#driver kim
The lack of Driver Kim content on this blog, smh (/j)
Oh, you want me to talk about The Driver Kim? As in, the Driver Kim that's the best father figure to Jumin? Better than Chairman Han will ever be? I don't think anyone's ever asked for my brazened speak about this but I'm not stopping now since someone gave me the floor to talk about it in a serious way. So, let’s get to the details and I’ll not to overwhelm you with it.
So, Driver Kim is Jumin’s driver and has been since Jumin was a child. He’s a character you hear about a lot in the game now and again and is a party guest you can invite as well. You get some extended lore about him when he’s a guest for the party, actually. As it turns out, his back story is that he used to be a very notable street driver turned professional in his younger years.
He’s great at the job he does, but, as it turns out, Driver Kim wants to see how great of a driver his son has become and if his son can beat him, he’ll support his son’s dreams to go wherever he wants and to follow his destiny on the open road to find what he dreams of. Saeyoung is the one that gushes about this once you look at the guest history. So, yeah, when you’re emailing him in the game to invite him, that’s the focus on his conversation.
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You coach him through talking to his son and help him set up a race so that they can sort out their feelings and process what’s the best case to mend their family bond. It’s kind of a sweet thing to watch play out if you’re actually reading any of the emails. You tell him that his heart speaks through his driving, so racing with his son will help him convey his feelings appropriately. He takes your advice to heart, too. He doesn’t discount it, he thinks about it and decides you’ve made a great point.
You help him decide the car he’ll go with and even get to hear what techniques he’s great at preforming! 
10/10. It’s a really sweet way to get to know a minor character that you know of but you never speak with. Driver Kim helps us many times during the game as Jumin makes sure that only his driver knows where to pick us up and drop us off. Jumin puts a lot of trust into his man because he’s been there for him since his childhood, and I can’t blame him for it. Driver Kim never wavers in his care for a man named Jumin Han. Never. He believes in him and never once doubts in his choices.
I think the funniest thing you learn from inviting him is that this is a man that gives his cars names. His car is named Honk Honk. If that isn’t the funniest yet sweetest thing you’ve ever heard, I don’t know what to tell you. Nobody really glances at the guest history unless they want the HG so you miss out on these really silly comments if you’re not looking for them. But, I’m gonna show you just so you don’t gloss over it.
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What is something we all know about Jumin? He isn't the kind of person to trust easily. He doesn't go out of his way to know people that he already senses are going to be a problem. He spends a lot of time getting to know people and takes that time to decide how much he will tell them. He's a great judge of character since he knows how to read people and it doesn't steer him wrong. Every time he doesn't trust somebody, the game will show us that it was a good choice for him to make that decision. He knows when somebody isn't a good person and he keeps to himself as much as he can away from that.
He has a very small circle of people that he keeps close to him. The RFA is that circle that he can be frank with but there’s one person outside of the messenger he trusts.
It’s Driver Kim.
You know that he has a great relationship with his driver because he often will lend him to other people in situations that call for help. He knows that he can get other transportation but at the same time, he knows that he cannot trust other people to transport specific things. That is specifically why he will always send Driver Kim to you. It happens in multiple routes. Everybody knows that Driver Kim can be trusted to keep his mouth shut when needed and that’s why nobody blinks when Jumin offers to send him to pick you up.
You might assume that they have a very formal and matter-of-fact dynamic but they don't. They do talk a lot when there is a moment to talk during travel. Jumin mentions very casual things he knows about Driver Kim. I can’t recall where it’s located but I know Jumin mentions that Driver Kim has some really funny dad jokes.
You don't casually get to know these things about your driver unless you're actually and actively talking with him. While there is a respectful aura of formal business between the two of them, you can tell that Jumin knows he can relax around Driver Kim and let his guard down. That’s how you get moments where Jumin admits how safe and trustworthy the man is.
There’s this moment from Christmas DLC that makes me chuckle sometimes, and that’s how Jumin describes Driver Kim’s driving. He says that Driver Kim knows the streets like the back of his hand and glides the car perfectly. That’s such a funny image to him. Jumin cannot and will not ever be able to drive a car in his life, but he knows he’s safe with Driver Kim. Jumin compliments him a lot on this matter, but Driver Kim is very humble because he says that it’s simply his job to protect and drive Jumin.
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And when you play Saeran’s After Ending, Driver Kim gets an even larger role in the main game. It gives you the bits and pieces of what you already know and it builds on top of it so that you have a better idea of what their dynamic is like. I’m always surprised when I get to talk to Driver Kim because you never know what to expect out of this man. So, just take a look at some of these snippets from the phone calls you get with him to see how much he cares about Jumin.
