#alien stage round 7 speculation
shakingparadigm · 4 months
Hi hi.
Hi para! I'm writing you to share some theories I got! Since you're one of my favorite blogs.
Hope to not be glogging your asks section...
Luka is an observant calculative person (other than not feeling genuine emotions and empathy like Vivinos made us understand from his behaviour towards the opponents,Hyuna's brother,Hyuna herself etc...) .He has an idea of Till's method to win. I'm talking about what he did in round 2. Then he saw a drastic change in him after Mizi went missing.And again,he knows that Ivan's death has become a trauma for everything that happend in that round. My guess is: Till will be depressed and Luka will manipulate him the same way he did with Mizi,to not let him interrupt the chosen song with another.Just to make sure he will win if he prepared one. And to see his opponents loose their minds and feel satisfied with himself and kiss...their bloody hands I guess. Something may convince Till to not die and fight. In the 7th round there may be a ''fast forward'' in which they show Mizi and Hyuna as prisoners.The aliens may have decided to let them live to obtain informations of the rebels. Till may find out that Mizi is being tortured and go to save her with a parallel similiar to IvanTill ''escape plan''... Luka's knowledge of Hyuna's presence may be a problem too. He may do a mistake and not feel in control. Prioritize Hyuna and say fuck to the Alien Stage. In result we will have a fierce Till tired of everything who clings on the hope to meet Mizi and avenge Ivan.
I'm really curious about your opinion. Please let me know!!! Oh! Do you think the 7th round will be the last? Did vivinos said something about it other than having worked on it for a long time?
It's always a pleasure to scroll and see what you post! Having said that,bye bye!
Hi!!! Hello!!! Thank you so much for this! I fold this ask gently like paper and tuck it into my heart.
This theory is genuinely so cool! I agree with a lot of it as well. Since we didn't get Hyuna and Mizi's interference in ROUND 6, we're most likely going to see it in ROUND 7, just not in the way we hoped we would. I've stated before that I didn't see a reason for them to keep Hyuna and Mizi alive if they were found, but now that you mention it... they're literally the perfect torture tools for Till and Luka. Everything lines up just a little too perfectly.
Honestly, Till finding Mizi again is also the only way I can see him regaining strength. He was actually supposed to see Mizi at the end of ROUND 6 (in the first draft, at least)! I know some people insist that Ivan's sacrifice was to shake Till out of a stupor or encourage him to fight (through anger?), but I just couldn't see it that way. In fact, it seems like his situation just worsened. Genuine rock bottom. He's lost everyone.
I think the only way Till can pick himself up again in such dire and urgent circumstances is if Mizi is involved. Everything in him would reignite in an effort to save her, to sing for her. Her absence was the reason he lost himself in the first place, so it makes sense that she's the only cure for his current predicament. If he saw her, if he knew she was alive and this was his only chance to reach her.... Till is literally going to mega-evolve LMAO. I'm not trying to downplay Ivan's sacrifice, though. I know Till is affected by it too even if he didn't love Ivan the way he loved Mizi. It would be amazing if Till's swan song was a heavy rock piece dedicated to screaming out not only his love, but all his hurt and confusion as well.
The song will no doubt be suited to Luka's taste since Till can be forced to adjust to Luka's style, but I couldn't ever see Luka adjusting to Till's. I have a feeling the song will start out slow with Till at a disadvantage, but a shift happens (Till sees Mizi) and suddenly he starts performing with an overwhelming passion.
Luka losing control because of Hyuna is an incredible thought. I do think he'd lose composure, but not exactly in the panicked way. Instead, I think he'd feel overwhelmed with some kind of intense feeling and maybe even perform in a more crazed manner if he finds out she's been caught. Now both Luka and Till have a strong reason to go all out. After seeing Mizi and Hyuna, they'd need to win. It's impossible for Luka to be an easy or "weak" opponent, and I don't think the sight of Hyuna would necessarily incapacitate his abilities. He's already seen her, after all. He knows she's still alive and that she would inevitably have come back. I feel Luka is a bit more calculated in his approach, so maybe he'd find other ways to get her in his grasp. Maybe if he won Alien Stage again, he'd be granted the privilege to choose a certain prize...
I think ROUND 7 is the last round, but definitely not the last episode (there is a possibility of the ALNST makers finally getting pissed off and throwing Hyuna and Mizi into the ring for another round, though. Not sure if it's a solid and likely possibility, but it's a possibility nothenless). There might be more to tackle regarding the Human Rebellion and the whole pet-alien conflict they seem to be setting up with the story. I believe the original Alien Stage synopsis states that the humans gather to "regain their free will and shape their destiny". We're focused on this particular season of Alien Stage for a reason, and it's most likely because it's the last. Shit hits the fan from here.
This is all just speculation though!! I'll be able to make more educated guesses once they start releasing more ROUND 7 related content. For now, they seem to be taking a well-deserved break.
Thank you for the ask anon!! This was such a wonderful idea to think about.
