#alongside with i am going to dip you in the most romantic way possible and we cannot keep our hands to ourselves
Jack Rebaldi's bombastrap really hits different.
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
Soft prompt idea: First time Lambert's SO tells him "I love you" ❤
A/N: I AM ON FUCKING FIRE TODAY and I’m so happy 🙂 I hope you like this babe!! Also this might be a little OOC for Lambert, but he’s being a softy in this so it really is OOC for him to be a big softy but that’s okay because we love him anyways!
 Lambert followed a few paces behind you, guiding Champion by his reins. 
The three of you were traveling through a swampy area in Velen. Lambert promised you on this part of your journey that you’d be able to take a little bit of time in the swamp to collect whatever herbs and things you wanted while you were passing through. You were excited. The swamps held so many wondrous things you couldn’t find in the North. 
The witcher made sure to follow behind you, but not too far behind you. He wanted to be able to keep his eyes peeled for any signs of danger without his paranoid behavior distracting you. 
You came to a stop, pulling the knife on your hip out. You stepped off of the small dirt path, picking up your skirt as best as you could with one hand, and moved towards a large rock covered in moss. 
“Watch where you’re stepping, bug.”
“I am.” You knelt down by the rock and examine the moss. “Can you hand me one of the empty jars from my satchel?”
Lambert moved around to Champion’s side, opening your satchel and digging around inside for a moment to find an empty little jar. 
“Is this one good?” He asked, holding up a relatively small jar.
“Yes, that works. Thank you.”
Once he passed it to you, you were able to scrape off enough moss to fill the jar.
“What is that for?”
“Moss is good for lots of stuff.” You passed the jar to him. “Coughs. Covering wounds.”
Lambert furrowed his brows together for a moment. 
“Isn’t that what bandages are for?”
“Yes.” You grinned just a little. “Don’t question my ways, Master Witcher. I don’t question your methods, do I?”
The corners of his lips tugged up a little as he gave Champion’s reins a little tug to continue following you. 
You lifted your skirts up and stepped into a rather deep mud puddle, sinking a few inches into the dark brown substance.
Lambert chuckled a little. 
“What’s so funny?” You asked him, moving between a couple trees to get to a fern bush. 
“You always get after me when I get mud on my boots.”
“Because you don’t take them off at the door and wear them through my house.” You shot him a look. “And most of the time, you boots stink of rotten corpses.”
“It’s not my fault the dead monster juices get everywhere.” He muttered. 
Your nose scrunched up at his choice of words. 
You gathered what you needed from the fern bush and began to make your way back to him. 
“Please never describe it that way ever again, Lambert.”
He grinned, happy with himself, and took the fern pieces from you to put into a sachet. 
A little while had passed and you found quite a lot of ingredients for your work. A peaceful silence had fallen between you and Lambert. He’d pull out a jar or sachet whenever you needed it and then put it away for you. 
You couldn’t find the right words to describe how happy you were that he was okay with this. Previous lovers had all looked down on you going out and getting dirty in the woods for plants and rocks. Some even discouraged you from doing so even though it was a necessary part of your job. 
As the end of the swamp came into sight, you moved on to the dirt path to walk alongside Lambert. You looked over to him, chewing on your bottom lip. He met your gaze, confused. 
“It’s nothing.” You shook your head, smiling a little. “Just…. Thank you for doing this with me.”
“I wasn’t going to let you come out here alone.” He shrugged his shoulders. “And we were passing through anyway.”
You nodded your head a little. 
When nightfall came, you were lucky enough to find an inn. While Lambert went to stable Champion, you had a bath drawn. 
You were absentmindedly dragging the soapy washcloth up and down your arm when there was a knock on the door to the room. 
“In here, Lambert.” You lifted your head, sitting up a little straighter. 
He walked in, closing the door behind himself. 
“I was gonna go down to our room, but there’s a lot of unsavory folk lingering around in the halls and I’d hate to have to skip town tonight ‘cause one of them decided to do something stupid.” He said, leaning against the door. 
“I’ll be done in just a few minutes.” You told him, picking up the chunk of soap sitting on the side of the tub. You got the washcloth nice and soapy again before you went back to work on cleaning yourself. 
“You’ve been awfully quiet today, bug.” Lambert commented. 
You looked up at him for a moment, then brought your eyes back down to your leg. 
“Usually you talk my damn ear off.”
“Just…. Thinking.” 
Your tone was off. You had been thinking all evening. He knew something was wrong, that there was something on your mind you weren’t telling him. 
The witcher pushed himself away from the door and moved to the side of the tub, kneeling down so he’d be at your level. Silently, he held his hand out for the washcloth. You handed it to him. He used his other hand to gently take hold of your chin. He turned your head towards him and began to wipe the dirt and mud from your forehead. 
“About what?” His breath was warm against your face.
“How I…. I’ve never had someone do what you did for me today.”
His eyes avoided yours, choosing instead to focus on the smudge on your temple. 
“Wasn’t much I did. We were just traveling through a shithole. Figured you’d have fun messing around in the mud.”
“Yeah.” You couldn’t help but look down, tilting your head too. “But my previous partners, they’ve never…. They’d never allow me to do such a thing as walk out in the swamps like that. They’d never let me off the horse, let alone off the path. Some…. Some wouldn’t even let me collect herbs or my stones.”
Lambert furrowed his brows together. 
“What kind of moron wouldn’t let a mage get shit they need for their work?”
You smiled just a little. 
“Not everyone is as open minded and as nice you, darling.”
“You make me sound like some sort of saint.” He snorted. He dipped the washcloth into the water to rinse it off. 
You were silent once more. 
Lambert put the washcloth on the side of the tub and stood up. 
He wasn’t too sure what was going through your head, sometimes it was difficult to read you, and sometimes it was hard for him to figure out the right way to approach the situation to get you to open up to him.  
He turned to go back to the door to stand guard, but he got just a few steps away from the tub when you spoke. 
“I think I’m…. That I’m in love with you.” You whispered.
The witcher turned on his heels to face you, brows drawing together. 
“.... Because of the swamp?” 
“No, no. I-I mean, it’s a combination of things.” You suddenly felt like maybe bringing this up while you were naked in the tub wasn’t the best of ideas. You pulled your knees as close to your chest as possible and crossed your arms over your chest. “I’ve-I’ve wanted to say it for a while. I mean, we’ve been together for a year and a half, almost two years. I just….”
Lambert looked down for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“If-If you don’t feel the same-,”
“No, I do. I do.” He shook his head. “Just…. didn’t think this would come up here, in the dingy bath of a crusty inn in Velen. Kinda wanted to try to be a little romantic about it. Maybe do it on our two years? But romantic shit makes me queasy.” 
You smiled softly at him. 
“Why don’t, uh, why don’t you get out and get dressed? And then we can finish this not in here?” 
You nodded your head. 
You stood up and Lambert retrieved a towel for you, wrapping it around your shoulders. You thanked him and stepped out of the tub to dry off. He moved back to the door, wanting to give you space while you got dressed.
Once you were in proper clothes, you walked together down to the room you’d be staying in for the night. While Lambert secured the door, you climbed into bed. 
“What was your idea of making it a little romantic?” You asked him, watching him as he came around to the side of the bed and got in. 
“I don’t know.” He shrugged his shoulders, running his hand over his hair. “I was hoping it would be at Kaer Morhen so I could make you dinner. Eskel has a stash of really nice wine in his room. I was going to steal a bottle.”
“It sounds lovely.” You rested your head on his chest. “You know, you can still do that.”
“I know. I will.” Lambert began to trace shapes on your back as he stared at the ceiling. “I know I’m not the best at showing it, but I do…. I love you, bug. You mean a lot to me.”
“It’s okay. I love you too, Lambert.” You looked up to kiss him softly. “And I think it’s rather cute that our first time saying it to each other was in a crusty Velen inn.”
“It sure fits us.”
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @unadulteratedtreecrusade @Aquarius-pisces-rose @mentallyscreamingsincebirth @fl0ating @sometimesiwrite @you-fxcking-wish-bish @thanks-bruh-for-nothing @maan2442 @thegaydeath @creatingstuffinpeace @wellthisstinks @andyrazzledazzle @she-wolfoftheinquisition
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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bonktime · 3 years
Weather the Storm
Chapter One - Taken Aback
Ezra (Prospect) x f!reader (no y/n) 1861 Lighthouse au 
Written in the third person, so I guess you could say Ezra x OC? but she isn’t physically described or named at any point
Rated: E (just the whole story)
Prologue - Lay of the Land // Masterlist // Chapter Two: Hand Over Fist
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Ezra travelled with the tides, let the sea carry him where it willed and never stayed long. The lighthouse keeper was the opposite. Where he moved she stood firm, defying the waves and the tide as if carved from the cliff herself. They’re drawn together, but opposing forces so strong are always destined to cause a storm.
Summary: In search of a place to stay Ezra meets the Lighthouse Keeper. Stuck together for the night by the tide she must quickly work out whether she can trust him enough to let him stay.
Warnings: Language, a lil violence, an even liler bit of sexual tension, some victorian sexism (smut will come)
Wordcount: 3700
Note: Thanks to @danniburgh​ who I throw ideas at left right and centre to figure stuff out! Turns out I can’t write short things? Either way I’m glad I decided to chapter this so I didn’t go totally bananas. Next one should be up in a week! Prepare for yearning. 
Spring was doing what spring always did by the sea. Vehemently refusing to start. Sometimes a crack in the clouds let a beat of sun through warming the lighthouse keeper's skin and for just a second teased what could be. But as ever, it shyly retreated back behind the grey.
Unable to rest until dawn broke and tinted the sky pink, she had slept through most of the day. When she finally shook off the exhaustion from work the night before, there had been just enough blue in the sky to make a sailor a pair of trousers, enough to entice her into moving. So, she had thrown on her chemise for some illusion of modesty, not that anyone could see her, and gone for a swim. 
Bracing was one word for it, fucking baltic was more appropriate. There was nothing quite like it. The way it made her heart pound, made her gasp as she swam, circling the small island, it made her feel alive. There was always a risk of a current pulling her out, a risk she knew all too well. But she knew the water, knew every dip and whirlpool well enough to recognise when they should be avoided. Keeping an eye on the sun she let the incoming tide tug her gently back to the shoreline. In only a few hours she'd have to ascend the steps and light the light.
From her position in the water, she spotted a figure, wading across the causeway, getting pulled to and fro by the tug of the tides, but determinedly heading for the island. She'd let the captain of The Mistress know her room was available a couple days ago and he hadn't sent trouble her way so far. Even so a jolt of unease struck at the thought of being trapped with the stranger until the sea went out. The little rowing boat wouldn't be much good with the storm that was now threatening to roll in. Cursing quietly to herself and suddenly very grateful she’d thrown on even a thin layer, she struck out towards him.
Clambering inelegantly back into the rocks she stood to watch him. He hadn't seen her yet, too focused on keeping his possessions dry, giving her the opportunity to take him in. From this distance she couldn't see his features but his broad shoulders and lean body were a good sign he had experience with trying work, and she could make out a bright shock of white in the crown of his hair. That was more curious, she wondered if he'd been born with it or if he'd suffered such a fright, it'd left a mark. That seemed like a rude thing to ask on a first meeting so she brushed the question aside and headed towards him, carefully stepping over the rock pools and avoiding slipping on the seaweed.
The first thing Ezra noticed about the woman heading towards him was the fact she appeared to only be wearing her undergarments. The next was that she was soaking wet from stem to stern. Had he been a better man, he might have looked away. Instead, he blatantly stared, the liquid made the cloth cling to her body, damn near rendering it transparent. As she got close, he watched a droplet make its way down her throat, following it with his eyes, he swallowed thickly.
Up close she could see his coat was clearly well made and had probably been expensive but it was old and in desperate need of being rewaxed. Perhaps it had been a gift? Hopefully it had not been stolen. The thin scar curving across his cheek would probably give fair warning to most, but his eyes were soft and wide. He just spelt trouble for her.
"Shut your gob, the wind'll change and you'll get stuck like that."
At that Ezra closed his mouth quickly and pulled himself together, finally focusing on her face. She was waiting for him to speak, clearly sizing him up "Could you possibly direct me towards the lighthouse keeper?"
She noted his strange accent but couldn't stop rolling her eyes, no one ever expected her. "That depends on who's asking"
"Captain Williams suggested I could find respite here whilst I work his ship."
She frowned at him, “What’s your name?”
“I’m Ezra, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I humbly apologise if I interrupted your swim.” again Ezra felt himself be judged, but apparently, she deemed him enough for now and nodded. 
"Come on then or we'll both catch cold" she turned to climb the steps to the cottages with him following behind.
The small kitchen was warm, heated by a small arger, she moved a kettle onto its plate and tossed in a log. With a deep sigh she turned to him, biting the inside of her cheek to stop grinning at his bemused expression. "I'm going to dress; you should get out of your wet clothes too. Don't let the kettle boil dry, I'll make a cuppa, then we can talk." With that she left him dripping in the rough wooden floor.
Ezra decided then that whatever she was, she certainly wasn't grey. But she wasn't colour either, she was something else entirely. Something he couldn't recognise. It stirred something in him, an urge to uncover what lay beneath, like cracking a rock and discovering a beautiful gem. Naturally, it stirred something in his trousers too, but, he reckoned, seeing any woman wet and nearly naked would do that. Ignoring it, he tugged off his boots and trews and pulled on his spares before going to lean on the oven to warm up, feet still bare.
Just as the kettle boiled and he was closing the hot plate she reappeared, rolling her sleeves of her dark blue woolen dress up to the elbow and hanging her soaked chemise over the arger before stretching up to pull a teapot and cups out of a cupboard next to a little window. 
"This is quite a place you have here, and what a view.” He looked out the window, reaching up to the wind chime made from sea glass, worn matte from the sand that hung there. He touched the smoothed edges of the glass, it felt rough on his fingers. “I'll wager it’s quite something to awaken and be able to see water on all sides without feeling the rocking of a ship beneath you." As far as Ezra could tell, it was as if he wasn't there. The woman moved around him locating loose tea and milk as if completing a ritual, never one to be discouraged from talking he continued, "Course once you get used to it, I imagine you barely notice it. But for me, having been on the waves themselves for the past weeks, it will be quite an adjustment." He looked at the two cups. "Is your husband not joining us?"
She didn't turn around, "He will not."
"Your father then? Although I am surprised a lovely thing like yourself is not betrothed. Promised perhaps?"
"No." He wasn't sure which question she had answered at first, it dawned slowly that it had in fact been both. He nearly smacked himself in the forehead.
"You wouldn't happen to be the keeper, would you?"
She turned to him then, eyebrows raised "I think perhaps you worked it out the fastest, I once strung a poor young man along for a week before he realised, I lit the light."
Ezra wasn't really one to be shocked by much, and after her appearance on the rocks this wasn't too much of a revelation, so now with her full attention he continued to talk.
"I'd wonder it doesn't get lonely though, on this rock all by oneself would be mighty isolating. Almost no one around for company except the sea and the rocks. Perhaps that's why you rent the room? That or your expenses are far higher than I'd expect" he forced himself to stop as she placed the tea and a biscuit tin on the little table and turned back to glare at him 
"Why are you here?" That made him blink, halting his thread of thoughts
"I'm here to rent a room. Did I not make that explicit? I do apologise"
She waved him off "No. I know why you're here. Why are you in this place? Work sure, but work can be found anywhere, especially on the water. Work less dangerous, with better weather. Were you bored and thought it romantic?" She was stepping towards him "Are you desperate?” A step. “Do you like taking risks?" Another step "Are you running from something?" She was right in front of him then, looking up at his face "So, I'll ask again. Why are you here?" For a split-second Ezra felt frozen in her gaze but then she reached around him as grabbed his soggy trousers, turning away to hang them alongside her chemise on the airer.
He blinked and shook himself. "I wanted to see it, to work it. The dead sea. Conquer it in my own way.To continue my own adventure somewhere new." She hummed in response picking up her cup and watching him. "And what of you? All alone on this rock. Seems you're a risk taker yourself. Most people would frown upon a woman welcoming a single man into her home, it implies things. Not to mention anything could happen to you,” He couldn't help himself, his voice lowered, unable to back down from the challenge she'd given him. The implication of his crimes. “Anything at all and no one around to save you."
In a split second she'd moved, pulling a blade, he hadn't even thought to look for, out from a sheath under her apron and had it pressed against his jugular.
"A bit of risk? You needn't worry for me." her steady hand pressed firmly enough the knife nicked into his flesh "But you? You know no one here. If you die no one will notice, no one will care. No one will even think to look for your body, let alone find it." He couldn’t hold back the grin as she stepped back, inspecting the drop of blood on the blade, cup of tea still in hand. "5 shillings a week for the room and food, first payment up front, the rest when you're paid." 
Well, this was surprising. Such a spark, truly tough enough to stand against an ocean. "Sounds perfect."
Finally, she cracked the smallest smile and Ezra felt as if the sun had found a fissure in the clouds. "I'll make food, I'm working tonight so it'll be breakfast for me and dinner for you, then you can settle in. When do you start on The Mistress?"
"Two days' time, should be quite an experience." He thought of the heavy clouds.
"Well make sure you don't wake me in the morning tomorrow or your stay will be very short." She wiped the drop of blood off the knife and stowed it away again. Ezra wondered what else was hidden under that apron and why he hadn’t even thought she might have the sense to be armed. He chastised himself.
"Do you man the light alone? It seems prudent you don’t have to remain awake every night."
"5 days to three, I take an extra shift, the other keeper has a house in the mainland so he spends all the time he can there. I expect it won't be long until you're sick of the sight of me."
"Oh, I doubt that, not when you're so full of surprises. Why do you rent the room, with an extra shift surely you don't need the money?”
"I don't get paid that shift," Ezra waited for her to elaborate but she didn’t. "I" she let out a laugh "Mostly I rent the room so I can buy books, something to do whilst I work. Plus, I like the company. Get to meet new people from all over for a few months and I still get to have the whole winter to myself. It's lonely as you said, sure, but I like being alone. I'm good at it."
There was a wildness in Ezra that she couldn't seem to pinpoint. Something about the reckless grin when she's threatened him, the fearlessness. It was what compelled her to let him stay. It drew her in like the pull of the moon. To welcome in such a force of nature, made her doubt her own judgment.
"I'll expect you to help plant and harvest the vegetables when the time comes." As she spoke, she moved around the kitchen throwing together the meal as quickly as she could before the sun began to dip.
Supper was simple, just a stottie with a couple eggs and vegetables. She'll have to go into town soon and see if she could get some meat cuts. But he didn't complain. Just talked continuously, complimented her cooking whilst watching her every move not unlike one might watch an animal in a zoo. It was a little unsettling and it made her feel very glad she was going to be awake all night, not letting herself be vulnerable to him at least for a few more hours.
"Will I need to be expecting guests? Women? Men? Either way I'd rather be warned beforehand." Her upfront way of talking made Ezra chuckle.
"I cannot be sure yet but I'll endeavour to let you know should I be taken by someone. And what of you? Must I prepare for being kept awake in the night by men, women or otherwise?"
She just shrugged, "I doubt it, I'm not the most popular around here at the best of times"
"That wouldn't have anything to do with your working and welcoming in strangers, would it? Are the people here so closed minded?" He smirked at the notion of the scandal that probably followed her.
"Not all of them, just those with power. I am at odds with the vicar because I sleep most Sundays and keep defying the lord's will for me"
"How cruel of you." His tone was laced in so much sarcasm it made her relax a little. At least she wouldn't have to face his judgement and sly glares for a summer.
Still, it was very strange for a woman to hold this job. “I am compelled to ask if you have ever been married?”
A look crossed her face, of pain, and of something else he didn't know. Just there for a flash and then swept away, like writing in the sand. She ignored the question. “Pay up and I'll show you your room, you can get settled and sleep off your journey. I'll imagine you're tired.”
He handed her the coins and followed her through the door and up the rickety staircase. There were two doors, one slightly ajar. The glimpse inside revealed just the end of a bed and a bookshelf but all too quickly, she opened the other door and ushered him in. Inside was cosy, or possibly just small. The bed was heavily laden with blankets which appeared to be handmade, it sat opposite a chest of drawers and a chair. 
She crouched to light the fire, “Hopefully you won't need it all season but you definitely will tonight. I don't know how hardy you are against the cold.”
“Not as hardy as you I'd expect. I had the blessing of spending most of the winter months far south, so far south ice couldn't possibly be conceived”
The flame sparked in front of her, flickering around the room. "The sun is setting; I'll leave you to it. If there's an emergency I'll be in the tower. Try to stay quiet tomorrow. I'd like to actually get some sleep."
He opened his mouth to respond but she was already out the door, with a huff he sat down on the bed and opened his satchel to begin unpacking. When he was done, he stripped down, folded his clothes and placed them on the chair and curled underneath the blankets. The orange glow of the fire lit the room as the crash of the waves lulled him to sleep far quicker than usual.
It turned out the storm's threats had been for naught. The sky didn't break and the rain didn't come. Instead, after winding up the rotation system she enjoyed the peace and quiet, sitting back with a book only needing to move every hour to fill the sock over the paraffin with air. She was reading an old favourite, ‘Pride and Prejudice’. Mr Bennett reminded her of her father, all quick wit and dry humour. It made her laugh even as her heart ached for the loss. He used to say she was too much like Elizabeth for her own good. Hot headed and stubborn and determined, perhaps if he saw her now, he'd disagree. Be made sad by how the world had wearied her, wonder when her ability to find easy joy had gotten misplaced. But it had been dragged out to sea along with him, never to be found.
The night passed quietly and slowly. But every quiet night was a relief, to be bored, by this sea, was a blessing.
He awoke early, before the sun had even considered peeking over the horizon and stretched. Looking out of the window he saw the ocean was black, just the flash of the lighthouse illuminating it every few seconds. Tugging on his shirt he placed another log on the fire and picked up his leather-bound journal, an intimate document of his travels, reading the last page. Written on the boat in the cold it didn't give the most flattering depiction of the view of the village from the water. He chuckled to himself, light beginning to peek through the thin curtain as he continued to write his tale, it had its highlights. The appearance of the lighthouse keeper was one, approaching nearly naked and wet from the waves made quite the first impression. He wondered vaguely if even his ridiculous vocabulary could do it justice. The spark, the last stand against the sea, that damn near see-through chemise- he sighed to himself, that was going to haunt him.
