#alija izetbegovic
thesimplyone · 2 years
It is difficult to help a man without hurting his pride. Everyone wants to be a giver and not a receiver.
:~~: Alija Izetbegovic
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babylon-crashing · 1 month
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[Decks featured: Rider-Waite Tarot, The Qabalistic Tarot 💗 & The Modern Witch Tarot.]
Q: Why did I pull an upright ten of swords when asked if I had a hex?
“All our failures are either because of the religious denial of our biological needs or the materialistic denial of our spiritual desires. ” ~ Alija Izetbegovic.
For the most part there is a reason why the 10 of Swords is considered scary: painful endings, PTSD, scars, wounds, betrayal, cycles of loss, cycles of crisis …. when the denial that we’re in turns cancerous and festers and eats us alive then we’re dealing with the 10 of Swords.
Often I find it hard to respond to other people’s one card readings besides stating the obvious; however, I think of all the cards one could draw to answer the question, “am I cursed?” the 10 of Swords’ response would be (as Teal'c would say), “indeed.”
I would at least take this as a suggestion to look at the possibility of a hex more closely.
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It must be rough being a Turbofolk guy. Like imagine trying to explain to your bud that the banger you put on is called something like "Satan and the Devil had a baby and that baby's name was Alija Izetbegovic" and that the guy who produced the record was tried at the Hauge
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fromsatorome · 8 months
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We Bosniaks would for sure fight for integrity of Bosnia. Alija Izetbegovic
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sevenoctober7 · 7 months
In the nineties, Abdel-Wahab El-Messiri hosted the Mujahid President Alija Izetbegovic, and held a symposium for him at the Journalists Syndicate in Cairo, in which Begovic spoke and said this genius word: The West was waiting for the annihilation of Bosnia, and was ready to erect a pavilion in which there would be a lot of lamentation and lamentation! This phrase is truly a treasure trove of knowledge and a summary of deep and long experience with the West, its method, and its political and media philosophy, and it truly sums up in a wonderful way the West’s approach to dealing with events. The Westerner achieves his goal with all possible brutality, with terrible immorality, and without any feeling of guilt. If the goal is achieved, historians can later talk about the hideous massacres carried out by their ancestors. The Western press can come up with wonderful, professional, and honest reports about the numbers of victims it destroyed. Their policy is that the channels can bombard you with a stream of sobering documentaries and host survivors of the massacre, cry with them, and overshadow them with the finest soundtracks. This is Israel, for example... a combined Western and British crime... Look now at the memoir books and historians and at the archives of the BBC and the Guardian... etc!... from them you will gather information about the Nakba and about the British role in the displacement of Palestine that you may not find in Arab sources! The Nakba has been carried out successfully.. Let us set up the pavilion to mourn and lament together. While this same BBC and this same Guardian, now... now... now, at the moment of the annihilation of Gaza, will show you another face... Yesterday, a BBC correspondent was fired for liking two tweets that smelled of sympathy for Gaza!! And so... endless news about the rape of Israeli women on October 7, about the beheading of children, about the burning of mothers and their children... Yes, all of this was published in the media, which taught the world the meaning of professionalism, objectivity, sobriety, and standards of verification and scrutiny... all of this. evaporation! International channels ignored broadcasting the prosecution session at the International Court of Justice, where South African representatives speak about Israeli crimes. The next day, they all suddenly paid attention to broadcast the defense session in which the Israeli delegation takes charge of defending Israel!! If I were to swear on the unseen, I would swear to God that if this Gaza war passed and ended as they wanted, I would see these same newspapers and channels coming out to us with written and photographed reports and wonderful documentaries about Israel’s crimes in Gaza. And this policy, the policy of mourning and wailing in the mourning tents, after slaughtering and killing the dead... is what tempts the naive, ignorant fools who admire the West and consider it the center of civilized values ​​and freedom of opinion, and they think that it holds itself accountable, reviews its history, and corrects its course!!
