#all in all i only spent like 35 bucks which?? is pretty good for california
yaoib0y · 2 years
oh yeah guys i got a trans flag today when i went to the town near the vacation house we're staying at w my grandma. she doesnt know i got it she just told me to get anything when we went wondering around. but cant wait to show it when i get home !!
1 note · View note
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Vending Business Tactics E Book!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/vending-business-tactics-e-book/
Vending Business Tactics E Book!
 Buy Now    
Contact: 1-905-510-7597
Learn How To Start A Highly Profitable Vending Business Today!
I Will Also Help You Get Your First Location Too!
If you don’t get a new lead or prospect in the first 60 days of implementing my system then Just Ask For Your Money Back!
That Is My Promise To You…
   Dear Friend:
Hi my name is Chris Robertson and for the last 20 years I have been operating my very own profitable vending business in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.
Over the last 10 years I have helped thousands of people across the globe start their very own vending businesses themselves in their own local areas by providing them with the very best and up to date information about vending and providing them with the necessary tools to help them get started on the right foot.
Even The Guru’s Have Come To Me…
  This picture was a live stage presentation that I did in December 2008 in front of 1300 of T Harv Eker’s students in Palm Springs California!
Today I will show you how you can take a simple soda vending machine and snack vending machine and make extra money for yourself so you can buy the things you want, provide a retirement income for yourself or just simply have extra spending money for the things in life that you enjoy doing.
The truth is that Vending is a great way to make easy cash! Yep! that’s right cash, because when your in vending you don’t have to wait for checks in the mail or wait until payday to get paid.
In fact you get paid each and every time to go and restock one of your vending machines. Also you don’t have to wait for your BOSS to maybe give you a pay raise when it comes time for your review.
You simply get a pay raise every time you place your machines on a new location and start making money.
The Vending Business Is A Multi-Billion Dollar Business and Is A Simple Business where literally anyone can create an income and you don’t need a University Degree to do it.
Hey, Listen I am probably a lot like you. I had a full time job for many years driving a city bus and when I built my vending business big enough then that’s when I fired my Boss.
Yep! That’s what the vending business can do for you.
How many people do you know have left a full time job where they had great seniority, made $50,000 per year and had an excellent medical and dental benefit plan and just one day quit?
Well that’s exactly what I did and the only way that I could have done it was because I built a highly profitable vending business from scratch.
…and I’ll tell you the down right honest Truth!
The Vending Business is a great business but you need to work at it to make it all come together!
It was like I can remember it yesterday, I was probably a lot like you working a full time job in a small town near my home in Hamilton, Ontario Canada. I had a job as a city bus driver and I made half decent money, had full benefits and pretty good working hours.
I thought I hit a gold mine when I first started at that job and I honestly thought that I was going to drive that city bus until I was 65 years old and then retire with a full pension.
Once I started getting my paychecks I just started spending. I moved out of my parents home, my girlfriend and I had a baby and then life hit me like a ton of bricks. Monthly bills and obligations, food, clothes car payments you name it things got real tight real fast!
The thing was though I was only 20 years old and I had my whole life ahead of me. The job that I had allowed me to work split shifts where I had about 4-5 hours off from work in the middle of each day for recreational time.
During that time I initially would just go home have a bite to eat and play with my son watch some TV. Then I would go back to work to drive the bus for the afternoon part of my shift. This was my routine for about 6 years.
It was then a friend of mine from work who was running the pop machine at the transit yard had asked me to take over the responsibility of restocking this vending machine. He was leaving the workplace to pursue another career path in the financial industry.
 Long story short is that I started filling the pop machine each week with pop and bottled water. I knew nothing about vending. My friend had just showed me how to open the machine and how to load it with pop, then he showed me where to take out the money and that was it.
He had told me where he bought the vending machine and to just go there if I ever had a problem.
So needless to say I really had no idea what I was getting into. But as I went along each week filling this vending machine up with pop I started to realize how much money I was making for the amount of work that I was doing.
It wasn’t really all that hard to figure out. 
It All Came Down To Simple Math!
and…The Minute that I Realized this Simple Yet Powerful Formula the Light bulb Went Off & I Never Looked Back!
Here is the simple yet powerful formula that got me motivated to get out there and start making Real Money In Vending!
I was selling 3 cases of pop each week out of my pop machine.
My profit was $16.00 per case sold which = $48.00 profit each and every week just from one vending machine.
…so then I thought what if I could set up 10 more vending machines and sell just 3 cases of pop each week from them?
That’s $480.00 Cash in my pocket!
How about 20 vending machines = $960.00 each week!
I Was All in for Vending!
When I really thought about it… for the amount of money that I was making each week I really only put in about 20 minutes of actual time and work to restock the machine and buy product.
In all honesty I was making $20 bucks per hour driving the city bus and I worked about 35 hours per week. By the time the government took their cut and the Union took their dues I was left with about $500 each week.
So I though about it and if I were to get out there and just get 10 locations to set up, the amount of time that it would take me to restock my machines and buy my products each week would be about 30 minutes per location.
That’s 10 locations x 30 minutes per location = 300 minutes which equals 5 hours of actual work and if you really think about it’s probably less.
So Let’s Get this Straight that’s 5 hours of work for $480.00 Cash!
hmmm… I was working driving the city bus 35 hours per week to make the same amount of money!
It’s definitely not rocket science to figure out which way to work is easier!
It’s true when people say your vending machines are working for you while you sleep. They are what I would like to call my… Passive Income Money Stream!
Once I had this realization I immediately went and talked to the vending distributer where my friend bought my pop machine. I asked a few questions and they guy who ran the place just told me to get out there and start knocking on doors to get some new business and my vending machines out on location.
Truth is… I had No Idea what on earth I was doing!
I had no business or sales experience and I didn’t even know what to say to people when I approached them about my business. I was literally stumbling over my words probably not making any sense at all!
But the cool thing is that I did get locations and started to build my vending business. When I started I initially just wanted to make some extra cash and keep my bus driving job.
But after a while once I had a few locations I began to think about vending as a full time income source of income and the possibility of quitting my full time job.
You see I knew that every location was different when it came to how much money that I was going to make.
I had some locations that made me $100.00 a week but then I had a few that made me $500.00 a week. That’s Profit Not Sales!
So I knew that this opportunity was real! Because I had seen it with my own eyes!
Look I’m not joking here! There is money to be made in vending and my example that I showed you earlier was just a taste of what you can make in the vending business.
I must admit though in the beginning I was stumped! There were a lot of other vending companies operating and for the most part many local businesses that I approached all ready had vending machines.
I was sure that it would take a long time to get enough locations to quit my day job and go full out in vending. But I knew in my heart that there must have been a way. After all how did all of these other vending companies get their locations.
Plus I had locations all ready making me good money, so I really just had to duplicate my efforts!
The Answer Was Simple! I Just Took Action and My Business Kept Growing!
Ask Yourself These 3 Questions
1. Am I looking for a business that I can work part time?
2. Do I want to make extra money to help pay for things like my monthly bills mortgage or rent?
3. Do I want to have extra spending money every week?
If you answered Yes to any of these 3 questions then Vending could be the answer for you!
Vending Has Allowed Me To Pay My Bills & Have Spending Money Each and Every Week!
I had heard stories of vending operators who raked in thousands each week all cash!
I knew there was a way…
So I started to do some homework and began to look deeper into different ways to expand and build my business.
I spent hours, days, weeks and many months diving in to learn what I needed to learn to build my vending business. and… I did just that!
The end result was that…
I had created a simple yet powerful vending business lead system that brought new prospects to me instead of the old way that I used to build my vending business by cold calling and chasing them.
The results were phenomenal and I honestly couldn’t believe that the next things that were going to happen to me did.
Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Anything Different – Hiring A Locating Service For Full Service Vending Is The Wrong Way To Go…
Keep reading…
As soon as I started to implement my new found vending business lead system things started to change. My telephone started ringing, e mails started to pour in and local businesses were actually calling me asking me to bring in my vending machines into their business.
Within an 18 month period I had literally exploded my vending machine business to new heights!
So today here I am 11 years later and I have acquired a wealth of knowledge not only about the vending business but more importantly…
 How to take a business from start up to success in such a short time frame
…that even the newest person starting in vending could easily understand and implement in their own local area!
Use My System, Follow What I Tell You & Get Results That’s All There Is Too It!
All it takes is for you to start divulging the information that I have for you today and take Massive Action…  If you follow my instructions the end result can be you getting new locations, setting up your vending machines and making money in the process!
If you can follow some simple steps and follow my Action Plan then you have a Blueprint to make money on demand in the vending business.
I am going to show you not only how to get Free Vending Machines but I will show you the easiest and fastest way to get new leads and locations!
Once you get local businesses contacting you inquiring about your vending services then you have many options at your finger tips.
Option # 1 – Sell the lead to another Vending Operator! – I sell my leads that are out of my working area for a price of $100 – $300 per lead. Now you can do the same.
Option # 2 – Set Up the locations with machines and sell the location to another Vending Operator. – I currently sell locations for $4000 – $5000 for a location with one pop and one snack machine on it.
Option # 3 – Set up the location and make money from the sales of your machines. Most of my locations make me anywhere from $75.00 – $100 per week.
Let Me Help You Get Your First Location! Check Out What I Have For You Today!
Don’t Skim By Bonus # 2 & 3 Either! This is The Most Critical Part To Your Success In Vending!
Here is what I have for you today!
First I have put together a complete Vending Business Training System.
I have put together a multitude of various information for you to divulge such as my vending Business Tactics e book, audio training lessons and even video coaching lessons  for you to use and learn to start your very own vending business.
I have also thrown in some great bonuses that also include Personal Coaching and Direct Help from me to get you new locations so you can start making money in the fastest way possible.
This just isn’t some basic information about how to start or the types of vending machines to buy and for what price…
Yes that information is all in here but there is a whole lot more within my training system…
I have taken everything that I know about this business and structured it in such a way that literally anyone who is willing to spend some time to educate themselves and divulge this information has a serious opportunity to create an income for themselves in their own local community starting today!
There is nothing like this out on the market today!
I Know this Because I Dominate The Vending Business Training Space!
…and I don’t say that to try and impress you or anything
This is the reason why T Harv Eker’s Company asked me last year to speak and teach his students at his “Never Work Again” event in California to over 1300 of his students.
His students paid upwards of $2000.00 to attend this event.
Just Type T Harv Eker into Google and see what he is all about. He is one of the world’s leading thought leaders and experts in teaching people about wealth creation!
So Here is What I Have For You Today!
It all starts with a simple to read E Book that explains everything that I know about vending.
Vending Business Tactics!
In this e book you are going to learn the following:
  How to find locations for your vending machines: I will show you 6 ways!
  How to get your vending machines for FREE!
  How to get started even on a tight budget!
  How to buy your machines for the best price and where to find them cheap!
  How to get your prospects to call you first!
  How to avoid paying commissions to your locations!
  What vending machines are the right ones to buy!
  How to spot vending opportunity scams & avoid them!
  How to rent your vending machines instead of buying them!
  How to pay off your vending machines quickly!
  How to make real money in vending!
  How to get your locations to subsidize the sales of your products!
  How to keep any competitor away and never lose a location!
  How to maintain your vending machines to keep them running for the long haul!
  New versus used vending machines. The difference and pricing!
  How to expand your services to your locations and make more money!
  How to sell your locations, leads or even machines to make the most money!
  Business Licensing & Registration!
  Transporting your vending machines!
  How to keep your costs down.
  How to get more referrals to expand your business.
All of my information will apply to you whether you live in the United States, Canada or across the globe!
Next I have put together some Very Special Bonuses that will I believe will enable you to make even more money in your vending business. I have structured these bonuses in a way that will not only teach and train you through some personal coaching plus a series of audio trainings and even video coaching to help you start your vending business on the right foot.
* I have also put in a very special bonus to help you get some new locations for your vending machines! Just to make life a little easier for you.
Here they are below.
Chris’s Fast Action Bonuses!
Bonus # 1
Free 30 Minute Coaching Session With Me!
This is where I will get right down to work with you to develop your game plan for starting your vending business on the right foot! I will exhaust all resources to get you start making money as fast as possible!
I will also record the session and send it to you so you can listen back to it anytime you want!
Value: $165.00
Trust me you will learn more in this coaching session than most vending operators working their business know today!
I’ll tell you right now that many people that get started in the vending business without taking the time to learn and educate themselves before diving in, some will end up making costly mistakes. But I don’t see you making those mistakes today because once you become a student of mine you will have direct access to the best information about vending on the market today!
Trust me this Bonus above is what is going to make your life a whole lot easier. I’ll tell you right now that the most common question that I get during all of my Vending Business Training calls is “How do I get good locations?” Well this Bonus is the answer!
Bonus # 2
If You Want Locations Then This Is An Easy Way To Get Them and I’ll Do All Of The Work For You…
I am going to put together an Action Packed Video for you to help you get Prospects calling you for your vending services in your local area!
I will create the video, put music to it and put in your phone number or website information. Plus I will Upload It to You Tube and Focus On Ranking It In Google For You. Just tell me what contact information you want in there and I’ll do it.
This is a quick one minute video that I got ranked into Google page # 1 in my local area. Local businesses who type in keywords into Google looking for vending services can now find me by watching this video and then contacting me to inquire about my vending services.
This Will Help You Get Your First Location!
Value: $500.00
Vending Business Locating Audio Training Lesson!
In this30 minute audio training lesson you will learn how to cold call potential locations in your community. I role play with you telling you the exact words to say to your prospects about your vending service company and also how to follow up and close the deal on your potential locations!
Value $197.00
I wish someone would have shown me how to approach potential vending locations and shown me what to say to people when I walked in years ago when I first started. Now you will have access to the best prospecting and locating information out there.
Bonus #4
Office Coffee Secrets E Book!
Selling Office Coffee as a service to your locations can make you some excellent cash! It’s easy to do and a lot of my locations give their staff Free coffee.
I will show you how to make an extra $500 per week by just dropping off a few cases of coffee and some other coffee products to your locations!
This is an easy to read E Book that you can read right on your computer!
Value: $27.00
Selling Office Coffee is Easy and is Great Money! In fact I know other vending operators that almost exclusively have changed their business from vending to ALL Office Coffee. The reason being is that the brewers are easy and simple to set up and local businesses spend a fortune purchasing coffee for their staff.
Bonus #5
Water Cooler Rental Secrets Audio Training Lesson!
How would you like to learn how to make $35.00 over and over again each and every month from each water cooler that you set up?
The best part is that this is a set it and forget it systemthat runs on auto pilot!
Virtually Maintenance Free!
I am going to show you how to do it 10, 20 & 30 times over!
Value: $67.00
Just take a moment and think about if you only had 20 water coolers in local businesses in your area on a rental basis?
20 water coolers x $35.00 per month = $700.00 per month
Think about that! Even if you only had 1 water cooler out on location your investment in my product will be paid for in less that 60 days! Is that cool or what?
Bonus #6
I’m Handing To You…
 10 of My Very Best Business Proposals!
These are 10 of my very best proposals that you can start using in your vending business today. Just simply edit them the way you want and use them as you please!
Value: $97.00
These proposals are the exact ones that I use in my business today to close the deal on new locations. You get them today and can start using them in your business. They are laid out on a Microsoft word document so that you can simply plug in your information and then print them or e mail them to your prospects. It’s that easy!
Bonus #7
Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Tutorial!
You Get Instant Access To Week # 7 of My
Vending Business Video Coaching Program.
This is where I show you my exact system for making more money at each of your locations without spending a dime selling Kitchen Supplies to your accounts.
In this Very Special Video Tutorial I show you how you can make an extra $900.00 per month from just selling a few products each week to three of your vending accounts!
Value: $97.00
Total Value of All My Bonuses = Over $2000.00
      One Payment of Only $47.00
Once You Order I also have A Very Special Bonus for You! – Exclusive VIP Access to my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Training Teleseminars! Your In FREE!
I have included this bonus simply because you have shown me that you are a person who takes Action in their life! The fact that you took the time to read my sales letter today and made it to the bottom of this page shows me that you want to make a difference in your life!
So once you take Action and become a student of mine… Then you will reap the rewards greatly for receiving personal help from me during my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Trainings Calls absolutely Free!
This is where you have direct access to me to ask me any questions that you want!
If you are still sitting on the fence here are what some of my students are saying!
Your information saved us $20,000 as we were in the “process” of buying some machines from a company that really hyped up their business. Luckily your timely information nailed it for us as we didn’t follow thru with the final process!
Thanks Again! Janice Baron
I had to take the time and thank you for all of your help with getting me started in the vending business. Before I even spent one dime I learned so much from your free Teleseminar and free report. The value for your e book is incredible! To include your support via email and phone is priceless. Thank you so much for your honesty and value!!
-Ricardo   Lake Forest, CA
    Dear Chris,
I downloaded your e book last night and I was very impressed with your straight forward approach. I almost spent $10,000 on a few combo machines last month at an opportunity show and I am sure glad I didn’t! I will now get straight to work on the things that you suggest.
Sincerely, Tom Staten
    Hello Chris,
Your e book was very useful and gave me some great ideas on how I am going to start my vending business. I now know that soda machines are the way to go!
I would definitely recommend your book to others.
Linda Davis
    Dear Chris,
I wanted to let you know that after reading your book I bought my first pop machine last week. I used your techniques as you described and found 2 locations. I will be setting up my other location in a week or so.
Appreciate your ideas and info! Tim Ryan
    Hello Chris,
It is really great to see someone like yourself offer this kind of information. I have been to a few opportunity shows in the past and they wanted me to buy, buy, buy right there on the spot! I’m sure glad I didn’t!
Your information was very helpful.
Thanks, Alisa Peters
  I want you to have access to some great information about the vending business?
Here is My Personal No Hassle, No BS, I’m Going To Help You Extended Guarantee!
My Goal Is To Help You Build Your Vending Business and help you start making money in the fastest time frame possible. In doing that not only do I teach you how the business works and tell you what to do to start making money immediately but I also provide you with Personal Help directly from me.
This is what I believe will set you apart from the pack!
So… First… I have my regular Guarantee that within 60 days if you feel that my information isn’t all that I say it is then you can simply ask for a No Hassle Refund! Plain & Simple!
Second… If you use your All of your Bonuses that I provide you with in my Vending Business Training System and You Don’t Get at the very least One Single New Lead or Prospect that contacts you regarding your Vending Services within the first 60 days of using Bonus # 2 and Bonus # 3 then I will give you Direct Access To My $1997.00 Vending Business In A Box Training Course Absolutely FREE!
In this content Rich Training Course I deliver over 15 hours of training that comes complete with Step by Step “Study Guides” that walk you through my Exact Process for building a 6 Figure Vending Business.
I Sold This Training Course at T Harv Eker’s Event Just Last Year for $1997.00 and You Will Get It FREE!
What Have You Got To Lose? Nothing!
    One Payment of Only $47.00
I’ll tell you right now that if you were considering going to your bank for a loan or a line of credit to start your vending business. Most banks will ask you for a Business Plan.
