#all her friends thought her lame ass boyfriend was in the mob
mindshelter · 2 years
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tim and tam are that one post that's like "girls will date the most random man. men you didnt even know god could make"
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browneggghosties · 2 years
Halloween Ends (2022)
I love John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978). Some may call me obsessed. It’s a movie I can watch every night, alongside Friday the 13th (1980) and Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981). Everything from the renowned score, to Jamie Lee Curtis’ and Donald Pleasence’s impressive performances, to the setting, screenplay, sound design, and back is thrilling. It’s one of my favorite horror movies.
Fast forward to Halloween (2018). Laurie and Michael Myers are not related. Cool. I also thought that was lame in Halloween II (1981). The protagonist and antagonist or protagonist and their love interest being related is over done. Bury that already.
I was so excited to see Laurie kick ass. It’s been forty years.
I was not a fan of any of the new characters. Podcasters Aaron Korey and Dana Haines, played by Jefferson Hall and Rhian Rees respectively, were essentially exploiting Laurie’s traumatic experiences with the shape for sponsorships or podcast subscriptions. It was distressing to see Laurie alone; estranged from her daughter, Karen, played by Judy Greer and her granddaughter, Allyson, played by Andi Matichak. I understand the desire for realness on screen. Laurie lost her friends and it’s going to take time to heal. That experience can certainly affect her future relationships. However, I like movie magic. I want to believe that there are characters who can handle the absolute worst; kick ass despite losing everything. Maybe I wish Laurie came back like John Wick? The idea of preserving through hell and back is a fallacy, but I want to have hope.
The characters in Halloween were poorly written. Allyson, her boyfriend Cameron, and his best friend Oscar add nothing to this once great horror series. The only scene I liked was when Karen tricked Michael into thinking she was afraid and couldn’t aim. That was badass. I hoped Halloween Kills (2021) would be better. With the character of Tommy Doyle back, now played by Anthony Michael Hall and Kyle Richards and Nancy Stephens both reprising their roles as Lindsey Wallace and Marion Chambers, respectively, I was stoked! My hopes were so high and quickly let down. Laurie’s in the hospital and I’m sure many of us remember how Halloween II went down. Three moments ruined it for me: (1) the incoherent mess of the mindless mob tracking down a Danny DeVito version of Michael Myers; clearly social commentary on the January 6 insurrection, (2) Laurie’s narration, depicting a lame supernatural force keeping Michael alive as he kills Tommy Doyle and Officer Brackett, Annie’s father, played once again by Charles Cyphers, and (3) Karen’s death. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Karen, but seeing as how Halloween Ends turned out, it probably would’ve been better received if the reconnected mother and daughter put an end to the boogeyman once and for all. In Halloween Kills, she’s killed in Judith Myers's old bedroom. Such a missed opportunity.
Now comes Halloween Ends. Why call it that when half of the movie is spent introducing a new pseudo-Michael and having Allyson worship him? Omg, we’re the same! One of the writers, David Gordon Green, Danny McBride, Paul Brad Logan, or Chris Bernier really likes Heathers (1988) and really thought this series needed teen angst. If I can’t have her no one will bs.
One aspect that truly bothered me was seeing the town turn against Laurie; calling her a “freakshow.” There’s a scene where Laurie, after sharing a sweet moment with Deputy Hawkins, played by Will Patton, is chastised for smiling and laughing. The sister of a surviving victim from Halloween Kills blames her for provoking Michael. When the hell did she do that? Wasn’t she a recluse in Halloween? She thought about killing him during his prison transfer (as if that was going to succeed), but instead crashes parents-meeting-the-boyfriend-dinner. She didn’t cause the bus crash. Victim blaming is any shape or form is never funny. The horrors of Haddonfield are due to Michael, not Laurie who’s in the background for most of the film. The only good moments are when she tries, adorably, to make a pie for Allyson, and when she tricks pseudo-Michael, Corey, and shoots him.
I thought Halloween II was bad. Now, I’d rather watch Dr. Loomis, behaving erratically and practically committing manslaughter over the three steaming POS that David Gordon Green directed. Danny McBride and I now have beef because he was there for all three. I can’t believed they, and countless others, turned John Carpenter’s Halloween franchise into muddled garbage.
Halloween (2018): 4/10
Halloween Kills (2021): 2/10
Halloween Ends (2022): 2/10
I’m betting Terrifier 2 (2022) and the new Hellraiser will be so much better.