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sparkysxi · 6 months
Alien Stage Predictions
so ROUND 6 dropped. As an Ivan fan I am DEVASTATED. but we must move on (have copium he and sua are secretly ok) (this is VIVINOS we’re talking about those bitches are dead) so I decided to have a little speculation about future content in order to strengthen myself against the inevitable heartbreak I will feel
ROUND 6 is the official halfway point of the series, so here are a few things I think could happen/future videos likely to drop:
An IVANTILL video like MIZISUA explaining their backstory (the lab/adoption center) 
A solo Luka video and a solo Mizi video 
perhaps a video for Isaac and Dewey. I just think they deserve a duet but I am not as confident in this prediction 
A video about the human rebellion (perhaps rescuing Till?) 
A video in the style of TOP 3, as an in-universe advertisement for the Finals/ROUND 7 
Speaking of the finals, that’s literally going to be a self-harm-off. 
Till has lost two of the most important people in his life and was already Not There during ROUND 6 he is not doing well, and I think Luka only really feels “alive” on the Alien Stage, so he may be trying to kill himself through entering the competition multiple times 
Or Luka is fucking insane and wants a mountain of bodies behind him to prove his worth to the aliens
maybe because of his laundry list of physical illnesses-perhaps Luka is scared he will be abandoned or killed for being a burden to his owner?
I think I will go INSANE if Mizi manages to rescue Till, like they get out of the arena, but Till’s crazy ass goes BACK INSIDE, like how he did for Mizi all those years ago, because he’s not leaving without Ivan’s body to at least bury him properly 
like the cinematic parallels that could be achieved here UGH *chefs kiss*
also I think it would be really cool if Till’s character became an exploration of heteronormativity-he’s been pining after Mizi after all this time, but he realizes that the admiration he has for her is not the same as the love she shared with Sua or the love/obsession Ivan had for him 
maybe Till is gay/bisexual-or on the ace/aro spectrum 
regardless of what he is the societal expectations are likely that girl humans like boy humans and boy humans like girl humans 
Till enters his queer rebellion era how DARE these aliens expect him to do ANYTHING
alien historians will call MiziSua and IvanTill “just really good friends”
anyway I also expect more Sua and Ivan hallucinations 
perhaps they’ll act as “guiding spirits” from here on out??
wouldn’t it be cool if we got a post-death Ivan and Sua duet? maybe they’re singing to Till and Mizi from the afterlife 
I’m less confident about that one as well but I think it would be neat 
a video of saving the children from Anakt Garden-with Till at the helm using skills Ivan taught him-less confident here again but would be fun nonetheless
I think it’s pretty likely BOTH Hyuna and Luka will die by the end of the series-Hyuna’s already injured and Luka has death flags (wearing all white and having feelings of love/affection/obsession towards another who does not reciprocate it equally) 
The non reciprocated love appears to be a common thread between our male contestants, doesn’t it?
However Hyuna may survive-half the cast lives, half the cast dies kinda thing 
They all end up missing their counterparts
I think ultimately the final scene of the series will be very melancholy-they’ve won, but at what cost 
And a lot of choking 
Also: one very emotional scene where the characters actually talk to one another. Not singing: talking to one another
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tragicbooks · 7 years
10 'Doctor Who' quotes that show why it's the perfect time for a woman in the role.
These are uncharted waters for the long-running BBC series.
After much speculation, the news is out: Jodie Whittaker will be the first woman to play The Doctor on BBC's "Doctor Who."
This news was a welcome relief to Whovians, many of whom have been clamoring to see a woman pick up the mantle of The Doctor for years. To others, casting a woman in the role of a regenerating, time-traveling alien was an outrage. The role had been played by a dozen men before her and was always meant to be played by a man, they insisted.
A letter written by "Doctor Who" creator Sydney Newman to BBC One management in the mid-1980s offering up some suggestions on what to do with the character he'd created more than 20 years prior, however, suggests those outraged voices haven't done their research:
“At a later stage, [The Doctor] would be metamorphosed into a woman. This requires some considerable thought — mainly because I want to avoid a flashy Hollywood ‘Wonder Woman’ because this kind of hero(ine) has no flaws — and a character with no flaws is a bore.”
While "Doctor Who's" many years on air have been a pretty mixed bag when it comes to bucking sexist stereotypes (in fact, sometimes it was just flat out bad at this), there are a still plenty of quotes from the show that prove women (and men and aliens and everyone in between) can be whatever they want — which seems to now include the role of The Doctor as well.
Here are 10 "Doctor Who" quotes that anyone who says The Doctor can't be a woman should remember:
1. In "The Idiot’s Lantern" (2006), David Tennant's iteration of The Doctor takes on gender roles, delivering a royal comeback:
The Doctor: Hold on a minute. You've got hands, Mr. Connolly. Two big hands. So why's that your wife’s job? Eddie: Well, it's housework, isn't it? The Doctor: And that's a woman’s job? Eddie: Course it is! The Doctor: Mr. Connolly, what gender is the Queen? Eddie: She's a female. The Doctor: And are you suggesting the Queen does the housework? Eddie: No! No, not at all. The Doctor: Then get busy!