Chairman Han is not at the hospital. He’s in the middle of C&R taking care of work as expected, but you know who is with Jumin? Driver Kim. The man is right at Jumin’s bedside like you’d expect a father to be. We know that Jumin would be the one to tell us that his father needed to stay at work to get things taken care of since Jumin cannot take care of anything himself in a hospital bed, but... you know, if my son is in the hospital because his best friend double-crossed him, I’d say damn the work and be at my son’s bedside, Chairman Han.
Driver Kim is answering calls for Jumin’s behalf. He wouldn’t do that unless he had permission and trust from Jumin. Listen to how he says that he wanted to take Jumin home safe and sound, but this happened... and he misses Jumin. “Nobody can be with him right not since Assistant Kang is in the hospital, too.” There’s no “Chairman Han” mention coming.
Sure, Driver Kim is grateful to the man for the job to look after Jumin, but damn. It stings to think the father that Jumin wants to have always leaves him hanging and disappointed. Yet, he has Driver Kim looking after him every step of the way. It really hurts to see that because I have such a deep hatred for Chairman Han in ways that I can’t even express sometimes because it just pisses me off time and time again. 
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Driver Kim is disappointed in V as well. He saw Jumin and V as teenagers. He knows how close they were. He is devastated to realize that the friend that Jumin trusted so much turned against him so quickly. He does not mince his words when it comes to V.
There is not a second of hesitation in his words when he says “V’s life must be complicated, but there’s no excuse for what he’s done to Jumin. Jumin cared for him deeply all this time since they were children… and yet, he’s changed.” He’s making Jumin suffer at this moment, and all Driver Kim can think about is how unfair it all is.
Driver Kim watched those boys grow up and he’s seeing Jumin get ripped to shreds alongside the company that he’s worked for dutifully all these years. It’s painful to watch for Driver Kim. He takes great pride and passion in his job as a chauffeur. He goes above and beyond to do things that he technically doesn't have to do.
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Driver Kim only needs to take care of Jumin. He never has to agree to take care of anybody else. But he does, and that's because he's a good person. He's a solid rock to have during the After Ending. He takes care of us and listen to me, if you’ve played to the Good or Normal Ending, you know that Driver Kim takes you back into the mountains to V’s house to save Saeran from danger. He didn’t have to do that. He never had to agree with that.
Yet, he does.
This man goes all out for the RFA.
Just like Jumin Han.
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He stands with you, Rika, and V in front of the Prime Minister. He does all of this to protect Jumin Han and the found family that Jumin loves. He does this for all of you. Every time. Every route. It’s unbelievable that he doesn’t get more credit for this. It always astonishes me how much care and thought goes into this side character. 
He is very humble about how much compassion he puts into everything. He thinks that this is just a part of his job. This isn't anything that deserves praise or honor. He's doing it because it's the right thing to do and he feels content with that. He doesn't need somebody to tell him that he did a good job. He knows in his heart he's doing the right thing, and Driver Kim always does the right thing for Jumin Han. If anything, I think Jumin’s empathy for others and how far he goes is a lesson from Driver Kim.
Jumin is naturally empathetic, outgoing, and kind. But, I can’t help but wonder if he’s been receiving stories and guidance without realizing when he speaks to Driver Kim. Because there is so much that the two of them have in common in terms of this level of empathy. It's not seen by most people these days. You don't have people that will go out of their way to do anything and everything for people. I just think it's interesting that the two of them share that Dynamic and I feel like there's something worth pointing out there. 
It’s much more empathy than Chairman Han shows.
I’m not going to write my scathing essay on Chairman Han here but, if you want a difference in these two men. I’ll give you the basic one. When you get to talk to Chairman Han on the phone in Saeran’s AE, he tactlessly tells you that if Saeran were to “get hurt”, you should turn to Jumin. He doesn’t say he believes you’ll be able to get through this with Saeran, he just straight up implies you should date his son if Saeran gets into a tragic accident. Unlike Driver Kim who tells you very kindly, “I believe in you and Mr. Saeran. If I can be of any help, ask me.”
Don't even get me started on what happens on day four of Saeran’s AE.
Chairman Han sees Jumin finally breaking down in tears and looks at his son without care and says, “You finally sound human.” Did you know how disgusted I was when I read that? His own son.
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Jumin’s been betrayed by Rika and V. They were the two people he trusted the most in this world. They meant the most to him and the two of them brought him to the RFA where he found a place where he could belong. He met these people that he cares about and loves them deeply as if they were his family. Jumin never wavers in public.
He keeps his head up and does what has to be done. He keeps himself together in the line of fire every time something bad happens. But this is the first time he has shown a moment of weakness in front of his father with vulnerability… and it’s beyond what we see in Jumin’s Route in my opinion because you more or less have to combat Chairman Han by holding Jumin and advising him to stand his ground for good. There’s not a huge vulnerable discussion over there. That’s just Jumin showing his father that he walks into danger by always dating by fire.
