schoolhater · 2 days
i can’t stop thinking about how people in the global south, whose currencies are valued less than the euro/usd/pound because they too are exploited by the west, are sacrificing large amounts of money and fundraising for palestinians and sudanese, meanwhile americans are coming up with bullshit excuses for why their $20usd (there’s some people who don’t make that kind of money in an entire year!! that’s a thousand six hundred indian rupees!) won’t matter as much as their vote for the genocider’s right hand woman a few months from now.
if you live in the united states, canada, australia, the european union, the uk, or israel or the uae, god forbid,
it is your RESPONSIBILITY to do as much as you can, to donate as much as you can, so that the palestinians you see every day on your feed may have a shot at living again.
it is our countries that continue to finance these genocides and it is for the promise of our comfort that they continue to produce mass death. i don't care how this motivates you. whether you donate out of guilt over our blood soaked currencies, or out of a desire to appear moral, or because something about that individual gfm resonated with soemthing personal to you, or because you've seen people like me and my friends get angry, what matters most is that you are donating. because you are in the best position to donate, therefore it is what you must do.
it should motivate you.
here are four palestinian and two sudanese gofundmes. the sudanese gofundmes are both older and less successful.
donate to Wafaa to help her family escape genocide
donate to Siraj to help him fight to keep his home
donate to Shahed to help her save her little sisters
donate to Ahmed who is almost at his goal
donate to Sajida to help her family get to safety
donate to Hassan to help his friend escape war
(these are all verified fundraisers, they can be found on my blog!)
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nesmamomen · 3 days
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I will not explain at length. Yesterday I lost the last remaining member of my family in northern Gaza. It broke my heart to see them collecting the little girl's body parts. I couldn't imagine the pain that happened to them. Click. I cannot forget what happened to my family months ago when our house was bombed and a massacre was committed against my family. Click. Lolo's father was killed so that she would become a lone survivor and an orphan. All I can say is there is no time. Please, can you save what's left of my family.
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@appsa @buttercuparry @malcriada @sayruq @megalo-station @rhubarbspring @sar-soor
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twixtedspoon · 2 days
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I've been having a lot of thoughts about my friends in Gaza recently. Specifically, my friend @ma7moudgaza2 . His GoFundMe has a very low and attainable goal of $25,000, and we can absolutely meet it.
Mahmoud lives with four of his family members in a tent, from which he does his studies. Here are some pictures he sent me of his set up before and after this genocide started. Mahmoud is a user interface designer. The computer he has now is from a friend, as his was lost. His university was destroyed, along with every other, and he can no longer study.
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Mahmoud and his family are a few of many who have been repeatedly displaced by the IOF, and it's long since wearing on them. They deserve to sleep without buzzing over their heads and live without the knowledge that they could be martyred at any minute. They are relying on your help, either by way of donations or reblogs, to rebuild their lives. Please help them however you can.
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good-old-gossip · 2 days
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Israel’s flagbearer at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Peter Paltchik, was found to have signed bombs targeting civilians in Gaza.
Referring to the Israeli bombs that have targeted Gaza since October last year, the 32-year-old judoka said in a social media post, “From me to you with pleasure.”
Paltchik also disrupted a pro-Palestinian protest in Japan and harassed protesters while wearing an Olympic uniform. Paltchik, alongside Andi Murez, are the contingent flag bearers for Israel at Paris 2024.
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irhabiya · 2 days
i'd like to draw attention to a fundraising campaign for Hossam Bardaweel. Hossam's immediate family, his parents and his siblings, has been martyred. he's currently living in a tent with his neices and nephews and his campaign is still a long way from its goal.
this campaign was shared with me through direct contact with a palestinian whose campaign has been vetted and reached its goal alhamdulillah, and i trust its legitimacy. please donate any amount that you can spare!
$2,641 / $20,000
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siraj2024 · 19 hours
Daily update(19)
Home memories🥺
I always think of our home, which we left nine months ago. How sad he is without us. He became accustomed to us as we became accustomed to him. He witnessed our joys and sorrows, witnessed all the stages of our lives.
