#tore thru the first chapter and already there is so much
cheswirls · 7 months
rereading blue flag again and awakening the ability to cry on command
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luci-cunt · 4 years
I got Izetta on the test and the more I read the more I want to fight you bc how dare you call me out like this. like call me feral one more time and I may just have to buy two books when it comes out - one for reading and one for throwing bc whyyy am i getting invested in these charcters. that doesn’t just happen willy nilly for me and now I’m mad
lkdsajf;ladskjf;lskdjf !!!!! <33333 if you’re like Izetta than I love you x100000000000000000 also lol when I do end up publishing this (I’m hoping some time in 2021) it’ll probably be thru Kindle epub which means unfortunately I can’t sell the books for $0 but I can do $0.99 XD. Idk if I’ll print them, just cuz that costs a bit, but fuck I’d love to XD. 
Also I was gonna just dump a snippet here but I have no self control so here’s the first chapter. It’s Izetta’s POV because I love her. 
“Lazy, slovenly girl,” Patrice muttered viciously as Izetta tore her room apart trying to find her best broach. 
“Where is it!?” Izetta groaned, pulling out her dresser drawers and dumping the clothing on the floor as Patrice gritted her teeth and stood the table back up on its legs. 
“Use the one I laid out for you, I don’t see what your insistence is with this copper monstrosity,” Patrice spat, repositioning candles and a bowl of fruit on the table. 
“I’m going to see the queen Patrice!” Izetta said, moving on to her wardrobe. 
“You’re going to be late to see the queen Izetta,” Patrice snapped. 
Panic seized Izetta and she growled in frustration. “It’s going to go all wrong.”
“Stop your fretting, put these on and go,” Patrice said, shoving a pair of leather boots to Izetta’s chest. Izetta sighed, but slipped them on, when she straightened again Patrice smiled warmly. “You’ll do great, there’s no need to be nervous.” She held out her hand, with the broach on her wrinkled palm. 
Izetta’s eyes widened and she grinned, taking it and throwing her arms around Patrice. “Oh thank you!” she said, before bolting away. “I’ll clean this up later!” she called behind her as she pinned the broach to her lapel. 
“Sure,” Patrice said with a fond eyeroll. 
Izetta sprinted through the palace, dodging servants who yelped and then laughed when they recognized her. The palace was massive, with long winding corridors made of polished marble and mother-of-pearl. It all gleamed in the sunlight that streamed through the beautiful stained-glass windows decorated with scenes of Kantoga’s history. Everything was high, elegant archways and delicate statues adorned every doorway. Izetta didn’t have much time to appreciate it, but she already knew every feature of the palace by heart--growing up in it does that to a person.
Her leather boots slid across the smooth hallways until she was skating more than running, and she had to jump over a few servants busy polishing every surface diligently. Finally she turned the last corner, arriving at the largest room in the palace--and the more elegant. The queen’s throne room. 
The ceiling was so high you had to crane your neck to see the top of it, but it was adorned with a night sky filled with gleaming stars that looked like they were falling. There were huge windows made of perfectly clear glass and a throne carved out of an outrageously massive topaz. 
Izetta’s breath caught as she spotted the queen, in all her regal glory, standing by one of the windows with her hands clasped behind her back. She was wearing a long, flowing white dress with diamonds and little accents of gold detailing it. She had a train trailing almost ten feet behind her that was perfectly spread. Her brown hair was in a graceful braid wrapped around the crown of her head and decorated with pearls, her olive skin looked like it was glowing, and as she turned around she beamed at Izetta, her deep brown eyes gaining stunning wrinkles around them. 
Her etherealness made Izetta slightly self-conscious. She was wearing her nicest doublet--the light green one with slightly puffed sleeves and a high collar. Her nicest leather boots and white chemise tucked into a pair of black, fitted pants. Her blonde hair--cut short, above the ears--was freshly washed and Patrice had used some cream to make her usually dry pale skin “dewy.” Izetta didn’t know what that meant but Patrice had seemed pleased. She wasn’t nearly as extravagant or graceful as the queen, but she kept her chest out and shoulders back as the queen smiled at her. 
“Ileta!” The image was a little shattered as the queen seemed to forget Izetta’s name, but Izetta recovered quickly. 
“Izetta,” she corrected, with a low bow, “my queen.” 
“Right! So sorry, scatterbrained could probably be my middle name,” the queen laughed.
“No! Not at all!” Izetta said quickly, “Easy mistake to make, they sound so similar.
“Ah thank you,” the queen said, walking over and patting Izetta’s cheek briefly. “So nice to see a humble soul.” Izetta beamed. Then the queen cleared her throat, turning away and folding her hands in front of her. “I’m sure you’re wondering why I’ve called you here--er…” she hesitated. 
“Izetta,” Izetta said happily. 
“Right--Izetta. Well, I’m told you are out top agent,” the queen said. 
“Assassin, my queen,” Izetta said. 
The queen waved her hand dismissively, “Oh but that sounds so guttural. It matters not however, because I need you, to do something very important for me,” the queen paced for a moment. 
“Anything my queen,” Izetta said without hesitating. 
The queen waved her dismissive hand again, “yes, yes I know--tell me, what do you know of the Cyron siblings?” she asked, not bothering to look at Izetta, who’s brow furrowed. 
“Everything my queen, they’re our only enemies children,” she said.
“Obviously, yes, but what else.”
Izetta thought for a moment, then recomposed herself. “Lazarus Ivory Cyron and Lazarus Monte Cyron are the children of Lazarus Cyron. He appointed them as co-supreme generals of his entire army, replacing Natalia Youngblood, and they are known for their domination in battle as well as aptitude for leadership. Lazarus Ivory is the elder sibling, more prone to handling Caelest’s water-based troops while Lazarus Monte operates on land. Between them they’ve won over fifty battles since becoming supreme generals and before that they both served in the Caelestian royal army as--”
“Yes, yes--but what do you know about their personal lives?” the queen interjected, still pacing. 
“Uh--” Izetta hesitated, “not… a lot? They seem to be only close to one another and have a hard time trusting others.”
“Hm,” the queen said again, pausing and finally looking at Izetta again. “Listen to me very carefully Iletta--” the queen started, coming and placing her hands on the sides of Izetta’s face and looking intensely into her eyes. 
“--Izetta,” Izetta corrected. 
“Right--Izetta--listen to me,” the queen said, “I need you to find out everything you need to about the siblings so that you can kill them.” 
“You… want me to assassinate Caelest’s co-supreme generals and heirs to the throne?” Izetta asked. 
The queen’s face scrunched up, “ugh, yes but not that word, I already said it was crude.”
Izetta felt breathless, she couldn’t help the mile-wide grin that split her face. “Yes my queen,” she said, excitement fizzing in her blood and making her fingers go numb. 
“You will do this, for me? For your kingdom?” the queen asked, still holding Izetta’s face and staring intensely. 
Izetta nodded enthusiastically. “Yes my queen,” she said. 
The queen’s hands dropped and she walked away. “Perfect, you start now, do not fail me,” she said in dismissal. Izetta bowed and hurried out of the throne room. 
As soon as she knew she was out of earshot Izetta whooped loudly, causing a group of polishing servants to glare at her. She ignored them and spun down the corridors back to her room, feeling light and dreamy as she started to form a plan.
She was so lost in thought that she almost bowled right over Patrice, who was refolding the clothes Izetta had dumped out of her dresser in search of her broach. She kissed it and giggled--it was extremely simple, just a little copper circle with a wolf on the inside, but she’d had it her whole life--through everything. 
“I take it the summons went well?” Patrice said, laughing a little at Izetta’s beaming face. 
Izetta just smiled wider and swept the older woman up into a waltz that Patrice rolled her eyes at. 
“Oh it went wonderfully Patrice, the queen herself gave me a new job--two actually,” Izetta said, and Patrice raised a brow. Her expression became a bit more pinched as she did, but Izetta didn’t notice. “You’ll never guess who,” Izetta said, eyes gleaming. 
“It wouldn’t happen to be the Cyron siblings would it?” Patrice sighed. 
“It’s the Cyron siblings Patrice!” Izetta said, whirling Patrice into a spin that she slipped out of, wiping her hands on her apron and pursing her lips. 
“Oh,” she said quietly. 
Izetta--still oblivious, threw herself down on her bed and stared at the ceiling with a dreamy expression. “Isn’t it wonderful Patrice? Her majesty finally recognizes my potential! She entrusted me with killing the heirs, the Cyron siblings.” 
“Izetta--” Patrice started, wringing her hands out. 
