#all's i'm sayin is. there's depth to these characters we don't get to see
flashhwing · 2 years
i hate when characters are written out of character in fics unless it's people making anders and fenris be nice to merrill. i think that's good mischaracterization actually
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typingatlightspeed · 1 year
TFC Fanfic - Can't Let Go
Fred is concerned about the state of their boss' emotions since the death of their medic, and worries about his compentency to lead the team. Virgil agrees, but is able to empathize a little bit with how much losing someone important to you can mess you up. Either way, this isn't going to lead anywhere good.
Idk y'all this popped into my head at work and I had to get it out.
Warnings: Very mild gore, mild eye scream re: Virgil's mechanical eye, past character death (TFC Medic, or Gabe as I have named him).
"He ain't right, is all I'm sayin'," Fred grumbled, a terribly thin and small screwdriver held between two thick fingers as he finished rebuilding the mechanical eyeball cradled in a shop towel on his worktable.
Virgil huffed, shaking his head. "When's he ever been right, Fred?"
The engineer shot a look to his friend, the one-eyed sniper currently hogging the only chair in the workshop. "You know what I mean. Moreso'n usual."
"You know how close he and Gabe were. They were as married as two men can get. A heavy and his medic; it's awfully romantic."
"Awful is right," Fred chuckled, joined in a laugh by Virgil. "That's the thing, though. Ever since that explosion, he ain't been the same. Gabe dead, me ripped in half, Bea's eye. That op couldn't've gone worse if we'd tried. An the bossman losin' his husband; I think that might'a finally pushed him over the edge."
"He'd been teeterin' as long as I've know him."
"Exactly. He's been awful cagey about jobs now. It's either sure things or the most outrageous shit, never nowhere between. The worst part is how spooked he's gotten."
Fred finished reassembling the eye and wiped it clean on the towel. "Here, should be good to go," he said, handing it to Virgil, who stretched open his eyelids and popped the thing back into his empty socket, letting the nerve linkup inside grab hold and reattach, restoring use of the thing. He almost wished he'd asked for an off switch for the damned thing this time. Seeing through everything, even his own eyelid, had been deleterious for his ability to get any rest. But having the ability to turn it off would mean he'd use it, and it would make him lazy, and an easy target. Best to just deal with it, he supposed.
"Back in working order. As you were saying?
"When I can get him talkin', it's... he can't let go of death. Ain't never bothered him none before; we're mercenaries, we know what we're gettin' into. What we're riskin'. But ever since Gabe died, he can't shake it. Keeps talkin' about how we're gettin' older. Gettin' slower. Gettin' weaker. We're some of the best damn mercenaries there are, but even we can't stop Death from comin' callin' sooner or later. I don't think he can figure out how to reconcile it."
"It is a lot to take in; losing someone that important to you," Virgil offered, thinking back to the year prior, when he'd seen the explosion from his perch, when he'd seen Fred get torn in half, his legs basically paste, his intestines strewn from his open, gaping torso, blood everywhere. It was a sight he'd never shake. He'd splattered more brains and pierced more hearts than he could remember, but it was different when that gore, those guts, were someone who mattered to you. "Changes your perspective in some fucked up ways."
He was just grateful they'd managed to save Fred, and that the canny engineer had been able to retrofit one of his father's old designs for prosthetics. Though it had required a bit more biological knowledge than he truly had the depth of understanding for, and without Gabe around to help anymore, it had been a long, taxing, infuriating process to get right. All the while their heavy was going mad in grief and couldn't be consoled by anyone.
Bea had just wrenched the shrapnel from her eye, bandaged her face, and gone about her day. Hard woman, she was. She terrified Virgil, which was no mean feat.
"I'm just concerned he's gonna do somethin' stupid. He's angry, and hurt, and it's gettin' him more 'n' more riled every day, and one of these days he's gonna snap, and it ain't gonna be good for any of us."
"That new medic isn't helping with it, either."
"That absolute fruit loop is gonna get us all killed even faster'n the boss if we ain't careful. I know a mad scientist when I see one."
"I'm thinking more the boss is gonna kill him first."
"Half thinkin' we should let 'im. Maybe it'll blow off some steam," Fred laughed.
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lightwise · 1 year
Ahsoka Episode 4 Spoilers/Thoughts
This was...a big one, to say the least.
Also note to self do NOT open tumblr while in the middle of watching an episode or you will be spoiled for that epic ending *sobs* oh well...
2/2 Star Wars characters repairing ship wiring on their back...v nice
Sabine, you realize none of you would be in this position if you hadn't squirreled away with the map in your tower...jus sayin...