The front door slammed shut and he heard a short curse, cut off by the sound of the keeper running up the stairs. Incurably curious, he put the journal aside and headed onto the small landing, dressed only in his long cream shirt. She had already disappeared into her room but as he stepped out, he stood directly onto a wet patch on the floor. Looking down he spotted the wet footprints. Clearly, she had striven to swim before he awoke for some discretion.
Unfortunately for her, Ezra's self-control had always run a little thin and there was no stopping him knocking on her door. It cracked open a little, her head poking out, body held to the side hidden behind the door. He grinned as her eyes widened for a second at his state of undress.
"What do you want? I'll make food in a minute"
Her statement was so concise he almost laughed. As if he had any real excuse to bother her. "It appears I have the day to myself, and with your need to rest I find myself in dire need of stimulation," an eyebrow rose at that, "Perchance could I borrow a novel? You implied ownership of quite the collection."
She pursed her lips at him and shut the door. He blinked, not expecting her just to brush him off and stood dumbstruck for a second. It was not often he was so rudely ignored. And then, even more to his surprise the door cracked open and a hand appeared. A hand clasping a book. He continued to blink at it.
"Do you want it or not? You're letting in a terrible draft." So, he took it and the door shut again. Totally baffled, he returned to his room looking at the cover. ‘Pride and Prejudice’, an old favourite.
A short while later a shout alerted Ezra to food and he chatted happily to the keeper who again appeared to be ignoring him as she hunted for bowels and pulled a dish out from the arger where it had been heating.
"I haven't had the pleasure of Jane Austen's writing for quite some time. Not since my book was cruelly stolen from me, along with several other possessions and my bag, just as I arrived in the beautiful port of Genova in northern Italy. Quite a place." He let himself trail off, expecting her to shut down his monologue or continue to ignore him.
Instead, she handed him his food, some fish pie, and sat down. "What's Genova like? I haven't been."
His face cracked into an easy grin as she watched, clearly thrilled to have her participation in the conversation even a little and he continued to talk until she yawned heavily and sloped away to sleep.
His day was quiet. He read, walked round the island, was delighted to see seals flopping around on the rocks, and wrote. Despite his best efforts, the lighthouse keeper seemed insistent on making herself a central character, even if she'd only been around for a few pages. Something about the woman watching the sea had captured his imagination. He wondered how she came to man the light, why she was alone, why she took him in. She had seemed far too clever to let him stay. Of all people, she should have had the sense to turn him away. Naturally, he was glad she hadn't but even so it was strange. He thought on all the trouble he'd found himself in, often of his own creation. She could very possibly become the worst of it.
Upstairs she tossed and turned. No idea why she'd let him stay. Maybe the loneliness had finally taken her sense. That evening, they ate together again. He talked seemingly endlessly but smoothly evaded her pointed questions about where he got his accent and why he really wanted to work the North Sea. It was amicable, but also impersonal, both still trying to gage the other well, before they could become totally comfortable. As she left to work, she told him to stay safe on the sea.
When day broke and she descended the stairs, he was gone. She hoped he'd survive.
Taken Aback: A boat facing the wind directly so no sails can catch the wind, basically just a bad pun
Enough blue in the sky to make a sailor a pair of trousers: A teeny tiny amount of blue
Baltic: Geordie phrase meaning freezing cold, I dunno where it comes from, baltic sea maybe?
From stem to stern: from top to bottom of a ship
Arger: Cast iron oven, in this age it would have had a fire in the bottom with two ovens, a hot one above and a cooler to the side along with a stove/hot plate on top. 
Stottie: Geordie bread bun
Ezra Taglist
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
The Dragon and The Fox: Chapter 3
Chapter Summary: Receptions and honeymoons...
Last chapter, thank you for reading!
The reception was being held in the ballroom just across the hall from the one in which the ceremony was held.  All the guests had made their way into the reception, leaving Nikolai and Zoya alone for the first time all day.  He looked at his wife, Saints, he thought, my wife!, taking in her radiant, unearthly beauty. Zoya’s face was dusted with a faint pink blush, her lips turned up in a smile.  Her wedding ring, which she and Nikolai had exchanged privately after the ceremony, was silver, a dragon and a fox engraved in the metal, a matching one on her husband’s left hand.
“I love you,” she said, making Nikolai smile.  “I’ve never been happier than I am right now.”  Nikolai pulled his wife into his arms, kissing her deeply, chest flush with hers.  “As I love you, my darling.  I love you more than any words could possibly hope to convey.”  Zoya giggled, taking Nikolai’s offered arm, walking with him across the hall into the reception.  Guards stationed outside the door bowed to the royal couple before opening the double doors, which now bore a golden dragon rather than the Lantsov double-eagle.
“Her Royal Highness, Queen Zoya Nazyalensky!” an attendant announced as they entered.  “And His Royal Highness, Prince Nikolai Lantsov!”  Their guests rose and applauded as they entered, Zoya waving and smiling, Nikolai doing the same.  The newlyweds made their way to the table at the head of the ballroom, which was intimately set for two.  Nikolai pulled Zoya’s chair out for her before taking his own seat, taking his wife’s hand in his, pressing a kiss to it.
Servants swarmed the room, serving a meal of roasted quail, vegetables with herbs, freshly baked bread, and Kerch wine.  Nikolai held Zoya’s hand through the meal, his gaze more on her than on his plate.  He pressed kisses to her cheek every few minutes, whispered in her ear, making her smile and laugh into her glass.  Anyone with eyes could see how in love their monarchs were, how deep their devotion to one another ran.  When most of their guests had finished their meals, Nikolai rose, and the room fell silent.
“I want to begin by thanking you all for being here today,” he said, smiling.  “Zoya and I are so happy you all could be here, your presence means the world to us.”  Nikolai turned, looking at his wife, whose cheeks pinked yet again.  “Zoya Nazyalensky: my general, my queen, and now, my wife.  If I would have told you three years ago that I would be your husband, you would have laughed in my face, and probably slapped me.  And yet, here we are, and I have never been happier, never been more in love than I am in this moment.
“You saw me at my worst, at my weakest, and yet, you never shied away.  You stayed by my side and helped me when I needed you most.  Zoya, milaya, you are my strength, my comfort, my other half.  I love you so much, my darling, and I will love you for the rest of my life.”  The guests let out a collective “aww”, and Nikolai offered Zoya his hand.  “Might I offer you a dance, my bride?”  Gracefully, Zoya rose to her feet, taking her husband’s hand.  She went up on her tiptoes and kissed him, making him flush.  “I’d be offended if you didn’t.”
Nikolai led his bride to the dance floor, bowing to her.  Zoya laughed, curtseying in return.  “You, my love,” he said, taking her hand in his, his other arm winding around her middle, resting on the small of her back.  “Are the only woman I will ever bow to.”  “And you are the only man I will ever curtsey to.”  Zoya took his hand, her other hand on his shoulder, looking at Nikolai with all the love in the world.  The small orchestra began to play, and Nikolai and Zoya began to dance.
Swaying in time with the music, gazing into each other’s eyes, the rest of the world faded away, leaving only Zoya, Nikolai, and the love and adoration they had for each other.  Zoya released Nikolai’s hand, wrapping her arms around his neck, and he put his arms around her middle, pulling her closer to him.  “Your necklace,” he said, noticing the wire ship for the first time.  “Is that…?”  “Your ship.  Yes, it is.”  Nikolai’s heart squeezed.  His wife, his perfect, beautiful wife had taken an absentminded creation and made it into something beautiful.  She always did.
The song ended, and Nikolai tipped Zoya’s chin up and kissed her, long and sweet.  For once, she didn’t care that her affection was on display for all to see.  It was her wedding day, and if she wanted to kiss her husband, then that’s what she’d do.  Nikolai led her back to their table, offering her a flute of champagne, which Zoya took with a smile.  Cocktails were being made and handed around now, the guests thoroughly enjoying themselves.  When the musicians struck up a traditional Ravkan folk dance, Zoya beamed, practically dragging Nikolai back onto the dance floor.
Other couples had reacted similarly, pulling their partners onto the floor, laughing and smiling.  Zoya had learned this dance when she first came to the Little Palace, and Nikolai had learned it while at the front.  The steps were fast paced, involving spins, twirls, and jumps, but both the bride and groom were smiling ear to ear as they danced.  It was a sight to see: the queen spinning around the dance floor with her people, her white skirts fluttering along with the rainbow of silks of her guests.
The dance came to a close, and Nikolai decided to put his own twist on it, pulling Zoya into his arms before dipping her, making her squeal in shock.  When he righted her, he kissed her, smiling against her lips.  “That was fun,” he said, and Zoya nodded, kissing him again.  The orchestra continued to play, a mixture of slow and fast songs, but the queen and her prince retreated back to their table, where various nobles and dignitaries came to greet them, all offering congratulations.  Dessert came and went, a luscious chocolate cake with raspberry filling, and when the orchestra began playing a final slow song, Nikolai pressed a kiss to Zoya’s forehead.
“One last dance, liymibaya?”  Zoya smiled and stood, following Nikolai back onto the dance floor.  This dance, while slow and romantic, was different from their first dance: Zoya’s head rested on Nikolai’s shoulder, his arms tight around his waist, Nikolai’s chin rested atop his wife’s head, hand rubbing up and down her back, the other resting on her hip.  This was more intimate, the couple hardly moving as they gently swayed back and forth.  In her husband’s embrace, everything in Zoya’s world felt right.  She was happy, she was unreally in love, and she knew Nikolai felt the same.
Guests were filtering out, back to their suites or coaches, but Zoya and Nikolai remained in each other’s arms, the queen’s eyes shut contentedly.  Nikolai pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead, heart feeling like it could burst.  When the orchestra finished the song, Zoya lifted her head, eyes meeting her husband’s.  “I love you, sobachka,” she said, pulling him down into a kiss.  “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”  Those five words brought tears to Nikolai’s eyes, and he bent to kiss his wife yet again.
“Zoya, I am yours, and I will be for the rest of my life.  I love you, I love you so much.  My Zoya, how I adore you.”  She pressed herself into Nikolai’s chest, and he held her close, kissing the crown of her head.  Genya appeared at their side, clearing her throat softly to get their attention.  “I hate to interrupt, but the coach is ready.”  The newlyweds smiled, and Zoya stepped back from Nikolai.  “I’ll be back,” she said, pecking his cheek once more before leaving the ballroom with Genya.  Nikolai smiled, making his way back to the guest suite he’d stayed in last night to change.
His dress uniform was neatly hung in the wardrobe, replaced by comfortable yet formal travelling clothes.  Once he was changed, Nikolai went to wait for his bride in the entrance hall to the Grand Palace.  Zoya appeared moments later, her extravagant gown swapped for a simple silver dress, her blue kefta overtop.  Her tiara was gone, and her hair fell in loose curls down her back, but the ship necklace remained.  Soft leather boots adorned her feet, and when she was near enough, Zoya pulled Nikolai down for a kiss.
“Are you ready?”  “I am,” the queen replied, taking Nikolai’s hand and exiting the palace.  The royal coach was ready and waiting, a team of 6 white mares whinnying where they stood.  Genya embraced her friend, a wide smile on her face.  “Have a good time,” she said.  “Be safe.”  “We will,” Zoya promised, Nikolai coming to her side.  “Don’t ruin my country while I’m gone.”  Genya laughed.  “I’ll do my best.”  Nikolai helped his wife into the coach, sliding in next to her, shutting the door and rapping the roof twice.  They were off, Zoya resting her head on Nikolai’s shoulder, heart light in her chest and a smile on her face.
Three days later, the queen stood on the coast of the True Sea, her husband at her side.  The Volkvolny sat waiting in the harbor, its flags fluttering proudly in the breeze.  The Lantsov double eagle still flew, but alongside it was Zoya’s dragon, and she felt her heart leap.  “Captain,” his lieutenant greeted.  “My queen, a pleasure to see you.”  Zoya smiled, shaking the offered hand.  Nikolai shrugged the familiar teal coat on, a wide grin forming.  “She’s all set for the journey, sir.  Have a wonderful honeymoon.”  
Nikolai beamed, shaking his lieutenant’s hand.  “We will, thank you.”  “Your majesty,” he said in parting, leaving Nikolai and Zoya alone.  He looked at his wife, the sea breeze playing with her hair.  They were headed to the Wandering Isle for two weeks, letting themselves forget their royal duties and simply enjoy themselves.  “Shall we?” the prince offered, and Zoya smiled, nodding.  “Let’s go.”
He swept her into his arms, carrying her bridal style onto the ship.  “Nikolai!” she cried, eyes shut as she laughed, kicking her legs as she was carried aboard.  “Yes, my darling?”  “Put me down!”  He did, setting her on the deck, at the bow of the ship.  “As you wish, dearest.”  Zoya spun around, pulling her husband into a deep, passionate kiss.  “You are a menace,” she teased, and Nikolai smiled.  “Yet you married me.”
“I did, and I love you.”  Nikolai kissed her, arms around her neck, hers around his waist.  “And I love you, my dragon.”  “Sir!” came the shout of one of the crew.  “Are we ready to depart?”  “At your queen’s command!” he called back, and Zoya laughed.  She turned to face the body of the ship, the crew waiting on her orders.  “Ready for departure!”  They scattered, raising the sails and lifting the anchor, the Volkvolny gliding from the harbor.  Zoya turned to face the sea, Nikolai behind her, his arms around her middle, chin on her head.  “I love you,” he said, kissing her temple.  “I love you too, sobachka,” the queen replied, her eyes on the horizon.  The rest of their lives was ahead of them, much like the open sea.  The dragon queen and the too-clever fox, hearts and souls bound as one, forevermore.
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daydreamsofh · 4 years
Terrible Love- Part Two
A/N: Ahhhhh hello! Welcome to Terrible Love, part two! I have had so much fun writing this story, and I am so so proud of it, and so happy to share it with you! 
A massive thank you to my girl @harryinsweatersandbandanas for just being herself and always encouraging me, and to my sweet friend @dallas-suit-harry for being the best beta reader ever! I’m so lucky to know you, Em! <3 
Here we go, again! Feedback and reblogs are always welcome, my ask box is always always open! 
Summary: Love, or should I say falling for your best friend has a way of being terrible, and wonderful all at the same time. 
Inspired by the song: Terrible Love- Birdy
Word Count: 6k, almost 7k
Part One: Terrible Love
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You weren’t proud of what you did. Leading guys on wasn’t one of your hobbies, and you genuinely felt bad for inviting Connor to go to the party with you, knowing there were no hopes of an actual chance of a relationship between the two of you at the end of the night. It wasn’t like you were a villain in a romantic comedy, wheelding your imaginary sword to hurt people on purpose. If anything, you did feel like you were in the middle of a romantic comedy, torn between wanting Harry so badly it made you sick, and all the while being so weary of him and the mountain of feelings you held for him. Although, It was clearly looking like you didn’t really have a choice in being with him, his hands and mind busy with someone else. But still that didn’t stop the aching feeling you had in your chest, and the shaking feeling you had in your hands. 
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, however you were convinced that absence from the guy you were embarrassingly in love with, made the heart grow bitter and on the verge of an emotional breakdown at any given second. Harry was normally always on your mind, but ever since he got home it was tenfold. You couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, you felt like you would never catch your breath. You would wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat thinking about who gave him those marks on his neck, who got to feel his lips against theirs, to feel the stubble of his jaw lightly grazing their skin. The feeling of his hands, no doubt a little bit rough in texture from the nights on end of him strumming his guitar on stage, gripping on to their hips in the most possessive, yet gentle way. The knowledge that the smile on his face and the extra swing in his step was from the new flame budding between the two of them. 
You were more uneasy now that he was home again, there was no way to ignore your feelings when he was literally right in front of you. You found yourself unable to sleep, yet again, and without having the comforts to lull you to sleep like when he was gone. There was no duvet to bury under that smelled of him, no bedside book’s that have the lines he fell in love with littering the pages to make your eyes heavy, and no air to breathe that he once had. You were awake at all hours of the night wondering who was on his mind and in his heart, the way he was in yours. 
Meanwhile, Harry was absolutely positive he was losing it. He was unable to focus on anything for longer than five minutes before his mind filtered back to you. More specifically, your smell on his sheets and throughout the air of his home, he wondered where you had sat and where you had laid your head to rest, where had you eaten your breakfast and where had you taken his calls? He was romanticizing every little detail about you that was now etched into his home. Even the strands of hair that were stuck to his pillow, and the smell of your perfume practically stamped into every one of his jumpers, every little thing. He was even dreaming about you, and he doesn’t need an expert to tell him that that is a clear sign that that was a sign. He loved you, he was sure of it.  But among other things, he was also painfully sure that it seemed you had met someone else. When you were so nonchalant about going on a date and then coming back to his house afterwards like it was no big deal, he had never been so cross with you, but mainly with himself. 
How is it that he never said anything? How is it that he’s a man who writes love songs for a living and always urges people to tell people how they feel, no matter how embarrassing and terrifying that may be? How is he someone who says “Give Love, Choose Love” so naturally, so  afraid to just bloody tell you how he feels?! How is he someone who fearlessly spews romantic advice to those who ask for it, and he can’t tell you how he feels?  How is he a man who wears his heart on his sleeve, (literally and figuratively) and he can’t tell you how he really feels about you? He’s known he’s loved you for forever, but now he’s more than sure that he’s in love with you, and that notion, the one that he’s in love with his best friend is the most mind blowing/overwhelming revelation that he thinks he’s ever had. Hang performing in front of thousands of people, this is the biggest rush he’s ever felt. What is he supposed to do now?! You have a new guy in your life and he’s not the type of guy to run in the middle of that and cause a scene, and plus, who knows if you even feel the same way? He’s gone for months at a time, and while his personal life is more private now than ever before, being in his life in that way does require being a bit in the spotlight, and he’s not going to ask you to sign up for that. 
But Christ, what if you are? What if you did want to sign up for that? Being his girlfriend, being in his life in a way you never have been before? BUT, you have a bloody boyf-friend-thing. Christ. How the hell did you even have time to meet someone? He had spoken to you nearly every day he had been gone, and he never even got the slightest inkling that there was anyone remotely new in your life. Let alone a dodgy sounding guy like him?! Christ how long had he really been gone? You had been so cheerful with him on the phone, but you always are. Telling him everything was good and that he doesn’t even need to come back because you had made yourself right at home. He had laughed at that one, the kind of breathy laugh that turns into the most dreamy sigh because the thought of you calling his house, home, is something straight out of one of his dreams. And yours too, but that's besides the point. 
He felt so stuck in the weeds and he just wanted to grab your shoulders and shake you and kiss you until you were breathless. But on the other hand, you had only just started dating this new guy, so maybe he could still say something. He had to, or he at least had to try. 
Every time Harry finished a tour, or the leg of a tour, Jeff was insistent on throwing him a welcome home party. As if he hadn’t just been showered with love from stadiums of people for months on end. You had attended every single one, because if there’s anyone who is best in the category of showering Harry with love, you take the cake. You stood alongside Anne and Gemma for a majority of the last one, in between gazing at him with so much love in your eyes you couldn’t believe you weren't actively crying the entire time. When he cozied up beside you after all of the toasts in his honor, you could feel the heat radiating from him, and then he slipped his hand to rest over your leg under the table. You couldn’t feel your hands when he reached over to give yours a squeeze, and when Gemma and Anne weren’t looking you leaned over and planted a kiss on his shoulder before pausing to rest your head there and gaze up at him. He gave you a lopsided smile, (one of your favorite ones of his) and he dipped down to kiss your forehead. 
You had chalked up his touchy behavior to him being slightly buzzed, but for the next week every time you looked down at your hands you stopped breathing for a few seconds. 
You were dreading this one though, positively absolutely dreading it. You were mad at Harry, and sad and jealous of whoever he was now mysteriously dating while on the road, but you couldn't not go. You couldn’t not go and tell him how proud of him you were, and  it didn’t matter how frustrated you were at the situation, or really at the universe for misaligning the timing of you two, again. You hated to throw the i’m in love with my best friend and he has no idea and has some secret new girlfriend and you just wanted to cry the entire time card, but it was very tempting. You knew that if you didn’t go, that would raise more suspicion and would require further explanation, so you were forcing yourself to go. 
There was only a two day stretch from the time Harry got home to the night of the party. You had been nauseous most of the day, incredibly anxious about the fact that you were about to be in the same space as him for an unimaginable amount of time, with a guy who you barely knew and definitely shouldn't have invited to come with you. While you were positive that Harry didn’t feel the same way, you were also positive that you didn’t want to be with anyone else, either. Who knows, maybe you would wind up being an 80 year old woman, single and alone with an australian shepherd mysteriously named Harry. Anything was possible at this point. 
You had been more than useless at work all week, and the closer the time came for the party, the more you were thinking of reasons to get you out of going. You could say you caught a cold from the office? Or that you ate some bad chinese food and had a stomach ache? Or… you could just run. Run and never look back, hide out somewhere in Italy and start making hand spun soaps out of your living room? Yeah, you liked that option best. 
When you had originally texted Connor and asked him if he wanted to tag along, you weren’t really thinking straight. You had tears running down your face and your heart was rolled into a ball in the pit of your stomach. Nothing felt right and you just wanted to turn the car around and fall into Harry. You had just seen the marks on his skin in real time with your own eyes and everytime you shut yours they were lit up with big bold letters beside them. He’s met someone else, get over it. You weren’t looking for an eye for an eye with Harry, but you also didn’t want to show up by yourself and seem anymore sad and alone, however stupid and counterproductive that sounds. 
Connor had texted you back almost immediately, clearly looking to hear from you. He said he would love to join you, babe! Which could not have sounded more unnatural coming out of his mouth, or across the screen. Same difference. You guessed you really had no choice than to go, now. 
When the day of the party rolled around, you had done everything in your power to stay at work for as long as you possibly could. Save from actually rearranging your desk furniture for the upteenth time, you dredged home to change before Connor picked you up. He had insisted on driving you, (clearly trying to establish his good guy facade) and you would have rather had him hit you with his car than go to the party. A bit dramatic on your end but you really, desperately, whole heartedly, DID NOT want to go. He could just knick you a little and then you would really have a reason not to go. Wait, were you actually thinking of asking a guy you barely knew to hit you…. With his….. Moving car?! Get a grip! You can do this. It’s not like you actually had to have a conversation with Harry, you just had to show up and make your presence somewhat known. You didn’t have to give a toast in his honor or read a poem about your deepest strongest feelings for him. You could do this. It was just one night. One night of acting like you weren’t in love with him, one night of acting like your heart hadn;t been ripped out of your chest, once night of hiding the love that you felt so deeply for him. One more night of you trying to convince yourself that you never needed to know what it was like to feel him brush your hair back as he kissed you, that you never needed to know what it was like for him to glance at you from across the room and wrap you up in his arms, just because he could, that you never needed to know what it sounded like to hear him moan your name out in the middle of the night. 
