#all this and then months later he gets put in a jigsaw trap and his dad gets killed but the girl who probably killed him was kind of his
sawvhs · 1 year
loool hi you dont have to respond to this but i just wanted to answer ur questions in ur tags ^_^ i like to think its a small world and daniel and adam have bumped into each other kinda like amanda and he promoted wotg to daniel. so he checks it out but he kinda just goes for adam cuz i think they kinda become buddies after that. he was prob forced into getting merch by one of scotts bandmates tbh LOL. just fun to think about and then it makes it possible to think of apprentice adam and daniel interactions <delusionalism. but yeah loool i love making shit up about daniel hes so fun(heart hands emoji)
AH yeah thats totally the train of thought i was going down thinking daniel must have found out about them from a flier or soemthing.. Daniel being an honorary ‘sorry we killed your bastard cop dad’ member of the jigsaw squad is so fun to me esp in silly adam lives scenarios so i love that..
(sorry about the tag dump oops)
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corn-fanfiction · 11 months
18+ ONLY
CW: canon-typical violence, language, smut (p + v sex), dub-con, mentions of r*pe. If I missed any, let me know.
"Easy, easy. No, no, tighten that one first."
"I'd do a lot better without you hovering over my shoulder."
"Someone's gotta make sure you don't blow up the warehouse."
You stick your tongue between your teeth as you do when you're concentrating. Mark's eyes flick to it. He never slows down. Never stops.
Whatever bolt you're supposed to be tightening you manage to get it done. Mark exhales and straightens behind you. You feel a kiss on the back of your head.
"Good girl. Proud of you."
You giggle but he can't see your face drop and the way you suppress a shudder. He thinks you're brainwashed. He thinks you've fallen. He doesn't know you despise his touch even still, months later.
Laying it on thick, you turn your body that's trapped between his and the table.
"Did you sigh? You're not supposed to sigh. You're the one showing me what to do."
Mark leans in and you lean back. It looks like you're teasing him. He doesn't know you're doing everything in your power to create distance.
"Well, I'm not the perfect teacher."
He's fishing. You'll bite.
"Well maybe I'm a bad student."
Oh he likes that. He seizes your lips in a kiss and you inhale to distract yourself. He takes this as enthusiasm. A hand travels up your shirt to grab a breast but you gently push it away.
"What if Amanda comes in?" You smile against lips.
"Let her watch, she's just jealous anyway."
"No, Mark..." You squirm, but don't want to put up too much of a fight. However, thankfully, he pulls back.
"Ah, you're right. I'm a selfish man after all."
No kidding.
He places one final kiss on your cheek and finally frees your body.
"I'm gonna wash this grease off my hands," you say and head to the bathroom. He doesn't respond, which is a good thing. Mark doesn't keep a super tight leash on you, at least not in the warehouse.
In the bathroom you scrub your hands raw under hot water. You imagine you're also scrubbing off his touch, his smell, even his taste.
"Scrub all you want, Princess. No washing that away."
You look into the mirror and spot Amanda behind you, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed. You turn off the sink and dry your hands.
"What do you want, Amanda?"
"Oh, that's not very welcoming. How do you greet Mark?"
She steps up behind you and brushes hair away from your neck. You do your best to act unbothered.
"Wouldn't you love to know."
"Actually, I would."
She allows you to duck away from her touch and leave the bathroom. Anywhere you can go to be away from Mark and Amanda is top of your list.
Amanda follows you out of the bathroom and into the expansive center space. It's decently organized for what it is: some long abandoned warehouse fitted to all the Jigsaw's personal and business needs.
Mark catches you by the waist before you can get too far and an immediate spike of panic shoots through you. But a wet kiss on your cheek lets you know that he's only trying to be affectionate. In his sick way.
"Get a room," Amanda groans, going to work on her own project.
"Not such a bad idea," Mark nuzzles into your neck. How much longer, you wonder. How much more do you have to endure to secure your freedom?
As much as it takes, you know. You'll only have one shot and you have to make absolutely certain you don't throw it away.
So you let him lead you to a specially locked room- your room. Or at least, it had been for a while. He knew he couldn't keep you there forever, and you had a sneaking suspicion that John Kramer wouldn't let him. Not that you've ever met the man. It's almost like a rite of passage you've yet to earn.
Mark had always kept the room nice for you which you could appreciate. It wasn't a dirty stained mattress on the floor with handcuffs hanging from the walls. It was as nice as a makeshift bedroom in an abandoned warehouse could be.
After the initial shock of having kidnapped a coworker wore off, Mark started keeping you at his apartment, then occasionally bringing you to "work" with him.
The deal had been, in his words, 'simple'.
"You're gonna quit your job at the precinct-"
"Yes. You're gonna drop school. You're going to tell everyone in your life that you found a better situation. No forwarding address."
"And you don't think anyone would look for me when they realize I'm gone?"
He gave you a villainous grin. "Like who?"
And now, he's got you on top of him. Once he realized he could basically force you to ride him (like he could force you to do anything) it had become his favorite pastime. Him with a bruising grip on your hips, you will nails carving crescents into the headboard. You've found ways to make this as enjoyable as possible for yourself, of course. Disassociating, pretending he's someone else. It started as anyone random but soon your fantasies had zeroed in on one specific guy; some poor man you went on a single date with months ago. You'd wanted to keep seeing him. For obvious reasons, it didn't work out. It's easy to see him under you now instead of Mark.
And then, there are the times that you can't imagine anyone else. These aren't the times you're proud of.
Call it Stockholm Syndrome. You're doing what it takes to survive. You've got your eye on the prize. Your race to freedom.
Sometimes, it is enough to just have his thick, veiny cock inside of you. It makes lying to him easier, anyway.
"Fuck Sweetheart. You're so good for me, aren't you?"
You can't stand his dirty talk. But you're not going to tell him that.
"Yes," you moan.
"So good at taking my fucking cock."
He's close. You know by now when to tell. If you really play into the moans it'll get him there even faster. Faking your own orgasm helps, too. So does letting yourself have a real one.
He does want you to feel good, for his own fucked up reasons. He wants power. He wants you to hate yourself. Or at least that's how it started.
You still can't imagine why he's kept you alive this long. Surely the complacency has bored him. Surely there's nothing else he can want from you.
He cums and makes sure you do as well. You can let yourself enjoy it. Even as he cleans you up and insists on cuddling afterwards. You'd never ever pegged him as a cuddler. Well, maybe you could've, before you knew what he was capable of.
It goes on like this. Mark teaches you more and more about how to build Jigsaw traps, though you and Amanda both know he's not the best at it. He's too aggressive, sloppy. You're more careful.
"You're gonna help me build traps."
"What? Why me?"
"Because you're smart, and capable... sometimes. But we'll work on that. Or, if you prefer, you can end up in a trap. One of mine, too. And mine are rough. Maybe I'll even be assigned your case. Distraught with grief because 'oh, she was such a sweet girl. Such a diligent worker'. And oh, when we find your body... I might even cry. And no one can believe it because 'what could she possibly have done to end up in one of those?'"
"And if I don't? I'd rather kill myself the first chance I get."
"You won't. You're too stubborn. You hate me too much. You'll go on for forever trying to beat me."
Not that you'd ever tell anyone, but he was right about that. He was right about that.
"Fuck, fuck!"
You zap yourself as you try wiring a head trap for the fifth time in a row. Giving up you toss the wires onto the table and sit back.
"You're rushing," Amanda says over her shoulder. Mark is out.
"I don't know why he wants me to do the electrics. I'm not good at it."
"That's why. He wants you to learn."
You huff. "I don't get it. Why hasn't he just killed me yet?"
Amanda snorts. "Don't let John hear you say that."
You know that Jigsaw has the place bugged with mics and cameras.
"I'm not saying I want to die, I'm saying I don't understand it. And why would John give a shit about me asking questions when Mark is a rapist?"
"Ooh, nasty word."
"Accurate one."
"I'm not arguing." Amanda turns to face you. "To tell you the truth? I don't know why either. I've wondered a lot, myself. But, it's John. If he's doing something it means he has his reasons."
You slam your hand on the table.
"That's not good enough!"
Amanda looks at you, shocked at your bravado. Then, a smile creeps onto her lips.
She's impressed.
"Look, you have pull with John. You could talk to him!"
"Why would I do anything to help you? Letting you live was a mercy. You should be thankful. Anything more and you would've ratted us out in a heartbeat. You still would."
An idea strikes you.
"You hate Mark."
Amanda crosses her arms.
"It's no secret."
"Wouldn't you wanna see him squirm? Pissed beyond reason? Being beat by the two of us would wreck him. If I can get satisfaction out of that I know you can too."
Amanda looks you over.
"Shit. You might be as clever as Mark thinks you are. Alright, suppose I agree. What do you suggest, short of me just letting you walk out of here?"
"That's not enough?"
Amanda clicks her tongue.
"Aww, you think I'm not gonna make you work for it even a little bit?"
You close your eyes. Sigh. Shudder.
"What do you suggest?"
Amanda wanders around, finger to her chin for effect. But then you see a gleam in her eyes that you know is real.
"How about...you go into one of my traps?"
The words send you dizzy.
"Come on. If you're half as smart as I think you are, you may just stand a chance."
You know the kind of traps Amanda does- the kind that are impossible to escape. She and Mark share a brutality; hers is just better crafted.
"If you get out, then I'll help you escape. If you die, I get to watch Mark suffer anyway. At least this way I get something in return."
"Will it even be possible to get out of?"
"Come on. If I made it impossible it would ruin the game."
You chew the inside of your cheek. If this is your only option, it may as well be the best one.
"So how do we dress this up? Make it look like anything other than you just trying to kill me?"
"Practice. What better way to learn traps than to be in one?"
You comb over the possibilities in your brain. What could she possibly use against you to create some twisted form of poetic "justice" in her game?
"It'll be survivable?"
She crosses her heart. "Scout's honor."
You exhale a shaky breath. "Okay. Fine. Let's do it."
It was a hard sell to Mark, but once you backed Amanda's reasoning, he hesitantly agreed to it, even though you and Amanda working together prompted some suspicion. One kiss and fuck session and he forgot about that real quick.
Amanda was going to drug you beforehand to give you an "authentic" experience. Beforehand, Mark gives you a quick, almost gentle kiss.
"You've got this, okay? If it gets to be too much, I'll pull you out."
You search his eyes and you're surprised to see them filled with concern. Holy shit. He means it.
Amanda jabs you with a needle a little harder than necessary and soon, you're asleep.
When you wake up, you're in a room unfamiliar to you, secured to a chair with mechanized wrist cuffs, the outsides of which are patterned with rusty spikes. You wonder if she took you from the warehouse to a different location. The walls are tall, and when you look up you see a window on some sort of office- likely a factory floor or something. Behind the grimy glass you can make out Amanda, Mark, and another silhouette. White wispy hair, calm demeanor, eyes like a hawk-
Holy shit, you think.