"Can I count on you?" Yeah I'm gonna say that's a no...
Sabine loading her blasters is super cool but also giving me flashbacks to trying to reload staple gun or nail gun cartridges and hoping you don't launch them into your face in the process
Natasha plays Sabine's nervous energy very well and Rosario is showing Ahsoka's own unease, reserve, but also very caring concern, extremely well. I really wish we could see the history between these two--animated in between series anyone??
I wonder why Dave doesn't bring up the fact that Ahsoka owes Ezra her life. It's only focused on what Ezra means to Sabine, but he means a lot to Ahsoka too.
Huyang's lil hands on hips...you can tell he's a full practical build here.
Speaking of...I REALLY want to know if the practical robot was used for this fight scene, or if they switched to someone in a costume/CGI. It seems like the HK droids are people/CGI but I could be wrong about that. Either way, go Huyang go!
It's always a treat to see Mandos and Jedi fighting styles together. And Sabine's Wonder Woman vambrace block was great.
Ahsoka's white lightsabers are so stunning in live action.
"May I make one request of you both?" LISTEN TO HUYANG. HE KNOWS WHAT'S UP. "Stay together." And WHAT ARE THEY NOT GONNA DO SMH
"Mom, how come I have to do what I'm told and you don't" lmao
Jacen is so spunky and I'm so glad Dave is having him be a full part of the series.
Carson Teva my man! And Brendan!
"Faith? I lost that a long time ago" Baylon's backstory pleaseeeee. Who was his master. How far did he get in training. Was he knighted? Did he have a padawan pre-order 66? Where was he during the war? Where was he during Order 66? When did he walk away, and what did he walk away to? What are his goals now? How did he find Shin/why did he want to train her? We desperately need a comic or a book here Lucasfilm
The graphics for the countdown clock (and the droids manning them) are super cool
Shin dear lord can you be any more dramatic
Sabine and Shin running off like rabid wolves while Ahsoka is just like, oh please, do I really have to deal with this right now
Ahsoka > any inquisitor, dead or alive, magic or real, anytime, any place, any age LOL
Ugh the parallels to Obi-Wan and Maul are impeccable.
So I totally knew Marrok would be a nobody/throwaway character but a nightsister necromancer ghost??? Did not see that coming at all. Eerie
Shin seems honestly disturbed by seeing Marrok fall. I wonder if the body that was used was someone she knew or had a connection to.
The lightsaber usage in this show is so interesting and such a unique blend of samurai techniques, OT trilogy techniques, and more realistic stabbing and swiping and slicing motions. I love the choreography and cinematography of Shin and Sabine going at it as well as how the trees and landscape are used in their fight.
Looks like Shin got her dramatics from her master. Sitting there with his hood up for effect lol
Definitely getting flashbacks to Ahsoka's sass in her fight with Maul in TCW.
Baylon's textured armor is so incredible. I want to see him leading a 13th century cavalcade
Can he read people's minds? Or does he do in depth research like Thrawn does so he knows the weak points of his opponents?
“One must destroy in order to create.” No. You are incorrect sir. One must die. One must morph, must change, in order to create. But that is different than destroying.
Again with the one saber. It's such an odd choice for Ahsoka to do that, and it honestly feels like an excuse for Baylon to be able to overpower her later. I don't quite like it.
It is very interesting how Baylon views Ahsoka, and tells her that her legacy is death and broken promises. What exactly does he think her legacy is? Because that is Anakin's legacy, not hers (at least through Rebels). What has happened since then?
He looks so sad, honestly.
There's way too much leaving oneself open to attack in this episode.
The fight scene definitely looks slowed down a little, and it's a little clunky, but man Baylon is brutal with his saber. Again why is Ahsoka not using both of hers to combat is strength??
Either there's a trailer shot that never made it into this fight, or Baylon and Ahsoka fight again. I'm missing where she kicks back against one of those tall rocks and flips over. That was such a cool shot.
I honestly can't believe Shin was able to block the whistling birds lol. That would be an intense hit to the face. Also I love how much of the shots and sparks in these shows are practical. It makes it feel so much more real.
The map burning Ahsoka is wild. It makes sense but very unfortunate.
Hot damn Ahsoka! She definitely was tapping into some anger there. In real life that hit to the back of the head should have seriously injured Shin. Filoni is really being gritty and brutal with the fights in this show, they're raw and dirty in ways that the trilogies were not.
