#ok ok she and kanade do become close as time goes on but of everyone theyre the ones that have the most distant friendship for a while
arolesbianism · 1 year
I just realised that unit swap Ena doesn't actually have any friends outside of 25ji. Quick someone throw a sekai character at me to arbitrarily make her become friends with /j
#rat rambles#sekai posting#unit swap au#I took airi from her so now shes just floating here with mafuyu and mizuki (and also kanade ig)#ok ok she and kanade do become close as time goes on but of everyone theyre the ones that have the most distant friendship for a while#mostly because ena is like. vaguely aware that kanade has been going through some shit and is worried abt fucking shit up#she has a tendency to be a lot less pushy on personal issues in this au mostly because of how much she and mafuyu have fought over this#sort of stuff in the past and how it sowed a lot of the early seeds to their full blown fall out#along side that when she tried to be there for mizuki after kanade and mafuyu bounced they snapped at her and that fight ended with them#blocking her number and leaving her alone until the main story starts#so in general ena has gotten burned enough times to be very weary abt trying to help the ppl she cares abt too directly#she doesnt completely avoid kanade or anything she just has a hard time initiating interactions with her at first#eventually she does start dragging kanade out to do like shopping and stuff with her as a cautious way to try to help her get out more#and while these interactions start off as kinda awkward they eventually become more causual and chill#this actually does end up helping kanade quite a bit and she rly rly appreciates her as a friend even if she doesnt know how to express it#anyways I need 2 shower and also am getting tired of my cat screaming at me so post over bye bye
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CC!NextGen: The Kids In Total
Ok, this is just me and Mimi spitballing, you may do with this as you will. First ACTUAL kids, then spitballing and musing. Please note that not ALL THE KIDS need to be involved. (Mimi: “Honestly, it makes more sense for the ages to be a bit staggered, so you’ve got the core kids involved, then all their sibs and cousins. Also, if you try to make ALL the kids involved, then you’ll just have a U.A. class of the kids, no other new students, which can limit some of the kinds of characters you can have.”) 
(we also both recognize that actualy writing and coming up with this many characters is a LOT. So, it’s just thoughts and opinions, which may be discarded!)
Tell us your thoughts!
Izuku/Shoto/Eijirou/Ochaco/Katsuki - Umi, Miku, Miyuki. They have at least one more kid, probably adopted. We headcanon that, as much as they all LOVE Miyuki, Ochaco had a horrible time being pregnant, just really awful, and is NOT down to do that again. Next kid after Miyuki would absolutely be Deku fulfilling everyone’s predictions about bringing a kid home.
Hanta/Tenya/Mei - Gumi. K, this is just us, but me and Mimi both see Iida as the kind of guy to have SO MANY KIDS. It’s not anything PLANNED, he just really loves his partners, so it KEEPS HAPPENING. The only reason he doesn’t have some insane number, like 15, is that neither he nor Sero have a uterus. Order would be Kid1, Kid2, Gumi, Kid3&4 (twins), Kid5 (which Mei swears is the LAST ONE, she’s got MECHANICAL BABIES to work on!).
Momo/Kyoka/Denki/Hitoshi - Kanade, Kaname, Hibiki. This … Actually seems fairly perfect, if they aren’t all the same age. Mimi wants to argue for a bio-Shinsou kid, but I argue he’s going to take after Dadzawa and just semi-adopt a bunch of underdog teens with shitty home lives.
Eimi/Tsuyu - Akiko. So, interesting fact. Twins can be genetic. If you are a twin (either fraternal or identical) you are more likely to have twins later on. So, yup, give these suckers a pair of twins. I’d lean more into the Frog thing. Wait, make it shadow frogs, ninja frogs, let’s get Greninja up in here.
Mezo/Fumikage - Nijiko. Mimi and I both agree that these two wouldn’t try for bio kids. That’s a lot of work neither really have time for, not to mention, considering their extended family, could get complicated real quick. They were just planning to be the responsible uncles, but then Nijiko happened. We can see them POSSIBLY adopting another kid (Mimi is really attached to Nijiko having a little baby brother with a squid or general cephalopod Quirk), but they wouldn’t go out of their way.
Hawks/Toya - (eventually) Hirokazu. This was kind of weird, cause like. BEFORE Hirokazu, these two were like “nopenopenope, no kids, not happening”, but AFTER Hirokazu, we could see them wanting kids of their own (that they actually PLANNED FOR AKAMEI). Mimi really wants the Future Heroes Program to, like. Akamei is pregnant when everything goes to shit, after she’s arrested, they test the baby, it’s Hawks, he and Toya adopt it when it’s born, but like. I also want to give Hawks a BREAK, so. Maybe they adopt a kid through a mission later. But I could possibly see them looking into adoption or surrogacy later. Maybe they wouldn’t go through with it, but I see them looking at it.
