#all art is by carbon unless stated otherwise
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Sometimes all you need is just one spark.
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simmer-emsie · 4 years
Not So Berry Challenge 2
Couldn’t get enough of the original Not So Berry Legacy Challenge? Wishing you could play a challenge with all the new packs, careers, and aspirations? If you’ve been daydreaming about an updated Not So Berry Challenge (2020), look no further!
Welcome to the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge 2, a ten generation rags-to-riches legacy challenge with colour-themed heirs. Note: This challenge requires basically every pack except My First Pet Stuff and Journey to Batuu (...y’all know why).
Thank you to @lilsimsie​ and @alwaysimming​ for the inspiration (and the rules!).
Basic rules:
Each heir must represent the colour of the generation (like hair, makeup, clothing), but brightly-coloured skin isn’t necessary.
The colours of the spouses don’t matter as they aren’t part of the challenge. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them.
Cheats can be used, but not excessively.
You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation.
Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Keep the lifespan on normal.
Generation One: Onyx
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Long story short, your family kicked you out. Whatever. You couldn’t care less! You’ve always been the black sheep of the family, and now you’ve got to go out on your own just like you always planned. You work odd jobs to make ends meet, but you never seem to get ahead.
Traits: Slob, Evil, Freegan
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Odd jobs only
Complete the Beach Life aspiration.
Start on an empty lot with 100 Simoleons. Hard mode: Start as a teen.
Marry the first adult Sim to rate you 5 stars for a job. 
Max the fishing and fabrication skills.
Your only friend is your spouse.
Generation Two: Sapphire
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Growing up, you had a hard life. Your parents were always struggling, and they rarely had time to raise you. You spent a lot of time eating snacks instead of meals and hanging out at the park. Honestly? You kind of resent them for it. You know you’ll never treat your own kids that way. In fact, you’d do anything for your kids… including indulging in a little five-finger discount at the neighbour’s house.
Traits: Family-Oriented, Kleptomaniac, Loves Outdoors
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Babysitter (Teen), Business
Complete the Big Happy Family aspiration and reach level 10 of the Business career.
Max the logic, mischief, and parenting skills.
Have a negative relationship with both your parents.
Every time you Woohoo, it must be “try for a baby”. 
Add a new piercing or tattoo for every new child you have.
Generation Three: Morganite
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You were raised in a hectic household. You shared a room with all your siblings, and never got an ounce of privacy. To get away from it all, you spent your days on the monkey bars and later on the rock-climbing wall. You get an apartment on your own as soon as you’re old enough in a faraway town, and learn quickly that you’re much more special than your upbringing would have you believe.
Traits: Adventurous, Proper, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Career: Style Influencer
Complete the Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration and reach level 10 of the Style Influencer career.
Max the fitness, rock climbing, and the skiing or snowboarding skills.
Move to Mt. Komorebi as a young adult.
Marry a Sim you meet on the slopes.
Have one child only (you may cheat for this).
Generation Four: Quartz
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Your parent was a bit of a public figure, but you always shied away from the limelight. You like cats and romance novels, and all you really want to do is knit clothes for charity. You lead a book club and sometimes play the piano when the other book club members ask you to.
Traits: Cat-Lover, Creative, Bookworm
Aspiration: Lord or Lady of the Knits
Career: Politician (Charity Organizer branch)
Complete the Lord or Lady of the Knits aspiration and reach level 10 of the Politician career in the Charity Organizer branch.
Max the knitting, charisma, and piano skills.
Adopt at least two cats from the shelter and one stray cat.
Lead a book club.
Have an on-again, off-again relationship with a book club member.
Never marry.
Generation Five: Citrine
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You’ve always wanted to be the best at everything. You really, really want to impress your parent, but they don’t seem to have time for you between caring for all the cats and the book club. You get the best grades in school, participate in extracurriculars, and you even party the hardest at university. You never want to settle down, but you can’t stop love from sprouting when one day your academic rival winks instead of snarls. Also, you really, really hate cats.
Traits: Ambitious, Genius, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Academic
Career: Scout (Child/Teen), Engineer
Complete the Academic aspiration and reach level 10 of the Engineer career.
Max the robotics, research and debate, dancing, and DJ mixing skills.
Go to university, live on campus, and get a degree (Computer Science or Physics).
Marry a Sim from the rival university.
As an elder, pursue a second degree.
Generation Six: Jade
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As the child of an engineer, you’re familiar with mechanics and electricity and the inevitable dark plumes of smoke. As you get older, you realize you want to make up for the carbon footprint of your parent through living an entirely green life. As a vegetarian, you love thinking up new and creative recipes, and the cooking channel is the soundtrack of your life.
Traits: Vegetarian, Green Fiend, Recycle Disciple
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Career: Civil Designer
Complete the Eco Innovator aspiration and reach level 10 of the Civil Designer career.
Max the cooking, gourmet cooking, and juice fizzing skills.
Have a “green” lot with extremely reduced bills.
Maintain an herb garden for your kitchen.
Host a community barbecue every Saturday afternoon.
Generation Seven: Amber
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After growing up on collard greens and tofu, you can’t help but eat as much as you can of everything that you can. Your parent was entirely selfless, but all you ever wanted was to be spoiled. You make it your mission in life to be as rich as possible, and to become super famous through acting. Right before your death, you're overcome by altruism and give the family fortune to charity.
Traits: Self-Assured, Hates Children, Glutton
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career: Actor
Complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration and reach level 10 of the Acting career.
Max the acting and mixology skills.
Marry an actor more famous than you.
As an elder, master the wellness skill.
On your Sim’s final day of life, use the “money 100” cheat.
Generation Eight: Amazonite
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Okay, so, your parent went off the deep end and now you have no money. Not to worry! You’ve always been interested in the outdoors and travelling, so you decide to become an archaeologist. That’ll bring in some money… right? You take on a job gardening too, just in case.
Traits: Goofball, Good, Erratic
Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar
Career: Gardener
Complete the Archaeology Scholar aspiration and reach level 10 of the Gardening career.
Max the archaeology, gardening, and Selvadorian culture skills.
Collect all 9 relics.
Have twins a few days before you become an elder (you may cheat for this).
Generation Nine: Topaz
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You’re a really important person in your career, which kind of sucks because you’re also secretly a magician! When you were very young, you tried to use magic to prevent your elderly parents from dying. Spoiler alert: It didn’t work, but you continued on your spellcasting journey. You use humour to deflect questions about unearthly happenings around you. Your faithful dog is your closest companion, but also much too smart for a regular dog… Hopefully no one at work catches on.
Traits: Clumsy, Loner, Cheerful
Aspiration: Spellcraft & Sorcery
Career: Salaryperson
Complete the Spellcraft & Sorcery aspiration and reach level 10 of the Salaryperson career.
Max the comedy and pet training skills.
Have a familiar (preferably your dog, but it’s up to you!).
Break up with your partner when they realize you’re a magician. Then, marry them to make sure they keep the secret.
Generation Ten: Ruby
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Your family has a long and lustrous history. You’ve been told your oldest ancestor had nothing but 100 Simoleons to their name. Well, you have no interest in letting your good name come to an end. You seek to maintain the bloodline forevermore with immortality (...and social media). 
Traits: Snob, Art-Lover, Hot-Headed
Aspiration: Vampire Family
Career: Social Media (Internet Personality branch)
Complete the Vampire Family aspiration and reach level 10 of the Social Media career in the Internet Personality branch.
Max the painting, pipe organ, media production, and vampire lore skills.
Become a master vampire.
Become a 5-star celebrity.
Turn your spouse into a vampire*.
*You may, if you wish, name the Ruby heir Carlisle. You may not, under any circumstances, name them Edward.
Congratulations! You’ve completed the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge 2! …Now what?
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100 Questions!
Tagged by the wonderful @janes-mike, @caseyk112, and @el-and-hop! Thank you!!
1. What is your nickname? People call me Kat and Kath usually! The Kath originally was just an online nickname but then my boyfriend’s coworker called me it this weekend so it’s an official one now! I just let people decide if they want to use a nickname I always go by my full name otherwise
2. How old are you? 23! I turn 24 in less than a month though yikes
3. What is your birth month? July!
4. What is your zodiac sign? sun sign: cancer, moon sign: aries
5. What is your favorite color? black
6. What’s your lucky number? eh I don't really have one
7. Do you have any pets? sadly no, but my parents have a cat and a dog back home!
8. Where are you from? Idaho
9. How tall are you? 5' 6"
10. What shoe size are you? 9
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I don't even know it's a lot lol
12. Are you random? I am such a creature of habit it's actually absurd
13. Last person you texted? my parents!
14. Are you psychic in any way? the closest I've gotten was having a dream about my teeth rotting only to go to the dentist to find out I was having issues with my gums
15. Last TV show watched? idk if I watched TV this past week? probably Altered Carbon or the 100
16. Favorite movie? IMPOSSIBLE. Potential answers are Mad Max: Fury Road or Gone Girl
17. Favorite show from your childhood? Idk the name of it but there was a show hosted by Michelle Trachtenberg where she talked about haunted places? or one called "Endurance"
18. Do you want children? yes! probably no more than two though
19. Do you want a church wedding? ehhhhh not sure. Not really but also it seems stressful to get married outside. Maybe I'll say fuck it and elope at the Taco Bell Cantina in Vegas where you can get married.
20. What is your religion? theistic agnostic with interest in wicca (and witchcraft but I know that’s not considered a religion usually but more of a spirituality?)
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? not since being born!
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? closest I got was running a stop sign in college but I just got a warning
23. How is life? life is good right now!! really thankful
24. Baths or showers? showers but only because I live in an apartment. My bath tub is tiny af
25. What color socks are you wearing? I'm wearing those footie sock thingies for when you wear slides so like a tan color
26. Have you ever been famous? I guess getting voted to homecoming court in high school counts? pretty sure it was a fluke though I didn't like many people hahah
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? only for the money but so much else of it suckkkkss
28. What type of music do you like? everything pretty much? I suppose I don't listen to country music much but as a whole I listen to a wide variety
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? nope not really my thing
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? I have four on my bed but usually use two
31. What position do you usually sleep in? on my side
32. How big is your house? my apartment is a pretty good size I think for being in the city, it’s a two bedroom/two bath condo 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? a protein bar or toast!
34. Have you ever left the country? yes!
35. Have you ever tried archery? I might have at church camp once but I don’t really remember if I was good at it, I’d love to do it at a renaissance fair sometime!
36. Do you like anyone? I do and luckily he likes me too! three years and strong
37. Favorite swear word? fuck, it works for so many things. ass clown. bastards.
38. When do you fall asleep? usually around 11-11:30, I’d love to make that earlier
39. Do you have any scars? a couple leftover from the chicken pox!
40. Sexual orientation? straight
41. Are you a good liar? depends on what I’m trying to lie about
42. What languages would you like to learn? I used to be able to speak German so I’d love to get back into that! And then Spanish since I think that’s important as a person in the United States and I hate how bad I am at it
44. Do you like your country? Hmmmmmmmmmm. Yes and no. Currently our worst aspects are hella on display and I hate a lot of it. But I also enjoy living here since it’s where I’ve grown up and I’m interested in helping improve it. But obviously thanks to current politics I’m pretty angry about the state of things.
45. Do you have friends from the web? Oh man I’ve made so many friends on Tumblr in the last year! so yes I do!
46. What is your personality type? creative, type A
47. Hogwarts House? Slytherin
48. Can you curl your tongue? yep! just the hot dog style though not the clover thing
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? Hermione Granger 100%
50. Left or right handed? right, though I can sorta write with my left hand since I tried to train myself how to do it in high school
51. Are you scared of spiders? oh my god yes
52. Favorite food? ahhhhh. Maybe BBQ (South Carolina style) or Tex-Mex
53. Favorite foreign food? Probably Italian followed by German
54. Are you a clean or messy person? v messy but I’m really really really trying to get better
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? go out at night and not be afraid. enjoy having pockets.
56. What color underwear? uhh blue? I think?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? if it’s a normal morning, Usually an hour. I’ll start showering around 7:30ish and then I’m usually dressed and ready by 8:30-40ish.
58. Do you have much of an ego? In some regards yes, in some no. I’m extremely confident in my work and what I put out there, but when it comes to myself as a person I have zero ego hahaha. Very far from it.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? I wait to bite until it’s nearly gone!
60. Do you talk to yourself? I mean internally yeah? but that’s just thinking right? so yes?
61. Do you sing to yourself? mmm not really. I’ll drunkenly sing but not a lot no
62. Are you a good singer? NOPE LOLOLOLOL
63. Biggest Fears? failure, not accomplishing my goals
64. Are you a gossip? I try not to be but I’m susceptible to it
65. Are you a grammar nazi? I used to be a lot worse but for the most part I’ve relaxed, unless it’s at work
66. Do you have long or short hair? I have medium length hair on the shorter end!
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? it took me ages to find a quiz that didn’t have a map with it but I was able to get 41/50 from memory in 4 minutes!
68. Favorite school subject? always was Art and English which has worked out pretty well!
69. Extrovert or Introvert? extrovert! to the fullest of the definition 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? nope! probably won’t because that shit sounds terrifying to me
71. What makes you nervous? the idea of failing, disappointing people I love
72. Are you scared of the dark? kinda? a bit of the unknown aspect of it
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? yessssss 
74. Are you ticklish? terribly so but I’ve found the older you get the less people try to tickle you THANK GOD I will fight anyone that touches me
75. Have you ever started a rumor? not to my knowledge
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? yes!
77. Have you ever drank underage? Yep! though only a year or so off from the legal age
78. Have you ever done drugs? nope! I don’t think briefly smoking a cigarette, cigar, and hookah thing once each really count. Smoking is even a dramatic way to described it. Puffed a couple times and passed it off because meh.
79. What do you fantasize about? having enough money to be able to live in the place I want and have it furnished like I want, be able to travel everywhere, pay back my parents for everything they’ve helped me with, spoil the shit out of people, being able to donate to as many charities and creators that I can
80. How many piercings do you have? none! closed up my earlobes in middle school
81. Can you roll your R’s? I’m so hilariously bad at this it’s impossible for me
82. How fast can you type? I think last time I tested myself I did 90 wpm and 76 if I was typing on my phone
83. How fast can you run? not fast at all but I’m working on it
84. What color is your hair? brown
85. What color are your eyes? brown
86. What are you allergic to? nothing! unless it’s bullshit
87. Do you keep a journal? Tumblr count? otherwise nope
88. Are you depressed about anything? If I think too long about how we’re not doing anything about this planet, the lack of interest in gun control from our legislators, or the deaths in the Middle East that are at the fault of the US (intentionally or by us ignoring those who need help) I feel really helpless and sad. But nah not really. 
