#alicent hightower icon
lady-ashfade · 6 months
House of the dragon icons
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Idk why rhaenryas face looks strange. Still stunning but the lighting is off. But anyway I was just bored and made some of these.
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hiloedits · 1 year
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— alicent hightower icons
like or reblog if you use/save.
© hiloedits on twitter.
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peachy-ash · 1 year
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𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 - alicent hightower
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amira-romero · 1 year
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alicent hightower transparent icon. #1
━ ✧ if you're going to use please give credits and reblog | comment | like. feel free to reach out to me if you see any mistake!
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Please consider to like or reblog if you use!
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sunfyredefender77 · 4 months
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Alicent's green dresses
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oliviacookeicons · 1 year
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Olivia Cooke in RED !!
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editfandom · 29 days
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House of the Dragon, Season 2
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kratosfilms · 3 months
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
alicent hightower icons
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diana-foggy-master · 6 days
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House Of The Dragon Season 2 Premiere
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bloodynereid · 6 months
Tinsel, Gold and Dragons
(modern au!)
pairings: rhaenyra targaryen x fem! reader, past rhaenyra x alicent
tw: kissing, alicent bashing, alcohol consumption, talk about hooking up, hatred of the holiday season??
description: You were wondering how the hell this family had so many attractive people. Rhaenyra’s brain was currently not computing, she was pretty sure this was called bisexual panic but it had never really happened to her in real life before.
a/n: hiii hope you enjoy this little fic i randomly wrote last night. i've been kind of missing just writing stuff that isn't requests so hopefully this is still ok haha. ALSO i'm 100% an alicent defender, she's the loml so just remember that a lot of this is from rhaenyra's pov and not my own thoughts about her character. anyways hope you enjoy this and happy holidays <3 (might write a part 2 at some point but who knows?)
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Rhaenyra Targaryen never liked the holiday season. After her mother died things just got worse and the boring parties she was always subjected to only got more boring. The welcome reprieve of baking gingerbread in the kitchen with her mom was gone in seconds and now holidays just reminded her of everything she had lost.
This year’s party was going to be the worst one by a long shot. Rhaenyra had to deal with Alicent fucking Hightower - oh sorry Targaryen now… that was something she still hadn’t accepted. I mean how do you even cope when your best friend suddenly starts fucking your dad in secret, gets pregnant, marries him and then proceeds to act like she’s Virgin fucking Mary?
The answer is with a lot of scotch, stupid hookups and long hours studying. She was desperate to get her law degree so she could finally do something and it also meant she could start working at her uncle’s law firm.
Currently though she was stuck in her father’s house whilst her new toddler half-brother threw temper tantrums and broke anything in his vicinity.
It was Christmas Eve and Viserys had nearly decided to cancel the annual Christmas party, in favor of “family bonding” but Alicent had somehow convinced him to keep it on. Rhaenyra did not want to think about what she had done to convince him. She nearly gagged at the mere idea of it.
Smoothing out the material of the dark red dress with a slightly higher slit than what would be considered appropriate, Rhaenyra let out an audible sound of satisfaction. She looked fucking hot. Plus Alicent would freak when she saw it, perfect.
Once upon a time Alicent Hightower had been her best friend, and probably something more but now… all that Rhaenyra could muster up for her is a cold chill of utter hate and rage.
Rhaenyra was thrown out of her thoughts when her phone called out the familiar ringtone that belonged to her uncle.
“Daemon… you do know that people can text now don’t you?”
“Haha, you can call me old all you want but you might regret it when I don’t tell you how I’m about to save you tonight.”
“Please tell me you found a way to make them all die fiery deaths.”
“Nothing as dramatic as that but I assure you it’s still the perfect escape.”
“Are you going to leave me in suspense while I endure this torture or…”
“Fine, you spoiled princess. We’re having a little party at the firm and since you’re coming to work here soon…”
“You didn’t.”
“But I did.”
“Fuck off. You mean I can actually leave this party.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t already.”
“You’re my savior.”
“Knight in shining armor and all that. Just remember to get me a good present this year.”
