#along with blackfoot's reckoning
List of Super Editions & Novellas
Firestar’s Quest SkyClan's Destiny Bramblestar's Storm Hawkwing's Journey Squirrelflight's Hope Graystripe's Vow Leopardstar's Honor Riverstar's Home Mistystar’s Omen Cloudstar’s Journey Tigerclaw’s Fury Dovewing’s Silence Ravenpaw’s Farewell Redtail’s Debt Shadowstar’s Life Pebbleshine’s Kits Tree’’s Roots Thunderstar’s Echo Spotfur’s Rebellion
Moth Flight’s Vision (No name changes) Tallstar’s Revenge -> Star Larkdusk’s Revenge Yellowfang’s Secret (No name changes) Crookedstar’s Promise -> Star Crookedjaw’s Promise Bluestar’s Prophecy -> Star Bluefrost’s Prophecy Tigerheart’s Shadow (No name changes) Crowfeather’s Trial (No name changes) Onestar’s Confession -> Star Onewhisker’s Confession Hollyleaf’s Story -> Hollyleaf’s Acceptance Leafpool’s Wish  (No name changes) Mapleshade's Vengeance (No name changes) Goosefeather’s Curse (No name changes) Pinestar’s Choice -> Star Pineheart’s Choice Tawnypelt’s Clan -> Tawnypelt’s Guild Mothwing’s Secret (No name changes) Daisy’s Kin (No name changes) Blackfoot’s Reckoning -> Star Blackfoot’s Atonement
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bonefall · 1 year
do you have a quick link to information about Brokenstar, Runningnose, and Skypelt? I'm curious about the story behind Runny's acorn necklace and I want to read about Brokenstar becoming SkyClan's guardian, and how he was able to follow Firestar/help him restore SkyClan. i've been having a hard time finding it
I need to finish (or at least *reasonably complete*) the SE where Fire and Broken go to resurrect SkyClan. That is called Firestar's Quietus. Brokenstar's origin, which completely replaces Yellowfang's Secret, is called Brokenstar's Cataclysm and that's another one I need to complete.
The exact story has undergone a lot of revision SO I'm gonna take a quick break to try and compile some Best Hits of BB!Runningnose's and BB!Brokenstar's dynamic to get you up to speed, and make a definitive list of what's currently canon to Better Bones
And, because this is DEFINITELY the change that raises the most eyebrows and it's a good opportunity to make an intro,
"Elder Bones, what's all this I hear about your Not-Totally-Evil Brokenstar?"
He's still evil lmao, but he's not BORN evil in BB. NO ONE is.
BB is a story about culture. It's about a lot of things, family, anti-authoritarianism, xenophobia... but at its core, Better Bones is about how people impact culture, and how it acts on people.
Something I realized early in this process is that Canon Brokenstar, who is a born-evil punishment for SkyClan's exile (this is CANON, go re-read Yellowfang's Secret if you don't remember!), only made worse by abuse and enabling, does not effectively tell a story about culture.
Depending on your reading, Canon!Brokenstar is either a cosmic horror story or one about abuse. Could Yellowfang have saved him (and ShadowClan) with love? The book implies no, it was his destiny, just the medcat den was hers.
But looking at Canon!Lizardfang who let him get bullied*, and Canon!Raggedpelt who enabled him every step of the way as Sagewhisker held Yellowfang back, you could also read it as someone who was treated so horribly that he did horrible things to others. That he wanted respect and this is how he got it
So, okay, you could read that it's the fault of this bad woman, bullying, and this overly permissive dad that he became a baby killer. Problem solved?
HOWEVER... the Erins also refuse to actually write about people who unironically love his philosophy, because they don't want Brokenstar to be systemic. Blackfoot, the posterboy for a Broken-supporter, gets to reckon with how sad his childhood was and how he was only ever a mislead kitty who Truly Loved His Clan, as opposed to Brokenstar, who was Born Evil And Did Not Truly Love His Clan.
Blackstar's greatest flaw wasn't xenophobia, or hatred. He wasn't groomed by a society that glorifies violence and pushes a might-makes-right mentality. He just followed The Bad Person. With the death of The Bad People, society is fine :)
This is a recurring dichotomy. Leopardstar was good all along, Tigerstar was bad all along, Needletail was good all along, Darktail was bad all along. The Erins are not telling a story about how Clan Culture produces villains, or how it makes good people do terrible things, they tell stories about treacherous Evil People who always had a seed of badness inside of them.
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-Onestar's Confession, Page 704
This is their guiding philosophy, and it's what Better Bones sets out to reject.
So, Brokenstar.
I realized while drawing him this one time that I was making him look too much like Tigerstar. Charismatic and puffed up, ready to twist the code to fit his own ends. Then it hit me-- why am I telling the same story twice?
BB!Tigerstar is the inheritor of Thistle Law, apprentice of Thistleclaw, with a backstory where he was a lonely, abused child and seeks respect to fill that hole. He's getting all sorts of reduxes to explore him, and the way that violent ideologies recruit (and prey on) angry and lonely people. Why should I just... have two Tigerstars, but one of them is explored less?
AND, I would waste the fascinating idea that Brokenstar is a manifested curse. Why remove something so cool, when instead, I could lean into that...? Then I started to realize...
Why didn't they ever connect Brokenstar to the resurrection of SkyClan, if he is this manifested curse?
So, enough preamble. Come below the cut and I'll tell you about the story in Better Bones so far...
BB!Brokenstar is not born evil. He is born angry.
He was ALWAYS going to happen. His birth, his ambition, and his fury were inevitable.
This is a curse that was laid generations ago, at the end of Ripplestar's Rot.
The last-ditch attempt to save SkyClan was literally crushed by StarClan itself, blasting the base of the blighted 5th Tree of Fivetrees and sending it toppling down to smite Ripplestar.
That tree was the symbol of SkyClan and their place in the forest. All the love, comfort, and memories that they had ever put into that oak had a power of their own-- and they took form on that night.