89. Do you like your age? 23 is... chill. I think I’ve got until 25 to panic.
90. What makes you angry? EVERYTHING. Incompetent coworkers who don’t respect my job or process. Republicans across the board and a shit ton of establishment Democrats. That our Earth is dying. How people in this city don’t hold doors open for anyone. Wars that we support or won’t get out of or turn our cheeks to (as a nation). My inability to actually take care of myself/my laziness.
91. Do you like your own name? Yeah it’s cool! I like it more now I think. I also like old-fashioned sounding names.
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? I can’t speak for my very younger self but not that I can remember
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? I’d be fine with either! I’d have to scramble if I had only boys though I have infinitely more “girl” names that I like
94. What talents do you have? graphic design, art, writing, photography, badass houses in the sims (jk I’m okay at it), terrible puns
95. Sun or moon? MOON always
96. How did you get your name? it’s my late grandmother’s name!
97. Are you religious? Not massively, I grew up Lutheran and then went to a couple of different churches. Went through a hard atheist phase in middle school. Now I’m most comfortable identifying with the term agnostic theistic since long story short I’m not against the concept of a higher being, I believe things happen for a reason, I’ve always believed in energies, which can be connected to meditation and praying. I’m currently researching wicca and witchcraft though I’m probably far off from identifying with either of those. Oops that was long I have a lot of thoughts.
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? I haven’t actually, though considered one in high school for a brief amount of time.
99. Color of your bedspread? white with black flowers and green petals!
100. Color of your room? white walls since I’m renting
Tagging: @thezoomermax, @dustinhendrsn, @jane-el-hopper, @littledancersun, @sweet-sugar-sunsets, and @the-most-beautiful-broom!
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architectnews · 3 years
Anish Kapoor Exhibition at Gallerie dell’Accademia Venice
Anish Kapoor Exhibition Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia Show, Palazzo Manfrin News, Venetian Art Photos
Anish Kapoor Exhibition at Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venezia
15 November 2021
Location: Galleries Of Accademia / Palazzo Manfrin, Venice, Italy
The Great Exhibition That The Galleries Of Accademia In Venice Dedicate To The Maestro Anish Kapoor
It Will Also Be Articulated In A Second Venue, The Historic Gallery Of Palazzo Manfrin
Anish Kapoor Symphony for a Beloved Sun, 2013 Stainless steel, wax, conveyor belts Dimensions variable Photograph: Dave Morgan
All images © Anish Kapoor. All rights reserved SIAE, 2021, unless stated otherwise
Anish Kapoor Exhibition in Venice at Gallerie dell’Accademia
Venice, November, 2021 – From 20th April to 9th October 2022, in conjunction with the next International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, the Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia are dedicating an extraordinary exhibition to the great artist, internationally recognized, Anish Kapoor.
Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venezia: photo : Luca Zanon
This exhibition will have retrospective elements alongside newer bodies of work, presenting key moments in the artist’s career. Ground-breaking new works, created using carbon nanotechnology, which will be shown for the first time, as well as recent paintings and sculptures that are testament to the vitality and visionary thrust of Kapoor’s current practice.
Anish Kapoor Void Pavilion V, 2018 Wood, concrete and pigment 6x6x12 m Photograph by Nobutada Omote
As announced today, 12th November 2021, during the press conference held at the Galleries, in the presence of the Director Giulio Manieri Elia, the curator of the exhibition, Taco Dibbits and Anish Kapoor, the exhibition will be enriched with a second and prestigious venue: the historic Palazzo Manfrin, in the Cannaregio district of Venice, to whose collection originally belonged a significant nucleus of masterpieces now exhibited in the Museum.
Artist Anish Kapoor: portrait by George Darrell, 2021
Palazzo Manfrin, purchased in 1788 by Count Girolamo Manfrin, a wealthy tobacco merchant, who had transformed the first floor of the building into an art gallery, was considered for its collection of paintings, but also of sculptures, books and prints, a sort of “completion of the Venetian painting heritage exhibited at the Academy of Fine Arts”. The Gallery had in fact become one of the major tourist attractions of Venice, visited, among others, by Antonio Canova, Lord Byron, John Ruskin and Edouard Manet.
Anish Kapoor Foreground: Descent into Limbo, 1992-2016 Mixed media and pigment Dimensions variable Background: Healing of St. Thomas, 1989 Mixed media and paint Dimensions variable
When, around the middle of the nineteenth century, the works of the collection were sold, after the death of Manfrin, the heritage of the Gallerie dell’Accademia was enriched with twenty-one paintings including some of his major masterpieces such as: La Tempesta and La Vecchia di Giorgione, in addition to works of great quality such as the San Giorgio by Andrea Mantegna and the Portrait of a young man by Hans Memling, the Madonna enthroned with the Child and a devotee by Nicolò di Pietro, I Santi Paolo e Antonio eremiti by Girolamo Savoldo, San Pietro and San Giovani Battista by Alessandro Bonvicino, known as Moretto.
Anish Kapoor Studio, 2020
The link between Palazzo Manfrin, chosen by Kapoor as the seat of his artistic foundation, whose restoration project was entrusted to the architect Giulia Foscari (UNA / FWR Associati), and the Gallerie, which represent the most important collection of Venetian and Venetian art in the world, is therefore very significant. In this perspective, the works of one of the greatest contemporary artists are linked to a precise artistic context of significant experiences and references, and revive the very history of Venice and its pictorial tradition, from which Anish Kapoor constantly draws as a source of inspiration and creativity.
Anish Kapoor said: “It is a huge honour to be invited to engage with the collections at the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice; perhaps one of the finest collections of classical painting anywhere in the world. All art must engage with what went before. The Accademia presents a wonderful and wondrous challenge. I feel a deep commitment to Venice, it’s architecture and its commitment to the contemporary arts.”
Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice, Italy: photograph : Luca Zanon
Giulio Manieri Elia, the Accademia’s Director, said: “Kapoor, because of his original and deep research into colour, light, perspective and space, grows from the roots of Venetian Renaissance painting, investigating its essence and interacting intimately on an ideal – we could even say conceptual – level with Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto”.
Taco Dibbits said: “All artists, however cutting-edge and contemporary, are in debate with those who have gone before. The Gallerie dell’Accademia is the perfect site for a modern master to explore the themes that have always engaged sculptors and painters. Kapoor’s latest works, using the most advanced nanotechnology, promise to be a revelation.”
Anish Kapoor Sacrifice, 2019 Steel, resin 207x385x294 cm Photograph: Dave Morgan
Anish Kapoor is considered to be one of the most influential artists working today. Born in Mumbai, India in 1954, he now lives and works in London. His works are permanently exhibited in the most important collections and museums around the world from the Museum of Modern Art in New York to the Tate in London; at the Prada Foundation in Milan; at the Guggenheim Museums in Venice, Bilbao and Abu Dhabi. Recent solo exhibitions have been held at Modern Art Oxford, U.K (2021); Houghton Hall, Norfolk, U.K (2020); Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany (2020); Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum and Imperial Ancestral Temple, Beijing (2019); Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires (2019); Serralves, Museu de Arte Contemorânea, Porto, Portugal (2018); University Museum of Contemporary Art (MUAC), Mexico City (2016); Château de Versailles, France (2015); Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moscow (2015); Gropius Bau, Berlin (2013); Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, Istanbul (2013); Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney (2012).
Anish Kapoor represented Great Britain at the 44th Venice Biennale in 1990 where he was awarded the Premio Duemila Prize. In 1991 he won the Turner Prize and has gone on to receive numerous international awards including the Praemium Imperiale in 2011 and Padma Bhushan in 2012. He received a CBE in 2003 and a Knighthood in 2013 for services to the visual arts.
Also renowned for his architecturally-scaled works, public projects include: Cloud Gate (2004), Millennium Park, Chicago, USA; Leviathan (2011) exhibited at 2011 Monumenta, Paris; Orbit (2012), Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London; Ark Nova, an inflatable concert hall created for Lucerne Festival, Japan (2013-) and Descension, (2014) most recently installed in Brooklyn Bridge Park, New York, USA (2017).
Taco Dibbits, director of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, is one of the world’s leading experts on Rembrandt’s work and seventeenth-century Flemish painting. He was curator, with others, of the “Rembrandt-Caravaggio” exhibition at the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam in 2006, and of the “Anish Kapoor and Rembrandt” exhibition also at the Rijksmuseum in 2016.
The exhibition is accompanied by the catalogue published by Marsilio Arte.
Gallerie dell’Accademia, Campo della Carità, Dorsoduro 1050, Venezia, Italia https://ift.tt/3otQlDh
Anish Kapoor Exhibition at Gallerie dell’Accademia Venice images / information received 131121
Location: Venezia, Italy, southern Europe
Venice Architecture
Venice Architecture Designs – chronological list
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Vimar logistics and production hub, Marostica, province of Vicenza, Veneto, northern Italy Design: Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia photo © Stefano Anzini Vimar logistics and production hub
Italian Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition photo courtesy of Emilio Ambasz & associates Italian Pavilion Venice Biennale 2021
Spanish Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition photo courtesy of organisers Spanish Pavilion Venice Biennale 2021
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denisehamet-blog · 5 years
Denise Hamet Discusses Trends In Creative Transportation Strategies
Originally published on contentrally.com
Transportation drives economic development. As roadways become more congested, the capacity to move people and goods efficiently will be key for residents selecting where to live, and for businesses choosing where to expand. Technological advances in recent years have provided new opportunities for strategic approaches to congestion and have improved environmental outcomes related to mass transportation. Momentum is building, resulting in large-scale, long-term transportation plans. Public/private partnership strategies are forming to speed development and save money. Citizens are voting to help fund these far-reaching programs since efficient transportation promotes employment opportunities for people who otherwise would be excluded from many job options. In this article, Denise Hamet discusses some of the recent trends in transportation strategies around the United States.
Autonomous (“Driverless”) Public Transportation:
Self-driving vehicles have quickly moved from the realm of science fiction into the real world of transportation. Public transportation agencies have been closely watching the advances in this market from companies like Google and Intel. As a result, technologies are currently being developed for vehicles on preset routes that operate autonomously. Las Vegas is leading the testing of driverless buses in partnership with Keolis, a private company that has developed autonomous bus technology for use on public roads. The Keolis autonomous shuttle is equipped with LiDAR technology, GPS, cameras, and safety belts and is designed to communicate with traffic signals, operate on open roads, and navigate around pedestrians and moving traffic. Following this model, several companies are developing driverless shuttles for use across the country. Some cities, such as Phoenix, are currently combining traditional bus service with autonomous shuttles.
Public transit authorities are dealing with the same issues surrounding the use of autonomous vehicles on public roadways throughout the nation. This rapidly developing technology is pressing our legal and regulatory system to move forward on liability, insurance, and safety issues that are new to our systems.
Mobility as a Service (MaaS):
Developments in networking and artificial intelligence are driving a new concept for public transit–Mobility as a Service, or MaaS. The idea behind MaaS is that bundling all available transportation options for consumers in urban and metropolitan areas will provide more opportunities for users and maximize cost efficiency.
Ideally, customers will be able to make travel choices based on current traffic conditions, and electronic payments will be seamless and efficient. Transit services in lower demand can be downscaled, while resources can be quickly moved to the areas of greatest consumer needs. This system will theoretically reduce costs and environmental impacts while relieving pressure on infrastructures.
Electric and Hybrid Public Transportation:
Increased urban development around the world and increased awareness of carbon emissions are placing a greater focus on electric and hybrid transportation options. The City of Los Angeles, for example, is changing over its entire fleet of buses to electric vehicles by 2030.
Many cities and metro areas find that the initial cost of electric buses and trolleys is the most prohibitive aspect of their development. Electric buses can cost as much as twice that of traditional diesel buses; however, hybrid buses are much more in line with traditional costs. Advances in production technology will likely result in reduced acquisition costs, which, in conjunction with reduced fuel costs and reduced emissions, will make electric and hybrid options more attractive in the near future.
Putting it All Together:
Many cities are implementing long-term, multi-modal strategies. Denver, for example, is moving forward with multiple phases of the multi-billion-dollar FasTracks Program. At completion, the program will add more than 120 miles of commuter rail tracks, 18 miles of bus rapid transit (BRT), and 21,000 parking spaces at rail and bus stations. A crucial part of the program was the Denver Transit Partners (DTP) public/private partnership formed to implement the 36-mile Eagle P3 project.
DTP is a private consortium led by Fluor Corp. The team entered into a 34-year agreement with RTD for the 5-year design and build of the Eagle P3 project, followed by 29 years to operate and maintain the system.
Meanwhile, Sacramento continues to roll out its Green City Initiative, a partnership with Electrify America. The company is investing $44 million in Sacramento to catalyze a shift to zero-emission technologies by installing charging infrastructure, conducting outreach and education, and implementing programs designed to increase access to and use of Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs). New programs and services–including two new car-sharing services, new ZEV routes, and state-of-the-art electric vehicle charging systems–are anticipated to launch throughout 2019.
The Future – the Need for Federal Funding:
With so much potential for improved transportation, funding is essential. Attention is currently focused on Congress’s approach to a new transportation bill, as the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST) expires in 2020. Infrastructure improvements are one of the unusual areas where bipartisan cooperation and compromise are possible in the course of legislating for the country’s needs.
One area of concern is funding for the federal Highway Trust Fund, which is based on federal fuel taxes on gasoline and diesel. These tax rates have not been modified in over 25 years, and unless funding is modified, economists project insolvency for the fund within two years. Many options are being considered to alter financing, and many of the developing local mass transit trends are going to be potentially funded by private investment. With the impending expiration of the FAST Act, all manner of funding options will inevitably be on the table for discussion.
The bottom line is:
Collaboration, creativity, and certainty of funding will all be essential to drive us forward.
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lindafrancois · 5 years
Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices
In the past decade alone, the consumption of junk food among the population has multi-folded steadily. Junk foods excite your taste-bud, it’s much cheaper to buy and packaged foods take less than 10 minutes to cook. These factors have made junk foods extremely popular in the food market.
While enjoying these benefits, we tend to forget one thing – the nutritional quotients of what we eat. We might have heard stories of mothers reprimanding their children if they eat out too often or bring junk food home. Well, those admonishing happened for a reason – the lack of nutrition in junk foods.
Table of content
 Studies have collectively agreed that junk and fast foods are extremely high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS). These foods are very high in calories that do no good.
From the commencement of junk foods to its prevalence across the globe, we bring you all about this unhealthy food and the effects it has on the human body in the long run.   