He told his son to his face that he’s always sounded like a robot until now. Jumin’s biggest insecurity is being called a robot. People always call him cold and unfeeling because he doesn't show his emotions in a way that “normal people” do, and no matter how much Jumin pushes back, nobody listens to him. To think that his father would say that to his face without regard to anything his son would feel about hearing that pisses me off. He doesn’t really care about his son and I’ll stand by that.
What kind of father says that to his son at the lowest point of his son’s life?
You know who does give a damn about Jumin’s emotional well-being? Who is always checking on Jumin and making sure that he’s taken care of from point A to point B? 
Driver Kim.
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Crying at the fact that you can, if you almost accidentally sell Klaasje out to the Sunday Friday, implicate Evrart, Garte, Cuno, the speedfreaks, or the racist lorry driver (which leads to a great little interaction with the lieutenant).
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Sunday Friend roasts Evrart.
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You continue your tirade against Garte.
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You judge the speedfreaks and their music. (Not cool. You have no idea how many times their music got stuck in my head.)
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You roast Cuno.
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And oh. If you blame the lorry driver...
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otherwindow · 6 months
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kpopscatterbrain · 10 months
Kdramas i've watched this year
Some of these are older dramas but i'm a procrastinator
Black Knight (2023): Loved this one! I have watched it probably 5 times now. Kim Woobin kicking ass is all i need!
Under the Queen's Umbrella (2022): I didn't watch this when it aired (no idea why). I was worried that the plot would be overrun by romance but thankfully i was wrong. Loved Kim Hye-Soo's performance (i cried a little).
Island seasons 1 & 2 (2022-2023): Honestly i only started this one for Kim Nam-Gil. I loved the cast, but the flow of the plot was a little off (don't know how, i can't put a finger on it). Was positively suprised by Cha Eun-Woo's acting, i think he needs more roles like this! Hot villain alert no.1! Sung Joon as a bad guy is either a blessing or a curse. Cgi could have been better.
Taxi Driver season 2 (2023): Loved the first season so of course i had to watch the second one. Love Lee Je-Hoon. Love the main characters. Love the plot and the message of this drama. A masterpiece. Waiting for season 3.
Weak Hero Class 1 (2022): Only heard of this drama wayyy after it aired (thanks tiktok) and god does it deserve every award there is! I was a bit hesitant because Park Ji-Hoon was the main lead, but boy was i wrong because his talent got me speechless (weren't we all). I cried, i cheered, i shadowboxed, i cried a little more and in the end i called my therapist. Thankfully season 2 is coming.
Bloodhounds (2023): Woo Do-whan and Lee Sang-Yi in the same drama beating people up? Yes please! The plot wasn't mindblowing, but sometimes just simple ass kicking is enough. Bromance was bromancing. Park Sung-Woong with another great villain character.
Revenant (2023): After dropping Mr.Sunshine i wanted to see Kim Tae-ri in other dramas, so when this aired i gave it a go. Her range is phenomenal! I have only seen couple spookier dramas, so i made a mistake and watched this at night (slept with the lights on). The eerie vibes and plot twists were well made. Hong Kyung had great chemistry with Kim Tae-ri and his cop role was refreshing to see after his performance in Weak Hero Class (if you know you know).
Flower of Evil (2020): Okay, this is one of the dramas i procrastinated hard on. It's been sitting on my "have to watch" list since it aired and i'm the only one to blame (i hype up a drama in my mind, then don't want to watch it because now i'm afraid it doesn't go the way i think it does and then i get disappointed blaablaablaa). This year i finally got over myself and why. didn't. i. watch. it. sooner!!!! It is all i ever wanted in a kdrama. 1. serial killers 2. a psychopath (but is he really?) w/ an effed up childhood 3. mindgames 4. marriage problems (but has a lot of soft & cute scenes) 5. Lee Joon-Gi. Also as a plus (hot villain alert no.2) the bad guy is kindaa (i'm sane i swear). I would be lying if i didn't say that i found the wife slightly annoying (might be me, but she went too much back & forth and sometimes i had to take a breather while watching), but all in all this drama will be hard to top and i fell in love with Lee Joon-Gi.
Moving (2023): Honestly one of the best dramas of the year. I don't usually really go for plots that have a lot of romance in them (if you haven't noticed), but i found this one to be really well balanced and the romance scenes weren't "cringy". Although Bong-Seok and Hui-Soo were great and had great chemistry, i looooved the background stories of the parents. Park Hee-Soon also pops up as kind of a non-villain villain. I hope there is a season 2.
