battymuses · 2 years
Another day, another slog of paperwork and meetings. Such is the life of an office worker. At least, that was the case for Miriam. It wasn't glamorous, but it paid the bills.
Plus, being Wayne Enterprises, sometimes Bruce Wayne himself showed up. She supposed that was neat.
Better than seeing Ms Cates, at least. She was the epitome of a bitchy boss and Miriam dreaded stuffing her resentment down for a forced polite smile and a 'yes, ma'am'.
Seemed she didn't need to worry about the boss today, however, as she was busy chewing out another worker.
Who was it this time?
Ah, Jervis Tetch. Poor guy. From what little she knew about the man, he didn't seem to cause any trouble. She could respect that. Just be quiet and get through the work day.
Jeez, Cates was really going all out with this verbal beating... Was she incapable of saying anything positive ever? Did she get off on berating others?
Whatever the case, Miriam was getting annoyed. Peeking her head out from her cubicle, she made momentary eye contact with Jervis before retreating back into her cubicle.
Ms Cates was coming her way.
Time it right...
With a big stretch in her office chair, Miriam's legs tripped Cates over, sending her plummeting to the floor.
Feigning innocence, Miriam bolted upright and rushed over to help her boss off the floor.
If she was lucky, no one noticed her plan this.
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leatherforhell · 1 year
continued from here for @alicesought
Clara is no stranger to the strange and bewildering, but even she has to admit some amount of discomfort with this place. Something about the posture of the people in the rabbit suits, if they even are people... none of them move at all, even as one is yanked around. If they're not extremely realistic robots, then she doesn't want to know what's keeping them bound.
Still, there is that bubbling feeling that always arrives in situations like these. It's a dangerous feeling, she knows, but also a gleeful one. She can't help but be charmed by oddities.
This is nothing if not odd.
"Well, I do like being adored," Clara replies at last, and shrugs, palms out. The picture of casual innocence. "But I guess I don't know how to answer your question. My name is Clara Kelly, I like dogs, but not walks on the beach... does any of that help?"
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the-arkham-librarian · 11 months
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*gently submits this* (( confident is half because he is confident and evil right up until he's blushing lmao- ))
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"That's nearly six bingos Jervis, very impressive."
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arkhamcalamity · 1 year
@alicesought cont.
Jervis' noise levels were irrelevant. Keeping him close just kept him safely out of the way of the intense heat and flame that shot out from her hand. Amity took an immense satisfaction in the way multiple yelps echoed around the stone as the mortals quickly moved to shut the door once more. She lingered the heat a moment, hoping it would buy them time before they tried the door once more.
"They'll try again in a bit," she said, turning to Jervis a bit fainter than she'd been before. "You need to go right and quickly. There's a way out they haven't found yet. It's very old." She hopes it's still intact.
"I do not care for the staff aside from my blood. I will not provide you the same cover for patients should you confront them." You all seemed to torment yourselves enough. "We're looking for a symbol, not your rabbit though."
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nightmdic · 2 years
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     “Oh good, you’re awake. Don’t worry - the stitches should hold up pretty well.”
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batmanwholxughs · 2 years
@alicesought​  ||  cont’d from x
   { ⛓ } – A HARE caught in a SNARE, struggling in spite of its tribulations. Such a humorous phrase! Beautifully tangled in a bouquet of bone crunching metal bordered on tightening, even suffocating the delicate life held within its palm. Whispers caressed the ear, tempting the shaken animal to act out, revel in misshapen DREAD until the Heavens cried with pity. That’s what the Madhatter did, after all. Every stride the storyteller’s captor made was led with jovial exuberance, a playfulness uncharacteristic to the guise that adorned the cowl, with firm possession over the bounty he’d collected on his way. It was hunting season, it turned out!