If you don’t have a good business plan you may not get approved!
Today when you buy my product you will have enough information available to you to create a very detailed business plan. This information can help you craft together your business plan so that you can get the funds that you need from your bank to start your vending business the way that you want to.
It’s to your advantage if you have some money to start in this business. You don’t need tens of thousands by any means but having a small pot of cash to get you started will make life easier for you.
 Also Once You Order I have A Very Special Bonus for You! – Exclusive VIP Access to my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Training Teleseminars! Your In FREE!
I have included this bonus simply because you have shown me that you are a person who takes Action in their life! The fact that you took the time to read my sales letter today and made it to the bottom of this page shows me that you want to make a change in your life!
So once you take Action and become a student of mine… Then you will reap the rewards greatly for receiving personal help from me during my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Trainings Calls absolutely Free!
This is where you have direct access to me to ask me any questions that you want!
You see having a coach to help you in your business is paramount. Your coach is the one person who can help you to stay on track and motivated to keep building your business. As your coach I will answer your questions to help you achieve success and your next step in your business.
And that’s what you’re getting today – an expert mentor to show you what to avoid, what works and the QUICKEST, EASIEST path to wealth in the vending business.
Vending is For You…
  If you are looking to start a business that’s easy to get into and isn’t going to cost you a fortune to get started then vending is for you!
  If you are simply looking for a way to earn more money each month to pay things like your utility bills, car payments and and things like that then vending is for you!
  If you are looking to supplement your retirement income then vending is for you!
   If you are looking to have extra spending money each month to help make things easier then vending is for you!
Let’s Recap for a moment exactly what your getting with my Vending Business Training System!
Vending Business Tactics E Book! (50 pages of in depth information on Vending)
(Free) Personal 30 Minute Coaching session with me!
I will Make You A Video To Promote Your Business!
Vending Business Locating Audio Training Lesson!
Office Coffee Secrets E Book! (30 pages of great content)
Water Cooler Rental Secrets Audio Training Lesson!
10 of My Very Best Business Proposals!
Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Coaching Lesson!
Free VIP invite only Access to my monthly Q & A Vending Business Coaching & Training Teleseminars!
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
I am going to show you how to get your vending machines for Free!
That’s Free Money in your pocket when you set up your locations!
You don’t have to buy your machines!
I am going to teach you everything that I know about the vending business!
This is your chance to make a change in your life and get into the vending business. There is a huge opportunity waiting for you and you can start making money even on a part time basis just like I did and thousands of others have.
I have taken all of the bumps and bruises over the years and I know what works and what doesn’t.
This information that I have for you today will save you all of the frustration that I went through in the beginning when I first started.
Yes! Sign Me Up! – Please give me immediate access to your “Vending Business Training System” for just one easy payment of $47.00, I know that I am backed by your 60 day money back guarantee!
Yes!I understand that I am getting access to your Vending Business E Book, audio training lessons, video coaching and All Bonuses as soon as I complete my order!
Yes! I want to learn all of your vending secrets starting today!
Yes! I understand that I get direct access to you Chris for a Free 30 minute coaching session to help me get my vending business off the ground!
Yes! I know that I get access to your Locating audio training lesson to learn how what to say to potential locations in my area to get new prime vending locations!
Yes! I want to learn how to make an extra $500 per week selling Office Coffee to my vending locations!
Yes! I understand that I get access to your Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Coaching lesson so I can learn how to make $900 per month selling kitchen supplies!
Yes! I want to learn how to make easy money setting up a few water coolers in my local area and can make Massive Passive Income each and every month!
Yes! I understand that you are giving me 10 of your best business proposals so that I can use them in my business to help me get new locations!
Yes! I know that I may need some help along the way and that you are giving me Free Vip Access to your Vending Q & A trainings calls too so I can have direct access to you to get my questions answered each and every month!
Yes! I understand that I will have the best chance to succeed in vending because I have access to all of these vending business training tools to start making me money in vending right away!
Total Value to you in excess of $1900.00 and yours RIGHT NOW for just the small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment of the $47.00..
I have a FULL 60 day money back guarantee, and no one is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.
Very Limited Time Offer:
Just $47.00
7 Real Signs That You Need My Vending Business Training System!
#1. Your struggling to make the money that you want!
#2. Your looking for an easy business to start that will make you CASH each and every week!
#3.You want the Best Information on Vending without having to spend a fortune!
#4.You finally want to discover the key secrets in vending that are being kept from you!
#5.You just need some personal help to start seeing money coming in!
#6. You simply need someone to steer you in the right direction of what works!
#7.You’re sick of spinning around in circles and just want the INSIDER info on how to make money in vending right away!
When you buy my product today you will stand a great chance for success in this business.
Plus you will avoid all of the mistakes that I made when I first started.
In fact I would be willing to bet that if you start your vending business without this information that you will lose money by one of the following:
1. You will over pay for one or more of your vending machines!
2. You will buy a location from someone and over pay again!
3. You will buy the wrong type of vending machine for your business!
4. You won’t learn how to get vending
machines for FREE!
5. You most likely will struggle trying to get your vending business off the ground!
6. You will be like most vending operators out there struggling to get new locations for your vending machines!
I know that you don’t want to make mistakes like that do you? If your starting a business you will want to make sure that you have the best chance for success right?
Yes! Chris I Want To Learn Your All of Your Vending Secrets Right Now!
You will have access immediately after you order right now even if it is 3:oo am.
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
I have been to major franchise shows in the past and as I went from booth to booth at these shows the average investment to get into any of theses businesses ranged from $15,000 – $30,000.
Plus they all had yearly franchise fees of thousands of dollars attached to each business.
Where else can you start a business that costs under $100 bucks and can Make You Tens of Thousands of Dollars Very Easily!
I don’t know of any myself! What I can tell you is that if you start out slowly building your vending business one location at a time and you follow what I tell you in my Vending Business Training System then you will stand the best chance for success.
     I am here to help you in any way that I can and steer you in the right direction. If you have questions feel free to send me an e mail and I will get back to you promptly with an answer.
   Please contact me at [email protected] or call me direct at 1-905-510-7597
   I wish you the best of success in your vending business,
     Chris Robertson
     p.s. What I have put together for you in this up to date product in my opinion is by far the best information out there on the market about the vending business.
At the end of the day! Whether you buy my information or someone else’s it’s all up to you to take action in your business. If you do then things will happen for you. If you don’t then please don’t expect to make money in vending. I’m just being honest!
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
Resource Links 
0 notes
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Stephen. 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? If I’m around people I know I’m pretty outgoing if I don’t know anyone I get anxious. 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Stephen. Only about 4.5 months. 
4. Are you easy to get along with? I like to think so.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I don’t drink nearly enough to get drunk but on the off chance that I did manage to get drunk he would undoubtedly take care of me. 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Kind, open minded people..
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I don’t see why not.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Stephen.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? No.  10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Probably Stephen. 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “Cutie”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Zero - Imagine Dragons Special - Shinedown Loverman - Train Battleships - Daughtry  Million Bucks - Smallpools
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Yes.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? To an extent. 
15. What good thing happened this summer? I spent 2 weeks in Cali with Stephen. 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Always. 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? I don’t see why not. 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? No.
19. Do you like bubble baths? I don’t take baths. 
20. Do you like your neighbors? Some of them. 
21. What are you bad habits? Biting my nails.
22. Where would you like to travel? California, Canada, Ireland.
23. Do you have trust issues? Somewhat. 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Going to bed.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My stomach. 
26. What do you do when you wake up? Go to the bathroom. 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Probably darker. I’m pretty pale despite having lived in Florida for the past 13 years. 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? Certain family members and Stephen. 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Yes, and so we got back together and then he dumped me several months later. 
30. Do you ever want to get married? 100% yes. And it’s gonna be happening very soon. 
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? Lmao, no. 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? None. 
33. Spell your name with your chin. No. Lol. 
34. Do you play sports? What sports? Weightlifting. 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes.
37. What do you say during awkward silences? Stand there adding to the silence lol. 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Pretty much Stephen. 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Box Lunch, Torrid, Target, Hot Topic.
40. What do you want to do after high school? Um. I’ve been out of high school for 10 years. 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Generally yes but there circumstances where they don’t
42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m anxious.
43. Do you smile at strangers? Yes, it’s called working in the service industry. 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Bottom of the ocean. 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? My alarm.
46. What are you paranoid about? I don’t think I’m paranoid about anything.
47. Have you ever been high? No.
48. Have you ever been drunk? No.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Not that I can think about.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? It’s a Donatello hoodie.
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Nah.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? No more anxiety or depression.
53. Favourite makeup brand? I don’t wear makeup.
54. Favourite store? See above list. 
55. Favourite blog? I don’t have one. 
56. Favourite colour? Pastel blue, turquoise, and purple.
57. Favourite food? Burgers.
58. Last thing you ate? Peanut butter M&Ms
59. First thing you ate this morning? Salad.
60. Ever won a competition? For what? Lol, no. 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? No.
62. Been arrested? For what? Nah.
63. Ever been in love? Nah.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? It was with the son of one of my mom’s friend’s in a closet. 
65. Are you hungry right now? Nope.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? My tumblr/online friends are real friends. 
67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook.
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr.
69. Are you watching tv right now? It’s on but I’m not really watching it.
70. Names of your bestfriends? Kelly, Jen, Cyrus, Stephen.
71. Craving something? What? No.
72. What colour are your towels? The one I most often use is green with lighter green polka dots.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? I have two pillows on my bed but I only use one at a time.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yes, I sleep with Stitch.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? I have 4 plus a few from my childhood.
75. Favourite animal? Red pandas, cows, and dogs.
76. What colour is your underwear? Gray.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla.
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Probably Vanilla.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? It’s navy with white diamond print.
80. What colour pants? Navy.
81. Favourite tv show? Currently, Good Trouble and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
82. Favourite movie? I don’t really have a favorite but I’m always down to watch Disney movies. 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean Girls.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean Girls.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Either Janis or Damien
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Probably Crush.
87. First person you talked to today? Garrett. 
88. Last person you talked to today? My mom.
89. Name a person you hate? My step mom but she’s dead so I guess no one.
90. Name a person you love? Stephen.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? No.
92. In a fight with someone? No.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? Two.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? Probably like 10. I only wear like 3 of them though. 
95. Last movie you watched? Either Aquaman or Venom.
96. Favourite actress? I really don’t have one.
97. Favourite actor? Same as above.
98. Do you tan a lot? No.
99. Have any pets? Two dogs.
100. How are you feeling? Bored and a little tired.
101. Do you type fast? Last I checked it was like 85 wpm.
102. Do you regret anything from your past? Not really.
103. Can you spell well? I think so.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Yes.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? 106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Not exactly a party but yes.
107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yes.
108. What should you be doing? Nothing.
109. Is something irritating you right now? No.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Kinda.
111. Do you have trust issues? I answered this already.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My mom.  113. What was your childhood nickname? My mom called Freddy and still does to this day. My dad used to call me bro until my stepmom told him that I’m a girl so he shouldn’t call me that so he started calling me sis (I hate it).
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Many times.
115. Do you play the Wii? No. 116. Are you listening to music right now? Yes. When the Season Change - Five Finger Death Punch
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? It’s not one of my favorites.
118. Do you like Chinese food? Yes.
119. Favourite book? I don’t think I have a favorite.
120. Are you afraid of the dark? No.
121. Are you mean? No.
122. Is cheating ever okay? Fuck no.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Probably but I stay away anything white.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Kinda.
125. Do you believe in true love? Yes.
126. Are you currently bored? Yes.
127. What makes you happy? Friends.
128. Would you change your name? Nah.
129. What your zodiac sign? Cancer.
130. Do you like subway? It’s alright.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? My only other male friend is gay so I don’t see that happening.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? This was already asked.
133. Favourite lyrics right now? Nothing is coming to mind.
134. Can you count to one million? I mean probably. 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? Dude I don’t even know. I used to lie to my stepmom all the time. I wouldn’t be surprised if I told her it was raining when it wasn’t.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed. 
137. How tall are you? 5′8′’
138. Curly or Straight hair? Straight.
139. Brunette or Blonde? Brunette.
140. Summer or Winter? Fall. 
141. Night or Day? Night.
142. Favourite month? June or July.
143. Are you a vegetarian? No.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk.
145. Tea or Coffee? Coffee.
146. Was today a good day? It was decent. 
147. Mars or Snickers? I don’t think I’ve ever had a Mars bar.
148. What’s your favourite quote? Don’t have one.
149. Do you believe in ghosts? I suppose so.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? The cane seemed less a walking aid than a fashion accessory, since he did not lean on it as he stood.
0 notes
robertkstone · 7 years
Woodward Dream Cruise: Cruising With GM’s Tom & Adrienne Peters
Tom Peters has spent 35 years in GM’s design organization, amassing a portfolio of design icons that includes the first Saturn vehicles, the Corvette Indy, the Pontiac Banshee, the Cadillac Sixteen concepts, the Cadillac XLR, and the C6 Corvette. Today Tom serves as director of design for rear-wheel-drive and performance vehicles. Adrienne, his daughter, inherited all the car-lust chromosomes and now serves as marketing manager for GM performance, essentially helping peddle the fantastic stuff her dad designs. We had the distinct pleasure of cruising with both of them at the 2017 Woodward Dream Cruise, and we shot photos of the cars that moWost interested the pair. Herewith: the Peters’ picks of the Woodward litter.
Tom’s 1965 Chevrolet Impala SS396
“Big-block, stick, air!” That’s the rare combo that drew Tom to this particular ’65 Impala, but the impetus to seek one out was the fact that a neighbor had one back in the day, and it made a big impression on Tom. He’d grown up liking GM cars, though his dad was not in the business and did not have any car-guy genes to pass along to Tom. “Everything was amped up in those days of absolutely herculean cars—Cobra Jets, 427s, 396s,” he said. Tom and his friends all got the car magazines and compared notes. He built loads of model cars and began drawing cars almost obsessively. He got good enough at depicting the iconic customized cars of the day, such as Ed “Big Daddy” Roth’s Rat Fink, that he’d sell small original sketches for a quarter or draw them in permanent marker on a T-shirt for $3.50. It was clearly time well spent.
Adrienne’s ’70/’72 Chevrolet Monte Carlo
OK, the VIN identifies this car as a 1972 model, but Adrienne prefers the simpler, finer lines of the ’70. When the best body she could get was a ’72 model, she simply replaced all the trim items that differentiate the styling with 1970 bits. At the start of the project in 2009, while she was still in college, she sat at the kitchen counter with her dad. “I talked,” she said. “He sketched.” They came up with a murdered-out matte black minimalist look with a cowl-induction hood, no badging (her dad debadged even his company lease cars), and tall-sidewall wide rubber all around. The frame was blasted, boxed, minitubbed (to accept 14-inch-wide rear wheels and tires), and signed by Adrienne in welding rod. The engine is an LS6 short-block dressed with a GM Performance top end, mounted to a THM400 automatic spinning a 3.73:1 Positraction axle.
1968 Chevrolet Chevelle 327
Adrienne first set out to find a ’68 Chevelle. She was particularly drawn to the way the narrow taillamps stretched around the side of the car. “I always wanted to build one, but you see a lot of them,” she said. “I wanted something uncommon and unexpected.”
1966 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
When Tom was a kid during a stint living in the greater Twin Cities region in Minnesota, he recalls one of the kids at his school being dropped off every day in one of two C2 Corvettes. They looked similar except one of them had a TV screen in the dash. He presumes the dad in question might have been a Honeywell exec.
Dodge Vipers
As we pass a gathering of Vipers, we ask the man who’s worked on multiple Corvettes what he thinks of the Viper design. “I like the first one the best,” he said. “With the second one it seemed like they were looking at the Corvette too much. I wouldn’t want to own one, but I appreciate it.”
1969 Chevrolet Nova 502
Ate up with motor! If you zoom in on the engine identifier ahead of the front side marker lamp on this “No. 2” Nova, you’ll see it has been customized to match what it is that has forced the big bulge in that hood: one of the five 502 big-block offerings from the Chevrolet Performance catalog. Tom is friends with the driver’s dad—big-block owners unite!
1961 Chevrolet Corvair Lakewood
“Boy, you don’t see one of those every day.” Tom said as we rolled up on this nicely preserved station wagon example of Ed Cole’s rear-engine VW rival. As we pulled alongside the driver’s window, Tom shouted, “You’ve got the coolest car on the street!”
1999 Chevrolet Camaro
As a GM exec’s daughter, Adrienne was fortunate enough to hop on the company car bandwagon pretty early. Her first car, which she got at the age of 16 and still remembers quite fondly, was a 1999 Camaro. “That might have been a bit too much car for her—she got in a bit of trouble with that one,” Tom said. (Only speeding tickets! Nothing serious.)
1965 Ford Thunderbird
“I’ve always loved those,” Tom said as we rolled by this red beauty. “You mean even before Thelma and Louise?” we asked (and yes, they ruined a perfectly good ’66, not a ’65). “Yeah, I’ve always considered that car a symbol of California cool.”
1965 Chevrolet Impala 283
Tom and this guy exchanged the customary pleasantries, which is extremely easy at the low-n-slow pace of traffic during Woodward Dream Cruise week. The Avenue was lousy with ’65s, but we never saw a single ’63 Impala. We were looking for one because Tom is especially fond of the sculpture on that car, some of which was likely imprinted on him during his childhood when he fondly and frighteningly recalls riding along with older 17-year-old friends and tearing up the back roads at blistering speeds.
1950 Chevrolet DeLuxe
When we asked Adrienne if she had any particular fondness for cars born well before she was, she instantly identified “those fun shoebox cars” such as the 1950 Chevy. They must still be popular because we saw several shoebox-era Chevys on the Avenue, including this little cutie standing guard outside the Sprint store.
C2 Corvette Grand Sport Custom Clone?
This quasi Corvette Grand Sport knockoff had even Corvette expert Peters scratching his head. It featured the radical wheel flares, a rear diff-cooler, contoured clear lenses covering fixed headlamps, and an extreme big-block clearance hood of a Grand Sport, but also this six-lamp rear treatment. And it’s black, not blue and/or white. Alas, you’re likely to see anything on Woodward!
1971 Camaro Z28 RS
“When that generation of Camaro first came out, I didn’t like it,” Tom said. “But over the years, it’s grown on me. Now I really like its almost Ferrari-like lines.” We agree wholeheartedly, and a Z28 with the split bumper and Endura nose would be exactly the one we’d seek out.
1971 Ford Torino GT
As we passed this hidden-headlamp, pointy-nosed Torino, we all agreed that its design, which was inspired by the Jaguar Pirana concept (which led directly to the Lamborghini Espada four-seater), was one of the higher points of Ford styling in its time.
1951 Chevrolet De Luxe convertible
See, matte black isn’t just for murdered-out race cars and bucks-up supercars—it can also make “shoebox” cars with chrome and wide whites look totally cool!