Brokenstar is not the only "entity" of this type. Star Flower, eons ago, was another. BB contains many new types of entities beyond, and even adjacent to StarClan. Gods, curses, guardians, other religions of equal standing...
But he needed to be born to someone. In return for Dawnstar's kindness, taking in Cloudstar's young children (Re: Ripplestar's Rot), ShadowClan would be the eye of the storm.
And it would be a Cleric who bore him, just like Larkstripe, who had been cruelly separated from her only kitten.
Yellowfang, Shroompelt at the time, this was before her Dishonor Title, saw when he was born that he was furious. She'd never seen a newborn look so angry.
In Brokenstar's Cataclysm, she only gets the opening chapter. It's enough to establish how Sagewhisker pressured her into the role, the lengths she went to in order to keep this secret, the reason for his name despite it not matching his tail.
NOTE: Brokentail's name, Kanochswash, means Broken-in-half-tail. He has two breaks in his tail, making three segments. It matches the way the oak was broken, once at the base, again against the rock, but it is actually obvious in Clanmew that his name does not refer to his tail.
Or, it's obvious to Lizardstripe at least... who is VERY different in BB. Old followers will know, she is a very loyal friend of Bluestar herself, and a member of her inter-Clan friendgroup, the Forget-Me-Nots.
She really doesn't want to be in this situation, doesn't LIKE being a mother, and Mudfoot is unhelpful... but she's the most perceptive of the Forget-Me-Nots. She hears that name, sees Shroompelt's distant eyes, and it clicks. She sometimes looks for things to complain about so Shroompelt has an excuse to stay in the den for a while.
But Lizardstripe is not raising Brokenkit. Raggedstar is. Raggedstar is Brokenkit's Mi, and Raggedstar alone. He's pointedly adamant about that, and as soon as Brokenkit doesn't need round-the-clock suckling, he started sleeping in the Leader's Den with dad.
Unfortunately, being the golden child of the leader did not pair nicely with Brokenkit's short fuse.
And he made a little friend.
What first drew Runningkit to Brokenkit was that he was very large. Runningkit LOVED pissing off one of his siblings, and then hiding behind his bestie who was younger than them but already as big as a stump.
When Lizardstripe tried to do anything about this, Raggedstar would get pissed off at her, insisting that his son needed to be with his friends.
Together, the two of them learned they could do whatever they wanted, as long as they stuck together. With Runny's brain and Broken's brawn, they weren't even a year old and already unstoppable.
And their idea of "unstoppable" was... mostly getting seconds when they'd already eaten and pushing against the horrors of bedtime. Sneaking out and collecting acorns. Being allowed to practice with the warriors.
Even better, since being the leader's kitten meant everyone tended to be extra nice to Broken to butter up to Ragged.
If they got what they wanted, they were sweet to adults. But from watching her son, and from being friends with Lizardstripe, Shroompelt knew that they could be vicious when they wanted to be.
And from a young age, Brokenkit knew that he needed to become Brokenstar... and Runningkit promised he'd get him there.
You might be noticing something.
Brokenstar was always loved, very, very much.
Spoiled? Absolutely. A little bully? You bet.
Not yet more than the sort of things angry, spoiled kids get up to.
The point I'm meticulously building here is that BB!Brokenstar WAS LOVED, and he loved in turn.
It won't stop what is about to happen.
Brokenkit was only a few months old when his father became leader, after Cedarstar was killed in the war with WindClan. Heatherstar wanted the Mothermouth Moorland; a floodplain just beyond the Carrionplace, which grows flax and many other medicinal flowers.
It was something the two clans had fought over before, that IS the code's Right of Challenge, but Heatherstar wanted all of it. She'd even killed the practice of tunneling to dedicate all of her forces to take it.
If you are not strong enough to keep something, you do not deserve to have it. This is what the Code says.
And strength is what Brokenkit quickly learned.
Taking extra bowls of food means nothing in the fall when the prey grows fat, but ShadowClan's marsh freezes fast.
You can't whine up a second bowl when not everyone even got a first.
Do you defend your territory? Or focus on survival? When the challenges are frequent, you have to go without eating to defend them.
And yes, you're hungry, but it's for a reason.
Brokenkit wasn't out of kithood when he saw his first death, because people were already dying before he was born.
In skirmishes, in hunting accidents, to infection because they didn't have enough herbs. Starvation in winter.
From a very young age, he was taught this is the way of Clans, and this is because of WindClan.
And his ambition to become deputy only became stronger. Runningpaw hatched a plan to get into the Cleric den, against Shroompelt's will.
Brokenpaw got into fights at Gatherings over ShadowClan's honor, enthusiastically bowled into battle against WindClan raids, became Raggedstar's best little rat hunter.
And he saw clanmates he loved dying.
Over many years, through his warriorhood, into his deputyship.
Cloudpelt, Foxheart, Toadskip, Nutwhisker. Lizardstripe was killed during an event called Heatherstar's Last Stand, her neck snapped by the WindClan warrior Flytail.
Heatherstar died, and her much more reasonable and peaceful deputy, Tallstar... continued to keep the Moorland she won.
ShadowClan went through that last winter, again trying to win their land back, but beaten so hard they couldn't mount a resistance. More cats collapsed in the snow, Mudfoot was one of them.
WindClan won. The land was theirs now. Out of his magnanimity, Tallstar reached out to Raggedstar and made him an unprecedented offer. He would give him a tax of rabbits, for peace. ShadowClan would stop attacking, and formally acknowledge that WindClan was the victor of the war.
A peace deal, a surrender.
Tallstar didn't have to do that. If his Clan won, it was his land in the eyes of StarClan. He had no obligation to reach out in this way, and Raggedstar acknowledged that.
But it made Brokentail SICK.
