#i also got a really cool new leather wallet
knickynoo · 3 months
Back to the Future Part II, The Novel by Craig Shaw Gardner: Thoughts, commentary, and general ramblings
Part 6: A weird-looking old man and a little guy in a leather jacket.
Previous posts here
• Instead of describing Doc as a “crazy, wild-eyed old man,” Old Biff says, “a weird-looking old man,” which is just so personal, lol
• There’s an interesting scene where Marty is almost caught in Biff’s garage. The shouting between Biff and his grandmother isn’t there to alert Marty, and instead, Biff just walks straight out to the garage. Marty thinks it’s Doc who has come to rescue him and calls out, which Biff hears. Marty then hides in the car, and waits as Biff looks around a bit before getting distracted.
• I really want the full scene of Doc scrambling to get that new hat and bike so he can head over to Biff’s house. The book mentions that he’d bought the bike a few hours prior (then had to wait for it to get dark enough) but I’d love to see how that played out. I also want Marty doing his shopping for his Inconspicuous outfit.
• Marty has a very funny response to Doc reminding him to be careful at the dance since his other self is there with Lorraine. “Yeah, that’s right! Hey, that’s cool, Doc. Maybe I’ll say hello to myself.”
This is followed immediately by, “’No!’ Doc felt like he might have a heart attack.”
And what I want to know is: is Marty just being a wisenheimer, or is he genuinely considering stopping to chit-chat with his other self? I could honestly see it going either way with Marty.
• This chapter is giving me a few good chuckles so far. Marty enters the dance and it says, “He stepped through, and found himself in the same alcove where he’d had that heart-to-heart with his future parents—the one about being nice when your son sets fire to the rug.”
Why don’t we have any definitive information on The Rug Incident? That story should’ve been included in the comics. I need to know what unfolded that day. Why did Marty set the rug on fire? Was it purely accidental? Did little Marty go through an arsonist phase?
I demand answers.
• When we return to Doc, who is still riding his bike all over the place, he ends up at the Peabody farm. There’s a cop there talking to Mr. Peabody, who’s recounting the alien encounter he had. Which…doesn’t make much sense to me since this is a week now since the “flying saucer” originally crashed into his barn. But I guess this has been an ongoing ordeal, and Otis has been trying to get someone to take him seriously.
Anyway, Doc is worried that they might actually stumble upon where he’s hidden the DeLorean behind the billboard, so he goes over and announces that he saw the spacecraft take off wayyy in the other direction. The police officer and Otis immediately take off in search of it.
• I wish I got a dollar for every time in this novel that Marty has said, “Yo, Doc!” because I would have many dollars.
• Lester (Wallet Guy) describes Marty to Biff as, “A little guy in a leather jacket.” So true, Lester. He IS just a little guy in a leather jacket.
• Ok, OK!! So! Two things to mention about the scene after the dance where Marty runs into Biff outside the door. After Biff calls him chicken, Marty once again recalls that, per his mother’s repeated suggestions, he’s supposed to count to 10 when he’s upset. And as he wrestles with his feelings, he thinks, “Maybe he always felt he needed to do this because he was so short.” !!!!! May I direct you to this ask and poll? There you have it, folks. Marty (book Marty, at least) is quite aware of his height and ALSO aware that it might be the reason he wants to fight at the slightest provocation.
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• I already always feel bad for the Western Union guy when I watch the movie, and this makes me feel even more sorry for him. He gets no closure!!! He will NEVER know what the 70-year-old mystery letter was all about. The most disappointed voice Marty has ever heard!!
• We close with the scene of Marty running back to the clock tower. However, his revealing his presence to Doc is pretty different in the book than it is in the movie. We’re told, “Marty stepped out of the shadow of the courthouse. He tapped Doc on the shoulder.”
I mean. It definitely doesn’t have The Flair of Marty running full speed and dramatically spinning Doc to face him, but it is funny. He just. Steps out from the shadows and gives him a little tap. A gentle, “Um, hi, hello, I’m back.” Amuses me to think about.
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This is how I imagine it, btw.
• The book ends with Doc passing out and Marty legitimately fearing that Doc may have just DIED before his very eyes, and how will he ever get home now?
I guess we’ll find out in the part III novel! Stay tuned.
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secondgenerationnerd · 9 months
Any friendship hcs on Lian, mar’i & the twins? Also a group nickname for the four of them: young titans, pretty cool
Ooooo See I fully believe “New Titans” would also include my BBrae twins, Emerson and Elijah Logan.
Lian, Mar’i, and the West twins are also called “the menaces” because they can and have outsmarted people on the League 😂😂😂
Jai knows how to braid hair because of them. He actually can do some very cute looks too!
Some older hero asked a 17 year old Jai why he tells people he’s not the biggest threat of the four.
*points at Irey* “The little Redhead? That’s my twin sister. I’ve seen her call the sons of Superman and Batman pussies, take down opponents five times her size, and argue with experts for being ignorant. She also bites like a fucking feral cat.”
*points at Mar’i* “The tall one with the pretty curls? That’s my pseudo baby sister. She’s heir to an entire planet, has been squaring up to adults since she was 8, and can rip cars in half without breaking a nail.”
*points at Lian* The gorgeous baddie in the leather jacket? That’s my childhood-best-friend-turne-girlfriend. Not only is she immune to a fair amount of poisions, not only does she have an attitude like she’s seven foot five and made of steel, she’s got the kind of aim that takes one hit to be life altering.”
*gestures to all three* “They’re why I figured what ‘fuck around, find out’ meant by age 9. If they decide to take over the world, I’m on their side, bitch.”
Jai carries pads and tampons on his backpack and has a spare pad in his wallet at all times. He also happens to know when their periods should hit and keeps the kitchen stocked.
Mar’i, Lian, and Irey will all do some modeling pics for Milagro, so she can show how an outfit will look on different body types. Jai is their biggest hype man
If you mess with one of them, the other three will kick your ass.
They would make their dads pretend to be Villians so they could be superheroes.
The first time Mar’i met Jade, everyone was really concerned that Mar’i would fight her. Because she knows how much Lian loves her mom and how much it hurts she’s not there. Mar’i just stared at her with a wisdom too old for an 8yo to have.
Want them all to sit still? Put on Lilo and Stitch. They won’t move for hours
All their dads have stepped in when people have made the four feel uncomfortable at different times.
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marcholasmoth · 11 months
OSRR: 3377
last night i did in fact cuddle with joel. i cuddled with him all night. i know this because i was also awake all night. i got bouts of maybe five minutes at a time. but most of the time i simply couldn't breathe. but he was high and it made me happy so i went with it until i had to get up and he reached after me 🥺
once i leave bed he gets cold. he wanted my warmth back. i also imagine he simply wanted to cuddle me more. i love him so much. he's a cuddle bug when i'm back after being apart from him for a while. yes, when that happens i don't sleep much, but i enjoy being cuddled by him. he is gentle and i love him so much and i am more than happy to be cuddled and uncomfortable to be close to him. i'm just glad that he can sleep.
i know he doesn't sleep well, and his sleep isn't good because of his restlessness, the insomnia, and his back pain. so when i get up i try to make sure i don't wake him. also, when i get into bed after he's asleep, its the same thing. and when he decides in the middle of the night he needs to be warm, i deal with it as best i can to extricate myself from it or simply get comfortable. i don't sleep much because the balance i need of temperature, fresh air, and specific spots of comfort is difficult to achieve. it's a problem. hopefully a new mattress will help.
today was great! but we basically were weathermen as we sent out notification after notification after notification about a storm in europe along the english channel. bunch of warnings, bunch of health and wellness checks, bunch of emails back and forth, and a high-level briefing.
my coworkers were so happy to have me back.
because i'm the resident grammarian of the gsoc, having me out for any period of time is difficult for the quality of write-ups that go out. so my return meant that everybody was better off, even when i left the room to go bake cookies. i made some cookies in the toaster oven to have some fresh ones for tom. he enjoyed them. i ate most of them. i also enjoyed them. freshly baked cookies? that's my shit, dude. fuckin love that.
anyway, cookies and write-ups aside, i was so happy to be back at work today. the four of us did typing tests to see who types the fastest, and i proved twice why i'm the one who takes notes in meetings. i beat the next person by an additional 50%. there's 30, 45, 50, and then. 75. at least. like shit. okay. if i do other ones that number should go up to about 100 or so if we don't count accuracy. i can type notes lightning fast with about 80-90% accuracy, and even if some of it is fucked up, i can still read what it says and correct it to have properly written for later distribution.
(thanks mom! i got that from you.)
anyway, that's all funny to me.
after work, i met kristen for dinner at olive garden! i REALLY needed some good carbs and im happy that i was not vegetable-d out after eating a pack of tomatoes today. (i started eating them at like 7:30 this morning which confused the shit outta me.) but it was all good, and i ate enough and was happy with it all.
it was also really nice to see kristen again after having not seen her for a few weeks because i've been sick. she's the sweetest.
after dinner, i went over to walmart for a few things, most of which i found. i got tissues and blister because my nose and lips are chapped from the sinus infection, and i got myself a new purse and a new wallet for the fall season. i got a triangle bag that's leather which is brown and is WICKED cool, and a burgundy wallet that fits EVERYTHING and i even have a pocket for my gift cards! it's amazing and it fits SO MUCH. i quite enjoy it.
and once again, anyway, i now find myself in bed, desperate to sleep. i hope i can sleep well.
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kpagrandtour · 1 year
Today was a day full of adventure and joy! I’m really loving this trip, and today capped off another day where I got to get closer with everyone in my grade as we embarked on awesome journeys!
Today we started out by eating breakfast at the hotel. It was super good as always, and I continue to eat food that has been really great! After breakfast, me and some other people went to the Duomo, which is a super big church and our guide yesterday said that this specific location was the 4th biggest church in the world, not just in terms of size, but also the volume of people who attend there, which really shocked me. The overall size of the building itself was really intimidating but it truly was beautiful. We hiked up about 460 steps to the top of the cathedral and the view was killer! We pretty much saw all of Florence from that view. It was an experience I will never forget not just because it was awesome, but it was a workout! Who knew that 460 steps could be so hard? I for sure didn’t!
After the Duomo, we went to go see the Gates of Paradise. These are famous golden doors, with panels depicting Biblical scenes. We made an estimate of how much the doors were worth, and I believe that we came up with about 30 million, which is wild! The doors themselves are big doors. I work with doors all the time at work and they did not even come close to the size of these doors! It was truly a awesome experience!
Then we went to a leather shop, where there was a lot of cool stuff in there. It included wallets, purses, journals, and so much more. My mom ended up buying a purse that was super pretty.
After the leather school, we embarked on a journey to find lunch, and we did! We found a small restaurant near the Saint Croces. I had lasagne, and I can say it was the best lasagne I have ever had. I’ve tried a lot of new things, but Italian lasagne is one that I will never forget! Then we went to go get some dessert. We got some more gelato, which everyone in my class loves! I got mine in a cone and I had milk and chocolate flavored gelato. It was super good! By far my most favorite dessert of all time!
After that, we walked around for a minute, unsure of what to do. You would figure if you were in Florence, Italy, that you would have some idea of entertainment planned, but we did not! Me and my mother went back to the hotel and decided to relax there until it was time to check out of our hotel. On the way back, my mom was thirsty so we stopped and got something to drink. We went back to the hotel and relaxed upstairs until everyone else arrived.
After everyone came back to the hotel, we went to a train station and got onto a train to head to Rome. The train ride itself was pretty uneventful, at least for me. I just read pretty much the whole time. It was a really cool experience to ride on a train and I’m super blessed I got to do it with the best people!
After the train we arrived at our hotel by walking there and proceeded to eat dinner at a restaurant and I had lasagne again. It wasn’t as good as the one I had earlier today but it was really good.
Overall today was a good day and Europe has been amazing and life is good in the neighborhood!