Song of the Bandits (2023): Kim Nam-Gil again. 1920s Korea and gunslingers... what more could i need? After Mr. Sunshine left me with a disappointment (this might be an unpopular opinion) i craved for a drama set around the same time period, but with a little less romance (i know, i am defective). I think dramas should explore this time period more, but i understand it might still be a touchy subject. The skills of the cast were obviously great, Kim Nam-Gil killed his role like always, but Lee Ho-Jung as Eon-Nyeon shined with her performance (i am now a new fan). Hot villain alert no.3! I have seen Lee Hyun-Wook in Remarriage & Desires and seeing him as a villain made me feel things. If there isn't a second season i will cry.
The Killing Vote (2023): A "serial killer" in a dog mask making the public vote on punishing criminals and everyone suspects each other? Cyber crime? Chemistry between two cops? Major hot villain (no.4)? Sign me up. I love when crime dramas make you question your people reading skills (i have the tism so i really got none) and have all kinds of theories flying around. I liked that even Kim Mu-Chan and Joo Hyun had obvious chemistry between them it didn't overshadow the main point of the plot. I liked Seo Young-Joo's delivery and i hope he gets more bigger roles. Kim Kwon.... why does the psychopath have to be hot? He also needs more bigger roles. !spoiler! Also Park Sung-Woong killing (heh) yet another morally grey character.
The Worst of Evil (2023): Okay, first of all i have to say... the wife ruined everything (some agree and some don't). We get another bromance duo of the year with Wi Ha-Joon and Ji Chang-Wook. Loved the crime organization infiltration plot, heavily despised the romance plot (sorry Bibi baby). I was constantly on the edge of my seat and the characters started to get so morally grey that in the end everyone needs group therapy. Action scenes were chefs kiss. A honorable mention goes for Lee Shin-Ki as Seo Jong-Ryul (or Chief Seo, knife guy, the man has many names) and Bibi for her performance as Lee Hae-Ryeon.
Evilive (2023): Heavily underrated. Kim Young-Kwang doing what he does best, playing a psychopath. This combined with a bromance plot with the one and only bromance master Shin Ha-Kyun? I'm sold. The dramas literal title "villain story" really sums up the plot. Sometimes you are not sure who to cheer for. Sometimes you are not really sure about your own sanity. But to be fair, so aren't the main characters.
Vigilante (2023): Love it. Currently re-watching it. Needs more attention. Needs more episodes. I'm in love with Nam Joo-Hyuk. The best crime drama of the year, the title is all i needed to hear. Beating up criminals in well made action scenes is my favorite genre. No romance. One sided bromance? Morally grey characters (am i repeating myself now?). Yoon Ji-Tae as a beefy cop and Lee Joon-Hyuk as a slightly insane admirer? If we don't get a season 2 i will start a riot.
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quozacheese · 1 year
i watch Taxi Driver for the plot
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euphoria (2019-present) // herakles, euripides // taxi driver (2021-present) // a little life, hanya yanagihara // take a bite by beabadoobee // mr. robot (2015-2019) // ? // ? // nothings matters anymore but you by madison beer // what was i made for by billie eilish // normal people (2020) // girl from nowhere (2018-2021) // ? // looking for alaska by john green // a pearl by mitski.
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leerang · 2 years
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“Go Eun-ssi. Can you do me a favour? Can you marry me?”
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jsvausvqbd · 5 months
I’m convinced Lovely Runner will have a happy ending because the only way for Sun Jae to not get involved in Sol’s life is for him to never have met her except, there’s no timeline in which he doesn’t fall for her at first sight after she covered him with her umbrella. Also, the watch never gave Sol the chance to go that far back into her past, so he’ll always fall in love with her c:
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Post-RCM Kim (steals but no one is there to tell him No) keeps the kineema and runs a taxi service out of it. Feedback is mixed. You will always get where you want to go To The Second but will be subjected to the craziest Italian-on-crack-style roadrage driving imaginable. You will see god whether you’re religious or not. Kim is always polite and is basically silent the entire time. Some love him, swear by his skill, and rely on him when they’re running late. Some will vomit in the provided vomit-bag Kim keeps in the back seats and never call for his service again. Joyriding incidents decrease bc the local teens just get this one taxi guy to take them home from their party as fast as possible. And believe me when I say. As. Fast. As. Possible.
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3rd-world-enby · 2 years
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no time to explain just droping this art i made to calm down the brainrot demons of fanfiction making
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also zen is gay for driver kim's driving which is a funny tidbit but also once again shows that this is someone who jumin can trust with the people most important to him
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Driver Kim is somehow always described as making smooth moves and being so relaxed. He makes everyone feel charmed somehow. I don't know what it is that makes people feel energized by him. But, it's such a reoccurring theme that it's hard to ignore! Even Zen who's our resident charmer and flirt is awed and inspired by Driver Kim, and we know Zen cares a lot about how his driving.
