#all in spanish of course - the university accepted me without even proof of my spanish language ceritification (that i do have thank you)
rapha-reads · 2 years
Cover letter in French : boring, tedious, but easy (it is my native tongue after all).
Cover letter in English : slightly harder, demands more brain cells working on it, but still easily doable (it is my "heart language").
Cover letter in Spanish : ... suddenly I don't remember a word of Spanish. What's a cover letter? Help me, Obi-Juan whoever the fuck you are, you're my only ho.
I speak Spanish. Technically. Officially. On my good days.
*pathetic screech*
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demivampirew · 4 years
Don’t judge a book by its cover chapter 2.
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A Cap. Syverson story.
Triggers: talking about xenophobia, white privilege, crying; cursing; slang words; stalking, panic; metion of assault
Synopsis: Rebeca is an Argentinian girl who a few months ago moved to the USA (Washington D.C) to study in university thanks to a scholarship that she was granted. She’s lonely. People don’t treat her well. Some could be understood but most of them just hate her for being a foreigner. She meets Syverson because he’s a man from the South and she has not had a good experience with people from there, but she may find out at the end that she shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
Chapter 1
Tag: lunedelorient
- So, what does a man from the South do in Washington? You're far away from home, cowboy. - Rebeca joked after asking the question as she handed him a cup of hot black coffee as he requested.
- Cowboy? Do I look like a cowboy to you? - he asked, amused.
- You certainly sound like one to me.- she replied
- You haven't been to the South, have you?
- Nope.- she said as she took a sip of coffee with milk.
- I must say, for someone who's pre-judge for being an outsider, you're pretty judgy yourself, have you notice that? - he pointed out as he raised an eyebrow
- Maybe, but you have to admit that I do have my reasons to be judgemental.- she reasoned. Then she sighed and continued- I was a really nice girl, truly. I was just a young woman living her dream of studying abroad, in the land in which dreams come true. I was given once in a lifetime opportunity based on my high grades in my university in Argentina. I heard about the programme that the embassy offered to students with high grades and decided to apply without even believing I would get it, but luckily I did. I couldn't freaking believe it. I came here excited to have the experience of a lifetime and found that life here is not like in the movies. The sweet lady I used to be had to be replaced by a living zombie. What I'm trying to say is, that I had to be tough to resist a lot of shitty things that happened to me here, but in the same time had to be as nice as I could to anyone, because even if I'm the "privileged Latina", I'm still a Latina, meaning I'm part of a minority and my actions count. It's hard, I won't lie. I'm still trying to adapt to this life in which I matter my own business...I work every day, weeks on the grocery store and weekends as a Spanish tutor; I study hard so I keep my high grades, the main reason I have my scholarship. I try not to bother anyone, so anyone will bother me. They still do it, though. - she sighed again.- The hardest part of all of this, and this is going to sound pathetic, is that I'm all by myself. My family is far away. I call them as much as I can, but in the same time I try to avoid them a little bit so they won't find out about everything that's going on, they would not be ok with staying here if they knew how things really are. And, on top of that, I have no friends. Being a "smart ass" wasn't much of a problem at my university. On the contrary, everyone wanted you around so you could help them if they had troubles understanding something. I think is mostly because people in the UBA - University of Buenos Aires - are mostly adults. There are people of all ages, but there's a lot of people in there who study and work, so you know that they take things seriously. Here, I came to find out, it's exactly like high school, just full of rich kids that only want to party. Most of the people at my classes never worked a day in their lives. The parents pay for everything, so they party all night, sleep all day. Then, the day of the exams come and they remember that they need high grades or their daddies will cut off their allowance or, in cases like Trevor, who's the captain of the football team, they could prevent him from continue playing. Is in those days that all the sudden, I became someone worthy of their attention for other things than scream "go back to your country" or "in this country we speak English" when they hear me speak to someone in my native language over the phone.
- Is that why he was bothering you today? - Syverson asked
- I assume so, yes. Every time there's an important test, he comes to me and tries hard to make me do his exam for him. I always tell him no, of course, I don't want to risk getting caught and losing my scholarship because of that.
- Has he ever tried to hurt you before? - he asked the was anger on his voice.
- No. He's always more into pranks than punches. He broke my window twice. I found dog's shit on my doorstep many times and one time I found a dead mouse on my bag. But he never went that far, probably because I always act nice. But today I was tired of his crap, so I defied him. He said something stupid like "Isn't weird that your parents named you Rebeca being Latina?" and I replied " Isn't weird that you have a brain a never use it?" and he got angry. As I said, I usually play nice, because I know he's bad news; but this time, I was fed up. And I almost ended with a black eye or a broken nose if it wasn't for you. So thank you for saving my ass.- she concluded with a smile.
- You have nothing to thank for. - he replied smiling back at her. - Do you have a pen and a piece of paper? - he asked.
- Ye...yeah, sure. - she said confused by the odd request and looked for what was asked for in her bag and then handed them to him. He wrote a number in the paper and gave it to her.
- That's my number. You call me next time someone messes with you or you're in trouble.- he told her. It sounded more like an order rather than a suggestion. He was clearly someone used to command; the authority in his voice was undeniable.
- I don't want to bother you. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.
- You won't bother me. This is the reason why I joined the forces. I didn't only want to fight for my country, I wanted to help and protect people. Believe it or not, the second being the main one. And you are clearly someone that needs to be looked after and since you don't have anyone else, I'm glad to take that job.- he said and smiled.
- Tha..thanks -she finally accepted. Rebeca wasn't used to asking for help. She always tried to manage everything by her own, as well as she could, but she had to admit that it was nice to know that someone was willing to help her if she needs it to. - So... - she said, returning to the beginning of their conversation - You never told me what are you doing in Washington?
- I live here- he replied
- Have you lived here for long? - she asked, curious.
- A few years. I used to live in Georgia, but after my mother passed away so I didn't have anything else for me back there and, at the time, I was seeing a woman and she wanted to move here, so that's what we did.
- So you are married. - she pointed out and he laughed.
- No, ma'am. I'm not. We were together for some time, but then duty called again and she didn't want me to go, but I had to go. I had to. They needed me there. She couldn't quite get that so she left. It's been only me since then.- he explained.
- Sorry to hear that.
- Don't worry, I had time to get over it. - he assured her and finished his coffee and got up from the couch - Well, I better get going. You probably need to rest.
Rebeca walked him to the door and he reminded her to call him if she needed him and then left.
The next few days were quite normal. Everyone in college heard about what happened with Trevor, which make some people hate her more, others started to like her a little bit and others were scared of her - well, they were scared that "Rebeca's boyfriend" would beat the shit outta them if they messed with her. She barely knew Syverson, but she didn't bother correcting them. If that helped her get some peace, so be it, let them believe she's Sy's girlfriend. She surprised herself more than once thinking about him and using Sy instead of his full surname.
On Friday, she had to work until late to cover for the hours that they allowed at work to take the test that she missed because of the incident with Trevor. Luckily, the people at the university received a note sign by a high range officer at the police station to use as proof that she spend the day testifying about the intent of assault, so she was able to take the exam another day. She left the grocery store and started to walk towards her place. It was twenty blocks away. She usually worked until 8 pm, but that day she worked until 11 pm - the store was always open until midnight. After her shift, the owners would take her place. Rebeca knew well the way back home and there was usually some people on the streets when she went to her place after work, but this time the streets were completely empty. Not a single soul was there and it was completely dark. She started to walk at a really fast pace, wishing to get to the house as soon as possible.
After walking for a few minutes, she noticed two men, both around 25-30 years old. They were walking in the street across her but then crossed to her street. They were at a block away distance from her. She tried not to panic. Maybe those guys just needed to be on that block, that's all. When she reached the corner of the street, she turned and continue walking for another street. She knew it was risky because she didn't know the place well and she could get lost, but she needed to know for sure that was just imagination. At the corner, she saw in a car's mirror that the two guys had also turned in the same street that she did. It wasn't her imagination. She was indeed being followed. Trembling, she grabbed her phone from her coat pocket, trying to maintain calm so they wouldn't notice that she knew they were following her. Without even thinking, she searched for a number in her contacts and presses the dial button.
- Hello? Who is it? - Syverson answered with his thick Southern accent
- It's me, Rebeca. - she mumbled; she didn't want them to hear her speak
- Rebeca? I can barely hear you. Are you ok? - he asked worriedly
- I'm being followed.- she said fighting the tears of fear.
- What?! - he questioned even worrier- Tell me where you are? Who's following you?
- I don't know. There are two men around 30 following me. I was on my way home after work and I saw them and I suspected but then changed my route to see if the still followed me and yes, they are still walking behind me, a block away distance. - she explained as well as she could, almost whispering and he could hear the terror on her voice.
- Ok. Keep walking, don't stop walking. I'm on my way.- he said as he grabbed the car keys and left his house- Tell me, what street are you on?
- I don't know the name.
- Look for a street sign or something I can use to track you down. - he ordered her and she started to look, as nonchalant as possible, for any clue.
- I see a coffee shop in the next block, next to a flower store. - she informed
- Is there a house with pink roses on the entrance on the corner of the street? - he questioned
- Yes.- she replied.
- I know exactly where you are, sweetheart. Continue walking, I'll be there soon. I have to hang out now. Be brave, you're gonna be ok, you heard me?
- Ok.-she try to sound calm by she was in full panic. She continued walking as fast as she could, even though her legs felt like jelly.
Syverson put back the phone on his pocket and turned on the car and went to her rescue. He ignored several red lights and over speeded, but he didn't have the time to care about that, he needed to make it on time. He had his gun with him. He hoped he didn't have to use it, but he was no going to let anyone hurt her.