He couldn't believe that Raggedstar was going to buy this, let WindClan keep THEIR LAND and just send them back some of their own rabbits. What happens next?? What if WindClan decides to come further south, what then? What will Tallstar ask for next? What price will his warriors pay for the blood they spilled?
And this is the moment that Brokentail kills his father. On his last life, frail and weak after an entire life of fighting, he decided that the last kindness he could give him was a quick death, preventing him from taking that deal.
Runningnose sprang into action as soon as he'd been told about it; helping him to cover up the murder.
And together, they turned to TOTAL war.
Once, as an apprentice, Brokenstar recalled the words of a warrior at a Gathering. A parable of thistles-- how they don't care what attacks them. They don't hold back. How they will choke out the whole field who they can thrive.
Is that not the conclusion of Might Makes Right? If you can, you must, before they do it to you.
An apprentice becomes a warrior-- stop that from happening.
Don't let your enemies escape to fight again-- kill them when you have the chance.
Their herb stores are just as limited as yours-- dwindle them with infection and poison.
WindClan Must Pay, every single one of them. All the Clans are tomorrow's rivals, they have to go too.
Everything is for ShadowClan, and he was LOVED for it.
well.... by many.
This is about Brokenstar and Runningnose, but I must mention that there's also a lot of people who oppose him. Who realize this as evil. Nightpelt, Cinderfur, Deerfoot, Dawncloud and Stumptail are some of them.
And, importantly, Shroompelt was one of them. Whenever she learned of some code-breaking thing they'd done, she would make waves about it.
The word of a Cleric has an immense amount of weight, and it prevented Brokenstar from ending this war once and for all.
So Runningnose, as always, constructed a plan. Brokenstar decided it was a sacrifice that must be made.
Marigoldkit and Mintkit (kits of Rowanberry and Clawface) were in the Cleric's den for an infection.
Marigoldkit was a blind girl, and very fussy about taking her medicine.
Shroompelt would serve it to her in a berry capsule, either knout or rasp, a naturally red berry one.
Runningnose simply swapped her medicine with yew, and made sure that Mintkit was able to witness his sister being fed red berries over many days.
When Marigoldkit died, Mintkit was a distraught child who could only communicate that Shroompelt fed her "Red Berries," like the ones he'd been taught to stay away from.
Shroompelt IMMEDIATELY turned on Runningnose, accusing him of killing a blind kitten.
And he turned it on her. She'd fallen right into his trap. "You did this! You've been wanting us to stop fighting WindClan, and now you've stooped so low that you're trying to get rid of StarClan's only other messenger! You've killed your own nespring!"
Many cats of ShadowClan had completely lost patience with her before this, and were now shocked to see that she'd do such a thing. While some suspected the truth, in the end, Brokenstar's word is law.
And his law was that he would show mercy on an ex-Clanmate. But from here on, her name was Yellowfang, so that the world may be forewarned that StarClan rotted her teeth from so many lies as she walked in exile.
Brokenstar's Cataclysm ends on the WindClan Massacre. A bloody event where well over a dozen cats are slaughtered, and Brokenstar resurrects an ancient practice at the bellowing request of his warriors-- Kitten Stealing.
(The only time BB!Brokenstar uses a child soldier is during this battle, apprenticing Badgerpaw early so that he can participate in the all-out assault.)
With WindClan gone, he turned his sight on the other two. The Clans were cursed to die as they lived-- overpowered by a stronger, more bloodthirsty tyrant, violently driven out just as SkyClan had once been.
From there, the rest is very close to canon. Brokenstar is deposed by a coup, one that NEVER would have succeeded if it wasn't for Bluestar and her apprentice, Firepaw. The Curse is thwarted by change. Cats of different Clans working together in the name of righteousness.
Bluestar could have gone, grabbed the kits, and come back, but she knew that WindClan would never be able to return if Brokenstar was still in power.
This time around, ShadowClan's plague was intentional. Runningnose infected Nightstar on purpose.
He wanted to eliminate a weak leader... and a treacherous rogue who had defied his own.
Collateral damage was acceptable, if it eliminated as many of Nightstar's supporters as possible.
And yet, his brother Deerfoot survived. Sentimentality? Just luck? Who knows.
If Runningnose has any regrets for anything he's done, it's only this. That he cleared out ShadowClan for Tigerstar's rule.
He approved of him at first, interpreted signs to benefit him, even killed for this old ally of Brokenstar...
but Tigerstar's goal was to abolish ShadowClan, and make a TigerClan of his own. Brokenstar never wanted this, and neither did Runningnose.
What Runny really wants, more than anything, is what Brokenstar wants. Destroying WindClan is a bonus, eliminating all of their enemies is anger that they were able to obstruct him. Runningnose thinks he loves power, but what he REALLY loves is his ability to get Brokenstar what he wants.
Everything he's ever done has been in pursuit of that goal. He doesn't care that he'll be going to the Dark Forest in the end, that's where Brokenstar is going to be. Hell is wherever he isn't.
In life, neither one of them knew anything about the curse, or destiny. Brokenstar reconnects with memories in his death.
And he started having dreams of SkyClan, which he communicated to Runningnose through channeling.
I'm working on the full outline of Firestar's Quietus right now so I'm going to be a bit more brief;
Runningnose got Firestar involved on this quest because he's a little goody two shoes. Of COURSE he would agree to help... that's who Firestar is.
He brings him to the moonstone, where a scene similar to canon plays out where StarClan tries to encourage him to go back to his Clan and ignore what he now knows.
And, of course, he tells them to shove it.
Firestar's Quietus is a book about righting wrongs. Brokenstar as a curse means that what he needs, in the end, is peace.
The peace he needs is the knowledge that SkyClan will be saved, and that it will survive.
Runningnose is willing to let him go, in order to get what he needs. He passes off an acorn necklace to Firestar, so that he can channel him with ease on his journey
In this gesture, it becomes real that he will go to an afterlife without him. After all he'd ever done and been through.
So, he hesitates before handing it off, but makes Firestar promise to take good care of it.