Zen's a motorcycle guy. Those things take a lot of skill to learn how to handle and even then, it's tricky as hell to always be on guard. So, we know that Zen knows his stuff about as much as if we were to ask our other resident car boy, Seven. For Zen to go "I was awed by just how seamless Driver Kim makes his driving... I can't put it into words. I'm just... amazed. I'm in love with his skills."
Driver Kim wins another one.
This man is astonishing in more ways than one with just how easily he blends into people's lives. Even someone like Zen who is normally wary of people around Jumin! Where's Zen's afternoon out riding with Driver Kim, Cheritz?
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loien · 6 months
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   ☻   🍈     𓈃    ꔫ   its been so hard
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some of the many shows that i've actually seen from LEE JE HOON, the king of versatility
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bluastro-yellow · 10 months
personally I think Kim is the cheetah and Harry's the dog they put with them, Kim is just very good at hiding it. his parallels are Ulixes and Nilsen this man is not ok
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morganafata · 5 months
So when Im Sol jumps into the past one more time, she's definitely going to try to murder her stalker, right? Or try to get him thrown in jail permanently? Because what other way is there left to save Sun Jae. In the original timeline, Sun Jae saves her and catches the killer but she is paralyzed and he has to live with the guilt of not getting to her in time. She managed to save herself the second time around so that Sun Jae never has to experience the trauma of being unable to protect her, but he's still doomed in the current timeline because the killer still has it out for him. Or is she going to try and keep Sun Jae away from her the next time she's attacked so that he doesn't get the guy's attention? Which definitely won't work because Sun Jae is like, hardwired to save Sol no matter what.
Besides, the way she was clenching her fist when she saw the news at the end of the ep...girl looks like she's gearing up for some vengeance.
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iheartcake123 · 1 year
Kim Do-Ki x Fem!reader: A young 25-year-old deluxe taxi driving rookie who is best friends with benefits with Do-Ki (she is fiery, physically capable, seductive, mischievous and equally sadistic as Do-Ki is, she is basically a Harley Quinn kind). The fic takes place during the 11-14 episode arc of the Rainbow Taxi being attacked by Baek Sung Mi's men and her released prisoners wanting revenge on Do-Ki for ruining their lives. Before the battle unfolds, the reader finds out she is pregnant from that time she seduced a worker at UDATA to help Do-Ki. She is then attacked by and ends up in a brawl with Jeong Eon's boyfriend when she tries to save Go-Eun and Kang Maria from him. He tries to cause a miscarriage in her by stabbing her but she fights back and he only manages to slash her upper abdomen before she and Goeun get saved by Do-Ki. This is when she tells both of them about her pregnancy. After the battle is done, she and her unborn child are checked out by the doctors to see if they are okay and her stomach injury is cauterized and she is checked on by and reunited with Do-Ki and the Rainbow group, who were recovering from the injuries caused by Baek Sung Mi and her men.
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hello!! i had so much fun writing this request <3 here it is!! i hope i did it justice and sorry about the abrupt ending, i always struggle with them😭 but i hope you enjoy it!!
☁️kim do-ki☁️
warnings: cursing, fighting, blood mentioned, mentions of killing and mentions of pregnancy (?)
everything happened so fast. one minute you were helping people get justice, the next it all seemed to come crashing down. it pissed you off at how easy is was for baek sung mi to betray you and your friends.
you hadn’t been at rainbow taxi for as long as some of your other friends but you played a key role along side do-ki. your relationship with him was somewhat complicated. best friends with benefits. you both got along really well and while you had your fun with him, you knew when to get to work to get results. you enjoyed taking down those who needed it and if you had it your way, they wouldn’t have been going to the prison. they would’ve suffered an even worse fate.
you weren’t with go-eun when she received the call from kang maria that she had seen jong-guen who should’ve been in prison. after telling go-eun to wait for you to see maria, she of course didn’t listen and it was now coming becoming dark and she hadn’t yet returned. it made you worried. go-eun was like a sister to you. you needed to head out soon to check if she was alright. but, you had one quick thing to sort out for yourself.
you picked up the envelope that you had been avoiding all day. with a deep breath you slowly opened the envelope and saw the scans that were inside. it was from the ultrasound you had a couple of days ago.
yes, you were pregnant.
you tried to match up the timeline as best as possible and you narrowed it down to your time at UDATA when you were helping do-ki. you remember vividly seducing one of the managers in order to help do-ki with the whole plan. you wished the pregnancy tests were wrong and you wished the ultrasound scan was wrong too but, of course they weren’t.
this changed everything for you.
with a sigh, you stuffed the scans into your back pocket securely before going to get ready to look for go-eun. so, you set off on the journey to the jeotgal factory. you would’ve taken the motorbike but if your friend and maria were to be in trouble, a car would work best.
after a while you reached to the destination. it was dark and looked like no one was around. you wandered around trying to look for any signs of go-eun and maria. you continued looking around until you heard crying and whimpering. it sounded like maria so you picked up your pace and ran in the direction of sound.
that’s when you came across maria on the floor with jong-guen on top of her, holding her hair as she cried.