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Share a Lair 04 || Keep Char Distracted
Jasper and Henry were chatting about NYE plans whenever Max was TRYING to distract his mind from this past week’s thoughts of Charlotte and work on his latest invention. Sure - he selected to do so in the living room, and that was no place for science experiments… well… technically ANY place was a place for science experiments. But, he was still annoyed to hear their voices, despite the fact that he had not heard a single word that either of them were saying. Until one of them said, “What’ll we do about Charlotte?” He hated that just the mere mention of her name demanded his attention, but there he was, unintentionally eavesdropping.
“She probably won’t want to, anyway,” Henry said. “Not really her thang."
"Yeah, but… she’ll still wanna be included. What if she says YES, and we have to spend your first solo NYE hearing her talk about how bad every idea is! Henry… it’s a party BOAT! Drunk young people on a boat, in the middle of the water, specifically to avoid the police…”
“When you’re right, you’re right. Maybe we can get her a distraction?” Henry suggested. “Like, get somebody else to hang out with her for New Year’s Eve and let her be their party pooper!” And because they were sure he wasn’t listening at all, then he heard both of them cheer, “MAX!"
He looked up as they headed over and he sighed. "Max, buddy, we need a HUGE favor and I will repay you in - doing whatever you say about the lair for the entire month of January!” Henry offered. Fool. Max would’ve did this for free. But there was no need to make himself appear too available.
“Whatever it is, I’m not remotely interested,” Max lied. No other word for it. He just straight up lied about it right to those boys’ faces.
“Hear us out, first,” Jasper said.
“Sounded like you two wanna be alone for New Year’s Eve, so you want me to cart Charlotte around so you won’t have to man up and admit that you don’t want her around,” Max said.
“I know it might sound bad, but it’s just that this is going to be a potentially excellent night, and as much as we both love Charlotte, she’s not really one to overlook potential danger, not even at the expense of potential excellence!”
“And I’m not some scapegoat. Just tell her you want a nice evening with your boyfriend and be done with it.”
“My what?” Henry asked. Max walked away, with his experiment in hand, hiding a smirk. Henry gave chase, “Listen! Dude… I KNOW Char’s not fun and she’s kind of a super nerd and is pretty uptight.”
“You’re really selling her here, Hen,” Max said, deadpan.
“Two months!” Henry said. “January AND February.”
“You agree to make sure she’s not the one doing the chores in the community space and I’ll consider it,” Max said. Henry winced. Max shrugged and kept walking.
Jasper looked desperately at Henry, clasping his hands together, as though in prayer. “Fine! But, just so you know, she loves stuff like that. Cleaning up and being helpful and stuff. You’re taking away her potential joy by forcing my hand.”
“I’m sure,” Max said, rolling his eyes. “And just so you know… Charlotte’s not a nerd. You’re way more of a nerd than she is.” Max gave him a playful double slap on the cheek and Henry gasped at the suggestion.
“How do you figure?”
“I mean… Look at her and look at you,” Max said. Jasper looked like he was actually considering this. Max was the smartest man he had ever met, with the exception of Schwoz and to be honest, Jasper wasn’t actually smart enough to fully determine which of the two of them WAS the smarter man. Henry laughed uncomfortably and looked at Jasper, awaiting some type of backup in this conversation. Max expounded. “Okay, I get that she’s a straight A student, makes academic lists, spends her time working instead of having fun, BUT - she’s super hot, her hair is goals, has an amazing fashion sense, can skillfully do cool shit like beat everybody’s ass in video games and play musical instruments - SHE was in a band, Henry. Were YOU ever in a band?”
“What did you… have to like… write a report on her?” Henry asked, uncomfortably, laughing.
Jasper answered, “He WASN’T in a band! But I was!”
“JASPER is less of a nerd than you,” Max added, to twist the knife. He really didn’t like it whenever Henry said negative stuff about Charlotte. He actually agreed that Charlotte was a nerd… But, he also knew that he could make this argument in her favor, and just because she was a nerd didn’t mean that Henry had to keep repeating it out loud.
Henry gasped and Jasper nodded, very pleased, until Henry said, “Jasper had social media accounts for BUCKET collections AND a Bucketeer podcast!”
“Jasper ALSO had a podcast? Man, Henry, what do YOU bring to the cool kids’ table when you aren’t in uniform?”