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
2. During "Empress of Mars" (2017), companion Bill calls out the sexist views about what jobs women can do while stranded on Mars with a few accidental travelers.
Bill: What, you can deal with big green Martians and, and, and rocket ships, but you can't deal with us being the police? Godsacre: No, no, no, no, no. It's just such a fanciful notion. A woman in the police force. Bill: Listen, yeah? I'm going to make allowances for your Victorian attitudes because, well, you actually are Victorian.
3. Bill made history as The Doctor's first lesbian companion, but "The Eaters of Light" (2017) saw sexual politics turned on its head when she met up with a group of soldiers from ancient Rome.
Bill: There’s, um, something I should explain — this is probably just a really difficult idea. I don’t like men ... that way. Lucius: What, not ever? Bill: No. Not ever. Only women. Lucius: Oh. All right, yeah, I got it. You’re like Vitus, then. Bill: What? Lucius: He only likes men. Vitus: Some men. Better-looking men than you, Lucius. Lucius: I don’t think it’s narrow-minded. I think it’s fine. You know what you like. Bill: And you like ... both? Lucius: I’m just ordinary. I like men and women. Bill: Well, isn’t this all very ... modern. Lucius: Hey, not everybody has to be modern. I think it’s really sweet that you’re so ... restricted. Bill: Cheers.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
4. Back in 1968's "The Web of Fear," companion Anne took a stand for women and girls who want to be scientists everywhere.
Capt. Knight: What’s a girl like you doing in a job like this? Anne Travers: Well, when I was a little girl, I thought I’d like to be a scientist ... so I became a scientist.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
5. The first on-screen mention of a Time Lord being able to jump from male to female and back came during "The Doctor’s Wife" (2011), when The Doctor talked about The Corsair.
Amy: Doctor, what is it? The Doctor: I've got mail. Time Lord emergency messaging system. In an emergency, we'd wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space. Anyway, there's a living Time Lord still out there, and it's one of the good ones. Rory: You said there weren't any other Time Lords left. The Doctor: There are no Time Lords left anywhere in the universe. But the universe isn't where we're going. See that snake? The mark of The Corsair. Fantastic bloke. He had that snake as a tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself unless he had the tattoo. Or herself, a couple of times. Ooo, she was a bad girl. Rory: Oh, what is happening?
6. Bill and The Doctor have a chat about Missy, The Doctor's gender-swapping nemesis, and society's focus on the concept in "World Enough and Time" (2017).
The Doctor: She was my first friend, always so brilliant, from the first day at the academy. So fast, so funny. She was my man crush. Bill: I'm sorry? The Doctor: Yeah, I think she was a man back then. I'm fairly sure that I was, too. It was a long time ago, though. Bill: So, the Time Lords, bit flexible on the whole man-woman thing, then, yeah? The Doctor: We're the most civilized civilization in the universe. We're billions of years beyond your petty human obsession with gender and its associated stereotypes. Bill: But you still call yourselves Time Lords? The Doctor: Yeah. Shut up.
Time Lords = genderfluid! 🌈#Pride2017 #DoctorWho http://pic.twitter.com/isSTjMZIeg
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) June 28, 2017
7. When Martha Jones meets The Doctor in "Smith and Jones" (2007), she makes it clear that she's the doctor in this pairing.
Martha: I promise you, Mr. Smith. We will find a way out. If we can travel to the moon, then we can travel back. There’s got to be a way. The Doctor: It’s not Smith. That’s not my real name. Martha: Who are you then? The Doctor: I’m The Doctor. Martha: Me too, if I ever pass my tests. What is it then, Dr. Smith? The Doctor: Just The Doctor. Martha: How d’you mean, just The Doctor? The Doctor: Just. The Doctor. Martha: What, people call you The Doctor? The Doctor: Yeah. Martha: Well, I’m not. As far as I’m concerned you’ve gotta earn that title. The Doctor: Well, I better have a start then.
10 years ago today, a man named Smith met a woman named Jones…https://t.co/spiimjQV0J#DoctorWho http://pic.twitter.com/NqJW7GWk3G
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) March 31, 2017
8. In part two of "The End of Time" (2010), we learn that former companions Mickey and Martha are now married. And we also learn that Martha isn't the type to sit things out simply because of that.
Mickey: Yeah, but — we’re being fired at by a Sontoran. A dumpling with a gun. And this is no place for a married woman. Martha: Well, then, you shouldn’t have married me.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
9.  In "The Ark of Space" (1975), fan-favorite companion Sarah Jane Smith stands up to some condescending language in an awesome way.
Harry: She's coming round. Steady, steady on, old girl, steady on. Sarah: [dazed] Harry? Harry: Yes, I'm here, I'm here. Sarah: Call me old girl again ... and I'll spit in your eye.