“you fucking asshole” you muttered as anger filled inside of you.
jong-guen’ facial expression was shocked and he slowly let go of maria to stand up and face you.
“who did you think you are?” he spat and you scoffed before going towards him.
you were going to give this asshole the beating that he deserved.
“leave me and maria alone!” he yelled standing up to try intimidate you.
it of course didn’t work.
you rolled your hand into a ball and threw a punch directly onto his left cheek and he stumbled back in shock, groaning in pain. maria had gotten up and ran behind you to hide.
just as you were about to throw a second punch he suddenly got on his knees and begged for you to not hurt him.
“leave me alone please! i’ll tell you where he’s keeping go-eun, just leave me alone” he begged and you sighed.
you turned your head to look at maria who was shaking in fear. you had to get justice for her as she was terrified of him. when you turned to look at him again his eyes were wide before you threw another punch. this punch was much harder and it knocked him out cold.
you hurriedly went over to maria to check on her.
“are you okay? he didn’t hurt you, right?” you checked her over and she shook her head to indicate she wasn’t hurt.
you breathed a sigh of relief and then helped her get into the passengers side of the car.
“you stay here okay?” you told her and she nodded her head “can you tell me where they’re keeping go-eun so i can help her?”
after maria explained the way to go, you took out some zip ties and tied jong-eun up before throwing him into the back of the car so if he did wake up he couldn’t escape.
once you did a final check to make sure maria was okay. you headed in the direction of where maria told you. as you approached it, you pressed your ear to the big wooden door and listened to what was happening.
go-eun was crying and jeong-eun’ boyfriend was laughing as he spoke.
“don’t cry, i’ll do the same for you. i’ll make you look pretty. a video of ahn jeong-eun’ sister” you could hear the amusement in his voice and it disgusted you “if i upload it, it’ll be a hit!”
that’s when you heard enough and burst through the door, he was sat on top of go-eon trying to take off her clothes.
“leave her alone” you yelled as the door slammed shut behind you.
“oh what do we have here now” he smirked getting up off go-eun “ah i remember you. y/n l/n, how’s it going? i was just showing my dear go-eun a video of her sister, she misses her very dearly”
“you bastard” you spat through grit teeth and went towards him, getting yourself prepared to fight.
he stood up and as you both began to fight. with each punch you threw at him, he countered it. one particular punch you threw knocked the wind out of him and he had to take a second to get himself together.
this gave you the opportunity to use your whole body to tackle him into a nearby table where his head made contact with the corner of it, knocking him out.
as soon as he was down, you rushed over to go-eun. she was still crying and you tried to comfort her. but nothing seemed to work.
“come on, we need to get out of here” you rubbed her back as she was now sat up.
“his phone-i need the phone” she sobbed and you turned to scan the room for the phone.
you noticed it laying in a corner so, you hurriedly went over to grab it. as you bent down to pick it up go-eun let out an ear piercing scream.
“y/n watch out!” she screamed and you flicked your head to look at her.
that’s when you felt something hard hit your head and everything then went black.
when you woke up your vision was blurred as your eyes adjusted to everything again. beside you was go-eun who was watching you with worry.
“go-eun what’s going on?” your voice came out as a croak, you head was pounding and you still weren’t fully aware yet.
“you’re finally awake” the voice of jeong-eun’ boyfriend chimed as you turned to look at him.
he was continuing to set up a camera and when he saw you sit up, he walked over to you with a smirk. he squat down in front of you and rubbed your cheek softly.
it made you sick.
“we are going to have lots of fun because look what i found” he reached into his pocket and pulled out something.
when you focused on what it was, your eyes went wide.
“you’re pregnant” he leaned into your ear and whispered.
he scrunched the scans and put it back into his pocket, with each second you grew angrier.
“do you know how much money i’ll make when they find out you’re pregnant, you know what they say right? being pregnant makes it feel 100x better” he placed a hand on your upper thigh and you shot daggers into him.
if looks could kill he would’ve already been dead.
“i need to finish set up but sit her and wait patiently for me, okay?” he then pat your cheek before going over to continue setting up his camera.
“go-eun don’t worry, we’ll get out of here. just wait for a little longer” you sent your friend a smile and she just nodded her head. her hands were still tied and she was still in shock.
your did you best to wriggle out and undo the rope that was holding your hands behind you. it was difficult but you eventually managed. go-eun watched as you waited for the right opportunity and before you knew it you were stood up ready to fight again.