1968 Dodge Super Bee
As we were turning off the Avenue at the end of the evening, Tom spotted a ’68 Dodge. “Man, look at that Super Bee,” he said. “There are some beautiful shapes on that car. It’s one of my favorite non-GM cars.” Like father, like daughter. Adrienne said almost the exact same thing, adding her appreciation for classic, expressive Mopar.
<img width="150" height="150" src="http://st.motort
from PerformanceJunk Feed http://ift.tt/2vHyNcA via IFTTT
from PerformanceJunk WP Feed 3 http://ift.tt/2fPibKs via IFTTT
0 notes
jesusvasser · 7 years
Woodward Dream Cruise: Cruising With GM’s Tom & Adrienne Peters
Tom Peters has spent 35 years in GM’s design organization, amassing a portfolio of design icons that includes the first Saturn vehicles, the Corvette Indy, the Pontiac Banshee, the Cadillac Sixteen concepts, the Cadillac XLR, and the C6 Corvette. Today Tom serves as director of design for rear-wheel-drive and performance vehicles. Adrienne, his daughter, inherited all the car-lust chromosomes and now serves as marketing manager for GM performance, essentially helping peddle the fantastic stuff her dad designs. We had the distinct pleasure of cruising with both of them at the 2017 Woodward Dream Cruise, and we shot photos of the cars that moWost interested the pair. Herewith: the Peters’ picks of the Woodward litter.
Tom’s 1965 Chevrolet Impala SS396
“Big-block, stick, air!” That’s the rare combo that drew Tom to this particular ’65 Impala, but the impetus to seek one out was the fact that a neighbor had one back in the day, and it made a big impression on Tom. He’d grown up liking GM cars, though his dad was not in the business and did not have any car-guy genes to pass along to Tom. “Everything was amped up in those days of absolutely herculean cars—Cobra Jets, 427s, 396s,” he said. Tom and his friends all got the car magazines and compared notes. He built loads of model cars and began drawing cars almost obsessively. He got good enough at depicting the iconic customized cars of the day, such as Ed “Big Daddy” Roth’s Rat Fink, that he’d sell small original sketches for a quarter or draw them in permanent marker on a T-shirt for $3.50. It was clearly time well spent.
Adrienne’s ’70/’72 Chevrolet Monte Carlo
OK, the VIN identifies this car as a 1972 model, but Adrienne prefers the simpler, finer lines of the ’70. When the best body she could get was a ’72 model, she simply replaced all the trim items that differentiate the styling with 1970 bits. At the start of the project in 2009, while she was still in college, she sat at the kitchen counter with her dad. “I talked,” she said. “He sketched.” They came up with a murdered-out matte black minimalist look with a cowl-induction hood, no badging (her dad debadged even his company lease cars), and tall-sidewall wide rubber all around. The frame was blasted, boxed, minitubbed (to accept 14-inch-wide rear wheels and tires), and signed by Adrienne in welding rod. The engine is an LS6 short-block dressed with a GM Performance top end, mounted to a THM400 automatic spinning a 3.73:1 Positraction axle.
1968 Chevrolet Chevelle 327
Adrienne first set out to find a ’68 Chevelle. She was particularly drawn to the way the narrow taillamps stretched around the side of the car. “I always wanted to build one, but you see a lot of them,” she said. “I wanted something uncommon and unexpected.”
1966 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
When Tom was a kid during a stint living in the greater Twin Cities region in Minnesota, he recalls one of the kids at his school being dropped off every day in one of two C2 Corvettes. They looked similar except one of them had a TV screen in the dash. He presumes the dad in question might have been a Honeywell exec.
Dodge Vipers
As we pass a gathering of Vipers, we ask the man who’s worked on multiple Corvettes what he thinks of the Viper design. “I like the first one the best,” he said. “With the second one it seemed like they were looking at the Corvette too much. I wouldn’t want to own one, but I appreciate it.”
1969 Chevrolet Nova 502
Ate up with motor! If you zoom in on the engine identifier ahead of the front side marker lamp on this “No. 2” Nova, you’ll see it has been customized to match what it is that has forced the big bulge in that hood: one of the five 502 big-block offerings from the Chevrolet Performance catalog. Tom is friends with the driver’s dad—big-block owners unite!
1961 Chevrolet Corvair Lakewood
“Boy, you don’t see one of those every day.” Tom said as we rolled up on this nicely preserved station wagon example of Ed Cole’s rear-engine VW rival. As we pulled alongside the driver’s window, Tom shouted, “You’ve got the coolest car on the street!”
1999 Chevrolet Camaro
As a GM exec’s daughter, Adrienne was fortunate enough to hop on the company car bandwagon pretty early. Her first car, which she got at the age of 16 and still remembers quite fondly, was a 1999 Camaro. “That might have been a bit too much car for her—she got in a bit of trouble with that one,” Tom said. (Only speeding tickets! Nothing serious.)
1965 Ford Thunderbird
“I’ve always loved those,” Tom said as we rolled by this red beauty. “You mean even before Thelma and Louise?” we asked (and yes, they ruined a perfectly good ’66, not a ’65). “Yeah, I’ve always considered that car a symbol of California cool.”
1965 Chevrolet Impala 283
Tom and this guy exchanged the customary pleasantries, which is extremely easy at the low-n-slow pace of traffic during Woodward Dream Cruise week. The Avenue was lousy with ’65s, but we never saw a single ’63 Impala. We were looking for one because Tom is especially fond of the sculpture on that car, some of which was likely imprinted on him during his childhood when he fondly and frighteningly recalls riding along with older 17-year-old friends and tearing up the back roads at blistering speeds.
1950 Chevrolet DeLuxe
When we asked Adrienne if she had any particular fondness for cars born well before she was, she instantly identified “those fun shoebox cars” such as the 1950 Chevy. They must still be popular because we saw several shoebox-era Chevys on the Avenue, including this little cutie standing guard outside the Sprint store.
C2 Corvette Grand Sport Custom Clone?
This quasi Corvette Grand Sport knockoff had even Corvette expert Peters scratching his head. It featured the radical wheel flares, a rear diff-cooler, contoured clear lenses covering fixed headlamps, and an extreme big-block clearance hood of a Grand Sport, but also this six-lamp rear treatment. And it’s black, not blue and/or white. Alas, you’re likely to see anything on Woodward!
1971 Camaro Z28 RS
“When that generation of Camaro first came out, I didn’t like it,” Tom said. “But over the years, it’s grown on me. Now I really like its almost Ferrari-like lines.” We agree wholeheartedly, and a Z28 with the split bumper and Endura nose would be exactly the one we’d seek out.
1971 Ford Torino GT
As we passed this hidden-headlamp, pointy-nosed Torino, we all agreed that its design, which was inspired by the Jaguar Pirana concept (which led directly to the Lamborghini Espada four-seater), was one of the higher points of Ford styling in its time.
1951 Chevrolet De Luxe convertible
See, matte black isn’t just for murdered-out race cars and bucks-up supercars—it can also make “shoebox” cars with chrome and wide whites look totally cool!
1968 Dodge Super Bee
As we were turning off the Avenue at the end of the evening, Tom spotted a ’68 Dodge. “Man, look at that Super Bee,” he said. “There are some beautiful shapes on that car. It’s one of my favorite non-GM cars.” Like father, like daughter. Adrienne said almost the exact same thing, adding her appreciation for classic, expressive Mopar.
<img width="150" height="150" src="http://st.motort
from PerformanceJunk Feed http://ift.tt/2vHyNcA via IFTTT
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2fPibKs via IFTTT
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Vending Business Tactics E Book!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/vending-business-tactics-e-book/
Vending Business Tactics E Book!
 Buy Now    
Contact: 1-905-510-7597
Learn How To Start A Highly Profitable Vending Business Today!
I Will Also Help You Get Your First Location Too!
If you don’t get a new lead or prospect in the first 60 days of implementing my system then Just Ask For Your Money Back!
That Is My Promise To You…
   Dear Friend:
Hi my name is Chris Robertson and for the last 20 years I have been operating my very own profitable vending business in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.
Over the last 10 years I have helped thousands of people across the globe start their very own vending businesses themselves in their own local areas by providing them with the very best and up to date information about vending and providing them with the necessary tools to help them get started on the right foot.
Even The Guru’s Have Come To Me…
  This picture was a live stage presentation that I did in December 2008 in front of 1300 of T Harv Eker’s students in Palm Springs California!
Today I will show you how you can take a simple soda vending machine and snack vending machine and make extra money for yourself so you can buy the things you want, provide a retirement income for yourself or just simply have extra spending money for the things in life that you enjoy doing.
The truth is that Vending is a great way to make easy cash! Yep! that’s right cash, because when your in vending you don’t have to wait for checks in the mail or wait until payday to get paid.
In fact you get paid each and every time to go and restock one of your vending machines. Also you don’t have to wait for your BOSS to maybe give you a pay raise when it comes time for your review.
You simply get a pay raise every time you place your machines on a new location and start making money.
The Vending Business Is A Multi-Billion Dollar Business and Is A Simple Business where literally anyone can create an income and you don’t need a University Degree to do it.
Hey, Listen I am probably a lot like you. I had a full time job for many years driving a city bus and when I built my vending business big enough then that’s when I fired my Boss.
Yep! That’s what the vending business can do for you.
How many people do you know have left a full time job where they had great seniority, made $50,000 per year and had an excellent medical and dental benefit plan and just one day quit?
Well that’s exactly what I did and the only way that I could have done it was because I built a highly profitable vending business from scratch.
…and I’ll tell you the down right honest Truth!
The Vending Business is a great business but you need to work at it to make it all come together!
It was like I can remember it yesterday, I was probably a lot like you working a full time job in a small town near my home in Hamilton, Ontario Canada. I had a job as a city bus driver and I made half decent money, had full benefits and pretty good working hours.
I thought I hit a gold mine when I first started at that job and I honestly thought that I was going to drive that city bus until I was 65 years old and then retire with a full pension.
Once I started getting my paychecks I just started spending. I moved out of my parents home, my girlfriend and I had a baby and then life hit me like a ton of bricks. Monthly bills and obligations, food, clothes car payments you name it things got real tight real fast!
The thing was though I was only 20 years old and I had my whole life ahead of me. The job that I had allowed me to work split shifts where I had about 4-5 hours off from work in the middle of each day for recreational time.
During that time I initially would just go home have a bite to eat and play with my son watch some TV. Then I would go back to work to drive the bus for the afternoon part of my shift. This was my routine for about 6 years.
It was then a friend of mine from work who was running the pop machine at the transit yard had asked me to take over the responsibility of restocking this vending machine. He was leaving the workplace to pursue another career path in the financial industry.
 Long story short is that I started filling the pop machine each week with pop and bottled water. I knew nothing about vending. My friend had just showed me how to open the machine and how to load it with pop, then he showed me where to take out the money and that was it.
He had told me where he bought the vending machine and to just go there if I ever had a problem.
So needless to say I really had no idea what I was getting into. But as I went along each week filling this vending machine up with pop I started to realize how much money I was making for the amount of work that I was doing.
It wasn’t really all that hard to figure out. 
It All Came Down To Simple Math!
and…The Minute that I Realized this Simple Yet Powerful Formula the Light bulb Went Off & I Never Looked Back!
Here is the simple yet powerful formula that got me motivated to get out there and start making Real Money In Vending!
I was selling 3 cases of pop each week out of my pop machine.
My profit was $16.00 per case sold which = $48.00 profit each and every week just from one vending machine.
…so then I thought what if I could set up 10 more vending machines and sell just 3 cases of pop each week from them?
That’s $480.00 Cash in my pocket!
How about 20 vending machines = $960.00 each week!
I Was All in for Vending!
When I really thought about it… for the amount of money that I was making each week I really only put in about 20 minutes of actual time and work to restock the machine and buy product.
In all honesty I was making $20 bucks per hour driving the city bus and I worked about 35 hours per week. By the time the government took their cut and the Union took their dues I was left with about $500 each week.
So I though about it and if I were to get out there and just get 10 locations to set up, the amount of time that it would take me to restock my machines and buy my products each week would be about 30 minutes per location.
That’s 10 locations x 30 minutes per location = 300 minutes which equals 5 hours of actual work and if you really think about it’s probably less.
So Let’s Get this Straight that’s 5 hours of work for $480.00 Cash!
hmmm… I was working driving the city bus 35 hours per week to make the same amount of money!
It’s definitely not rocket science to figure out which way to work is easier!
It’s true when people say your vending machines are working for you while you sleep. They are what I would like to call my… Passive Income Money Stream!
Once I had this realization I immediately went and talked to the vending distributer where my friend bought my pop machine. I asked a few questions and they guy who ran the place just told me to get out there and start knocking on doors to get some new business and my vending machines out on location.
Truth is… I had No Idea what on earth I was doing!
I had no business or sales experience and I didn’t even know what to say to people when I approached them about my business. I was literally stumbling over my words probably not making any sense at all!
But the cool thing is that I did get locations and started to build my vending business. When I started I initially just wanted to make some extra cash and keep my bus driving job.
But after a while once I had a few locations I began to think about vending as a full time income source of income and the possibility of quitting my full time job.
You see I knew that every location was different when it came to how much money that I was going to make.
I had some locations that made me $100.00 a week but then I had a few that made me $500.00 a week. That’s Profit Not Sales!
So I knew that this opportunity was real! Because I had seen it with my own eyes!
Look I’m not joking here! There is money to be made in vending and my example that I showed you earlier was just a taste of what you can make in the vending business.
I must admit though in the beginning I was stumped! There were a lot of other vending companies operating and for the most part many local businesses that I approached all ready had vending machines.
I was sure that it would take a long time to get enough locations to quit my day job and go full out in vending. But I knew in my heart that there must have been a way. After all how did all of these other vending companies get their locations.
Plus I had locations all ready making me good money, so I really just had to duplicate my efforts!
The Answer Was Simple! I Just Took Action and My Business Kept Growing!
Ask Yourself These 3 Questions
1. Am I looking for a business that I can work part time?
2. Do I want to make extra money to help pay for things like my monthly bills mortgage or rent?
3. Do I want to have extra spending money every week?
If you answered Yes to any of these 3 questions then Vending could be the answer for you!
Vending Has Allowed Me To Pay My Bills & Have Spending Money Each and Every Week!
I had heard stories of vending operators who raked in thousands each week all cash!
I knew there was a way…
So I started to do some homework and began to look deeper into different ways to expand and build my business.
I spent hours, days, weeks and many months diving in to learn what I needed to learn to build my vending business. and… I did just that!
The end result was that…
I had created a simple yet powerful vending business lead system that brought new prospects to me instead of the old way that I used to build my vending business by cold calling and chasing them.
The results were phenomenal and I honestly couldn’t believe that the next things that were going to happen to me did.
Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Anything Different – Hiring A Locating Service For Full Service Vending Is The Wrong Way To Go…
Keep reading…
As soon as I started to implement my new found vending business lead system things started to change. My telephone started ringing, e mails started to pour in and local businesses were actually calling me asking me to bring in my vending machines into their business.
Within an 18 month period I had literally exploded my vending machine business to new heights!
So today here I am 11 years later and I have acquired a wealth of knowledge not only about the vending business but more importantly…
 How to take a business from start up to success in such a short time frame
…that even the newest person starting in vending could easily understand and implement in their own local area!
Use My System, Follow What I Tell You & Get Results That’s All There Is Too It!
All it takes is for you to start divulging the information that I have for you today and take Massive Action…  If you follow my instructions the end result can be you getting new locations, setting up your vending machines and making money in the process!
If you can follow some simple steps and follow my Action Plan then you have a Blueprint to make money on demand in the vending business.
I am going to show you not only how to get Free Vending Machines but I will show you the easiest and fastest way to get new leads and locations!
Once you get local businesses contacting you inquiring about your vending services then you have many options at your finger tips.
Option # 1 – Sell the lead to another Vending Operator! – I sell my leads that are out of my working area for a price of $100 – $300 per lead. Now you can do the same.
Option # 2 – Set Up the locations with machines and sell the location to another Vending Operator. – I currently sell locations for $4000 – $5000 for a location with one pop and one snack machine on it.
Option # 3 – Set up the location and make money from the sales of your machines. Most of my locations make me anywhere from $75.00 – $100 per week.
Let Me Help You Get Your First Location! Check Out What I Have For You Today!
Don’t Skim By Bonus # 2 & 3 Either! This is The Most Critical Part To Your Success In Vending!
Here is what I have for you today!
First I have put together a complete Vending Business Training System.
I have put together a multitude of various information for you to divulge such as my vending Business Tactics e book, audio training lessons and even video coaching lessons  for you to use and learn to start your very own vending business.
I have also thrown in some great bonuses that also include Personal Coaching and Direct Help from me to get you new locations so you can start making money in the fastest way possible.
This just isn’t some basic information about how to start or the types of vending machines to buy and for what price…
Yes that information is all in here but there is a whole lot more within my training system…
I have taken everything that I know about this business and structured it in such a way that literally anyone who is willing to spend some time to educate themselves and divulge this information has a serious opportunity to create an income for themselves in their own local community starting today!
There is nothing like this out on the market today!
I Know this Because I Dominate The Vending Business Training Space!
…and I don’t say that to try and impress you or anything
This is the reason why T Harv Eker’s Company asked me last year to speak and teach his students at his “Never Work Again” event in California to over 1300 of his students.
His students paid upwards of $2000.00 to attend this event.
Just Type T Harv Eker into Google and see what he is all about. He is one of the world’s leading thought leaders and experts in teaching people about wealth creation!
So Here is What I Have For You Today!
It all starts with a simple to read E Book that explains everything that I know about vending.
Vending Business Tactics!
In this e book you are going to learn the following:
  How to find locations for your vending machines: I will show you 6 ways!
  How to get your vending machines for FREE!
  How to get started even on a tight budget!
  How to buy your machines for the best price and where to find them cheap!
  How to get your prospects to call you first!
  How to avoid paying commissions to your locations!
  What vending machines are the right ones to buy!
  How to spot vending opportunity scams & avoid them!
  How to rent your vending machines instead of buying them!
  How to pay off your vending machines quickly!
  How to make real money in vending!
  How to get your locations to subsidize the sales of your products!
  How to keep any competitor away and never lose a location!
  How to maintain your vending machines to keep them running for the long haul!
  New versus used vending machines. The difference and pricing!
  How to expand your services to your locations and make more money!
  How to sell your locations, leads or even machines to make the most money!
  Business Licensing & Registration!
  Transporting your vending machines!
  How to keep your costs down.
  How to get more referrals to expand your business.
All of my information will apply to you whether you live in the United States, Canada or across the globe!
Next I have put together some Very Special Bonuses that will I believe will enable you to make even more money in your vending business. I have structured these bonuses in a way that will not only teach and train you through some personal coaching plus a series of audio trainings and even video coaching to help you start your vending business on the right foot.
* I have also put in a very special bonus to help you get some new locations for your vending machines! Just to make life a little easier for you.
Here they are below.
Chris’s Fast Action Bonuses!
Bonus # 1
Free 30 Minute Coaching Session With Me!
This is where I will get right down to work with you to develop your game plan for starting your vending business on the right foot! I will exhaust all resources to get you start making money as fast as possible!
