#allowing for travel anywhere anywhen
doctorbrown · 1 month
Note to self: write that hc post about how Doc is extremely open-minded even towards things like the supernatural/paranormal & how he doesn't discount the possibility that such things can indeed exist in our world just because they seem to 'break' some pre-conceived notion we have of how the world works
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How many over-the-top devices have the Infinity Knights created
not just to allow them to travel anywhere and anywhen, but to threaten the existence of all of reality?
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arbiterlexultionis · 8 months
Instant Eternity
Time travel involving the infinite realms is truly a bizarre thing. Sometimes it follow one set of rules, and sometimes that set of rules may as well not exist. Usually, however, it works in one of two ways, the first is when the time travel is achieved through artificial means such as clockworks portals and allows for the altering of the timeline as one would expect time travel would allow. The other type of time travel is through natural means, portals usually, and it’s just that, Natural. That portal to the past opened up in the past the same moment it did in the present. If you step into the portal in the year 2000 then you already stepped out of the portal hundreds of years ago. It’s A Thing That Already Happened. Danny himself experienced this, as while chasing Vlad through time they fought in the middle of a Roman coliseum and, whoopsy daisy, set a really big fire. A fire which Danny had learned about years before he even had his accident.
So, the infimap can take the user anywhere, anywhen. And the infimap is just that, a map. It doesn’t make new roads, it just drags you across already existing paths. So it is a natural form of time travel, if you use it to go in time to kill your grandfather in order to insure your never born your interference will result in your grandparents falling in love and your birth.
Danny realizes that anytime he needs to heal from a battle or has gone 156 hours without sleeping or eating he can use the infimap to pop back to the past for a few days and then have the map bring back to the “Present”, exactly one second after he left. A three week vacation that lasted one second. At first he’s really wary about using this, worried about accelerated aging or getting lost in the time stream and a hundred other issues. At first.
It’s been months sense the accident. Sam and Tucker have both shot up several inches. Danny, on the other hand, hasn’t grown sense the accident. At all. They fought a ghost who could rapidly age opponents, a single slap turned Tucker into a decrepit old man. The ghost wrapped his hands around Danny’s throat and spent 5 minutes trying to strangle him while Danny bought time for Sam and Tucker to pull off the plan. The sucked him into the thermos, his influence on time ceased so Tucker returned to his proper state. “Jeez it sure is lucky he didn’t try and age me, right guys? Ha ha ha”. Danny gets blasted through a natural portal while making a trip through the zone and spends years trying to get home, not aging a day.
He can’t deny it after that, can’t ignore it. He’s immortal. He’s going to live forever. He’s going to watch his friends and family whither away and die out. He’s going to have to spend the rest of his life wandering from place to place trying not to get outed as the same 14 year old who save someone’s great great grandma 100 years ago.
After having his first middeath crisis, suddenly the only reasons he had to not spend years on end wandering the world and the past is gone, even if he loses the infimap, worst case scenario he’ll just take the long way home. Suddenly, he’s dreading the next 80 years of the “Present”. He decides that if he’s going to watch his friends and family grow old and frail he’s going to make sure it’s takes as long as it possibly could, from his perspective. By the time they’re 20 Danny’s gonna have 200 years under his belt.
He becomes a temporal tourist, hopping into the past every time the late night fights and schoolwork become to much. Spends years in every civilization imaginable, mastering every skill he can, leaving legends in his wake.
I feel like Danny and his adventures do have a lot of potential for story’s, as it’s a pretty good setup for having Danny in any type of time period or historical event for extended periods of time, fighting in the trenches of World War I, exploring the Americas during the era of colonialism, sailing the seas a swashbuckling vigilante pirate. I, however, have most of my related ideas being based around crossovers. So most of that will be in part two, so that people who like to filter out all that can still see this post.
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selfshippinglover · 1 year
London Boy and False God
Thank you again anon! I really appreciate being allowed to ramble like this <3
London Boy:Do you and your f/o travel? if you both could live somewhere besides where you’re from, where would you like to live?
Rick and I literally travel anywhere, anytime, anywhen for a living soooo yeah XD
Rick doesn't like stay still besides with the Smith family so most likely there. I'm content on the citadel but I really just want to be wherever he is :)
False God:Do you think of you and your f/o as soulmates? Why or why not?
Rick doesn't believe in love(so he says) or soulmates so count him out on this one.