Holy shit.
It's John Kramer.
Suddenly you get a feeling almost like stage fright. Like, if you weren't afraid of dying in this trap or never being able to escape Mark, then you'd be afraid of disappointing Jigsaw.
Okay, so maybe there was a little bit of Stockholm Syndrome.
"Hello. I would like to play a game."
The familiar, altered voice plays out over a speaker.
"You've ended up in our...strange little family due to your inability to know your place. To know when to stop looking. Perhaps now, you'll learn a lesson."
As if you haven't already.
"You will notice that the cuffs attached to your wrists are mechanized. The spikes on the outside are rigged to a timer. If you do not complete your task in time, the spikes will be forced inward, puncturing your veins. Apart from being excruciatingly painful, it will also cause you to bleed to death.
"To your left you will see a table with a tray holding a syringe. This is a chemical that will heighten your pain receptors. Inject it into your bloodstream when the timer starts.
"Once you have completed that task, you will search the desk behind you for a key. Get the key, secure your freedom. Allow the timer to run out, and face your demise. Live or die. Make your choice."
The directions swim in your head but all you can think is the word death. Something releases the cuffs from the chair and you launch yourself forward and face the window.
"Amanda! You said it was survivable!"
Amanda leans over to a microphone with a grin. "It is. You just have to survive it."
You don't bother looking at Mark to gauge his reaction because the timer is ticking down from three minutes.
Whatever pain you will suffer here is nothing compared to what you have, and could possibly feel.
You run to the tray and uncap the syringe with unsteady hands. You inject it into your arm and wince as you inject the heavy fluid. Almost immediately, the sensation of the needle in you arm is unbearably present and you jerk it out and throw it to the ground.
Okay, first part done.
You rush to the desk. You go to yank open the first drawer but an electric jolt is sent through your body and you fall, twitching against the ground.
Damn bitch electrified the handles.
You sit up again and look at the timer.
You fumble and remove your belt and bite onto it. You yank open the same drawer, screaming through the pain only to find it empty. There's three more.
You open the second. Empty. Tears are streaming down your face.
You open the third. Inside, thin shards of glass. Sharp as knife-point. Beneath them you can see a key.
You barely spare a thought for the pain and plunge your hand inside.
The screams escape you anyway and the belt falls from your mouth.
If you were in the room above, you would hear the ensuing argument.
"Amanda, that's enough. She's gonna bleed to death," Mark says and makes his way to the release button.
"Don't you even think about it, Hoffman. She knows what she signed up for."
"You can't kill her!"
John Kramer watches you. You tug on the drawer to remove it from the desk, presumably to dump it to the ground. Smart, he thinks, but it's secure in its place. You curse and continue digging your hand inside.
Mark tires to shoulder past Amanda but she pulls a gun on him.
Meanwhile, you're losing the skin on your hand. But, right as you think you'd rather just die and get it over with, your fingers wrap around the key and you yank your hand out, passing the key to your unmarred hand.
There's a door behind the desk.
You struggle to fit the key in the lock through your tears and your entire body shaking.
You slot the key in and turn it. An alarm blares. The clock stops. You cry out in relief and throw the door open.
But your relief is cut short when you see two bodies kneeling in the adjoining room. You don't recognize either of them.
You turn back to the window.
"Amanda? What the fuck is this?"
But Amanda just smiles as another recording begins to play.
"Before you are two corrupt businessmen. Never mind their crimes. You absence at the precinct has caused certain things to slip through the cracks, including any justice for the individuals in the room with you. You have a choice. Pick up the knife on the floor next to you. Kill one of them. You have one minute. If you do not, the wrist bands will deploy. One sacrifice for two lives. Make your choice."
You can't think straight and the timer has already started. Both of the men are shouting at you, begging, pleading, telling you about their families and their hardships. You're going numb.
"Amanda, you can't make me do this!"
"You're right. It's your choice."
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" You yell. You pick up the knife.
To you, it doesn't matter who you kill. You look between them. One looks to be a bit older than the other. Wedding ring.
You look at the younger man.
"I am so sorry."
Whatever it takes.
The man hardly has time to respond before you plunge the knife into the left side of his neck, aiming for the carotid artery to give him as quick a death as possible.
You hear the timer buzz. The shackles undo and fall from your wrist. You drop the knife. The man's blood has sprayed onto you. You ignore the other man's relentless thanks and wander back into the main room.
The sound of a door opening and closing doesn't register to you. Hands come to your shoulders, then your face.
"Hey, hey, look at me. You're okay." A kiss on your forehead. "I'm so proud of you. You're safe now."
No, not now.
But soon.
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pinkfoxsodas · 11 months
Warning Saw X Spoilers of John Kramer Take
I will admit I am bias because I’m still angry about what happened to my fave character Adam, but I can’t help point out the flaws of Jigsaw’s own hypocrisy. However, just because I’m going explain why I think John is kind of a hypocrite, doesn’t mean I hate the character; in fact I think he’s the most interesting villain of the series. I just can’t stop thinking about this because I’ve had this opinion on John Kramer for a long time. I think John is a selfish and bitter person because of his situation that he even convinced himself that his actions are justified.
In Saw X, when John was tricked into thinking his cancer was gone, he was drawing one of his latest traps in his sketchbook. But decided to throw it away in the trash because he no longer wants to continue his work. If John truly believed he was doing the right thing, why not continue setting traps now that he no longer has to worry about dying? It proved that John was bitter of his own situation that he was going to die and all these people he believed that were wasting their lives, will never have to experience limited life. It made me think of the timer he gives his victims, like 3 minutes to live and he has 3 months.
And what about the people who have no choice but to be props for someone else’s test? John specifically targets people to test and is willing to sacrifice others for that one specific person. Test subjects like Lawrence, Jeff, William etc. A person’s life hangs on balance of someone’s else’s choice. Amanda had to kill a guy to get the key out to save herself, while he didn’t get the chance to fight for his own life. William had to choose which of his employees he had to spare while killing the others. Lawrence had to kill Adam a stranger to save his family who by the way were also props to Zepp’s test. I’ll come back to Diana later. And the people used as props for Jeff’s test were people that Jeff felt were responsible for the death of his son or let his son’s killer walk free. It was like John never saw them as people. He’s always on about respecting life, but how can he when he uses people as objects for another person’s test? And some of those people didn’t do anything wrong but be related or work for the person that John is testing. Like Joyce Dangen, she didn’t know that Bobby lied and yet when he loses his game she’s the one who has to suffer and die. And John can argue all he wants that the reason those people died was because of the subject failed their test, but that’s not true. John was the one who put them in those traps and kept them immobilized. He used them as tools for that one specific person he was testing. People he believed that deserved to be tested or to be turned into one of his followers. John wanted Lawrence to survive, because he needed someone like Lawrence skills for his tests.
John also has a black and white view of the world. He does not see grey, meaning he doesn’t really try to understand why a person makes the wrong choices in life. But he’s very quick to judge a person’s character just from first impressions, like Adam for example who he deemed angry and pathetic. The whole game was made for Lawrence and Adam was just added there and we don’t have much information on him like Lawrence. And he has a bias on people who have drug addictions. When Amanda tried to reason why Gabriela did what she did because of addiction, Jigsaw immediately shut her down. Yes what Gabriela did was wrong, but she wasn’t as messed up as Cecilia who did it for money and has no problem killing people.John had just said that everyone has free will, but how would he know if he never experienced addiction? Amanda understood because she was just like Gabriela. But it could also be because he still held a grudge against Cecil who was responsible for his wife’s miscarriage because he wanted to steal drugs.
Now the subject to children. I was glad to see that John had humanity to see that Carlos was just an innocent child who didn’t deserve to be put in a life and death situation. But it brings back the hypocrisy when we see Diana, Daniel and Corbett who again are used as props for their parent’s test. Yes they were saved, but they were traumatized through their ordeals and will mostly suffer from ptsd. And Daniel lost his dad and Corbett is now an orphan. And Diana only survived because Allison was able to get out of their restraints and Detective Tapp was able to rescue them on time. If none of that happened, Zepp most likely would have killed them because John told him if he did, Zepp would be given an antidote to survive his poisoning. John I don’t know if he would have given Zepp the antidote if he had killed the Gordon family, because he might have been disgusted by the death of a child. But Zepp followed the rules of his game and John would have just blamed Lawrence for their deaths instead or wouldn’t have cared because again they were just props. Never accepting that he was responsible for kid a dying and would have blamed either Zepp or Lawrence.
I would have said more but this rant is too long and I just wanted to get this off my chest. I do love Saw and I enjoy the characters, but I will bring up their flaws when I’m talking to friends about Jigsaw! And since Saw X made me sympathetic towards John it also reminded how unfair he was towards his victims.
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solitaireships · 10 months
Hoffman Headcanon Backstory
I've been working on trying to figure out the timeline for stuff with Hoffman since I've been wanting to work on fics with him, so I give you all my rough backstory for him! This is more for me to keep track of things than anything tho. Note that I'm first naming him here because it feels weird to describe all of this just using his last name
Warning, this discusses abuse, neglect, cheating, alcoholism, and death. Divider is by saradika
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Mark’s parents’ relationship started falling apart when he was eight. Both of them cheated on each other and would often fight. This got to the point where they’d often be out of the house, leaving Mark largely to figure out how to take care of himself, especially when his dad started drinking
Mark’s dad hit his mom during one particularly bad argument, and she ended up leaving and taking Mark with her
Mark’s parents divorced when he was thirteen. His mom had sole custody of him and he had no contact with his dad following this. His mom continued to do very little to actually parent him, leaving him to largely take care of himself as she dated a number of different men
His mom got remarried when he was about 16, and had a daughter with her new husband when Mark was 17. This is his younger sister, Angelina
Mark was very close with Angelina from the start, with him wanting her to have a better childhood than he did. He ended up stepping up and helping to raise her, with her parents not doing much to care for her
He went to community college and got an associate’s degree before going on to get police training. The idea was that he would be able to step in for situations like Angelina’s and his, helping where they hadn’t been helped
He was in pretty good standing as a cop, though a lot of people saw him as being very by-the-book. He would still end up willing to bend or break the rules in situations where he felt something was unfair, though
As Angelina got older, Mark pretty much cut off all contact with his mom, and Angelina would often stay with him during her breaks rather than go home to her parents
Angelina ended up starting to date a man named Seth after graduating college, with him being controlling and abusive
5 years before the movies take place, Seth was arrested for drug dealing and quickly got off on probation. About a week after that, he and Angelina had an argument when she wanted to go to a going away party for one of her coworkers, and this led to him killing her
Seth was arrested following this, being sentenced to life in prison
Mark was destroyed by the death of Angelina, with her being the only family that he had. He ended up turning to alcohol as a way to try to cope with the pain of losing her, often binge drinking and becoming much more apathetic and moody
Right before the movies started, Seth was released on a technicality. When Mark heard about this, he was furious. Being part of the task force investigating Jigsaw, he ended up kidnapping Seth a month after his release and putting him in a trap, framing this as Jigsaw’s work when the trap was inescapable
Shortly after this, he was found by John, who ended up blackmailing Mark into being his apprentice, with Mark then helping out with the various murders throughout the movies as is shown through the first through 6th ones (I’m mentally revising 3D. We’ll figure that out later tho)
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I watched saw X so you really should!...