Himiko/Tooru - so, you didn’t put anything for these two, which has caused Mimi to go a little feral. She came up with a Himi-Tooru kid who, rather than straight up invisibility, is a proper camouflag-chameleon type, “can change colour to match background”. Then she showed me the Mimic Octopus, so now she posits they have a kid that can change shape, colour, and texture to imitate objects, animals, and so forth, but it isn’t proper “shape-shifting” like Himiko does - kid can’t BECOME the objects/people/animals, but she can look real dang close. Look up Mimic Octopus, it’s actually SOOOOO COOL. Anyway, Quirk called “Flattery” (based on “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”). We also had the thought that, while Mimic kid would be Himi-Tooru, they could have another kid by more traditional IVF, ie, get a friend to help, so Sato donated for a Sato-Himi kid, who drinks blood to power-up.
Mina - I know we’ve joked, but I seriously see Mina as a badass single mom of 2. One adopted, one bio. Whoever the bio-kid is, dad is around, but is more of a fun uncle. He’s involved, but he has his own life.
Monoma/Tetsutetsu - Mimi, direct quote: “Let’s be honest, Monoma’s that guy who says he HATES kids, and never wants any, and Tetsu’s just kind of made his peace with the fact they’ll never have kids, then Monoma’s going to save a baby from a house fire, they’ll be all alone in the world, he’ll get super attached, and call up Tetsu like ‘Hey, do you want kids? Cause we have one now’.”
Me: “….that was real specific, did you…..have a character in mind?”
Mimi: “Not really. Maybe a solid mutation type, there aren’t enough of those. Or just. Living crystal.”
So, those are, I THINK, all CC canon pairings? (please tell us if we missed anyone or got anyone wrong!) So, here are Mimi’s fan hopefuls!
Koda/Pony - The two are shy and adorable. They have a small army of animal themed kids that can all talk to animals, some better at one species than others.
Ojiro/??? - Ojiro’s Mimi’s favourite character, so there are a few options here:
1) He marries Setsuna (girl who can detach her body into pieces from 1-B) and they have a bunch of kids with Quirks that let them detach their tails/grow multiple tails
2) He marries a lovely Quirkless girl, who works as like, an accountant, and they have many tailed children.
3) He marries Mimi’s OC, Jun Hanayama, who’s Quirk gives her plant control, and plant-based biology (looks like a tree nymph, pointed ears, Hero Name: Persephone), and all their kids look like fae creatures. Total number of kids, 3. (Note: Jun would go to one of the other hero schools, and we made up an older sibling, Aoi Hanayama (Non-Binary), same Quirk, Hero Name: Dryad, who would’ve been in Toya’s class, to continue the joke, of “that year, everyone was "Ele-MENTAL”, badumtish.“)
Again, all are opinions and just thoughts to be shared, feel free to pick, choose, or discard at your leisure!
Okay we’re going through the list!
Izu/Ocha/Kats/Sho/Kiri - Honestly yeah I could 100% see them getting another kid because they were RIGHT and Izuku just. Yoink. /technically/ you can count them picking Nitaru up by the scruff as ‘adopting another kid’ but idk on that (I feel Izuku would feel responsible for him due to the biological relation, but wouldn’t be sure if this family is ‘right’ for him). Could be a different kiddo though in which case I say one younger than LM.
Hanta/Tenya/Mei - honestly that’s hilarious and I WILL need to retcon some things because my only note is that Gumi has to be the same age as LM.
Momo/Jiro/Denki/Shinso - yeah just about. Shinso is good with no bio kids but he’s always on the lookout for kids who need help out of bad situations.
Eimi/Tsu - Honestly I go back and forth because on one hand I think Tsu would be more down for just a singular kid because like. She loves her siblings and she loves her parents, but she does have some negative feelings over being parentified as the oldest daughter and she doesn’t want to accidentally do that. But also twins aren’t exactly planned, and it’s hard to parentify one if they’re the same age.
Mezo/Fumikage - Yeah they didn’t really plan on kids they were kinda in the ‘well we’re not actively trying and it can’t happen accidentally so 🤷🏻‍♀️’ but then they pick up Nijiko and whoops our daughter now.
Hawks/Toya - Oh yeah I’d 100% say give them a break and any further kids should be something they want and plan for with no fuckery and/or obligations. But yeah they were very much ‘nope! Never!’ until they found out about Hirokazu. Which is a whole mess ofc. But they only have him for a short while (he’s already 15-16 when they get custody so that’s about 2 years tbh). But they do a decent job which is what they were so scared of beforehand and it just clicks in the parental instinct for them so they might look into other kids. (Toya: Wow I really am just like my dad only starting to be a good father in my late 40s.)
Himiko/Tooru - honestly I knew I’d want them to have a kid but I hadn’t yet gotten around to planning out said kid but yeah no I love this Quirk idea!
Mina - Hell yeah single mom vibes!!
Monoma/Tetsutetsu - that is entirely on brand tbh. I will say i’m banning the crystal thing because I have plans for that sort of Quirk(althoguh it’s still in this family lmao)
As for the suggested ones:
On one hand I get where you’re coming from on Koda/Pony on the other hand I feel like they’re gay in opposite directions. But consider Pony/Kinoko for ultimate cottagecore lesbian vibes. (tempted to give them a kid based on The Last Unicorn tbh).
Ojiro darling I NEED to give this boy more attention. Honestly on Quirk alone I’m seeing the potential in the Setsuna one of their kid just being some kinda funky tails that work like a hydra situation. Not sure yet on him. I feel like I need to swing over to him and focus on him and developing a friendship/relationship instead of yeeting random characters together.
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