As for me? Soulmates sound nice on paper but they really seem to be just that, an idea for paper, ya know? Like, a good story but not realistic. I believe above all that love is a commitment and a choice. regardless of your partners strengths, weaknesses, baggage, decisions, reactions you continue to choose them. You reaffirm that commitment every time you make a choice or stumble through life's many difficulties with them. I know Rick's a fucking pain in the ass and has a lot of shit to work through but at the end of the day I'll keep choosing him anyways. I believe in him and his capacity to grow.
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anneapocalypse · 6 years
RvB 16.02
That’s my primary impression of this episode, “Hmm.”
Let me just get this off my chest: god I do not trust Joe with time travel. Like... I really want to give this a chance. I really want to be like “This could be fun and silly and not break canon in any way that matters” and I’m just... so, so apprehensive because it’s already too powerful. Donut apparently has a fucking gun that can just open up a time portal to anywhere and anywhen. I can feel an entire fucking essay on The Problem With Time Travel coming on.
So... Donut. Don’t know how to write a character? Just send them through an offscreen time loop and you can justify anything. I can already feel what a bear those discussions are going to be. Like... I just wanted Donut to get some screentime, you know, Donut, the character, not like... weird timelord Donut. Like, I’m actually kind of nervous we’re never going to get “normal” Donut back because of this, and I feel like after like five seasons of neglecting him that kind of sucks.
I gotta be honest, I don’t dig the God and “Goddess of Time” stuff. At all. To me it feels really, uncomfortably out of place in this universe.
And... ugh, more Locus. That’s all I have to say about that.
No cut back to Chorus and the Freelancers. I’ll admit, I’m a little disappointed on a personal level just because god knows I will take any opportunity to see Carolina but from a story standpoint I’m not pulling the alarm yet, because it’s only the second episode, and if we are going to cut back and forth it’s probably better doing it episode by episode to allow for longer scenes. (Compare to the Freelancer seasons where the cuts, especially in season 9, feel really choppy and often disconnected.)
Let’s hit the things I liked:
I like that the vacation moon has a name now.
I like it when characters actually discuss the logistics of their armor. (Though I am laughing a bit because I’m gonna need to put a note on a certain Caboose scene in a certain upcoming longfic that yes, I wrote this before season 16 aired.)
I enjoy Grif mistaking “inciting” for “incendiary.”
I like Grif’s whole plan for avoiding adventure and the fact that he was willing to crash their vehicle to do it.
I like Kai getting lines!! I enjoy her “Don’t call me ‘babe,’” which I’m guessing was a Barbarella reference (and no, that doesn’t bother me in isolation, because it was appropriate to the character and funny).
I like the concept of stable timeloops, wherein a character goes back in time and ends up causing the thing they saw in the present (in this case, the destruction Sammy’s. Like, that’s one way you can potentially make time travel not stupid, the concept that the timeline is self-correcting so you can’t actually go back in time to change the present by changing the past. But even that’s not a perfect fix, because it has really fatalistic implications and there’s a sense of removing agency from characters that I really don’t love.
So, we’re back to “Hmm.” 
As always, I withhold final judgment until a season is complete. We’ll see where this goes.
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triumphorce · 7 years
I write.
I express emotions.
I ain’t a poet tho..
I subside to lies
Of iambic holds
Now I’m a poet.
I don’t rhyme..
Now that’s cool.
I’m a poet.
I abide by strict lines..
I keep thinking…that..
Never no mind it.
I’m a poet now
Like, phew..
I try haikus
hell yeaaaa
I’m rollin now
super duper
cultural guru
try this, try that..
I fail this and that don’t feel right
You can’t get that back.
No second chance..
I’m getting anxious.
and I wonder why..
I feel I’m digging my own grave
So I..
Implement myself..
I take me off the shelves.
Okay Clave.
Be careful, now..
I hear a voice call out.
Somewhere, out ther-
Be careful.
Okay. Stick to theme.
Oh no, I’ve clearly lost it!
I mean.
Yo ellanore,
I mean Dear lenore
I feel empty, evermore.
I see dreams deferred.
Ravens pick at a corpse.
Along a road I walk,
One less traveled by..
To get told to fall behind.
I dwell in possibilities,
Like am I poet and
They just don’t know it..
I look in awe to false realities.
The intensity builds.
Time closes.
The barriers lower.
Dead space opens.
Why’s frozen..
Finally free..
As the time approaches,
For me to switch from quiet..
Dead Poets looking more alive than me..
Shit, I need help then
shit, I gotta write twice as much, work twice as hard
fly twice as high & plan to fall just as far.
waitin like a car alarm
anticipating antipathy..
