#all i know if the world is spinny but i WILL tag my posts appropriately
leafsfromthevine · 9 months
zukka...... kissing maybe, idk
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rae0fsunsh1ne · 4 years
The Order S2E10
I’m rewatching The Order for the 4th time and basically just gonna live blog it so if you don’t want to see my blabbering posts about each episode you can block the tag #Rachel obsesses about The Order
this is the end
Alyssa been practicing, 3 months ago she wouldn’t have had the skills to ‘simply slow time to her advantage’
Vera even used silver bullets, just in case
“Why do you hate her so much?” good question…… and her reaction is suspicious. Vera has always had a weird thing towards Alyssa
fuckin kyle...
It’s cool seeing all the previous Midnights
Season 1 Gabrielle would’ve been pretty stoked to kill Jack
The pain and tears in Gabrielle’s eyes when all those visions tell her how needy and unimpressive she is, genuinely pretty sad
“She’s only a magistratus” “We’re only magistratuses…..eses” “We’re werewolves”
“Open a passage to the demon realm, what happened to me? i was going to be a marine biologist.”  “oh shit! dude, you finally figured out your major!”
Using their Knight names, all the old fashioned insults, they shoulda known it’s Midnight
“I’m not selfish” the silent exchange between Randall and Jack hahaha
Aw, Nicole named the owl, just like she named the goats they used for the Rogwan spells
Randall just gonna hop into Hell
‘Would you like a drink?” “I’m awake, aren’t i?”
Alyssa using the spinny thing, what is that thing?
Nicole just kicks the demon head away
“Hey, yes things are really really really really really really bad, but they’re not terrible”
“’What did i always tell you?” “Snap and shine?”
As others have pointed out, Hamish has something under his head that Vera must have put there, which is so tender
So let me get this straight… the fors factorum makes the practitioner the sacrifice, so each practitioner has to perform the incantation on themselves, enough people do it and there’s ‘free magic for the masses’ but that doesn’t actually seem like that bad of a trade if you’re willing to be your own sacrifice. but i guess the incantation itself might be dangerous to perform
“You’re demanding, and weirdly ticklish, but not selfish”
“It’s alright to let someone care about you” soft Hamish
Vera performed the fors factorum??? So there’s no point letting someone care about her because she has magic cancer????
Jack poking Gabrielle with a stick lmao
“Still gonna kill you” “Yeah, i got it.”
tsk tsk, Alyssa did not wash her hands for 20 seconds
Alyssa looks absolutely crushed when Jack asks about Alpha’s hide and her not being an ‘appropriate champion’
No kissy for you, Jack
The way Nicole is ready to sacrifice herself, so sad
I love a girl with a sword
Kepler is looking after Maddox, tells him that his dad is ‘coming home soon’ was she planning to bring Coventry back?
DUDE, you can’t just leave the kid there, alone in a car park
he’s like 12
But it’s Salvador’s dream not your dream, Alyssa. What’s your dream? You’re still following someone else’s playbook.
“If i don’t make it back….. don’t touch my stuff.”
Randall flips them off so they know it’s him, ♪ that’s so Randall♪
“That was hell” “It wasn’t Hell, it was a trans-dimensional plane.”
Is that even actually Lilith anymore
i mean, she says this isn’t her home and has a demon scar on her face
“If you’re going to kill me, Miss Drake….. just not the face”
“You deserve to die for what you did” “For saving the world?” right?????
“This isn’t revenge, this is justice!” “No…… it’s revenge.”
“It’s always about you, isn’t it?” “I like being the centre of attention.”
Midnight ripped Alyssa’s throat, but didn’t eat her heart…..
This song……….. so good. they pick good songs for their season finales
Such a sweet, soft moment between Gabrielle and Randall. Finally seeing some vulnerability from her, she didn’t want to kill Alyssa but y’know how it is, everyone’s first kill is always against their will
Vera reaching for Hamish’s hand, showing her vulnerability too. and Hamish closing the doors with magic. Power couple
Jack knows what the fuck he’s doing
and so do we
if they don’t get another season, this would be such a sad, terrible way to end things
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