“I’ll start by contacting our spy, god knows I can’t stand Aether but he’s been on the inside for almost a decade, he’ll know everything I need and--”
“Izetta,” Patrice snapped, and Izetta stopped her planning to look at Patrice. She had a frustrated expression on her face, making her lip curl up a bit in a snarl. It wasn’t an unusual expression, in fact, it combined with Patrice’s greying hair tied in a tight braid and her wrinkled, round face was how Izetta always imagined Patrice--usually griping about something Izetta was doing wrong. Patrice had been friends with Izetta’s father, and when he died she took Izetta in. The younger girl didn’t exactly see her as a mother--Patrice insisted she didn’t--more of a very present grandmother, kind and loving but harsh and unyielding at the same time. 
“Are you sure…” Patrice paused, pursing her lips and sighing, “are you sure this is a good thing?” she asked, meeting Izetta’s eyes. 
Izetta frowned, “of course, this is what I’ve trained my whole life for! With the Cyron siblings out of the way Lazarus will be weakened and we can finally attack and relieve the Caelestian citizens of his cruel reign.”
“But--” Patrice started. 
“I will do this Patrice, I will kill them or I will die trying, this was the entire point of my life--my meaning,” Izetta said, standing up and walking towards Patrice. 
“I know child, that’s what I’m afraid of.” 
Izetta felt stung. “You think I will fail?” 
“I think if you do you will die, I think you will die making a stupid decision to please our useless queen,” Patrice snapped, and Izetta reeled back like she’d been struck. 
“Patrice you can’t--” 
“Do not tell me what to speak of child, she is manipulating you. If anyone can succeed it is you but she doesn’t know that Izetta. She is sending you in and she doesn’t care if you die.” Patrice took Izetta’s hand and cupped her cheek. “Please Izetta, please don’t die for her,” she pleaded. 
Izetta blinked, stunned. After a moment she closed her mouth and pressed her forehead to Patrice’s. “I have to do this Patrice, I won’t die.” she whispered. 
Patrice sucked in a breath that sounded heart-wrenchingly close to a sob and Izetta almost shattered, but then Patrice’s breathing evened again and she stepped back, completely composed and back straight. She wiped her hands on her apron and sniffed, looking at Izetta’s chin rather than her eyes. 
“If anyone can do this, it’s you,” Patrice said, “I just wish it wasn’t,” she added, stepping forward to kiss Izetta on the forehead. She had to stand on her toes for it, and Izetta felt hollowed out. 
Then Patrice sighed, gave Izetta a final once over, nodded, and left Izetta alone in her room.
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It Was a Memory
Tittle: It Was a Memory
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-darkmidnight
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine that Loki is super sweet and understanding, when you tell him that you’re not ready for sex.
NOTES/WARNINGS: Coma, Amnesia.
 ~ Enjoy ~
You had hope.
But the tears still found the way to escape your eyes. Especially now when the doctors told you that he was in a coma. 
"We are not sure if he will awake. I'm sorry."
You swallowed a sob.
That blow was meant for you. 
Why? Why did he do it?
Thor was there and encased you in a hug, caging you in his arms. He knew all too well you would not cry in front of these strangers. 
With his embrace you shook in his arms as silent tears spring from your eyes like a never ending geyser. Your mouth open in a silent scream. Surrounded in darkness and encased in a desperate hug of hope.
It  killed you when the feeding tube was inserted. Months went by and Thor was somehow your rock even though it was his brother. Thor had know Loki all of his life, your few years were nothing.
Thor laughed as cheerful as he could, "Loki loves you more than anyone. You were certainly more intimate with him than I."
It got you to laugh. It was an odd sensation. Such an odd sound since this time it was sincere. 
A real laugh.
And then your phone went off. The sound you so longed to hear. Loki's ringtone. You had set all of the hospital and Drs numbers with his lovely ringtone. You answered it with haste and an excited, "really?" Escaped. No exploded out of you.
And just like that word, you exploded out of the door with Thor close behind you.
Loki was showing signs of waking up.
You were in The room when his eyes fluttered open. The doctors close to the bed while you and Thor stood back a bit. They informed Loki of where he was and he was hit hard. They asked him questions about himself that you and Thor gave. 
He was confused. He didn't remember anything.
Suddenly you and Thor were rushed out of the room. You both were told the obvious.
He had amnesia.
They told you to give it time and memories would come back. Spend time with him. Stay in the truth. Some information would be too much.
It tore your heart out to introduce yourself. Again. 
But you were there.
Helping him eat. Dress. Helping him walk on legs that no longer held the strength they once did. Rebuilding that strength. 
How it destroyed you when he learned of what he did to New York. His hands shook as he picked at them. His tears welled in his eyes.
"No wonder I'm alone. Who could… love me…" his voice cracked and so did your heart.
You touched his hand and he flinched away. "I know so many people who do. Loki. You were not yourself then and you did so well getting better."
"Everyone tells me I'm a God. Of mischief and lies. I probably faked my way into everyone's hearts." Loki scoffed, "that sounds like who I was."
"No you didn't. It was so real."
Loki growled, "God of mischief and lies."
Thor clapped a hand on your shoulder. "Go get yourself a coffee, Y/N."
You walked out as you hear Loki's voice crack once again. "I wish I could have something like what you have with her."
"I assure you. You have so much more."
Loki inhaled quickly and even behind the door you could imagine how he shook.
Then the Drs gave you and Thor the information, before Loki even knew himself, that he was going to be released.
With much argument Thor was made to take Loki. 
Loki remembered Thor as his brother, but still nothing of you.
You walked him around on multiple occasions to all of his favorite stores and watched him fall in love with them all over again.
Then a woman introduced herself to Loki. Flirting and gave him her number.
He texted her frequently. Fell in love with her faster than her saying, "build a new life. With me~" and so many emojis that Loki still hated. But he loved the idea so much: to be loved by someone despite his past actions.
When he talked so excitedly about the idea of someone loving him. Since this mystery person you and Thor spoke so highly of wasn't showing who they were, he was going with this woman. 
The last piece of your heart fell.
Thor started to try to reason with Loki the night he was going on a date with her. Trying to tell him it was a mistake that he knew who the person was that he loved with everything he had.
"I will give her everything I have now. That person you speak so highly of doesn't matter since they were so inclined to hide when I easily needed them the most" and Loki stormed out of area. You didn't see the tears he once she'd, not even a single tear behind those gorgeous eyes. His face just… Furious.
You felt Thor staring at you before he spoke, "we both know he didn't mean it."
You wailed as you fell. Thor catching you easily. It was such a routine anymore.
"Y/N. He will remember you."
"I hope he doesn't. For his sake. I just.. what if he did?" You looked at Thor before another sob racked your body. 
"He would be happy with YOU."
"No." You looked away, "he would choose her anyway." You got up and said, "I'm done. No more talking about the 'mystery person' let me just be his friend." Thor tried to talk with you, grabbed you and it worked to make you face him. But you were beyond hurt as you pointed in his face and growled, "Not another word."
Thor let go of you and you let go of an idea of being with Loki romantically.
You tried to be there for him. Tried to support him in the relationship. However it was too much. The girl knew of everything Loki had and greedily took as much as he offered. A gift each time they had a date.
Each meeting was a date…
You found work else were.
Thor had a surprise visit to check on you and saw the letter of the acceptance to welcome you to a new housing community. States away.
Thor was furious. Hurt.
"This is madness. Y/N just tell him!"
You argued for a very long time with Thor until he stormed out into the terrible weather that surpassed an ordinary storm for the area you lived in.
After many days, maybe a week you finally answered Thor's call. You finally agreed to meet Thor for lunch at some new cafe that just opened. All you knew was the address. Thor promising an apology and wanted to talk about your new life you were going to start over a meal he was paying for. Well you were up for it.
You needed the company, the last few days were lonely without anyone to talk to.
You knew Thor's brilliant idea as soon as Loki said, "I have questions."
Loki was there not Thor.
It was Loki's idea. His mischief and lies showing thru as Thor was used as the Trojan horse.
Nausea washed over you as your heart thumped in your throat. You tried to talk your way out of walking into that building with him.
"Y/N. You had time for my brother to sit with him."
Oh no. That insecurity hidden by aggressiveness. 
You looked him in the eye, and asked Loki a careful question. "What did he tell you?"
"Get a drink with me and I might tell you. After. You answer my questions."
You wanted. NEEDED that information. 
The need to go pack was stronger. You turned.
"Loki I need to go. I'm sorry."
"To pack, right? You never run away. Why now?"
He was hurt. You heard it in his voice laced with fake venom.
Were these words just from what Thor said I did he…
You turned and asked slowly, "Do you remem…" His eyes were wet and glistening with the light from the sunset but his jaw was shoved forward as his chest moved with deep movements.
"My questions first."
You moved to the door after he growled. You got a booth and once you got your drinks he started to ask questions. So many.
Why; you didn't tell him, didn't even try, let him believe you were just a good friend.
You told him that you just didn't want to hurt anything.
