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Метки: сцена 18+
Эймонд обязан находиться при собрании Малого совета. Он чувствует раздражение от всего происходящего, больше думая о том, что ты опять избегала его.
Эйгон тоже должен быть здесь, но он опять пьянствовал, развлекался с женщинами и всё ещё выражал недовольство наследованием короны. Алисента кажется даже не была заинтересована отсутствием короля, решив начать обсуждение насущных тем.
— Рейнира отклонила предложение мира, — произносит Отто, конечно же, кинув взгляд на своего внука.
— Нам нужно позаботиться о вооружении, — вмешивается Креган, единственная возможность Эймонда связаться с тобой.
— Это не первостепенно. Мы так и не решили, какой стратегии следует придерживаться. У нас нет плана наступления. — Кристон искренне надеялся подавить Чёрных, кажется всё ещё не забыв первую и последнюю женщину, в которую влюбился по глупости.
Эймонд снова теряется в своих мыслях.
Подняв руку и постучавшись в покои Хелейны, Эймонд не подозревает, что может увидеть тебя.
Но зайдя по разрешению своей сестры, он удивляется. Ты сидишь на большом диване, увлечённая игрой с Джейхейрисом. Малыш сидит рядом с тобой, пока вы перешёптываетесь и держите в руках какие-то игрушки, которые Эймонд может разглядеть лишь подойдя ближе.
— Дорогой брат, — произносит Хелейна, её губы растянуты в улыбке, от счастья видеть Эймонда.
— Сестра. — Он сразу переводит на тебя взгляд, замечая твоё промелькнувшее недовольство. — Жена.
— Муж. — Ты будто выплёвываешь это.
Твоё внимание возвращается к племяннику Эймонда. Он может отдать тебе должное, видимо твои гены омеги рады компании ребёнка, он понятие не имеет насколько маленький Джейхейрис тебе понравился.
— Ты не разговаривала с Эйгоном, Хелейна? — интересуется Эймонд, держа руки за спиной и стараясь не пялиться на тебя.
— Нет, ты же знаешь, он не заинтересован в моём обществе.
— Мы не можем найти его, снова.
Ты перешёптываешься с мальчиком, который хихикает от твоих слов. Вокруг вас будто ничего нет, вы одни здесь, это умиляет Хелейну, которая продолжает вышивать пчёлок на платке.
— Должно быть он на Шёлковой улице.
— Если бы… — Эймонд смотрит на тебя. — Могу я поговорить с тобой наедине, жена?
Ты поднимаешь взгляд на своего мужа. В твоих глазах ��аметна жёсткость, сталь и решимость. Улыбки больше нет. Вернув внимание к Джейхейрису уголки твоих губ снова поднимаются, ты становишься мягче и что-то шепчешь ребёнку, заставляя его хихикнуть.
Встав со своего места, ты прощаешься с королевой, и вы с Эймондом следуете на выход.
Покинув покои Хелейны, Эймонд направляется по коридору дальше от двери.
— Чего ты хотел, муж? — интересуешься ты, положив одну руку на другую, держа их под грудью.
— Моя мать спрашивала о твоей беременности.
— Ты обрадовал её? — ты плескаешь ядом, и останавливаешься, когда Эймонд заходит в небольшое углубление в стене коридора. Он хочет, чтобы вас не было видно, и тебя это слегка напрягает.
— Мне бы хотелось, но увы, моя жена бегает от меня, как от чумного.
— Ты знаешь моё мнение о детях.
— Я знаю, но на тебе нет моей метки. — Эймонд тянется к твоим волосам, аккуратно поправляя пряди, оголяя изгиб твоей шее. Он замечает как ты застыла. Но ты и не отталкиваешь его. — Мы должны…
— Сегодня ночью. У тебя же нет планов?
— Я абсолютно свободен для тебя. — В его тоне слышится кокетство, и ты ловишь себя на том, что сдерживаешь улыбку.
Странное приятное чувство в груди. Это незнакомо, но ты стараешься подавить это, не позволять своей омежьей сущности замурлыкать и подумать о чём-то большем, чем о кокетстве.
— Я приду к тебе. — Ты отстраняешься от Эймонда, желая заняться чём-то помимо общения с собственным мужем.