10. That time Donna Noble, aka the best temp in Cheswick, absorbed The Doctor's knowledge and became The Doctor Donna, a highlight of her time on the show in "Journey's End" (2008).
The Doctor: How did you work that out? You’re —Time Lord. Part Time Lord. Donna: Part human. Oh yes. That was a two-way biological meta-crisis. Half-Doctor Half-Donna. The Doctor: The Doctor Donna!
0 notes
socialviralnews · 7 years
10 'Doctor Who' quotes that show why it's the perfect time for a woman in the role.
These are uncharted waters for the long-running BBC series.
After much speculation, the news is out: Jodie Whittaker will be the first woman to play The Doctor on BBC's "Doctor Who."
This news was a welcome relief to Whovians, many of whom have been clamoring to see a woman pick up the mantle of The Doctor for years. To others, casting a woman in the role of a regenerating, time-traveling alien was an outrage. The role had been played by a dozen men before her and was always meant to be played by a man, they insisted.
A letter written by "Doctor Who" creator Sydney Newman to BBC One management in the mid-1980s offering up some suggestions on what to do with the character he'd created more than 20 years prior, however, suggests those outraged voices haven't done their research:
“At a later stage, [The Doctor] would be metamorphosed into a woman. This requires some considerable thought — mainly because I want to avoid a flashy Hollywood ‘Wonder Woman’ because this kind of hero(ine) has no flaws — and a character with no flaws is a bore.”
While "Doctor Who's" many years on air have been a pretty mixed bag when it comes to bucking sexist stereotypes (in fact, sometimes it was just flat out bad at this), there are a still plenty of quotes from the show that prove women (and men and aliens and everyone in between) can be whatever they want — which seems to now include the role of The Doctor as well.
Here are 10 "Doctor Who" quotes that anyone who says The Doctor can't be a woman should remember:
1. In "The Idiot’s Lantern" (2006), David Tennant's iteration of The Doctor takes on gender roles, delivering a royal comeback:
The Doctor: Hold on a minute. You've got hands, Mr. Connolly. Two big hands. So why's that your wife’s job? Eddie: Well, it's housework, isn't it? The Doctor: And that's a woman’s job? Eddie: Course it is! The Doctor: Mr. Connolly, what gender is the Queen? Eddie: She's a female. The Doctor: And are you suggesting the Queen does the housework? Eddie: No! No, not at all. The Doctor: Then get busy!
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
2. During "Empress of Mars" (2017), companion Bill calls out the sexist views about what jobs women can do while stranded on Mars with a few accidental travelers.
Bill: What, you can deal with big green Martians and, and, and rocket ships, but you can't deal with us being the police? Godsacre: No, no, no, no, no. It's just such a fanciful notion. A woman in the police force. Bill: Listen, yeah? I'm going to make allowances for your Victorian attitudes because, well, you actually are Victorian.
3. Bill made history as The Doctor's first lesbian companion, but "The Eaters of Light" (2017) saw sexual politics turned on its head when she met up with a group of soldiers from ancient Rome.
Bill: There’s, um, something I should explain — this is probably just a really difficult idea. I don’t like men ... that way. Lucius: What, not ever? Bill: No. Not ever. Only women. Lucius: Oh. All right, yeah, I got it. You’re like Vitus, then. Bill: What? Lucius: He only likes men. Vitus: Some men. Better-looking men than you, Lucius. Lucius: I don’t think it’s narrow-minded. I think it’s fine. You know what you like. Bill: And you like ... both? Lucius: I’m just ordinary. I like men and women. Bill: Well, isn’t this all very ... modern. Lucius: Hey, not everybody has to be modern. I think it’s really sweet that you’re so ... restricted. Bill: Cheers.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
4. Back in 1968's "The Web of Fear," companion Anne took a stand for women and girls who want to be scientists everywhere.
Capt. Knight: What’s a girl like you doing in a job like this? Anne Travers: Well, when I was a little girl, I thought I’d like to be a scientist ... so I became a scientist.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
5. The first on-screen mention of a Time Lord being able to jump from male to female and back came during "The Doctor’s Wife" (2011), when The Doctor talked about The Corsair.
Amy: Doctor, what is it? The Doctor: I've got mail. Time Lord emergency messaging system. In an emergency, we'd wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space. Anyway, there's a living Time Lord still out there, and it's one of the good ones. Rory: You said there weren't any other Time Lords left. The Doctor: There are no Time Lords left anywhere in the universe. But the universe isn't where we're going. See that snake? The mark of The Corsair. Fantastic bloke. He had that snake as a tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself unless he had the tattoo. Or herself, a couple of times. Ooo, she was a bad girl. Rory: Oh, what is happening?
6. Bill and The Doctor have a chat about Missy, The Doctor's gender-swapping nemesis, and society's focus on the concept in "World Enough and Time" (2017).