I will also record the session and send it to you so you can listen back to it anytime you want!
Value: $165.00
Trust me you will learn more in this coaching session than most vending operators working their business know today!
I’ll tell you right now that many people that get started in the vending business without taking the time to learn and educate themselves before diving in, some will end up making costly mistakes. But I don’t see you making those mistakes today because once you become a student of mine you will have direct access to the best information about vending on the market today!
Trust me this Bonus above is what is going to make your life a whole lot easier. I’ll tell you right now that the most common question that I get during all of my Vending Business Training calls is “How do I get good locations?” Well this Bonus is the answer!
Bonus # 2
If You Want Locations Then This Is An Easy Way To Get Them and I’ll Do All Of The Work For You…
I am going to put together an Action Packed Video for you to help you get Prospects calling you for your vending services in your local area!
I will create the video, put music to it and put in your phone number or website information. Plus I will Upload It to You Tube and Focus On Ranking It In Google For You. Just tell me what contact information you want in there and I’ll do it.
This is a quick one minute video that I got ranked into Google page # 1 in my local area. Local businesses who type in keywords into Google looking for vending services can now find me by watching this video and then contacting me to inquire about my vending services.
This Will Help You Get Your First Location!
Value: $500.00
Vending Business Locating Audio Training Lesson!
In this30 minute audio training lesson you will learn how to cold call potential locations in your community. I role play with you telling you the exact words to say to your prospects about your vending service company and also how to follow up and close the deal on your potential locations!
Value $197.00
I wish someone would have shown me how to approach potential vending locations and shown me what to say to people when I walked in years ago when I first started. Now you will have access to the best prospecting and locating information out there.
Bonus #4
Office Coffee Secrets E Book!
Selling Office Coffee as a service to your locations can make you some excellent cash! It’s easy to do and a lot of my locations give their staff Free coffee.
I will show you how to make an extra $500 per week by just dropping off a few cases of coffee and some other coffee products to your locations!
This is an easy to read E Book that you can read right on your computer!
Value: $27.00
Selling Office Coffee is Easy and is Great Money! In fact I know other vending operators that almost exclusively have changed their business from vending to ALL Office Coffee. The reason being is that the brewers are easy and simple to set up and local businesses spend a fortune purchasing coffee for their staff.
Bonus #5
Water Cooler Rental Secrets Audio Training Lesson!
How would you like to learn how to make $35.00 over and over again each and every month from each water cooler that you set up?
The best part is that this is a set it and forget it systemthat runs on auto pilot!
Virtually Maintenance Free!
I am going to show you how to do it 10, 20 & 30 times over!
Value: $67.00
Just take a moment and think about if you only had 20 water coolers in local businesses in your area on a rental basis?
20 water coolers x $35.00 per month = $700.00 per month
Think about that! Even if you only had 1 water cooler out on location your investment in my product will be paid for in less that 60 days! Is that cool or what?
Bonus #6
I’m Handing To You…
 10 of My Very Best Business Proposals!
These are 10 of my very best proposals that you can start using in your vending business today. Just simply edit them the way you want and use them as you please!
Value: $97.00
These proposals are the exact ones that I use in my business today to close the deal on new locations. You get them today and can start using them in your business. They are laid out on a Microsoft word document so that you can simply plug in your information and then print them or e mail them to your prospects. It’s that easy!
Bonus #7
Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Tutorial!
You Get Instant Access To Week # 7 of My
Vending Business Video Coaching Program.
This is where I show you my exact system for making more money at each of your locations without spending a dime selling Kitchen Supplies to your accounts.
In this Very Special Video Tutorial I show you how you can make an extra $900.00 per month from just selling a few products each week to three of your vending accounts!
Value: $97.00
Total Value of All My Bonuses = Over $2000.00
      One Payment of Only $47.00
Once You Order I also have A Very Special Bonus for You! – Exclusive VIP Access to my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Training Teleseminars! Your In FREE!
I have included this bonus simply because you have shown me that you are a person who takes Action in their life! The fact that you took the time to read my sales letter today and made it to the bottom of this page shows me that you want to make a difference in your life!
So once you take Action and become a student of mine… Then you will reap the rewards greatly for receiving personal help from me during my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Trainings Calls absolutely Free!
This is where you have direct access to me to ask me any questions that you want!
If you are still sitting on the fence here are what some of my students are saying!
Your information saved us $20,000 as we were in the “process” of buying some machines from a company that really hyped up their business. Luckily your timely information nailed it for us as we didn’t follow thru with the final process!
Thanks Again! Janice Baron
I had to take the time and thank you for all of your help with getting me started in the vending business. Before I even spent one dime I learned so much from your free Teleseminar and free report. The value for your e book is incredible! To include your support via email and phone is priceless. Thank you so much for your honesty and value!!
-Ricardo   Lake Forest, CA
    Dear Chris,
I downloaded your e book last night and I was very impressed with your straight forward approach. I almost spent $10,000 on a few combo machines last month at an opportunity show and I am sure glad I didn’t! I will now get straight to work on the things that you suggest.
Sincerely, Tom Staten
    Hello Chris,
Your e book was very useful and gave me some great ideas on how I am going to start my vending business. I now know that soda machines are the way to go!
I would definitely recommend your book to others.
Linda Davis
    Dear Chris,
I wanted to let you know that after reading your book I bought my first pop machine last week. I used your techniques as you described and found 2 locations. I will be setting up my other location in a week or so.
Appreciate your ideas and info! Tim Ryan
    Hello Chris,
It is really great to see someone like yourself offer this kind of information. I have been to a few opportunity shows in the past and they wanted me to buy, buy, buy right there on the spot! I’m sure glad I didn’t!
Your information was very helpful.
Thanks, Alisa Peters
  I want you to have access to some great information about the vending business?
Here is My Personal No Hassle, No BS, I’m Going To Help You Extended Guarantee!
My Goal Is To Help You Build Your Vending Business and help you start making money in the fastest time frame possible. In doing that not only do I teach you how the business works and tell you what to do to start making money immediately but I also provide you with Personal Help directly from me.
This is what I believe will set you apart from the pack!
So… First… I have my regular Guarantee that within 60 days if you feel that my information isn’t all that I say it is then you can simply ask for a No Hassle Refund! Plain & Simple!
Second… If you use your All of your Bonuses that I provide you with in my Vending Business Training System and You Don’t Get at the very least One Single New Lead or Prospect that contacts you regarding your Vending Services within the first 60 days of using Bonus # 2 and Bonus # 3 then I will give you Direct Access To My $1997.00 Vending Business In A Box Training Course Absolutely FREE!
In this content Rich Training Course I deliver over 15 hours of training that comes complete with Step by Step “Study Guides” that walk you through my Exact Process for building a 6 Figure Vending Business.
I Sold This Training Course at T Harv Eker’s Event Just Last Year for $1997.00 and You Will Get It FREE!
What Have You Got To Lose? Nothing!
    One Payment of Only $47.00
I’ll tell you right now that if you were considering going to your bank for a loan or a line of credit to start your vending business. Most banks will ask you for a Business Plan.
If you don’t have a good business plan you may not get approved!
Today when you buy my product you will have enough information available to you to create a very detailed business plan. This information can help you craft together your business plan so that you can get the funds that you need from your bank to start your vending business the way that you want to.
It’s to your advantage if you have some money to start in this business. You don’t need tens of thousands by any means but having a small pot of cash to get you started will make life easier for you.
 Also Once You Order I have A Very Special Bonus for You! – Exclusive VIP Access to my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Training Teleseminars! Your In FREE!
I have included this bonus simply because you have shown me that you are a person who takes Action in their life! The fact that you took the time to read my sales letter today and made it to the bottom of this page shows me that you want to make a change in your life!
So once you take Action and become a student of mine… Then you will reap the rewards greatly for receiving personal help from me during my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Trainings Calls absolutely Free!
This is where you have direct access to me to ask me any questions that you want!
You see having a coach to help you in your business is paramount. Your coach is the one person who can help you to stay on track and motivated to keep building your business. As your coach I will answer your questions to help you achieve success and your next step in your business.
And that’s what you’re getting today – an expert mentor to show you what to avoid, what works and the QUICKEST, EASIEST path to wealth in the vending business.
Vending is For You…
  If you are looking to start a business that’s easy to get into and isn’t going to cost you a fortune to get started then vending is for you!
  If you are simply looking for a way to earn more money each month to pay things like your utility bills, car payments and and things like that then vending is for you!
  If you are looking to supplement your retirement income then vending is for you!
   If you are looking to have extra spending money each month to help make things easier then vending is for you!
Let’s Recap for a moment exactly what your getting with my Vending Business Training System!
Vending Business Tactics E Book! (50 pages of in depth information on Vending)
(Free) Personal 30 Minute Coaching session with me!
I will Make You A Video To Promote Your Business!
Vending Business Locating Audio Training Lesson!
Office Coffee Secrets E Book! (30 pages of great content)
Water Cooler Rental Secrets Audio Training Lesson!
10 of My Very Best Business Proposals!
Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Coaching Lesson!
Free VIP invite only Access to my monthly Q & A Vending Business Coaching & Training Teleseminars!
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
I am going to show you how to get your vending machines for Free!
That’s Free Money in your pocket when you set up your locations!
You don’t have to buy your machines!
I am going to teach you everything that I know about the vending business!
This is your chance to make a change in your life and get into the vending business. There is a huge opportunity waiting for you and you can start making money even on a part time basis just like I did and thousands of others have.
I have taken all of the bumps and bruises over the years and I know what works and what doesn’t.
This information that I have for you today will save you all of the frustration that I went through in the beginning when I first started.
Yes! Sign Me Up! – Please give me immediate access to your “Vending Business Training System” for just one easy payment of $47.00, I know that I am backed by your 60 day money back guarantee!
Yes!I understand that I am getting access to your Vending Business E Book, audio training lessons, video coaching and All Bonuses as soon as I complete my order!
Yes! I want to learn all of your vending secrets starting today!
Yes! I understand that I get direct access to you Chris for a Free 30 minute coaching session to help me get my vending business off the ground!
Yes! I know that I get access to your Locating audio training lesson to learn how what to say to potential locations in my area to get new prime vending locations!
Yes! I want to learn how to make an extra $500 per week selling Office Coffee to my vending locations!
Yes! I understand that I get access to your Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Coaching lesson so I can learn how to make $900 per month selling kitchen supplies!
Yes! I want to learn how to make easy money setting up a few water coolers in my local area and can make Massive Passive Income each and every month!
Yes! I understand that you are giving me 10 of your best business proposals so that I can use them in my business to help me get new locations!
Yes! I know that I may need some help along the way and that you are giving me Free Vip Access to your Vending Q & A trainings calls too so I can have direct access to you to get my questions answered each and every month!
Yes! I understand that I will have the best chance to succeed in vending because I have access to all of these vending business training tools to start making me money in vending right away!
Total Value to you in excess of $1900.00 and yours RIGHT NOW for just the small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment of the $47.00..
I have a FULL 60 day money back guarantee, and no one is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.
Very Limited Time Offer:
Just $47.00
7 Real Signs That You Need My Vending Business Training System!
#1. Your struggling to make the money that you want!
#2. Your looking for an easy business to start that will make you CASH each and every week!
#3.You want the Best Information on Vending without having to spend a fortune!
#4.You finally want to discover the key secrets in vending that are being kept from you!
#5.You just need some personal help to start seeing money coming in!
#6. You simply need someone to steer you in the right direction of what works!
#7.You’re sick of spinning around in circles and just want the INSIDER info on how to make money in vending right away!
When you buy my product today you will stand a great chance for success in this business.
Plus you will avoid all of the mistakes that I made when I first started.
In fact I would be willing to bet that if you start your vending business without this information that you will lose money by one of the following:
1. You will over pay for one or more of your vending machines!
2. You will buy a location from someone and over pay again!
3. You will buy the wrong type of vending machine for your business!
4. You won’t learn how to get vending
machines for FREE!
5. You most likely will struggle trying to get your vending business off the ground!
6. You will be like most vending operators out there struggling to get new locations for your vending machines!
I know that you don’t want to make mistakes like that do you? If your starting a business you will want to make sure that you have the best chance for success right?
Yes! Chris I Want To Learn Your All of Your Vending Secrets Right Now!
You will have access immediately after you order right now even if it is 3:oo am.
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
I have been to major franchise shows in the past and as I went from booth to booth at these shows the average investment to get into any of theses businesses ranged from $15,000 – $30,000.
Plus they all had yearly franchise fees of thousands of dollars attached to each business.
Where else can you start a business that costs under $100 bucks and can Make You Tens of Thousands of Dollars Very Easily!
I don’t know of any myself! What I can tell you is that if you start out slowly building your vending business one location at a time and you follow what I tell you in my Vending Business Training System then you will stand the best chance for success.
     I am here to help you in any way that I can and steer you in the right direction. If you have questions feel free to send me an e mail and I will get back to you promptly with an answer.
   Please contact me at [email protected] or call me direct at 1-905-510-7597
   I wish you the best of success in your vending business,
     Chris Robertson
     p.s. What I have put together for you in this up to date product in my opinion is by far the best information out there on the market about the vending business.
At the end of the day! Whether you buy my information or someone else’s it’s all up to you to take action in your business. If you do then things will happen for you. If you don’t then please don’t expect to make money in vending. I’m just being honest!
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
Resource Links 
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Vending Business Tactics E Book!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/vending-business-tactics-e-book/
Vending Business Tactics E Book!
 Buy Now    
Contact: 1-905-510-7597
Learn How To Start A Highly Profitable Vending Business Today!
I Will Also Help You Get Your First Location Too!
If you don’t get a new lead or prospect in the first 60 days of implementing my system then Just Ask For Your Money Back!
That Is My Promise To You…
   Dear Friend:
Hi my name is Chris Robertson and for the last 20 years I have been operating my very own profitable vending business in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.
Over the last 10 years I have helped thousands of people across the globe start their very own vending businesses themselves in their own local areas by providing them with the very best and up to date information about vending and providing them with the necessary tools to help them get started on the right foot.
Even The Guru’s Have Come To Me…
  This picture was a live stage presentation that I did in December 2008 in front of 1300 of T Harv Eker’s students in Palm Springs California!
Today I will show you how you can take a simple soda vending machine and snack vending machine and make extra money for yourself so you can buy the things you want, provide a retirement income for yourself or just simply have extra spending money for the things in life that you enjoy doing.
The truth is that Vending is a great way to make easy cash! Yep! that’s right cash, because when your in vending you don’t have to wait for checks in the mail or wait until payday to get paid.
In fact you get paid each and every time to go and restock one of your vending machines. Also you don’t have to wait for your BOSS to maybe give you a pay raise when it comes time for your review.
You simply get a pay raise every time you place your machines on a new location and start making money.
The Vending Business Is A Multi-Billion Dollar Business and Is A Simple Business where literally anyone can create an income and you don’t need a University Degree to do it.
Hey, Listen I am probably a lot like you. I had a full time job for many years driving a city bus and when I built my vending business big enough then that’s when I fired my Boss.
Yep! That’s what the vending business can do for you.
How many people do you know have left a full time job where they had great seniority, made $50,000 per year and had an excellent medical and dental benefit plan and just one day quit?
Well that’s exactly what I did and the only way that I could have done it was because I built a highly profitable vending business from scratch.
…and I’ll tell you the down right honest Truth!
The Vending Business is a great business but you need to work at it to make it all come together!
It was like I can remember it yesterday, I was probably a lot like you working a full time job in a small town near my home in Hamilton, Ontario Canada. I had a job as a city bus driver and I made half decent money, had full benefits and pretty good working hours.
I thought I hit a gold mine when I first started at that job and I honestly thought that I was going to drive that city bus until I was 65 years old and then retire with a full pension.
Once I started getting my paychecks I just started spending. I moved out of my parents home, my girlfriend and I had a baby and then life hit me like a ton of bricks. Monthly bills and obligations, food, clothes car payments you name it things got real tight real fast!
The thing was though I was only 20 years old and I had my whole life ahead of me. The job that I had allowed me to work split shifts where I had about 4-5 hours off from work in the middle of each day for recreational time.
During that time I initially would just go home have a bite to eat and play with my son watch some TV. Then I would go back to work to drive the bus for the afternoon part of my shift. This was my routine for about 6 years.
It was then a friend of mine from work who was running the pop machine at the transit yard had asked me to take over the responsibility of restocking this vending machine. He was leaving the workplace to pursue another career path in the financial industry.
 Long story short is that I started filling the pop machine each week with pop and bottled water. I knew nothing about vending. My friend had just showed me how to open the machine and how to load it with pop, then he showed me where to take out the money and that was it.
He had told me where he bought the vending machine and to just go there if I ever had a problem.
So needless to say I really had no idea what I was getting into. But as I went along each week filling this vending machine up with pop I started to realize how much money I was making for the amount of work that I was doing.
It wasn’t really all that hard to figure out. 
It All Came Down To Simple Math!
and…The Minute that I Realized this Simple Yet Powerful Formula the Light bulb Went Off & I Never Looked Back!
Here is the simple yet powerful formula that got me motivated to get out there and start making Real Money In Vending!
I was selling 3 cases of pop each week out of my pop machine.
My profit was $16.00 per case sold which = $48.00 profit each and every week just from one vending machine.
…so then I thought what if I could set up 10 more vending machines and sell just 3 cases of pop each week from them?
That’s $480.00 Cash in my pocket!
How about 20 vending machines = $960.00 each week!
I Was All in for Vending!
When I really thought about it… for the amount of money that I was making each week I really only put in about 20 minutes of actual time and work to restock the machine and buy product.
In all honesty I was making $20 bucks per hour driving the city bus and I worked about 35 hours per week. By the time the government took their cut and the Union took their dues I was left with about $500 each week.
So I though about it and if I were to get out there and just get 10 locations to set up, the amount of time that it would take me to restock my machines and buy my products each week would be about 30 minutes per location.
That’s 10 locations x 30 minutes per location = 300 minutes which equals 5 hours of actual work and if you really think about it’s probably less.
So Let’s Get this Straight that’s 5 hours of work for $480.00 Cash!
hmmm… I was working driving the city bus 35 hours per week to make the same amount of money!
It’s definitely not rocket science to figure out which way to work is easier!
It’s true when people say your vending machines are working for you while you sleep. They are what I would like to call my… Passive Income Money Stream!
Once I had this realization I immediately went and talked to the vending distributer where my friend bought my pop machine. I asked a few questions and they guy who ran the place just told me to get out there and start knocking on doors to get some new business and my vending machines out on location.
Truth is… I had No Idea what on earth I was doing!
I had no business or sales experience and I didn’t even know what to say to people when I approached them about my business. I was literally stumbling over my words probably not making any sense at all!
But the cool thing is that I did get locations and started to build my vending business. When I started I initially just wanted to make some extra cash and keep my bus driving job.
But after a while once I had a few locations I began to think about vending as a full time income source of income and the possibility of quitting my full time job.
You see I knew that every location was different when it came to how much money that I was going to make.