Он хватает тебя за локоть. Это не резко, всего лишь попытка остановить тебя. И ты поддаёшься. Отсутствие желания бороться с ним от тебя, заставляет Эймонда ликовать внутри.
— Ты могла бы не принимать подавители. — Его взгляд не выдаёт ничего. Увидев твой непонимающий и настороженный взгляд, он спешит объясниться. — Метка может не прижиться. Я читал об этом.
Ты держишь язык за зубами. Он не знает какую траву ты завариваешь, какой раствор втираешь в свою пахучую железу. Есть травы не вызывающие отторжение связи с альфой, но есть и более сильные, вызывающие воспаления от укусов.
Кротко кивнув ты уходишь.
Эймонд легко мог контролировать свои эмоции и чувства. Его сущность альфы не была проблемой, но иногда, он чувствовал себя иначе. Ты должна была быть его омегой. Ты должна была быть послушной и ласковой, ластиться к нему, а не отталкивать его и огрызаться.
Он знает, что �� тебя был повод для настороженности и подозрительности. Эймонд не может осуждать тебя за аккуратность.
— Можем разобраться с этим быстро? — ты заходишь в его покои без стука, и стоит твоему взгляду наткнуться на Эймонда, ты выдаёшь своё пожелание.
Оглядев тебя, он замечает ночную сорочку под халатом. Эймонд не знает пыталась ли ты соблазнить его, он не уверен, что ты пошла бы на это, ты всегда выглядела хорошо, следила за своим внешним видом. Очевидно твоя немного развратная ночная рубашка не была попыткой соблазнения.
Эймонд поднимается со своего места. Книга остаётся на небольшом столике между камином и диваном.
— Твои подавители ещё не вывелись. — Эймонд чувствует твой запах, приятный, но очень слабый, лучше чем ничего, как раньше.
— Нужно больше времени для этого. И может быть с меткой всё будет в порядке, незачем волноваться раньше времени.
Ты начинаешь снимать лёгкий халат. Скинув его, ты откидываешь шёлковую ткань на сундук рядом с кроватью.
— Удивительно, как легко ты согласилась на это…
Твои ладони тянутся к его колету, желая избавить Эймонда от одежды. Глубокий вздох заставляет твоего мужа понять, что ты немного раздражена.
— Я не хочу детей, в такое время. — Эймонд позволяет тебе продолжать. — Ты очевидно не желаешь меня видеть рядом как свою омегу, ты был недоволен мной с самого начала. Мои подавители меня устраивают, но твоя метка заставит твою мать и деда отстать от меня и тебя. Одно быстрое спаривание может окупиться моим спокойствием и беззаботностью. Я могу это потерпеть. — Опустив руки ты смотришь на Эймонда. — Тебе тоже придётся быть со мной, удивительно как легко ты согласился на это. У меня сейчас нет течки, и я надеюсь ещё долго не будет. О ком ты будешь думать, чтобы возбудиться?
Ты отходишь от него. Твоя лёгкая раскрепощённость и открытость к контакту радует, но не лишает подозрительности Эймонда.
— Мне это не требуется. — Скинув часть одежды, оставаясь в брюках и сапогах, Эймонд направляется к тебе. Вставая перед тобой он скользит взглядом по тебе, его рука тянется к твоему лицу, положив её под твой подбородок, так что большой палец касается твоих губ, Эймонд с трудом сдерживает себя от того, чтобы не протолкнуть его тебе в рот.
Твой взгляд устремлён на него, он видит вызов, будто ты думаешь «давай сделай, если думаешь, что я не откушу тебе палец». Это одновременно забавляет его и заставляет чувство гордости заполнить сердце.
— Я не хочу навязываться тебе. Я знаю, что был пред��судителен, и я сожалею об этом. — Его палец всё ещё на твоих губах. — Я хочу, чтобы наш брак был приятным для нас и полезным.
Твои губы искажаются в улыбке, но она насмешливая.
— Твои сладкие речи не помогут тебе сделать меня влажной. Я знаю, как ты ко мне относишься. Для тебя сейчас будет акт подтверждения твоего контроля надо мной. Ты покажешь мне какой ты сильный и как легко можешь сделать со мной всё, что тебе захочется.