I felt as if my house were alive! For I believe that homes have souls just like us. Since we had to flee from our home, he has become alone. He does not hear our voices. He does not hear the sound of my key when I return from work late in the evening. He does not hear the voice of my wife while she works in her kitchen. He does not hear the soft snores of my children while they are asleep. He does not hear them play, the sound of our usual laughter is missing. He does not even hear our loud voices when we fight!
Now he is a pile of stones, and all he hears is the annoying noise of aircraft and continuous bombing. I always wonder about his condition. Does he miss us as much as we miss him? His loneliness hurts me, as does our distance from him...
Though I have my hope! As I progress in my campaign, I feel that I am getting closer to rebuilding my home and returning to him. I often imagine that we have returned home and saying "We have finally come back to our home! " He will once again be home to us, because I believe homes only die if their residents are absent! I don't want our house to die... Please help me return to him.
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Note: The campaign was verified by @nabulsi , and its number is 219 in the campaigns file prepared by @el-shab-hussein.
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yazanfamiily · 3 days
Save My Family from the War Nightmare in Gaza
I am Mohammad Taysir, 34 years old, a Palestinian living in Gaza. I am married to Basma, and we have two children: Joud, who is 3 years old, and Yazan, who is 2 and a half. I am writing to you from the heart of destruction and suffering in palestine
Our lives used to be normal, filled with hope and hard work, until war came and destroyed everything.
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Before the war, I worked as a mobile programmer, and my wife was a schoolteacher. We had many aspirations and lived a simple yet happy life, dreaming of a bright future for our children.
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The war came and changed everything. Our home was destroyed, we lost our jobs, and we became homeless.
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We tried to flee to safer areas in search of security. But safety in Gaza has become nearly impossible. Death and destruction are everywhere, and our children live in an endless nightmare. Opportunities for education and entertainment have vanished, and basic necessities are scarce. We are suffering from poverty and despair.
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We are now searching for an opportunity to live in a safe place outside Gaza. However, this is very costly, and we are in desperate need of your support. We want to provide a dignified life and a better future for our children. We believe that humanity and compassion still exist, and that there are those who will respond to our desperate plea.
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Every donation, no matter how small — $5 or $10, or 50$ will have a significant impact on our lives. Your contributions will help us cover the costs of travel and living in a safe country. We want to start a new life away from fear and destruction, giving our children a chance to dream and hope again.
My Campaign was Reblog by some and Vetted
vetted by @communistchilchuck 🌹link🌹
vetted by @northgazaupdates
vetted by
Thank you to everyone who supported us❤
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falestine-yousef · 3 days
Help a Trapped Family in Gaza Survive
Hello, my name is Falestine , and I am from Gaza Palestine 🇵🇸. I write to you today with a heavy heart💔, seeking hope and help. The ongoing conflict has put my family's life in grave danger🙏.
Since the latest escalation,, we have been living in constant fear. All the necessities of life have become non-existent. My son, Youssef, was born in the war, and I moved from the hospital to the tent, where there is no clean environment. We've lost our home, safety, and hope for a better future🌹.
We urgently need your support to escape this nightmare and find safety. Your donation will help cover travel, accommodation, food, and healthcare costs. Every contribution brings us closer to safety and stability🥹.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity❤️.
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ahmedalnabeeh11 · 1 day
Hello my friends Please share my story. My mother’s health condition has deteriorated due to lack of treatment. I have to evacuate my family and treat my mother You do not know what it means to see my mother die in front of my eyes without being able to do anything Please donate even a little and pin my story on your pages I feel so much pain for my sick mother Don't make me lose hope, please😭😭😭😭
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@northgazaupdates @queerstudiesnatural
@palestinegenocide @nabulsi @sayruq @f1dyke @sar-soor @appsa @oopollo-blog @fireyfobbitmedicine @el-shab-hussein
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mahmoud0qassas · 2 days
A warm request to all our followers, and to everyone who can help us by donating and sharing the post
Tomorrow is Friday, which is a holy day, and I need you to stand with us because we do not have money to provide food for tomorrow. Also, my brother is injured and has been released from intensive care. The doctors asked that we feed him chicken meat to heal his wounds inside the abdomen.