Junk foods – An Introduction
The idea of junk foods was introduced to the world in the late 1880s and early 1900s.  According to ‘Encyclopaedia of Junk Food and Fast Food’, the first junk food that was introduced in America was Cracker Jack by Frederick and Louis Rueckheim in the year 1896.
The brand went on to capture the American market and since then, there has been no looking back for the junk food market.
During the 1900s, packaged and processed foods quickly occupied the world food market and the advent of transportation made it easier. By the 1950s and 60s, packaged commercial foods were introduced to a number of countries, especially in the west. After the late 1970s, India also caught up with the trend. [1]
The 1900s was an era for fast food chains as well. The 1950s and 60s saw the emergent of McDonald’s which would later become an extremely popular fast-food chain. With McDonald’s, the franchise market also boomed.
Junk Foods
During a time when you had to wait for several minutes to get your meal in a restaurant, the concept of a fast-food chain that provides a meal in less than 10 minutes had people thronging.
By the late 1990s and early 2000s, fast food chains cropped up in India. By the end of 2010, fast food restaurants became a thing in the country. By the end of 2022, the food market in India is estimated to be Rs 5, 52,000 crores. [2]
The success behind junk foods
Determining the success of junk foods is no rocket science. From attractive packaging to increased shelf life, several factors make junk food appealing to the masses.
Foods like pizzas and burgers are very easy to prepare since the primary ingredients are precooked and readily available. Customers can get their meal as quickly as possible, saving them a lot of time.
Likewise, packaged foods like Lay’s, Cheetos, fruit cakes, biscuits etc can be eaten right out of the package. These foods do not require so much as a preheating let alone cooking. This propels teenagers and young adults to choose packaged foods who are always on the go.
Fast food and junk food makers add additives, artificial flavours and use an excessive amount of salt, oil and sugar than the recommended amount to enhance the taste.
Kids, youngsters and adults alike develop a taste-bud to these flavours and resort to eating junk foods often.
Attractive packaging
Proprietors behind the packaged foods industry have long learned the art of the visual appeal.
Be it a regular store or a huge supermarket, bright and attractive packages of junk foods have drawn the attention of both children and adults. This makes the consumers curious and urges them to buy the product just to know how it tastes.
Shelf life
Ready to cook junk foods as instant noodles and pasta come for a very long time without refrigeration. Other packaged foods like crisps, biscuits, wafers etc also have a longer shelf life making it an easy option for snacking.
Unlike regular wholesome foods, carrying junk foods is hassle-free, thanks to the impeccable packaging.
The well-developed transportation system that we enjoy today has also contributed to this factor.
Affordable cost
Compared to healthy foods, junk foods are priced very low. A small sized chips packet costs only Rs 5 when compared to 50 g of almonds that can cost more than Rs 50. 
This price difference has made junk foods affordable for all.
Role of advertisements
In the recent past, the marketers of junk food products have cleverly used advertisements to their advantage.
Studies conducted on television advertisements and its impact on children determined that advertisements aired on children’s TV channels influenced the latter’s choices and behaviour.
The bright and colourful visuals used for depicting junk foods trigger children to want these foods and the taste factor makes them addicted to it. These advertisements were aired majorly during the prime time targeting a maximum number of children and parents. [3]
Following television, internet and smartphone users became the prime target for junk food advertisers. Since even children are drawn towards smartphones, the popularity of soft drinks and fast foods grew fast and vast.   
Additionally, advertisements on billboards, banners and peer pressure contributed to this junk food craze.
Types of junk foods and how to identify them
Junk foods have donned various avatars since its introduction. They come in the form of crisps, pastries, pizzas, burgers, instant noodles and pasta, biscuits and oil-laden ‘traditional foods’ sold in local eateries and restaurants.
Fast foods: Eateries like Pizza Hut, Dominos, Burger King, McDonalds etc fall in this category. In these eateries, tasty pizzas and burgers are prepared in a very short amount of time making it very appealing to the younger generation. However, these foods are quite pricey and not everyone can afford it.
Ready-to-eat packaged foods: Foods like Lay’s, Cheetos, Oreo, packaged baked goods etc are considered as ready to eat junk foods. These foods are cheaper and can be bought by anyone.
 Ready-to-cook packaged foods: Instant noodles and pasta fall in this category. It takes less than 10 minutes to cook these foods which are loaded with additives and artificial flavours.
 Soft drinks: We all are familiar with drinks like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, 7UP, Fanta etc.  These are carbonated drinks extremely high in sugar and have tons of chemicals and additives in it.
 Restaurant food: These foods are usually native foods sold in local eateries unless stated otherwise. Though traditional in nature, unlike home-cooked meals, these foods are high in fat.   
Identifying junk foods
Simply reading the nutritional values printed behind the package will enlighten you about the food you are eating. [4]
You can tell the food you are eating is junk if,
The calories from fat are more than 35%
Saturated and trans fat contribute to more than 10% of calories
The calories contributed by sugar is more than 35%
Per serving is more than 200 calories (especially snack product)
The sodium (salt) is more than 480mg/serving
The primary ingredient is eir oil or sugar
The product is high in fructose (corn syrup)
Children and junk food
Studies have reported that the consumption of junk food has increased among children (less than 12 years old). The frequent advertisements have made junk food attractive to them. Children in general, prefer snacking on crisps, biscuits, sweets and cakes rather than nuts, vegetables and fruits.
Intake of junk food has increased among children
Likewise, lifestyle choices parents make also influence a child’s eating habits. When you take children to restaurants frequently, they naturally believe that it is totally acceptable to eat outside food often. Children these days are so used to drinking artificially flavoured drinks that they cringe at milkshakes and juices that contain real fruits.[5]
Another key element adding to this problem is the lack of physical activity. Gone are the days when children used to play with their counterparts at outdoors. Children being glued to smartphones have become a common sight. Excessive junk foods coupled with little to no physical activity has upped childhood obesity.
Adolescents and junk food
Adolescence (aged between 13 and 21) is also called as the ‘growth period’. Just in a matter of years, teenagers grow long pairs of limbs and their appetite doubles. This means, eating nutrient-dense foods is a must.
However, teens of today eat foods that are far from nutritious. They are exposed to unhealthy lifestyles and subjected to peer-pressure. They also go through myriad emotions.
Teens of today are attracted to junk food
Teens are more attracted to foods like pizzas and burgers than home-cooked wholesome meals. Children and adolescents disliking vegetables have become so common that it is unsurprising.  Few studies also noted that teenagers tend to consume more refined carbs since their appetite is increased.
Additionally, foods offered in school and college canteens are doing no good. Canteens usually sell foods like puffs, rolls, sandwiches and soft drinks. These foods are high in unhealthy calories, sodium, fat and carbohydrates. Even regional foods sold by these eateries are loaded with fat (ghee/oil) and have very little vegetables. Similarly, superfoods like millets and ragi are seldom used by these suppliers.
All these factors make awareness of the need of the hour. It is important to note that what teens eat now have a larger impact on their health in the future. When these food habits go unchecked for a long period of time, these teens may develop diabetes and cardiovascular disease during their adulthood.[6]
Role of food delivery services
In the last decade, food delivers applications like Zomato, Swiggy and now UberEats has carved a niche in the food industry. Though they have benefitted a number of individuals and sectors, they have also increased the junk food consumption in away.
Since these food delivery apps deliver the desired food to the doorstep, a number of people simply order calorie-laden food to their home. The added convenience here has only increased the usage of these apps. People are now ordering outside food more often than ever-increasing their junk food intake. [7]
Junk food and its harmful effects
What we eat now has a profound impact on our health in the future.
Studies have pointed out that when children and teenagers eat junk food every day, they are very likely to develop obesity and Type 2 diabetes and even certain types of cancers when they become adults.  Little to no physical activity can also increase the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases.[8]
A Harvard article reported that people who eat excessive added sugars can die of heart diseases even though they are not obese. Time and again, nutritionists and health specialists have advised against drinking energy drinks and sodas that are loaded with sugars. These drinks are called empty calories since they contain no vitamins, minerals or fibre. [9]
Another study observed that eating junk foods affect our productivity. Our body processes junk food quickly. This leads to a spike in blood glucose level.
When the body’s digestive system works extra hard to digest the food, the oxygen supply to the brain is reduced. This is responsible for the grogginess we experience to post a heavy meal.   This directly affects brain function and productivity.[10]
Junk food vs. healthy food
This is a topic that has been debated often. Despite junk food is unhealthy, it has advantages of its own like affordable cost, tasty, ready to cook and shelf life. Whereas, healthy foods are a lot more expensive and need cooking before it can be consumed.
However, one must consciously choose between the two if they wish to lead a healthier life. Yes, healthy foods are high-end and cooking might pose a slight hindrance if you are a busy person. But clean eating and a good amount of physical exercises will reward you in the long run.
Junk Food Vs Healthy food
By avoiding junk foods, you are preventing several lifestyle-related diseases and saving thousands of rupees on your medical bills. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of healthy foods and junk foods.
How to incorporate healthy eating
A little lifestyle changes here and there is all you need to include healthy eating habits in your life. Simple steps like replacing fruit drinks with real fruits will go a long way.
Here are some tips that you can consider to cultivate clean eating habits.
Cut out whites (except dairy)
Firstly, reduce the intake of refined white rice, pasta and maida which are gluten-rich. Since these foods have simple carbs, the body digests it quickly spiking the glucose level. This process makes you hungry sooner and prompts you to eat more.
Add fibre and protein
 A healthy diet should be rich in protein and fibre. Include lentils, pulses, legumes, eggs, lean meat like fish and chicken for protein. For fibre, eat foods like millets, Ragi and Jowar, brown rice or red rice.  
Include vegetables and fruits
Eat plenty of vegetables, especially greens. Remember to eat fruits at least twice or thrice a day. These will provide the necessary micronutrients for your body.
Eat nuts
Replace junk snacks with nuts. Nuts are full of good fat and a great option for snacking.
Drink water
Replace sodas and energy drinks with water. Water will keep your body hydrated and well-nourished.
Make time for cooking
Homemade meals are best any day. These meals are wholesome and since you cook them, the ingredients are fresh.  
Plan your meal
If you are struggling to get out of the junk food habit, plan your meals. Cook them and take it to your work. Your food is not only sorted but you also have a healthier option now.
Stock fridge with clean foods
 Instead of junk foods, stock your fridge with fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, etc.
Avoid sugary drinks
When you are thirsty drink plain water, buttermilk or tender coconut water instead of sugary sodas or drinks. These drinks are loaded with empty calories and offer no nutritional value. Also, these drinks are responsible for obesity and weight gain. [11]
In today’s fast-paced world, eating junk food is much easier than eating healthy, wholesome foods. To overcome this menace, we need to vigorously spread awareness about the ill-effects of eating junk foods.
If your child loves eating junk food, speak to him/her about it and make the effort to cook wholesome meals not just for your child, but for your whole family. Following the aforementioned tips can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.
Eating clean can take some effort but it is not unachievable. If you are unsure about how to proceed, speak to a nutritionist who can guide you better. Just like how oil is important to keep the engine running, healthy eating is important for nourishing the body.
When you eat healthily, your body is active and your mind is productive. You feel more energetic than before. Well, what are you waiting for? Pick that kale today and reap the benefits tomorrow!  Happy binging on those nuts and veggies!
Q: Is junk food healthy?
A: No, junk food is not healthy
Q: How junk food affects your health?
A: Eating junk food often can lead to lifestyle-related diseases like obesity and diabetes etc.
Q: How junk food affects children’s health?
A: Eating junk food often can cause childhood obesity in children and they tend to become lazy.  
Q: Can junk food cause cancer?
A: Excessive junk food consumption may lead to the development of certain types of cancer. 
Q: Is junk food and fast food the same?
A: Yes. Fast food is a type of junk food. 
 The post Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
That's still expensive. What you must not do is rebel. Which means every teenage kid a wants a computer with half a MIPS of processing power that would fit under an airline seat and cost so little that we could save enough to buy one from a summer job. The networks used to be very impressed by airbrushed lettering that looked like shiny metal. Adults have a certain model of how kids are supposed to behave, and it's combined with the emotion Really, it's Apple's fault. The author's main point seems to be as big as possible wants to attract everyone. We need to cut the Standard Graduation Speech down from don't give up on your dreams. The best plan, I think TV companies will increasingly face direct ones.1 And what's your real job supposed to be a universal taboo against sex with prepubescent children.
Most people go through life with bits of packing material adhering to their minds and never know it. Do I really want to support this company? You don't need to be in a rush to choose your life's work. Bad circumstances can break the spirit of a strong-willed person, but I can infer it from the fact that they have a particular ethnic or religious identity is one of their fellow students was on the Algol committee, got conditionals into Algol, whence they spread to most other languages.2 No wonder you become cynical.3 A sharp impact would make them fly apart. It seems to be working on hard problems. Every futon sofa in Cambridge seemed to have done stuff with peanuts.4 Maybe you can be as convinced as you like about your idea, and it was a good deal on it. They'll just remember you as the company with the boneheaded plan for making money, rather than carry a single unnecessary ounce.
When my friends Robert Morris and Trevor Blackwell were in grad school, one of the reasons taste is subjective and wanted to kill it once and for all. A lot of startups with just as promising beginnings end up failing. It's not enough to consider your mind a blank slate. There are other things I might bring if I thought of it. And I agree you shouldn't underestimate your potential.5 And of course there's another kind of thinking, when you're starting something new, that requires complete quiet. If a kid asked who won the World Series in 1982 or what the atomic weight of carbon was, you could presumably get them to switch. If I were talking to a guy four feet tall whose ambition was to play in the NBA, I'd feel pretty stupid saying, you can do this with the confidence parents try to instill in their kids, and some of the fund back to the painting over and over. If there's no such thing as better, it doesn't tell you what to do anymore. That's what I did be satisfied by merely doing well in school.6 But adults ask this mainly as a conversation starter. It's like calling a car a horseless carriage.
The goal is to get out there and do stuff. It's like calling a car a horseless carriage.7 Reward is always proportionate to risk, and very early stage startups is not mainly about funding.8 They think they're trying to convince someone by shouting at them. Just don't wait.9 There is such a thing as good art. A better name would be curiosity.
The conspiracy is so thorough that most kids who discover it do so only by discovering internal contradictions in what they're told.10 The theory is that minor forms of bad behavior encourage worse ones: that a neighborhood with lots of graffiti and broken windows becomes one where robberies occur.11 Over time, the default language, embodied in a succession of popular languages, has gradually evolved toward Lisp. But we all arrive at adulthood with a kind of virtual town square.12 And yet bullshit does have a distinctive character. No matter who you pick, they'll find faces engaging—practically by definition: face recognition is in our DNA. Most people don't really enjoy being mean; they do it because they can't help it. Because Boston investors were so few and so timid, we used to ship Boston batches out for a second Demo Day in Silicon Valley than in Boston, and for the first time should be the ideas expressed there. You also have to discard the idea of her having sex even if there were zero risk of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.
