#all the byers are autistic this is so obvious
lacnunga · 2 years
Also yes Joyce Byers is extremely autism also
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If you stan B*lly Hargrove, and/or you ship B*lly with Steve or especially Eddie, I need you to get the fuck off my blog and block me.
I’m dead serious. This man is an abusive, racist, misogynistic asshole. Yes, he was a victim of a abuse, but that does NOT, in any fucking way, excuse his shitty behavior. I’m tired of seeing shit using his past as an excuse and how he’s secretly a good guy. He’s not. Full stop. He continued to perpetuate that abusive cycle when he was aggressive with Max. He was very obviously racist towards Lucas. You cannot just blatantly ignore the way he treated Lucas and Max. He’s not a fucking marauder either. There was no “redemption arc.” He didn’t spend time unlearning his hatred and becoming a better person. He made one split second “good” decision, and that does not just erase his racism and abusive behavior.
Not to mention, y’all don’t even characterize him right most of the time. He isn’t soft. He is harsh and cruel. He’s not a fucking leftist? BRO WHAT
Look, I’m not a huge Jonathan Byers fan (the whole photo thing remains stuck in my mind, I’m sorry) but he is an interesting character foil to B*lly. Jonathan also was a victim of abuse, but he GREW from that. He put in the effort to end that cycle. He made sure Will would be protected from that.
You want to talk about characters who have been abused who aren’t massive dickwipes? Look at Jonathan. Hell, look at Max.
You want to talk classism? Again, the Byers family! Max! Robin even! Eddie for all I care! You don’t get to use his shitty situation as an excuse for his shitty behavior! Get a fucking grip!
What’s even worse is how many B*lly stans hate Nancy Wheeler. Why? “Because she was mean to Robin” and therefore “ableist.” Say you’re pulling buzzwords to excuse your misogyny and go. :) Nancy was NOT mean to Robin. There was obvious miscommunication between both of them. Nancy has spent FOUR seasons not being taken seriously, so it’s understandable that she was a little irritated when it seemed Robin wasn’t taking her seriously. That’s why she was mad. It wasn’t “ew Robin is being autistic.” By the end of the library scene, they are already more agreeable, and it didn’t take long for them to sort out their differences. I also saw her get called manipulative and I’d love to know where you got that idea?
Literally shut the fuck up, I’m so tired. B*lly is a horrible human being. Nancy has literally not done anything to excuse the hate so many of you spew at her. You’re just being misogynistic. I have not seen one good take explaining why B*lly is a better character than Nancy. Or why B*lly is a “good guy.” Just admit you’re a misogynistic asshole and want another uwu boy to stick in your mlm ships
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Title: soft
Rating: general
Ship: mike wheeler/will byers
Additional Tags: autistic mike wheeler, stuffed animals, fluff, trans mike wheeler, hurt/comfort, sensory overload, minific
Notes: i love this fic title banner so much jsyk also this pretty much has no plot
As a kid, Mike had always been weird about the things he experienced. Getting older, it hadn't really stopped, just grew. Good texture this, bad texture that, was that sarcasm, was that serious, stay on schedule this, do this exactly now that. The idea is pretty obvious by now.
It's common knowledge within the Wheeler household that if Mike were required to give things away, he'd go for the plastic first, plastic being a texture that was pretty okay. There was nothing bad about it, but nothing that good either.
Another common fact is Mike is the type of person to get distracted by soft things. They'd be the last to go in this hypothetical situation. The softer the thing is, the more distracted he gets, stopping to run his hands over it.
The softest thing Mike owns is a stuffed animal he's had since he was a toddler, before gender was a thing that got in the way of expectations and Mike decided to be himself.
The moment Mike wakes up that morning, he grabs the stuffed bear, holding it over his head, thumbs moving against the stomach as he stares up at it. It was more than a little childish to consider taking it with him, but he finds that of all the things he could care about, this wasn't as high as it used to be.