This post I published is about the condition of my brother who was injured in the abdomen
Please donate and stand with us to provide food for my injured brother in the Israeli army, and also provide food for my tent and my family’s tent because we do not have any money at all, and put a smile on the faces of our children as they eat nutritious food and avoid eating spoiled canned food.
Again, if anyone is able to donate, please contribute to the following fundraising campaign:
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ranakhalafgaza · 22 hours
Fortunately, I still remember my name!!
Hi everyone, this is my story in a few words.
Fortunately, I still remember my name: Rana. I can also remember graduating from the Faculty of English-Frensh Literature and then completing my master’s studies in education.
Being from northern Gaza means that I have lived through war, aggression, siege, massacre, pain, loss, torment, and also “death”, which life here forces you to look at with your own eyes.
As October approached, the catastrophic chapters of this story dramatically unfolded. It fills my heart with darkness every moment. I open my phone gallery and scroll up to that promising life where I no longer belong.
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Pursuing my PhD education abroad with a good scholarship was always my goal which I believed would be achieved but due to the complete destruction of the city and continuing displacement from one place to another, I couldn’t register in any program and I lost the chance this year.
I was working and training in a company inside “Al Jammal Tower”, which is one of the largest towers housing software and languages companies in Gaza, where we were mixing commitment and fun, dreaming of a better future. But once our company became a target and was completely destroyed, my business was shattered as well as my dreams, leaving me heartless and soulless.
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We are not numbers.
Remember, despite the difficulties I face in Gaza and the challenges I face with courage, I always realize that my story is a small part of the stories of 2.2 million people who face difficulties and struggle to survive in harsh conditions.
But there is a glimmer of hope amidst this darkness. With your support and generous donations, I can rebuild my life from the ashes and hit my goals. Every donation, no matter the size, will have a significant impact.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your unwavering support in this urgent matter.
@palestinegenocide @queerstudiesnatural @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @northgazaupdates
@apollos-olives @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @90-ghost @fairuzfan
@sar-soor @fallahifag @humanvoicebox @plomegranate @queerstudiesnatural
@commissions4aid-international @international-network @nabulsi @soons-posts
@palestine @communistchilchuck @northgazaupdates2 @ghost-and-a-half @kyra45
@helping-others-seek-help @feluka @sayruq @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international
@soon-palestine @palestinegenocide @kyra45-helping-others
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wafaaresh · 3 days
🔴 can you help me 🇵🇸🍉
Please donate to save my life and my family 🍉🇵🇸
Asking for help is not easy, I ask for a small donation of only 20€ from each person, 20€ will save my family from death in Gaza 💔 Donate through the link in bio (gofundme) Together, we can achieve our goal within a day and provide crucial support to me and my family in Gaza. Your contribution means everything to us and in these difficult times your kindness is our greatest hope. We are very grateful for any assistance you can provide and thank you for your kindness and generosity in our time of need
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more information @ana-bananya ⬆️⬆️⬆️🍉🇵🇸
The campaign has been verified @90-ghost
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danadanak · 21 hours
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The link in bio 🥹💔🙏
You can help by donate even 5$. !!!!!
We are not accustomed to asking for help, but we are in dire need of it. As a mother of a child under two year old who needs care and a comfortable life free of life's troubles, I appeal to people of conscience, humanity and compassion to help us, My child deserves a better life.