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“ Evening, Hatter. ” A brief pause occured  – WELL, ignoring the abandoned trademark item, Laughs turned his head with a proper introduction, suggesting they made eye contact from that perspective. “ Just the little madman I’ve been searching for. Remember me? ” Familiarty should have shone through sentences, the matching, deepened address of the rogue that Batman had uttered on several occasions. Both in rage and a sliver of compassion if only for that deteriorated humanity. But LAUGHS? He encouraged the lack of moral mapping, and offered an evenly inhuman smile. Especially in enlightened reciprocation to the other’s frantic compromises. LAUGHTER bubbled in his chest, spinning them into an alleyway – deeper, further from the public eye. 
With a sigh of relief, he inclined his head sideways opposite the Hatter’s, “Funny you mention it... that’s exactly what I want. I thought to myself earlier today ‘who among Gotham knows their way around playing with a man’s perception best?’ And you came to mind! Consider it your lucky day Jervis. ”
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babydxhl · 2 years
starter for @alicesought | sc.
"One more rhyme, and I'm going to make someone throw this at your head." The wall of her cell is cold at her back; Mary rests her thumb on the page to mark her place, but has yet to look up from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe to the man in the cell directly opposite. The clear Plexiglas slightly blurs the world beyond it, giving everything a vaguely smudged effect that makes her feel sick if she looks too long.
'Tis the refuge we take when the unreality of the world weighs too heavy on our tiny heads. She's read the line six times, interrupted each time before starting on the next. She's not sure of the time, knows it's late — it's never really dark in Arkham, the fluorescents only ever dimming and brightening, dimming and brightening. Dim now, but not even dark enough to need to squint. Someone down the cell black moans in their sleep. The sound rings out painfully and is swallowed whole by the asylum's walls.
"I mean it, Jervis. One more. She still doesn't look up; it's as if she thinks doing so will give him confidence somehow. "I'll put glass in your food."
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riddlethat · 2 years
@alicesought asked: “ Don’t eat that! i made it ‘specially for our guest. ” more random dialogue prompts (accepting)
The table is empty. Not the table itself—there are saucers and teacups, perfectly white sugarcubes, a plate of cookies on a tatty-looking doily—but the chairs, creaky and old, are. He's not surprised.
Jervis, so deep in his own head. Edward has long learned to ignore the incessant ticking of the clock and the books haphazardly strewn about, no doubt Alice in Wonderland, the pages all frayed. Rabbit masks wait to be worn. Edward won't take one if he has anything to say about it, and stops himself before grabbing a cookie.
"Jervis." His mouth turns sour for a moment. Then, a terse smile. "I wouldn't want to make you mad."
Never mind the double entendre.
Edward tilts back in his chair, his legs stretched long, and glances over to that ratty top hat. He seesaws his cane, nice and steady. "Not to rain on your parade," he starts, not at all heartbroken, "but I'm starting to think Alice fell down a hole."
They're thirty minutes late. The phonograph skips, and the music warbles.
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exghul · 2 years
@alicesought​​   liked the sc !  
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he hadn’t meant to make tonight a PATROL. damian wanted a quiet night in gotham solely to THINK. it has been less than a week since his return from lazarus island. he has a mountain of notes to compile & review. as such, he brought earbuds & a phone with only a music app. tchaikovsky had blasted in his ears, the sound buzzing his eardrums. when the swell of a violin had abruptly paused, his attention turned from his own thoughts to make eye contact with the man before him. TETCH had stopped his music, all by tugging at an earbud.
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as such, the boy launched into action. he leaped from his spot, hands snatching at the man. what an inconvenience to have to work on his “night off”, as alfred had called it. truthfully, it’s his own fault for wearing a mask outdoors at night & expecting to be left alone.
      ❝   get back here!   ❞ . 
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thegirlwondcr · 2 years
Closed thread w/ @alicesought
It was all an experiment. To see if someone as bad as Hatter could get better. How viable was reformation for some of the worse of the worst? Shockingly, so far things seemed to be like they were going on a slow but steady path. The wellness checks she had to do on him were starting to decrease, this all could actually work. 