Kids are curious, but the relative importance of determination and talent are not the graphic designers and grandmas who were buying Macs at Apple's low point in the mid 90s, the Mac was in its time the canonical hacker's computer.13 Early stage companies need a lot of time trying to learn how to predict which startups will succeed. This is arguably a permissible tactic. I was ignorant of was how much debris there already was in my head that would explode if combined. Ten weeks later we invite all the investors we know to hear them present what they've built so far.14 They've forgotten most of them, so they had revenue before they had a product. If you want to be CFO of a public company now.15 The author is a self-important dilettante. In retrospect this was stupid. Otherwise it wasn't worth investing in. There are a handful of 8 peanuts, or a shelf of 8 books to choose from, the quantity would definitely seem limited, no matter what.
One of the deal for the founders. Unless of course it was outlawed in the sense that if colleges want to start a startup. It's a case in the Neolithic period. I predict this practice will gradually disappear though.
Convertible debt can be surprisingly indecisive about acquisitions, and a little worm of its identity.
Steep usage growth predicts x% revenue growth, because neither of the latter.
For similar reasons it might bear stating even more clearly. There are two ways to avoid this problem, but that's what you're doing. Incidentally, the editors think the usual way will prove to us. That's very cheap, 1/10 success rate for startups to die.
If you were still employed in your classes, you can't mess with the bad idea. I think investors currently err too far on the other becomes visible.
I know for sure a social network for x instead of profits—but only because he had more fun than he'd had in high school you're led to believe this number is a sufficiently long time for word of mouth to get something for a slave up to them till they measure their returns. The most striking example I know of this essay, I can't predict which these will be coordinating efforts among partners. I make it a function of their assets; and if it were better to be the technology everyone was going to give up legal protections and rely on cold calls and introductions. So you can describe each strategy in an industrialized country encounters the idea that evolves into Facebook isn't merely a subset of Facebook; the creation of wealth—university students, heirs, rather than by you based on their own, like most of the crown, and spend hours arguing over irrelevant things.
It doesn't happen often. It's not simply a function of the word wealth.
But you're not doing YC mainly for financial reasons, avoid the topic. Travel has the same people the first phases of both consist mostly of unedifying schleps, and their hands.
We couldn't talk meaningfully about revenues without including the numbers from the bottom as they are at selling it to colleagues.
But that was basically useless, but it's also a name. It was only because he had simply passed on an accurate account of ancient traditions.
I became an employer. So it is very common for founders to have done all they demand from art is brand, and those are guaranteed in the time it was true that the only one restaurant left on the parental dole for life in general.
So instead of Windows NT? It's suspiciously neat, but this would work so hard to say that education in the US News list? They'll have a browser and get nothing.
This would add a further level of links.
They have no idea whether this would probably be interrupted every fifteen minutes with little loss of personality for the talk to corp dev people are provoked sufficiently than fragmentation.
The First Two Hundred Years. But you can't, notably ineptitude and bad measurers. You leave it to profitability, you can't do much that they're all that matters here but the nature of the Nerds.
0 notes
Big Sky Brewing Company Amphitheater
Tickets for events at Big Sky Brewing Company Amphitheater can be purchased
The Big Sky Brewing Amphitheater lies in Missoula, one of one of the most lovely places in the United States. Around the area are 400 acres of parkland, 22 miles of timberland tracks, and also 5,000 acres of open-space preservation land. The neighboring Mount Jumbo is home to grazing elk and mule deer throughout the wintertime. The city is house to the Rattlesnake National Recreation area, the Missoula Art Museum, and the Montana Snow bowl.
The Big Sky Brewing Amphitheater has some policies and restrictions in place, in accordance with company policy and US regulation. Visitors are asked to take a few min to read through them, and also to familiarize yourselves with the plans prior to your see.
Bought tickets are non-returnable as well as non-refundable under any type of circumstances by company policy. The Big Sky Brewing Company Amphitheater is a prominent home entertainment place in Missoula, Montana. This site is full independent guide, part of a network of independent guides for entertainment places around the world.
We are just big fans of this specific amusement venue and wish to give the most amount of crucial an duseful information as feasible on the place and all it's most recent events. If you wish to get in touch with Big Sky Brewing Carbon monoxide Amphitheater directly, we have noted their call phone number on the contact web page. We were tired of spending for greatly expensive tickets so we utilize this web site to advertise exactly what we understand to be the very best secondary ticket industry online.
A lot of occasions are basic admission unless otherwise mentioned. Inspect the specific occasion seats graph when buying tickets. Beginning to host shows in 2004, the brewery has more than time expanded its live performance area, with major improvements happening to earn the experience the most effective it can potentially be. The stage is in the northwest corner of the area, adjacent to Big Sky's brewery operation off Air passage Blvd, and also the pit area can suit seats, standing, and blended plans.
Visitors are normally seated on the turf on blankets, or in folding chairs. The lawn sloped area supplies superb sightlines whether sitting or standing, with a 6-foot vertical difference between the pit and also the back location! The location additionally includes 2 fast solution beer-and-wine terminals, food suppliers, and also updated audio as well as lights.
This site links to resale tickets for events at Big Sky Brewing Company Amphitheater. The Big Sky Brewing Company Summer season Concert Series takes place each year as well as is held at the Big Sky Brewing Company Amphitheater in Missoula, Montana.
For all occasion and also venue relevant enquiries please call the venue straight utilizing the phone number. We understand that you might have a range of questions relating to a specific occasion so we have actually offered a convenient telephone number so you could contact the place directly!
From its area in Missoula, Montana, the locally-owned Big Sky Brewing Amphitheater makes 6 varieties of beer: Scape Goat (Pale Ale), Big Sky (India Pale ale), Moose Drool (a brown ale), Powder Hound (Wintertime Ale), Summer Honey (Seasonal Ale), and also Trout Killer Ale. The most significant brewery in the state, it additionally has the biggest reach, with its beers distributed throughout 23 various states.
Using the extra area close to the brewery, the owners, all big online songs followers, started to host real-time occasions in 2004, partnering with nonprofit companies with every performance. Volunteers service the beer delays, donating earnings back to the organizations. To date, the performances have actually produced greater than $500,000 for local not-for-profit organizations that work to offer the Missoula neighborhood. The place is currently well-established as one of the leading locations for exploring online acts of all styles from rock to country.
Pop over to this web-site for getting more information related to Big Sky Brewing Company Amphitheater.
0 notes
maxwellyjordan · 6 years
Justice Kennedy: A justice who changed his mind
Daniel Hemel is an assistant professor of law at the University of Chicago Law School.
Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion in the online-sales-tax case South Dakota v. Wayfair was his final — and most significant — decision involving the dormant commerce clause doctrine, which prohibits state and local governments from passing laws that discriminate against or unduly burden interstate commerce unless Congress consents. Wayfair also was a sharp break from Kennedy’s dormant commerce clause jurisprudence over the preceding three decades. Before Wayfair, Kennedy was one of the most ardent defenders of the much-maligned dormant commerce clause and one of the most reliable votes in favor of litigants who challenged state and local laws on the ground that they violated that doctrine. Wayfair, in which the majority overturned decades-old precedents that had prohibited states from collecting sales taxes on their residents’ transactions with out-of-state online and mail-order retailers, was a rare dormant commerce clause case in which Kennedy cast a decisive vote on the states’ side.
Justice Kennedy with opinion in South Dakota v. Wayfair (Art Lien)
Although Wayfair was in many ways uncharacteristic of Kennedy’s dormant commerce clause jurisprudence, his jurisprudence in this area was emblematic of his larger body of opinions and votes. First, Kennedy was a faint-hearted federalist. While his rhetoric regarding federalism was lofty, his votes in concrete cases often did not match up. His most influential dormant commerce clause opinions prior to Wayfair included C & A Carbone Inc. v. Town of Clarkstown, in which he wrote for a five-justice majority to strike down a municipal ordinance that required solid waste generated within the town’s boundaries to be deposited at a designated processing facility, and Granholm v. Heald, in which he wrote for a 5-4 majority invalidating state laws that limited the ability of out-of-state wineries to sell directly to consumers. He also cast a crucial fifth vote to strike down a Maryland personal-income-tax law on the basis of the dormant commerce clause in Comptroller v. Wynne, and dissented from several majority opinions upholding state laws challenged on dormant commerce clause grounds.
These dormant commerce clause decisions are of a piece with Kennedy’s votes on much higher-profile issues. In abortion-related cases, the presence or absence of a state or local government on either side of the “v.” rarely made a difference to Kennedy’s decisions. He cast an outcome-determinative vote in Planned Parenthood v. Casey to strike down a Pennsylvania provision that generally required women seeking abortions to notify their husbands; he joined a 5-3 majority in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt to invalidate parts of a Texas law that imposed stringent requirements on physicians who performed abortions and on clinics where those procedures took place; and most recently, in National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra, he voted to strike down a California law that required licensed “crisis pregnancy centers” to notify women about the availability of abortions. So too in cases implicating LGBT rights, Kennedy often found himself writing majority opinions that held that state laws and procedures were constitutionally infirm — including in Romer v. Evans, Lawrence v. Texas, Obergefell v. Hodges and Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. If there was a theme running throughout these decisions, federalism was not it.
Second, Kennedy’s dormant commerce clause jurisprudence also illustrated that he — though sometimes described as a centrist — certainly was not a judicial minimalist. Rarely was he content to stay his hand and allow another branch to move first. As he wrote in his dissent in Department of Revenue of Kentucky v. Davis, courts must intervene to strike down state laws that unduly burden interstate commerce because otherwise, we might end up waiting “for decades until Congress can act.” Indeed, Wayfair — though unusual among Kennedy’s dormant commerce clause decisions in that there he voted to pare back the doctrine rather than to extend its reach — was nonetheless consistent with Kennedy’s general impatience with legislative self-correction. His majority opinion waved off Chief Justice John Roberts’ suggestion in dissent that the court should “leave these matters to Congress.” The court, according to Kennedy, should clean up doctrinal messes in the dormant commerce clause area “whether or not Congress can or will act in response.”
Third, Kennedy’s views of the dormant commerce clause showed how starkly his own jurisprudential approach diverged from the originalism and textualism that are now in vogue on the right. Kennedy was a dormant commerce clause true believer: He never questioned the validity of the doctrine, despite the fact that it is never clearly stated in the Constitution’s text. By contrast, Justice Antonin Scalia called the dormant commerce clause “a judicial fraud”; Justice Clarence Thomas said that the doctrine should be discarded; Justice Neil Gorsuch has suggested that he might agree with Thomas; and Justice Samuel Alito has indicated that he too may have dormant commerce clause doubts. For Scalia and Thomas — and perhaps also for Alito and Gorsuch — a commitment to originalism and textualism can override nearly two centuries of case law recognizing the dormant commerce clause doctrine. For Kennedy, who was never as enthralled by originalism or textualism as some of his conservative colleagues, that notion was a nonstarter.
Finally, Kennedy was, by almost any measure, a profoundly pro-business justice. His dormant commerce clause decisions demonstrated this tendency: Whether it was a solid waste processing company challenging a municipal ordinance (C & A Carbone) or a California winery challenging state limits on alcohol distribution (Granholm v. Heald), Kennedy was generally friendly toward business litigants challenging state taxes and regulations on dormant commerce clause grounds. And Kennedy’s pro-business tendencies were not limited to the dormant commerce clause context: He was a reliable vote in favor of arbitration of employment and consumer claims, limits on class actions and — with an occasional exception — federal pre-emption of state-law liability for business enterprises. According to one study, Kennedy was the sixth most consistent vote in favor of business litigants among 35 justices from 1946 to 2011, ahead of Scalia and Chief Justice William Rehnquist, with whom he overlapped for most of his career.
And then there is Wayfair. Not only did Kennedy write the majority opinion freeing states to extend their sales taxes to transactions between their residents and out-of-state retailers, but he also seeded the litigation with his concurring opinion in Direct Marketing Association v. Brohl, in which he made the unprompted suggestion that the “legal system should find an appropriate case for this Court to reexamine” two decades-old decisions that had limited states’ power to tax remote sales. Even more remarkably, one of those decades-old decisions — Quill v. North Dakota — was a case in which he had agreed with the majority’s result back when he was the second most junior justice on the court in 1992.
But Wayfair was not an outlier in all respects. For one, it would oversimplify matters to say that Kennedy’s vote went against business interests, notwithstanding the fact that the e-commerce companies Wayfair, Overstock.com and Newegg were aligned on the losing side against South Dakota. Brick-and-mortar stores like Lowe’s, Home Depot, Target and Walmart wholeheartedly supported South Dakota’s efforts to tax online sales. Wayfair was a business-versus-business case as well as a state-versus-business dispute.
Second, Wayfair was, as framed by Kennedy, as much a case about the “Cyber Age” as it was a case about the 19th-century dormant commerce clause. And when it came to new technology, Kennedy was something of a wild card. “The forces and directions of the Internet are so new, so protean, and so far reaching that courts must be conscious that what they say today might be obsolete tomorrow,” Kennedy wrote in Packingham v. North Carolina last term. Those words might be disconcerting to someone who valued doctrinal stability, but doctrinal stability was never Kennedy’s lodestar.
Last but not least, Wayfair exhibited what even critics can concede was — at least at times — one of Kennedy’s greatest virtues: the ability to change his mind. On abortion, Obamacare and ultimately online sales taxes, Kennedy was willing to acknowledge his own fallibility. His flip-flops could be maddening, but a justice who occasionally flip-flops is almost certainly preferable to a justice who sticks to his guns just so that he doesn’t have to admit that he was once wrong. Wayfair — as Kennedy’s final majority opinion, and the final time in which he reversed course — was a fitting swan song.
[Disclosure: Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys contribute to this blog in various capacities, is among the counsel to the petitioner in Wayfair. The author of this post is not affiliated with the firm.]
The post Justice Kennedy: A justice who changed his mind appeared first on SCOTUSblog.
from Law http://www.scotusblog.com/2018/06/justice-kennedy-a-justice-who-changed-his-mind/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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ianmkeenan · 6 years
Link 4 iPonic 624 Hydroponic Controller
Link 4 iPonic 624 Hydroponic Controller :
Taking Charge
Investing in iPonic 624
State-of-the-Art Marijuana Grows
Cultivating in two rooms can be quite troublesome. Apart from maintenance, another thing that makes it difficult is the constant monitoring of the environment. Going from one to the other room a few times a day is not only tiresome but can also be exasperating especially when there are many other things to do. Life could be more relaxed though with the iPonic 624 Hydroponic Controller from Link4.