On this journey, Brokenstar and Firestar do a lot of bickering about how SkyClan should come back. The sort of values they should have, who should lead it...
But in the end, Brokenstar realizes, they will be something new. They'll choose their own path in life, because that's what it means to be alive.
And his final action is to face The Rats, now supernatural creatures of their own, finally dispelling the threat that faced SkyClan.
Having done his job as a Guardian, he can finally rest. His necklace is buried overlooking the Gorge, returning SkyClan's guardian to them.
Eventually he falls during AVoS, in Darktail's attack, killing several of the kin and their rebels and allowing Leafstar and co a chance to escape.
For more on Skypelt, see this little guide I made on the afterlife locations. Hopefully one day I can clean this up into its own entry.
More stuff to check out (that I found while searching for other posts but are cool and I'm re-sharing);
Jaggedtooth isn't a villain anymore
"What's your favorite ShadowClan-adjacent change?"
First post I made on Tigerstar's Paws
Brokenstar's two honor-kits, Littlecloud and Rowanclaw
On curses and anger
"What does Runningnose think of the other TPB Clerics?" Hates em!
A rundown on all ShadowClan leaders post-Ripplestar
Cedarstar sketch
First post on StarClan Technicality Brokenstar lmao
Some specifics on the religion/entity/magic mechanics in BB
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heathfall · 2 years
I've been a lurker thus far but I think it's time for me to finally make an intro post :3
hey! I'm heath, 20+. he/him works, they/them is fine. I've been reading the warriors books for over half my life at this point.
I've read through tpb, tnp, po3, oots, and like half of dotc as well as a fair amount of the super editions and graphic novels. have not read avos or a starless clan (asc?).
I just bought A Warrior's Choice to read through Blackfoot's Reckoning and Daisy's Kin.
I'm currently in grad school for ecology so the nature brainrot runs deep.
I'm also writing my own original fiction about pigeons! I probably won't talk about it much on this blog until it's further along (like. sone) but I'm most of the way through the first novel.
these two things combine to mean I probably won't have a lot of finished long-form wc fanfic, but I do write and enjoy it.
I write a fair amount of one shots such as A Fire Across The Moor (link to it on AO3, will probably post it here eventually). Anything else will probably be a WIP or just an idea :P
I'm disabled and I love the disabled characters in warriors and generally think they deserve better so a lot of my ideas will probably center around that.
also, radfems can fuck right off. go away. im not gonna talk to you.
happy to answer questions or talk to people. I'm friendly and generally don't bite, and if I do I have all my shots :P (/j)
personal tag is #heathfall. anything else will be tagged as I see fit.
thanks for making it this far into my ramble!! :3
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project1939 · 5 months
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100+ Films of 1952
Film number 127: The Big Sky 
Release date: August 6th, 1952 
Studio: RKO 
Genre: western 
Director: Howard Hawks 
Producer: Howard Hawks 
Actors: Kirk Douglas, Dewey Martin, Elizabeth Threatt, Arthur Hunnicutt 
Plot Summary: In 1843, friends Jim and Boone join a group of trappers and become the first white men to travel 2,000 miles up the Missouri River from St. Louis to Montana. They bring a Blackfoot woman along, hoping to trade with her people once they arrive in Montana. A rival fur company is determined to keep the Blackfoot trade for themselves, however. 
My Rating (out of five stars): ***¼  
This was a fairly enjoyable western journey film made interesting by the excellent acting, beautiful location footage, colorful characters, and a somewhat humanizing and progressive view of Native Americans. (Spoilers!) 
The Good: 
Arthur Hunnicutt as Uncle Zeb. I loved him as a yarn-spinning bronco rider in The Lusty Men, and he is just as good here. He’s skilled at playing kooky characters in a somewhat understated manner for the time.  
Kirk Douglas as Jim. It’s hard to find a bad performance by Douglas, and he was excellent here as a salty-tonged backwoods trapper. It was interesting to see the differences between this Jim and another Jim he played in a western in 1952. In The Big Trees, his character was a city schmoozer anti-hero, and he played both roles equally well. The two characters could have been enemies in a different film! 
This was an enjoyable journey/travelling story. It was easy and fun to follow their adventures on the Missouri River. 
Dimitri Tiomkin’s score was gorgeous. 
There was a liberal amount of location shooting in this, and seeing the Missouri river against the backdrop of the Rocky Mountains was stunning. 
By the early 1950s some westerns were trying to present Native Americans in a more nuanced way, and this was one of them. Boone hated “Indians,” but he was clearly showed to be wrong. The wisest characters saw Native Americans as decent people with a rich and interesting culture of their own. Characters like Zeb even understood how unfairly they were being treated by white men.  
The Blackfoot characters spoke in their own language rather than the cringey way too many Indians in old films did- like “Me no shoot. We be friends now.” 
This quote: Zeb says the only thing Native Americans really fear is a white man’s sickness. “The Grabs. White men don't see nothing pretty unless they want to grab it. The more they grab, the more they want to grab. It's like a fever and they can't get cured. The only thing for them to do is to keep on grabbin' until everything belongs to white men and then start grabbin' from each other. I reckon injuns got no reason to love nothing white.” 
The Bad:  
As much as the portrayal of Native Americans could be positive... one character was a horrifying stereotype. Poordevil was a Blackfoot Indian with an IQ of about 60 who drank too much whiskey and giggled over everything. At least Teal Eyes called him a disgrace to his people, but it was still awful even if it was called out. It was made even worse by the fact that he was played by a white man in brown makeup. 
Brownface. Poordevil and some other Indian characters were obviously played by white men. Even Teal Eyes, whose actress was part Cherokee in real life, looked like she had to wear some darkening makeup. 
The “romance” between Teal Eyes and Boone. They couldn’t say a single word to each other, and I didn’t buy it for a second! 
I never fully warmed to the character of Boone. 
