#all i needed to do was picture Saeyoung as the godmother and boom
sephirotha · 4 years
Can you do one where Jaehee x zen are in the Cinderella story with glam being the stepmother, and echo and Sarah being the step sisters ?
“Kyungju, you need more colour in your cheeks,” Glam sighed as she pinched her younger daughter’s cheek and handed her some blush.
“Yes, mother!” Kyungju nodded as she turned to the vanity and began applying it.
“Sarah, curl your hair!”
“Eh?!” Glam’s older daughter looked aghast.  “But straight hair suits me so well!”
“Do as I say,” Glam snapped her fingers.  “I will not suffer further embarrassment after the spectacle you pulled at Jumin’s party!”  She sighed and shook her head.  “Passed over for a plain commoner.  Shameful!”
Sarah pouted and folded her arms.  “Jaehee!  Jaehee, where are my curlers?!”  After a few moments, Jaehee stumbled into the bedroom with curlers.  “Lazy girl!  What took you so long?!”
“Oh, never mind.”  Sarah pushed Kyungju out of the way so she could sit at the vanity.  “Curl my hair.”
Jaehee heaved a tired sigh as she stood behind Sarah to curl her hair.
“That’s not fair!” Kyungju whined and stomped her foot.  “Jaehee, I need my hair ribbons to put into bunches!”
“No she doesn’t,” Glam said snappily.  “She needs the pearl barrette we got the other week.  Come now, dear, you aren’t fifteen anymore.  You need to let your hair loose.”
“Then where is my barrette?!”
Jaehee leaned past Sarah to grab the barrette on the vanity counter and handed it to Kyungju.
“But that’s mine!” Sarah whined.
“You’re having the diamond one, Sarah,” Glam said as she applied lipstick to herself.
“Wait, why can’t I wear the diamond one?!” Kyungju whined.
Jaehee sighed softly as she tuned out the voices around her, focusing on her task.
“Wash the dishes, clean the sheets, mop the floors…” Glam listed Jaehee’s chores as she ushered her daughters out the door.  “Oh.  And make sure to polish the jewellery.”  She turned to Jaehee, her lips curling up into a nasty smirk.  “My pearls, girl.”
Jaehee nodded as she took the pearl necklace off her and handed them to her stepmother.  Glam tittered as she put them on herself.
“Don’t get too comfortable.  I expect fresh baths to be drawn for my girls when we get back.  We’ll be back at either half midnight or later.  But don’t drink too much coffee, dear.  The scent is abhorrent after all.”
“Yes, of course.  Have a lovely time.”
The door slammed shut and Jaehee let out a breath.  She stumbled back and collapsed on the nearest chair. She slumped on the table and sighed tiredly.
“Maybe…just a short nap…” she murmured as she closed her eyes.
She sighed as she began drifting off to sleep.  She was disturbed with a sharp knock on the door.
She jumped to her feet and scurried across the room to answer the door.  Maybe Glam had forgotten something…
“Yes!” a cheerful voice rung out and caught her by surprise.  “It is I!  Godmother Seven Oh Seven!”
Jaehee adjusted her glasses and blinked blearily at her crossdressing acquaintance.  He stood there in a sparkling white and blue tutu, complete with large, glittery wire butterfly wings and a shiny foil wand with a star.
She blinked owlishly.  “…Not tonight.”  She closed the door in his face.
“Ah, Jaehee!  Wait!” Jaehee sighed softly as Saeyoung began knocking on the door frantically.  “I mean it!  Yoosung’s just coming with your dress and wig, he’s just running a little late!”
“A wig?  Why would I need a wig…?”
“Driver Kim is here too, ready to spirit you away to a well earned night of fun and revelry!”
“Luciel, I have chores to do…”
“Which is why Yoosung and I will do them for you!”
“Eh?!” Yoosung’s voice chimed in.  “Seven, you didn’t say such a thing…”
Jaehee sighed as she opened the door.  “Luciel, this is thoughtful really it is but…”
“But, Jaehee, you’re one of Zen’s biggest fans,” Yoosung said as Saeyoung strode into the house.
“I’m fine with not going,” Jaehee sighed as she let Yoosung in.
“You work too hard,” Saeyoung said as he set the wand down and looked around with a thoughtful expression.  “Hm, I see.  Anyway, MC personally picked this dress out for you.  You wouldn’t want to disappoint her, would you?”