"You let me fall in love with someone who used me!"
You assured him it seemed like she actually liked him. In the beginning anyway and when he wouldn't listen to any warning about her intentions he wouldn't listen.
"So what? You're just going to leave now?" Loki growled and you swore his whole hand turned white as his hand fisted.
You told him he was better than that terrible woman and he would be fine.
"Someone better than you?" Loki's eyes down casted but you saw the tear land among his untouched and cold coffee. The ripples reminding you just how rough the past year and a half had been.
"What did Thor tell you?"
"He told me enough." Loki turned his head to the side and wiped the tear trail away. "He then showed me the album I had made of you and I. I had him keep it in his room for a long time so I could give it to you."
You were beyond surprised. Loki making an album? Thor keeping that hidden for so long?
"I was planning on giving it to you as an engagement present since I knew you were sentimental instead of materialistic. Preferring that over a ring." He laughed briefly. He finally met your eyes, "you hated when I gave you gifts. At least unless it was this." And he pulled out a bar of your favorite chocolate..
Your tears welled and spilled out of your eyes. A laugh bubbling out of you.
"Yeah. It always put me in a better mood. Once you realized that you gave me a ridiculously priced item, THEN the chocolate."
Loki laughed with you sliding the chocolate across the table to you.
"How much do you remember Loki?"
"Not much honestly. But it's enough. When I… awoke and you helped me. I was already falling in love with you. You told me you were just a really close friend. Then the way Thor treated you I assumed… and then I didn't want to ruin anything for anyone so I kept my feelings for you locked away. I met that woman and felt hope that I could be loved even after my actions. It still didn't drench my feelings for you, no matter how much I invested in her."
You were speechless. The words stolen by that silver tongue. Even though you knew these were honest words and it was no trick.
"I don't remember much but I would love to hear stories of us from you. And make new ones."
His eyes held yours as his hands rested on the table. Between the two of you. Palms up and inviting.
You placed your hands in his with a small smile. "Our coffee has gone cold."
Something flashed in his eyes for a second and his face softened to a smile.
"As it always does when we talk, My Sweet Love."
Your name from him.
Then you realized what flashed before his eyes...
It was a memory.
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alitheamateur · 5 years
The Grind- Chapter 22
Warnings: NSFW. Explicit sexual content. Language.
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The deep valleyed cut of his abs smashed to my own femininely toned core as he carried me around his waist in meaningful steps toward what I assumed was his bedroom. I loosened my boa constrictor like clasp around his torso, thinking for a moment I may have a heard him choke for a deep breath before we he kicked open the unlatched wooden door. Once we entered the light gray walls of his private room, he turned blindly and my protruding vertebras rolled on the unforgiving drywall beside his dresser. One palm petted my backside over the stretched latex of my black shorts, while its mate balanced him flat to the wall slightly above my head that was swirling erratically with the rhythm of his mouth.
“I have thought about this every damn day for the last year you wasn’t around, Liv. These legs squeezin’ the fuckin’ life outta me…” Colton looked at me with the same fiery fury he exhibited when entering the cage. 
My shirt discarded somewhere on his kitchen floor, and his now being pulled almost angrily over his head by me, allowed our sweating flesh to mingle into a sinful concoction.
“You sure, baby? I swear to God, I wouldn’t rush you into anything,” he politely contested.
“I’m sure, Colt. So, so sure.”
The three words were his vivid green light. I lightly closed my lids as my eyeballs rolled delightfully into the back of my head when I hit the feathery top of his assumingly expensive king size mattress. Strangely, he chose pulling my probably terribly smelling hair from the confines of an elastic hairband as the first item on his current to-do list. I shook like a wet, freshly bathed retriever, trying to beautify my hopeless locks, wanting to appear as sexy as possible for him in our first bedroom reunion. The last remnants of deodorant after our run, and the “vanilla” solid black bikini panties I wore, already miserably crashing that party, however.
Colton didn’t seem to be bothered one bit though, as his sucked raw, red teeth marks along my ribs, suddenly surprised at his meeting with my own tattoo from our break from each other.
A grazing, splendid finger traced the length of the black, sharpened pencil illustration down the side of my body starting due west of my breast. “It suits you,” he whispered through licked lips. “And you suit me.”
He hiked a hand up my southern cheeks, to duck into the waistband of my bottoms, and I slightly eased my weight from the bed to assist him in sliding them off from the back. My running shorts thrown to the side, left me now shivering in only thin underwear. Colton looped thru the leg holes, then looked to me, and tore the material in half right off my trembling body.
“Hope those didn’t cost ya’ too much, baby.”
A whiny moan of pleasure jumped from my chest when I felt strong, manly hands instantly probing the searing entrance between my thighs. Colton’s left hand massaged woefully slow on the space of my hip subtly, while the right painted careful strokes amid my aching lips.
His own hot breaths matched the temperature of my sex when he brought his nose level to it. “Can I kiss you, baby? Here?”
Unable to fathom any display of appropriate behavior at this point, I nearly yelled a scratchy growl of approval, and pulled him by the cold, damp strands of his hair to the midpoint of my gaping legs. The talented darts of his tongue, and teasing pecks of his lips two familiar feelings I never wanted to live without ever again.
“Colton, yes! Damn it..” I hissed through grinding teeth. He was like craving that could never become fulfilled.
“Open your eyes, Liv. I want you to look at me. Watch me make you come.”  He said through gritted teeth. His directions were stern, and darkly delicious in every way. Leaving me no other choice but to do exactly as commanded.
After what seemed like several unsteady, panting fits, Colton kept to his word, and rendered me with a paralyzing release, punctuated with his own smile of pride and perversion.
“That never gets old. I missed your taste, girl.”
“I need you, baby. Right this minute, please. I need to feel you.”
Did you just…beg? You begged like a detoxing fiend. Let’s try and hold on to a shred of dignity here, Liv.
My hands instantly pawed searchingly for the traps of stone that sat like mountains at the base of his neck as he predatorily crawled atop my still writhing body. They were my favorite place to hold onto as I rode him out like a hurricane wave. In an instant, graceful kisses fell down the crook of my neck, and around lobes of my ears, inhaling me, and I heard his precious admittance of love and longing spew like the Trevi fountain.
“I love you, Livvy baby. I don’t know how I ever let myself live without you. Fuck, I would die right here, and I promise I’d die with a smile.” He voiced hissed like the smooth smoke of a wildfire.
Boy, oh boy was he spreading it thick like smooth, buttery cement. I planted my hand over the sensitive skin where my awarded tattoo rest on his arm, savoring the fact that it, along with every other notion from Colton Ritter, meant that he was mine. The man was explicitly, unforgivingly, unashamedly mine. No matter what conniving demons dwelt within the darkest slums of his very being, he belonged to me, and nothing would change that. He wouldn’t allow it, and neither would I.
As we fused and curled into one thrashing mound of flesh and he pushed inside my walls, a tear rolled from the duct of my eye to soak into the comforter beneath my sticky hair. He filled me emotionally, mentally, and so pleasingly physically. His hands weaved deeply into my mane on both sides of my head, as he sank his lips into the fleshy globes on my chest. Feeling his perfect fingers all over my body like this felt like a cherished return. His body was built to destroy any enemies that may arise, and inflict painful chaos. Yet, here he was hovering over me so tenderly as if my body was fragile, fine china. Delicate touches and warm caressing hands molded against all my edges.
Colt bit over the throbbing pulse of my neck, and his paces increased with the cadency of my heart. He closed his eyes every so often, and I smiled at the way his long lashes shadowed onto his cheeks. White noise overtook the room as our words halted, and only breaths and thrusts made us look alive. I shuddered as he looked downward to inspect the way my slit looked hugging his length in entrance, and exit. The more he grunted, and murmured my name, the more I wanted to milk his own release from him, and if he kept grazing my deep walls in that same treasured spot, that’s exactly what would happen. His member felt like steel, sewed into plush velvet.
“Right there, Colton. I’m almost… mhmmm..”
“I love watching what my cock does to you, baby. You look so fuckin’ perfect when that face gets all blushed and soft after I make you come. Kiss me. ” He told me, but proceeded with the very action himself before giving me the chance.
That “blush” on my face is partially from the downright obscene things you so casually say to me, Colton. This Indiana girl needs a minute to process your boorish slang! But you love it, don’t even deny. You’re a scoundrel now, Elliott.
The chaste brush of a singular kiss ended almost as rapidly as its beginning before those predicable curses of orgasm screamed out of him. “Fuck… fuck! Livvy, your body is so… damn it. Every single… damn it. Fuck.”
Shouldn’t that be offensive? Liiiiiiike, I at least deserve a complete sentence of obscenities, Ritter.