I had some locations that made me $100.00 a week but then I had a few that made me $500.00 a week. That’s Profit Not Sales!
So I knew that this opportunity was real! Because I had seen it with my own eyes!
Look I’m not joking here! There is money to be made in vending and my example that I showed you earlier was just a taste of what you can make in the vending business.
I must admit though in the beginning I was stumped! There were a lot of other vending companies operating and for the most part many local businesses that I approached all ready had vending machines.
I was sure that it would take a long time to get enough locations to quit my day job and go full out in vending. But I knew in my heart that there must have been a way. After all how did all of these other vending companies get their locations.
Plus I had locations all ready making me good money, so I really just had to duplicate my efforts!
The Answer Was Simple! I Just Took Action and My Business Kept Growing!
Ask Yourself These 3 Questions
1. Am I looking for a business that I can work part time?
2. Do I want to make extra money to help pay for things like my monthly bills mortgage or rent?
3. Do I want to have extra spending money every week?
If you answered Yes to any of these 3 questions then Vending could be the answer for you!
Vending Has Allowed Me To Pay My Bills & Have Spending Money Each and Every Week!
I had heard stories of vending operators who raked in thousands each week all cash!
I knew there was a way…
So I started to do some homework and began to look deeper into different ways to expand and build my business.
I spent hours, days, weeks and many months diving in to learn what I needed to learn to build my vending business. and… I did just that!
The end result was that…
I had created a simple yet powerful vending business lead system that brought new prospects to me instead of the old way that I used to build my vending business by cold calling and chasing them.
The results were phenomenal and I honestly couldn’t believe that the next things that were going to happen to me did.
Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Anything Different – Hiring A Locating Service For Full Service Vending Is The Wrong Way To Go…
Keep reading…
As soon as I started to implement my new found vending business lead system things started to change. My telephone started ringing, e mails started to pour in and local businesses were actually calling me asking me to bring in my vending machines into their business.
Within an 18 month period I had literally exploded my vending machine business to new heights!
So today here I am 11 years later and I have acquired a wealth of knowledge not only about the vending business but more importantly…
 How to take a business from start up to success in such a short time frame
…that even the newest person starting in vending could easily understand and implement in their own local area!
Use My System, Follow What I Tell You & Get Results That’s All There Is Too It!
All it takes is for you to start divulging the information that I have for you today and take Massive Action…  If you follow my instructions the end result can be you getting new locations, setting up your vending machines and making money in the process!
If you can follow some simple steps and follow my Action Plan then you have a Blueprint to make money on demand in the vending business.
I am going to show you not only how to get Free Vending Machines but I will show you the easiest and fastest way to get new leads and locations!
Once you get local businesses contacting you inquiring about your vending services then you have many options at your finger tips.
Option # 1 – Sell the lead to another Vending Operator! – I sell my leads that are out of my working area for a price of $100 – $300 per lead. Now you can do the same.
Option # 2 – Set Up the locations with machines and sell the location to another Vending Operator. – I currently sell locations for $4000 – $5000 for a location with one pop and one snack machine on it.
Option # 3 – Set up the location and make money from the sales of your machines. Most of my locations make me anywhere from $75.00 – $100 per week.
Let Me Help You Get Your First Location! Check Out What I Have For You Today!
Don’t Skim By Bonus # 2 & 3 Either! This is The Most Critical Part To Your Success In Vending!
Here is what I have for you today!
First I have put together a complete Vending Business Training System.
I have put together a multitude of various information for you to divulge such as my vending Business Tactics e book, audio training lessons and even video coaching lessons  for you to use and learn to start your very own vending business.
I have also thrown in some great bonuses that also include Personal Coaching and Direct Help from me to get you new locations so you can start making money in the fastest way possible.
This just isn’t some basic information about how to start or the types of vending machines to buy and for what price…
Yes that information is all in here but there is a whole lot more within my training system…
I have taken everything that I know about this business and structured it in such a way that literally anyone who is willing to spend some time to educate themselves and divulge this information has a serious opportunity to create an income for themselves in their own local community starting today!
There is nothing like this out on the market today!
I Know this Because I Dominate The Vending Business Training Space!
…and I don’t say that to try and impress you or anything
This is the reason why T Harv Eker’s Company asked me last year to speak and teach his students at his “Never Work Again” event in California to over 1300 of his students.
His students paid upwards of $2000.00 to attend this event.
Just Type T Harv Eker into Google and see what he is all about. He is one of the world’s leading thought leaders and experts in teaching people about wealth creation!
So Here is What I Have For You Today!
It all starts with a simple to read E Book that explains everything that I know about vending.
Vending Business Tactics!
In this e book you are going to learn the following:
  How to find locations for your vending machines: I will show you 6 ways!
  How to get your vending machines for FREE!
  How to get started even on a tight budget!
  How to buy your machines for the best price and where to find them cheap!
  How to get your prospects to call you first!
  How to avoid paying commissions to your locations!
  What vending machines are the right ones to buy!
  How to spot vending opportunity scams & avoid them!
  How to rent your vending machines instead of buying them!
  How to pay off your vending machines quickly!
  How to make real money in vending!
  How to get your locations to subsidize the sales of your products!
  How to keep any competitor away and never lose a location!
  How to maintain your vending machines to keep them running for the long haul!
  New versus used vending machines. The difference and pricing!
  How to expand your services to your locations and make more money!
  How to sell your locations, leads or even machines to make the most money!
  Business Licensing & Registration!
  Transporting your vending machines!
  How to keep your costs down.
  How to get more referrals to expand your business.
All of my information will apply to you whether you live in the United States, Canada or across the globe!
Next I have put together some Very Special Bonuses that will I believe will enable you to make even more money in your vending business. I have structured these bonuses in a way that will not only teach and train you through some personal coaching plus a series of audio trainings and even video coaching to help you start your vending business on the right foot.
* I have also put in a very special bonus to help you get some new locations for your vending machines! Just to make life a little easier for you.
Here they are below.
Chris’s Fast Action Bonuses!
Bonus # 1
Free 30 Minute Coaching Session With Me!
This is where I will get right down to work with you to develop your game plan for starting your vending business on the right foot! I will exhaust all resources to get you start making money as fast as possible!
I will also record the session and send it to you so you can listen back to it anytime you want!
Value: $165.00
Trust me you will learn more in this coaching session than most vending operators working their business know today!
I’ll tell you right now that many people that get started in the vending business without taking the time to learn and educate themselves before diving in, some will end up making costly mistakes. But I don’t see you making those mistakes today because once you become a student of mine you will have direct access to the best information about vending on the market today!
Trust me this Bonus above is what is going to make your life a whole lot easier. I’ll tell you right now that the most common question that I get during all of my Vending Business Training calls is “How do I get good locations?” Well this Bonus is the answer!
Bonus # 2
If You Want Locations Then This Is An Easy Way To Get Them and I’ll Do All Of The Work For You…
I am going to put together an Action Packed Video for you to help you get Prospects calling you for your vending services in your local area!
I will create the video, put music to it and put in your phone number or website information. Plus I will Upload It to You Tube and Focus On Ranking It In Google For You. Just tell me what contact information you want in there and I’ll do it.
This is a quick one minute video that I got ranked into Google page # 1 in my local area. Local businesses who type in keywords into Google looking for vending services can now find me by watching this video and then contacting me to inquire about my vending services.
This Will Help You Get Your First Location!
Value: $500.00
Vending Business Locating Audio Training Lesson!
In this30 minute audio training lesson you will learn how to cold call potential locations in your community. I role play with you telling you the exact words to say to your prospects about your vending service company and also how to follow up and close the deal on your potential locations!
Value $197.00
I wish someone would have shown me how to approach potential vending locations and shown me what to say to people when I walked in years ago when I first started. Now you will have access to the best prospecting and locating information out there.
Bonus #4
Office Coffee Secrets E Book!
Selling Office Coffee as a service to your locations can make you some excellent cash! It’s easy to do and a lot of my locations give their staff Free coffee.
I will show you how to make an extra $500 per week by just dropping off a few cases of coffee and some other coffee products to your locations!
This is an easy to read E Book that you can read right on your computer!
Value: $27.00
Selling Office Coffee is Easy and is Great Money! In fact I know other vending operators that almost exclusively have changed their business from vending to ALL Office Coffee. The reason being is that the brewers are easy and simple to set up and local businesses spend a fortune purchasing coffee for their staff.
Bonus #5
Water Cooler Rental Secrets Audio Training Lesson!
How would you like to learn how to make $35.00 over and over again each and every month from each water cooler that you set up?
The best part is that this is a set it and forget it systemthat runs on auto pilot!
Virtually Maintenance Free!
I am going to show you how to do it 10, 20 & 30 times over!
Value: $67.00
Just take a moment and think about if you only had 20 water coolers in local businesses in your area on a rental basis?
20 water coolers x $35.00 per month = $700.00 per month
Think about that! Even if you only had 1 water cooler out on location your investment in my product will be paid for in less that 60 days! Is that cool or what?
Bonus #6
I’m Handing To You…
 10 of My Very Best Business Proposals!
These are 10 of my very best proposals that you can start using in your vending business today. Just simply edit them the way you want and use them as you please!
Value: $97.00
These proposals are the exact ones that I use in my business today to close the deal on new locations. You get them today and can start using them in your business. They are laid out on a Microsoft word document so that you can simply plug in your information and then print them or e mail them to your prospects. It’s that easy!
Bonus #7
Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Tutorial!
You Get Instant Access To Week # 7 of My
Vending Business Video Coaching Program.
This is where I show you my exact system for making more money at each of your locations without spending a dime selling Kitchen Supplies to your accounts.
In this Very Special Video Tutorial I show you how you can make an extra $900.00 per month from just selling a few products each week to three of your vending accounts!
Value: $97.00
Total Value of All My Bonuses = Over $2000.00
      One Payment of Only $47.00
Once You Order I also have A Very Special Bonus for You! – Exclusive VIP Access to my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Training Teleseminars! Your In FREE!
I have included this bonus simply because you have shown me that you are a person who takes Action in their life! The fact that you took the time to read my sales letter today and made it to the bottom of this page shows me that you want to make a difference in your life!
So once you take Action and become a student of mine… Then you will reap the rewards greatly for receiving personal help from me during my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Trainings Calls absolutely Free!
This is where you have direct access to me to ask me any questions that you want!
If you are still sitting on the fence here are what some of my students are saying!
Your information saved us $20,000 as we were in the “process” of buying some machines from a company that really hyped up their business. Luckily your timely information nailed it for us as we didn’t follow thru with the final process!
Thanks Again! Janice Baron
I had to take the time and thank you for all of your help with getting me started in the vending business. Before I even spent one dime I learned so much from your free Teleseminar and free report. The value for your e book is incredible! To include your support via email and phone is priceless. Thank you so much for your honesty and value!!
-Ricardo   Lake Forest, CA
    Dear Chris,
I downloaded your e book last night and I was very impressed with your straight forward approach. I almost spent $10,000 on a few combo machines last month at an opportunity show and I am sure glad I didn’t! I will now get straight to work on the things that you suggest.
Sincerely, Tom Staten
    Hello Chris,
Your e book was very useful and gave me some great ideas on how I am going to start my vending business. I now know that soda machines are the way to go!
I would definitely recommend your book to others.
Linda Davis
    Dear Chris,
I wanted to let you know that after reading your book I bought my first pop machine last week. I used your techniques as you described and found 2 locations. I will be setting up my other location in a week or so.
Appreciate your ideas and info! Tim Ryan
    Hello Chris,
It is really great to see someone like yourself offer this kind of information. I have been to a few opportunity shows in the past and they wanted me to buy, buy, buy right there on the spot! I’m sure glad I didn’t!
Your information was very helpful.
Thanks, Alisa Peters
  I want you to have access to some great information about the vending business?
Here is My Personal No Hassle, No BS, I’m Going To Help You Extended Guarantee!
My Goal Is To Help You Build Your Vending Business and help you start making money in the fastest time frame possible. In doing that not only do I teach you how the business works and tell you what to do to start making money immediately but I also provide you with Personal Help directly from me.
This is what I believe will set you apart from the pack!
So… First… I have my regular Guarantee that within 60 days if you feel that my information isn’t all that I say it is then you can simply ask for a No Hassle Refund! Plain & Simple!
Second… If you use your All of your Bonuses that I provide you with in my Vending Business Training System and You Don’t Get at the very least One Single New Lead or Prospect that contacts you regarding your Vending Services within the first 60 days of using Bonus # 2 and Bonus # 3 then I will give you Direct Access To My $1997.00 Vending Business In A Box Training Course Absolutely FREE!
In this content Rich Training Course I deliver over 15 hours of training that comes complete with Step by Step “Study Guides” that walk you through my Exact Process for building a 6 Figure Vending Business.
I Sold This Training Course at T Harv Eker’s Event Just Last Year for $1997.00 and You Will Get It FREE!
What Have You Got To Lose? Nothing!
    One Payment of Only $47.00
I’ll tell you right now that if you were considering going to your bank for a loan or a line of credit to start your vending business. Most banks will ask you for a Business Plan.
If you don’t have a good business plan you may not get approved!
Today when you buy my product you will have enough information available to you to create a very detailed business plan. This information can help you craft together your business plan so that you can get the funds that you need from your bank to start your vending business the way that you want to.
It’s to your advantage if you have some money to start in this business. You don’t need tens of thousands by any means but having a small pot of cash to get you started will make life easier for you.
 Also Once You Order I have A Very Special Bonus for You! – Exclusive VIP Access to my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Training Teleseminars! Your In FREE!
I have included this bonus simply because you have shown me that you are a person who takes Action in their life! The fact that you took the time to read my sales letter today and made it to the bottom of this page shows me that you want to make a change in your life!
So once you take Action and become a student of mine… Then you will reap the rewards greatly for receiving personal help from me during my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Trainings Calls absolutely Free!
This is where you have direct access to me to ask me any questions that you want!
You see having a coach to help you in your business is paramount. Your coach is the one person who can help you to stay on track and motivated to keep building your business. As your coach I will answer your questions to help you achieve success and your next step in your business.
And that’s what you’re getting today – an expert mentor to show you what to avoid, what works and the QUICKEST, EASIEST path to wealth in the vending business.
Vending is For You…
  If you are looking to start a business that’s easy to get into and isn’t going to cost you a fortune to get started then vending is for you!
  If you are simply looking for a way to earn more money each month to pay things like your utility bills, car payments and and things like that then vending is for you!
  If you are looking to supplement your retirement income then vending is for you!
   If you are looking to have extra spending money each month to help make things easier then vending is for you!
Let’s Recap for a moment exactly what your getting with my Vending Business Training System!
Vending Business Tactics E Book! (50 pages of in depth information on Vending)
(Free) Personal 30 Minute Coaching session with me!
I will Make You A Video To Promote Your Business!
Vending Business Locating Audio Training Lesson!
Office Coffee Secrets E Book! (30 pages of great content)
Water Cooler Rental Secrets Audio Training Lesson!
10 of My Very Best Business Proposals!
Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Coaching Lesson!
Free VIP invite only Access to my monthly Q & A Vending Business Coaching & Training Teleseminars!
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
I am going to show you how to get your vending machines for Free!
That’s Free Money in your pocket when you set up your locations!
You don’t have to buy your machines!
I am going to teach you everything that I know about the vending business!
This is your chance to make a change in your life and get into the vending business. There is a huge opportunity waiting for you and you can start making money even on a part time basis just like I did and thousands of others have.
I have taken all of the bumps and bruises over the years and I know what works and what doesn’t.
This information that I have for you today will save you all of the frustration that I went through in the beginning when I first started.
Yes! Sign Me Up! – Please give me immediate access to your “Vending Business Training System” for just one easy payment of $47.00, I know that I am backed by your 60 day money back guarantee!
Yes!I understand that I am getting access to your Vending Business E Book, audio training lessons, video coaching and All Bonuses as soon as I complete my order!
Yes! I want to learn all of your vending secrets starting today!
Yes! I understand that I get direct access to you Chris for a Free 30 minute coaching session to help me get my vending business off the ground!
Yes! I know that I get access to your Locating audio training lesson to learn how what to say to potential locations in my area to get new prime vending locations!
Yes! I want to learn how to make an extra $500 per week selling Office Coffee to my vending locations!
Yes! I understand that I get access to your Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Coaching lesson so I can learn how to make $900 per month selling kitchen supplies!
Yes! I want to learn how to make easy money setting up a few water coolers in my local area and can make Massive Passive Income each and every month!
Yes! I understand that you are giving me 10 of your best business proposals so that I can use them in my business to help me get new locations!
Yes! I know that I may need some help along the way and that you are giving me Free Vip Access to your Vending Q & A trainings calls too so I can have direct access to you to get my questions answered each and every month!
Yes! I understand that I will have the best chance to succeed in vending because I have access to all of these vending business training tools to start making me money in vending right away!
Total Value to you in excess of $1900.00 and yours RIGHT NOW for just the small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment of the $47.00..
I have a FULL 60 day money back guarantee, and no one is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.
Very Limited Time Offer:
Just $47.00
7 Real Signs That You Need My Vending Business Training System!
#1. Your struggling to make the money that you want!
#2. Your looking for an easy business to start that will make you CASH each and every week!
#3.You want the Best Information on Vending without having to spend a fortune!
#4.You finally want to discover the key secrets in vending that are being kept from you!
#5.You just need some personal help to start seeing money coming in!
#6. You simply need someone to steer you in the right direction of what works!
#7.You’re sick of spinning around in circles and just want the INSIDER info on how to make money in vending right away!
When you buy my product today you will stand a great chance for success in this business.
Plus you will avoid all of the mistakes that I made when I first started.
In fact I would be willing to bet that if you start your vending business without this information that you will lose money by one of the following:
1. You will over pay for one or more of your vending machines!
2. You will buy a location from someone and over pay again!
3. You will buy the wrong type of vending machine for your business!
4. You won’t learn how to get vending
machines for FREE!
5. You most likely will struggle trying to get your vending business off the ground!
6. You will be like most vending operators out there struggling to get new locations for your vending machines!
I know that you don’t want to make mistakes like that do you? If your starting a business you will want to make sure that you have the best chance for success right?
Yes! Chris I Want To Learn Your All of Your Vending Secrets Right Now!
You will have access immediately after you order right now even if it is 3:oo am.
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
I have been to major franchise shows in the past and as I went from booth to booth at these shows the average investment to get into any of theses businesses ranged from $15,000 – $30,000.
Plus they all had yearly franchise fees of thousands of dollars attached to each business.
Where else can you start a business that costs under $100 bucks and can Make You Tens of Thousands of Dollars Very Easily!
I don’t know of any myself! What I can tell you is that if you start out slowly building your vending business one location at a time and you follow what I tell you in my Vending Business Training System then you will stand the best chance for success.
     I am here to help you in any way that I can and steer you in the right direction. If you have questions feel free to send me an e mail and I will get back to you promptly with an answer.