This review gets a little touchy feely but as always friends spoilers are under the cut...💉
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So Saw X, our first prequel sequel (I think...I haven't seen spiral yet or jigsaw, sue me) takes place between saw 1 and 2. Our friend John Kramer, being told he only has months at best a year to live, gets the idea to go to Mexico for miracle surgery and medicine to cure his cancer! The only issue is the miracle is...well a lie. This movie does phenomenal with it's over the top effects. The blood, the bone, the only effect I thought was sort of meh was when we see a person's severed head later.
Over all the traps this go around are pretty good. I think they could have been a bit more over the top but they honestly didn't need to be. Jigsaw isn't playing in his home turf. The fact he is making something out of nearly nothing is really phenomenal to me.
This movie spares almost no time making you sympathize with John. He is dying and we are reminded of that this whole movie. He is not content to die easily. We are also put in a unique situation where we see John endure one of his own traps, given one of the less pain inducing ones. And we get to see how John reacts to an innocent being put into his traps. And we see a lot of really heartfelt moments between John and Amanda (my favorite relationship of the franchise) we see more of that father daughter like connection between them that really pulled my heart the first go around.
I think this movie really played to my heart because of the moments where Amanda tells John she cannot continue his work without him. She isn't ready for him to die. And not to get too personal but when you have family with cancer or really any illness, or even family that is just...old. when you care about them and they do get to that stage it is really hard to deal with. There honestly are moments where, at least in my experience, they ask you what you're going to do without them. And that's a very painful conversation to have and I think Amanda and John do it well.
Honestly I couldn't have rooted harder for a group of people to die. The only exception MAYBE being Gabriela. However I really just couldn't garner sympathy for these people who had manipulated a dying man and multiple dying people...not even the most innocent among them felt redeemable to me but maybe that's just a symptom of my personal life with sick relatives.
I hated how annoyingly cartoonishly evil Cecilia got towards the end. Teasing John, telling him to do the scary voice. Putting a child in the trap. And mirroring all of those people who love to criticize the franchise. "He's such a hypocrite for putting them in the traps and saying he doesn't kill people" Just....everything about her was sort of infuriating to me. I hated how open ended they left her death. I hated that they even gave the chance for someone like her to return in the future. Maybe we need infuriating characters like her. Maybe sometimes media is supposed to piss us off a little. But I really truly and deeply could not stand Cecilia. Not just for her actions but her nasty fucking attitude along side it.
Overall? A solid 5/5 in my book! 10/10 maybe since this is the 10th movie. Classic saw editing still, along with that fun yellowed "we're in Mexico" filter to tie the whole thing together.
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phobylee · 2 years
Decided I'd start actually making fics for this AU, so here's the first one! Spun up the idea for this AU roughly eight or nine months ago now with the idea that Caleb's a ghost who stuck around for a long, long time with the purpose of haunting Philip for his bullshit. That's about the gist of it.
Now, you will be warned. This fic has some mild gore, body horror and of course topics around death and the feelings behind it. If you don't like angst, this isn't your AU. I've been working on it for a long, long while but I've been too afraid to go into detail about it aside from sharing some art for it here and there.. but that stops now! Going to get into what Philip's doing as well later.
Enjoy below the cut!
Familiar Spirits
Blessed Be
Caleb suddenly found that he could no longer breathe. Maybe it was the sudden surge of stress that filled his body, or the aching cold that made him want to tear open his own flesh to expose his nerves to the warmth.
The man gaped and sputtered, unable to even gasp through the pain. With each slight movement, a new agony stabbed his chest. He could do nothing more than stare up, watching blankly at the fading world as scarlet flames licked his hair.
For a long while, Caleb couldn't remember why he was even there. It was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle in his mind, where his thoughts slowly came to the surface before disappearing again from his fingertips. He could feel some things, though. He felt warm, sticky blood clouding his left eye, his neck, his mouth, chest and arms. He felt the fear and panic from god knows what ebbing away. And last of all, what he hated the most: he could feel the pit of confused emptiness left behind in fear's place.
One more attempt at a breath and he'd given up. His brain felt fuzzy and tingly. Bright, vivid flashes flew past his darkening vision. He could see faces in those peculiar images; they were familiar faces, ones he assumed were very important to him. Oh, how he wished he could reach out to touch them. Before his very eyes, Caleb saw the film of his entire short life play out. Growing up, grieving, growing, fitting in, losing faith, losing hope, gaining that hope again, pushing forward and… inevitably..
That's what is happening now. He's dying, isn't he?
When the memories concluded and the world went permanently black, Caleb struggled to call for help. By then he was already in a deep void. It was cold and lonely and awful. Echoing along the endless walls, he could hear a faint voice. It was almost too faint to hear. It was beckoning him, begging him, comforting him– it made promises and told him he would be okay. And then they just stopped. He couldn't hear it anymore. Just silence.
Caleb managed to sit up on his knees, staring in horror at the endless blackness all around him. Maybe if he tried to find a way out, he could respond to that voice. He could see their face. He could assure them that he was fine, that he wasn't dead yet– that he–
"I'm afraid it's too late for that, my child," whispered a new voice. Caleb stiffened in fear and whipped around, searching for it on his hands and knees. What he couldn't see, he tried to feel.
"H-hello?" Caleb asked shakily. "Who's there? Who are you? Where am I?!"
"Your subconscious, dear," the voice came again. It echoed and moved in a way that was almost ethereal– a heavenly voice– but Caleb was not at all comforted by that fact. It solidified that- yes, he was indeed dead. "The last part of your mind to die," they went on.
"How long will I be trapped here?" Caleb barely managed to mutter, biting back a whimper.
"Not too much longer, I'm afraid. Once your brain finishes shutting down, it's off with me to the final destination."
Final.. destination? Caleb squinted, trying desperately to see the owner of the voice. It was hard to, but he could just barely make out a mass of wings, a slender beak, and glistening eyes all over its body.
If he could sweat right now, he would be.
"Oh dear, don't be afraid," the angelic creature reassured, drifting over to meet the top of his head with one of their wings. "It isn't a hard journey."
"But I'm not ready," Caleb quickly said, shaking in anger and fear. "I'm not READY to die! My wife! My kid!" It was coming to him now. "I can't just leave them here! I can't make her raise them all on her own! And my brother, he– what if he.."
"Hurts someone else?" The figure tilted their head, gently stroking his hair in an attempt to put him at ease. "So you feel there is.. unresolved business with your family, yes?"
Caleb nodded meekly.
"Mm, I see," They huffed, removing their wing. Slowly stepping back, they urged him to sit. Caleb did as told, though warily.
"I can allow this.. but there are.. conditions. If you're certain you'd like to stay, I need to ensure you will not pass on after this. And to do so.."
"Yes, please!" Caleb shouted before she finished, covering his mouth. "I'm.. I'm sorry."
"You needn't apologize, dear," the figure hummed, putting a clawed finger to her beak. The sound she made was hard to hear– but something seemed to respond. Something moved, the darkness shuddered and shuffled, and before Caleb could so much as speak, something lunged at him. A beast of feathers and claws, horrifying and wrong, bowed its head and sniffed at his face. It surrounded him and enveloped him, greeting him with a snarl.
"This.. will be your other half," the "angel" spoke, ruffling the creature's mane. "To keep you tied to this Realm, since you are not of this world, this Beast– not alive nor entirely dead– will act as your anchor. You cannot leave the Living World until you are both at peace. Together. Is that understood?"
"I… I.." Caleb stared into the beast's white, bitter eyes. They were narrowed and distrustful, examining Caleb closely.
"I don't know if I can–"
"Good," the angel said, clapping her feathered hands. "I'll send you both back then."
"Wait, what-??" Caleb started, scrambling forward to object. "You can't just–"
"Goodbye, Mr. Wittebane." Her head tilted once more, and before he knew it he was back in the fire.
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it’s here! the first saw x trailer is here! me being me, as soon as i got home i immediately watched the trailer, watched an analysis, then talked to myself for 10 minutes about it. yes that’s sad, you don’t need to tell me. jigsaw is out for revenge, and i’m all for it.
if you’d like to watch the trailer before i start discussing it, you can watch it here:
before we start reading way too far into things, let’s talk about saw.
saw is my favorite film series, one i definitely started watching way too young. in fact, my favorite entry is saw III which came out the year i was born, 2006. i love most of the films, but man do the last few suck. like, majorly suck. saw 5 was when things started to go downhill, and by saw 7 i was just confused on how we got there. jigsaw was… something. spiral was just gross in the worst ways. where did it go wrong? the lack of john. after his death in saw III, it lost the essence that made it such a brilliant film series in the first place. but all of that is why i’m so excited for this new entry. considering it takes place between saw II and III, which are considered two of the best in the series by fans, there is a lot of potential. and the trailer has not let us down.
on my first watch, i didn’t really take anything in because i was too excited by the return of tobin bell as john kramer. though i had a lot of questions. the storyline heavily references and relies on the first 3 films. the general storyline that was presented by the initial trailer is the film follows john on his travels to the experimental surgery that he presented william easton with in saw 6. he gets the surgery to have his tumor removed, and is promised that once he recovers, his life will begin. all hope is cut short when on a check up it’s revealed that the tumor was never removed, leaving john with months left at best. he targets those involved, and puts them in a series of traps. this sounds like the ultimate redemption for a failed film series, and i could not be more excited.
on my second watch, i took some notes so i could wrap my head around what we saw. though beware, my handwriting is a bit of an eyesore.