Using the controller, growers not only can monitor but also make necessary adjustments without having to jump from one room to the other. Even better, it has an app that can be installed on mobile phones. Even when a grower has to leave, cloud access allows one to be on top of things.
The convenience of portability lets growers control devices such as lights, thermometer, ventilation fans, and more. Time being of utmost value, it allows home and growers attend to other matters instead of being forced to spend more time tending to the marijuana plants.
Taking Charge
Innovation in technology has touched the lives of not only humans and animals, but also the precious marijuana plants. The iPonic Hydroponics Controller can indeed make it more comfortable to tend to two grow rooms at the same time. But more than that, it benefits the plants which otherwise may suffer from slight neglect when there is just too many things to do.
Key Features:
Remote Cloud Access
Digital Integrated Sensor Modules (DISM)
Loss Prevention
Privacy and Security
Remote Cloud Access It is not only in businesses where people use cloud services. Even for personal use, it is already a part of the lifestyle. Hence, it follows that marijuana plants should also be able to take advantage of it. Of course, that is made possible with iPonic Cloud.
The remote management tool offered by the company allows growers to send data from the controller to a secure internet database. Besides allowing growers to make adjustments on devices from virtually anywhere in the world (so as long as there is Internet connection), it also saves a historical data of measurements and activities. This information can prove to be critical in troubleshooting any problems that occur or establish a parameter for future grows. For commercial growers, that means standardizing the growth conditions to produce consistent batches of plants.
Digital Integrated Sensor Modules The controller uses Digital Integrated Sensor Modules (DISM) to monitor the environment in different grow rooms. It is not a complicated process to set it up. Simply place the sensor in the middle of the growing zone, and it should take precise readings. It goes without saying that the placement should not be near heat-emitting devices. Once done, the iPonic 624 can now take measurements of the temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, and lighting.
Loss Prevention Not all marijuana plants can tolerate abrupt changes in the environment. Even those that do, unless the situation is rectified, it could potentially affect the potency and yield.
Having a hydroponics controller that can send alerts comes in handy during these unexpected events. Through the cloud service or text messaging, it lets growers know if there are problems with the environmental condition such as the temperature or humidity level increasing or decreasing drastically. And, for safety measures, after sending out the alert, the controller shuts down to avoid worse problems like power surges or overheating.
All data collected by iPonic 624 are highly secured and kept safe using state-of-the-art technology to ensure there are no intrusions to the database. The information stored is also not made available to any third-party.
Most especially in cultivating marijuana, privacy is of utmost importance. Link4 understands that and has made iPonic Cloud compatible with Tor and Anonymity Online to protect the identity of cultivators. These are solutions that block network surveillance and threats to the freedom and security of growers.
Investing in iPonic 624
Link 4 iPonic 624 UL-listed. Included in the package are eight 120-volt outlets of which six are fully programmable. These allow growers to attach numerous devices that are essential to growing marijuana.
The unit itself costs $1,689.54 at Growers House. A product that allows full remote access and control, it is only right that it should be made available to cultivators in the most convenient way, and that is through one of the premier online retailers of gardening tools and accessories.
State-of-the-Art Marijuana Grows
It is true that the cultivation of marijuana has been going on for thousands of years. All throughout recorded history, technology was never a part of its survival and propagation. In fact, it is not only in the last few centuries that innovations in the field of science and engineering accelerated.
Having stated that, the convenience of using Link 4 iPonic 624 Hydroponic Controller is not merely a matter of luxury. In many instances, it could prove to be invaluable not only to growers but also to the precious plants.
From taking measurements to remote access and control, the time saved is precious. And, for the commercial growers, apart from time, it is also the historical data gathered that is invaluable in troubleshooting and forming standard parameters.
All these can be had with one controller and an account that no one else can access. Buy Link 4 iPonic 624 Hydroponic Controller Here!
The post Link 4 iPonic 624 Hydroponic Controller appeared first on I Love Growing Marijuana.
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architectnews · 4 years
Milan biophilic office of the future
Milan biophilic office of the future, Europa Risorse Italian Commercial Architecture Images
Milan biophilic office of the future design
19 Mar 2021
Milan biophilic office of the future building
Design: Kengo Kuma & Associates, Japan
Location: Milano, northern Italy
Construction begins in Milan for biophilic office of the future
Welcome, feeling at work Project by Kengo Kuma & Associates for Europa Risorse
Renders ® Kengo Kuma and Associates, unless noted otherwise
The biophilic office of the future, where work and nature interact together in harmony, in an organic and horizontal architecture responding to the surrounding context. This is the basis of the visionary project commissioned by the independent platform Europa Risorse – already before the pandemic, this joint venture had identified the need to create a workspace centred around employee health and wellbeing, that is respectful and well-integrated with its local environment.
The impressive construction site of Welcome, feeling at work, opened today in the Parco Lambro district in Milan, and completion is scheduled dor 2024, allowing the individual to access the most sophisticated technological and digital resources as well as effective measures to protect people from future pandemics.
The ambitious project, financed by a fund managed by PineBridge Benson Elliot, is designed to be one of the most sustainable office development to date, and represents a step forward in architecture and the concept of work, combining individual wellness and green building solution.
“Making people’s workdays more pleasant is one of the worthiest goals achieved by this project: natural light, noise mitigation, encouragement of movement, healthy eating, large inside and outside areas for work meetings, easy circulation, and lots of other people-focused details, which also fit in with the new post-Covid culture. The project – Welcome, feeling at work – extends beyond sustainability, which is today a moral duty rather than a choice in that it puts people in workplaces that are natural environments.
Only in this way can we truly understand how this is part of us and deserves more respect. Working in such conditions draws the best from us – we fall ill less and are strongly convinced to create a more habitable planet for our children and future generations” declared Antonio Napoleone, chairman of Europa Risorse.
“Design excellence is at the heart of every development project we undertake at PineBridge Benson Elliot, with a view to creating lasting, high quality buildings that are distinct to their location and use, while also pushing the boundaries of sustainability. Welcome is an iconic project that sets out to create a place with strong identity and visibility, which also speaks to and effortlessly integrates with the surrounding area.
It was particularly important to us that the design should be eco-friendly and sustainable, using low-carbon-emission materials and we believe this will also be important for future occupiers as the pandemic accelerates pre-Covid work trends with more corporates focused on environmental conscious design for their office space” stated Leopoldo Andreis de Gregorio, Principal Head of Italy PineBridge Benson Elliot.
The designers of the biophilic office in the ‘Welcome, feeling at work’ project are Kengo Kuma and Associates, undeniable world leaders in organic architecture who have always offered buildings that merge with their surroundings thanks to natural and innovative materials; this is why the noted firm was a logical choice by the client.
render © Luxigon
“Milan is a city with exciting and unique combination of contemporary and tradition in art, architecture and crafts that makes the ideal ground for our work to be implemented. Our organic design approach and designing of wood can be achievable in high quality with Italian craft” declared Kengo Kuma.
render © Luxigon
“Biophilic architecture: living with, and in nature. Welcome, feeling at work, is designed with organic, natural elements that appeals to our senses and tendency to find comfort and inspiration to the natural settings. Architecture space fully integrated living plants and greenery, composed with organic materials.
Biophilic urban living; give life back to the city. It is to be the New Gate, green architectural intervention reestablishing urban axis, enrich urban space quality, enhancing public activity of the area.
rendering © Luxigon
Foster a creative and forward thinking work life. Natural elements in architecture; green, light, air, timber that appeal to human senses make a difference in workplace, living culture for better mental, physical states, creativity, and productivity. Sustainably is the future focus and social responsibility for any industries and enterprises. Welcome offers a model work environment that can promote the forward thinking firms in sustainability” stated Yuki Ikeguchi, partner in charge of designing the project for Kengo Kuma and Associates.
‘Welcome’ emerges in the former Rizzoli district, previously an abandoned industrial area. Anchored around a newly established public piazza, the architecture places the community at the heart of its design, and the goal is for the project to act as a catalyst to revive the entire area, and unite people and nature for a better quality of life and work.
The project will provide a truly mixed use offering including: offices, auditoriums, co-working premises, meeting rooms, as well as restaurants and lounges, shops, a supermarket, wellness area, and places for temporary exhibitions and displays are provided. Inside and out, public and private, work and free time, all merge together in Welcome, linked by a common green theme that runs through the entire project:
the Piazza, packed with vegetation and surrounded by soft rolling hills; open-air courtyards, dedicated to informal work and meetings; the Terraces, designed as extensions of the outside spaces, which will host kitchen gardens, flower gardens, and sheltered walkways; and the Greenhouses, special workplaces that can also be used for fun and entertainment, places to keep both the hands and head busy. It’s not a barrier or a monument – just an accessible place, permeable from all directions. ‘Welcome’ is creation and work, meetings, exchanges, wellness for people and the planet, anticipating the city of the future, green, hyperconnected, at the service of knowledge and people.
rendering © Luxigon
Milan biophilic office of the future project
Zero carbon emissions, renewable energy resources, consumption control, salvaging of water, green areas and endemic species as an essential part of the architectural project, people-focused and sensorial – these are just a few features of the ‘Welcome’ project.
The project connects the various adjacent urban elements (the Rizzoli area) and landscape, which counteracts the existing vertical context with a new concept of accessibility and permeability, in an attempt to redevelop an area currently classed as marginal.
Over 50,000 square metres above ground, structured in six sites packed with natural and adaptable light, all layered, rotated and interwoven with each other, sloping down like natural amphitheatres towards the Park.
The ‘Welcome’ structure involves three selected materials, combined synergically to generate natural and contemporary architecture: concrete for the foundations and basement, giving way to steel and wood above ground.
The system of energy generation for heating and cooling, along with the vital use of solar panels, will allow the building to reach maximum sustainability levels, in a project that preempts the future of work spaces in a post-Covid19 era.
Health and wellness of individuals with Platinum Well certification targets; Platinum Leed energy efficiency; compliance to anti-Covid19 guidelines (Ashrae, Rheva, Aicarr and ISS Report); circularity in building materials and their use; complete abolition of fossil fuels; resilience to climate change for a climate-neutral future. Based on these pillars, Welcome presents itself as one of the most advanced eco-friendly projects in Europe.
Reach ‘Welcome, feeling at work’
Easy to reach, just a short step from the underground (green line, Crescenzago station) and a few steps from the centre of Milan, Centrale railway station, Linate airport and the motorway, Welcome interacts with the Parco Lambro context in an effort to become an effective driving force for redevelopment of the area while maintaining close ties with its Milan urban character. For a step forward in international urban architecture.
Europa Risorse Group
The Europa Risorse Group, founded by Marc Mogull and Antonio Napoleone at the end of the 90s, is an independent Italian platform specialised in asset management, development, project and fund management for primary institutional investors from Italy and abroad.
In its twenty years of activity, the Group has created and managed over 40 important property development projects, worth around 2.5 billion euros, for more than 25 investors.
Europa Risorse combines the experience of property development with that of savings, managed with the know-how of international best practices, and establishing itself as an efficient and reliable market player. Over the last few years, Europa Risorse has been increasingly focused on its work in redevelopment and urban transformation projects, placing particular emphasis on wellness of people in the workplace.
For more information, visit the website: www.europarisorse.com
Address: Milano MI, Italy
Kengo Kuma & Associates
Milan biophilic office of the future images / information received from Kengo Kuma & Associates Japan
Location: Milano, northern Italy, southern Europe
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Biophilic design benefits
Comments / photos for the Milan biophilic office of the future page welcome
The post Milan biophilic office of the future appeared first on e-architect.