I felt as if every particle of energy I had in me exited through the explosive orgasms he so kindly gifted me in our sexual homecoming. My spirit felt bright like the yellow of a daisy, or the perfect pink of a ripe watermelon. It was a revival of spirts that shocked my heart back to life.  
“Do you just challenge yourself to see how many expletives you can shout during sex?” I snickered, rubbing my hand over the tread marks of sweat rolling down his back over my claw marks.
“What can I say? My girl just brings out the best in me.”      
 I slept at his place that night, the open-house tour at my new apartment would have to wait. Almost smothered into the bear-hug embrace of his unbreakable muscles, I slept unmoved all night long. Aside from the drawn-out bathroom break around 3 a.m. that predictably led to him being woken by my blind stumbles in the dark, and needing another dose of his addiction between my legs. I didn’t startle from a deep sleep with hallucinations of his ghostly form sleeping next to me, or wake up and yearn for his warm body next to me under the sheets. I had both of those things. In fullness of reality, in the flesh. No more visions or dreams of fond memories, or nightmares of what could’ve been. We had found that road back to each other, and there were more memories to make.
I awoke, nude, alone in a tangled array of passion-soaked sheets, to the sound of a grinding blender, and an aroma perhaps to be eggs cooking. Checking the mirror briefly for matted, morning eye gunk, I adorned myself in a crumbled t-shirt I found in the arm chair beside his bed, then let my nose follow the scent of my probable waiting breakfast.
As I walked barefoot through the morning lit halls, a tingling yet, enflamed throb pulsed with my steps. It was the familiar ache of a night spent with Colton, and I smiled euphorically, welcoming the sensation.
“There she is! I was about to come wake your lazy ass up. You gotta eat so I can get you home and changed for work. Hope you don’t mind, I texted Ryan from your phone tellin’ him you’d be a little late to work this mornin’. I wanted you to sleep.” Colton turned away from the stovetop, serving up a healthy plate of scrambled egg whites, and two tomato slices.
He was covered only in thin shorts, and apparently a pair of tight-fitting briefs that peeked out around the waistband.  His eyes were a bit puffy, and still glazed from sleep, and again, freshly showered I concluded from the smell of his mountain musk soap. He smell was an unforgettable aroma of home. “Dig in, and I’ll put your protein shake in a cup for you to drink on the way.”
“Colton Ritter. Domesticated. I never thought I’d see the day. Should I buy us matching aprons?” I bit into a piece of the ripe tomato, catching an explosion of juice from running down my chin.
“Domesticated in the kitchen, maybe. The bedroom? Another story.  Isn’t that right you filthy, begging girl?” He sarcastic chided as he stood behind my chair, lifting my knotty hair into a fist, then kissing the back of my now exposed neck.
I recalled then the embarrassing amount of times that I’d whispered “please,” or “don’t stop,” the night before in our torrid exchanges.
“You created this monster, babe.” My head relaxed into his standing body behind me, and I winked up at him, menacingly.
TAGS: @torialeysha @eap1935 @littleluna98 @mollybegger-blog
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capandbuckysgirl · 6 years
You’ve Left A Mark That Won’t Erase - 4
You’ve Left A Mark That Won’t Erase (Chris Evans x Reader)
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Chapter 4 - I’ve been trying to write for awhile but life has been hectic! I’m so sorry for the delay!
Warnings: nudity, foul language, nsfw, unprotected sex (this is fiction, wrap it before you tap it!), fluffy as fuck!
As always, gifs are not mine… And show some love, please?
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I scrubbed and cleaned my apartment from top to bottom, trying to get Chris off my mind. Nothing worked, no matter how hard I tried. He’d managed to crack the wall I’d built up and slip through in the short time I’d known him.
This wasn’t typical for me, I didn’t just offer my heart up so quickly. But Chris was different; he was special. And something, somewhere deep inside me knew that.
It was times like this I wished I could call my mom. If only for a moment, to hear her voice one more time and ask for advice.
Peeling my pink latex gloves from my hands, I decided to weed through my wardrobe and pick clothes for the upcoming trip.
I managed to get through the clothes and get my makeup kits, nail kit and hair styling supplies condensed down to one bag for travel. Glancing at the clock on my nightstand I let out a heavy sigh.
Only three hours had passed, and now I had nothing left to do. Combing my fingers through my hair, I grabbed my purse and phone and made my way out to my car.
Driving always calmed me, especially when I had too much on my mind. I got in the driver’s seat and started the car, shifted into drive and made my way to my favorite spot near my house - Starbucks. The baristas knew me by name, and chilling out with a coconut milk green tea frappuccino sounded pretty fucking blissful at the moment.
I pulled up to the drive thru, ordered my drink and paid the cashier, Sam. She was super sweet, always had a kind word for everyone.
“Here ya go, Y/N. Had them put and extra scoop of matcha for you.”
“Thanks, you’re the best, Sam.”
I sipped my drink and drove around for a couple of hours, not really paying attention to where I was driving to. It didn’t really matter, I was feeling better about everything, including my newfound relationship with Chris. I started back toward home as my cell started ringing through the sound system of my car.
“Hello?” I answered as I flicked on my blinker to get on the highway.
“Y/N, Darren the bartender said he saw you leave with someone last night. A guy someone…”
“Ray, this is really none of your business since you and Ashley didn’t bother showing up.”
“Something else came up.” She said, offering no other explanation besides that and I had to grit my teeth to keep from unloading on her.
Raylin was selfish at the best of times, most times she could be downright mean. How I became friends with her was a mystery.
“Yes, well, you could have called or even texted me to let me know you weren’t going to be there. I waited for over an hour.”
“Sounds to me like everything turned out just fine. Darren won’t tell me who you left with, he says he knows who he is though.”
“Just let it go, please?” I wanted to be done with this conversation, but I also didn’t want to be rude. No matter how upset I was with my ��friends’, I wouldn’t be a bitch. After all, it had turned out to be a wonderful night.
“Why the big secret, Y/N? It’s not like you hooked up with someone famous or something. I mean, you’re so not Hollywood material.”
I bit my tongue - literally, the bitter tang of blood hitting me as I inhaled deeply through my nose.
“Yeah,” I sighed, “I know my place in the world, Raylin. Listen, I’m gonna go.”
“Don’t be like that, Y/N.”
My blood felt like it was boiling, how dare she talk down to me and act like it’s okay. Had I always surrounded myself with such shallow assholes?
“Like what? You just fucking insulted me. I’m good enough and pretty enough to get any man I want, I’m finally learning that. If you can’t see that, then maybe we shouldn’t be friends.”
There was no comment from the peanut gallery, so I hit the end call button on my steering wheel and smiled to myself. I was worth more than that bullshit, and there was no way I was going to throw Chris to the wolves. He deserved better than that, and I would treat him and our relationship with respect. When, and if, he wanted our relationship to be public knowledge, then people would know.
An hour later I pulled into my parking spot and grabbed the piece of paper with Chris’s number on it from my pocket. Without a second thought I punched the numbers into my phone, saved the new contact and sent him a text message.
Hey sexy, I told you I would text you later. How are you doing?
Almost immediately a reply came.
Hi baby, been waiting for you to text me since I dropped you off. I’m good, missing you already.
I couldn’t help the smile that tugged at my lips. If I hadn’t already opened my heart to this man before, I sure as hell would have with that comment.
I miss you, too. I cannot wait to see you again. I’m so glad we met…
Again, my phone chimed back a response almost immediately. He obviously had his phone close by.
I was drawn to you as soon as I saw you from across that bar. I was missing you before I even left you at your place. This has never happened to me before.
Me either, but I now know one thing for sure.
What’s that, babe?
I deserve to be happy, and so do you. I’m excited to see where this goes.
☺ Me too… I really miss your voice. Call?
I smiled again as I pushed the call button next to his name. He picked up after the second ring.
“Hi baby doll.” His voice sent shivers down my spine and a tingle between my legs.
“Hi to you, too.”
I got out of my car, grabbing all my stuff and headed into my apartment. As soon as I got to my apartment, I dropped my bag and keys onto the counter and sipped the last of my drink before tossing the cup in the trashcan.
“So what do you think about me coming back to your place tonight?”
“Chris, you can do whatever you want to do. I’d love to see you again.”
“I hoped you’d say that.” He chuckled on the other end of the phone just as my doorbell rang.
“Hold on, Chris. Someone’s at my door.” Pushing the intercom button, I asked, “Who is it?”
“Special delivery, baby.”
I laughed as I buzzed him in. I opened my apartment door and leaned against the door frame as I watched Chris round the corner. Watching him walk toward me like a man on a mission, I wanted to squeal like a fucking idiot. This man, this beautiful, gorgeous man, wanted me!
“Hi gorgeous,” Chris greeted me, his hands cupping my face gently. “I can’t believe this is happening, but you’re under my skin now, Y/N.”