Эймонд убирает свою ладонь от твоего лица. Огонь в камине отбрасывает достаточно света, чтобы вы видели друг друга. В комнате не так тепло, и твои соски дают об этом знать, Эймонд же кажется даже не мёрзнет без рубашки. Он удивительно ласков с тобой, на твой взгляд, но ты понятие не имеешь, что он пытается быть таковым. Сложно показывать свои чувства, когда думаешь, что тебя в любой момент могут отвергнуть.
Он садится на корточки перед тобой, держа теперь свои руки на твоих коленях. Полутьма в комнате создаёт более интимную атмосферу. Запертая дверь позволяет тебе чувствовать уединение.
— Я честен с тобой, милая омега. — Эймонд не знает, как такое обращение повлияет на твоё настроение. Иногда это хорошо сказывалось на омегах, напоминая им о том, кем они являются. — Я не хочу обижать тебя. Наш брак может быть не только выгодным. Мне не сложно признать, что я ошибался на твой счёт. Ты нужна мне, и я хочу тебя, как свою жену, как свою омегу.
Он скользит своими изящными пальцами по твоим лодыжкам, к икрам, добираясь до твоих коленей, но уже задирая тонкую, полупрозрачную ночнушку, он не отрывает взгляд от твоего лица, замечая, как ты борешься сама с собой, думая доверять ему или нет.
— Я буду относиться к тебе с уважением и нежностью, как ты того заслуживаешь.
— Ты думаешь, что если я омега, мне необходима нежность? — ты сдерживаешься от шипения, стараясь звучать не так грубо, но твой легко накатывающий гнев всё равно чувствуется.
— Я верю, что тебе она необходима, и ты не откажешься, когда я дам её тебе.
Может быть он прав, но ты всё равно почему-то злишься. Его губы касаются твоих ног, оставляя по одному поцелую на коленях. Пальцы уже ощупывают твои бёдра. Снова поцелуи. Тебе это нравится. Ты принимаешь подавители, делающие тебя тише, незаметней и менее чувствительной, но то что делает Эймонд заставляет разжигать костёр в твоём сердце и внутри лона.
— Ты не должна быть сильной со мной. Тебе это не потребуется, я даю тебе своё слово. — Он слабо давит на твои колени, заставляя их раздвинуть. — Ты не будешь больше одна против всех. Всё что тебе будет необходимо я сделаю и никогда не попрекну тебя этим. Я позабочусь обо всём. Никто не посмеет тронуть тебя.
Его поцелуи остаются на внутренней стороне твоего бедра. Ты трепещешь под ним. Твой муж заставляет тебя чуть ли не рыдать от нежности, которую ты никогда не испытывала. Это странно для тебя, но ты ничего не можешь подделать с собой, чтобы оттолкнуть его.
— Я позабочусь о тебе. Стану твоим альфой, таким какого ты заслуживаешь и хочешь.
Откинувшись немного назад, ты позволяешь ему увидеть твоё лоно. Пухлые складочки лишь слегка блестят. Ты выделишь мало сока, твои отвары тебе не позволят быть сегодня более чувствительной.
— Позволь мне позаботиться о тебе. — Его шёпот обжигает твою нежную кожу.
— Я… Я убью тебя, если ты…
— Я никогда не сделаю ничего, чтобы заслужить твоих ненависти и гнева.
Он не слышат от тебя согласия. Но ты не можешь его дать, даже если хочешь, чтобы его язык был применён иначе. Подняв на тебя взгляд Эймонд видит борьбу на твоём лице. Ты борешься с подозрительностью ко всем и всему.
— Я заслужу твоё доверие, омега, обещаю. — Тогда его нос утыкается в твой холмик, а язык касается твоих половых губ. И ты падаешь на огромную кровать застеленную дорогими мягкими простынями.
Его язык творит чудеса. Хотя ты понятия не имела, что может быть по-другому, ты всё равно впечатлена. Это невероятно приятно. И даже сидя вечно на подавителях, ты кончаешь быстрее, чем вы оба могли предположить.
Твои соки сладкие, оставляют привкус на языке похожий на свежие зелёные яблоки, но это слабо и вкуса почти нет. Эймонд догадывается, что это из-за того, что ты так давно и часто пила это проклятое варево.
Забираясь на тебя, он нападает на твою шею с поцелуями, слабыми укусами и влажными следами. Он хватает тебя за лицо одной ладонью и накрывает твои губы своими. Ты послушно отвечаешь ему, какая-то маленькая часть тебя, которую ты подавляла годами тихо ликует от послушания и возможности иметь кого-то рядом, кто очень твою услужливость, с кем ты можешь её проявить. Слова Эймонда всё же произвели на тебя эффект, даже если ты будешь думать над ними позже.