The Doctor: She was my first friend, always so brilliant, from the first day at the academy. So fast, so funny. She was my man crush. Bill: I'm sorry? The Doctor: Yeah, I think she was a man back then. I'm fairly sure that I was, too. It was a long time ago, though. Bill: So, the Time Lords, bit flexible on the whole man-woman thing, then, yeah? The Doctor: We're the most civilized civilization in the universe. We're billions of years beyond your petty human obsession with gender and its associated stereotypes. Bill: But you still call yourselves Time Lords? The Doctor: Yeah. Shut up.
Time Lords = genderfluid! 🌈#Pride2017 #DoctorWho http://pic.twitter.com/isSTjMZIeg
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) June 28, 2017
7. When Martha Jones meets The Doctor in "Smith and Jones" (2007), she makes it clear that she's the doctor in this pairing.
Martha: I promise you, Mr. Smith. We will find a way out. If we can travel to the moon, then we can travel back. There’s got to be a way. The Doctor: It’s not Smith. That’s not my real name. Martha: Who are you then? The Doctor: I’m The Doctor. Martha: Me too, if I ever pass my tests. What is it then, Dr. Smith? The Doctor: Just The Doctor. Martha: How d’you mean, just The Doctor? The Doctor: Just. The Doctor. Martha: What, people call you The Doctor? The Doctor: Yeah. Martha: Well, I’m not. As far as I’m concerned you’ve gotta earn that title. The Doctor: Well, I better have a start then.
10 years ago today, a man named Smith met a woman named Jones…https://t.co/spiimjQV0J#DoctorWho http://pic.twitter.com/NqJW7GWk3G
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) March 31, 2017
8. In part two of "The End of Time" (2010), we learn that former companions Mickey and Martha are now married. And we also learn that Martha isn't the type to sit things out simply because of that.
Mickey: Yeah, but — we’re being fired at by a Sontoran. A dumpling with a gun. And this is no place for a married woman. Martha: Well, then, you shouldn’t have married me.
GIF from Doctor Who/YouTube.
9.  In "The Ark of Space" (1975), fan-favorite companion Sarah Jane Smith stands up to some condescending language in an awesome way.
Harry: She's coming round. Steady, steady on, old girl, steady on. Sarah: [dazed] Harry? Harry: Yes, I'm here, I'm here. Sarah: Call me old girl again ... and I'll spit in your eye.
10. That time Donna Noble, aka the best temp in Cheswick, absorbed The Doctor's knowledge and became The Doctor Donna, a highlight of her time on the show in "Journey's End" (2008).
The Doctor: How did you work that out? You’re —Time Lord. Part Time Lord. Donna: Part human. Oh yes. That was a two-way biological meta-crisis. Half-Doctor Half-Donna. The Doctor: The Doctor Donna!
from Upworthy http://ift.tt/2uvDd6D via cheap web hosting
0 notes
Green Light Presentation Speech
The Unexpected
Hello and Welcome to our presentation, we are the lonely men studio and we are seeking greenlight approval for our game ‘The Unexpected’.
 [SLIDE 2]
The unexpected is a fast paced chaotic first person arena shooter that challenges the player’s quick decision making into intense and entertaining moments of gameplay through random placements of their spawn location against their weaponry.
 [SLIDE 3]
High Concept
 Player motivation
           Before a player can start playing they must first select their weapon, then the player must choose where on the map they would like to place their weapon. The player will then load into the map with the other players and be located randomly. From here the player has a choice to either run straight to their weapon or search for others weapons that may be closer. For the player to be successful they must outlast all other opponents.
           The genre of the game is a fast and chaotic first person shooter.
 Target Customer
           Our target customer is anyone who enjoys either fps games or fast paced quick thinking games. Our expected demographic is male and female above the age of 14.
           The unique aspect of this game is how a player doesn’t have certainty in using their own weapon through random spawning. This creates moments where the player must make decisions and problem solve while under pressure.
  [SLIDE 4]
Design Goals
           Fun; Beginning with a more standard game expectations are set. Then once the player has moved through the portal their expectations are changed as their perception is entirely altered through a fresh an unexpected environment weapon and gameplay. We seek to create moments where the player can laugh and enjoy the game.
             Entertaining; Through an unexpected and dynamic gameplay the game will create moments of entertainment where weapons provide wild and amusing effects. This bit of excitement as to what your weapon will do can leave player feeling like they have opened a gift or received a dud depending on the gameplay style.
             Social; Through wild and entertaining gameplay the game will bring players together. Player will want to share screenshots and clips of amazing moments of in-game moments. Players will want to brag about certain plays and will provide us another form of advertising.
 [SLIDE 5]
Set in the present day, and all powerful being has promised to the people of the world their greatest desires if they complete and undisclosed task for him. What the world didn't know is that they were signing up for a worldwide tournament to the death where small groups are transported to a one of many earth like settings where they fight to the death for the object they desire most in the world. Witnessing Earth’s many gladiatory fights in the past the All Powerful Being allows each contestant to hide one weapon of their choice in the arena before each fight starts.