Protectin art in hearts
Takin timid out intimidate
show em choice has always been innate..
No less a given right at birth
than the right to live,
right to breathe,
is the right to dream
To express as you see fit
In any way, until you wish to change,
so I protect that right
stand next to kindness
on the other side, a pride of lions
protectin myself from
And hateful beings.
Fusion held in spheres
By doubt and fear
To excel;
Where fails spawn
According to myself..
I’m ill a li'l..
Lonely soul..
But I only grow..
And sometimes..
Not even the gravity
Of situations can keep control
of a mind lost to chaos
seeking truth to trust aggressively
I think I lust the fight, the thrill to must will
Solar flares breaking molds of what I past wrote,
Of mostly every past goal.
Into empty space.
On empty pages.
All that Potential
Just sittin there..
While I kneel here..
I gotta get it..
just get to it..
So I’m always reachin
Till my arm strong
And fingers feel,
hold, clutch hope..
Till light of mind touch the most
constant growth from constant writing
As long as I continue forward..
then I’m straight with
As long as what’s unexplored
ain’t unignored..
then I’m all on board
all over keyboards to express how much I don’t know
what’s unknown, what’s original, what becomes of anything done…
and other shit to make me sound not dumb..
just make sure that
.. I
don’t go too far..
or collapse it all,
under pressures of tomorrows
or become an addict to syntax
quick fix of lyrics any and every chance presented
while I’m lookin in the mirror.
In my eyes.
Seein lines.
Write like I created a language
To explain myself,
What the hell amongst Stars
This Fox is quite troubled
And says a lot..
Types a lot,
The type to
Open mouth
And open fire.
Twin lasers..
Bluest Light Burning Brightest..
Usin boosts
bustin’ somersaults..
Forever more.
More and more clever
More clever than Athena,
Than Apollo
than Shinichi
As I…
set the stage.
tell Dionysus to take a seat
I don’t neeeeed
an Encore..
I’m an Enclave to Darkness.
Where approval is
Just sharpening Wit
On metaphysical stones
Of aureole revolving my dome..
Create a cleaver to make separate hate..
Cut out all this critic shit,
And involvement of Art in competition..
I know there’s no fault to pin..
Except on them..
-Points at Ego and Tradition-
-Then checks his Watch-
Like -sigh- oh look
It’s time to go.
Please Allow that to seep through
Your cerebral
Yo, Hold up Clave..
What the hell?
You was doin’ good..
But how I feel?
Like I wish I would..
Wish I would hold back how I feel..
The injustice, it kills.
And how that feel?
Like I filled
My mind..
While digging to find it..
But I’m doin’ just fine
Ace of Spades..
Laid up, doin well
King of all trades..
People’s champion..
Jacks that I chose to slay
Inside my tact to
Protect the truth..
And expose the Knaves.
For all those who feel unimpressive..
If there’s any..If my message has any direction..
I hope that it’s this one..
To help and to lift up..
To challenge those meddling with medals
And digital pins to address the issue that they misuse the pen.
Is stronger than steel..
So how you think the damage deals?
How it feels..
Just observe me make it right..
Watch me make it heal.
Jot the Skills.
I dream into Nil
To return with
The man behind the curtain..
Playing off insecurities
Keeping people fighting uncertainty..
And makes them feel as if fate’s a jury..
Shit’s a journey.
A learning process.
I am certain.
Especially when I write..
When we write;
We write to express.
We write in context of purpose.
Not in contest, to be worthy.
Is subjective to concerns.
Don’t ever let others blur theirs with yours
I just stay on reserve
In A universe of verses..
Already purgin what I feel
Don’t deserve a further look
Already workin
On ways to improve
What I believe is amiss..
I write.
We write to prove this.
Nothing circumstantial.
This is for We.
We is of anyone
Who see we as progression
And not as steps up..
An ascension of Love
And trusting someone.
That takes we..
In an effort
To make effortless
The will to stand and help stand up..
And then some..
And this is to anyone..
Anywhere, anywhen.
Message in a bottle.
This to whoever.
From yours truly.
I write for peace.
Excuse the Teeth.
And you know what?
I’m startin to see
I will never be
Only gone for a moment
To seize everyday moments.
This ain’t over..
Just an Ocean.
Go Explore.