“I know what you mean. You’ve managed to make your way into my heart in a very short time.”
The feeling of his thumbs caressing my cheeks had my eyes fluttering closed, and then our lips connected. His tongue running across the seam of my lips had me shivering with want.
“I can’t stop myself, I want you so badly, Y/N. I want you to be mine, and I’m scared half to fuckin’ death.” His hands were shaking slightly as he still held my face, his forehead against mine as his breath tickled my lips.
It was then that I knew, I was already in love with him. No matter what happened from here on out, I belonged to this man.
“I’m scared, too. You have me, Chris… You already have me.”
Chris sighed, his eyes finding mine as if searching for something and then we were kissing once more. I’d lost track of where we were, all I knew was this was right. Nothing else mattered. I was in love… For the first time ever.
Tugging on Chris’s shirt, I backed into my apartment, Chris shutting the door with his foot as we tore at each other’s clothes.  I led him to my tiny bedroom, still stealing kisses as I maneuvered my way backwards and landed on my bed.
“Beautiful,” he whispered as he climbed onto the bed, settling between my legs like he was made to fit there. He peppered my cheeks, eyelids, and finally my lips with kisses as he wrapped his arms underneath me, holding me close. I could feel every muscle as he moved, his cock sitting hot and heavy against my folds.
I didn’t move, I just wanted to feel him as he moved, his body crushed tightly against mine. Moving his hips slightly, the head of his cock pushed inside of me and I breathed a sigh of contentment. I was made for him…
I wrapped my arms around him, holding him as tightly as he was holding me as he started to thrust his hips. The drag of his cock inside of me was still almost overwhelming. I’d never been with anyone as big, or that knew how to use it like Chris.
Before him, I’d never even had an orgasm that wasn’t by my own hand or my trusty vibrator.
Chris shifted his hips slightly before pushing deeper, his moans so close to my ear sent another wave of pleasure to my core. I moved my hands down his back and grabbed his ass, pulling him as close as I possibly could as my legs opened wider.
I could feel everything, every flex of the muscles in his ass as he thrust inside me, the tip of his cock brushing against my g-spot, and every moan resonating in his chest as he clung to me like I was the very air he was breathing.
“Y/N,” he moaned, my name sounding so sweet coming from his lips.
“I know, Chris. I know,” I answered. We couldn’t say the words yet, but apparently we were both feeling it. This was something unexpected, falling in love with someone after only a day and a half…
He continued to thrust, in and out in a perfect rhythm that had my thighs shaking as my orgasm started. Not an explosion, a slow burn that increased as Chris thrust deeper still.
“Chris, oh… Oh, Chris!”
My nails found purchase in the skin of Chris’s ass as I lifted my hips to meet his as my orgasm finally began to wane. I wanted to make him feel as good as he made me feel.
We continued on, making love slowly into the early hours of the night. When we’d finally become too tired, and Chris had gotten me to come for him for the fifth time, he shuddered and came with a deep groan that had my toes curling. Collapsing to the bed, we slipped beneath the blankets and Chris kissed the top of my head as I snuggled back on his chest (my new-found favorite spot). Just as I was beginning to fall asleep, I could have sworn I heard Chris whisper something. But before I could be sure, I’d drifted off to sleep, completely spent.
“I think I’m in love with you, Y/N…”
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Dirty Work: Part 2
Chapter Summary: The reader and Ketch hunt down the vampires who infiltrated the BMoL bunker. When the reader gets hurt, it brings out Ketch’s true colors.
A/N: I have finally finished the second chapter of this story. I’m thinking a part three to this, so let me know if you want to be tagged in future installments.
Pairing: Arthur Ketch x Reader
Word Count: 2324
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It should have been simple. There’d only been five vampires left alive.
Faint shouts of your name echoed the walls of the home once occupied by a nuclear family, now ran by their conquers. The remaining vampires who infiltrated the Men of Letters' bunker and escaped. 
Your eyes fluttered with the sensation of blood leaving your neck in continuous gulps. Trails leaked down your neck, soaking into the collar of your shirt. Your body was panicked, lethargic from the blood loss. You twitched in the vampire's hold, as his teeth tore into at your neck, but there was no room to move. Arms pinned, tightly wedged between the corner of a wall and a man's body, but there was certainly no man inside.
"So delicious." The words vibrated between your neck, his fangs still intact in your neck. "If I could just resist for long enough, I’d save you for later."
Panicked and at a loss for any other option, you headbutted the vampire, causing his fangs to rip from your skin, further tearing downward. You groaned, resisting the urge to suppress the wounds. You grabbed your machete from the floor, wielding it at the vampire.
His hand caught the blade, barely wincing at the deep cut in his palm, letting out a hiss instead. With what little blood you had left was adrenaline pumped. You kicked his knee, lowering his frame for a brief second as you brought the blade up to your shoulder and swung it in the motion of a baseball bat, slicing his neck in a fluid motion.
The head flew ‘out of the park’ as it hit the opposite wall in the room.  
Exhausted and seeing spots, your knees hit the floor. You didn't hear the heavy footsteps charging toward the room and a familiar British accent calling out your name.
You turned your head toward the door, revealing the gash on your neck before collapsing completely. Your eyes drooped as Ketch's shadow covered you, further darkening the unlit room. His arms keeping your head from hitting the floor. The warmth of his arms surrounding you, lifting you up as you blacked out.
The first thing you saw when you woke up was the as moonlight through the mustang's windshield. You stared at it a long moment, playing back the hunt in your mind like a fever dream. You and Ketch had gone in the house together, planning to divide and conquer, but the vampires swarmed you both. Somehow one had dragged you away from the fight, away from Ketch. Afterward was a blur, and all you knew was that your neck throbbed a though it had a seperate heartbeat.
The sound of the engine revving engulfed your ears, pulling you from your thoughts. You wondered why the driver was going so fast. Then your eyes widened and realized you hadn't checked the identity of the driver.
You tilted your head, met with profile of Arthur Ketch. You relaxed into your seat with an exhausted sigh. 
Nothing in the world would’ve surprised you more than the slight jump Ketch gave in his seat. His eyes slipped from the road, scanning your face, studying it for any evidence of something wrong. You couldn't deny the slight panic you saw in his eyes and found yourself instantly suspicious.
"Oh, thank God!" He gasped, before trying to recover his expression, giving an unintentional gulp. He cleared his throat before speaking again, this time in a more neutral tone. “I thought you were dying.”
You noticed then the white-knuckle grip his hands had on the steering wheel. You groaned, sitting up from your slumped position. “Don’t plan to.”
“In one-point-three miles take the south ramp.”
Your reflexes were sluggish as you flinched from the voice of the GPS. “Where are we going?”
Ketch swung into the right lane, preparing for the turn. “To the nearest hospital.”
“What? Ketch, I’m fine-”
“No," Ketch's tone was stern, "You're bound to need a blood transfusion. That amount of blood-”
“We can’t go. We can’t explain what happened!”
“I’ll make something up, what matters is that you seek proper medical attention. Mick instisted-”
“The fact that I’m conscious means my body is already regenerating from the blood loss. I’ll be fine without the hospital. I promise.”
Ketch glanced at the GPS, seeing it read that the exit was now less than a mile away.
You gave another attempt of persuading. “Let’s just go back to the bunker, and I’ll rest there, okay? I’ll recover.” When Ketch didn’t let up on the speed, you did something you never wanted to. “Please.”
The Brit glanced at you, studying your face with a masked expression before passing the exit and shutting off the GPS. “I'll be driving the rest of the way.”
“Fine by me,” you agreed quickly, whatever it took to avoid the hospital trip. “Ketch, why did you care so much?”
He didn’t answer for a moment, silently scrambling for a reply. “Because if you died, I-" he coughed awkwardly. “Mick would blame me. I’d be too easy to say that I wanted you out of the picture, after the amount we’ve bickered.”
You weren’t convinced but allowed the conversation to drop as you felt your eyes roll back, barricading your eyelids shut.
You were only asleep for a quarter of an hour before Ketch pulled off onto the shoulder of the empty road, getting out of the driver's side to aid your wound.
The feeling of his hand brushing your neck woke you. Holding a death grip on the hand before your eyes snapped open to reveal Ketch. Your eyes focused on Ketch's face, and his on yours. Ketch stared at you quizzically as though to guess your next move. You dropped your arm, realizing you hadn't needed to hold onto his hand those few seconds after.
Out of the corner of your eye, there were first-aid supplies on the dashboard, a sea of white gauze and tape.
"What are you doing?"
Ketch frowned at you, his original persona returning. But which Ketch were the mask. "Since you resisted proper care, it's fallen upon myself to bandage you up. You've already bled onto the seat. "
Your head spun around in a swift motion that would’ve made you faint if you hadn’t already been seated. Sure enough, there was a crimson puddle on your gray upholstery. You groaned, partially from the pain in your head, mostly for the damage to the seat.