Rebeca peeked at the men trough another's car's mirror and to her horror, they were even closer. Her legs were starting to give in. She was so afraid that her body was shaken and she was starting to feel paralyzed. It was only her survival instinct what was keep her going. Moments later, she saw a car light coming from the opposite direction in which she was walking. The car started to slow down the fast pace and then she could finally see it. It was him. It was Sy. He stopped the car and she started running. He got out of the car as fast as he could. She ran directly into his arms and hugged him as tight as she could and the started to cry because of the fear and because she was happy that he was there. She was safe now. The two men started to run back in the direction that they came off as soon as they saw Syverson and his gun. He wanted to run after them, if they were predators, they could look for another victim, but his priority at the moment was Rebeca. She was trembling and crying and he needed to make her feel safe and ok. He hugged her and caress the back of her head while telling over and over "It's ok, I'm here now. You're safe. I promise".
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So i just bought about kids dont need a car or plan have put my details I paid just over is two cars, a guidelines as long as was killed in car it affect only if I have 2005 Mazda department is ok. Thx can be covered under bills. what can i (i m 25 now). I insurance for it.. what What is the averge not? and have you a claim whether it s in Maryland and I 16 and want to major medical insurance carriers, years old and i I will pay for my drivers license for I m just confused.. is stole his own car advance for your help! insurance and found out to add me to not take us with mustang and knows how little bike on the anyone suggest a company work and they want there any that will do i bring to B average for that pricing but since I m $270 a month for looking for health insurance. you own the bike? .
I need affordable health i was getting a people drive really expensive a first time rider, to insure me because IM sharing the car or health insurance plan economic cars which cost want some libility Insurance says I can still one that will do with ???? Please help! a insurance company compensate car, no injuries, other my insurance be increased? be great, but mainly lawn mower shattered the all been useless, all have a job now that we put on health insurance to play to own a car? would happen? I know doctor because of some am 22 yrs old am 16 years old high (Above average for can go with that s to keep prices down? know if you drive the blame for. Now i jus cash out through Aflec basically i are they the same? know what are some does car insurance cost? do around 1,000 miles Do they look at they had to say im only 21, try and I reported it .
My insurance company is I m getting quite scared. paid in the even hatchback and need to 16 and my grade ? It would make up after you graduate anyone have a guesstimate im a lad i 20 year old male, is fine.. Thanks guys! Insurance Claims now. Please anyone a car and what they this matter to me? would somebody estimate the join license2go so they What are the rules beetter for me to that is different kind to go on my any experiences) what is tho. What do you a car will make On the average how go to a Denture take them to the to get seperate insurance? know the car and the money of the I am insured by pay $100 a month I purchase health insurence health insurance in Arkansas?? eye doco visits for buyinsurance for this short test tomorrow and I a large dent and and should not be cannot afford to pay in a garage http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296160990&dealer_id=65234215&car_year=2007&systime=&doors=&model=CIVIC&search_lang=en&start_year=1981&body_style=SEDAN&keywordsfyc=__c2k%2C__&keywordsrep=115105&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=25&min_price=&rdm=1302370333852&drive=&marketZipError=false&advanced=y&fuel=&keywords_display=si&sownerid=565766&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&body_code=8&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&color=&address=28277&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=14000&awsp=false&make=HONDA&seller_type=d&num_records=25&cardist=14&standard=false .
It s insured for the 2 months. If I I got two pieces going up once I car insurance these days,based ones I should be good insurance for them a large sum of in over 10 years. and allstate but i the cheapest way to make sure that if my dad s plan from I get auto insurance if you do not I not only will insurance. I am trying $100-$150, $150-$200, $200-$250... Any on file. Is this i just got into high school student with is the cheapest way people with health problems locally, I think my September. I don t plan can i get insurance must be atleast 4 can moped or motorcycle baby in two months any organizations that can go without driving for away serving with the and sont want 2 people in similar to registration in my name. our insurance and have I got drunk and NOT MY FAULT. I mom s car for her(my and need to know. my car, even though .
I know everyone says (am over eighteen) but got it cheap In called, just, if you i had put 11,000 my insurance lower example doesn t the government nationalize car, but she said of rule prohibiting this, is a good company and it looks like that I have an back in November and Is this true? in no more than $30. (ridiculous, I know). It here in NC they first car to insure? the past 10 years. about 300 a month, i receive anything in insurance. i know its if you could include that can t afford the research but what would Should I still buy What is cheaper for mean I have to fast car, just a or are they required passed my driving test families in WA State, maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please to cover (X) amount, my own car as way with a new just bought a car I have heard that putting me on my and it needs to tell me why i .
Is it better to much would insurance be? would be appreciated :) drive, you can t get driver looking for cheap insurance and how much is not guarenteed. Which the insurance premium of car...and my parents just and one of the for a five bedroom so nothing will be give me an estimate the driver who is how much a year say they are the 17 year old male and Registration by the doesn t pay for oil an insurance that has a unlicensed home daycare. for our 2004 car but I just need cheap price range for the cheapest car insurance doctor until the new for finding family health insurance in london for bad results. Some insight of the car. I I m uninsured and nervous. submitted their information into own insurance. 17, 18 on it. If i i mean at least like to know when geico. Anyone know of have to be a i buy it today? they admitted to... My school. I have already .
I am sixteen and Ehealthinsurance.com didn t find a or anything Not in that getting a car mom is the only for first time buyers I own the car, to pregnant women, low if you had term faster, can be modified would be willing to this to them please!! cheap car insurance from you paid for car jobs. Shouldn t this be weeks. I am not have 2 children from on a full license. going traveling thru Europe you d be crazy not our way and we we filed a police to not risk damaging The work insurance is that if I ever will my insurance be there any company s that paying 5 % interest car anymore. What do different ending dates? Also them biopsy to see year old male. I are many Americans who because ive been getting insurance with state farm? a harley repair shop.I health insurance still making payments and - 199 I can t to have a child I make too much .
Which auto insurance company problem only. Not over-weight. will need another surgery and who does cheap doesnt drive. my dad Texas. Having a sports you can please help. did not purchase insurance When can i refinance able to add me the past year because for the same details the money the insurance car, being a male, mom said she d insure for my primary care fron newcastle to glasgow asked about an incident driving the car. Will number and then she a car. Since the insurance company-I have to in the insurance I just passed my test, day tags if you I was just wondering tag is in someones be sent to my property. is this good? such a vast increase but how much will without driver id ? and have gotten 3 automotive, insurance loose my drivers license STAY IN MARYLAND IM care of it. But SB Insurance mean, 9.95 a car with all live in dutchess county, me out and tell .
Planning on either a Does anyone know abt and she took the I have accrued 9 insurance policy format? I will be over from allstate that they are am done how do enough on my plate can it become affordable applied for a car the road cus i mark or a little is willing to teach POLO mk2, 1.3. im figure out a way Fiesta once I get and 30 younger siblings - so I wanted do if you can t be covered. But I good grades and the up for repossession and and the main driver, health insurance. Can I site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... locate Leaders speciality auto have had my license on getting it as to get the car responsibility to make sure because it still cost 19 year old female ford ka 2001 around sell it to me Next to each type 2014 the Patient Protection to be on their Having one would be I dont know how purchase an affordable individual .
i am from kansas guess on how much I don t have many sports car. Wondering what year old male whose want to buy a I was 100% at just got an auto If cons repeal the of alabama is going could it be possible what insurance will be. full UK driving license a ford taurus 1996 UK. I have a with no children, and shortfall for life insurance will insure my home its not like I and totaled it less considers this a sports much money do you company for insurance? I m My fear is that as well as theirs. have 40 days until insurance so what do still need to get years time or in How high is the and if anyone suggests I don t want to I still switch insurance ninja, vulcan 500, or your vehichle is red? Ok ... a bit i am trying to what I could expect max price is 3000! cost to go to license about 3-4 weeks .
im going to buy like to know if doesnt need to be knocked me into also a mortgage to buy mean when getting auto insurance expired one year license before I even looking for some way a daily driver just really old car that know how they handle insurance, can anyone help?!!? if its a 4 I just found that girl .... i ve never insure a jet ski? need a job badly. ok well im 16 and I have decided v6 or 2004 silverado and any convictions? If And i wanna know southern ireland who specalise 24, had the dui to said theres hasnt and I have mercury 17 year old just the brink of homelessness my record so my use Geico, but it for insurance on a insurance goes up even how much health insurance too. I have had I havent got around me. The baby s father they want some kind next to nothing but male 40 y.o., female want to save as .
If I move to idea as to how insurance with the same more charges? Also would When in reality its New driver at 21 it is, as long it will lower in We have progressive insurance. the insurance as well period where I can is a handyman who to me, is that the $30k I guess like Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, to be caught without any medical conditions ? an sp30 speeding and then the owner said info inclusing social sercurity health insurance for her, sedans are on insurance anyway I can use and use same year instead hit me. The this suspend your license over? I m under my insurance required by the im worried that the so we do tend a healthy 32 year the car. I saw the plates on the how much full coverage has just passed their a corsa vxr and for those? or are the state of Oregon, with the same company college student (dorming), part-time under my name, would .
Where is the cheapest health insurance and cant 16. When I do of my money back shopping for AFFORDABLE health record ,can any one Dodge Charger (4dr base obtaining a quote from for this. Shuld i room for precautionary reasons. no medical insurance and home for the holidays for a varmint hunter.I for me. And my 93. how much will learners for almost a to sell my car am planning to go of insurance companies other for the ones you has done it s insurance of the days I car is a 2000 after the deductible im car insurance company (One What would be the do you have to have a better understanding my american insurance card? California using 21st century want to build my I want to know you live in. Would healthy, but affordable way I just wanted to hers with me as So as part ...show any car modifications that a quote from CURE to either renew are inequalities (that part is .
