#alph's ramblings
deviatedscientist · 2 years
I heard Dean is busy coping Wanda Maximoff and causing bullshit until he finds a happy ending and yk what I wholeheartedly support him I do not care what problems this causes for the fabric of reality as we know it
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Everyone have a silly good night because you deserve it :3
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cherrycola098 · 1 year
Are you somehow both a pikmin fan and a student taking AP Human Geography? Or just wanna learn something? No? TOO BAD
There's an amazing trend on tiktok with cute educational slideshows so have the Koppaites teach you about population and food crises
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kiwilittle · 5 months
Ima just ramble about Loualph for a bit, read if you want to or something (I'll probably just put them into parts cuz this is getting really long whoops)
Louie really isnt the type of person to go looking for a relationship tbh. Hes a quiet man that keeps to himself and doesn't seem to give a second thought about anything.
Alph on the other hand is a bi disaster. Hes an absolute sweetheart, pretty talkative and wants to make sure that everyones alright.
After Louie got caught a second time by the koppites, Alph was the only one to go check on him (besides Brittany giving him his daily juice) and make sure hes doing alright since it's not the best thing ever being tied up all the time.
Since Louie is the only one on the ship not doing anything (really doesn't have much of a choice), Alph would talk to him alot about anything really: the mission, electronics and just life in general. Louie didn't really engage in any conversations but slowly started having interest I'm Alphs stories, to the point he started to long for the evening when the koppites returned to the Drake just so he could listen to Alphs voice. Alph was just happy to ramble to someone every evening without feeling they're annoying them.
Nearing the end of pikmin 3s story, captain Olimar is rescued and the Hocotations travel back with the Koppites. Again Louie isnt the type to maintain any relationships but felt like he would lose something if he didn't keep in contact with Alph when he arrived back on Hocotate. So Louie works up to courage to ask Alph, he was surprised and delighted at the same time to make a friend on this mission (Alph already considered Louie as a friend at this time but glad for the reassurance that its official). Charlie was also talking to Olimar during this period about them meeting up as a group just to chill and hang out with each other. Louie isnt particularly fond of group gatherings but since theres only 5 of them and Alph was going too, he agreed.
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sylunisart · 1 year
Pikmin 4 spoilers
So I read up on some dialogue, more specifically Yorke’s dialogue and I went from trans Alph headcanon to trans Alph truther.
Alph is stated to have 13 brothers and one sister in Pikmin 3 but in Pikmin 4, Yorke says brothers and sisters instead.
Pikmin 4 is very heavily implied to take place before 3 based on mention that Koppai is entering a food crisis due to the population boom.
Maybe it could be a localization thing idk, but fuck it imma run with it. Any one of the Alph’s siblings could be a trans man, and/or Alph himself is trans. He already gave off transmasc vibes to me even before Pikmin 4’s release, but now I’ve gone “change my mind” meme at this point.
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bitchbubblez · 10 months
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ohmaerieme · 1 year
louie and alph are both ace, neither has actually come out to the other they dont even talk about it they just dont think abt that side of relationships or have any desire to it at all. like they just forget it exists do u get me
like many(?) loualph shippers i also believe they became friends and then grew feelings because alph pulled all nighters to work on the ship/take notes etc. and louie was the only other person awake to talk to.
^^ alph talks about his family and how he got into engineering etc and louie just kind of listens. he chimes in with a word or two now and then when something catches him. and alph is always surprised by it too he pauses for a second to look at him like 😯 and then continues talking
louie talks about his family too. kind of. more like vague comments or admitting he misses his nana .AND HE TALKS ABT COOKING TOO!! and his cooking show dream!! he doesnt ramble like alph does, mainly just speaks in a sentence or two every hour or so
louies feelings go from 'man this guys kinda annoying -> well its nice to have company i guess. i have nothing else to do -> i dont want to leave him alone ever'
alphs feelings go from 'this guys really strange but its some kind of company at least -> hes a really good listener wow. yknow what hes kinda interesting too -> hes kinda like my opposite and i cannot ever imagine not talking to him again'
alph tried making a love poem once and louie was just confused reading it HIS ASS DID NOT UNDERSTAND. alph was so embarrassed he never ever tried again. louie still thinks about it wondering wtf it was supposed to be about he does NOT understand poetry at all
louie gets overstimulated by touch easy and alph gets very flustered by any romantic gesture. together they make the ultimate autism 'our love language is quality time' couple.