-Tyler Schuler
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punkclowngod · 2 years
hi i’m back lol, haven’t killed myself if anyone wondered, just uh… idk been procrastinating? was feeling awful at first, then better, then great, then meh, now i’m kinda good
little life updates:
got a new kitty, his name is Bingo, i love him
my DC special interest only got worse, i am LOST, i’ve read over 500 comics in the last month and a half and it’s all i ever think and talk about lmao (i can quote so many Jason lines, it’s become a problem)
my sibling got top surgery yesterday and i am SO jealous
didn’t go through with my hysterectomy and instead i’ll just stay on pills
got new tattoo, it’s a clown dog :•>
started being able to go out and go to new places all by myself which is great for my brain but awful for my wallet lmao
got a new friend! then i started ghosting them and now i feel too bad to reach out to them again
seriously, DC is consuming my soul and bank account, send help, i keep quoting Jason all the fucking time and i’m pretty sure i’m driving everyone around me crazy but they don’t want to admit it, and also bcuz i know bunch of lines from Arkham Knight i also by default learn some of Joker’s and i HATE it i don’t want to quote that fake clown but i can’t stop myself. at this point saying “is that what you think this is about? your letting me die?[etc]” is as much as a vocal stim as making weird sounds (on top of “turn around. […] what’s the matter? lost for words? i expected more… i’m hurt.” and “I CAN FIX IT!” and other things), like for real i can’t stop.
comic con was fucking awesome, my sibling and i are going to go as Nightwing and Red Hood next year (why is every dysfunctional sibling dynamic in media always fits us so well? them, the eldest, prodigal, favorite, big older sibling energy, me youngest/middle child, troublemaker, loud, estranged. fr we watch Arcane or read anything with Jason and Dick and we’re just like… yeah that’s us). i bought a really cool Red Hood leather jacket and plan on buying the Nightwing one for my sibling this christmas so we can match. also i made crowbar earrings for my cosplay and yes i think i’m very funny
i got a button maker and it’s super fun
idk what else, once again DC is consuming my entire being and it’s very draining lmao
oh yeah i got two helix piercings
and i went to pride, it was super fun, can’t wait for next year already
and yeah i turned twenty in june and i’ve been coping with that the best i could lol
so yeah i’m easing back into social media, might not be very active still, idk, all i do everyday is read comics, replay Arkham Knight, quote Jason, and rn helping my sibling with their surgery recovery and trying not to be too jealous lol
sorry if i missed anything important, i hope everyone’s doing well, and uh.. yeah! idk if i’m gonna come back again, i’ve been pretty good rn and i know i get triggered often when i go online so i’ll be more careful now so i might log in more occasionally instead of obsessively!
missed you guys! <3
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twistednuns · 7 months
February 2024
Waking up after a dream inspired by the movie Poor Things. Inserting your brain into a younger body. Living in oblivion until one day somebody shows up to break the news to you. That you've lived another lifetime before and you have to be reminded of who you were, what you knew.
Drawing the gorgeous Sharing card, resonating with it right away. The Queen of Fire is designed in my colours and shapes. She is me.
Sketching something. Loving every line.
Eating a thick soup with tiny noodles and semolina dumplings for breakfast.
Jamie Lee Curtis' guest appearance in The Bear. She's almost unrecognizable. Oh, and Olivia Coleman's, too!
Something finally falling into place: I've been searching for a new wallet for a while now and suddenly a memory of my grandma's old Aigner checkbook popped into my head. And it was the perfect solution. What an amazing local brand! I discovered that there is a store nearby and shopping there was quite the experience. I felt very fancy. And they put so much thought into the product design! Perfect little boxes and everything is so elegant. I also got their classic leather belt.
Organising a SingStar evening. I love how easygoing, welcoming and gentle Felix is. Being weird with Robert. And Ben, my boo. We love each other's colours and he really does give the best compliments (he said that I've got such great taste and always look stylish). Cuddles, leveling up our friendship in a way. Being more at ease around each other.
Car conversations with Luna.
A feeling of having leveled up again; I seem to attract abundance (on a material level). But maybe that's just confirmation bias.
Accepting defeat when I was wrong, following advice.
The moonrise. I love how big and yellow the moon seems when it's hanging low over the horizon.
Liquid Love: sliding over/around/under/on top of each other - blindfolded, naked and covered in oil. I loved touching squishy, chubby body parts. Very sensual and immersive. I wasn't really present in the room anymore and tried to feel rather than think. Cuddle puddle afterwards. I got close to Chili and Daniel (whose toe I accidentally hurt before the event and it felt quite healing that he came close to me and initiated touch) and Christian surprised me with his tongue when I wasn't paying attention.
Interesting effects of Kundalini Yoga: waking up crying from a very emotional, nightmare-ish dream. Feeling so heavy, sluggish, overwhelmed, tired. It's not entirely positive but it's so interesting how much energy seems to be moved here?
An ex-student reaching out to me because she needed a letter of recommendation for an international college.
Walking through the forest with C., scouting a treasure hunt route. Keeping calm despite his weird mood. Staying present, observing.
A surprisingly calm museum visit with my class. And when we went to Pinakothek der Moderne I was happy how much fun some of them seemed to have experimenting, talking about art. I found some interesting works by Max Ernst and set the intention come back again soon, alone. Even just the large, empty building with the high ceilings has a soothing effect on me.
Biting into a slice of moist, warm black olive ciabatta.
Cooking actual food with vegetables I had at home and having fruit for dessert instead of getting trash food on the way home after coming home from work in a bad mood. So much more nourishing. I'm proud of myself for realising I have to be the person I want to become. Now.
Peeling off last post-it before the cool colour scheme finally started. Orange, yellow, purple.
Picking up C. from labour court. Meeting his friend Benni who discussed leftist concepts and utopian ideas with me over lunch. I felt really good when I realised that it was easy for me to follow his train of thought and that I'd missed intellectual conversation.
Connecting with C. Spending time together, walking through a furniture design store. Spicy time and a long afternoon nap. Talking about our triggers and therapy experience. I realised how much fear of failure (and success?) I have, how vulnerable my ego is when it comes to art and doing something new. Even just writing an application for a job I'm not officially qualified for scared the shit out of me. Impostor syndrom? C. still wants me to write a page from my imaginary novel for him and all I can think about is why I can't do it. And he suggested that I could study psychology. I'm intrigued and yet... Why is this so hard? What's holing me back?
Staying calm when I had to call roadside assistance twice in one afternoon. My car broke down in the middle of a busy street with three lanes. I simply accepted my fate and asked for help (and that might actually be the lesson I have to learn from all this).
Reaching out to Andrea. Finally meeting Kosta the cat.
A dream: Sarah as Ganesha with a giant elephant trunk. Facial tattoos: red, black and green symbols and ornaments. Massive, moving, heavy. I woke up from an imaginary alarm sound. Did I really dream up an alarm clock? Wow. And just in time for my appointment, too.
New Moon Aquarius promises a career breakthrough for Taureans. Let's hope for the best.
Something very banal: having kitchen roll at home for a change. I took one home when we had too many after a Slutering event and remembered that I could just... wipe something off without worrying about getting the rag dirty and having to wash it! Nice.
One of the best weeks of my life: a Hero's Journey seminar during the spring holidays. Going in with no expectations, receiving everything and more. I learned so much about myself. Activated my emotional side and practised feeling. I appreciate all those people who acted as my mirrors by sharing their vulnerability, being their authentic selves. We supported each other, learned from each other, celebrated each other. I'm thinking about becoming a Gestalt therapist now. It's such a great somatic method. And fun, too.
Cuddles. Conversations. Choking. And massages. / Seriously though, I asked Ralf to show me his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu choke hold and I travelled to another dimension for a few minutes. It got me GO high. On another note: I realised I want to channel my aggression and lust in a healthy way. Perhapy BJJ training is a good option. Let's fight!
My hero outfit. A golden robe. A glitter mask. Starburst earrings. Black wings. So me.
"Boundaries are not the same thing as walls." - such an important insight. I started journalling in German. Automatically. I'm taking off masks, tearing down walls. Perhaps I don't need the protection of a foreign language anymore. I can feel my own cringey words now. I allow myself to be seen without make-up. I try to show up as the person I really am. I won't hold back anymore.
An intuitive painting I made with buttery crayons on kraft paper. Swirly. Like a weird map of a cozy corner somewhere in the Universe.
Stickers from Franzi's friend: Sailor Moon characters fighting the patriarchy and nazis.
I feel so much love for the people in my group, especially Ralf and Teresa of course, but also Franzi, Frank and Feli. The F-gang. And for all the wonderful people in my life. I appreaciate Christian so much. The ideal balance between freedom and support. He expands my horizon in many ways and I love how he naturally includes me in his family life, his friend group. It feels so good to be a part of something. To be included. And at the same time, I'm free to do my own thing. Meet other people, follow my bliss. He actively encourages it.
I'm relaxed and happy. With this new mindset, even teaching feels easier. I'm more gentle with myself. I follow my impulses. I hope this state of being stays with me for a long time.
Ralf. I'm so grateful I met him. He helped me so much with his observation that I need someone to be gentle with me. His daddy energy. His wild playfulness. His Gemini communication mode. I loved that I was able to pay him back with some mum energy when I shipped his dirty laundry off to Jena. I included a heartfelt letter and the Exploding Kittens card game. I felt like a giddy teenager for a whole day when he implied that he's attracted to me too. I really hadn't noticed. We've been talking, flirting, messaging daily for a week now. So far none of us seems to be bored. I'm looking forward to our reunion!
Teresa. What a lovely human being. I connected with her right away. She's so intelligent, shares my passion for language. And she's so warm, empathic, benevolent, supportive. I ended up talking to her about my idea for a career coaching and she went all in right away. We even might work together. And maybe, just maybe, we're gonna record a podcast together. Even if just to amuse our Heroes messenger group.
I learned that I have a guest appearance in a fun song: Ich wollte doch nur knutschen auf der Party / Sie war gut gelaunt und ihr Name war Kathi / Das Netzwerk ging kaputt und ich musste das klären / Und Kathi hat geknutscht, aber leider mit Sören - Knutschen
More music: making a playlist for Teresa's ride home. And Ralf shared Wann strahlst du?. It's grown on me. The lyrics are everything. Highly relevant for my current state: Ich schulde dem Leben das Leuchten in meinen Augen
Acting in a much more loving way with old friends. Supporting them; touching, hugging, praising them.
Knowing the answers to two sports questions at the pub quiz.
Tuning in with my sonic toothbrush. I chanted and hummed, finally harmonized and changed my pitch. It sounded lovely and reminded my of our RAM chants during morning meditation.
Spending time in the "demon cave" with Lian. Playing airplane. Playing hard. We both loved to be wild - C. was not that amused because he wanted to concentrate on his chess app. But I also started being more gentle with the boy, cuddle him. I've got a feeling that he needs both modes.
"Freiheiten werden nicht geschenkt, man muss sie sich nehmen." - a random flyer on a lamppost, right when I walked past it, back to school, recording a voice message about... exactly that. The synchronicities are back! Life feels magical.
An insanely happy and productive day with the help of Yeli's Finest 50. I was so proud of myself because I even did things I'd been putting off for months. It finally felt right to contact Haus der Kunst and ZEIT Sprachen and ask them for an internship. Things are moving. It's happening. It's coming along. Doors are opening.
Meeting my new osteopath for the first time. I enjoyed his healing, intimate touch while we were talking about all my topics. And I love that we have so much in common. He used to be a civil servant to be able to afford his studies, is a voice actor now, has recently travelled to all my favourite places in Mexico. I'm looking forward to my next appointment.
I finally got a big box of passion fruit from the tree I adopted last year. What a fragrant delivery.
Meeting Becky, learning from each other. Enriching and entertaining as usual.
Finally getting my closet in order. Folding everything, donating a few items, clearing out another shelf to have more room for clothes. What took me so long? / Listening to WILLOW's music throughout the process. It's growing on me: I think I left my consciousness in the sixth dimension
Biting into a physalis thinking Life is delicious.
Saturday afternoon at Haus der Kunst with Sash. Walking through freaky environments, taking pictures of each other. Playing in a room full of feathers. Browsing the avantgarde bookstore. I got a postcard of a Hilma af Klint Altar piece.
Watching Lord of the Rings at C.'s place with his friend Jenny. Spicy morning routine, breakfast with his friends. A stopover at a LEGO church. Spending the whole afternoon soaking in warm water at Therme Bad Aibling. Eating the first ice-cream of the year in the sunshine. Cooking dinner together, talking in bed for a long time.
Ralf cancelled his weekend plans and invited me to Jena. We already have tickets for the planetarium. Really looking forward to seeing him! I've loved learning more and more about him in the past few days. We are so similar!
Something very simple but SO pleasurable: boiled potatoes with salt and butter.
Alex Ava taking two ballroom tickets off my hands when I had to change my plans.
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yaoib0y · 2 years
oh yeah guys i got a trans flag today when i went to the town near the vacation house we're staying at w my grandma. she doesnt know i got it she just told me to get anything when we went wondering around. but cant wait to show it when i get home !!
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Sherlock x Mute!Reader •Part1•
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„So, do you guys know what you want to eat?", asked John Watson in a slightly impatient tone. You could tell that he was hungry and did not felt like waiting any longer, just because the Holmes brothers made an eye-contact-battle.
Mycroft cleared his throat and gave the menu a quick look.
„Yes", he said and waved a young girl with a white apron over to the table.
You saw a man at a table right in front of the window waving so you quickly made your way to him. On the way, you struggled to get your notebook out of your pockets from the apron but had it in your hands, right at the moment when the man began speaking.
"One steak and one spaghetti.", he said and turned away from you again.
How rude, you thought, but nodded in a polite way and smiled.
Then you looked at the guy sitting on the right side of the table, wanting to know what he was going to order, but the man wasn't even looking up to you. His eyes were fixed on a paper that was lying in front of him on the table. You already knew him.
Since you have started to work at the Café you saw him now and then, always sitting at the same table, never ordering something to eat, rarely a cup of tea.
"Nothing for me, thank you.", he suddenly said and changed the pages of his paper.
Puzzled you let your pen slide back in your pockets, nodded once again and turned around.
"Why aren't you going to eat?", the men who ordered the food asked and just got a cold: "I don't eat when I'm working, digestion slows me down.", as a response.