@90-ghost @niqabisinparis @writing-prompt-s @tamamita @parakavka @loish @sar-soor @qualityrain @justjensenanddean @versaversa @kyoryu @nabulsi @mp-47 @sevenrenny
@nottoonedin @apioperdon @just-browsing1222
@delfireblogs @ak1w1i @nkim-doodles @21stcenturyschizoidfag
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mahaibrahim12 · 2 days
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I am Maha from Gaza, Palestine, and this is Ahmed, my husband, my children, Jowan and Khalil, my father-in-law, and my mother-in-law.
Here's our story - Since the morning of October 7th, our lives have never been the same. Everything in our lives has been disrupted. On the first night since the war began, our house was partially destroyed by a very close Israeli strike. Despite the damage, we stayed in the house for two more days until suddenly and without preparation, we were told to evacuate our homes and we would be in danger. From this moment our endless journey of suffering and pain began. Throughout this journey, we later learned that our three-storey house, where my family and my uncle’s family lived, was completely destroyed as a result of the bombing.
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Despite all this, my father-in-law suffered a broken back. His heart could not bear all this pain. Due to the scarcity of medicine and the lack of medical resources in hospitals, his condition worsened even more and he was unable to walk.
Suddenly my brother was martyred, and parting from him was very difficult for me, and the situation was even more difficult for my children. My eldest daughter, Joan, kept crying and wanting to go to her uncle, and they could not believe that he had gone and would never return.
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Our future has become unknown, and our present is unbearable and unlivable by human standards. We are stuck in a harsh reality every moment. We live in a constant state of explosions, bullets raining down on us, artillery shells, and warplanes that bombard us with devastating missiles every day. In addition to our continuing suffering to this day: the lack of resources, humanitarian aid, medicine, and food. We barely find food for my children, as they eat one meal during the day and spend the rest of the day crying.
Here are my kids enjoying life before October 7th.
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This is the cry of a mother and father. We hope that our children will be given the opportunity to live in peace and security and have access to food and a safe life like the rest of the children of the world everywhere.
Maybe this fundraising effort is like a beacon in the darkness, our sole source of hope that we hold onto tightly. I urge the world to listen to my plea and the sorrowful cries of my Gaza kin. We desperately require the helping hand that can dry our tears and lead us to safety.
Your contribution is more than just money; it's a chance to reconstruct life and illuminate a brighter future. Join us in shaping a tale of hope, as we rely on your support to begin afresh.
The purpose of the fundraising campaign.. https://gofund.me/1cbc3739
The objective of this fundraising drive is to secure the passage of my family, through the Rafah Crossing to Egypt. Presently, this journey necessitates £5000 per person. This campaign stands as our sole opportunity for survival, and I earnestly implore your aid during this pivotal juncture. Rest assured, I will furnish you with a detailed breakdown of the expenses, vowing transparency, and lucidity throughout.
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@90-ghost @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @elierlick @child-of-thecosmos @fairuzfan @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @blackpearlblast
@newsfrom-theworld @palipunk @sayruq
@witchywitchy @tsaricides @soon-palestine @mee-op @helpfvl
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isra-elazaiza · 1 day
It's my birthday today, July 26th.
I was hoping to have a safe and quiet celebration with my family. 😥
My birthday wish is for the war to end. 🙏
I hope that God will protect the children and the elderly, and heal my father. 🙏
Can you help make my birthday a little special with a surprise and maybe a boost in donations? My campaign is not going well and I have not received any donations yet.😔🥺🥺
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@cartoonrival @90-ghost @appsa @northgazaupdates @heba-20 @commissions4aid-international @el-shab-hussein @dragon-master-kai @dragoon-ze-great @daily-dragon-drawing @nnnnnnnnnnnnnnsposts @aria-ashryver
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irhabiya · 2 days
Aya Muhanna's situation is dire, her family has had to relocate several times over the past few months for safety and her father urgently needs cancer treatment that cannot be found anywhere in Gaza right now. this campaign was shared to me by a palestinian that i'm speaking with personally and whose campaign has been vetted and completed, so i trust its legitimacy!
her campaign has only garnered 7 donations so far, please please donate any amount that you can spare!
£176 / £35,000
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