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if you can’t read that, don’t worry — i’m going to discuss it all anyways.
traps are the most important part of saw, and it seems like saw x won’t disappoint. from what i could see, the traps follow a formula better seen in saw 4 and 5, with a main group in traps together and a few separately done. it seems that the core group is made of the doctors that performed the surgery on john, with about 4 or 5 in the room.
the first one we can see is a wire trap that looks like the victim will have to cut off an arm and a leg or have their head cut off. i can only imagine that most of the traps in this game are for the surgical assistants, given that seems like the only likely explanation. this trap looks nasty, but i can’t shake the feeling that this isn’t an important trap.
then there’s a brazen bull looking trap. in this is the woman behind the experimental surgery, so i can imagine that this is an important trap. it’s in the centre of the room, looking right at john, but she doesn’t seem to be in any kind of danger. i think she seems safe because even though she is the face behind the surgery, we didn’t really see her do anything. this one is a bit weird, but given the lack of danger and important victim, i think she’s in it for the long run.
there’s a young woman chained up, and i’m pretty sure that sure that she’s the experiment’s scapegoat. earlier she tells john about how the surgery saved her life, and as we know, no it damn well didn’t. later on she get’s lifted into the air and choked, but there’s nothing else that we can tell from the trailer.
and then there’s the main trap of the game is the brain surgery trap. this looks absolutety nasty, for the victim and us. i mean, that blood spurt already told me that this one is gonna be gross. this one sets off a timer for 3 minutes, and is the only one that has a timer. and anyone who has seen a saw film knows that the traps are usually done under a time constraint, so that’s kinda weird. i think that this one sets off the traps, and if he can survive, maybe everyone else does? i’m not sure, there’s really nothing we can tell so far.
there’s two less important traps that i remember seeing. if i’ve forgotten any please tell me. one is what i can only describe as knife hands. literally just ducktaped hands with scapels just kinda stabbed in there. this isn’t really shown, but he is seen trying to disable some mechanics attached to him with the scapels, so maybe he survives? we’ll find out soon enough.
then there’s the star of the show — the eye trap. as someone who wears glasses, anything with eyes really grosses me out. and this… oh man. the victim has to break their fingers or risk something happen to their eyes. there’s a lot of theories about this, and it seems that most people agree on suction or some kind of acid. so eyes and broken bones.. i’m gonna hate this one.
there’s also a back-cutter trap, but we see like a single shot of it, so who knows what the deal is with that one. though it’s the second time we see a spine-cutter in saw. it’s unlike the one art wears in saw 4, seeing his was at the back of the neck. this one is much lower, and could probably have a higher chance of survival. i think that these both aren’t mean to kill, but are some kinda motivator.
now for the thing that made me jump out of my chair and dance around my room. john’s right hand man, amanda! she’s back! my favorite jigsaw apprentice <3. it’s about time that we see amanda truly back in action since her death in saw III. though if we’re going through the timeline, this is one of her first appearance as an apprentice. there’s a scene in the trailer that shows a hand pressing a button on the main panel of the game machinery, and given that tobin bell is like 70, there’s no way that that’s his hand. i fully believe that amanda has some sort of hand playing directly into the game. i mean, we see john hugging and crying on someone that i can only hope is amanda.
and right at the beginning, we hear john’s left hand man, hoffman. we just don’t see him at all in the trailer. i think that he’s in the one shot of the bathroom we saw, walking towards someone hanging, but i’m not sure. but what i am sure of is that his voice is heard in the first second of the trailer.
i’d like to put a slight spoiler, even though this entire post is, but this one may disappoint and excite a few people. so SPOILER IN PLACE. it’s been confirmed that dr. lawrence gordon unfortunately will not be returing to the saw series. one of my favorite youtubers patrick burow made a really good video on the latest saw spoilers, so if you’d like to hear more about that you can find his channel here:
but yes, no dr. gordon. though this should come as no surprise considering cary elwes had that lawsuit with the production team. or something like that, it’s old news but it’s still disappointing. on a good note, it’s also confirmed that adam is returning! he isn’t played by leigh whannel of course, but you can also hear more about this in patrick’s video! in some image leaks he looks rough. this is before adam gets killed by amanda in saw III, so we probably see him right in between the jigsaw reveal and his death.
so, my final thoughts. i’m very, very excited. i’ve been waiting for an actually good main saw film since saw 6. i think that the film has a lot of promise, and i’m expecting good things. the gore won’t disappoint, and i do hope that it’ll be somewhat similar to the level in spiral. though it wasn’t good, man that gore was nasty. so yes, i’m quite excited for saw X. hopefully everyone is too! i’d love to hear what everyone has to say.
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readingforsanity · 1 year
Brain Damage | Freida McFadden | Published 2016 | *SPOILERS*
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After years of hard work, Dr. Charly McKenna finally has it all. Prosperous career as a dermatologist? Check. Spacious apartment overlooking Central Park? Check. Handsome lawyer husband? Double check. 
Then one night, a bullet rips through the right side of her skill and she loses everything. 
As Charly struggles to recover from her brain injury, she begins to realize that the events of that fateful night are trapped in the damaged right side of her brain. Now she must put the jigsaw pieces together to discover the identity of the man who tried to kill her...before he finished the job he started. 
Charly McKenna has a seemingly perfect life. She is a successful dermatologist, helping people figure out their weird skin rashes, funguses and other things that peril people. She has an amazing two-bedroom condo overlooking Central Park, and after a few short months of dating, she is married to her gorgeous lawyer husband, Clark. 
But, everything changed when one night Charly returned home and an unknown assailant shoots her in the head, leaving her for dead. In the beginning, things aren’t looking well for Charly. She is in a near comatose state, and when she comes out of that, she has difficulty navigating things on her left side, which her rehabilitators say is called left neglect. 
Confined to a wheelchair in a hospital, Charly goes through various therapies to help her navigate her new life. Her left arm doesn’t work, and her perception of her life side is nonexistent. She strikes up friendships with Jamie, a young man with a 6 year old son, who took a tumble down the stairs that left him with a traumatic brain injury as well as Angela, who after taking birth control found a blood clot in her leg that traveled to her brain. 
Her therapists struggle with Charly as she has her good and bad days. Charly’s mother visits every day, but her husband doesn’t visit at all. Charly finds this odd, but he tells her it’s because of work at his lawyer practice. 
When a police officer visits, he tells Charly that they found the man that had shot her: he was the husband of a former patient, and after helping her with psoriosis, she ended up leaving her husband which greatly upset him. He confessed everything, and Charly, despite her shortcomings, successfully identifies him based off of pictures the detective shows her. 
And suddenly, Clark begins to visit more and more. But, slowly, Charly’s memory continues to come back to her. She remembers that prior to her accident, about two months before, she found out Clark had been cheating on her with a woman named Haley, who she considers to be much more attractive than her, before and after the shooting. After Regina, the wife of the man who shot her calls and tells her that Clark and her husband had been friends and neighbors, Charly realizes that Clark was involved. 
Jamie, her friend in the rehab center, finds Clark in her room early in the morning, and helps save Charly from disaster. Clark is arrested and confesses to being involved in the attempted murder plot. Jamie is being sent home from the rehab, and confesses that he’s in love with her but Charly can’t seem to come to terms with this fact. 
A year later, Charly is going to lunch with her best friend Bridget and her daughter, where she finds out that Bridget is pregnant with her second child. At the diner, they run into Jamie and his son Sam. Even after a year, Charly is still self-conscious despite making super strides in her recovery. Jamie is still pining over her and the two of them share a kiss, leading the readers to believe that the two of them will end up together, as Charly explains that this is the man that she’s been waiting for. 
To me, this story was incredibly different than her others. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Watching Charly struggle with her recovery, not believing in herself and refusing to believe she was going to get better, was heartbreaking. Watching her recovers lowly but surely was an amazing thing; though usually I am surprised by the twists, this book didn’t offer much in the way of many of those. I saw the culprit coming from a mile away, as many people had pointed it out to Charly throughout the novel. 
Definitely a 5/5 read! 
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thekavseklabs · 3 years
Writings on an au in which 3 is Entrapta from SPOP. Many many many headcanons included.
Callisto had been alone most of their life. They’d been born into an underground kingdom, hidden in a cliff face with only the castle exposed to the outside world. They’d spent much of their time as a child perched by the windowsill, staring out at that ever changing sky and wondering what was out there. They’d be let out when they were older.
The thing about an enclosed space is that when people get sick, there isn’t a lot to stop the spread. At five years old they’d been ushered into a nursery, safe from the illness. There’d been supplies for a year, and a robotic caretaker. They were told that they’d be let out when the illness was gone. And thus, their world was made smaller. 
Eventually the caretaker stopped working- they weren’t sure when. Callisto had gone and found a toolbox under the bed, and tried to fix it. They couldn’t. At five years old, Callisto was completely and wholly alone, locked in a little room with no windows and filters in the air ducts. Oh, how the pain had gripped them, forced tears and sobs out and squeezed their chest with fear and grief. They’d cried for anyone. 
At six years old they were still in that room. Ever the responsible child, they’d rationed carefully. They’d taken apart the caretaker and fiddled with each part, like a jigsaw putting it back together each time in a different way. They could not get it to work. The grief had not left them, but they were certain that eventually, they would be let out.
At six years and two weeks, Callisto was found by a malfunctioning cleaning bot. They were eating the last meal left, sitting in front of the caretaker and fiddling with it’s circuits when that door opened. And just as it did, they connected two frayed wires, and the caretaker sparked to life. Suddenly, after all this time, Callisto was not alone anymore, and they took the caretaker out by the hand and skipped with glee, searching the home that was so strange to them now. 
At seven years old, Callisto was still happy. There were no people left, but the illness was long extinct, and they got their exercise cleaning the rusted machines and playing hopscotch on the empty streets. They tinkered daily, and the caretaker and the cleaning bot were taught how to help them play jump-rope. They missed their parents sometimes, but that was alright. They had pictures of them, and their fathers journal they’d found under his bed. It said he loved them, and they believed it. Why else would he have locked them up safe?
They had nothing from their mother but ravings.
At seven years and eight months old, Callisto was found by another person. He was not from Dryl. He was an explorer, wishing to witness the lost empire. Callisto tried to take him by the hand and show him around, but he’d shrieked and smacked them away, claiming they were a “beplagued Dryllian”. They’d cried for him to wait as he left, crossing himself. He did not wait. Callisto had sobbed themself to sleep, and nothing the caretaker or the cleaning bot did seemed to help.
At seven years and eight months old, mere days later, Callisto was found again, this time by a party. They’d heard the tale of the Dryl-child, and wished to check if they were alright. Callisto asked them if their parents were dead. 
Callisto’s parents had left Dryl, searching for a cure, and found no aid. They’d been driven back home and plague had consumed them. Callisto asked what happened to the plague when Dryl was gone and learned that there had been a cure, not shared. Guilt twisted the leader’s expression, but he was still smiling, laughed it off and apologized.
Callisto learned two important things that day. The first was that the outside people were bad and selfish. The second was that the word “sorry” didn’t change that. Nothing changed that. It was an awfully profound lesson, for a child of seven years and eight months. 
They took it in stride, not wanting to show their upset- for that was another lesson they had learned. Crying was a painful thing, and they’d rather go to their caretaker and cleaning bot, because they had this awful feeling that if they cried that man would try to comfort them. They swallowed, thanked him, and told him he could go. He did. They cried later that night, in the arms of metal beings. The next day, they started to work on building new bots, new friends. They recorded themself as they worked, saved the memories in careful archives.
Every now and then, Callisto went out. Age stopped mattering as they became a slightly older child, then a teenager, clambering over rocks and finding cool things, reading construction manuals in high places far above the castle in the cliffside. They found what few Dryllians were left alive, and invited them home. They came, and became castle staff. They still played hopscotch and jump-rope. Sometimes the castle staff joined. They stopped, when Callisto was too old, but Callisto kept playing. They built bots, many bots, of every kind, and changed old ones. The caretaker and the cleaning bot were treated as the highest nobles, simple bots that they were Callisto would always love them, help them. They kept pets, but pets would die, as did plants, as did people. 