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livefreeshop · 7 years
VEG-03: Following the installation of the Root Mat and Plant Pillows earlier this week, the crew opened the wicks of each Veg-03 Plant Pillow. The Veg-03 investigation uses the Veggie plant growth facility to cultivate types of cabbage, lettuce, and mizuna for on-orbit harvesting and return to Earth for testing.  Organisms grow differently in space, from single-celled bacteria to plants and humans; future long-duration space missions will require crew members to grow their own food and understanding how plants respond to microgravity is an important step toward that goal.  Space Headaches:  The weekly questionnaire for the ESA Space Headaches investigation was completed by 51S crewmembers.  The Space Headaches investigation collects information which may help in the development of new methods to alleviate the symptoms associated with headaches in space and improve the well-being and performance of crewmembers in space. Headaches during space flight can negatively affect mental and physical capacities of crewmembers and negatively influence performance during a space mission. Mobile Procedure Viewer (MobiPV):  Today the crew completed checkout activities for the MobiPV investigation. MobiPV allows users to view procedures hands-free and aims to improve the efficiency of activity execution by giving crewmembers a wireless set of wearable, portable devices that utilize voice navigation and provide a direct audio/video links to ground experts.  A smartphone is the primary device used by crew to interface with procedures and capability exists to display pictures provided in procedure steps on a Google Glass display.    Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) Light Microscopy Module (LMM) Auxiliary Fluids Container (AFC) Configuration: To prepare for upcoming ACE-T6 operations, the crew configured the LMM for confocal operations. The LMM observation camera, objective lenses, control base, and the confocal test target will be installed inside the LMM AFC. The Light Microscopy Module (LMM) is a modified commercial, highly flexible, state-of-the-art light imaging microscope facility that provides researchers with powerful diagnostic hardware and software onboard the International Space Station (ISS). Fine Motor Skills (FMS): Today a 51S crewmember conducted a Flight Day 65 FMS session by performing a series of interactive tasks on a touchscreen tablet. The FMS investigation studies how fine motor skills are affected by long-term microgravity exposure, different phases of microgravity adaptation, and sensorimotor recovery after returning to Earth gravity. The goal of FMS is to answer how fine motor performance in microgravity trend/vary over the duration of a six-month and year-long space mission; how fine motor performance on orbit compare with that of a closely matched participant on Earth; and how performance trend/vary before and after gravitational transitions, including the periods of early flight adaptation, and very early/near immediate post-flight periods.  EVA Mobility Unit (EMU) On-Orbit Fitcheck Verification:  Today the crew completed pressurized fitchecks on EMU 3003 and 3008 in order to assess fit and feel of the suits prior to the upcoming series of Octobers EVAs. After the initial fitchecks were completed, the resizing of necessary components was successfully accomplished to ensure proper range of motion during the EVAs. The goals of the upcoming EVAs include: Remove and Replace (R&R) of a Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Latching End Effector (LEE), lubrication of the two LEEs, and R&R of two external cameras. PMM Hygiene Cover Installation:  The crew installed a series of hygiene covers and privacy curtains into the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) in order to protect hardware from free water and provide the crew increased privacy during personal hygiene activities.  Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. EHS-ACOUSTIC DOSIMETER-DATA XFER/STOW ESA Monthly Management Conference Equipment Lock (E-LK) Preparation Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) On-orbit Fitcheck Verification Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Resize EVA SAFER Automatic Attitude Hold Checkout PROFILAKTIKA-2. Countermeasures System (CMS) Exercise session using КОР-01-Н set Fine Motor Skills Experiment Test – Subject Fluids Integrated Rack Rack Doors Open/Close Health Maintenance System (HMS) – ESA Nutritional Assessment Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT) Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Questionnaire Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Test Inventory Management System (IMS) conference Delta file prep LMM AFC Configuration MOBIPV CHECKOUT  Crew Medical Officer (CMO) Proficiency Training Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) in Columbus Hygiene Cover and Privacy Curtain Installation TV conference with the “News of Week” program correspondent (Ku + S-band) Public Affairs Office (PAO) High Definition (HD) Config JEM Setup Space Headaches – Weekly Questionnaire VEG-03 Wick Open On MCC Go Transfer of USOS ЕДВ brine and ЕДВ-У urine to Progress 436 [AO] Rodnik H2O Tank 2 and flushing H2O tank 2 connector В2 Inspection and photography of RS SM windows 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 26 ISS Crew and ГОГУ (RSA Flight Control Team) Weekly Conference RELAXATSIYA.  Observation RELAXATSIYA. Parameter Settings Adjustment RELAXATSIYA. Charging battery for Relaksatstiya experiment (initiate) Nikon still camera sync with station time COSMOCARD. Closeout Ops СОЖ maintenance IDENTIFICATION. Copy ИМУ-Ц micro-accelerometer data to laptop Completed Task List Activities None Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Standard commanding Three-Day Look Ahead: Saturday, 09/30: EarthKAM Shut Down, Crew Off-Duty Sunday, 10/01: Crew Off-Duty Monday, 10/02: EVA Prep, Eye Exams, ETVCG Light R&R QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Idle Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off   October 02, 2017 at 10:00AM from NASA https://go.nasa.gov/2xNJmwz via IFTTT
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hrhprince · 7 years
ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/02/2017
VEG-03: Following the installation of the Root Mat and Plant Pillows earlier this week, the crew opened the wicks of each Veg-03 Plant Pillow. The Veg-03 investigation uses the Veggie plant growth facility to cultivate types of cabbage, lettuce, and mizuna for on-orbit harvesting and return to Earth for testing.  Organisms grow differently in space, from single-celled bacteria to plants and humans; future long-duration space missions will require crew members to grow their own food and understanding how plants respond to microgravity is an important step toward that goal.  Space Headaches:  The weekly questionnaire for the ESA Space Headaches investigation was completed by 51S crewmembers.  The Space Headaches investigation collects information which may help in the development of new methods to alleviate the symptoms associated with headaches in space and improve the well-being and performance of crewmembers in space. Headaches during space flight can negatively affect mental and physical capacities of crewmembers and negatively influence performance during a space mission. Mobile Procedure Viewer (MobiPV):  Today the crew completed checkout activities for the MobiPV investigation. MobiPV allows users to view procedures hands-free and aims to improve the efficiency of activity execution by giving crewmembers a wireless set of wearable, portable devices that utilize voice navigation and provide a direct audio/video links to ground experts.  A smartphone is the primary device used by crew to interface with procedures and capability exists to display pictures provided in procedure steps on a Google Glass display.    Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) Light Microscopy Module (LMM) Auxiliary Fluids Container (AFC) Configuration: To prepare for upcoming ACE-T6 operations, the crew configured the LMM for confocal operations. The LMM observation camera, objective lenses, control base, and the confocal test target will be installed inside the LMM AFC. The Light Microscopy Module (LMM) is a modified commercial, highly flexible, state-of-the-art light imaging microscope facility that provides researchers with powerful diagnostic hardware and software onboard the International Space Station (ISS). Fine Motor Skills (FMS): Today a 51S crewmember conducted a Flight Day 65 FMS session by performing a series of interactive tasks on a touchscreen tablet. The FMS investigation studies how fine motor skills are affected by long-term microgravity exposure, different phases of microgravity adaptation, and sensorimotor recovery after returning to Earth gravity. The goal of FMS is to answer how fine motor performance in microgravity trend/vary over the duration of a six-month and year-long space mission; how fine motor performance on orbit compare with that of a closely matched participant on Earth; and how performance trend/vary before and after gravitational transitions, including the periods of early flight adaptation, and very early/near immediate post-flight periods.  EVA Mobility Unit (EMU) On-Orbit Fitcheck Verification:  Today the crew completed pressurized fitchecks on EMU 3003 and 3008 in order to assess fit and feel of the suits prior to the upcoming series of Octobers EVAs. After the initial fitchecks were completed, the resizing of necessary components was successfully accomplished to ensure proper range of motion during the EVAs. The goals of the upcoming EVAs include: Remove and Replace (R&R) of a Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Latching End Effector (LEE), lubrication of the two LEEs, and R&R of two external cameras. PMM Hygiene Cover Installation:  The crew installed a series of hygiene covers and privacy curtains into the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) in order to protect hardware from free water and provide the crew increased privacy during personal hygiene activities.  Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. EHS-ACOUSTIC DOSIMETER-DATA XFER/STOW ESA Monthly Management Conference Equipment Lock (E-LK) Preparation Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) On-orbit Fitcheck Verification Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Resize EVA SAFER Automatic Attitude Hold Checkout PROFILAKTIKA-2. Countermeasures System (CMS) Exercise session using КОР-01-Н set Fine Motor Skills Experiment Test – Subject Fluids Integrated Rack Rack Doors Open/Close Health Maintenance System (HMS) – ESA Nutritional Assessment Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT) Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Questionnaire Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Test Inventory Management System (IMS) conference Delta file prep LMM AFC Configuration MOBIPV CHECKOUT  Crew Medical Officer (CMO) Proficiency Training Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) in Columbus Hygiene Cover and Privacy Curtain Installation TV conference with the “News of Week” program correspondent (Ku + S-band) Public Affairs Office (PAO) High Definition (HD) Config JEM Setup Space Headaches – Weekly Questionnaire VEG-03 Wick Open On MCC Go Transfer of USOS ЕДВ brine and ЕДВ-У urine to Progress 436 [AO] Rodnik H2O Tank 2 and flushing H2O tank 2 connector В2 Inspection and photography of RS SM windows 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 26 ISS Crew and ГОГУ (RSA Flight Control Team) Weekly Conference RELAXATSIYA.  Observation RELAXATSIYA. Parameter Settings Adjustment RELAXATSIYA. Charging battery for Relaksatstiya experiment (initiate) Nikon still camera sync with station time COSMOCARD. Closeout Ops СОЖ maintenance IDENTIFICATION. Copy ИМУ-Ц micro-accelerometer data to laptop Completed Task List Activities None Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Standard commanding Three-Day Look Ahead: Saturday, 09/30: EarthKAM Shut Down, Crew Off-Duty Sunday, 10/01: Crew Off-Duty Monday, 10/02: EVA Prep, Eye Exams, ETVCG Light R&R QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Idle Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off   from NASA http://ift.tt/2yG7wFV via IFTTT
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lindafrancois · 5 years
Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices
In the past decade alone, the consumption of junk food among the population has multi-folded steadily. Junk foods excite your taste-bud, it’s much cheaper to buy and packaged foods take less than 10 minutes to cook. These factors have made junk foods extremely popular in the food market.
While enjoying these benefits, we tend to forget one thing – the nutritional quotients of what we eat. We might have heard stories of mothers reprimanding their children if they eat out too often or bring junk food home. Well, those admonishing happened for a reason – the lack of nutrition in junk foods.
Table of content
 Studies have collectively agreed that junk and fast foods are extremely high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS). These foods are very high in calories that do no good.
From the commencement of junk foods to its prevalence across the globe, we bring you all about this unhealthy food and the effects it has on the human body in the long run.   
Junk foods – An Introduction
The idea of junk foods was introduced to the world in the late 1880s and early 1900s.  According to ‘Encyclopaedia of Junk Food and Fast Food’, the first junk food that was introduced in America was Cracker Jack by Frederick and Louis Rueckheim in the year 1896.
The brand went on to capture the American market and since then, there has been no looking back for the junk food market.
During the 1900s, packaged and processed foods quickly occupied the world food market and the advent of transportation made it easier. By the 1950s and 60s, packaged commercial foods were introduced to a number of countries, especially in the west. After the late 1970s, India also caught up with the trend. [1]
The 1900s was an era for fast food chains as well. The 1950s and 60s saw the emergent of McDonald’s which would later become an extremely popular fast-food chain. With McDonald’s, the franchise market also boomed.
Junk Foods
During a time when you had to wait for several minutes to get your meal in a restaurant, the concept of a fast-food chain that provides a meal in less than 10 minutes had people thronging.
By the late 1990s and early 2000s, fast food chains cropped up in India. By the end of 2010, fast food restaurants became a thing in the country. By the end of 2022, the food market in India is estimated to be Rs 5, 52,000 crores. [2]
The success behind junk foods
Determining the success of junk foods is no rocket science. From attractive packaging to increased shelf life, several factors make junk food appealing to the masses.
Foods like pizzas and burgers are very easy to prepare since the primary ingredients are precooked and readily available. Customers can get their meal as quickly as possible, saving them a lot of time.
Likewise, packaged foods like Lay’s, Cheetos, fruit cakes, biscuits etc can be eaten right out of the package. These foods do not require so much as a preheating let alone cooking. This propels teenagers and young adults to choose packaged foods who are always on the go.
Fast food and junk food makers add additives, artificial flavours and use an excessive amount of salt, oil and sugar than the recommended amount to enhance the taste.
Kids, youngsters and adults alike develop a taste-bud to these flavours and resort to eating junk foods often.
Attractive packaging
Proprietors behind the packaged foods industry have long learned the art of the visual appeal.
Be it a regular store or a huge supermarket, bright and attractive packages of junk foods have drawn the attention of both children and adults. This makes the consumers curious and urges them to buy the product just to know how it tastes.
Shelf life
Ready to cook junk foods as instant noodles and pasta come for a very long time without refrigeration. Other packaged foods like crisps, biscuits, wafers etc also have a longer shelf life making it an easy option for snacking.
Unlike regular wholesome foods, carrying junk foods is hassle-free, thanks to the impeccable packaging.
The well-developed transportation system that we enjoy today has also contributed to this factor.
Affordable cost
Compared to healthy foods, junk foods are priced very low. A small sized chips packet costs only Rs 5 when compared to 50 g of almonds that can cost more than Rs 50. 
This price difference has made junk foods affordable for all.
Role of advertisements
In the recent past, the marketers of junk food products have cleverly used advertisements to their advantage.
Studies conducted on television advertisements and its impact on children determined that advertisements aired on children’s TV channels influenced the latter’s choices and behaviour.
The bright and colourful visuals used for depicting junk foods trigger children to want these foods and the taste factor makes them addicted to it. These advertisements were aired majorly during the prime time targeting a maximum number of children and parents. [3]
Following television, internet and smartphone users became the prime target for junk food advertisers. Since even children are drawn towards smartphones, the popularity of soft drinks and fast foods grew fast and vast.   
Additionally, advertisements on billboards, banners and peer pressure contributed to this junk food craze.
Types of junk foods and how to identify them
Junk foods have donned various avatars since its introduction. They come in the form of crisps, pastries, pizzas, burgers, instant noodles and pasta, biscuits and oil-laden ‘traditional foods’ sold in local eateries and restaurants.
Fast foods: Eateries like Pizza Hut, Dominos, Burger King, McDonalds etc fall in this category. In these eateries, tasty pizzas and burgers are prepared in a very short amount of time making it very appealing to the younger generation. However, these foods are quite pricey and not everyone can afford it.
Ready-to-eat packaged foods: Foods like Lay’s, Cheetos, Oreo, packaged baked goods etc are considered as ready to eat junk foods. These foods are cheaper and can be bought by anyone.
 Ready-to-cook packaged foods: Instant noodles and pasta fall in this category. It takes less than 10 minutes to cook these foods which are loaded with additives and artificial flavours.
 Soft drinks: We all are familiar with drinks like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, 7UP, Fanta etc.  These are carbonated drinks extremely high in sugar and have tons of chemicals and additives in it.
 Restaurant food: These foods are usually native foods sold in local eateries unless stated otherwise. Though traditional in nature, unlike home-cooked meals, these foods are high in fat.   
Identifying junk foods
Simply reading the nutritional values printed behind the package will enlighten you about the food you are eating. [4]
You can tell the food you are eating is junk if,
The calories from fat are more than 35%
Saturated and trans fat contribute to more than 10% of calories
The calories contributed by sugar is more than 35%
Per serving is more than 200 calories (especially snack product)
The sodium (salt) is more than 480mg/serving
The primary ingredient is eir oil or sugar
The product is high in fructose (corn syrup)
Children and junk food
Studies have reported that the consumption of junk food has increased among children (less than 12 years old). The frequent advertisements have made junk food attractive to them. Children in general, prefer snacking on crisps, biscuits, sweets and cakes rather than nuts, vegetables and fruits.
Intake of junk food has increased among children
Likewise, lifestyle choices parents make also influence a child’s eating habits. When you take children to restaurants frequently, they naturally believe that it is totally acceptable to eat outside food often. Children these days are so used to drinking artificially flavoured drinks that they cringe at milkshakes and juices that contain real fruits.[5]
Another key element adding to this problem is the lack of physical activity. Gone are the days when children used to play with their counterparts at outdoors. Children being glued to smartphones have become a common sight. Excessive junk foods coupled with little to no physical activity has upped childhood obesity.
Adolescents and junk food
Adolescence (aged between 13 and 21) is also called as the ‘growth period’. Just in a matter of years, teenagers grow long pairs of limbs and their appetite doubles. This means, eating nutrient-dense foods is a must.
However, teens of today eat foods that are far from nutritious. They are exposed to unhealthy lifestyles and subjected to peer-pressure. They also go through myriad emotions.
Teens of today are attracted to junk food
Teens are more attracted to foods like pizzas and burgers than home-cooked wholesome meals. Children and adolescents disliking vegetables have become so common that it is unsurprising.  Few studies also noted that teenagers tend to consume more refined carbs since their appetite is increased.
Additionally, foods offered in school and college canteens are doing no good. Canteens usually sell foods like puffs, rolls, sandwiches and soft drinks. These foods are high in unhealthy calories, sodium, fat and carbohydrates. Even regional foods sold by these eateries are loaded with fat (ghee/oil) and have very little vegetables. Similarly, superfoods like millets and ragi are seldom used by these suppliers.