"How did you know what I was going to order?", you heard one of the men asking as you walked back to the counter to give the cook your note.
You turned around again to face into the direction of the three men.
The man with the short dark hair, well the 'rude man' to put it into better words, just opened his mouth to say something, but got cut off by the guy in front of him.
"Your finger John, ", he said, his eyes still analyzing the papers in front of him. "It's on Spaghetti."
The man, called John, sighted and turned his glance to the window: "Obvious. Of course."
"WAITER!", someone suddenly yelled and you winced, nearly dropping your notebook.
You looked around to meet the gaze of two angry-looking men which were wearing expensive-looking suits and hats, black leather gloves and were smoking a strong cigar, you could smell it, even though you were on the other end of the Café.
Slowly you walked to the two men and bowed slightly, which was meant as an excuse.
"Not even an apology. Tsk.", the man with the cigar in his hand said and dumped the ash down into a vase.
You took the cigar out of his hand angrily but also carefully.
He rapidly stood up from his chair and crashed his fist onto the wooden table.
You flinched back a little but calmly pointed to a sign over the counter.
It showed a red crossed out cigarette.
Unwillingly he slowly sat down again, still glaring at you, but you just responded with a sweet smile.
You went to the counter again, putting the cigar into a trash bin and came back to the table, whipping your pen out and holding it over your notebook, ready to write.
Since none of them was talking to you, you looked the man on your right into his eyes, raised an eyebrow and tilted your head a bit. Your way of asking what he wanted to order.
After some seconds the man understood: " Two Cappuccino, please."
You nodded and gave him a polite smile again. Hearing the other man getting something out of his pocket, you looked at him, noticing that he just fetched a new cigar.
You gave him a warning look before bringing the cook the note with the two Cappuccino.
Right in time.
He was just placing two plates on the counter, took a peep at the note, looked at you and you nodded. Making the drinks was your job and you knew it, but the cook, or well the Chef, with his brown hair tied up into a plait, and his big belly, stretching the white shirt, always wanted to make sure. He was a nice guy, never being angry, even when you made mistakes, he was always calm.
And for some reason, the man that never eats here did not need to pay his orders, which also counts for his friend, John.
You learned that right on your first day here and embarrassed yourself.
The Chef went back into his kitchen and you behind the counter, making two cappuccino and some black tea.
You wanted to be attentive towards the man who was here so often and thought it would be a good idea to bring him a cup of tea. He does not need to pay it anyway.
You took the water boiler off of his socket and poured the hot water into a cup with a black teabag.
And over your hand.
You pulled your hand back out of reflex and squeezed your eyes tight, whimpering silent because of the pain pulsing in your right hand.
Fast you let cool water run over it and flinched as the water hit your burned spot.
With tears in your eyes, you grabbed a little can of milk and poured a bit into the tea.
Blinking the teardrops away you grabbed the two plates in your left and the tea in your right hand, bringing it to the table with the 3 men.
You placed the food in front of John and the 'rude-man' and the tea in front of the other man.
He was still looking at his papers, ruffling his hands through his brown, messy hair.
"Thank you.", he said in his warm voice while continuing to dead glare the black letters on the paper. "And hold your hand under lukewarm water, because of your burn."
You nodded, confused, about the fact that he knew that you burned yourself but put it off with the explanation that he saw your red hand.
Over 30 minutes had passed now and your hand still felt like it was burning. You placed it under water, put ice on it, holding it under water again but it just wouldn't get better.
It even got difficult to carry plates and glasses with your right hand, forcing you to go more often to a table because you couldn't carry it all at once anymore.
Luckily the Cafè wasn't well patronized today so you could spend some time on cooling your hand.
You just wiped your hand dry as you noticed John and the other men standing up from the table.
Hurriedly you wrote the price of the steak on a paper from your notebook and ripped it out while rushing to them, giving the 'rude-man' the bill.
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow: "Why do I have to pay? I thought Sherlock gets free food here.", he said arrogant and wanted to return his bill, but you already wrote something on a new one and showed it to him: 'Fiat from the Chef, sorry".
Groaning he pulled his wallet out of his pant pockets and gave you the exact sum.
You looked at him disappointed. Not even a little tip. Are you this bad at your job or is this guy just as rude as a tart?
"Where's Sherlock?", John suddenly asked and looked around the Cafè. You also looked around but he was nowhere to be seen. "He already left?", John asked again but you just shook your head before going to the counter to put the money into the till.
From the corner of your eye, you saw someone moving next to you.
You looked up and saw Sherlock standing next to you with your Jacket over his arm.
Wondering you replied his eye contact and tilted your head again like you always do when you wait for an answer.
"Come with us. I already talked to the Chef, don't worry. John needs to look at your hand, he is a doctor.", he said and walked to the front door.
Confused you took of your apron and hung it onto a hash on the wall, following Sherlock, who was already waiting outside.
Your mother always told you not to go with strangers, but it felt like you already knew him for a long time.
Well, you knew which kind of tea he liked with how much milk if that isn't something.
Sherlock was heading for a door left from the Cafè with the Number "221B" written on it.
He unlocked the door and went in, the 'rude-no-tip-man' called for Sherlock: " Are you going to attend the matter??"
"Yes, yes, maybe.", it came out of the house.
"It is from national concernment!"
"I know Mycroft."
Sighing he turned to John: " Goodbye, Doctor Watson.", and turned to the street to wave for a cab.
"Goodbye.", he responded.
You followed Sherlock into the house, John gave you the advantage so you needed to look around for the door in which Sherlock went by yourself.
But since only one door was open, you found it easily.
With an uncomfortable feeling, you stepped into the room.
It smelled like cigarette smoke and it definitely needed to be a window opened to let some fresh air inside. On your right side was a big yellow Smiley drawn on the wall with... holes.
You wondered what they were but Sherlock already answered: "Gunshots."
You looked at him blank.
Your head slowly tilted to the side and you furrowed your eyebrows.
He waved the sentence with his hand out of the air and pointed to a grey leather armchair, next to a brown-red fireplace.
"Sit down, John will take care of your hand.", he said and walked into what looked like a kitchen.
You set down on the armchair and sank into it. It was really comfortable, you had to admit
and you liked the big red carpet right under your feed.
John came through the door with a small white box in his hands. He smiled at you and kneeled down before you.
"Give me your hand", he said, opening the box with his right and carefully grabbing your hand with his left.
He sprayed something on it which smelled like sanitizer then rubbed a white cream on it and bind your hand with a bandage.
You smiled thankfully at him and tried to move your fingers, but a sharp pain rushed through your hand and made the once cold cream felt burning hot.
"No, no. don't move it. I am going to give you a new bandage with cream tomorrow and in 2-3 days it should be better again.", he informed you and closed the white box again.
Then he stood up and slumped into the red armchair in front of you.
"So, what's your name?", he asked you, still with this warm smile on his face. It seemed like he still hasn't noticed that you were mute. You automatically grabbed to your pocket, to get your notebook, but it was empty.
Then you remembered. You forgot to take it out of your apron. Goddammit!
Now you were sitting there, helplessly looking back at John Watson.
"She is mute.", Sherlock said, coming out of the kitchen and walking over to a messy desk, taking a paper and pen from it and giving it to you.
"Oh.", John answered surprised. "I thought she was just very shy. How did you notice?"
"She didn't talk one word back in the Cafè, even when she was scared. Do you remember? The two guys with the cigar? "
You scrawly wrote something under your name on the paper and showed it to Sherlock.
'I was NOT scared!'
"Of course, of course."
"That's all why you knew she is mute?", John asked again and got a disappointed look from Sherlock.
"My good friend, John, you are the doctor here. I assumed that you would notice the characteristics of a mute human-being! Especially because she got a thin scar on her throat."
"Yes, yes! My god Sherlock, I admit that I am a man with a small little brain which is, like you say, boring inside.", John huffed. " What was her name again?"
"Y/N.", Sherlock answered.
"Why are you letting her sit on your chair anyway?"
"Because she is hurt."
"You normally never let someone sit in your chair, no matter if they are hurt or not."
"She brings me tea."
"Mrs Hudson also brings you tea."
"Mrs Hudson isn't making the tea right."
"Ah. Of course.", John rolled his eyes at Sherlock.
He just ignored him and gave you something, which he was holding in his hand the whole time.
"For the tea.", he said with the same expression on his face like always. It wasn't a deadly serious expression, just a nonemotional, even though you thought his eyes were looking more gentle than usual.
Part two will be up next weekend! 😊
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bomberqueen17 · 3 years
the dread pirate roberts has come for your sole
so i uh
i dunno if i mentioned that like. time kinda got away from me and i had a bunch of things i was gonna buy for this vacation that like. forgot to do. so here i am in my old shit and it’s all falling apart. yeah the sole fell off my hiking boot yeah but also the soles started peeling off my old tevas i was wearing to swim, yeah? so we got superglue and i stuck them back on, no problem.
well i went out in the water with the kids today. they had a terrible plastic rowboat and were throwing one another out of it, and i just. decided to go along, since there’s been drama and people getting run over with boats and oared in the head and whatnot. so i just put on a life vest and swam out to the boat and helped keep anyone from getting murdered, helped enforce the wearing of lifejackets, etc.
at one point in the very cloudy water something bonked me in the foot, which was deeply disconcerting. i kicked it violently away.
a little later my other foot was behaving strangely and i had the brainwave to check on my shoe soles and realized the sole was peeling back off my sandal.
i took the shoes off and held them, and made my way back to shore. dude gave me his flip-flops. i then looked at my tevas and realized that while one had the sole peeled nearly off, the other had in fact lost the entire sole. whoops. well i can’t fix those now.
also, i realized, the falling-off soles were worn through in the middle so maybe it was time to let those sandals go.
anyway Sister 3 says i should wait for labor day sales before i buy new boots and sandals but i don’t want to wait i just wanna get it over with because i have so much trouble buying shit.
apart from that-- well, including that, today was a glorious day of inactivity. i sat around, finally sewed the alterations to the farm t-shirt that doesn’t fit me but that i’ve been wearing to the farmer’s market every time i work it, and basically wasted time all day. I did more leatherworking with the nephews-- one has a book of suggested projects but it calls for tools and materials I don’t have. what i have is a couple awls, some cord, some deer hides, and some needles. that’s it. so. yesterday we made little flap wallets. today i taught them how to make a pattern for a drawstring bag, and talked through the ideas they had about how else to do it, and explained why my method was really the only method that was going to work well, and they eventually agreed. Which was good-- I do like a know-it-all kid when they actually listen and reason through things.
In the end we used the method I suggested-- measure out the circle for the base that you need, then make a strip the height you want that’s also the circumference of the base-- and instead of using the method with the prick wheel to mark the stitches i just said it was likely easier to eyeball them and punch them one at a time with the awl as you went. We also used an overcast stitch to attach the base to the walls, and then to close up the wall seam. And to put the drawcord in, we punched pairs of slits to thread it through-- the concept of making a cord casing was a good one for fabric but the leather would be too thick.
anyway. Nephew 3 finished his but wasn’t listening to me when I explained how to finish the seam, so he just sewed the last stitch and cut it off, so now it’s coming undone so i have to go get another length of cord and re-sew the end of it. (”Go back through the previous stitch holes, and maybe do it twice,” i said, and he was like “yeah yeah i get it! cool” and then did not do that. kid. now i gotta fix it. it’s fine. tomorrow.) Nephew 2 wanted to use a different stitch to finish the side seam and messed around and messed around and finally was like ok no you were right this won’t work. Listen, this is all fine and good learning.
The bonus was that it stopped the boys running and hollering, to work on stuff. They’d complained, earlier-- their mother had yelled at them for being menaces and they’d whined that they didn’t have anything to make, and like. fair. One of them does blacksmithing and the other does welding and 3D printing and of course they don’t have the equipment here. Having outlets to make things is actually kind of important to their not destroying things. So I was glad I could do a thing with them.
But boy am I sleepy.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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If My Body Had A Say (NSFW)
Clay Spenser x Reader
A/N told you it was gonna be a sinful week, my brain is in nonstop thirst mode this week! Song used is “Body Say” by Demi Lovato! Enjoy 😉
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Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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“Right guys I have a feeling it’s gonna be a busy night tonight.” You smiled as you let the bar door slam behind you.
“Oh that’s it, turn up when everything is done!” Jake laughed.
“Urm you do remember, I am the boss and own this place right?” You winked, dumping your bag in the bar, “Just be grateful I’m tending tonight.”
“And by the looks of it, hoping to get laid as well” Jade laughed.
“Is it that obvious?” You smirked, as you hung your leather jacket up, revealing the black mesh top giving the perfect view of the red lace bra underneath.
“Nah” she winked.
“Just to let you know I will be calling dibs on any table there’s a cute guy on, shout up if you see one walk in. You all know my type” you laughed.
It was now around nine pm and you were right, tonight was busy but not too bad. You had your back to the door, pouring drinks when you felt something being thrown at you.
“Eyes right. Just walked in” Jake winked, looking over to the door you couldn’t help but bite down on your bottom lip at the Blonde god that just strolled in like he owned the place.
