#alfonse really is just. one of the guys of all time. everything he does is so fucking funny to me
moe-broey · 1 year
Being an Alfonse enjoyer is SO fucking funny bc one minute you're thinking "Shit this guy can actually be scary if you fucking think about it like he's so fucked up actually" and the next he's. Being dragged along by his little sister and her antics AND he's being a good sport about it. Like he clearly doesn't want to be here but he's not gonna complain. He's going to put his heart into it actually. Because Sharena is putting her whole heart into it!!!! And well. There has to be two of them (retainers). Duh. Obviously.
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shummashum · 9 months
Zeus Brundle Ch3 [7~12]
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What I'm curious about is: Does he genuinely look that cute, or does he look like a real pig but looks chibby form only to my eyes? It's the former… right?
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Now the flow of the situation has changed. Well, Cae was the one who laughed first, so he had to take it. What goes around comes around
And hello Liz. This is my first time seeing you beyond Season 6. I personally preferred the previous pink eyes.
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I heard that the ability to speak with animals is not common in WH sekai. I smell money
But I also heard the circus is on the decline these days. It would be much more profitable to upload animal vlogs on YouTube with that ability
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Anyway, Klaus said the keyword Cae's curse. He asked Liz, who had a question mark above her head, if she knew the story mentioned at the beginning of Ch1.
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I feel like I've seen this before somewhere. This feels the same as Tower of Sorrow is real thing blahblah
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But the king didn't really "break" his promise, did he? He said he would allow the prince to marry her once he navigated through the Labyrinth, but didn't that also condition include returning? The prince didn't meet the conditions for his return, it cannot be said that the king broke his promise.
Erm… I thought it was the king's intention for the prince to be trapped in the labyrinth, but wasn't that the case? It's a bit weird that the curse applies to the proxy rather than the intended subject of the order.
Then is this an arbitrary action by the House of Baroque? That's weird as well
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but bro what the fuck is this what kind of curse is this is this the best you can come up with? seriously? And why is there gender options. If you're going to curse someone like that anyway, just do it regardless of gender. Why should the distinction be made
But then again, that fucking lip-sealing spell exists in this WH sekai. What's wrong with that kiss blahblah curse
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You know, that kind of personality is the life of the party in a state where everyone is now really close and hitting each other is tolerated. Well this kind of guy will become a race starter aka all-around troublemaker if they're in fanfic or something.
Someday I'll treat him like that too... But not now.
Anyway, the party ended, and everyone started leaving and going their separate ways. As she was about to leave, Zeus stopped her.
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This guy likes dragons so much. Aren't dinosaurs the 5-year-old's favorite thing. His mental age is the same as theirs. shush
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I don't know, Solmare didn't teach me But if I say "I don’t know" then I'll hear "Don't you know that, you idiot" from the mighty idiot.
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You may know but I don't know dammit But fortunately, Liz answered everything. This girl is awesome
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Anyway, Zeus cast the spell. If a magic circle is drawn just by chanting, is there a quick slot or something? Perhaps he memorizes the composition of the magic circle itself
He succeeded in summoning this time, above the magic circle was a fairy-like dragon.
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She consumed so much mental power that her sanity score ended up going into negative territory. Let's all mourn her.
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And here comes Alfonse. Surprisingly, Zeus didn't recognize him while he was close to Cae. huh, aren’t they both Day Class Prefects?
Anyway, they were having an in-depth conversation about the magic circle created by Zeus, while Liz was just watching them.
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I still don't have a clue about him he's an idiot but! he's a genius however! he's an idiot nevertheless! he's talented notwithstanding! he's an idiot
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And this bastard thinks the academy is his front yard Do it in front of your house
Oh, I know. I found a way to shut him up. If you ask him who would win, the black dragon or the Tyrannosaurus, he will spend the whole day thinking about it and not even open his mouth.
Anyway, Liz didn't know about black dragons, so Al taught her some: black dragons feed off darkness, but not evil as one would expect.
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Yeah, I wanted this Darkness is not necessarily a bad thing. Darkness that exists above rules and order is just an element that harmonizes with other elements! Well... if it were outside of it, things would be different though
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iamdarkness · 3 years
Alfonse x Summoner.NSFW 18+
This one goes to the people who wanted an Alfonse Summer atl. At least we got Freyr.
 Taboo: from Tongan tabu ‘set apart, forbidden’
 Summoner POV
As a person who comes from the “World of Steel” I am be very used to most levels of nakedness in people. I mean, when you do P. E. at school or when you go to the gym or running at the park, or the beach, and watch TV; we are all bombarded by all kinds of nakedness. We are used to looking at other people’s bodies as something normal.
   When I got to Askr I met heroes of all kinds and many of them are just like me in that they find levels of nakedness normal. Take Hawkeye for for example. He is quite a gentleman and in his culture it is quite normal to be half naked.
 Leading the heroes I got used to them and their bodies enough that I view most of them with a more clinical eye, like a doctor would. When they are wounded and I help treat them, I see their bodies just as a doctor would. The same goes when I see them in the beach or the spring. This make them much more comfortable around me. So much so that some of the heroes have tried to play tricks on me and see me crack.
  Like the time the most unlikely pair, consisting of Niles and Henry played a trick on older Ike. They took his clothes when he was in one of the baths, locked his room and hid his clothes in my office (which is attached to Alfonse’s). They told him not to worry “ The Summoner is asleep.” I was definitely not asleep and saw the guy in all of his muscular glory. Did I get flustered? Not really. I mean at first it was like “WTF”, but I was not ogling the guy! He was all freaked out, and I got worried. Besides, I have seen him almost naked before. What is a little more skin? Well it wasn’t little to be fair…it was actually quite a lot…
  I was quietly reading a report on my writing desk, all hunched over, when he came silently in and stood right in front of me. I waited for him to talk. I thought it was Alfonse at first, coming to get my report, so I did not even say anything. I am used to him just coming in and sit to wait for me to finish my work quietly. Then Ike stands just in front of the desk and I look up to see a mop of dark blue hair over his “Ragnell”. I look all the way up to see Ike looking over at the bookcase behind me. He was not yet aware I was awake.
   -Ike? What are you looking for?- I ask calmly looking back to the bookcase behind me to see what he was looking for. I hear a yelp and something heavy falling down. I look around and find him on the floor covering himself with his hands. His eyes were wide opened and he could not talk for a second. He just kept opening and closing his mouth and said “ I can explain.”in a strangled voice. Alfonse chooses that exact moment to come inside and finds me standing up to give Ike my coat so he can cover himself up. What does he see? I am undressing my self in front of Ike and Ike is naked on the floor.
   Yes we were able to clear that up. Alfonse even laughed about it and still does sometimes, but that was only the beginning.
   Some time later Dieck comes inside the study Alfonse and I use in the library. Now we all know Dieck always uses the bare minimum on clothes, but this time he is wearing only his pants and boots. As soon as he comes in, he starts taking his pants off (And of course he is not wearing underwear) and looks at Alfonse and say.
   -Oh Your Majesty is here too? Oh don’t worry; I don’t mind.- He now is butt naked and kicking his boots off. I turn to Alfonse with a ‘WTF’ face and I see him tomato red and very angry. He looks at me and…Why…is he angry at me too? What did I do?
   -Dieck… what the hell is going on?- I ask calmly because I feel Alfonse is going to blow a gasket and any loud noise will set it off.
   -I am here for the check up.- He says simply and his smile falters a little, looking sideways at Alfonse. I focus on his face like it is a normal conversation. Doctors and nurses can do this and so can I.
   -What check up?
   -The one you ordered to check our birthmarks and scars, just in case we are killed and there is no other way to identify our bodies.- I turn to Alfonse and I give him a questioning look, but he appears to not have heard anything except the “the one you ordered”. He is looking at us both angrily back and forth.
   -Umm…Well now that you mentioned it… It sounds like a good idea, but I have never given that order. Whoever told you that? -Still focused on the face.
   -One of the soldiers…so it is not true?- He asks now red in the face, which is very weird because this man has no sense of shame when it comes to showing off. Then he goes to cover himself with his hands, but too late Dieck, I already saw it all.
   -Well no, but it is a good idea, right Alfonse?- I say thoughtfully. He seemed to have regained his senses and is now still red, but his face is lowered and he just nods.
   -Oh…I should go then and find that (he whispers some curses under his breath)…I… -He takes his pants and puts them on. I start making a note about the idea to tell Anna.- I am sorry ______.
   - Don’t worry Dieck. No harm done. This has happened before and just so you know I liked the idea, but if we do make it happen, it would be a member of the healing team doing the check up.- He looks skeptically at Alfonse who is pinching the bridge of his nose and has his eyes closed. You know, that face he does when he is about to lose his patience? Well that one.
   -Oh! Thanks for letting me know.
   -I want to know if you can identify the soldier that told you this. Please see me tomorrow after breakfast,at the training ground.- Alfonse tells Dieck and there is a determined look on his face. Dieck looks back at him and with just the same look, agrees to it.
   At the end we did use that idea, but meanwhile I had four other heroes coming in to undress in my presence. One of them being Lady Camilla who agreed to dismember whoever was the culprit of the trick. The other was Libra who looked about to faint when he was informed he had been tricked by someone. King Claude, who laughed about it and congratulated whoever had bested him in his kind of game; and finally Sonia, who paraded around the room, even after I told her it was not necessary for her to undress. The culprit ended up being Xane ,and Marth was not lenient with him. Neither was I. I mean whoever plays a trick like that on Libra?! Yes! He is a guy!
 This keeps happening periodically, specially with new heroes. It is like some kind of hazing ritual.
   At this point I have seen at least one version of all the heroes naked for one reason or another and like I said before, they seemed to be very comfortable around me and my professionalism.
  Yet I, being myself can’t get used to showing much of my own body due to my insecurities. I mean I may exercise and maybe train but I keep myself still kind of covered up almost all the time. It is a uniform after all. I even have to wear that tiara they gave me. I look like royalty XD
  Askr itself has it’s own norms and they are far more conservative when it came to dress codes and overall behavior. I mean Alfonse sometimes sounds like I imagine my great grandpa sounded back in the day. And this is when I realized something. I have never seen Alfonse in any kind of undress and…It kind of bother me. Why? Because he was the only one person I was attracted to in all of Askr. I loved that man’s mind, heart, personality and skill…in everything he did.
 I knew I was in love with Alfonse at this point, but it had taken another Alfonse showing a little chest to understand that I was the the most sexually frustrated of all my life and that looking at his chest was doing things no one else had done in their entire nakedness. Hell not even porn or hentai had given me the high I got from imaging my Alfonse in that outfit. I mean…not that I used to watch porn or hentai. I know what they are, but the time I did watch, it was all meh. I even thought it was funny. I mean, who isn’t curious about that ? I suppose we have all gone at least once and taken a look at it? Right?…right?
   I remember plain as day I stood there stunned into silence, and probably mouth agape the whole time. I must have looked like an idiot or a pervert! My Alfonse was red as a tomato and trying so hard to avoid my gaze. At the end of the day, the only thing I got out of him was a little laugh and a small  “I am so glad, we do not share that costume here in Askr.”
   I find my self starting at his UN-globed hands when he is drinking tea or eating. I try not to, but the white smooth surface of the back of his hands contrast with the rough calloused fingers, so used to gripping sword and shield. They can also play the sweetest of sounds on a violin and I find that so sexy. Those same long white fingers so tempting and beautiful in their strength and skillfulness. Sometimes I stop my self from wondering how they would feel and...<<What them fingers do Alfonse?!! No ! Stop!>>
  It is true I touch him often. Touch is my love language and even though I always make sure to give people that do mind, their personal space, I do know that Alfonse does not mind. Alfonse may not be a huger, but it does not mean he does not enjoy being touched by people he holds close to him or for them to be near him. Also yes, I have helped him with his wounds but, most of the time I am to damn worried to actually take time to enjoy the touch of his skin and to be hones I find that quite a violation of trust, so I do not indulge in it.
   Sometimes he has caught me starting at the brim of his scarf and under-armor for a glimpse of his neck and I feel so embarrassed by it, but the thought of kissing him there is so tempting to me and I long so much to see past that barrier. He always covers himself again when he sees it is revealing more that that fraction of his neck… And Lord above! Is he smiling?
   The curse of all of this is, that yes we have Summer here in Askr, but it is not as hot and you have to travel to the beach to be seriously hot. He has never gone to the beach with us, since I arrived here.  I am not counting the times we do go, because Anna comes up with some scheme to raise money for the order, because we all wear the uniform then. Whenever he goes to the hot spring; he does it by himself, when Sharena and I are doing something else. Even while going to the river he wears long sleeves, because …bugs. I have asked Sharena and she just answered that she had not noticed and why I was interested….Oh you know…scientific purposes Sharena…
  At first I feel so sad and rejected. Fine…I get it. You are not interested in me and do not welcome my intrusive looks…but…he gives me so many mixed signals! Why is he so close at meetings and I can feel his fingers touching mine. He has taken my hands in his many times. When another hero flirts with me he always appears out of nowhere with knitted brows and a disapproving stare. Prince Hrid came to say ‘Hi’ once and to talk to me, and next thing I know Alfonse drops everything to be next to me as well. Hrid even asked me if we were engaged ! I wish Hrid!
 Well I suppose that is what friends do right? Maybe he does not want me falling in love with a hero and leaving Askr while they need me here. But I talked to him already. I am not returning “home” and I am not leaving…because…How can I leave and not see him again? Not that I wanted to return “home” to begin with, and it seemed impossible to fall in love with someone else other than him.
   I have seen heroes flirting with him as well, and he seems unimpressed by any of them. I have heard other heroes telling the rejected ones, “He has eyes only for the Summoner.” …But what had they seen that I don’t? So I go and ask Sharena and she just laughs it up and says to give him time. He is shy and self conscious.
 …So he does like me, but is very shy and very busy and very self conscious and insecure? OK…I can work with that. Like a great elf king said once; “I am patient; I can wait.” But not that much cause I’m not an elf.
   Then Lif came and I thought “Hell! Even his grandpa show more skin than him!”
 Lif came like a shadow from the grave that will take your last breath. To be honest, he looked more like Death than Hel herself. Except… He was HOT. I felt bad for even thinking that, when the Goddess of Death was trying to end us all, and most specially Alfonse. And you see, that is when I got angry. How the heck was an ancestor of the Askr royalty helping that crazy witch, end his descendants?
   Lif attacked us and tried to, I suppose…kidnap me? He made a bee line to where I was standing and fell all the soldiers on his way. It was weird! I was about to bolt, because the training I had, would not stop the guy who just felled like twenty guys on his way, but something, not fear, took hold of me and I just…those eyes… It was like ten seconds in which I looked into his eyes and saw so many emotions in them, that I could not understand and then I could not move….ten seconds and he was already there in front of me, not attacking but there!
   Alfonse came before Lif had taken me or whatever he was going to do. He ended up with a bruised knee and ankle. I went to help him with some salves and bandages when we were done with the rest of the more serious injured people. He took off his shoe and rolled up the under armor. His ankle was not swollen and his knee was bruised but it was not swollen. I put some salve any way.  
  -What happened? I saw it from afar and felt I would not get there fast enough. Where was Dimitri?- He said a little angry, since King Dimitri was one of my supports alongside him and he was tasked today with being my guardian. I was still massaging his ankle not even thinking about it.
  -They were circling us from the back and Dimitri had to fall back to take care of it…Umm…I don’t know what happened. It was weird. He looked at me and he just…
   -I saw it too.- Said Sharena who came to stand behind Alfonse.- It was like he hit you with a spell.
   -It didn’t feel, like a magic attack. I was more like… I don’t know…- I felt weird about it, so I just made some stupid joke to lighten the mood- Why didn’t y’all tell me your grandpa was so hot? Heh , heh, heh heh! What? It’s not my fault! He kind of looks like you Alfonse.- Hey I was nervous and I do this when I get nervous!
   At first They gave me their “ Seriously?” stare, but Sharena catches on quick and starts laughing out loud. Alfonse? Well he scowls and close his eyes and then takes his foot away from my hands. What?? wait I didn’t get the chance to enjoy that! Damn! Next thing I know, he is taking his sock and starts putting in on. I see his smooth white skin peppered with… is that golden hair? Does it have a blue in it? and my throat closes dry. I follow his movements, as hypnotizing as a dance, rolling up that white sock that is taking away my hopes and dreams. Then the under armor goes down and boot on. It took him like ten seconds, that I totally did not count. Then his hands were covered as well.
 I look up at him with my hands still hovering in the same place as when he took away his leg and see him smiling sideways. I compose myself and…Wait…What? Is he doing this on purpose? Seriously? And the worst part is, that it should not bother me at all, but the truth is…I am very bothered by it. He has become a some sort of taboo to me and GOD how I love the guy! If it was someone else like Robin who never looses that coat of his and globes; I would not care! But I love him Lord. Why is he like this? I used to thank God I was not one of those feet fetishes people, and now I will be dreaming of his feet.  Thanks Alfonse!
 Joking. I respect feet fetish people. To each their own.
 The point is that I feel like those people in Victorian novels, where they get all hot and bothered by someone’s ankle showing more than normal! Oh but what an ankle that was tho’. Stop. Focus!
   I resolve to see him as clinically as any other hero and not stare at the shape of his ears and think of how I want to whisper how much I love him while kissing it…Grrr…I’m doing it again.
   Days later we see Lif again and Alfonse is cursed…We have nine days. Good thing Hel has not seen The Ring or it might have been only seven. Yeah I joke now, but back then I was about to commit murder and then kill myself…or something just as dramatic.
 We searched for days, a way to undo the curse and we found nothing. You’d think I would have taken a page from Dean Winchester's book and played the “last days on Earth” trope to get into his pants; but to be honest nothing like that even crossed my mind at the time! I was so desperate to keep him alive that nothing else matter to me. He could have paraded naked in front of me at the time I was at the library and I would not have noticed…Well, maybe I would have, but it didn’t happen so it doesn’t count
   Until the sixth night of the curse.
   There was a knock at the door to my chamber. Oh! Did I mentioned we have a shared study? Because we do. It is between our chambers and it can only be entered from our rooms. It was his idea and it was for safety reasons. The nights I have spent sitting by the chimney staring at his door…but never mind that. He knocked at my chamber door and when I opened it, he was about to leave. He was wearing sleeping pants, a long sleeve night shirt and socks, all in white.
   We had fallen asleep next to each other at the library before of course, especially during the days he was cursed. And yes we used to huddle together during our march through Nifl. It was effing cold OK. We also usually had our sleeping rolls next to each other during campaigns, because we fall asleep while talking or after a watch,but we had never slept together on a bed. Beds are…intimate to him I suppose.
This night however, he came in and he just goes on and sit on my bed. He said nothing. I sat next to him and reached over to give him a hug. He took this as his cue and hugged back and didn’t let go. He clung to me with such force I was starting to feel dizzy. I asked him to stay the night. He nodded and still said nothing. I blew out the candle I was using to read and we went to sleep while he hugged me tightly. It was no surprise to me, but it was not so much fear that I could see in him. It was so many emotions, that fear seemed to be the least of his problems; but of course he was afraid. We spend together the following nights of his curse. Funny thing is …all those nights I dreamed of his Grandpa, watching over from my balcony window.
  And did I had a glimpsed of something while sleeping together? No. He came in and blew the candle out and by the time I woke up he was already awake. Not like I would have gone and taken advantage of his sleeping form to explore or something. I just thought later that if I had woken up before him, then may be I would have seen his shirt riding up or his pants lowered a little or maybe his sock had fallen off or something. Oh well…They were still the best nights of my life, even if they didn’t feel like that at the time. I mean, I got to be held like I was the most precious and sacred treasure in the world by my beloved. I would care for nothing else.
 Then…Grandpa is actually Alfonse from the future…
 Lif, as he goes by now, told us everything that had happened in his Askr. Which is weird because I had been dreaming of something like that and I thought it was stress.
 We spent some days in that dead world and I got to see Lif a few times. He looked curious about me, but at the same time I noticed he was avoiding me. The way he looked at Sharena really broke my heart every time I caught him starting at her. In turn Sharena looked ready to adopt him, if only he would let her do it.
One of those night I was having a nightmare about me dying while I saw Anna drop dead as if by magic. I woke up to find Lif watching me from afar. I got up and went to talk to him before he ran away.
 We talk for a while. I do not want to intrude on painful memories, but he seems to know me so well it feels natural to talk to him, just like it is to Alfonse.
 -You two…you are not lovers yet?- He asks eyeing me sideways.
 -No. Where you…?
 -Yes. After the first attack. We spent some weeks fighting Hel together. Is he still playing hard to get then?-Oh and there it was.
 -Oh! So it is not my imagination! God I thought I was going insane! Oh that Bunny suit messed me up! I love that chest!…wait. Is that why you have your chest out? - He nods.- And the glow…I noticed Thrasir does not have that glow and I love glow in the dark…ermm… It is an awesome design I have to say. I like it. It is sexy.- I felt bad for the lack of tact but at the same time he needed to know I did not find him ugly or scary any more.
 -You were always odd like that Summoner.- He says that in his deep voice, and it conveys a lot of feelings.
 Did he let me touch his chest? No…and I didn’t really ask to be honest. My respects to Lif. He gave up everything for us. I owe him a lot.
 Well, now I knew for sure and I could confront him or let him keep doing it, or maybe just seduce him. It was strange. I always thought it only worked on men, but I guess it does work goes both ways! At least it help me to fall in love with his mind and heart first, not his body.
 Next day we were walking out of Lif’s castle when the floor gave in and Alfonse and I fell through it. Luckily it was not even high, but I am not as tall as Alfonse and with my luck, part of my coat and shirt got caught on a sharp part of a broken stone pillar, and I was left hanging about one feet off the ground by one shoulder. I tried wiggling off the coat but I could not do it.
 -Are you hurt _____?- Alfonse asks worriedly getting up from where he landed on the floor.
 -No! I think I just got scratched! But I can’t unhook my self.
 - Only you _____.- Says Alfonse smiling and getting dust out of his uniform.
 -Thanks Alfonse…Can you help me down?