Living things were so fallible. They went so quickly, but they were so fascinating. The staff didn’t like it when they began to cut open rats, but the staff didn’t matter. The robots matter. The robots were the only ones that liked them. Their fathers journal laid abandoned beneath the bed, and Callisto began to fill their space with anatomical drawings, with blueprints, with parts and thoughts and words. Castle Dryl began to change under their hand as they filled it with traps, with circuitry, the walls could move now, the hallways spin. It began to be a living thing, a fallible thing, but all things were fallible, viruses could affect even the cleaning bot. But Callisto could fix it.
At least some of the staff stayed. Callisto was free to work on their tech, sipping on fizzy drinks and eating tiny foods which were each made up so pretty, each so different. Some days, they sat in the kitchen and learned about what sustained them. The chemistry was fascinating. They still played hopscotch and jump-rope with the caretaker and the cleaning bot, the skeletal old bots. They still recorded everything, archived it well. 
They wondered, when they had to meet people, if they could take them apart. The books said that they could understand people too, that people had programs of their own. Social standards, protocols, signals, expressions and boldly language as indicators. Callisto tried their best to understand, but whenever they tried, they felt they were five years old, staring at the guts of their caretaker and not knowing what to do.
Smiles meant happy. Smiles could be sad. Smiles could be angry or nervous or friendly or unfriendly and Callisto was supposed to know which ones were which, but nothing they could find would tell them. It was scary. Eventually they stopped trying to interact with the castle staff. They just couldn’t understand them, and they wished they could just take them apart and see what the insides said. They wondered what the two frayed wires were, and how to connect them, make it all come to life. 
They thought, when they met the princesses, that maybe it would work this time. Here people were, to see them! They had saved them, and the staff was livelier than they’d ever been! Was adventure what was needed to build friendships, and understand people? It was a thrilling, wonderful day and they had learned so much, from the tech and from observing these new people, fresh data in motion, all around them. Their life was thrown into wonderful chaos and they found themself agreeing to help these people, and supply them with weapons. They’d seemed happy.
Now they were in the Fright Zone. Alone. In the vents. It was familiar! Similar to Dryl, but they… they couldn’t find their way out. It was a little bit frightening, but they were going to be alright. They would just have to wait until their friends got back to save them, like they’d saved Glimmer. And they would be much easier to save than Glimmer, they weren’t much trouble, and no one would be left behind this time. 
They just had to wait.
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sstwins · 3 years
Femslash Feb Day 15 - Rest Day - Amanda Young/Lynn Denlon
okay yall i really like this one
might also be my longest femslash story EVER
Brief Summary: Amanda rests before a long day, and thinks about feelings that she doesn’t want to have.
Word Count: 626
I’m still accepting ships for femslash feb!!! Send me your fave fem pairs and I’ll write you a fic sometime this month!! (2 spots left)
Amanda was crammed against the wall in her little makeshift bedroom, waiting. It was the day before everything was going to go down with Jeff and Lynn’s traps. John had made her set up everything in advance as much as possible. The warehouse was filled with strange pieces of machinery, convoluted and large. There was the freezer room, pig vat, and the rack, of course. Then the shotgun collar, which John had let her build all by herself. There was some pride in that. As she and John had become closer she’d been trusted with more of the tools. She’d even begun creating traps of her own design, following in John’s image… mostly. Since John was so sick, it was hard for him to evaluate all of her work, so he set her off alone. But doing the traps alone was complicated, and the repercussions of her work were painful. She didn’t know if she was doing the right thing by setting people up to die. Her hand felt guided through the motions of breaking a lock or welding a door closed. She would have to deal with the consequences of that later. When John found out, she knew he wouldn’t be happy.
John had arranged for her to bring in Lynn tomorrow, a doctor. At least that would be some relief. He’d been getting sicker, and it was starting to fray her nerves. He was having bad headaches, and couldn’t stand on his own anymore. Amanda had done everything she could for him, with all of the medicine she could get her hands on… mostly legally. If there was one thing she knew how to do, it was getting her hands on drugs. But he needed steroids, stronger medicine than she could find on the street. Something for the pain.
But Lynn seemed like a good choice. She was Amanda’s project, while Hoffman had been taking over most of the work with Jeff. So, of course, Amanda had studied up on her. She’d watched her in private, inspecting when would be a good time to take her… when she was going home, or in the car when she was swallowing antidepressants like they were candy. John had insisted upon her above anyone else. And Amanda could tell that she was good. Her reputation preceded her. But she could also see why Jigsaw would test her. She was an adulterer, and taking all of the pills reminded Amanda a bit too much of her own life. There were some problems that drugs just couldn’t solve.
The most major problem with Lynn as a choice though, was that she made Amanda have those… feelings. Awful, choking feelings that she had pressed down for so many years it was almost like second nature. She still didn’t know what to make of them. There was just a certain pleasure in seeing Lynn’s body. A hunger for… something. It made her feel sick. It was a nightmare, thinking these things, and it would be especially humiliating if she expressed anything in front of John. But Amanda didn’t think it would come to that. She’d gotten good at keeping it all under wraps. And if she ignored it, it was almost like the feelings weren’t even there.
Amanda sighed, pressing up closer to the wall. She could already tell that tomorrow was going to be challenging, and today was supposed to be her day of rest. 
From the other room, Amanda could hear John start coughing. She uncurled her body, getting up and putting a docile expression on her face. She would check on John because that was what she did. She took care of him. And hopefully things wouldn’t blow up in her face like they might for Lynn tomorrow.
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 13
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 13 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 13/? SUMMARY: Elise Smith is now a teenaged Timelord. In addition to losing the Ponds, the fields of Trenzalore are calling. But first they have to figure out exactly who Clara Oswald is.
[A/N - I feel like I’m going to break everyone’s hearts with this chapter. This one is a longer one.]
The Doctor and Elise stepped out the TARDIS to find little black cubes everywhere.
The Doctor picked one up. He turned to Elise with a smile. “Well this is new.”
They met up with Amy, Rory, and Brian.
The Doctor was now walking around the console examining the cube in his hand. “All absolutely identical. Not a single molecule's difference between them. No blemishes, imperfections, individualities.”
“What if they're bombs? Billions of tiny bombs? Or transport capsules maybe, with a mini robot inside. Or deadly hard drives. Or alien eggs? Or messages needing decoding? Or they're all parts of a bigger whole. Jigsaw puzzles that need fitting together,” Brian suggested.
“Very thorough, Brian. Very, very thorough. Well done. Stay here. Watch these. Yell if anything happens,” the Doctor said, placing his cube on top of the one Brian was holding.
“Doctor, is this an alien invasion? Because that's what it feels like,” Amy told him.
“There couldn't be life-forms in every cube, could there?” Rory asked.
“I don't know. And I really don't like not knowing,” the Doctor said.
They stepped out into Amy and Rory’s lounge and the Doctor made his way into the kitchen. “Right, I need to use your kitchen as a lab. Cook up some cubes. See what happens.”
“Right, I'm due at work,” Rory mentioned.
“What? You've got a job?”
“Of course I've got a job. What do you think we do when we're not with you?”
“I imagined mostly kissing.”
“I write travel articles for magazines and Rory heals the sick,” Amy told him.
“My shift starts in an hour. You don't know where my scrubs are?” Rory asked.
“In the lounge, where you left them.”
The Doctor went to work constructing whatever it was he was going to use to experiment on the cubes. “Ah, the Ponds, with their house and their jobs and their everyday lives. The journalist and the nurse. Long way from Leadworth,” the Doctor said, sonicing his device.
“We think it's been ten years. Not for you or Earth, but for us. Ten years older. Ten years of you, on and off,” Amy said.
“Look at you now. All grown up.”
The front door was busted down and heavily armed people entered the house.
The Doctor pulled Elise behind him and Amy stepped closer to the Doctor.
“Clear! Trap one, kitchen secured.”
“Trap three, back garden secured.”
Rory was lead into the kitchen at gunpoint. “There are soldiers all over my house, and I'm in my pants,” he said.
“My whole life I've dreamed of saying that, and I miss it by being someone else,” Amy quipped.
A blonde woman entered the house. “All these muscles, and they still don't know how to knock. Sorry about the raucous entrance. Spike in Artron energy reading at this address. In the light of the last twenty four hours, we had to check it out, and the dogs do love a run out. Hello. Kate Stewart, head of scientific research at UNIT. And with dress sense like that…” She pulled out a scanner and held it up to the Doctor. “You must be the Doctor. I hoped it would be you.”
Kate frowned. “We seem to be missing someone.”
The Doctor reluctantly stepped aside, revealing Elise behind him.
“Ah, hello there.”
The Doctor stepped back in front of Elise. The Doctor wasn’t too keen on all these heavily armed soldiers around his daughter. “Tell me, since when did science run the military, Kate?”
“Since me. UNIT's been adapting. Well, I dragged them along, kicking and screaming, which made it sound like more fun than it actually was.”
“What do we know about these cubes?”
“Far less than we need to. We've been freighting them in from around the world for testing. So far, we've subjected them to temperatures of plus and minus two hundred Celsius, simulated a water depth of five miles, dropped one out of a helicopter at ten thousand feet and rolled our best tank over it. Always intact.”
“That's impressive. I don't want them to be impressive. I want them vulnerable with a nice Achilles heel.”
“We don't know how they got here, what they're made of, or why they're here.”
The Doctor picked one up and tossed it in the air. “And all around the world, people are picking them up and taking them home.”
“Like iPads have dropped out of the sky. Taking them to work, taking pictures, making films, posting them on Flickr and YouTube. Within three hours, the cubes had a thousand separate Twitter accounts.”
“I've recommended we treat this as a hostile incursion. Gather them all up and lock them in a secure facility. But that would take massive international agreement and co-operation.”
“We need evidence. The cubes arrived in plain sight, in vast quantities, as the sun rose. So, what does that tell us?”
“Maybe they wanted to be seen. Noticed,” Amy said.
“Or more than that, they want to be observed. So we observe them. Stay with them round the clock. Watch the cubes, day and night. Record absolutely everything about them. Team cube, in it together,” the Doctor said. He kissed the cube and smiled.
Four days later and the cubes hadn’t done anything.
The Doctor was currently hanging upside down on Amy and Rory’s couch, while Elise sat by the window. “Four days. Nothing! Nothing!” He picked up one of the cubes and started hitting it. “Not a single change in any cube anywhere in the world. Four days, and I am still in your lounge!” He sat up.
“You were the one who wanted to observe them,” Amy told him.
“Yes, well, I thought they'd do something, didn't I? Not just sit there while everyone eats endless cereal!” The Doctor jumped up from the couch.
“You said we had to be patient,” reminded Rory.
