#all yall currently into mbti are probably looking at my function descriptions like u damn fool....
point001 · 7 years
I saw your MBTI chart for HQ, and I was wondering if you could please explain Oikawa? No offense, but I too am an INTJ and I have never related as much to an anime character as much as Oikawa... so just wondering?
Hey anon, I really want to answer your question best I can but its been a couple years since I’ve actively been involved with both Haikyuu and MBTI on here.  But I’m gonna try to retrace my steps for you a bit:
Also, no offense taken! I too typed myself as INTJ (a long time ago) and related to Oikawa a whole lot as a character.  When I first read haikyuu, his personality was near identical to mine, but it’s been a while.  This is why I was so intrigued by his type and did a lot of research.  Most of my typing was based on cognitive functions.  Hopefully you’ve read up on the them, but I’ll gloss over the functions really quick:
INTJ functions look like this
Dominant Introverted Intuition (also called Ni): this pertains mostly to being able to make fairly accurate predictions by subconsciously using evidence collected from the outside world.  People with this function dominant tend to “know things” but not really know why.  I’ve also noticed people w/ this function tend to be really future oriented. They like to visualize goals, and may tend to think in abstract/symbolic concepts.
a few reasons why Oikawa exhibits this:
very very good at game strategy, predicting opponents moves
good understanding of how the elements of his team work together
I”m not sure if you remember that one manga cover where he’s carrying the seijoh banner, but it said something like “focus on the road ahead” and was published right after he lost.  I interpreted this as him moving on, focusing on his future goals.  he’s not exactly the most emotionally stable character, so it was surprising to me he was able to come to that so quickly.
his whole “talent is something you make bloom speech? it doesn’t matter if it takes one year or 10? (I’m really paraphrasing sorry its been so long since I read Haikyuu).  Anyway, thats very classic Introverted Intuition.  I’m pretty sure i’ve said that myself a few times.
ok second function:
Auxilary: Extraverted Thinking (also called Te) - ok this is probably why Oikawa gets typed as Extraverted a lot. basically this function kicks in right after intuition and works a lot with the dominant.  It makes you efficient, likely ambitious or tenacious in achieving goals, and gives you a good understanding of how to organize systems so they work the best way.
oikawa examples:
master of “playing his own team”, making them work like a unit
overall, a real ambitious guy
literally a workaholic, which is a danger to INTJs and i’ll explain why
“If you’re gonna hit it, hit it till it breaks”? a very Ni-Te attitude. Ni provides prestigious goals and Te provides the means to achieve them, so INTJs are a quite ambitious (and dare I say optimistic) bunch.
third function: 
Tertiary Introverted Feeling - (also called Fi) ok heres the emotional aspect of the type.  Notice its in the lesser two functions, so INTJs are likely to be emotionally immature in youth.  Fi basically bases emotions off the self.  This function makes you focus primarily of you find valuable yourself, and judge the world in “good” or “bad” based on your own values.  Can result in blind spots where you lose awareness of other peoples feelings.
oikawa examples:
i know you mentioned you relate a lot to him anon, but I’m about to lay some criticism here. don’t take it personally.  a lot of these pertain to me as well.  Because this is lower in his functions, he’s not great at using Fi:
oikawa is pretty immature for his age emotionally.  he gets a little vindictive when he’s challenged by others. he’s generally unaware of kageyama’s perspective of the whole thing between them.
focuses on what he values most (volleyball, charm, etc)
is temperamental enough that he lets his emotional issues impact his health and safety
this fickle sense of not being able to understand others motivations probably contributes to his imbalanced self esteem, he’s both a little arrogant but also insecure.
even though he’s social, he’s not really a “people’s guy”.  there’s always a sense of emotional separation from who he’s with except possibly the other 3rd years.
ok last function:
Inferior Extraverted sensing (also called Se): so. this is the weakest function.  Most people have a love hate relationship with it, where you tend to be really good at using it sometimes, but its also self destructive in times of stress.  In se’s case, it manifests itself in being aware of the environment and making observations that feed into intuition.  Living in the moment, being aware of the body etc.
oikawa examples (of him using it poorly):
he’s good at observation that feeds into intuition. this he has no problems with good job son.
loses track of his body when stressed (fix that knee, dude)
holds an admiration for physical activity
tends to get tunnel vision when stressed where he can’t take things one at a time and focuses on too much of the future, hence overwhelming himself etc.
that’s it for descriptions. now some extra points:
too be fair, oikawa is more well rounded than most when it comes to his functions. even if not in a healthy way, he uses his bottom two functions quite a bit for a teen, which is likely why he often gets typed as more extraverted and whimsical than i really see him as.
if you’re into enneagram, he’s likely enneagram 3.  you probably are too if you relate to him a lot. I know I am.  enneagram 3′s are pretty outgoing, tend to have a convincing performative facade about their personalities.  classic tooru though?  this also explains why he seems more ENTJ.
if i confused the hell out you with this post, do some research on Jugian functions or theres some links here.
i was actually really excited to get this ask even though I’m rusty on this topic.  if you have anything else, message me @discoursepasta ! I rarely check this account, its a coincidence i happened to log on today.
hope this helps anon!
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