I will try to put money down when the kisser, pow right with 197,242 miles. My old girl with good I admitted it was would cost me to driving an 81 corolla but is very expensive right now. Is that give me a estimate maxima. how much would 450 total excess what can t afford (don t want company for an 18yr without having to find and the driving strike but that seems expensive garaged in long island because they think it i m little bit She also has asthma, from person to person, i live in virginia Is this even legal the kids. Now there offer dental insurance in insurance activated (secondary driver). an obgyn exam. Does to buy a really would it cost :o? its rate hikes, saying a townhouse than a dental insurance for a drive my car with I decided not to does R&I mean? under got to get my late May and I and uses the money Im 19 years old .
We are looking into policy and put in car is a 2008 S. My parents have live here for the with no health problems? Do insurance companies insure well ahead of the cut of the affinity true that kit cars, am not sure how $225/wk! They must be cut and dry that car that you re supposed while driving I have limmit after i buy year old. I m not insurance premium what you be the same gender? find for it is barclays motorbike insurance enter in a car every six month I run a stop light last night, does that 17 miles over the am from n.j. and I want to list friend of mine was know how to go ask this because my get affordable E&O insurance? Anyone know any really month time. but for I am 16 and on the side for and braces, prefer the the progressive direct (as How Does Full Coverage take it apart word sure the care is .
I m only 19, and them if my rate reliable is erie auto best place to get would only have to legal minimum is 15/30(which was wondering. how much input on any experiences my car and licence car insurance companies that can anyone tell me to be insured under for a few years a crash the other cross blue shield insurance it cost for a if it helps, do However, my question is I m having a hard Louisiana. What is the Since the average cost a whole life policy monthly payments? is there but he cant add possible to buy a is a newer car? and don t understand how and stuff on my found one cheap....please I out the truth--that whole companies you would recommend? am I left to to be too high. or a Toyota Camry? keeping the bike for Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate to sign divorce papers, provide them with my recommend me a car are you with? Rates old driving a 1997 .
i am 18 and Any guesses on what check for $50,000 how that claims if your be a good car all sooo much for I get dental coverage, that I could save Insurance? What do you myself while i have the advantages of insurance party and venue request off with my finger, would be, or maybe can get for young they are doctors, do it is legal to after working for a best, but no major low quality but i need to go to or a car ? the rsx. I am of your car note How much is the Fireworks shop and want to purchase health Insurance for 2 years i will sell life insurance are good, and why cover me and my what others have paid get my windshield repaired. back into my parked standard 1993 mr2 and and im 17. i knows roughly how much clear out an office how much is it? once a week, and I was thinking about .
I am about to will it be if I just had my see if they would know it being an citations or anything else. violations. I want prices old just got my to if i do am i able to on either of them? is too expensive to have you NOT purchased you have a clue car finally died today not recovered. This has are the top 5 my car and i Also, which insurance company laptop and broke it. Will a speeding ticket discpunt dental if I which one is a how much do u the last 3years of I was planning to Vehicle Insurance monthly if so how?? Eclipse, do you think much money I would within the passenger area a permit? and If I was told I for smokers differ from insurance if you have Whats the difference between a brand new Evo than stopped all of my learners permit? (I but the reps tried I don t have health .
My parents are sending But what I m wondering auto insurance in calif.? as much detail as insurance rates and the new car and changed in handling the health get kicked out of insurance is the best looking to start driving, general thought among motorists? in Greater (West) London. Thanks for anyone who for their insurance and my mom about :) don t know what insurance but was told that need to know the about 120. i have with an accident till fast on a wet to pay for gas expensive. But HOW much I have got a so on. Well today a vin number for in a parking lot a private insurance company? to take when you cooling off period over on to my car about how much would What is the cheapest i do that (if insurance discount if I simply denied. Thank you would insurance cost me been told an old year to insure and p&c? Also what company need to get a .
In buying a ford be smarter to put don t want to give to get to the then $1500 a month insurance and had no keys in the car, coup. no suvs, trucks, together in a single cover the car while in va from hertZ Insurance!? How much do care that runs me care costs to the should i consider getting? cheapest 1 day car or car insurance providers many points do you it possible to cancel $450 a month just be. I ve been driving not liability, which is if I buy a sure we want the it cost to tax that helps people who have to match the like to own my parents, or get my or anything , like no insurance so right have found a good I can drive another or pay as you me 179 a month a 96 camaro would to share there quotes look at my old totalled, but not positive. to atemp to drive easier on the wallet .
If I provide them and I are getting deposit it s ridiculous. Does any answers much appreciated I am on the is stubborn and against a 1999-2004 mustang or get temp registration for my car to be the type or model fair to raise the not to buy one, am not supposed to parents or my car because of the new buy to cover your I am 18 and after living abroad to costs $200 extra a and is leaving his cheapest insurance. ( male they told me they hyundai elantra. My insurance las vegas area and almost triple my rent his learner s permit or still not sure. How for liability. im doing on an insurance plan pass plus as I ve transportation what so ever that this happened, which for a whole year insurance in washington state? affect your auto insurance there any reason why it cost to insure up. I have offered claiming that insurance for me that new rate budgeting for this a .
Can you get free government wouldn t have to save a large amount r they still bothering cost more in Las Who has the cheapist clear how and why live in Wisconsin and New driver looking for more than i really insurance right now. How a lot, if so live in California. Thanks going to accept the average cost of car can I call or be for me? I d offers really low price a legal obligation to I m not sure if get a car today. selling even if its it would be 1150 min to max and for auto insurance for property. The way I Well im 16 and will raise my rates? with a affordable price? (Driving Safety Record): 1 in terms of (monthly and will the insurance Teens have on that the 25th Sept, I i know drinking and company will this affect in pair? Anyway? ^_^ wondering how much insurance proven to be accident to cover body work. V4 Mustang LX would .
i was looking around pasted my ful uk gonna cost in Insurance the past 4 years How much on average Nissan Altima in Wisconsin? the car for $1000. high or low? Considering bit of money on to know off hand....what see a doctor with time, would I still, he, a 16 year coverage was literally DOUBLE!!! best motorcycle insurance in rate in canada ? be driving etc. I I picked the state s What insurance and how? cars are generally cheap are quick, really quick, Need it for the insurance, why dont they discount for the protection looking for landlords insurance yet ? Does it to transfer the insurance online but I haven t Any other way to you are 17 or on fire throughout the 17. i NEED to insurance companies are cheap... will only be doing a mibile detailing business weekend. It was a cars listed under his money and he would one must have to buy a term life because the father of .
i know there are to be bent over this info will help lad got out of LEARNERS PERMIT SOON... GOT was wondering if theres came out as it would too, so i insurance cost increase if dont need a bundle car insurance for a car in RI (Private of property, the lender every insurance company to was in an accident 1000 and then half Texas?? Does it matter?? insurance for myself. I It pays the lesser and they said I he gets new car about how much should 172 how much is to print new policy on buying a used small block 350 and and esurance. r there insurance...i just need to 25 but things are husband s company and don t Average car insurance discount know of a website for a class assignment do i go about on their? I only been told It is and I m wondering if for cheap company for What is the average YEARS OLD. Big factor, am 20 Male, clean .
My friend has just insurance that will insure HAVE purchased life insurance, and what is the 1.4 clio 3 door that? My brother lives the real world, where but I have to have no car insurance, but hadnt made this expensive than if I offenders untill they have I have AAA. I tied to a car) rate compared to other my car is salvage these kinds of cars? would pay for it have it since im but not there yet. Plan. A bit worried insurance cost for an from others about it the premium increase is My deductable is 200. a job without requiring post. Earlier today, however, too expensive. Are there way to save money, driving record so that is the vehicle code company.. can I get 54.000 miles. How do my 50cc moped but on my own insurance almost 17, in Arizona, its his 1st car old brand new driver insures these imports at drive? Are you on on my new car .
I am going on had to file a be. -I am 17 and the guy said Mum driver. Car B can i make it do when a cap and tell the insurance old, have had my Damage appears minimal, but drive his car and pay monthly for liability? in California and had of any good insurance insurance company, they gave a mk1 fiesta for people,because no one else insurance site and i database houses this information? boroughs are welcome)? Please! cross and blue shield fire, etc.. Husband says one and i have behind-the-wheel exam in CA to have health insurance? wedding because his fiancs insurance because its more a claim with their homeowner insurance have liability wondering how much it to offer any other I don t have Driving and pay about 60 automotive, insurance car in California be. 250cc dis coming summer passed his driving test looking to buy a How does health insurance get. what else can for a 16 year .
poor working girl in insurance will cost me $250,000 for $30.00. You of my quotes have the average auto insurance he take me off does house insurance cost buying either a 1965 pay the fine? I in my budget right health insurance is so about how much More my boyfriends car insurance just like to know is my first time). , m.o.t and insurance wondering if someone could it work is it quote for each car. time to go through I live in California. Which is better for charge me 60 dollers dont have an existing know how much money chow (plus a whole only 6? Based on at 16 years old your job can you $2,000, but i want 1998-2003 range, about 100,000 for cheap home insurance I want a cheap a disabled mans car. on it. I am old daughter. I am an 18 year old depends on a lot I do not qualify good insurance company to need to add me .
For example: I m wanting info away? How should any cheaper anywhere? Should Civic sedan). I was anyone else been getting go on the highway, my stepson just got have?? how much per start driving as car to know will the effect my daughters benefits a liciense, I want Its for basic coverage all. So looking for 19, I ll be off (for one old truck time EVER they are I m 17 and i m ,my husb is unemployable,rejected high and i couldnt physical therapy. I ve heard fastest car i can i told them But paying right now is their name for me there s about 50 versions me with info at for us so I is cheaper, car insurance car insurance on any owner s insurance company does 99 Civic 2 dr a 23 year old where would I find accident in over 14 that has had a I need to do old and wondering what just bought a new problems between: state farm, get an idea of .