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sburbian-denizens · 7 years
Janus, the Two-Faced
Denizen of the Time Aspect
Janus id the Roman god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, and endings. He is often depicted with two faces, each facing a different direction, one sees the past, while the other sees the future. He presided over the beginning and end of conflict, and thus war and peace. He has associations with birth, journey, and exchanges. He was considered by the Romans as the first king of Latium. His temple doors are symbolically closed in times of peace and open in times of war.
The Quest
Land of Doorways: A Land covered in hundreds of free standing doorways, before Janus was hired by Derse all of the doors remained closed and the Consorts lived in peace. That changed however, when Janus opened all of them. The Consorts have tried to close them, but any attempts to do so failed when Janus forced them open once more. Each door is a portal connecting to another in not only another point in the Land, but also another point in time. This causes a headache inducing chain of time loops to occur. The Player must journey across the Land in order to confront Janus and close the Doorways, and thus the time loops, permanently.
The Battle
Janus is quite a powerful Denizen, for he technically presides over Space as well as Time, not only that, as he faces two directions at once, he is very hard to land surprise attacks on. He can also see throughout Time, which would make surprising him technically completely impossible. He can also open doorways, similar to fenestrated walls, to travel anywhere, and anywhen. One way to land hits on him would be to already have done so, in the future, thus making it so that he cannot simply dodge, because he will have already been hit. Time players man. Should the Player choose to accept Janus’ choice they may find themselves on a mission across the Mediums chronology.
The Prize
Universal Key - A prized possession of Janus’. The key can be used as a regular skeleton key, allowing it to open any lock, an ability quickly becomes useless as the Player climbs the God Tiers and gains that ability for themselves. It’s other ability is much more valuable. The key can connect two locations in space-time. It is at it’s most accurate when both ends are at some sort of doorway or entrance, such as an arch. Though it can be used on empty air, the Player merely has to mime unlocking a door for this to work, it is quite unreliable, often missing either spatially or chronologically. Having an actual doorway at either end would decrease this chance, though it would still happen at times, so it is recommended that the Player has a clear picture of his destination.
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the-hawks-rye · 7 years
(belated) 11 questions 2/2
/Rules: Answer the 11 questions given by the person who tagged you, then create 11 of your own
The lovely @jouissezduprintemps tagged me for this thing and uh I finished it. It took a while but I did (sort of xhklghkl)
1. you have the power to travel anywhere and anywhen in time and space. where/when do you go?
That one playground a few weeks ago so I could count how many times I said I said I was going to die on that thing (time travel both fascinates and terrifies me so I picked the most harmless thing I could think of ghjkjghjk)
2. you’re allowed to eat one food for breakfast for the rest of your life. what is it?
I may as well just say poptarts because that's what I'm getting anyways dgncgvfghj
3. describe your ideal television series finale.
Open enough for canon-compliant fics but there has to some sort of finality o guess?
4. what would your state alchemist title be?
This. This is the question that has caused me to have this saved in my drafts for however long it has been, but not anymore, because I am going to run away from this problem, even though that is not a course of action I recommend unless you are being chased and such.
5. what are 3 things you would want to have if you were stranded in the woods?
A fully stocked camper, a place to park said camper, distress beacon/radio with transmitter
6. what was your favorite show/movie as a kid? 
Disney's The Little Mermaid!
7. what was your first anime?
Sword Art Online
8. what’s your middle name?
9. who’s your favorite author?
Rick Riordan I suppose
10. what’s your sign/hp house/mbti/etc.?
Capricorn, Sytherpuff, intp
11. describe your aesthetic in one word.
I happen to be too lazy to write eleven questions and tag anyone so I'm breaking the chain here. Have a nice day guys!
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jouissezduprintemps · 7 years
Tag Meme
/Rules: Answer the 11 questions given by the person who tagged you, then create 11 of your own
Tagged by: @canadiangold
1. What musical instrument do you play or wish you could play?
Anything? I have 0 musical talent so I’ll take whatever I could get.
2. Tell us the short version of your most embarrassing moment and your most proud moment.
Embarrassing: When, in a class reading of Hamlet, at the front of the room, I read aloud “goodman” as “goddamn,” stopping the entire reading for about five minutes.
Proud: When I gave a presentation with my mentor at an international conference, where I was the only undergrad.
3. Given an unlimited budget and a month free of responsibility, where would you go and what would you do?
Travel across the Eastern hemisphere
4. How far would you be willing to travel to meet an internet friend irl for a weekend?
Okay, so if we say the weekend starts on Friday, I’d be willing to pull a 6-8 hour trip, esp. if Dave was with me to trade off driving. If I’m using our flight benefits, it depends on disposable income.