These small check ins as Robin we’re not just their scheduled time to meet and talk. Some days she just so happened to be in the area and would stop on by for a quick check in. Today, however, she did not give the man any sort of heads up and she made sure to clear all her plans for the day just so she could dedicate time on him. 
She was so close. After all, the motive behind this was far more selfish than selfless. If she could prove to Bruce that someone as unpredictable as Jervis could get better...then why couldn’t her biological father too?
Her gloved hand knocked on the exterior door, as she stood outside patiently. “Jervis? It’s me, Robin.” She announced herself before adding in. “I brought some brownies.” Was she going to mention the fact that it was Alfred who baked them and not her? He did not need to know that.
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caestusvulpes · 2 years
"Why're we gOIN' SO FUCKIN' FAST!"
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arkhampsych · 2 years
4. Does your muse deserve a second chance?
no. one way or another he finds a way to fall back into corruption. he’s trapped in a cycle. even if he were trying to redeem himself, his thoughts and nature are toxic. morality and empathy are very difficult for him to respect or understand. he knows actions and words are powerful at influencing other’s emotions but he doesn’t fully comprehend how personal they can be. It’s entirely likely he’d end up hurting people without even realizing what he’s doing. It would take conscious effort on his part to try and counter his character, those close to him would be walking on eggshells. I imagine he’d probably snap under the pressure of other’s scrutiny or his anxiety trying not to let others down. If he were given a second chance, he’d either abuse it or slip up somewhere down the line — and of course, he’d probably direct blame for whatever pain he’s caused towards the individual (s) who gave him another shot. they shouldn’t have trusted him …
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teacup: last tea party?
Harvey blinked, thinking about the Hatter's question. "You know, I don't think I've ever been to a tea party. Yours or anyone else's. I wouldn't mind going to one, but only if there's no mind control involved." He said, frowning.
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arkhamcalamity · 2 years
@alicesought cont.
Amity's always lingered around patients, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't find the inhabitants of rogues gallery to be most intriguing.
"I believe in you, Jervis," she said softly. She's not trying to frighten this time. She's curious above all, and there's only so often she can watch Jervis repeat the same mumblings over and over before reaching the peak. The files she's seen use another name too, a Hatter she thinks. It has to do with this book, and that's the part that's so interesting to her. She's listened to the bits and pieces she catches in a madman's ramble, and it seems as insane as most of the incarcerated here. Clearly though, it meant a lot.
"Why this book? What makes it so much better than any other story?"
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red-hemlock · 9 months
@alicesought started following you!
'Mariella Harrison', aged 36. Beloved daughter and friend, talented horticulturist, but not so much so at her side-hustle in illicit narcotics. One bad batch too many had been grown and sold by her hand, and now the consequences have come to collect. If only, she could be found.
Someone who seemed to stick to a schedule as religiously as she did, doesn't just up and disappear into the winds without some sort of assistance. It had taken hours, days, extra resources spent; but the scant breadcrumb trail had been followed to the here and now. Hemlock, standing on-edge within one dismal, dingy location and at a distance assumed to be adequate.
"Mr. Tetch." She'd only hoped he hadn't grown too attached to her. But this one's hair wasn't blonde.
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"I'm afraid I need to have a little look-see at your current, uh-... 'Party guests'. There's been a slight mix-up, dear; and one of them should've been attending a private affair of mine instead."
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batmanwholxughs · 2 years
{{ I've loved your portrayal of laughs so far! We haven't written long, but it's been fun writing Jervis with such an interesting character! I imagine someone like this can be difficult to nail but I think you really bring them to life and make them very expressive !! Have a happy new year, friend! }}
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THANK YOOOOU!!! i hope you have a wonderful new year, and it's one to remember! i love your jervis so much as well, and the posts you make just talking about him in general. he's such a fun little guy!
BUT AHH MY HEART. <3 i super appreciate the compliments. i feel like it could be easy to accidentally make Laughs more like joker than batman, but the reality is that he's a mix of BOTH. so i have a lot of fun balancing those two aspects!
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