 He looks around and up for a while and then stares at me for a few minutes. Probably thinking how to approach the problem, but seriously I think he could just reach up and unhook me. He is tall enough for that.
  He comes close to me and circle my waist with his left arm and places his left leg between my legs to find leverage on the pillar behind me. He reaches over my head with his right arm to unhook my coat. Being this close to him is so exiting. My heart begins to race and I start feeling kind of hot. I try not to think about it and avoid my gaze from his face, but I can’t help looking at him.
 There was not much light coming down from the hole above us, but I could see the side of his face and ear…yeah the same ear I wanted to…OK! Not now! He took this time to move his leg up to hold my weight up, and I was left straddling it. He kind of wiggled it to adjust and…Oh boy! It felt good, good.
<< Oh no! Don’t move it anymore…>> I was praying for him not to move that leg, because God in heaven, I was going to come right there and then.
 …And he moved it again but higher and harder…
 -Mmmn- Oh GOD! I did not just moan into his ear. I mean, I am not horny all the time, come on! It is just that, he is so close I can smell him. He smells so deliciously manly, and his leg is touching just the right places!!
 Meanwhile he is frozen in place. It seems like he is thinking about what to do or maybe just not thinking at all. I personally think he will be leaving me hanging there to be hones. I am so embarrassed, I lower my face to hide it, but we are so close, I end up hiding my face in the crook of his neck.
 He gasps and I can feel his arm tightening on my waist and I get even closer to him. I feel him moving his head a little as if to see my face and then…he moves the leg again as if testing it. This time slowly. I tried and fail to stifle another moan but it still comes out. He moves his hips upwards and keeps moving the leg. It creates just the right amount of friction needed. I feel my hips move on their own to meet him.
 -Alfonse…- My legs tighten around his and when I come close to his manhood I can feel his arousal as well.
 -_________- He whispers my name softly as my leg touches him. All this while he is still moving that blessed leg back and ford. I am panting at this point and he feels like he is in the same situation. All of this brought me to my knees. I came hard. I sat there shuddering in his arms and biting my hand because the stone caused every little noise to sound louder. I felt him kissing my hair.
 We heard some loud footsteps up above us and then…
 -Hey! You need help down there!- I hear Barst’s voice over my head. He does not sound or look like he heard anything.
 -We are fine…I just need …to get her down.- Alfonse’s voice sound a little strained but Barst takes it to mean he es working on helping me down. Just like that, he unhooks my coat and lowers me down gently, still not letting go.
 -I’m getting a ladder!- He’s gone and we can hear his footsteps getting farther away.
 Alfonse steps forward still with me in his arms ,until my back is against the pillar and then looks at me and kisses me hard.
  I am dizzy by the time he lets go. - He is coming back.- He says against my neck and bites into it. I am sure they could hear that whimper that left my mouth. And can you blame me? He just bit into my neck and at the same time moved his hips in a way that I could feel his manhood rub against me. Both his hands were lowered to my hips and he used them to have me closer to him. All this while, he gave this utterly sexy guttural sound that almost sounded like a growl… He lets go, takes a step back and turns around, a moment later a ladder is lowered.
 -You go. I will explore down here a moment.- He says in a firm voice not looking at me.
  I go up the ladder still a little shaky and flushed. I tel Barst to let him explore to see what he can find, but to leave the ladder for him to get up. Darn I wanted to go “exploring” with him. Just imagining what he is doing down there is doing things to me. Good thing everyone thought I was scared of what had happened. I only had a scratch to show.
 He came back much later.
 …Well that was a lot of “exploring”.
 He comes to the camp outside the castle and we are ready to leave just after lunch. At first he seems reluctant to be near me. I am freaking out because well, overthinking and anxiety mixed with insecurities is a bad mix. Finally after half a day of travel, we make camp and post the watch. He comes and sit by my side when I am eating. We don’t talk about it until we are left alone to go to rest.
 -I…I apologize Alfonse. It wasn’t my intention. I…it just happened.- I tell him when he doesn’t speak.
 - It wasn’t my intention either…you don’t have to apologize. I have been wanting to tell you. I…have feelings for you. I just did not want to say it in a situation like that and not at a time like this. I wanted it to be special. I am in love with you _____.
 -I love you too Alfonse. I have for a long time… I’m sorry I ruined it…but I could not help but enjoy having you so near.- He is scarlet red, but smiling.- Which by the way, is your fault.- He looks puzzled.- Sir you are playing dirty.
 -How so? - He asks.
 -You are playing hard to get with my heart.
 -Oh that game you started playing with mine?-He asks arching an eyebrow.
 -What? Me? When? You don’t even let me see your hands for God’s sake. I never saw you flirting with me.
 -I…hold your hands.- He says blushing. Well that was so Alfonse of him.-…erm…You used to never take off that coat or those pants. You were all mysterious and unreachable- Mysterious? Well, firs time someone said that about me.
 -You wanted me to take off my pants?- He turns red again -I was…insecure. I mean look at those gorgeous women out there and I get all jealous and insecure. I felt safe with my coat on. What was your excuse?
 -The same…I am jealous and insecure…Well, I was at first, but then I noticed something about you. - I give him a questioning look.- You could look at any hero in the nude and not get flustered by it. When I asked you why; you told me they where just natural human bodies to you. You sounded like they were nothing special; like you had analyzed bodies so much you did not find them beautiful or sacred any more. You said you studied them at school and everyone paraded half naked in musical shows and the like. Later you told me you did find them beautiful in an artistic or scientific kind of way but it did not make it better to me.
 How to make someone like you fall in love….with me? I listened to you and how you praised my intellect and skills, and I knew you were attracted to those qualities, but there are other men with intellect and skills at home too. I needed to find a way to be special to you.
  It was only when we met that other Alfonse dressed in a bunny costume that I understood. The way you looked at him made me so envious and jealous. What was so special about him? I saw you ogle his body like he was the most sinful of apparitions, and he looked just like me! I was frustrated. That same evening I saw you looking differently at me, and I could not help but feel elated about it.
 I spied you looking intently at my naked hands and when I put on my globes, that look of disappointment did not escape my eyes. It occurred to me that you had never seen me in any state of undress and it must have been strange to you. I understood how you felt now. I have been watching heroes for years. Beautiful women I have been watching on a daily basis and none of them feel spacial, even if they have beautiful bodies,or incredible skills. Yet the day I saw you wearing regular clothes I …well I…- He blushed, lowered his face and left the sentence hanging.
 I flirted with the idea of letting you see more of me, but then I would just become like any other hero, and I wanted more than that. I want so much more.- Now he looked at me, and there was so much love and affection in his eyes, I could have melted in the spot.
 I have to confess I enjoyed seeing you flustered when you could see a little of me. That made me feel special, but I did not want to be just a mystery to you either. I wanted your heart and soul,your love not only your lust. I needed to to know you loved me.
  I had a talk last night with Lif. He told me they were lovers …His summoner and him. He told me I was being a fool just wasting time. He said that if you were anything like his ______, then you loved me, jut like his summoner did him. _______, I want what they had…I want everything, but I am afraid. Between this situation and the war with Embla…You understand me, don’t you?
 - I understand you. I suppose the time is not right. I don’t want to look back on the day we finally are together and remember all these tragedies. You know Alfonse. You were right about me and my take on “nakedness”. I guess we are on the same page now about desire too. To us, Desire comes from love. That is what makes you and your body especial to me. I fell in love with your sharp mind and your heart first, but also thanks to your “efforts” I can understand and appreciate how special a lover’s body is. You made me understand, that what I feel for you is true love, not just infatuation or lust. Thank you. We can wait if that is your wish…if not…I will not say ‘no’ to that to be honest. I leave it to your discretion…But Alfonse, next time you go “exploring” , I want you to know, I can always lend you a hand. ;)
  I write this on the day of Devotion. Alfonse and I had another talk and at the end, we decided to wait. Alfonse’s position is a little difficult, and now even more so after his father’s death. His personality makes me forget he is royalty, but the weight of his crown is a lot. He has more responsibilities and images to uphold. I want to think we have time to enjoy each other’s company, hearts and mind before we rush things any way.
 Well, I have to go, my family (Yes they are my family now) is waiting for me. Sharena informed me there is a huge surprise for me. Well, Anna did owed me some favors and she designed the costumes for the Royal family.I can’t wait see Alfonse! I hear he is wearing sandals XD Wink, wink!
 PS: Wait! I just realized something! Lif was actually spying on us!?
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pangtasias-atelier · 3 years
The Summoner’s New Drug
This was originally conceived as a joke between me and tumbyrumblings except I kinda wrote a lot and kept going lol. Though I feel like I wrote a whole lotta nothing despite this being 4k words abjsbjbbs 
Please know that any inaccuracies is cause I meant it that way lmao. Story involves the obvious three characters at ridiculously large sizes
"They're brownies," Corrin softly chimes in from his seat in the corner, his downcast eyes focusing on his warm chamomile tea instead.
"And what exactly is so special about these…" Grima trails off with a grimace. A plate of freshly baked brownies held in Kiran's hands, Grima eyes them warily as if concocted to destroy him.
"We have nothing like that in Phoenicis," Tibarn stands behind Kiran. He inquisitively glances down at the baked goods. A quick sniff relays enough information on his lack of knowledge on the dessert. "Chocolate huh. Those Begnion pigs loved that stuff,"
"Unsurprisingly, Corrin's the only one to really know about this kind of stuff," Kiran gives a small sigh before going on to inform them. "They're brownies. A nice little gooey, fudgy, chocolaty sweet. And they're special because I baked them myself! Doubly so since they're pot brownies,"
Upon the sudden adjective, Grima and Tibarn both turn towards Corrin. "I've never heard of that word before," He curves his tail closer to himself, not exactly appreciating the attention.
"They've got weed in them," Kiran clarifies. With a lack of a reaction, he divulges further. "You smoke it to feel good but you can also use it in food?" All three of them simply stare at him with morbid curiosity, none of them understanding the summoner. He lets out an exaggerated sigh before placing down the tray of goods. Grabbing a notebook he roughly sketches out the plant.
"Ah, you mean bud," Tibarn is the first one to respond. "I didn't think you'd know of such a thing. I used to enjoy it from time to time with Ulki and Janaff growing up,”
"That's the devil's grass," Corrin adds, now eyeing the brownies warily.
Kiran holds back a small snicker. "Oh come now; this is nothing so morbid like that. It's perfectly harmless and it makes you feel pretty nice,"
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Familiar with it, only in a different form, Tibarn shrugs his shoulders without a care. Grabbing one of the brownies, he merely takes a simple sniff before heartily chomping into the delicacy. “Mmm, you’ve outdone yourself,” Tibarn takes another quick two bites to finish it, a content thumbs up thrown Kiran’s way. “Heh, don’t mind if I take another one, right?” His eyelids drooping, Tibarn doesn’t wait for a response; instead he grabs two at once, one in each hand. He lets out a small, breathy chuckle. He stares at his hands while he continues to munch, as if each digit contained limitless knowledge possessed by Ashunera.
"Who cares about a weed concoction? It is yet another pointless distraction meant to please you pathetic worms," Grima skulks about as ever. Unwilling to partake in merriment enjoyed by others, he keeps his arms crossed.
“I guess you’re right,” Kiran sighs. He turns his back towards Grima. “Alfonse did like these, so I should save some for him if you won’t eat any,” As he goes to walk towards the plate, Kiran already has a grin forming on his face while he waits for his plan to work.
“That pathetic princeling has no need or right of anything that is yours,” And work it does as Grima barrels past Kiran in a frantic rush to reach the brownies. Only wishing to deny someone else enjoyment, Grima angrily takes a bite of the brownie. Chocolate smears his lips. “Much less anything that is mine,,, ooh,” The sweet brownie dances on his tongue. A faint blush forming on his face, Grima’s shoulders lose their tension as they slack. “Perhaps I was mistaken. This weed thing is good,” Grima licks the chocolate smeared all over his teeth, desperate to not let a single gram go. “What was I even complaining about?” Grima’s eyes turn a bit red, the effect seemingly instantaneous.
“I think I’ll pass,” Corrin remains in his secure little corner; he continuously passes concerned glances at Tibarn and Grima.
“Oh come on. It’s not even bad for you,” Having already gotten two out of three, Kiran becomes pushy, pushing the drug onto Kiran. “They’ve only got a small amount” Standing over Corrin’s seated form, he towers over the petite dragon.
“I’m…” As Corrin mulls over on what to do, a voice suddenly pops into his head. ‘You know, my wife Nancy has a saying. Tell ‘em Nancy!’ Corrin’s mind is perfectly silent for a fraction of a second as it waits for another voice to join in. ‘Just say no!’ Corrin stares at the brownie in Kiran’s hand, his willpower marginally renewed from the voices of ghosts not from his world.
Seeing Corrin push back, Kiran pipes up more. “Everyone else is doing it. Just be cool about it,” Holding the brownie right in front of Corrin’s face, Kiran keeps a neutral expression. “Just try it,”
“Fine,” He brushes a bit of his hair to the side as he responds. Corrin trepidatiously accepts the brownie from Kiran, as if it were going to explode in his hand. His stomach churns and toils. He takes a few deep breaths to psyche himself up. Lifting the confection to his mouth, he takes a lil nibble of it. He nods his head in agreement, his body gently swaying to the side in clear enjoyment of it. “This is actually good,” He still takes small nibbles of it but each consecutive bite is always a bit larger than the last. A puff of air comes out his nose in a definite sign of contentment. By the time he finishes his first brownie, he grabs another one to peck at. He makes himself comfortable as he lies down on the couch. He stares at the plain empty ceiling. His mind relaxing, a myriad of shapes and colors that he never knew existed bounce around on the ceiling.
“You guys hungry?” Asking as innocuous as he can be, Kiran already knows the answer to his own question. “You boys wait right here, I’ll be right back with some snacks,” A chorus of hmms sound out as he saunters out the room. Kiran grabs the already prepared cart of food placed right beside the door. Waiting a few minutes, afraid to perhaps come off as too prepared and give something away, he comes right back inside after his self imposed time is up. “I figured you might be a bit peckish, so I got some snacks for you all,” Grima TIbarn and Corrin alike are all too faded to give much of a response besides another round of humms. Kiran doles out snacks to them, the three hungry men snacking away.
His plan on introducing the drug working exactly as planned, Kiran goes onto phase two. Not planning to crack down on them with unjust and pointless laws meant to harm minorities and benefit those in power, the second part of his plan is fundamentally the exact same as the first part; introduce more and more of the drug and let things take their natural course. As natural as the course can be with him being in charge of it all now.
All three perfectly chill and calm ever since having their first taste of weed in Askr, as befitting the effects of marijuana, they all feel another much more important side effect. Well, important to Kiran. The munchies. Addicted to it, all of them are constantly doped up on dope. They simply laze about throughout the entirety of their day, their days now filled with weed and food. Completely lacking awareness from being high all the time, they easily allow it. The pot brownie the gateway drug into other variants, Kiran introduces them to gummies, weed beverages, before even having most of their food contain it once their bodies build up enough of a resistance to it. Marijuana ice cream, weed milk, weed infused lobster, weed mac n cheese, weed gravy, anything and everything, upon hearing it contains weed, Grima Tibarn and Corrin clammer to try it. The more weed in their system, the fiercer the growing pit in their stomach demands food, the munchies taking a tighter grip on their bodies.
Their trim bodies gain an inkling of a pot belly, a trim sliver of pudge forming on the lowest part of their abdomen. That promptly thickens with a bit more time, said sliver of pudge blossoming into a full fledged gut, their arms gaining a bit of circumference all around as do their legs, their appendages getting a bit closer and compressed to their chunky middle. Over time, their usual outfits grow snug in places never before; shirts tighten around their swelling middles, pants constrict their jiggly thighs, and sleeves compress their flabby arms. Too faded to care, their addled brained minds preferring to fixate on satiating their cravings, they simply adorn their tight clothes even as those seem more akin to rags as their burgeoning bodies outgrow them near completely. They lack a single concern in the world with Kiran providing them all the weed and food they could want. Lazing and grazing about their only objective each day, all three’s activity spike down to near nonexistence. The only activity they get is shifting around a few times a day and the semi occasional walk to another location to space out and enjoy their environment, like the castle’s gardens or the lake. But even that minimal effort of movement begins to die down over time, their widening waistlines proving too taxing to bother themselves.
Moving past fat to obesity, Tibarn’s upper figure is the most prominent part of himself. A veritable gut rolls down his tree trunk thighs. The lowest roll of flab nearly reaches all the way down to his swollen calves. Each ponderous step Tibarn takes, the few that he has to, causes the great flabby beast to sway to and fro before undulating from the deep, heavy breaths he takes afterwards from the exertion. His defined pecs look like they never existed on his figure, two pendulous sagging breasts plunging to the side of his mountain of a gut. His arms are wider than the average heroe’s thighs, the doughy sagging arms constantly at an angle from the upper rolls of his torso. His once angular face lacks any sort of severity to it, Tibarn’s now cherubic face taken up by his puffed out cheeks and multiple squished together necks. His ass respectable in its own rights, the shapeless mounds for an ass sag down.
“About..” TIbarn takes a moment to catch his breath, his cheeks puffing out. “time,” Seated on a couch, Tibarn’s immensity takes up the entirety of it, his girthy love handles oozing out onto the armrests. Not a single space left on the seating, his gut rolls off of it and his thighs. The couch sags at the center from his crushing weight.
“Can’t keep you waiting for too long, big guy,” Kiran places a hand on Tibarn’s sprawling gut before rubbing slow circles on it, the immensity of his flab caving in from the slight pressure. “Brought you your favorites,” Handing him a tray consisting of meat, meat, and some more meat, Kiran places it on the titanic shelf of his chest. Kiran also hands him weed gushers. He pats Tibarn’s gut, the mass of fat wobbling in return. Tibarn promptly digs in as soon as his overly laden arms reach the plate of food.
Heading towards Corrin, the once constantly worried dragon is much more relaxed and chilled out. Used to some manners, he continues to sit at the now comparatively tiny table in the room. His body filled out everywhere, his plush rotund body bulges out with fat all over. One chair can no longer withstand his crushing weight, so now he sits on an entire three, the sides of his ass spilling off the sides of them. The inner rivets of his thighs curve inward from the fat piled onto them only for his great gut to smother the entirety of them under its weight. His flab digs into the table, his plush fat seeping above and below it despite it not being as massive as Tibarn’s. His breasts somehow retain a sense of form to them, his juicy, plump chest resting atop his gut.
“How’re you doing?” Kiran comes up from behind, placing a gentle hand on Kiran’s should as he walks around his obese form. “Hungry or anything?”
“I’m fine,” Corrin lets out a small sigh, his fat face giving a contented smile. His nose perks as the wafts of what Kiran is carrying reaches his nostrils. More weed arriving, Corrin’s gut involuntarily grumbles, a deep cavernous rumble shaking his entire body. “Actually,” Corrin pauses, embarrassed to admit his needs.
“I got you covered,” Kiran ruffles the top of Corrin’s hair. He places a plate atop his buxom chest. A spread of food, all of them contain fair amounts of weed. Knowing Corrin will wait a few seconds before stuffing himself, Corrin goes to check on Grima.
The fat fell dragon sitting on a mattress, the cushion offers no real purpose besides customary, Grima’s massive ass oozing off the edges of it. His titanic door crushing thighs remain plastered onto the mattress. The wide, gargantuan appendages spread over the entirety of the mattress. His gut nowhere near as exaggeratedly big as his lower half, the doughy mass of fat rests comfortably atop his thighs. His generous chest lurches forward down onto his heaping stomach, his line of neck rolls and chins resting above said chest. His fat addled arms are at a constant angle from the jutting fat from both his torso and his arms. “And why am,” Grima lets out a groan to catch his breath. “I last?”
Kiran wasting no time waiting, he steps to the side of Grima with a plate ready as well. “Cause I knew you could hold on a bit longer for me. And besides, I'm here right now aren't I?” Kiran places a plate full of nothing but sweets. Each confection is chock full of cannabutter, exactly to Grima’s liking.
Stepping back, he takes an appreciative look of all three’s bloated bodies. Not quite yet immobile, their bodies holding out a bit longer than expected, Kiran’s brain whits as he imagines their obese figures even bigger, said image only a matter of time.
The time coming very quickly, it doesn’t take much longer for the three of them to find themselves unable to get up. Unconcerned from before when moving was already taxing, they display the exact same lack of concern on the same day they can’t get up. And still, they continue to eat and grow. What is once the beginning somewhat resemblant of a body immobility eventually turns into shapeless immobile blobs. Clothes go completely forgone, the amount of fabric needed to cover a single mountain of a gut astronomical. Furniture gets swallowed under their lard, mattresses and couches alike unable to withstand and withhold copious amounts of flab. Space diminishes. With not one. not two, but three pathetically food addicted and weed addicted men, their ever flowing flab presses up against not only itself but against each other with only so much space in the room to go around. So much fat swaddling their entire forms, legs and arms become useless, the appendages becoming buried in a sea of flab. All too eager to keep on eating, the bulging walls are of absolutely no concern when their fat builds and pushes against all four corners of the room. Flab busting down a wall and seeping out in desperation of more room only earns a sigh of relief from them with more breathing room. The ever increasing rolls making up a chin eventually seem to meld together. A tire of fat forms around their fat faces. A handful of heaping rolls lining their stomach become two handfuls into even more, more and more fat piling on top of their corpulent frames. Where once a room was sufficient to house all three immobile piles of lard, soon it becomes a room plus a hallway. Then it turns into multiple rooms before half an entire wing is necessary. Eventually, they take up the entirety of said wing only to require even more space with their ever constantly fattening forms. Soon, the entirety of Askr castle becomes uninhabitable with the looming threat of the three blobs burying the castle under a cascading blanket of lard.