He pulls it back down, letting it lie next to him as he sits up, reaching his arms out to stretch. He lets his legs fall over the side of the bed, back to the object. His feet hit the floor and he stands, moving to grab something he only vaguely remembers to be clean and puts it on.
Today already feels loud in a way he can't get used to, the little light in the room is already stinging, and he bets it'll be worse on his way out.
Glancing back, he takes the bear and slips it into a backpack, hidden with his earplugs and an extra water bottle and notebook, pen attached in the spirals.
Mike grabs an apple on the way out, hissing at the bright sunlight as he holds an arm over his eyes. Sitting on his bike adds to his irritation, but he's not going to give up seeing Will because everything feels bad.
He gets to the cabin in record time, eager to leave the bike behind as he gets closer. Will is outside, as he usually is when Mike comes over, El being in town with Joyce for today.
Mike cringes at the volume, frustration crawling under his skin. His voice is much quieter, monotone and already sounding exhausted, when he replies. "Hey, Will."
Will watches him lean the bike against the cabin curiously, voice thankfully coming out quieter this time. "You okay?"
"Fine," Mike mumbles, trying to push it away. "Um, does he still have nothing to do here?"
"There's playing cards somewhere if you want to try that?" Will lets him in the door, and Mike makes a beeline for the couch, slinging his bag off and plopping down, barely catching Will's amused smile, especially when Mike is pulling out the bear again, running his fingers gently over the material.
Mike barely looks at Will as he sits next to him, immediately moving against his side as he tries to tone down his feelings but ultimately fails. Will drapes an arm around him, somehow knowing enough that his arm squeezes a little tighter than normal for a few seconds.
"Is it a bad day?" Will murmurs as he watches, and Mike melts, pulling the bear in to hug it against his chest as he collapses more into Will's side.
"I was trying to make it a good day," Mike whispers back, eyes shut so the lights aren't as bad.
"I don't think you'd be able to control it that easily," Will says back. "Do you want to say like this?"
Mike nods against him, feeling something light press against his head and knowing it's just Will. Something that definitely sucks about these moments is that Mike can't handle actually kissing him. Lying against him has to be enough for now.
"Love you."
Mike hums, reaching out a hand for Will's, squeezing gently in response to the words when he gets it. Even if he couldn't say it right now, he's glad Will knows.
He's glad to have quiet moments like this, even if he's sensitive to everything at the moment.
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kissmejusttokissme · 2 years
hello again my hooligans, I am still in the absolute depths of 'waiting room' chapter three and I've just decided to cut one of the Murray scenes because I realised that it just straight up didn't fit (and is borderline incredibly OOC), but I don't hate it. It's very self-indulgent and really focuses on the autistic eddie munson hc, so instead of just losing it to time I thought I'd toss it on here. So, here it is:
Murray is a bizarre person to be around.
It’s obvious from the moment that Eddie arrives in the back of Joyce’s Ford Pinto that putting Eddie up is something that Murray has decided he has to do, rather than something he wants to do.
It’s not that he makes Eddie feel unwelcome as much as he makes Eddie feel on edge. Like how Eddie would sometimes act larger than life in order to freak people out except over-the-top is just Murray’s default setting.
If anything, it’s like Eddie has finally met his match.
What’s worse is that Murray seems to be able to see Eddie in ways that other people either don’t. He picks up on little things and, unlike the rest of polite society, he doesn’t have a problem with bringing them up.
First up is Eddie’s constant fidgeting and hundred mile an hour brain. They’re sitting in Murray’s kitchen watching something on this tiny TV that he has balanced on his counter and Eddie’s leg hasn’t stopped bouncing since he sat down. All he can think about is the people he’s left behind in Hawkins. The way they’ll be dealing with the accusations of harbouring a fugitive. He worries at his bottom lip as he stares in the direction of the TV, fingers tapping out a frantic rhythm against his jawbone.
He almost doesn’t notice when Murray turns the TV off and clears his throat. “You got a whole lotta nervous energy, don’t you kid?”