"I know a swanky chemical that'll take care of that; if you're not above that." Ketch lightly grabbed your jaw, pushing your gaze forward as he began to inspect the wound again.
"Above what, cleaners?"
"My help," Ketch said quickly, keeping his eyes locked on your wound.
"Umm," you began. "I'd say I'm not completely against your help, since, you know, you dragged me out of that vamp den. Plus you're trying to help me not bleed out," you waited a moment. "Is this because I said that you looked like a vampire back at the bunker? I was just joking."
He wiped off the surrounding blood from your wound. And as the silence grew, so did your conscious' voice.
"Thank you," you muttered, ignoring the sting of the alcohol in the towelette.
A devilish smirk tugged at the Brit's lips. "You are most certainly welcome,"
You sighed, knowing you'd never forgive yourself for what you were about to say. Ketch paused, thinking the alcohol were too much.
With a deep breath, you muttered, "And I guess, for the grenade you shot at that car, also," you thought back to when Ketch had saved you, Castiel and the Winchesters from being taken into custody on the side of the road weeks before. It had been the aggravation that begun your feud since it had almost hit you.
Ketch put the gauze over your wound, using a small amount of medical tape to hold it in place. "Perhaps, I should've aimed directly at the men, rather than the car."
You turned your head, feeling the tape adjust flexibly along your neck. "That sounds awfully close to an apology."
"I wouldn't get used to it."
"Oh come on, I thanked you, twice! And you apologized. I think that's a good start. Maybe this mission wasn't so bad after all.”
Ketch gawked at you unapologetically. "You were bitten by a vampire."
You shrugged. "Once you've been hugged by a naked cherub, almost nothing seems as bad."
Gawking turned to bewilderment.
You smiled at Ketch’s expression before you realized the vulnerability of getting close to the Brit. "I guess we should hit the road, huh?"
"Right," he muttered, almost sounding disappointed. "Get some rest."
You turned your head, curious to read his face, but the Brit straightened up and already was half a pace around the Mustang.
You awoke again when the sun was breaking dawn, the light scorching your eyelids through the glass of the window. You yawned, forgetting for a moment Ketch was your designated driver, and that you were, by default, Mrs. Daisy.
“Are you hungry?”
You groaned, shifting in your seat to lay facing Ketch, away from the sun. Losing the battle of your sleep-dazed state, you kept your eyes closed, missing the way Ketch watched you curiously.  
“I don’t know,” you mumbled, immediately followed by a rumble of your stomach.
Ketch pulled off onto an onramp, finding a resturant to pull up to.
You peeled your eyes open. “But I’m bloody-“
"Then what am I supposed to do?" Ketch looked at you wide-eyed, and you realized he truly was uncertain. As though he cared to do the right thing.
"Drive-thru," you told Ketch. His face contorted into something that would make the description vile look like empathy. "Come on, I almost died," you argued, giving your best intention of Sammy's puppy dog stare.
“Fine. Eat in the car, like a savage.”
You ignored his insult. “Like the Winchesters,” you yawned as you felt the drain of your energy.
"Like I said," he muttered, pulling into the parking lot of a fast food joint.
With a couple of breakfast burritos on your lap, Ketch pulled back onto the freeway, pressing his foot hard on the gas as he went.
You smirked at the English hunter, an idea underfoot in your mind. “How far are we from the bunker?”
“Less than two hours.”
“Then you’ll need your strength,” You said, holding up the burrito at the gent.
“Get that thing away from me," he scolded, swatting it out of his proximity.
You shrugged, taking a bite out of one. "Hey when we get there, can we keep this to ourselves?" Ketch eyed you, raising a brow. You expanded on your thought. "You don’t know the Winchesters like I do. They’ll get protective and pissy about my neck."
“That wouldn’t be wise. Mick may have an impending mission.”
You frowned. "Look, Sam and Dean might just end up blaming you for what happened. This isn't your fault, you dragged me out of there, but they won't hear it." You thought of another point as you swallowed your bite. "Besides, wouldn’t you look better in Mick’s eyes if our first hunt accomplished went smoothly?”
No response other than his tightening grip on the wheel.
“Ketch, come on-“
“We’re going to tell the others, so you can properly heal before being sent out again, that's final!” His outburst silenced you. “Believe it or not, your death is not a fathomed achievement of mine, despite the misery you avail me.”
Not knowing how to respond to the nearly vulnerable statement, you changed course. “So, what was dating Toni like?”
"You don't have an off button do you?" Ketch teased, frowning with the new topic. A grand eye roll was achieved before the Brit answered. “Catastrophic.”
“So she’s a bitch to everybody, huh?”
“An understatement, really. I’ve spent too much of my time comparing her to the vilest of creatures and objects I could fathom."
“How’d you ever end up with the evil shrew? Not that I'm saying you're much better or anything.”
The ghost of a smile tugged on his lips due to the nickname you gave his ex. “Side-effect of being paired together on missions.” At the comparison to the current situation, all amusement left his features.
“And what, you two just built up too much sexual tension before,” you tried to motion an explosion with a burrito in your hands.
The smile remained on his face before he realized and dropped it. “It was more so letting the air out of a balloon.”
“I know what you mean.” You said, raising the burrito to your lips to bite.
A spark of a mischief idea arose Ketch’s conscious. “You and either of the Winchesters ever?”
You almost choked on your food. “Oh, God, no!” You let out. “I know far too much about those two to ever seriously get invested in either of them.”
“You seem close. I thought perhaps there’d been a romance or fling in the past." The car ride was silent a moment, as you ate your burrito. But Ketch was thinking. "But, I'm glad to hear it."
You dropped your burrito on your lap.
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sevensstories · 7 years
Christmas Wishes Chapter X: April Fools!
Fandom: Undertale Prompt: Stuffed Dog (courtesy of @petchricor​ ) Characters: Sans, Papyrus Ships:  The harbor be empty Updates Every Thursday
Chapter 1: Nightmares Chapter 2: Gotta Get That Letter In Chapter 3: Do You Have Any Word Searches? Chapter 4: Mistakes Chapter X: April Fools! You are here Chapter 5: Sans Has Regrets Chapter 6: The Morning After
WARNING!  This is not a real chapter!  This was an April Fools joke to my beta readers!  That being said, I hope you all enjoy it anyway
He had tried everything.  He had tried everything and it still wasn't good enough.
Sans stared down at the jar of dust, his sockets black and empty.  How could this have happened?  How could he have let this happen?  He had killed his little brother.  Even if fate smiled upon him just this once and the world reset, how would he ever live with himself?  He was a dirty brother killer now.  Things couldn't go back, not after this.  To make things worse there was still the matter of spreading his dust.  With how many times Papyrus had died this was far from Sans' first time performing the task.  That being said, Papyrus had never died like this before, killed by the one person he loved most.
Sans paused, considering that for a moment.  The one person Papyrus loved most.  He had always spread his brother's dust on his prized possessions but, although it wasn't an uncommon practice among monsters, he had never considered spreading Papyrus' dust on a living being.
He let out a soft sigh, running a hand over his skull before giving a sad smile.  “Heh, first time for everything I guess.”
Next he had to consider where he would do it.  Of course Snowdin was their home, but Papyrus had always been fond of Waterfall.  There was a particular little nook off of the glowing path that he liked, filled with echo flowers and soft grass.  Maybe that's where he should go.  So few people knew about it that it was unlikely Papyrus would be disturbed there.  At least, not before the world had a chance to reset.  No doubt Frisk would reset it the second they found out Papyrus was already dead.  If they didn't then Sans would either beg or, if that didn't work, kill them over and over until they had no choice.  Either way he was going to get his brother back but, for now, he was going to give him a proper send off.
He pushed himself up with a grunt before brushing the snow off his shorts.  Truth be told he lacked the motivation to walk all the way to Waterfall.  Even if he didn't feel that way he didn't want to risk someone following him in and disturbing Papyrus' final resting place.  Luckily for him he knew a shortcut.
The pupils disappeared from his sockets and there was the brief sensation of being sucked into a vacuum.  The world went black for a moment and, when the light came back, he was standing in the secret cavern.  With glowing mushrooms and crystals peppering the ceiling and the floor being carpeted by echos flowers and soft, navy grass it was no wonder why Papyrus had been fond of the secret room.  It was breathtaking.  Sans shuffled through the flowers, listening to their soft whispers.  His breath hitched and tears gathered in the corners of his sockets when he found that the majority were the remnants of his beloved brother.
“Nyeh!  No human today, but they'll come soon!  I can feel it in my bones, nyeh heh!”
“Sans still won't pick up his sock!  What is an amazing, handsome, charismatic skeleton to do?”
“Training with Undyne was great today!  Though I have begun to question the necessity of burning down the kitchen...”