The pace was too lazy sometimes, and the film could have benefitted from a shorter running time. 
The narration by Zeb was often overly folksy and obvious for me. I didn’t hate it, but I sometimes wished it was toned down a little. 
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harriertail · 2 years
Have you read Greystripe's Vow? And what are your thoughts on Greystripe?
Admittedly I skimmed it becoz I just wasn't interested but I can give some thoughts.
I loved the Then vs Now parts and the way it was structured- GV and Blackfoots Reckoning stand out for more adventurous story-telling, along with SkyClan's Destiny and Stick's chapters. I just wasn't convinced by the plot or why it had to exist. The Fury/BloodClan bits kinda clash with the Ravenpaw's Path post-Scourge BloodClan plot even if you consider the two groups as different factions. Fang/Honeysuckle... yeah whatever. coincidental but sure ill buy it
The 'Now' stuff was just... Broken Code really dropped the ball around Bk4-5 but whatever. I didn't expect Greystripe to leave tho it was very... strange. and how this adventure became him saving ThunderClan i'm still not convinced on. I did like Flipclaw I guess, and Flywhisker and Snaptooth leaving was good. The SE was fun but really didn't add anything- like it just filled the gap between FQ-Ravenpaw's Path and did nothing else. not everything needs major character development or plot development (espec what should be separate SE's) but it was literally filler. maybe this would have been more interesting from Monkeystar or Fang's POV with them bumping into Greystripe on his wander, having had weird dreams and then setting up the Clan a bit more- a reverse Firestar's Quest in a way?
This is super nit picky- but the forest territory should have been left alone. Like the Great Journey seems so much less.. great and hard-won if any fucker can just cross the mountains. I always imagined the forest as completely fucking destroyed so seeing RC territory and the ravine in Ravenpaw's Farewell is just kinda.. rah its still there (yes WindClans fucked but whatever)
Also WarriorClan reminded me so much of my wattpad fanfic's TownClan- kittypets/longers formed into a Clan by an exiled Clan cat- and I was fucking champing at the bit to kick off about it. I did like them I guess they were just annoying kids imho. I did like seeing Barley tho : )
TL;DR The Erins constantly going back to fan favourite arcs and characters doesn't really benefit the world or the characters but it is fun to see them again. This SE is super ignored in the fandom (and I can see why) it just passed without any kind of... acknowledgement. I’d love to hear others thoughts becoz i feel like i never saw any discussion of it : ( 
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mud-castle · 3 years
Ashpaw dies au (continuation)
Also, something else, I haven’t read Leoparstar’s honour and Blackfoot’s reckoning, they weren’t out when I started this au so I’m just pretending they don’t exist, same with Graystripe’s vow. So, anything added in those books to canon I’m just ignoring.
5 moons after the battle/ 2 moons after cats left for Skyclan
Sasha drowns and Hawkpaw can’t deal with it, so he leaves Riverclan. On the way he passes through Windclan and gets stopped. Tallstar offers him a place in Windclan, and he accepts.
He ends up close with Nightpaw
10 moons after the battle/ 7 moons after the cats left for Skyclan
The cats return to the clans, after remaking Skyclan.
Squirrelkit and Leafkit are born to Firestar and Sandstorm
Shrewkit and Spiderkit are born to Dustpelt and an unnamed molly.
Dustpelt brought his kits back to the clans and Brightheart nurses them along with Whitekit and Birchkit (They are not mates, just siblings)
(I’m back to using how old two cats are)
6 moons old (Squirrel and Leaf)
Squirrelkit, Leafkit, Shrewkit, Spiderkit, Whitekit and Birchkit are all apprenticed, their mentors are Dustpelt, Cinderpelt, Sandstorm, Mousefur, Frostfur, Brackenfur respectively.
7 moons old
Hawkpaw, Mothpaw and Tadpolepaw all become warriors/ full medicine cat. Their new names are Hawkfrost, Mothwing and Tadpoleleap.
9 moons old (S and L)/ Moon that the cats leave
Four cats are chosen to go, Brambleheart, Hawkfrost, Tawnythroat and Mothwing, Squirrelpaw, Crowpaw, Rowanclaw and Feathertail join them.
14 moons old (S and L)/ 5 moons on journey
The fight with the mountain lion happens but when Feathertail jumps she doesn’t die.
6 moons of journey
The cats return to the clans
Graystripe and Spiderpaw get taken by twolegs
1 moon after they got back
The clans decide to leave
3 moons after the clans decided to leave
They finally get to the lake.
Leafpool finds the moonpool and gets her full medicine cat name, Leafpool
On Tallstar’s deathbed he names Onewhisker deputy.
The civil war still happens but before Mudclaw dies something else happens and Ashfoot gets put forward and becomes leader instead. Ashstar makes Whitetail deputy.
Ok from now on I’m just gonna list the stuff that happens, it’s getting harder to sort the information into moons and I’m getting sick of it, so just a list now.
Squirrelpaw and Crowpaw are the first cats to be named warriors at the lake, Squirrelflight and Crowrunner (Cause Feathertail doesn’t die, and I tried to make it kinda fit with him helping the clans find their new home, flight works for Squirrel anyway.)
Leafpool and Crowrunner still run away, but turn back around because they realise they aren’t doing what’s best for themselves, then Midnight catches up to them and tells them about the badgers
Sootfur helps Cinderpelt defend the nursery so while he still dies, Cinderpelt survives.
Cinderkit is now named Sootkit.
The fox trap never happens so Firestar has one extra life.
Daisy, Berrykit, Mousekit and Hazelkit still join the clans.
That’s the end of TNP, I’ll continue with PO3 later. Also, I don’t know if you can tell, but I’m sick of all the male leaders and deputies. Atm the only tom in that group is Firestar.
Yeah, I feel you on the too many male leaders thing.
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Poolcloud was canonically poly????