Askr castle now entirely devoid of any sign of people besides three blobs, the only sound one can hear is the churning of overtaxed machines as they perform their best to keep feeding their users. One machine per person is no longer sufficient, each of them requiring two to sate their black hole of a stomach. In what is presumably the throne room, a location Kiran can only guess from how big his heroes’ have gotten, what with any and all furniture destroyed and smothered by their fat, Grima’s big bloated body greedily guzzles away at his liquid food. His hands and legs are equally smothered under titanic fat rolls. His pale blubbery legs have absolutely no definition or shape to them, the oozing oceanic thighs splaying out on both sides around him. A sea of rolls making them up, each thigh alone rivals the size of an average room. So much fat stacked on top of fat, they even give Grima some height to his billowing, massively wide frame. Not that it means much when he’s over six times as wide as he is tall. His ass melding into his thighs, there is no distinction on where exactly they separate from his thighs. The back wall of the throne room bulges outward from the substantial weight pressing onto it. The side wall is already destroyed from his thighs. His stomach able to house, well a house, the big lake of fat comfortably slots itself in between and atop his thighs. His breasts divot down to the sides of his gut, each of them alone larger than an actual person. Tibarn visible in Kiran’s peripheral vision, at least one of the three immobile blobs visible even when far away from the castle, it takes Kiran a whole 50 meters to walk from the center of Grima’s body to Tibarn’s center.. Tibarn the unfortunate one to be stuck in the middle of the three, he took the role with gusto. Unwilling to let himself be outdone, his body gushes outward onto Grima’s and Corrin’s. So immensely fat, three tubes are stuck inside his mouth at all times, his fat cheeks cascading down onto his shoulders. A multitude of chins stacked on top of each other, the rings of fat sag all the way down to where his plunging chest is. Each breast so massively bloated with fat, his great big tits reach far down his stomach. A great feat considering Tibarn’s stomach alone could fill up a library twice over. So many rolls riddling his stomach, they all blend and mix in with his overtaxed thighs and ass, Tibarn’s body hard to tell where each part ends and another starts. His thighs mostly smothered by his absolutely mountainous stomach the appendage somehow manage to look comparatively small despite their overwhelmingly large size. Kiran walks another 55 meters to reach Corrin’s gut. Corrin the runt of the three, his body still puts a pack of elephants to shame. His body once holding out on keeping a semblance of a figure, now he is nothing but a bunch of fat laden rolls of a blob. His arms completely useless, the two rotund cylindrical columns of fat splay out to the sides of his engorged body. His back fat and neck rolls encroach his face, a bit of his hair obstructed by the growing mass of fat. On the right, most of his body takes up the entirety of a single wing where they first got addicted to weed. So massively big that he alone takes it up, Corrin’s gut and thighs are equally impressive. Able to cover far more than a dozen mattresses, his tonnage goes where it pleases, overtaking the few furniture not crushed under one of the three’s weight.
Returning from his own world, Kiran sighs with pleasure. Buying out an entire store, he holds a mere fraction of his pull. “I brought some more weed for you all,” He speaks into a small mic, the three unable to hear him from the gushing sounds of their guzzling without a speaker placed by their sinking faces of fat. The mere mention of the drug gets all of them going, the poor machines whirring even harder as they greedily suck on their slop of feeding tubes. “This is the life,” Kiran smiles to himself with a few stretches to prepare himself for the taxing climb of three mountains of fat.
Later in the day
“Kiran, don’t tell me you gave them even more of this weed thing to them?” Pacing back and forth in his new room in some other smaller, remote castle, Alfonse exasperatedly sighs as he slumps back in his chair.
“I went to check on them. See how bad the weed has been affecting them. Which is why people shouldn’t be taking drugs,”
Alfonse’s eyes shoot wide open from Kiran’s lecturing tone. “Y-you gave it to them! And you keep giving it to them! There is absolutely no lesson to be had here. No moral. No aesop. Nothing. Besides!” Alfonse points an accusatory finger at Kiran, staring up at them even as Alfonse goes to stand up. “There is no way such a drug normally exists. You had to have enchanted it,”
“And what about it?” Kiran noncommittal shrugs. He goes to sit in his chair, far too pleased with himself even as Alfonse berates him.
“Th-then!” Alfonse momentarily stops. His brain wracks itself as it tries to figure out what to say now, not expecting Kiran to purposefully admit being at fault. “Then stop acting like you’re innocent! You gave some to Kaden and Keaton and now this castle is soon to be overtaken by two blobs! They fill up the entire west wing now. Kaden’s chest is so huge that they could crush a wagon! And Keaton’s stomach could crush three of them! And if you’re admitting to being at fault then you need to fix this right this instant!” His entire chest heaves as he finishes his impassioned beratement. He finds himself standing right in front of the seated Kiran who only has a far too amused grin on his face.
“You’re wrong about that,”
“Huh? About what?” Alfonse’s eyes keep steady as they glare at the summoner.
“It’s not going to be two blobs,” Kiran stands up. He stares down at Alfonse, right in front of him. His steely eyes grin down at the confused prince, Alfonse’s body suddenly yelling at him to run only for his feet to remain plastered to the ground. Kiran whips Alfonse around, pressing him against himself. Producing a brownie out of nowhere he tauntingly holds it in front of Alfonse. “It’s going to be three,” He whispers in Alfonse’s ear. A single bead of sweat rolls down the side of his head as his arms and legs thrash about. His struggling slowly dies down the instant the brownie reaches the inside of his mouth, Kiran holding his hand against Alfonse’s lips. Feeling Alfonse’s body begin to slack, Kiran slowly lets him go.
“Ugh I…” With lidded eyes, Alfonse looks at his hands. “I feel so chill,” A little burst of giggling ensues as he drapes himself onto the couch. His flat stomach lets out a small little grumble. “I feel kind of hungry,” Grumbling to himself, he gently holds his stomach in hopes of soothing the pain.
“Here, I have some snacks for you,” An angelic smile now adorning his face, Kiran caresses Alfonse’s hair as he hands him some snacks. “I’ll go get you some more just in case too,” Walking off, Kiran goes to bring him the entirety of the kitchen’s stock.
Alfonse succumbing to the same fate as the others, Kiran has him working overtime in order to catch up. Stuffed to the brim with food all hours of the day, that is nothing compared to the copious amounts of weed he feeds him every half hour. So aggravatingly hungry, it takes only a few weeks for Alfonse to find himself immobilised by his crushing weight. Unaware of ever being angry from the use of weed, he can barely find himself begging for more of it before Kiran supplies it to him alongside another feast or two or three. His fat body is as plain as his once thin body; fat simply cakes itself onto it all over. No exact body part is a standout from the rest even as his body fills the entirety of his room only to take up a whole wing by itself, a sea of fat spreading all around with only Kiran able to tell that the body belongs to Askr’s prince. Making sure to give him a rough time, it all works out for Kiran as Alfonse soon grows to be fatter than Kaden and Keaton combined, the poor kitsune and wolfskin each taking up only a quarter of the smaller castle compared to Alfonse’s three fourths.
Kiran rests on top of Alfonse’s numerous chins, the cascading folds sufficiently enough for him to comfortably rest. He sighs contentedly as the whirs of three feeding machines fill his ears, Alfonse requiring two now. “Pretty soon you’ll need even more, fat ass,” Chuckling to himself Kiran grins from ear to ear. A good portion of Alfonse’s fat taking up his vision, Kaden’s and Keaton’s crushing weight take up another significant portion, the two of them needing one feeding machine. But it’s the sight in the far background that brings him the most joy. Off in the distance, the distinct sight of three blobs looms over the landscape. Askr castle entirely now no more, the great structure would be unable to contain a single one of them, much less three. A mountain itself an apt comparison to each of their bloated figures, Kiran simply grins himself as he thinks about his visit to them tomorrow, a great climb comparable to Mount Everest only done thrice in one day awaiting him. Though he considers it more than worth it, wondering just how big they can further grow, all of them happy to do so.
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yukiwrites · 3 years
Kiran, Categorizing
Thank you for the support and patience as always, @xpegasusuniverse! This was so funny to write, I hope you like it!
Summary: Bored during a meeting, Kiran started to sort some of the heroes in a way that he had only done back in his own world, in social media... Now, Sharena, Alfonse and Anna seemed interested in the magical world of the... himbos.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Kiran’s workload after he was summoned to Askr kept increasing exponentially as the war against various kingdoms dragged on. There were many Heroes to keep track of and many different powers coming to play, so he always had to be careful when suggesting a team or a strategy.
Of course, he couldn’t deny that sometimes he made team compositions mostly based on personal preference or how the heroes would interact with one another rather than how well they complemented each other’s strengths, but he never sent those out to dangerous missions, so he liked to keep that to himself.
Take the meeting going on at that moment, for example; he was shuffling through a list of buff-looking heroes to form a team to explore whatever had been going on inside the Illusory Dungeon. No one knew for certain when phantoms of heroes and compelling songs would start appearing and playing there, but whenever lights shone inside it, Kiran formed one of those teams based on his own preferences just to hear the reports once they came back.
Well, the meeting wasn’t solely for this situation as Anna, Alfonse and Sharena were sitting on the round table around Kiran while talking strategies about the many other skirmishes happening in the country. There were some heroes who still had to go to the Training Tower, so the smallest pile of papers by Kiran’s left was a list of those; there were also heroes raring to go explore the Aether Islands, so the second smallest pile was full of requests from them; there had also been reports about suspicious movements in the woods nearby, so some nimble heroes were needed…
There was a lot to do, so Kiran was taking his time to at least form a team he found funny instead of drowning in the weight of his responsibilities like it usually happened to Alfonse. Kiran looked up from the paper in front of him to the sick-looking prince, raising an eyebrow at how intently he stared at a report.
“Alfonse, maybe you should take a break. You’re looking whiter than your own clothes.” Kiran’s hoarse voice from talking all morning made the prince blink and shake his head.
“I couldn’t possibly take a break at an important time such as this-”
“C’mon, Alfonse, Kiran’s right.” Sharena patted her brother’s shoulder, her face still full of energy as though she wasn’t tired at all from sitting at that table for hours. “Let’s go stretch our legs! I’ll come with you.”
Once again Alfonse shook his head. “No. As I said, I can’t cut the meeting short just for this.” He shifted his tired gaze from his pouty sister to the Summoner, “were you almost finished with the team for the Illusory Dungeon, Kiran?”
“Hm? Ah, yeah. I wanted a team of himbos, so I figured Raphael, Arden, Draug and maybe Shiro…? I was torn between him and Chrom, but perhaps Chrom isn’t really one…” Kiran mumbled the later half of the sentence, frowning slightly at the personal files of Chrom and Shiro as though he could find the answer there if only he stared long enough.
Anna raised her finger to ask, but then gave up on it, shaking her head. Sharena didn’t, though.
“Eh? What’s a ‘himbo’, Kiran? Is it something you use to sort the heroes? Or does it have to do with how strong they are?” The princess’ eyes shone, while her brother beside her looked confused yet intrigued.
Snorting, Kiran had to avert his eyes for a moment, wondering how he could have said that out loud. An internet lingo he had used back when he still had social media (though still pretty accurate to categorize people) now came up in this kind of situation. Kiran cleared his throat, fighting back a smirk.
“Well, yeah, it can be considered something to sort them based on how strong they look. A man is only a himbo if he has three characteristics: He has to be buff, kind, -- to everyone, though especially to women -- and stupid. If he’s missing even one of these, he can’t be considered a himbo.”
“Wha-” Anna frowned, placing one hand over her mouth to hide a snort.
Alfonse and Sharena, however, were appalled.
“S-stupid? That’s kind of mean to say about the heroes, though?” Sharena deflated like a sad balloon, sitting back after getting up in excitement about a new word.
“Truly, I- I never expected you to talk about them like this, Kiran.” Alfonse looked more offended than anything, as though all of the built-up trust they had shared had shattered.
Kiran pressed his lips into a thin line, almost unable to stop himself from laughing out loud. “No, I mean it in the best way possible. Look here,” he picked up Raphael’s file, which had a picture of him smiling wide and warmly, “this is the peak example of a himbo. He’s not book-smart nor does he have street-smarts, but his heart? It's as wide as the ocean. He’s kind, but without any ulterior motive, and he’s really, really big and buff.”
Sharena’s jaw dropped in shock, processing the information as Alfonse twitched his eyebrows. “But why refer to him as ‘stupid’...? That’s rather insulting.”
Kiran shrugged. “Well, it’s just the fastest way to call someone who doesn’t have much -- if any -- smarts in them, isn’t it? Look at this one here.” He pulled a file from a nearby pile, lifting it for them to see. “Tibarn here, he’s buff and kind, but he has smarts. You can see many thoughts going inside his head,” different from the zero braincells Raphael seems to have, Kiran thought to himself as he swallowed a snort. “So he’s not a himbo, but a hunk.”
“Alright, I’ll bite, “Anna managed to say after properly managing not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. “So a himbo has those three characteristics, a hunk is a muscular and kind man. So what of the other combination? If they’re kind and… lacking in smarts?” She asked, barely containing a smirk from sprouting, which mirrored Kiran’s.
“Well, that’s just a decent man, I suppose.” He coughed out, trying to mask a snort as Anna threw her head back in laughter, unable to hold it back anymore.
“Pfft-aahaha! This is new!” She laughed loudly, taking shaky breaths to stop herself from crying as she dried her eyes with one hand. “So, since when have you been ranking the heroes like this?”
Catching her laughter, Kiran shook in amusement for a bit before glancing at the confused royals. “Since before I was summoned here, I suppose. It’s a ‘sorting technique’ used back in my world.”
Sharena’s eyes sparkled once again. “Well, if we can not say that they’re stupid, then I think it’s a good sorting! They have a big heart and big bodies, right? It doesn’t matter that they don’t understand the world around them, just that they’re ready to accept everything at face value!” The princess looked up as though she had made the discovery of the century, while Alfonse beside her crossed his arms to think.
If it was something from another world, Kiran’s world especifically, it was worth giving it a try, was it not? Perhaps if they applied themselves, they’d be able to sort the heroes more efficiently and cut back the time for these meetings so they could focus their energy elsewhere…
“As I was saying, I was in doubt about Chrom because, look: he’s buff enough, though not as big as, say, Draug; he scores high in kindness; but he has SOME smarts… Although he’s impulsive, it’s not like his brain is empty like- ahem, it’s not like his heart is as big as Raphael’s or Shiro’s.”
Not hearing the insulting part about the heroes’ smarts, Sharena nodded in compliance, thinking deeply. “Hmmm, I don’t think I can help in this right away. Can you give us more examples?”
“Sure, look here,” Kiran turned the pile by his left to Sharena. “Hinata, he’s a jock. He’s buff enough, but he’s not really kind and he’s kinda brusque, right?” Kiran held back the ‘he lacks brain cells’ part, saying it only with his eyes to Anna, the only one who truly understood him in all of this. “On the other hand, Stahl… is just a decent guy. He’s kind and although he has some smarts, he’s not buff, so he doesn’t fall into this category.”
“Hmmm, so do you think Owain could be one? He’s stup- ah, lacks smarts enough and he’s a good guy. But he- ah, yeah… perhaps not.” Anna started, but then stopped herself after comparing Raphael’s muscles to Owain’s. “Isn’t this kind of sorting way too specific? I don’t think many heroes fall under the ‘himbo’ category.”
Kiran nodded solemnly, as though they were talking about some important strategy. “Indeed. It’s very hard to find a true himbo, as they’re extremely rare. Hence why I was having trouble with the Illusory Dungeon team.”
“I see… It sounds really important.” Sharena nodded, basically accepting that this was something that went way over her head and tried to catch up in her own way. Alfonse still had mixed feelings about it, but the more seriously Kiran and Anna talked about it, the more he felt like he was in the wrong for finding something iffy about the sorting method in the first place.
“For example, Linus… if only he was a bit kinder, he would be another prime example of a himbo.” Kiran said over Sharena’s mumbling, sighing wistfully. “Lex would also be a good one, but he’s too smart to be a himbo.”
“Oh, I know! What about Keaton? He seems perfect!” Sharena raised her voice as her eyes glanced at one of the lists around Kiran.
The Summoner and Anna exchanged glances. “Not enough muscle.”
“Ah…” Sharena sat back with a pout. “This is really hard…”
“Yeah…” Kiran scratched his temple in thought.
In the following silence, only Alfonse’s voice could be heard after a few minutes. “... Isn’t Lord Hector one, though? From those examples…”
Kiran widened his eyes, jumping out of his seat with a bang. “That’s it! Alfonse, you’re a genius!” He praised, quickly shifting through the files to find Hector’s. “Do you have any more suggestions?”
Taken aback by the sudden cheer, Alfonse gulped. “Um, I thought about Helbindi, especially according to what Princess Yglr told us about him…”
“Hmm… A rare tsundere himbo, huh… perhaps?” Kiran took one hand to his chin in thought, mumbling something under his breath. “Alfonse, you’re on the right track! C’mon, keep the ideas coming!”
“Brother, you’re no fun, you picked it up so quickly! Tell me more!” Sharena protested, manhandling Alfonse into fessing up how he understood Kiran’s vague explanations so well.
Anna snorted under both hands as her shoulders shook from suppressed laughter, wondering how the hell they had ended up talking about that in the middle of a meeting.
Regardless, the topic was too much fun to be ditched now that the four of them were eagerly exchanging suggestions and adding more himbos to the pile, so no one noticed that the important meeting they were having was now a himbo-selection tournament.
Perhaps after night fell, they would come back to their senses, but for now, the Commander, the two royals and the Summoner threw heated debate against one another regarding the amount of intelligence this or that hero possessed.
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zirkkun · 4 years
I can't sleep so I'm gonna ramble for a minute here about. uh. 2020 i guess lol everyone else is so might as well jump on the bandwagon.
Be aware this is really really fucking long so it's a commitment to read it lmao sorry i just cannot sleep and i guess i had more on my mind about this year than i thought. I also did not proofread this at all. I just started writing and didn't look back lol
This year was... Weird for me. It started out with me feeling my best in January, comfortable and positive as I did my nth playthrough of DBH with friends and finally having enough alts of my boy Alfonse in FEH to have a team of Just him to fight with. (Priorities, right?) February hit, and things were still going good. I met Ray Chase and had him sign a print I did of Roy and Alfonse in some casual outfits for a scrapped au I wrote years ago. (And I gave him one 😊). Hell, like, covid was just coming around when me and my friends went to the con that weekend and a breakout of it hit the city just south of where the con was like a week before, but I was genuinely so excited for it that like I was like "Yeah, if i die, i die. Whatever happens happens." God, at this point, the Alfonse gc I was in was still alive and I still didn't talk to anyone in the group outside of that gc. Lowkey miss it tbh. But oh well. Things move on.
But that con was like... Stressful. I usually have fair amounts of stress at cons, being around so many people, I fear theft, unwanted contact, y'know, the standard; but my friend group was so filled with tension that it was absolutely painful. We'd been split most of the weekend, and if the two groups came together, it was hell, because it just caused unwanted arguments. I felt really bad cause I didn't want them to be upset, yknow? But i also wanted to hang out with my friends all at once. So i swapped between the groups a bit over the weekend. And blew WAY more money than I should have and lowkey it kind of fucked me over for the rest of the year cause I haven't had a job all year outside of, like, a local church job that pays at a rare max of $100 a month ;w;
I'd been struggling in school the previous semester already, about halfway through having just stopped going to classes altogether, yet still somehow managed to pass everything with B's and A's. The next semester rolled around, and I thought at first the distraction and inability to do anything was because of the con, and as it persisted after, I thought it was just post-con depression. But, as it turned out, no, it's just been my biggest relapse of depression since the end of high school, and frankly, it's only gotten worse since. I can't sleep rn because I'm between not wanting to do anything because I have a lack of emotions and motivation and not feeling deserving of sleep lol. I checked out of school on February 28th, however, I was convinced I was merely demotivated by my surroundings -- at this point, I was studying Japanese, and one of my friends at the time was a (although probably unintentionally) complete braggart about how much he was studying and how he was improving... not to mention he was textbook example of "This is an Actual Weeaboo, don't Fucking Do this." (One of many reasons i said friend at the time lol) it was just... So draining being around him, and I had to see him in class every day of the week. I barely scraped together assignments last-minute and never studied under the idea of "What does it matter if I'm not putting in my 100%?" So I checked out, with plans of transferring for the following semester.
Well, then March hit. Y'all know how March went down lmao.
I pretty much locked myself in my room at all times during March, going between Animal Crossing and BOTW (which actually racked up like 200ish hours i think according to the nintendo year in review i had lmao). I started making a bit closer online friends at this point, notably @levitumbling who decided to take me in as his channel designer for YouTube and I've been ever since! But. Of course. My first task? A Sans meme. My payment? One Switch copy of Undertale because he considered it a disgrace that I'd never played the game before.
Now, let me tell you. I was fuckin scared to play this game. I held onto it for weeks between the fear of "My friend bought me this and i should play this" and "I told myself I'd never touch this game with a 20 mile pole because of how much it's been shoved down my throat over the years." So, one day, I don't remember when, early April, I said, fuck it, I'll play it for a little bit, just enough to say "hey i played it for a bit!" and then never go back.
The only thing that stopped me from beating the whole thing in one sitting was it was the crack of dawn when I passed out, extremely tired and extremely frustrated by the fact I couldn't beat Muffet. Yes, I got that far in one sitting I intended to play for 15 minutes tops.
Now. Let me fuckin tell you. About my first playthrough of Undertale. I haven't gone into a game knowing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it like... I think ever. Usually I know what style of game it is, the genre, the main plot premise. I knew nothing other than the existence of Sans (and, as it turned out, I'd heard some of the soundtrack pieces before, notably Bonetrousle I heard this cover of it in a radio livestream a while back and never really looked it up, but was always excited when the radio looped back around to it being on; and I'd heard Dating Start! because that's Alpharad's go-to sponsorship ost lmao.) But anyway. I was completely in the dark. Do yall mind if i just go through some highlights of my favorite memories? This is supposed to be a summary of the year but I mean, I think this made a big enough impact on me to really like. Discuss it a bit.
I watched the whole opening cutscene, started a new game under my old screenname, "Yoru," since in naming the "Fallen Child," I assumed they were dead. Well, I was a little surprised to just be that child, alive, two seconds later, but whatever, I rolled with it.
I genuinely trusted Flowey right away. Like no shit. He told me run into the "friendliness pellets" and I didn't even fucking question it. And when Toriel came in? And she said to follow her? I straight up was like "Why the hell should I trust you?? That guy just tried to kill me what says you wont?" I followed only because the game made me but i was Wary the whole time. It took me a LONG time to warm up to Toriel.