 One more night of you trying to convince yourself that he was so much a part of your heart that it was practically in the shape of an H. You could do this. You could learn how to love him from a distance. You at least had to try. 
Connor had volunteered to come by your house and pick you up, which you had wanted to say no to, but you thought it was the least you could do if you were dragging him along to this party with you. You could tell that as soon as you asked him to come with you, and who the party was for, he was more than game to go. Name dropping was absolutely not something you ever did, especially Harry’s name, but when he asked you didn’t see any reason to lie. 
The drive to the party had been a quiet one, only glancing at him when you felt like it was absolutely necessary when he asked you a question. You gave him short answers, instead focusing on the car getting closer and closer to Harry’s house. When the car came to a gradual stop and Harry's house was in view, you felt your stomach drop and your hands start to shake. You very sullenly opened the door and got out, wanting nothing more than to bolt down the street on foot. 
Connor walked from the other side of the car to yours, and you kept your hands to yourself, crossing your arms before falling in line beside him and walking up Harry’s driveway. You could hear loud laughter booming as you got closer to the front door, and you could only guess that Harry was attributing to some of the sound. You let out a small whimper before almost bolting back to the car. The front door to his house was wide open, adding to the relaxed, and easy going mood of the night. You strolled in with Connor in tow, him closely following behind you.  When you glanced back at him he was wide eyed, taking in his surroundings while simultaneously taking a count of every one that was there, clearly not used to being around famous people. The house had a few people grazing in and out, with the majority of the people outside in Harry’s backyard. Lights were strung in the trees and you could hear the faint sounds of Fleetwood Mac playing somewhere in the distance.
You felt like a zombie walking into the party, your heart was in your throat and you were afraid to dart your eyes around to see who else was in the room. Too afraid that Harry would be in your immediate direction and you would be forced to look at him and talk to him and hear his voice.  Just the image of him in your head made your heart physically ache in your chest and speed ip all at the same time. You didn’t want to see him, but at the same time you wanted to see him as painful as it would be. You just wanted to lay your eyes on him, maybe from a distance, hiding underneath a table where no one could see you weeping, or you know, something like that. 
You were busy talking to a mutual friend of yours and Harry’s when you swore you felt the wind in the air change. As dramatic as it sounds, you suddenly felt warmer, safer, and you could feel a pair of very familiar eyes on you. You shifted your gaze from your friend, and when you turned around you made direct eye contact with Harry. Your pulse was rising and you swore you could hear your heart pounding in your ears. You could feel your eyes beginning to brim with tears before you looked away to (as discreetly as  you could) wipe your eyes. You felt stuck in your stance but you couldn't ignore the other feeling pulling at you, almost pushing you over to him. 
You were trying to listen to what your friend was saying, something about a new cat of hers, but you couldn't hear a word over your whirling thoughts and your head was starting to become dizzy from your eyes darting around the room trying to find Harry again. You were hot and bothered (and not in a good way) at the fact that he was in the same crowded room as you were now, and you felt like a sitting duck, just waiting. 
The selfish part of you wanted so badly to feel his arms wrap around your waist and his voice in your ear as opposed to only in your wildest daydreams. He was everywhere but physically with you, and when you really thought about it, that’s how it always seemed. Always on your mind and in your heart but never in your reach. Always a fleeting, overwhelming feeling that only seemed to grow over time. It grew in every touch you shared with him, in every timid and sometimes annoyed glance, every time you made him laugh and every time you made him grin and shake his head in disbelief at you. They grew each time you innocently fell asleep on the couch together after a night of movies, it grew each time he called you while he was away and you could hear the smile in his voice as he told you about each crowd, and each show and which joke he had come up with on stage that was way less funny than it actually sounded. It grew everyday just because he was Harry, just because he was him, and because you were you. You had no say in the matter anymore. 
A hand on the small of your back broke your train of thoughts, you jumped and nervously clutched the pendant hanging from your neck before you whipped your head around to see who it was. Much to your disappointment you were met with Connor’s eyes instead of bright green ones and you were unable to hide the pout that your face immediately fell into, and then the nervous uncomfortable smile that you shot at Connor. 
“There you are, lost you in the crowd for a bit! Good to see you again,” he said to you with an awkward smile as he threw an even more awkward arm around your shoulder. 
His arm felt like a dead weight draped around you and you felt nauseous at the mere sight of the two of you. Your cheeks were beginning to heat up and it certainly wasn’t at the feelings you had toward Connor, rather at the sight of your friend's eyes on you two, together. If this was the look they were sporting, you could only imagine what Harry’s would look like. 
You smiled while Connor introduced himself to your friend while at the same time gently but firmly removing his arm from your shoulder. You let it fall to his side before running your hand up and down your arm, suddenly cold from the strange contact and the cool air rustling through you from outside. At the same time as the chill went through you, you heard a familiar voice directly behind you and your knees buckled. You could feel the heat radiating off of Harry behind you and you wanted nothing more than to turn around and fall into his familiar warmth and smell. Oh god you could feel your throat thickening and eyes tearing, this was not the time to cry with he who shall not be named literally directly behind you, close enough to reach out and touch. Get it together! 
You heard the conversation behind you die down and before you knew it you felt the familiar brush of a shoulder against yours and your eyes clamped shut before opening again. You felt the air being stolen from your lungs while his presence practically enveloped yours and you felt yourself starting to sway towards him. You felt your breath hitch before your eyes even met his and when they finally did you practically melted into a puddle at his feet. 
“Uh oh-- look who it is! Hi love,” Harry warmly spoke to you before his eyes took in your appearance, looking you up and down. 
You opened your mouth to speak and when just a squeak came out you cleared your throat before muttering a very profound, dramatically quiet, “Hi, H” Brilliant. Just brilliant! 
“Hi love,” he said through a chuckle. 
It was like it was just the two of you in the room, his gaze was warm on yours and his eyes were glossy as he watched you and it wasn’t until Connor broke up the moment with a nudge of his elbow annoyingly against yours that you looked away. 
You let out a nervous, annoying high pitched laugh before you coughed and turned towards Connor. 
“Um, Harry this is, this is Connor, Connor this is Harry,” you gestured in between the both of them and nervously tucked your hair behind your ear before you started fiddling with your pendant again. 
Harry’s gazed dropped to the floor before he solemnly picked his head up and reached his hand out to shake Connor’s hand, and you had never wanted to go back in time so badly, back in time to when Connor picked you up, instead of just asking him to hit you with his stupid car just to get you out of this horribly awkward and uncomfortable moment. 
Harry cleared his throat before firmly shaking Connor’s hand (almost a little too firmly if the buckle in Connor’s knees told you anything) and introducing himself. 
“Nice to meet you, thanks for,” Harry glanced in between the both of you before continuing, “Thanks for coming out tonight.” 
Connor cleared his throat before you could see him trying to make himself taller by puffing his chest out and muttering a less than confident, “So good to meet you, mate! I’m a huge fan of all of your….. Stuff!” 
You dropped your gaze back to the floor and your cheeks were positively on fire and when you looked back at Harry he had a dazed, confused and solemn look on his face that you couldn’t quite read. 
Harry spoke up before you could think to say literally anything and he stratched his hand up and down the back of his neck, (a nervous habit you picked up on years ago) before he sighed and looked back, only at you this time. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re both- you’re both here. Drinks are around back and I’ll be around if you need anything,” he gave you a weak smile and you just shook your head before looking down at your feet again. 
It was the most awkward, lukewarm conversation (if you can even call it that) and you felt sick to your stomach- had you two reached that point in your friendship? In your whatever-you-call-this-ship? If you took being with Harry in a romantic sort of way off the table completely, if you learned to love him from a distance, is this what it would be like and feel like?
The awkward silence and not knowing what to say, the knowing glances and not-knowing glances, and the glances where you know what one of you wants to say but you just... can’t? The rubbish timing and people in between you, the aching, empty feeling in the pit of your stomach and your heart. Not being in his life remotely as much as you were, now? You weren’t sure you could do that. No, you were positive you couldn’t do that. 
The majority of the night consisted of stolen, painful glances and half lipped smiles and half full glasses. You had listened to the toasts in Harry’s honor and the speeches recounting details of tour life and rounds of applause. After things had died down a bit and you had lost Connor in the crowd of people (thankfully and more than willingly),  you found yourself inside the house, wandering the halls and eventually landing in his closet. 
It was a strange thing, but his wardrobe always brought a sense of comfort to you. It was big enough to live in and packed to the brim with clothes enough to make you feel oddly safe. Surrounded by the pieces that made Harry who he was and  that had memories of the two of you intertwined through the fabric. And out of the corner of your eye you spotted those atrocious white loafers of his, on the bottom shelf of his shoe shelf and you couldn’t help but let out a loud, slightly inebriated, genuine giggle. 
“Thought I heard someone pilfering through my things like a thief in the night, should have known it was you,” 
You whipped your head around and your eyes raised and settled in surprise, that warm, almost burning feeling in your chest back again, like it was every time you caught him looking at you. 
“I actually just came in here to confiscate these god awful loafers from your closet, never got around to doing that when I was here,” you smiled through your nerves and Harry was gazing at you so warmly you could feel the effects of it all throughout your body. 
“You know they're actually not that bad, paired with the right pair of trousers they don’t look so grandpa-y,” he chuckled through his sentence and you mirrored a similar, giddy one. 
“Ah of course of course, all depends on how you style it, Lambert teach you that trick, huh, H?” 
You noticed a blush creeping down his neck and you could feel the butterflies beginning to erupt in the pit of your stomach. 
“He did actually, practically his prodigy at this point, y’know?” 
“Oh yeah I bet you are- I’m sure you’re a great student,” 
He let out a loud laugh and his eyes were crinkling at your joke and he shook his head before he looked at you again. 
He moved closer to you and you felt yourself drift closer to him in response.He was close enough to you now for you to feel the heat radiating off of him, and your fingers itched to reach out and touch him. 
He raised his hand up to brush your hair out of your face and behind your ear, and your breath hitched before he brought his gaze up to yours. 
Your hand instinctively reached to squeeze his forearm before you moved it across his body to rest on his chest. His hand moved from your hair to grab your hand and he held it firmly, proudly against his chest. You were surprised to feel his heart beating rapidly against the back of your hand, and it took everything in you not to lean forward and brush your lips against his. 
His voice was raspy and warm when he opened his mouth, “I realy, really missed you. I’m s’happy you’re here tonight. Always feel so much better when I can see you from across the room,” 
You could feel the tears pooling in your eyes and you had to divert your gaze to the row of shoes behind him in order for the tears not to pool down your cheeks. You were leaning into his chest and he was holding a firm, but tentative grip on the side of your face with his other hand. 
You could feel his calloused fingers resting against your cheek and it grounded you in the moment and at the same time made your heart race faster. 
How could he say things, incredible incredible things like this to you, and have marks from someone else on his neck, at the same time? 
That thought was enough to  bring you back to earth and you cleared your throat before briefly shifting your stance in his arms.
 You retreated the tiniest bit and his hands and eyes were following you, and with whatever strength you had left you squeaked out, “I’m really happy I’m here too, H. I can’t even tell you how good it feels to be in the same room as you again,” your eyes fluttered and shut as you managed to get that out and you felt him rest his forehead against yours. 
A knock on the door broke you two out of the moment, you could hear the faint voice of Connor (otherwise known as the ultimate moment ruiner) and an ask if you were ready to leave. 
You and Harry were still standing there, resting against each other and his eyes were boring into yours and you just wanted the floor to swallow you both whole. Take the both of you somewhere far, far away where no one else can be found. 
You sighed before taking another step backwards out of his grip and muttered a very shaky, nervous, “well I, I guess I should go, he’s kind of my ride,” 
Harry cleared his throat before he released his grip on you and you saw his smile turn into a frown before he said, “oh yeah- of course love. I’ll, I guess I’ll see you soon? Thank you f’comin,” 
He leaned down to kiss your forehead and you let out the tiniest, hopefully inaudible whimper and you took his hands in yours and gave them a good squeeze before turning away from him. 
Heart in your throat and partially in the pit of your stomach you made your way out of his closet and down the hall, where Connor was waiting for you with a giddy grin. He was chit chatting with one of the sound engineers that works on tour with Harry, assuming that was where his good mood was coming from. You watched them say goodbye and when you turned to open the door to leave you couldn’t help but let out a confused, albeit relieved laugh. 
You had brought Connor here feeling terrible of giving him the impression you were leading him on, and here he was meeting someone totally new. You were halfway down the driveway when you saw him turn around and wave goodbye to her yet again before you stopped yourself completely. 
Wait a minute- wait a minute- wait a minute-wait a minute! If an absolute emobossil of a guy like Connor could meet someone at a house party where he knew literally no one, who's to say you were wrong about how you thought that Harry felt about you? There weren't exactly any rules to love, not any that made sense anyway. Who’s to say that Harry doesn’t feel the exact same way about you, as you do him? 
Who’s to say that he’s not as ridiculously, overwhelmingly, annoyingly,  dramatically as in love with you, as you are him? You weren’t sure, but you had to find out. 
Connor stopped once he realized you weren’t following him anymore, and he turned his head to look at you before walking backwards to catch up to you. 
“Did you forget something inside?” he asked you with a quirk to his brow. 
You laughed before answering him, “you know what? I actually did. I’ll go back in and get it and just get a car from here, don’t worry about me!” 
“Are you sure? I don’t mind waiting.” he said to you before looking behind you to peer at his new friend again. 
“I’m positive, plus it looks like someone else is waiting for you, go on,” you smiled before glancing behind you and waving. 
“Are you sure?” he asked without even looking at you and you just shook your head. 
“I’m more than sure, go on,” you smiled at him again and gave his shoulder a friendly, reassuring squeeze. 
And with that you sprinted back into the house and left Connor on the sidewalk to catch up with his new friend. 
When you got back into the house there was no one inside, just the aftermath of a usual houseparty- empty bottles of alcohol everywhere and balloons and streamers littering the floor of Harry’s foyer. 
You didn’t see him in the kitchen or the living room, so you ran back down the hallway to the wardrobe you left him in. You burst through the door without knocking and sure enough, there he was sat on the ground picking at the carpet on the floor of his closet. 
His eyes shot up at you and he jumped to his feet. 
“What are y-” 
He was cut off by you lunging at him and you gripped the collar of his shirt before tugging him down to where he was eye level with you. 
“Love, what are y’doing,” he asked you while rested his forehead against yours, panting at your close proximity. 
“Shh, please I need to say this,” you shakily started. 
“Harry, I-- oh god I can’t believe i’m saying this, I-,” 
“Wait wait, no I need t’say somethin’ first,” he countered when you failed to get the words out. 
You took a shaky breath in and you could feel the warmth of his body pulling you in further towards him. 
“I love you, I love you, I- m’so in love with you. Please tell m’you don’t love him, please tell me i’m not too late, that we’re not too late,” 
You felt your face drop in shock and as dramatic as it was you thought you were going to pass out face first on the very plush carpet of his closet. 
“You-you what?!” you practically shouted at him. Your fingertips were burning as you gripped his shirt tighter and you felt like your heart was going to physically beat out of your chest with how loud it was pounding in your ears and against your ribcage. 
“I love you, I mean it, I truly, truly do. M’going out of my mind. Please y’can’t leave with him, I can’t be without you any longer,” 
“Harry , I-” you started, only to be cut off again by his stammering. 
“M’sorry it took me so long t’say but god I mean it, I love you. I’ve been going out of my mind since I got home, I see you everywhere here. You’re in every room I go into, and every corner that I look. I’m better when you’re here, I’m more-- I’m just better. Please, I just, I love you, you have t’believe me,” 
When you didn’t say anything back in response Harry took that as his cue to back away but instead you gripped on to him even tighter. 
It was suddenly a lot hotter in his room and you were full on shoulders raised and fingers shaking panting,  and there were streams of tears rolling down your face. 
“You what?!” you shouted at him in disbelief, again. 
He laughed before shaking his head at you, “Do you need me to repeat all of that to you again?” 
Your only response was to pull him towards you the rest of the way and to slot his lips against yours. The kiss started languilly and Harry was cradling your face in his hands to keep the both of you steady. His lips were so soft and gentle against yours, and you could feel the faint tugging of the remnants of facial hair against your skin and you melted into him. 
Your lungs were starting to burn and when you physically couldn’t keep kissing him you broke away from his lips and rested your head against his chest. 
You were both panting and when he muttered your name to get you to look at him, you couldn’t help but look up at him with watery eyes. 
While this was a mind blowing revelation and you were 50% sure you were dreaming, you got sight of the stupid marks against his neck and you had to finally ask where the hell those came from. 
You pulled him to you again, and snaked your arms around the wide expanse of his shoulders. You ran your (albeit shaky) fingers down his neck until you brought your eyes to meet his again. 
“Who, who gave you these?” you said, voice barely above a whisper. 
Harry looked down at your hands, “Gave me what?” 
“What do you mean, ‘gave you what’?! Who gave you these marks?” 
“What marks? Love these are from my stupid guitar strap,” 
His guitar strap?! His stupid stupid fucking guitar strap?! That was why you had been breaking into sobbing fits for the past two weeks?! 
“Are you- are you serious?! That’s why i’ve been crying at the drop of the hat every second since our call  a few weeks ago?!” you shook your head and laughed, “I thought someone, I thought you had met someone, and you know…..” 
“Absolutely not love. Don’t really have the time for that when i’m on the road, not like i’ve really been interested in that lately to begin with,” he gestured to you and you sputtered out a laugh. 
“Okay, well if we’re admitting stuff I guess I should tell you, I’m not with him, Connor. We’ve never been together. I barely know him. I just drugged him here tonight so I wouldn’t be here alone…” 
Harry dropped his head in relief before pushing his hair back from his forehead, “Oh thank god,” he muttered from behind his hands. 
“Does that mean that you…..” he started. 
“I love you, I love you, I absolutely love you, H. You’re my favorite person in the world, I love you, I always have. I’ve always been here,” 
Harry lunged forward and slotted his lips against yours again, that was an answer all in itself. 
When you broke apart finally Harry spoke up before resting his forehead against yours. 
“From here on out, let’s just be honest with each other, yeah? Would have saved a lot of trouble if we’d just said how we felt from the start,” 
You simply nodded before pulling him into you and nuzzling your face in his neck. 
You stood there for a few moments, just basking in this new feeling of love and sureness that you had between the two of you. Your lips started to quirk and you raised your head from his neck. 
“If we’re being completely honest here H, you have got to get rid of those terrible, terrible shoes,” you said it with a serious face before you burst into laughter.
He laughed a bug, genuine laugh before resting his hands on your hips. 
“I guess that can be arranged, love,” he rolled his eyes playfully and you batted at his chest. 
What a terribly fun love this was going to be. 
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blankdblank · 4 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 37
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“You’re doing it again,” Tracy said once in the set with you for your next scene post lunch you’d mostly read through while Lee continued to bask in the hype of the news of how his film was doing numbers wise. Head turned your eyes fell on her and she said, “You are sulking. Are you sleeping?”
Inching closer she asked in a try to be playful tone to ease out a smile from you, “Your teddy bear miss a phone call?”
“No, Richard called and messaged twice yesterday.” Her brows arched up through a smirk and you sighed, “He hid something in the closet. Spent weeks making sure I didn’t ‘know’ anything was there under his clothes and he left and now the cubby is empty.”
Her hand planted on your arm, “Oh, like a second phone? Or something?”
“Lee said he saw him at a jewelers in town while I was in New York for my table reads.”
“Oh,” she said with tone perking up.
“And I don’t even expect gifts, but he’s gone for months away from me and he left me a sweater and I’m trying not to pout at not getting the gift he’s so terrible at hiding that he has for me, but,” after a quick sigh you said, “A gift would have been nice.”
That had Tracy giving you a hug, an action luring Lee’s gaze from across the set to you and your moment of allowing your sunken expression read across your face, “Honey bunny, maybe it’s a welcome home to England present for when you see him again. I knew he was up to something, he is terrible at hiding things from you, even my sharing I was taking you for a manicure he was ready to explode for our weekend out while he was off on those night shoots.”
“I’ll be fine, and I’ll stop sulking.” She chuckled again and rubbed your back walking with you across the fake bar for your first marks and where she could find her drink covered tray prepped and ready to go.
“If my teddy bear left the country with the chance of more than a sweater I’d be sulking too. Don’t you feel bad, besides, I don’t think I’ve seen you with more than those studs in your ears since I’ve known you. You need some bling girl.”
“I really do,” you said twisting the ring on your left ring finger of metal flowers for this role feeling the necklace cold against your skin shifting under the collar of your furry collard coat once again.
All over the news the footage of the Oscars was being replayed, namely the clip from Adrien’s award for Lead male when he forced a kiss upon Halle Berry making you bury your face in your hands. “Didn’t even ask,” Lee muttered at your shift to plop your covered face on his thigh.
On your other side Tracy said, “And you have to work with that asshole. I look forward to the press of you bashing his face in.”
Lee said, “You and me both,” rubbing your back.
Tracy, “I still don’t like him, and you have to kiss him? I wouldn’t kiss him.”
Turning your head you looked to the replay and sighed, “Certainly don’t want to, but it’s just the one scene if I can’t talk Peter out of it.”
The press certainly didn’t help and while given the equivalent of a wag of the finger Adrien celebrated the win as the youngest male to ever receive it for Lead Male. Three days after his ride of that press wave and interview circuit the truth came crashing down to news of who was hired to play Ann Darrow. One sigh was his response to the question from a photographer on his path out and about for what he thought of the news only doubling down the urge to break down the actor’s resolve to loathe your being part of the franchise at his side.
“Fifteen bucks, you are telling me you bought those for fifteen bucks?!” Chris all but shouted when his brother displayed the rings upon their arrival at his home from the airport.
Richard just had to show someone and figured Chris would be the best ally in this as he had helped him patch things up with you every time he flubbed things. “I bought the cabinet I found them in, and,”
“Oh I heard that part. Still don’t get how the pair of you can luck into that. These are incredible, I mean she certainly deserves this ring. Just leaving the question,”
“Don’t ask me when, Joe loves the ring and knows I have it, I just have no bloody clue when I could possibly hand it over. And I’ve had it for weeks with her out in Canada and the only time I could actually get it on her finger was when she was asleep. How the hell am I supposed to find some mysterious ‘perfect’ way to ask her when she’s conscious to marry me?! You know me!”
