#alliance occupational medicine
fatehbaz · 1 year
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imperialism and science reading list
edited: by popular demand, now with much longer list of books
Of course Katherine McKittrick and Kathryn Yusoff.
People like Achille Mbembe, Pratik Chakrabarti, Rohan Deb Roy, Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert, and Elizabeth Povinelli have written some “classics” and they track the history/historiography of US/European scientific institutions and their origins in extraction, plantations, race/slavery, etc.
Two articles I’d recommend as a summary/primer:
Zaheer Baber. “The Plants of Empire: Botanic Gardens, Colonial Power and Botanical Knowledge.” Journal of Contemporary Asia. May 2016.
Kathryn Yusoff. “The Inhumanities.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 2020.
Then probably:
Irene Peano, Marta Macedo, and Colette Le Petitcorps. “Introduction: Viewing Plantations at the Intersection of Political Ecologies and Multiple Space-Times.” Global Plantations in the Modern World: Sovereignties, Ecologies, Afterlives. 2023.
Sharae Deckard. “Paradise Discourse, Imperialism, and Globalization: Exploiting Eden.” 2010. (Chornological overview of development of knowledge/institutions in relationship with race, slavery, profit as European empires encountered new lands and peoples.)
Gregg Mitman. “Forgotten Paths of Empire: Ecology, Disease, and Commerce in the Making of Liberia’s Plantation Economy.” Environmental History. 2017, (Interesting case study. US corporations were building fruit plantations in Latin America and rubber plantations in West Africa during the 1920s. Medical doctors, researchers, and academics made a strong alliance these corporations to advance their careers and solidify their institutions. By 1914, the director of Harvard’s Department of Tropical Medicine was also simultaneously the director of the Laboratories of the Hospitals of the United Fruit Company, which infamously and brutally occupied Central America. This same Harvard doctor was also a shareholder in rubber plantations, and had a close personal relationship with the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, which occupied West Africa.)
Elizabeth DeLoughrey. “Globalizing the Routes of Breadfruit and Other Bounties.”  2008. (Case study of how British wealth and industrial development built on botany. Examines Joseph Banks; Kew Gardens; breadfruit; British fear of labor revolts; and the simultaneous colonizing of the Caribbean and the South Pacific.)
Elizabeth DeLoughrey. “Satellite Planetarity and the Ends of the Earth.” 2014. (Indigenous knowledge systems; “nuclear colonialism”; US empire in the Pacific; space/satellites; the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.)
Fahim Amir. “Cloudy Swords.” e-flux Journal #115, February 2021. (”Pest control”; termites; mosquitoes; fear of malaria and other diseases during German colonization of Africa and US occupations of Panama and the wider Caribbean; origins of some US institutions and the evolution of these institutions into colonial, nationalist, and then NGO forms over twentieth century.)
Some of the earlier generalist classic books that explicitly looked at science as a weapon of empires:
Schiebinger’s Plants and Empire: Colonial Bioprospecting in the Atlantic World; Delbourgo’s and Dew’s Science and Empire in the Atlantic World; the anthology Colonial Botany: Science, Commerce, and Politics in the Early Modern World; Canzares-Esquerra’s Nature, Empire, and Nation: Explorations of the History of Science in the Iberian World.
One of the quintessential case studies of science in the service of empire is the British pursuit of quinine and the inoculation of their soldiers and colonial administrators to safeguard against malaria in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia at the height of their power. But there are so many other exemplary cases: Britain trying to domesticate and transplant breadfruit from the South Pacific to the Caribbean to feed laborers to prevent slave uprisings during the age of the Haitian Revolution. British colonial administrators smuggling knowledge of tea cultivation out of China in order to set up tea plantations in Assam. Eugenics, race science, biological essentialism, etc. in the early twentieth century. With my interests, my little corner of exposure/experience has to do mostly with conceptions of space/place; interspecies/multispecies relationships; borderlands and frontiers; Caribbean; Latin America; islands. So, a lot of these recs are focused there. But someone else would have better recs, especially depending on your interests. For example, Chakrabarti writes about history of medicine/healthcare. Paravisini-Gebert about extinction and Caribbean relationship to animals/landscape. Deb Roy focuses on insects and colonial administration in South Asia. Some scholars focus on the historiography and chronological trajectory of “modernity” or “botany” or “universities/academia,”, while some focus on Early Modern Spain or Victorian Britain or twentieth-century United States by region. With so much to cover, that’s why I’d recommend the articles above, since they’re kinda like overviews.Generally I read more from articles, essays, and anthologies, rather than full-length books.
Some other nice articles:
(On my blog, I’ve got excerpts from all of these articles/essays, if you want to search for or read them.)
Katherine McKittrick. “Dear April: The Aesthetics of Black Miscellanea.” Antipode. First published September 2021.
Katherine McKittrick. “Plantation Futures.” Small Axe. 2013.
Antonio Lafuente and Nuria Valverde. “Linnaean Botany and Spanish Imperial Biopolitics.” A chapter in: Colonial Botany: Science, Commerce, and Politics in the Early Modern World. 2004.
Kathleen Susan Murphy. “A Slaving Surgeon’s Collection: The Pursuit of Natural History through the British Slave Trade to Spanish America.” 2019. And also: “The Slave Trade and Natural Science.” In: Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History. 2016.
Timothy J. Yamamura. “Fictions of Science, American Orientalism, and the Alien/Asian of Percival Lowell.” 2017.
Elizabeth Bentley. “Between Extinction and Dispossession: A Rhetorical Historiography of the Last Palestinian Crocodile (1870-1935).” 2021.
Pratik Chakrabarti. “Gondwana and the Politics of Deep Past.” Past & Present 242:1. 2019.
Jonathan Saha. “Colonizing elephants: animal agency, undead capital and imperial science in British Burma.” BJHS Themes. British Society for the History of Science. 2017.
Zoe Chadwick. “Perilous plants, botanical monsters, and (reverse) imperialism in fin-de-siecle literature.” The Victorianist: BAVS Postgraduates. 2017.
Dante Furioso: “Sanitary Imperialism.” Jeremy Lee Wolin: “The Finest Immigration Station in the World.” Serubiri Moses. “A Useful Landscape.” Andrew Herscher and Ana Maria Leon. “At the Border of Decolonization.” All from e-flux.
William Voinot-Baron. “Inescapable Temporalities: Chinook Salmon and the Non-Sovereignty of Co-Management in Southwest Alaska.” 2019.
Rohan Deb Roy. “White ants, empire, and entomo-politics in South Asia.” The Historical Journal. 2 October 2019.  
Rohan Deb Roy. “Introduction: Nonhuman Empires.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 35 (1). May 2015.
Lawrence H. Kessler. “Entomology and Empire: Settler Colonial Science  and the Campaign for Hawaiian Annexation.” Arcadia (Spring 2017).
Sasha Litvintseva and Beny Wagner. “Monster as Medium: Experiments in Perception in Early Modern Science and Film.” e-flux. March 2021.
Lesley Green. “The Changing of the Gods of Reason: Cecil John Rhodes, Karoo Fracking, and the Decolonizing of the Anthropocene.” e-flux Journal Issue #65. May 2015.
Martin Mahony. “The Enemy is Nature: Military Machines and Technological Bricolage in Britain’s ‘Great Agricultural Experiment.’“ Environment and Society Portal, Arcadia. Spring 2021. 
Anna Boswell. “Anamorphic Ecology, or the Return of the Possum.” 2018. And; “Climates of Change: A Tuatara’s-Eye View.”2020. And: “Settler Sanctuaries and the Stoat-Free State." 2017.
Katherine Arnold. “Hydnora Africana: The ‘Hieroglyphic Key’ to Plant Parasitism.” Journal of the History of Ideas - JHI Blog - Dispatches from the Archives. 21 July 2021.
Helen F. Wilson. “Contact zones: Multispecies scholarship through Imperial Eyes.” Environment and Planning. July 2019.
Tom Brooking and Eric Pawson. “Silences of Grass: Retrieving the Role of Pasture Plants in the Development of New Zealand and the British Empire.” The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. August 2007.
Kirsten Greer. “Zoogeography and imperial defence: Tracing the contours of the Neactic region in  the temperate North Atlantic, 1838-1880s.” Geoforum Volume 65. October 2015. And: “Geopolitics and the Avian Imperial Archive: The Zoogeography of Region-Making in the Nineteenth-Century British Mediterranean.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 2013,
Marco Chivalan Carrillo and Silvia Posocco. “Against Extraction in Guatemala: Multispecies Strategies in Vampiric Times.” International Journal of Postcolonial Studies. April 2020.
Laura Rademaker. “60,000 years is not forever: ‘time revolutions’ and Indigenous pasts.” Postcolonial Studies. September 2021.
Paulo Tavares. “The Geological Imperative: On the Political Ecology of the Amazon’s Deep History.” Architecture in the Anthropocene. Edited by Etienne Turpin. 2013.
Kathryn Yusoff. “Geologic Realism: On the Beach of Geologic Time.” Social Text. 2019. And: “The Anthropocene and Geographies of Geopower.” Handbook on the Geographies of Power. 2018. And: “Climates of sight: Mistaken visbilities, mirages and ‘seeing beyond’ in Antarctica.” In: High Places: Cultural Geographies of Mountains, Ice and Science. 2008. And:“Geosocial Formations and the Anthropocene.” 2017. And: “An Interview with Elizabeth Grosz: Geopower, Inhumanism and the Biopolitical.” 2017.