“Yes, you! You, not me! I hate being patient. Patience is for wimps.” The Doctor threw himself back on the couch. “I can't live like this. Don't make me. I need to be busy.”
“Fine! Be busy!” Amy yelled, “We'll watch the cubes.”
The Doctor jumped up from the sofa and started to get things done around the house.
“How are you not bored?” Rory asked Elise.
Elise shrugged. In truth, she preferred the quiet. She could let her mind wander.
The Doctor soon threw himself back onto the couch. “That's better. Nothing like a bit of activity to pass the time. How long was I gone?” he asked.
Rory checked his watch. “Uh, about an hour.”
“I can't do it.” The Doctor jumped over the back of the couch and went inside the TARDIS.
“Where are you going?” Amy asked.
Amy, Rory, and Elise followed him into the TARDIS.
“Brian, you're still here,” the Doctor said, finding Brian in the jump seat.
“You told me to watch the cubes.”
“Four days ago.”
“Ah! Doesn't time fly when you're alone with your thoughts?”
“You can't just leave, Doctor,” Rory told him.
“Yes, of course I can. Quick jaunt, restore sanity. Ooo, hey, come if you like.”
“They can't just go off like that,” Brian said.
“Can't they? Can't you? That's how it goes, isn't it?”
“I've got my job,” Rory said.
“Oh yes, Rory. The universe is awaiting, but you have a little job to.”
“It's not little. It's important to me. Look, what you do isn't all there is.”
“I never said it was.” The Doctor looked at Amy, but she just stood there. “All right. Fine. I'll be back soon. Monitor the cubes. Call me. I'll have the TARDIS set to every Earth news feed. Come along, Elise.”
“I’m staying,” she told him. Her statement stopped everyone in their tracks.
“I want to stay with Amy and Rory. I like not having to run for my life or wondering who’s gonna die.”
“Oh, okay then.” Elise walked over to him and put her hand on his cheek. “It’s not forever. Just a few weeks. Just like when you sent me off with River.”
The Doctor smiled softly. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too. I just need to grab a few things from my room.” The Doctor managed to keep it together long enough for Elise to pack a suitcase and say goodbye. The minute he set the TARDIS in flight, he broke down. He should have known she’d leave.
They always did.
Elise settled into life with the Ponds quite well. Their friends got used to seeing Elise around the couple.
Amy and Rory had come up with the story that Elise was Rory’s niece who needed a place to stay while attending university.
Amy loved having Elise around the house and enrolled her in art classes.
Amy and Rory treated Elise more like a daughter than a friend; Elise becoming a surrogate ‘Melody’ for them both.
“Goodnight, Elise,” Amy said.
“Night,” Elise said and closed her bedroom door. She’d been with Amy and Rory for about a month now, but she missed her father and River.
Amy and Rory were great and all, but they weren’t the Doctor.
She spent her days sketching and painting. Amy and Rory tried to convince her to sell some of her paintings, but Elise refused so they kept getting moved into the garage.
Eventually one month turned into two and soon it was Christmas.
Amy and Rory noticed a change in Elise. The happy girl who had first moved in with them turned into a girl who spent all her time in her bedroom, sketching in her sketchbook. Even the allure of Christmas presents and Christmas dinner could make Elise come out of her room.
Amy burst into her room.
Elise was laying on her bed, staring at a picture of herself, the Doctor, and River taken on a past Mother’s Day.
“That’s it. Get up. I’ll not have you moping!”
Elise rolled away from her.
Amy sighed. “Elise, I know you miss your father, but you can’t keep doing this.”
Elise ignored her.
“Have you tried calling him?”
“He won’t pick up the phone. I can’t even get in touch with River!”
Amy heard Elise’s voice crack and she soon dissolved into tears. Amy quickly embraced the girl, holding her tightly.
Elise didn’t think it would be this bad. She thought she’d like being stationary. She did, but she missed her father more.
The New Year rolled around and Elise’s attitude started to improve.
Amy and Rory made sure to get her out more often, instead of just leaving her in the house with Brian all the time. She got back into painting and even started writing in her journal again.
Soon, Amy and Rory’s wedding anniversary rolled around.
Amy had purchased Elise a new blue dress for their summer barbeque, reminiscent of the one she wore to their wedding. Amy even taught Elise how to put on makeup and did her hair.
Amy was leaving yet another message for the Doctor. “Hey! Doctor, it's me. Hello. So, the UN classified the cubes as provisionally safe, whatever that means, and Banksy and Damien Hirst put out statements saying the cubes are nothing to do with them. And the cubes, well, they're just here. Still. What's it been, nine months? People are just taking them for granted. Maybe we'll never know why they came. But anyway. Elise is doing better. Personally, Rory and I just think she was going through her rebellious teenage phase. I remember how I was when I was her age, but let’s not get into that. I got to Laura's wedding. It was great. She's here tonight, being as it's our wedding anniversary. We thought you might have dropped by. I left you messages.”
The Doctor appeared behind her, holding a huge bouquet of flowers. “I know! Happy anniversary! Come with me. And bring your husband. Where’s Elise?”
Amy pointed over to where Brian stood.
Elise looked…beautiful. He almost didn’t recognize his own daughter.
Elise finally looked over at him and dropped the drink in her hand. She ran over to him and threw her arms around his neck. “Please tell me this isn’t a dream.”
The Doctor smiled. “You’re completely awake, Ellie.”
“Good, because I’m never leaving you for that long again.”
The Doctor tried taking Amy and Rory on one trip as a gift for their anniversary and things kept going wrong and soon it had been two and a half months.
They returned on Amy and Rory’s anniversary, but no one but Brian noticed that they were in different clothes. Even Elise.
As Elise settled in for the night, the Doctor entered her room.
“Can I talk to you?” he asked.
“Um, yeah.”
The Doctor sat down next to her on the bed. “I’ve decided I’m staying.” “What?”
“I miss Amy and Rory. And I missed you most of all.”
“I missed you too.”
The Doctor reached out and wiped a tear off Elise’s cheek, causing her to break down.
She’d cried so much in the last nine months, it was a wonder she still had tears to cry.
“Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here now,” the Doctor cooed, rocking gently, “Why are there so many songs about rainbows and what’s on the other side…?”
The song wasn’t enough to calm Elise like it normally did.
The Doctor felt bad that he was causing her all this pain and that he couldn’t take it away. He worried for what it would do to Elise in the end.
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skybiome · 5 years
Left Behind
for @mine-sara-sp‘s shadow au. specifically, the au of the au because we’ve started rabbit holeing
warning: xisuma thanos snaps the shadows
part 2
Murmur wasn’t sure where Mumbo had gone. He wasn’t sure where any of the players had gone. For a week they had said things like "leaving" and "new season".
The shadow wasn't quite sure what that entailed, but about two weeks ago, all of the hermits had gathered around a special nether portal that Xisuma had made. All of them had waved goodbye to the gathered shadows and walked through the portal. Murmur’s summoner was one of the last ones few and told the shadow that he would see him soon.
Murmur was doing his best to keep up hope, but none of the shadows had seen any of the hermits in the full two weeks since they’d left. And a lot had happened without them.
Jigsaw had tried to mess with Apex and gotten himself killed. Apex had then tried to fight Killjoy and gotten killed. Keloid, Avarice, and Paladin had gone through almost everyone’s bases at this point and stolen any riches they could find. Trigger had wired the entirety of the shopping district and Hermitville with redstone traps. Solo had claimed the abandoned hippie compound as his own, and Shadoc was shaking up with Gleam and Clamor. 
The shadow that Murmur honestly saw the most of was Admin. With Xisuma gone, Admin was the only one who had any access to commands. Occasionally, the shadow would join Murmur at the foot of the nether portal and mess with console screens. 
Admin seemed especially partial to “the rubber ducky method”, as Mumbo has once explained to him. The shadow would explain whatever it was doing to Murmur, in an attempt to work out the kinks in its current project. That project being away to bring back the shadow’s that had been killed. 
Two weeks in an Admin still had made zero progress. It had figured out how to change game modes though. The shadow of X could normally be found either at the steps of the season portal or sitting inside the shadow temple trying to bring back the lost shadows.
For the whole two weeks, Murmur had stayed near the portal, rarely venturing out of eyeshot in case one of the hermits came through it. And today seemed to be his lucky day.
Murmur was sitting at the steps of the portal, petting a rabbit he had managed to befriend during the lonely two weeks. Behind him, the season portal made an especially loud noise and the rabbit bolted into the tall grass. 
The shadow looked behind him and saw Xisuma walk out of the portal. The helmeted man waved a hand in front of himself and a floating, semi-transparent screen appeared. He typed something into a bar at the bottom and tapped the screen, causing the text to disappear. Admin had once explained that those screens could only be pulled up by an admin.
“Murmur do you know where Shadoc is?” He seemed to be in a hurry. He typed something else into the console, then highlighted and deleted it. 
All Murmur could say was, “Gleam.”
X thought for a second and then spoke to himself. “Gleam, that’s Keralis’s.” It looked like Admin got his rubber ducky solution from someone. The admin then looked back at Murmur. “Is he in the new village?”
Murmur nodded. 
Xisuma said a quick thanks before lifting off the ground and heading towards New Hermitville. Murmur watched the admin disappear into the distance. He then turned his attention back to trying to find where his bunny friend had gone. Whatever Xisuma was doing, he probably could do anything about it.
A few minutes later Admin landed beside the portal and Murmur pointed him in the direction X had gone.
Xisuma touched down in the middle of the village. Almost immediately, Gleam came out of one of the houses and started walking towards the admin. 
“Gleam, I know that this is a no-fly zone. Right now, I need to know where Shadoc is.”
Gleam just looked at Xisuma, placed one hand on its hip and held the other out to Xisuma. 
X verbally sighed and pulled up the creative inventory. He grabbed a stack of diamond blocks and handed them to the shadow. Gleam’s eyes lit up even brighter than normal and it gladly took that diamonds from Xisuma. It mumbled something about “the iron skeleton” before running towards Hermitland.
The admin was genuinely surprised that the cache in Run hadn’t run dry already. Unless Killshot was restocking it when it got bored. Either way, Xisuma ran to where Bdubs’s iron golem skeleton rested. 
It was easy to spot the shadow standing beside the massive skull. Xisuma walked through the grass, making sure that Shadoc heard his approach. It worked and Shadoc turned to look at the admin.
X pulled his helmet off and tucked it under his arm. He came to stand beside the shadow. They stood for a few moments before Shadoc spoke up.
“What brings you to our lovely server?”
Xisuma chuckled slightly at Shadoc’s sarcasm. “We miss you guys.”
“Then you shouldn’t have left.” 
“We had to go. We’d already been on this server for far too long.”
“Things were getting unstable?"
Xisuma chuckled, "That's putting it mildly." When changing servers X normally tried to give at least a month's notice. He had been so caught up with all the issues with the shadow update that he had barely been able to give the hermits a week's notice. "We thought that you guys would come with us, that we could resummon you guys in season 7."