Now. Let me tell you how stupid I am as well. The game says over and over right, "Don't fight. Spare. Have Mercy when names are Yellow." Well, I took this literally. I didn't understand the Act mechanic most of the time, and when something didn't work I just said, fuck it, and fought them. If their name didn't turn yellow, I just fought them. "They don't want Mercy if their name isn't yellow, right?" After a while, I'd started getting bored of fighting and would just run away, but like, I came to a point where I was like "I have a really low level, I'm really going to regret this later on if I don't grind for a while."
I don't know when I stopped but. I think I was only one or two kills away from a genocide run accidentally my first playthrough, based on how I think I was LV 3 and looking at genocide playthroughs, you're LV 3 or 4 when you fight Toriel. Like. Holy fuck. I can't imagine what I would have thought of this game if that happened lmao.
Speaking of Toriel, still didn't trust her, at all. When we got to Home, and after I did Every Single different phrase she says when you go downstairs before you talk to her reading about snails; I did not Hesitate to ask "cool uh when the fuck can I leave?" When we got to the Ruins exit I was like, ah, here it is. The betrayal from her I was expecting, where she tries to kill me. Well, nothing on the Act menu worked, right? So... I fought and killed her. I didn't really care, actually. I just kept going.
Then meeting Sans and Papyrus happened. I lost my fucking shit at this part, mostly when they were talking, because every time Sans made a pun it would zoom in on him and do a rimshot. The puns were not funny and I was definitely on Pap's side of "oh my GOD shut up." But that fucking zoom in and rimshot was just so fourth wall breaking and unexpected. Fuck, it still gets me. Anyway. Game continues. I again lose my shit at (insane spinning in random directions) "OH MY GOD! IS THAT A HUMAN?" "uh, i think that's a rock." "OH. WAIT! WHAT'S THAT IN FRONT OF THE ROCK?? (IS IT A HUMAN??)" "(yes.)" "OH MY GOD!!!" and still think these two moments in the game are Peak comedy. Oh, and let me tell you, I did not like either of these two at this point. Sans I was like, okay, hes kind of a dumbass in a funny way, but Papyrus is a dumbass in a way that just annoys me. Genuinely the archetype that misses social cues and therefore has miscommunication usually just annoys me to no end. (Mostly for the miscommunication. It's my least favorite trope and makes me unreasonably angry.) But yeah. Wasn't really a fan. But out of everyone so far? Definitely found Sans to be the most tolerable. But that's about all I thought of him lmao.
Getting to Snowdin, with the Papyrus battle, remember how I said I didn't like Papyrus? And yes, this was something I genuinely thought at one point, I genuinely hated Papyrus, imagine that. What a wild world that is. But anyway. You know how his Act menu has the "Flirt" option? I, for no reason, gunned it for the Flirt option, even though I did not want to. Then when he was like "WE'LL GO ON A DATE! LATER!!" i was like yea sure okay lmao. Again, couldn't figure out the Act menu to turn his name yellow, so I fought him, and he was one or two attacks from dying (miraculously) when he ended the battle. I spared him here cause, well, he spared me, it was only fair. Then this guy again is like "ILL BE AT MY HOUSE WHEN YOU WANT TO GO ON THAT DATE!" and i was like haha funny but still turned around to go on the date. Like why? I have no idea. I think I was more like "haha hes probably not gonna be there and its just cause i picked that option and lo and behold there was an actual fucking date. Oh my god. I have never in my life been on a video game date where one party was convinced I was infatuated with them and im here on the other side of the screen like "oh my god make this end i can't stand being around you.???" But still. The date was. Really fucking funny. I wish I could experience it for the first time again like holy shit. There are few playthroughs I did after this where I didn't go on the Pap date, even if I just spedrun through it.
So then you get to Waterfall and Sans is there like "hey wanna go to grillbys" and i was like sure why not so we go there and my choices were fries & ketchup (so i did not get the legendary scene where he chugged a bottle of ketchup, but i sure did my second playthrough, and let me tell you, i was disgusted). But like. This whole experience at grillby's like, the whoopee cushion, him using a comb on his bald ass skull, him just fuckin unapologetically scratching his ass for no reason?? Bro i was like "why the fuck is this guy part of the Tumblr Sexymen™ group ??? He's so ????? Gross???????" and like i still have this question tbh lmao. But like. Okay so he asks you "what do you think of my bro?" And my genuine answer was "uncool" and he was like "hey man sarcasm isnt funny" and can i just mention how like inheritly manipulative sans actually is like fuck he does things like this where he throws your answer the other way a few times and Every time it actually swayed me the other way. Because right here I went. "Oh. Maybe Papyrus is better than I thought." Like holy fuck maybe i should be more aware if something like that can sway my opinion so easily LMAO.
Anyway waterfall i genuinely was very bored of the whole time. I spent like a genuine 20 minutes figuring out the puzzle where you have to talk to a wall and I actually didn't realize you could move the telescope around. What helped me solve it is my friend's advice before I played it. "Inspect everything. Even talk to walls. Trust me." And literally thats how I solved it. But pretty much everything in Waterfall otherwise bored me. I did think it was pretty though, and did enjoy reading the lore, but when it started talking about monster biology my one fear had been realized: oh god, oh fuck. My original species for my own series also has physical Souls and die by turning to dust because they're made entirely of magic. God fuck. My luck, it has to be something popular, so now everyone's gonna think I'm a ripoff. But, at the same time, I do think it helped me understand monster biology (and it helped me come up with the ULR biology) better, because I've put in a lot of thought to existence of a species that exists only by magic and a Soul (which, mine only actually have half a Soul, as a full Soul makes a being immortal, which was also similar to the boss monsters in a way). It definitely made a lot more sense for like, the skeletons n stuff for me, because like my characters are wholly shapeshifters but usually take human form, and while they have "organs" in the places humans would have them, they don't operate. They're just placeholders, because they just live with their Soul. So I've always thought the same with UT monsters, since the skelebros can live without organs, that means so do the rest of the monsters, even if they have animal-like appearances.
Off topic lmao. Back to UT. So, the Undyne fight was kind of the turning point for me. She was pissing me off so much during this whole game and like I was like "if theres another fucking part where I have to run away from her im going to scream." Well, once again, her name wasn't yellow, so I wasn't going to spare her... and, actively, I made the decision to kill her, because I didn't want to deal with her still chasing me later on in the game. It took me a long time to beat her, and when I did, I texted my friend (@cheshiregrinnbuttoneyes ) in excitment like "YES I FINALLY KILLED UNDYNE" and she texted back like "YOU DID WHAT?????" and i was like "i.... Killed Undyne????" she replies, "YOU DONT HAVE TO OMFG WHY" and im like "I DIDN'T HAVE TO?? THERE'S OTHER OPTIONS?????" and shes like "YES OMFG THAT'S LITERALLY THE PREMISE OF THE GAME" and im "WHAT."
So then. I get that call from Papyrus like. "HEY! YOU ME AND UNDYNE SHOULD HANG OUT SOMETIME!"
oh my god the guilt i felt.
alphys on undernet being like "omfg i forgot to watch undyne fight the human. ah ill ask her about it later she never loses <3"
bro. i nearly fuckin cried. i was like. Not to mention I'd gotten the crush question right for Mettaton's quiz in answering Undyne (bc i was like "plz be gay plz be gay") so it fucking cut like a knife what I'd done.
I don't remember when I let myself get passed it. But I do know that the whole story arc between Alphys and Mettaton went way over my head. Like, i know im probs the minority on this, but I adore Alphys, I have since I first met her in game, and like, when Mettaton was like "ALPHYS HAS BEEN LYING TO YOU!" i just went "...nah."
Also, I didnt like mettaton at this point, cause I thought he was being really obnoxious, and then the turn around to betray Alphys really kinda pissed me off.
But like.
Oh my god.
Remember how I said I swapped my opinion on Pap earlier bc of Sans's comment? Yeah that was a pretty fast turnaround, but it still took me a few times.
But the second i saw mettaton ex
I was like
Like, full turnaround from Undyne, I actively refused to kill him. All times I thought he was an asshole? Forgotten. Me thinking he's a selfish prick? Gone. Nada. Nothing. Pure adoration. Suddenly every flaw he had was pushed aside purely from how hot I thought he was. Also, fuckin, im really glad i played this when no one in my house was awake, because I still didn't understand the Act mechanic here, and every time you attack mettaton he has this like moan he does and im like oh my god. stop. omfg.
At the end, too, when there was the calls and everything, when he had his big turnaround, I was just so happy for him I genuinely cried. Also, I had to do his battle probably the most out of everyone's in the game (not including genocide), so when it came around to his battle during the (glitchless) speedruns i did, i was more invested in how fast I could rack up points, cause you need 10k rating points to pass, and I actually did get that before he lost his legs, but apparently he needed to lose those too before you passed lol. Unfortunate.
Anyway after Alphys talked to you and everything, i genuinely went to see if Mettaton was still there, but he wasn't :( so i just went to New Home. I was very ill prepared for the fight against Asgore and the only reason I struggled with it so much was because my only healing items were like. Something that healed like 10 or 12 hp and the snowman piece. I was LV 9 when i finished the game, so like, my HP was pretty high, but i didnt have the G to buy items, so i was pretty much fucked. Yes. I had to eat the snowman to win.
Oh speaking of terrifying shit though. Photoshop flowey? My god. I haven't been afraid of a video game boss so much since I was a little kid. It was like 3 am and i was not prepared for him to just delete my save file and then kill me on repeat, glitching and breaking everything as he pleased. Bruh i was genuinely scared. Like, not even just, "oh yikes :(" or something. Like, crying scared. Lmao im an emotional bitch by nature.
I of course had to restart from the beginning again to get the True Pacifist ending. I was very careful to never touch the Fight button literally ever. And, it actually took me a while to reset, because I hate erasing my original save files, yknow? But, well, as it turned out? While technically New Game+ by naming, resetting doesn't erase everything you did. It wasn't a new file. I was a little confused at first to be honest. Toriel saying things were familiar, remembering things I said, Papyrus and Undyne both recognizing me, like. It was unnerving.
When I got to the end, i had to look up how to get Alphys's date (since my friend told me the way to unlock TP was to go on all the dates, but Alphys's was definitely designed in mind of you turning around from New Home and going back to talk to people rather than a new reset. So after unlocking it, getting through Alphys's date (i still remember being like, verbally, "omg alphys you look so nice??" When she came out with the dress on and then had a thought to myself like... since when do i care about what people look like? since when do i compliment people? At that point, while I didn't consider myself to be a rude person, I definitely wasn't exactly all that concerned about others for anything. Sure, I cared about others' lives, but I tended to be a bit more judgemental internally, and just. Didn't really give a fuck about what people did in the most negative sense possible, unless it involved me. Yet, it rolled off my tongue like it was something id say normally to anyone. I really wonder if this is the true turning point for me this year.)
Getting to the end, with everyone cheering me on. Hoo boy. This was the start of many tears to come. Papyrus's "DO WHAT I WOULD DO! BELIEVE IN YOU!!" sticks with me the most. I wasn't surprised by Flowey's actions, but what fucking threw me for a loop was like. When Flowey was revealed as Asriel, I was genuinely jaw-drop shocked. I was like. Holy fuck. I thought he was dead. What the hell. To this day, though, i still think Hopes and Dreams hits me the hardest out of all the boss battle themes. It doesn't super bother me, bc like, difference in opinion is whatever, but like. Whenever I see Megalovania at the top of someone's ost list for Undertale I'm just... Why? Maybe it's because I'd overheard it meme'd to much before I played the game, but like, i dunno, it's not a bad song, but it's not the most emotional provoking piece for me, so it's pretty far down my list. Hopes and Dreams will still remain my #1.
I really did feel determined during this battle. I really felt a lot of emotion. I felt excited. I felt frightened. I felt ambitious. Asriel's battle is probably still the hardest for me, and yes, I'm counting genocide this time. I can't grasp his magic patterns at all, and I more so played it as a "okay, how much damage can i take? Whats his next move?" As i healed every other turn. It took me a very long time to beat him (though no 11 hours like Sans, this was more like, 2 or 3 max) and when I got to the part with the Lost Souls, most of the characters just said their "we hate you" piece and i was like "nope you're controlled" right.
But then there's Sans's "just give up. i did."
I genuinely had to stop. I set down my controller and just sat for a minute. I'd mentioned before how much I've been struggling with depression for years now, and it's at the worst it's been since high school. Maybe you'd think when I saw that, I was like "sure, maybe I should give up." But... It's really the "i did." that hit me like a rock to the stomach. While I do know a couple other people with depression, the most discussion we have with it is "haha i wanna die" kinda jokes yknow? Nothing really serious. And, well, I've always been the type to lean to fictional characters for support more than real people, since I've just been so disconnected from a lot of friends growing up and was too scared to talk about anything with my family.
So seeing someone else say "just give up. i did." hit me so fucking hard that I just started crying. I had already been in a real sappy mood cause the whole scene was so emotional as it was, even if merely the cliche of friendship will save all, y'know what? Its a good ass fuckin trope and makes me emotional lmao.
So, naturally, I was more hyperaware of Sans's implied depression from here onward. The conversations with everyone post-battle left me crying. God, so did the hug with Asriel. I was just fucking bawling.
Oh god. I didn't even mention. "Despite everything, it's still you." Another line that just hit me and I had to pause.
So admist my crying mess, I was telling my friend I'd beat Undertale again. He asks me "so... you gonna play the genocide route?" And I already had from the beginning. I always want to play every available route in a game. I see no point in paying for something and then not playing it all. I'd consider myself a completionist who doesn't ever actually finish anything lmao.
I definitely put my emotions aside for genocide. The absolute hardest kill for me was Papyrus, though. And i was absolutely fucking heartbroken when he said he still believed me as his last words. But I forced it aside. I didn't want to reset. I wanted to beat it to have it under my belt that I had. I was pretty sure the Sans battle would be here, since I hadn't heard Megalovania in the game yet, and I was aware of how hard the battle was, despite never seeing it.
Undyne's battle I'm more emotional about in retrospect than I was at the time. At the time, I didn't care, didn't like the theme much, and the dings gave me a headache. Undyne isn't exactly my favorite character (though definitely not my least favorite, that role is given to Frisk with Toriel not close behind ahdhsb im sorry), so I really wasn't concerned about it. Not to mention, I don't know why, but all of the battles I struggled with EXCEPT Undyne's I ended up liking the character more as a result. Maybe it was the dinging lmao.
Bro you shoulda seen how prepared I was for Mettaton NEO's battle to be hard as fuck. I was like sitting upright, took deep breaths before hitting fight, then when he died in one shot i just kind of "wh...what." Still very disappointed lol but I guess that's kind of the point of the genocide route.
Then came the Sans fight. As I said, I spent 11 hours on this. I genuinely didn't pay attention to what he said after a while, but I do remember the first time I read it, I was fucking terrified. Usually, sarcasm, hatred, and sass is very hard to convey through pure text, especially when it's said in the same tone as his usual talking. But the absolute harshness, the coldness, and the lack of any fucks given Sans had at that point was so plainly transparent through everything he said that it fucking scared me. Toby Fox's writing here was fantastic. I can only dream of being able to write like that. Frankly, I love his writing in general. Actually, fuck it, I love all of the artistic takes of this game. This is gonna sound weird but... The "childishness" of it just is so good. Like, there's no rules. Every socially accepted rule of art, writing, character design, speech patterns, and even basic grammar are thrown aside. He didn't just think outside of the box, there literally was no box. I call it childish only because like, children also create with no rules. They have no rules to restrict their creativity. And seeing that embraced in Undertale in every form possible just blows me away.
Anyway. The battle. It. Was hard. Thats a given. I spent about two weeks playing it on and off, and it's probably the most healthily I've treated myself in recent memory, because when it became too much for me to handle, I set it down and took a break. I would retain what I memorized and use it for the next time I picked it up. Frankly, it came to a point where every time I opened up Undertale to play, it was more just cause I wanted to see him lmao. The guy hated my existence at this point and it's not like i disacknowledged that. But it just felt like every time i opened the game... Idk. I don't know what I felt. I can tell you for sure this isn't the time when Sans started slipping into my favorite character spot over Mettaton, that didn't come until the development of Act to Flirt's first demo, which was a month or so later lmao.
I was very excited when I beat Sans.
But then, after it was over, I felt very empty.
I didn't feel good about beating genocide. I still don't. I want to play the boss battles again, cause they were really fun, despite how hard they were, but I can't bring myself to.
When I got to Chara, and everything went to black, I just wiped my save and started fresh. I think this was the first time I used the name "Willo" for anything. I just picked a random name to use, and Willo was the first thing that came to mind.
I beat neutral again many times, trying to unlock as many secrets as I could. I accidentally spent like, way too long trying to get Sans's room, because I couldn't figure out how to do it... which is when I started speedrunning the game, because I was just so used to going through it all. I timed myself once, and I got somewhere around 1:20:00 ish, which puts me at the very bottom of the NG+ Glitchless runs by like 30 minutes, but hey, it's still not too bad all things considered.
I'd started working on Act to Flirt sometime in between the speedruns. I was playing Papyrus's date again, and I had this thought of. What if Undertale... but all boss fights are instead like Papyrus's date?? I pitched the idea to my friend who was like "thats definitely been done before lol" and immediately I almost shut down the idea. But then I still had that glimmer of hope that, maybe, since I haven't made it yet, people would like my game because it was by me. Besides, quarantine was getting to me. I needed some way to spend my time. So on May 6th to May 7th, I spent the whole 24 hour period making the first proof of concept for the game, which was UI setup and Flowey's tutorial date. I hadn't made any of the art yet, so it was a black background with Flowey's undertale sprite. I originally was going to make everything more visual novel like in the sense that, so like on Papyrus's date, you could make choices like "unwrap the present" "dont unwrap the present" or "you look great" "you look terrible" and getting the ending would involve pretty much just saying the right things at the right times. But this alone was... Yknow, already done before, and part of what makes Undertale so great is that it's, despite its many outside influences, very unique in its gameplay. So I decided to make the dates more like puzzle-solving RPG's, and frankly, since doing that, I dont know if I want to go back to making other visual novels lmao.
After making the first demo and releasing it, I hit a creative funk. I wanted to make the next demo right away, but I forced myself to stop (since i was working 16+ hour days to finish it in exactly a week. I didn't eat much and i slept very little during this time too. Dont do this lmao). I didn't know if the game would be received, and frankly, I'd had many failed projects in the past due to lack of support. I lost a lot of support in the past due to the dropped projects I kept starting and quitting because I had such a small audience, and that made me lose a lot of interest and motivation to work on them. So I posted the first demo and waited. I was very shocked to have a YouTuber with over a million subs play it that weekend. Dantekris I think was her channel name. She speaks Russian, and I never understood a word she said, but I've still watched her let's plays because I enjoy seeing her reactions. I hate that YouTube keeps deleting my responses on her videos, probably because they're long and in English so it's marked as spam on a comments section full of purely Russian comments yknow. But it makes me feel like such an ass ;w;
Mairusu is the next large YouTuber who played it and my god I love seeing when he uploads a new update for my game because I genuinely have no idea what to expect from him. I don't know what it is but he's just so absolutely funny to me. He also seems to be the most common breaker of my game though. Stop making your own bugs!! I try to testplay to find the bugs he gets and it's like.... what did you do.... how did you skip that whole date im so confused thats not supposed to happen..... He accidentally skipped all of Muffet's date because of this too and hers is supposed to be the hardest in the game right now so I'm very upset by it;; i dont know how it happened, it never happens for me.
But like. I was definitely struggling a bit with the direction I wanted to take AtF. I wanted there to be a core message, like with Undertale and many other of my favorite things. When there's a core theme to write about, it makes things a lot easier to compose than if you have a plot with no meaning to it. It ties it all together for a common purpose. But, as I started diving more into the fandom around this time, finding not only it being still alive but still enormous and filled with passion.
Passion. Hm. That's familiar. That's the trait I gave the player character, rather than determination. While it was intended for giggles "haha dating game u have passion wink wonk," it started becoming more than that. It started becoming a manifestation of what I really felt upon finally soaking myself into the deep end of this pool I'd once been too afraid to step into. Passion. Everyone here is so driven by their passion for this game, the characters, its story. Everyone is so inspired and creative. That's it. That's what I wanted Act to Flirt to be.
A game made for those who have already dived deep into Undertale. A game made for those who have the same level if passion I've wittnessed. A game that someone might stumble upon, merely wanting any Undertale content they can find, and a dating sim leaves them grasping at straws, only to find it's a game instead deeply rooted in how much they care about this world and its people. You have a Soul of Passion, because your passion for Undertale brought you to this game. That's what the core message is. Every ending is supposed to depict different kinds of empathy, and True Passion shows you truly cared the most you could for all of these characters. Sans is so blocked from it because, well, how can he really believe it? "if we're really friends, you won't come back," right? But here you are. Again and again.
And Heartbreak. Whose heart is really the one breaking here? Taking the Hopes and Dreams of every single character you've grown to care for and crushing it beneath your feet... who is the one suffering in the end?
I just... I'm very excited. I've written that game with the player as the main character. Not Willo. Not Frisk. Not anybody else. You, the player, are the main character. I've honestly done a lot of looking around in the DDLC code to make this game as 4th wall breaking as I can (without like. Disrupting it as a game experience like ddlc is, with monika deleting things and stuff). Just enough to leave the player unsettled and confused. Like. "Me? Are you talking to me?" Yes. You. Directly to you.
I started sketching out designs and ideas for ULR around July. I genuinely loved Underlust after finding out about it, even though it was posed to me as an insult about the contents of Act to Flirt. I was both like "uh... Act to Flirt is nothing like this. Maybe in reversed roles at best but..." and also "okay but this? This shit is good. Thank you." But finding out it was discontinued and wanting more, well, that's when I decided to make ULR. I presented the idea to my friends, who were like "please stop making aus," and then continued onward. I told myself I wasn't going to work on it though until after I finished Act to Flirt... Then after the next demo came out... Then it turned out I was working on it too much and it resulted in me rushing my release of the 3rd demo of AtF because I'd been so distracted I was going to miss my release deadline of the end of August, before school. I... Still kinda regret that a lot. It's still very buggy. Though I hope I got them all for the next demo...