“Best wingman ever,” you smirked at Jake “Whatever table they are at, remember it’s mine tonight”
“Are you talking about the table or Blondie?” Jade laughed.
“Well if I have my way, then Blondie'' You grinned as the boys made their way over to the bar. You couldn’t help yourself as you grabbed the phone that was purely used for the music, scrolling through the playlists until you found the one you were looking for before hitting shuffle.
Turning back to the bar, you flashed the boys your best smile, whilst leaning forward giving Blondie the perfect view of your boobs, and you didn’t miss his eyes dropping before quickly looking back up.
“What table are you on boys?” You asked.
“The booth in the back corner,” Blondie smirked, as you locked eyes and in that moment it felt like it was only the two of you in the building.
“Perfect” you grinned, breaking eye contact with him, “write your order down and I will bring the drinks over shortly, also I am gonna need to get a credit card and ID to get the tab set up”
“Get Ya wallet out peaches!” One of the guys said as he slapped his hand on blondie’s back. “You lost the bet so tonight is all on you!”
“It was a stupid bet!” He huffed handing his bank card and ID over to you, his fingers brushing against yours, sending sparks through your skin.
“Thanks, I will bring this over once I’ve done” you nodded, flashing him your signature smirk.
Spinning around you placed both hands against the counter, taking a deep breath before looking down at the ID, you didn’t need it but he didn’t know that.
“That was sneaky, Y/N” Jade laughed, looking over your shoulder at the ID “fuck, girl he is Navy!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve hit the fucking jackpot!” You grinned as you got the tab set up before slipping the bank card and ID into the back pocket of your jeans so you could get the drinks started, moving my body to the beat of the music.
“Someone can’t stop watching,” Jake laughed as he squeezed behind you.
“Let him watch,” you winked, as you grabbed your bottle of beer, bringing it to your lips as you locked eyes with Clay, throwing him a wink as you licked your lips, before you grabbed the tray of drinks. “Oh this is gonna be easy”
As you got closer to the table you heard the conversation.
“Seriously, you made it so obvious that you were staring at her boobs” one of the guys said.
“I think she caught me” Clay laughed “but I mean damn she is absolute fire, I couldn’t help myself”
As you got closer the conversation stopped, placing the tray down in the center of the table, you decided to keep hold of Clay’s ID and bank card for a little bit, as you had a plan.
“So what is a bunch of Navy Seals, doing in a little bar of mine?” You asked leaning against the wall.
“Change of scenery” one said. “And our boy here lost a bet, so we thought we would come cause some chaos in a new place”
“Well if you need another troublemaker, you let me know” you smirked “Trouble is my middle name, enjoy boys”
As you walked off, you put an extra swing in your hips and you felt a set of eyes burning into your ass. This boy was putty in your hands and you loved it. And if the change of music didn’t give the game away then you didn’t know what would.
About an hour had passed, and a lot of flirting had happened between you and Clay already, whenever they needed more drinks he was the one to come up to the bar. The conversation just flowed with him and you felt like you had known him years.
Leaning your forearms against the bar you locked eyes with him again, that smirk of his was going to get you into some serious trouble. As the music changed you bite down on your lip.
“If I had it my way, I would take the lead. And if I had it my way, I would take you deep. If my body had a say, I'd get it off my chest. Show you all the red lace underneath this dress. And our eyes are crossing paths across the room. There's only one thing left for us to do” you mouthed along with the song, as you maintained eye contact with Clay from across the room, “You can touch me with slow hands. Speed it up, baby, make me sweat. Dreamland, take me there 'cause I want your sex. If my body had a say, I wouldn't turn away. Touch, make love, taste you”
You couldn’t help but squeeze your thighs together as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and his blue eye darkened with desire. Before he looked down, laughing at something the guys had said. His smile made you feel so many emotions and left you feeling weak at the knees. Grabbing a napkin and a pen you scribbled a note before folding it up, placing it between the cards.
No one had ordered more drinks but there order was the same each time so you quickly got it all together before taking them over.
“We didn’t order any more drinks?” Jason said.
“Well you boys looked thirsty, so this one is on me” you smirked before turning to Clay, “oh I forgot I still had these” you said, passing him back his ID and bank card. “I’m going on a break soon, so if you need anything just ask Jade or Jake and they will look after you”
As you walked away you saw Clay check the note you had left him. Smirking to yourself you headed to the bar. “Right I am going on break, and if my plan has worked I don’t know how long I will be” you winked “just don’t come looking for me because you might see things you don’t wanna see”
It wasn’t long before the door to your office burst open, with a hungry Clay standing in the doorway. He didn’t waste any time as he rushed over to you grabbing your jaw in his hands, smashing his lips against yours, this kiss was far from romantic, it was full of urgency and lust, you smirked into the kiss letting the sparks fly through your body as you fumbled with the belt on his jeans.
“You have been such a tease all night,” he growled against your lips.
“What you gonna do about it?” You giggled, as you pushed his jeans and his boxers down, wrapping your hand around his dick, slowly pumping, making a low groan leave his lips.
“Mmm, I can think of a few things,” he groaned “starting with bending you over this desk.”
“Don’t you want your dick sucking first!” You whispered, as you ran your fingers over the head, making his knees buckle slightly. “I’m really good at it.”
“I have no doubt about that, Princess” he groaned “but I just wanna fuck you so bad right now”
“Well then, what are you waiting for?” You said looking through your lashes at him.
Within a few seconds, your jeans were around your ankles and you were pressed against your desk, ass in the air ready for Clay. The sharp sting on his hand made you moan before the feeling of him stretching you out making you gasp. He gave it a couple of seconds for you to adjust to his size, but then he got impatient, his fingers digging into your hips and he pounded you from behind.
“Oh fuck” you screamed, “shit that feels so good”
“God you feel good wrapped around my dick” Clay groaned, as his thrusts got harder.
“Shit, that’s the spot” you cried as he wrapped one arm round finding your clit. The feeling was intense, you hadn’t had sex in a while so everything was tighter and made the pleasure more intense, alongside the fact that you were at work. “Fuck, Clay don’t stop”
“I wasn’t planning on stopping, Princess” he growled.
You swore your souls left you body, as he thrust as hard as he could, the feeling of him assaulting your clit as well as the hard strokes pushed you over the edge, screaming his name as you came, but he didn’t stop, even though you were still riding the orgasm out, everything was even more sensitive now and he knew this by how you were responding, so he carried on as he chased his own high, leading you to a second mind blowing orgasm within minutes, both finishing at the same time.
“Fuck” you breathed, resting your check against the cool wood of your desk.
“You okay down there?” Clay said with a breathless laugh.
“Ask me in five minutes” you laughed, “not gonna lie, no one has ever fucked me that good before”
“Well just shows you hadn’t met the right person” he laughed as he slowly pulled out of you, making you whine at the loss of feeling. “You know this doesn’t have to be a one time thing right”
“Who said it was gonna be a one time thing anyway?” You giggled as you cleaned yourself up before pulling your jeans back up. “I have your address baby, I didn’t need your ID for the tab, that was just for me”
“You sneaky shit,” Clay laughed, resting his hands on your hips. “But I know I’m gonna need more, I’m gonna need to taste you, and I know I’m gonna get addicted to you.”
“Take me on a date then Spenser,” you smirked, getting lost in his blue eyes, “and I might show you just how naughty I can get.”
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @ohitshanksgirlxo @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @pancakeisreading @itsonautopilot @pinkrockstar19 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @softi92 @abby-splace @pancakeisreading
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
Stuck Thinking About You-Dante/Reader
TheLastCrusader Requested: Dante or Vergil gets immobilized in some embarrassing or inconvenient way during a job and then (Y/N) pays them company until they can be freed. How about they have a crush on (Y/N) and they don't know it is returned until the end?
Vergil’s Part: Coming Soon. 
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28187496
Warnings: Fluff, Romantic Comedy, Taking Care of The Twins, Vulnerability, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Characters Call Out The Writer for Her Lazy Writing
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Dante was the Legendary Devil Hunter, a tried and true hunter with the might of hundreds of men. And here he was, paralyzed by a venomous demon. During a hunt, it had a lucky shot and hit him with a dart. It would have killed a normal man three times over, causing the victim to lose muscle function and die. Since Dante was not a normal man, his body would metabolize the poison in due time. It’s just too bad he was stuck in his current form, arms to his side and stiff. He was lucky to be able to talk anyway. 
Nero had laughed at his predicament and dragged him back to the van by the boots, throwing him onto the spare seat like a sack of potatoes. His brother had smugly walked alongside his son, entertained by how Dante complained about his now immobilized situation. 
“Laugh it up. When I can move again, I’ll be kicking your asses.” Dante threatened, face down on the cushion with his sword strapped to his back. He sounded muffled and Nero laughed at him again. 
“Wait until (Y/N) found out you got shot in the butt by a demon.” Nero jeered. Dante groaned. 
Oh God forbid you found out, his crush. The gorgeous and funny (Y/N). He’d be a laughingstock. 
You had been working on the Devil May Cry paperwork when the red devil was carried in looking like a cardboard cut out of himself. The red devil was incredibly displeased and had a sour look on his face. 
Nero and Vergil dropped him onto a couch, dusting themselves off and high-fiving. 
“What happened to Dante?” You ask, seeing how Dante was unnaturally still. 
“My brother was unluckily poisoned. The toxins shall wear off soon, although he will be stuck like this for the meanwhile.” 
You see Dante attempt to move with his grunts and groans, yet to no avail. 
“Yeah, he’s gonna have to wait for it to wear off. You should’ve seen him, he gets jabbed and he just drops like a dead body!” Nero wiped a tear of laughter off his face. 
“Anyways, I gotta go back to Fortuna. Call me when he’s back to normal.” Vergil nodded as his son left the door. 
He turned his gaze to you. 
“I am going to retire to my room. Please let me know when he can move again.” He said as he exited the first floor. 
You put your hands on your hips seeing the devil still face down on the couch. 
“Yeah?” He said, slightly muted by the cushion. 
“Are you alright?” 
“Can’t move. Stuck.” 
“..Do you want some help?” 
“Nah, I’m alright.” 
“Well, are you sure?” 
“Yeah, don’t worry about me. I’m fine.” 
There was a pause. You could hear Dante trying to breathe with the leather of the couch right up on his nose. 
“Would you like to be face up?” 
Dante stopped for a moment. 
“Yes.” You grinned, getting up from your seat to help out the red devil. Rolling up the sleeves of your sweater, you began by pulling on his side at the innermost of the sofa. You grunted as you put all your might on him. 
He was literally built like a brick house, and he sure as hell weighed like one. You broke a sweat getting him to be perpendicular to the couch before gravity helped out and you tipped him over. He fell back on the couch with a resounding thump. 
“Thanks (Y/N).” He flashed his charming grin, a bit of a struggle as his face muscles were slightly numb.  
You smiled at him. You saw how his veins were slightly darker, and he was quite pale. His body must be working overtime to detox itself. 
“Do you want anything while you’re trapped like this?” He made an effort to try to shrug. 
“I’m good.” Dante was not good. He was freaking out. You were used to touching him, punching him when he said a joke too cheesy, and those grazing touches he’d freak out internally over. You had such nice hands. His side where you pulled him up had tingled. 
You made your way back to the desk, Dante’s eyes on your rear. 
You went back to work, typing up reports, and examining payments from clients. Music played from your headphones, leaving Dante in silence. 
The sounds of you typing, scratching down notes on a notebook, and humming lull him to sleep. Maybe when he wakes up, he’ll be up and running again. 
You were half an hour into your work when you heard snores. Looking up, you see that the younger Sparda twin was fast asleep, probably sleeping off the toxins. An endeared smile crept up your face, seeing how at peace he was. 
Dante was an attractive guy, he was nice and funny. He seemed to always want to hang out with you and make you laugh. What a nice half-demon who was your boss. 
The veins around his neck seemed to pulse, forcing the blood to withdraw the demonic toxins within it. 
You admired the white-haired male, before going back to the papers. 
Dante woke up a few hours later. 
He tried to stretch, only to find his limbs were still stuck to his sides. 
“Ah shit.” He mumbled, yawning. His jaw popped in several places and he tried turning his head to see you. 
You answered the phone tucked by your ear as you rapidly typed out more reports. 
Once you had hung up the phone, you saw that the sleeping man had awakened. 
“Hey, Dante. You’re up. How are you feeling?” Dante sighed.
“Still can’t move.” You frowned. Even with his metabolism? 
“Aw, that sucks.” 
“Is that all my paperwork?” Dante asked, seeing the mountain of papers on the table. You slapped the yellowed papers. 
“This bad boy can fit so many missing payments.” You joked, quoting a car commercial you saw. Dante rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, let’s all make fun of Dante.” He said. 
You went back to check a few things. Dante peered at the clock. Crap, he always forgets to fix that clock. It’s been 4 o’clock for three months now. 
Dante coughed. He hadn’t had a sip of anything for hours now and napping always made him wake up with a desert-dry throat. He also wanted to rub his eyes but once again, can’t move. 
There was a knock on the door. You grabbed your wallet and got to the door. An amazing smell hit Dante’s nose. 