‏في التسعينات، استضاف عبد الوهاب المسيري الرئيس المجاهد علي عزت بيجوفيتش، وأقام له ندوة بنقابة الصحافيين في القاهرة، وفيها تكلم بيجوفيتش، وقال هذه الكلمة العبقرية:
كان الغرب ينتظر إبادة البوسنة، وكان مستعدا لإقامة سرادق يكثر فيه من الندب والنواح!
هذه العبارة هي حقا كنز معرفي وخلاصة خبرة عميقة وطويلة بالغرب وطريقته وفلسفته السياسية والإعلامية، وهي بالفعل تختصر اختصارا بديعا منهج الغرب في التعامل مع الأحداث.
الغربي يحقق هدفه بكل توحش ممكن، وبخسة أخلاق فظيعة، ودون أي شعور بالذنب.. فإذا تحقق الهدف، يمكن فيما بعد للمؤرخين أن يتحدثوا عن المذابح البشعة التي قام بها أسلافهم، يمكن للصحافة الغربية أن تخرج لك بتقارير رائعة ومهنية وصادقة عن أعداد الضحايا التي أهلكتها سياستهم، يمكن للقنوات أن تنهمر عليك بسيل من الأفلام الوثائقية الرصينة وأن تستضيف الناجين من المذبحة، وتبكي معهم، وتظللهم بأرقى مقطوعات الموسيقى التصويرية.
هذه إسرائيل مثلا.. جريمة غربية وبريطانية متكاملة.. انظر الآن إلى كتب المذكرات والمؤرخين وإلى أرشيف البي بي سي والجارديان... إلخ!.. ستجمع منها معلومات عن النكبة وعن الدور البريطاني في تشريد فلسطين قد لا تجدها في مصادر عربية!
لقد نفذت النكبة بنجاح.. تعالوا نقيم السرادق لننوح ونندب معًا.
بينما نفس هذه البي بي سي ونفس هذه الجارديان الآن.. الآن.. الآن في لحظة إبادة غزة ستظهر لك وجها آخر.. بالأمس فصلت مراسلة للبي بي سي وضعت إعجابا على تغريدتين فيهما رائحة التعاطف مع غزة!!
أخبار لا نهاية لها عن اغتصاب لإسرائيليات في يوم 7 أكتوبر، عن قطع رؤوس الأطفال، عن إحراق أمهات مع أطفالهن.. نعم، كل هذا قد نشر في وسائل الإعلام التي علمت الدنيا معنى المهنية والموضوعية والرصانة ومعايير التحقق والتدقيق.. كل هذا تبخر!
القنوات العالمية تجاهلت نقل جلسة الادعاء في محكمة العدل الدولية حيث يتكلم ممثلو جنوب إفريقيا عن الجرائم الإسرائيلية.. في اليوم التالي كلهم انتبهوا فجأة ليذيعوا جلسة الدفاع التي يتولى فيها الوفد الإسرائيلي الدفاع عن إسرائيل!!
ولو أني أقسم على الغيب لأقسمت بالله، أن لو مرت حرب غزة هذه وانتهت كما يريدون لرأيت نفس هذه الصحف والقنوات قد خرجت علينا بتقارير مكتوبة ومصورة وأفلام وثائقية رائعة عن جرائم إسرائيل في غزة.
وهذه السياسة، سياسة النوح والندب في سرادق العزاء، بعد ذبح الميت وقتله.. هي التي تغر المغفلين السذج الجهلة الذين يعجبون بالغرب ويحسبونه محطّ قيم حضارية وحرية رأي، ويظنون أنه يحاسب نفسه ويراجع تاريخه ويصحح مساره!!
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gizantara · 7 months
Ketundukan kepada Allah adalah satu-satunya jalan keluar yang manusiawi dan bermartabat dari ketidakberdayaan hidup yang tak terpecahkan. Jalan keluar tanpa pemberontakan, keputusasaan, nihilisme, atau bunuh diri. Ini adalah perasaan heroik yang bukan dari seorang pahlawan, melainkan dari seorang manusia biasa yang telah melakukan tugasnya dan telah menerima takdirnya.