“When do I ever disappoint you?”
“There is also another surprise waiting for you when you get here.”
“Daemon… what have you done?”
“Nothing. There’s just someone I think you should meet.”
“Oh God, maybe I won’t go.”
“You know you’re too desperate not to, plus she’s your age so you won’t have to deal with boring old men like me.”
“She’s a she?” 
Rhaenyra perked up, she hadn’t had a date in a while and ever since Alicent she hadn’t even tried to step her foot back into that pool. A string of meaningless hookups with men had done nothing to quell the heartbreak side of the whole situation. This would probably be good for her. 
“Yes. So I guess that means you’re coming?”
“Should I send a car over?”
“Don’t bother, I’ll just drive Syrax.” Syrax was a birthday present from Daemon, a beautiful and subtly gold car that drove like a dream.
“Ok, see you soon Nyra.”
“Bye, Uncle.”
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Rhaenyra sped through the streets of King’s Landing in the comfortable leather seat of her car. The bright Christmas lights that adorned the shops made a bright smile appear on her face. She may hate the holidays but at least the lights and food were incredible.
She arrived at the tall building that held Caraxes, Daemon’s law firm and named after his first dog but no one needed to know that. She gave her name to the security guard before parking the car in one of the empty spaces.
Her red dress fluttered in the cold breeze as she waited for the elevator to open. The firm was located on the 60th floor, the penthouse. Rhaenyra always loved being up high so the height was never a problem. What was annoying was how long it took her to actually get up there.
When the elevator doors finally opened at the correct floor, loud Christmas music echoed through the floor and she could clearly hear cheers coming from the area close to Daemon’s office.
Since the secretary was nowhere to be seen, Rhaenyra walked the now familiar route towards her uncle’s office. Weaving through a variety of cubicles she found a large Christmas tree and a small bar had been set up outside her uncle’s office.
“NYRA!” A loud voice that corresponded to her uncle slurred out and his tall frame ambled towards her. Within moments she was suddenly caught in a warm embrace and she returned the hug with her smaller arms wrapping around his torso.
“When did you have time to get this drunk, uncle?” Rhaenyra asked when they finally parted.
“Oh you think this is drunk, darling. Don’t you remember me at that New Year’s-”
“Andddd I’m going to stop you right there. I still get trauma flashbacks.”
“I must say, you look absolutely stunning Nyra. I’m sure our dear Alicent flipped when she saw you.”
“You should have seen her face when I told her I was going to unfortunately not attend her party.” Rhaenyra and Daemon shared a laugh before Daemon spotted someone in the crowd and a smirk appeared on his face.
“Y/N! I have someone you should meet.” 
Rhaenyra followed Daemon’s line of sight and found the most beautiful woman she had probably ever seen. You were wearing a dark blue floor length dress which was held up with spaghetti straps. A pashmina scarf looped around your elbows and you had a smile on your face as you approached the two of them.
“You summoned me?” You asked when you finished weaving through the sea of people.
“Well yes, I wanted you to meet my niece. Rhaenyra this is Y/N, our newest and most promising associate.”
“Pleasure to meet you.” You said as you offered a hand to the stunning silver haired woman. You were wondering how the hell this family had so many attractive people. Rhaenyra’s brain was currently not computing, she was pretty sure this was called bisexual panic but it had never really happened to her in real life before.
“I-uh, nice to meet you too.” Rhaenyra stuttered out as she took Y/N’s hand and shook it.
“Well I’ll leave you two to it.” Daemon said with a conspiring tone in his voice before he disappeared into the crowd.
“So… Daemon’s been singing your merits all over the office for a while now so I think I have an unfair advantage here.”
“Oh God, what has he been saying?” Rhaenyra groaned out as she dramatically swept a hand over her hair.
“Nothing bad, I promise. You’re getting your law degree at The Citadel, right?”
“How’s that? I was debating going there for a while but ended up going to Oxford instead.”
“It's hell but worth it, I hope.”
“I totally get that, Oxford was like medieval torture but I’m happy it landed me in this place.” You said as you swept a hand in the direction of the office space.