“Mettaton came out with a new show today!  Nyeh!  I'm so excited!”
“Sans may be a lazy bones, but I still love him very much...”
“hOI!  im tem!  ur boOtyful!”
“I'll be a royal guardsman soon, I just know it!”
Sans stopped, furrowing his brow.  He took a few steps back, lowering his skull to one of the flowers.
“hOI!  im tem!  ur boOtyful!
He sighed and shook his head before starting forward again.  “Damn Temmies, I swear they're everywhere.”
Sans stopped when he reached the center of the room and knelt down in the grass.  He took one last look around the room, took a deep breath, and opened the jar.
“I love you, Papyrus.”
Sans closed his sockets and poured the jar of dust over his skull.  He held his breath and waited for most of it to slide from his bones and settle on the grass beneath him.  When he felt that the majority of it had sifted into a comfortable rest, he let out a puff of air through his teeth and nose to clear the dust from his face.  It may have been customary to leave the dust on you for a couple of days, but it was also taboo to breathe it in.  Not that that was a problem, he didn't mind watching the dust scatter before resting on the petals of the echo flowers.  That's where it really belonged, not on a dirty brother killer.  Then again papyrus would probably disagree, and his wishes were what really mattered.
Sans stood, rolling his shoulders and letting any excess dust drift to the ground.  Now all there was left to do was go home, mourn, and wait for this to all be over.
“tem cav iz thiz wai!  iz secroit!  hoory up!”
Temmie bounded towards the cave, shivering in excitement.  Beautiful flowers!  Pretty crystals!  Glowey mushrooms!  Cushy grass!  It was the best cave!  Temmie could find Temmie Flakes in the Tem cave!  Then Temmie could sell Temmie Flakes and go to Tem college like Temmie in the Tem Shop and get an education!  Temmie had the best plan!
“temmie dun wunna run no moar, temmie toired!”  Temmie whined, ears drooping.  Temmie had been chasing Temmie all day, Temmie has so much energy how is Temmie supposed to keep up?
“tem almoost theere!  iz thru heer!!”  Temmie slipped through a big crack in the rocks that looks like it's not there in the dark??
“WOA!!  temmie not see cav?!?!”  Temmie rushed in after Temmie to see the amazing Tem cave.
When Temmie got inside of the Tem cave Temmie gasped.  “iz boOtyful!!!1!1”
“tem kno!!  tem haz net 2 get teh temmie flakes!  Tem wil haz muns 4 colleg!” Temmie squealed.  “AND tem haz boOtyful floowrs!  floowrs smel prity!”
Temmie leaned in and smelled the flowers!  Temmie got weird dust on Temmie's nose and sneezed!
“aaAachuu!!!”  Temmie bounced a bit with the sneeze before scrunching up its nose.  “tis floowr smelz funnie!”
“temmie wunna smel!”  Temmie leaned in to smell it but Temmie stopped them!
“nO!  temmie cant smel, tem soid so!”  Temmie shoved Temmie away from the flower!
“foine!”  Temmie huffed.  “dun wunna smel floowr anywai!  tem floowr STOOPID!”
“tem--”  Temmie stopped, a shudder running through their body.  Their front legs collapsed, letting their cheek rest on the floor.  “tem dun feel so gud...”
“iz tem okai?”  Temmie asked in concern, crouching next to them.
“tem...”  Temmie let out a dramatic cough.  “tem dyin...  tem need...  tem need tem dooctr...”
“tem NO DIE!”  Temmie cried, leaping up.  “tem wait heer, temmie get tem dooctr!”
Temmie bounded off, leaving Temmie alone in the hidden cave.  The cave was no longer the best cave, not if it made Temmie sick.  Temmie gave a soft whine, burying its face in the cushy grass.  Temmie felt sick.  Temmie's soul hurt.  Temmie wanted spaghetti?  Temmie wanted to do puzzles??  Temmie didn't feel like Temmie anymore??!
No, Temmie didn't feel like Temmie anymore.  Temmie felt like...
The Great Tempyrus.
Sans sat curled on Papyrus' bed, staring at the wall with black, empty sockets.  Papyrus' scarlet cape was clutched between his fingers, covered in a light layer of dust.  He wasn't really planning on leaving this spot until the kid came through.  Why would he?  There was nothing to wait for anymore.  He didn't even have anyone to fight this time, not unless he wanted to kill himself.  Then again, if he didn't need to stay to beg Frisk to reset he probably would.
A loud crash from the downstairs tore him away from his thoughts.  He jolted in surprise before going absolutely still, listening to the sound of broken glass crunching under someone's shoes.  With how many times their windows had been broken he was more than familiar with the sound by now.  Normally he would just shrug it off and have it fixed later, but someone had to have open hell of a nerve to break in while he was grieving.  Sans took a deep breath before pushing himself up.  Whoever was down there was gonna have a bad time.
He shuffled out of the room, keeping a tight grip on his brother's cape.  Whoever had broken in was now banging around with the pots and pans.  That wasn't something any of the dogs normally did and Undyne wouldn't dare to even consider breaking in right after Papyrus' death.  If he weren't dust Sans would bet it was Papyrus himself.  The taller skeleton would always break through the window when he was locked out.
Sans stopped at the kitchen doorway, sockets narrowing.  Oh hell no.  There, making a mess in this brother's kitchen, was a Temmie.  It was currently trying to put a pot filled with water on the stove, but it wasn't nearly tall enough.  It could hardly even pick up the pot with its small, bony paws.
Wait, bony?  That couldn't be right.  Sans inched closer for a better look.  Instead of milky white fur, the Temmie had pale bones and was wearing what looked like a Battle Body.  Sans felt unease twist in his gut.  Absolutely none of this seemed right.
The Temmie twisted around.  A creepy, permanent grin was stretched across its skull.
“Sans!” It cried.  “Sans!  halp meh get teh pot on teh stoove!  NYEH!”
Sans went still, staring at the creature before him.  This, this thing, why was it dressed like him brother?  Why did it sound like his brother?  How dare it imitate The Great Papyrus?  The pupils disappeared from his sockets and his voice dropped an octave.
“Look, pal, I don't know who you are, but if you don't--”
“dun be silly, Sans!”  The Temmie shouted.  “i iz the GRATE TEMPYRUS!  ur luvable tem bruther!”
“My brother is dead,” Sand growled, his left eye glowing a bright cyan, “and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let anyone pretend to be him!”
The Temmie's sockets widened in terror.  “NO!  Sans, dun hit meh again!”
Sans stopped, hesitating a moment before speaking.  “What did you just say?”
Bright orange tears pooled in the corners of Tempyrus' sockets, its small frame trembling.  “i dun wunna be dust again!  NYEH!  dun hurt meh!”
Sans stood frozen, staring at the supposed Tempyrus in shock.  “How do you know about that?”
“Sans, it's ME!”  Tempyrus cried.  “im not ded!”
What Tempyrus was saying wasn't even remotely possible.  Part of his wanted to work everything out and part of him wanted to just curl up and pray that all of this was a really bad, really confusing dream.
However, before he even had time to react, the Annoying Dog leapt through the already broken window and skidded across the floor, eyes glinting with a serious light.  Tempyrus barely had the chance to squeal in surprise before the dog opened it's jaws wide and took in the entire of the abomination, swallowing it in one massive gulp.  The dog cleared its throat before trotting over to Sans.
“Man that was one hell of a meal, I'm stuffed,” it muttered to itself.  It then perked up and spoke in a deep, rich voice.  “The threat to the multiverse has been neutralized.  No need to thank me, it is my job as your god after all.  Just go about your business, citizen.”  With that it gave a high pitched bark, wagged its stubby tail, and hurled itself back out the window.
Sans watched dumbfounded for a moment before shaking his head and muttering to himself, “I really have to ask Grillby what's in those damn drinks...”
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[HR] [SF] Spence - Chapter 2
‘Fore we got rid of Dr. McFuckknuckle and The Three Stooges, went through all their things and vehicles. No identification at all.
That tablet thing ‘Curly’ had was, along with bein’ a tracker for Spence, a maintenance console kinda thing. Get back to that here in a minute.
The doc’s car had some real interestin’ toys inside. Was a laptop, set up on a stand like in a police vehicle. Opened it up, and it lit up fine, but wanted a password, or a fingerprint. Lucky for me, once I pried open ol’ doc’s torn off hand and cleaned it up a mite, the thumbprint from that did the trick. Couple minutes of tinkerin’ got me my thumbprint authorized jest fine. Tossed that hand back over by its former owner. Spence followed the toss with his head, and chuffed. ‘Good riddance to bad rubbish, right?’ He cocked his head at me, like he was thinkin’ that over.
Was a leather folder which had some papers, a small black nylon toolbag, and a power cord/adapter for keeping the laptop charged.
