Alright I'm completely revamping this. Everything you know about this is obsolete as I rework this.
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I might have to kill off Goosefeather to fit with the timeline. Man he is too old currently 
Probably also going to merge the seer and healer role again. Maybe Shaman or smth. hmmmm
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Bruh my google page is filled with herbs-
I guess this is what I get for doing ✨research✨
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Bramblestar is the result of awful writing and he is super interesting. He tries to break away from his legacy and instead becomes like him, except instead he never turned on his clan.
His relationship with Hawkfrost is interesting too. He seeks companionship from someone who understands what it’s like to be compared to Tigerstar, a villain. And in the end they both follow his pawsteps. He ignores Squirrelflight when he warns him about Hawkfrost because he refuses to see the similarities between him and Tigerstar. And if he does, wouldn’t that make him similar too. He is scared of people comparing him to his father so he doesn’t have to confront how similar they are. In the end he refuses to confront his mistakes, all in fear of seeing any similarities between him and his father.
He’s abusive, he picks favorites.
He is in fact wasted potential because the Erins keep on acting as if he’s in the right.
(Btw if you don’t like Bramblestar post tpb that’s fine too)
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Reblog for your followers to tell you (anonymously or not) something they love about your writing
Could be a line you wrote, how you write dialogue, how your story is formatted, the characterization, anything! Bonus points if they give examples.
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I lied guys I’m making designs. Check out this blog for all the current designs
Star Bluefrost
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Star Bluefrost -> Star Bluefrost after Tigerclaw attack her -> Bluefrost
A blue molly with low white.(Ll, RR, ReRe, lplp, whwh, LyLy|XoXo, BB, dd, dmdm, aa, Mcmc, spsp, tata, bmbm, ii, wbwb, EE, ShSh, CC, kk, Wsw|acac, sfsf, JbJb, mm, RtRt, mkmk, pdpd)
(More under the cut)
Keep reading
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List of Super Editions & Novellas
Firestar’s Quest SkyClan's Destiny Bramblestar's Storm Hawkwing's Journey Squirrelflight's Hope Graystripe's Vow Leopardstar's Honor Riverstar's Home Mistystar’s Omen Cloudstar’s Journey Tigerclaw’s Fury Dovewing’s Silence Ravenpaw’s Farewell Redtail’s Debt Shadowstar’s Life Pebbleshine’s Kits Tree’’s Roots Thunderstar’s Echo Spotfur’s Rebellion
Moth Flight’s Vision (No name changes) Tallstar’s Revenge -> Star Larkdusk’s Revenge Yellowfang’s Secret (No name changes) Crookedstar’s Promise -> Star Crookedjaw’s Promise Bluestar’s Prophecy -> Star Bluefrost’s Prophecy Tigerheart’s Shadow (No name changes) Crowfeather’s Trial (No name changes) Onestar’s Confession -> Star Onewhisker’s Confession Hollyleaf’s Story -> Hollyleaf’s Acceptance Leafpool’s Wish  (No name changes) Mapleshade's Vengeance (No name changes) Goosefeather’s Curse (No name changes) Pinestar’s Choice -> Star Pineheart’s Choice Tawnypelt’s Clan -> Tawnypelt’s Guild Mothwing’s Secret (No name changes) Daisy’s Kin (No name changes) Blackfoot’s Reckoning -> Star Blackfoot’s Atonement
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GUYS! Send me asks in my askbox! I promise I won’t bite. It can be the silliest thing ever, I really don’t mind
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How did I end up working on allegiances to making a herb list. I blame artfight
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List of Herbs & Uses ( + Other tools)
Psss shoutout to @bonefall​ ‘s herb guide. Helped me a lot + inaturalist thing. Really helped
Alder (Alnus glutinosa) Bark - Chewed to ease toothaches. Found along rivers, can also grow in swampy areas.
Burdock (Arctium minus) Root - The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp. Soothes and heals rat bites especially if they are infected. Can be used for other wounds, more commonly bite wounds. Helps to prevent infections or fight off infections. Prefers moist soil and full sun. Will tolerate most soils. Very dangerous to dig up, only trained Healers can do this.
Catmint (Nepeta x faassenii) - Used as a treatment for Greencough. It can also improve relaxation, which may reduce anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness. Found in Twolegs gardens. Thrives in areas with dry soil and is very tolerant of dryer conditions.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) - Used as a anticonvulsant herb for cats with epilepsy. MUST BE STEEPED IN WATER. The herb also has a side effect of drowsiness. IN LARGE DOSES IT CAN BE TOXIC! This is why it’s steeped in water. Grows basically anywhere but prefers sunny areas with free draining soil.
Chervil (Chaerophyllum temulum) - Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves for infected wounds or the root for bellyaches. Grows best in a cool, partly shaded spot.
Chew sticks - A small twig from a young willow or Silver Birth tree. First chew the end off. Once that is finished they ‘brush’ their teeth with the bristles, shifting it in their paws to cover the whole mouth.
Cobweb  -  A cobweb is fluffy and messy. They are made by a cobweb spider and it is used to stop or slow bleeding.
Comfrey ( Symphytum officinale ) -  Roots are chewed into a poultice and leaves are chewed into a pulp. Can help for broken bones, soothes wounds, burns and wrenched claws. Can be used to help with itching or for inflammation on stiff or wrenched joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. IF USED TOO MUCH IT CAN BE TOXIC!!! Found in damp, grassy places.