Chris nodded and said, “You got a point,” turning his head, “I idea list, that’s what we can do!” Crossing the room to fetch a notepad and pen.
Five episodes on Ultimate Force to the infidelity casual Cold Feet role the slump of one kiss after another not feeling right or orders to strip and redress again and again for those not you only deepened for Richard while growing ready for his next role. A tv mini series called Between the Sheets, another unfaithful role and one with the biggest drama and to his impression depth to the character also doubled for his most sexual. From a faked blow job to his several love scenes with the lead female to whom his character was married worry seemed to bubble up concerning what impressions would be once it aired. All the way from his parents to you and friends who might think it was the wrong choice of roles. Calls to you however seemed to bolster his hopes you might like it and not be jealous or upset of his behavior with another.
“Today was odd,” he sighed through the line on his phone call to you.
“Oh I think whatever it was it will be amazing.” You teased back mid swipe of your sponge over the dish you were cleaning with phone pressed to your shoulder.
“My co-star raked her nails across my butt cheeks, at least the sex scenes and my arrest are over with, now I just have my breakdown scene where I reveal my infidelity.”
“I’m beginning to think there’s a pattern growing in your roles, dying and dirty deeds.”
Lowly he chuckled, “Well I do play a good villain.”
“Oh psh, you wouldn’t hurt a paper swan.” Making his smile creep wider imagining your smile and what you might be wearing, “I am glad you will have tons of work coming out so we can have some more parties for you. I do love celebrating you Richy Bear.”
“I love you,” he hummed smile locked wider at the nickname knowing the smirk you always had when you said it. “Can’t wait for you to be back here. How’s the show?”
“Uh, tad bit insensitive and a touch racist but it’s certainly unique for a resume. Spring scenes should be better, even have that kid from Disney, Spenser something, has a spot on the show. I get to pin him to a wall.”
“Sounds like fun, I know it will be fantastic with you in it.”
“Either way I just can’t wait for it to be out already. It’s the waiting that will end me, ’05 is when it’s coming out, same as Kong but a few months earlier, over a year, Lee waited nearly three for his film.”
“We’ll just have to keep you distracted then won’t we?”
“Oh really now? And just how will you do that?” You asked drying your hands at the end of the dishes heading to your couch to lounge for the rest of the call feeling his smirk through the line.
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Another month hadn’t seemed to help things on that front with questions still lingering on how you could morph from one lead role to the next. Re-using your playful purple low dipping dress alone on Valentines Day you sat in the town car sent for you with hands interlocked on your lap waiting for this film to just be over. Eyes shut you forced yourself to relax in this communication lull of a supposed to be romantic holiday where you still had no bling to show off.
Brad and JLo fresh off their engagement alongside Jennifer Garner with a hopeful relationship on the horizon only made things worse on your painfully throbbing heart. Colin Farrell however seemed to save the day for you latching onto your bare side for the whole of the carpet at your reaching his location and even in the flash of the $1 Million triple pink diamond engagement ring on JLo’s finger made you grateful for the instant carpet buddy eager to catch up with you and hear about what you were up to in Canada after having seen your film twice now. Alone however your seat was bumped back to the row of extras who shared your curiosity on how little you would be fleeting across the screen of this film. Loud and boisterous at the club they had chosen for the after party the crowd helped in your slip out of the venue to hail a cab home to yet another empty apartment. Stretched out across your bed to wait for the time to leave and catch your flight to England where a late romantic morning bagel might help to make up for how you feel right now.
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Right off your feet into a tight hug you were lifted. Still in your dress with Richard’s sweater and your coat over the dress hinting that you had to leave the party to make your flight in a rush down to the tall heels you had to take off for most of the day long flight. Already outside the cameras snapped away ready to spread that assumption when, post loving kiss, Richard took hold of your suitcase and duffel bag murmuring sweetly, “You bought a second bag.”
“Yes, seems I have picked up more clothes recently, and the shoes I got with the Jens didn’t help either.”
“I am just glad you have more things, I wasn’t fond of all your things fitting in one bag alone.” Leaning in he pressed another kiss to your forehead, “Let’s get you home, got a nice breakfast planned for you and day of relaxing before our table read tomorrow.”
Waiting on the set table a stuffed rhino sat beside a candle holder, around its head in a crown of sorts rested a silver bracelet with five round emeralds. “Happy late Valentines, they were out of roses,” he hummed lifting the bracelet that around the wrist he raised to lovingly secure it. Awkwardly a grin split across your face in the press of his lips to your palm and knuckles afterwards.
“It’s really beautiful, perfect gift, thank you, and I love the rhino too.” Spreading his own smile as you added, “My dad tell you I love emeralds?”
“Might have mentioned it,” he hummed back, “Sadly it was that one or some large joined bangle type design a bit too flashy I think for subway wearing for you to feel safe.”
“You would be right in that, bangles drive me a bit crazy too, have to wear some for the show. Thank you, really,” you said crashing into his chest for a tight hug he melted into holding you close to your murmur of, “Don’t know how you managed to keep this a secret so long.”
To himself he chuckled easing his arms more across your back, “Nearly killed me. I hate secrets from you.” His smile easing out more at your shift closer to his chest unaware of the much bigger jeweled secret hidden in his house Chris had aided in finding the least conspicuous place to put the rings. Time apart was shared in the joint task of fixing up a breakfast cuddled through and after. Lunch again was alone however supper happened to be part of a potluck ambush from the Armitage brood here to welcome you back again and plan out more time together.
Back in sweaters, boots and jeans you and Richard were off for the day. Hand in hand through the building you were directed to you arrived at the desk outside the appointed room where a smiling aid showed you both inside the lounge filled with couches and armchairs facing inwards towards the rug coated area in the center clearly for acting out the scenes if need be with named binders on each cushion. Tucked in one of the loveseats you and Richard were assigned your spots nearest to the director and with her darting off to fetch you some tea the binders were lifted to allow you to settle in. With a bashful grin between you at being the only ones here so far. “I think we might be a bit too early.”
“No such thing,” he hummed smiling at you then to the door as it opened again.
Through it Anna Martin, playing Bessy Higgins came through the door with a relieved sigh, “Not too late then, got stuck in that roundabout, vans wouldn’t let me over, Anna,” she said crossing the room with hand extended shaking Richard’s hand first in his quicker pop up then yours.
“Jaqi, hi.” Releasing her hand to say, “Bessie, right?”
“Yes, I could have sworn you were British, but I must have seen you with several accents in your work.”
Richard chuckled, “Halfway at least by our math.”
“I do spend a good bit of the year here had tons of time to pick up the accents.”
Kay Lyon was next beside Brendan Coyle, playing Mary and Nicholas Higgins with the latter muttering about the same roundabout then joined in on the introductions. Brian Protheroe was next for Mr Bell followed by the two Thorntons finishing up Richard’s on screen family, Sinéad Cusack and Joy Joyner. Tim Pigott-Smith, Pauline Quirke, Lesley Manville, Rupert Evans filled in your family, Richard, Dixon, Maria and Frederick for the Hale household. For the Lennox brood Travis Oliver, John Light and Emma Ferguson were to be the captain, Henry and Edith. Jane Booker for Mrs Shaw led in the Boucher brood played by William Houston, Caroline Pegg and Spencer Wild. Seats filled one by one and with tea handed out the Director smiled taking their seat beginning their welcoming speech to open the first scene when the work was to get going.
One week this room was your daily stop with the floors below used to help each of you with your first fittings for your outfits through the show. Hair and makeup tests were next and surprised by the stretch of your curls a lovely few choices to pick from the team loved with ample spots for your unruliest of curls to slip out and dangle around your head gracefully helping with the scenes you would be playing exhaustion. Playful twists at Richard’s side fluffed and twirled your skirts luring the blushing grin from the top hat wearing brooder formerly scowling in focus while apart from you. Clearly the brooding surly side to John he had down, for everyone else it was how Richard looked at you adoringly between speaking to others that melted doubts on how convincing the blossoming love would show on screen.
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Broken hearts came first, amid the drama of the brewing strike ready to bubble over courting another woman and pained glares came from Richard. Curt interactions and gruff inquiries and responses out of John to Margaret while he meant to uncover why she was not choosing to share her troubles with him. This was post betrayal when he deemed her to have been free with showing affections to some mystery man you’d yet to film yet, starting right in the pain of it all to bubble out to both the beginning and end while the country turned greener again when Spring came back around. Some might have imagined it to be rough to split from that harsh contrast, those who did not notice each teasing smile or face from you tearing a chuckle filled smile from Richard between the blush inducing pecks you stole on toe top pecks on his nose with each hushed argument.
The darkest of scowls came on the day the strike would break and if you hadn’t stayed close to show how much of a teddy bear Richard was the other men, especially Boucher who ‘threw’ the stone to knock Margaret unconscious in front of the mob in her try to save John from the harm’s way she pushed him into. Five takes of the brewing stress came with ease after the first try to see Richard not jump the rail and rush to throttle the actor. A rubber stone by a staff member above on a camera platform who lined up the toss to hit the spot a hidden makeup artist would sneak out once you’d done the collapse take enough times to play out the sprawled position for the streak of blood along your hairline. A task filled with hushed giggles from you until action was called again for Richard to lift you up and carry you inside again.
From this the next week would be scenes apart to meet up at the wardrobe building on the way to supper. The depression of the winter months and hardships of the funeral scenes bubbled to just one. In the midst of filming the scenes of the Hales arrival to Milton giggles slipped out between jokes traded between you and the female cast members who had been buried and still showed up to work still. Hints of green on the first flowering bushes outside had Richard smiling knowing that the romantic ending was coming up along with that devastating refusal or marriage for John he hoped to be the only time he would get a refusal to a proposal from you. He never had the thought pop into his head before, there wasn’t a reason for you to refuse to marry him. True it’d just been a slightly teasing glimmer in the distance with close friends and relatives but forever was his goal and to his own mind he had made that apparent. Now the question had bubbled up again of how.
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Brendan smirking in your latest break between sets inched over in the gentle blow you gave to the steaming tea helping to warm you up on the nippy end to winter. “You are actually adorable you know.” Having caught Richard’s stolen kiss on his way to head to his office for more scenes post street interaction with you.
Smiling up at him you said mid giggle, “Thank you, you are quite adorable yourself.”
Deeply he chuckled to himself and said, “I have to admit I was a bit intrigued to see how things would go between the pair of you with all that press around you and that brunette out in Canada.”
“Oh,” you said lowering your mug to let it cool accepting help from one of the aids taking your shawl to shake the fake cotton off the back of it, “That’s Lee, my best friend from Drama School, out in Canada we’re on a show together picking back up in the end of Spring.”
Anna who’d snuck up said, “That’s good to hear, you do make a perfect couple. Some guys I know would be up in arms over a flub like that.”
That had you giggle after another blow on your tea, “Well he knows Lee, we’re all good friends so I think that’s part of it. Plus he is a tad amused that he’s been called my Boy Toy,” making the pair chuckle as you giggled again, “We’ve gotten used to long distance and I suppose it really comes down to trust issues for guys, hell even one of the women on set, another of my former classmates who I’m rumored with. All just fluff, even they get giggles out of it.”
Brendan asked, “Boy Toy? They really looked at him and picked that?”
“Exactly his amusement. At least he didn’t take it as a demotion from Partner, just let them make up their own stories.”
On his own the title had been used by Brendan between takes with his scenes with Richard luring a blushing laugh from the lanky man meant to be towering over him helping to ease the tension from their scene, one of many of their battles of wills. By far helping to improve a friendship of sorts with one of his scene partners he spent the longest with aside from his fake family.
It was a Monday, like any other, but the big day had come, the day John’s heart and trust would shatter in Margaret and be seen with another man at night un-chaperoned in a loving embrace. The start of a trio of night shifts on the set had come and let Richard sneak in his plan. “Be right at the car, forgot my notepad.”
“Ok,” you said stepping out of the front door with his keys in hand, “I’ll start the car,” wiping your eyes still half asleep nothing seemed to be off in Richard’s double back to grab something, just what he needed. Post peek out the curtain on the window by the door he turned shifting the coat tucked in his arm hurrying to the spare bed. Off the top shelf high above where you could reach he pulled the two now wrapped ring boxes with notes on them. The one with the note for you he left in the center of the table with the second he settled in the cupboard above the fridge you wouldn’t bump into. Off the counter he grabbed the notepad tucking that under his arm to go and join your no doubt napping self already waiting for him in the car.
Betrayal was swiftly followed by refusal, in the brighter gray of the morning once the proposal turned argument with him storming right out of the set was the beginning and end of your shift. Ready to be out of your corset tears were close coming to blurring your vision for how emotional these scenes were and what you had to draw from to get to the reactions required. Out from the men’s wardrobe room eyes had shifted over Richard at his own anxious shuffling his way through getting dressed again and out to the hall to meet up to head home.
Awkward silence seemed to fall over the car between stops to pick up lunch from a fancier eatery than you frequented paired with a bottle of wine from there to go with the dinner. All the scents of the meal had you glancing over at Richard who glanced back with a flash of a wide smile then looked away again. “I think it went well today.” You squeaked out and he looked back with another smile.
“Everyone loved it. Yes, I think we really did the argument and the suspicion behind Frederick fleeing justice. Now we just have to do the hiding period where John can’t come inside only heightening things before the trips away to film the whole convention portion.”
“Ya, then we just have to kill off Mr Hale and do the whole Southern scenes before the big reunion scene at the station. Then I think it’s just more meddling from Mr Bell, right?”
“Yes, and your face off with John’s mother at the empty mill after my goodbye from Nicholas.” Again he looked you over asking, “You are enjoying this film?”
“Oh ya, no question about it. I mean I do miss the actual mental play by play from the book, especially John’s,” making him smirk at your hand tapping his arm, “You do impeccable with subtle things it’s just, I love the words it makes him so much more adorably soppy compared to his rough shell.”
“I get that,” he hummed back patting his hand on your knee not ready to take your hand to give away his thundering pulse. “I do love Margaret’s words over her own swooning. Plus I do miss the private moment where he clings to her after being struck in the head.”
A twinge more of the awkward was gone at his hand moving from the shifter to stroke his fingertips across your knee drawing shapes to distract himself ready to no longer have to live without the weight of that ring on his finger. This would be bold, insisting on wearing his ring as well for his own engagement ring and most likely could explode on the news when the press would catch onto the matching rings and assume that you had already run off and eloped. Which could be more likely in the next slew of auditions and the magazine spread you were to film that Peter had set up to your schedule for the cast of King Kong with another for you and Richard around the Beast of Bards film and its progress so far in theaters. But that all came after his having to ask the question.
You did as you always did, taking the bag of food while he grabbed the wine, sturdier hands when it came to glass he followed you inside. With a smirk he failed to hold back right across his face hidden by his turn to lock the door saying practically in a hum, “If you’ll set out the food I’ll pop the wine.”
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Behind you he crept smiling wider on your path to the table, inside the kitchen he set the wine bag down leaving his coat beside it to sneak the cupboard open to grab the wrapped box he palmed. His eyes fixed on your back for full view of the pause you took eyeing the box on the center of the table beside the candleholder you didn’t notice he’d put out the night before along with the special table setting. Carefully the bag was set down and to the box you moved lifting the indigo ribbon wrapped box with white paper coated in blue floral outlines and a note. ‘Give me to Richy Bear.’ A heart was drawn beside the words and lifting the box that adorable puzzled smirk he loved spread across your face.
Nice and confused into the kitchen you walked finding him looking you over, smile split free as you held out the box, “This is for you?”
“Thank you, trade you, my Dearest Love.” He said accepting his box for the one in his hand identically wrapped. ‘I pick the wine, you chose the spoons, My Dearest Love.’
Watching him your eyes narrowed with hold of the puzzling box while he eased the ribbon off his to pull the side of the paper off. His smile wide in his glance up to say, “Don’t wait for me,” back to the box in your hands your eyes dropped and with your free hand the end of the ribbon was undone to set aside with the note left on the counter. Out of the side of the folded paper you eyed the box inside keeping the lid side upright unwrapping the rest of the paper set aside too.
Upon opening his wrapping paper Richard blinked eyeing the message that was meant to be on your box alone Chris must have written across both. ‘Marry Me?’ Lifting the lid he flashed your way he hummed out in a means to pretend this was planned, “Of course I’ll marry you!” Instantly your eyes shot up and the distance was closed while you read the lid he was holding. Eyes eased shut for a lingering kiss that in the thunder of your heart almost had your knees give out.
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In the pull back his eyes dropped to your box reading the same message that your free hand moved to take the lid off in his silent hint, the smile inducing rock inside found you gently reaching in with your fingers to ease it out. A task taken slower in noticing the top lifting up while he dangled his pouch from around his thumb. Richard smiled taking the box away to let you hold the geode box you eased open revealing a velvet pouch.
You must have skipped a second because in the view of the box Richard appeared in your view now on his knee with hands tenderly folded around your wrist making shapes in your skin asking, “Will you go on this adventure with me?”
“I love adventures,” you wisped out making his smile split wider.
“Well then open the pouch.” He hummed with eyes following your hand in his timid rise hoping he was doing this all perfect for you to look back on for years to come in claiming the geode box when you lifted the pouch.
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Wide eyed you gawked at the ring, “You did not buy this!”
Your eyes met his and he shook his head, “Nope, you did.”
“Oh really? And how did I do that?” You asked with an instant playful challenging smirk to his deepening smile.
“I didn’t hunt down the old owner of that cabinet over some pens and a music box.” He drew out his ring showing you that one while sharing, “Hercule thought he lost these rings in that house fire. The geode box was inside that cabinet and that contract I told you about was about these rings. They were scuffed up and I took them to get cleaned and appraised.”
“Rich, how much is this ring?”
“No less than you deserve.” Your lips parted and he smiled saying, “They both have spoon engraved inside.” Again your smile split awkwardly out across your face.
“That’s why you wrote that note on mine, like their story.”
“Exactly,” he wet his lips and reached for the ring on your palm along with your left hand, purring, “You don’t want to wear it?”
“Rich you didn’t have to buy me a ring.”
“Yes I did, I wanted a ring! Be rude not to get you one to match.”
“Will it even fit? It’s huge.”
“It fits, you nearly didn’t give it back when I tried it on your finger.” He said easing it back onto your finger with eyes shining brightly as he did to your gasp.
“Where was I when that happened?”
“Sleeping,” he chuckled leaning in to kiss you again, just melting around you at the loop of your arms around his neck for the celebratory embrace lasting even after the kiss had ended, for a close eyed hug to cling to one another.
“I would have woken up if you put this on me.”
That made him chuckle into your shoulder, “You almost did, rolled over burying your hand into the pillow. You like it?” He murmured inching back to see your face.
“I love it, it’s still huge though.” In front of you he dangled his pouch that you smirked in accepting, “This is your ring?”
He nodded and said, “Which I plan on wearing.”
“Today?” You asked with a smile and he nodded.
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“Right here, right now and every day from here out. You bought it for me and I intend on boasting endlessly.” Once out of the pouch this ring widened your eyes as well and he lifted his hand saying, “They’re absurdly big compared to what I could have afforded until Bard is out of theaters. But you have to admit, fifteen bucks for these second hand suits us.” Up his finger the ring slid and came to rest and he said, “If you must know, both are 24 karat white gold. My center emerald is seven carats and the onyx and diamonds are a half a carat each. While your emerald is eight carats and the diamonds and smaller emeralds are one carat each. That’s all I’m telling you about them, other than the jewelers I went to said when you want we could go there to design your wedding band, on which I was clueless.” He looked you over in your moment of pause, “What are you thinking for bands?”
“Well, my cousin we went to her wedding,” which he nodded at remembering the ceremony at the courthouse and party on the family land while you were filming Elektra before her husband shipped out so he could leave her charge of his property that wouldn’t go to his family. “She picked one of those eternity bands with hearts, I did like that design.”
His grin eased out again, “That sounds beautiful.”
“Though hers was nearly three grand,”
“Don’t you worry about the price. I have money saved up, money is not an issue.” His hands eased on your hips to draw you closer to his chest, “I know getting through school was so difficult, I’ve been scraping by too for a decade before I had even met you finding what I loved. I will always do my best to ensure that we have a solid financial footing, and I do know you are getting paid crazy amounts of money for your roles. Even if I never get another check like off of Bards, I will be here, and I will never use that as any sort of,” he sighed and said after wetting his lips. “I am so proud of you, and where some men may feel they have to be the bread winner even if you out earn me I will never let that get between us. And I will do all I can to make you not feel like you can’t depend on me to help fund our lives.”
“I never thought that. I would never.”
“I know, but it may come up for others, I couldn’t afford this ring on my own if not for having found it, but I do hope one day comfortably I might be able to afford one half as much as this without worry on bills around it once this Bard money is gone. So you pick the band you want and we’ll get it for you. If it helps your dad loves the rings.”
“How did you show him?”
“Sent him a picture when I got them cleaned. And I bet you he’s shown them around.”
“No wonder his voice has been squeaking, you made him wait months! And where the hell did you get that geode box?”
He chuckled again, “They were both in the geode box, they were scuffed up from it when I found it, so that’s why I left yours in the pouch. I’m gonna open the wine.”
“Right,” you said breaking your smile up at him, “Food,” you said turning back to setting the table for the start of the rest of the romantic evening until it was bedtime. Calls to family put a lot of people out of their joint misery and kicking the plans into a slow grind for what and when you might want a ceremony to be. And in cleaning up came the start of an adorable habit where you would tap his side or arm to say with a smile, “We’re getting married,” or “Fiancé,” always splitting a massive smile across his face in his move to scoop you up for a loving kiss and tons of cuddles.
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That evening for another shoot however you stood looking at your ring through cooking before heading out, “We wear them to work, right? I mean we have those lockers, they seem pretty sturdy with cameras.”
“Other actors wear jewelry to work, we will be safe wearing them.”
The fact proven to be true from the sight of the new rings security took mental notes to mark you among the cast working with jewelry to have that locker room under surveillance ensuring that it remained off limits to those not assigned there. Cameras stationed outside the studio however with view of the parking garage on the way in and out honed in on the new sparkle on your finger mirrored by his in a wave to them upped the shadows on the path out the morning after.