Mara Dicenta. “The Beavercene: Eradication and Settler-Colonialism in Tierra del Fuego.” Arcadia. Spring 2020.
And then here are some books:
Africa as a Living Laboratory: Empire, Development, and the Problem of Scientific Knowledge, 1870-1950 (Helen Tilley, 2011); Plants and Empire: Colonial Bioprospecting in the Atlantic World (Londa Schiebinger, 2004)
Red Coats and Wild Birds: How Military Ornithologists and Migrant Birds Shaped Empire (Kirsten A. Greer); The Empirical Empire: Spanish Colonial Rule and the Politics of Knowledge (Arndt Brendecke, 2016); Medicine and Empire, 1600-1960 (Pratik Chakrabarti, 2014)
Anglo-European Science and the Rhetoric of Empire: Malaria, Opium, and British Rule in India, 1756-1895 (Paul Winther); Peoples on Parade: Exhibitions, Empire, and Anthropology in Nineteenth-Century Britain (Sadiah Qureshi, 2011); Unfreezing the Arctic: Science, Colonialism, and the Transformation of Inuit Lands (Andrew Stuhl)
Fugitive Science: Empiricism and Freedom in Early African American Culture (Britt Rusert, 2017); Pasteur’s Empire: Bacteriology and Politics in France, Its Colonies, and the World (Aro Velmet, 2022); Colonizing Animals: Interspecies Empire in Myanmar (Jonathan Saha)
The Nature of German Imperialism: Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa (Bernhard Gissibl, 2019); Curious Encounters: Voyaging, Collecting, and Making Knowledge in the Long Eighteenth Century (Edited by Adriana Craciun and Mary Terrall, 2019)
Frontiers of Science: Imperialism and Natural Knowledge in the Gulf South Borderlands, 1500-1850 (Cameron B. Strang); The Ends of Paradise: Race, Extraction, and the Struggle for Black Life in Honduras (Chirstopher A. Loperena, 2022); Mining Language: Racial Thinking, Indigenous Knowledge, and Colonial Metallurgy in the Early Modern Iberian World (Allison Bigelow, 2020); The Herds Shot Round the World: Native Breeds and the British Empire, 1800-1900 (Rebecca J.H. Woods); American Tropics: The Caribbean Roots of Biodiversity Science (Megan Raby, 2017); Producing Mayaland: Colonial Legacies, Urbanization, and the Unfolding of Global Capitalism (Claudia Fonseca Alfaro, 2023)
Domingos Alvares, African Healing, and the Intellectual History of the Atlantic World (James Sweet, 2011); A Temperate Empire: Making Climate Change in Early America (Anya Zilberstein, 2016); Educating the Empire: American Teachers and Contested Colonization in the Philippines (Sarah Steinbock-Pratt, 2019); Soundings and Crossings: Doing Science at Sea, 1800-1970 (Edited by Anderson, Rozwadowski, et al, 2016)
Possessing Polynesians: The Science of Settler Colonial Whiteness in Hawai’i and Oceania (Maile Arvin); Overcoming Niagara: Canals, Commerce, and Tourism in the Niagara-Great Lakes Borderland Region, 1792-1837 (Janet Dorothy Larkin, 2018); A Great and Rising Nation: Naval Exploration and Global Empire in the Early US Republic (Michael A. Verney, 2022); In the Museum of Man: Race, Anthropology, and Empire in France, 1850-1960 (Alice Conklin, 2013)
Visible Empire: Botanical Expeditions and Visual Culture in the Hispanic Enlightenment (Daniela Cleichmar, 2012); Tea Environments and Plantation Culture: Imperial Disarray in Eastern India (Arnab Dey, 2022); Drugs on the Page: Pharmacopoeias and Healing Knowledge in the Early Modern Atlantic World (Edited by Crawford and Gabriel, 2019)
Cooling the Tropics: Ice, Indigeneity, and Hawaiian Refreshment (Hi’ilei Kawehipuaakahaopulani Hobart, 2022); In Asian Waters: Oceanic Worlds from Yemen to Yokkohama (Eric Tagliacozzo); Yellow Fever, Race, and Ecology in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans (Urmi Engineer Willoughby, 2017); Turning Land into Capital: Development and Dispossession in the Mekong Region (Edited by Hirsch, et al, 2022); Mining the Borderlands: Industry, Capital, and the Emergence of Engineers in the Southwest Territories, 1855-1910 (Sarah E.M. Grossman, 2018)
Knowing Manchuria: Environments, the Senses, and Natural Knowledge on an Asian Borderland (Ruth Rogaski); Colonial Fantasies, Imperial Realities: Race Science and the Making of Polishness on the Fringes of the German Empire, 1840-1920 (Lenny A. Urena Valerio); Against the Map: The Politics of Geography in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Adam Sills, 2021)
Under Osman’s Tree: The Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Environmental History (Alan Mikhail, 2017); Imperial Nature: Joseph Hooker and the Practices of Victorian Science (Jim Endersby); Proving Grounds: Militarized Landscapes, Weapons Testing, and the Environmental Impact of U.S. Bases (Edited by Edwin Martini, 2015)
Colonial Botany: Science, Commerce, and Politics in the Early Modern World (Multiple authors, 2007); Space in the Tropics: From Convicts to Rockets in French Guiana (Peter Redfield); Seeds of Empire: Cotton, Slavery, and the Transformation of the Texas Borderlands, 1800-1850 (Andrew Togert, 2015); Dust Bowls of Empire: Imperialism, Environmental Politics, and the Injustice of ‘Green’ Capitalism (Hannah Holleman, 2016); Postnormal Conservation: Botanic Gardens and the Reordering of Biodiversity Governance (Katja Grotzner Neves, 2019)
Botanical Entanglements: Women, Natural Science, and the Arts in Eighteenth-Century England (Anna K. Sagal, 2022); The Platypus and the Mermaid and Other Figments of the Classifying Imagination (Harriet Ritvo); Rubber and the Making of Vietnam: An Ecological History, 1897-1975 (Michitake Aso); A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None (Kathryn Yusoff, 2018); Staple Security: Bread and Wheat in Egypt (Jessica Barnes, 2023); No Wood, No Kingdom: Political Ecology in the English Atlantic (Keith Pluymers); Planting Empire, Cultivating Subjects: British Malaya, 1768-1941 (Lynn Hollen Lees, 2017); Fish, Law, and Colonialism: The Legal Capture of Salmon in British Columbia (Douglas C. Harris, 2001); Everywhen: Australia and the Language of Deep Time (Edited by Ann McGrath, Laura Rademaker, and Jakelin Troy); Subject Matter: Technology, the Body, and Science on the Anglo-American Frontier, 1500-1676 (Joyce Chaplin, 2001)
American Lucifers: The Dark History of Artificial Light, 1750-1865 (Jeremy Zallen); Ruling Minds: Psychology in the British Empire (Erik Linstrum, 2016); Lakes and Empires in Macedonian History: Contesting the Water (James Pettifer and Mirancda Vickers, 2021); Inscriptions of Nature: Geology and the Naturalization of Antiquity (Pratik Chakrabarti); Seeds of Control: Japan’s Empire of Forestry in Colonial Korea (David Fedman)
Do Glaciers Listen?: Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters, and Social Imagination (Julie Cruikshank); The Fishmeal Revolution: The Industrialization of the Humboldt Current Ecosystem (Kristin A. Wintersteen, 2021); The Earth on Show: Fossils and the Poetics of Popular Science, 1802-1856 (Ralph O’Connor); An Imperial Disaster: The Bengal Cyclone of 1876 (Benjamin Kingsbury, 2018); Geographies of City Science: Urban Life and Origin Debates in Late Victorian Dublin (Tanya O’Sullivan, 2019)
American Hegemony and the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe (John Krige, 2006); Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power: Race and the Intimate in Colonial Rule (Ann Laura Stoler, 2002); Rivers of the Sultan: The Tigris and Euphrates in the Ottoman Empire (Faisal H. Husain, 2021);
The Sanitation of Brazil: Nation, State, and Public Health, 1889-1930 (Gilberto Hochman, 2016); The Imperial Security State: British Colonial Knowledge and Empire-Building in Asia (James Hevia); Japan’s Empire of Birds: Aristocrats, Anglo-Americans, and Transwar Ornithology (Annika A. Culver, 2022)
Moral Ecology of a Forest: The Nature Industry and Maya Post-Conservation (Jose E. Martinez, 2021); Sound Relations: Native Ways of Doing Music History in Alaska (Jessica Bissette Perea, 2021); Citizens and Rulers of the World: The American Child and the Cartographic Pedagogies of Empire (Mashid Mayar); Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany (Andrew Zimmerman, 2001)
The Botany of Empire in the Long Eighteenth Century (Multiple authors, 2016); The Nature of Slavery: Environment and Plantation Labor in the Anglo-Atlantic World (Katherine Johnston, 2022); Seeking the American Tropics: South Florida’s Early Naturalists (James A. Kushlan, 2020); The Postwar Origins of the Global Environment: How the United Nations Built Spaceship Earth (Perrin Selcer, 2018)
The Colonial Life of Pharmaceuticals: Medicines and Modernity in Vietnam (Laurence Monnais); Quinoa: Food Politics and Agrarian Life in the Andean Highlands (Linda J. Seligmann, 2023) ; Critical Animal Geographies: Politics, intersections and hierarchies in a multispecies world (Edited by Kathryn Gillespie and Rosemary-Claire Collard, 2017); Spawning Modern Fish: Transnational Comparison in the Making of Japanese Salmon (Heather Ann Swanson, 2022); Imperial Visions: Nationalist Imagination and Geographical Expansion in the Russian Far East, 1840-1865 (Mark Bassin, 2000); The Usufructuary Ethos: Power, Politics, and Environment in the Long Eighteenth Century (Erin Drew, 2022)