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) - ...Just check this post out. TLDR; it has way too many uses. It grows in most but grows best in sunny sites with free draining soil. It does not like too much shade, and will struggle if the soil is prone to becoming waterlogged.
Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) - When eaten it reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Helps with headaches. It also reduces all inflammation and swelling. Grows anywhere sunny, not too picky about soil types.
Flea Bath - ...Self explanatory 
Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) - When eaten it can help with grief. Grows anywhere sunny, not too picky about soil types. Can flourish in part shade.
Honey - Used for bacterial infection, especially eye bacterial infection.
Horehound (Lycopus europaeus) - Given to trans cats as a hormone suppressants. If they suddenly stop or overdose it can cause thyroid enlargement. Horehound can also be used to treat anxiety, heart palpitations, stopping bleeding, and respiratory illness. Grows best in full sun and sandy well-drained soil.
Leech (Hirudo medicinalis) - Used for joint pain. 
Mint (Genus Mentha) - Used to cover a cat on a funeral if the body is particularly bad. Very toxic, don't use often.
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) - Mainly used to treat Yellowcough. TOXIC IN LARGE DOSES. Found in well-lit, disturbed soils.
Salt - Insect repellant!
Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Pollen - Added to water and food to increase testosterone.
Splint - A strip of rigid material used for supporting and immobilizing a broken bone when it has been set.
Poppy seeds (Papaver somniferum) - Can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens. Flourishes in dry, warm climates.
Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) - Used as a hormone suppressant for cats going to female to male. Also used as a antifungal and used when cooking. It grows best in a sunny, sheltered spot, in well-drained soil.
Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioca) + Root  - First must be processed first. Used to treat burns and inflammation. The root can be taken by a transmasc warrior. 
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) - It is used to aid in anxiety and stress. Makes a cat more active. Used as a anticonvulsant herb. Side effect is it causes cats to perk up. Can be found anywhere with good drainage but it prefers sandy loam.
Web - A web is flat and neat. They are made by most spiders and it is used to stop or slow bleeding.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) - When eaten it can induce vomiting. If more than a small amount is eaten it can cause death. Thrives best in sunny areas but will tolerate some shade. Doesn't tolerate constantly wet soil and prefers well-drained soil. Thrives in hot and dry conditions.
Lots of herbs are now gone
Almost all mint is toxic to cats btw
Sorry marigold lovers, but it doesn't grow naturally in the general area I'm basing this off of.
...Most of the herbs don't grow naturally in this general area.
Mostly in towns
Probably going to do a territory thing of Thunder Guild where I list plants, prey and stuff like that
I got rid of most herbs because they A; don't grow here or B; too toxic for kitties
Btw if you want to either dock species (curly dock or board leaved dock) could work but only in small doses
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Me: I got to update the allegiances and work on the genetics
Also me: Hehehhe funny kitties 
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Rewriting warrior cats slowly becomes a treasure hunt to find cats to fill up the clans bc Erins made it so you could count them on two hands. I’m still on the first book
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Forgot about Redtail, Leopardfoot, Star Tigerclaw being related. It’s now gone. In the garbage. Actually just rid of the entire family tree in your mind.  I am now using this post by @bonefall as a base. Back to the drawing board with genetics for me ig.
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River Guild crafters vs crafting
Crafting is something any cat can do. The thing is River Guild have a role that is specifically made for it. What’s up with that?
Well the crafter in River Guild are the best at it in all of the four Guilds. They are like that one person who has always been obsessed with something even as a child and continually did it until they mastered it past the norm.
They make more advanced things the other Guilds cannot. 
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Remaking the family tree... again
Currently I’m using family echo for all the different family trees and plan on putting them in one big picture for each Guild. So far I have the Fireline, Tigerline + other lines
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(Sandstorm, Star Fireheart and Dustpelt are a polycule)  (Star Brambleflower and Squirrelflight are exes) (Squirrelflight and Ashfur are ��exes”. Actually that’s really stretching the truth they were something for like a week. Not sure what but certainly something) MAIN: BRIGHTHEART
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(Will add SorrelBracken kits later)
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Hopefully this shows all the cats. Btw this is a w.i.p, don’t take this as permanent 
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Before you look at me as if I’m insane based on the fact Spottedleaf, Redtail and Tigerclaw are all related this is canon. Leopardfoot, Spottedleaf and Redtail are all siblings. Don’t believe me?
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You see this? They are all related. Willowpelt and Patchpelt have just been yeeted from this family tree in my rewrite
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Food Stuff
Based on warrior bites by @bonefall
Will probably add the kitchen in the rewrite
Y’know Goosefeather? He’s a shaman, someone who is both a seer and healer. How does this relate to food? Well with his herb practices and generally a hobby he is one of the best cookers in Thunder Guild
Frogspawn soup. Found in Shadow Guild. Frogspawn soup is mainly composed of frogspawn (frog eggs) with other bits and stuff 
Honey-glazed-mouse, a favorite among Thunder Guild. A grilled honey-glazed mouse. 
Gardening and farming. Not something already established yet but I think the cats will invent it. The farming will probably be pretty basic though
Mushroom-meat-stew. A stew that is a mix of mushrooms and meat
Fried grasshoppers
Fried-fish eggs, most River Guild cats don’t like you frying fish and whatnot but well, fish eggs aren’t really fish now are they? Still looked down upon but cats won’t actively try to stop someone from eating this
Anyways give me more ideas in my ask box
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