Pt 38
Hobbit – Soulmate - @evyiione​​, @deepestfirefun, @rhaenaatargaryen, @anastasialovers
X all Rich. A - @abiwim​, @deepestfirefun​, @thestorybookmistress
X Lee P - @tigereyesf​
All –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​, @aspiringtranslator​​, @thegreyberet​​, @patanghill17​​, @jesgisborne​​, @curvestrology​​, @alishlieb​​, @jogregor​​, @armitageadoration​​, @fizzyxcustard​​, @lilith15000​​, @marvels-ghost​​, @catthefearless​​, @imjusthereforthereads​​, @c-s-stars​​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​​, @mariannetora​​, @shes-a-killer-kween​, @ggbbhehe4455
5 notes · View notes
lygerastia · 5 years
emotional jinx (Nero) - Part 4
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Summary:  You are Nero’s childhood friend who disappeared on him one day, leaving him heartbroken and confused: and straight into Kyrie’s arms.
Now, you have returned–and the demon hunter’s world turns around as he remembers his forgotten feelings for you. But he’s with Kyrie and… What will he do? And what will you do when Nero believes you like Dante?
Warnings: none
Chapters: 4 / 4 [Completed] 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
It’s been weeks since you’ve kissed Nero. And gosh you fucking missed him.
Things returned to normal: you lied to Dante about what really happened but, judging by his look, he knew better. In fact, it seemed like everyone knew what was going on between you two. But Nero and you acted as if nothing was wrong. Like you’ve reconciled as friends and he was sad because of Kyrie (which was still true, but he also had you now and it made things better). You were partners again and kicked demon ass constantly—actually, you worked even better now that you were a couple. And, well, you couldn’t keep your hands off of him whenever you found yourselves alone. He didn’t mention any rule against you two touching; and it wasn’t as if he said ‘no’. He held your hand tightly as if he didn’t want to let you go. He rubbed his thumb over your palm, comforting, trying to memorize something he has lost (and oh how many times you’ve held hands when you were kids). He was extra cute when he was staring at you longingly, most of the time his gaze lingering on your lips—you wanted to kiss him as much as he did. The first one—that fleeting breeze of a kiss—felt wonderful and new and old at the same time. It was a shame he only got a glimpse of the passion lingering inside you with that kiss...
You had to show him how much he meant to you. 
That time will come soon. For now, you were content with spending more time with him and enjoying his presence. It was all you could ask for. You didn’t want any prying eyes spying on you when you wanted to hold his hand. And the japes about how good you looked together when you rested your head on his shoulder were getting rather old. It was annoying and embarrassing—you didn’t want Kyrie to hear that he already found happiness alongside you. Either she finds out from you and Nero, or she doesn't find out at all. You didn’t want any kind of unwanted attention; you just wanted to enjoy this newfound love and uncover Nero’s secrets. He was a lovable person, romantic at heart, taking care of you just like you knew he would. He was careful and he was holding you in high regard, as if you were a glass doll he was afraid to touch.
But you could see it in his eyes: he craved you. It’s safe to say you did too.
“We’re here,” you tell him as soon as you spot the van in the distance. “Time to let go.”
“And if I don’t want to?” he purrs, teasing you by hovering above your lips—a giant shit-eating grin adorning his features.
You raised an eyebrow, “Are you ready for that?”
The young demon hunter cutely pouts, like a kicked puppy. He obviously wanted to show you to the world, to hold and kiss you without hiding. But Kyrie’s ghostly unresponsiveness lingered between you two and you didn’t want to do anything without her approval. Or, at least, to know that it was ok for her. It won’t ever be, but...
“...Well, I want you, [name].” In more ways than another.
You squeezed his hand reassuringly, then in the next moment, you let him go. You had to act like there was nothing wrong. “Come.”
You try to ignore the disappointment in his expression as you turned around and started walking toward the van. Nero followed you soon after, keeping a distance. You acted like friends again, though the smiles you had told otherwise. However, as you got closer, you noticed the group gathered outside the van. Everyone was there and, before you could question the reason why, you saw Kyrie in the middle.
Your heart stilled, and you felt Nero freeze alongside you. What was she doing here?  You risked a glance at Nero, who only had his eyes glued on the redhead.
“Nero—what do we do?” you whisper to him, willing your body to keep on moving. Nero doesn’t follow and you tug him by the arm, a bit forcefully due to your nerves.
“Why are you lagging there, slowpokes?” Dante waves a hand in the air. “You have a guest.”
An uninvited yet late guest.
“Nero—” you were beginning to panic. You weren’t ready for this. Not right now. You needed him. 
Instead, he finally finds his balls and interlaces his fingers with yours.
“This is it.”
You gasp softly at his action. He’s smiling a bit forcefully, but he’s sure of himself. He’s going to do this: for you, for himself. For lost and newfound love, for your kisses and smile. You knew it.  This was it.
“I want to talk to you,” Kyrie says, making eye contact with you.
“Huh? Uhh—” you weren’t sure what to say. It was out of your area of expertise and you had no idea how to react.  “Su-Sure, all three of us—”
“I only want to talk to you, [name].” The redhead is smiling so brightly, it was as if she wanted to talk to you about her grandma’s cake recipe. “With Nero—” she casts him a fleeting glance, “—I know what he thinks.”
“Kyrie—” Nero wants to say something, pleading Kyrie with his eyes (she doesn’t need another apology, but he’ll still do it until he’ll stop feeling sorry about it).
“Nero, please?” she gently touches Nero’s cheeks, her feelings pouring out of her then and there. It was too much for you to handle, so you look away.
Why did you ever let yourself get between them?
“I’m not upset,” Kyrie goes on, when it’s clearly not. But she seemed—fine. As much as someone in this situation can be. “I just have something to tell [name].” She focuses back on you and you flinch as if she slapped you. Get a hold of yourself, [name], she’s not going to murder you. “It won’t take long.”
“Come on, kid,” Dante slings an arm around Nero and starts walking away. “Let’s take a walk.” Trish gives you an encouraging smile as they're all walking away—wasn't very comforting. You only wanted to run away from all of this. Why should you talk to Kyrie? There was nothing (a lot) to be said. Panicking, you sought help—then you catch Nero’s gaze. His beautiful blue eyes stare at you lovingly, and he slightly nods.
You can do this. For us.
And yes—you can do this. For us.
You take a deep breath, “Shall we go inside?”
“I won’t take much of your time, [name].” But she nonetheless follows your lead and enters the van. You plop yourself on the couch and she gently sits on the edge of it, as if she wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. Which she most likely did.
“So...” you start, feeling awkward. However, Nero’s expression and loving gaze kept you determined and courageous to see this through.
“I don’t hate you, [name],” she starts. “I never did—and I never will.” Her smile is reassuring and you feel your body relieving itself of the tension. “You’re my friend, even if—even if Nero always came in between.” Ok, here is where it goes downhill. “I am not blaming anyone for this,” she hangs her head as if ashamed. “Maybe I’ve been selfish about it...”
“NO!” you cry, hand on heart. “I—I was the selfish one...I stole Nero from you. I honestly didn’t mean for it to happen—I-I-I was fine with you two being together even if—even if he never answered to my feelings.” You pleaded her with your eyes, wanting her to understand that she wasn’t at fault: it was all you. “Kyrie, if you still want him back, I—”
“I don’t want him back, [name],” she grabs your hand in comfort. “He made his decision. And it’d be unfair to him to—to force him.” She was right. The demon hunter chose this. He could’ve ignored his burning feelings for you and pretend all was a lie. He didn’t, though: he chose you. “I know Nero loves you. I saw it every day when he knew I wasn’t looking. Sometimes, he’d get quiet and fall into thought, as if he was trying to remember something. Or, maybe, he was trying not to forget.” Her voice dips low, “I think he was trying to keep your memory alive...”
You feel bad for letting your heart skip a beat: that sounded so romantic.
“He’d always tell me it was nothing when I asked him if anything was wrong. But I knew—” she lifts her eyes, looking at you. “I knew it was about you. And I stole him from you.”
“You did not—”
“I did. Back then. When you left. I was aware that you two—had something special going on. My sin was pretending I didn’t.”
Kyrie blushes to her ears, as if she was ashamed of what she has done in the past. “I knew you liked each other. Neither of you probably noticed, but—when Nero came to me, I didn’t care. I took him for myself.”
“Oh.” It all made sense now. And, somehow, you couldn’t blame her at all. “I see…”
“Sometimes, I even imagined you wouldn’t come back,” she whispers in a low voice. “That was wrong of me. And I’m sorry.”
She was on the verge of crying and you grabbed her hands, squeezing. “No—Kyrie, you don’t need to cry! Please, you’ve got nothing to apologize for. We were kids, we—” you take a deep breath. “Nero was in love with you, whether he also had feelings for me or not. That much is true. You did nothing wrong.”
“No, stop,” you firmly tell her. “I don’t blame you or Nero for what happened. I’m glad you two were together. And—And I’m sorry for doing this to you.”
“[name], Nero was never meant for me.” It broke your heart to hear her so sad. You wanted to turn back time, to fix this, to never fall for Nero and let them be free in love. Were you allowed to be selfish? You didn’t want to—the guilt and shame were eating at you. But—
“Can you forgive me, Kyrie?”
She smiles brightly, “I already did.” It feels as if a weight lifted off your heart with just that one sentence. You smile back, kind of unsure, kind of happy. “Can you?”
“Yeah. But—”
“I want Nero to be happy, [name]. He won’t be with me.”
“Shut up,” she playfully flicks your forehead. “It’s for the best. And I don’t regret it. You have my blessing,” she giggles. “You don’t have to hide anymore.” You look to the side, embarrassed. “And if you need embarrassing stories about Nero, you know where to come!”
“Now that I want to hear.” You two share a laugh and you feel like a butterfly, fleeing with joy. Your head is in the clouds and you want to run to Nero and kiss him straight on the lips.
Nero. Nero. NERO. “Nero!”
Your heart is soaring with joy and love and all the positive feelings in the world. You’re running, frantically attempting to determine Nero’s whereabouts. He was nowhere and you hated it—until you caught a whiff of him. You speed up, through the streets and pushing people that got in your way, until you somehow arrive in front of the true Devil May Cry. How did that happen? It felt like magic. You’ve rarely been here, preferring to crash into Nico’s van (and stay with Nero, of course). It was an interesting place, though, filled with cool stuff Dante collected over the years. A bit rundown, but…
Oh well. There he was: Nero. He was sitting on the steps alongside Dante and the group. They were all chatting and joking, but when they noticed you, they stopped and grinned in your direction. Except for Nero, who was a bit worried, unsure of what to expect. When he saw your grin, his expression turns around: a smile from ear to ear. His eyes lit up and he jumps up, ready to embrace you. You pick up the pace, eager to reach your lover. When you’re close, he opens his arms and you jump into them. He catches you easily, snaking his arms around your waist as you grab his neck for support. You bury your nose into his jacket, while he inhales the scent of your hair.
“Everything alright?” he whispers, but he already knows the answer.
“Yeah, yeah—don’t worry.”
He puts you down, gazing into your eyes like you were his everything (which you probably were).  “So—”
“Ok, lovebirds, this is all romantic and stuff, but I don’t want to hear it,” Dante clears his throat, annoyed, yet with a smile on his face.
“Now I—” Nico sighs, conflicting emotions across her face. “Now I don’t what to feel about all this...”
Fair enough—she’s Kyrie’s friend more than you were. Maybe that’s why she acted like that before, trying to warn her about your intentions (even if you weren��t planning on doing anything). Well, life goes on—and it’s not happy for everyone. You can forgive yourselves and get used to the changes. You apologized and you got a (reluctant) approval, but it was still better than nothing.
“You’ll get used to it,” Trish says sassily, hands on her hips. Was she an 'avid' supporter of you and Nero? Seemed like it. 
“I’m sorry—”
“You’ve got nothing to be ‘sorry’ about,” Dante stops you. “It’s just the way things are.” You look at the older demon hunter with new eyes—but he doesn’t let you get used to his softer side. He grins sexily and almost wiggles his eyebrows at you two as he opens his mouth, suggestively, “Well, gang, seems like we have to go.”
“What? Why?” Nico is thoroughly confused, while Lady and Trish nod like two protective mothers. They knew what was up—and you didn’t want to think that he was referring to... You glanced at your demon hunter and you notice the way he was avoiding your gaze, embarrassed. His cheeks were red and he was pursing his mouth in a way that told you he knew what this was about. No—no way...
“Enjoy the house, kiddies,” Dante shouts, laughing joyously, grabbing Nico by the arm and dragging her away (despite her protests). “Don’t break too much stuff or you’ll pay!”
Your eyes widen, staring from Dante to Nero. What was this all about? Why was Dante giving you the whole Devil May Cry? This was insane! And they weren’t all expecting to...
They were gone out of sight before you could call after them and tell them that this wasn’t exactly what you wanted. But it was too late, so it was just you and Nero now, standing embraced in front of the building like two fools.
You pout at him, “What’s that all about?”
“You’re not getting in my pants that easily, Nero.” A big fat lie.
“That’s not what—” he was getting flustered and it was adorable. At least that part of him never changed. He shrugs, helpless, “I don’t know, I figured that—We’d spend some time alone, after—” He’s pleading you with his puppy eyes, “I was just trying to do something nice, I—” he sees your half-amused expression and loses it, “Don’t judge me, ok?!”
You roll your eyes, taking his hand in yours, “Well, whatever—since we’re already here...” you drawl on, trying to be as suggestive as possible (without being too aggressive). He says nothing as you pull him behind you, opening the doors to the Devil May Cry and entering the premises. You don’t have time to examine your surroundings (and enjoy the things Dante had), and your mind is certainly not focused on exploring Dante’s lair right now. You glance back at Nero meaningfully, and he’s looking back at you. You don’t know where you’re guiding him, but you’re up the stairs and next thing you know, you open a door. It’s dark inside but, through the only window in the room, come the last sun rays. They fell on Dante’s sad little bed. You stop next to it, staring at Nero; and, ever so slowly, you take off his jacket. It falls to the floor—he takes off yours, while you struggle with his shirt. When he’s done with you, he lifts his arms, allowing you to take it off. It goes on like this, your shirt, then his shoes, then yours, then his pants, then yours. When you are out of items to disrobe (save for your underwear), you study each other, as if it was uncharted territory. It wasn’t: you’ve done this all before, stripping naked and sleeping in a bed together. But you were innocent back then, and you’ve seen it all before. Yet, Nero has a lot more scars than before, fading, but still noticeable. You wondered how he saw you: as before? Different? With flaws? Too slim? Too chubby?
“You’re perfect,” he whispers, taking you by the waist and planting a sweet and much-needed kiss on your mouth. You eagerly respond, pouring all you had for him, finally free from the guilt. You kiss him as if the world ends tomorrow and you have no time to tell him how much you love him. He kisses you back as if he’s afraid of letting himself go, passionate, loving, needy, pressing. It makes you chuckle and he smiles back into the kiss, holding you ever so close. You remain without air and part, panting softly while looking at each other under a new light.
“Should we...?” you nod at the bed, feeling like a teenager. Giddy. In love. He looks positively amused and embarrassed, but he doesn’t say ‘no’. He remembers that day too, when he wanted to experiment and kiss you to see how your lips tasted like. A curiosity he never satisfied until now.
You tasted like the best food he ever had.
It was wrong of him to think of you as food, but his brain wasn’t really thinking straight right now, with you in your underwear in front of him. You matured in all the right places, you were delicious-looking—and he couldn’t wait to touch you thoroughly, to explore every inch of your skin. His fingers were tingling and he ached to touch you again, to kiss you slowly, hard, rough, sweet—in every way. He wants to find out what you like so he can please you as best as he can. He wants to know your secrets, to make new memories...
You two jump into the bed, on the side, facing each other. Your arms and hands find familiar bodies, snaking around each other and bringing your bodies close together. You stare into each other’s eyes, gazing deep—you felt your cheeks flush from the intensity of it.
God, he was so beautiful. Shame for the hair, though, even if you got used to it.
As you were thinking that, you ran your fingers through his short hair; it felt nice. You sigh, content. “This feels...” you honestly had no words, but it had to be said. You’re back to the beginnings, where everything was innocent: you were young again, looking at Nero with curiosity. You breathe him in, exhale love, and your thoughts are a jumble.
What was he thinking about now? Was he oversensitive as you were?
“Familiar?” he completes your sentence, grinning cutely.
“Yeah, I think so,” you exhale. “Do—Do you remember?”
“Of course I do.”
“What were you thinking about, back then?” You’re genuinely curious; you’ve wanted to know about this for a long time. It felt only right to ask.
“Heh, well,” he darts his eyes to the side, “things I shouldn’t say?”
You chuckle, “Seriously?”
“I was curious. Can you blame me?” “Nah. I look ravishing.”
“That you do.”
“So...” you trail off, feeling heat pooling inside your belly. Since you had one leg between his own, you could feel him slightly growing with each second, his eyes scanning your every nook and cranny. You slowly and deliberately rubbed that spot with your thigh, gently as to not hurt him. His eyes widen pleasantly, then cloud over with desire, a cocky smirk on that pretty mouth of his. “How you’ve been lately?”
He groans, a deep rumble in his throat. A bit of rolling eyes that show you how frustrating it was that you were playing innocent right now when it was obvious. Otherwise, why did you bring him here? Why did you act so hurt about him wanting to spend some time alone (honestly, he never intended to actually do something with you, but seems like you had other plans)? He didn’t mind, not one bit: he’s fantasized over this moment a long time ago, imagining how it would feel, picturing your reactions.
Nero had a feeling that reality would be better than his imagination.
“Hey, you ignoring me, Nero?”
“Ugh, shut up,” he growls, grabbing your face with his metal hand. It feels cool on your skin, but a welcomed feeling.  “You talk too much.” You do because you’re nervous about what was going to happen: but before you can voice that thought, he brings you in for a kiss. You quickly get lost into it, forgetting your nervousness and everything that might’ve changed your mind. After successfully distracting you, his hand runs down your neck, up to your shoulder, rubbing it a little while—as if trying to comfort you. You continue to indulge in the kiss, sparks flying as you open your mouth willingly to allow him access. He tests the waters a bit reluctantly, preferring to focus on your skin rather than anything else. You had no idea whether his arm had any sensors that made him feel the texture of your skin, but he seemed to enjoy himself as his fingers trailed downwards, over the curves of your hips. You shudder at the cold sensation, pulling your body closer to him, seeking his warmth. He chuckles, amused, and playfully pinches your hard nipples through your bra.
“Ah!” you gasp in his mouth, then pull away. “Nero!” but it sounds more like a moan than anything else.
“What?” He’s challenging you with his gaze—and, honestly, you are in the mood to take it. With one swift motion, taking him unguarded, you push him on his back, pinning his arms above his head as you jump on top of him. Nero lets out a huff of surprise, his lips partly opened: it just made him adorable as fuck. Yet you didn’t hope you’d maintain this position for long—he was stronger than you and he can easily topple you. He doesn’t do it, though, relaxing under your grip. But, fuck, he looked so vulnerable under you, arms raised, muscles beautifully straining, his chest and abs exposed for your enjoyment. You just wanted to lick them all, to touch them—but you felt as if he’d take advantage of you if you let his wrists loose.
Besides, you actually liked this predicament.
“Got you now, demon hunter,” you coo seductively, straddling his hips. Through the fabric of your underwear, you could see how hard he was. You bet he could feel how wet you were too. You lean over to him, inches apart from his lips. “What are you going to do?”
Cheeks flushed, he answers, vibrating with excitement, “Whatever you want to do.”
Having Nero under control was an interesting prospect; one that drove you mad with want. It had to be said, though, “Isn’t this hurting your fragile ego, Nero?”
Hey, maybe he was into some kinky shit.
“Babe, I’m enjoying this more than you can imagine,” he purrs, a spark in his eyes. You now just noticed the way he was panting, true to his words.
“Ah, so you like to be submissive?” you tease.
Nero scoffs, but the blush on his cheeks was a giveaway. “Just today.”
“Oh, yeah?” you smirk, starting to grind against him. He lets out a strangled moan, tossing his head back. You go on, grinding against his hard dick as if he was a pole. Nero doesn’t seem to dislike it, finally closing his eyes and letting you take the reigns. It was a hot view and you can’t help yourself: you also want to be touched. You let his arms go—and he immediately takes advantage of that. His hands rest on your hips; but it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. His human hand cups your titty, but he’s not satisfied with that. He expertly unhooked your bra and you let it fall on the bed. He feels much better now that he was touching your nipples, skin to skin; and you don’t waste the opportunity to run your palms over his chest and muscles. They felt amazing.
“Nero...” you breathe out his name. You had to make sure that this process was not uncomfortable for you: rubbing against fabric was not the most pleasant thing in the world to do. However, Nero was clearly enjoying himself by the way he was tossing and turning his head. As if he’d never felt something this good in his life. You doubted it—but maybe he was acting this way because of you, a person he’d dreamed of all this time and never had the opportunity to do it. “Nero?”
He opens his eyes with an annoyed groan, staring at you with half-lidded eyes. He was panting harder now as you kept on moving, harder and faster.
“What?” he sounded strained, as if he was closer to his climax. Ha ha, no way, no?
“Do you like this?”
He pinches your nipple as a way to respond, earning a hiss. “Does it look like I don’t?”
“It feels like you’re enjoying this too much. You sure you can hold on?”
“I—” he breathes out, trying to decide if he was going to lie or not. “I won’t.”
His admission drives you insane and you finally kiss him, savagely. He answers weakly, focused on your private zones touching. You grab his hair, pulling his head back, and grind against him slowly—that was the last straw for him.
“Shit, SHIT!” he calls out, wrapping his arms around your body and crushing you to his chest. You feel his dick tensing and, judging by the way he was moaning and groaning in your ear, you knew he was cumming right then and there. You weren’t disappointed; in fact, you were glad he was this eager for you and that it was you who made him feel like this. After he was finished (he did come rather violently), his grip on you loosens and you straighten, watching him unfold. He was breathing erratically, pink on his cheeks and sweat glistening on his skin. He’s taking a few minutes to catch his wits because that.was.AMAZING. And if a bit of dry-humping felt this good, then how would fucking feel like?
The white-haired demon hunter finally opens his eyes and sees your amused expression for the first time: a stupid plastered grin on your swollen lips.
It dawns on him, finally, of what happened. “Fuck, this is embarrassing,” he says, hiding his face underneath his hands.