“Wha… Well… I bring not being an uptight, straight A student or someone who wears belly shirts or collects buckets…”
“HEY!” Jasper said and folded his arms.
“What’s wrong with belly shirts?” Max asked.
“Yeah, what is?” Jasper insisted, now, clearly in Max’s corner. Truthfully, Max could wear a belly shirt. Lord knows he had the abs for them… But he never would, because once again, he agreed with Henry that they were pretty lame, but once again, he wasn’t gonna give Henry the satisfaction. This was a battle, of sorts. Over Charlotte’s honor and good name. Max didn’t care what the facts were, as long as he won it.
Henry shook his head. “I’m just… Jasper. Come on. You think I’M the nerdiest in our trio? It’s obviously Charlotte, and if it’s not… I mean… It CAN’T be ME. I’m Kid Danger, for crying out loud.”
Jasper rolled his eyes, looked at Max and Max knew this was about to be sweet satisfaction. “I once had a birthday party that every kid in Swellview showed up to because Captain Man stopped in. Henry had a party a few years later that Piper couldn’t convince her cool friends to show up at, because they knew that it was Henry’s, even with her public figure status and vouching for him.” Max laughed. Henry stammered. Jasper wasn’t done. “Henry had the same pick up line for years - never worked. Two of his girlfriends left him to go to a reality show, meanwhile, I had an obsessive girl who had to be pushed out of a window to stay away from me.”
“I understand that,” Max said. “Mine used to sleep outside of my house. Well, it’s clear to me who’s the nerdiest nerd of your circle.” Jasper looked worried for a moment, so Max reassured him, “It’s Henry, Dude.” Jasper fist pumped.
Henry and he began to argue about their accomplishments versus failures, “Captain Man only showed up because I got him to! Use your brain, Man.”
“I had my own hero day because I can be brave WITHOUT a sidekick suit. You’re unofficially the Playground Pooper!”
“You were the one that was ACTUALLY considered bizarre enough to BE the Playground Pooper!” Max smirked and continued on his way out of the room.
“Hey! You never said that you agreed to distract her!” Henry said.
Max turned around and smiled at him, “Oh, right. Yeah, you had me at “get somebody else to hang out with her for New Year’s Eve and let her be their party pooper.” It slowly dawned on Henry that Max had heard their entire conversation and played him for a fool. Why would someone do this? Like he could read his mind, Max said, “Charlotte deserves better friends.”
Jasper gasped. “I would fight a shark for Char! I just… don’t want her out there with us for New Year’s Eve.” Max rolled his eyes. “Is… Is Henry still the nerdiest, or was that ALL a game?”
“He definitely is. I mean, you strike me as a bisexual individual. Look at their curve records. Compare the quality of people that have turned him down or been interested in him verses hers.”
“What does THAT have to do with…”
“Hot people dig hot people,” Max said.
“Way more hot people have liked and been turned down by Charlotte!” Jasper said with realization.
“Joss Moss said that I was cute. That cancels out like… HALF of Charlotte’s list! Joss Moss is a wealthy socialite and the daughter of an infamous mob boss.” Henry fussed, flustered.
“I say that Charlotte’s cute,” Max said and folded his arms. “I’m a global superhero.”
“That wins,” Jasper whispered, very impressed with how hot Max was, especially right now, for some reason. Finally, Henry conceded and Max left the room. He really had to prep if he was gonna be hanging out with Charlotte tonight!
Charlotte came into the lair through the front entrance. Max had been a little less unbearable this week, so she decided to test it out and if she ran into a problem, she’d simply never come back to this house, ever again. She laughed. J/K, she thought. Her boys were here. Whenever she got inside, it was pretty quiet. She expected Henry and Jasper to be in the common area, but maybe they were in the tower. Ugh. Now, she’d have to walk to the tower…
“Hey!” Max cheered, suddenly and when she heard his voice, she turned to say it back, but she lost her ability to speak or move. He smiled brightly, with this look of accomplishment and while she realized that she probably had something to do with that; her body had nothing. “SO, long story short, you’re stuck with me tonight and Henry and Jasper are at the Man Cave getting ready to go to some kind of NYE thing.”
She scoffed, “WHAT? They let me drive all the way here and just stuck me with you???” It came out more harsh than she expected, and sounded like she was attacking him, when she meant for it to be directed at the boys. His smile was less confident, now and his eyebrows looked a little… bothered. “I mean… I’m sure that you have much better things to do than have to pretend to entertain me tonight.”