   Please contact me at [email protected] or call me direct at 1-905-510-7597
   I wish you the best of success in your vending business,
     Chris Robertson
     p.s. What I have put together for you in this up to date product in my opinion is by far the best information out there on the market about the vending business.
At the end of the day! Whether you buy my information or someone else’s it’s all up to you to take action in your business. If you do then things will happen for you. If you don’t then please don’t expect to make money in vending. I’m just being honest!
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
Resource Links 
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Vending Business Tactics E Book!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/vending-business-tactics-e-book/
Vending Business Tactics E Book!
 Buy Now    
Contact: 1-905-510-7597
Learn How To Start A Highly Profitable Vending Business Today!
I Will Also Help You Get Your First Location Too!
If you don’t get a new lead or prospect in the first 60 days of implementing my system then Just Ask For Your Money Back!
That Is My Promise To You…
   Dear Friend:
Hi my name is Chris Robertson and for the last 20 years I have been operating my very own profitable vending business in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.
Over the last 10 years I have helped thousands of people across the globe start their very own vending businesses themselves in their own local areas by providing them with the very best and up to date information about vending and providing them with the necessary tools to help them get started on the right foot.
Even The Guru’s Have Come To Me…
  This picture was a live stage presentation that I did in December 2008 in front of 1300 of T Harv Eker’s students in Palm Springs California!
Today I will show you how you can take a simple soda vending machine and snack vending machine and make extra money for yourself so you can buy the things you want, provide a retirement income for yourself or just simply have extra spending money for the things in life that you enjoy doing.
The truth is that Vending is a great way to make easy cash! Yep! that’s right cash, because when your in vending you don’t have to wait for checks in the mail or wait until payday to get paid.
In fact you get paid each and every time to go and restock one of your vending machines. Also you don’t have to wait for your BOSS to maybe give you a pay raise when it comes time for your review.
You simply get a pay raise every time you place your machines on a new location and start making money.
The Vending Business Is A Multi-Billion Dollar Business and Is A Simple Business where literally anyone can create an income and you don’t need a University Degree to do it.
Hey, Listen I am probably a lot like you. I had a full time job for many years driving a city bus and when I built my vending business big enough then that’s when I fired my Boss.
Yep! That’s what the vending business can do for you.
How many people do you know have left a full time job where they had great seniority, made $50,000 per year and had an excellent medical and dental benefit plan and just one day quit?
Well that’s exactly what I did and the only way that I could have done it was because I built a highly profitable vending business from scratch.
…and I’ll tell you the down right honest Truth!
The Vending Business is a great business but you need to work at it to make it all come together!
It was like I can remember it yesterday, I was probably a lot like you working a full time job in a small town near my home in Hamilton, Ontario Canada. I had a job as a city bus driver and I made half decent money, had full benefits and pretty good working hours.
I thought I hit a gold mine when I first started at that job and I honestly thought that I was going to drive that city bus until I was 65 years old and then retire with a full pension.
Once I started getting my paychecks I just started spending. I moved out of my parents home, my girlfriend and I had a baby and then life hit me like a ton of bricks. Monthly bills and obligations, food, clothes car payments you name it things got real tight real fast!
The thing was though I was only 20 years old and I had my whole life ahead of me. The job that I had allowed me to work split shifts where I had about 4-5 hours off from work in the middle of each day for recreational time.
During that time I initially would just go home have a bite to eat and play with my son watch some TV. Then I would go back to work to drive the bus for the afternoon part of my shift. This was my routine for about 6 years.
It was then a friend of mine from work who was running the pop machine at the transit yard had asked me to take over the responsibility of restocking this vending machine. He was leaving the workplace to pursue another career path in the financial industry.
 Long story short is that I started filling the pop machine each week with pop and bottled water. I knew nothing about vending. My friend had just showed me how to open the machine and how to load it with pop, then he showed me where to take out the money and that was it.
He had told me where he bought the vending machine and to just go there if I ever had a problem.
So needless to say I really had no idea what I was getting into. But as I went along each week filling this vending machine up with pop I started to realize how much money I was making for the amount of work that I was doing.
It wasn’t really all that hard to figure out. 
It All Came Down To Simple Math!
and…The Minute that I Realized this Simple Yet Powerful Formula the Light bulb Went Off & I Never Looked Back!
Here is the simple yet powerful formula that got me motivated to get out there and start making Real Money In Vending!
I was selling 3 cases of pop each week out of my pop machine.
My profit was $16.00 per case sold which = $48.00 profit each and every week just from one vending machine.
…so then I thought what if I could set up 10 more vending machines and sell just 3 cases of pop each week from them?
That’s $480.00 Cash in my pocket!
How about 20 vending machines = $960.00 each week!
I Was All in for Vending!
When I really thought about it… for the amount of money that I was making each week I really only put in about 20 minutes of actual time and work to restock the machine and buy product.
In all honesty I was making $20 bucks per hour driving the city bus and I worked about 35 hours per week. By the time the government took their cut and the Union took their dues I was left with about $500 each week.
So I though about it and if I were to get out there and just get 10 locations to set up, the amount of time that it would take me to restock my machines and buy my products each week would be about 30 minutes per location.
That’s 10 locations x 30 minutes per location = 300 minutes which equals 5 hours of actual work and if you really think about it’s probably less.
So Let’s Get this Straight that’s 5 hours of work for $480.00 Cash!
hmmm… I was working driving the city bus 35 hours per week to make the same amount of money!
It’s definitely not rocket science to figure out which way to work is easier!
It’s true when people say your vending machines are working for you while you sleep. They are what I would like to call my… Passive Income Money Stream!
Once I had this realization I immediately went and talked to the vending distributer where my friend bought my pop machine. I asked a few questions and they guy who ran the place just told me to get out there and start knocking on doors to get some new business and my vending machines out on location.
Truth is… I had No Idea what on earth I was doing!
I had no business or sales experience and I didn’t even know what to say to people when I approached them about my business. I was literally stumbling over my words probably not making any sense at all!
But the cool thing is that I did get locations and started to build my vending business. When I started I initially just wanted to make some extra cash and keep my bus driving job.
But after a while once I had a few locations I began to think about vending as a full time income source of income and the possibility of quitting my full time job.
You see I knew that every location was different when it came to how much money that I was going to make.
I had some locations that made me $100.00 a week but then I had a few that made me $500.00 a week. That’s Profit Not Sales!
So I knew that this opportunity was real! Because I had seen it with my own eyes!
Look I’m not joking here! There is money to be made in vending and my example that I showed you earlier was just a taste of what you can make in the vending business.
I must admit though in the beginning I was stumped! There were a lot of other vending companies operating and for the most part many local businesses that I approached all ready had vending machines.
I was sure that it would take a long time to get enough locations to quit my day job and go full out in vending. But I knew in my heart that there must have been a way. After all how did all of these other vending companies get their locations.
Plus I had locations all ready making me good money, so I really just had to duplicate my efforts!
The Answer Was Simple! I Just Took Action and My Business Kept Growing!
Ask Yourself These 3 Questions
1. Am I looking for a business that I can work part time?
2. Do I want to make extra money to help pay for things like my monthly bills mortgage or rent?
3. Do I want to have extra spending money every week?
If you answered Yes to any of these 3 questions then Vending could be the answer for you!
Vending Has Allowed Me To Pay My Bills & Have Spending Money Each and Every Week!
I had heard stories of vending operators who raked in thousands each week all cash!
I knew there was a way…
So I started to do some homework and began to look deeper into different ways to expand and build my business.
I spent hours, days, weeks and many months diving in to learn what I needed to learn to build my vending business. and… I did just that!
The end result was that…
I had created a simple yet powerful vending business lead system that brought new prospects to me instead of the old way that I used to build my vending business by cold calling and chasing them.
The results were phenomenal and I honestly couldn’t believe that the next things that were going to happen to me did.
Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Anything Different – Hiring A Locating Service For Full Service Vending Is The Wrong Way To Go…
Keep reading…
As soon as I started to implement my new found vending business lead system things started to change. My telephone started ringing, e mails started to pour in and local businesses were actually calling me asking me to bring in my vending machines into their business.
Within an 18 month period I had literally exploded my vending machine business to new heights!
So today here I am 11 years later and I have acquired a wealth of knowledge not only about the vending business but more importantly…
 How to take a business from start up to success in such a short time frame
…that even the newest person starting in vending could easily understand and implement in their own local area!
Use My System, Follow What I Tell You & Get Results That’s All There Is Too It!
All it takes is for you to start divulging the information that I have for you today and take Massive Action…  If you follow my instructions the end result can be you getting new locations, setting up your vending machines and making money in the process!
If you can follow some simple steps and follow my Action Plan then you have a Blueprint to make money on demand in the vending business.
I am going to show you not only how to get Free Vending Machines but I will show you the easiest and fastest way to get new leads and locations!
Once you get local businesses contacting you inquiring about your vending services then you have many options at your finger tips.
Option # 1 – Sell the lead to another Vending Operator! – I sell my leads that are out of my working area for a price of $100 – $300 per lead. Now you can do the same.
Option # 2 – Set Up the locations with machines and sell the location to another Vending Operator. – I currently sell locations for $4000 – $5000 for a location with one pop and one snack machine on it.
Option # 3 – Set up the location and make money from the sales of your machines. Most of my locations make me anywhere from $75.00 – $100 per week.
Let Me Help You Get Your First Location! Check Out What I Have For You Today!
Don’t Skim By Bonus # 2 & 3 Either! This is The Most Critical Part To Your Success In Vending!
Here is what I have for you today!
First I have put together a complete Vending Business Training System.
I have put together a multitude of various information for you to divulge such as my vending Business Tactics e book, audio training lessons and even video coaching lessons  for you to use and learn to start your very own vending business.
I have also thrown in some great bonuses that also include Personal Coaching and Direct Help from me to get you new locations so you can start making money in the fastest way possible.
This just isn’t some basic information about how to start or the types of vending machines to buy and for what price…
Yes that information is all in here but there is a whole lot more within my training system…
I have taken everything that I know about this business and structured it in such a way that literally anyone who is willing to spend some time to educate themselves and divulge this information has a serious opportunity to create an income for themselves in their own local community starting today!
There is nothing like this out on the market today!
I Know this Because I Dominate The Vending Business Training Space!
…and I don’t say that to try and impress you or anything
This is the reason why T Harv Eker’s Company asked me last year to speak and teach his students at his “Never Work Again” event in California to over 1300 of his students.
His students paid upwards of $2000.00 to attend this event.
Just Type T Harv Eker into Google and see what he is all about. He is one of the world’s leading thought leaders and experts in teaching people about wealth creation!
So Here is What I Have For You Today!
It all starts with a simple to read E Book that explains everything that I know about vending.
Vending Business Tactics!
In this e book you are going to learn the following:
  How to find locations for your vending machines: I will show you 6 ways!
  How to get your vending machines for FREE!
  How to get started even on a tight budget!
  How to buy your machines for the best price and where to find them cheap!
  How to get your prospects to call you first!
  How to avoid paying commissions to your locations!
  What vending machines are the right ones to buy!
  How to spot vending opportunity scams & avoid them!
  How to rent your vending machines instead of buying them!
  How to pay off your vending machines quickly!
  How to make real money in vending!
  How to get your locations to subsidize the sales of your products!
  How to keep any competitor away and never lose a location!
  How to maintain your vending machines to keep them running for the long haul!
  New versus used vending machines. The difference and pricing!
  How to expand your services to your locations and make more money!
  How to sell your locations, leads or even machines to make the most money!
  Business Licensing & Registration!
  Transporting your vending machines!
  How to keep your costs down.
  How to get more referrals to expand your business.
All of my information will apply to you whether you live in the United States, Canada or across the globe!
Next I have put together some Very Special Bonuses that will I believe will enable you to make even more money in your vending business. I have structured these bonuses in a way that will not only teach and train you through some personal coaching plus a series of audio trainings and even video coaching to help you start your vending business on the right foot.
* I have also put in a very special bonus to help you get some new locations for your vending machines! Just to make life a little easier for you.
Here they are below.
Chris’s Fast Action Bonuses!
Bonus # 1
Free 30 Minute Coaching Session With Me!
This is where I will get right down to work with you to develop your game plan for starting your vending business on the right foot! I will exhaust all resources to get you start making money as fast as possible!
I will also record the session and send it to you so you can listen back to it anytime you want!
Value: $165.00
Trust me you will learn more in this coaching session than most vending operators working their business know today!
I’ll tell you right now that many people that get started in the vending business without taking the time to learn and educate themselves before diving in, some will end up making costly mistakes. But I don’t see you making those mistakes today because once you become a student of mine you will have direct access to the best information about vending on the market today!
Trust me this Bonus above is what is going to make your life a whole lot easier. I’ll tell you right now that the most common question that I get during all of my Vending Business Training calls is “How do I get good locations?” Well this Bonus is the answer!
Bonus # 2
If You Want Locations Then This Is An Easy Way To Get Them and I’ll Do All Of The Work For You…
I am going to put together an Action Packed Video for you to help you get Prospects calling you for your vending services in your local area!
I will create the video, put music to it and put in your phone number or website information. Plus I will Upload It to You Tube and Focus On Ranking It In Google For You. Just tell me what contact information you want in there and I’ll do it.
This is a quick one minute video that I got ranked into Google page # 1 in my local area. Local businesses who type in keywords into Google looking for vending services can now find me by watching this video and then contacting me to inquire about my vending services.
This Will Help You Get Your First Location!
Value: $500.00
Vending Business Locating Audio Training Lesson!
In this30 minute audio training lesson you will learn how to cold call potential locations in your community. I role play with you telling you the exact words to say to your prospects about your vending service company and also how to follow up and close the deal on your potential locations!
Value $197.00
I wish someone would have shown me how to approach potential vending locations and shown me what to say to people when I walked in years ago when I first started. Now you will have access to the best prospecting and locating information out there.
Bonus #4
Office Coffee Secrets E Book!
Selling Office Coffee as a service to your locations can make you some excellent cash! It’s easy to do and a lot of my locations give their staff Free coffee.
I will show you how to make an extra $500 per week by just dropping off a few cases of coffee and some other coffee products to your locations!
This is an easy to read E Book that you can read right on your computer!
Value: $27.00
Selling Office Coffee is Easy and is Great Money! In fact I know other vending operators that almost exclusively have changed their business from vending to ALL Office Coffee. The reason being is that the brewers are easy and simple to set up and local businesses spend a fortune purchasing coffee for their staff.
Bonus #5
Water Cooler Rental Secrets Audio Training Lesson!
How would you like to learn how to make $35.00 over and over again each and every month from each water cooler that you set up?
The best part is that this is a set it and forget it systemthat runs on auto pilot!
Virtually Maintenance Free!
I am going to show you how to do it 10, 20 & 30 times over!
Value: $67.00
Just take a moment and think about if you only had 20 water coolers in local businesses in your area on a rental basis?
20 water coolers x $35.00 per month = $700.00 per month
Think about that! Even if you only had 1 water cooler out on location your investment in my product will be paid for in less that 60 days! Is that cool or what?
Bonus #6
I’m Handing To You…
 10 of My Very Best Business Proposals!
These are 10 of my very best proposals that you can start using in your vending business today. Just simply edit them the way you want and use them as you please!
Value: $97.00
These proposals are the exact ones that I use in my business today to close the deal on new locations. You get them today and can start using them in your business. They are laid out on a Microsoft word document so that you can simply plug in your information and then print them or e mail them to your prospects. It’s that easy!
Bonus #7
Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Tutorial!
You Get Instant Access To Week # 7 of My
Vending Business Video Coaching Program.
This is where I show you my exact system for making more money at each of your locations without spending a dime selling Kitchen Supplies to your accounts.
In this Very Special Video Tutorial I show you how you can make an extra $900.00 per month from just selling a few products each week to three of your vending accounts!
Value: $97.00
Total Value of All My Bonuses = Over $2000.00
      One Payment of Only $47.00
Once You Order I also have A Very Special Bonus for You! – Exclusive VIP Access to my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Training Teleseminars! Your In FREE!
I have included this bonus simply because you have shown me that you are a person who takes Action in their life! The fact that you took the time to read my sales letter today and made it to the bottom of this page shows me that you want to make a difference in your life!
So once you take Action and become a student of mine… Then you will reap the rewards greatly for receiving personal help from me during my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Trainings Calls absolutely Free!
This is where you have direct access to me to ask me any questions that you want!
If you are still sitting on the fence here are what some of my students are saying!
Your information saved us $20,000 as we were in the “process” of buying some machines from a company that really hyped up their business. Luckily your timely information nailed it for us as we didn’t follow thru with the final process!
Thanks Again! Janice Baron
I had to take the time and thank you for all of your help with getting me started in the vending business. Before I even spent one dime I learned so much from your free Teleseminar and free report. The value for your e book is incredible! To include your support via email and phone is priceless. Thank you so much for your honesty and value!!
-Ricardo   Lake Forest, CA
    Dear Chris,
I downloaded your e book last night and I was very impressed with your straight forward approach. I almost spent $10,000 on a few combo machines last month at an opportunity show and I am sure glad I didn’t! I will now get straight to work on the things that you suggest.
Sincerely, Tom Staten
    Hello Chris,
Your e book was very useful and gave me some great ideas on how I am going to start my vending business. I now know that soda machines are the way to go!
I would definitely recommend your book to others.
Linda Davis
    Dear Chris,
I wanted to let you know that after reading your book I bought my first pop machine last week. I used your techniques as you described and found 2 locations. I will be setting up my other location in a week or so.
Appreciate your ideas and info! Tim Ryan
    Hello Chris,
It is really great to see someone like yourself offer this kind of information. I have been to a few opportunity shows in the past and they wanted me to buy, buy, buy right there on the spot! I’m sure glad I didn’t!
Your information was very helpful.
Thanks, Alisa Peters
  I want you to have access to some great information about the vending business?
Here is My Personal No Hassle, No BS, I’m Going To Help You Extended Guarantee!
My Goal Is To Help You Build Your Vending Business and help you start making money in the fastest time frame possible. In doing that not only do I teach you how the business works and tell you what to do to start making money immediately but I also provide you with Personal Help directly from me.
This is what I believe will set you apart from the pack!
So… First… I have my regular Guarantee that within 60 days if you feel that my information isn’t all that I say it is then you can simply ask for a No Hassle Refund! Plain & Simple!
Second… If you use your All of your Bonuses that I provide you with in my Vending Business Training System and You Don’t Get at the very least One Single New Lead or Prospect that contacts you regarding your Vending Services within the first 60 days of using Bonus # 2 and Bonus # 3 then I will give you Direct Access To My $1997.00 Vending Business In A Box Training Course Absolutely FREE!
In this content Rich Training Course I deliver over 15 hours of training that comes complete with Step by Step “Study Guides” that walk you through my Exact Process for building a 6 Figure Vending Business.
I Sold This Training Course at T Harv Eker’s Event Just Last Year for $1997.00 and You Will Get It FREE!
What Have You Got To Lose? Nothing!
    One Payment of Only $47.00
I’ll tell you right now that if you were considering going to your bank for a loan or a line of credit to start your vending business. Most banks will ask you for a Business Plan.
