#all the panels of toma jus looking at him
cheswirls ยท 7 months
rereading blue flag again and awakening the ability to cry on command
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giggly-squiggily ยท 18 days
first of all, 10/10 i'm legitimately blown away, i never expected to love it as much as i do! i'm always hesitant to read manga with a lot of fighting but everything was really nicely drawn and i didn't lose sight of what was going on so that was cool :D
THE FIGHTS WERE SO GOOD HOLY- esp loved fuchi, gantetsusai, chobei and toma vs ju fa and tao fa (also ju fa and tao fa made me so sad, i wasn't planning on feeling bad for any of the tensen but goddamn ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ) and THE FINAL FIGHT WAS SO COOL WHEN SAGIRI BEHEADED GABIMARU AND WHEN GABIMARU HESITATED TO KILL JOFUKU'S REMAINS BECAUSE THEY WERE HUSBAND AND WIFE BUT THEN SHUGEN CAME IN AND JUST SLICED HIM TF UP THAT WAS EPIC-
shugen was such an amazing character i loved him!! like he had so little screentime compared to a lot of the other characters but during that short time span he was given so much depth and ahhhh i'm still in awe of this writing ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿฉท also hands down my favorite panel which i don't think surprises anyone BUT IT JUST LOOKS METAL AF OKAY
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also speaking of shugen THE CHARACTERS OMG I LOVE ALL OF THEM ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ (except idk maybe jikka and shija but even they were pretty badass in their own right lol) sagiri is still my favorite but like fuchi?? nurugai?? TOMA?? they're up there ngl, even tho i never thought i'd get attached to toma but i loved his growth and how he sorta grew a spine while staying with the group (him and gantetsusai were so funny together but also so adorable i loved that dynamic) and then when him and chobei attacked ju fa and tao fa SHFBDXJKLNG and yeah anyway he's a close second is what i'm trying to say lmao
and when shion renounced the yamada asaemon titel for nurugai and when nurugai went back for shion and when mei called hoko her father and when mei sacrificed herself and when gantetsusai carried fuchi's body and when chobei defeated the banko and when the ship burned down with shugen's body still lying there and when gabimaru and yui reunited and when *explodes*
here's a small compilation of panels that made me snort:
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also i'm sorry this panel is really cool but the way gantetsusai carries gabimaru just cracks me up:
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also gantetsusai's nicknames for everyone are hysterical (kittymaru had me CRYING) and fuchi calling sagiri sagi when they reunite help my heart ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
that was the screaming for now, i'm sure i'm forgetting something lol but anyway, i hope you're having a wonderful day and don't stress yourself at all with the response โ™กโ™ก
AHHHH HELL YEAH!!!! I'm late as hell to replying but LETS FREAKING GO HELL'S PARADISE LOVE AHHHH REY! :D AND YES!!!! That's how I felt when I first read the series- I wasn't expecting to be so obsessed with it like that! My heart, my soul- my love; absolute perfection!
(No cause honestly their story made my heart hurt and I didn't want to feel that but here we are I suppose- damn them tensen for making me sad!) WASN'T THAT THE COOLEST?? AHHH GOD I LOVED IT! AND THE HESITATION- it's those small details that really make me love him as a character- Gabimaru. No matter what he went through- he stuck to his guns and his goals. I just- YES!
Rey you're making me question everything I know about that guy- gonna be 10000000% real: I didn't like Shugen when I first read the manga. He just kinda pissed me off and made me wanna slap him, you know? Now I wanna reread the manga where he's introduced cause there's some moments where I really did like him and I feel like I need to give him some fresh eyes, you know? (Also I have this idea for a Fuchi-Shugen fic and I want to reread it for more context) He truly is something else! :D THAT PANEL THOUGH IT'S SO GOOD!
AHHH YAY!!! Sagiri is a true queen- the absolute love of my life. BUT ALL THE CHARACTERS ARE REALLY AMAZING (I completely forgot about Shija- they were strange as hell but I agree they had some cool moments): YES! Toma surprises you like that! He starts off in the "Meh?" category and grows into the "I love you forever" kind! And GOD I LOVED THE BANTER WITH GANTETSUSAI JHERJEHJRJHE it was perfection!
RIGHT ALL OF IT!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!! AND AHH THE CANON CONFIRMATION!!! Rey my little heart exploded when they were confirmed canon AHH! Bodyguard smoddyguard- they were lovers your honor. She even says "I love you Sagi!" like COME ON!
I can't even begin to express how much joy your screaming over this manga brought me, Rey. I love Hell's Paradise so much but understand it's fairly niche- so hearing you love it as much as I do really made my entire soul happy! Thank you for that <3
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