In Yellowfang’s Secret Poolcloud says to Nettlespot “Toadskip is the father of my kits too”. There’s never anything said about Toadskip splitting up with Poolcloud before he has kits with Nettlespot, they’re both mates with him at the same time and are both fully aware of this. Also the two seem to get along since Poolcloud hunts for Nettlespot while she’s in the nursery. When I was looking on the wiki for this I found out that Toadskip is Nightstar’s dad but no mother is listed - so I wonder if exile from ShadowClan will reveal who it is, especially since he will be travelling with Poolcloud.
And in Blackfoot’s reckoning it was revealed that Badgerfang’s mother (Fernshade) is Blackstar’s littermate - as is Flintfang. And Badgerfang’s death really hits Blackfoot hard because of this. Imo it’s a really good novella (probably my personal favourite) - well worth the read if you get the chance
Edit: the Blackfoot’s sibling detail was in Yellowfang’s secret whoops - but it was a pretty big focus of the novella
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vampyr-bite · 4 years
hI! can you take a picture of that Sounds article and post it? i kinda want to read it lol
Hey! The archive I’m using at the moment is text only (thanks corona) but I’ve pasted the article below. Hope that’s good and u enjoy and u have a lovely day!
Pete Makowski, ‘Def Leppard: The Leppard Doesn't Sleep Tonight’, Sounds, 6 February 1982
THE SOUND of Ross Halfin's bouts of self induced vomiting...Steve Clarke smashing his guitar in a Blackmoresque frenzy...The black dude with a gold tooth who offers out cocaine in a packed McDonalds at eight o'clock in the morning...Sleepless nights, trying to get some shuteye on the tour bus which due to the lack of any form of suspension feels like a plane in the state of permanent turbulence...Waking up fully clothed feeling like an over abused cocktail shaker...Nights spent paralytic in bowling alleys and truck stops willing the hours away – If the rednecks with arms the size of those slabs of meat that adorn butcher shop windows don't kill you, the infra red fried chilli will...This is life on the road!
The Lone Star State is a place one could easily write volumes about and still nobody would believe half the stories you told them. It's a proverbial utopia and lunatic asylum rolled into one. Plenty of sunshine and healthy-looking women; in fact every form of debauchery is available at your beck and call.
This was the perfect location for Def Leppard to close their tour which had proved to be a long and arduous trek. The merciless blows endured during the six months of gigging are cushioned by the fact that the Leppard entourage are basically a closely knit family-like affair. Tour manager Robert Alan (brother of drummer, Richard) also doubles as sound engineer, and token Irish lunatic lighting man 'Famous' is a typically stocky, cheerful chap who spends half his time dreaming about his homeland where he dreams his days away with fishing rod in one hand and a proverbial pint of the dark velvet brew in the other. The band and crew eat, sleep and defecate together giving the whole thing a warm congenial atmosphere.
As I've mentioned in a previous feature the group and entourage are all so young it makes one want to retch with envy. And they are all far from being as blasé (as one might expect) in fact surprisingly enough they still come over as avid fans, although their attitude to work is surprisingly professional and they put every iota of energy they've got into their stage performances, giving headlining act Blackfoot a good run for their money.
After all these months of hard graft Leppard are beginning to reap their just rewards, meeting with ecstatic audiences at almost every show. In fact their performances are met with nothing less than fanmania from a crowd that is not short of wholesome looking nubiles who squeal in frenzied approval at everyone of Leppard's moves.
While the average Blackfoot fan can be seen lumbering around the auditorium wearing the almost uniform check shirt, hiking up his baggy denim pants, clutching some obscene piece of junk food in one hand and the obligatory doobie aka spliffette in the other, The Leppard-ites in contrast are a new breed of fresh faced kids out looking for a whole new brand of kicks.
Although Texas is supposed to be a stronghold for Blackfoot (who to be fair are a hardworking road band with no shortage of talent and energy and as people are very amiable, good time folk from Jacksonville who really enjoy their crazed life style – these dudes do walk it like they talk it) there's no doubt that this time round the lil' ol' band from Sheffield made a big impression on the locals and will be guaranteed a headlining spot the next time round.
Their best shows on the tour were undoubtedly at the tropical seaside resort town of Corpus Christi and in Houston – which is undoubtedly one of their biggest strongholds in Texas shitkickin' territory.
"Home Of The Encores" is the sign emblazoned outside the Ritz, which in reality from the inside comes over more like a pokey old cinema that should have been condemned many moons ago.
The backstage area resemble a derelict bombsite and the roadcrew were apprehensive about the voltage system, the main concern being whether the place had enough juice to feed the vast backline Leppard had put together for this tour.
At first a feeling of despondency hung thick, like an onimous cloud, in the air and people were beginning to draw straws to decide who was going to lynch the promoter. Feelings didn't improve after they saw the bathroom facilities, that resembled something that harked from the dark ages. But once they took to the stage Joe Elliot and crew demonstrated where their real commitment lay and amidst the sweat arid sawdust blasted their way through a set that had the audience frothing at the gills.
Powered along by Rick Allen's tireless drum work that gelled with Rick Savage's fluid and thunderous basslines, the frontline barrage guitar attack of Pete Willis and Steve Clarke projected the excitement and innovative soloing that was ever present with Lizzy in their Live And Dangerous days.
Elliot becomes a more proficient frontman as the days go by. With one foot on the monitor he beckons the punters on, working them into a state of euphoric frenzy while belting out the lyrics to such epics as 'Let It Roll' and 'Lady Strange' with effortless ease.
He had the people totally on his side during 'High And Dry' and rafters shook as the auditorium burst into a chorus of "Saturday night, high and dry". It was this night that convinced me without a shadow of a doubt that Leppard are going to be a giant force to be reckoned with in the next couple of years.