But speaking of school .... ha... Remember when i said i was going to transfer to another school? Well, I did, and for the first few weeks it was fine! Then I started skipping assignments I didn't want to do. Then I started panicking about my low grades. Then I started getting behind on assignments. Then I stopped going to classes. Then I lost all motivation to work on anything at all. I just locked myself in my room and did next to nothing with the occasional drawing here and there, for weeks. It came to the point where I was like "I just have to get through this semester, then I'll drop out." But if I ever wanted to go back to school, having all F's on my last report card would not bode well for my acceptance. Which lead to more stress. I didn't want to fail, but I also didn't have any motivation to work. I would do one assignment here or there, feel good about myself, then realize I was still months behind on work and suddenly oh god oh fuck finals are next week. And my solution? I just. Fuckin dropped out. Oh my god. It was such a relief to just get that weight off my shoulders that I'd been carrying for months on end, preventing me to do anything I wanted to work on.
Well. Then my car tires died. So that's a thing. But good news! Between commissions and gifts, I have enough money to get them replaced! I don't think I've ever like... Been so excited about that before.
And, well. Now I'm here, pretty much. God, I just went through my entire year summary, and it feels like it was both forever long but also not long at all. I don't get it. 2021 still feels like a far off future, despite the fact I'm now 5 hours into it. Yes, I spent 4 hours writing this. Whoops. Oh well. I couldn't sleep anyway, so it's not that big of a deal.
All in all though... Despite being locked inside, away from my friends, unable to talk to anyone about the things i was enjoying, and living in fear of getting sick at all ever with anything, 2020 definitely fuckin changed me for the better. It was a hellhole of a year and I'd never do it again or wish it upon my worst enemy, but I came out a better person... I think. I hope.
It seems cliche to bring back but fuck it. Undertale? My friend insists its core message was that anyone can be a good person if they just try, which I mean, it definitely probably was intended that way. But that never was the message I felt while playing it.
What lesson I took from it was "things aren't always as they seem."
Flowey betrays you immediately, but then you find out he's just the remnants of a boy who died years ago and is still grieving over the loss of his best friend, whomst, despite how much he cares for them, recognizes they weren't good to him and he'd been manipulated and used by them.
Toriel is a kind and caring woman, a still grieving mother over the loss of her children, who seems to have kindness to no end, but is actually filled with such hatred and depression that she regularly gets drunk, swears, and still, without resilience, hates her ex husband.
Sans is a playful character who is full of puns, a gross atmosphere, and decided to break physics just because he can. He's the embodiment of a comic relief character. But at the same time, he's suffering, struggling, in constant pain and worry. He's lazy, but quick on his feet. He's harmless but will kill without hesitation if need be. He's both caring and the least caring of them all.
Papyrus is like... a self-centered asshole in a way, when you first meet him. He prides himself and everything he does. Yet still, he's actually quite open and accepting and loves everyone. He loves talking with and being with other people, even if maybe sometimes he has a different interpretation of social interaction from the "norm."
Undyne comes off as cruel and deadly, such even being emphasized in many points. But, deep down, she's extremely caring for those who are close to her, and her only cruelty is dealt to those who have wronged her in some way.
Alphys is a sweet and nervous wreck who comes off as helpful and lacking a filter due to her tendency to ramble. She seems to be merely anxious due to likely social anxiety... But you eventually find out that she's a liar who merely wants to create a world to be a better place, and by doing so, she pretends all the bads do not exist.
Mettaton comes off as an absolute self-centered asshole. Like. There's no way around that. He seemingly has no regard for other people with only full intentions of helping himself. But, deep down, he actually cares a lot for other people, especially his family and friends, and just tends to get caught up in things while he's in the moment.
Muffet seems to be greedy with how much money she begs people to give her for the spiders, but, as it turns out, she's flat broke and drops no G when you beat or kill her. She merely needs the money to help the spiders.
Asgore, too, is built up to be this ruthless killer throughout the whole game, and when you finally meet him, he's an incredibly sweet guy who's only filled with regret, and because of his past decisions, has decided to put aside his hopes for the sake of his people.
Didn't see any of these characters for who they really were right away. Why would I? Few of these archetypes are explored much in a lot of fiction lately, or at least what I've been consuming; and is more focused around how someone can change their flaws into something positive... Not how to accept someone for who they are, despite the wrongs they may have committed or the lives they lead. Everyone's different. Everyone's grown up differently. Everyone has a reason for what they do.
And it took me playing this game to realize such a simple concept that I probably should have learned years ago.
That's why I really think 2020 changed me for the better. I made a realization that I should have had many years ago, and it's made me a lot more confident in expressing myself, accepting people for what they do, and seeing the brighter side to everything. I say that, sitting here filled with nothing and void of all emotion whatsoever... But it's a conscious thought i have. My emotions are so weird... They're either on full blast or I feel nothing at all. But yet I have... Thoughts of what i should feel? It's weird. Idk. This is why I'm getting therapy LMAO
But yea. 2020? Fuck you. But also thank you. But mostly fuck you and good riddance lmao
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takurotan · 3 years
FEH Book V, Chapter 9 Echoes of Truth
Part 1: Rightful Place MID_SCENARIO_OPENING: Reghin: NGYAAH! A m-monster! I'm too young to be eaten! ...Huh? Oh. It's just a bird, I guess. Maybe heading off to the Tower of Niðavellir alone wasn't a great idea after all… I'm not sure I can make it all the way by myself… No! I can't get discouraged now! My country and my brothers need me more than ever! The foothills should be on the other side of this forest. If I just keep going this way, I should get there soon! I'll just have to do my best! FighterAX_M: ...inn… ...Reg...inn... Reghin: ...Huh? Wh-who's there? I can hear your voice, but I can't see anyone! Are you...over this way?
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Sharon: Phew... This is exhausting! And the Tower of Niðavellir is higher still? This slope is so steep... Alfons: We'll make it, Sharena... There, look. You can see it now, over there. That is our goal, the Tower of Niðavellir… Though it's incredible that Reginn managed to climb this mountain on her own... Anna: Right. I thought we would catch up to her right away. It's strange… And since we know the tower is guarded, it's almost unthinkable that she'd attempt this by herself. Alfons: We've seen no sign of battle thus far, so we can only assume she is still somewhere ahead of us. Anna: I suppose you're right. All we can do is trust she's safe and keep heading toward the tower.
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_END: Sharon: There she is! Princess Reginn! Reghin: Oh, you...you followed me!? Anna: Of course we did! You don't have to do this alone. Reghin: I-I'm sorry. It's just...I've caused you all so much trouble already… I wanted to take care of this one thing myself... I just thought I'd— Sharon: After everything we've been through together?! Alfons: This isn't a problem that concerns you alone, or even just Niðavellir, for that matter. You don't need to take it on all by yourself. You can trust us to help you. Dagr: After spending all this time together, I've started to think of you like my little sister, Reginn. Let your Big Sis help you out! Nott: ...As the proper elder sister here, if you need someone you can count on, your best choice is me. Anna: Princess Reginn, you are a valued member of our Order of Heroes, and in light of that… I will not accept you going on any dangerous missions by yourself from here on! Reghin: ...Thank you. All of you… You...you're all so wonderful! *sniff* You're going to make me cry! Nott: All that said, you have done rather well climbing this mountain on your own, haven't you? Reghin: *sniff* ...Oh, that's right! I heard this strange voice, and I followed after it... I hardly even noticed the climb! Alfons: A strange voice? We didn't hear anything like that... Reghin: Oh... Really? Hmm... Maybe I was imagining things!
MID_SCENARIO_ENDING_IMAGE: EvBg_NisaverilCastle MID_SCENARIO_ENDING: Fafnir : ... Otr: Brother! You're all right! I thought… Weren't you taken captive by Askr?! ...I'm so glad to see you! You had me worried. I never thought you would invade Askr while I was away. And Reginn... Unbelievable! How dare she side with Askr and aid them in capturing you! She is no sister of mine... No, not anymore. Don't you agree, Brother? Fafnir: What endless yammering… SILENCE! Askr... The gate, it... What's on the other side?! ...Damn it! Otr: Brother... Have you...remembered something? What is it? Fafnir: ...Hm. I've noticed you've been fixated on Askr recently, haven't you, Ótr? ...What do you know? Otr: M-me? ...I-I don't know anything! What do you mean, Brother? Fafnir: Don't play the fool with me. Do you think your sneaking around with Eitri has gone unnoticed?! Hhng— Gyaahh! My...head! Otr: Brother, try to calm yourself! You mustn't try to force your memories to return. Fafnir: It is more than my memory that's wrong... My strength is far beyond that of others… Sometimes, it is too much for even me to control... I have this thirst for destruction that I cannot satisfy… When...when did I become this?! Hrrk! Guhhh... Otr: You haven't changed, Brother… That strength is what made you king, and king by right! You need not worry. I'm here with you. I won't abandon you like Reginn has, that traitorous, conniving... Fafnir: Mmrrgh... H-huh? ...Wh-what is this? Otr: Ah, there you are... Are you back with me now? You're likely exhausted after having escaped Askr... You lost consciousness for a moment. Fafnir: Ah, that's right... That woman, Loki… She appeared to me in Askr, and… Ótr, begin preparing to invade a new target. Otr: ...O-of course! What target? Fafnir: The Emblian Empire.
Part 2: Merry Diviner MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN_BGM: BGM_EVENT_PLAIN_01 MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Orochi: Queen Mikoto...please watch over me...
Part 3: Rulebreaker Mage MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Nyx: I took countless lives in my foolish youth. For that, I was cursed with this unaging body...
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_END: Sharon: Finally! We made it! Now, to get that gate open. Hmmm-MMPH— Huh… Alfons: This is no time for playing around, Sharena. Sharon: I'm not playing around! The gate won't budge! Anna: But there's no lock... Strange. Reghin: Oh no! That's right... I'm sorry… This gate can only be opened by those from Niðavellir's royal line. Alfons: So we have no way to get past the gate? Reghin: I'm afraid not... I wish I knew of any other way to open it… If we can't get past it, we'll be unable to investigate whatever it is my brothers are up to… SUMMON_STONE_FLASH| Sharon: H-huh?! ...I-it just opened! Reghin: Yes! This is amazing... The kings of ages past must be watching over us! Thank you, Your Majesties! Anna: Convenient... That certainly saves us some trouble! Let's hurry through before the kings change their minds. Alfons: Right! Let's get going! Er...what's wrong, Kiran? What's that you found? Oh! That looks like...
MID_SCENARIO_ENDING: _ Eitri: The gate...is open. Heh... Heh heh heh… AH-HAHAHAHAAAHH! So this is how things are, is it?! How dare you, Ótr… The divine dragon has not abandoned Niðavellir yet. You will not be allowed to simply do whatever you please...
Part 4: Wily Warrior MID_SCENARIO_OPENING: Reghin: Hmmm... Where is... Huh! Alfons: What is it, Princess Reginn? Reghin: Well, this is where the king would have come to perform the formal rites of ascension to the throne. The rite involves climbing from the bottom of the mountain to the tower and placing a treasure on the altar… But...I don't see Fáfnir's treasure here anywhere. Anna: Did Fáfnir...not perform the rite? Reghin: He did! Well, he took a treasure and climbed this mountain… Sharon: But he went alone, right? Reghin: W-well, of course, but not becau— Alfons: Is this the treasure he carried? Reghin: Th-that's it! ...Why do you have it, Prince Alfonse? Where did you find it?! Alfons: It was on the ground out as we approached the tower. It seems to have been thrown into the thicket. It was Kiran who found it. Reghin: But...why would— He said he gave his treasure as an offering! Nott: He was unable to open the gate, in all likelihood. Blocked from making his offering, he tossed it aside. Dagr: Then...what does that mean for us? Alfons: You mentioned that only the royal line is able to enter the tower, right, Princess Reginn?How does the tower recognize someone as king? Reghin: To be claim the throne, you need to have the Crown of the Dvergar and be born of Niðavellir… Nott: He bore the crown. Which can mean only that he is not born of Niðavellir. Is that not the case? Alfons: It's possible... As I understand it, Fáfnir lost all of his memories. Reghin: Th-then...just who IS my brother? And where did he come from? Alfons: As of now, we have no way of knowing. Anna: It's possible even he doesn't know anything about his past life… But if the fact that he's not born of this realm were to become widely known, he could be deposed. It's likely that is the reason why he didn't tell anyone... Reghin: Aha! And maybe Ótr knows the truth... Alfons: Right. He probably found the treasure as well, and threw it into the thicket himself. Dagr: That's all great, but… the only thing this tells us is that he isn't from Niðavellir, right? Nott: We've gained insight into our foe. It is a step in the right direction. Sharon: What step comes next then? Do we pursue Ótr and Eitri? Alfons: Hmmm... Making our way back down the mountain will be dangerous after dark—we should hurry.
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Charlotte: I'll make you my extra-special lunch!
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_END: FighterAX_M: ...Reginn... Reghin: Wh-who's there? You were the one who called out to me at the foot of the mountain, weren't you... FighterAX_M: You have done well, child of our blood... Wrest the crown from the heretic... Return it to rightful hands... Reghin: The...heretic? Do you mean Fáfnir? But...but I— Sharon: Princess Reginn? Who are you talking to? Reghin: H-huh? You can't hear it? Sharon: H-hear what? ...I'm not falling for this trick again! Anyway, I came to tell you it's nearly time to go. Reghin: Right... Of course.
Part 5: Sensitive Soul MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Benoit: I like animals. They aren't scared of me.
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_END: Dagr: How many of these guys are there?! They just keep coming! Nott: They must have arrived while we were investigating the tower. Anna: Their reinforcements seem almost endless! If we don't retreat now... Alfons: Stay focused, everyone! When we have an opening to get clear, take it!
MID_SCENARIO_ENDING: Sharon: Enemies! Wait—who's that?! Alfons: That lance-work... It couldn't be! Bruno: ... Alfons: Zacharias! Where did you come from? Sharon: Are you here to help us? Wow! What incredible timing! Bruno: ...That is not why I'm here. If anything, I've come to ask for your help. Niðavellir's army... Fáfnir has invaded the Emblian Empire. Alfons: What? He escaped from Askr?! I-is Princess Veronica all right?! Bruno: She's managed to hold them off somehow, but it's only a matter of time before she's overwhelmed. I'm well aware we are in no position to ask favors of you, but... Please, help Veronica. Help my sister. Alfons: Zacharias, you've been away, so you may not know this, but… Despite her initial aggression toward Askr, Veronica has cooperated with us on many an occasion. We will respond as we would if any ally were in trouble. We will not abandon her to Niðavellir… Everyone—Embla is in need! We must hurry to their aid!
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comfy-whumpee · 4 years
TW: addiction (beginning of italics section, skippable).
The thing crackles when it comes on. The crackle fizzes against his head, as if he can feel it before it touches his skin. He feels like perhaps he can. There’s a current running through him, an electric fear that exposes every nerve like sparking wires. His skin feels like it’s ready to jump off his bones and run. He wishes he could follow. He wishes...
Then the pain comes, flashing across him and whiting out his thoughts with a harsh jolt.
Silence, and he catches his breath, trying to blink through the haze. His ears are ringing. Something twitches, he isn’t sure where it is. He closes his eyes, opens his eyes, tries to look around, but there are only white patches.
The crackle comes on again, and Lauritz remembers to close his teeth together so he doesn’t bite his tongue. He doesn’t know how he knows to, but the thought--
Disappears from his head with the jab of the electricity again against his shoulder, sending a spasm like an earthquake through his bad arm and down into his muscles, and this time he screams, hoarse and half-voiced, breaking up into a static gurgle as the - cattle prod? As it pulls away.
Oxygen pulls into his lungs painfully, dragged in down a throat that burns. He’s tired already. It’s only been two. There’s going to be ten.
“Ple...” he tries, but the word croaks into nothingness, and pain shears over him in response, pulling his body out of his control. He jerks in the chains, rattling them above his head. His hands are shaking. “Pl...se...”
The crackle and the stab of pain rocketing across him, and his voice wheezes out in a failed cry. The pain stops, then starts again, moments later, and he seizes up, yanking on the manacles and trying to force his voice into motion. It’s like a nightmare, unable to scream, unable to move, body twitching out of his control even after the shock has stopped, and his voice won’t come out, and his breaths are just wisps of air.
He feels like he swallowed a sword of flame and he knows there are still four to go.
The skin is numb when it hits him again, but the wires that run through his skin are no less potent, like poison in his veins. He gasps for breath when it finally stops, and even that barely makes a rasp. This is how he lost his voice, he realises distantly, until the thought is wiped out by the agony.
Two...One left? Only one left, he thinks.
He screams. His body is aflame. His throat vents pain and it only comes back stronger.
He’s done, he’s done, that was ten--
Body dissolves into white flame. He can’t stop shivering. Was it not ten? Were there more? Please, he’s had enough, he needs it to stop--
Please. He can’t do this. The time between them is blurring. The pain isn’t stopping. His chest is locked up and he can’t breathe--
He can’t take it, he can’t, he can’t, stop, please, stop, stop--
Tears stream down Lauritz’s face as his body twitches and shudders like a dying flame, sputtering out, and he can’t find where the air is and he can’t hear anything but the ringing, singing ears and a voice, faint, “Stop, stop it!”
But there’s nobody here but him and the scientists and they never listen when he begs them, they never--
His body combusts and when it fades, he shudders. He’s a man made of ash. He heaves in a single, thin breath, and feels the pounding in his head slow just slightly. He blinks, white and grey static giving way to a twist of shadows. Where is he?
“Leave him alone, he hasn’t done anything!”
But the rat has done so many things, so many evil things, and he had to be punished for who he used to be.
Rain. It’s Rain, on their chair, fists clenched and glaring angrily at Alfonse, standing over him with the silenced weapon in his hand. No more crackles. It’s over.
Weren’t they going to pretend not to care?
“He’s done plenty,” Alfonse says, his husky bass sending a shiver right through Lauritz’s bones - or is that the aftershocks? “You know very well what he’s done. And he’s done much more than you were there for, of course. He’s not a redeemable man.”
“He’s not even the same man,” Rain says. “He’s different. You scrubbed out who he was and now he’s just - a gullible idiot. It’s like watching you experiment on a rat.”
Lauritz looked down. A rat. Yes... He knew. They still thought of him that way.
Alfonse was unmoved. The crackle came on again, and Lauritz tensed with a whimper, only to be rebutted by the man’s laugh. “He was a lab rat, you know. We didn’t know if the procedure would work. But he made a good test subject - nobody to miss him - and the results were better than we’d hoped. He was stupid afterwards, of course... But that wasn’t a detriment at all.”
Rain doesn’t object that he’s stupid. He must be, if they think so. Or maybe everyone is stupid compared to them. Instead they breathe steadily, still blindfolded but appearing more relaxed than ever. “So why shock him now? Hoping he’ll forget me?”
Alfonse laughs again, louder, and Lauritz feels himself shrink as it bounces across the walls. “No.”
Without warning, hot metal stabs against Lauritz’s back and pain lasers across his body. He screams, and screams louder when it doesn’t stop, and screams again as something vast and lightless opens inside his head and he knows, deeper than he knows his own name, that he’s been here before.
The shock stops but the empty space does not go away. He can’t close a door on it like he did before. And it’s growing.
Lauritz needs his fucking fix. He needs it. It itches at him constantly. His thoughts loop and circle back to it as if tethered. He needs. He sits on his ratty old sofa, half-watching some shit fucking TV show, and tries not to think about the relief and floating pleasure.
Fuck. Fuck, he just wants to be happy for a while, is that so much to fucking ask?
His work phone rings. He picks it up. Stupid thing, but the boss had got him one for the new job, and he wouldn’t risk pissing off that guy. People who pissed that guy off had a way of fucking vanishing. “Yeah?”
“Lauritz.” The voice was deep and rich with a husky quality. Lauritz didn’t go for guys like the boss, but he’d fuck that voice alone. “You’ve been out of touch for a while. How are things with our guest?”
Lauritz grunted and got up, stiff joints protesting to the movement. His mum would’ve said to exercise more, but fuck it, she wasn’t here to care these days. He walks through the dim hallway and to the door to the kid’s room. He listens for a minute, hand on his knife, before unlocking and opening it.
They looked up at him and the instant terror in their eyes was a little high all of its own. Their eyes flicked to the phone and back, and they licked their lips but didn’t ask. They’d stopped talking so much a few days ago, fucking finally. He was getting tired of kicking them. The only time they talked was when they were fucking begging him over the bathtub, and that was an exception. He was riding high those times, so a bit of whining didn’t bother him. And making them repeat his name? Fucking delicious.
He closed the door again. “Kid’s fine.” He walked back down the hall, ignoring the little cupboard where the bitch was chained up and gagged. The boss didn’t have to know about that shit. He’d be in the fire if anyone found out some meddling fuck had come looking. “I’m keeping them fed and shit. Why, you want me to cut off a finger or something?”
The boss laughed. So fucking hot. “No need for that. A lock of hair, I think. Perhaps a video, next week.”
“Got it. Hey, can you send a guy over with some molly?”
“Of course. Just don’t get merry on the job, Lauritz.”
Fuck, Lauritz liked people saying his name. If only the boss wasn’t married to that nutjob Sinclair.
“You got it.”
The video. The video was what had done it. Something in the background, a glimpse of the window, or something Rain had said, coded to give them enough clues to get his house raided. Lauritz had only barely gotten away.
Alfonse had found out. He’d shown up barely two months later, furious, saying something about how the kid’s family were pulling back business. Lauritz hadn’t known why he was there, hadn’t seen why it was his problem that the scare tactics had gone wrong. Alfonse hadn’t bothered explaining. Just punched him out, fists across his face, until everything had gone black. He’d woken up in the empty room.
Lauritz’s eyes were wet. He looked at Rain on the ground, curled up tight and listening without sight. It was his own fucking fault that this had happened. He really knew that now. He’d gone along with so much shit to get money for drugs. So much. And who was it who had given him his first high? Alfonse’s fucking recruiter.