You came back into his line of sight when you came back with a plastic bag
“You hungry?” You asked, opening the box of pizza you had ordered. You hummed with approval when you saw no olives. 
“Meh, not really.” 
Just when Dante wanted to be low-key, his stomach made the loudest noise. It was like a damn whale call. Mind you, he was starving after his nap. He flushed with embarrassment but tried to play it off. 
You laughed. You made your way over to Dante. 
“It’s fine, I got enough for the two of us.” Setting the pizza box on the ground, you sat next to his still paralyzed form. 
“Oh man, you totally didn’t have to-” His stomach made a louder noise at the amplified smell of baked goods. 
You laughed at his expression. 
“It’s not like I can just move and take a slice right now.” He groaned. His eyes widened when you held up a fork of sliced pizza. You absolute angel. 
“I know.” You winked. 
“Now say ah..” You teased. He smirked, opening his mouth to be fed. 
Dante felt the warm cheesy culinary creation hit his tastebuds. He reveled in the lack of olives, something he always got on his slices whenever he ordered. 
You helped yourself to your own slices between feeding Dante. 
He swallowed wrong, and coughed. He had already hid his dry throat from you, not wanting to be needy. He continued coughing like a madman. A straw hit his lip and he simply sipped it, doing whatever he could to counter his fit. 
The familiar sweetness of cola soothed him and he let out a small burp.
“My bad.” He smiled as you laughed. His eyes darted to the can of soda you put back on the floor. Holy shit. You were drinking out of that. You gave him your straw. You were cool sharing drinks with him. That was an indirect kiss. Dante was ready to implode. Before you could notice his shock, he quickly made a diversion. 
“Where did you order this? It’s a lot better than the place I order at.” He asked after another forkful. You shrugged. 
“It was this new place that recently opened up. It’s close where I live. Thought I’d spice things up a bit and pick a new joint.” 
“Have you been there before?” 
You shook your head no. 
“Yeah, I haven’t. This was my first time ordering there.” Maybe next time Dante could take you there. 
“Feeling bold aren’t we?” You asked smugly at his mumbled sentence. Shit. He did not mean to say that out loud. 
“Uh. Yeah. I am.” He sputtered. You chuckled at the devil’s sudden bashfulnes. 
Dante wished he knew when to shut up. This was one of the times he wished he could. 
“Yeah. I like you a lot. You’re really nice to me, you’re real good looking too. This is totally not how I wanted to ask you out but here I am. This is really awkward for me. You can totally say no. I’m not going to be mad. I’m also your boss so that might be weird-” 
“Tell you what-” You quickly gave him another piece of pizza. 
“Once you can move again, I’ll take you on that offer.” You winked. Dante almost choked again. 
“I like you too, if you haven’t noticed.” You added, looking away for a moment. 
He laughed. You angel. 
Once the slices were cleared and the drink finished, you cleaned up. Dante saw through the window a completely dark night. 
“Whoa. It’s super late. Are you sure you want to go out that late?” Dante asked, genuinely worried. 
You shrugged. 
“I mean, it’s not too bad. I don’t live that far-” 
“I can teleport you home.” Vergil called from the stairs. The older twin came down with his book in hand. 
“Oh Vergil. Nice to see you again. I saved you a couple slices of pizza.” You pointed to the box that lied on Dante’s desk. 
“No need. Although the gesture was very kind of you.” Vergil quickly took out the Yamato, slashing through dimensions.
“Well this is oddly convenient plot-wise. Totally lazy writing. The writer definitely gave up with the conclusion. This is outrageously well-timed.” You said, hands on your hips. Vergil gave you a look.
“Anyways. I’ll see you soon. Call me when you’re back to normal.” You say to Dante. He winks at you and makes a click noise with his mouth. He’d do the finger guns too but again, he can’t freaking move. 
You left promptly, waving at Dante and thanking Vergil. 
The older twin turns around to see his shameless brother. 
“So, how long were you upstairs waiting for her to leave?” 
“Too long. I’m surprised she took overtime just to take care of your sorry self.” 
“I’m the one with a hot date, Mr. I Got Laid Once.” 
His brother scowled. 
“If it were not for the fact that you are not a fair match in your current condition, I would have slaughtered you by now.” The Yamato was pointed in his direction and Dante blew a raspberry at him. 
“I’m going to bed. You can stay on the couch, you dolt.” Vergil snipped, going back up the stairs. The lights were shut off, leaving Dante in darkness. 
Dante smirked, closing his eyes. He can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and plan out a date with you.
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beomcoups · 3 years
Your Name pt. 1
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Jung Hoseok (BTS) x reader
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭: Walkin’ On Sunshine hosted by @kpopscape​
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, slight angst, summer love au, ice cream shop au
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: PG-13
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mentions of one night stands and friends with benefits (but nothing graphic)
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 1.3k
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Love is not something that you're familiar with. But when a guy walks into your ice cream shop, you'll discovered how easy it is to develop feelings for someone, and how scary it can be to fall in love with them.
AN: Thank you so much to @sugasbabiie​ and @darknytemare​ for looking over this for me. Also thank you to @enha-woodzies​ for making this beautiful banner for me. 
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 You saw him on a sunny Monday coming in with a group of kids who were screaming for ice cream. You were working behind the counter, make double and triple scoops on this scorching day to cool everyone down. He caught you off guard, his handsome face sculptured from the Greek Gods themselves.
“Close your mouth; you’re drooling,” your coworker Jennie teases, nudging your arm.
“I’m not drooling,” you pout, rolling your eyes. “I’m just observing, that’s all.” 
The handsome stranger rounded up the kids and started writing down orders on a small notepad. He wore a white v-neck shirt with fitted jeans and sneakers; his glasses were tucked into his shirt, his short hair clipped nicely in all the right areas. It wasn’t your first time seeing him; he’s been coming in for the past couple of weeks since the schools let out for the summer, sometimes by himself or with the kids, ready to divulge in the cold sweets that you have to offer. 
Today happened to be a busy day, but you push through and serve each customer with a smile. You sneak a look in his direction, and the butterflies in your stomach multiply the closer he gets to you. You don’t have any plans interacting with him outside of serving his ice cream, but you can’t help the way you feel when he looks at you with those beautiful brown eyes. You finish the customer before him, excusing yourself to change your gloves before returning, only to be stopped by your supervisor. 
“Go ahead and take your lunch,” he says, putting on his gloves to help your crush. 
‘No, it’s okay,” you insist. “I can take care of him before going to lunch.” 
You try not to show your desperation, but the tightened fists in your hands say otherwise. 
“I got it,” your supervisor waves you off, sending you to clock out. To say you are disappointed is an understatement, but you hide it well, not wanting to show your coworkers that you were upset. Instead, you grab your keys and go to your car, opting to hide from everyone until it was time to go back. 
You don’t see many people like him in this small town; you’re used to seeing the same faces you grew up with in this small-knit community. But what makes this place unique is the lake that has crystal clear waters surrounded by luscious forest trees that tell a rich history. The waters in the lake cover what used to be an active mining town. A massive flood happened over a hundred years ago and swept the city away in one night. If you swim down far enough, you can still see the buildings and cars left behind from the natural disaster. 
You have tourists from all over the world who come to see this local Atlantis as it’s dubbed, especially during the summer when the schools are out and the waters are cool. You’ve seen people come and go, but no one has ever stuck out to you, except for him: the perfect stranger. It’s not like you to develop a crush this easily, especially from someone you don’t know. You’ve never been in love before, never gone on a date; your only experiences are one night stands or friends with benefits as they have no emotional attachments. You wouldn’t know what love was if it hit you in the face; that’s why having these strange feelings for this person is—scary. 
As you sit in your car mulling over your thoughts, you spot that perfect guy and the gaggle of kids leaving the ice cream shop, piling into the van one by one. His golden skin beamed brighter than the sun, the gentle wind swaying his hair in a way that makes him look straight out of a fantasy novel. You stare at him longer, watching him get into the driver’s seat, ready to take off. A heavy sigh escapes your lips as the van pulls off and the alarm on your phone reminds you that your break is over. 
“Well, there goes that,” you mutter to yourself, getting out of your car. Your eyes glance over to the pavement, and you notice a charm attached to a wallet, shining bright enough to make you cover your eyes as you approach. You realize that it’s his wallet, and it must have fallen out of his back pocket as he was getting into the van. Your thumb rubs across the tough black leather, torn in different places, the tiny little folder having its own stories to tell. You slide the wallet in your back pocket as you walk back into your job.
“Hey,” you approach your supervisor after you clock back in. “The guy that was here with the kids, do you know where I can find him? He left his wallet in the parking lot.”
“He’s one of the new counselors at Camp Plato,” he mentions nonchalantly. “I can bring it to him after I leave here.”
“I can do it!” You shout a little louder than you expected, your face feeling hot from embarrassment. “The camp is on the way home; I can just drop it off when I’m done.”
“Okay…” your supervisor gives you a curious look, and you brush it off, washing your hands and putting your gloves back on. “Let me let them know that you are coming after work.”
You nod and resume your duties of making ice cream, trying your best to ignore the heavy pounding in your heart.
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As night fell, the light blue haze of day lifted to reveal the stars and moon. You pulled into the campground, holding your breath as you clutch his wallet in your hands, making your way over to the cabins. The children are gathered around small fires, making smores and singing children tunes you know all so well. Your eyes gaze around, looking for the guy that you can’t keep your mind off of. 
“I heard you were looking for me.”
Your heart drops, and you quickly step back, turning around and facing the man you have been looking for. 
“Y-yeah,” your nerves get the better of you.  “Here’s your wallet. I found it in the parking lot.”
He thanks you before taking the wallet, and you are surprised that he didn’t check to see if anything was missing. His calm demeanor is intriguing to you, and you want to make small talk but don’t know what to say. 
“Well, I’m going to get going,” you announce, pointing towards your car. 
“Oh yeah, sure,” he clears his throat. “Thanks again for bringing this back to me.”
You nod and start walking towards your car, feeling satisfied that you could bring back his wallet. You wish you could’ve said more, but knowing yourself, you would have frozen, and you don’t need that kind of embarrassment. Just seeing him was enough. 
“Hey, wait,” you hear him call to you as you are about to enter the car. “I really appreciate you bringing this back to me. Let me take you out for lunch?”
“Oh no, it’s not necessary,” you interject, though your heart says otherwise. 
“I know,” he chuckles, raking his fingers through his hair. “But I would like to.” He bats his eyes in a jokingly manner that makes you giggle, the tension you were feeling slowly leaving your body. 
“You know what? I’ll take you up on your offer,” you decided, leaning against your car. “Does tomorrow at noon sound good?”
He agrees on the time, you exchange numbers, and you get in the car, letting your top back before you pull off. Thinking over everything that happened today, you realize you forgot one crucial thing. 
“I wanted to ask before I go… What’s your name?” 
He realizes the same thing as you and lets out a hearty laugh, his face reddening from embarrassment. 
“It’s Hoseok. My name is Hoseok.”
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aremiies · 4 years
pairings: drummer!bakugou x fem!reader
warnings: a bit of swearing, fluff and bad writing, band!au
prompt(s): it’s a song prompt (v cheesy ik) the song is misery business by paramore.
part two.
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not my gif !
“guys!” yelled a certain pink haired girl, as she chaotically ran into the stores back room to alert her friends of the newly aquired news she may or may not have learned two minutes prior. her friends, all on their lunch break, stopped what they were doing to look up to the girl who was practically jumping out of her skin.
“are you okay, mina? is there a reason you almost broke a rib trying to get through the door frame?” jirou raised a brow, looking up from her phone to entertain mina’s obvious excitement. mina squealed, trying to somewhat contain herself.
“can you get to the point already, dumbass?!” bakugou growled.
“yeah, mina,” kirishima added, “what’s got you so jumpy?”
mina sighed, somewhat dramatically, before she (finally) told her friends what she was so happy about, “so, guys, remember how we wanted to play a show at that lounge a couple blocks over?” her friends nodded before she continued, “they finally called back! the manager said it’s a yes!”
“no way.” jirou stood up.
“that’s great!” kaminari spoke up.
“yeah, no kidding! they approved of the songs?” kirishima inquired.
mina nodded, “yeah! i sent them them the lyrics to a couple of our songs, and they said that they didn’t mind which ones we played, but they’d really like if we played misery business. they’re even gonna pay us!”
“wait... isn’t that the song that you and jirou couldn’t get the vocals right to?” kaminari puzzled.
it went quiet for a second before bakugou groaned, “oh look, the pink freak didn’t think before she acted! what a surprise.”
“hey! don’t blame me i th-“
mina was cut off by bakugou’s thunderous yelling, “don’t blame you?! who else are we gonna blame?! you’re the one who sent in the request form!”