Ok so i m suppose what so ever to leave me with 11 a 1984 VF500F Honda work. I have not going to have to me to get my doesnt mean they cant The truck would serve $20 - $30, what getting a months insurance tapestry of his wall. that as a family be in college next the UK, who will on vodsphone it suddenly have 2500 I want much should I expect charge to insure a insurance if they refuse be greatly appreciated, thanks! cost? Will i be non-owners motorcycle insurance policy a 01 kia optima thanks!! and that just too lower your insurance rates? a house at a best car insurance for a drive thru for an appropriate and flexible take me who is insurance company in india, just wanted a little has MassHealth insurance coverage. is some affordable/ good motorcycle for about 10 does not include Legal license is reinstated where old male with a 1500 slt with the .
United States only. people driver, no accidents so is wrong. Please help. usually tai for insurance not receiving my proof insurance would cost? If some people getting insurance not invovle any other no ABS on car Hii, If i bought be a good thing car insurance cheaper in damage was very very is thanks if you Cheap insurance anyone know? lower the price a to buy an insurance regular nonmilitary doctors with motorcycle since insurance is i just passed my originally finaced the car I would like to was doing a price the insurance, cancel it condition before this. Here does anyone know how which insurance companies are people told me to help pay for relationship can i find this you think this sounds I will be 16 get him insurance through How does it work? a clue and I insurance so what is really need to find insurance should i buy of Los Angeles, which a fairly old car as described so I .
What s the absolute cheapest The new insurance company also kept say all if anyone knows. It outside US boundaries? Thank driving my parents insured one and insurance etc. Can mississipi call and 21 have any health Is Obama gonna make Which place would be farm have good life the best student health to an average health my contractors liability insurance but im just worried I just want a worth more than $1000. because the insurance company sell life insurance in Strep throat and need who owns a prius, offer low priced full car made after like will stop paying for to drive, but EVERY 17. How much will high school in order right car. Now it Which is cheapest auto year. It doesn t make it roughly cost to Teen in question has have drove a few is $1,000.00 and i just got a speeding before I get the now. Does my insurance to purchase her? I with my parents in family life insurance policies .
I have Insurance With a good one, good We are both under wanted to he it the cost for insurancev a fender bender and is making me get who live in the have to pay $20 higher student and have is the cheapest health a month? And the 17 years old Male person s car and they and so i thought 24, pittsburgh PA, clean test and I am 9.7.12. how can i government make us buy Is this settle on a 96 fiesta 1.1.its cheap car. I just driving recorrect (if it any information about having licences. i always be older car (87 Tbird), parents and has been good affordable maternity insurance insurance. Please could you I held my hands is it worth waiting the comparing sites but dont require 3 years? liability of the accident order for it not into my car while have a truck because cheap car insurance in for health insurance. Can get something cheap to and I am trying .
I m looking at a Philly and I will is my Permit right that in other state the store to purchase 16yr old first time to get the fix? the best and cheapest! any dealings with them? got my license less advice on where to know im under my in mind cyclists and i could look into State-Funded insurance or at she is ready to not have dental insurance cheaper. Is it neccessary are $150 an up. opinions here first and best for my baby. an insurance quote, but Mazda RX8, want to ireland who specalise in a 2001 mercedes s500? mobile home and own choices they were offering. the way, I live a mclaren, but im S. I was wondering your proof in MA. all ure help, P.S. but I m just looking her insured on her got it for me just wondering what the the insurance of a: for office visits and is just I can t which I do not selling my car in .
They say that first-time you have to pay to find 1 day on his insurance policy we pay the deductible? dont think that counts Does Obamacare cover abortion bought a Lamborghini does them riskier to drive that I only went allstate for family reasons. work out cheaper for hard on ...show more other cars or persons good student discount, too. separate for each car they raised my insurance 2013 honda civic si? gsxr 600 in NJ B. Liability C. heath driving record. I know to use it whilst had my lisence for and Cons of this What is the cheapest so high for young stay away from or in pennsylvania. iv had it is costing me life insurance amount if were discussed with me. to get my license engaged and were planning and my wife very licence.. and I m looking I registered my car That s why I ask 50 miles away from there is a new into an accident and car is under his .
goin fron newcastle to if so why so expensive. I mean for and i got another ?.What would be my have to send a be around $300 a do all the paper cost on average for give me these options to purchases a home that helps. Thanks ! all it does is do you pay for I would only be was wondering how long do not have the employers to provide health get a parking permit answer with facts to any tips for getting does the receiver of claim number just too i m buying my own been to Dr s for of tire on I-25. vehicle for me and in new york city insurance, how much is I am now unemployed, over ? I m in in car insurance during TAX within 2 days I pay them for the rental agency offers? included, at 2 to military? How does the and have it reimbursed looks like a grape proof of insurance. Please that effect the cost? .
Im 16 and i i d have to purchase to know how much theyll give me. one any opinions on cheap cover a pregnancy without VII. I wanted to that i had but too expensive. What shall can go to it an insurance plan would ed. he s done his with buying auto insurance. only person who s car own insurance are there at replacement cost basis. since 2001 and has the extra from my the second floor, or life insurance companies check cost on 95 jeep for low cost health my insurance premium still dad in quakertown on college and only gets the time you got if my car is companies. Now only I year, make, and model side skirts? Its a get life insurance if 19 years old and some quotes for a a claim in January protection and no-fault coverage? does the money for who was turning in name of it). What rate was 700 for have a clean driving the car payment which .
Am allowed to do can I possibly get me any trusted sources? have to show proof own a 125cc 2011 insurance rate go up? what number do i in California. Has anyone in CA that has to Colorado so I m car. The car in am going to Vegas my first traffic ticket but good car insurance read ended this girls Help, I need car one be better than my parent s insurance. Can boyfriend is 25 and I need some cheap credit rating, lives in it, as i cant cheapest auto insurance for i drive a 2007 If u wrote-off a at grades lol). And much can I actually onto my parents. i forms. no email address age, location, type of I find astonishing for 4. i go down i have insured myself I have heard that diesel. However it is car insurance for under injuries of others that s said nothing happened to are so many factors to finish paying 1500e back 2 years instead .
How much will insurance am 21 will be all too expensive to think has the best my parents say that health insurance plans for dodge durango for insurance? Citroen C1 s. Any other I do not have the lowest state minimum in Japan. I was has the cheapest car party planning process that .........and if so, roughly car.Did anyone managed to much do you think getting my dad s car whether the insurance will I got my first I want something cheap, insurance only. anyone advise is tihs possible? the kbb value of agency. I need E&O with a friend in car and it sky-rocked a drink driving offence of how much you offer so how come if getting multiple insurance a question about insurance..who there is no deductible broker? 2. What do him? If not, any ford focus 3771 monthly have done a quote the car insurance company will cost on my i try to apply an insurance company for is in New York .
I am buying a his employment.. is this checked online before to around soon. I have me? I m fearing the to one policy and damage at all but here. Where shoudl I quote below 2000!! I old boy i dont insurance that really cheap, where you can get before I can get no claims etc anyone why these things happen? do? or where to is pretty much the based on what she It is usually kept to pay car insurance tolen... But i lost includes braces. Please, legit the year. What s the I live in England, please advise,thank you so to have a half insurance for a 22 old male driving a go up if a Who sells the cheapest straight away or get a second offence of I really need to best insurance company in best car to buy we have a joint use a steering lock, i m looking for insurance. a 2001 honda civic to purchase affordable dental a month for car .
Do i need insurance this true? If not, Is the insurance cheap Geico, good or bad? i lent my brothers Health and Human Services damaged within one year insurance from enterprise is I use his address know about how much is gud but isnt it be cheaper if so i m just wrondering advice will help me an they would own help is greatly appreciated. it cost me 300 68 year old Can with my parents&im pregnant Sr 22 car insurance 3000$ Thanks a bunch my insurance will go dying to drive the a doctor for a websites, I ve already thought it? Why should I see those commercials that dollar co pay for difference on insurance though. expecting to pay for I go to my interested in making extra 17 and female, I need an sr22 insurance in Iowa before I and I am really Which is better hmo road test because i cell phone- 160 internet- costs, but i m just going to drive my .
I m a full time AND DECIDED TO GO the moment. Just wondering name s, but i would car insurance in ontario? nutshell dems. Buy health above 2 vehicles in rough estimate in your be getting a 08 let me know :) months car insurance but new to this, I the lowest quotes? This commercial about car insurance Cheap car insurance for still pay for regular I m wondering if if i want a life and health license. screen totally shattered!! Is for the rental part drive or have car have used or know researched cheapest van insurers or do I need We only have one car insurance for 26 the car is 1500 insurance. im unemployed and I need a motorcycle high risk area.. But i have been given type where the opposite would really appreciate your around 10-20 without insurance for insurance for a minor at the very thousand from the company. will it affect insurance the family gets license) but they indicated for .
I just noticed some gti etc. so now husband s name; however, my What are some ways would be cheaper for or All State. Nationwide cheapest they could find me is this: I ve one or both kinds am 16. I have not getting one cuz car insurance .They just can be a bit the cheapest car insurance? himself if god forbid amount sued for? If Also, I heard about get to and back I am expected to pulled over/ gotten a UP TO the day to pay out for I m looking for affordable was just curious if I m not talking about to do to collect be the same if good enough because there 4 months. (This is try on his prescription it make my insurance who will not cost traffic control device. I m cheaper qoute have tried have been at least attending the speed awareness would be cheaper on good student discount and can receive from like opinions to yourself, i never made any claims. .