AS THE bus jerked its way into Houston the local radio station seemed to continually plug the evening's show touting Leppard as one of the Eighties' brightest hopes. Meanwhile, back in the sleeping area Joe Elliot sat leaning against his bunk perusing his evergrowing collection of cut out and bootleg records, proudly announcing that he almost owned the entire Matt The Hoople catalogue. The rest of the group attempted to catch up with the strain of non-stop touring by getting as much sleep as they could in between the bumps on the road that shook the road-battered vehicle with the effect of a series of land mines.
Like the rest of Texas, Houston is overwhelming and unlimited in size and possibilities. The general atmosphere seems to be warm and welcoming throughout the State although this place as it turned out seems to be that much crazier.
The first chore of the day was to attend an instore signing, a common on the road practice which involved the group going to a local record store where they meet their fans, converse and sign autographs. The ritual was performed at the gargantuan Texas Record And Tapes Store, which can only be described as a proverbial Santa Claus grotto for vinyl freaks, featuring a dazzling array of parapheranalia and owned by the very amiable and over generous Geoff Hamer, otherwise known as 'General Doo Dah' – who is without a doubt a true gonzo at heart.
As it happened the band drew a record amount of people, in fact there were more fans here than at the previous day's concert (which by the way was sold out) and that evening the group performed like troupers proving they had Houston like the rest of the US, so it seems, in the palm of their sweaty paws.
The rest of the night was spent celebrating with an end of the tour party that included an Awards Ceremony hosted by yours truly The Grand Toastmaster who presented prizes to members of this deranged crew for various offences some too obscene and illegal to mention in this respectable organ. This was followed by a totally incoherent and over the top night of debauchery, courtesy of 'General Doo Dah' which took myself, Rick Savage and Steve Clarke into the land of Never Never, making any episode of Fear And Loathing look like the teddy bears picnic. A champion finale to a fine tour.
"We don't worry about England anymore, we're just trying to put across the point that everybody's missed out and that is that we've been shit on and people have said things about us that are a lot of bullshit." – Joe Elliot
"I always look forward to playing England 'cause that's where we're from like, but I don't think that it will do us any good at the moment because the kids, the kids meaning people like me, I'm not sure whether they want to listen to us at the moment...which is a bit of a shame because they're missing out on a good thing." – Rick Savage
WHILE LEPPARD continue to 'wow out' crowds in the US, they still seem to be at the butt of abuse as far as certain British media and fans are concerned. While groups like Saxon and Iron Maiden seem to be able to travel the world and lead a grandiose lifestyle and still retain that dubious street credibility factor, anything that Leppard do is regarded as being pompous and the general consensus of opinion from the average anglophile headbanger seems to be that they are egotistical popstars who sold their souls to the American rock and roll machine.
Which couldn't be further from the truth. It's hardly surprising that Leppard feel jaded and bitter with their audiences back home. I personally believe that they are producing some of the finest high quality heavy rock sounds around today.
They write songs, not just riffs with words loosely attached to them, with a sophistication and flair that puts some of their elder statesmen to shame and they knock the average so called NWOBHM ('scuse me while I wash my mouth out) into a cocked hat and it's unfortunate that they have to travel across the water to get an audience that actually appreciates this fact.
When we conducted this interview, the band were beginning to recover from the lunacy of an American tour which began earlier last year with Ozzy Osbourne, and the strain of the roadlife was beginning to make itself apparent. This nomadic way of life can be as strenuous as it is exciting and it may sound crazy when you hear a band yearning for the simple things in life like a good old English breakfast and a copy of the Daily Mirror, but it all makes sense once you get caught up in the insanity they've endured since the release of High'n'Dry which is already winning them Stateside acclaim.
Leppard are undoubtedly on the threshold of breaking America: everywhere they play the audience reaction is frenzied almost to the point of being rabid, but as it became obviously apparent on this drunken night Def Leppard still miss their home and feel slightly more than sore about the lack of respect they get from the press and punters alike, and seem to be constantly trying to find a reason for this unexplainable feeling of malice.
"As far as England is concerned people have got something against Def Leppard for purely non musical reasons," explained Joe Elliot, amidst a background noise of chinking glasses and people yelling for more beverage, "40,000 people bought our first album, but only 20,000 people bought High'n'Dry, you're not telling me the other 20,000 didn't buy it because they didn't like the album. I believe they didn't buy it because they read the article in Sounds saying that Leppard had changed their spots. They followed fads."
"American people don't follow fads", announced guitarist Pete Willis, "They go for what they like while England seems to follow trends. Foreigner and Fleetwood Mac are good, they write good songs while bands like Motorhead are a load of shit...don't say that because I don't want Lemmy to beat me up."
While I don't agree with the last part of this statement, I do feel that the GB is basically puppeteered by fashions which ultimately dictate taste and the majority of which come over as nothing more than a grand parade of lifeless packaging, including the new league of HM groups who I personally feel have a very limited lifespan with their generally dated and usually moronic stance.
Elliott: "There's two things you can do when you're in a band. You can go out and do what you wanna do, that's not trying to be pretentious to anybody and that's just satisfying your artistic temperament or whatever you want to call it for the want of a better saying. Or you can do things like Saxon...I don't believe anybody but Biff Byford would want lyrics like that on an album! I mean you're not telling me that he's writing those words so that everybody from people out of a mental institution to people with 'A' levels can understand them?"
"I could write lyrics like 'Denim And Leather', that's the kind of stuff a drummer could write. I write lyrics that are on a street level and that everybody can understand but they're on a different line. I'm not afraid to hide the influences that I've got."
It's a well known fact that Leppard were the first band of its genre to actually stick its collective neck out, undertake major headlining tours, sign a major record deal and venture across the water. Other bands as they pointed out followed after learning from their mistakes and generally avoiding the pitfalls somebody had to make as a kick off. They're also a rarity when you consider they haven't had any line up changes since they established themselves.
At this moment in time the group are preparing material for an album which will again be produced by 'Mutt' Lange. I wondered if they were at all perturbed by the comparisons drawn between them and AC/DC.
"I don't even think AC/DC are that hot!", exclaimed Rick Savage.