 It’s unclear what the All Powerful Being gains from these death fights. Many speculate that this is god and the purpose of life up until this point was to become the best fighter in the world. Others say that this is the work of the devil and that the tournament is the beginning of the apocalypse. Conspiracy theorists speculate that the purpose of the tournaments is to serve as entertainment for an alien race whereas others believe it is all a hoax propagated by the government to mask the forced reduction of the world's population.
 Many have entered the tournament in search of answers to these questions but only a few facts have been learnt. Firstly, while the fights are set in various places around the world, there never seems to be people present besides the contestants, even in populated areas. This suggests that the arenas are either replicas of earth settings or that the fights occur in the same place but outside of time in some sort of dimensional pocket. Secondly any attempt to leave the area has been thwarted by a giant wall that surrounds the contestants on all sides. This wall seems to be impervious to all damage from the contestants or their weapons. Lastly whatever each contestant is promised before the fight seems to be valuable enough to turn anyone who enters into a remorseless killer. The victors of each fight never return to the real world but some have been spotted fighting in future rounds suggesting that whatever they were promised takes more than one victory.
 [SLIDE 6]
           We will now run through our character. As you can see the player model is of a person wearing an armoured suit which they will fight in. It has been designed to match the weaponry and fit with the theme of the ‘All Powerful Being’.
 [SLIDE 7]
Character – Side View
           From the side, we can see the armour is quite form fitting allowing the player greater manoeuvrability, while proving protection.
Character – Rear View
           From the rear, we can see the armoured pattern continues across the back.
Character - Helmet
           Here we take a closer look at the design of the helmet and player visor. The visor is what will display the important information to the player during combat. The design concepts have been centred around dynamic and fast paced ideas to reflect the gameplay and narrative.
[SLIDE 10]
Character - Arm
           The arm shows a detailed example of key elements. As shown by the diagram the player will have an overlay plate on the bicep, a spherical joint at the elbow, scale plating on the elbow and a guard on top of the hand. Focus on the hand design was a key note as the player will have regular view of the hand because of the first person viewing position.
 [SLIDE 11]
Character – Leg
           Finally, we have some detailed examples of the leg design as shown by the diagram the player will have a knee guard and scale shin plating with a cylindrical heel.
[SLIDE 12]
Character – Model
           Next, we can see how the player model is developing and how the body is taking shape around the art work.
[SLIDE 13]
Character – Model
           We can also see how the initial rigging for the model has been prepared.
 [SLIDE 14]
Character – Helmet Model
           Here we can see the model in further detail following the artist helmet and visor designs.
[SLIDE 15]
Character – Helmet Model
           And another angle on the helmet model.
[SLIDE 16]
The weapons that will be available to the player will be one of three weapons. The short-ranged shotgun, the mid-ranged machine gun (ak47) and the long-ranged sniper. However, each of these weapons will have ‘mods’ this is what will occur to the weapon once it is placed through the portal. The weapon will then be received on the other side and effected in one of three ways. By either time, space or domain. Each type of ‘mod’ will impact the weapon in a different way.
Our weapon ‘mods’ are;
Time Shotgun – Increased Rate of Fire (200%)
Space Shotgun – Improved Firing Range (x2)
Domain Shotgun – Invert Enemies Screen Colour on Hit (10 Seconds)
 Time Machine gun – Increased Bullet Speed (More Damage) (x2)
Space Machine gun – Improved Aim & Large Bullet Spread (x2 Radius of Cone)
Domain Machine gun – Manipulate Enemies Sound on Hit (10 Seconds)
 Time Sniper – Increased Reload Time (x2)
Space Sniper – Larger Bullets (More Damage) (x2)
Domain Sniper – Invert Enemies Controls on Hit (5 Seconds)
 [SLIDE 17]
Weapon – Pre-Portal
 [SLIDE 18]
Weapon – Effected
 [SLIDE 19]
Weapon - Effected
  [SLIDE 20]
Weapon - Effected
 [SLIDE 21]
Weapons - Sound
 [SLIDE 22]
Game Progression explain each stage in detail
           Load & Start Game; First the player will start the game and enter a multiplayer match from here they will move onto the first stage of the gameplay.
Pre-planning; the player will then select their choice of weapon from short-ranged (shotgun), mid-ranged (machine gun) and long-ranged (sniper). Once selected the player will enter a bird’s eye view mode where they then chose the location their weapon will be placed on the map. Once all players have confirmed their weapon location the next phase begins.
           Spawn; upon entering the map the player will be spawned at a random location on the map, at this point the player must quickly make the decision, do I retrieve my own weapon or can I locate a closer one? From the moment, the player can move the game is in effect and the player is at risk of dying. The player then proceeds to a weapon and picks it up. The player has now entered the combat phase.
           Combat; Upon collection, the player will discover in which way their weapon has been altered. The player must then use their weapon and eliminate all other players to be victorious.