“I was just run out of town,” Eddie says. “You telling me you wouldn’t be nervous too?”
Murray shrugs. “I’m just saying that I’ve seen that type of nervous energy before. Got friends who deal with that sorta shit. Brain always turned up to a hunred type of shit.”
“Hopper said you didn’t have any friends.”
“Yeah, well Hopper also said he didn’t want Joyce Byers and here we are.”
Eddie concedes to that.
“All I’m saying is that there’s shit you can do if you want. Had a friend who I used do stake-outs with who used to have to get out of the car and do laps. Another guy used to jump on the spot.” He tilts his head. “Tryna think if it was the reason Chrissie had all those candy necklaces but that might’ve just been a snack.”
Eddie’s no stranger to the calmness that can come from throwing himself about. His body has always been the most expressive thing about him. From grand and sweeping hand gestures to the little movements that used to get him sent out of class on the regular. The problem is that the world isn’t built for people to just get up and move. (He’d learnt that the first time he got tipped off a chair by some kids that thought it was funny that he rocked while trying to figure out third grade maths.)
“What happened to those friends of yours?”
Eddie sometimes wonders if the feelings go away the older that you get. Like how some of the foods that used to send him crawling deep under the duvet don’t give him a second thought now. But even that has taken years and if the rest of it is going to take just a long he doesn’t…
“Uh, two of them still work for the paper and Chrissie, uh, she got eaten by a shark down in New England.” Murray says it as if it’s nothing. “Told her not to go in the water down there but no one ever listens to me.” He shakes his head. “Why, you want tips?”
“On getting eaten by sharks?”
“Kid, you’re really starting to get on my nerves.” Murray rolls his eyes. “But you’re in a troubling time so I guess I’ll let it slide.”
“Nice of you.”
“I’m a nice guy,” Murray says.
A couple of nights later he finds a small stack of emails printed off and stapled together. They’re from a guy called Winston and they list about fifty different ways he helps calm his brain down when everything gets too loud. On top of the paper is a small silver ring with a outer part that spins freely even when it’s on Eddie’s finger.
Written on the top of the paper in thick black letters is “so you stop distracting me while I’m trying to watch the news” and Eddie guesses maybe he can give the guy a chance.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
can you maybe stop telling people what they ship and what they don’t ship.. i swear you’re so fucking stubborn. and if you wanna defend mike so damn much then do it cause i bet more then half your followers hate him. it’s the way you clearly don’t see how many bylers hate mike and love will do you SEE the problem here??
This is the 5th anon message (in 1 day) you sent me.and you’re not stubborn? I’m not the one who has sent 5 anon messages in a row? Why don’t you just chill out and ignore me. You’re this pissed cause I said your hate to Max was unjustified. I kindly pointed out max didn’t make El spy on Mike - like you claimed . El spied on mike in s2 - before she even met Max. Then you got infuriated that I pointed out that all the flaws you claimed were about the elmax friendship were actually just flaws with mileven. Some of you hate on Max just cause you saw her as a hindrance to Mileven. Then in the second message you got pissed and brought up byler (which I didn’t even bring up in the first post!) Cause you just ... wanted to fight about byler despite totally being a byler shipper? Specifically said if mike was actually gay and dated el before he realized he’d be “an ass”. And if el and mike were confused about thinking they loved eachother when they didn’t “they’d be the worst characters ever.” Then brought up Will being bad cause he called El stupid (which was projection cause right after that he called himself stupid 4x). 3rd message went on a tangent about how much better and nicer mileven shippers are and that you ship both byler and mileven. And 4th message just go on about how Will was horrible to El, and max did horrible things in s3 , and that bylers hate on mike all the time , and elmax sucks. And now this. Yes you totally ship byler and aren’t just a mileven who got pissed that my 1st comment criticized your ship . So then in the second message brought up byler randomly to try and critique it. And just got pissy when called out as pretending to be a byler shipper and not getting the answers you wanted 😂 you can ship mileven. I’m not stopping you .