All these factors make awareness of the need of the hour. It is important to note that what teens eat now have a larger impact on their health in the future. When these food habits go unchecked for a long period of time, these teens may develop diabetes and cardiovascular disease during their adulthood.[6]
Role of food delivery services
In the last decade, food delivers applications like Zomato, Swiggy and now UberEats has carved a niche in the food industry. Though they have benefitted a number of individuals and sectors, they have also increased the junk food consumption in away.
Since these food delivery apps deliver the desired food to the doorstep, a number of people simply order calorie-laden food to their home. The added convenience here has only increased the usage of these apps. People are now ordering outside food more often than ever-increasing their junk food intake. [7]
Junk food and its harmful effects
What we eat now has a profound impact on our health in the future.
Studies have pointed out that when children and teenagers eat junk food every day, they are very likely to develop obesity and Type 2 diabetes and even certain types of cancers when they become adults.  Little to no physical activity can also increase the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases.[8]
A Harvard article reported that people who eat excessive added sugars can die of heart diseases even though they are not obese. Time and again, nutritionists and health specialists have advised against drinking energy drinks and sodas that are loaded with sugars. These drinks are called empty calories since they contain no vitamins, minerals or fibre. [9]
Another study observed that eating junk foods affect our productivity. Our body processes junk food quickly. This leads to a spike in blood glucose level.
When the body’s digestive system works extra hard to digest the food, the oxygen supply to the brain is reduced. This is responsible for the grogginess we experience to post a heavy meal.   This directly affects brain function and productivity.[10]
Junk food vs. healthy food
This is a topic that has been debated often. Despite junk food is unhealthy, it has advantages of its own like affordable cost, tasty, ready to cook and shelf life. Whereas, healthy foods are a lot more expensive and need cooking before it can be consumed.
However, one must consciously choose between the two if they wish to lead a healthier life. Yes, healthy foods are high-end and cooking might pose a slight hindrance if you are a busy person. But clean eating and a good amount of physical exercises will reward you in the long run.
Junk Food Vs Healthy food
By avoiding junk foods, you are preventing several lifestyle-related diseases and saving thousands of rupees on your medical bills. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of healthy foods and junk foods.
How to incorporate healthy eating
A little lifestyle changes here and there is all you need to include healthy eating habits in your life. Simple steps like replacing fruit drinks with real fruits will go a long way.
Here are some tips that you can consider to cultivate clean eating habits.
Cut out whites (except dairy)
Firstly, reduce the intake of refined white rice, pasta and maida which are gluten-rich. Since these foods have simple carbs, the body digests it quickly spiking the glucose level. This process makes you hungry sooner and prompts you to eat more.
Add fibre and protein
 A healthy diet should be rich in protein and fibre. Include lentils, pulses, legumes, eggs, lean meat like fish and chicken for protein. For fibre, eat foods like millets, Ragi and Jowar, brown rice or red rice.  
Include vegetables and fruits
Eat plenty of vegetables, especially greens. Remember to eat fruits at least twice or thrice a day. These will provide the necessary micronutrients for your body.
Eat nuts
Replace junk snacks with nuts. Nuts are full of good fat and a great option for snacking.
Drink water
Replace sodas and energy drinks with water. Water will keep your body hydrated and well-nourished.
Make time for cooking
Homemade meals are best any day. These meals are wholesome and since you cook them, the ingredients are fresh.  
Plan your meal
If you are struggling to get out of the junk food habit, plan your meals. Cook them and take it to your work. Your food is not only sorted but you also have a healthier option now.
Stock fridge with clean foods
 Instead of junk foods, stock your fridge with fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, etc.
Avoid sugary drinks
When you are thirsty drink plain water, buttermilk or tender coconut water instead of sugary sodas or drinks. These drinks are loaded with empty calories and offer no nutritional value. Also, these drinks are responsible for obesity and weight gain. [11]
In today’s fast-paced world, eating junk food is much easier than eating healthy, wholesome foods. To overcome this menace, we need to vigorously spread awareness about the ill-effects of eating junk foods.
If your child loves eating junk food, speak to him/her about it and make the effort to cook wholesome meals not just for your child, but for your whole family. Following the aforementioned tips can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.
Eating clean can take some effort but it is not unachievable. If you are unsure about how to proceed, speak to a nutritionist who can guide you better. Just like how oil is important to keep the engine running, healthy eating is important for nourishing the body.
When you eat healthily, your body is active and your mind is productive. You feel more energetic than before. Well, what are you waiting for? Pick that kale today and reap the benefits tomorrow!  Happy binging on those nuts and veggies!
Q: Is junk food healthy?
A: No, junk food is not healthy
Q: How junk food affects your health?
A: Eating junk food often can lead to lifestyle-related diseases like obesity and diabetes etc.
Q: How junk food affects children’s health?
A: Eating junk food often can cause childhood obesity in children and they tend to become lazy.  
Q: Can junk food cause cancer?
A: Excessive junk food consumption may lead to the development of certain types of cancer. 
Q: Is junk food and fast food the same?
A: Yes. Fast food is a type of junk food. 
 The post Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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jeniferdlanceau · 7 years
Macdonald Wright models Kentish country house on traditional hop kilns
Rooms topped with chimney-like roofs surround a secluded courtyard to from this house in Kent, England, which takes its angular form and russet colouring from the area's hop-drying oast towers.
British architect James Macdonald Wright of Macdonald Wright Architects worked with Niall Maxwell of Rural Office for Architecture on the design for Caring Wood house, which provides a residence for three generations of the same family.
Wright selected an 34-hectare plot of the Kent countryside, just a stone's throw from London.
The plot had been populated by agricultural polytunnels, but these were cleared away to make space for the house. The remainder was returned to woodland – one of the planning stipulations for the build.
Situated on the side of a small hill, the house appears as a group of small individual blocks defined by angular tile-covered roofs. The style of the roofs alludes to the area's traditional oast houses, which are used to dry hops in preparation for the brewing process.
This reference, alongside the planting of 25,000 native trees in the grounds, contributed to the project being granted planning permission under PPS7 – a planning document that makes it possible to build ambitious contemporary projects, on the grounds that they are "truly outstanding or innovative".
"Its brief was twofold: to embody the spirit of the English country house and estate in a design that would embrace its context and landscape," said the architects, "and to provide a sustainable home for life, both in the sense of carbon neutrality and in terms of a flexible design that can accommodate an entire family and evolve with them, potential being extended for future generations."
The seemingly disconnected blocks are in fact connected at their rag-stone bases, providing four separate yet linked spaces that represent the four units of the extended family. These are arranged like a pinwheel around a shared central courtyard.
Their roofs descend down to almost touch the ground. These are covered in 150,000 handmade peg tiles from Sussex, which are mounted on a cross-laminated timber structure.
While the house prioritises views out over the bucolic landscape of woods and meadows, this inner courtyard is intended as a space for contemplation. The aperture between the roofs draws the eye upward towards the sky or down to a pool of water.
Terracotta tiles pave the ground surrounding the reflective pool, while the walls and eaves are covered in light-toned wood panelling.
The plan is arranged to provide a mixture of family and entertaining space, with a room containing a grand piano designed to accommodate more than 50 guests for a recital, as well as viewings of the clients' art collection.
The interior is painted white throughout, bar its wooden floors, to emphasis the irregularities and height of the ceiling.
"The roofs find expression from the inside of the house as well, giving magnitude to the ceilings of even modest-sized bedrooms and creating natural opportunities for light wells," said the architects, "the largest of which illuminates a monumental staircase descending from Caring Wood's grand mezzanine area to the lower ground living quarters."
A small cottage with a matching oast-style roof and rag-stone walls just a short distance away from the main house and provides a home for the estate manager.
Both properties are designed to be use as little energy as possible, and for all CO2 emissions to be fully offset. A ground-source heat pump heats the house, while electricity is supposed by solar panels integrated into a bank. Rainwater is also harvested and reused on the site, and the courtyard in the main house provides passive cooling in summer.
The 25,000 native trees are also designed to do their bit by absorbing around 25,000 tonnes of carbon over the next 40 years.
The approach route to the house was carefully curated, with patches of woodland, meadow, wetland and hedgerow revealing and concealing views along different sections of the driveway.
"The fact that the house emerges from the hill also affects the way that it is seen on approach. In historic country house style, a sense of anticipation is created by providing a glimpse of the house and then restricting it," explained the architects.
"The final approach over the brow of the hill from the west and to the threshold allows the house to take control. It limits views and expresses its entrance."
The team worked with the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group to develop the planting, which they hope will provide a habitat for at-risk wildlife displaced by deforestation of the site around a 100 years ago.
The woodland gives ways to more manicured gardens with areas of lawn, flower beds and vegetable patches further towards the house.
In 2012, architects Duggan Morris restored and extended an old oast house in the neighbouring county of Sussex, using roughly-sawn oak to clad a low-rise addition that emphasises rather than challenges the height of the building's roof.
Related story
Richard Meier models all-white Oxfordshire residence on English manor houses
Photography is by James Morris unless otherwise stated.
Project credits:
Architects: James Wright and Niall Maxwell Design and project managers: Macdonald Wright Architects Executive architects: Rural Office for Architecture Landscape and ecology consultant: Spacehub Structural engineer: Price and Myers Planning consultant: DHA Planning Services engineer: Synergy Consulting Engineers Ecological building consultant: Conker Conservation Acoustic consultant: Neill Woodger Acoustics and Theatre Design Groundworks project manager:Alex McLennan Main contractor: Cardy Construction Groundworks and structure: Hague Construction Landscaping contractor: Landform Consultants
The post Macdonald Wright models Kentish country house on traditional hop kilns appeared first on Dezeen.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217598 https://www.dezeen.com/2017/06/13/macdonald-wright-niall-maxwell-rural-office-for-architecture-models-caring-wood-country-house-architecture-traditional-kentish-hop-kilns-england-uk/
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davidcdelreal · 8 years
65 Home Based Business Ideas That Are Easy to Start
There's something alluring about chilling in your comfy pants while in the confines of your own home and getting paid at the same time.
No annoying co-worker to interrupt your day with the company gossip that you could give a rip about.
No mandatory meetings that leave you “zombified” that even a cup of the strongest black coffee can remedy.
Whether you are looking to quit the daily grind or trying to make extra cash as a way to get out of debt, starting a home business or side hustle can be the ideal way to meet your goals.
Before you get excited about starting your home based business idea, you first have to make sure you have the right tools in place. The main tool is a speedy Internet connection. Most home based businesses will require some sort of Internet connection. With a good Internet connection, you can also take care of a phone and fax. Isn't technology great?
On top of the right tools, you should also have a dedicated office or work space that's free from distractions. No TV's! When's it's time to work you only want to be doing one thing: working.
Now that you have the right tools and work-space, let's look at some of the top home based business ideas you can start today.
65 Home Based Business You Can Start Today
Now that we've got those details out of the way, here are 65 of the best home-based businesses almost anyone could start from their kitchen table.
1. Drive for Uber – Becoming an Uber driver has quickly become a great way for people to get their own business off the ground.  You will need to pass a background check and have valid instate driver's license and auto insurance.  The process is pretty painless and will get you rolling on your own business.  Many people start as an Uber driver to pay the bills while they work on another business that they are more passionate about. Check out our post to learn more about Uber driver requirements.
2. Take Surveys – If you are looking for quick extra cash then signing up for sites like MySurvey can get you a nice side income with immediate results.  You will not get rich doing surveys, but each site could net you anywhere from $30 to $100 per month.  Some other popular survey sites include:
Global Test Market
Harris Poll
2. Graphic Design. Businesses always need graphic designers to help them convey information visually, through logos, advertisements, posters, websites, and the like. While it is possible to be an entirely self-taught graphic designer, most have either a certification or a degree. Other than the cost of design software, this business has very little overhead and can be done anywhere with a dedicated computer. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, graphic designers have a median salary of $45,000.*
*All median salaries listed are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unless otherwise noted.
3. Bookkeeping. This is a perfect business idea for trained accountants who would like to work from home, although it is not necessary to be a Certified Public Accountant in order to become a freelance bookkeeper—it’s just necessary to have the background knowledge that bookkeeping courses at any community college can offer. This kind of freelance work is especially helpful for small businesses that do not need or cannot afford a fulltime bookkeeper, making it possible for you to have full time work through several smaller clients. Median salary: $34,000.
4. Home Inspection. An important part of the home buying process is having a professional home inspector go through the house to determine the condition of the building and point out any potential problems. A home inspector needs to meet the state regulations for the profession, which varies from state to state, although anyone who has worked in the construction or housing industry will have a leg up. Median salary: $52,000.
5. Massage Therapist. While licensing requirements for massage therapy can vary from state to state, the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork can help any budding masseuse fulfill their local requirements. Massage therapists can either work out of their own home or make house calls with a portable massage table. Median salary: $34,900.
6. Tax Preparation. No one likes doing taxes, and they need to be paid whether the economy is booming or tanking. This is why at-home tax preparation can be a great business for anyone with a tax background, or anyone willing to take training courses. Since there are annual changes to the tax code, you will need to refresh your training each year, and you will also need to register with the IRS as a tax preparer. This is more of a seasonal business than a year-round endeavor, but it can be a great way to earn some extra income each winter/spring. Median salary: $30,900.
7. Doula. A doula is a labor coach that can help a birthing mother in any labor environment, from a hospital to a midwife clinic to home. Doulas are non-medical professionals who offer information, emotional support, and physical assistance in the process of giving birth. While licensing for doulas is not required by most states, getting certified by DONA International, the only certifying body for this profession, is a good idea. Doulas do have to deal with unpredictable schedules, but they easily can do this work from home. Doulas generally charge between $500 and $1000 per birth.
8. Hairstylist. If you have experience cutting hair and giving manicures, opening up shop from your home is an excellent way to start your own salon. Make sure that you follow all of your state’s requirements for doing salon care in a home, as they can be stringent. Median salary: $22,500.
9. Interior Designer. While you do not need a degree or certification in order to set out an interior designer shingle, it is really necessary in order to make sure you can meet the needs of many clients. An education in the history and theory of design will allow you to understand trends that you may not like, but your clients do. Median salary: $46,280.
Meeting the Remote Needs of Companies
Many small businesses have gaps in what their employees can take care of. Hiring a full time employee to fill in those gaps isn’t necessarily feasible, which is where your work-at-home business comes into play. Here are some work-at-home ideas that every business needs:
10. Copywriting. These writers put together promotional materials for businesses, including ads, websites, newsletters, commercials, direct mailings, and many others. Copywriters generally have a degree in advertising, marketing, English, or communication, but any excellent writer can do a great job copywriting. Median salary: $55,000.