           End of Game; If the player is defeated they are returned to a menu where they can view their game placement and have the option to quickly enter another game. Upon successfully defeating all enemies the player is greeted with a victory screen and the option to enter another game quickly.
 [SLIDE 23]
Game Mechanics
[SLIDE 24]
Game Mechanics – Pre Planning
 [SLIDE 25]
Game Mechanics - Spawn
 [SLIDE 26 – SLIDE 36]
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Feasibility Factors
           Game Engine; The game engine we have chosen to develop in is ‘Unity’. This was selected due to our comfortability with the software as an overall team. Each member has had experience using the software so all members will be able to help in their own respective ways towards implementation of their content.
             Testing & Balancing; With the way weapons are ‘modded’ it is of key importance to us that all weapons are fair and balance while providing fun gameplay. It’s important the weapons have been obviously altered and manipulated without making certain weapons frustrating or annoying. This will be achieved through regularly assessing the stats of each weapon in testing.
 [SLIDE 38]
As shown in our timeline we seek to complete our sky view of the map as well as any portals. From here everything else kicks off and we start further development starts on all fronts. During Week 10 we aim to complete Menus, HUDS, Weapon Collection & Swapping. Week 11 Brings us into further modelling development as well as refining the world, and any bugs. Week 12 sees us begin preparation for our final presentation and getting ready to submit the Game Design Document and Show our prototype. Week 13 Sees most aspects of prototype development finished and only areas that will require refinement through and into next semester continue. Throughout the next few weeks there will be weekly testing conducted to make sure core mechanics and gameplay have been executed as designed.
 [SLIDE 39]
Our team consist of 7 members, we have 6 with skills in game design, 3 with skills in programming, 2 with skills in animation. We also have members with skills in modelling, art, level design, sound design and writing. As a team, we have a lot of overlaps so if issues arise in certain departments there will always be another member to help. As a team, we have the required skills to bring “The Unexpected” to prototype and then carry it on into full development and release.
 [SLIDE 40]
Once again this was “The Unexpected” and we are the Lonely Men Studio.
 [SLIDE 41]
Thank You for listening to our presentation we hope you enjoyed what we had to show. Are there any questions?
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alienation2016-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Alienation
New Post has been published on https://alienation.biz/facebook-observed-propaganda-efforts-by-governments/
Facebook 'observed propaganda efforts' by governments
Fb has admitted that it determined tries to spread propaganda on its website, seemingly orchestrated by means of governments or organized events. The company has visible “false information, disinformation, or networks of faux debts aimed toward manipulating public opinion”, it revealed in a brand new record. “Numerous” such cases in the course of the united states presidential election last 12 months required movement, it brought. A number of the pastime has been of an “extensive-scale coordinated” nature.
Fake debts have been created to spread records stolen from email accounts for the duration of the 2016 US presidential election,
The company referred to, even though it said the volume of such interest was “statistically very small”.
Fb did not attribute it to any particular state or actor, however, it did say that its records did no longer contradict the united state’s Director of National Intelligence’s declare that Russia turned into involved. The company added that efforts to address “information operations” had brought about the elimination of extra than 30,000 faux debts in France – wherein a presidential election is presently beneath manner. In general, Fb stated it faced a new challenge in tackling “subtle and insidious forms of misuse,
Consisting of attempts to control civic discourse and mislead humans
Facebook defined an awful lot of the interest as “fake amplification” – which blanketed the mass advent of faux money owed; the coordinated sharing of content material and engagement with that content (together with likes); and the distribution of “inflammatory and sometimes racist memes”.facebook login It introduced, however, that there was no longer tons evidence that automated bots had been set up to do this, however, human beings appeared to be directly concerned.
We have located many movements through fake account operators that might simplest be performed by people with language capabilities and a primary understanding of the political state of affairs within the goal nations, suggesting a better stage of coordination and forethought,” the record defined.
Why Your Business Can’t Ignore Facebook Groups
Facebook is the social headquarters of the net. Facebook companies are an incredible location to connect to humans in your industry and capacity customers. When you open a collection on Fb, you can enjoy a completely easy-going, community relationship along with your followers.
The advantages of setting up a group on Facebook for building your on-line commercial enterprise, blog and brand are plentiful. Here are just 5 of them.
1. You Increase and Manipulate a set Of Like-Minded human beings
While you’re a member of a Fb organization it approaches you recognize what the topic of verbal exchange is going to be approximately maximum of the time. The humans are there to talk about matters concerned with a particular topic, marketplace or area of interest.
2. You Boost Your on-line Visibility
Just about every internet marketer or blogger has a presence on the internet. They’ve constructed a weblog or a website where they put most in their focus. Having stated that, the internet is a large region. When your Facebook organization has reached an amazing size, the reality which you are regarded upon as the leader of the network can produce numerous rewards.facebook log in profile
3. You Sell Without Selling
A social media websites like Facebook lets you get more private. Fb groups are an ideal area to be yourself. Socialize with the individuals who like your commercial enterprise. When you Develop a web network that indicates your personality and you may have interaction socially Without overtly Promoting, it will actually lead to better sales in the end.