He perked up again and shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t have to pretend. You’ll be entertained. There’s a party in Metroburg or one in Hiddenville, Lady’s Choice.”
“Ummm… What are the pros and cons of each?” she asked. He hoped she’d loosen up before they hit any party.
“Pros are they’re parties. Cons are they’re not gonna abandon you to a guy that you barely know and hardly like?” He said, huffing a laugh.
“Hurtful,” she said.
“Well, we’re even, then.”
“Metroburg is full of open superpowers and probably has the greatest technology in daily life… But, I probably need to visit there on a day trip, not the night of a party, whenever people are going to be drinking. Drinking and DRIVING is bad enough. Drinking and suping?”
“OH MY GOD!” Max cried out to the sky, exasperated. “Let’s just go to Hiddenville! That’s where my friends will be, anyway.”
“Well… Why were you considering Metroburg, then?”
“Because that’s where the supes are and where I was born.”
“Well, do you want to go ahead and go there instead?” He was starting to see why her friends might want to ditch her on a party night. She was very preoccupied with making the right decision, when sometimes, all it took was just making ANY decision.
“Let’s go to Hiddenville,” he said, putting his foot down. She held up a finger and pulled out her party gumball dispenser. Was she supposed to have it? No. Did she deserve it, therefore take it? Well, she’d just pulled it out, so what does that tell you? She blew a bubble and transformed into a Black party dress, high heeled boots and a sparkly headband with the new year at the top of it. Even her flawless makeup had been designed into the gumball and she looked like… she was meant to be on his arm tonight. He was far more casual - in all black with a shirt, an over shirt, his jacket and a tight pair of pants with heavy boots. But… they matched… WELL! She held her hands out, a little bit self conscious and said, “This is fine for your party, right? I can’t tell if I’m overdressed or you just don’t give a shit, either way because any and everything looks good on you…” Her eyes widened at this unconscious admission.
“We look awesome,” he said, and pointed two fingers at the door to open it and used his other hand to make sure he was powering things down in the house.
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
Keep Char Distracted.
Share-a-Lair 4
Decided to split NYE into two chapters, trying not to make the chapter too long. Besides, we haven’t seen much of Henry and Jasper and I really wanted to dig more into Henry and Max’s conflict as housemates.
@adorkable-blackgirl @chenoahchantel @henryhearts @kiddangers
Keep Char Distracted.
Jasper and Henry were chatting about NYE plans whenever Max was TRYING to distract his mind from this past week’s thoughts of Charlotte and work on his latest invention. Sure - he selected to do so in the living room, and that was no place for science experiments… well… technically ANY place was a place for science experiments. But, he was still annoyed to hear their voices, despite the fact that he had not heard a single word that either of them were saying. Until one of them said, "What'll we do about Charlotte?" He hated that just the mere mention of her name demanded his attention, but there he was, unintentionally eavesdropping.
"She probably won't want to, anyway," Henry said. "Not really her thang." 
"Yeah, but… she'll still wanna be included. What if she says YES, and we have to spend your first solo NYE hearing her talk about how bad every idea is! Henry… it's a party BOAT! Drunk young people on a boat, in the middle of the water, specifically to avoid the police..."
"When you're right, you're right. Maybe we can get her a distraction?" Henry suggested. "Like, get somebody else to hang out with her for New Year's Eve and let her be their party pooper!" And because they were sure he wasn't listening at all, then he heard both of them cheer, "MAX!" 
He looked up as they headed over and he sighed. "Max, buddy, we need a HUGE favor and I will repay you in - doing whatever you say about the lair for the entire month of January!" Henry offered. Fool. Max would've did this for free. But there was no need to make himself appear too available.
"Whatever it is, I'm not remotely interested," Max lied. No other word for it. He just straight up lied about it right to those boys’ faces.
"Hear us out, first," Jasper said.
"Sounded like you two wanna be alone for New Year's Eve, so you want me to cart Charlotte around so you won't have to man up and admit that you don't want her around," Max said. 
“I know it might sound bad, but it’s just that this is going to be a potentially excellent night, and as much as we both love Charlotte, she’s not really one to overlook potential danger, not even at the expense of potential excellence!”
"And I'm not some scapegoat. Just tell her you want a nice evening with your boyfriend and be done with it."