Intimate Eating: Racialized Spaces and Radical Futures (Anita Mannur, 2022); On the Frontiers of the Indian Ocean World: A History of Lake Tanganyika, 1830-1890 (Philip Gooding, 2022); All Things Harmless, Useful, and Ornamental: Environmental Transformation Through Species Acclimitization, from Colonial Australia to the World (Pete Minard, 2019)
Practical Matter: Newton’s Science in the Service of Industry and Empire, 1687-1851 (Margaret Jacob and Larry Stewart); Visions of Nature: How Landscape Photography Shaped Setller Colonialism (Jarrod Hore, 2022); Timber and Forestry in Qing China: Sustaining the Market (Meng Zhang, 2021); The World and All the Things upon It: Native Hawaiian Geographies of Exploration (David A. Chang);
Deep Cut: Science, Power, and the Unbuilt Interoceanic Canal (Christine Keiner); Writing the New World: The Politics of Natural History in the Early Spanish Empire (Mauro Jose Caraccioli); Two Years below the Horn: Operation Tabarin, Field Science, and Antarctic Sovereignty, 1944-1946 (Andrew Taylor, 2017); Mapping Water in Dominica: Enslavement and Environment under Colonialism (Mark W. Hauser, 2021)
To Master the Boundless Sea: The US Navy, the Marine Environment, and the Cartography of Empire (Jason Smith, 2018); Fir and Empire: The Transformation of Forests in Early Modern China (Ian Matthew Miller, 2020); Breeds of Empire: The ‘Invention’ of the Horse in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa 1500-1950 (Sandra Swart and Greg Bankoff, 2007)
Science on the Roof of the World: Empire and the Remaking of the Himalaya (Lachlan Fleetwood, 2022); Cattle Colonialism: An Environmental History of the Conquest of California and Hawai’i (John Ryan Fisher, 2017); Imperial Creatures: Humans and Other Animals in Colonial Singapore, 1819-1942 (Timothy P. Barnard, 2019)
An Ecology of Knowledges: Fear, Love, and Technoscience in Guatemalan Forest Conservation (Micha Rahder, 2020); Empire and Ecology in the Bengal Delta: The Making of Calcutta (Debjani Bhattacharyya, 2018);  Imperial Bodies in London: Empire, Mobility, and the Making of British Medicine, 1880-1914 (Kristen Hussey, 2021)
Biotic Borders: Transpacific Plant and Insect Migration and the Rise of Anti-Asian Racism in America, 1890-1950 (Jeannie N. Shinozuka); Coral Empire: Underwater Oceans, Colonial Tropics, Visual Modernity (Ann Elias, 2019); Hunting Africa: British Sport, African Knowledge and the Nature of Empire (Angela Thompsell, 2015)
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sharp-silver4795 · 2 months
Proxy HCs
I finally got around to it!!!
There’s gonna be some sensitive stuff, so I will keep my standard shit.
Least Sensitive > Mildly Sensitive > Most Sensitive
I do have an OC and I not-so-well-known creepypasta in here, so if ya have any questions, lmk!
I was going to list the proxies first, but I should do the ranks first.
Authority Ranks:
High Proxy: side-man to the operator/slender man. In charge of enforcing rules, regulations, and procedures.
Median Proxy: side to the high proxy. The one who performs punishments and procedures.
The High-Median proxies are in a pair and always work together.
Specifically, after Toby leaves, Tim becomes the High Proxy and Brian becomes the Median
General Positions/Occupations:
Stationary: stays within mansion grounds. Doesn’t go on missions.
Stationary proxies usually have a full mask over their face and other markers.
Fluid: goes on missions, but they are short distance, they pass the borders because they patrol.
Fluid proxies have a one piece mask that is less distinct and plain attire.
Field: the go-to for missions.
Field proxies usually have 2-piece masks, sometimes only a mouth guard.
Special Roles:
Specialist: usually have a degree in something (think X-Virus with chemistry)
Morgue: a proxy that is set aside to specifically guard the tombs of the fallen.
Runner: a proxy that’s only purpose is to staple drawings to trees and maintain borders
All the Proxies:
They’re in order of the oldest to newest. Some are deceased (🪦)
“Death with Alliance and honor” means their face was seen and they had to kill themself
“Death with alliance” means their face was seen and another proxy had to kill them.
“Death with honor” means they died of some other reason (usually suicide)
“Death in combat” is exactly what it sounds like
“Dishonest slaughter” means they betrayed the mansion and was killed for it.
Zechariah 🪦
High Proxy until death.
Death in combat
Neon Spike (OC) 🪦
Specialist (Toxic Chemicals and Medicine).
Fluid Proxy.
Death with alliance and honor
Cat Hunter 🪦
Field proxy.
Death with alliance and honor.
Median Proxy until Toby’s leave.
Primarily watches for intruders.
Ticci Toby 🪦
High Proxy until his leave.
Offensive Rebellion.
Kill on sight
Death with honor
Wilson the Basher 🪦
Morgue Proxy
Dishonest Slaughter
X Virus
Specialist (biochemistry)
Field proxy
Defensive rebellion.
Kill on sight.
Kate the Chaser
Stationary proxy.
Violence is a last resort.
High Proxy after Toby’s leave.
Abduct on sight, kill on confession
Morgue after Wilson’s death until Toby’s leave
Median proxy to Tim
Abduct on sight, kill on resistance
Alr! Im done for now- I hope this was good. It was a lil rushed
I feel like I’m missing someone….
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girlactionfigure · 8 months
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The Heroic Nanny: Erzsebet Fajo
She saved the entire family
Erzsebet Fajo was a brave young babysitter who saved the lives of her employers – a family of four – during the Nazi occupation of Hungary in 1944.
Erzsebet Fajo was a Slovakian girl from a poor family who emigrated to Hungary by herself at age 13 to work as a nanny. She found employment with the Abonyis, a Jewish family in the small town of Bekescsaba. Parents Laszlo and Margit treasured Erzsebet as a member of the family, and she became like a big sister to their two children, Zsuzsanna and Ivan.
In 1941, the family moved to Budapest because of anti-Jewish persecution in Bekescsaba, and of course Erzsebet went with them. Despite the violent turmoil engulfing Europe, life in Hungary was relatively normal for the Abonyi family. Hungarian President Miklos Horthy had an alliance with Hitler’s Germany, but was reluctant to enforce Nazi decrees against the Jews. That reluctance, plus Horthy’s secret attempts to strike a deal with the Allies, led Germany to invade Hungary in March 1944.
The country was now run by the pro-Nazi Arrow Cross party and the situation for Hungary’s Jews got very bad very quickly. All Jews from the moment of birth were required to wear a yellow star prominently displayed on their clothing. Erzsebet, who felt like a member of the Abonyi family, wanted to wear a star too even though she wasn’t Jewish. Instead, they sadly told her she’d have to leave their employment to save her own life – non-Jews weren’t allowed to work for Jews. The Abonyis knew their days were numbered. Ten year old Zsuzsanna tried to convince her parents to commit suicide rather than be separated and murdered. Of course they refused to consider such a drastic act and tried everything to get out of Hungary but they were trapped.
At that point, young Erzsebet stepped up to become the family’s savior. Zsuzsanna remembered, “How (could) she save (us)? She didn’t have any money. She didn’t have an independent life… It (was) very sweet, but it (had) no validity. But I was wrong to think that. When the siege of Budapest started (and) virtually every home was ruined and bombed down, she was in the streets trying to get false papers.”
Erzsebet visited the Abonyis every day, bringing them food as well as medicine and other essential goods. She took all their valuables and brought them to an aunt so they wouldn’t be plundered by the Nazis.
On October 15, 1944 Laszlo Abonyi was arrested at his home and taken to a deportation center, where he awaited transport to a brutal Nazi slave labor camp.
Determined to save him, Erzsebet boldly approached the Red Cross and somehow obtained a letter of protection that she used to get Laszlo released. She knew the Abonyis were not safe in their home, and not sure what to do she pleaded with a local priest for assistance and advice. He helped her get letters from the Vatican which made the family eligible to take shelter in a building in Budapest owned by the Apostolic Nuncio. The Abonyis sheltered there for a few weeks, until the facility was attacked by the Arrow Cross. Storm troopers forced all the Jews outside and prepared to shoot them on the banks of the Danube river. Somehow, in the chaos, Erzsebet helped all four Abonyis escape.
For the next two months, Erzsebet found hiding places for the Abonyis and obtained forged papers for them. She continued visiting each member of the family every day, even though they were all in different parts of Budapest. Finally Erzsebet found safe shelter for the family in a “White Cross Hospital” – an apartment building packed with bunk beds where families targeted by the Nazis were hiding out.