Also , I’ve constantly defended mike. And called out bylers for the hating him in the past. I literally defended mike when you claimed him being gay and dating el before hand would make him “awful”. You clearly don’t follow me and probably just believe all the lies mileven shippers say about me on twitter 🙄 . I’ve even told other bylers that the way Mike treated El was worse than Will. At least mike apologized to Will. Mike never apologized for lying- to El. And I still said that mike hate is unjustified countless times (cause he’s a kid)! Kids make mistakes! And especially cause I explained Mike saying (In the garage) “ it’s not my fault you don’t like girls “ was projecting his own gay feelings on to Will. Similar to how Will (in the garage) saying El was “stupid” was projecting his own feelings - why Will called himself “stupid” (4x at castle byers) after their fight in the garage and this comment about El. But you get angry at the concept of byler / projection so... that won’t help.
Past comments:
Part 1 (their first Max message/my response ) part 2 (second message/ my response ) part 3 (comments 3-4) . In this annoying ass saga 😂
Now please - move on . I only didn’t block you to prove how unhinged milevens get when you don’t block them . Look how angry you’ve gotten . This bylers is why you have block milevens -they just don’t give up and get angrier and angrier 😅
Update: 6th message
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I said for you to leave me alone. Not mike. How was that not clear? Also he’s a fictional character- what are you talking about?Oh my god .😅 You can do whatever you want on your own blog-just stop spamming me.
Mileven fan base (who are predominantly straight) use homophobic talking points and slurs to discredit byler / queer st fans . Many of us have gotten messages calling us the f and d word. Then milevens constantly private message bylers ,minding their own business, and call bylers “stupid” or “delusional “ ( or straight up sending de*th t#reats) . ( When these bylers are in their own tags -minding their own business- and don’t cross tag mileven at all ) . Bylers rarely go on to mileven posts that gush about mileven and then make jokes about how horrible the ship is and how delusional it’s shippers are (in said mileven post). Milevens do that all the time - they’ll go to a random byler post , only tagged byler , and make such comments about the byler ship/shippers . They also personally insult people for shipping byler and not mileven. Like me. Many mileven anons sent me messages making fun of my autism cause I shipped byler and said I’m not allowed to talk about byler /analyze the show cause I’m autistic and incapable of providing anything meaningful to the fandom because of my autism(all while hypocrically saying it’s ableist for anyone to think El isn’t ready to date yet). And bylers have the audacity... to in turn!!! Not like your ship and critique the issues with the (fictional) pairing using canon evidence in the show . And rarely send any direct messages/personal attacks to people who ship mileven . We criticize a ship - milevens directly message and attack the opposing shippers . There’s a difference between saying In the byler tag “mileven (the ship) is bad” or even an offensive blanket statement like “mileven shippers are blank” vs a person directly messaging a random individual who ships mileven and saying “you’re stupid for shipping mileven.bla bla.” A lot of the mileven fandom doesn’t seem to know the obvious difference when playing the victim. 🙄
And now you say byler is shipped just cause it’s “2 hot boys.” Which is yet another anti byler/pro mileven talking point.  You don’t ship byler (you’re just a mileven troll -move on) . Also-Ew - they’re kids. I’m an adult lesbian who actually likes well developed relationships - especially if lgbt. That’s all. And I’ve already criticized other bylers for some of their questionable heteronormative behavior and creepy fetishistic behavior of the characters/actors.  Also Bylers usually like El -more than milevens like Will. We don’t like mileven cause we see it’s bad for El’s character development and mental health. We care about El and think getting to know the real world and herself is better than rushing into a relationship (before she’s actually ready). But, y’all hate Will over a few comments he’s made. And I’ve seen milevens say they want Will d*ad or even say they wish he never came back from the upsidedown. And that’s just cause you’re threatened he’ll ruin mileven. Ya’ll are projecting . YOU EVEN SAID bylers make you not like Will as much- in a diff message. But go off.   (And leaaaave me alone ). Blocked you cause you have no self control to do it yourself .😂
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