Shadoc was quiet for a moment. "What happened when you tried to summon us?"
"Everybody had new shadows."
The shadow made an agreeing noise. 
"So are we just getting tossed aside for the newer, shinier versions of us?"
Xisuma turned to look at Shadoc.
“Do you really have that little faith in us?”
Shadoc shrugged.
“You all just seemed so eager to leave us behind.”
“Because we planned on everyone coming with us. A day’s barely gone by without Mumbo, Doc, Joe, or someone else asking if I’d finished the temple. And now that it is, I can bring all of you to the new server…”
“Why am I sensing a but after that?”
“In order to get the shadows to the new server, you need to die here first."
Shadoc didn’t say anything. When Xisuma finally turned to look at him, the shadow was sitting on the ground. He was messing with a flower and staring past it. Xisuma lowered himself to the ground beside Shadoc and set his helmet on the side of him. For a moment, he reached to set a hand on the shadow’s shoulder, but thought better and retracted it. 
“I have a way to kill everyone at once.” The admin grimaced at the morbidity of the sentence. “Then you can be resummoned in the new season.”
The shadow picked the flower from the ground. 
“Will it hurt?”
“For a split second.” Xisuma held up a hand and snapped. “Then you’ll be in the new season.”
“How do you know it will work? That we won’t be gone forever?”
“Because there’s already a few shadows from here that are there already. Even when I’m not in the server, I can see the console logs.” Xisuma waved a hand in front of him and pulled up one of the logs. 
“Since all of the hermits have left, not much goes on in the console, but with the shadows being special mobs, the console tells when they die.”
The admin pointed towards a specific line of text. Shadoc leaned in closer to read it. 
{Grian’s shadow was killed by Biffa2001’s shadow}
X scrolled through the logs some more and pointed to another line of text.
{Biffa2001’s shadow was killed by joehillssays’s shadow}
Xisuma swiped a hand through the floating screen, collapsing it so that only the bar to enter commands appeared. 
“They’re already causing chaos with the new shadows. And the friendly shadows can’t wait to meet everyone.” Xisuma was mostly speaking about Joyful, but he was certain that the more shadows would at least be curious about the season 6 shadows.
“How would you…” Shadoc couldn’t bring himself to say “kill me”, so he simply lifted a hand and mimicked Xisuma’s snapping motion. 
A sad smile appeared on Xisuma’s face. He turned back to the console window and pasted in a command.
/kill @e[type=Shadow] 
“This will kill all shadows on the server at once.”
“And you’re sure that everyone will be on the new server?”
“I’m certain.” Xisuma didn’t like how unperturbed Shadoc seemed about everything and he knew it was something that he should be worried about, but right now, he just needed to get this done.
Xisuma reached forwards to enter the command. Shadoc watched the entire motion. X was centimeters from tapping to screen to enter the command when Admin crashed into the ground. He righted himself and turned towards his summoner.
“XISUMA! WHERE’S MY BROTHER?” He sounded pissed.
Shadoc was pulled from his daze at the interjection but Xisuma didn’t pause. He reached forward and entered the command.
In the corner of his eye, Xisuma saw his shadow freeze for a moment, before collapsing and leaving behind a very familiar inventory. X’s attention was focused on the shadow beside him though.
Shadoc was still holding the flower when he disappeared into a fuzz of yellow particles. Xisuma took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. The difficult part was done. Now he just needed to go back to season 7 and tell everyone they could resummon their shadows. But there was something he wanted to do first.
Xisuma put his helmet back on and carefully sifted through the contents of Shadoc’s inventory and held onto two things: the flower and his trident. The admin flew back to the portal and touched down in the field surrounding it. A little way in the distance, he could see a pile of items that he assumed had belonged to Murmur.
In front of the steps to the portal, Xisuma placed a pillar of spruce planks three blocks tall. He set an item frame on the top block. Inside of it he put Shadoc’s trident and was sure to align it vertically.
On the second block be placed an oak sign and wrote a brief message on it.
“A toast to this season and many more. Family is always stronger together.”
In front of the lowest block, X planted the flower.
He stepped back from the small monument and looked at it for a moment. Then, he climbed the steps to stand beside the lit portal. The admin took off his helmet to look at the server unobstructed. The portal had been built within earshot of Hermitville and Xisuma could see everything that had been built in the new area.
The build off was easily seen, towering above the tree line. Wel’s mansion and the church were also visible. Further off in the distance, X could see the edges of Hermitland. He could also see the faint silhouettes of the Area 77 planes through the clouds.
The admin rested his hand on the obsidian frame for a moment before stepping it to the shimmering portal.
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redworld96 · 5 years
Two nights ago I dreamed about an angst situation with Kiane (my poor OTP)
King and Diane (human size) open their eyes. They only see a great emptiness on a white dimension and nothing that surrounds them (exactly as in my dream of King ripping off the wings). Although actually, there is something next to them. Right in front, a daisy sprouts from the white ground. 
Both are confused, they don't even know how they got there, and what that flower means. Then, a voice coming from nowhere explains what they have to do (actually this is very similar to Jigsaw in the SAW movies "Let’s play a game"). 
So that both of them can leave that dimension together and return home, one of them will have to completely forget the other, lose all their memories together since they met, and for this they have to take the flower from the ground and nail it to the person who is going to forget everything. Once that happens, they will return home, but not as they expected it to happen. If they don’t do anything, they will obviously be trapped inside forever, until the flower is nailed to either of them. 
Both are in shock, especially King, who then understood the daisy reference. Diane trembles as she looks up at the white sky, begins to deny again and again that this cannot be happening, not again. Diane screams at the emptiness that nothing and no one will make them be separated again, and screams that they will find a way to leave. That's when she turns to see King, who hasn't said a word all the time. The fairy simply looks down, his eyes hidden under the hair from his bangs. With great sadness, he raises his head to look at Diane; a look that for King was more than enough to make her understand that "this is the current situation right now". 
Tears in the eyes begin to leave from Diane, only saying "no ... no" all the time. She doesn't feel prepared for this, nobody could be. King then begins to walk slowly towards the flower. Diane watches him as he bends down to tear it off from the ground. King is silent watching the flower for too many seconds.
Diane: "King ... what are you doing?" 
King flies with the flower in his hand towards her. 
Diane starts to be confused: "... King?" 
Then King, in front of her, takes her hand and put the flower in her palm. King's eyes begin to get wet "I can't ... I can't allow you to go through this a third time. So do what is to be done”. 
 Diane: “N- YOU CAN'T BE REALLY SERIOUS! HOW CAN YOU EVEN ASK ME THIS? There has to be another way, I am sure if we go to- ” 
King: "Diane!" 
She is paralyzed… she begins to really understand that if they want to get out of this, one of them will have to forget the other completely. 
Diane: "I ... no, please, don't ask me this ... we were supposed to get married in a few days ... I couldn't handle losing you ... let me do this instead, I already know what it's like to go through this situation." 
King: “More reason for me to go through this for this time. I couldn't let you feel lost again”. 
Diane: "Not having you would already make me feel lost ... I don't want this ..." Diane starts crying. 
King approaches, and rests his forehead on hers as his hand rests on her face, tears in his eyes also start to come out from the fairy. “Listen carefully to me, Diane. You are the love of my life. And if I have learned anything from you, it is that the most precious memories never disappear, they are always engraved in our hearts. No matter if I am to have amnesia for a second time, I promise that my heart will always belong to you, and sooner or later I will realize it. I am sorry to be selfish… but I would like to ask you to stay at my side and help me, so please, give me a chance and let me fall in love with you again”.
Diane is not assimilating King's words, she simply doesnt want to accept the fact that King will forget her. Then, King let out a few words that alarmed Diane. 
King: "But ... if the worst situation happens ... if years have passed and I have not managed to realize my feelings towards you ... I ask you please, for your happiness, to forget about me and find someone who-" 
King did not finish the sentence when Diane grabbed the back of his neck with her free hand, tightening the clash between foreheads. "NEVER". 
Then King began to cry desperately, hugging his fiancée once more minutes before the final action. Diane corresponds to the hug, both crying and caressing each other's hair. The hand which Diane holds the daisy begins to tremble, she still has no strength to move it. 
King, with a sad smile while the hug continues: “I'm so sorry… but you'll have to be patient with me, okay? Don't cancel the wedding until then”.
Diane, while with the free hand she begins to put aside the long hair behind his neck, says: "Don't worry * snif * ... I'll take care of you." 
King, leaving one last bittersweet smile: "I love you." 
Then Diane quickly closes her eyes as she pulls the courage to move her hand fast and nail the flower into King's neck. It was only a matter of seconds before King fell asleep in Diane's arms, which hug continued until the last second. Diane grabs her sleeping fiance strongly, the dimension began to disappear and the land of Britannia began to be perceived. The flower dissapears from the ground. 
 Diane: "And me ... me too, always”. 
 Big sobs and screams were the only thing that could be heard since then.
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
The Costume (Chapter 10)
Warnings - violence, mentions of death
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“Tinkerbell, oh Tinkerbell!”
Y/N opened her eyes, her forehead bleeding, she was met with the emotionless face of Dokyeom, the ecstatic face of Seojun and Jeonghan who was placing a bag over Mingyu’s head. She tried to move, but couldn’t, her body being held by a trap that was attached to the underside of her ribs.
“According to Jeonghan, you’re very knowledgeable about Saw traps,” Seojun pinched Y/N’s cheek in the manner of a grandmother seeing her chubby grandson for the first time in a few months, “Aren’t you a smart little cutie! Yes, you are!”
“Why are you doing this?! Jeonghan, this isn’t you and Dokyeom, I sure as hell know this isn’t you.”
“Well you see, honeypie, I want the legend of Jigsaw to be real!” Seojun skipped around the room like a little child who had just been given a new toy, “We’ve seen the movies, but the real Jigsaw coming back to life and setting up traps for people at a party! And it happens to be a good-looking, tall boy who just so happened to them! Aahh, it’s my best idea ever!”
Y/N struggled against the trap, Dokyeom standing there, no visible concern on his face.
“How are you going to blame this on Mingyu, huh?”
“Oh, sweet, sweet, adorable, cute, nice, charming, what’s your name, Princess?”
“Why shou-”
“It’s Y/N.”
“Jeonghan!” Seojun punched Y/N, Dokyeom’s face cracking, a glare in his eyes at the costume shop owner.
“Y/N. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N! Such a cute name for such a cute girl! But not too bright,” Seojun spun around the room, his arms spread out, nearly hitting Dokyeom and earning a raised eyebrow from Jeonghan.
“My plan is simple, Mingyu’s in the control room, we put a drug in Dokyeom, we unleash the guy in one of the roo-” Jeonghan whispered something into Seojun’s ear,” really? He’s dead? Oh. We can blame that on Mingyu too! But really Y/N, you saw yourself that Mingyu was holding a knife to Minghao! How do you know what he was going to do?”
