked passed him trying to leave but he grabbed you hard you told him to let you go but he slapped you telling you to never talk to him like that you cried and pushed him back he slapped you again pushing you on to the bed pinning you down and screaming. In your face you cried he saw how terrified you were if him and he pulled away you looked at him him with so much hate that he couldn't look back at you 
His eyes shot open seeing your sleeping body beside him he wrapped an arm tighter around you kissing your neck tell you how much he loves you, you didn't hear any of this because you were a sleep he snuggled into you and feel back to sleep being all clingy the next but you loved it 
(glenn) he has bad dreams about walkers nearly every night which makes him clingy to you tightly on the night time 
He doesn't know how it happened you, rick, Michonne and Rosita were surrounded  by walkers all of the dead trying to grab. At all of you Rick said let's fight our way through but you couldn't, all the walkers came as there were so many you managed to kill some. Of them enough so you could see a gap on a edge which was the way out “this way “you shouted to everyone, one by one your group jumped across to get to the other side glenn went before you, you were right behind him as you heated the walkers coming up behind you “(YOU) JUMP!”rick shouted and you did but fell then a hand grabbed you which was Glenn's he tried to pull you up so did the rest but the walkers were coming fast you couldn't hold on you felt yourself slipping. From Glenn's hand everyone tried to pull you up then you felt a sharp pain on your leg teeth you screamed in pain as one of the walkers bite your leg one of them pulled you away from Glenn's hand and you slipped out as you screamed in pain as the walkers ate“NOOOO!!!”  Glenn cried and had to be picked up by Rick and the others he got carried out. 
His body was shaking and you woke up waking him up he shot up he was happy to see you there beside him and he hugged you crying you were worried and asked him what happened he told you the dream and about how real it felt you hugged him and stayed close to him until both of you fell back to sleep holding each other 
(Paul rovia “jesus “) when he has bad dreams about you the next day you see him he is just quiet he doesn't have bad dreams that often but when they are about you it makes him scared. 
It was one of the days that the saviours came for a pick up gregory wasn't sticking to his deal that well he sent you and jesus out to find something, anything to give to them when you both got back you didn't have that much which obviously made Simon angry with both of you and gregory, who said that it was you and Jesus's job to bring  something good back, your community was already on a warning for Simon which one. Ment someone was going to die today Simon had an evil grin on his face and he looked between both you and Paul both of you locked eyes as jesus grabbed your hand tightly “kill me” he said in a little voice and Simon just smiled at him and just like that pulled out his gun and shot you in the chest you went. Down as jesus catched you in his arms you were bleeding and was already dead he held you as you died in his arms, 
He would wake up screaming  covered with sweat 
You and him had a day out you went swimming and before he knew it he couldn't find you but he could hear you shouting, he seen the water splashing and hands waving he swam to you trying to pull you up but everytime he touched you you went deeper down he swam down to grab you but you keto on slipping away from him. And he just couldn't get to you 
He woke up with his heart pounding in his chest. You woke up beside him. You told him he was calling your name. He looked at you with scared eyes and he just hugged you. 
You didn't even take any notice of him when you saw negan you dumped him and went with negan sleeping with him behind dwight back you left dwight for negan and he couldn't say anything to you, to stay you just hated being around him called him names, told him how ugly his face was and who would stay with a guy like that. When negan was there giving you anything you wanted you would just walk out, negan would rub it in dwight's face that he had you, dwight would cry himself to sleep every night going over and over your relationship with him trying to  find something wrong anything but he couldn't he wanted to know why you did this to him why you left everything in your relationship was perfect so this was just random but after the days went by you would see him in the halls and you would just walk by him. He asked you one day the reason why you left and you simply said that you never loved him.he just broke down in front of you 
After the dream  he would wake up and just lay in his bed knowing one day that would happen the next day you saw him and you knew that he had a bad dream you hugged him, and he told you everything you were shocked that he thought that you kissed him on his lips and told him that you loved him and you'll never leave him 
(king ezekiel) 
you knew he wasn't the one you wanted someone else that's why you were with him and he knew it but he loved you so much he couldn't just end it with you, you were with him through everything you would only kiss him when the guy who you wanted was near, hug him when the guy you wanted was looking at you it hurt him so bad his heart broke he just wanted you to love him but you couldn't. You would choose the other guy over him only if that guy saw you differently you cheated on him and you walked out leaving him he locked himself away. Carol tried to talk to him but he wouldn't listen even Jerry told him one of his jokes but nothing. Let's just face it he's nothing without you 
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petrifyhq · 2 years
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welcome back to hogwarts, emma vanity. a lot has changed since we last saw you around  —  you’ve got twenty - four hours until your next class starts up. jessica alexander is now taken.