“guys, calm down,” kirishima laughed nervously, “i’m sure it’ll be fine. we could just change the chords of the song to compliment jirou’s vocal range.”
kaminari cut in, “or... no offense, maybe we could find somebody else with that vocal range to sing it for her. jirou already plays bass— oh! what about sero? we could ask him if he could-“
“no, dumbass, sero said he didn’t wanna be apart of the band anymore, remember?” bakugou grumbled.
before the group could think of anymore solutions, the bell on the front counter rang, followed by a voice calling out a to someone who could potentially help them checkout, “um... hello? is anyone back there?”
jirou sighed as she got up from the black leather couch that complimented the break room, “i’ll go help them. break is over anyways.” as jirou emerged from the back room, her eyes widened slightly as she spotted you holding a red, six stringed electric bass guitar. well, five strings actually, since it seemed that there was one missing.
“hi! sorry to keep you waiting, how can i help you today?” jirou smiled, walking behind the counter and taking in your features. you seemed like a shy type of girl... even if you weren’t, just by looking at you, she wouldn’t have suspected that you played electric guitar. your eyes looked so soft and your hands so delicate as they wrapped around the neck of the guitar. your clothes as well. as much as she didn’t want to stereotype, the clothes that adorned your body didn’t give in to the ‘edgy guitarist’ aesthetic that the guitar itself did. besides all that, she couldn’t help but to feel you looked oddly familiar.
“yeah actually, haha. i saw on the sign outside that you guys do string repairs? my ‘a’ string snapped a couple days ago..” you explained to the raven haired girl behind the counter.
jirou nodded, “yeah, of course! we’re actually having a sale right now, so if you’d like to get all you string replaced, it’d only cost $10.”
“oh? hell yeah, thanks. i’ve never taken myself to get my strings repaired, though... does it take long? should i leave and come back?” you trailed off.
she shook her head, “nah, all these should only take about ten minutes max.”
“so, what’s your name?” jirou made easy conversation as she began repairing your strings.
“i’m y/n, nice to meet you... jirou?” you read her name tag.
she let out a small chuckle and nodded, “you as well. so, you in a band or something?”
“oh! no, i’ve thought about starting one before, but i don’t really have anyone to do so with. i write songs and play them on haru.” you explained.
“yeah, that’s her name.”
jirou chuckled once more, “you named your bass?”
“uh— duh.” you playfully rolled your eyes before another figure stepped from the back room, catching your attention.
“oh.” muttered the blonde.
jirou turned to look behind her, “oh, hey bakugou. is there anything you needed?”
the boy ignored her and walked towards the counter, “you play bass?” he asked you. crimson eyes boring into your y/e/c ones.
“y-yes. not a lot... just here and there when i think it’ll compliment one of my songs.” you verified.
“you write songs?” bakugou questioned.
“only when i’m bored-“
“what kind of songs are th-“
“katsuki! stop questioning her, this isn’t a police interrogation!” jirou interjected.
“what! don’t we need another person to sing that song? i’m trying to look for options.” he shrugged.
you furrowed your brows, “you guys are a band?”
“yeah, there’s more of us. they’re in the break room though.” jirou shared. “it’s just... okay, we have this ‘gig’ soon, and one of our members entered us in under a song that we can’t seem to get right. and it’s just our luck that, that’s the song the managers would likes us to sing especially.”
you tilted your head leaning on the counter as she spoke. as you did so, bakugou studied your features— just as jirou had done minutes before. he found you interesting. just as jirou had thought, he also didn’t see you as the type to play the electric guitar out of all the different types available.
“you don’t look like the type to play.” he blurted out.
“katsuki-!” jirou sighed.
“what?! she doesn’t. she’s so... average looking.” he reckoned.
your face dropped immediately and you turned to look at him, “excuse me? what’s that supposed to mean?”
“it’s not a bad thing,” he began, “i’m just saying that you don’t look like the other people who come in her with these types of guitars.”
you subtly rolled your eyes before looking back to jirou, “so, what lounge are you supposed to be playing at?”
“the one a few blocks from here. it’s called ‘rolling red’ i believe.” she replied.
“oh! i’ve played there before!”
the two employees looked at you with furrowed brows, “you have?!”
the sudden realization crashed on top of jirou as soon as the words left her mouth, “that’s where i know you from! i’ve seen you play before! you played that cover of frances forever by mitski! i loved it, i thought about it for days after!”
you looked down at your feet as you felt your cheeks heat up, “th-thank you. i didn’t think it was that good..”
“well it was-! dude, you should totally sing for our band when we play our gig!” the usually laid back girl was brimming with happiness at the thought of finding their replacement singer on such short notice.
“i-i don’t know-“
before you could finish, you felt someone wrap their arms around your shoulders, “oh come on! you’d be great! your voice would sound great with the songs we have picked out!” you spot the pink toned arms around you and turn around.
“where did she come from?” you mumbled.
“so, what do you say? it’ll only be a one time thing.” jirou smiled hopefully.
you sighed and looked at the (now three) employees in front of you, “okay— w-wait. when is the gig anyways?”
“two weeks away.” the pink girl giggled.
“well... i guess it wouldn’t hurt.” you shrugged.
“really?! thank you!” mina engulfed you in a hug.
“yeah, don’t mention it.” you smiled.
jirou grinned and handed you your guitar, “meet us back here tomorrow. we can start our first official practice.”
you nodded, grabbing your wallet beginning to pay for the string repair before a hand fell over yours, “don’t bother. you agreeing to do this for us is payment enough... i- i guess.” bakugou hesitantly ensured.
you thanked the employees before exiting the store with a grin adorning your face. you barely knew these people, but you couldn’t help but to be the least bit excited.
“so, do you get it?” mina asked as she helped you understand the chords to the song.
you tilted your head in slight confusion, “uh... i think so? i’ve just never played so... aggressively? no offense.”
it was the next day and you were currently in one of the practice rooms in the back of the music store. you’d formally met everyone and it seemed that the rest of the band were cool with having you as their replacement singer. kirishima and kaminari thought you were pretty nice. bakugou said you were “pretty cool... i guess.”, but it was obvious that jirou and mina adored you the most. you weren’t too shy, you just weren’t rowdy. you weren’t too quiet, you just only spoke when spoken to out of fear of being too a annoying for the band.
“okay, let’s try again then?” jirou smiled and you nodded, placing your fingers on the strings and praying you didn’t mess up again. though it was your first time hearing the song and learning the chords, you were doing fairly well. you knew the chords and how to play them, it was just the aggressiveness in which you were supposed to play that you were screwing up on.
you sighed as you heard bakugou give the infamous drummer count off, and began to play. you weren’t using a pick, so you felt the tips of your thumb and index began to beat up as you strummed the strings quickly and found the tempo. you counted the amount of times you’d screw up by the end. the total being only seven. not bad for a four minute song.
“that wasn’t bad, y/n!” you heard kaminari compliment you.
“yeah, you did a lot better this time! it’s like you’ve already memorized everything and we’ve only been practicing for about three hours.” mina added.
you smiled at the two, “thanks, guys. really. i tried to relax more this time, so i only messed up... seven times. i think.”
“you counted?” jirou asked as she took a sip of her water.
“yeah, the last time we did it, i messed up nine times, but i found out what it was i was doing wrong and fixed it, now i only have seven more errors to correct.” you explained.
“well look at you go! at this rate, we’ll be practicing with the lyrics by this evening.” mina praised.
unlike the other four, bakugou didn’t say anything about how well you were doing. he couldn’t really bring himself to say anything to you. it wasn’t like he was embarrassed or anything; more like he was nervous to. the whole time you’d all been practicing he’d been watching your facial expressions change as you played he chords on your guitar. he could tell that you were feeling it, and that made him feel something.
“i’m in the business of misery, let’s take it from the top. she’s got a body like an hourglass, it’s ticking like a clock.” you mumbled the lyrics to the song as you shadow played the chords. you were liking the song so far. it wasn’t something you usually played and you liked that. you sat in the corner of the practice room as everyone took their break. either going to use the bathroom or just walking around the shop to stretch their legs. you decided on staying back and practicing the lyrics on your own before you did in front of everyone else. the thought of embarrassing yourself loomed in the back of your mind and you were absolutely terrified of it. you didn’t care if it was a rehearsal or not. embarrassing yourself was, simply, not an option.
“you sound nice.” and deeper voice spoke.
startled, you looked up from the notepad of lyrics in front of you and up to the door where, there stood bakugou; hands shoved in his pockets as he leaned against the doorframe.
“o-oh. thank you...” you muttered.
“i think i know where you keep messing up at on the chords.” he quipped.
“you do? but how? you play drums.”
he scoffed light heartedly, “just because i play drums doesn’t mean i’m oblivious to the workings and notes of other instruments.”
“oh...” you voiced, looking at the floor below you.
“here, let me see it.”
“see what?”
“your guitar, dumbass. i’m going to help you.”
you handed the boy your guitar and followed his figure with your eyes as he sat down next to you.
“after the third eight-count, your finger placement is off. i can hear it.” he stated as he began placing his finger on the strings.
“oh no... it was that obvious?” you whined burying your face in your hands. so much for embarrassment not being an option.
“stop whining, dumbass. it’s not that bad, but you can still tell that there’s something off.” he expressed, “now look, you have the right idea. but the wrong action. it’s not much, just move your finger up the neck a bit more.” bakugou strummed the note and looked back up at you, “like that. now you try.” he instructed handing you the guitar.
“okay...” copying the boys previous actions, you place your fingers on the strings. sliding your middle finger up the neck a bit, just as he’d instructed. you stunned the note and looked at him for approval.
“perf— good.” bakugou complimented hesitantly.
“mhm... thank you.” you have him a slight smile.
he nodded as he got up and headed towards the door, “if you want... i can start helping you with things like this privately. like... like we did just now. if you want, though. i don’t really care. just a suggestion.”
you nodded vigorously, “yes please. i like the way you teach.”
“o-oh... okay... well just give me your number and i can text you when we leave. or we can stay after.” bakugou suggested. the crimson eyed boy was slightly taken aback. he didn’t really expect you to say yes to him “tutoring” you. not like he was complaining though, he actually may or may not have enjoyed your company.
“can we stay after?” you asked.
he shrugged, “if that’s what you’d like.”
“bye guys! bakugou, remember to lock up.” kirishima waved as he and the rest of the group made their separate ways home. as for you and bakugou? you two had some after hours lessons to attend to.
the two of you made your ways back to the practice rooms.
upon entering, bakugou closed the door and turned to you, “do you want to start where we left off?”
you nodded, “yeah. after the third eight-count.”
bakugou sat down in the corner from earlier and patted the spot next to him, signaling for you to sit next to him. you complied and sat next to the blonde handing him your guitar.
“the part after the one we practiced earlier... the part where theres singing and then there’s just instrumental? can we work on that part?” you pleaded.
bakugou felt his cheeks heat up as he looked at you so find your eyes staring back into his. there was something about your eyes that made him feel warm. the feeling that your gaze gave him made him feel safe, “y- sure. okay it for me and we can start from there.”
it was about 8pm when the two of you decided that you’d practiced enough for the day. you helped him clean up around she shop before locking up and walking you home.
“you don’t have to, you know.” you expressed to him.
“it’s the right thing to do. i’m not just gonna let you walk home alone in the dark, dumbass.” he replied looking straight ahead.
it was quiet after that, until you walked past a convenience store, “i’m gonna go in to get something. i haven’t eaten since breakfast and i’m starving.” you let out a breathy laugh as you turned to walk in.
“eh?! dumbass, you need to eat properly. come on, i’ll but you some dinner. you don’t need to eat from a convenience store.” bakugou reprimanded. “follow me.” the two of you took a detour to a restaurant not too far away from where you guys were currently at.
“you don’t have to do this. i’m fine with getting something quick and cheap—“
“no,” he cut you off, “you need to eat properly. we won’t be long.”
onigiri in hand, the two of you continued your walk home in a comfortable silence as the two of you ate.
“thank you,” you said looking up at him.
bakugou glanced down at you before looking back up, “yeah, no problem.”
“we can stop here, my house is only around the corner. i’ll be fine on my own for now.”
bakugou nodded slightly, “yeah uh... sure. make sure to come to the shop tomorrow.”
you looked at the blonde in slight confusion, “huh? it’s closed tomorrow, is it not?”
“yeah,” he began, “but we still have to work through some of your screw ups. meet me there no later than noon.” he stated before walking away.
you silently agreed before turning away and walking the remainder of the way to your house alone.
“y/n, it’s been a bit more than a week since we’ve started these practices and you still don’t have that note down!” bakugou snapped. you two had been practcing with each other for a bit of a while now, and during that time you’ve gotten a bit more comfortable with each other.
“you idiot, i’m trying! you have to understand that i’m not used to singing notes on that octave.” you said rubbing your temples.
“okay, we’ll get used to it! you have two more days to get it right.” katsuki grumbled. “if you don’t, you’re going to embarrass yourself, dumbass.”
you narrowed your eyes at him, though, he was right. the note you were trying to hit wasn’t that hard. you could do it— you knew you could.
“you guys alright in here?”
you looked up to find mina at the door, peaking her head in from the outside.
“what the hell? i thought your alien ass went home.” bakugou stated.
“i could say the same about you guys. i went home and realized i forgot my charger, but you both should go home. it’s nearly ten pm. get some rest.” mina noted.
“ten pm?!” you exclaimed, quickly jumping up.