Aaaaaand while I know Ahsoka isn't dead yet (there's no way Filoni would kill off the title character halfway through a first season) holy cow that was heartwrenching
Baylon is a master manipulator. He makes Maul look like a babbling teenager. And yet he doesn't seem to derive any twisted pleasure from it. He just is doing what he thinks he needs to do.
I'm sorry Ahsoka had WHAT to do with Sabine's family dying???? In the Purge??? Ugh geez that's awful.
Gah DAMN it Sabine!! C'mon girl!! Bad decision, bad decision!
I would have loved to see Obi-Wan face off against Baylon. The quiet patience and calm strength...too much for one room
He is just not done digging at Ahsoka is he. Again, master manipulator, but why?
Huyang's little magnifying glass!
Dave definitely nailed the lighting in this show. Even if the volume is still apparent in some shots, the lighting is finally dialed in and soft and realistic and atmospheric. That shot of Baylon after decimating the map is epic.
Yeahhh, Hera, ya'll might want to skedaddle right quick before you get....oh, too late....
"Mom? I've got a bad feeling." Me too kid, me too.
"Lady Wren, Lady Tano" *sobbing* Hera make sure Huyang makes it back pls
This transition.
Oh boy
I know what's coming bc I got on tumblr too early but OH MAN
ahhhh it's so gorgeous
it's here, it's finally here and it's BEAUTIFUL (The World Between Worlds, who did you think I was talking about, Anakin? ;)
"Hello Snips" I can't I truly can't
"I didn't expect to see you so soon" so is she dead? Dying? Disassociating while drowning? Dave if you kill Ahsoka off in this show I will never forgive you
She is in shock omg look at him she is reunited with her brother, her master, her friend!!
Welp I have no idea what to do with myself until next week and we find out what's going on here. I swear if that's not the real Anakin I will be beside myself.
Let's get ready for flashbacks folks. What an episode.
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rvnwtch · 2 years
I absolutely love Zenoine! I would love to hear more about her! Got any HCs you wanna share? (I guess they're not really headcanons if they're about your own OC, but I don't know what else to call them lol)
Thank you!! I am so glad everyone seems to like her so far. I've been developing her character for a while now. Also, I had requested headcanons on an OC from someone once and I called them headcanons too?? Idk if it counts or not?? Same thing to me but others might disagree?

At this point in the story Zenni has never fought a day in her life. But Gwendis WILL be teaching her how to fight. And it WILL stress Fennorian out. And Verandis WILL be amused by the entire situation.
I haven't decided if I'm going to turn her into a Vestige or not yet? I love the idea of a Vestige Zenoine but I also love the idea of writing a non-vestige character for once. Like the main characters I've written are all vestige's so far and it's for the most part not important to those stories, BUT that's the lens I look at them through. But with Zenoine it's not. When I think of Zenoine I think of tall High Elf Girl Constantly in Over Her Head, but slowly and surely learning how to take care of herself in new ways.
Zenoine had a rough childhood. And you’ll get to see some of that in an upcoming fic. In Dearly Beloved, it’s mentioned that her father has her on a tight leash. And kept her "stupid" and unskilled so she couldn’t take care of herself. But her mother was the worst figure in her life because she was constantly tearing Zenoine down and ridiculing her.
I like to think of Zenoine as very self-assured, though when she gets to Ravenwatch Castle she will not be. Because she’s, again, completely out of her depth, and surrounded by new people, so she’ll be pretty easily rattled. However, Zenni’s going to use a sense of false calm to feel like she’s still in control, even though control is one thing she’s never really had.
Also did you notice.... Fenn... Zenn... Just sayin. And Fenn calls Zenoine, Zenni. I almost had her call Fennorian “Fenni” But that just made my stomach hurt so I packed my bags and RAN AWAY from that idea so quickly. (Feel free to use that if you like it though, I just personally don't) He will probably be getting SOME kind of a nickname from when he and Zenn were still in Summerset though! It's well known in game that Lyris and the Vestige call Fennorian "Fenn," and he thinks Lyris is getting his name wrong by accident, not intentionally shortening it. I wouldn't mind taking that angle and tweaking it so it's not "Fennorian doesn't understand nicknames/is misunderstanding the situation" and turning it into "Fennorian doesn't understand people having nicknames from someone who isn't your basically-almost-may-as-well-be-wife?" He thinks of it as a romantically affectionate thing. So Lyris and the Vestige calling him it would have thrown him off. (Again, I don't know if Zenoine is going to become a Vestige or if the Greymoor stuff is going to happen in this universe or any of that. In terms of Zenni we have a lot, in terms of actual plot, we have very little!)
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mystifiedmess · 2 years
ok ok ok ash, i hope you’re ready for my HCs—i can’t seem them being as good as u bc u set a high and but i’m gonna give it an honest effort.