Jaehee looked flustered as Yoosung took the silver dress out of its bag and showed it to her.  “It is…beautiful…”
“Just try it on.  We even have comfortable shoes for you.”
Yoosung fumbled around and pulled some stockings and plimsols that matched the colour of the dress.  Jaehee sighed as she conceded and took the dress off Yoosung.
“Don’t forget the wig!”
“Why do I need a wig?” Jaehee frowned as she took the long brown wig off Yoosung.
“Well, you wouldn’t want to be recognised by your step-family, would you?”  Saeyoung smiled.  “Go ahead. I’ll help brush the wig when you come out.”
Jaehee smiled shyly as she nodded and went into her bedroom to change.
“Oh, Jaehee,” Yoosung gasped as Jaehee came down in the dress. “You look beautiful.”
Jaehee fiddled with one of the locks of the wig shyly.  “You think so?”
“Of course he does,” Saeyoung scoffed before tottering over to her. “Just one last thing.”  He plucked Jaehee’s glasses off her face and nodded. “Now just let me do your makeup.”
“You know how to apply makeup?” Jaehee said as she was sat down.
Saeyoung pulled a large makeup kit bag out of seemingly nowhere. “Jaehee.  Every cosplayer is always prepared with makeup for every occasion.”  He tipped the bag upside down to reveal lipsticks, mascara, blush, foundation, eyeshadow and even some face paints.
“Oh my, this is more than what Sarah has,” Jaehee muttered as she picked up a lipstick.  “…This is better than what Sarah has.”
“Of course,” Saeyoung grinned as his hand hovered over the pile carefully.  “Yoosung, be a dear and start on the dishes.  After we send Jaehee off, we need to work together with cleaning the sheets.”
“Right!” Yoosung nodded as he made his way to the kitchen.
Jaehee rolled her eyes as Saeyoung dabbed his eyes whilst waving her off at the door.
“My baby Jaehee is all grown up,” he wailed.
“I’m older than you…”
“My sweet baby Jaehee…”
“Have fun!” Yoosung called as Jaehee stepped into the limo.
“I’ll try to be back for midnight!”
“You stay as long as you like!” Saeyoung called as he waved to her. “Don’t stress!  Fun never has a deadline for its end!”
“That’s what you think,” Jaehee sighed as she sat back and was driven away.
Jaehee was hesitant to step out of the limo.  There were so many people around the nightclub where the party was being held, wearing shorter dresses than her, flashing their long nails and jewellery, clicking around in their high heels.  They all stood behind a velvet rope in a queue.
She was going to stick out like a sore thumb…
“Miss Kang?”  Jaehee turned to the driver.  “Is everything alright?”
“I’m just…nervous.”
Driver Kim smiled at her reassuringly through the rear-view mirror.  “I understand.  Would you like me to circle round for you to calm down a bit?”
“No, no, I’ll get out now.  Thank you.”
“Oh.  One more thing, before I forget.”  Kim leaned across the passenger seat and opened the glove compartment.  He pulled out a gilded envelope and handed it to her. “Give this to the bouncer at the front of the queue.”
Jaehee nodded as she accepted the envelope and looked at the golden letters that spelled her name out in a cursive font.  With a deep breath, she opened the door and stepped out of the limo. Her blush deepened as several eyes landed on her and she lowered her gaze, slowly making her way to the bouncer at the front.
She presented the envelope, to which the bouncer took and opened it.  He scanned whatever its contents were before nodding.
“One moment.”
He pressed into his earwig and Jaehee fiddled with her hands nervously.  He murmured under his breath which was drowned out by the chatter of the ladies in the queue.
The door opened behind him and a smartly dressed man stepped out.
“Miss Kang?”
“Right this way.”
Jaehee let out a soft breath before nodding and following him into the building, much to the displeasure of the chattering girls outside. Inside the club, there were lots of people dancing to the music, girls lining up the extravagant looking bar, snapping their fingers and fumbling with their designer brand clutches.
The man led her through to where another bouncer stood.  He paused and tilted his head, prompting Jaehee to curiously peek around him.  She covered her mouth as she spotted her stepmother and sisters in front of the bouncer, waving her hands.
“Glam Choi!” she said over the din of the nightclub music.  “Do you hear me?  I am the Glam Choi, I have performed with Zen personally, he knows who I am and so should you!”