“holy shit!” bakugou chimed in grabbing his things.
the two of you exited the practice rooms and made your way to the front of the store. as you began to exit, the boy was quick to stop you, “h-hey—! don’t be so quick to leave. i still have to walk you home, y’know.”
you let go of the door and looked back at the male, “well come on then.”
the two of you waved goodbye to mina before taking the oath to your house. upon arriving, you felt bakugou’s hand ok your shoulder, “we won’t be able to practice tomorrow, we all have things to do, so make sure you work on that note, dumbass. we don’t need you screwing up.”
you nodded before walking to your door, “goodnight, bakugou.”
the day of the gig was finally here and though you told katsuki that’s you’d practice, you never did. that being said, you still hadn’t attempted to hit that high note. it was too late, though. you were now sitting backstage waiting for your guys’ turn.
“i’m nervous..” mina admitted as she paced back and forth.
“why?” jirou raised a brow in confusion, “we’ve practiced a lot these past few days. we’ve got this in the bag. if y/n worked out the thing with her high note, we shouldn’t be worried about anything. let’s just pretend this is another rehearsal.” the girl smiled.
the mentioning of your high high note mad your stomach churn. you hadn’t told them you didn’t practice in fear of coming off as irresponsible.
“yeah, we’ve been sounding really good! we got this, guys. besides, we’re up next so you’d probably want to try and calm down.” kaminari tried to somewhat comfort the pink skinned girl.
meanwhile, you were chewing your nails down to the cuticle. all of your practicing had led up to this moment and bakugou could tell you were nervous. he watched as your leg bounced up and down and you spit out the pieces of nail you’d bite off.
“hey, dumba— er... y/n,” bakugou prattled, walking over to and placing a hand on your shoulder, “calm down, yeah? you’re gonna do fine. i-... i believe in your dumbass... i-i guess.” he trailed off.
your soft eyes looked into his narrowed ones, your face softening at his comforting (?) words. you nodded, and as if on cue, the six of you were called onto stage.
this was it. this was what you’d practiced for. you looked out into the ‘crowd’; there were a lot of people for this just being a bar and lounge. maybe because it was a saturday? or, maybe you were just seeing blurry. whatever it was, you didn’t have time to worry about it as the sound of bakugou’s infamous drummer count off filled your ears.
you took a deep breath, one last chance to calm your nerves before you started to strum the notes on your guitar.
you counted off the final eighth of the instrumental and began to sing, “i’m in the business of misery, let’s take it from the top. she’s got a body like an hour glass it’s tickin like clock. it’s a matter of time before we all run out, when i thought he was mine, she grabbed him by the mouth,”
you have a jirou a look out the corner of your eye and was met with her approving, close-lipped smile. looking over to mina, you were meg with the same smile, only wider and toothier.
you took that as a sign and pulled yourself together, hands still sweaty from your nerves being a wreck, “i waited eight long months, she finally set him free. i told him i can’t lie, he was the only one for me. two weeks and we had caught on fire, she’s got it out for me, but i wear the biggest smile,”
so far, so good. you hadn’t had a voice crack (yet), and as the song went on you could feel your anxiety washing away. the song continued and it seemed the crowd was enjoying it quite a lot. you liked seeing the smiles on their faces, it made you happy. though, your smile quickly faded when you realized what part was coming. the part you took upon yourself to not practice for. your mind started to race; the note isn’t that hard to hit. you’ve hit notes like this before— that was a lie. but, hey, you’ve hit notes close to it before ! soon, there was no more time for you to think about it. it was now or never, and it wasn’t like you could just skip the part all together.
without a second thought, you scraped together the little courage you find in yourself and sang, “but god, does it feel so good. cause i’ve got ‘em where i want him now. and if you could, then you know you would, cause god, it just feels so... it just feels so good.”
your eyes widened as the final lyrics left your mouth. you did it— who are you kidding, of course you did. you knew you had it in you. and with that, the crowd cheered. you let go of the microphone stand that you didn’t even remember grabbing hold of, and smiled. in a matter of second you felt arms around you.
“you did amazing, y/n!” jirou congratulated.
“you sounded great!” mina added with a wide grin.
you smiled and hugged the two girls back, “thanks guys...”
the six of you eventaully made your ways back to backstage.
“did you guys see how everyone applauded?! they loved us out there!” kaminari grinned. the rest of you nodded, giving each other compliments on how well they played. you looked over to find bakugou looking at you. you smiled, walking over to sit next to him.
“you... you did good, dumbass,” he gave you a subtle smile, “if i’m being honest, i didn’t think you were gonna do it.”
you chuckled a bit before looking up at him, “would you believe me if i said i didn’t either?”
the blonde shook his head, “hell no. you let go of your bass and everything. you knew you were gonna hit it. there was too much confidence in your movements to say otherwise.”
“thank you.” you said after a few moments of silence between you two.
“yeah, whatever.”
“no, seriously,” you said putting a hand on his shoulder. he felt his cheeks heat up as he looked into your eyes. they had the same sincere look the always did, “you’re a great teacher. and i could tell you genuinely believed in me. that made it easier to preform.”
bakugou was silent for a second, “yeah. anytime..”
you engulfed the boy into a hug before you began towards the rest of the band.
“oh uh, y/n?”
you turned around, “hm?”
“you should consider joining the band... we could use you here. and you’re... cool to hand around. i-i guess, i uh... like having you around and you’re talented or whatever... so yeah.”
you smiled, “are you sure you just don’t want to keep me around a bit longer for your own sake?” you teased.
“wh-what?! hell no, dumbass. you’re delusional.” bakugou retorted.
“mhm, whatever. in any case, i’ll think about it, cutie.”
idk of i want to leave this open ended, or make a second part- lmk? :) anyways, hope you enjoyed !
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jjfics · 4 years
Room 19 ll 02
ship: Harry Potter x female!Reader
read part one here
summary: they finally meet the mysterious wizards after getting to know each other better that same morning
author: your bestie Jane Jack, also known as JJ
word count: 1760 (it is a bit shorter this time)
a/n: i am so so so happy some of you liked the first part so i will continue with this story. i wasnt on call this time so no news from my bff, sorry, ill ask them for a cool quote for next time though!
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“Thank you, darling. We’ll take the seats in the corner. Could you bring us two coffees and,” Potter turned to look at you and raised his eyebrows “one croissant?” You nodded shyly.
“That would be 13£, but I’ll only charge you 10, the croissant is on me,” the woman taking your order smiled. “Since you have such a pretty girlfriend” she winked.
Your cheeks flushed red as Potter pulled your waist impossibly closer to him. “I know, right?” he chuckles.
The walk to the cafe was silent, but it felt different than the trip you two had the other day. There was no need to talk. In fact, you felt as though the moment you would open your mouth you would say something stupid about what happened last night, like apologizing for taking up so much space or doing something so unprofessional. But you did not want to apologize, because you had never felt less sorry for something. There was this weird energy between the two of you. You craved the feeling of being close to him again.
The table Potter chose was very strategic. The predictable head of the group of wizards and witches who called themselves the Forsakens would choose the grandiose table in the middle of the cafe. So the corner was a shadowed place where you would not have been recognized while you could very easily observe the others.
Still, benefits are tied to come with cons and so you were forced to cuddle into each other once again on a small leather couch. His hand did not leave your waist even as you sat down. It was hard not to notice such details, like how he could not keep eye contact for long when you spoke, how your hands brushed together when you both leaned over the table to take a sip of your hot coffee. You blamed it all on the weird situation you were in. In any other circumstances, he would not have been behaving like this, for sure.
“Hey, Potter. Could I ask you something?”
“You know you don’t have to call me Potter, right?” he smiled.
“We are work colleagues,” you said, but you wished you didn’t. Because you knew very well that saying things out loud only makes them more real.
“Yeah, but I don’t call you y/ln. I never heard you say you don’t like it when I call you y/n.” You did like it, it made you feel welcomed whenever talking to him, which until this morning was very rare. But you were not going to tell him that and feed his ego even more.
“It’s acceptable, but mind you, you are on thin ice,” you pointed a finger at him and his hand shifted softly on your waist as he laughed.
“It would be acceptable for you to call me Harry too, you know? I mean, we are supposed to be dating after all. For the mission.”
“For the mission” you agreed
“So you will call me Harry?”
“I will,” you promised. The gesture of reassurance alone made his head float.
While waiting for the Forsakens to appear you found out a lot about Harry. Many things surprised you. The papers always lie to make everything more attractive to their readers, but they also leave out the small details. Like how Harry still has panic attacks, even long after the war. How he always has nightmares about all the people he cared about.
“I feel sorry knowing this now,” you tried to empathize but it wasn’t going that well. You had never been part of war before.
“You don’t have to be. Not today, at least. I had quite a pleasant dream last night.”
“Oh, did you? And what was it about then?”
"Someone hugged me. I think it was a woman; I’m not sure. I didn’t get to see her face.”
“Is that all you remember?” you persisted. It broke your heart to know that this was his idea of a good dream: nothing extraordinary, but the most mundane form of comfort.
“Yeah, that’s all. What I know is that she was there in the beginning. It felt like she always had been” his eyes were distant as he talked. “She left me, and I was once again alone.”
And it was then that it all made sense to you. He was nice to you now because there were no nightmares to haunt him through the day.
You turned to face him and got really close to his face. “I’m so sorry. For being so shitty with you the other day,” you whispered. “It was just the stress from work.”
“I know.” he smiled. “It’s alright. I let myself get carried away too. We need to cooperate for the mission.”
“So does that mean that our little argument and Ben Nelson stepping in will not be included in the letter to the Minister for Magic?” you raised your eyebrows.
“Oh I totally am not telling Hermione any of that.” he laughed. “No, that will stay between us.”
It was around 11 am that you spotted some oddly dressed people enter the already busy cafe. In the lead was a tall woman who wore black heels and a long red satin dress with robes of a darker shade draped over her shoulders. Her face was covered by a long curtain of dark curly hair.
Just behind her were two other women, both slightly shorter. Those were dressed in the same way the first one was; the colors were the only thing that varied: their fair skin was adored by greens and purples.
The two men following them were both dressed in black suits that would not make them attract much attention if it weren’t for their companions.
The dark-skinned woman who was so obviously the one making decisions pointed to the big table in the middle of the cafe and her followers seated themselves. No words were spoken as she left them and entered a door the waitress once had.
“These must be them. They fit the description perfectly,” you mumbled and Harry nodded beside you.
“The head’s name is Anika. She has connections to the waitress as her mom’s sister. Anika is muggle-born. She never told her aunt that she’s a witch but she and her gang are allowed to gather here sometimes.” Harry said in a monotone voice. What a good professor he would have been.
“I read the instructions, Harry” you rolled your eyes at him. He smiled when he heard his name come from your lips.
“‘M just making sure, y/n.”
Anika returned quite quickly and she sat down on the side with the men, facing the other women. She took out a leather notebook from her robes and put it in the middle of the table.
“Does anyone know why it’s still here?” you could faintly hear her cold voice. Everyone else around her shook their heads.
“Heajin and I did our part.” the woman dressed in purple said defensively.
“So did Aaron and I,” one of the men on Anika’s right said more calmly, almost like he was trying to prove a point.
“I don’t care about what any of you did,” she looked them one by one in the eye. “I don’t want to hear you brag about how hard the task was for you, Aaron and Heajin. You two have always found everything challenging. I would normally be more forgiving, congratulate you even. But I can’t as long as this piece of absolute rubbish hasn’t dissolved.” Anika pointed to the notebook. “Understood?” she hit the table with her palm. The others did not flinch.
All of them nodded angrily, got up, and left the cafe in a rush. But it seemed as though their boss was not done talking yet. She scoffed, annoyed at the others’ behaviors, and vanished through the door after them.
Whatever you were expecting to happen today, was not this. The short discussion you had just overheard from your corner only brought more confusion. You had expected them to be a group of foolish wizards who want to rebel. But you had never expected them to be talking about real tasks. Rethinking everything now, you came to the conclusion that the situation was serious if Hermione Granger-Weasley sent her best two Aurors (and those had been her words) on a mission personally. She considered Ron one of the best too of course, but she would never risk his life if she could help.
It would make no sense for you to follow them. They would be back here the next day. Harry took out his wallet and put 15 pounds next to his cup on the table. He intertwined your fingers with his and got up as well. “Let’s go, love,” he said loudly enough, announcing that you were leaving now too.
Harry didn’t bother to look back at the cafe but you turned your head last second to see if anyone had a weird reaction to what had just happened. And you saw it sitting there. The small leather notebook was left in the middle of the table. No one seemed to take notice of the piece of rubbish being left behind. You squeezed Harry’s hand and he stopped just as he wanted to open the door and leave. You dragged him over to the table to make it less obvious.
“Look, babe, I told you there was a stain on the tablecloth on this one,” you said sweeping your hand over it and clenched your hand around the notebook. “It’s better that we sat over there.” Harry squeezed the hand that was still in his. He got your message.
You were panting hard as you threw the hotel door open. It was quite the work-out you got from running back here. Harry was behind you, locking it right back shut. You ran to the window and pushed it hard. Your whistle could be heard for miles probably. There was no time left to worry over your owl’s whereabouts as she was there in less than a minute.