— Alija Ali Izetbegovic dalam buku Islam Between East and West
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spencerluvtrinagh12z · 9 months
Life of Alija Izetbegovic
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ajidedim · 9 months
Menolak lupa genosida rasis dan agama ala Westphalian System yang dilakukan ras Serbia atas Muslim Bosnia. Jumadil Awwal 1445/ 2023 kemarin pada saat menulis kata pengantar untuk buku baru saya (yang sementara berjudul dan bisa jadi berubah pada saat cetak Kisah Barat Membunuh Tuhan) di Bandara Internasional Aji Sultan Sulaiman, Balikpapan, bertepatan dengan Deklarasi Islami tokoh besar Muslim…
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65) Eh, nama anak-anak Presiden Jokowi itu seperti jarang Jawa tapi ternyata Bhs. Jawa. Ke dengarannya enak.
Gibran Rakabuming Raka
Kahyaning, eh, Kahiyang Ayu
Kaesang Pangarep
Jan Ethes Srinarenda, eh Srinarendra
La Lembah Manah
Sedah Mirah Nasution
Panembahan Al-Nahyan Nasution
Lagi senang belajar Kuna & Sanskrit
Kalau aku full Arab, Muhammad Aliya Imaduddin. Kata Bu Anny Aliya itu dari Alija Izetbegovic, eh Izetbegović. 1995 Perang di Bosnia berujung di Pembantaian Srebrenica, bacanya Srebrenitza, 11/7-31/7/1995.
Imaduddin dari Bang Imad ITB. Yang suka ceramah di TV dulu. Imaduddin Abdulrahim
Juga Imad al-Din Zengi, pemantik 2nd Crusade setelah menang di Siege of Edessa 1144. 28/11-24/12, eventnya juga tanda untuk bersatunya Jihad amir-amir yang bersebaran waktu itu.
Juga Imad al-Din Nasimi, eh, Seyid Ali Imadaddin Nasimi; Dia Hurufiyyah Hurufism, Gerakan Sufi yang berbasis Mistisisasi i.e. Tasawuf terhadap huruf. Native Azerbaijan.
Ibn Kathir, Abū al-Fiḍā’ ‘Imād ad-Dīn Ismā‘īl ibn ‘Umar ibn Kathīr al-Qurashī al-Damishqī, terkenal.
Ebussud, eh, Ebussuud Efendi, Shaykhul Islam Utsmaniyah di era Kanuni Sulaiman The Magnificent. Hidup pada 30/12/1490-23/8/1574. Dipanggil 'El-İmâdî' karena berasal dari desa İmâd, dekat kota İskilip.
Nama laqab saya: İmadudeen August-Sarva-Husayn.
Dari kecil Pak Halim & Bu Anny selalu punya 2 rencana tetap. Masing-masing Mahasiswa Kedokteran & Naik Haji. Kuatnya yang Haji tahun 2022 ALHAMDULILLAHIRABBIL 'ALAMIN, walau untung karena COVID kuota 1/4 utawi 3/8 dari normalnya 4/4 utawi 8/8. Tapi itu aja sudah rame dan ganas kalau buat saia.
Sama saya tiap lulus SD, MTs, SMA selalu Umrah. Jadi 3x Umrah + 1x Haji. Yang Umrah lulus SMA, dengan jual Pulsar 220F 2012 warna Grey/Silver.
Baru ahli nama Arab, semoga bisa dapat belajar Sanskrit.
Contoh nama Arab yang menurut saya bagus;
Layth, Ra'ad, Ghayth, Ghiath, Arwa, Faris, Zaila, Munira, Malak, Nihal, Zaigham.
Eh, nama marga yang tetap berjalan itu Soeharto ya? Kalau Soekarnoputri-Soekarnoputra apakah ndak?
Sebenarnya pengen buat surname marga gitu juga saya. Tapi entah kapan bisa. Hawong dulu sih, 2021-an. Yoh engko ndelok ah. Terangin-angin nak awak wes pinuk ro iso obah sek udu ngingu motoran dst.