“Oh, no, no, no,” you giggle, prying his hands off of him. “Don’t worry about it, I enjoyed it. Very much.”
“You’re just saying that—” he pouts, disappointed in himself a little bit.
“Stop it, Nero, I’m really not.” You make him look at you. “We have plenty of time from now on, don’t we?”
He’s not entirely convinced, but he doesn’t protest as you kiss him romantically.
“Yeah...” he sighs. “I’m going to make it up to you.”
“I hope so,” you laugh.
Plenty of time to discover one another.  The world was your oyster.
And you were going to enjoy the hell out of it.
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mucky-puddler · 5 years
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and reaping the rewards of research
First of all, spoilers for the film named above. Also, a disclaimer about words said - they are all mine own opinion, don’t come after me, just let me have this
So I saw my first Tarantino film recently, and I have a few thoughts. This is about to get really confusing so buckle up.
Let me give y’all an overview of the film. From the trailer, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood looked like a movie about a struggling movie star - set in 60′s, I got a lot of Texas/western vibes, regardless of the types of films we can see being produced throughout this film (told you).  Leonardo DiCaprio appears to be the lead with Brad Pitt as the brother-from-another-mother (whom I presumed would be given the romantic sub-plot, but more on that later). Oh and Margot Robbie is also there - she too plays an actor, but in a different film to DiCaprio...in the film trailer...yeah, that makes sense.
Being the terrible film studies student that I am, I decided that this will be my first Tarantino film. I’ve heard good things about him and have been recommended some of his earlier pieces of work like Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction, so I thought I would dip my toes in with the one that was in cinemas - Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.
So about 2/3 of the way through this film, with my M’n’Ms all gone and after leaving the theatre to buy some water, I had a thought come to me - nothing is happening. There is no plot. This film is made up of a series of moments that have been filmed nicely. I got bored - so bored, in fact, that my film brain kicked in and made me realise that there was no plot. Throughout the remainder of the film, I was searching - for meaning, for foreshadowing, for anything at all. I saw potential in a lot of these moments - where Brad Pitt’s (Cliff Booth) and Margaret Qualley’s (Pussycat) characters finally meet and visit an old filming location where Pussycat lives, or where Leonardo DiCaprio’s character (Rick Dalton) shares a moment with a child actor (will go into these scenes more later maybe), but there was very little connecting them together. Also, Rick and Margot Robbie’s character (Sharon Tate) never meet until the last few minutes!
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Above is a diagram I have become extremely familiar with - I don’t know if it has a fancy name or anything but it essentially maps out the amount of tension as the story progresses; it can be applied to anything with a story in it, not just films, and it’s not a strict rule.
1 is exposition; now, we are often told (or I am, at least) that exposition is of the devil and should be removed as much as possible. But without exposition, how will the audience know where or when they are in the big wide universe. Authors (this is the term I will be using for the people that write stories) need exposition for setting the scene that is taking place - and that is okay. The entirety of Once In Hollywood appears to be exposition - there is so much setting up of character and relationships that nothing else seems to happen, which nicely leads on to the next point.
2 is called the inciting incident - it is an event within the story that sets off tension and invites excitement in the very souls of the audience. I did not feel that this vital point was evident in Once In Hollywood; I guess you could say that the meeting with Al Pacino’s character (Marvin Schwarz), where Rick realises that his career is over is the inciting incident, but I would argue that it doesn’t affect the rest of the narrative - Rick doesn’t change as an effect of the meeting, and therefore neither does the story.
3 is the rising action, and this is where most of the story should take place - smaller events are slowly increasing the tension up to the pinnacle (more on that later). Once In Hollywood, in my humble and potentially naive opinion, does not do this whatsoever. Everything following Rick and Marvin’s meeting remains at the same level of tension until the last twenty minutes or so. That’s not to say that I did not find some scenes interesting - the scenes I mentioned earlier were the most memorable and interesting for me (obvs everyone is different).To be completely candid, I’m surprised it took me 2/3 of a film for me to realise how uneventful that film was - perhaps I’m entertained by boring films.
4 is the climax, the part everyone looks forward to, and this can definitely be seen in Once In Hollywood - but it is a little unexpected. The murderers almost came out of nowhere, and I saw no connection between the man who ordered the kill (which I think was Damien Herrimon’s character, Charles Manson (some of you may be familiar with that name, I’ll get onto it later)) and those who actually (tried to) get their hands dirty. They did have a connection with Cliff Booth, purely on accident, mind you. The wind-up to the big climactic fight was somewhat drawn out with an unnecessary amount of shots of the murderers walking up this hill to get to Rick’s house. The actual fight was exactly what I expected from a Tarantino movie - bloody and violent and epic (although it was weird that Rick brought out the flame-thrower (from one of his earlier movies) and torched one of the murderers without knowing what was going on).
I’m going to lump 5 and 6 together because there are only a few minutes of the film left to cover and they generally happen close together anyway. So 5 is falling action, where the tension calms down a little and the adrenaline slowly leaves the audience and they can lean back in their seats once more, and 6 is the resolution where everything comes into perspective. In the context of Once In Hollywood, neither of these events are fully satisfied - the cooldown period before the credits was so short meaning it left the audience confused, and nothing was really resolved because there was nothing to resolve in the first place. I’m sure a statement can be made about the peculiarity and abruptness of life here, but I don’t want to make it because it sounds stupid.
And now about the research. I was more than happy to leave behind this film in memory and move on with my life (bad film student), but my wonderful boyfriend search for answers and found a clue to them all before the bus arrived home.
If you are familiar with the name Sharon Tate, then you already know where this is going, but I had never heard the name before - I know very little about my own history, let alone the history of another country. You may also notice that she is not mentioned a whole lot in my very very brief overview of this 2 hour and 40 minute film; that’s because she’s not really in it - she doesn’t interact with any of the other characters until the very end when she invites Rick into her home after the attack. And I have a theory about why.
If you type ‘Sharon Tate’  into google, you will be greeted with the face of an actress that was murdered in 1969 in her home in Hollywood by the Manson family, led by Charles Manson. Prior to this research, I was guessing that the character called Manson was in charge of the potential murders within the film because his name was only brought up once and there wasn’t really anyone else it could be. Then after a simple google search, it is confirmed (to me, at least) that he is the man behind it. So my next question was this; if you have such a big story in your film, why not focus the film on that instead of a fictional character? The words ‘based on a true story’  always hit home to the audience, making them realise that their lives are not as safe as they once thought, so why leave out such an impactful tool in the hopes of making it a fictional story?
Now that right there is a scene breakdown with Leonardo DiCaprio and Tarantino (who is a lot younger than I thought he would be), and Tarantino discusses how the character of Rick Dalton fits into our past, fighting for jobs alongside Steve McQueen who is also seen as a character in this film (played by Damien Lewis). On top of that, Mike Moh plays Bruce Lee, which brings our real people count up to 4 - so it’s pretty clear that this film is based in our history. But it isn’t our history, because in our history Sharon Tate dies. Therefore...alternate universe!
If you know anything about me...which you don’t...you would know that I love talking about things like this - it is my jam. I think it is interesting that a director as famous as Tarantino would employ such a trope commonly associated with science fiction.
After watching the first minute of this film by New Rockstars, I have learned that this use of the alternate realities is actually quite common for Tarantino to use, which is interesting. I have never heard anyone talk about Tarantino and his use of popular history within his work. In this video, his films are described as a fairytale re-telling of events, often ending happier than history did. 
But does all of this, the idea of an alternate, interconnected universe, the happier endings, the familiar names, does it balance out the plot-less moment montage I saw that rainy afternoon? Honestly, I don’t know. I’m kind just happy discussing films, and people always have more to say about the films they hate rather than the films they enjoy, right? I could go on more, but this post has taken days, and I mean days to write, so imma summerise - this film is okay after thinking about it a bit and after knowing a little more about Tarantino, and research pays off.
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winchestergirl-13 · 6 years
Venetian Love
Prompt: Go To Venice
Pairing: Chuck x Reader
Word Count: 1,527
Warning: a lot of sickly sweet fluff. That’s it.
A/N: This is for @buckyscrystalqueen, @ravenangel33, and @archiveofourown73 Heart’s Desire challenge. And yes, it’s a little late. I got tied up in some things earlier today and totally forgot to post this. But it’s done! I hope you like it. Translations for any words in Italian will be at the end of the post. If I misspelled anything, I apologize. I used google translate, so I don’t know if it is truly accurate.
Being friends with the Winchesters had its advantages at times. In this case, it was meeting their friend Chuck, who just so happened to be God. What wasn't planned (although he may have seen it coming) was falling in love with him and his slightly quirky personality. A perk with that is that he could take you anywhere you wanted to go with just a snap of his fingers. Which brings us to today- Valentine's Day.
“(Y/N), darling, is there anywhere special that you've always wanted to go?” Chuck randomly asked one day. She looked up at her boyfriend from her position, which was with her head resting on his lap.
“Not that I could think of. I mean, you've already taken me to (insert country here). Why?” she sat up to look at him. (If it is Italy, think of your second favorite place to go)
“Well, it's almost Valentine's Day and I was thinking we could go someplace special this year. You up for a surprise?” he smirked a little and grabbed her hand.
“I'm always up for a surprise from you. Where did you have in mind?” she asked, trying to think of some possible places.
“Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, (Y/N)” he chuckled, to which she pouted a little but ended up laughing alongside him. She placed a small kiss to his cheek and went to get up.
“Where are you going?” he tugged her back down onto the couch and into his arms.
“To go pack. I need clothes if we're going on a trip.”
“That won't be necessary. Our bags are at the hotel already. All you have to do is hold on to me.”
“What?” was all she could manage before they disappeared from their living room and reappeared outside of a beautiful hotel. Everyone around them was frozen in time, to avoid any suspicions from just showing up. As she looked around, Chuck unfroze time and they made their way into the hotel.
“Ciao, come potrei aiutarti?” the lady behind the desk asked.
“Ciao, abbiamo una prenotazione sotto Shurley,” Chuck replied.
She smiled and checked the computer before handing over two keys. “Eccoti qui, stanza 215. Se hai qualche domanda per favore contatta la reception. Spero ti paccia il tuo soggiorno qui.”
“Grazie mille,” Chuck thanked her before grabbing the keys and taking (Y/N)'s hand. They got in the elevator and she couldn't help but laugh.
“Italy! I can't believe we are in Italy!”
“Not just Italy, dear. Venice to be precise,” Chuck stated as they got off the elevator and made their way to their room. After opening the door and noticing that yes, their bags were indeed there, (Y/N) ran over to the window and looked outside. From there she could see the canals and the gondoliers transporting people back and forth. It was all so beautiful.
“Do you like it so far?” Chuck asked, coming up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist. She turned in his arms and placed a kiss upon his lips. When they pulled away, she said softly, “I love it. Thank you.”
They got their things sorted and then decided to take a trip into town and see the sights. The first thing they did was climbing aboard a gondolier and taking a water tour of Venice before arriving at the heart of Venice. All the while, Chuck would take pictures of (Y/N), sometimes at random without her knowing and some she caught him taking. She did the same to him. They tried some local cuisine and took a few tours of some of the museums around. There was just so much to see and do that they couldn't do it all in one day. Luckily they were going to be staying there for a few days.
Upon arriving at their hotel after dinner, Chuck pulled (Y/N) over to where some street musicians were performing and started twirling her around. She let out a laugh as they danced around in the streets, others joining in or recording the magic. Once the musicians were finished, they left them a tip in their case before retiring for the night. Chuck held (Y/N) close as she slept, amazed at how someone so beautiful was all his.
As they enjoyed their little holiday in Venice, Valentine's Day was sneaking up behind them. On said day, Chuck planned out practically every romantic thing he could think of to do while in Venice. After a lovely breakfast in bed, they started the day by going out on another gondola ride, getting off to go and visit Dorsoduro and window shop (although he did manage to buy her a little gift for later). They made their way to the Doge's Palace and took in all of the art and architecture. That lead them to exploring the city from San Giorgio Maggiore. (Y/N) honestly thought Chuck was spoiling her (and possibly cheating time a little so they could do everything in one day, but she wasn't going to complain).
They had a picnic at Alberoni Beach which ended in a dip in the water and some perfect gelato before taking a stroll at Zattere as it slowly turned to evening. Chuck took (Y/N) to a few other sites before arriving at Ristorante Alle Corone for dinner.
“Chuck, I think you're spoiling me here,” (Y/N) commented during dinner, to where he just laughed and replied, “Of course I am. I wanted to make this a Valentine's Day you'll remember.” He took her hand from across the table, giving it a little squeeze.
“I don't think I'm ever going to forgot this day.” After dinner. They had two more stops to make before it got too late. Hand in hand, the two of them took a stroll through St. Marks Square, watching as the sun slowly set beyond the horizon, staining the skies a golden color. It was perfect.
Their last stop seemed ordinary compared to the others, but it was a popular tourist hot spot; The Rialto Bridge. Everything was just so beautiful; from the way the lights reflected off the water to the buildings along the waters edge. It was just breathtaking.
“Oh Chuck, this is beautiful,” (Y/N) gushed, taking it all in.
“It is. But to me, you're the most beautiful-est thing here,” Chuck stated before getting down on one knee.
“You're such a sap, Chuck,” she chuckled a little before turning around, only to gasp at what she saw. Others turned to see what was happening.
“(Y/N), love, when we first met, it was like I had known you all my life and yet we never met before. I looked at you and all I could see was this amazingly beautiful, talented woman that I had to know. Every time I look at you, all I see is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. (Y/N) (L/N), will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?” He opened the little blue box and revealed a lovely, slightly intricate, gold ring. Two diamonds sat in the middle of a twisted branch design.
Tears were slowly falling from the corners of her eyes, but a huge smile was on her face. (Y/N) nodded her head and cried out, “Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!”
All around them people cheered as Chuck took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her finger. He stood up, but before he could say anything more, she jumped into his arms, her head buried in his shoulder. Chuck just wrapped his arms around her before they pulled away and kissed each other like it was the last time.
The other people on the bridge were so happy for the new couple. Some gave them some flowers, others took pictures for them, offered their congratulations. It was truly a Valentine's Day to remember.
Back at the hotel, Chuck swept (Y/N) off her feet and carried her into their room, both of them laughing as the door shut behind them. As they got ready for bed, (Y/N) couldn't help but admire her ring. Chuck placed a hand over hers, causing her to look up into his mesmerizing blue eyes. Leaning forward, she captured his lips in a sweet, yet passionate kiss. He smiled into the kiss and gently pushed her down onto the bed. He broke the kiss with a small peck to her lips, nose, cheeks, all while causing her to laugh.
As they lay in bed, (Y/N) looked up at him and said, “Thank you for making this the best Valentine's Day ever, Chuck.”
He smiled down at her and pulled her into his arms, placing another kiss to her temple. “You're welcome my love. Ready to spend eternity with me?”
With a smile, she replied, “I've been ready since the day we met.” He couldn't help but laugh a little and pull her closer (if that was possible). He was glad he took her to Venice. It was truly a romantic place and nothing was going to beat this day.
(Well, maybe when he tells his kids that they're getting a new mother. But that's a conversation for another day)
- Ciao, come potrei aiutarti: “Hello, how may I help you?”
- Ciao, abbiamo una prenotazione sotto Shurley: “Hello, we have a reservation under Shurley.”
- Eccoti qui, stanza 215. Se hai qualche domanda per favore contatta la reception. Spero ti paccia il tuo soggiorno qui: “Here you are, room 215. If you have any questions, please contact the front desk. Hope you enjoy your stay here.”
- Grazie mille: “Thank you very much.”
Again, I apologize if any Italian in here is incorrect. I used google translate, so I hope it is accurate.
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exbacktasks9-blog · 5 years
Free of charge Information On How To Get Your Ex Back Fast
"It's crucial for individuals to verify how these are considering and to find out they are able to really feel things like resentment, be alongside as a result and not have accessibility to to respond to it. That can support us maintain criticism, judgment also as guilt aside. Several individuals may go, 'I'm thinking about mad, and that's Okay.' You basically in no way have to yell at your ex." I want to point this out because of to the reality typically circumstances when you and your family are from the technique in addition state of mind of getting back with the ex, you and your family can are inclined to forget about that it's also connected to you becoming happy instead of essentially engaging in a relationship with one another along with the man or lady who you and your family romantic endeavors. It is actually Okay for you sincerely to be dissatisfied; it is actually Alright for you sincerely to sound your discontent often and to establish a number of anticipations for your sizeable several other.
 As I started surfing around Pinterest, searching the soft components of the net, and doing some very good old-created brainstorming in just a attempt to put together the very ideal collection for you all on how to keep the romance in existence outside of Valentine's Day…. I positioned this swift submit written by Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. Premium quality time doesn't imply getting together with with a simple grouping of good friends or receiving several individuals over for lunch time. It indicates that you as well as your family and friends convert the t . v . away from and eliminate disruptions to articulate with and hear to your loved a single. (A single couple reported if you sincerely want to learn how strong your relationship is, have a very highway journey of no less than 10 several hours together!)
 Ahead of you and your members of the family try to win your ex back, realize that it most likely wasn't an excellent relationship if you furthermore to your ex experienced a great offer of warmed up fights. It's harmful to your each of you sincerely. Probably the cosmetics sex was fantastic. Even so variables will get the best value significantly more sophisticated if you actually get back together and at some point get committed and in addition have small children. If you may have been through an on-once again-off of-again relationship, be sure you actually can choose how to combat significantly less, as well as uncover to give up if you are going to get back with your ex.
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 How you deal with combats could eliminate your relationship. As opposed to fighting your boyfriend, combat for your relationship. Understand that he's not your enemy. The true enemies would be the negative attitudes, routines or attributes that each and every of you in fact must conquer. So typically loosen up, hear to the many other area, be well prepared to undermine, and accomplish a binding agreement to remedy any condition.
 Allow your relationship to create as well as make without the need of objectives established by others. Don't forget about that like the most enchanting as well as desirable videos accomplish (normally in 90 included a few minutes or considerably less). Your relationship items the probable to be viewed a life time of wonderful moments dipped inside of a weighty dosage of reality. Healing your relationship with movie-worthwhile requirements with undoubtedly direct to a not-so-satisfied-finishing despite the fact that the credits roll.
 Before moving any additional, I would really like to point out these particular spells ought not to be used softly. Personal interactions finish for the explanation, and also secret is not any alternative to making time repair your damaged coronary center. But if you as well as your relatives truly feel you've dropped your ex due to a 1-time problem as well as a false impression (that may be, it is not going to denote you as well as your loved ones don't get alongside), then you in fact must give these real miracle spells the opportunity, and try to get your ex back.
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mal-likes-biscuits · 5 years
The Picnic - Epilogue
A proper epilogue for this thread with @macabrecabra​, because Magtherius did tell him to be more overt in his affection. Set in Series 2, before Act III and after most of the Series 1 angst has worked its way through. Also after, uhm, other things have happened. You’ll understand.
This is romantic and probably really sappy and there’s absolutely no demon stabbing in it.
“This is quite unusual,” Farah said, smiling as she gathered her zala about her shoulders and followed Malthael out of the library. 
Usually, he appeared at home after her work had ended for the day, or she was forced to interrupt him from his studies in the library in order to get his attention. But today, he had sought her out as she was tidying her desk, with a rather surprising request.
“As you said before,” he replied, raising an eyebrow. “Quite observant.” The sun was just beginning to dip towards the horizon; the amber glow illuminated tree leaves and the few stray strands of his hair that always managed to escape proper wrangling.
That aside, however, he was uncharacteristically.... well-kept. Not that his usual appearance bothered Farah terribly; she knew it was due to his travels, or his becoming distracted with his research. The months they had spent living together had shown her most of his disorganization was kept to his study and himself. Neither hindered her affection for his person, or his ability to demonstrate the same to her.
But such demonstrations were usually subtle or took the form of the gifts he brought back for her. Fresh clothing, a distinct lack of dirt on his face, and him appearing at the library to take her someplace?
Now, that was strange. Had he not maintained his usual verbal wit, she would have assumed something was wrong. Or that some demon had stolen his form in a poor attempt to abscond with her.
“You are thinking far too much about this,” Malthael chuckled, as he led her through Tristram towards the town’s outskirts. 
“You’ve caught me. Usually you’re the one I accuse of that.”
“Rightfully so.”
“It’s not without reason, though.” She spun to walk side-step, so she could better see him. “This is unusual. And I’m very curious.”
“That is entirely the idea.”
“Are you being coy with me, Malthael?” She grinned wryly, and before he could reply, she skipped ahead through the nearest alleyway; there were only so many places in Tristram he could take her, and given their general direction, she had a fairly good idea where they were going.
“You assume a great deal,” he called, though he made no attempt to redirect her.
“Only because you are being surprising. Did you get an idea from Lyndon?”
“Tyrael, then?”
“My sister?”
“Well, that would explain how you managed to keep this a secret. Tristram has loose lips.”
“Verily. I have my ways. Also, you are assuming I needed ideas.”
That was true, though Farah had enough suspicions to know the surprise was more than likely outside Malthael’s area of expertise. He had already taken steps to dress himself in a way that was beyond his usual habits. She sneaked another glance backward, noting what she had suspected before, which was that his shirt was not only clean – it was new.
“You look quite nice,” she offered genuinely. The least she could do was acknowledge his efforts.
Though, unsurprisingly, the comment also brought a subtle colour to his cheeks. He ducked his head in thanks, the twitch of a smirk flashing across his lips before they were hidden behind his hair.
His footfalls were close behind hers as she charted the deer trail from Tristram to their destination. The meadow was not exactly a secret, but as Malthael often claimed a spot near the pond to read, it saw little use from the other residents. There were still some who preferred the former-reaper keep himself out of sight, and were therefore happy to concede the more remote location to him.
Farah pushed aside a fruit-laden branch and considered what lay before her.
There, under the reading willow, was a crimson blanket, spread tautly across the grass, its corners pinned in place with several metal stakes. On the blanket was a large covered basket, neatly stored beside matching ceramic dishes and utensils. A row of arcane braziers flickered gently, their light dancing in the water’s reflections and in the glass of a wine bottle, unopened and leaning against the trunk of the tree.
“Oh!” She had expected a book, perhaps. Or maybe a mug of tea. But certainly nothing like he had prepared.
He bumped her shoulder gently with his as he walked to the blanket. Then he took a seat crossed legged on it and gestured for her to join him. “Unless, you have somewhere else to be?” His eyes crinkled.