Hungary was liberated by the Soviet Union in January 1945 and the Abonyis were able to return to their apartment. After the war they legally adopted Erzsebet, making it official that she was a member of the Abonyi family. They sent her to school so she could get a good education, and left her a third of their estate. Zsuzsanna and her husband left Hungary following the failed revolution of 1956 and moved to the United States, where Zsuzsanna became a respected writer, professor and founder of the Holocaust Studies Program at the University of Texas. She maintained a close correspondence with her adopted sister until Erzsebet’s death in 1995.
Erzsebet Fajo was honored as Righteous Among the Nations by Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem in 1986. In her testimony, Zsuzsanna said, “Driven by the desire to save us, Erzsi defied the Germans. She saved us from death, saved my brother and me from becoming orphans and my parents from the worst anguish that can befall people – the loss of their children. It was her strength and heroism that gave us life, allowed us to grow up and eventually have children of our own.”
For her astonishing bravery in saving the life of an entire family, we honor Erzsebet Fajo as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 10 months
by Gil Troy
Fortunately, 555 Jewish Physicians in the University of Toronto’s TFOM – Temerty Faculty of Medicine – have shown us how easy it can be to do the right thing. Like all those heroic Israelis who fought back ferociously to save Israel from Hamas that day, these 555 physicians had the Zionist impulse to defend themselves, their people, their state, their highest ideals, and Western civilization.
Here is their full statement, released earlier this week:
The Israel Gaza War is causing agony for many TFOM faculty and polarization in the TFOM. We feel immense anguish over the suffering and deaths of innocent Israelis and Palestinians. We believe in the right of both Israelis and Palestinians to self-determination and statehood. Yet, on the streets of Toronto and in the TFOM itself, the hostile and belligerent position towards Jews who identify with the state of Israel, or who identify as Zionists, is discriminatory. The distinction between anti-Zionism and antisemitism is tissue thin. Only for Jews is self-determination and autonomy – Zionism – denounced as a racist endeavour.  Only for Jews is living in their indigenous homeland considered “colonialism.” We, therefore, hold the following as central to our identity as Jews in the TFOM: We affirm the right of TFOM faculty to be openly Zionist and to support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself as a Jewish state and for those faculty to be free of public ostracism, recrimination, exclusion, and discrimination in the TFOM. To us, being a Zionist in 2023 means that we accept the right and the necessity of the survival of the Jewish people, and the existence of a Jewish state that ensures their survival. Anything that undermines or threatens Israel’s survival, undermines, or threatens the existence of the Jewish people and is, ipso facto, antisemitic. We know that accusations against Israel as “apartheid”, “colonialist”, or “white supremacist” or committing genocide are mendacious and aim to promote the argument that Israel should be dismantled as a Jewish state, making such accusations themselves antisemitic. We reject as antisemitic any blame on Israel for Hamas’ slaughter of Jews and non-Jews, and any justification for the slaughter because of historical context, opposition to settlements and occupation, or legitimate resistance. We reject as antisemitic any claims of equivalency between the Israeli people’s right to self-defence against terrorist groups who seek to annihilate Israel and the Jewish people, and the Hamas terror attacks against Israeli civilians. We reject as antisemitic any claims of equivalency between the duty of Israel to rescue its citizens who are being held hostage by Hamas and the Hamas terror attacks against Israeli civilians. We reject as antisemitic the imposition of a collective political responsibility on Jews to denounce Israel simply because they are Jews. We affirm the right of Jews alone to define antisemitism for themselves absent any interference from those outside of the Jewish community. We implore the TFOM in any investigation of antisemitism to apply the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. We reject the expectation that Jews must reach total consensus on the definition of antisemitism; we know that the vast majority of Jewish TFOM faculty endorse the IHRA definition; and we disavow the weight given to a tiny minority of Jewish faculty who object to the IHRA definition. We abjure the cover of “academic freedom” within the TFOM to permit unrestrained antagonism by some TFOM faculty to Zionist Jews and their publicization of grotesque and antisemitic characterizations of Israel, the only Jewish state. We believe that academic freedom is not absolute. In particular, leaders in academic medicine with power over learners and faculty, who in some cases are the sole leader responsible for thousands of learners and faculty, should not be issuing statements which collide with equity, diversity and inclusion for Jews or which make Jews feel unsafe and unwelcome in the TFOM and which are unrelated or unessential to their core academic role, research, and publishing of results. We ask and expect that Jews receive the same consideration and protection that the TFOM provides to other minority groups.
How did this statement come about?
Dr. Philip Berger, an Officer of the Order of Canada and an inductee in the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame, is among those who initiated the effort. He has spent his 45-year-career practicing at the intersection of medicine and social justice. The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame describes him as “an advocate for refugees, members of the LGBT community, people with HIV/AIDS, those suffering from addiction, homelessness, and living in poverty.”  Dr. Berger “has also worked to promote methadone treatment, needle exchanges, documentation and recognition of the aftereffects of torture, academic infirmaries for the homeless, and clinical treatment of AIDS in Africa.” This “tireless champion of social justice and accessible health care in Canada and the world,” has “been a crusader never afraid of the controversial,” while serving “the needs of the sick and those who have suffered abuses of power.”
Alas, he has one strike against him. He is also, he reports, “a defiant left-wing Jew and Zionist.”
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missnobodymadness · 3 months
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───── ⋆⋅ Nirvana⋅⋆ ─────
"For a good while I was proud of myself for not losing my humanity to this new mercilessly reality, ended up paying the price for such naivety with my own face, yet, I still resist; I resist because the moment we allow our humanity to go, we are nothing more than walkers with functional brains and if that is all that awaits us I'd rather join the dead.”
Name: Nirvana Meaning: Bliss Date of Birth: 14, November Age: 24+ Zodiac: Scorpio Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Bisexual Species: Human Ethnicity: Caucasian-American Music theme: Still looking :( Status: Alive
Height: 5’4” / 1,62m
Weight:  154lb / 70kg Skin color: White Eye color: Blue Hair color: Caramel brown Hair length: Long Scars/Birth marks/Tattoos: Half of her face was burned (Right side) Body modification: None Other features: None
Biological Family
Mother Nichele
Father Victor
Siblings Theodore Gary
Partner None
Children None
Other family None
Other relationships
Ezekiel (Good friend and sometimes ally) Carol (Friend and inspiration) Tara Chambler (Close friend and love interest) Waldo (Best friend and next in line for leadership) Hera (Best friend, dead)
Education & occupation
Place of Birth Greer, South Carolina
Current place  Morgantown, Newburg, Maryland
Group Havencliff
Affiliation None
Occupation Cleaner (Pre-Apocalypse) Leader of Havencliff (Currently)
Nirvana is an easy-going and open-minded person with a very chill nature but lots of things have changed since the moment her very close friends and group members betrayed her.
Positive traits
Understanding Friendly Hard worker Ambitious Trustworthy Good listener Cautious (Later on)
Negative traits
Low self-esteem Naive Too emotional or the actual world Stubborn Altruistic
Likes Nature, zoology, especially horses, writing
Dislikes Fire, violence, airplanes, liars
Before the apocalypse took place, Nirvana worked as a cleaner to save money for the veterinary medicine course she intended to take.
Nirvana is a person with a contagious positive and relaxing energy, in general people tend to feel good in her presence.
Despite being poor, she always had a lot of love in her life, with good parents and family overall; losing what’s left of her biological family destroyed her but she knew she had to be strong and keep going for her people.
Likes to fight for her goals and doesn't like to use shortcuts or get help from people to get there.
Nirvana loves nature and was camping with her family when everything started, far from the city, totally unaware of everything that was going on, their camp was invaded that night and because of their ignorance most of her family ended up dead, expect her and her two siblings, a younger sister and an older brother.
Together they tried to get back to the city but it was already taken by the walkers, luckily for them, they found a car with some fuel left and were able to escape and drive to North Carolina where they eventually found a safe zone led by a mexican who offered them a place to stay while they recovered.
They found out about everything that was going on with them but the stay didn't last long, as a hoard of walkers started to move towards their safe place while most of them were asleep.
Nirvana was able to escape with her two siblings once again while saving another person who would later be the first member of her group.
Nirvana meets Tara Chambler way later when the Alexandria group finds out about the current Havencliff safe zone, their relationship as friends grew fast and strong, Nirvana started considering her as a close friend and eventually fell in love with her really hard but she knew Tara was dating Denise at the time and there was nothing she could do about that.
Nirvana refused Rick’s alliance offer as she already knew about the existence of the Saviors and wanted to keep her group as safe as possible, however, she provided Alexandria with food several times.
Havencliff’s safe zone used to be placed at Leonardtown, in the state of Maryland, which was around 80km away from Alexandria.
After the betrayal from her friends and group members, their safe place was completely burned down and they had to move again, settling around Morgantown, a community in Charles County, Maryland, considerably closer to Alexandria.
The Havencliff group has lost members from several other groups, such as the Oceanside and The Kingdom, some decided to stay.
Havencliff becomes one of the most productive groups after the move, owning herds, flocks and crops; they also fish as their safe zone is next to an estuary.
Map of the safe zones the Havencliff group claimed:
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1st one is the old location and the second is the current one.