5. Are you getting into a new style of music or a new artist these days? Tell us about ‘em.
I never left my high-school “emo/punk” phase. Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, etc.
6. What would you like your room/house to smell like when you get back after a day at work/at school/running errands/etc?
A blend of two Doterra EOs affectionately dubbed “liquid xanax”
Serenity: Lavender, Cedarwood, Ho Wood, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, Vanilla extract, Hawaiian Sandalwood
Balance:  Spruce needle/leaf, Ho wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy Flower and Blue Chamomile
7. A generous family member just gave you $1000. What’re you going to do with the money?
Move TF out into our own place with first and last month’s rent.
8. How far have you flown? Have you ever flown international/intercontinental? Are you afraid of flying?
The farthest I’ve flown is from Atlanta, Georgia, US, to Marrakech, Morocco. I’m not afraid to fly, even though I’m scared of heights.
9. How many countries have you visited? Which was your favorite? In which would you like to live until retirement age?
Four, total. Morocco was my favorite. I could live there until I retire.
10. What’re 3-ish things on your wishlist these days?
Our own place, a substantial savings account, and a ring (which is coming soon!!!!!)
11. Tell us about 2 things on your bucket list. If you don’t have a bucket list, what’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t?
I’ve always wanted to travel to France. I like to think I will when I can afford it.
Okay, time for my 11.
1. You have the power to travel anywhere and anywhen in time and space. Where/when do you go? 2. You’re allowed to eat one food for breakfast for the rest of your life. What is it? 3. Describe your ideal television series finale. 4. What would your state alchemist title be? 5. What are 3 things you would want to have if you were stranded in the woods? 6. What was your favorite show/movie as a kid? 7. What was your first anime? 8. What’s your middle name? 9. Who’s your favorite author? 10. What’s your sign/HP house/MBTI/etc.? 11. Describe your aesthetic in one word.
Tagging: @canadiangold @wrongnote @hawkeyedflame @capthawkeye @queenxolivier @xennariel @thestaffofra @the-heart-alchemist
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xennariel · 7 years
I was tagged by @jouissezduprintemps Thanks! =D
I’ve done this one a bunch and I hate coming up with questions so I’m not going to tag anyone.
1. You have the power to travel anywhere and anywhen in time and space. Where/when do you go? - Uh...I have no idea. A different world, that’s for sure. Earth is cool, but I wanna see different dimensions.
2. You’re allowed to eat one food for breakfast for the rest of your life. What is it? - Oh god... Um... Potato pancakes with sour cream and applesauce. The good thin, crispy ones. Not those thick ones with tons of onions...
3. Describe your ideal television series finale. - I don’t watch tv anymore, but uh, I guess something that ties pretty much everything together and ends on a lighter note with maybe some darker elements too (like, a bunch of people die or they save the world but at a cost), but maybe leaves something open to interpretation so the fans have stuff to work with for fanfiction and such.
4. What would your state alchemist title be? - The Shadow Alchemist (I know. Soooo original.)
5. What are 3 things you would want to have if you were stranded in the woods? - A weapon of some kind, matches, and... a bag of holding that leads to hammerspace so I could pull out whatever I needed at any moment. lol
6. What was your favorite show/movie as a kid? - (How little of a kid are we talking? if you mean like elementary school then...) The Little Mermaid, The Pebble and the Penguin, Ferngully, The Lion King, Free Willy, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Tailspin.
7. What was your first anime? - Sailor Moon
8. What’s your middle name? - Nicole
9. Who’s your favorite author? - Isaac Marion, Phillip Pullman, Paul Zindel, Hiromu Arakawa, Kouta Hirano
10. What’s your sign/HP house/MBTI/etc.? - Aquarius, Slytherin, and I have no idea.
11. Describe your aesthetic in one word. - Night
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doctorbrown · 7 months
Future DeLorean modifications/ideas on Doc's drawing board (non-exhaustive):
Beyond the hover conversion and Mr Fusion, as the years go by, I have a number of various modifications to the DeLorean that Doc intends to dream up/implement in order to increase not only functionality, but safety and security. These won't all become reality, but they're all ideas he'll have.
If there's one thing the 1985A timeline has taught him, it's that he didn't anticipate theft and misuse of the time machine by third parties. Once everything was said and done, it was one hell of an eye-opener and it got Doc thinking about the DeLorean and its future.