4. You Get New weblog Put up and Product Development Ideas
Fb has more than 1.25 billion energetic individuals. It’s a number of creativity, data, mind, and understanding flying round. Your Fb institution offers you get admission to these thoughts and perspectives you can no longer have exposed to earlier than. This can result in weblog Post and product Development Thoughts that improve your perception as a frontrunner for your market, at the same time as additionally assisting your clients and prospects.
5. They’re easy To Installation
Facebook corporations are less of a challenge to Set up than conventional on-line forums. you can begin a Facebook organization is unfastened and you could pretty an awful lot do it all in about 2 minutes. Facebook additionally promises access to 1.25 billion global customers, which may be very attractive for apparent motives. A conventional on-line discussion board will by no means deliver everywhere near the ability numbers that Facebook can offer.google facebook log in
The Power of Propaganda Behind Taj Mahal
It can be with a bit of luck claimed without an iota of doubt that the Taj Mahal is the maximum well known and acquainted constructing on the globe, today. Even within this shape, its white domed marble mausoleum is the finest recognizable component. Through most bills, it’s been installed that the Taj Mahal has been designed as a ‘Symphony in Stone’ as a determination to Shah Jehan’s eternal love for his stunningly beautiful wife and partner Mumtaz Mahal. This account of Taj Mahal’s starting place is popular By most specialists as valid and convincing.
However, as a countervailing argument, some experts have tried to position this speculation vis-à-vis various money owed of Shah Jehan’s persona gleaned from other statistics from his personal court docket historians and locate that Shah Jehan changed into an extremely vainglorious, haughty character susceptible to great sex escapades. Searching for this picture, it’s far difficult to digest that he could definitely be this type of devoted lover and a devoted husband for an unmarried lady, howsoever beautiful she became. This faculty of notion takes under consideration –
· In the entire reversal of the state rules observed By way of Akbar and Jahangir,
Shah Jehan reversed the established practice of moderation in coping with his non-Muslim topics and inside the 6th year of his reign, imposed stiff Shania mandated phrases in his empire.
· He rose in open rebellion in opposition to his father Jahangir in 1622 when he found out that his younger brother Shahzada Shahryar changed into being cultivated as a likely successor to the throne.
· Upon ascending the throne in 1627, his first act turned into to execute all his rivals and even jailed his stepmom, the Empress Noor Jehan.
· Shah Jehan married Arjumand Bano (later Mumtaz Mahal) in 1612, however, no matter his professed love and devotion, he nonetheless had two other-other halves, Akbarabadi Mahal and Kandahari Mahal.
As an opportunity premise, a few professionals argue that the building of Taj Mahal turned into simply an imperial challenge which had at the start been conceived With the aid of Shah Jehan as a propaganda device to emphasize the perfection of Mughal effect in India. These specialists assert that the Emperor become already thinking of one of these building regardless of the coincidental death of Mumtaz Mahal. A high-quality and flexible builder as he was, he was already toying with the concept to put into effect the plan, while all at once Mumtaz expired which proved to be a handy pretext.
However, the matter does no longer rest here. After Mumtaz expired and her stays were buried on the website, the construction of her white mausoleum began in right earnest, but By far the nonetheless greater task changed into to whitewash and rework the persona of the emperor earlier than the sector as a tender, doting, dedicated husband as opposed to a ruthless womanizer. right, here again, the diabolical imperial propaganda equipment swung into motion to conceive and put in force a possible action plan in bits and portions By using showing a juicy tidbit here and planting a salacious morsel there which highlighted Shah Jehan as a loving and compassionate associate and an adoring husband for all instances to return.7 propaganda techniques
Why Governments Support Addiction and Trap People Into Debt
It makes little feel in a rustic like Australia that the governments, both state and federal, no longer handiest support production of alcohol and the boom of gambling premises but they also have a medical software to pay for the effects. Drunks, drug-addicted people, and people who’re focused by means of customers are filling the emergency rooms while others are regularly locked out because of the overflow.propaganda techniques definition and example
You’ll be able to scratch their head in wonderment at the insanity of all of it
One can also pass mad seeking to apprehend it. This is until one has perception into why it’s far the case and who’s on the back of it in the first region.
Following my reincarnation and with a robust link to the Spirit of the Universe, the robust intelligence that drives everything, solutions were given to me at the same time as visions confirmed how things have become the way they may be.
One such vision concerned the words CONSTANTINE IS 666 status within the air earlier than my face in large black capital letters
It became something that couldn’t be overlooked because of how the Spirit became leading me to the answers.
Over months and then years of studies, consisting of instructional research, the large photo got here collectively. We are all pawns in a large plan via the Spirit to supply folks who are spiritual on the cease of the day, That is a hyperlink to the Exquisite Creator, and We are either included from or delivered to the evil imposed by means of that Roman Emperor some 1700 years in the past.
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