The whole time, he’d assumed that whatever torture he’d done to them, it had been a random act. There hadn’t been a scheme behind it but a quick ransom. But this... The knowledge, from the old Lauritz, was lodged in his head like a bullet. The scum he’d been. The joy he’d taken in an excuse to hurt someone. The... The loneliness.
He was a major fuck-up and Rain had - Kala too, they had both - given him more kindness than he deserved.
He knew that now. Really knew that.
Old Lauritz was filling in the gaps in his head, but the memories didn’t feel like him. Somehow, he’d been handed a fresh start in what had meant to be his end. Somehow, he had a chance to... Do some fucking good in his life, for once. The lunchbox, and the grapes, and his mum, they had all faded for his old self, and yet they were the things that came back first. Selfless, loving gestures.
He blinked the tears from his eyes. Alfonse was still there, watching. Lauritz fought the urge to curl his lip at the man who had ruined his life. “Please,” he said instead, hoarse and quiet. It was obvious that Alfonse wanted him to remember, and that he had was the only advantage to be found in this situation. He kept his voice soft and his head low. Just as he - himself, new Lauritz - just as he always had.
Alfonse sighed. He walked out. Lauritz slumped in the chair, knowing there was nothing else he could do. He couldn’t tell Rain; they would never trust him again. He couldn’t act on the knowledge he had. He just... He was still useless. A useless little rat.
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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gladdygirl18 · 4 years
To Make the Emperor Laugh (Part 1/2)
This idea was inspired by @littlelovelyspiderling ATLA fanfic "The Competition" Go follow her. Her fanfics are incredible!
Summary: Klaus rarely ever laughs, so Zeus decides to hold a competition between his fellow Prefects. Whoever can make the Emperor laugh, wins. But getting Klaus to laugh will be as impossible as learning lightning magic.
Word Court: 1706
At Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy, Klaus Goldstein is well-known as Emperor. He is focused, strict, harsh, and a magical prodigy. But under that harshness, he’s a kindhearted person, even though he has a harsh way of showing it. The only ones who know about his softness is Liz and Alfonse. Must be because of his sweet tooth.
Klaus rarely ever shows his emotions, but when he does, they’re usually on the mean and harsher side. When Klaus doesn’t like something, he is not afraid to show it. Klaus will smile, but only if he’s teasing Liz, and that’s it. Has Klaus ever laughed? It’s a 50/50 answer. Klaus’s laugh is as rare as Shu. Some believe that he can’t laugh, due to how mature he is.
It was warm afternoon, and the academy was having a week off from school. Liz and her friends were relaxing in the Night Club, chatting and being loud as ever, thanks to Zeus. Liz sat at the counter, leaning her head against the wall next to her, staring at said wall with a blank expression.
“Liz, are you okay?” someone asked.
The question made Liz ascend from the wall and look at the person who called upon her. It was Caesar.
“Yes, I’m fine. Just daydreaming,” she answered.
“Well, that’s nothing new.” Caesar said.
Liz’s outburst made the young Prefect laugh. Liz found herself smiling at her friend and shook her head fondly.
“I guess you can say I’m waiting for something fun and exciting to happen,” Liz said.
“More exciting than Zeus?” Caesar asked.
“Not to be a Debby-downer, but I think you’re going to be waiting for quite a while.”
Liz giggled at her friend’s statement.
“That’s a terrible idea.” Liz and Caesar heard Elias say.
The two of them left the counter and walked over to the others.
“What’s a terrible idea?” Caesar asked.
“It’s not terrible idea!” Zeus shouted.
“You’re just begging Klaus to kill us.” Hiro said.
“Wait. This idea involves Klaus? Now I’m really intrigued.” Luca said.
Liz had no idea what was going on between her friends.
“Mind filling us in on what this idea is?” Liz asked.
“Gladly. You all know how Klaus never laughs, right?” Zeus asked.
The rest of the group nodded.
“I heard from Headmaster Schuyler that Klaus will be visiting tomorrow, and I decided to hold a competition,” Zeus continued.
“What kind of competition?” Liz asked.
“We have to get the Emperor to laugh.”
Liz looked at the Night Class Prefect like he was crazy.
“Get the Emperor to laugh...?” Liz parroted.
“Yup! But like, actually laugh.” Zeus said.
“Like the time you ate Laughing Shrooms?” Hiro asked.
The Laughing Shrooms incident made the other Prefects laugh. Zeus couldn’t help but follow suit.
“Exactly like that. Of course, there are rules. We can’t tell Klaus about this,” Zeus said.
“Like that wasn’t obvious.” Lucious commented.
“We can’t repeat the same attempts as before or copy someone else’s. It must be original. Also, everyone must be there to witness Klaus laugh so we can agree on the winner. Anyone want to add any additional rules?”
“We have to take turns, you know, to make things fair.” Joel said.
“Valid point. Anything else?”
“Oh, one more thing. Elias, Alfonse, you guys can’t participate.” Luca added.
The two brothers turned to their friend in shock.
“Why not?” Alfonse asked.
“You guys are his brothers, and you probably already know how to make Klaus laugh. It’d be less of a competition if you guys were there. Sorry.” Luca said.
“Fair point.” Elias said.
“Oh, and no contacting Albert, Sigurd, or Randy. Since they’ve been with Klaus most of his life, they probably know how to make Klaus laugh as well.” Lars said.
“All good rules. Anything else?” Zeus asked.
The rest of the group remained quiet and agreed to the terms.
“What does the winner get?” Yukiya asked.
“Bragging rights, I would assume.” Ted said.
“Well, I’d back out of this competition if I were you. We all know that I’m the funniest guy in the world!” Zeus boasted.
“I just want to see what will become of you when Klaus murders you.” Hiro said smirking.
Zeus gave Hiro a smug glare.
“Well, I’m definitely not backing down. This sounds really fun!” Luca said.
“I’m not that funny, so I’ll spectate with Elias, Alfonse, and Hiro.” Yukiya said.
“Count me in.” Caesar and Lucious said in sync.
“I’ll take part.” Clive said.
“So will I.” Lars said.
“Same here.” Joel said.
Everyone then turned to Liz who was still trying to process everything.
“Well Liz. What says you?” Caesar asked.
Everyone excitedly waited for her answer with anticipation. A small, mischievous smile spread across Liz’s face.
“Alright. Count me in.” Liz said, smiling.
“Yes! Alright! The competition starts when Klaus arrives tomorrow.” Zeus said.
Everyone left the Night Club with huge smiles on their faces. They couldn’t wait to see Klaus laugh; that is, if they can make Klaus laugh. The choir of songbirds sang with the ascending sun over the rolling fields. The Day and Night Class Prefects, Ted, Lars, and Clive were more than excited to hear what the Emperor’s laugh sounds like, and what he looks like when he laughs.
Waving goodbye to Amelia, Liz walked out the door with a wide grin on her face. Her journey to the academy was certainly a merry one. Once Liz reached the building, she walked in and headed for the Prefect’s office. Upon her arrival, she saw Klaus coming down the hall. Panicking, Liz rushed inside and closed the door behind her. Knowing that the others were already there, Liz composed herself before turning to her friends.
“Klaus is here.” she said.
“What!? Already?” Luca asked.
“Well, he is known for being on time.” Alfonse said.
“So, who’s going first?” Clive asked.
“Me, obviously.” Zeus said.
“Why even bother asking...?” Hiro mumbled, placing a hand on his temple.
Suddenly, the door swung open and standing in the door frame was the Emperor himself.
“Klaus, what a wonderful surprise.” Alfonse said.
“We didn’t know you were coming.” Joel lied.
“That’s Goldilocks for you. He never gives us a heads-up.” Zeus said.
Klaus sighed and rolled his amethyst eyes. Some of the Prefects chuckled at Zeus’s nickname for Klaus.
“Hey Klaus, I remember you telling me that time when Liz was starting here, she made it rain frogs.” Zeus said.
Everyone burst out laughing, even Liz.
“How can I forget? In all my years of being at this academy, never have I met someone who could make it rain frogs.” Klaus said with a fond smile.
“Maybe next time, she can make it rain toads.” Zeus said.
Klaus shook his head in amusement.
“What’s the difference? It’ll be raining amphibians either way.” Klaus said.
The Prefect’s office was soon filled with everyone’s laughter, all except for Klaus.
“Aw, come on! How could you not laugh at that?” Zeus asked.
“Was I supposed to?” Klaus asked.
“Guess you are not that funny. Ten of you combined wouldn’t make me laugh.”
The rest of the group was soon fell limp from laughter. With a tip of his hat, Klaus walked out of the Prefects.
“You heard it here folks! Confirmed by Klaus himself, Zeus is not funny!” Caesar laughed.
“Shut up, Caesar!” Zeus spat out.
“But acknowledge what Klaus said, guys. He said ten of Zeus combined wouldn’t make him laugh, and one Zeus is funny enough.” Liz said.
“Thank you, Liz.”
Zeus smiled at Liz’s compliment and patted her on the head. Liz giggled and brushed his hand of her head.
“This is going to be harder than we anticipated...” Joel admitted.
“Wish Alfonse and I could participate, but just seeing you guys struggle is enough enjoyment for me.” Elias said.
“I cannot help but agree. Good luck to you all.” Alfonse said.
The others looked at one another with competitive looks on their faces. For the rest of the day, some of the others attempted to make Klaus laugh. Instead, they just made themselves and the others laugh.
Caesar turned into a pig and had Seth chase him around the courtyard, Luca pulled a humorous prank, Lars told hilarious jokes, Joel sang a laughing spell, but it was like Klaus was immune to the spell. Clive offered Klaus some grilled Laughing Shrooms, but they had no effect on him. To make the attempt funnier, everyone knew that would happen when Caesar and Alfonse attempted the same thing not too long ago. Nothing they did worked. The only thing they got out of Klaus was either a smile or a chuckle, but that was it.
“It’s official. Klaus is a brick with arms and legs...” Zeus said.
“And you’re just realizing this now?” Elias asked with a cheeky smile on his face.
Zeus glared at the young Prefect and let out a frustrated groan. The Prefects, Ted, Lars, and Clive had met up at the Prefect’s office when the day was almost at its end.
“The only one who was closet was Lars.” Hiro said.
“Well, my jokes are pretty funny.” Lars said boldly.
Zeus just rolled his eyes.
“Can’t you guys give us a hint or something?” Zeus asked, turning to the oldest and youngest Goldstein.
“Sorry Zeus, but we can’t.” Alfonse said.
“Like you said, it wouldn’t be much of a competition if we were involved.” Elias said.
Zeus groaned and leaned his head back against the sofa.
“Zeus, Caesar, Luca, Lars, Joel, and Clive attempted today, so that leaves Lucious, Ted, and Liz tomorrow.” Hiro said.
“This should be interesting.” Yukiya said.
“What do you guys got planned?”  Zeus asked.
“Calm down, idiot. It’s going to be a surprise.” Lucious said.
“You’re just going to have to wait and see.” Ted said.
“Yup. What they said.” Liz said.
Zeus narrowed his eyes with a cocky grin on his face.
“Alright. I trust your judgement.” Zeus said.
“I have to get going. See you tomorrow guys.” Liz said, walking to the door.
Hearing her friends’ goodbyes, Liz walked through the orange painted hallway, feeling the warm evening sun kiss her cheek.
“How can I make Klaus laugh...?” Liz asked herself.
Stay tuned for Part 2 to find out what happens next!
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felassanis · 5 years
Headcanons of stuff that happened in my Fallout 3 story
1. When my Lone Wanderer enters Rivet City and sees Dr Li for the first time, Dr Li doesn’t comment on the Wanderer’s likeness to James. Instead, she gasps, shocked as she thinks she’s seeing a ghost and she shouts “Catherine!?” Believing for a moment that her old colleague is alive. My Lone is visibly confused until Dr Li calms herself down and she says she looks just like her mother, and they proceed to talk about James. I just think with a male lone wanderer her thinking he looks like James makes sense, but for a female LW, it makes more sense for Dr Li to say she bears a resemblance to Catherine.
2. In the Tranquil Lane (Or whatever the simulation is called) as soon as my Lone enters the pre-war realm James instantly recognises his daughter. His little girl, 10 years old once more. He thinks it’s something in the simulation trying to trick him, the mad scientist’s way of tormenting him. The dog starts to whine and cry a bit. It’s tough for James to see his little girl at an age when everything seemed so simple.
3. James has always been wary of Butch. He doesn’t think the boy is a bad kid, but he has a rocky home life. And James knows that can lead to tumultuous and erratic behaviour. So the fact that Butch has a switchblade genuinely makes him worried for his daughter’s safety and other Vault dwellers. One night, he finds a drunk 17-year-old Butch stumbling about angrily. James tries to calm him down but Butch goes for his blade, and it's here that Jame’s Wastelander side comes out because next thing James has Butch’s arm bent and pressed against his own back and the switchblade has been snatched and James is holding it tightly while he’s restraining Butch. It all happened so fast and James didn’t even think about what he was doing, it was just instinct. Butch remembers that moment and forever wondered where the hell the old man learnt such moves being stuck in the vault. Obviously, things become clearer in later years...They never talked about it.
4. Butch has an obsession with his hair. Will spend hours if he must getting it just right. He doesn’t just wake up like this you know!
5. Butch meeting James Hargrave? Ouch. Yeah, Butch makes sure him and Lone talk to James whenever they’re in Rivet City. He looks out for the kid and Butch rents our a constant room in Rivet City’s hotel so James can go there if he needs an escape.
6. In fact, because you meet Butch in the Muddy Rudder I believe he adopted his mom’s drinking habits but upon meeting James and his mother Tammy as well as some encouragement from my Lone Butch drops alcohol and only ever has some if he’s celebrating. He won’t become his mother.
7. Amata never really dates anyone. Her father is really controlling; I mean he goes into all of her doctor appointments as stated by James in his terminal so she has zero privacy but if we get into the mindset of the other vault dwellers...Alfonse is a bully, a bully who is very protective of his daughter. Dating Amata is just a bad idea, she’s pretty and sweet but no one can get over that looming shadow that is the Overseer that hangs over her. 
8. The only reason the Tunnel Snakes pick on Amata is because of Wally. Wally has a huge crush on Amata but because his mates keep telling him “Dating Almodovar is a terrible idea,” and they call her fat and daddy’s little girl, it hinders his intention to ever ask her out. I mean, Butch and co are arseholes anyway in their teenage years so they pick on anyone but Butch has his rivalry with Lone, Amata doesn’t really cross his mind. Wally picks on her simply because he likes her and so he’s the one that instigates any bullying towards her. The difference between him and Butch is that Wally is a bit more...abusive. He’s grown up with fucking EVIL men in his life and it’s the only way he knows how. It ain’t good.
9. The Lone Wanderer CRINGES during the holotape recording found in her father’s old office in the Project Purity building. Yeah, it’s sweet but she’s hearing the moment before her father and her mother have sex it’s WEIRD.
10. Dr Li has to drag and slap The Lone Wanderer when James dies because she just won’t move.
11. Speaking of Dr Li, she stays with Lone and looks out for her. It’s painful for Li to see the kid of Catherine and James, looking at Lone she can’t help but be reminded of them. When Lone ‘Dies’ completing Project Purity Dr Li is fucking OUT of there. She leaves the Capital Wasteland for good. The woman needs a break.
12. When Lone fixes the pipes in Megaton she sits on Charon’s shoulders so she doesn't have to climb and break her neck scouring the crooked buildings and pipes trying to get to the leaky ones.
13. When Lone ‘dies’ Charon and Butch stay together. It’s kinda like “Well...we only have each other know I guess?” Like it's just them clinging to some familiarity after Lone ‘dies’. But its this period where the two go from indifferent strangers only connected through another person to genuine buddies.
14. I don’t believe for A SECOND that BITCH DELORIA walked to the other end of the fucking Captial Wasteland utterly unharmed. like, Rivet City is fucking FAR from Vault 101. I got my ass beat by a lady chilling in her hoodie in a shitty house and got chewed up by an ant just on the outskirts of Megaton! You can’t sell me the idea that this twink straight outta the vault wandered MILES AND MILES through Super Mutant infested deserts and city ruins to Rivet City without a scratch. Don’t be stupid Bethesda! Butch Deloria walked out the Vault WITH the Lone Wanderer where they came to an agreement.
15. The Agreement was that Lone would escort Butch to Rivet City after he complains non-stop about what a shit hole Megaton was, and on the way, she’ll teach him how to survive. After that? they’ll never see each other again. Obviously, this plan goes wrong because of...well. Enemies to lovers and 19 looks good on Butch Deloria and my Lone Wanderer.
15. Charon enters the irradiated chamber where James died so that he can give Lone a proper burial for her dad. Dr Li reveals they buried Catherine near the water at Jefferson Memorial so they bury him next to her.
16. Amata and my Lone Wanderer DO NOT end on good terms and this stems from my own reaction the first time I finished Trouble on the Homefront. I killed Alfonse during the beginning and you can’t talk down Alan Mack so I get where she’s coming from, my Lone is the Overseer killer and she’s dangerous as well as a tad bit unstable but I was MAD. I was so pissed off that she called me all the way out the 101, didn’t even ask how I was or what I had been through and then begs me to solve their shit out only for her first order as Overseer to boot me out! I lost my dad and now you’re kicking me out a SECOND TIME?! Fuck you Amata.
17. Personally, when Jonas died I took his glasses and when I got a house in Megaton I kept them on my desk. As a little thing to remember the sweetest guy in Vault 101 who did not deserve it. So yeah, my Lone does that.
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The Ruined King, Chapter 1
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Pairing: Felix x Liz
Summary: Hawkeye is once again moving through Gedonelune, and it looks like their aim is on the heart of the Dragonkin Ruins. It looks like we’ll need the help of the three Reciters to solve this mystery!
Contains spoilers for the Melody of Awakening spinoff!
I would like to thank @ghostnightbride​, @zigackly​, @explosiveglitterqueen​, and @nadia-the-wizardess​ for their endless help and support on this. From helping with artwork, listening to me ramble, and just overall support, thank you~
The oppressive darkness had been cleared away; now, sunlight poured through the trees, casting the forest in a warm glow. You could be forgiven for thinking it was a different place all together. But the tower, a familiar sight to all in Gedonelune, still remained, forever hovering in the distance.
Shu and I had just finished our duties for the day, so I thought it would be nice to go for a stroll before we met the others.
'So much has happened over these years,' I thought. I giggled as I heard Shu chirping just ahead of me, basking in the sunlight. Who would've thought a clumsy wizardess like me would end up here, walking through the once frightening forest with my dragon?
Someone caught my eye. A woman stood on the path ahead of me, gazing up at the tower. She was dressed all in black, but a silver gem glimmered around her neck.
"Ma'm," I called out, "are you lost?"
Her gaze fixed on me. "You're the girl with the dragon.”
"Have we met before?" I didn't recognize her face.
"No, of course not. But you knew a friend of mine; you.. and that wretched golden boy," she said, drawing closer to me, "destroyed him."
I took a step back. Golden boy? And who was this friend she was talking about? "What are you talking about?"
With a wave of her hand, I was flung back. Pale magic crackled in her hand as she approached me, never losing her smile.
"I thought you might cause problems for us again. So now, I need for you to get out of our way!"
Her magic swept towards me-
'I have to do something!'
-And suddenly, he was before me, a black shield rising before us.
"Felix.." What was he doing here? Was he saving me?
"Pay attention," he said, keeping his gaze on the woman.
"Right!" Now wasn't the time to get distracted; I whipped out my wand. She sent another wave of magic at us, but I was ready this time. "Saggita Lumen!" Felix's dark magic joined mine, aiming for her-
But the woman smoothly dodged, as graceful as if she was dancing. Where had I seen that before?
She never took her eyes off of him. "Who are you? Your magic is.."
"Stay away," he said, raising his hand again.
"You are.." Her smile sent shivers down my spine. "This may be a complication." Before I could move, she was gone.
All was still- and then I heard a familiar chirp. Shu flew into my arms. "Mama!"
"I'm okay, Shu, we're okay," I reassured him, petting his scales. "Thank you, Felix."
And only now did I realize I was face to face with Felix. At this distance, his eyes sparkled like jewels. I gulped without meaning to. 'He really is beautiful.'
"I wanted to ask.." I started to say, but he turned away. "Wait..!" And suddenly he was gone, as quick as he came, as though he had never been there at all.
I sighed. 'I guess it was just by chance. Well, whatever. I have other things to focus on.' I looked back to the forest. 'Who was that woman?'
A few hours later, my friends and I gathered in the Night Cafe, but I still couldn't get the incident out of my mind.
"You were attacked?"
"I've already reported the incident to Headmaster Schuyler," I said, settling at the table, "but I wanted to see what you guys thought of it."
"What could they have meant by you and the 'golden boy'?" Caesar said, leaning against the table. "It must have been somebody that you've faced before."
"Then it could have been one of us," Alfonse said. "Golden could be referring to the Goldsteins."
"That's true, but in that case.." I could think of only one person who fit the bill. Elias gave me a hesitant glance; I could tell he was thinking the same thing.
"She would've been talking about Drago." Elias and I had faced him before. "But that would make her a member of Hawkeye."
Hawkeye. The memory sent chills down my spine. Drago's death had been a blow to them, but I knew that they were still out there. Former Headmaster Randolph was still out hunting for them.
"But I have to admit, I'm curious, you took her on all alone?" Alfonse asked.
"No. Actually, Felix saved me," I admitted. "He just showed up out of nowhere; I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't there."
"Felix saved you?" Zeus was gaping. "Well, I suppose that he does live near the area.."
It still took some getting used to. It hadn't been that long since Lacan's revival, since we had come to a tentative trust with Felix and the three Reciters had been reunited. Now, Felix and Lacan had moved into Liz Village.
“I keep meaning to go and pay them a visit,” Alfonse said cheerfully. “It would be nice to see how they're settling in.”
"Well, you'd know best of us, Hugo," Caesar said with a laugh. "What is it like having three Dragonkins as a neighbor?"
"We tend to keep to ourselves,” Hugo said. “Every time I've looked over, it seems they're hanging over at Willem's.”