“My what?” Henry asked. Max walked away, with his experiment in hand, hiding a smirk. Henry gave chase, “Listen! Dude… I KNOW Char’s not fun and she’s kind of a super nerd and is pretty uptight.”
“You’re really selling her here, Hen,” Max said, deadpan.
“Two months!” Henry said. “January AND February.”
“You agree to make sure she’s not the one doing the chores in the community space and I’ll consider it,” Max said. Henry winced. Max shrugged and kept walking. 
Jasper looked desperately at Henry, clasping his hands together, as though in prayer. “Fine! But, just so you know, she loves stuff like that. Cleaning up and being helpful and stuff. You’re taking away her potential joy by forcing my hand.”
“I’m sure,” Max said, rolling his eyes. “And just so you know… Charlotte’s not a nerd. You’re way more of a nerd than she is.” Max gave him a playful double slap on the cheek and Henry gasped at the suggestion.
“How do you figure?”
“I mean… Look at her and look at you,” Max said. Jasper looked like he was actually considering this. Max was the smartest man he had ever met, with the exception of Schwoz and to be honest, Jasper wasn’t actually smart enough to fully determine which of the two of them WAS the smarter man. Henry laughed uncomfortably and looked at Jasper, awaiting some type of backup in this conversation. Max expounded. “Okay, I get that she’s a straight A student, makes academic lists, spends her time working instead of having fun, BUT - she’s super hot, her hair is goals, has an amazing fashion sense, can skillfully do cool shit like beat everybody’s ass in video games and play musical instruments - SHE was in a band, Henry. Were YOU ever in a band?”
“What did you… have to like… write a report on her?” Henry asked, uncomfortably, laughing. 
Jasper answered, “He WASN’T in a band! But I was!”
“JASPER is less of a nerd than you,” Max added, to twist the knife. He really didn’t like it whenever Henry said negative stuff about Charlotte. He actually agreed that Charlotte was a nerd… But, he also knew that he could make this argument in her favor, and just because she was a nerd didn’t mean that Henry had to keep repeating it out loud.
Henry gasped and Jasper nodded, very pleased, until Henry said, “Jasper had social media accounts for BUCKET collections AND a Bucketeer podcast!”
“Jasper ALSO had a podcast? Man, Henry, what do YOU bring to the cool kids’ table when you aren’t in uniform?”
“Wha… Well… I bring not being an uptight, straight A student who wears belly shirts or collects buckets…”
“HEY!” Jasper said and folded his arms.
“What’s wrong with belly shirts?” Max asked. 
“Yeah, what is?” Jasper insisted, now, clearly in Max’s corner. Truthfully, Max could wear a belly shirt. Lord knows he had the abs for them… But he never would, because once again, he agreed with Henry that they were pretty lame, but once again, he wasn’t gonna give Henry the satisfaction. This was a battle, of sorts. Over Charlotte’s honor and good name. Max didn’t care what the facts were, as long as he won it.
Henry shook his head. “I’m just… Jasper. Come on. You think I’M the nerdiest in our trio? It’s obviously Charlotte, and if it’s not… I mean… It CAN’T be ME. I’m Kid Danger, for crying out loud.”
Jasper rolled his eyes, looked at Max and Max knew this was about to be sweet satisfaction. “I once had a birthday party that every kid in Swellview showed up to because Captain Man stopped in. Henry had a party a few years later that Piper couldn’t convince her cool friends to show up at, because they knew that it was Henry’s, even with her public figure status and vouching for him.” Max laughed. Henry stammered. Jasper wasn’t done. “Henry had the same pick up line for years - never worked. Two of his girlfriends left him to go to a reality show, meanwhile, I had an obsessive girl who had to be pushed out of a window to stay away from me.”
“I understand that,” Max said. “Mine used to sleep outside of my house. Well, it’s clear to me who’s the nerdiest nerd of your circle.” Jasper looked worried for a moment, so Max reassured him, “It’s Henry, Dude.” Jasper fist pumped. 
Henry and he began to argue about their accomplishments versus failures, “Captain Man only showed up because I got him to! Use your brain, Man.”
“I had my own hero day because I can be brave WITHOUT a sidekick suit. You’re unofficially the Playground Pooper!”
“You were the one that was ACTUALLY considered bizarre enough to BE the Playground Pooper!” Max smirked and continued on his way out of the room. 
“Hey! You never said that you agreed to distract her!” Henry said.
