#along side that when she tried to be there for mizuki after kanade and mafuyu bounced they snapped at her and that fight ended with them
arolesbianism · 1 year
I just realised that unit swap Ena doesn't actually have any friends outside of 25ji. Quick someone throw a sekai character at me to arbitrarily make her become friends with /j
#rat rambles#sekai posting#unit swap au#I took airi from her so now shes just floating here with mafuyu and mizuki (and also kanade ig)#ok ok she and kanade do become close as time goes on but of everyone theyre the ones that have the most distant friendship for a while#mostly because ena is like. vaguely aware that kanade has been going through some shit and is worried abt fucking shit up#she has a tendency to be a lot less pushy on personal issues in this au mostly because of how much she and mafuyu have fought over this#sort of stuff in the past and how it sowed a lot of the early seeds to their full blown fall out#along side that when she tried to be there for mizuki after kanade and mafuyu bounced they snapped at her and that fight ended with them#blocking her number and leaving her alone until the main story starts#so in general ena has gotten burned enough times to be very weary abt trying to help the ppl she cares abt too directly#she doesnt completely avoid kanade or anything she just has a hard time initiating interactions with her at first#eventually she does start dragging kanade out to do like shopping and stuff with her as a cautious way to try to help her get out more#and while these interactions start off as kinda awkward they eventually become more causual and chill#this actually does end up helping kanade quite a bit and she rly rly appreciates her as a friend even if she doesnt know how to express it#anyways I need 2 shower and also am getting tired of my cat screaming at me so post over bye bye
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muyuuoffline · 3 years
25-ji, Nightcord de. with an insomniac (s/o)
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Yoisaki Kanade
Despite worrying and trying to help you treat your insomnia, she wouldn't say she was any different. unable to track time, the desperation to make songs that could be used to save others became the origin to her lack of rest and sleep, the two of you ironically trying to get each other to bed. it was a bit interesting, to say the least.
She wouldn't particularly describe herself to be similar to you, so she resists the urge to continue her work and tries to encourage you to get some sleep, including herself.
Asahina Mafuyu
Being Mafuyu's (s/o) means that you are aware of her 'true' self. it was natural, since you are one of the only people who is revealed to this side of her. the usual polite, kind and generous honor student she was became a brief shell from her veracious persona, and after time passed, you became used to it, and she did, too.
Still unaware of her own beliefs, your insomnia became an example to her, this making her believe that you were just similar to Kanade, who didn't sleep much. she didn't get why Ena became angry of her for not trying to help you with this little problem. it wasn't anything to worry aboutーyou were fine. you were always there, smiling and accepting her for who she was. she simply didn't understand what was wrong with you. and it took a very long time for her to understand your situation.
She wasn't sure how she could express the throb she felt whenever she saw the deep dark bags swirling under your eyes. just looking at it.. made her ashamed of herself, as your partner. unsure of what to do, she would ask Miku, or Kanade for help. it ended up with you getting pushed to bed by a imperturbable Mafuyu, her presence never leaving your side as you fall into slumber.
Shinonome Ena
Ena would stay quiet when she founds out about your insomnia. she wasn't sure what to do, honestly. searching or trying to find explanations about it, she would often be at your house to make sure you get some rest, much to your displeasure. it's not like you didn't want her to be in your room, but having a strong-willed partner such as Ena would result into you being shoved to your bed, her attention never leaving your frame.
You try to take advantage of this and try to buy some time and chat about things such as photos or trends you saw on the internet earlier. this seemed to work as your duped girlfriend rode along, talking about how she might've found out the solution to win against cat videos. you chuckled as she began to ramble on about illustrations posted by a few popular creators, feeling a bit guilty that she made it all this way to try and help you get some sleep. though you were slowly caught as the time was ticking pass 6:00AM, her knitted eyebrows glaring at you with annoyance.
Akiyama Mizuki
Mizuki would say they didn't mind your insomnia. this was who you were, and trying to force you to change was something Mizuki felt to be unworthy. they would be carefree about it at first, trying to ask you if you were alright and sometimes calling you on the phone to ask you how you were feeling. as times passed and your relationship began to change, they felt great shrill and mortification, seeming as if they didn't give mind to your problems at all. it was frustrating, and Mizuki themself didn't realize how ignorant they were towards this complication. gripping their fists, they vow to themselves that they were going to be more cooperative from now, trying to search ways to tend your insomnia, similar to Ena.
It would be difficult at first, but Mizuki would try to encourage you to get some rest, telling you that they would reward you with something if you would get some beauty-sleep, frequently coming by to have some sleep-overs.
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flipomatic · 3 years
The Feeling of Baking: Chapter 1
Summary: In a few more bites Mafuyu finished the cupcake, placing the paper wrapping back down on the table. She wondered how Ena actually felt about it. She’d been so happy when Kanade and Mizuki liked her cupcakes, and then visibly disappointed when Mafuyu didn’t. How did it feel to bake for others? 
Could Mafuyu learn about herself if she tried it?
Author Note: During the imprisoned marionette event, I talked with some others about Mafuyu’s loss of taste. I’ve been thinking about it ever since, leading to the creation of this two-shot.