Artworks done on the following Picrews:
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drfcstrs · 7 months
Think like a queen -  a queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.
➝ pinterest ➝ playlist ➝ tags ➝ roleplay
Full Name: Jane Grace (Foster) Odinson Aliases/Nicknames: Dr. Foster Meaning of Name: God is Gracious Alliance: the Avengers Date of Birth: May 29th Age: 31 Zodiac: Gemini Sexuality: heterosexual Pronouns: she/her Height: 5'5 Nationality/Species: American, human Languages Spoken: English, Asgardian Faceclaim: Margot Robbie ( x )
Theme Song: Barbie World (Nicki Minaj and Ice Spice) Animal: Red Panda ( x ) Season: spring Time of Day: dawn ( x ) Usual Style of Dress: earth ( x ), Asgard ( x ) Color: cherry blossom pink ( x ) Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
introvert / extrovert / ambivert risk-taker / cautious organized / disorganized close-minded / open-minded calm / anxious / restless disagreeable / agreeable / in-between patient / impatient outspoken / reserved / in-between leader / follower / flexible empathetic / un-empathetic optimistic / pessimistic / realistic traditional / modern / in-between hard-working / lazy
Moral alignment (chaotic good, lawful neutral, etc): Lawful Good Personality Type: INFJ, the Advocate. Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.
Strengths/Skills:  healing magic (that developed when she was pregnant with her daughter with Thor,) high IQ, emotionally, emphatic Weaknesses: she's a perfectionist to the extreme Mental Ailments: health-related anxiety, she has a lot of it surrounding having cancer when she was a teen and can get health obsessive Bad Habits: paranoia, excessive worrying, need for control Phobias: slight hypochondria 
Birthplace: Santa Fe, New Mexico Current Residence: New York City, goes back and forth to Asgard with Thor Education: NYU School of Medicine Occupation: head doctor for SHIELD/The Avengers, Princess of Asgard
Status: married to Thor Odinson Siblings:
Parents: Noah and Amelia Foster
➝ Her mother is a scientist and Jane would often go to work with her, watching her mother work in her lab. It sparked her interest in the field. She’s close to her mom and has a good relationship with her. She became closer to her after her father’s death and while she struggled with her own illness. Her father was a surgeon. She was close to him and struggled after he died of cancer when she was 10, just a few years before she was diagnosed with the same illness.
Children: Astrilde Odinson ( x )
➝ Astrilde is her daughter with Thor, born right before the Battle of New York.
Best Friend: Klara Arnesdòttir Pets: Thunder, Golden Retriever Enemies: she tries not to make them Other notable relationships: Eisa Hill (niece), Loki Odinson (brother-in-law), King Odin and Queen Frigga (in-laws) Exes:
Jane was an only child and grew up in New Mexico with her mom and dad. Her mom is a scientist and her dad was a surgeon, so she was intellectually drawn to and always inspired by science, specifically space and the possibilities that there were other realms and dimensions. Her father died of cancer when she was 10 and she struggled mentally with his death in the years following, not knowing she’d be diagnosed with the same just a few years later. Unlike her dad, however, she beat it and hasn’t had a recurrence since, though she’s extremely health conscious and borderline paranoid about it at times. She was originally drawn to astrophysics. but her stays at the hospital sparked an interest in medicine. It also helped her feel closer to her dad. After med school, she began working at shield as lead doctor for the Avengers.
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opulaences · 9 months
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࣪𓏲ּ   ֶָ   𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗   ⁝               announcing   the   arrival   of   AERINA   of   house   DAGAREON,   the   PRINCESS   of   ESSOS.   whispers   among   the   court   name   them   to   be   both   GENUINE   and   BLUNT   in   disposition,   and   those   closest   to   them   speak   to   their   interests   in   hawking  &  playing  the  instruments.   if   we   bards   could   compose   a   song   for   them,   it   might   tell   stories   of      quiet  waves  crashing  against  aged  stone  ,  a  single  candle  flickering  in  a  dark  library  ,  pearls  scattered  on  marble  floor  .   the   seven   whisper   to   their   most   devout   queen   as   she   sleeps,   making   her   question   where   their   loyalties   truly   lie.   are   they   right   to   whisper?   for   their   loyalties   truly   lie   with   THE   EMPEROR   OF   ESSOS 
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━━  𝒅𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒓 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜  𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  : full  name  :  aerina  dagareon age  :  twenty  seven  years  old date  of  birth:  the  18th  of  the  seventh  turn  (  july  )  hometown  :  empire  of  essos gender  &  pronouns  :  cis  male  +  she  /  her orientation  :  heterosexual  +  heteroromantic religion  :  the  lord  of  light titles  &  occupation  :  princess  of  essos    𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥  𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞  : hair  colour  :  black eye  colour  :  dark  brown height  :  1.65  m  /  5'5  ft face  claim  :  julie  anne  san  jose 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭  : moral  alignment  :  chaotic  good positive  traits  :  genuine  ,  patient  ,  intuitive negative  traits  :  blunt  ,  sensitive  ,  impulsive hobbies  :  hawking  ,  playing  the  instrument  character  inspos  :  peggy  schuyler  ,  rory  gilmore  ,  kitty  bennet  ,  lucy  pevensie  ,  rapunzel    𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 : father  :  emperor  illyrio  dagaeron mother  :  empress  selara  dagareon siblings  :  prince  utp  dagareon  ,  princess  utp  dagareron  ,  princess  catraena  dagareon  ,  prince  utp  dagareon   𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲: from  the  moment  aerina  was  born  ,  it  was  evident  that  she  was  fragile  and  sickly  .  her  parents  spared  no  expense  or  effort  in  their  quest  to  restore  aerina  to  health  .  they  consulted  healers  from  every  corner  of  essos,  sought  the  guidance  of  maesters  and  medicine  men,  and  even  delved  into  the  mystic  arts  of  the  east.  Yet,  despite  their  wealth  and  influence,  the  young  princess's  condition  only  worsened.  desperate  for  a  solution,  the  empress  turned  to  the  varied  religions  that  dotted  the  vast  landscape  of  essos  .  yet,  it  was  the  red  temple  of  r’hllor  that  held  the  key  to  aerina's  salvation  .      as  the  princess  grew  older  she  still  carries  the  weight  of  her  early  fragility  ,  the  specter  of  respiratory  troubles  still  lingering  .  her  parents  still  cast  a  protective  gaze  upon  their  youngest,  unable  to  shake  the  fear  that  lingered  from  the  days  when  aerina's  health  hung  in  precarious  balance  .  her  chambers  are  adorned  with  medicine  and  herbs  ,  physicians  and  healers  still  visit  her  constantly  ,  monitoring  her  health  .  while  she  is  aware  of  her  own  vulnerability  ,   aerina  has  grown  ever  curious  and  adventurous  spirit  .  her  time  with  maesters  and  healers  contributed  to  her  thirst  for  knowledge  .  her  parents  indulged  aerina  in  her  hobbies  ,  hoping  to  give  their  daughter  a  sense  of  normalcy  .    never  has  aerina  imagined  that  she  find  herself  thrust  into  the  heart  of  a  realm  beyond  essos  .  her  older  sister’s  betrothal  to  the  targaryens  sought  a  strategic  alliance  between  essos  and  westeros  ,  an  occasion  that  demanded  the  presence  of  the  entire  royal  family  .  aerina  saw  this  as  an  opportunity  to  finally  see  the  world  beyond  the  borders  of  her  family’s  empire  .  for  once  ,  the  princess  has  decided  to  stop  letting  her  fears  and  fragility  define  her  .   
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬  :
was  a  timid  child  who  followed  her  older  sister  around  ,  wishing  to  be  like  them  when  she  grew  up  .  aerina  would  not  deny  the  fact  that  she  was  jealous  of  them  and  their  freedom  . 
she’s  not  as  sickly  as  the  people  paint  her  out  to  be  but  she  is  very  conscious  about  her  health  and  knows  her  limitations  to  things  . 
enjoys  hawking  very  much  as  she  gets  to  spend  time  outdoors  .  when  she  was  twelve  she  was  gifted  a  hawk  that  she  named  zenith  .  she  is  an  excellent  harp  player  ,  tutored  by  one  of  the  best  musicians  in  essos  .  often  times  she  plays  for  her  parents  and  their  guests  . 
aerina  was  a  timid  child  growing  up  .  this  is  something  she  is  trying  to  break  out  of  now  that  she  is  an  adult  ,  realizing  that  she’s  missed  out  on  so  many  things  .  kind  of  in  her  #fuckit  era  . 
knowledgable  in  healing  and  medicine  (  this  is  what  she  gets  for  spending  time  with  too  many  maesters  ) 
devout  follower  of  r'hollor  (  she  promises  not  to  scare  people  with  the  whole  the  night  is  dark  and  full  of  terrors  thing  or  give  birth  to  shadow  babies  )
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬  : 
westerosi  companion  (  wc  )  :  they  would  be  assigned  to  be  her  companion  when  the  essosi  first  arrived  in  westeros  .  preferably  from  a  ruling  /  prominent  house  .  they  are  there  to  help  her  assimilate  with  the  westerosi  culture  and  overall  so  she  does  not  feel  lost  and  lonely  in  kings  landing  .