“You are coy,” she managed, her voice tremoring from warm elation. “And this is entirely unlike you.”
He hesitated. “Is it…all right?”
“Of course!” The blanket was soft to touch, woven from the more expensive cottons that were grown in tropical locales. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have implied otherwise. It’s wonderful. It’s just…you really did surprise me. What brought this on? It’s not my birthday.”
The wicker basket rustled as he opened the lid and withdrew several wrapped packets. He still wasn’t looking at her, but the smile had returned to his eyes. “Is a reason always necessary?”
“For you? I would think yes.” She took one of the bundles, helping him unwrap what turned out to be an assorted variety of picnic foods. Hard cheeses, various smoked meats, long-breads that had been drizzled with several types of cooking oils and vinegars.
It was not too different than what she had brought for him in the past. But she had always taken the initiative to do so, assuming he was not comfortable expressing his feelings for her that way. Still, seeing it all set out before her, clearly his doing, touched her far more than their usual private get-togethers did. It wasn’t the food, or the wine, or any of the specifics.
It was the degree he had gone out of his way to do something for her. Not because she had requested it. But because he knew she would like it.
Their fingers brushed as he handed her the last bundle.
“You won’t tell me, will you?” His hands were cold, as always; she wrapped hers around them, silently sharing the warmth. “Your reason?”
He considered their entwined fingers, and the package clasped between them, his expression nearly unreadable, but softening as he shook his head. She waited patiently, knowing he was trying to find the words, as he so often had to do when he spoke about her.
“Perhaps,” he whispered, drawing his thumb across the back of her hand, “you are reason enough.”
When he finally raised his head to look at her, it was with the most naked, disarmed expression she had ever seen him wear. From a man who was always certain about everything, such clear hesitation about his own words, and her reaction to them, said everything.
Malthael had always been astute at giving her whatever she needed, and whenever possible, she had never made him guess. They were stronger that way. But seeing him show her the extent of his inexperience with his own emotions, and his willingness to trust her with that vulnerability—
“That is a good reason,” she whispered in reply. “Now, how about you show me what you have brought? And then we can eat.”
The stars shone through the firmament, pinpricks of light that echoed faintly in the now-still waters of the pond. The earlier breeze had all but gone, leaving only the trilling of birds, and the occasional stifled laughter from the two of them. The empty wine bottle lay discarded on the grass, and they had stacked the plates to the side, to allow them to stretch out on the blanket proper.
“I still can’t believe you liked it,” Farah snickered, turning her head to grin at him. “I assumed you’d tried it before and didn’t.”
Malthael raised a finger and gestured absently in the direction of the wine. “It’s not entirely different from mead.”
“It’s made of grapes, pi’ra.”
“Aye, verily.”
“Which are the same as raisins.”
“No, they are not. Grapes have moisture, and substance. Raisins have been leached of any redeemable quality by the Lords of Hell.” He slapped his palm onto the blanket emphatically. “Wine also has moisture, and substance, and flavour. Because it hasn’t been demon-sapped.”
Farah stifled a cackle, though her grin did acquire some teeth. “How very astute of you, Aspect of Wisdom.”
“If I didn’t know better, I would think you were mocking me.”
“Never. Would not dare. I’ve been privy to your revenge on Lyndon often to enough to know better.”
Neither would she point out the slight drawl to his speech, or the way grammatical contractions sneaked into his usually impeccable phrasing once he’d had something to drink. She enjoyed watching him far too much and didn’t want to tip him off too heavily.
“That is wise.” He paused, then snorted loudly at his own joke. “It’s probably best…it’s the two of us.”
“Cowl down?”
“Cowl is…” he shrugged. “Floating on the water, alongside my sobriety. Somewhere.”
“Somewhere. But not here.”
“I still believe you are mocking me,” he muttered, without bite. “And I am not so drunk as to forget how to plot.”
“If you intend to keep me quiet, that may be difficult.” She raised an eyebrow, intentionally imitating his usual gesture.
“Farah. Owing to my apparent…confusion, you may have to be more forthright. Exactly in what way do you assume I will be distracting you?” Then, after a beat, he mirrored the eyebrow, amusement flickering across his face. “Detailed, if possible.”
“I meant nothing of the sort!” she sputtered, though she knew the mirth in her words gave away the truth.
“I am sensing…dishonesty.”
“And how will you prove it? Scry the Chalice?”
“Mmm, I think not. I think I know you quite well, indeed.” He trailed off, giving her a chance to ponder the joke they’d often tossed back and forth between each other, ever since she’d first caught him off-guard with a particularly effective flirtation.
“Ah, then what am I thinking?”
“If I were to guess,” he murmured, before shifting to her side and wrapping an arm loosely about her. “I assume…” His hair tickled across her face as he leaned close, his forehead gently tapping hers.
He waited for her, as always. She took the moment to close her eyes and absorb the moment. The soft whispers of the night, and the trace of the wine on his breath. Underneath, the always present hints of pine and smoke that were his scents.
“Just this,” she whispered. “No more. I won’t have you over-indulge me to your own detriment because of wayward grapes. Promise?”
“You have my word.”
“Also, I know I enjoy reading about these sorts of things all the time, but it’s not entirely the best climate to do this outside—”
“Farah.” She shivered as he slowly traced his fingers down her cheek. “I brought a quilt.”
Oh. He really had thought of everything. “Sneaky.”
“Verily. Did you expect otherwise?”
“From you? No.” And truthfully, she was more concerned about his respect for his own boundaries than the weather. But she also trusted him, implicitly. And she could help him keep his promise. “I think that is why I love you.”
He pulled her closer, exhaling briskly, the same as he did nearly every time she said it. Then, so quietly, it was almost lost to the night: “And I, you.”
Words she never thought she would hear spoken, and on the heels of an evening already filled with the unexpected. Perhaps it was finally the right time, for him. Or perhaps something else had driven him to it. She didn’t know, and it didn’t matter. It was a thought for another night.
She carefully snaked an arm behind his head, and when he didn’t protest, she buried her fingers in his hair and gently pressed her lips to his.
[Oh hey look @oyeedraw they managed to kiss in writing. >:D]
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A Different Time pt5
Warning: Scientific nerdy Ninja
Chapter 5 - Taking the Field
As we ate in a local tea house I found I couldn’t shake Yukimura’s parting words from my mind. Each time I tried, I noticed something about her that brought them right back up again like an oil slick on water.
“…So, what do you think?” [Name]’s voice broke my reverie.
“Mmhmm?” Did I miss something? Of course, you missed something Sasuke you weren’t even listening.
“You weren’t listening, were you? You might want to watch that someone might try taking advantage of you.” As she smiled at me I had the notion that I have never felt so easy to read in my life.
“I’m sorry I was just thinking about how long it would take for help to arrive.” I was lying. Whilst that had of course been a minor part in my mind the rest seemed to be filled with thoughts of [Name].
“I was saying I might need to do a bit of training before the storming of the keep.” She repeated her words as she ate the last of her rice.
“Very Tolkienesque.” I replied as I took a drink. The tea was hotter than I thought but I forced it down all the same.
“Hehe thank you. So how about you?” She asked picking up her own cup.
“Well I am nowhere near your level in the ninja arts. I do feel I would need to train a lot before I could even think about training with someone close to your ability.” I wasn’t lying. I had only really been in this era for a little short of four years. I had trained every day until I was told I was proficient enough to not get myself killed and then sent out for on the job experience. I pushed hard to gain more knowledge and skill but compared to a seasoned professional there was no way I was close to them. Although I had pride in my speed… but I suspect that is something to do with being a nerd and having to run fast as a matter of survival.
“You seriously just called it “ninja arts”. What kind of nerd are you?” [Name] smiled from behind her cup looking at me with sparkling eyes. Tiny lines crinkling the corners of them from her smile.
“The not dead kind.” I deadpanned.
“HAHA well I’ll concede and give you that one. Personally, I always found learning easier with a hands-on approach to education. If you like to join me I won’t judge you, you’re not a bad as you think you are.”
Error: Sasuke operating system failure. She not only complimented me but the possible connotations of the ‘hands on approach to education’ alongside the thoughts I was already having after Yukimura’s parting was doing nothing to alleviate my rapidly increasing body temperature or accelerated heart rate. I wonder if I ate a bad bit of fish. Although I would have to admit that now my overactive imagination and basic laws of attraction have a much higher likely hood of being the culprit in this case.
After paying the bill we left the teahouse and returned to her camp in the trees. I looked around out of habit and realised that if you had not been aware of its existence you might not have been able to find the camp site in the first place. Nothing looked anything other than natural, [Name] had even covered her firepit with vegetation from the surrounding area.
The sun had dipped lower in the sky by the time I noticed it. We had gone through our drills for timing, balance and attack. Our make shift targets were full of holes from our Kunai and Shuriken. It was when I was timing my climbing and practicing swinging my weight from branch to branch that it happened.
[Name] had excused herself to go fetch some fresh water and when she returned I noticed she was soaking wet. Her skin glistened and her hair was a darker shade dripping at its ends. Her kimono was clinging to her figure swaying as she walked in to the clearing. I could feel my hands start to get clammy and before I knew it I had slipped from my grip and fallen backwards, I shifted my feet and somehow managed to gain a purchase strong enough to keep me from falling further, this did however leave me hanging upside down in a less than dignified position. Oh, please God no… please say she didn’t see that. While I was calculating my odds at having successfully managing to avoid the fall I nearly jumped after I adjusted my glasses and realised I was nearly nose to nose with [Name].
“Well hello there Sasuke bat.” She laughed and as her face lit up I felt something inside me pulling me forward. It was illogical and unscientific. It was a feeling that seemed to come from no where and emulated all those anime, manga, comics and films I had seen. Her eyes were sparkling and when she stopped laughing all that was left was a rich warm smile on her face. Leaning forward with one hand on her cheek, I felt the softness of her lips on mine. The gentle heat of her flowing into my body. I’m kissing her, aren’t I? Pulling back, I steadied my breathing.
“That was no where near as easy or romantic as I had hoped.” My words made her smile even more.
“These things never are. I got water so we should probably have a drink and head back. Need help getting down?” [Name] inclined her upper body and tilted her head so she was looking at me upside down.
“It’s ok I can get down.” After I said this I pulled myself up bending in my centre and gripped the branch with my hands before dropping silently to the ground the correct way up.
We had a drink then she changed into some dry clothes before we returned to the Inn as it was getting dark. I managed to convince the owner that [Name] was only a friend and a respectable traveller avoiding for the most part a lot of unnecessary gossiping and the very possible out come of being thrown out of the establishment for ‘bringing it into disrepute’.
[Name] was given Yukimura’s room that was next to mine which allowed us to eat our evening meal together and talk without disturbing the rest of the household. It was strange and comforting to be alone like this but I was aware that my hands were still clammy and my heart was still racing. She had not mentioned anything further after my improvised movie hero moment and I was curious. Did she like it? Did I cross a line? How does she feel about me? I was more than aware I should have ascertained those answers before I had done anything like that at all.
“So… about earlier.” She spoke quietly. Suppressing an internal cringe that threatened to take over my body as the whirlpool of emotions ranging from guilt to panic surged forward. This feels like high school prom all over again. Asking a girl out took a lot more courage than the other guys in the class had made it look like it did. And that was only half the battle.
“I’m Sorry” “I liked it.” Our Voices over lapped and I looked at her in bewilderment as what she just said sunk in. Huh?
“There isn’t any need for you to apologise Sasuke. I didn’t hate it or you. You are a good guy.” [Name] averted her eyes a soft faltering smile gracing her face.
“I have a feeling that there is a Dear John coming.” I muttered half under my breath and in the quite room it seemed nearly as loud as it would have been had I yelled it from a rooftop. Her face contorted and looked like she was recoiling from an invisible hand slapping her across her face. The emotions I felt earlier pooled heavy in my chest making it difficult to breath but seeing her struggling in front of me I tried my best to ignore it and place a strained smile on my face. It was difficult I knew I couldn’t smile properly and I hoped I had made a passable one for her sake.
“It’s… It’s not really a ‘Dear John’.” She raised her face to meet my gaze and the soft brown pools reflected me completely. She wasn’t looking at anything but me in that moment I felt like the single most lucky guy in all the world but also completely aware that that world was about to hand me something that would change it forever. “I’m not someone that has ever be comfortable with a one night… thing. I have no idea what will happen in the near future and I…”
“It’s ok I don’t like them either.” I somehow managed to keep my voice level even with my body feeling like it was about to fall apart. She seemed to sense how I felt and gave a pained smile as she reached to take my hand. I nearly pulled it back but part of me wished to touch her and be close to her in any way it could. My own personal torture.
“I like you Sasuke please believe me when I say that. But I don’t think it would be fair to you to be with someone like me.” She appealed in earnest.
“Someone like you?” I repeated her statement as a question she nodded.
“While I cannot deny that I am certainly attracted to you I think ultimately you would be happier with another. I’m truly sorry.” [Name] bowed before me. Was she right? I have no desire to push myself on someone who is not interested. By her own admission she is and yet she has also declined the chance to take the field. The only gentlemanly thing to do would be to back off.
“It’s ok. I like you too. I guess I already managed to make that painfully obvious.” I shrugged trying to relieve some of the awkwardness of the situation. “I will not press the matter further.”
“Sasuke…” [Name]’s voice trembled. I stood from my position from where we had been eating moving to the sliding doors.
“Good Night [Name]” I bowed low enough for me not to have to see her face. I could hear from her breathing that she was on the verge of tears and like a coward fleeing I left her room entering my own at a brisk pace and once my doors firmly closed I slid down the wall and allowed myself the painful release of that trapped whirlpool inside.
Time passed in the solitude of moonlight, along with several bottles of sake. I had seen how the great men around me had self-medicated to deal with the phantoms they wrestled with at night. I was not arrogant enough to think myself a great man but I could not deny that I saw the emotional benefit in seeking out such a thing even if I knew it to be scientifically impossible that alcohol could erase how I felt.
It was around the end of the third bottle of strong sake that I felt myself become woozy and my mind became clearer for a brief moment. I didn’t feel the pain of a love unrequited. I didn’t feel the hurt of rejection. I found an agreeable clarity. It wasn’t that they didn’t like me, we might not become anything more than what we are right now but was that really such a terrible thing? I slipped into slumber at peace.
It was raining. It started off light and quickly became a torrential down pour. I was standing in front of the stone monument at Honno-ji. The air was electric and there she was. That girl I saw that night of the time slip looking up at the sky before turning her eyes to mine. I remembered. I remembered every detail of her face as if it was imprinted on my mind. Why would I see her right now at a time like this?
The Lighting cracked loud as I remembered and rent the stone in two in front of us.
���Be careful, Miss –” I held out my hand towards her, the look of confusion on her face. The world around me twisted as it turned into the warped distorted lines of the wormhole and everything was lost.
15 notes · View notes
topfygad · 5 years
A Romantic Getaway In Alberta In Winter – A Honeymoon In Banff (And Beyond!)
From cosy mountain lodges surrounded by snow, to epic adventures within the Canadian Rockies, this journey information will provide help to plan the last word romantic getaway in Alberta in winter.
This put up has been produced in collaboration with Discover Canada as a part of the #Forglowinghearts marketing campaign.
2020 is an enormous yr for me. In September I’ll be getting married. Not solely have we been busy planning our marriage ceremony, however there have additionally been loads of conversations about honeymoons. It’s going to be a troublesome choice to make, however whereas we’re deciding, it felt like the right alternative to offer a few of my posts a romantic theme.
Over the previous couple of years, I’ve been to some really unbelievable locations, and a few of them simply scream HONEYMOON. Alberta, Canada is one in every of them.
Spectacular views in Alberta in winter
A romantic winter getaway in Alberta
There’s one thing so particular about Alberta in winter. The surroundings is spectacular all yr spherical, however a layer of snow, some brilliant blue skies, and cosy locations to remain, make winter my favorite time of yr to go to.
Whether or not you’re planning a winter honeymoon, or fancy a romantic weekend along with your different half, I’ve acquired lots on ideas. All of them contain taking advantage of your time collectively, getting nearer to nature, and coming head to head with a number of the most mesmerising views you’ll ever see.
Spectacular views in Alberta in winter
By way of the place to remain, I’d advocate pairing Banff and Lake Louise with some extra distant spots the place you’ll discover a few of Alberta’s picturesque lodges. Extra on these developing.
I’d additionally advocate hiring a automobile in your journey. It’s nice to be by yourself schedule, plus some locations can be unimaginable to succeed in with out your individual set of wheels. Added to that, you’ll really feel such as you’re in a Christmas rom-com, driving alongside the snowy Icefields Parkway collectively, belting out just a few energy ballads!
Lovely surroundings on a romantic street journey in Banff Nationwide Park
Keep in a romantic log cabin in Alberta
Considered one of my favorite components of planning a romantic getaway in Alberta is selecting the lodging. From distant lodges, to charming log cabins, there are SO many cosy locations to remain in through the winter.
Storm Mountain Lodge is one in every of my favourites. After amassing our key from reception, we drove down a snowy lane right into a forest. There we found our cute wood log cabin, additionally lined in a thick blanket of snow.
Our log cabin at Storm Mountain Lodge, Alberta
Our log cabin at Storm Mountain Lodge, Alberta
The restaurant was cosy too, with a roaring fireplace and pleasant service. We spent a night munching our approach by means of a charcuterie platter, washed down with spicy Bloody Marys.
Charcuterie at Storm Mountain Lodge, Alberta
That night we snuggled up nearer than ever, with the scent of firewood within the air, illuminated by a heat amber glow, with an occasional crackle from the fireside. It was so romantic!
Trip the Banff Gondola for some epic mountain views
Take a trip up Sulphur Mountain to a top of 2281m on the Banff Gondola and also you’ll see precisely why I am keen on visiting Alberta in winter. The panoramic views of the area are completely mind-blowing.
The journey up takes round ten minutes and tickets price 53 CAD. As soon as on the prime there are a number of walkways and platforms with totally different vantage factors.
Views from the Banff Gondola, Alberta
In case you and your different half love pictures, you’ll be snap glad for a very long time up right here! In addition to the mountains, you’ll be able to see infinite forests, frozen lakes and naturally, the charming city of Banff.
Little doubt you’ll get fairly chilly, so I’d advocate popping into the Northern Lights Café within the welcome centre for a espresso or a sizzling chocolate. As café views go, this one is difficult to beat!
Unimaginable views from the walkways by the Banff Gondola, Alberta
Loosen up and unwind collectively in Banff Higher Sizzling Springs
What higher technique to calm down after some snowy adventures than with a dip in Banff’s thermal waters. With water temperatures between 37 and 40 levels, it’s the right place to go within the afternoon after a day’s mountaineering, snowboarding or snowboarding.
Once I visited, it was stuffed with {couples}, having fun with the views of the snow-topped Rockies from the consolation of the nice and cozy waters. It’s additionally very near the Banff Gondola, so you may simply go to each in the identical afternoon.
The Banff Higher Sizzling Springs
Go for a snowy hike and see a frozen waterfall
A honeymoon in Banff is ideal for journey lovers, and I’d advocate heading out on just a few hikes throughout your romantic getaway. Considered one of Banff Nationwide Park’s hottest spots is Johnston Canyon.
The stroll is comparatively simple, and alongside the best way you’ll be rewarded with views of the rugged canyon, alpine forests and two spectacular waterfalls.
The waterfalls freeze utterly in winter. When you see the Higher Falls, you’ll be amazed by how giant they’re, and what a spectacle to see it frozen strong. You may even spot some ice climbers hanging off the sting.
The gorgeous Higher Falls at Johnston Canyon, Alberta
Go on a romantic helicopter trip over the Canadian Rockies
Take to the skies in a helicopter and see the snowy mountains from a complete new perspective, all whereas cosying as much as the one you love. This unforgettable journey with Rockies Heli Canada takes you over the gorgeous Rocky mountains, glaciers and the River Cline.
Helicopter tour over the Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada
We booked the winter heli snowshoe package deal, which included a cease in a hidden valley, the place we snowshoed by means of pine forests illuminated by low golden rays, earlier than warming up with a sizzling chocolate.
It was the spotlight of my total journey to Alberta. Effortlessly gliding over peak after peak, taking within the vastness of the surroundings, and touchdown again on the heliport with some unbelievable shared reminiscences.
Simply after touchdown within the snow throughout our helicopter tour within the Rockies
Discover the picturesque city of Banff
Banff is an enthralling city, with a principal avenue, a lot of outlets, bars and eating places and a pleasant buzz. It’s touristy, however not in a trashy approach.
I’d advocate spending just a few nights within the city itself because it’s good to have the ability to stroll to totally different eating places, and gives the right distinction to Alberta’s distant lodges. We stayed in Moose Resort and Suites, a contemporary resort with a rooftop swimming pool and sizzling tub. One other favorite within the space is Rimrock Resort Resort, a big resort with mountain views.
In case you’re searching for a date night time spot in Banff, head to Saltlik. With skilled mixologists and a comfortable ambiance, it’s an important place to unwind with a cocktail and toast your new life collectively!
Moose Resort And Suites, Banff
Spend an evening at an opulent 5-star resort in Alberta
There are a few accommodations in Alberta that are apparent decisions for honeymooners. The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise gives uninterrupted views over Lake Louise and the mountains, and has a fairy-tale fort exterior. It oozes luxurious, and is a good possibility for honeymoons in Banff Nationwide Park.
In the meantime, the Fairmont Banff Springs (situated near Downtown Banff), is equally as castle-like in its look, and has the bonus of being near the city’s motion. Each accommodations are luxurious, iconic and have prime spas, fine-dining eating places and epic views.
Fairmont Banff Springs
Strive an adventurous winter exercise in Alberta 
Nothing will convey you nearer to your different half than a shared feeling of concern, adopted by a way of accomplishment! Why not crank up the adrenaline in your winter honeymoon with a difficult new exercise?
We determined to offer mountaineering a go on our journey, one thing neither of us had tried earlier than. We visited an space near Canmore with Yamnuska Mountain Adventures, the place we realized how one can scale a frozen waterfall, utilizing ice axes and crampons.
Mountaineering at The Junkyards in Alberta, Canada
Achievement faces after mountaineering in Alberta!
We completed the day on an adrenaline excessive, celebrating our achievements! 
If you wish to strive one thing rather less difficult, I’d advocate snow tubing at Mount Norquay. You possibly can hyperlink your tube to your different half’s, and whizz down the icy slopes collectively! It’s assured to make you giggle, scream and wish to do it ALL over once more!