If you don’t have a good business plan you may not get approved!
Today when you buy my product you will have enough information available to you to create a very detailed business plan. This information can help you craft together your business plan so that you can get the funds that you need from your bank to start your vending business the way that you want to.
It’s to your advantage if you have some money to start in this business. You don’t need tens of thousands by any means but having a small pot of cash to get you started will make life easier for you.
 Also Once You Order I have A Very Special Bonus for You! – Exclusive VIP Access to my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Training Teleseminars! Your In FREE!
I have included this bonus simply because you have shown me that you are a person who takes Action in their life! The fact that you took the time to read my sales letter today and made it to the bottom of this page shows me that you want to make a change in your life!
So once you take Action and become a student of mine… Then you will reap the rewards greatly for receiving personal help from me during my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Trainings Calls absolutely Free!
This is where you have direct access to me to ask me any questions that you want!
You see having a coach to help you in your business is paramount. Your coach is the one person who can help you to stay on track and motivated to keep building your business. As your coach I will answer your questions to help you achieve success and your next step in your business.
And that’s what you’re getting today – an expert mentor to show you what to avoid, what works and the QUICKEST, EASIEST path to wealth in the vending business.
Vending is For You…
  If you are looking to start a business that’s easy to get into and isn’t going to cost you a fortune to get started then vending is for you!
  If you are simply looking for a way to earn more money each month to pay things like your utility bills, car payments and and things like that then vending is for you!
  If you are looking to supplement your retirement income then vending is for you!
   If you are looking to have extra spending money each month to help make things easier then vending is for you!
Let’s Recap for a moment exactly what your getting with my Vending Business Training System!
Vending Business Tactics E Book! (50 pages of in depth information on Vending)
(Free) Personal 30 Minute Coaching session with me!
I will Make You A Video To Promote Your Business!
Vending Business Locating Audio Training Lesson!
Office Coffee Secrets E Book! (30 pages of great content)
Water Cooler Rental Secrets Audio Training Lesson!
10 of My Very Best Business Proposals!
Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Coaching Lesson!
Free VIP invite only Access to my monthly Q & A Vending Business Coaching & Training Teleseminars!
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
I am going to show you how to get your vending machines for Free!
That’s Free Money in your pocket when you set up your locations!
You don’t have to buy your machines!
I am going to teach you everything that I know about the vending business!
This is your chance to make a change in your life and get into the vending business. There is a huge opportunity waiting for you and you can start making money even on a part time basis just like I did and thousands of others have.
I have taken all of the bumps and bruises over the years and I know what works and what doesn’t.
This information that I have for you today will save you all of the frustration that I went through in the beginning when I first started.
Yes! Sign Me Up! – Please give me immediate access to your “Vending Business Training System” for just one easy payment of $47.00, I know that I am backed by your 60 day money back guarantee!
Yes!I understand that I am getting access to your Vending Business E Book, audio training lessons, video coaching and All Bonuses as soon as I complete my order!
Yes! I want to learn all of your vending secrets starting today!
Yes! I understand that I get direct access to you Chris for a Free 30 minute coaching session to help me get my vending business off the ground!
Yes! I know that I get access to your Locating audio training lesson to learn how what to say to potential locations in my area to get new prime vending locations!
Yes! I want to learn how to make an extra $500 per week selling Office Coffee to my vending locations!
Yes! I understand that I get access to your Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Coaching lesson so I can learn how to make $900 per month selling kitchen supplies!
Yes! I want to learn how to make easy money setting up a few water coolers in my local area and can make Massive Passive Income each and every month!
Yes! I understand that you are giving me 10 of your best business proposals so that I can use them in my business to help me get new locations!
Yes! I know that I may need some help along the way and that you are giving me Free Vip Access to your Vending Q & A trainings calls too so I can have direct access to you to get my questions answered each and every month!
Yes! I understand that I will have the best chance to succeed in vending because I have access to all of these vending business training tools to start making me money in vending right away!
Total Value to you in excess of $1900.00 and yours RIGHT NOW for just the small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment of the $47.00..
I have a FULL 60 day money back guarantee, and no one is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.
Very Limited Time Offer:
Just $47.00
7 Real Signs That You Need My Vending Business Training System!
#1. Your struggling to make the money that you want!
#2. Your looking for an easy business to start that will make you CASH each and every week!
#3.You want the Best Information on Vending without having to spend a fortune!
#4.You finally want to discover the key secrets in vending that are being kept from you!
#5.You just need some personal help to start seeing money coming in!
#6. You simply need someone to steer you in the right direction of what works!
#7.You’re sick of spinning around in circles and just want the INSIDER info on how to make money in vending right away!
When you buy my product today you will stand a great chance for success in this business.
Plus you will avoid all of the mistakes that I made when I first started.
In fact I would be willing to bet that if you start your vending business without this information that you will lose money by one of the following:
1. You will over pay for one or more of your vending machines!
2. You will buy a location from someone and over pay again!
3. You will buy the wrong type of vending machine for your business!
4. You won’t learn how to get vending
machines for FREE!
5. You most likely will struggle trying to get your vending business off the ground!
6. You will be like most vending operators out there struggling to get new locations for your vending machines!
I know that you don’t want to make mistakes like that do you? If your starting a business you will want to make sure that you have the best chance for success right?
Yes! Chris I Want To Learn Your All of Your Vending Secrets Right Now!
You will have access immediately after you order right now even if it is 3:oo am.
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
I have been to major franchise shows in the past and as I went from booth to booth at these shows the average investment to get into any of theses businesses ranged from $15,000 – $30,000.
Plus they all had yearly franchise fees of thousands of dollars attached to each business.
Where else can you start a business that costs under $100 bucks and can Make You Tens of Thousands of Dollars Very Easily!
I don’t know of any myself! What I can tell you is that if you start out slowly building your vending business one location at a time and you follow what I tell you in my Vending Business Training System then you will stand the best chance for success.
     I am here to help you in any way that I can and steer you in the right direction. If you have questions feel free to send me an e mail and I will get back to you promptly with an answer.
   Please contact me at [email protected] or call me direct at 1-905-510-7597
   I wish you the best of success in your vending business,
     Chris Robertson
     p.s. What I have put together for you in this up to date product in my opinion is by far the best information out there on the market about the vending business.
At the end of the day! Whether you buy my information or someone else’s it’s all up to you to take action in your business. If you do then things will happen for you. If you don’t then please don’t expect to make money in vending. I’m just being honest!
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
Resource Links 
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Vending Business Tactics E Book!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/vending-business-tactics-e-book/
Vending Business Tactics E Book!
 Buy Now    
Contact: 1-905-510-7597
Learn How To Start A Highly Profitable Vending Business Today!
I Will Also Help You Get Your First Location Too!
If you don’t get a new lead or prospect in the first 60 days of implementing my system then Just Ask For Your Money Back!
That Is My Promise To You…
   Dear Friend:
Hi my name is Chris Robertson and for the last 20 years I have been operating my very own profitable vending business in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.
Over the last 10 years I have helped thousands of people across the globe start their very own vending businesses themselves in their own local areas by providing them with the very best and up to date information about vending and providing them with the necessary tools to help them get started on the right foot.
Even The Guru’s Have Come To Me…
  This picture was a live stage presentation that I did in December 2008 in front of 1300 of T Harv Eker’s students in Palm Springs California!
Today I will show you how you can take a simple soda vending machine and snack vending machine and make extra money for yourself so you can buy the things you want, provide a retirement income for yourself or just simply have extra spending money for the things in life that you enjoy doing.
The truth is that Vending is a great way to make easy cash! Yep! that’s right cash, because when your in vending you don’t have to wait for checks in the mail or wait until payday to get paid.
In fact you get paid each and every time to go and restock one of your vending machines. Also you don’t have to wait for your BOSS to maybe give you a pay raise when it comes time for your review.
You simply get a pay raise every time you place your machines on a new location and start making money.
The Vending Business Is A Multi-Billion Dollar Business and Is A Simple Business where literally anyone can create an income and you don’t need a University Degree to do it.
Hey, Listen I am probably a lot like you. I had a full time job for many years driving a city bus and when I built my vending business big enough then that’s when I fired my Boss.
Yep! That’s what the vending business can do for you.
How many people do you know have left a full time job where they had great seniority, made $50,000 per year and had an excellent medical and dental benefit plan and just one day quit?
Well that’s exactly what I did and the only way that I could have done it was because I built a highly profitable vending business from scratch.
…and I’ll tell you the down right honest Truth!
The Vending Business is a great business but you need to work at it to make it all come together!
It was like I can remember it yesterday, I was probably a lot like you working a full time job in a small town near my home in Hamilton, Ontario Canada. I had a job as a city bus driver and I made half decent money, had full benefits and pretty good working hours.
I thought I hit a gold mine when I first started at that job and I honestly thought that I was going to drive that city bus until I was 65 years old and then retire with a full pension.
Once I started getting my paychecks I just started spending. I moved out of my parents home, my girlfriend and I had a baby and then life hit me like a ton of bricks. Monthly bills and obligations, food, clothes car payments you name it things got real tight real fast!
The thing was though I was only 20 years old and I had my whole life ahead of me. The job that I had allowed me to work split shifts where I had about 4-5 hours off from work in the middle of each day for recreational time.
During that time I initially would just go home have a bite to eat and play with my son watch some TV. Then I would go back to work to drive the bus for the afternoon part of my shift. This was my routine for about 6 years.
It was then a friend of mine from work who was running the pop machine at the transit yard had asked me to take over the responsibility of restocking this vending machine. He was leaving the workplace to pursue another career path in the financial industry.
 Long story short is that I started filling the pop machine each week with pop and bottled water. I knew nothing about vending. My friend had just showed me how to open the machine and how to load it with pop, then he showed me where to take out the money and that was it.
He had told me where he bought the vending machine and to just go there if I ever had a problem.
So needless to say I really had no idea what I was getting into. But as I went along each week filling this vending machine up with pop I started to realize how much money I was making for the amount of work that I was doing.
It wasn’t really all that hard to figure out. 
It All Came Down To Simple Math!
and…The Minute that I Realized this Simple Yet Powerful Formula the Light bulb Went Off & I Never Looked Back!
Here is the simple yet powerful formula that got me motivated to get out there and start making Real Money In Vending!
I was selling 3 cases of pop each week out of my pop machine.
My profit was $16.00 per case sold which = $48.00 profit each and every week just from one vending machine.
…so then I thought what if I could set up 10 more vending machines and sell just 3 cases of pop each week from them?
That’s $480.00 Cash in my pocket!
How about 20 vending machines = $960.00 each week!
I Was All in for Vending!
When I really thought about it… for the amount of money that I was making each week I really only put in about 20 minutes of actual time and work to restock the machine and buy product.
In all honesty I was making $20 bucks per hour driving the city bus and I worked about 35 hours per week. By the time the government took their cut and the Union took their dues I was left with about $500 each week.
So I though about it and if I were to get out there and just get 10 locations to set up, the amount of time that it would take me to restock my machines and buy my products each week would be about 30 minutes per location.
That’s 10 locations x 30 minutes per location = 300 minutes which equals 5 hours of actual work and if you really think about it’s probably less.
So Let’s Get this Straight that’s 5 hours of work for $480.00 Cash!
hmmm… I was working driving the city bus 35 hours per week to make the same amount of money!
It’s definitely not rocket science to figure out which way to work is easier!
It’s true when people say your vending machines are working for you while you sleep. They are what I would like to call my… Passive Income Money Stream!
Once I had this realization I immediately went and talked to the vending distributer where my friend bought my pop machine. I asked a few questions and they guy who ran the place just told me to get out there and start knocking on doors to get some new business and my vending machines out on location.
Truth is… I had No Idea what on earth I was doing!
I had no business or sales experience and I didn’t even know what to say to people when I approached them about my business. I was literally stumbling over my words probably not making any sense at all!
But the cool thing is that I did get locations and started to build my vending business. When I started I initially just wanted to make some extra cash and keep my bus driving job.
But after a while once I had a few locations I began to think about vending as a full time income source of income and the possibility of quitting my full time job.
You see I knew that every location was different when it came to how much money that I was going to make.
I had some locations that made me $100.00 a week but then I had a few that made me $500.00 a week. That’s Profit Not Sales!
So I knew that this opportunity was real! Because I had seen it with my own eyes!
Look I’m not joking here! There is money to be made in vending and my example that I showed you earlier was just a taste of what you can make in the vending business.
I must admit though in the beginning I was stumped! There were a lot of other vending companies operating and for the most part many local businesses that I approached all ready had vending machines.
I was sure that it would take a long time to get enough locations to quit my day job and go full out in vending. But I knew in my heart that there must have been a way. After all how did all of these other vending companies get their locations.
Plus I had locations all ready making me good money, so I really just had to duplicate my efforts!
The Answer Was Simple! I Just Took Action and My Business Kept Growing!
Ask Yourself These 3 Questions
1. Am I looking for a business that I can work part time?
2. Do I want to make extra money to help pay for things like my monthly bills mortgage or rent?
3. Do I want to have extra spending money every week?
If you answered Yes to any of these 3 questions then Vending could be the answer for you!
Vending Has Allowed Me To Pay My Bills & Have Spending Money Each and Every Week!
I had heard stories of vending operators who raked in thousands each week all cash!
I knew there was a way…
So I started to do some homework and began to look deeper into different ways to expand and build my business.
I spent hours, days, weeks and many months diving in to learn what I needed to learn to build my vending business. and… I did just that!
The end result was that…
I had created a simple yet powerful vending business lead system that brought new prospects to me instead of the old way that I used to build my vending business by cold calling and chasing them.
The results were phenomenal and I honestly couldn’t believe that the next things that were going to happen to me did.
Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Anything Different – Hiring A Locating Service For Full Service Vending Is The Wrong Way To Go…
Keep reading…
As soon as I started to implement my new found vending business lead system things started to change. My telephone started ringing, e mails started to pour in and local businesses were actually calling me asking me to bring in my vending machines into their business.
Within an 18 month period I had literally exploded my vending machine business to new heights!
So today here I am 11 years later and I have acquired a wealth of knowledge not only about the vending business but more importantly…
 How to take a business from start up to success in such a short time frame
…that even the newest person starting in vending could easily understand and implement in their own local area!
Use My System, Follow What I Tell You & Get Results That’s All There Is Too It!
All it takes is for you to start divulging the information that I have for you today and take Massive Action…  If you follow my instructions the end result can be you getting new locations, setting up your vending machines and making money in the process!
If you can follow some simple steps and follow my Action Plan then you have a Blueprint to make money on demand in the vending business.
I am going to show you not only how to get Free Vending Machines but I will show you the easiest and fastest way to get new leads and locations!
Once you get local businesses contacting you inquiring about your vending services then you have many options at your finger tips.
Option # 1 – Sell the lead to another Vending Operator! – I sell my leads that are out of my working area for a price of $100 – $300 per lead. Now you can do the same.
Option # 2 – Set Up the locations with machines and sell the location to another Vending Operator. – I currently sell locations for $4000 – $5000 for a location with one pop and one snack machine on it.
Option # 3 – Set up the location and make money from the sales of your machines. Most of my locations make me anywhere from $75.00 – $100 per week.
Let Me Help You Get Your First Location! Check Out What I Have For You Today!
Don’t Skim By Bonus # 2 & 3 Either! This is The Most Critical Part To Your Success In Vending!
Here is what I have for you today!
First I have put together a complete Vending Business Training System.
I have put together a multitude of various information for you to divulge such as my vending Business Tactics e book, audio training lessons and even video coaching lessons  for you to use and learn to start your very own vending business.
I have also thrown in some great bonuses that also include Personal Coaching and Direct Help from me to get you new locations so you can start making money in the fastest way possible.
This just isn’t some basic information about how to start or the types of vending machines to buy and for what price…
Yes that information is all in here but there is a whole lot more within my training system…
I have taken everything that I know about this business and structured it in such a way that literally anyone who is willing to spend some time to educate themselves and divulge this information has a serious opportunity to create an income for themselves in their own local community starting today!
There is nothing like this out on the market today!
I Know this Because I Dominate The Vending Business Training Space!
…and I don’t say that to try and impress you or anything
This is the reason why T Harv Eker’s Company asked me last year to speak and teach his students at his “Never Work Again” event in California to over 1300 of his students.
His students paid upwards of $2000.00 to attend this event.
Just Type T Harv Eker into Google and see what he is all about. He is one of the world’s leading thought leaders and experts in teaching people about wealth creation!
So Here is What I Have For You Today!
It all starts with a simple to read E Book that explains everything that I know about vending.
Vending Business Tactics!
In this e book you are going to learn the following:
  How to find locations for your vending machines: I will show you 6 ways!
  How to get your vending machines for FREE!
  How to get started even on a tight budget!
  How to buy your machines for the best price and where to find them cheap!
  How to get your prospects to call you first!
  How to avoid paying commissions to your locations!
  What vending machines are the right ones to buy!
  How to spot vending opportunity scams & avoid them!
  How to rent your vending machines instead of buying them!
  How to pay off your vending machines quickly!
  How to make real money in vending!
  How to get your locations to subsidize the sales of your products!
  How to keep any competitor away and never lose a location!
  How to maintain your vending machines to keep them running for the long haul!
  New versus used vending machines. The difference and pricing!
  How to expand your services to your locations and make more money!
  How to sell your locations, leads or even machines to make the most money!
  Business Licensing & Registration!
  Transporting your vending machines!
  How to keep your costs down.
  How to get more referrals to expand your business.
All of my information will apply to you whether you live in the United States, Canada or across the globe!
Next I have put together some Very Special Bonuses that will I believe will enable you to make even more money in your vending business. I have structured these bonuses in a way that will not only teach and train you through some personal coaching plus a series of audio trainings and even video coaching to help you start your vending business on the right foot.
* I have also put in a very special bonus to help you get some new locations for your vending machines! Just to make life a little easier for you.
Here they are below.
Chris’s Fast Action Bonuses!
Bonus # 1
Free 30 Minute Coaching Session With Me!
This is where I will get right down to work with you to develop your game plan for starting your vending business on the right foot! I will exhaust all resources to get you start making money as fast as possible!
I will also record the session and send it to you so you can listen back to it anytime you want!
Value: $165.00
Trust me you will learn more in this coaching session than most vending operators working their business know today!
I’ll tell you right now that many people that get started in the vending business without taking the time to learn and educate themselves before diving in, some will end up making costly mistakes. But I don’t see you making those mistakes today because once you become a student of mine you will have direct access to the best information about vending on the market today!
Trust me this Bonus above is what is going to make your life a whole lot easier. I’ll tell you right now that the most common question that I get during all of my Vending Business Training calls is “How do I get good locations?” Well this Bonus is the answer!
Bonus # 2
If You Want Locations Then This Is An Easy Way To Get Them and I’ll Do All Of The Work For You…
I am going to put together an Action Packed Video for you to help you get Prospects calling you for your vending services in your local area!
I will create the video, put music to it and put in your phone number or website information. Plus I will Upload It to You Tube and Focus On Ranking It In Google For You. Just tell me what contact information you want in there and I’ll do it.