For Mafuyu, today was another busy day after school. She met with the student council, where they discussed an upcoming sports festival. As the class representative, she’d be responsible for making sure her class was ready. After the meeting she had a couple hours of cram school. The only time she was allowed to miss it was for club activities, which consisted of archery once a week.
All day she kept her façade up, the image of a perfect student. That was what everyone wanted to see. When cram school ran over, she didn’t complain or ask to leave early. She just texted Kanade that she was running late.
By the time Mafuyu made it to karaoke, it was already early evening. According to her phone, she was 20 minutes late to practice. She didn’t feel any certain way about that, but she could envision how the others would react. Mizuki would wave it off as if it was no big deal, Kanade would be concerned that something happened, and Ena would be angry that she kept the group waiting. Despite picturing them clearly in her mind, Mafuyu didn’t understand any of those reactions.
She kept her pleasant smile plastered on as she greeted the staff, who guided her to the assigned room.
Mafuyu was the last N25 member to arrive. She remembered how they scheduled this event as she opened the door.
The group had agreed to gather after the regular school day, deciding to meet before evening classes since teenagers wouldn’t be allowed in karaoke at 25:00.
Kanade had recently finished mixing a new song, which used more complex vocal harmonies than in the past. Mizuki suggested that they meet at karaoke to practice before they recorded, so they could hear how they sounded together. Kanade had protested that they could do that just fine over Nightcord, while Ena said that in person would make it easier.
The three turned to Mafuyu for her opinion, as if she held the tie breaking vote.
“I don’t care either way.” Those words were her initial impulse. That was the truth; she felt nothing about the idea.
“Typical…” Ena grumbled, her mic barely picking the word up.
“Are you sure?” Kanade asked a simple question, one that carried more weight than the sum of its three words.
Mafuyu thought about it again, as Kanade clearly wanted her to do. Would karaoke on a school day even work with her schedule? Looking at her calendar, Mafuyu could probably get an hour free. It didn’t really matter if she wanted to go or not. If she abstained, then the vote was 2 in favor, one against.
“I can make it on Thursday.”
“Then it’s settled!” Mizuki chimed in, with their voice raised in excitement. The group set a time of 4:00 to meet, at the karaoke by the train station. It would be close to when cram school let out, but she should be able to make it. They could get over an hour of practice in before Mafuyu’s parents required her to be home.
Mafuyu recalled those events as she entered the room, drawing three pairs of eyes towards the door. Kanade was already standing, mic in hand. Ena and Mizuki sat in chairs nearby, with their phones face up on the table. There were a couple bags on their side of the table as well, along with a small, closed paper box. A large screen covered the back wall, where the karaoke lyrics would be displayed.
“There you are.” Ena frowned up at her, her tone sharp. “Be more specific next time, we’ve been waiting for you.” She crossed her arms over her chest. She must’ve meant the text; Mafuyu only told them she was running late.
Kanade put the microphone down, then stepped towards Mafuyu. “Is everything alright?”
Mafuyu nodded, pulling the door shut behind her. She took a spot on the couch, which was opposite the table and chairs. “Everything’s fine, I’m sorry I was late.” That was the correct thing to say, the right words for this situation. She held a smile on her face, maintaining the carefully crafted construction.
Ena rolled her eyes. “No, you aren’t.” She was right. “You don’t care at all about wasting my time.” It would be proper to protest, to insist that Ena was wrong. But Mafuyu didn’t need to do that here. Instead, she allowed the mask she wore over the day to slip away. With N25, she didn’t need to pretend. Even if it upset Ena, Mafuyu didn’t feel that way.
“We still got some practice in.” Mizuki interjected, drawing Ena’s glare to them. They ignored it and stayed focused on Mafuyu. “Glad you could make it!” Mizuki grinned.
“I don’t think you deserve it but there’s a cupcake on the table for you.” Ena uncrossed her arms to gesture at the box Mafuyu noticed before.
“For me?” Mafuyu’s eyes widened before she reached forward to open the box, exposing a single cupcake. It had purple frosting across the top. Some pink and grey frosting was stuck on the other sides of the box, showing that more cupcakes were there initially.
“I made it myself.” Ena was watching Mafuyu closely, her stare practically burning against Mafuyu’s cheek. “They were for a photo, and I didn’t want them to go to waste.”
Mafuyu remembered seeing these before, just a few days earlier on Ena’s social media. Ena had posed with a basket of cupcakes, each decorated in the colors of N25. Mafuyu hadn’t felt anything upon seeing the photo, hadn’t even hit the thumbs up button at the time, and she didn’t feel anything now either.
“I liked mine.” Kanade still stood in front of the table.
Mizuki nodded in agreement. “It was delicious. Ena, have you been hiding a secret special talent from us?” They pointed at her with one eyebrow raised.
Ena’s cheeks dusted pink, her eyes breaking from her target to look down at her hands. “Not really, I don’t bake much.” She spoke softly. “You’re too kind.” Ena seemed so happy, just from the simple compliment to her baking. How strange.