‘  it’s  your  choice  ,  ace  .  people  can  live  a  hundred  years  without  really  living  for  a  minute  ‘   :if  you  watch  gilmore  girls  ,  you  know  whose  line  this  belongs  to  .  yes,  i  was  team  logan  blah  —   but  i  def  someone  who  brings  out  aerina’s  adventurous  side  .  they  would  be  the  exact  opposite  of  aerina  and  kind  of  becomes  a  semi  bad  influence  .  (  romantic  ) 
new  friends  /  acquaintances  :  someone  new  she  meets  while  she  is  in  westeros  !  gimme  friends  pls  she  needs  em  .
good-bad-influence  friends  :  help  her  live  a  little  !
 possibly  ones  that  she  couldve  turned  into  best  friends 
prospective  betrothal  ? 
adversaries  ,  people  who  are  against  the  essosi  in  westeros 
crushes  ,  flings  ,  and  the  likes 
anything  under  the  sun  rly 
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orioncarnell · 1 year
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Name: Orion Carnell
Age: 38
Town Occupation: Raider
Previous Occupation: None Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male; He/Him
Orientation: Aromantic/Pansexual
Family: Isaac Apatow (Partner)
Residence: An apartment at the edge of town, close to the library
Time in Redwood: Joined January 2042
Orion lives in a small but relatively cozy apartment towards the outer edge of Redwood, close to the library.
When he came to Redwood, he couldn't read as his parents never taught him. Over the course of his time in Redwood, he's learned however, and quickly become an avid reader. His writing is still a bit scratchy, though.
He likes animals and adopted a cat somewhere on his travels. He named it Cat, since it seemed to be fitting.
He has a pretty high pain tolerance and is used to stitching himself up
He has hardly ever been drunk, and it takes a lot of alcohol to get him inebriated
Orion grew up pretty prepared for the apocalypse. As long as he could remember, he lived with his parents in the rural countryside, far away from any type of civilization or community. Most of their information about the outside came from an old radio, one of the very few communicative devices his family ever owned. The family was self-sustainable, his parents had grown up with the fear of nuclear conflict during the cold war, and that anxiety and trauma pushed them to go into a sort of prepping-mentality in case there was a form of nuclear fallout. Orion grew up learning everything he could about survival. His parents were never the best, neither to him nor to each other, and Orion grew up in a household where survival seemed to be the basic tenant, and anything else was not necessary.
But while his lifestyle left Orion scarred in many ways, it also was what allowed him to survive when the virus hit. His parents never lived to see the start of the apocalypse, both of them dying shortly before the first cases appeared. While his parents had prepped and Orion could have stayed hunkered down and survived, something inside of him drove him towards packing up as much food, water and medicine as he could carry and set out into the virus-infested world.
He doesn’t really talk much about the time he spent wandering after leaving his parent’s place and reaching Redwood (or generally about his past). His focus was on his own survival, so he never had much time or opportunity to really care about morality until he reached Redwood. He stumbled across the community with mild interest. So far, he hadn’t really been interested in the survivor communities he came across so far, mostly only forming temporary alliances and symbiotic relationships. He scoped out the settlement, and, eventually for his own personal reasons, decided to join in for the time being. Being in a proper community for the first time poses challenges that never really came up previously, things his parents never bothered to prepare him for. 
It took him quite a while to properly settle down in Redwood, with the town offering many new experiences to a loner like Orion, who wasn't familiar with such a big, settled community. Although there were challenges he faced, he's become a member of Redwood, feeling comfortable within the town.
This does not mean that the easy times will continue. Nothing lasts forever.
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more my time at sandrock ocs :) 
having quite a bit of fun going a little insane over the whole... knives out update implications and ended up writing/doodling a new dude and settling on a design for the Schrodinger's save character
also yeah this is. super ultra mega woohoo self-indulgent and absolutely off the walls AU territory but i’m already so starving for content, i have to entertain myself somehow ;w;
cut cause it’s a little long and out of focus lol, no game spoilers i think(?) and i spilled tea on my sketchbook, then attempted to cover it up with hasty terrible blood spatter in the first image which really only made it worse :)
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Name: Armaros (Rose) (they/she) Age: 24 From: Atara Occupation: Farmhand/Technician, Alliance agent Likes: Poetry, birds, hot noodles Dislikes: Snow
Bio: Armaros was born to well respected academics in Atara, who passed shortly after her 5th birthday in a railway accident. Whilst in school, she learned the Alliance’s formal sign language to communicate (as she is physiologically mute), and demonstrated an eerie, prodigy-level skill with weapons, especially rapiers. Of course, this was only against striking dummies, but certain war-hungry (or war-adverse depending on your viewpoint) officials saw an opportunity where most others saw a child. She was quickly removed from her orphanage, and trained for the purposes of a highly classified investigation. Rose would be sent with a “doctor” to Highwind at 11, under the pretense of him being her “father”. Although her “father” was against the Church, he would comfort her with scripture and children’s tales he learned from his time in Meidi.
In the present, Rose is a close friend to Sonia and Lily, who are Builders in Sandrock. While visiting, she establishes a pen pal adjacent relationship with Owen that slowly turns intimate through their letters. After about another year, she will return to Sandrock sharing her true purpose: finding and eliminating Juno. 
Personality: Rose is a very bright, cheery person. Simply, they are happy when others are happy. They do have a “serious” mode, but that’s reserved for the hours she bills Atara for.
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Name: Zerachiel (Zera) (he/him) Age: 41 From: Meidi Occupation: Travelling “doctor”, Alliance agent, Armaros’ interpreter  Likes: Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, maybe hot chocolate, but mostly coffee Dislikes: Filth, unorganized spaces
Bio: Zerachiel from a young age was designated by his family to serve in the Church of the Light as a minister. He wholeheartedly accepted this, and served to the best of his ability, focusing his little free time on traditional medicine. That is, until a certain traumatizing incident shook his faith to the core and led him away from the Church, and Meidi as a whole. If Duvos was keen to exploit Old World relics, then the Church’s staunch position would inevitably lead to the subjugation and deaths of many. No matter how certain believers and ministers spun their interpretations of the scripture, Zera firmly believes that the Church’s doctrine had more potential for harm than anything else. Why, it’s because of the red tape set up by the Church that medicinal progress has lagged behind. With this worldview, Zera made his way to Lucien to enlist as a soldier, however the officials there saw better use of his talents as a field doctor, an assignment he happily accepted and excelled in. Soon after, he would become embroiled in a highly classified investigation straight from Atara, sending him to Highwind with a mute child of barely 11, pretending that she was his “daughter”. 
In the present, Zera accompanies Rose nearly every place she goes as her interpreter, with the notable exception of her first Sandrock visit. Rose had avoided visiting Sonia in Sandrock further by blaming “her father’s overprotectiveness”, so Zera has played this role well. 
Personality: Can be excitable about medicine (and quick to anger over doctrine), but is otherwise a very calm, laidback man. But, he can be a drama queen over petty arguments. 
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lailashq · 2 years
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✦ DAVIKA HOORNE, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER ✦ LAILA SAELIM the THIRTY year old has been in Hidehill for For 30 and was a ACQUAINTANCE to Miyeon Kang, the murder victim. Whispers on the streets are that the OWNER OF CLAYMORE/HEIRESS TO SAELIM CO. who lives in HARLOW ESTATES are said to be STEADFAST and SARCASTIC but I guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
connections ( below ) / visuals / musings / threads 
name: laila ( pronounced LIE-LAH ) saelim / age: 30 / gender: female + she, her / occupation: owner of claymore + heiress to saelim co.  / hometown: hidehill / neighborhood: harlow estates / ethnicity: thai / languages: english, thai, japanese / sexual orientation: bi-sexual, bi-romantic / relationship status: single
hair: black / eyes; hazel / build: slender / height: 5′9 / tattoos: crescent moon on ribcage / piercings: lobes 
father: richard saelim  ( business man / mother: linette saelim ( retired model ) / siblings: one older brother ( open wc )
steadfast, creative, curious, wistful, sarcastic, indifferent, impulsive, critical
✗ was a child model from ages of 9-17 before her father forbade it entirely 
✗ her mother was a supermodel, almost everyone in the industry knew her, and still does and has quite the influence in the fashion industry. 
✗ laila looks like the splitting image of her mom and she still continues to get calls and emails from fashion heads and brands to model for them but she doesn’t miss modeling at all
✗ everyone mostly knows laila as the former model or the daughter or a model and a business mongol 
✗ doesn’t want to do the family business, her passion had always been medicine but her father wouldn’t pay or send her to medical school 
✗ the saelims have been in hidehill since the moment the town was founded. in fact, they can easily be categorized as one of the families who have found the town. laila’s ancestors come from wealth spanning from generations back in thailand. her great, great, great grandparents initially began a large real estate business in their native home before it expanded into investments into nightclubs, restaurants, and luxury chain hotels that is carried by laila’s father, richard saelim in hidehill. it’s not a stretch to say that the saelim’s are one of the wealthiest families in the world with how her father has continued to expand the business & they’re known in all of tennessee and all of the us and asian countries
✗ as a result of their wealth and status in hidehill their company saelim co. owns large amounts of property through the tennessee, and several homes in harlow estates which her family rents out to visitors & tourists, etc. their mostly widely known for their hotels, nightclubs, and restaurants. until they’ve been dipping their toes into the bar business and when laila was a young girl, they had bought the rather upscale claymore bar which is now run by laila herself
✗ her parents were an arranged match made by their families due to their position in town, it only made sense that they form an alliance that mutually benefited both families. neither of them wanted it course, because richard was a man who enjoyed is freedom and didn’t wish to settle down so early. it was no surprise that he was hidehill’s most sought out bachelor, not only did he have the looks but the charm & wealth which only made him all the more attractive to the mothers who wanted their daughters to marry well. the winner would be her mother, linette, a woman who was displeased with being forced into an arranged marriage but there’s no choice to be made. she was expected to do as her parents wanted, even though she would have picked a life of her own making for herself which was to remain unmarried
✗ as expected, her parents marriage was a far cry from perfect. due to this being against their wishes entirely, they had their issues and perhaps too many arguments. they really had no choice but to make it work, so that’s what they had attempted to do. it had taken five years into their marriage to produce a child, which was laila’s older brother and three years later, she came. things weren’t perfect, but the couple made it work. that’s only because their parents had placed a clause that they wanted grandchildren if they were to inherit the family wealth and two grandchildren appeased laila’s grandparents. so they obeyed if only to continue living their privileged life.