She landed on your shoulder and bit your ear softly. “Good girl, Idiv.” you petted her grey head.
“y/n.” he shouted your name. “y/n, come here please!”
“What?” you turned around.
“We need to let Hermione know everything. As soon as possible. Get a quill ready.” he rushed you.
“Shouldn’t we read the notebook first?”
“Oh sure we will but we better start writing already and send Idiv on her way to the Ministry.”
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. tag list!
@ur-riddikulus @anyqueen008 @fuckingalohomora-bitch
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peachypunk22 · 3 years
Harringrove Feedback Fest
not me participating in something when I haven’t been active in months 😅 
fic recs from AO3 authors that inspire me! these fics are all incredible and i’ve re-read each one listed multiple times!! 
@gothyringwald thank you for putting this together! its such a cute idea!
knit more tightly together by lymrics (E) @lymricks
part one of the blues in chicago series. i think one of the first harringrove fics I read. love the steve/billy dynamic and so emotional and high tension that im pretty sure it made me cry at some point? even though it’s not a sad fic! idk it just really pulled some emotion up. literally the fic that got me into the fandom and wanting to write for it! the whole series is amazing!
Steve takes a second to feel relieved it's not Dustin getting all sorts of arrested in places he shouldn’t be, then he goes back to staring.
It's Billy, who looks as good now as he did the last time Steve saw him: three years ago. He looks just as complicated, too. He’s got bruises on his face, a split lip.
star-crossed bullshit (black holes feast) by ?? (E)
this work got orphaned, but i’m so glad the author didn’t delete because it’s one of my all time faves! strong dom/sub undertones and messy relationship with an incredible use of the unreliable narrator! plus it has mechanic!billy 
Billy makes a mixtape for when he fucks boys, except it’s on Spotify, and he’s only fucking Steve, and all the songs are oddly, and suspiciously, romantic.
liquor (on your lips, makes you dangerous) by eternalgoldfish (E) @eternalgoldfish
i love a college!au with some gross hot Billy and this one is so good. equal parts cute, funny, and sweet with a side of kinky that I hadn’t read before
“Careful, sweetie, don’t break a nail,” Billy said, leaning over Steve’s shoulder, lazy cat’s-grin gleaming up to his eyes.
“I’m not going to break a fucking nail.” Steve hissed and elbowed him, like he hadn’t been thinking the same thing as he struggled to wedge one of his shiny red nails into his wallet’s tight leather pockets.
Or, Steve makes a bet he can't win and Billy doesn't realize his mistake.
i’m saucing on you by Boardingschooled (E)
speaking of college!au’s this one has fratboy!Billy being gross hot in all the best ways. also sweaty concert grinding, boys being absolutley smitten, and waffle house breakfast dates? it’s like college slaps you in the face and makes you listen to AMINE and it’s great
Steve wants a ticket to the biggest party on campus; Billy's got one with Steve's name on it.
Tale as Old as Time by hoppnhorn (M) @hoppnhorn
i’m an absolute sucker for beauty and the beast au’s and hoppnhorn is such a fantastic writer that i had to include this one
Prince William, imprisoned in the form of a beast, can be freed only by true love. What may be his only opportunity arrives when he meets Steven, a man who bewitches him from the very moment he steps foot in his enchanted castle.
Honeyed Wine by Antarc (T) @rascheln
am i biased because this fic has literally all of the thing i like because it was written for me? perhaps. but for real, this fic is SO sweet and well-written! it has baker!billy and a twist at the end that i did not see coming at all. every time i read it i just have a huge smile on my face
While he recovers from an injury at Robin's farm and helps run her market stall, Steve unexpectedly reunites with his old high school rival. Billy, once a tough asshole who got into weekly fights, is now a proud owner of the best bakery in town and mans the stall right next to Steve's- with the best croissants Steve has ever eaten.
samarra by gothyringwald (T) @gothyringwald
i think this was the first fic in a long time that i’ve read that took a more gen/mystery/sci-fi approach, with the romance taking a backseat for most of it, and honestly this fic made me remember how much i like reading. the story and universe building is excellent. very trippy and gives off a lot of twin peaks dream walking surrealist vibes.
When the kids bring Billy back from the dead, it doesn’t go quite as expected: he’s alive but his soul has been left behind. And Steve is the only person who can bring it back.
Salt in the Wound by SheWritesDirty (E) @shewritesdirty
if ‘fuck your enemies’ was a genre, this would be THE fic. rough, gritty, and violent. I could wax poetic about how much I love the writing style and imagery and how different it feels in comparison to other fic. steve and billy are toxic and messy and so bad that its good
The way he ate slow, like his jaw hurt. Like it was tender, like whatever had put that bruise on his face had left more of an impact than just… flesh and bone. And now that he was seeing it... Steve knew that he hadn’t done that to Billy.
That someone else had, after that night and over the weekend... someone else had gotten their hands on Billy and put karma into his skin.
And he still hadn’t looked at Steve.
Here I Go Again by HeckinaHandbasket (E) (WIP) @heck-in-a-handbasket
oh god oblivious!Steve is top tier in this A/B/O fic. combine with a lifeguard!billy that’s trying (and failing) in his rough, fumbling way to make it obvious that he’s courting him and you get this adorable mess. it’s so sweet and funny and the rest of the gang are actual little kids that run around and create havoc. i’m always excited when it updates!
Not just a new lifeguard, either. No, Billy was the lifeguard supervisor.
Because of course he was, the prick.
Swing Away by lemonlovely (E)
sports!au sports!au sports!au - specifically a baseball!au that actually serves as a really cool character exploration of billy and his dad and sports. this one is so bittersweet and i love the dynamic between steve and billy as they figure out a rocky start to a friendship and romance
Steve and Billy go to the same Hawkins Baseball Camp that Steve's been going to since he was a kid, and Billy is not particularly thrilled to be there - he fucking hates baseball, alright? And he tells Steve as much.
lamp-bright rind by nagdabbit (G) 
chef!Billy teaching his neighbor Steve how to cook au. unbelievably sweet and a writing style that is unique, expressive, and comedic. you really fall in love with the characters, as flawed as they may be, and the descriptions of food. did i mention its an almost 100k slow-burn? 
Billy spies on his cute neighbor, his cute neighbor doesn't know how to cook. Luckily, Billy can do something about that.
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janeykath318 · 3 years
The Best Worst Day Of Your Life: Bucky x Reader
It was an incredibly awkward way to meet one's’s future spouse, but looking back on it later, you realized it would make an incredible tale to tell your future children. It started with you being dumped at the altar, because the man you were crazy in love with and had promised to marry changed his mind. 
You’d fled the church, unable to face your friends and family, and wandered until you found a bench, just inside the nearby cemetery. 
Throwing yourself down on it, you cried your eyes out. How could he do this to you? He’d told you many times he’d looked forward to being your husband. He’d been counting down the days with you and eagerly planning the future. You couldn’t figure out what had suddenly changed and how you hadn’t seen it coming. 
As the sobs turned to sniffles, you heard footsteps coming up beside you and someone cleared their throat.
“Ma’am? Are you alright?” a deep voice asked.
You blinked away the tears to see a tall brown haired man standing there, looking at you with concern. He wore a lot of leather and was a bit scruffy and you probably wouldn't have acknowledged him if you’d been thinking straight. However, You were too heartbroken to care about stranger danger. 
“No,” you said bluntly, wiping away more tears. So much for that mascara. 
“I just got dumped at the altar. The best day of my life just became the worst.”
The stranger winced. 
“Aw. That’s terrible,” he sympathized. “I’ll never understand why people wait until the last second if they can’t go through with it. A real Dick move.”
“Clearly, he didn’t have much of one,” you said bitterly. 
You noticed he had a bunch of flowers in his hands and you realized that your ugly sobbing had probably disturbed his graveside vigil. 
Very embarrassed, you buried your face in your hands. 
“And I’ve been making a spectacle of myself in this cemetery. I’m so sorry to bother you, Mister. I promise I’m not that inconsiderate normally.” 
“I wouldn’t say Crying is generally considered out of place in a cemetery,” the man observed. “And you aren’t bothering me. I was just paying my semi regular respects. My parents have been gone for years and I like to bring flowers for them.”
“That’s very sweet of you,” you said. 
There was something very familiar about his face, but you couldn’t think what it was. It was a very nice face, though. 
Picking yourself up, you dusted off your dress, hoping it wouldn’t be stained. Your attempt to walk forward, however, didn’t go well as your heels sank in the damp grass.
“Argh!” You groaned. “I did not think this through.”
Sitting back down, you removed your shoes. Better to get dirty feet than a dirty expensive dress. 
“Can you get back okay?” The stranger asked. 
“I think so,” you nodded. “You seem like a good guy. I hope your special someone appreciates you.”
Cute stranger cracked a very attractive grin. (His chin had an adorable dimple that you tried your hardest not to stare at.)
“I don’t have one, but thanks. I hope your ex realizes what an idiot he was.” 
“Thanks,” you said with a grateful smile, glancing back toward the church. Your stomach churned, but you couldn’t avoid it much longer. “I’d better get going before they send out a search party. Time to face this mess.” 
“So long. Hope your day gets better,” offered leather guy. 
With a wave, you started back toward the church, thinking it was a shame such a nice guy was still single, never dreaming you’d meet him again.
 Nearly three years later, after having sworn off romance in the wake of your own disaster, you were finally persuaded by an old college friend to go on a double date with her. It took a lot of pleading from Darcy, but when she said she was dating the new Captain America, you were more inclined to go through with it, if for nothing else than to meet the amazing Sam Wilson. 
“Ok, fine. But his friend better be worth this,” you told her. “I’m not breaking my drought for some average dudebro.”
Darcy grinned in delight. 
“There is nothing average about either of them. Trust me,” she said with a naughty grin.
Turned out Sam Wilson was a very charming guy and super cool when being introduced to you. You could see right away why he and Darcy were so good together and your misgivings were somewhat eased.
“So, please introduce me to your mysterious friend that no one will give me any clues about,” you said, looking pointedly at Darcy. 
Sam pulled his friend out of the corner where  he’d been lurking and pushed him toward you.
“Y/N, meet James Barnes, otherwise known as Bucky, otherwise known as a pain in the ass.”
You and Bucky looked at each other and then a shock of recognition had you exclaiming in unison, “Cemetery guy!!”  “Jilted Bride!” 
You stared at each other in disbelief, Sam and Darcy also wide-eyed, before the realization of who he was sank in.
“You’re Bucky Barnes?” You gasped out.
Bucky was looking very nervous now. 
“Is that going to be a problem?” He asked, in a wary way that suggested it HAD been a problem before.
“Nope. I’m just flabbergasted I didn’t recognize you before. There was something about you that made me instinctively trust you, even though you were a stranger. I could tell you were a good guy.” 
“Awww,” Darcy crooned as a crooked smile appeared on Bucky’s face. 
“Let’s get our table and you can fill us in on your mysterious meeting! I demand details!” And Darcy herded you into the restaurant with unbridled enthusiasm. 
When you and Bucky had finished your story, Sam and Darcy both went “awww!”
“So, you know about me, then?” Bucky asked quietly. 
You nodded and he gave a sigh of relief. 
“Well, I’ll take it as a good sign you’re still here.”
He looked hopeful and your heart was filled with emotions. This man was a hero who’d spent years brainwashed and forced to do horrible things, but he really was a very good man. 
“This is the first time I’ve gone on a date since he dumped me,” you admitted. “I haven’t really wanted to, unless the guy gave me the same vibes you did.” 
Bucky smiled at you very warmly. 
“Thanks for giving it a chance, Y/N. I haven’t had much luck dating either. I think I was subconsciously comparing them all to you.”
You felt entirely too giddy at this statement. 
“Their loss,” you said with a wink. “So, do I get to see your other hand, or is that a third date kind of thing?” You asked boldly, glancing at his left arm, which he’d kept mostly concealed in the leather jacket. 
Sam snorted and Darcy chuckled, but Bucky turned pink and almost sheepishly placed his metal left hand on the table. 
“Force of habit,” he said. “Freaks people out.”
“Not me. I think it’s gorgeous,” you told him, admiring the intricate design. “Wakanda?”
“Yep,” Bucky said, flexing it. “They’re geniuses. Fixed my brain and everything. No more worrying about being turned into the soldier again.”
“I’m very happy for you, Bucky,” you told him, feeling genuine joy for his good news. “I can’t imagine what a relief that must be.”
Sam and Darcy took charge of the conversation for a while and you and Bucky mostly stole glances at each other. Somehow, though, your hand ended up clasped in his metal one. 
“So, were you able to resell your dress then?” Bucky asked. “I’ve heard they can put quite a dent in one’s wallet these days.”
“Yeah, actually I was,” you told him. “A friend of mine bought it and wore it to her wedding, which had a much happier result. At least one good thing came out of that mess.” 
“Only one?” He asked, squeezing your hand gently.
“Well……..I guess we’re about to find out,” you told him, smiling shyly. 
A couple years later, you were wearing white again, but this time the groom showed up, looking unbelievably handsome and grinning ear to ear. 
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