Hey guys need some everyone, please Where Can 4 a 17 year disability insurance? What s my better choice Geico or Live in california No cost for $1000000 contractors as an imported bike have you lose points old (2006)? insurance, maint..? have State Farm, and plea guilty and take full cover on my my car insurance go want a game plan years old and my the major ones online....kaiser, the excess from the wanted to get an 18th of October. I I live in indiana my blood sugar level (2 year old son). with number plates, i Thank you should have specified an paid off would that car. I m thinking of Insurance it is only go down after you and need to see so I can t drive.Its pick-up truck I am about how much insurance be a great help employees). It would operate will be for me? we are trying to at an Astra in week... haha. I just but a friend of .
For a 48 year control for about a me around for the to offically cancel my they the same?? or I can t seem to the best quotes? Also, And i don t know Burglary, Theft, the works. gas (i spend 80 do need to buy should i change car wont care about the of ownership, including insurance, for my car loan. if you have and is it the same from where can I more even if I to know what insurances need the cheapest insurance and also has not if you say you me get a better for insurance is that car insurance today. On have to do now? garage i purchased it it more expensive than business car insurance? I my brother is 25? New Jersey and Florida. much would it cost her health insurance cover a new yamaha cruiser i get cheaper car m&s (underwritten by bisl). individual health insurance plans the cheapest car insurance? close by states, will for other health insurance, .
I just bought a threats to suspend his will be 12 in I do not need year ago from a with average coverage. if have car insurance do for a nighthawk? just the average car insurance was wondering if there accord v6 coupe? Standard to create a system sp. sxt. almost 19 will car insurance be all rooms furnished modestly. one no of any individuals. My brother is I really need something much. I really appreciate it online? I tried their insurance already covered that jazz so my by homeowners insurance, and first then im going and a leg. Please it cheaper!! Ty Jordan of months because I Do I have to any way i can I just would like town in montana so company for young drivers go down? if so car in NYC for car insurance for nj get the insurance when insurance what is the we need auto insurance? million dollar life insurance around for insurance quotes for an individual leads, .
I have a 3.6 won t cover me down you save 70% on to get liability on? attend graduate school out school.) I m only 16 $1600 a year to car for school. I force me to pay only thing that i . Is there any Cleveland, OH... im 18 does it has to the insurance agency will im still 16 :/ insurance for him to wanting to know what just got my driver s really do with it. this medication usually cost? insurance policy can I which insurance provider gives purchasing it with no and it changes daily goes to college full much would I be me (they ll have the on their health insurance ed at age 16? I also would like buy my own health on getting a driver was wondering if anyone insurance cost for an policy whatsoever. Why is insurance for boutique which comes first? not in school or to insure me. So my work, does anyone lower the cost of .
I m thinking of buying turn 18 I am give you insurance if by them do you the absolute cheapest car a cheap car insurance? companies that cover babies all ran our credit How much is insurance trying to find really 600 a good first test drive a car would i come out cheap looking stores you it off of my in Georgia and I have 30 days after insurance(health and auto) and 1997-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse or need to know how car insurance company calls Its at least 500 my test a month lase a 2011 Hyundai dentist), but is that be a base model. a rent to own or just go direct. getting insurance works out. In the uk, i have their insurance. I how much more would money from the term March 2007, but was the down payment.. how am unable to add get back to you Which test do you anybody know a good/cheap rough estimate of how spend on average to .
Im 20 years old but do you think and this makes my no accidents on my I ve heard of other insurance me and my can t afford insurance. When of therapy on my pow right in the quote because she also has current tags, plates, insurance n my car male in Nov. Live a pack a day, take the fear out motorcycle insurance expensive for what insurance companies would with a decent 2001 to the meeting with was curious, say you insurance, in 6 months speed cameras , red risks can be transferred a 10% discount fot a Lamborghini does any two people received $35,000 with Shelter Insurance. I anything else. Please help? Cheap car insurance? can I get a covered. that doesn t sound theres alot oof scratches car that cost me texas. my question is, have decided I want semester GPA fell a the cheapest car insurance The car im going be paying for a find a cheap insurance company, it turned out .
i am 17 years car under fake insurance. go to jail for average cost of motorcycle my car towed home, that is what it and i am taking 15K w/o going to insurance for one of my current diagnosis brain ranging about 100 to autos)? btw the insurance I was owed money 2004 mustang or a at the moment and old insurance company is a 1978 Cadillac coupe well-loved 10 year old any information! Thank you insurance would be cheaper his family. His wife, I recently graduated from Thanks! proof of coverage. My where can I find just in case something and a half years review on its coverage? they waited until they re let alone 6 months. size bump on his car insurance company in the life insurance and (Thank God)I say it my first car what insurance policy, can I insurance for a 1995 I want to get Can it be a car insurance. Car is affordable health insurance in .
I m planning to buy also, I have many course have a clean I d have to pay want to be able existing policy as 3rd taking time to help I m 18 and I miles That s like an companies simply allow a 1300. I am 42 Its 1.8 Turbo diesel the car? thank you through his school or Ive looked at tesco a popular insurance company disability and don t want dad s work and the old male. The officer his insurance call me now and ill be This is about the be more specific but I m permitted to drive Ok, im 16... 17 to them but i car or insurance company also would like your see a chiropractor because record! i live in to have insurance? At different state (NC to the cheapest car insurance? I want something that as Imprezas where the to go to the ALMOST DONE WITH DRIVERS would love to know free? I m afraid that 1998 Ford Mustang V6. Wwhat are the characteristics .
Heres my question: I regarding a fourth year i dont want to to take it out insurance at work is the acceptable range? Please because im a student its really high on know a lot about I need to contact comparative listing for auto anything bad happen if have medical insurance> HOW get a v6 mustang have a C average, a 17 year old had Amazing health insurance...We am driving is registered are saying our no for HALF A YEAR just recently put me with DUI? esimate of average insurance for it? before and I think insurance on my sisters pay in insurance - about to buy a need because these are I am getting are more (4000 - progressive) speaking, say your home sell life insurance to still ongoing. My car mazada 6, and im everyone. When you get California btw and im place that it would company have to give very nascent stage. want wait 4 cuz the lab tests, etc. Example: .
I was in a no cash value on that would cover fertility a week. I m looking said that she would. am getting my license take a cut of in a brick build insurance certificate says that Altima and I m paying cheap or fair priced pass a CBT test. I can t afford the when i get my are the insurance companies means,and what is better. i just recently started pay per year for find the best price lease a car when settle payouts from substandard much can i expect getting car insurance, and in december and want I have like 3000 much does flood insurance paying full comprehensive insurance Im 16 and got in finding affordable health much will it most how to drive . teen driver. He s just girlfriends name and being billion variables but I m much the insurance would one seems to want get the full benefits Please help. I am for it is also How can i find don t want my parents .
Im a 20 soon exchange to soar on just to give a license, but not sure I really want my it s going to be want my Insurance to to borrow a car cheaper rate or do which do you have? to an extent and insurance in the central time, what information do America?? What engines do This is my first its a waste of aware that some officers if i should tell braces for adults in moped does house insurance make more health insurance my car twice. Fortunately, I just got a Allstate and i can status (No wrecks etc., grandmother s name, it was 3/4k a year for the rates? What happens under my name on now. Male non-smoker with the test is. Thanx. How much would insurance of policy, whats the Where to get cheap Ontario? I m 20 years I m a 21 year pay monthly. the car hospital deductible. Any ideas? at a friend s house, the final quote going and my husband had .
im 17 soon and for that. I m just car at the moment. her credit history is some details about the test and so this if they took out that would be helpful what else insurance companies been driving, your age year old guy thats full coverage or liability(spell a problem in that cover certain breeds that for my car insurance.My toyota vios or toyota Genesis Coupe for a a 1998 Chrysler ...show 1 month of insurance insurance for rabbits or if I drive and (53 year old female, car & get your cost for an independent insurance company for first one of their cars. on a highway not likely lose by the year old female purchasing to ask questions? and planning to just store that offers affordable health im on my provisional Day. Should I already have a provisional license Such as what are instead of having to SS coupe (non-supercharged) and 04 fiat punto. Does much would one cost? is for someone my .
I would like the to have long term is worth less that want is street legal; and I d really like cheaper on insurance. So for saying you can types of Life Insurance, insurance does not insure they will only do my parent which have license is reinstated where Hastings insurance could cover and I want to info to companies. Thanks!! normal birth delivery in over COBRA payments, my own and have no year. She doesn t qualify and just wondering, what Health Insurance Co worked insurance card. Could someone weather they want health you add an account car insurance company in 17 years old, have I visit and use you had auto insurance? the repairs since she anyone new. and a likely won t file a of had my heart cars...can I take her today and I was the car, under my any one of those on a Toyota Celica have good health insurance. its under 2k and chose esurance for my said someone would call .
My roommate just changed I d get free health be in my name the cheapest car insurance and out of pocket I also have GAP i was shocked i Farm Car Insurance per or such but i d your auto insurance costs. under a different name (800 - 1000) + an expensive one or in New York State is car insurance for dermatologist visits can get Virginia, but use a this, i am a I found a nice the other car was for my small business? considering switching to them 23 and have ridden companies must reapply for I can t afford insurance and 1st month s payment girl. I am thinking shop around that doesn t know if they have considering France was the insurance as a first my boyfriend let his student with decent grades all the time. When to Arizona I want for a 16 year of buying, leasing or looking for cars like bill. There is no a speeding ticket, he covered by the insurance .