"Willem sure seems happier though," Mischa said with a smile.
"Then maybe I should go and visit them this weekend!" I said. "I'd like to thank Felix for helping me anyway, and I can ask him about the incident."
The next morning, Shu and I set out bright and early for Liz Village.
Stepping through the forest, a sea of flowers greeted us. The wind carried the sweet smile of the flowers across the village- and booming voices.
"Go easy on me, will you? I'll never beat you, at this rate!"
Warm laughter, as clear as a bell. "That's the idea!"
"Willem, can you help me out here? He keeps throwing my pieces off!"
"I'll be there in a minute!"
I gathered Shu in my arms, knocking on Willem's door.
A new face answered the door. Long, silver hair falling down his back, curled blue horns, and emerald eyes. Someone I never thought I'd see in person, and here he was.
"Hello, Lacan."
"Oh! It's you!" he said with a warm smile. "I wanted to see you again, Miss..." He stopped, fumbling for words.
I just laughed. A lot had happened then, and we'd only really seen each other in passing. It was understandable he'd forget some things. "My name is-"
"Don't tell me, I know this one!"
I heard a voice from behind him. "For goodness sake, Lacan," Felix said. "Her name is Liz."
My gaze fell on Felix. He was sitting at a table before a sprawling board game; his hood had been pulled back, revealing golden hair and curly horns.
"Right, Liz!" Lacan said cheerily. "I knew that."
Felix rolled his eyes; but when he caught my look, he turned away. "I'm.. going to go help Willem in the kitchen," he said, walking away.
"I wanted to thank you, Liz," Lacan said with a sweet smile. "It's thanks to you and your little dragon friend that I was awakened, and I was able to reunited with my family. So thank you."
I smiled. After so long, the three were finally together again. That made everything worth it. "Not a problem."
"Oh, Liz, you're here!" Willem stepped out of the kitchen.
"I hope you don't mind. I thought I'd stop by and see how you were settling in."
'Now, where did Shu run off?' Walking outside after breakfast, humming drifted through the air. 'That must be his song.'
I followed the trail of his sound to Willem's porch, but something stopped me. Felix was sitting with him, scratching under his chin. He seemed.. relaxed; there was an unusual gentleness in his eyes.
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'Willem always said he loved magical creatures,' I thought. 'It makes sense that he would be drawn to Shu.' I shook my head. 'This looks like a private moment. I should leave him alone.'
He looked up sharply. "Who's there?" He relaxed as he saw me. "Oh, it's you."
Well, I suppose no harm in coming out now. I walked closer to him, scooping up Shu in my arms. "Shu seems to really like you," I told him, petting Shu. He let out small, happy chirps. He seemed to relax around Felix too.
“I knew a Ratatoskr before. I doubt I'll ever forget that song of his.” He stood up, coming over to me. "I came out here to thank him.. and you."
"Despite everything I tried, I couldn't do much on my own." He faced me, meeting my eyes. "But thanks to the two of you, Lacan came back to us peacefully, and I was reunited with my family." He smiled, giving a small bow. "So thank you."
"O-of course." I blurted out without thinking, "I wanted to help you." Was I just imagining the surprise flickering across his face? But it disappeared. "But.." I had so much that I wanted to ask him, but the words wouldn't come. "Was that the reason that you saved me yesterday? To pay me back."
He tilted his head. "...I'm not sure."
"You wanted to see us?"
The Prefects had been called to the Headmaster's office. But I stopped short as I saw a familiar face standing there.
"Head.." I caught myself quickly, running into the room, "Randolph! What are you doing here?"
"I thought that you were supposed to be in Queensblade," Elias said.
"It's good to see you again," he said with his usual warm smile. "But I'm afraid there's another reason I'm here."
"I called him here," Headmaster Schuyler said. "I thought that he would have more information on the woman who attacked you."
My heart sank. 'If even Randolph had to come here..' Maybe our assumptions weren't that far off after all.
He took out a picture from his pocket. "Tell me, Liz.." When he laid the picture down, I saw an all too familiar face, a silver necklace glinting around her neck, "is this the woman that you saw?"
Alfonse: You faced a member of Hawkeye all by yourself? That's so brave of you.
Elias: Well, not just by ourselves. We had our friends helping us.
Alfonse: I can't believe that I missed out on it.
Elias: Don't worry, we handled it. We had lots of adventures like that. There was the Tower of Sorrow, the fairy flower incident.. don't even get me started on the Sol Maiden-
Alfonse: Ah, I can't believe I missed so much!
Elias: Don't worry, we have plenty of time to make up for it.
Alfonse: Next time, 'Hawkeye'.
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moe-broey · 1 year
Was there a particular moment where the characters of FEH really sunk their claws in for you?
For me personally was the half a body, half a mind page from the silly little side comic (aka where Robin asks Kiran if Alfonse is their other half and they chose to interpret that very literally). The revelation that Alfonse and Kiran’s dynamic switches who has the braincell in the prince/tactician dynamic was eye opening. And then the follow up of Sharena being fucking gobsmacked that local introvert prince managed to S rank Kiran was beautiful 10/10 makes me both happy and sad. And from then on the brain rot has been STRONG. No thoughts head empty only these lil guys.
Oughgh I'VE. BEEN RUMINATING ON THIS.... (which is. Why it took so long for me to respond to LMFAOO)
BUT.... first of all YOUR INTERPRETATION. OF THE "Half a body, half a mind" bit is HUGE. Like you're so right, there is a lot of symbolism there even if it's silly!!! And esppp Sharena's reaction to Alfonse making a close friend, so easily in her eyes... that absolutely would be a sleeper agent thing for me actually. Like. I wouldn't consider it until Much later, and when I did it just never left my mind.
And I think that's the thing!! I've actually been having a lot of trouble, trying to pinpoint exactly Where each took such a strong hold on me LMFAO. I think, because it's this gradual and constant process of taking in information, noticing something Odd, re-examining, re-contextualizing, and gaining new perspective.
It def happened quicker w Alfonse though, cause he's actually much easier to read. Immediately you can tell his words and actions aren't matching up, and through that you can tell his feelings aren't matching his words either. You also see the clear reason Why he's Like That, on. Several different levels.
I think.... the lines of dialogue that always stick with me. His entire level 40 convo. I'm always thinking about it. I'll often revisit it. And, a lot of his lines to or about the summoner: "Please, remain with us, [summoner]?", "Or... is it that reality has been reshaped by my fear of having lost [summoner]?"
BUT, I think. What really got me was actually his Forging Bonds with Dieck. Like at this point I was already in way too deep LMFAO BUT. Dieck's fucking dialogue fucked me up SO much actually
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I AM LITERALLY ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THIS FUCKING DIALOGUE ‼️‼️‼️‼️It REALLY opened my eyes AND put words to something that was Constantly nagging at me. How Alfonse, from the very start, will say one thing, and then. Directly contradict himself. Not because he's disingenuous -- but because he's so split in two.
AND. AUGHHGH!! THAT'S!!!! You think he's so reserved, and he is. But he wears his heart on his sleeve and will talk openly with anyone who will listen. You think he's the cool and collected type, he OFTEN leaves people with that impression. But SO many times he acts rashly, with little regard for himself. He claims, he can't be driven by emotion because those driven by emotion cannot rule. BUT HE. IS. SUCH A PAINFULLY EMOTIONAL CHARACTER. Almost EVERYTHING he does is driven by his emotions -- I absolutely think so much about how he has a bit of a temper on him, and I think about all the little ways he so clearly and deeply loves Sharena, I think about how much of a mess he is over Bruno, I think about just how quickly he warmed up to the summoner despite insisting upon keeping his distance. Hell, you think he's like. This very serious guy. And he is! Aaand then next thing you know he's dug a ditch and he's thrown himself into it and he's covered in mud. AND. THE WILDEST PART OF THAT. Is the Way he does it, the reason Why, it. Tracks. Like yeah. He would do that. That's actually not out of character for him.
(ALSO as a side his Forging Bonds w f!Alear also live in my head rent free -- another instance of, taking a step back and re-evaluating. It was actually so refreshing in a way? You get used to just how warm he is with the summoner, that you forget just how cold he can be too. That's ALSO something I'm so not normal about. The asshole tendencies. The coldness, and the ruthlessness. It's subtle, but There. He does have a harsher side to him.)
AND ALL OF THIS....... still only feels like the tip of the iceberg. But literally I will never shut up about it LMFAOOO I GOTTA. BECAUSE. SHARENA‼️‼️‼️
I think actually I have an easier time pinning down where I started having Thoughts about her. Because, I made the same mistake a lot of charas in-universe make, even Alfonse, himself. Assuming, that just because she's outgoing and friendly, that she has an easier time making friends. When like. Really, it's been present the whole time actually -- from that FEH comic, to the Paralogues featuring Katarina, like. She doesn't. She struggles just as much, if not more.
But I think, the exact point I actually internalized this was in her Forging Bonds w f!Byleth. Like. Those convos REALLY make it clear, so much so I felt stupid for not even seeing that sooner. And, it helped me re-contextualize her level 40 convo also! When I first got that dialogue, I really didn't know what to make of it. LIKE. ABSOLUTELY she's so sweet and I love her. But. I really had no idea what to make of it! Until like. It became clear to me, ohhhhhhhh I. Fell for the front she puts up as a defense mechanism. You can be cheerful and silly and deeply hurt and have just as many interpersonal issues as someone who like. Shows clearer signs of having those issues. Okay! Got it 🫡 SHKAHSJSHJAJ
And then I think that's when I became just deeply unwell about her too LMFAOOOOOOO
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fe-husband-heaven · 5 years
Idk if this counts as a request but what characters can you see being bi/gay?
((Had to rewrite this twice cuz tumblr flubbed ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh))
Nyaha, this doesn't count as a request but I tend to get indulgent with HC's and stuff djdjdj
P.S. Niles isn't included cuz he's obvious and canon kkkkkkkkk
P.P.S. I also included some relationship HC's(?)/ What the character in particular needs in a relationship!
(In FEH verse, with the units already in the game haha)
Takumi really wants someone who sees his worth. He really needs someone who believes in him wholeheartedly and never wavers from his side.
He gets attached quite easily once you befriend him and it will evolve (against his will) into thinking about how good it would feel to be with you every second of the day. ((He cringes at his own corniness-))
Takumi has a fear of abandonment and he falls into lapses when he thinks someone might be better for you. (Namely when a new hero with incredible strength catches your attention) and he'll work excessively hard to impress you.
It only takes a direct reminder from you that you love him more than anyone else and that you wouldn't want anyone that wasn't him, to quell his worries. :')
Hnnnn Grima is more of a "I am a god, I do what I want" situation-
If you insist on worming your way into his life then he'll make you his, he doesn't care at all what you are. Girl, guy, god, goose, its all the same to Grima.
Rest assured though, he's extremely -and I mean EXTREMELY- protective. He's very territorial and once he's decided you belong to him, he's completely invested in every aspect of your life.
He follows you around as you work (glaring at everything) and he insists on guarding your door at night. While you may have earned his favor, his distrust in humanity is not easily erased, and he believes they'd conspire against you any moment...
Or at least that's what he says but that wicked smile he has when you pull him into your room and into bed (You will not have him losing sleep for no reason) is suspicious...
Soren doesn't form bonds easily, so managing to befriend him is a feat in itself. And when you do, you won't know, because he won't suddenly be all buddy buddy with you. You'll have to be able to decipher his feelings through his constant fretting disguised as chiding.
You have to be able to read between the lines, especially when he slips up and makes a remark that even vaguely insinuates he cares about you.
Most of his feelings are apparent when you're not there/paying attention. If anyone has anything to say about you, Soren doesn't waste a second with verbal decimation. He does it in a manner that makes it seem as though he has no particular feelings towards you, and is merely looking down on the trash talker.
Like, "Oh, you think you're any better? Oh, its nothing, just amusing." in the most teeth grinding condescending tone he can muster.
Ahh would it be better to say he's Summoner-sexual-
Alfonse's plan of "blah blah keep you at arms length" failed miserably but in turn, he got something that's incredibly precious to him, you. You are always at his side, so much so that he feels lonely in a room full of people if you aren't there.
Like Takumi, Alfonse is afraid that you might just leave him one day. He trusts your feelings but every once in a while, the feeling of dread creeps up and he'll need a little time to have you to himself.
Ah but he frets over you a lot, more so than he did when you weren't together. He wants to take care of you and it comes naturally to him but if you express a wish to do the same, he'll blush shyly.
Claude originally started his ties with you as intending to use you to achieve his dreams. You have strange powers as a summoner, that Breidablik you wield is different than a relic, and you yourself are quite the mystery to him too
Once you've piqued his interest, he gathers information discreetly about your likes, dislikes, and any heroes you're close to in particular. Somehow, your name just happens to pop up in conversation.
Soon enough, he was more interested in having you at his side when he finally achieves his goals for his world, rather than as a proxy for his wishes.
Ranulf can be quite cheeky, swaying hearts right and left, but what he's really interested in is a nice cat nap where he can curl his tail around you and be pet into a relaxed sleep.
He won't let you overwork yourself and wishes you'd rely on him more. He wants you to trust him and let him handle some battles before you work yourself to death. He thinks exhausting oneself for others to the point of collapse is a weird Beorc thing
If you take him up on his offer, he'll return triumphantly from battle sporting a playful smirk that screams "I told you I'd do it". Of course, what he expects in turn is express alone time where he can receive scratches behind the ear and purr to his hearts content when he has you in a cuddling session.
That does it! These are all the ones I personally think could be gay/bi, off the top of my head anyway! + HC's~
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number 8 for hríd for the soulmate prompt?
Pairing: Hrid x reader
Prompt: Soulmate AU; soulmates first words are written on your body.
Description: To be warm was nice, but the heat in Muspell was unbearable; you didn’t know how anyone could do anything there. The fighting was harsh and the enemy strong, for once you couldn’t be sure you would get out alive. But in all this madness, a ray of hope appears before you.
Rating: sfw
Word Count: 1720
Notes: Whoops meant to post this yesterday, but I got busy! I love Hrid a lot and this piece ended up much longer than I expected hehe. 
“Oh my gosh,” It was Fjorm’s gasp that caused your small party to stop; it was yourself, her, Alfonse, Sharnea, and Anna, along with a few heroes for this mission. “That’s… my eldest brother Hrid,” She knelt next to his fallen form, fearing the worst. You could hear her breathe a sigh of relief upon feeling his shallow breathing.
“Fjorm...” Anna frowned. “We need to finish this mission. If he’s down, whoever did this has to be close by, right?” You were feeling a little uneasy. When that happened, you always like to hold your wrist; written on it were the words ‘your hands are so warm’. Those were the words your soulmate would say to you when you first meet and remembering that good times were still ahead always brought you comfort.
“I can still fight.” Anna still looked worriedly at Fjorm.
“I’ll take a look at him,” You placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I know I’m not the best healer, but I’ve been practicing. It’s better than nothing, right?” You offered her an apologetic smile.
“Anything you can do would be a great help,” She smiled back. “My debt to you only grows the more time we spend together, but I can’t say that I mind it.” She laughed gently, rising back to her feet.
“Don’t worry about it, just get this done.”
“Uh, guys? I think that’s the enemy ahead...” Sharena’s voice drew everyone's attention to the west. “We better take care of them!”
“Will you be alright alone?” Alfonse looked at you before glancing at Hrid, frowning. “I know we’ll be within earshot but...” It was like him to worry, you didn’t mind.
“Of course, Alfonse.” You gave him a reassuring smile. “Once you guys take care of the enemy, we can take Hrid back to camp and have a proper healer check on him.”
“We’re off then,” No one looked very pleased with the situation, but something had to be done. “Be care, _____.” You nodded at Anna, and watched the group of them leave to defend you and Hrid. He was unconscious, you noted, and probably very lucky to be alive. Despite the heat around you, he was still cold-- he was running a fever though, and a cold sweat was on his body. You didn’t have much on you, but the least you could do was try and bring him some comfort.
“You poor thing...” The words came softly from you as you brushed some hair from his face. “Hold fast, okay? Soon enough we’ll be out of here, and you’ll be feeling better. He winced a little, and blinked slowly, looking up at you with blurry eyes.
“Your… hands are so warm...” He leaned into your touch, sighing in content from the feelings. You were too focused to realize the consequence of his words; you just wanted to see to it that he would be okay.
“Hey, it’s okay.” You smiled at him, and despite his pain, he smiled back. “I don’t know much healing magic, but if you tell me where it hurts, I can do something.” You offered.
“I….” He blinked again, trying his best to wake up and remember what was going on. “I was… supposed to go after Surtr...” He quickly sat up, and the two of you nearly bonked heads. “Oh Gods, what’s happened?” He looked around quickly, eyes wide and breathing heavy.
“Hey, hey take it easy!” You placed a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know how you ended up here, but I promise, I’m not the enemy. I couldn’t hurt you even if I wanted to.” You head your hands up and laughed a little. “My group and I came upon you here, collapsed on the ground. You… seem okay, but Prince Hrid, did you overwork yourself?” He paused a moment, scanning you.
“I… how do you know me?” He looked around once again. “Who are you?” He added.
“My apologies!” You shook your head. “I’m _____, Summoner to the Order of Heroes. I only know your name because Fjorm told me.”
“My sister is here? She’s alive?” He breathed a sigh of relief. “That is…. Good to hear.” He seemed to calm down a little upon hearing that. “It’s, nice to meet you as well. If you’re with the Order of Heroes… where is everyone?”
“We were followed-- someone knew we were coming this way. I’m a tactician as well, so it's odd not being in the fray with my allies… but it felt wrong to just leave you here alone.” You were starting to feel nervous again, and went to look at your wrist for comfort. To your shock, the words weren’t there anymore; your skin looked as if nothing had ever been there, in fact.
“If there’s fighting, I should join.” Hrid moved to stand, but you pressed your hand to his shoulder to stop him.
“No, I won’t allow it. Not even minutes ago you were lying here, unconscious. You’re running a fever as well, you need rest.” The look you were giving him made him feel a little ashamed; it reminded him of the scoldings Gunnthra and even his own mother used to give.
“It’s… hard to stay put when you know your allies are in danger, though.” He sighed and shook his head.
“I understand, I’m usually right there with them. I know they can take care of themselves, but still, I worry when I’m not there directing them...” You sighed, but stayed silent, looking to your wrist again. It struck you then, just what Hrid said to you when he was still in a feverish sleep; the very words your soulmate were to say to you when you first met. He probably didn’t even remember saying the words himself, nor realize what you said to him while he was asleep.
Lucky for you, your allies returned sooner rather than later from their fight; it seems the enemy was hoping to take you by surprise, Sharena spotting them could have very well saved the lot of you. After Hrid and Fjorm reunited, and Hrid explained to you all what he was doing, you returned to your base of operations for the night. It was nothing much since you were well within enemy territory, but at least here a proper healer could look at Hrid. Like you had suspected, he had a mild fever from overworking himself in all this heat, but otherwise, he was doing well. Still, he was told to stay in bed by you, the healer, and Fjorm.
It was late in the night, and you were going over the day's events, trying to figure out the best course of action. The information Hrid gave you from Zacharias was no doubt useful but you weren’t sure if it was really he who gave it to him. You were growing increasingly aware you didn’t have many other options, though; the enemy followed you from the direction you came, and time was running out as well.  You would have no other choice but to follow this lead.
“Um, excuse me?” Someone peaked their head into your tent-- none other than your new ally.
“Prince Hrid? Is something wrong?” You frowned a little, closing up the map of the area you had been looking at.
“No, nothing, I was just told you’re usually up at this hour and I… I’d like to talk to you.” He stepped in all the way, and though he seemed fine to speak to you before, he couldn’t seem to meet your gaze now.
“Well, you shouldn’t be up! You still have a fever!” You fussed over him, standing and insisting he at least sit on your cot to talk to you.
“I know, I know,” He laughed softy and shook his head. “I haven’t been with you long, but Fjorm has already talked about you so much. She really seems to admire you.” He met your gaze with an easy smile.
“Does she?” You smiled just the same. “I’m happy to hear it, I admire her as well...” You paused, seeing his look.
“Look I… didn’t come to talk about my sister.” He sighed and glanced away from you. “There’s no easy way to ask this but I didn’t… say anything strange to you before I woke up, did I? And did you say anything to me?” He glanced back your way, looking shyer than you thought he could.
Your heart pounded in its cage, knowing what was getting at. It had to be true then, he… “Well… I was trying to comfort you since you seemed like you were in pain...” In that moment, the words came to you freely but now you struggled to get them out, shying up as you thought of just what you said. “But I said ‘You poor thing. Hold fast, okay? Soon enough, we’ll be out of here’. And as I went to check if you had a fever you… said I had warm hands.” You had met his gaze again to see staring at you with wide eyes, the both of you knowing what had happened but neither of you ready to say it out loud.
“I… never expected to find you in the midst of such a war so terrible,” Hrid shook his head but smiled none the less. “But still, I’m glad I did…. Can I uh, hold your hand?” he asked.
“S-sure,” You nodded, still lacking the right words. “I’m, happy I met you too.” Hrid took your hand and squeezed it gently, and you tried to stop yourself from feeling so nervous. But you were still left with the realization Hrid was your soulmate; how would this change things, going forward?
“Don’t worry, I’m scared to.” His words drew your eyes up to his. “But we’ll have each other moving forward to figure everything out.” You nodded and allowed yourself to smile.
“I suppose we will.” You breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s all strange and new but… just being with you now, maybe it won’t be so scary.” Despite his fever and your circumstances, you and Hrid couldn’t help but talk into the wee hours of the night; after all, you only got to meet your soulmate once, and the two of you wanted to cherish the moment.
