#almost certainly .
flysafepapi · 3 months
I'm very confused about what timeline they're going for in the show, like I know it can't/wasn't ever going to be exactly like Fire and Blood and they were always going to add their own little flairs on it
But why is Amos Bracken in the trailer for episode 5 when Battle of the Burning Mill has already taken place. According to Willem's "I'm acting as Regent until my nephew Benjicot comes of age" Samwell is already dead, but Amos is the one that kills Samwell at the Battle of the Burning Mill before promptly getting killed by an arrow to the head courtesy of my wife Alysanne Blackwood.
I'm just lost. Why name an entire episode after that one specific battle, never show it, and mess up the timeline all at once for a guy who isn't important to the overarching plot in any way.
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vieramars · 2 months
Hey remember how I was posting about Gerry's brain cancer yesterday. Y'know how sometimes statements are, in addition to the literal interpretation, thematic parallels to the characters outside the statements. I'm so normal.
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cupidskissx · 1 year
✨Azerbaijan Abnegation✨
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Monaco Malaise Part 2
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Max Verstappen
Word count: 16,976
Chapters: 2/2
Warnings: Angst, Conflicted Feelings, Explicit Sexual Content, Light BDSM, Fluff if you squint
Charles stares at him intently, “Last time was an anomaly.” Not for the first time, Max recalls the awkward swell of humiliation after Charles had told him to stop. The hairs on the back of his neck prickle at the memory of everything that followed, “Yeah, that better not happen again.”
After Monaco, Max thought he’d made up his mind about Charles, and their little arrangement.
They’re in Azerbaijan and Charles is everywhere: in his head, in his messages, in his hotel room…
Will Max be able to hold onto his resolve, or will his attempts at self-denial only prolong the inevitable?
Chapter 2:
This week has been correction after correction, managing the fierce oscillation between wanting Charles and wanting to stop wanting him, and now he has his arms full of opposite lock. Charles, yet again, has a front row seat to watch Max spin out of control towards the barriers.
Authors note:
Technically I’ve been working on Part 2 since June last year. After failing miserably writing it in Charles’ POV I abandoned it. Then I started to re-work this fic back into Max’s POV in October.
To see it finally posted in honour of Monaco, and Monaco Malaise, makes me a little emotional, I sincerely hope you enjoy it! 
Read on Ao3
The intention is to one day write the Part 3 I’ve had in my head since June last year, but that’ll be a long way away. I hope to see you back here for a refresher if I ever manage to finish it. As always, you're welcome to dive into my DMs so we can swoon over Lestappen together!
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ciderjacks · 10 months
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U go fuck that miserable tense heavily repressed socially uncomfortable uptight tall gay butch middle aged divorced ex catholic woman
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onlyshestandsthere · 4 months
do you have a rough chapter plan for twctd? do you outline your stories before you write them?
Lol. BMM was meant to be 150k and like 25 chapters when I outlined it, so no I don't have an official chapter plan for TWCTD. I have an outline for the story, yes. I know where everything will go and how it ends, yes. But how long it will take me to get there is anyone's guess. I write with the flow of the story, not to a specific word/chapter count. It won't be as long as BMM, that's all I can say.
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The psychology class Kevin and Fred are taking was a one off, but psychology in relation to school has come up, pretty frequently.
Close Shave - Presentation on Freud. Not for psychology. But definitely a psychological subject.
The Nightmarionette - Immersion Therapy. Where it was said that they're in psychology.
Grounded - Guided Meditation (I mean, its a fake homework assignment, but the fact we know he's in a psych class sure makes it believable fake homework).
I'm just going to assume Fred has such a grudge against Freud that she talked Kevin into taking psych with her until proven otherwise.
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sebsrainbowbicycle · 1 year
Okay look - I don’t believe in luck or luck whatever
The adorable Italian man who tailored my Ferrari jacket for Monza told me he used his lucky thread and also kissed it as he handed it back to me so……..
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falloutcoys · 11 months
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30 minutes!!!! so excited
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t-s-n-s-s-a-g-turnip · 5 months
to the mutuals, you should randomly message me sometime, just for the fun of it i swear im not scary (i think)
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southeast-northwest · 9 months
sigh. the gay people in my phone are posting about a show I haven't seen because I know if I do watch it id become insufferable so I just avoid it on purpose. time to update my blocked tags.
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eldritch-m0th · 9 months
sometimes i just randomly remember Phineas and Ferb are step-brothers and then I’m “and people say they dont show blended/nontraditional families in media” the reason we dont think about one of the most iconic duos of gen z as non traditional is because its a very realistic representation of this kind of family. the show just kinda drops us into their lives at a point where theres already an established dynamic. we didnt need to see the adjustment period of becoming family cause the show is from the perspective of Phineas and Ferb and as far as they’re concerned the fact that their brothers now is more important than the fact there was ever a time when they werent.
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labelleizzy · 9 months
I wish my meds, plus my brain, didn't do a mood crash in place of an actual hunger pain. When I can't tell if I'm sad because I'm sad or because I have a low blood sugar, it's annoying. Sigh. I kind of miss the sensation of feeling hungry. I don't get it unless I am really stupid amounts of hungry. And then I get bad at feeding myself balanced food.
Cheese 🧀 and carbs, 🍕 🥔 man
Tomorrow will be a better day.
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 year
Wow Tumblr is straight up advertising AI drawing software to me
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horror-aesthete · 2 years
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Hellraiser, 2022, dir. David Bruckner
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demenior · 2 years
One thing to note is that the Fjord origins comic does continue to support my "All Outfits Are Tits Out On the Menagerie Coast" theory
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If anyone is curious as to what my stress levels just looked like it went something like this:
Sees message from manager asking if he can call me ASAP 📈
Manager sends another message saying it’s nothing bad in case the last message sounded ominous 📉
Gets onto the call with my manager where he asks if I can train up the new girl tomorrow, I say yes, the calls ends and I suddenly realise the level of pressure there is to train a person correctly considering I’ve only been in the job half a year 📈
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