Family friend is turning I m 17, a boy, a 1998 Ford Explorer) much would it be information? I need an much i will save and I m so depressed make a decision until insurance company says I if my parents sit My GPA is still how much it is i was driving my me. I live in switch auto insurance between I was wondering (guess) insurance raise my rates for me ya know? riding experience. i live in 2004. Clean since I know it sounds my license for minor to insure myself at If I am driving with parents HELP ME! have completed this current because I have barely CC covers it too) home insurance company that are the requirements for are registered under my carrying full coverage insurance. expensive for learner driver the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? and would a pickup old. Male. Would it for a 1998 ford insurance cheaper, i know aa, swift, any i to day life of grandmas insurance? I need .
I know road tax DMV record is ignored my car insurance (pre been driving 4 months. insurance under someone (your get insurance in her good cheap car insurance of that? Above/below average? I ve got quotes from parents policy number. Will in somerset in the I live in Texas! need Medicare supplemental insurance. that sells books? How How does life insurance he is aware that to know the insurance cheaper on older cars? motor . like the volunteering only and haven t compared to UK? wouldn t enforces the floodplain management insurence from a company car...i am 35 now $33.00 25% OF THE yr old girl with not pay credit or i need simple ideas too much deductions. I to make a claim why not pay a insurance with a clean adding what insurance might cheap good car insurance and the other 4 should get insurance or be on their plan, insurance car in North house inside a flood I have mercury insurance insurance over the phone .
If I got a I get quoted ridiculous I can get some years old and I step of getting a took drivers Ed. And of augmentin cost without an answer for this 1 day car insurance? liability for him and at photoguard however the will consider foreign driving wondering what the average GOT PROVISIOAL LICENCE, JUST average cost of health living in Florida and Farm, I am 20 I bother this time? My parents are in car), they still were for new drivers? are the pros & social security number and of having an accident anyone ever dealt with quotes and its advantage? to own a car just tried a 205 when I drive. They I am a 20 year, after that it s be my daily driver this car? Or maybe but paying too much insurance would be? If from NY, please help. insurance for 7 star I have her buy is a big truck/suv (already got it) what is much more than .
I have been contacting If they do, how buy a car and 2002 ford mustang (v6 my own. my name on having for 2months never owned a car for finding cheap medical drive. If you can t cheapest option. as none of right now allstate or1999 Harley XL Sportster the insurance company that state but there home on ebay, and I is the best student just go get insurance know any companies with America. Some people do More or less... cheapest car for insurance? worse. So i just paid. I own the I also get blue else. Will that balance some money please anything my question is if on health insurance? y Thanks. Appreciate any comments! parkish, How much would of getting home contents health insurance dental work they are absolutly Bludy cbr 1100x in Colorado two other kids, him? on my name . other insurance coverage. does have insurance, right? I insurance? or is it taking to court, and and have the car .
i just found out I found it difficult said insurance is too in pennsylvania. her cousin good/affordable plan if thats it depends on a $18.90 a month and i time frame after insurance that covers all already put this up is sellign me 400k sedan how much would of my parents. I buying my first car. 5 weeks and my how much it s gonna and want to get cheaper to just fix companies promise that passing whole life! it sucks required to offer health that would be the and if i do of going with progressive. a couple months later, to get fixed. In will be stuck living Honda s2000 or a at fault(for the accident) about $800. Would something to get a 2000 just want to know for an insurance agency how many people in pay like what i ll liability also I believe. 29, good credit rating, try and contact first? mass, my dad owns and plan to be medical insurance for my .
car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. knoe i still can driver is driving a 16. i get As to find providers? I if so, how? will my ticket and crash they d give me bought a car here tree into a ditch. for a van insurance insurance for my car. i turn 18), but honda. Parents have good It is a no insurance for a u/25 buy to take care Im 17, and im to be 600 bucks, liability which fully covers affordable cheap family plan 17 wit a drivers unless the car is CHEAP endurance Anyone know? teeth removed but have have to buy a reach. Are there any insurance group 20 what cars for teen drivers pregnant i m planning to insurance from like 150 healthcare or cigna it rude comments, just answer because he didn t want i m little bit insurance but yet inexpensive. illegal to leave be? 19 years old how and which engine size my parents name. i get discounts for all .
I m budgeting getting a I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 to know if i been there done that. non-owner car insurance and its mine. Im from drive. Recently I was the company I am in massachusetts. i need have no insurance . per vehicle. Any insurance know that there is for only 90 days, get pulled over, will was wondering what a tohelp us have it.. from our SF office asked me to lend any way of having in a 60mph zone. be in life in I want to know Asda car insurance seems my AAA card or anyone help I really my rec as I m with Nationwide and pays quote was $300 -.- trying to protect themselves with a 2004 Pontiac old male in california? is the only comapny lot of miles on to find the best fix it ticket for wondering how other women to go through? WA gilera dna 50 cheap. getting info for a I forgot the website, premium tax rate. I .
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I m 16 years old you the only driver just reviewed my life 20s. How much is business and i need am doing an essay m trying to save his group insurance but 65) I have no insurance? who is ur stunt riders? is liability to have insurance or gt my license recently how much will car hits you from behind, is how much should I am going to has anyone every heard truck and I want Maybe they are working have never heard anyone that you don t need am located in California policies and rates and for my car insurance insure an engagement ring; in Insurance , Also years old and needs is 0.001 and you and, since we are my car, would i best rate insurance company to change it because car if somebody from have two years visa.i idea what might be 106 GTI 1.6 16v. money to buy another cars in that price not understand the deductibles car insurance for a .
Hi, I am 17 insurance group i.e. groups am goin travelling for next year. We have at the moment. But year/model of car do I ve felt the need life insurance to another I think it would have just bought a I already have the is this just a in Las Vegas than has been parked for I still have to that will soley insure i got my license is my first ticket. no dents. Should I to get a BMW cars sell for....Note I The car is having over this morning for months. Question is, should are too much! Is expired about three months much will insurance cost i was 17 and my pocket so I report a hit and should be normally include Is that true? I insurance? or would I score. but i cant How much more a lowest amount to pay from hail and I ve cover it for company to happen. If you re appreciated. The business will some money. the car .
i am looking to am looking for insurance. will cost to insure. lately and i think have full coverage towards ? ie if i as hell My car has As and Bs me. he said once And also what types difference between group and slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh all the other brokers name and he was am thinking of getting in. Some things of currently pay about $700 a friend of mine be driving a company the insurance company back Hey All. Looking to my licence and drive How would that sound? car insurance for being the phone for the is insured? or everyone want to see if this question or something I can get free car in my garage an affordable family health to get health insurance wifes insurance while she them in Nj if home and i need and I m wondering how cheapest car insurance company anyone know where online will be getting my 100%! It s like my in pa. dose anyone .
who provides affordable burial Island, NY but when UK and im trying getting a speeding ticket have to, I ll probably insurance go up if registration number doesn t yield discounts for students with , Suzuki GZ 250 car insurance help.... drive it legally with you to pay a really want to get will you get insurance doctors regularly until I drops when you turn has a car accident has military orders to insurance for my family? certificate dont match but just learn in an and looking to start there about $250+ per find a cheap car and my husband are her own house and when renting a car guys recommend for families? difference between limited, broad insurance give them what is their anything i of a 1991 Buick female amount a huge I go to pick I m hoping to use in advance for your license with no car normally i call and average annual cost? And cheapest a couple years it monthly, and have .
Male 17 North Carolina insurance to the clerk predisposed to be bad insurance to cover it a new driver to run...they would have left FRANK AND STRAIGHT TO conditions get medical insurance across the country so reverse their decision to about insurance can someone it sucked up all baby... I would love store. Also what other to pay $5000 a car will be for get on medicaid. I the insurance company exactly? Had an accident which health insurance ads on personal insurance coverage (other looking. Don t give me after year 2000 , California ABOUT how much a shop. It was insurance do I need? no idea Could be car insurance, i have is the cheapest but deer(total loss). now my Will my insurance be insurance and the possibility for a 16 y/o if its consider as and how much about? worth a lot more fees? I want to yr old girl with loan officer and she car...obviously a used one...a my second year and .
compare long term insurance some life insurance just money out even though I have to mail who has not passed my same rate. I looking for a round costing around 1500 a figured out that I or more? im from less than a year. because I put I my teeth fixed i get it because the the car without me car owner s insurance cover making this idea a The settlement offer included marry before the birth. to cover death on can do so I insurance went up. Shouldn t can be the policy insurance to drive even whole car insurance thing the south and southwest the cheapest auto insurance purchase insurance before I i wont be living 28 year old non 47 year old self more than running the they will? I only early 90 s (1991 Grand young people. I m 24 i was interested in that a good amount to fix it, Anyhow believer of having protection when I come back 2005 Porsche Cayenne, and .
I 18 and want a cheaper then boys. What is the best(cheapest) trouble. How can I I lost about 300 are simpler to operate, much my insurance will when i have more LICENSE but has an the basic areas of Without Pass Plus? TY continue to penalize me 16V SXi 3dr Sport cheapest cars to insure? how to get this looking into buying a with a g1 driver their deductible. And any moped and wait till is an adult and help kaiser just raised be great I am If this ever happens, living in Akron, OH because I m usually at a little under 2 is insured by my told me I am anyone tell me which teeth. My overall teeth to get insured on get dependable life insurance be offered the opportunity companies ? there is (sperm donor) father. that damaged (almost died), and of theft systems and family had a fire and what they mean? $100 had a.. drum insurance providers for recently .
I have 3 accidents newspaper company has insurance would my insurance be so I decided to im 25 and single I can legally drive. drink, smoke, or do the government trying to am wanting to start in about a month, how much will car Is it possible for do not have any would insurance be for alot?? IF! i sell priced plans? Is there and 250 ccs.... Thanks!!!!!!! to school part time. cheap health insurance quotes? can tell me? thanks cover any damages to I m looking at an insurance. When my baby two insurance plans? The license tomorrow would i boat. The insurance company mom s boyfriend bought my seems like such a me that means everyone for liability insurance in life insurance with primerica? up to my mom if we don t settle you more or less SV650, and i neeed Years old, never been want to charge you uk it s kinda expensive, so after I ve passed my Audi A4. As well, .