( jessica alexander, twenty, cis woman, she/her ) hey, is that EMMA VANITY wandering the halls without a companion? the SIXTH YEAR is getting bold. and here I thought the SLYTHERIN was always more perceptive, self-reliant, & confident. but then they are also known to be impatient, competitive, & avaricious, so maybe that makes sense. these hard times are enough to change anybody, I suppose. and did you hear people are saying they’re in THE KNIGHTS? rumors fly when people are cooped up.  here, I’ll show you — EMMA always reminded me of tequila shots served with a slice of limelight ; wiping blood and lip gloss from your mouth ; dark ice across a frozen forest lake concealing freezing depths beneath ; expensive perfume mingling with the scent of phosphorus ; the first drop of blood in the water before the feeding frenzy begins ; wearing back-breaking heels just to hear them click against stone as you walk ; perfectly manicured nails pulling at loose threads until all that’s left is a tangle of frayed strands . and I’ve heard SHE FED THE CAT OF THE LAST PERSON WHO HIT HER WITH A BLUDGER TO THE GIANT SQUID. let’s hope the PUREBLOOD doesn’t get attacked by the beast. or let’s at least hope that rumor doesn’t get back to them before they do. ( bee, 23, est, she/her )
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boski093 · 8 years
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Few know that in 1815, when the Great Powers convened the Congress of Vienna, they constructed the political landscape of Europe to end and hopefully prevent further Napoleonianic War by settling territorial and political issues in an intriguing way. They did it by playing games of Trouble. It was pretty effective, even with constant cheating by Austrian Statesman Metternich. #Boskifacts #Whoknew #boardgames #congressofvienna #napoleonicwars # Vienna #troublegame #Metternich #tallyrand #AlexanderI #Castlereagh #dontcheatatboardgames
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arunasbrasas · 2 years
Po trijų metų pertraukos „pole“ iškovojo A. Rossi
Po trijų metų pertraukos „pole“ iškovojo A. Rossi
A. Rossi / Penske Entertainment: Joe Skibinski nuotrauka Paskutinį kartą buvęs greičiausias 2019 metais, Alexanderis Rossi iškovojo „pole“ poziciją „Road America“ trasoje surengtoje „IndyCar“ kvalifikacijoje. Sutartį su „McLaren“ jau pasirašęs amerikietis buvo greičiausias pirmoje treniruotėje, o antroje susidūrė su technikos gedimu. A. Rossi, kaip ir Coltonas Herta, paskutinėje kvalifikacijos…
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sufin5ever · 6 years
Unpopular opinion: Norway's entry is really good, haters just don't want him to win, because they would rather listen to mr. Benjamin Douchegrosso.
Well, tbh i really don’t get the hate towards him. 
Everyone loved him last year but now he is suddenly hated by everyone.
And it feels like nobody remembers that Loreen tried to represent Sweden last year and literally nobody said a thing about it. 
Idk. Alexandery Rybak is the bae and I hope he gets in the top 3/5! 
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dresypredeti · 4 years
dres real madrid s vlastnym menom  Manchester
dres real madrid s vlastnym menom  Manchester United je po stretnutí s Arsenalom na Emirates Stadium až do piateho kola FA Cupu. Alexanderis Sanchez, Jesse Lingard a Anthony Martial dostali mená do zápisu, keďže United sa tešili z pôsobivého víťazstva 3: 1. United mali jasnú hru plán od začiatku; dobre sa bráňte a vyrážajte do rýchleho protiútoku.
Hostia tento herný plán vykonali k dokonalosti, keď Lingard aj Martial skórovali po tom, čo United chytili Arsenal na brejku. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer po zápase pripustil, že svojim hráčom ukazoval futbalovefanstore.com  videá z protiútokov, ktoré v minulosti proti Arsenalu skórovali. .
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bestdjkit · 4 years
Alex Alexander Delivers Raw, Soulful EP "Helpless"
After 25 singles and 70 million streams, Alex Alexander's "Helpless" EP is here.