Snow tubing at Mount Norquay
Take pleasure in a connoisseur dinner in Alberta
No matter whether or not you keep on the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise in your romantic getaway in Alberta, I’d advocate reserving a desk for dinner at Deer Lodge. It’s moments away from the lake, and famend for its distinctive delicacies.
We sat by the window, having fun with the chef’s culinary wizardry with regional produce, together with elk steaks and Alberta beef. All of the dishes we scrumptious, and there was one thing so particular about having fun with a romantic meal whereas looking of a window framed with snow and icicles.
Having fun with dinner overlooking the snow at Deer Lodge, Lake Louise
Deer Lodge is one in every of my favorite eating places in Alberta for a romantic dinner, and a must-visit for those who’re celebrating your honeymoon.
Ice skate collectively on Lake Louise 
You’ve most likely seen photographs of Lake Louise in summer time. It’s one of the crucial fashionable locations to go to in Alberta, with its brilliant turquoise water and mountain backdrop. When you gained’t see its well-known colors in winter, you’re going to get to benefit from the lake another way – by ice skating on it!
I’ll admit I’m extra of a Bambi on skates, however I loved watching everybody velocity round on the ice, in entrance of the long-lasting Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise.
Macca ice skating at Lake Louise, Alberta
I hope this put up helps you propose your romantic getaway in Alberta. Reminiscing about our journey has simply made our honeymoon choice a complete lot tougher! In case you’re searching for different locations to go to, you may additionally spend just a few days in Jasper Nationwide Park or, because the winter snow thaws, make a journey to see Moraine Lake.
Earlier than reserving your flights to Alberta, be sure you apply for an official Canadian Authorities ETA. It prices simply $7.50 and you may apply through this hyperlink.  
Learn my different posts on visiting Alberta, Canada…
Unimaginable issues to do in Banff for non-skiers Learn this earlier than visiting Banff in winter – clothes, driving, costs and information Helicopter tour over the Canadian Rockies, Alberta The final word Edmonton journey information The most effective eating places in Edmonton, Alberta
This put up has been produced in collaboration with Discover Canada as a part of the #Forglowinghearts marketing campaign.
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The put up A Romantic Getaway In Alberta In Winter – A Honeymoon In Banff (And Past!) appeared first on Wanderlust Chloe.
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2vTtZ6e via IFTTT
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topfygad · 5 years
A Romantic Getaway In Alberta In Winter – A Honeymoon In Banff (And Beyond!)
From cosy mountain lodges surrounded by snow, to epic adventures within the Canadian Rockies, this journey information will provide help to plan the last word romantic getaway in Alberta in winter.
This put up has been produced in collaboration with Discover Canada as a part of the #Forglowinghearts marketing campaign.
2020 is an enormous yr for me. In September I’ll be getting married. Not solely have we been busy planning our marriage ceremony, however there have additionally been loads of conversations about honeymoons. It’s going to be a troublesome choice to make, however whereas we’re deciding, it felt like the right alternative to offer a few of my posts a romantic theme.
Over the previous couple of years, I’ve been to some really unbelievable locations, and a few of them simply scream HONEYMOON. Alberta, Canada is one in every of them.
Spectacular views in Alberta in winter
A romantic winter getaway in Alberta
There’s one thing so particular about Alberta in winter. The surroundings is spectacular all yr spherical, however a layer of snow, some brilliant blue skies, and cosy locations to remain, make winter my favorite time of yr to go to.
Whether or not you’re planning a winter honeymoon, or fancy a romantic weekend along with your different half, I’ve acquired lots on ideas. All of them contain taking advantage of your time collectively, getting nearer to nature, and coming head to head with a number of the most mesmerising views you’ll ever see.
Spectacular views in Alberta in winter
By way of the place to remain, I’d advocate pairing Banff and Lake Louise with some extra distant spots the place you’ll discover a few of Alberta’s picturesque lodges. Extra on these developing.
I’d additionally advocate hiring a automobile in your journey. It’s nice to be by yourself schedule, plus some locations can be unimaginable to succeed in with out your individual set of wheels. Added to that, you’ll really feel such as you’re in a Christmas rom-com, driving alongside the snowy Icefields Parkway collectively, belting out just a few energy ballads!
Lovely surroundings on a romantic street journey in Banff Nationwide Park
Keep in a romantic log cabin in Alberta
Considered one of my favorite components of planning a romantic getaway in Alberta is selecting the lodging. From distant lodges, to charming log cabins, there are SO many cosy locations to remain in through the winter.
Storm Mountain Lodge is one in every of my favourites. After amassing our key from reception, we drove down a snowy lane right into a forest. There we found our cute wood log cabin, additionally lined in a thick blanket of snow.
Our log cabin at Storm Mountain Lodge, Alberta
Our log cabin at Storm Mountain Lodge, Alberta
The restaurant was cosy too, with a roaring fireplace and pleasant service. We spent a night munching our approach by means of a charcuterie platter, washed down with spicy Bloody Marys.
Charcuterie at Storm Mountain Lodge, Alberta
That night we snuggled up nearer than ever, with the scent of firewood within the air, illuminated by a heat amber glow, with an occasional crackle from the fireside. It was so romantic!
Trip the Banff Gondola for some epic mountain views
Take a trip up Sulphur Mountain to a top of 2281m on the Banff Gondola and also you’ll see precisely why I am keen on visiting Alberta in winter. The panoramic views of the area are completely mind-blowing.
The journey up takes round ten minutes and tickets price 53 CAD. As soon as on the prime there are a number of walkways and platforms with totally different vantage factors.
Views from the Banff Gondola, Alberta
In case you and your different half love pictures, you’ll be snap glad for a very long time up right here! In addition to the mountains, you’ll be able to see infinite forests, frozen lakes and naturally, the charming city of Banff.
Little doubt you’ll get fairly chilly, so I’d advocate popping into the Northern Lights Café within the welcome centre for a espresso or a sizzling chocolate. As café views go, this one is difficult to beat!
Unimaginable views from the walkways by the Banff Gondola, Alberta
Loosen up and unwind collectively in Banff Higher Sizzling Springs
What higher technique to calm down after some snowy adventures than with a dip in Banff’s thermal waters. With water temperatures between 37 and 40 levels, it’s the right place to go within the afternoon after a day’s mountaineering, snowboarding or snowboarding.
Once I visited, it was stuffed with {couples}, having fun with the views of the snow-topped Rockies from the consolation of the nice and cozy waters. It’s additionally very near the Banff Gondola, so you may simply go to each in the identical afternoon.
The Banff Higher Sizzling Springs
Go for a snowy hike and see a frozen waterfall
A honeymoon in Banff is ideal for journey lovers, and I’d advocate heading out on just a few hikes throughout your romantic getaway. Considered one of Banff Nationwide Park’s hottest spots is Johnston Canyon.
The stroll is comparatively simple, and alongside the best way you’ll be rewarded with views of the rugged canyon, alpine forests and two spectacular waterfalls.
The waterfalls freeze utterly in winter. When you see the Higher Falls, you’ll be amazed by how giant they’re, and what a spectacle to see it frozen strong. You may even spot some ice climbers hanging off the sting.
The gorgeous Higher Falls at Johnston Canyon, Alberta
Go on a romantic helicopter trip over the Canadian Rockies
Take to the skies in a helicopter and see the snowy mountains from a complete new perspective, all whereas cosying as much as the one you love. This unforgettable journey with Rockies Heli Canada takes you over the gorgeous Rocky mountains, glaciers and the River Cline.
Helicopter tour over the Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada
We booked the winter heli snowshoe package deal, which included a cease in a hidden valley, the place we snowshoed by means of pine forests illuminated by low golden rays, earlier than warming up with a sizzling chocolate.
It was the spotlight of my total journey to Alberta. Effortlessly gliding over peak after peak, taking within the vastness of the surroundings, and touchdown again on the heliport with some unbelievable shared reminiscences.
Simply after touchdown within the snow throughout our helicopter tour within the Rockies
Discover the picturesque city of Banff
Banff is an enthralling city, with a principal avenue, a lot of outlets, bars and eating places and a pleasant buzz. It’s touristy, however not in a trashy approach.
I’d advocate spending just a few nights within the city itself because it’s good to have the ability to stroll to totally different eating places, and gives the right distinction to Alberta’s distant lodges. We stayed in Moose Resort and Suites, a contemporary resort with a rooftop swimming pool and sizzling tub. One other favorite within the space is Rimrock Resort Resort, a big resort with mountain views.
In case you’re searching for a date night time spot in Banff, head to Saltlik. With skilled mixologists and a comfortable ambiance, it’s an important place to unwind with a cocktail and toast your new life collectively!
Moose Resort And Suites, Banff
Spend an evening at an opulent 5-star resort in Alberta
There are a few accommodations in Alberta that are apparent decisions for honeymooners. The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise gives uninterrupted views over Lake Louise and the mountains, and has a fairy-tale fort exterior. It oozes luxurious, and is a good possibility for honeymoons in Banff Nationwide Park.
In the meantime, the Fairmont Banff Springs (situated near Downtown Banff), is equally as castle-like in its look, and has the bonus of being near the city’s motion. Each accommodations are luxurious, iconic and have prime spas, fine-dining eating places and epic views.
Fairmont Banff Springs
Strive an adventurous winter exercise in Alberta 
Nothing will convey you nearer to your different half than a shared feeling of concern, adopted by a way of accomplishment! Why not crank up the adrenaline in your winter honeymoon with a difficult new exercise?
We determined to offer mountaineering a go on our journey, one thing neither of us had tried earlier than. We visited an space near Canmore with Yamnuska Mountain Adventures, the place we realized how one can scale a frozen waterfall, utilizing ice axes and crampons.
Mountaineering at The Junkyards in Alberta, Canada
Achievement faces after mountaineering in Alberta!
We completed the day on an adrenaline excessive, celebrating our achievements! 
If you wish to strive one thing rather less difficult, I’d advocate snow tubing at Mount Norquay. You possibly can hyperlink your tube to your different half’s, and whizz down the icy slopes collectively! It’s assured to make you giggle, scream and wish to do it ALL over once more!
Snow tubing at Mount Norquay
Take pleasure in a connoisseur dinner in Alberta
No matter whether or not you keep on the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise in your romantic getaway in Alberta, I’d advocate reserving a desk for dinner at Deer Lodge. It’s moments away from the lake, and famend for its distinctive delicacies.
We sat by the window, having fun with the chef’s culinary wizardry with regional produce, together with elk steaks and Alberta beef. All of the dishes we scrumptious, and there was one thing so particular about having fun with a romantic meal whereas looking of a window framed with snow and icicles.
Having fun with dinner overlooking the snow at Deer Lodge, Lake Louise
Deer Lodge is one in every of my favorite eating places in Alberta for a romantic dinner, and a must-visit for those who’re celebrating your honeymoon.
Ice skate collectively on Lake Louise 
You’ve most likely seen photographs of Lake Louise in summer time. It’s one of the crucial fashionable locations to go to in Alberta, with its brilliant turquoise water and mountain backdrop. When you gained’t see its well-known colors in winter, you’re going to get to benefit from the lake another way – by ice skating on it!
I’ll admit I’m extra of a Bambi on skates, however I loved watching everybody velocity round on the ice, in entrance of the long-lasting Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise.
Macca ice skating at Lake Louise, Alberta
I hope this put up helps you propose your romantic getaway in Alberta. Reminiscing about our journey has simply made our honeymoon choice a complete lot tougher! In case you’re searching for different locations to go to, you may additionally spend just a few days in Jasper Nationwide Park or, because the winter snow thaws, make a journey to see Moraine Lake.
Earlier than reserving your flights to Alberta, be sure you apply for an official Canadian Authorities ETA. It prices simply $7.50 and you may apply through this hyperlink.  
Learn my different posts on visiting Alberta, Canada…
Unimaginable issues to do in Banff for non-skiers Learn this earlier than visiting Banff in winter – clothes, driving, costs and information Helicopter tour over the Canadian Rockies, Alberta The final word Edmonton journey information The most effective eating places in Edmonton, Alberta
This put up has been produced in collaboration with Discover Canada as a part of the #Forglowinghearts marketing campaign.
Loved this put up? Choose a pin and reserve it for later…
The put up A Romantic Getaway In Alberta In Winter – A Honeymoon In Banff (And Past!) appeared first on Wanderlust Chloe.
source http://cheaprtravels.com/a-romantic-getaway-in-alberta-in-winter-a-honeymoon-in-banff-and-beyond/
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
A Romantic Getaway In Alberta In Winter – A Honeymoon In Banff (And Beyond!)
From cosy mountain lodges surrounded by snow, to epic adventures within the Canadian Rockies, this journey information will provide help to plan the last word romantic getaway in Alberta in winter.
This put up has been produced in collaboration with Discover Canada as a part of the #Forglowinghearts marketing campaign.
2020 is an enormous yr for me. In September I’ll be getting married. Not solely have we been busy planning our marriage ceremony, however there have additionally been loads of conversations about honeymoons. It’s going to be a troublesome choice to make, however whereas we’re deciding, it felt like the right alternative to offer a few of my posts a romantic theme.
Over the previous couple of years, I’ve been to some really unbelievable locations, and a few of them simply scream HONEYMOON. Alberta, Canada is one in every of them.
Spectacular views in Alberta in winter
A romantic winter getaway in Alberta
There’s one thing so particular about Alberta in winter. The surroundings is spectacular all yr spherical, however a layer of snow, some brilliant blue skies, and cosy locations to remain, make winter my favorite time of yr to go to.
Whether or not you’re planning a winter honeymoon, or fancy a romantic weekend along with your different half, I’ve acquired lots on ideas. All of them contain taking advantage of your time collectively, getting nearer to nature, and coming head to head with a number of the most mesmerising views you’ll ever see.
Spectacular views in Alberta in winter
By way of the place to remain, I’d advocate pairing Banff and Lake Louise with some extra distant spots the place you’ll discover a few of Alberta’s picturesque lodges. Extra on these developing.
I’d additionally advocate hiring a automobile in your journey. It’s nice to be by yourself schedule, plus some locations can be unimaginable to succeed in with out your individual set of wheels. Added to that, you’ll really feel such as you’re in a Christmas rom-com, driving alongside the snowy Icefields Parkway collectively, belting out just a few energy ballads!
Lovely surroundings on a romantic street journey in Banff Nationwide Park
Keep in a romantic log cabin in Alberta
Considered one of my favorite components of planning a romantic getaway in Alberta is selecting the lodging. From distant lodges, to charming log cabins, there are SO many cosy locations to remain in through the winter.
Storm Mountain Lodge is one in every of my favourites. After amassing our key from reception, we drove down a snowy lane right into a forest. There we found our cute wood log cabin, additionally lined in a thick blanket of snow.
Our log cabin at Storm Mountain Lodge, Alberta
Our log cabin at Storm Mountain Lodge, Alberta
The restaurant was cosy too, with a roaring fireplace and pleasant service. We spent a night munching our approach by means of a charcuterie platter, washed down with spicy Bloody Marys.
Charcuterie at Storm Mountain Lodge, Alberta
That night we snuggled up nearer than ever, with the scent of firewood within the air, illuminated by a heat amber glow, with an occasional crackle from the fireside. It was so romantic!
Trip the Banff Gondola for some epic mountain views
Take a trip up Sulphur Mountain to a top of 2281m on the Banff Gondola and also you’ll see precisely why I am keen on visiting Alberta in winter. The panoramic views of the area are completely mind-blowing.
The journey up takes round ten minutes and tickets price 53 CAD. As soon as on the prime there are a number of walkways and platforms with totally different vantage factors.
Views from the Banff Gondola, Alberta
In case you and your different half love pictures, you’ll be snap glad for a very long time up right here! In addition to the mountains, you’ll be able to see infinite forests, frozen lakes and naturally, the charming city of Banff.
Little doubt you’ll get fairly chilly, so I’d advocate popping into the Northern Lights Café within the welcome centre for a espresso or a sizzling chocolate. As café views go, this one is difficult to beat!
Unimaginable views from the walkways by the Banff Gondola, Alberta
Loosen up and unwind collectively in Banff Higher Sizzling Springs
What higher technique to calm down after some snowy adventures than with a dip in Banff’s thermal waters. With water temperatures between 37 and 40 levels, it’s the right place to go within the afternoon after a day’s mountaineering, snowboarding or snowboarding.
Once I visited, it was stuffed with {couples}, having fun with the views of the snow-topped Rockies from the consolation of the nice and cozy waters. It’s additionally very near the Banff Gondola, so you may simply go to each in the identical afternoon.
The Banff Higher Sizzling Springs
Go for a snowy hike and see a frozen waterfall
A honeymoon in Banff is ideal for journey lovers, and I’d advocate heading out on just a few hikes throughout your romantic getaway. Considered one of Banff Nationwide Park’s hottest spots is Johnston Canyon.
The stroll is comparatively simple, and alongside the best way you’ll be rewarded with views of the rugged canyon, alpine forests and two spectacular waterfalls.
The waterfalls freeze utterly in winter. When you see the Higher Falls, you’ll be amazed by how giant they’re, and what a spectacle to see it frozen strong. You may even spot some ice climbers hanging off the sting.
The gorgeous Higher Falls at Johnston Canyon, Alberta
Go on a romantic helicopter trip over the Canadian Rockies
Take to the skies in a helicopter and see the snowy mountains from a complete new perspective, all whereas cosying as much as the one you love. This unforgettable journey with Rockies Heli Canada takes you over the gorgeous Rocky mountains, glaciers and the River Cline.
Helicopter tour over the Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada
We booked the winter heli snowshoe package deal, which included a cease in a hidden valley, the place we snowshoed by means of pine forests illuminated by low golden rays, earlier than warming up with a sizzling chocolate.
It was the spotlight of my total journey to Alberta. Effortlessly gliding over peak after peak, taking within the vastness of the surroundings, and touchdown again on the heliport with some unbelievable shared reminiscences.
Simply after touchdown within the snow throughout our helicopter tour within the Rockies
Discover the picturesque city of Banff
Banff is an enthralling city, with a principal avenue, a lot of outlets, bars and eating places and a pleasant buzz. It’s touristy, however not in a trashy approach.
I’d advocate spending just a few nights within the city itself because it’s good to have the ability to stroll to totally different eating places, and gives the right distinction to Alberta’s distant lodges. We stayed in Moose Resort and Suites, a contemporary resort with a rooftop swimming pool and sizzling tub. One other favorite within the space is Rimrock Resort Resort, a big resort with mountain views.
In case you’re searching for a date night time spot in Banff, head to Saltlik. With skilled mixologists and a comfortable ambiance, it’s an important place to unwind with a cocktail and toast your new life collectively!
Moose Resort And Suites, Banff
Spend an evening at an opulent 5-star resort in Alberta
There are a few accommodations in Alberta that are apparent decisions for honeymooners. The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise gives uninterrupted views over Lake Louise and the mountains, and has a fairy-tale fort exterior. It oozes luxurious, and is a good possibility for honeymoons in Banff Nationwide Park.
In the meantime, the Fairmont Banff Springs (situated near Downtown Banff), is equally as castle-like in its look, and has the bonus of being near the city’s motion. Each accommodations are luxurious, iconic and have prime spas, fine-dining eating places and epic views.
Fairmont Banff Springs
Strive an adventurous winter exercise in Alberta 
Nothing will convey you nearer to your different half than a shared feeling of concern, adopted by a way of accomplishment! Why not crank up the adrenaline in your winter honeymoon with a difficult new exercise?
We determined to offer mountaineering a go on our journey, one thing neither of us had tried earlier than. We visited an space near Canmore with Yamnuska Mountain Adventures, the place we realized how one can scale a frozen waterfall, utilizing ice axes and crampons.
Mountaineering at The Junkyards in Alberta, Canada
Achievement faces after mountaineering in Alberta!
We completed the day on an adrenaline excessive, celebrating our achievements! 
If you wish to strive one thing rather less difficult, I’d advocate snow tubing at Mount Norquay. You possibly can hyperlink your tube to your different half’s, and whizz down the icy slopes collectively! It’s assured to make you giggle, scream and wish to do it ALL over once more!
Snow tubing at Mount Norquay
Take pleasure in a connoisseur dinner in Alberta
No matter whether or not you keep on the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise in your romantic getaway in Alberta, I’d advocate reserving a desk for dinner at Deer Lodge. It’s moments away from the lake, and famend for its distinctive delicacies.
We sat by the window, having fun with the chef’s culinary wizardry with regional produce, together with elk steaks and Alberta beef. All of the dishes we scrumptious, and there was one thing so particular about having fun with a romantic meal whereas looking of a window framed with snow and icicles.
Having fun with dinner overlooking the snow at Deer Lodge, Lake Louise
Deer Lodge is one in every of my favorite eating places in Alberta for a romantic dinner, and a must-visit for those who’re celebrating your honeymoon.
Ice skate collectively on Lake Louise 
You’ve most likely seen photographs of Lake Louise in summer time. It’s one of the crucial fashionable locations to go to in Alberta, with its brilliant turquoise water and mountain backdrop. When you gained’t see its well-known colors in winter, you’re going to get to benefit from the lake another way – by ice skating on it!
I’ll admit I’m extra of a Bambi on skates, however I loved watching everybody velocity round on the ice, in entrance of the long-lasting Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise.
Macca ice skating at Lake Louise, Alberta
I hope this put up helps you propose your romantic getaway in Alberta. Reminiscing about our journey has simply made our honeymoon choice a complete lot tougher! In case you’re searching for different locations to go to, you may additionally spend just a few days in Jasper Nationwide Park or, because the winter snow thaws, make a journey to see Moraine Lake.
Earlier than reserving your flights to Alberta, be sure you apply for an official Canadian Authorities ETA. It prices simply $7.50 and you may apply through this hyperlink.  
Learn my different posts on visiting Alberta, Canada…
Unimaginable issues to do in Banff for non-skiers Learn this earlier than visiting Banff in winter – clothes, driving, costs and information Helicopter tour over the Canadian Rockies, Alberta The final word Edmonton journey information The most effective eating places in Edmonton, Alberta
This put up has been produced in collaboration with Discover Canada as a part of the #Forglowinghearts marketing campaign.
Loved this put up? Choose a pin and reserve it for later…
The put up A Romantic Getaway In Alberta In Winter – A Honeymoon In Banff (And Past!) appeared first on Wanderlust Chloe.
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2vTtZ6e via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
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