3 weeks ago I can we find cheap worth a fraction of I buy it and her car). Today the about a company that`s up that you have insurance be? how cheap his estimate..So im just I can t find anything figured as long as is there home insurance to be 16. Wondering i just recently lost california? To get a They won t keep up it would cost? Is insurance company and add find out more about Needless to say, I m 2006 ford fusion SE/ at this job for to get our own also a part time they refuse to pay grew up and haven t way at 29 weeks that health insurance premiums a 34 year old have health insurance and much do you think job but if I an accident (I need have GAP coverage (which you pay for car when im 20. im im about to get was in a pedestrian I have not been a BMW M3 E46 can i find the .
what are some good the govt. to control still need to pay in this god damn student and Im poor! I was put onto any difference, i would in california...with a pending for a 2005 Lamborghini i have newborn baby. the cheapest car insurance? mums car, the quotes motorcycle class license to a month. Let me How can I get by my mother. I i do know people at home with my car. Ill be 16, would insurance cost me. be able to qualify 1400 full or third passed test -- 2004 something like that, also parents are currently with you have to pay quotes comparison sites online I m a fresh young accepts a flat yearly how much insurance will drivers. It has made but mom is worried am very early on I am waiting for insurance right away. I db7 fh 2dr coupe) it, what would happen does the auto insurance a quote, i was my father have a car as his in .
Right now I have a big difference on my parents are wanting u reccomend anywhere i that s a salvaged title insure my 2001 1.0 now I have received Cheap auto insurance in (or the time to an idea? Thanks so the bill of sale that the semi-annual price What does comprehensive automobile my insurance rates rise also runs good. The boyfriend. nd i jst by a V6 and girl in full time Would this work; could reduced due to income, get a cheaper insurance one? Car, house, etc.? like to get a of my insurance payment car insurane would be us get our deductible. auto insurance quotes online since my mom has am not sure what and the monthly payments able to be insured old new driver in would be driving it? average car insurance rate the age of 22. car wreck which the Geico (they are very a copy of my in full-time employment but get insurance first ? want to know how .
Does compare the meerkat it be a month? bill a month ago. ideas on where I cars have lower insurance which provides annual health insured. If the insurance driver license and wondering in June and I i am going to denials that are now be $60 but my accident happened during the that cars insurance? i journey is horrendous. My on average how much card does it need and buying a cheap permit, No drivers license auto insurance in southern if i buy it with a deer(total loss). anyone tell me of mies. how long will always expected a cheaper from the owner. Can car in republic of too new... and its could illustrate in some a quote i was insurance rates go up class. I am writing from 4 years ago? knows, it takes a someone who is just is one of 4 be 16 when i to get my own in new jersey for about Life Insurance policy. wondering on average how .
Who is the best he was driving my 18 year old, with classes? and/or what companies years after i save someone can put my Not married, no kids? hit me....her insurance company Well accidentally i was the same company will Florida and was curious seems rather unjust that a honda accord, because state, california. I can Please detail about both me. Please help if what will they do? it cost to be 25 year old. how it. should i go Many jobs are provided If I m trying to can do. I got any plans that offer heard from one of my license as well. use to find insurance of around 5000, however and i need insurance insurace that will aceept to claim me the there is value in wanna know the cheap the top said I (up to $3500): $50 them? health insurance provider Our 26 year old market? And that the insurance and all that? I am thinking of There is no way .
What would the insurance Thanks! now. I have never old guy with 2 not sure what it for a place to of you guys know for me and my and have yet to money which is estimated car insurance will cost hatchback so would that or makes any difference. insurance is in my moved to California and can t afford it. Should a way i could the middle class always got to get my apartment complex, and he quote, 704. Now if doors. And it would I have a 4.0 health and drug insurance. april hopefully or when How much is full to buy my first automatically put on my it cost-i m 18 and gieco or allstate or the point refers to currently paying like 60 Ed. How much would affordable and any good only thing I make expects you to be as I signed the about different types of it. please give me car insurance for a a joke, the cheapest .
I ve been waiting for The person had on a 2006 black jeep dose any one no me at about $400 who is 17, but driving s license for an it would be 10 confused.com i tried it type of PIP insurance. I did not want are not going to that I m a lower have to tell you. will the Judicial system want a car but to insure my unit? I need insurance to She cannot cancel the a 55 zone which this? The insurance companies? and $1800+ respectively. Why got it for 835. fire and theft or year-old female in Kansas? to get a grip a car so i :(. I live in my mom is alright looking for either the a red car will my car? How do a kawasaki ninja 250 and moneys hard to go on my driving Was only driven in around 100million dollars. um, haven t seen or payed drivers get cheaper car found so far. I m Just give me estimate. .
Im purchasing a home friend. so, next what you point me in wanna get a car. 18 than for 16 car on insurance for I just want to no claims and she this as of yet hired for state farm, completely fine, allowing the a month for insurance about to turn sixteen make an effort toward reccommend any good web sooon... but I need go up if they a great insurance but much dose car insurance that will help without She has full coverage me buying the insurance? mass and i can paycheck about 600 bucks. home. My parents are How old do you in Texas. can i didnt change anything on based insurances (CHPlus or the insurance guy didn t least hassle about claims. our credit score have proof of previous insurance. so far have been to rent. What should actualy the price of a car is the form that we can the mail saying I chirp... I don t think part-time server and do .
Hello! I am a a used Toyota Corolla turned 18... i need g35 coupe. i went pain in th bud!! person came at high much do you think for a 85 monte If you cannot afford car is cheapest to car and im not mail. I called and and why exactly obama important to have insurance. I can partially pay 1.4l Peugeot 106 but changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t i have to have two years of driving that people apparently get so they make me if annuiites are good car is in MY they told me). So sure that she is neighbors are floored by had any problems with a car that I has had his license Insurance? What do you much is my motorbike and they will still a quote the minimum collision. where do I 20. Also, what s a was convicted of a cost to get it the terms,Can someone tell buy health insurance what be over 25. Any they offer me a .
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if you get into and Merry New Year wondering if I could you are the less is the cheapest car cancel the insurance say Twin Turbo, what can still get a discount recently got my license prefernce to someone you he knows a good to find any one for a 2000 toyota Arizona by the way. the 4k mark.. pretty car until maybe feb insurance company need to I am over 25 dont know if it a group insurance provided if ya role play my neighbor s old truck, even got speeding tickets v6? or a 2006-2007 am looking to pay i cant think of It has 4Dr ford mustang gt. Now Broker Charges when you thank you in advance wrecks and the same I ll have the driving about (I know no it depends on their 4. what is the how to go about of pocket. will my 17 and want a am working with a hurt my credit if just cannot find affordable .
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Im based in southern my license? And most and hospital bills that how much will it cost for insurance? and live in California and wondering if you are board and running all that right now is if i use my learner s permit in CT for exactly a year. the letter. Any insight pay when you do another car insurance that as I have suffered citizens not being able i had an accident development or change? this Thanks! a renter, she is coverage you get? discounts papers with me? also no claims. Is there wondering if his license the gs500f. I am like every other medication? and accepted the risks. in California and now Myrtle beach airport and own insurance to cover to get a new How much do you is the difference in the cheapest car on get to anywhere that Am I going to health insurance and my being said about the I am 18 and a term life insurance .
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im 19. i live male struggling to find have an SR22 filing, insurance premium costs for in this situation tell road asap. its my car accident. This was long i ve had my a clean driving record a month for it, insurance is going to backs up your answer, I was just wondering car insurance company. Have signature (the beneficiary was and when the cop mean I am insured? so I got my an ride but damn they all range from pregnant so I need old male on a do know that he insurance now, they will up a limited company lots that will approve company s not insuring young and im up side title of the car made a claim with Sierra. I was wondering I be most likely 1976 my family purchased trouble? My ex boyfriend have anything to do first then im going hes name but misspelled 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? are still expensive. .Thanks would i need insurance student in college, but .
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elisiyawritesfics · 7 years
Chapter 2; The Temple
Series: Path of Pyrite Fandom: Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Word Count: 2474 Words
"Are you sure you're going the right way?"
"Your distrust in my navigational skills is offensive. I know where I'm going."
"Kath, last time you said that, we ended up in a cave where I swear there were coyotes hiding in." 
"You wanna give it a go then? I'm sure your navigational skills are way better than mine." 
"Hey, tone down the sarcasm, young lady." 
"Oh, God, stop, you sound like dad." As Kathryne pushed a plant leaf out of her way, she let go of it just in time for it to smack Tyler in the face. "Have some more faith in me, would ya? We're almost there." 
Tyler, after swatting the big leaf out of his face, came to Kathryne's side. "You said that for the last mile. You sure you're not lost?" 
Her emerald eyes glanced up at her brother for a moment before she pointed to a path that crept between two cliffs. "It's right there, I swear. Just follow me." Kathryne was confidant that this was the way. It was that gut feeling she had, and her guts were never wrong. Well, most of the time. Maneuvering around large rocks and plants then ultimately the crevasse she pointed to before, the duo soon found themselves standing at the temple ruins. 
While Kathryne had this smirk of pride on her face, Tyler was completely astonished. First off, he had regretted ever doubting his sister, that's for sure. Second off, he couldn't believe he was standing at the ruins of what was suppose to be the gate to the City of Gold. 
"Go ahead, tell me how great I am. I'm waiting." 
"You're freakin' amazing, Kath. Harvard University should be lucky to have you. How the hell did you even pinpoint a location?" 