Max turned around and smiled at him, “Oh, right. Yeah, you had me at “get somebody else to hang out with her for New Year's Eve and let her be their party pooper.” It slowly dawned on Henry that Max had heard their entire conversation and played him for a fool. Why would someone do this? Like he could read his mind, Max said, “Charlotte deserves better friends.”
Jasper gasped. “I would fight a shark for Char! I just… don’t want her out there with us for New Year’s Eve.” Max rolled his eyes. “Is… Is Henry still the nerdiest, or was that ALL a game?”
“He definitely is. I mean, you strike me as a bisexual individual. Look at their curve records. Compare the quality of people that have turned him down or been interested in him verses hers.”
“What does THAT have to do with…”
“Hot people dig hot people,” Max said. 
“Way more hot people have liked and been turned down by Charlotte!” Jasper said with realization.
“Joss Moss said that I was cute. That cancels out like… HALF of Charlotte’s list! Joss Moss is a wealthy socialite and the daughter of an infamous mob boss.” Henry fussed, flustered.
“I say that Charlotte’s cute,” Max said and folded his arms. “I’m a global superhero.”
“That wins,” Jasper whispered, very impressed with how hot Max was, especially right now, for some reason. Finally, Henry conceded and Max left the room. He really had to prep if he was gonna be hanging out with Charlotte tonight!
Charlotte came into the lair through the front entrance. Max had been a little less unbearable this week, so she decided to test it out and if she ran into a problem, she’d simply never come back to this house, ever again. She laughed. J/K, she thought. Her boys were here. Whenever she got inside, it was pretty quiet. She expected Henry and Jasper to be in the common area, but maybe they were in the tower. Ugh. Now, she’d have to walk to the tower…
“Hey!” Max cheered, suddenly and when she heard his voice, she turned to say it back, but she lost her ability to speak or move. He smiled brightly, with this look of accomplishment and while she realized that she probably had something to do with that; her body had nothing. “SO, long story short, you’re stuck with me tonight and Henry and Jasper are at the Man Cave getting ready to go to some kind of NYE thing.”
She scoffed, “WHAT? They let me drive all the way here and just stuck me with you???” It came out more harsh than she expected, and sounded like she was attacking him, when she meant for it to be directed at the boys. His smile was less confident, now and his eyebrows looked a little… bothered. “I mean… I’m sure that you have much better things to do than have to pretend to entertain me tonight.”
He perked up again and shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t have to pretend. You’ll be entertained. There’s a party in Metroburg or one in Hiddenville, Lady’s Choice.” 
“Ummm… What are the pros and cons of each?” she asked. He hoped she’d loosen up before they hit any party. 
“Pros are they’re parties. Cons are they’re not gonna abandon you to a guy that you barely know and hardly like?” He said, huffing a laugh.
“Hurtful,” she said.
“Well, we’re even, then.” 
“Metroburg is full of open superpowers and probably has the greatest technology in daily life… But, I probably need to visit there on a day trip, not the night of a party, whenever people are going to be drinking. Drinking and DRIVING is bad enough. Drinking and suping?”
“OH MY GOD!” Max cried out to the sky, exasperated. “Let’s just go to Hiddenville! That’s where my friends will be, anyway.”
“Well… Why were you considering Metroburg, then?”
“Because that’s where the supes are and where I was born.”
“Well, do you want to go ahead and go there instead?” He was starting to see why her friends might want to ditch her on a party night. She was very preoccupied with making the right decision, when sometimes, all it took was just making ANY decision.
“Let’s go to Hiddenville,” he said, putting his foot down. She held up a finger and pulled out her party gumball dispenser. Was she supposed to have it? No. Did she deserve it, therefore take it? Well, she’d just pulled it out, so what does that tell you? She blew a bubble and transformed into a Black party dress, high heeled boots and a sparkly headband with the new year at the top of it. Even her flawless makeup had been designed into the gumball and she looked like… she was meant to be on his arm tonight. He was far more casual - in all black with a shirt, an overshirt, his jacket and a tight pair of pants with heavy boots. But… they matched… WELL! She held her hands out, a little bit self conscious and said, “This is fine for your party, right? I can’t tell if I’m overdressed or you just don’t give a shit, either way because any and everything looks good on you…” Her eyes widened at this unconscious admission. 
“We look awesome,” he said, and pointed two fingers at the door to open it and used his other hand to make sure he was powering things down in the house. 
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