After finding the temporally displaced copy of the time vehicle in the future and bringing it home, he keeps it. And over the years, his opinions/view on the time machines change, as well as his position regarding time travel. He moves away from the stance he'd adopted throughout parts 2 and 3, believing that the machines should be dismantled/destroyed and instead adopts the idea of well, they should be kept and used so long as it's done safely and there's no chance of what happened with Biff happening again.
He'll eventually design and continuously improve on holographic imagers in order to more adequately conceal the DeLorean in plain sight. Let's face it, the DeLorean is not an inconspicuous car and the heavy modifications and temporal equipment outfitted to it would draw anybody's attention. They'll never reach quite the level that they do in Star Trek, not without significant jumps into the future and utilisation of the future tech there, however that in and of itself is risky, for using any future tech, especially that far in advance, may result in unforeseen circumstances if the timeline is heavily disrupted.
If the timeline is changed and the future tech no longer exists in the future for whatever reason, who is to say that the modifications will continue to exist if he can't right the timeline before the changes ripple back and the bubble bursts?
The automatic temporal retrieval system. By utilising a device set up in his lab that will eventually be miniaturised into a remote, he'll be able to recall the DeLorean from anywhere, anywhen, assuming it is lost in time or stolen.
Right now, the DeLorean only moves temporally, not spatially. He'd like to design a system that would allow him to jump to other locations in time, not just be limited to wherever they are in space as they jump.
Voice recognition and/or biometric security systems. If only a trusted few can activate the time circuits, then the risk of timeline disruption by an external party drops significantly. Of course, Doc, his family, or Marty can always be kidnapped and forced to activate the time circuits under threat of bodily harm, but it's still much safer than allowing anyone unfettered access to the timestream.
A way to track the DeLorean's location through space-time; think temporal GPS. Should something ever happen to Doc or Marty on their travels and for whatever reason they're unable to return home, Clara or one of the boys or Jennifer can mount a rescue operation by using the Jules Verne Train. It minimises the possibility of them being trapped wherever they are and allows for some peace of mind as the temporal adventures continue.
If he can ever figure out how to do this, the 1985A timeline has given him the idea to try and devise a way to track changes throughout the timeline. If, say, something gets changed as a result of their travels, especially inadvertently, it would give them a chance to narrow down the source/cause of the disturbance. It also ensures that they're not being irresponsible during their jaunts throughout time.
Non-DeLorean related—Doc and Marty use walkie-talkies extensively throughout the films, so Doc would love to figure out how to design a communication system that allows him to deliver messages through time. Sending letters from the past to the future is a fine enough way of doing it, but there's currently no way to go from future to past. Think almost message in a bottle, but the river/ocean it's sent on is time.
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canadiangold · 7 years
Right, @jouissezduprintemps​ tagged me back on that 11 questions tag game. Let’s go again!
1. You have the power to travel anywhere and anywhen in time and space. Where/when do you go?
Oh dude... I’d like to see Mars in a hundred years or so, see how that human colony is coming along.
2. You’re allowed to eat one food for breakfast for the rest of your life. What is it?
Poached eggs over ramen noodles with bacon on the side.
3. Describe your ideal television series finale.
Three episodes that tie up every loose end, a bittersweet tone, the deaths of several main characters including the main baddy... Hm... That’s pretty much FMAB isn’t it?
4. What would your state alchemist title be?
Oh wow nice segue. I think my fighting style would be pretty similar to the Iron Blood Alchemist’s mixed with Alex Louis Armstrong’s. Very straightforward... The Bull Head Alchemist? The Rhino Skin Alchemist? ...I’ll have to put more effort into this later.
5. What are 3 things you would want to have if you were stranded in the woods?
A helicopter, a pilot, and a snack for the flight home. But keeping with the spirit of the question: A hatchet with a flint, a water purifier (like that LifeStraw thing), and a compass.
6. What was your favorite show/movie as a kid?
Probably Zoboomafoo (with the Kratt Brothers)
7. What was your first anime?
The first one I watched all the way through? Fullmetal Alchemist (2003). My first exposure to anime, period? Attack on Titan, specifically the episode where Eren’s Titan makes its first appearance.
8. What’s your middle name?
9. Who’s your favorite author?
William Shakespeare counts, right? But authors that are still alive would be Aron Christensen and Erica Lindquist, who work together to write some quite interesting stories. Their novel In the House of Five Dragons was the first one of theirs I read.
10. What’s your sign/HP house/MBTI/etc.?
Taurus / no clue / INTP i think / what else is there?
11. Describe your aesthetic in one word.
I won’t tag anyone else. Feedback loops are a bitch, as any sound tech could tell ya.
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