“Wait, how old are you?” Rhaenyra suddenly asked before her face contorted in embarrassment. “Shit, that was rude, sorry.”
“Ha don’t worry, I get that all the time. I’m 25.”
“24.” Rhaenyra offered back in solidarity.
“We’re basically the same age then.” You said with a wink before you took a sip of the amber liquid in the glass tumbler.
“Probably why Daemon shoved us in this little corner together.”
“I’m for one glad to be stuck in this little corner with you.” You said as you smirked in Rhaenyra’s direction. A light blush started to dust Rhaenyra’s cheeks.
“I’m glad too, but I’m desperate for a drink. This week has been hell.”
“You don’t like the holidays either?”
“Hate them.”
“We have something else in common after all.”
You spent the rest of the party sitting next to Rhaenyra in Daemon’s office. You drank sparingly, not wanting to be drunk since Rhaenyra needed to drive back and you didn’t want to act like a fool in front of her.
Rhaenyra felt like this was the first time in years that she felt truly happy. It was nice just to talk and gossip and be free to actually be herself. With Alicent it felt like she was walking on eggshells before the incident and now it was near impossible to be in the same room alone with her. But with Y/N…
At first, Rhaenyra went into this wanting just to have a quick hookup but those hours spent talking or maybe it was the alcohol that got to her head but she decided she deserved something better. She deserved someone better.
“Do you need a ride home?” Rhaenyra asked when people started to mill out of the party. Y/N turned to her in surprise before a gentle smile lit up her face.
“It wouldn’t be any trouble?”
“Not at all, but don’t think this is some kind of selfless act - maybe I just want to spend more time with you.”
“Well, we just have to indulge in your selfish desires don’t we?” You said with a twinkle in your eyes and a laugh on your tongue.
“You have no idea the scope of my selfish desires.”
“I would like to find out…”
Rhaenyra basically dragged you down to her car after that little remark. As she drove through the streets of King’s Landing, you took a leap of blind faith (or maybe love) by gripping the hand that lay between the two of you. Rhaenyra instantly threaded her fingers through yours and you spied a small smile making its way to her face.
Once she pulled up in front of your apartment building Rhaenyra bit her lip and turned to look at you - still completely in awe of how pretty you are.
“We arrived.”
“That we did.”
“Well… do you uh-”
“Do I what?” Rhaenyra said as she wiggled her eyebrows.
“Rhae… I- do you want to come up?”
“Only if we can have a date tomorrow.”
“It’s Christmas Day.”
“I’ll think of something.”
“Hmm… deal.” You said as a giddy smile graced your lips. Suddenly the feeling of soft lips meeting against yours startled you out of your reverie and you jumped to thread your fingers through her silky hair.
“You are so beautiful.” Rhaenyra mumbled against your lips before slipping her tongue to delicately stroke yours. It seemed impossible that your smile could widen even more but it did.
“Mmm, says you. You fucking goddess.” You said when you both finally pulled away. Panting and grinning like idiots.
“This is certainly turning out to be a very merry Christmas.”
“Ho ho ho.”
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rhaenyra is an bisexual icon just like her uncle and we love her for it !!
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faychived · 6 months
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House of The Dragon Season 2
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no creds needed
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hiloedits · 2 years
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— lesbian alicent hightower icons
like or reblog if you use/save.
© hiloedits on twitter.
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peachy-ash · 1 year
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𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 - alicent hightowerr 
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aemondsw · 4 months
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a0random0gal · 28 days
Alicent sweetheart you know I love you to death but please for the love of God you have to drop this Rhaenyra bullshit.
My brother in Christ your 6 year old grandson was BEHEADED! You 6 year old granddaughter was threatened with RAPE by men sent by your beloved's allies. You can't keep simping, even your son is calling you out on it.
The writers are fully to blame for this dumpster fire. Like why can Baela, Rhaenys and Nyra go apeshit during the dance while all Alicent says is "peace plz."
Give her at least an ounce of book!Alicent's exaggerated swagger and rage I'm literally begging you.
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