theyellowcurtains · 5 years
canon fics or au? and post the last sentence you wrote. :)
canon fics or au?
ooooOOOOOooh at the moment i’m very into aus i’m not sure why. i do adore canon fics too but aus just seem to jump out more to me rn 
post the last sentence you wrote.
bruh okay alkjsdnf
David keeps focusing his kisses on parts of Matteo’s neck that they both know will make him shiver or at least be very distracted.
this is like,,,, something but the context is so important alksdjfn god i need to finish this fic wow
send me a fic writer question
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radd-ratz · 5 years
i showed my brother saturday shorts and he told me that he was so disappointed in me alkjsdnf
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psi-psina · 8 years
honestly gatiss honestly i mean HONESTLY……….i see you. i see you bitch
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The Sentimental Widow with the West Highland Terrier
“The sentimental widow and her son, the unemployed fisherman. The answers yes. She’s got a West Highland terrier called Whisky. Not exactly what we’re looking for! Look at the jumper he’s wearing hardly worn. Clearly he’s uncomfortable in it. Maybe it’s because of the material, more likely the hideous pattern. Suggests it’s a present, probably Christmas. So he wants into his mother’s good books. Why? Almost certainly money. He’s treating her to a meal, but his own portion is small. That means he wants to impress her, but he’s trying to economise on his own food. (Well, maybe he’s just not hungry.) No. Small plate. Starter. He’s practically licked it clean. She’s nearly finished her pavlova. If she’d treated him, he’d have had as much as he wanted. He’s hungry all right, and not well off. You can tell that from the state of his cuffs and shoes. -How do you know she’s his mother?- Who else would give him a Christmas present like that? Well it could be an aunt or an older sister but mother’s more likely. Now, he was a fisherman. The scarring pattern on his hands is very distinctive, fish hooks. They’re all quite old now, which suggests he’s been unemployed for some time. Not much industry in this part of the world, so he’s turned to his widowed mother for help. -Widowed?- Yes. Obviously. She’s got a man’s wedding ring on a chain around her neck clearly her late husbands and too big for her finger. She’s well-dressed but her jewellery’s cheap. She could afford better, but she’s kept it. Sentimental. Now, the dog. Tiny little hairs all over the leg from where it gets a little bit too friendly. But no hairs above the knee, suggesting it’s a small dog, probably a terrier. In fact, it is a West Highland terrier called Whisky.”
The Clever Widow with the Three Cats
“Well you handled the incident in Tbilisi very well. For a secretary. Can’t have been easy all those years, sitting in the back keeping your mouth shut, when you knew you were cleverer than most of the people in the room. Same old drudge, day in, day out. Never getting out there where all the excitement was. Just back to your little flat on Wigmore Street. Yes your little flat. Well on your salary it would have to be modest and you spent all the money on that cottage, didn’t you? And what are you? Widowed or divorced? Wedding ring’s at least 30 years old, and you’ve moved it to another finger. That means you’re sentimentally attached to it. But you’re not still married. I favour widowed given the number of cats you share your life with. Two Burmese and a tortiseshell, judging by the cat hairs on your cardigan. A divorcee’s more likely to look for a new partner. A widow to fill the void left by her dead husband. Pets do that, or so I’m told. And there’s clearly no one new in your life otherwise you wouldn’t be spending your Friday nights in an aquarium. That probably accounts for the drink problem too. The slight tremor in your hand. The red wine stain ghosting your top lip. So, yes. I’d say jealousy was your motive after all.”
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The Sentimental Boy
“The owner loved these, scrubbed them clean, whitened them where they got discoloured. Changed the laces three, no, four times. Even so there are traces of his flaky skin where his fingers have come into contact with them, so he suffered from eczema. The shoes are well worn, more so on the inner side, which means the owner had weak arches. British-made, 20 years old.”
“So the kid who owned these trainers came to London from Sussex 20 years ago and left them behind. (”So what happened to him?”) Something bad. He loved those shoes, remember. He’d never leave them filthy. Wouldn’t let them go unless he had to.”
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The Sentimental Anxious Creature of Habit alkjsdnf
I find nothing irresistible in the hat of a well-travelled, anxious, sentimental, unfit creature of habit with appalling halitosis. …Damn. Isolated too, don’t you think?
Why would he be isolated? He? Obviously. Why? Size of the hat? Don’t be silly. Some women have large heads too. No, he’s recently had his hair cut, you can see the little hairs adhering to the perspiration stains on the inside. …Some women have short hair too. Balance of probability. Not that you’ve ever spoken to a woman with short hair, or, you know, a woman.
Stains show he’s out of condition. And he’s sentimental because the hat has been repaired three…Five times. Very neatly. The cost of the repair exceeds the cost of the hat, so he’s mawkishly attached to it.
She’s got a man’s wedding ring on a chain around her neck clearly her late husbands and too big for her finger. She’s well-dressed but her jewellery’s cheap. She could afford better, but she’s kept it. Sentimental.   //   Widowed or divorced? Wedding ring’s at least 30 years old, and you’ve moved it to another finger. That means you’re sentimentally attached to it.
Tiny little hairs all over the leg from where it gets a little bit too friendly. But no hairs above the knee, suggesting it’s a small dog, probably a terrier. In fact, it is a West Highland terrier called Whisky.   //    I favour widowed given the number of cats you share your life with. Two Burmese and a tortiseshell, judging by the cat hairs on your cardigan. A divorcee’s more likely to look for a new partner. A widow to fill the void left by her dead husband. Pets do that, or so I’m told.
“The owner loved these, scrubbed them clean, whitened them where they got discoloured. Changed the laces three, no, four times.   //   And he’s sentimental because the hat has been repaired three…Five times. Very neatly. The cost of the repair exceeds the cost of the hat, so he’s mawkishly attached to it.
there are traces of his flaky skin where his fingers have come into contact with them, so he suffered from eczema.   //   he’s recently had his hair cut, you can see the little hairs adhering to the perspiration stains on the inside. 
these deductions are all…..the same mark you bastard like the subject and context is different for every one; the one about the widow is about the fisherman’s motive, the one about vivian is about amo’s motive (they’re both so ugly….so ugly) and the carl and howard deduction scenes are flat out just about sherlock 😩 like how much bullshit do you have to write about sherlock being sentimental and lonely and miserable and insecure before you get bored alsdjflas
the deduction about the widow in hounds is still just….my favourite
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