Mafuyu returned to appraising the baked good. Below the frosting it appeared to be made of chocolate. She was supposed to eat dinner in a couple hours; her mother would strongly disapprove of this choice of snack. Mafuyu could hear her voice in her mind, scolding her for ruining her appetite. Pain rose in her throat, grating and nauseating.
Mafuyu forcefully shut that voice out as she reached forward again to pick it up, careful not to smear the frosting. She could feel Ena’s gaze on her again as she took a bite.
It was, well, fine really. There wasn’t much flavor beyond a hint of sugar, with a texture that Mafuyu expected for a cupcake. The second bite was much the same.
“Do you like it?” Ena asked, voice softer than usual. Mafuyu met her eyes, scrutinizing her. Why did she care what Mafuyu thought of the cupcake? They all knew about her inability to taste, and yet…
“I don’t think so.” Mafuyu admitted, before taking another bite. There wasn’t anything enjoyable about this experience. Her mask would’ve lied and said she loved it and asked for the recipe, only to pitch it later. Instead, she merely expressed her negative leaning indecision.
Ena scoffed, the sound almost like a sigh, arms returning to cross over her chest. “I should’ve expected that.” She frowned, casting her eyes down at the table. They stopped on the now empty box.
This reaction too was stronger than Mafuyu expected. Ena seemed to feel so passionately about this. Was giving other people baked goods that big of a deal?
In a few more bites Mafuyu finished the cupcake, placing the paper wrapping back down on the table. She wondered how Ena actually felt about it. She’d been so happy when Kanade and Mizuki liked her cupcakes, and then visibly disappointed when Mafuyu didn’t. How did it feel to bake for others?
Could Mafuyu learn about herself if she tried it?
She stuffed that thought into a box for now, compartmentalized it for later.
Now that all the cupcakes were gone, Kanade picked the mic back up to start the rehearsal. She sang the parts they did already, before having Mafuyu practice those same sections. The four of them sang together, working through each chord.
This was different than when they sang in the Sekai. The notes seemed to carry further there, with a sound that echoed through the vast space. Here in a karaoke room they were more contained, and more likely to slip out of pitch. Mizuki tended to be too loud while Mafuyu was often too quiet. That mattered less on the recordings, but here it was easy to hear.
Over the course of an hour, they were able to improve the balance of their harmonies. Mafuyu didn’t know if she was ready to record when it was done, but Kanade seemed happy with their growth.
When they had only a few minutes left, they started getting ready to leave. Ena took the box with her, placing it back into her bag. They went outside and parted ways, each heading in their own direction.
Mafuyu went home, where her parents waited. She pasted her face back on while she rode the train, resuming her role as the perfect daughter. Her parents still scolded her for coming home later than usual. At dinner, Mafuyu made sure to eat the same amount she usually did, even if she wasn’t as hungry as normal.
She remembered the cupcake, the emotions Ena showed as a result. Mafuyu considered what she would need to try it. Cupcakes seemed difficult to make, but perhaps she could make something easier, like cookies. The kitchen at home would be the easiest place to do it.
“Mother, do you know how to bake?” Mafuyu asked. The resulting baked goods would certainly taste better if she had someone experienced helping her.
Her mother looked surprised. “Baking, where’s this coming from?” Her tone was wary.
“Some of my friends from school are learning how.” A white lie, not completely false. Ena could’ve gone to the same school as her, since they were the same age. “I’d like to as well, if you don’t mind teaching me.”
Her mother shook her head. “A trifling distraction.” Her mouth was drawn tight. “It won’t help you get into university.” Those words were far sharper than any Ena had mustered that afternoon.
“Stay focused on your studies, dear.” Her father contributed more warmly than her mother. “We believe in you.”
Mafuyu’s heart hurt in her chest. She couldn’t place the emotion, but she was able to recognize pain. Her smile remained in place. “You’re right, I’ll forget about it.” Back into the compartment it went, into the deep recesses of her mind.
Her mother’s expression softened into a smile. “Good girl.”
The rest of the meal dragged by, moving slowly from topic to topic. When she was dismissed, Mafuyu retreated to her room. She leaned down in front of her aquarium, watching the moss float in place.
She hadn’t even wanted to bake, but still, she could feel her chest growing tight as the thoughts returned. She wasn’t even allowed to try, not permitted to search for herself. In moments like these, she remembered why she wanted to disappear, she remembered the futility of her search.
All she felt was empty, and alone. There was nothing else in her, by both her parents’ hands and her own. As she tried to move, the strings were only tightened.
The fish tank was still there, unmoving. Mafuyu stepped away from it, settling in front of her computer. She logged into Nightcord, checking the group chat. Only Kanade was online, waiting in the voice chat.
Kanade, who promised to write a song that would save Mafuyu. A reminder that she wasn’t alone, N25 was here for her. Even if they didn’t understand her and she didn’t understand them, they were there.
Mafuyu joined the chat. She greeted Kanade quietly.
She tugged against those strings, pulling them slightly looser.
Mafuyu wasn’t ready to give up on trying baking, not quite yet.
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