“Not on the list, not allowed through,” the bouncer barked back, as if tired of her complaints.
“I must be on the list, check it again!”
Jaehee hesitated as her escort approached the bouncer and nodded. The bouncer stepped to the side and unclipped the velvet barrier.  Jaehee faced away from her stepfamily as they screeched about the injustice of their exclusion and hurried forward.
It was quieter as they went down the corridor, the music growing quieter as they progressed further.  They stopped at one of the doors and the man rapped his knuckles on it sharply.
“Miss Jaehee Kang.”
The door flew open and Jaehee widened her eyes as she saw MC in the doorway.  She smiled.
“Jaehee.  You came. I’m glad.”
“One cannot simply refuse an invitation from Luciel if he’s dressed as a fairy,” Jaehee remarked.
MC laughed loudly as the escort bowed and left them alone.  “Come in!  It’s good to have you here.  Zen and Jumin do not get along and I finally have a fellow fangirl to chat with.”
Jaehee smiled weakly as she stepped into the lounge.
There was faint jazz music in the background but Jaehee immediately recognised it to be from one of Zen’s first plays.  Her heart fluttered with the nostalgia as she scoured the room.  She held her breath as she spotted Zen at the bar, mixing a cocktail.
“Zenny!” MC called as she led Jaehee over.  “Zenny, this is Jaehee!”
Zen looked up and smiled at her.  “Jaehee Kang.  You are quite the celebrity.”
“I-I am?” Jaehee stuttered.
“Of course.  MC has spared no detail on your childhood.”
“MC!” Jaehee hissed and MC shrugged as she sat on one of the stools.
“Oh, you know, I couldn’t help but mention you when we were talking about his plays,” MC giggled.
“So tell me…” Zen hummed as he poured two cocktails out into glasses and added a couple of cherries into each.  “What is your favourite play?”
Jaehee looked flustered as he offered her one of the cocktails and took it with a shy look.  “…Dandelion Wishes Brought to You.”
Zen looked surprised.  “Really?!”  Jaehee nodded and he smiled.  “You’re the first fan to say that.  Oh my, that must have been a couple years ago.”
“I just think your performance as Jisoo was heart-wrenching,” Jaehee said with sparkles in her eyes.  “Your performance brought me to tears, you acted so well…”
Zen blushed and rubbed the back of his head.  “Ha.  You know, I first auditioned for the part of Jihae.”
“Yes.  I’m not fond of cats so I thought I’d be more comfortable as one of the rabbit characters. Then the director decided to cast me as Jisoo instead.”
Jaehee’s heart skipped a beat at this information as she fiddled with the cherry stem and looked up at him in awe.
“Oh, I’ll be right back,” MC said as she stood.  “I’ll introduce you to Jumin later, alright?”
She patted Jaehee’s shoulder before going across the lounge to join two men, one with black hair, the other with turquoise.  Zen huffed.
“That jerk,” he muttered.  “He’s lucky to have a girl like MC.  Not that he deserves it.”  He turned back to Jaehee and sipped his cocktail.  “But enough about him.  Tell me more about yourself.”
“Oh, there isn’t that much to tell,” Jaehee said with a deep blush and looked away.
“Nonsense, MC has talked my ear off about you.  So, tell me.  Is it true that you skipped a few years in school and left poor MC in the dust with your academic success?”
Jaehee’s jaw dropped and she finally met Zen’s gaze.  “…It was just two years.  My father had given me personal tuition when I had fallen sick one summer.  He was afraid I’d fall behind if I kept being sick into the school term.  As it turns out, he was a better teacher than he gave himself credit for.”
Zen’s eyes lit up and he smiled brightly.  “So smart!  I’m so jealous.  I dropped out of school to pursue my acting career…”
“But that is admirable!  You achieved your dreams through your sacrifices!  I look up to you for that.”
Zen looked taken aback before smiling.  “Jaehee.  You’re so nice.”  He stood up straight.  “Let’s get ourselves more comfortable shall we?  I spy a couple of spots on that sofa there.”
Jaehee nodded as she picked up her glass and followed him to the plush looking sofa.  They chatted throughout most of the evening, wrapped up in their own bubble with no-one willing to pop it.  Not even midnight’s strike could pull them apart.
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