“you just don’t get it, do you?” jeong-eun’ boyfriend sighed dramatically as he pulled out a blade.
as you got closer to him he swiped the blade in front of you and you skilfully jumped back to avoid.
“bringing a knife to a fist fight isn’t very fair, is it?” you mocked as he scoffed.
“bring it on bitch” he spat moving towards you to try and stab you.
you swiftly moved backwards and raised your leg to kick his side. as he stumbled, you used your strength to grab him by his collar and pushed him towards a wall where you then jabbed his abdomen. he winced and then brought the hand with the knife in it to try and forcefully stab your stomach but you quickly held onto the hand and did your best to hold it back.
he then manoeuvred his body to flip you around so that you were now against the wall.
“if i cant kill you, i’ll kill your baby” he brought his other hand to grip the knife too now and used as much force as possible to try and ram the knife into your lower stomach but, you weren’t going to let him.
your hands clenched his as you brought the knife towards your upper abdomen instead. if he was going to stab you, you’d rather it be there.
“come on y/n, don’t you want to save your unborn child” he taunted bringing the knife back towards your lower abdomen.
you bit your lip and you struggled to move the knife back towards your upper abdomen, your hands were slowly beginning to slip so you needed to think of something fast.
the blade was now touching you, there was pressure but not enough to pierce through the skin.
you lifted your knee up into jeong-eun’ boyfriends crotch and he cursed losing his focus for a moment. you used this opportunity to lift the knife and push it away from your body. you then also used force to push him away from you.
you were breathing hard and took a second to collect yourself.
“you bitch” he screamed and ran towards you with knife in hand again.
he aimed straight for your abdomen and you let out a scream as you went to go tackle him. you felt the blade make contact with your stomach area.
he let out an evil laugh as you kicked him away causing you to stumble backwards. you hands instinctively went to your your stomach area and you prepared for the worse as you felt warmth on your hands and when you looked down you saw red.
you became furious and was just about to fight jeong-eun’ boyfriend again when suddenly, a vehicle drove through into the wooden doors knocking him down. you watched as do-ki got out of the car, he went to check on go-eun and he then noticed you in the corner holding your stomach.
do-ki’ eyes became dark and all of a sudden jeong-eun’ boyfriend tackled him and pinned him against a wall.
“long time no see, seeing you brings back old memories” he had an evil smirk as he said those words.
“what did you do to them?” do-ki asked while glaring at hi’.
“nothing compared to what you did”
do-ki took a deep breath in and soon the two were fighting. you went over to go-eun to check is she was okay and maria came out of the car too. you undid the last parts of the rope around her go-eun’ hands and gave her a hug.
“you’re bleeding” she looked down at your stomach and you shook your head.
“im fine” you sent her a small smile and she nodded before looking over at do-ki who easily overpowered jeong-eun’ boyfriend and was beating the absolute crap out of him.
go-eun slowly stood up and you watched as she stopped do-ki from beating him to death. jeong-eun’ boyfriend was just about passed out on the floor. conscious but barely.
“his phone” go-eun said and do-ki got it from the man on the floor who even after getting beat was trying to do evil by trying to stop them from getting the phone.
after go-eun got the phone she immediately began to smash it letting out all of her emotions. it gave you relief knowing that your friend was getting justice. do-ki hugged her as she cried, attempting to sooth her.
maria helped you up as you walked towards jeong-eun’ boyfriend. you dropped to your knees and began to rummage through his pockets to get back what belonged to you.
he tried stopping you, his hands attempting to push you away but it was no use and you pushed his hands down and got what you needed. you took deep breathes in as you looked at the scrunched up scans before putting it into your own pocket.
“y/n what is that?” do-ki asked as you stood up.
“it’s nothing” you cleared your throat and go-eun placed a hand on your arm.
“you need to tell him” she said to you and you sighed.
you reached into your pocket and pulled out the scrunched up scans.
“i’m pregnant” you finally said and do-ki looked at you confused “i worked it out and it’s from the time i seduced the UDATA manager”
“you’re bleeding” do-ki stepped closer to you and you shook your head.
“it’s just a scratch, i’ll be fine” you told him and he placed a hand on your cheek.
you appreciated his warm touch and closed your eyes to embrace it. he’d always brought you comfort.
“are you sure you’re okay?” do-ki asked looking at the cut on your stomach, his hand reached for the fabric covered in blood and he knelt down to check on the wound. his hand traced the slash would.
“its more on your upper abdomen” his touch was soft as he put the fabric down. you face showing discomfort as it was slightly sore.
“we need go, the police will be here soon” you tried to hide your pain by hastily trying to leave.