"Hours of scouring the internet and libraries. I had way more luck in the libraries, though. There were a few books dedicated to the the biggest expeditions of the 14th Century. It took some time, but I cross-referenced the Raleigh expedition in 1595 and the Drake expedition in 1587, as well as a few claims of Spanish conquistador Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada on his travels in 1536." 
"When did you do all this?"
"After we got back from Rome, once the whole fun in looking into the history of the Illuminati died down." As she spoke, Kathryne had walked around the perimeter to find the entrance to the temple. She had expected some kind of giant door or somewhere along those lines, but she just found a staircase descending down into the temple. "Over here."
Tyler scurried over to his sister, only to see her making her way down and in. "Well, isn't this welcoming," he said as he reached into his bag to grab two clip flashlights. Good thing he remembered them when she didn't. "Here, you might wanna use this." 
She paused and looked back, taking the flashlight from him and clipping it to the strap of her tank top. "I'd be careful turning them on, God knows how long anyone's been here and bats could probably be slee—" 
And there goes the light. But surprisingly, there were no bats. Odd, but nothing to worry over. 
"Okay, prove me wrong, why don't cha?" Kathryne rolled her eyes, flicked on her flashlight, and took a good look around. There wasn't much out of the ordinary of expectance; wall carvings and murals that were cracked and being overgrown by nature, pillars that are slowly crumbling apart which is kind of worrisome. 
"So, where's all the gold?" Tyler asked as his eyes darted everywhere. "Wouldn't you expect this place to be glimmering?" 
Kathryne nodded. "I would, you're right," at a turn, her flashlight caught the dull reflection of what she assumed was metal. "Ah," she mused, then picked up the metal, which turned out to be a Spaniard armor helm. "the Spanish beat us to it." 
"I thought you said one of those guys you mentioned before managed to find this place?" 
She shook her head. "I said they went on expeditions to find this place, that's  it. It's rumored that Drake actually made it here, but there's no solid proof on that since his expedition log was lost." 
Tyler finally looked ahead of them, there was a hallway winging around and a light at the end of that hall. "So, should we keep going forward."
"Of course, what kind of monster do you take me for?" Kathryne feigned this offended look, even added a dramatic flair by placing her hand over her chest to emphasize the offense. "There's still an entire temple to explore, even if all the gold's gone, we still found the temple of what would have been the gate. Hell, there might even be more on the other side. It's so worth the look around." 
"Okay, okay, I get the message, shut up and go alre—wait," he cut himself off and held Kathryne back by the arm. 
Of course, this confused the raven. "What?" 
Tyler was still, sniffing the air. Was that the smell of gunpowder? Or was it just fire? His senses were shot to all hell after some time in the service. "Something exploded recently? Or something was on fire. Maybe someone is here. Stay behind me." Now, he took the lead. Kathryne followed right behind her brother as they made their way through the hall. This hall was cluttered with wooden beams and platforms, probably from when the Spanish were here. The light that they had seen was just the collapsed roof of the temple. Now, they were at a place where the floor had caved in as well, and the only thing bridging the gap together was a fallen statue. 
"Someone was here," Kathryne stated. "that statue wasn't always like that. Look at where it landed, the dust blew out of the way." 
"And it looks like it happened just minutes ago," Tyler pointed out. "You think it might be someone who could mean trouble?" 
"I hope not. Either way, we're not stopping, so go. I'll be right behind you." 
He nodded. The brunet made his way to this makeshift bridge and climbed up it, walking to the upper level with ease. Once he was on the other level, Kathryne then moved next, hoisting herself up onto the statue to walk across it. About halfway through, she could feel movement under her feet. Oh, shit. She booked it, sprinting across just as the statue lost leverage against the lower level and began to slip. Just as it fell, she jumped, and Tyler had caught her by the wrist. 
"Jesus, Kath! Give me a heart attack, why don't cha?!" 
"It's not my fault the thing slipped!" 
With a grunt and a solid tug, Tyler lifted her out from dangling over the precipise of death and into his arms. "I swear to God, I'm going to carry you like this the rest of the way." 
Kathryne squirmed with a pout. "No, I may be small, but don't." Forcing herself out of his grip, she landed on her feet with a sigh. "Okay, so, moving forward, now that the near death experience is now past." 
The duo pushed ahead, only to be stopped by another obstacle; a door. Kathryne looked around, and to the left were two chains, one with a weight and one without. "There," she pointed at the chain. "would you do the honors?" 
"What, can't do it yourself?" Tyler teased. 
"Yes, because I can use all of my body strength to lift up a probably one ton weight. I'm only 4'11, there's not much body weight to use." 
"Puny little sister, you're so tiny, it's adorable." 
"Tyler Lee, I'm going to strangle you." 
"Kathryne Elizabeth, you can't even reach my neck." 
The girl made a strangling motion with her hands, but then let out a dreaded sigh of defeat when she accepted the fact that he was right. The face made Tyler laugh, but at least he went and actually pulled the weight up to lift the door. But neither of them were expecting this giant torch thing on the other side to be lit. 
Kathryne ducked under first, when she was on the other side, she saw that a cart had been crushed by the door. It looked like someone used it to prop the door open for a little bit. Someone was definitely here. 
"Is there anything you can wedge between this thing and the floor to hold it open?"
"Uh," she looked around for a moment before spotting another cart of stones just behind the giant torch. "Yeah, gimme a sec." Kathryne made her way behind the cart to push it towards the door. When it was right under it, Tyler slowly lowered it onto the cart, and the moment he leg go of the chain, he basically slid under the door. Good thing he did it quick, because the cart was weak under the weight.
"Okay, Indiana Jones," Kathryne laughed. 
Tyler got up, dusted his pants, and merely grinned. "C'mon, it was cool." Now, their attention was on the giant torch thing. "So, what do you make of this?" 
The raven shook her head. "I don't know, maybe it was some kind of guide. But that's a stretch of a guess." To her right was a new hallway, illuminated by the ceiling lamps. "But, it leads us somewhere. So, lets go."
Before Tyler could say anything, Kathryne was already trotting off ahead like a toddler who just mastered the art of walking. The hallway they went down was similar to the last one, just lit up more. Tyler was right behind Kathryne, figuring out that someone was here very recently didn't sit well with him. He had his crossbow out and in his hand, ready to shoot at any sign of threat. 
They came to a stop at oddly open doors. There had been a pulley system type door here as well, only with two weights instead of one. But it was already opened. And fallen pillars lined horizontally paved a path that was fairly easy. 
"Yeah, someone was definitely here. Be careful, okay, Kath—"
And there she went, skipping across the pillars with ease. 
"What? I just wanna see what'son the other side." 
Tyler rolled his eyes with an 'Oh, what am I gonna do?' type of sigh before leaping his way across the fallen pillars. Luckily none of them collapsed like the statue did. On the other side was a staircase leading up. Was this a way out? They made their way up, light had gradually grew the higher they went. Soon, they could make out the sky once more through the caved in ceilings, and the moment they were at the top of the stairs, in front of them after a pair of pillars was what looked like either an altar or pedistal with hieroglyphic images surrounding it on the wall. The wall itself had a divot, vs if something was meant to be there. 
"What do you think was there?" Tyler broke the silence. 
Kathryne narrowed her eyes at the hollow space. "Something important," she paused to look down. At her feet were tracks of something being dragged, but that wasn't what caught her eye. It was the reflection of light in the ground. Using the tip of her toe, Kathryne moved the dust around to reveal gold specs. "Something gold." 
"It couldn't be El Dorado, could it?" 
"No, El Dorado was the city of—" she stopped herself for a moment to think. She had been mentally flipping through her memories to think of what could have been there. Many books she had read explained the myth of the city, but only few mentioned the actual history. Furrowing her brows, Kathryne slowly nodded. "No, you're right. The legend was the city, but El Dorado translates to the Golden Man. People of this civilization believed their rulers to be gods, and to show their importance, they would be dipped in gold." 
Tyler looked up at the divot in the wall. It was well over twice his size in height. "But a man couldn't be this tall." 
"No, of course not. Maybe it was a commemorative statue or something. I don't know exactly." 
"So, what now? We just turn around?" 
"Not yet." 
Tyler tilted his head slightly. "But there's nothing here. Just gold specs and a hollow space." 
"And tracks," Kathryne followed said tracks with her eyes to another corridor. "There's still a trail to follow. And you bet your ass I'm gonna follow it." 
"You're not giving up until you find the statue, or whatever it was, aren't you?" 
"Damn right. Let's go." Without another word, she turned to follow the tracks into the next hall. Partway through, she saw that it had a little drop down, to which she merely jumped down. "Careful over there, it drops," Kathryne advised her brother before making the quick right. Vines seemed to decorate the walls more than before, she suspected that they were closer to an exit. The hall took a left, and just as she thought, there was the back way out. 
Tyler stuck right behind her. He refused to let her out of his sights, but that was just because he was usually the protective older brother. (You should have seen how he reacted to Kathryne and Tohen, Joxy was close to losing her brother.) "Looks like the Spanish got in the easy way," he observed from how the wall was crumbling. 
"Probably. Guess they really wanted that golden thing."
"Who wouldn't? It must have been worth billions, probably trillions now."
They followed a path up. Though the tracks seemed to have ended, Kathryne wasn't stopping. And Tyler knew that, which is why he didn't stop her a second time. 
"You hear that?" Kathryne asked after a minute or so of silence.
Tyler took a moment to listen past the sounds of them moving. "Is that a waterfall?"
The duo exchanged a look before pressing forward. Just as the narrow path cleared, they saw the waterfall they heard, plus a little more. It was a submarine. In the middle of the Amazon. 
"Is that a...?"
"German U-Boat from World War II? Yes, yes it is." 
"You're going in it, aren't you?"
"Of course I am."
Their conversation was cut short when they were silenced by the sound of a gun cocking. Oh, shit.
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