Dulu revolusi Mustafa Kemal salah satunya yang aku setuju itu tentang Surname. Marga, ada nama panggilan dan nama keluarga. Tapi kalau aku napak tilas Ijazah dari TK ke S1, kira-kira dilayani nggak? Atau malah seperti biasanya nggak ada apa-apa?
Selain marga, alfabet latin setuju, tapi pakaian harus topi ala Haikal TV One dkk. bukan Fez nggak setuju. Lihat Vatanim Sensin, klambine elegan kabeh.
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mavibirbahce · 1 year
"Ve her şey bittiğinde, hatırlayacağımız şey; düşmanlarımızın sözleri değil, dostlarımızın sessizliği olacaktır!" Alija Izetbegovic
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thesimplyone · 2 years
When you are in prison, you have but one desire: freedom. If you fall ill in prison, you do not think about freedom - you think about health. Health is, therefore, more important than freedom.
:~~: Alija Izetbegovic
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my2ndheartbeat · 2 years
Starry Sky
“A starry sky is equally interesting to a scientist, a mystic, an ethics scholar, and a poet. Looking at the stars, each experiences something different, and each sees his own picture.” ~ Alija Izetbegovic
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zayaanhashistory · 2 years
The Bosnian Genocide
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In April 1992, the government of the Yugoslav republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina declared its independence from Yugoslavia. Over the next several years, Bosnian Serb forces, with the backing of the Serb-dominated Yugoslav army, perpetrated atrocious crimes against Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) and Croatian civilians, resulting in the deaths of some 100,000 people (80 percent of them Bosniak) by 1995. 
In the aftermath of World War II, the Balkan states of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia became part of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia. After the death of longtime Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito in 1980, growing nationalism among the different Yugoslav republics threatened to split their union apart. This process intensified after the mid-1980s with the rise of the Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, who helped foment discontent between Serbians in Bosnia and Croatia and their Croatian, Bosniak and Albanian neighbors. In 1991, Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia declared their independence. During the war in Croatia that followed, the Serb-dominated Yugoslav army supported Serbian separatists there in brutal clashes with Croatian forces.  
In Bosnia, Muslims represented the largest single population group by 1971. More Serbs and Croats emigrated over the next two decades, and in a 1991 census Bosnia’s population of some 4 million was 44 percent Bosniak, 31 percent Serb, and 17 percent Croatian. Elections held in late 1990 resulted in a coalition government split between parties representing the three ethnicities (in rough proportion to their populations) and led by the Bosniak Alija Izetbegovic. As tensions built inside and outside the country, the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his Serbian Democratic Party withdrew from government and set up their own “Serbian National Assembly.” On March 3, 1992, after a referendum vote (which Karadzic’s party blocked in many Serb-populated areas), President Izetbegovic proclaimed Bosnia’s independence. 
Far from seeking independence for Bosnia, Bosnian Serbs wanted to be part of a dominant Serbian state in the Balkans—the “Greater Serbia” that Serbian separatists had long envisioned. In early May 1992, two days after the United States and the European Community (the precursor to the European Union) recognized Bosnia’s independence, Bosnian Serb forces with the backing of Milosevic and the Serb-dominated Yugoslav army launched their offensive with a bombardment of Bosnia’s capital, Sarajevo. 
They attacked Bosniak-dominated towns in eastern Bosnia, including Zvornik, Foca, and Visegrad, forcibly expelling Bosniak civilians from the region in a brutal process that later was identified as “ethnic cleansing.” (Ethnic cleansing differs from genocide in that its primary goal is the expulsion of a group of people from a geographical area and not the actual physical destruction of that group, even though the same methods—including murder, rape, torture and forcible displacement—may be used.) Though Bosnian government forces tried to defend the territory, sometimes with the help of the Croatian army, Bosnian Serb forces were in control of nearly three-quarters of the country by the end of 1993, and Karadzic’s party had set up their own Republika Srpska in the east. Most of the Bosnian Croats had left the country, while a significant Bosniak population remained only in smaller towns. Several peace proposals between a Croatian-Bosniak federation and Bosnian Serbs failed when the Serbs refused to give up any territory. The United Nations refused to intervene in the conflict in Bosnia, but a campaign spearheaded by its High Commissioner for Refugees provided humanitarian aid to its many displaced, malnourished and injured victims. 