Plugged the laptop up in the shack, ‘fore we headed out to get rid of the trash.
Loaded the dead weight into the back of that SUV, jerry-rigged a tow for the doc’s car, got ready to haul out into the back-country. Plenty of room for Spence in the back seat. Opened the door and said ‘C’mon bud. It’s garbage day.’ Spence kinda ‘chuffed’, would not get in.
‘You gonna stay here, slick?’
Goddamn, he was sayin’ no.
‘Fair enough, you plenty fast, bud. Follow me.’
Headed out, and Spence was a joy to see in motion. He’d rocket out ahead, swoop around and jet right back. He was playin’ with his lil ol’ slow human. Such a cat, that guy. Wiseass.
Got to where we was gonna dump this sack o’ assholes, and made sure to kick Dr. MFK in the ribs until my leg was tired. Not that it bothered him much, made me feel better.
Not gonna get too detailed on where/how all that was dealt with. Some things are best left unsaid ... but no one is ever gonna find them, or their vehicles ... and there are a couple-three less incendiary grenades left.
Was a long walk back, but Spence had a time. He’d spot a jack-rabbit, start up that chittery thing he does, and off he’d go. Chase the poor lil bugger for a while, and then he’d stop, let that jack run off, look back at me, and speed on back. Keepin’ an eye on his human. Saw a buzzard off on high, ridin’ the thermals. Guess we wasn’t the only ones takin’ care of dead meat today.
Just managed to beat the rain, and nightfall when we got back home.
Was time to get back to those ‘stay tuned’ things, so made up some coffee, and started snoopin’.
That laptop and those papers had some info, but the rest here is some wild-ass-guessin’:
Spence is a ‘prototype weapons system.’ Was the only one that ‘was successful’. Seems ‘they’ (not clear on who ‘they’ really is, but ‘they’ had some deep pockets, as Dr. MFK didn’t seem to have much problem keepin’ the lights on) had built some kinda ’AI’. Too bad for ‘they’, this AI? That dog won’t hunt. Couldn’t manage to ‘code a hunting instinct.’ Some bright-boy lab rat fella decided to ‘look into the feline mind’ to get that ‘hunter/killer’ code.
Dr. MFK was that lab rat. Pretty sure the process died with him. Small favors.
Seems the idea that he come up with was what he called a ‘matrix’ that this AI thing could run in, and the cat ‘code’ part could be copied in there, to give them that missin’ piece. There warn’t no ‘organic’ Spence left in that shiny body, from what I could figger. Just that matrix thing, swaddled up in Spence’s metal and silicon innards, with Spence and that AI all mixed up together.
He also figgered out that ferals and cats not raised ... whaddyacallit ... underfoot? Well, not bonded to humans, they wasn’t gonna work either.
Bastard slaughtered a lot of cats. ‘Spence, Ima thinkin’ the Doc here got off light.’ Spence chuffed again. Ima guessin’ this time he was agreein’ with me.
Spence was a smart fella before, but now he’s scary smarter. Still good company. Conversation is nice, just too damn big for lap-sittin’.
Also figgered out that the tools in that bag were for openin’ up maintenance ports and the like on Spence’s chrome carcass. One of them had a port for connectin’ that little maintenance console up. Told ya I’d get back to that. Was able to find the tracker tag they had plugged into Spence. Pulled that sumbitch out and unhooked its battery. Put that all away in the toolbag. Oh yeah, Spence is stealth. I can’t claim to understand how it works, but I read that, and tried to take a picture with my old digital camera, and all I could see was a kinda washed out blur, like the lens was smudged. Does the same kinda thing to radar signals and the like, but I ain’t got no way to test that. The black magic don’t extend to regular optical cameras, but that’s ok. Hell, I wanna be able to see him.
Feelin’ kinda proud of myself at this point, so I closed Spence back up, grabbed a beer, and hit my chair. Spence sat on my left, and leaned his head on my leg. Put my hand on his ear, and he buzzed that purr of his, and lightly thumped his tail. We listened to the rain, until it faded out.
That was pretty close to the last time we felt peaceful.
Thinkin’ that ‘they’ might want to collect on their spendin’, and scoop up Spence. Yeah, well, fellas. Gonna have to go thru me first. Ima thinkin’ we two gonna hit the road. Dunno where to yet, but ‘they’ probably got the shack already nailed down. Also thinkin’ about that buzzard.
Next day, shit to do. Told Spence to guard the shack, and I’d be back. He chuffed and ima sure that was his version of an eye-roll. Walked down to the highway. Waved down the bus. Took that to the city (the other direction from town), and bought a new-to-me truck, with a camper shell on the back. Figgered that would give Spence some cover from all the lookie-loos.
Once I was back home, towed the trusty old truck out to the back-country, for a hero’s funeral. Couple less incendiaries. At least this time, didn’t need to walk back. Yep, could still see that circlin’ bird. Like that paintin’ ... this is not a pipe, and that ain’t no buzzard. Spence was chasin’ jack-rabbits again. I stopped the truck.
‘Spence!’ He spun around and come runnin’ back. ‘Hey bud. Ima thinkin’ you understand me a lot more than you used to. See that?’ I kinda pointed up the bird’s way. Spence’s head tracked the lazy circles for a bit, and then he looked back at me, head cocked. ‘Yep. Ima thinkin’ we on borrowed time. Those ‘they’ fellas are watchin’.’ He thought on that, and gave me a chuff. ‘Time to go, old fella’.’ He didn’t make a sound this time. Just cocked his head, like he does... and then walking over and givin’ me a head bump on my leg. Understood that perfect. I opened up the door, and he jumped in the back of the double-cab.
Got back home, and started packin’ up.
Got my back-country hikin’ gear. Packed some boxes with non-perishables. Loaded up the jugs of water I already had. Wrapped up our little armory in some tarps. Stowed that laptop and the other gear in my pack. Made sure my scatter-gun was loaded and handy. Was just finishing securing ever’thin’ down, when Spence made his chitter sound, looking back towards the road to the highway.
‘Goddammit, guess we outta time, bud. You stay here, in the truck. Let’s see what these assholes are up to.’
It looked to be one of the staties’ prowlers. I got no problem with the real authorities, but I made sure my sawed-off was in easy, hidden reach.
Prowler pulled to a stop. Could see two folks inside. In my experience with the staties, there’s usually only one per car. Somethin’ is not right here.
They both got out. ‘Good afternoon, sir.’
‘Afternoon officers, can I help you fellas?’
‘Yessir. We are out here, working with the rangers, letting people know that there is a very dangerous wild animal in the area. Have you noticed any signs? Any lost livestock? Pets? Anything like that?’
The one talkin’ was bein’ real calm and reassurin’ and walkin’ over easy like, with a nice, friendly grin. The other one was kinda off to the side, movin’ slow and steady, kinda like he was tryin’ to flank me... lookin’ everywhere but at me. Noticed that their sidearms were not the standard statie issue, but more like smaller versions of the Stooges’ weapons, with extended magazines. This is not a pipe, and these ain’t staties.
From where they was at, they couldn’t get a clear view of Spence, but he saw them. I could see him trackin’ their progress from the corner of my eye.
‘Well sir, don’t have any livestock to speak of. Was out hikin’ some today. Didn’t see no varmints bigger than a jack-rabbit.’ Was edgin’ my hand over to the sawed-off.
The chatty one smiled bigger, and started to reply, when the sneaky one finally got to where he saw Spence. He grabbed at his shoulder mike, and they both reached down for their weapons, but they never had a chance. I was spinning behind the truck, grabbin’ my scatter-gun, but I never even got it pulled.
I knew Spence was fast, but the last time he did this, I didn’t see the details. My buddy Spence is a beautiful goddamn chrome murder machine.
Spence went right through the side window of the camper shell. He tore into Sneaky, snipped both hands off clean, and slashed his throat deep, all in one move. Sneaky dropped, no sound but wet chokin’. Never even keyed the mike. Spence was over on Smiley in less than a heartbeat, before he could even get turned. Spence took that gunhand clean, and dropped ol’ Smiley on his back, and held him there, front paws on his shoulders, with the claws slid in for purchase, pressin’ down. Spence smiled, if you can call a mouthful of steely razors smilin’.
It was quiet, ‘cept for Spence’s metallic chirr, and Smiley’s sobs, as he clutched the stub with his remaining hand, ghost white face locked on Spence.
I walked over with my scatter-gun on my shoulder. Put a hand on Spence’s head and rubbed that ear. He thumped my leg once with his tail, not moving anything else.
Knelt down a little off to the side, up by Smiley’s head.
‘Son, meet Spence. Now, you and me? We gonna have us a little come-to-Jesus meetin’.’
submitted by /u/UndiagnosablePaella [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/36xvjcm
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