✗ the saelim children might have grown up with a silver spoon in their mouths, but their childhood consisted of being raised by nannies that were replaced each month with whatever excuse their parents came up with that time. they seemed disinterested in raising their children but expected nothing less than perfection from them. for a time laila did what they wished, being the ideal daughter, excelling in school , anything that would garner their attention until she realized that would never happen. her parents wanted to live their lives with freedom and as a result they spent little time with their kids 
✗ her mother especially missed her modeling career, the way she could easily jet off on vacations with her friends. once she married that freedom was all but moot because laila’s father didn’t want his wife to be photographed in various states of undress and racy images of her across papers & magazines. he was a progressive man in many ways, but still traditional in other ways. it resulted in a mother that was not so attached to her children, since in her mind they were also in part responsible for the end of a life she had wanted for herself. her kids was a constant reminder of the life she lost 
✗ it hurt to see her mother's indifference, and though she knew deep down linette loved her, it didn't change the fact that amara was viewed as an obligation. for that reason, she never had a normal relationship with her mother. the only interest her mother took in her was her career, as if she were living vicariously to her daughter. believing she'd win her mother if she pleased her, amara did exactly that, becoming a model in her teens ( which she didn't want to do until richard forbade her daughter to be doing such a thing once she began to grow out of her adolescence. so laila had endeavored to make her father proud but he was more interested in her older bother, his son because he’d be the heir to their fortune. in his father’s eye, her brother was the golden child
✗ because her brother was managing their more older businesses, her father hand handed the claymore bar to laila, and though she has little interest in her family business, but its what her parents expect of her. she thinks that one day if she proves herself her father may take an interest in her. 
✗ the news of the murder of a friend, Miyeong of her mother’s had come as a shock, laila didn’t know the woman personally, but due to her friendship with linette, she’d gotten to know her enough to feel sad at her passing. miyeong was woman and didn’t deserve to be murdered in cold blood. she fears for the safety of her family and her friends - all of her cherished ones.
THE SECRET ( tw:  abortion  )
loneliness was her companion as a child at home , so whenever she could she spent her time with her friends. that same loneliness and thirst for love pushed her towards a married man who doted on laila. she met him at a young age & had gotten involved with a married man despite her better judgment until she ended up pregnant, he made her promises that he'd leave his wife, but when this news dropped of her pregnancy he had left her and threatened her to drop the child. though amara didn't want to abort the child, she had no choice because she was too young to be caring for a child and not to mention the punishment she’d receive if her parents ever found out.
platonic + friendships
best friend — ( this person has been in her life a long time and someone she cares for above all ) ;;
confidant — ( someone she can confide in without any hesitation ) ;;
partner in crime — ;;
friends — ( people she genuinely enjoys being around ) ;
found family ( people she's grown to think of as family ) ;;
a elder brother, mother, and father figure to her  ( s he isn't close to her parents, she also wished for siblings  ) ;;
a good influence;;
a bad influence;;
gym/ workout buddy ;;
hiking buddy;;
anything else !
colleagues ( from her modeling work as a teenager  ) ;;
employees at claymore bar 
regulars @claymore
her father is an actor and entrepreneur so perhaps they know each other through that , business partners of her father & friends of her mother 
frenemy — ( someone who isn't friends with her but they love to verbally spar with each other, bantering is usually what they end up doing );;
enemies — ( for whatever reason, they don't like laila , perhaps they've wronged her, or she's wronged them ) ;;
a rival;;
any sort of negative connection really !!
ex's on good terms ( open to male, female, nonbinary  ) ;;
ex's bad terms ( open to male, female, nonbinary ) ;;
former flings/hook-ups/ one night stands ( open to male, female, nonbinary ) ;;
slow burn;;
skinny lover;;
unrequited crush ( either on her side or your muse’s );;
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limalosershq · 2 months
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WELCOME, JUNE! OR IS THAT VIOLET MENDEZ? EITHER WAY, YOU'RE A LIMA LOSER AROUND HERE NOW! Remember to look at our checklist here and then send in your account within 24 hours, if you need more time just let us know! That way I can send you the link to the discord server and you can get to plotting with everyone there. We all look forward to rping with you and once again, welcome to the mayhem of show choir!
NAME/ALIAS: june PRONOUNS: any! AGE (21+): 21+ TIMEZONE: aest ACTIVITY: with uni and work, lemme say 6/10!
NAME: violet mendez FACECLAIM: isabella gomez AGE/BIRTHDAY: twenty, september 16th GLEE CLUB: vocal adrenaline SONG CHOICE: two birds - regina spektor MAJOR/MINOR/GRADE: freshman studying music composition  LOCATION: living off-campus in akron, with a large amount of roommates she barely sees. OCCUPATION: employee at rinky dinks. CLUBS/EXTRACURRICULARS/SPORTS: member of carmel’s gay straight alliance 
Violet comes from a family of performers. As a matter of fact, she comes from a family of Vocal Adrenaline performers. Both of her parents and all three of her older siblings attended Carmel and took home trophies during their time on the team, and they are now financial supporters of VA. This meant that Violet’s spot was quite literally handed to her. The only issue? Violet’s debilitating stage fright. Sure, she can hold a tune and do a box-step, but the second there are people in the audience, she’s falling over her own feet, which hasn’t exactly made her many friends.
When she’s not on stage, Violet does actually have a knack for writing music. She has no interest in performing the songs herself, but hopes they end up in the hands of someone really awesome some day. In a dream scenario, she’d be the ghost writer for some big mainstream pop star. All of the royalties and praise for the music, without any of it being on Violet’s name itself.
One thing that helps Violet feel like she’s less of an anxious mess is her best friend and confidant, Snake Gyllenhaal. Yeah, he’s her pet snake. He also happens to be perhaps the world’s only vegan ball python, which does make him a little less badass. A snake that refuses to eat meat and eats tofu instead? Probably about as cool as Violet herself.
Uh, well…no. I wanted to study veterinary medicine when I was a kid actually. But if I did that then I’d have to deal with the disappointed and disapproval stares of my family every time we spoke and I think I’d rather die than live through that so…yeah, music at Carmel it is! 
I had heard about it from my family, but I honestly thought they were trying to prank me. Like, people really take glee club seriously, don’t they? I don’t think the other teams are all that bad, they all seem nice enough…Don’t tell my parents I said that.
See, there’s another thing! I don’t see why Lima is so bad either! It’s quaint, I like driving through there sometimes when I wanna clear my head. If that makes me a loser, then sue me. And my life is…well, it’s heading somewhere! Currently to be decided, I guess.
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redwoodwv-hq · 1 year
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Name: Orion Carnell Age: 37 Town Occupation: Raider Previous Occupation: Unemployed Redwood Resident Length: 6 months Faceclaim: Jared Padalecki
Bullet Points:
Orion lives in a small but relatively cozy apartment towards the outer edge of Redwood, close to the library.
He can’t read. With everything his parents prepared him for, you’d think reading would be considered an essential skill by them. It wasn’t. Orion is currently trying to teach himself how to read, but it’s not easy. He still likes picture books though! 
He likes animals and adopted a cat somewhere on his travels. He named it Cat, since it seemed to be fitting.
He has a pretty high pain tolerance and is used to stitching himself up
He has never been drunk.
Orion grew up pretty prepared for the apocalypse. As long as he could remember, he lived with his parents in the rural countryside, far away from any type of civilization or community. Most of their information about the outside came from an old radio, one of the very few communicative devices his family ever owned. The family was self-sustainable, his parents had grown up with the fear of nuclear conflict during the cold war, and that anxiety and trauma pushed them to go into a sort of prepping-mentality in case there was a form of nuclear fallout.
Orion grew up learning everything he could about survival. His parents were never the best, neither to him nor to each other, and Orion grew up in a household where survival seemed to be the basic tenant, and anything else was not necessary. But while his lifestyle left Orion scarred in many ways, it also was what allowed him to survive when the virus hit. His parents never lived to see the start of the apocalypse, both of them dying shortly before the first cases appeared. While his parents had prepped and Orion could have stayed hunkered down and survived, something inside of him drove him towards packing up as much food, water and medicine as he could carry and set out into the virus-infested world.