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kitsunebishake · 5 years
Why Hríd is such an amazing character who just got done wrong during his “character arc” (SPOILERS FOR THE WHOLE BOOK II AND FORGING BONDS)
this was originally written as a thread on twitter but i’ll try my best to put it all here because someone asked for it some time ago
I’m putting it here because @chascah suggested i uploaded it here as well for those people who actually appreciate the icy boy
this is basically an analysis to most if not every quote from hríd, also adding some translations and little details from the japanese quotes (and some lore behind the whole idea of hríd’s new year alt)
let’s start then!
lemme start with the fact that hríd only appeared in 3 out of 13 chapters, yet is the character that caught my interest the most (funny because i already had a crush on alfonse, then i saw hríd and was like "oh, hello there")
hríd arrived like a half-dead yet somehow composed prince who somehow (x2) survived by himself in múspell for weeks (maybe even months, there's no exact timeline but it is canon that alfonse and the others spent some weeks in nifl, it probably also took them a while to navigate through múspell until loki arrived as ylgr)
he served as some kind of excuse to not put bruno too much with the main characters, practically a messenger only despite this guy being alive with burns and a broken sword (the crack on gjöll's blade hurts bc he couldve actually lost his sword and ended up defenseless in battle oof)
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so, there was no really much use of his character other than being a magical solution for everything
he even helped unmask loki (though they never explain why hríd suspected of ylgr, we only know loki's own take)
btw, can we talk about the fact he probably outsmarted loki while the others weren't yet in múspell? he terrorized surtr's army and even outsmarted laegjarn and laevatein
and since he survived for so long i believe most of his wounds were made by surtr himself
they never really say whether he actually managed to kill surtr or not, but let's say yes just to add up on all of the things hríd does just in the story
at first glance it looks like he's doing nothing, but reading further into it and applying some logic
hríd's... he's pretty impressive for a prince so young
gotta also add how hríd appears less impulsive in japanese than in english
when "alfonse" blames him for being a traitor, hríd gets to the defensive immediately in english
in japanese, he's more in shock, probably because after all he's tried, he's being doubted by his allies (which shows a lot how much he cares about being perceived as perfect, something i'll get on to later if i have enough time)
I added this part in the middle of the whole thing because it was a different thread so excuse the sudden change of topic, kinda. It’s supposed to be from the last conversation in Book 2, where Fjorm tells Hríd she’s going to stay in Askr despite her “condition”.
"I understand your feelings, Sister. By all means, go. I will pray for your safety."
this is one of the quotes i'd like to put in that one hríd character thread i want to make
the feeling behind this quote got completely lost in translation, as there's no way to translate it properly
in japanese, hríd uses a pecular way of speech to refer to his sister here he says "... I get it. If that is what you wish, it's alright to go. I'll pray for your safety." the peculiar part, aside from hríds "..." is where he refers to fjorm, the "you"
hríd normally uses "kimi" to refer to people, which is like a more... gentle? way of speaking? men usually use it towards women bc they want to treat them nicely, and jps in general use it with people they don't know (it's that, or "anata" or "[name]-san")
yet here, hríd decides to use "omae" to refer to fjorm, which is more informal and even rude (specially for someone who normally uses "kimi", it means he wanted to express some kind of anger or frustration about fjorm's decision without saying it directly,,,,,,,,,,,,,which is very japanese to do so,,,,,, *looks into the distant "most japanese people i've known don't directly say 'no' and instead go 'hmmmmmm' '*very indirectly rejects*' and it's probably a fact*)
it feels like instead of being supportive, hríd just understood there was no way of convincing fjorm to stay with them
so he gave up and felt hurt by that
please protect hríd
Back to the rest of the analysis.
now let's talk about forging bonds, in the wiki there's only the opening part transcribed in japanese, the rest is only on english (i curse not having started playing 3 months earlier orz)
the first thing you can notice in the japanese version is how informal hríd is when he's stressed
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while he speaks in an usually softer manner, here, he doesn't even greet ylgr and gunnthrá, he goes directly to "gunnthrá... ah, ylgr is here too" (he kinda does the same in the mainstory, where he just says “ah, fjorm, you’re okay... ylgr too :)”)
this shows how easily stressed hríd gets and how much he lets his emotions dirve his attitude and actions (which makes sense with the part where he tells fjorm she should be the one wielding leiptr and not him, he's too emotional despite how much he tries not to be)
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in these parts we also see some level of deattachment from gunnthrá, on english he goes "sister..." by the end of the opening conversation
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in the jp, however, he stays silent, he doesn't even call her name
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idk if it's just me overanalyzing it, but from my experience with animoo and vidya, it feels a little weird that he says nothing there, like he's thinking (this is probably foreshadowing hríd's inner feelings oof)
something that i particularily like about this event is that hríd seems so at ease when he's on the dreams, even in the english translation it seems like that he mentions it might be because he feels at ease with kiran but i feel like it also has to do with the fact they're just a dream, it's not the real world, there's nothing to worry in a world where there's no war
at least, that's the feeling his dialogues give me
the closest thing to that hríd is his lvl40 speech and ny hríd (who's happier)
the only quote where hríd mentions some type of concern for his mother btw
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from here on it only gets worse when it comes to hríd, though
he speaks about the invasion and such he talks in a way that implies he's probably taking the role of a commander (same as how it is implied he trains the soldier, or that he trains with them, though since he's been training alone with fjorm for so long, it's most likely the former) aside from that, he's weighting on himself the responsibility of what happens to nifl and what happens to his family
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and since he's doing so, here's when it comes the part of hríd not being able to care about himself
this young man is carrying a heavy weight, the hopes and dreams and lives of many innocent and PEACEFUL people who barely even know how to fight, on top of those of his loved ones
it doesn't seem like anyone asked him to, not even his mother or sisters
he just decided it on his own that he needed to be "the perfect prince/king" in order to "protect" them
/even if it costs him his life/
he prepared his sisters for that moment (which, might give an insight that hríd knew more than he says, but let's leave my conspiracy theories aside lol)
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and to THAT PART, we can add this from the mainstory
in english, when he's rescued, he thanks them for doing so
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but in the jp text he actually apologizes for it
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not sure how to exactly translate it, but it's something along the lines of "my apologies...for having to be saved..."
idk you guys, but it sounds like what someone who just failed to commit suicide would say, instead of someone who's grateful to be alive
and it makes sense, with how obsessed hríd seems to be about "dying for his loved ones" despite it not being entirely necessary
i mean, look at that, he survived surtr and was aided by bruno as he escaped (probably? they never say what exactly happened, but since they're looking for hríd and not for bruno, it's most likely that they just found each other by accident)
and yes, even though he seems to calm down with those thoughts during the sequence, it is only a dream and we know he has no recolection of them
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he forgets completely about that motivation to keep living, which leads him into further down the path of death  (whichinnorsemythologymightbecalledhríd,,,,,,orgjöll,,,ykow?)
im still not done, havent even gotten to his unit quotes lmao
hríd still did his best to survive for as long as he could, but it feels more like his strategic "i'm making time for fjorm and the askrans to make their moves" purely, out of the fact he didn't seem too happy to survive until he saw fjorm and ylgr
hat's all of hríd's quotes from that event, i can finally move on to his unit quotes
let's start with this one, luckily it is practically the same quote in both languages
this immediatelly counters any "hríd is boring" comment
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though that is subjective, in my case what drove me even further into loving hríd was how different he was from usual characters related to ice
he might come off as cold sometimes, but it's purely because he's actually really dense/has a really bad sense of humor
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in jp he tries to make an ice joke, but says "it's not suitable for him" (which is funny because in english he does have ice puns and i hate it)
1. he doesn't mention his mother 2. hríd blaming himself and being kinda gloomy part 1 
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"I should have protected my people and sisters, I couldn't play that role... I can never forget that." 
this part hurts a lot (it's a little more poetic than the og one, i like it lol)
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he could be talking about himself, about his sisters, his people, or all together, since the four of them have expressed desire for peace, and all four ended hurt by such thing
this part is scary, though it's not as much in english
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NOT BECAUSE OF THE TRANSLATION, but because of his battle lines in eng (i'll get to that first and then come back to this one)
the most shockingly different skill trigger is the second one
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the first one is exactly the same the third one in jp is "this is the last blow" (or smth like that) the fourth one is a little weird to translate (ice upon you works, but "freeze your life" sounds a little scary??)
it literally says "no mercy for the enemy"
IT'S LITERALLY SUGAR COATED, hríd went from a gentle giant to a merciless killer (who knows how many muspellians he's killed???) thanks to surtr and his fucking ass
hríd blaming himself and being gloomy part 2
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the fact that he has not one, not two, not three, but about 5 to 6 lines that imply he's still dueling over everything that happened during the war is hurtful, he really can't forgive himself for that
he also sounds a little dead to me here (it’s one of the voiced quotes from his status page!)
which brings me back to the initial scary one
hríd is obsessed with earning his peace no matter what
and for that, he wants to get stronger
for that, he's willing to even perish, for everyone's sake
it's so sickening for me since i can kinda relate???? it reminds me a lot of the kind of wording they use for depression-themed japanese works, with the "peace" part and his willingness to just die anytime (which, is actually pretty normal for a warrior outside of FE. outside)
iT MAKES ME FEEL BAD BUT AT THE SAME TIME i kinda like he's written this way
AND EVEN WHEN HE'S LIKE THAT, hríd is still a gentle sweetheart who speaks so kindly you kinda forgets how merciless he is in the battlefield
like, the audio where he holds kiran's hands???? where he speaks about how the order of heroes saved nifl????? EVEN WHEN HE GETS STARTLED
he's always such a gentle and kind person
it makes me hate surtr even more because they didn't deserve this
hríd didn't deserve going through all of this fucking shit HE. DESERVED. HAPPINESS. AND PEACE.
then there's the ny hríd
he's an angel
a happy angel who makes me a little sad bc og hríd is not as happy
From here on everything was written like 2 weeks after the previous stuff :’) i’m sowwy
he's a resolute prince, he has the resolution of saving even at least one person,,,,,instead of being a "king", instead of being a "brother", or a "prince", he just wants to be "a hero",,,
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hello, this is my opening statement of why ny hríd makes me cry with just existing
let us start with something that makes his quotes even better, particularily the previous quote and his lvl40 speech, which is the powerful meaning of this alt itself for a character such as hríd
in japan, new year used to be celebrated not at the end of the year, but at the end of winter, which is where geishun comes into the scheme, as it currently means "new years greetings" but in those old times, it was actually "welcoming spring" (or something along those lines i suck for precise translations)
and that's where our next quote comes into the picture
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hríd speaks about nifl's winter, about how it practically symbolizes the nifleans' strength and will power
the alt itself is a more positive hríd, one who's willing to try his hardest for everyone, who doesn't regret his past, but looks into the future and has the purpose of being even better than before
of course, this hríd didn't suffer the same fate as the OG hríd, as he still has all 3 sisters (i want to believe ylgr was with them, just not shown bc of the lack of space for a sixth character) and now also 2 new allies to power their search for peace and strength to defend that peace
so, while our normal hríd is desparate to become stronger and suffers, this hríd is like his pole opposite, it's like the sun and the moon (too bad this hríd has no default special, sol would've fit him so well)
can we talk about how he feels so comfortable wearing the celebratory outfit?
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the obi (the.....thing that acts as a belt) should be tied strongly enough so the hakama (the pants) doesnt fall down while he fights, yet he feels comfortable with it
i mean, it isn't as constrictive as a kimono as it doesn't prevent him from moving around freely, but he still shouldn't normally feel as comfortable with it as he is, he's never even worn something like that (it is implied, at least) yet he's loving it, isn't it adorable???
one time i joked about hríd being able to feel when winter is coming or when snow will start falling but
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i think this quote pretty much confirmed it (YOU CAN'T SAY IT'S BECAUSE IT'S WARM, IT DOES SNOW IN ASKR WE'VE SEEN IT)
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blessed boy munchs a whole fucking piece of mixed flour with FOUR HUNDRED GRAMS OF FUCKING SUGAR 
he's got a sweet tooth i know it, i know my people when i see them
it's just that he doesn't seem disgusted, and he also only mentions the mochi so we can assume he didn't drink sake or matcha with it
he ate the fucking thing alone and apparently liked it
we have a sweet angel, guys
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i just think this quote is cute, he loves cold just as much as i love him
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though in japanese, the last quote is a little more gloomy
im not entirely sure of how to properly translate it *looks at the jisho page of the kanji he cant understand* it's certainly a word
but it could be something like "to be in such a predicament from so early in the year... I'm unable to say it's pathetic..."
i???? imagine he says he "can't say it" because he's trying to be positive?????? or something along those lines, but saying it proves he's taking it way to the extreme
nasakenai can also be shameful or miserable, pitable, disgraceful stuff like that
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i'm not sure how to describe this quote?
this time it's the english localisation that kinda throws me off, i don't understand what he's trying to say lmao
in japenese he's saying something about having been graced this early in the new year
7 years speaking english and i still can't break down complex phrases the only reason i've survived this long is through the power of deduction abilities
pray for me
u know hríd's damaged quotes in english are all grunts, right?
in japanese, this hríd has a peculiar quote i find adorable when he gets damaged
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he says "as expected from you...!"
btw listening to his english quotes is so funny
he sounds so damn cool in japanese and in english he
he sounds like a fucking nerd
compare this (JP) https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/feheroes_gamepedia_en/1/12/VOICE_Hr%C3%ADd_Resolute_Prince_SKILL_2_jp.wav
to this (ENG) https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/feheroes_gamepedia_en/6/6a/VOICE_Hr%C3%ADd_Resolute_Prince_SKILL_2.wav
it's the exact same quote by the two different VAs
back to translations and analysis
i hate this one
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his eng quote is more positive while the japanese one is something along the lines of "I was useless... I'm sorry..."
look, say whatever you want, but hríd is such a sweet man
he cares for people and he tries his best to be the perfect prince everyone thinks he is
despite how "im so useless...!" his japanese version is
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he way he says these two quotes sounds way more positive in japanese lmao it's the same translation, only that he's more "I'll repay you!!!!!!" in jp ( https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/feheroes_gamepedia_en/3/34/VOICE_Hr%C3%ADd_Resolute_Prince_MAP_3_jp.wav )
can’t use emojis on this pc so i’ll just leave the whole screenshot here
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you see this quote here?
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this is what it actually says
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why are u so cute aaaaaaa///////////
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this is probably the translation of hríd's quotes i hate the most  in english it just...sounds so rude
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in japanese it's more like "could you please tell me if i'm wearing these clothes wrong? i'll fix it fast"
he's trying to be respectful to the hoshidans sobs
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first, this is my fave quote on english
he sounds so confused as to why people think the hoshidan clothes suit him
to make it more adorable, in japanese, the original quote is something like "I wonder what makes a type of clothing 'suit' you..."
HE'S GOING ALL PHYLOSOFICAL ON THAT SHIT probably because people keep telling him he looks good in that kind of clothing
this man's density is so powerful that he can't even begin to understand people find him attractive and that the attire literally makes him go from a 10 to a 1000000000000000000
he doesn't get it and he wants to know if it's really true so he goes out of his way TO ASK KIRAN
i love hríd so much he's so adorabl e
i want to give him a hug
with this i finish my thread for now
for now
hopefully we will get another alt for hríd and i can come back to spam about how adorable his quotes are
please stan hríd he's literally an angel
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idothisforfunx · 5 years
Manipulative! Possessive! Chrom x Reader
I’ve had this in my drafts for a few months now; thought I might as well publish it since it was finished anyway.
This story uses the lyrics from The Nurse Who Loved Me by A Perfect Circle, and is inspired by my own experience. Enjoy.
(Say hello to the rug's topography
It holds quite a lot of interest, with your face down on it
Say hello to the shrinking in your head
You can't see it but you know it's there, so don't neglect it...)
"No, do whatever you want. I don't care." He said; Falchion crashing down hard on the training dummy. You knew he was furious, despite his seemingly calm attitude. The way he swung his sword gave it away.
You were right in the palm of his hand. He knew exactly what to do and what to say to make you stay.
"No- I-...." You sighed, giving in to him again. "I promise I'll stay with you next time."
"Mhm." He said.
"Again, I don't own you. Do whatever you want love. I don't care."
"Chrom, I'm sorry. All I was doing was helping Alfonse and drawing up battle plans with him."
"Uh huh. Whatever."
You turned away from him, and started to head through the training grounds and back towards the Askran castle. You felt something in your heart and in your head- it hurt. You felt like you had betrayed him or something.
Guilty. You felt guilty. For what? It didn't matter. You were guilty for something. You shouldn't have spent that time with Alfonse earlier. It just made Chrom angrier.
Unbeknownst to you, the prince smiled to himself, knowing full well what you were feeling now.
You fell deeper into the pit that was your Prince Chrom.
(I'm taking her home with me, all dressed in white
She's got everything I need, pharmacy keys
She's falling hard for me, I can see it in her eyes
She acts just like a nurse with all the other guys)
Your hand curled into a fist, teeth gritting as anger ran through your veins. How dare he. How dare he tell you he loves you! How dare he tells you how gorgeous and pretty you are- how special you are to him!
"I'm sorry, I just... I'm sorry if I bother you, milord. But thank you for spending so much time with me."
Chrom smiled softly at Sumia, a shy blush on the girl's cheeks. The two walked through the sunny courtyard, surrounded by blossoming flowers.
"You could never bother me Sumia. It's alright. And really, I should be thanking you. Without you, I'd be alone all day."
Thoughts rushed through your head. He never got mad at her when she made a mistake. He never complained about her apologizing too much, or being too negative.... He always spoke to her softly, and kindly.... As if he loved her.
All he ever says to you now is how much of an annoyance you are to him. He complains about the things you do wrong; or things you do he doesn't like. He never speaks to you like he does to her!
You thought about all the ways you were going to tell him off later. This wasn't the first time you had seen him being sweet and flirting with other women- you had even seen him kiss them.
"They don't deserve you, Sumia. You're too good for them. If I-...." he took a breath, as if he was a little nervous to say it. "If I was with you, I'd hold you on a pedestal."
"Oh, Chrom.... Thank you..." She said, clearly touched by his words.
Fuck this. He was suppose to meet you here, but you were leaving. You stood up from your spot on the bench, hidden behind the brush, and started walking away. Anger filled your chest and clouded your thoughts.
"Well.. I have some things to do, so I think I'l be off now. Thank you so much Chrom."
"Anytime Sumia. Take care."
You heard Sumia walk off in the other direction.
"Oh, (Y/N)!" Chrom jogged to catch up to you, as you continued to ignore him and walk back towards the doors to the castle.
"Is something wrong?"
"Everything's fine. Aren't you with Sumia?"
"She just left- and thank the Gods too. I don't think I could have stood her much longer."
"Where'd she go?"
"I don't know nor do I care." He took your hand, stopping you in your tracks. You turned to face him.
His blue eyes gazed into yours, a gentleness in them. His hand was soft and warm, holding your own with utmost care. Something about the way he was acting set you at ease. A soft smile was set upon his lips. He looked so sweet and innocent... he looked like he was looking at the love of his life.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
Your heart froze. No... You were suppose to be furious. No. Stop. This isn't right. Tell him off. Tell him off.
"I love you too Chrom." You said, love blossoming in your chest once again. He loves you, and thats all that matters.
(Say hello to all the apples on the ground
They were once in your eyes, but you sneezed them out while sleeping
Say hello to everything you've left behind
It's even more a part of your life now that you can't touch it)
"Wheres the summoner?"
"With Chrom."
"When is she not?"
"I don't know."
Alfonse sighed, taking a seat at the dining table next to Sharena. He stirred a spoon in the cup infront of him, filled with now cold tea.
It looked like the summoner wasn't going to appear for afternoon tea with him again.
His sad eyes looked up to see you and the Ylissian prince, talking and laughing. A huge smile adorned your face. Your eyes glanced at Alfonse, and for a second he was hopeful that you would remember him; remember that he was waiting for you. But you walked right past him, heading through the mess hall and through the doors on the other side.
Thruthfully, you remembered that Alfonse had been waiting for you. But... you had the time to spend with Chrom. So why wouldn't you? You loved him; and he loved you. It was clear to you and so many others how much you both meant to eachother. He told you he loved you; he told you he felt safe with you- like he didn't have to worry about offending or messing up with you.
You had left your other friends behind. Everyone else in the order of heroes was an after thought- and they knew it. You would rather spend time with the man you loved.
(I'm taking her home with me, all dressed in white
She's got everything I need, some pills in a little cup
She's falling hard for me, I can see it in her eyes
She acts just like a nurse with all the other guys)
"Gods, you're absolutely stunning." He said, his eyes taking in your appearance. He looked awestruck.
"It's just a dress Sharena gave me for this... occasion..."
It really was just a simple dress. You two were just going into town, that was it. It was a simple, cool dress for a nice walk through the nearby village.
"Still... You're gorgeous."
You flushed.
"A-Ah... Not really.. Its nothing special..."
He sighed, clearly annoyed now.
"For Gods sake, just accept the damn compliment. Gods, thats the one thing that annoys me about you. When you say that kind of thing, it just kills my whole mood."
"Sorry..." You mumbled, figuring you should just stay quiet for a while.
The road to town was short, and you were there in less then 5 minutes. The two of you looked around at the various shops, prices marked ridiclously high due to being so close to the castle.
Chrom had your hand in his as the two of you walked around. Standing close to him, you appreciated the protection from the cold breeze that passed over the street.
It was times like these, that you knew that he cared about you. That he loved you.
"Oh hmm? Whats this?" He let go of your hand, and walked over to a food stall a little ways away. You smiled, letting him look as you continued to look at the beautiful gemstones featured at the stall infront of you.
Your eyes gazed over the beautiful greens and blues and purples and reds, admiring the shiny stones and crystals.
"Your hair is a beautiful shade of brown- it looks golden when the sun catches it just right." You heard Chrom's voice clear as day over the buzzing of the small crowd around you. He was speaking to the shopkeeper.
"O-oh my, it's not that special..."
"Oh but it is, love. It's beautiful." He said softly, with all the care in the world.
(She's got everything I need, pharmacy keys
She acts just like a nurse with all the other guys)
Late at night, tucked in under your warm, fuzzy blankets, thoughts swarmed around your head. Conflicted. You remembered all the things Chrom had said to you.
"Funny, I don't remember asking you to go steady with me. In fact, I told you I don't want a relationship right now."
"You belong to me."
"I'm not going to force you to be with me 24/7, even though thats what I want."
"So you'll spend time with him but not me?"
"I love you."
(Say hello to the rug's topography....)
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