11. Virtual Assistant. This is a worker who handles any number of small tasks for a business or individual. Tasks include answering emails, data entry, scheduling, managing blogs, and even shopping. Anyone can become a virtual assistant. According to Indeed.com, the average salary for virtual assistants is $42,000.
12. Courier Service. If you live in a bustling area, chances are local businesses could use a local courier service. Unlike the big name services, you can offer more flexible pick-up and drop off times, which can be a godsend to many small businesses. According to About.com, half of couriers earn in the $17,000 to $27,000 range.
13. Marketing Consultant. Whether you are helping a business with traditional marketing materials or instructing them on the fine art of blogging (ahem) and social media, this is a business that has almost unlimited potential for freelancers. Median salary: $108,000 (!).
14. Editing. Like copywriting, this is a freelancing gig where it’s helpful to have a background in English or communications—but any eagle-eyed writer could do great job. Median salary: $51,470.
15. Web Design. Helping clients design the best website for their needs is a great way to make a living from home. About.com lists the median salary as of 2008 at $65,270.
16. Translation. If you know a second (or third) language, you can make a living at home translating documents. It’s a global marketplace, and even the best translation software can’t understand linguistic nuance. Median salary: $43,300.
17. Video Production. Everyone wants a piece of YouTube, so talented freelancers can make a great living producing videos for companies and organizations. Rates vary by area, equipment, and background.
18. Internet Security Consulting. If you’re tech savvy and understand the ins and outs of internet security, consider becoming a consultant for small businesses. Unlike the big boys, these companies can’t afford the huge security budgets, but they still want to be able to protect their internet customers.
19. Green Consulting. Many smaller companies would like to find ways to make their processes greener without spending more green. You can help them to figure out ways to improve their carbon footprint without sacrificing the bottom line.
20. Grant Writing. Non-profits, universities, hospitals and other community organizations all have a great need for grant money to supplement their budgets, but grants are notoriously tricky to write for the first time. If you have experience writing grants, or are willing to learn how to do it by practicing your skills without pay for a few non-profits, you can start a lucrative freelance grant writing business. According to eHow, grant writers can make anywhere from $40, 300 to $67,000.
21. Medical Transcription. You hear about these opportunities, and they often sound like scams. But the truth is that the medical industry has a great need for individuals to transcribe audio dictations into coherent reports. Transcriptionists do need education—generally a two-year degree—to make sure they are clear on the arcane medical terminology. Median salary: $32,900.
22. Debt Collection. It takes a very thick skin to go into this business, but debt collectors only need a telephone and a computer to work, making it a great work-at-home business. It’s also a recession-proof (or even recession-loving) business. Licensing requirements vary from state to state, so make sure you do your homework before setting up shop. Median salary: $31,300.
23. Call Center Representative. Believe it or not, it is possible to actually reach a woman named Peggy (and not a man with a Russian accent) when you call customer service. That’s because of the homeshore movement, which is trying to hire more independent contractors to work from home on customer service issues. If you’ve got a phone line and an internet connection, you can work from home as a call center rep. Median salary: $30,460.
Make Your Hobbies Pay
Anything you love to do for fun could also become a great at-home gig.
24. Blogging. It takes some time to grow an audience and find ways to monetize your blog, but if you love to share your point of view with the world, this can be a good way to work from home. Niche blogs are a particular area of growth in this ever-growing profession. Pay can vary widely, but the income potential is nearly limitless.
Want to start a blog for super cheap? Check out how my wife and I make money blogging and how you can set up your blog in less than 10 minutes HERE.
25. E-book author. Publishing is dead; long live the e-reader! Now that anyone can have their work e-published, it is possible for anyone to make a fortune off their writing. The biggest recent example is the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy, but there are many authors taking advantage of the ease of e-publishing. If you love to write and are willing to do your own promotion (and having a blog can really help in that case), writing an e-book is an excellent way to make money at home.
26. Building furniture. Everyone loves a well-built and handmade piece of furniture. If you’re already spending time in your workshop, why not sell your wares? Etsy is an excellent place to start selling without having to have a physical storefront.
27. Sewing. Whether you’re making onesies and quilts for sale online or at local markets or doing repairs and alterations for locals with ill-fitting clothes, your sewing machine could be your ticket to a work-from-home business.
28. Personal Organizer. If you’re someone who reorganizes closets for fun, offer up your services to harried and disorganized individuals and businesses.
29. Home Staging. If rearranging furniture is your idea of fun, home staging is a great home-based business. You will help sellers get their homes looking beautiful so they sell as quickly as possible.
30. Herb Farming. Gardening can be very relaxing, and potentially very lucrative. With both the increased interest in alternative therapies and the demand for locally grown and organic foods, an herb farmer can find plenty of customers, particularly if you’re in an urban area. While this does require some space for growing, herbs are fairly small and nearly any home can be slightly modified to allow for an extensive herb garden.
31. Electronic Repairs. If you’re the sort who takes apart the computer for fun, operating an electronics repair shop out of your home is a natural decision. In particular, repairing iPads and other tablets would provide you with a great deal of business, as many tablet users are looking for a less expensive way to fix smashed screens and other damages that can be costly through the manufacturer. Median salary: $49,170.
32. Baking. Beautifully decorated cakes and cookies, artisan bread, and artful pastries have become all the rage, partially thanks to shows like Ace of Cakes. Median salary for bakers: $23,450.
33. Personal Chef. As a personal chef, you would spend your time whipping up delicious meals for those who don’t have time to cook but do have money to burn. The best way to make a name for yourself as a personal chef is to offer meals that fit stringent dietary or allergy requirements.
34. Mystery Shopping. For many people, the idea of getting paid to shop is a dream come true. There are many mystery shopping scams to beware of, however. Never accept a gig that requires an upfront fee—that’s a good sign it’s not legit. According to the website Scambusters, legitimate mystery shopping can pay anywhere from $8 per job up to $50 to $100 per job.
35. Bargain Hunting. If you love a bargain and know how to make coupons, specials, and unadvertised deals your penny-pinching bitch, then you could help others learn how to save money—and turn a profit. The Grocery Game’s Teri Gault is the most famous at-home bargain hunter turned millionaire, but you could be next.
36. Personal Stylist. You have an eye for clothes and know what styles look best on what body types. So turn your passion for fashion into a business by becoming a personal stylist/shopper. You’ll feel good about making others look great.
37. Catering. If you love to cook on a grand scale, why not start a catering business out of your home? How much you make depends on the scale of the assignments you take, and your ability to correctly decide how much your materials will cost. But this is also an industry where you can start small and work you way up to bigger gigs—and profits.
38. App Designer. Creating a profitable app for smart phones isn’t necessarily about having the best or most innovative idea: it’s about creating the best user experience for that idea. That’s how app designers are able to make their work-from-home a full time job—and then just live off the passive income.
39. Furniture Refinishing and Repair. You might have made a hobby of refinishing and repairing garage sale finds. Now, make your skills profitable by offering to make old furniture as good as new. After all, retro is definitely in.
40. Landscape Design. If you’re never happier than when you are landscaping your yard, landscape design might be the home-based business for you. This is a relatively new field, so you can get some background knowledge through a degree, although schools that offer these degrees are somewhat rare, or you can intern with another landscape designer.
41. Tour Guide. You may love exploring all the fun corners of your hometown, but it might not occur to you to make that hobby a business. This is an especially good idea if you can offer themed tours or other niche tours. Median salary: $23,620.
Necessary Services
Everyone needs a hand sometimes. Here are ways you can lend one and make a living.
42. At-Home Daycare. This is an especially good idea for stay-at-home-parents who need to bring in some money. You’re already staying home with your kids: why not invite a few others to the party? Licensing for in-home daycare varies from state to state, but you will want to make sure you comply with your local regulations. Median salary: $19,300.
43. Off-Hours Daycare. Though this is basically the same as above, it does deserve its own description. Finding someone to regularly watch children during off-hours, like second shift, weekends, or very early mornings, can be extremely difficult for parents. Offering care during off-peak hours means that you can command a higher fee.
44. Elder Care. In most cases, work-from-home elder care workers will make daily house calls to their patients to help with anything from meal preparation to self-care to minor home repairs. Median pay: $20,170.
45. Lawn Care. While once the province of teenagers, lawn mowing, gardening, raking, and snow removal can be a legitimately grown up home-based business.
46. Dog Walker. This job isn’t just for New Yorkers anymore. Any large community can use dog walkers to help the area Fidos and Rovers make it through the master’s long workday.
47. Pet Sitter. If you can find pet owners who are willing to bring their dogs and cats to you, this is truly a home-based business. Otherwise, you’ll need to be willing to live at other houses (or at least visit 3-4 times a day) while you’re working.
48. Pet Grooming. Most pet owners don’t quite have the stomach or the time to clip nails, bathe, or give haircuts to their animals. With a couple of small tweaks to a bathroom, basement, or laundry room, you could have a full service doggy salon in your home. Again, it’s important to double-check your local requirements for this.
49. Travel Planning. While anyone can check an aggregator site for the best price to fly to Saint Louis, planning a more elaborate trip might be too much for some travelers. This is where a travel planner comes in, using his skills to find the best trip—including flight, accommodation, rental car, and tours—for the budget.
50. Meal Planning. One of the best ways to keep a grocery budget—and a waistline—in check is to do meal planning. But for some, this kind of planning is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. A meal planner could put together a list of a week’s recipes, along with a grocery list, for a harried but budget-conscious shopper.
51. Resume Writing. If you have a knack for making a resume shine, you could offer your services to job seekers.
52. Party Planning. From weddings to birthday parties to corporate events to conferences, the details of putting on a huge bash can be beyond the average party-giver. That’s why they’ll turn all the planning over to you. Median salary: $45,260.
53. Child Proofing. Keeping our kids safe is so important, but the details of how to do so can be confusing. A professional child proofing business is inexpensive to start up, but there may be state regulations to follow. It’s also a good idea to apprentice with a child proofer in order to learn the business.
54. Digital Media Conversion. It’s time consuming to convert old school media like CDs into digital files. If you have excellent tech skills, this is a service you can offer to the tech-phobic and time-crunched alike.
55. Tutoring. A background in education is helpful for tutoring, but not necessary. All you really need are mad skillz in one or more academic area, and you can help local students do better in their classes.
56. Patient Advocacy. With the byzantine complexity of modern medical billing practices, there is a definite need for patient advocates. These individuals take the time to track down hospital billing paperwork and potentially argue with insurance companies. Considering the fact that many of those who need to hire advocates are either ailing or grieving, this is a very necessary service.
57. Personal Trainer. You love to work out and you know the ins and outs of nutrition and exercise. Share your passion with novice exercisers, either out of your home or through a local gym. Median salary: $31,090.
58. Junk Removal. Anyone who has ever had the unenviable task of cleaning up a house for sale after the death of the owner knows just how important this job is. Junk removal can be as simple as hauling away unwanted stuff to the dump, or it can be as complicated as separating out the trash from the treasures and handling the actual sale of the goods.
59. Appraiser. We all love the moment in Antiques Roadshow when the owner learns how much their heirloom is worth. Becoming an antiques appraiser will allow you to live that moment every day. This does require a background education in the subject and access to an excellent reference library.
60.  Music Teacher. Teaching piano (or guitar or violin or singing) lessons out of your house is a well-established way for stay-at-home spouses to make a little extra cash. If Lois Griffin can do it, so can any musically minded entrepreneur.
61. House cleaner. With very low overhead and a skill set that is very easy to learn, housecleaning is one of the easiest businesses to start. Depending on how much you want to grow, the income potential is pretty limitless.
Opportunities That Didn’t Exist 15 Years Ago
As technology develops, so do entrepreneurial opportunities. Here are some work-at-home jobs that our parents would never have anticipated:
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62. Online Store. It used to be that if you had a product to sell, you also had to have a storefront and all the costs associated with it. These days, you can sell anything to anyone anywhere in the world. Whether you’re marketing the organic honey from your backyard apiary, or selling personalized linens that you embroider yourself, you can find a market for your products online.
Note from Jeff:  My good buddy Steve Chou from MyWifeQuitHerJob.com has created an online course that people step by step in building their own online store.  His wife was able to quit her job and together their online store produces in the six figures. If interested, check out his Profitable Online Store course here.
63. eBay Sales. The other option for online sales is to simply become the eBay middleman. Millions of vendors sell their wares on the online auction house. If you can find an inexpensive source for (legally!) saleable merchandise, you can get into business.
64. Micro Jobs. With the advent of Fiverr, we saw a brand new way to assign and accept work: little jobs for small payouts. But it’s no party trick. Apps like Gigwalk and sites like Mechanical Turk make it possible to cobble together a living with lots of little assignment each day.
65. Internet Marketing Affiliate. If you already have your own website or blog, you can earn money by becoming an affiliate. You can either sell products directly and earn money that way, or you can sign up others as affiliates, much like multi-level marketing.
BONUS – 66. Get Paid for Social Media. Some Twitter users are able to leverage their huge following into a paid gig for advertisers. Prolific bloggers have been known to get paid for commenting on other blogs. If you are a social media expert, you can use that expertise to earn money. People want to reach your audience and are willing to pay you for it.
Home Businesses Ideas That Require Training
All of these ideas require some background in the area, but they are an ideal way to use your already-acquired skills in a work-from home business. And even if you do not already have the necessary training, there is nothing keeping you from getting certified in order to start your home-based business.  If you do not currently have enough money to get the certification you need I would recommend saving a little each month until you have enough to pay cash.  If that is not an option or you are desperate to get out of the grind, then you can check personal and student loan rates from various banks at SimpleTuition.com or learn more about Peer to Peer borrowing in my Lending Club review.
Should You Get a Line of Credit?
Once you gear up to get your business off the ground, you may also want to consider getting a business credit card. Not only can a business credit card help you manage cash flow as you get started, but the right card can help you earn cash-back you can use to run your business as well. The Ink Plus® Business Credit Card is a smart choice for anyone who wants to earn flexible points on their business spending. At the moment, the signup bonus alone on this card is worth $600 in cash back! Meanwhile, the Ink Cash® Business Credit Card awards you with $200 in cash back after you put $3,000 of your new business expenses on the card within the first 90 days. Plus, this card comes with no annual fee.
The Bottom Line on Working From Home
There’s no need to work for The Man. Home business opportunities are plentiful, as will be your opportunities to work in your pajamas.
The post 65 Home Based Business Ideas That Are Easy to Start appeared first on Good Financial Cents.
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