This is a quick one minute video that I got ranked into Google page # 1 in my local area. Local businesses who type in keywords into Google looking for vending services can now find me by watching this video and then contacting me to inquire about my vending services.
This Will Help You Get Your First Location!
Value: $500.00
Vending Business Locating Audio Training Lesson!
In this30 minute audio training lesson you will learn how to cold call potential locations in your community. I role play with you telling you the exact words to say to your prospects about your vending service company and also how to follow up and close the deal on your potential locations!
Value $197.00
I wish someone would have shown me how to approach potential vending locations and shown me what to say to people when I walked in years ago when I first started. Now you will have access to the best prospecting and locating information out there.
Bonus #4
Office Coffee Secrets E Book!
Selling Office Coffee as a service to your locations can make you some excellent cash! It’s easy to do and a lot of my locations give their staff Free coffee.
I will show you how to make an extra $500 per week by just dropping off a few cases of coffee and some other coffee products to your locations!
This is an easy to read E Book that you can read right on your computer!
Value: $27.00
Selling Office Coffee is Easy and is Great Money! In fact I know other vending operators that almost exclusively have changed their business from vending to ALL Office Coffee. The reason being is that the brewers are easy and simple to set up and local businesses spend a fortune purchasing coffee for their staff.
Bonus #5
Water Cooler Rental Secrets Audio Training Lesson!
How would you like to learn how to make $35.00 over and over again each and every month from each water cooler that you set up?
The best part is that this is a set it and forget it systemthat runs on auto pilot!
Virtually Maintenance Free!
I am going to show you how to do it 10, 20 & 30 times over!
Value: $67.00
Just take a moment and think about if you only had 20 water coolers in local businesses in your area on a rental basis?
20 water coolers x $35.00 per month = $700.00 per month
Think about that! Even if you only had 1 water cooler out on location your investment in my product will be paid for in less that 60 days! Is that cool or what?
Bonus #6
I’m Handing To You…
 10 of My Very Best Business Proposals!
These are 10 of my very best proposals that you can start using in your vending business today. Just simply edit them the way you want and use them as you please!
Value: $97.00
These proposals are the exact ones that I use in my business today to close the deal on new locations. You get them today and can start using them in your business. They are laid out on a Microsoft word document so that you can simply plug in your information and then print them or e mail them to your prospects. It’s that easy!
Bonus #7
Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Tutorial!
You Get Instant Access To Week # 7 of My
Vending Business Video Coaching Program.
This is where I show you my exact system for making more money at each of your locations without spending a dime selling Kitchen Supplies to your accounts.
In this Very Special Video Tutorial I show you how you can make an extra $900.00 per month from just selling a few products each week to three of your vending accounts!
Value: $97.00
Total Value of All My Bonuses = Over $2000.00
      One Payment of Only $47.00
Once You Order I also have A Very Special Bonus for You! – Exclusive VIP Access to my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Training Teleseminars! Your In FREE!
I have included this bonus simply because you have shown me that you are a person who takes Action in their life! The fact that you took the time to read my sales letter today and made it to the bottom of this page shows me that you want to make a difference in your life!
So once you take Action and become a student of mine… Then you will reap the rewards greatly for receiving personal help from me during my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Trainings Calls absolutely Free!
This is where you have direct access to me to ask me any questions that you want!
If you are still sitting on the fence here are what some of my students are saying!
Your information saved us $20,000 as we were in the “process” of buying some machines from a company that really hyped up their business. Luckily your timely information nailed it for us as we didn’t follow thru with the final process!
Thanks Again! Janice Baron
I had to take the time and thank you for all of your help with getting me started in the vending business. Before I even spent one dime I learned so much from your free Teleseminar and free report. The value for your e book is incredible! To include your support via email and phone is priceless. Thank you so much for your honesty and value!!
-Ricardo   Lake Forest, CA
    Dear Chris,
I downloaded your e book last night and I was very impressed with your straight forward approach. I almost spent $10,000 on a few combo machines last month at an opportunity show and I am sure glad I didn’t! I will now get straight to work on the things that you suggest.
Sincerely, Tom Staten
    Hello Chris,
Your e book was very useful and gave me some great ideas on how I am going to start my vending business. I now know that soda machines are the way to go!
I would definitely recommend your book to others.
Linda Davis
    Dear Chris,
I wanted to let you know that after reading your book I bought my first pop machine last week. I used your techniques as you described and found 2 locations. I will be setting up my other location in a week or so.
Appreciate your ideas and info! Tim Ryan
    Hello Chris,
It is really great to see someone like yourself offer this kind of information. I have been to a few opportunity shows in the past and they wanted me to buy, buy, buy right there on the spot! I’m sure glad I didn’t!
Your information was very helpful.
Thanks, Alisa Peters
  I want you to have access to some great information about the vending business?
Here is My Personal No Hassle, No BS, I’m Going To Help You Extended Guarantee!
My Goal Is To Help You Build Your Vending Business and help you start making money in the fastest time frame possible. In doing that not only do I teach you how the business works and tell you what to do to start making money immediately but I also provide you with Personal Help directly from me.
This is what I believe will set you apart from the pack!
So… First… I have my regular Guarantee that within 60 days if you feel that my information isn’t all that I say it is then you can simply ask for a No Hassle Refund! Plain & Simple!
Second… If you use your All of your Bonuses that I provide you with in my Vending Business Training System and You Don’t Get at the very least One Single New Lead or Prospect that contacts you regarding your Vending Services within the first 60 days of using Bonus # 2 and Bonus # 3 then I will give you Direct Access To My $1997.00 Vending Business In A Box Training Course Absolutely FREE!
In this content Rich Training Course I deliver over 15 hours of training that comes complete with Step by Step “Study Guides” that walk you through my Exact Process for building a 6 Figure Vending Business.
I Sold This Training Course at T Harv Eker’s Event Just Last Year for $1997.00 and You Will Get It FREE!
What Have You Got To Lose? Nothing!
    One Payment of Only $47.00
I’ll tell you right now that if you were considering going to your bank for a loan or a line of credit to start your vending business. Most banks will ask you for a Business Plan.
If you don’t have a good business plan you may not get approved!
Today when you buy my product you will have enough information available to you to create a very detailed business plan. This information can help you craft together your business plan so that you can get the funds that you need from your bank to start your vending business the way that you want to.
It’s to your advantage if you have some money to start in this business. You don’t need tens of thousands by any means but having a small pot of cash to get you started will make life easier for you.
 Also Once You Order I have A Very Special Bonus for You! – Exclusive VIP Access to my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Training Teleseminars! Your In FREE!
I have included this bonus simply because you have shown me that you are a person who takes Action in their life! The fact that you took the time to read my sales letter today and made it to the bottom of this page shows me that you want to make a change in your life!
So once you take Action and become a student of mine… Then you will reap the rewards greatly for receiving personal help from me during my Monthly Coaching Q & A Vending Business Trainings Calls absolutely Free!
This is where you have direct access to me to ask me any questions that you want!
You see having a coach to help you in your business is paramount. Your coach is the one person who can help you to stay on track and motivated to keep building your business. As your coach I will answer your questions to help you achieve success and your next step in your business.
And that’s what you’re getting today – an expert mentor to show you what to avoid, what works and the QUICKEST, EASIEST path to wealth in the vending business.
Vending is For You…
  If you are looking to start a business that’s easy to get into and isn’t going to cost you a fortune to get started then vending is for you!
  If you are simply looking for a way to earn more money each month to pay things like your utility bills, car payments and and things like that then vending is for you!
  If you are looking to supplement your retirement income then vending is for you!
   If you are looking to have extra spending money each month to help make things easier then vending is for you!
Let’s Recap for a moment exactly what your getting with my Vending Business Training System!
Vending Business Tactics E Book! (50 pages of in depth information on Vending)
(Free) Personal 30 Minute Coaching session with me!
I will Make You A Video To Promote Your Business!
Vending Business Locating Audio Training Lesson!
Office Coffee Secrets E Book! (30 pages of great content)
Water Cooler Rental Secrets Audio Training Lesson!
10 of My Very Best Business Proposals!
Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Coaching Lesson!
Free VIP invite only Access to my monthly Q & A Vending Business Coaching & Training Teleseminars!
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
I am going to show you how to get your vending machines for Free!
That’s Free Money in your pocket when you set up your locations!
You don’t have to buy your machines!
I am going to teach you everything that I know about the vending business!
This is your chance to make a change in your life and get into the vending business. There is a huge opportunity waiting for you and you can start making money even on a part time basis just like I did and thousands of others have.
I have taken all of the bumps and bruises over the years and I know what works and what doesn’t.
This information that I have for you today will save you all of the frustration that I went through in the beginning when I first started.
Yes! Sign Me Up! – Please give me immediate access to your “Vending Business Training System” for just one easy payment of $47.00, I know that I am backed by your 60 day money back guarantee!
Yes!I understand that I am getting access to your Vending Business E Book, audio training lessons, video coaching and All Bonuses as soon as I complete my order!
Yes! I want to learn all of your vending secrets starting today!
Yes! I understand that I get direct access to you Chris for a Free 30 minute coaching session to help me get my vending business off the ground!
Yes! I know that I get access to your Locating audio training lesson to learn how what to say to potential locations in my area to get new prime vending locations!
Yes! I want to learn how to make an extra $500 per week selling Office Coffee to my vending locations!
Yes! I understand that I get access to your Kitchen Supply Selling Strategies Video Coaching lesson so I can learn how to make $900 per month selling kitchen supplies!
Yes! I want to learn how to make easy money setting up a few water coolers in my local area and can make Massive Passive Income each and every month!
Yes! I understand that you are giving me 10 of your best business proposals so that I can use them in my business to help me get new locations!
Yes! I know that I may need some help along the way and that you are giving me Free Vip Access to your Vending Q & A trainings calls too so I can have direct access to you to get my questions answered each and every month!
Yes! I understand that I will have the best chance to succeed in vending because I have access to all of these vending business training tools to start making me money in vending right away!
Total Value to you in excess of $1900.00 and yours RIGHT NOW for just the small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment of the $47.00..
I have a FULL 60 day money back guarantee, and no one is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.
Very Limited Time Offer:
Just $47.00
7 Real Signs That You Need My Vending Business Training System!
#1. Your struggling to make the money that you want!
#2. Your looking for an easy business to start that will make you CASH each and every week!
#3.You want the Best Information on Vending without having to spend a fortune!
#4.You finally want to discover the key secrets in vending that are being kept from you!
#5.You just need some personal help to start seeing money coming in!
#6. You simply need someone to steer you in the right direction of what works!
#7.You’re sick of spinning around in circles and just want the INSIDER info on how to make money in vending right away!
When you buy my product today you will stand a great chance for success in this business.
Plus you will avoid all of the mistakes that I made when I first started.
In fact I would be willing to bet that if you start your vending business without this information that you will lose money by one of the following:
1. You will over pay for one or more of your vending machines!
2. You will buy a location from someone and over pay again!
3. You will buy the wrong type of vending machine for your business!
4. You won’t learn how to get vending
machines for FREE!
5. You most likely will struggle trying to get your vending business off the ground!
6. You will be like most vending operators out there struggling to get new locations for your vending machines!
I know that you don’t want to make mistakes like that do you? If your starting a business you will want to make sure that you have the best chance for success right?
Yes! Chris I Want To Learn Your All of Your Vending Secrets Right Now!
You will have access immediately after you order right now even if it is 3:oo am.
Please note that all my Vending Business Training System and the Bonuses are a delivered to you digitally. That means you will have access to All of this information once you fill out the order form and check out right on your computer. There is nothing to deliver via mail service!
I have been to major franchise shows in the past and as I went from booth to booth at these shows the average investment to get into any of theses businesses ranged from $15,000 – $30,000.
Plus they all had yearly franchise fees of thousands of dollars attached to each business.
Where else can you start a business that costs under $100 bucks and can Make You Tens of Thousands of Dollars Very Easily!
I don’t know of any myself! What I can tell you is that if you start out slowly building your vending business one location at a time and you follow what I tell you in my Vending Business Training System then you will stand the best chance for success.
     I am here to help you in any way that I can and steer you in the right direction. If you have questions feel free to send me an e mail and I will get back to you promptly with an answer.
   Please contact me at [email protected] or call me direct at 1-905-510-7597
   I wish you the best of success in your vending business,
     Chris Robertson
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robertkstone · 7 years
Woodward Dream Cruise: Cruising With GM’s Tom & Adrienne Peters
Tom Peters has spent 35 years in GM’s design organization, amassing a portfolio of design icons that includes the first Saturn vehicles, the Corvette Indy, the Pontiac Banshee, the Cadillac Sixteen concepts, the Cadillac XLR, and the C6 Corvette. Today Tom serves as director of design for rear-wheel-drive and performance vehicles. Adrienne, his daughter, inherited all the car-lust chromosomes and now serves as marketing manager for GM performance, essentially helping peddle the fantastic stuff her dad designs. We had the distinct pleasure of cruising with both of them at the 2017 Woodward Dream Cruise, and we shot photos of the cars that moWost interested the pair. Herewith: the Peters’ picks of the Woodward litter.
Tom’s 1965 Chevrolet Impala SS396
“Big-block, stick, air!” That’s the rare combo that drew Tom to this particular ’65 Impala, but the impetus to seek one out was the fact that a neighbor had one back in the day, and it made a big impression on Tom. He’d grown up liking GM cars, though his dad was not in the business and did not have any car-guy genes to pass along to Tom. “Everything was amped up in those days of absolutely herculean cars—Cobra Jets, 427s, 396s,” he said. Tom and his friends all got the car magazines and compared notes. He built loads of model cars and began drawing cars almost obsessively. He got good enough at depicting the iconic customized cars of the day, such as Ed “Big Daddy” Roth’s Rat Fink, that he’d sell small original sketches for a quarter or draw them in permanent marker on a T-shirt for $3.50. It was clearly time well spent.
Adrienne’s ’70/’72 Chevrolet Monte Carlo
OK, the VIN identifies this car as a 1972 model, but Adrienne prefers the simpler, finer lines of the ’70. When the best body she could get was a ’72 model, she simply replaced all the trim items that differentiate the styling with 1970 bits. At the start of the project in 2009, while she was still in college, she sat at the kitchen counter with her dad. “I talked,” she said. “He sketched.” They came up with a murdered-out matte black minimalist look with a cowl-induction hood, no badging (her dad debadged even his company lease cars), and tall-sidewall wide rubber all around. The frame was blasted, boxed, minitubbed (to accept 14-inch-wide rear wheels and tires), and signed by Adrienne in welding rod. The engine is an LS6 short-block dressed with a GM Performance top end, mounted to a THM400 automatic spinning a 3.73:1 Positraction axle.
1968 Chevrolet Chevelle 327
Adrienne first set out to find a ’68 Chevelle. She was particularly drawn to the way the narrow taillamps stretched around the side of the car. “I always wanted to build one, but you see a lot of them,” she said. “I wanted something uncommon and unexpected.”
1966 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
When Tom was a kid during a stint living in the greater Twin Cities region in Minnesota, he recalls one of the kids at his school being dropped off every day in one of two C2 Corvettes. They looked similar except one of them had a TV screen in the dash. He presumes the dad in question might have been a Honeywell exec.
Dodge Vipers
As we pass a gathering of Vipers, we ask the man who’s worked on multiple Corvettes what he thinks of the Viper design. “I like the first one the best,” he said. “With the second one it seemed like they were looking at the Corvette too much. I wouldn’t want to own one, but I appreciate it.”
1969 Chevrolet Nova 502
Ate up with motor! If you zoom in on the engine identifier ahead of the front side marker lamp on this “No. 2” Nova, you’ll see it has been customized to match what it is that has forced the big bulge in that hood: one of the five 502 big-block offerings from the Chevrolet Performance catalog. Tom is friends with the driver’s dad—big-block owners unite!
1961 Chevrolet Corvair Lakewood
“Boy, you don’t see one of those every day.” Tom said as we rolled up on this nicely preserved station wagon example of Ed Cole’s rear-engine VW rival. As we pulled alongside the driver’s window, Tom shouted, “You’ve got the coolest car on the street!”
1999 Chevrolet Camaro
As a GM exec’s daughter, Adrienne was fortunate enough to hop on the company car bandwagon pretty early. Her first car, which she got at the age of 16 and still remembers quite fondly, was a 1999 Camaro. “That might have been a bit too much car for her—she got in a bit of trouble with that one,” Tom said. (Only speeding tickets! Nothing serious.)
1965 Ford Thunderbird
“I’ve always loved those,” Tom said as we rolled by this red beauty. “You mean even before Thelma and Louise?” we asked (and yes, they ruined a perfectly good ’66, not a ’65). “Yeah, I’ve always considered that car a symbol of California cool.”
1965 Chevrolet Impala 283
Tom and this guy exchanged the customary pleasantries, which is extremely easy at the low-n-slow pace of traffic during Woodward Dream Cruise week. The Avenue was lousy with ’65s, but we never saw a single ’63 Impala. We were looking for one because Tom is especially fond of the sculpture on that car, some of which was likely imprinted on him during his childhood when he fondly and frighteningly recalls riding along with older 17-year-old friends and tearing up the back roads at blistering speeds.
1950 Chevrolet DeLuxe
When we asked Adrienne if she had any particular fondness for cars born well before she was, she instantly identified “those fun shoebox cars” such as the 1950 Chevy. They must still be popular because we saw several shoebox-era Chevys on the Avenue, including this little cutie standing guard outside the Sprint store.
C2 Corvette Grand Sport Custom Clone?
This quasi Corvette Grand Sport knockoff had even Corvette expert Peters scratching his head. It featured the radical wheel flares, a rear diff-cooler, contoured clear lenses covering fixed headlamps, and an extreme big-block clearance hood of a Grand Sport, but also this six-lamp rear treatment. And it’s black, not blue and/or white. Alas, you’re likely to see anything on Woodward!
1971 Camaro Z28 RS
“When that generation of Camaro first came out, I didn’t like it,” Tom said. “But over the years, it’s grown on me. Now I really like its almost Ferrari-like lines.” We agree wholeheartedly, and a Z28 with the split bumper and Endura nose would be exactly the one we’d seek out.
1971 Ford Torino GT
As we passed this hidden-headlamp, pointy-nosed Torino, we all agreed that its design, which was inspired by the Jaguar Pirana concept (which led directly to the Lamborghini Espada four-seater), was one of the higher points of Ford styling in its time.
1951 Chevrolet De Luxe convertible
See, matte black isn’t just for murdered-out race cars and bucks-up supercars—it can also make “shoebox” cars with chrome and wide whites look totally cool!
1968 Dodge Super Bee
As we were turning off the Avenue at the end of the evening, Tom spotted a ’68 Dodge. “Man, look at that Super Bee,” he said. “There are some beautiful shapes on that car. It’s one of my favorite non-GM cars.” Like father, like daughter. Adrienne said almost the exact same thing, adding her appreciation for classic, expressive Mopar.
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