1. ambivert leaning towards introvert? u prefer having a smaller group of friends that u can let loose w & u social battery takes time to recharge.
2. not a big fan of alcohol? like—u try it, gives u the ick & the you’ll nurse the same drink for a long time.
3. u were the smart kid in school—slightly overachieving, liked sitting in the front, had the answers type
4. you’re good at like. crafts and stuff? all that DIY stuff—bracelets, jewellery, photo frames idk
5. not a big sports person but swimming is good stuff
6. u have a high pain tolerance (this has to be true bc what u told me about ur tattoo—)
7. ur parents r pretty chill w you and u get a lot of only child benefits but ur also not like. a spoiled brat?
8. a rambler!!! can talk for days about anything & everything, interspersed w so many tangential stories & events
dude you said you don't see them being as high as mine and then having the first one dead on correct is most i didn't study for test but topped class behaviour jsjdh
1- my irl friends have this ratio that is just my speaking and interacting with people is inversely proportional to the no of people. it doesn't matter if these are people i have known all my life. like at max i can stay at my bffs house for 5 hours then i Just start getting the hives and it's too much
2-ohkay so i haven't gotten hammered yet (haven't had the chance, but so far my experience was that i liked it enough, i am cautious with it tho but that's more getting caught by family ke karan wala scene)
3-i wish lmao why do people have this perception (you're definitely not the first) but i was an above average kid till like 10th. i had something of a harry scene like where he's smart but he doesn't have studious habits so it didn't really translate to grades you know. the sitting in first bench thing is slightly true (i want to sit infront at time cause i can't see past my hands without glasses,my eyesight is just the most whack thing)
4- oh yeah this is dead on like i didn't do jwellery but i did make a lot of other creative stuff as a kid loved arts and crafts. I'm that stationary friend even now my pouch is 1/2 kgs 🥲
5-ooh so i love running (like track/relay races and stuff) i love cycling just the feel of being so fast that the wind just kisses your face and you get the temporary relief from heat or the world even becomes blur i love that feeling
also love swimming as well tho but besides that don't like any games that involve balls so you're right in a way
6- yeah you're right about it, even rn i ahve a injury which i thought i was adequately describing to mom but turns out just sayin I'm okay and it's not that bad when it is bad doesn't work who knew 🙃
7- bhai so you're dead on for half that I'm not a spoiled brat (also does anyone else physically get the ick when they have to compliment themselves in any form and even if it's a very true statement)
but while i am an only child. my parents are bihari which idk if you've heard about them but they have a reputation ™
they are the strictest species to be on this planet and that's why i am Machiavellian and just like a liar ™
8- did you by chance speak with my friends cause!!!!!! i get this so so so much i can't be on a topic for more than 5 mins. i could start with history of earth and will somehow reach to the depths of feminism and it's reality in india to some meta discussion about a character
I'm that one friend that's just like- so what topic were we in again
the other friend : which one of these 18 topics are you talking about
over-all dude you've got a pretty good idea about me 🫂
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Pros and cons of Season Four Coming Out
Miritama will motherfUCKING EXPLODE
We might get an episode on the villians like the shitpost Villian Island comic
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We'll be able to get some adorable scenes with our girl, with our queen before- sh-
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We'll get some friggin amazing fight scenes!!
And along with that the line “Why is the floor so close to my face” will be said and I think that's beautiful
This might be kept till season five but maybe baby Tomura will be animated?? I swear to fucking god if they don't animate him this time-
HOPEFULLY we won't have to wait till season five to see all those Twices
Oh and all his beautiful character development. I know Twice is the character's home life we've seen the most of, but still, we also see Toga's younger character.
Some screen time for Compress, he desperately needs it, give the boi some screen time.
Mirio with his hair down?!?!?!!!??! :O
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This one too?!? #+ hopefully they'll actually say this this was funny-
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Every hero-stan manga reader will get on the animator's asses and not get off if they don't animate Todororo sneezing so we get that as well.
I.... Don't think I have to explain that much.
Most of thisis gonna be me sobbing about Magne and Nighteye tbh. Just sayin.
I'm excited for those scenes but I'm gonna cry???? Like I know the sound effects n va's is gonna be really really good but??? MagNE??? BEST GIRL????????
Of course we have to go more in depth with Eri tho
We probably gonna get a sad scene with Tamaki and Mirio in the hospital since Mirio was so close to Nighteye. (Froppy's internship wasn't in the manga.) And that's gonna hurt me physically my babeys I can't see em in pain
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