Swedish pop sensation Alex Alexanderis here with his highly anticipated EP, the scintillating electro-pop and Latin-inspired Helpless.
The 5-track Helpless EP is a song-cycle of electronic ballads that blend a number of different sub-genres while staying under a melodic umbrella. It's a pristine demonstration of Alexander's sound, which is highlighted by bouncy rhythms, acoustic guitar plucks, and raw, emotive vocals. 
Alexander kicks things off with the project's title track, a tropical-inspired pop and moombah hybrid that will have listeners yearning for the sun-kissed, utopian vibes of summer. The ensuing single "Lyin' Eyes" is a downtempo electronic bop dripping with soul due to its seductive, beguiling horns, lending to a soulful ballad that evokes lipstick stains and red velvet. 
The third track, "Don't Make Me," is an electronic slow-burner that churns along to a hypnotic 95 BPM while showcasing the nuanced peaks and valleys of Alexander's vocal stylings. He follows with "Breaking Down The Wall," a beautiful R&B-inspired jam that blends elements of bluegrass and dream pop, before closing out the EP with the Refeci remix of "Don't Make Me," which gives the original a gritty synth-pop edge.
Up to this point, Alex Alexander has released 25 singles, amassing over 70 million streams and establishing himself as a bona fide artist to watch in the international pop scene. Moreover, he is setting himself up for a monster 2020 not only with the release of Helpless, but also with a big move to Los Angeles. As Latin-inspired music continues to permeate the dance music industry, Alex Alexander is poised to mark his territory.
Facebook: facebook.com/AlexAlexanderLive/ Twitter: twitter.com/uralexalexander Instagram: instagram.com/alexalexanderlive/ SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/alexalexanderlive
from Best DJ Kit https://edm.com/music-releases/alex-alexander-helpless-ep
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yourgamecheats · 5 years
ROME: Total War – Alexander coming to iPhone and Android
ROME: Total War – Alexander coming to iPhone and Android
Feral Interactive has announced that ROME: Total War – Alexander, the strategy game based on the exploits of antiquity’s greatest commander, will be released for iPhone and Android on October 24th. Originally developed by Creative Assembly and published by SEGA for Windows PC, and brought to iPad by Feral Interactive, Alexanderis the second standalone expansion pack for the critically-acclaimed…
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prormalet-blog · 5 years
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(เหลือ 1 ต้น) Tephrocactus alexanderi มี 2 ต้น ต้นละ 400 บาท ลดเหลือต้นละ 350 บาท ซื้อไม้ล๊อต01-09 2 ต้นขึ้นไป ส่งฟรีค่า #tephrocactusalexanderi #แคคตัส #กระบองเพชร #ไม้อวบน้ำ #cactus #succulents #cactuslover #succulentslover #cactusthailand #succulentsthailand #cactusforsale #succulentsforsale #prormalet (at Phrae, Thailand) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz2g_I3ls86/?igshid=loz6m44sjxjl
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arunasbrasas · 3 years
Antrosios lenktynės Saudo Arabijoje baigėsi E. Mortaros pergale
Antrosios lenktynės Saudo Arabijoje baigėsi E. Mortaros pergale
E. Mortara, ROKiT Venturi Racing / Formula-E nuotrauka Antrose Saudo Arabijoje surengtose „Formulės-E“ lenktynėse, kuriose netrūko kontaktinės kovos ir lenkimų, pergalę iškovojo „Venturi“ komandos sportininkas Edoardo Mortara. Likus mažiau nei 10 min. iki varžybų pabaigos, smūgio į apsauginę sieną neišvengė Alexanderis Simsas. O sustojus jo bolidui, trasoje pasirodė saugos automobilis.…
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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arunasbrasas · 5 years
Antrosiose FE lenktynėse A. Simso triumfas ir BMW dublis
Antrosiose FE lenktynėse A. Simso triumfas ir BMW dublis
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A, Simsas / Formula-E, LAT Images nuotrauka
Šiandien Saudo Arabijoje vykusiose antrose „Formulės-E“ lenktynėse pirmąją pergalę iškovojo BMW pilotas Alexanderis Simsas, o jo komandos draugas Maximilianas Guentheris finišavo antras.
Kvalifikacijoje iškovojęs „pole“ poziciją, A. Simsas sėkmingai startavo ir išliko lenktynių lyderiu. Britui nutolti nuo varžovų vis sutrukdydavo du kartus trasoje…
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