“He was going to try and save Minghao! Cut the extensions off!” Y/N continued to struggle, the costume shop owner laughing around, “Who even are you?”
“I’m Mr. Yoo, the costume shop owner. That gentleman you saw before was just under one of my trances, It’s like Get Out! It’s the same with Dokyeom! He’s in here, but not in here!” Seojun pointed to random places on Dokyeom’s head, his facade slowly breaking down, “Have you seen Halloween 3?! That guy wanted to kill every kid in America! I just wanted a few people here and there, is that so bad?”
“Yes! Yes, it i-”
“Anywho! I’m sure you know what this trap is, it’ll rip your ribs out unless you reach into that acid and grab the key. Pretty nasty, your hand will be all torn up. You decide, your life or your hand?!”
“No! Let me the fuck out!” Y/N started screaming, hoping to draw anyone’s attention to her, “I’m in here!”
Jeonghan took some duct tape, placing it over Y/N’s mouth, her screams muffled. Dokyeom felt something click in him, he had came to, looking around the room, not knowing where he was.
“In 3, 2, 1, go!” Seojun pressed a button, a timer for one minute beginning, “Now onto Dokye-”
Seojun was met with a brick to his face, Jeonghan trying to stop Dokyeom before being kicked into a table.
“Who’s that?!”
“I don’t have time to explain Mingyu, I have to save Y/N,” Dokyeom took the jar of acid from its holder, throwing the liquid onto Seojun, burning his skin immensely.
Dokyeom snatched up the key, letting Y/N out of the trap, her arms instantly going around his neck. Y/N let out after a few seconds of the embrace, untying Mingyu before Jeonghan tried to knock her down, Y/N taking one of the ropes and choking the member until he was on the floor, passed out.
“Let’s go!”
Mingyu, Dokyeom and Y/N ran out of the room, faint ambulance sirens in the distance.
“Mingyu, you go find anyone who is still alive and help bring them to the front foyer,” Dokyeom took charge, turning to Y/N, her dress covered in dirt and blood, guilt eating at him, “Y/N, I’m so sorry this all happened.”
“Dokyeom, we can talk later. I say we all go get people instead of just Mingyu alone.”
A bell chimed, Dokyeom falling to the floor to the surprise of Mingyu and Y/N. Seojun stood at the door, his nose broken, but that creepy toothy smile still apparent on his face.
“I suggest you run.”
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bangtanbeauty21 · 4 years
BTS fan fiction
When You Are At The Beach And You Catch The Maknae’s Eye
Part 2
Jungkook’s POV:
I dialed Y/n’s number and it rang. She answered a couple seconds later.
Y/n: Hi Jungkook, how are you?
Jungkook: I’m doing well. We just got home to our hotel.
Y/n: Oh cool!
Jungkook: So what would you like to do for our date?
Y/n: I would like to go to a restaurant called Enzas, it’s a fancy restraint in Jacksonville, or we could go to the Cobb Movie theater and have dinner there.
Jungkook: Ok, well, whatever you want to do.
Y/n: Ok, well, I want to go to the Cobb Movie Theater.
Jungkook: Alright, so do you want to go Saturday? We can eat first, then watch a movie.
Y/n: That sounds great!
Jungkook: Alright, I’m looking at movie listings for this Saturday.
Y/n: Okay.
Jungkook: Okay, there’s La Lorona, Bloody Hell, The Thing From Another World, or Spiral: The Book Of Saw. I don’t know if your a horror fan, because these are all horror movies.
Y/n: I love horror movies! I have already seen Bloody Hell, and La Llorona, but I want to see Spiral: The Book Of Saw!
Jungkook: Me too! Alright, tickets are ordered, the movie time is 8:00PM, so we can be here by 6:00, we have two hours to eat and get to know each other and then watch the movie.
Y/n: Alright, I’m so excited!!!
Jungkook: Me too, so this Saturday, I will pick you up at 5:30 on the dot.
Y/n: Alrighty then, can’t wait!
Jungkook: See you then, bye!
Y/n: Bye!
Saturday at 4:00...
Y/n’s POV
I got ready, took a shower, put on a black Mini skirt and my Jigsaw shirt.
(Jungkook knocks at the door)
Jungkook: Well don’t you look stunning!
Y/n: Awe, thanks.
Jungkook: Are you ready?
Y/n: Yeah, ready to... play a game!
Jungkook: No please don’t put me in a trap!!!
(He chuckled)
We arrived at the movies...
We talked for a couple hours and in front of the theater room, he held my hand and spoke again.
Jungkook: Hey, can I say something?
Y/n: Sure!
Jungkook: Well, ever since I met you at the beach, I knew deep down that you would be the one I was looking for. And... well... oh God... I’m blushing,... anyway, will you be my girlfriend, from this day forward until I ask for your hand in marriage?
He took out a ring.
Jungkook: But until then, I got you this promise ring, it symbols my faithfulness and commitment to you as your other half. It symbolizes purity.
He kissed me, and put the ring on my finger. We then watched the movie. After, he took me to meet the other members and they welcomed me with open arms.
The end...
There will be a sequel to this fan fiction later in a couple months, so look out!
It will be called, “When The Maknae Pops A Question”
Thank you for reading, and feel free to comment any ideas!
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Life Goes On
Fandom: TMNT 2012
Hurt - Chapter 31 (Previous Chapters)
Rated: T
Chapter Summary: The next months are long and hard and it's apparent time does not heal all wounds.
Being back at the lair after the funeral was an adjustment for everyone.
Splinter didn't want to send out his sons back into doing patrol in horrible fear that he'd lose them too. It took at least a month before any of them dared venture out; not because they wanted to but they had an obligation to uphold. Innocent lives to protect and as much as they'd love to stay in the sewers and mope about their brother's death forever; each and every one of them knew that was the last thing Raphael would want.
At first, it was nearly impossible to figure out how to do any attack; their faith shaken and missing such a vital part of their team wasn't easy. Raphael prided himself on being first one in, last one out and now, they didn't have that anymore. They all ran in blindly and many a time, set off traps that had them escaping by the skin of their teeth. They'd go home, regroup, go out again, but nothing seemed to really work.
Everything felt off and even training never seemed out pan out anymore - they were literally uneven now…
The brother's persevered though, defeating enemies with new allies.
Slash, or Spike as Raphael used to so lovingly called him, reluctantly helped them as much as he could. Telling the large mutant his once-owner was gone wasn't easy; neither of them ever thought they'd witnessed the seemingly heartless Slash fall to his knees and cry over the loss of his once owner...
Leatherhead was saddened by their loss; spending time with Splinter to try and uplift his spirits in any way he could.
The mutanimals were helpful and tried to keep patrolling in the turtle's place when grief just didn't allow the brothers to function as a team much anymore.
Leo varied between the strength of an unmovable rock to falling apart like a house made of straw; held together by floss and thrown into the eye of a F5 tornado. His training the only thing keeping him sane for the time that followed since his brother's untimely death. He strove to make up for lost time; to take care of his family and protect them in Raphael's steed. The job was not one he wanted but needed to do; to honor his brother and make sure his family had their leader back.
It was a tormenting hell he had to live with but he made due…
Donatello seemed to be the most adjusted of his brothers. Getting far too little sleep to bury himself in work to keep his mind occupied. It fell apart whenever his eye would catch the red motorcycle in the corner of his one Raphael tirelessly worked on for months. A normal presence in his lap that Donatello took for granted far too often. In these moments, he would have done anything for five more minutes in quiet serenity; the only sounds of Raphael working on that very motorcycle…but now all he had was silence.
In those moments he saw it, those painful memories all just came flooding back.
Donnie hated to do so, but he covered it and placed it in the far corner of the garage behind some long lost projects. Out of sight, out of mind didn't help for long; there were still the days he find himself calling for Raph for help in one thing or another and he froze for a long moment. It was like ripping a scar off; the new found pain accompanying something you tried to forget about resurfacing took him by surprise most of the time. He cried then; harsh hot tears falling in the quiet of his lab but he made sure to hide them from his family at all costs.
Mikey was more or less the same since the night his brother died. Quiet; withdrawn and still struggled with maintaining his weight. Losing all taste for foods he used to love; gone were the days of him in the kitchen and cooking for hours on end. Days consisted of staying in Raphael's room; sleeping, crying, and staring at the wall or a blank television.
The charismatic happy nature had been snatched from him as if it wasn't there.
Everyone around him feared that it was gone for good…
April slowly adjusted. Skipping school for nearly two months set her back a lot and she had a hard time getting readjusted. There were days she'd break down in the middle of a lecture, running out of the room and not returning the rest of the day. All she told her teachers and peers was that she tragically lost one of her best friends and that seemed to be enough to appease them. Other than that, April withdrew in on herself; only speaking when spoken to and weekends that used to be filled with watching movies, playing video games, or having dinner with the turtles boiled down to her spending them alone in her room; sleeping or watching mindless television.
The one thing that kept April going was the promise she'd made to Raphael the night before they buried him.
Needing to keep it, she found herself once a week going shopping and taking the groceries to the turtles. Donnie or Splinter would readily thank her but if Mikey or Leo were there, they were more or less quiet and just gave a nod or hand gesture before she awkwardly left without another word. Everything had changed...and April wasn't sure how to deal with it.
Going home and falling apart in her room was now a norm; the physical weight of Raphael's loss a permanent strain on her chest.
Casey put his heart and soul into his new job in Boston.
His calls and texts to the turtles or April were rare but the important thing was that he was moving on probably the best out of all of them. At least that's what he wanted them to believe. For the only reason he didn't keep in more contact was that he was forced to remember; forced to confront the fact of everything and everyone he left behind back in New York.
Nevertheless, he went back to work.
Time passed.…
April continued to be there for them as she struggled to pick up the pieces of her own shattered heart.
Splinter pushed back his own pain to watch over his sons; determined to keep them safe for he dared not lose another one.
Leonardo fought on; was even there when someone he still wasn't sure how to feel about, Karai, was mutated into part snake.
Donnie went about spending hours on the anti-mutagen to change her back; mostly just to keep his mind occupied.
Mikey barely cracked a smile when he met Renet.
There were a few times Mikey seemed to be improving. Barely smiling when April would later arrive with his new favorite snack, Fruit Roll-Ups, and he'd sit with his father and brothers to watch a movie.
It was these little moments that brought them together but simultaneously hit them all the hardest. One of their eyes looking toward their deceased brother's favorite beanbag gathering dust. None of them having the heart to put it away. Thinking about how he should be here. If they listened hard enough they could even picture him saying sardonic, sarcastic comments toward the movie they were watching...until they realized they were forgetting what exactly his voice sounded like.
A bitter pill to swallow to say the least. Life a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces missing never to be completed or nothing to fill the holes in any of them. There was a space that festered and scarred over numerous times and it was apparent it wasn't going to change...
Life went on...but time did not seem to be healing these wounds...
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