By the summer of 1995, three towns in eastern Bosnia—Srebrenica, Zepa and Gorazde—remained under control of the Bosnian government. The U.N. had declared these enclaves “safe havens” in 1993, to be disarmed and protected by international peacekeeping forces. On July 11, 1995, however, Bosnian Serb forces advanced on Srebrenica, overwhelming a battalion of Dutch peacekeeping forces stationed there. Serbian forces subsequently separated the Bosniak civilians at Srebrenica, putting the women and girls on buses and sending them to Bosnian-held territory. Some of the women were raped or sexually assaulted, while the men and boys who remained behind were killed immediately or bussed to mass killing sites. Estimates of Bosniaks killed by Serb forces at Srebrenica range from around 7,000 to more than 8,000. After Bosnian Serb forces captured Zepa that same month and exploded a bomb in a crowded Sarajevo market, the international community began to respond more forcefully to the ongoing conflict and its ever-growing civilian death toll. In August 1995, after the Serbs refused to comply with a U.N. ultimatum, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) joined efforts with Bosnian and Croatian forces for three weeks of bombing Bosnian Serb positions and a ground offensive. With Serbia’s economy crippled by U.N. trade sanctions and its military forces under assault in Bosnia after three years of warfare, Milosevic agreed to enter negotiations that October. The U.S.-sponsored peace talks in Dayton, Ohio, in November 1995 (which included Izetbegovic, Milosevic and Croatian President Franjo Tudjman) resulted in the creation of a federalized Bosnia divided between a Croat-Bosniak federation and a Serb republic. 
Though the international community did little to prevent the systematic atrocities committed against Bosniaks and Croats in Bosnia while they were occurring, it did actively seek justice against those who committed them. In May 1993, the U.N. Security Council created the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) at The Hague, Netherlands. It was the first international tribunal since the Nuremberg Trials in 1945-46, and the first to prosecute genocide, among other war crimes. Radovan Karadzic and the Bosnian Serb military commander, General Ratko Mladic, were among those indicted by the ICTY for genocide and other crimes against humanity. The ICTY would eventually indict 161 individuals of crimes committed during conflict in the former Yugoslavia. Brought before the tribunal in 2002 on charges of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, Milosevic served as his own defense lawyer; his poor health led to long delays in the trial until he was found dead in his prison cell in 2006. 
In 2007, the International Court of Justice issued its ruling in a historic civil lawsuit brought by Bosnia against Serbia. Though the court called the massacre at Srebrenica genocide and said that Serbia “could and should” have prevented it and punished those who committed it, it stopped short of declaring Serbia guilty of the genocide itself. 
After a trial lasting more than four years and involving the testimony of nearly 600 witnesses, the ICTY found Mladic, who had been dubbed the “Butcher of Bosnia,” guilty of genocide and other crimes against humanity in November 2017. The tribunal sentenced the 74-year-old former general to life in prison. Coming on the heels of Karadzic’s conviction for war crimes the previous year, Mladic’s long-delayed conviction marked the last major prosecution by the ICTY. 
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kessckessc · 5 years
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Yaşanan; “Bir Soykırımdı,Katliamdı, Vahşetti!..”
Avrupa'nın tam ortasında ve dünyanın gözü önündeydi!
11/07/1995! #Srebrenitsa  Soykırımı!  
Ne yaparsanız yapın, ama soykırımı unutmayın.
Çünkü unutulan soykırım tekrarlanır.
—  Alija Izetbegović                        
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mybonnenuit · 5 years
When it's all over, we will not remember the words of our enemy, but the silence of our friends.
Alija Izetbegovic
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da-nije-ljubav · 5 years
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