“you’re staying here with maria, the police will be able to take you to the hospital to get treated” do-ki told you and you shook your head.
“no way! im helping you fight these assholes, they can’t get away with what they’ve done to us” you fired back, you wanted to fight along side your friends.
“stop being stubborn, you’ve done enough already by helping save go-eun and maria. sit this next part out- think about your baby” do-ki was firm and you wanted to continue arguing but you knew he was right.
“okay” you sighed in defeat “but if for even a second i hear any of you are in trouble, im coming after you”
do-ki let out a smile and nodded.
“i know” he pressed a kiss to your temple before gesturing for go-eun to follow him.
soon after they left, the police arrived with an ambulance. they arrested the prisoners, took maria somewhere safe and got you in an ambulance to the hospital.
they treated the wound and ran some blood tests, the only thing you were waiting for is the results to check if your unborn child was okay.
“let’s have a look, shall we” the doctor said cheerfully with a smile.
he put the cold gel over your lower abdomen and moved the ultrasound machine into the desired position to best have a look at your baby.
you held your breath as you waited for the doctor to let you know all was okay.
“there we go! baby is still breathing, the size is good and heartbeat is good too” the doctor broke the news to you and you let out a sigh of relief with a smile.
“thank you doctor” you told him and he shook his head.
“you got really lucky, if you had been cut any lower it would have been dangerous. make sure to get some rest” the doctor pat your shoulder before leaving the room.
the next morning, go-eun and kyung-goo came to visit you.
“ah i told you to use protection all those times” kyung-goo scolded and you let out a small laugh.
“you sound like my father” you lifted your arm up to hit him gently.
“im glad you’re okay y/n” go-eun then chimed in and she held your hand.
“how are the rest of them? are they okay? do-ki is safe right?” you questioned.
“mr park is still in the icu recovering, he had it the worst. mr jang is getting some rest and do-ki..we’re going to see him straight after” go-eun explained and you nodded your head.
“i’m coming with you” you sat up and pushed the hospital blanket off of you.
“you need to rest” kyung-goo tried stopping you.
“no, im going to see him. i have to” you began to stand up.
they knew not to try and stop you so instead they helped you as they all walked to do-ki’ room. when you all entered the room, you saw him laying on the bed sleeping.
for someone who had taken a hell of a beating, he still somehow managed to look good. he had a couple of cuts and bruises on his face.
your two friends spoke to him first and once they were done they let you speak with him one on one. they knew the relationship you had with do-ki.
go-eun helped pull up a chair next to his bed and you took a seat in it as your other friends left so you could be alone with him.
for the first few minutes neither of you said a word.
“how is it that even after getting beaten up, you still manage to look good” you chuckled and he let out a laugh in response.
“im just too perfect” he smiled looking at your facial expression.
you tried your best to hid the fact you were emotional. you usually weren’t but with the recent events and with everything you and your friends went through, it broke a part of you.
“what’s wrong?” he reached his hand out to place it on your leg.
“it’s nothing, im just happy to see you” you smiled sadly placing one of your hands on top of the one he had on your leg.
“how’s your baby?” he then looked down at your stomach and you nodded.
“baby is fine, they’re tough just like me” you proudly said and do-ki squeezed your leg and you then sighed slightly.
“do-ki, i know i never planned for this to happen and im sorry that it did. i hope this doesn’t change anything between us” you nervously told do-ki.
you never usually got nervous.
“why would it change anything? do you think i care? i accept you no matter what, even if you were an ogre i’d still accept you” he teased you towards the end trying to lighten up the mood.
“you idiot” you couldn’t help but laugh as you shook your head.
he then took a hold of your hand and gently pulled you down. your face hovered over his and you raised an eyebrow.
“kiss me then” do-ki whispered with a smirk looking at your lips.
you brought a hand to hold his cheek as you connected your lips with his.
“enough of that now! this is a public place” kyung-goo suddenly burst into the room and you pulled away “it’s lucky i was looking through the window in the door, or else i don’t know what you two would’ve gotten up to!”
you turned to kyung-goo and rolled your eyes playfully.
“yeah and what would we have done?” you fired at him and his eyes went wide.
“you both know what you would have done!” he retaliated and do-ki let out a laugh as go-eun nudged kyung-goo to tell him to stop.
“you should be on my side go-eun. these two have no shame!” he complained, before leaning against the wall next to the hospital bed.
“you should know by now, go-eun is always on my side kyung-goo” you smiled as you shuffled on the chair to make space off her to sit.
she happily sat next to you.
everyone in the room began to bicker and you sat back admiring them. it felt like home and you couldn’t wait until the rest of the rainbow group were okay so that it could feel complete once again.
it would soon get there. you’d make sure of it.
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