louie also actually has gift giving as a love language too. hes kinda bummed when he learns koppaites can only eat fruit but he tries very hard to make fancy fruit plates for alph when they havent had time to talk in a while
unrelated to loualph but very important. he can in fact escape the restraints but he likes the tight pressure from them (sensory seeking mf)
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fullmoonfireball · 11 months
okay after adding to the "Koppaites dont know shit" post earlier i havent been able to stop thinking about this
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alph. alphie darling. youve already made alien contact on this planet. you've been commanding pikmin for days now. meeting a space trucker is not that exciting <3
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alph being like "yeah, louie may have committed war crimes, attempted murder, almost destroyed a whole freight company, and perhaps have every disease known to koppaites and hocatatians alike..............but i love him 🥰🥰🥰"
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ghostlysage · 1 year
louph discord server
have you ever looked at louie and alph from pikmin and went:
“wow! i really like these two as an obscure pairing, but i dont know where to show my love for them at!”
well, you’re just in luck! welcome to the official-not-official louie/alph discord server! this is a place mostly made as a joke but for fun too! come on in, we have:
•very talented artists
•fun ideas and discussions
•general chatting
come on in and join the fun!
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deviatedscientist · 9 months
so what if I just start talking about this au that I pulled out my brain recently.
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I would like to proudly showcase my trailblazer level AND the fact I have both WELT AND SEELE <333
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voidspace-bubble · 2 years
my boyfriends making fun of me for shipping loulph, like, i know that they only have like one canon interaction and the entire time louie's just a dick but, yk, look at them
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kiwilittle · 4 months
Bree ramble EE
Oki so like I keep thinking about giving Louie and Alph another kid but also at he same time I dont think they can handle it especially Louie since he was already pretty worried about being a bad dad towards Bree like his own dad was to he (but that's another story for another day)
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Anyways here she it (I'll make a proper ref another time) since I doubt these two will ever have more kids this is one of Bree friend? Well shes definitely one of her classmates
I don't think I've mentioned this before but Bree lives on Koppai with her Papa Alph and Dada Louie only gets to see them now during school holidays, he always brings gifts for them both when he comes over. It's mostly solid food since Louie doesn't want his daughter growing up on only juice lol
Anyways back to the new girl, I dont have a name for her yet but shes the kinda girl that doesnt exactly understand other people that well especially those with disabilities, yea shes that kinda kid that points everything out without even realizing it of course with no malicious intent.
Shes a koppaite (obvs) and the same age as Bree and have classes together. She seems to have a liking to Bree due to her being mute and keeping to herself
I'll develop them later in some mini comics cuz I'm tired now TwT
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sylunisart · 1 year
Poorly explaining my Pikmin LGBT+ hcs cause I’m bored(might be edited in the future)
Olimar: I’m kinda torn between demi or straight ally
Louie: somewhere on the ace spectrum(grey ace probably) but he does like men, uses he/they/it
Alph: gay trans man
Brittany: bisexual who leans VERY heavily into women
Charlie: bi
Lisa/Pom: nonbinary sapphic, uses they/she.
Collin: either gay or achillean(I hc he’s married and has a husband back on Giya)
Shepherd: lesbian(sorry not sorry Dingo)
Russ: pan
Dingo: thinks he’s straight but he’s actually bi
Yonny: transmasc(he did his own top surgery) and is probably somewhere under the nonbinary umbrella. Also no one can quite figure out his sexuality, uses any pronouns.
Bernard: gay(he and Santi are the most on and off pair there is)
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ohmaerieme · 1 year
asks you about loualph like i’m setting up a cheese trap for a mouse (i find their joint autism to be amusing)
i feel like i just got HEART PALPITATIONS seeing this in my inbox. yes hello im the loualph ceo i am here to ramble even MORE about them because im crazy.
first of all I BELIEVE THE ENTIREEE reason alph started catching feelings is cuz he sees louies behaviorisms and like. general attitude as like. admirable. like alph sees him eat a bug and goes "wow.. he is so unapologetically himself.." because. lets be honest here. alph the type of autistic to mask so heavily it lands him in therapy for 5 consecutive years. meanwhile louie DOES NOT GAF he doesnt bother with masking or being polite with people he doesnt like. he is the opposite to alph fr fr!!!!!!
meanwhile louie catches feelings just by spending time with him and the fact that alph doesnt like. badger him with comments like 'whyd you commit this space crime' 'why do you eat bugs' 'thats kind of messed up' 🙄 like cmon now. louie is aro spectrum too i believe this so very deeply. methinks demiromantic. and for once hes only bonded with alph outside of deadly situations ! he just chills in the ship and chats with alph while hes pulling all-nighters!! well i say 'chats'. more like leans over his shoulder to see what hes up to and then gets bored but also still floats around alph because the company is nice.
also kind of not loualph related but a little bit yes. brittainy and alph have a sibling relationship and brittainy is like the older sister that thinks your new boyfriend is DOGSHIT and tells alph he should leave him to the point where its comical
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