Elliot: "The only comparison is that we've got the same producer and because of that you're likely to get the same sound. We didn't use him because he produced a big album and in turn we thought we'd get a big album, we just think he's the best producer around. Anyhow, no way could AC/DC write a song like 'Bringing On The Heartbreak' or 'Switch 625'."
Savage: "We'd have been a big band in England if Mutt had produced On Through The Night because it wouldn't have got the slagging it did. It was still a better album than people made out for all its supposed commercialism for the USA. We were on the crest of a wave when that album came out and the reviews that album got, particularly in Sounds, were so bad and so anti the attitude bands like Saxon and Motorhead and their fans have got, that we totally lost it.
"If England had accepted us like they should have accepted us, things might be a bit different. I think we're a lot better than bands that are accepted more freely than us."
Here, here! C'mon you pommy bastards here's your chance to rectify...And JOIN THE ROCK BRIGADE!!!
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Effective ways to Be A Much better Close friend.
When calamity strikes, that frequently compels us to change factors for the far better. One evening my good friend Carrie (the name is actually imaginary for the reasons of the tale) and also her enthusiast Nick (label is likewise imaginary) mosted likely to the movie house, while Carrie's husband Richard (as you may suspect, the hubby's title is additionally fictitious) was actually possessing dancing class downtown. Since they feel that is actually the great trait to perform, a lot of times folks will certainly talk also when they perform not wish to or perform not possess just about anything to say. Do not talk if you perform certainly not really want to speak and also choose a quiet minute.
You weep as well as think you wear, I desire to whisper right into your ears, I desire to see you grin attractive individual, my close friend. PBJ best buddy chokers often showcase different items of toast for choker pendants, one array with peanut butter and the various other along with jelly. Chalk this around being actually psychic, womanly intuition, or just knowing one another much better in comparison to any individual else on earth, but you as well as your friend typically say the exact same trait simultaneously. Greeting memory cards are perhaps mouse click the following web site easiest and ideal technique to prefer a pal or anybody else. You as well as your buddy were actually attached at the hip as well as now have nothing to point out per other. Paradoxically, Yogo is actually a beautiful phrase in the Piegan Blackfoot Indian language which indicates blue sky". The terrific business preserve an one-upmanship, generate free of cost cash flow, as well as make use of financial obligation sensibly. His bestfriend Mr Master remained in the vehicle along with him as well as his GoFundMe webpage requested for people to give away everything they could exempt that can help the loved ones. At a recent wedding ceremony of a friend where she did an analysis and also went alone, Wong offered the couple $300. The only factor worse compared to a true negative boy is actually a fella struggling with Good Person Disorder! Acknowledge The Individual's Fears And also Point out Something Regarding This - Some of the most touching sympathy articulations I was provided was coming from my mommy's good friend. Listed below are actually some options: you can warn your close friend, you could possibly inform the spouse that people reckon him or you might don't do anything but be ready that can help your pal when she requires this. That was actually the very first time I elevating pet and I believed I would manage this as my buddy. Say thanks to God/the Universe/people around you for all the terrific traits you have actually received. There have actually been a lot of gorgeous poems covered the loss of a relatived as well as often the easiest means to find the ideal poem or knowledgeable is to look through a selection of remembrance poetry.
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bonefall · 2 years
Blackfoot’s Reckoning
This is a very popular novella for a reason. It’s definitely among the most competent ones produced, and it has a clear story to tell without any filler. The way it cuts between Blackfoot’s leadership ceremony and his past war crimes is compelling. It filled in a gap that the main series didn’t, where the fans had been frustrated by a lack of consequences for Blackfoot’s actions in TPB.
But I don’t like it.
First all all, BFR decides that Blackstar didn’t really WANT to do those war crimes. He was usually lied to, or mislead.
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How is it a RECKONING if his flashbacks try to take the responsibility off of himself for his actions? In one breath it says,  “Blackstar needs to change” and in the other,“Blackstar was a misguided person who wouldn’t have done any of those awful things if he wasn’t being commanded to by bad people“
BFR takes a character who could have been very complex and reduces him to an insecure sad sack who wasn’t really so bad-- he was just following REAL evil guys. ONLY ONCE it is mentioned that he was ‘happy‘ to follow Brokenstar’s orders,
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Those exact words-- “Just Following Orders,“ is also known as the Nuremberg Defense, in a book where Blackstar ultimately gets a slap on the wrist for his war crimes. The Erins do not deserve enough good will for me to think the phrasing was unintentional. Yuck.
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"Happy to Follow Orders” is quickly buried in a barrage of scenes where Blackfoot Frown When He Do Bad. This novella is trying to tell me that he totally never thought about having power over other people, and definitely did not enjoy it one bit, as if to rehabilitate his image,
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Yeah. Sure. I definitely believe he wanted to help his clanmates when he brought children into battle, drove a clan out of their home, killed a grandma, tried to steal kits, and committed a Meow Meow Hate Crime against a starved Prisoner of War.
Nope! Good guy all along! Lead astray by worse actors!
God forbid there be a character who was actively malicious, ever had bad intentions, and had to make meaningful change to be a better person.
So let me state my discomfort with this story clearly; My problem is not that BFR is trying to show Blackstar justifying his actions, or that it’s depicting a character that did bad things.
My problem IS the way it cowardly tries to soften a punch by making Blackstar a witless pushover who didn’t really have hatred or malice in his heart. He didn’t ACTUALLY have to change or repent, because he was good all along!
The idea that ShadowClan was going to repeat its mistakes a THIRD time so StarClan had to intervene? Forget it. He was always going to be fine because he wasn’t really a bad person to begin with.
His only problem was listening to bad people. And the kicker? STARCLAN FAILED. They FAILED. Because he DID repeat this mistake with Sol! The ONE bad personality trait the writers graciously let him keep!
There was one lesson Blackstar could take from this whole stupid reckoning and he failed that too.
What a waste!
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