He doesn’t really talk much about the time he spent wandering after leaving his parent’s place and reaching Redwood (or generally about his past). His focus was on his own survival, so he never had much time or opportunity to really care about morality until he reached Redwood. He stumbled across the community with mild interest. So far, he hadn’t really been interested in the survivor communities he came across so far, mostly only forming temporary alliances and symbiotic relationships. He scoped out the settlement, and, eventually for his own personal reasons, decided to join in for the time being. Being in a proper community for the first time poses challenges that never really came up previously, things his parents never bothered to prepare him for. 
Safe to say, things won’t be easy. But maybe that’s okay, for the time being.
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kayvanh123 · 1 year
In 2050, over 800 million people globally estimated to be living with back pain
A comprehensive analysis of more than three decades of data indicates that the prevalence of low back pain is increasing. Projections suggest that by 2050, approximately 843 million individuals worldwide will be affected by this condition, primarily due to population growth and aging. This concerning trend, coupled with the absence of a consistent approach to back pain treatment and limited treatment options, raises concerns among researchers about an impending healthcare crisis, as low back pain is the leading cause of disability globally.
In Australia, there is expected to be an almost 50 percent rise in low back pain cases by 2050. The distribution of cases is projected to shift, with the most significant increases occurring in Asia and Africa. The findings of this study, known as the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2021 study, have been published in Lancet Rheumatology.
Lead author Professor Manuela Ferreira, affiliated with Sydney Musculoskeletal Health, a collaborative initiative involving the University of Sydney, Sydney Local Health District, and Northern Sydney Local Health District, emphasizes the pressing need for a national and consistent approach to managing low back pain based on research. She advocates for a proactive stance on back pain prevention, leveraging Australia’s position as a global leader in back pain research.
The study reveals notable milestones in low back pain cases. Since 2017, the number of individuals affected by this condition has surpassed half a billion, reaching approximately 619 million cases in 2020. Occupational factors, smoking, and obesity contribute significantly to the disability burden associated with low back pain, accounting for at least one-third of cases.
Contrary to common misconception, low back pain is not limited to adults of working age; it is more prevalent among older individuals. Additionally, the study highlights a higher incidence of low back pain among females compared to males.
This study presents the most comprehensive and up-to-date data, including global projections and the impact of GBD risk factors on low back pain. It was made possible through collaborative efforts involving The University of Sydney, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine, IHME’s international collaborators, and the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health.
Senior author Professor Lyn March, also affiliated with Sydney Musculoskeletal Health and the Kolling Institute, stresses the need for additional population-based data on back pain and musculoskeletal conditions from low to mid-income countries. The available data predominantly originate from high-income countries, limiting its interpretability for low to mid-income nations.
The study analyzed GBD data from 1990 to 2020 across over 204 countries and territories, offering insights into the evolving landscape of low back pain cases over time. It is the first study to provide modeling for future prevalence of back pain cases.
Recognizing the immense and escalating burden of low back pain on a global scale, healthcare systems must respond accordingly. Preventive measures and timely access to care are crucial, as effective interventions are available to alleviate pain. Co-chair of the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health, Professor Anthony Woolf, calls for prioritization of addressing the growing burden of musculoskeletal conditions.
Dr. Alarcos Cieza, Unit Head at the World Health Organization, emphasizes that ministries of health must acknowledge the high prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions, including low back pain, considering their social and economic implications. Effective strategies to tackle this burden should be adopted promptly.
The study further highlights the need to base back pain prevention on national guidelines. In 2018, independent experts expressed concerns in The Lancet and provided recommendations, particularly regarding exercise and education, to bring about a global policy change in preventing and managing low back pain and curbing inappropriate treatments. However, little progress has been made since then.
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Rules Real Name Hippolyta , Main Alias - Queen Hippolyta
Other Aliases - Wonder Woman[1] (verse dependent)
Relatives-Atalanta (sister, deceased), Antiope (sister, deceased), Astarte (sister, deceased), Diana (daughter), Donna Troy (Daughter) Nubia (Daughter), General Philippus (partner)
Affiliation- Amazons of Themyscira, Gods of Olympus · formerly Justice League
Base Of Operations- Mount Olympus · Formerly Themyscira
Alignment -Good
Identity- Public Identity
Citizenship - Amazon · Olympian
Marital Status - Single (partner to Phillipus)
Occupation- Goddess of the Amazons · formerly Queen and Ambassador of the Amazons
Gender - Cis Female Eyes - Blue Hair -Black
Hippolyta and her sister, Antiope were the first Amazons to emerge from the Well of Souls in antiquity. Together, they built the first Themyscira, which thrived under their rule. At some point afterwards, their sisters Astarte and Atalanta emerged. Soon, they came into contact with the greek heroes Heracles and Theseus, who befriended them. However, their alliance would not last, and the Amazons were betrayed by Heracles, Theseus, and their men as punishment for a moment when Hippolyta defeated Hercules in a sparring match. With their leaders leaving them to their spoils, their forces tormented the Amazons. One spear-wielding soldier in particular tormented Antiope a great deal; feeling her pain, Hippolyta cried out to the patron goddesses of the Amazons, and the Goddess Athena answered, on the condition that the Amazons would show mercy to those who had held them captive.
At first, Hippolyta believed this feasible, but Antiope would not show mercy to those who had assaulted and enslaved them, and thus the amazon tribe was split in two. Those who sided with Hippolyta were granted a new Themyscira on a magical hidden island. Those who sided with Antiope eventually became the "The Amazons of bana mighdall", forsaking the greek gods in order to worship the Egyptian pantheon. Centuries passed. Hippolyta ached for a child- the soul of her daughter from a life before even Hippolyta was taken from the Well of Souls to inhabit life as an Amazon. She petitioned the Gods to reunite her with her daughter, and molded an infant of clay. The Gods imbued it with life, and the child was named Diana. In the modern day, Diana would leave the island of Themyscira to fight in the second world war. Hippolyta has since abdicated the role of queen to one of her daughters Nubia, and died, ascending to Olympus as a goddess of the Amazons.
Amazonian Physiology
Enhanced Intellect
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Agility
Reality Construction: Hippolyta created the Dimension Chi, where her every action would be mirrored darkly by her evil double, Empress Hippolyta, as a form of self-knowledge.
Divine Empowerment: After dying at the hand of Artemis Hippolyta became a member of the Gods of Olympus and developed several new abilities.
Electro-Blast: After being attacked by Zeus Hippolyta displayed the ability to project bolts of lightning capable of knocking back the king of Olympus himself.
Dimensional Travel. Hippolyta can freely travel between the Sphere of the Gods and the mortal world.
Amazonian Training: The Amazons honed their skills in many fields, aided by the gifts from Athena and Artemis.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Chariot Driving
Global Strategy
Tactical Analysis
Military Protocol
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earth394hqs · 2 years
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welcome to earth 394, jane foster
« blake lively, 31, she/her, thor » ∙∙ loading case file for jane foster. known aliases, if any: dr. foster. current location: new york, new york.  current occupation: head doctor for shield/the avengers. she has known to be intelligent and controlling, so proceed with caution. their current alliance: shield. (autumn, she/her )
short bio: originally drawn to astrophysics, jane's whole plan for herself was put on hold when diagnosed with cancer right after she graduated high school (two years early.) she beat it and hasn't had a recurrence since, but was drawn to medicine during her frequent stays at the hospital. still drawn to everything otherworldly, she paired that with her medical degree and began working with shield, eventually working her way up to lead doctor for shield and the avengers.
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Is health informatics a booming field?
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The health informatics field is growing exponentially every day and so is the demand for trained professionals. Earning an M.S. in Health Informatics and Analytics degree is a great way to qualify for jobs in the industry – even if you have limited healthcare or IT experience. The curriculum is designed to provide all the required knowledge and skills needed to succeed.
Those who pursue a career in health informatics come from a variety of backgrounds and play different roles in this ever-growing industry. If you’re looking for a career with endless growth opportunities or for a career change this is a great place to start.
A health informatics degree is in demand
Since the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act was signed into law in 2009, there has been an immense and continuous growth in the health informatics industry. The HITECH Act required healthcare professionals to transfer over all paper-based health records to an electronic format to be easily accessible by patients and all types of healthcare providers.
This created thousands of new jobs and new career paths as the industry developed. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has consistently reported major growth of jobs in the field. The number of jobs is expected to increase by 13 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations.
What type of experience do I need to pursue a career in health informatics?
Although most professionals come from a healthcare or IT field, it isn’t required. The curriculum from an accredited and reputable program is designed to prepare you to use all the basic medical terminology, metrics, and clinical coding needed, along with developing your skills to leverage technology and analyze data.
Florida International University (FIU) has had students in the program from different specialties, including:
Health Administration,
Information Technology,
Information Systems,
Health Informatics,
Health Services,
Business (accounting),
Sciences (psychology and biology services),
And other health-related fields
Depending on your individual areas of expertise and training your job title, role, and responsibilities will differ once you enter the workforce. You can focus more on patient care or data analysis.
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The DC Health Care Workforce Partnership is an industry-driven, community-supported sector-based alliance, consisting of health care businesses from three subsectors — acute care; ambulatory and behavioral health; and nursing, residential and long-term care services — and core partners and network supporters.
To know more about us visit: https://dchealthcareers.org/about-us/
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