— Ты хочешь мою метку?
— Ты позволишь мне оставить свою?
— Да.
Ты киваешь, и Эймонд проходится рукой вниз, лаская твои изгибы и добираясь до своих брюк. Он приспускает их, освобождая свой твёрдый член и надрачивая его пару раз. Его возбуждение невыносимо. Хватает мгновения, чтобы он оказался в тебе, и ты скулишь под ним.
— Ты примешь мне, как хорошая омега. Ты можешь это сделать, красавица, я знаю, что ты справишься со мной, со своим альфой.
Твои ноги раздвинуты, он уютно устроился между ними, держа свой член в твоём влажном, тёплом и тугом лоне. Ты мурлычешь под ним, когда он опускает лицо к твоей железе, лаская её языком. Он знает, что ты ещё не готова к этому, на самом деле он чувствует твоё напряжение. Это расстраивает его. Но руки на его груди, твои приоткрытые влажные губы от ваших поцелуев, слезящиеся глаза, покрасневшие щёки, ты его милая фантазия и желание воплоти.
— Позволь мне быть твоим, — его толчки глу��окие и ты царапаешь его талию.
Он кончает глубокими толчками, утыкаясь в изгиб твоей шеи. У него на самом деле есть возможность укусить тебя, поставить свою метку, но он сдерживается. Ваш интимный дикий момент близости наступит позже, Эймонд готов подождать и выдержать нападки своей матери и деда.
Слезая тебя и ложась рядом, твой муж пытается отдышаться, зашнуровывая свои брюки, пока ты поправляешь свою ночную рубашку, прикрывая ноги.
— Я говорил серьёзно.
— Я знаю.
— Позволь мне воплотить всё сказанное, — его рука находит твою. Он подносит твою ладонь к губам, оставляя поцелуй на тыльной стороне.
Ты киваешь, издавая тихий звук согласия и пододвигаешься к Эймонду. Поцелуй который ты даришь ему сладкий и похож на предупреждение. Но вы сдвинулись с места, а это уже хорошо.
*последняя часть*
tags: @mandiiblanche
#imagine#русский imagine#imagine на русском#aemond targaryen imagine#aemond x fem!reader#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen#aemond x reader#aemond imagine#aemond x you#aemond smut#aemond one eye#alpha!aemond x omega!reader#alpha!aemond#alpha!aemond x reader#Aemond a/b/o
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The Chase-Alpha!Aemond
(This is an Omegaverse fic. I was asked several times to write something with Aemond and chasing/predator-prey as well as something with Alpha!Aemond and this is what came of it. Honestly Alpha!Aemond is probably my favorite Alpha that I write for. I hope everyone that asked for this enjoys it and in the future I’m always happy to receive Alpha!Aemond requests.)
Warning: Primal Kink (predator/prey/chase), A/B/O Dynamics, Knotting, heavy smut, Alpha!Aemond threatening everyone
Viserys decided to make a big deal out of it. Rhaenyra’s only daughter was coming of age (all children presenting on their 18th name-day). He loved his granddaughter to death and wanted it to be special, even though she hated parties and crowds of people with a passion.
Most of the time you could tell what someone was going to present as just from their personalities, Alphas always being stronger personalities, usually cocky and tough. Both Daemon and Aemond were known to be Alphas before presenting. (The only Targaryen Alphas currently in the world). Omegas were sweet and kind, usually very soft, however there had never been a Targaryen Omega before, at least since the Doom.
Y/n didn’t present until the afternoon just before the celebration started, everyone shocked to find out that the Princess was the first Targaryen Omega in over 1000 years. It was that much more to celebrate in the sickly Kings eyes and the party went on, Daemon spending most of the evening with his daughter to ensure the room of Alphas keeps their hands to themselves.
Y/n was annoyed. She was hot, and tired, and finished putting up with all of these Alphas trying to speak to her, all of the noble houses ready to put forth their Alpha sons for an alliance with House Targaryen the first day she presents like no one cares to let her acclimate to her new existence at all. They had all been prepared to put forth their Beta sons at the assumption she would present as such, however since she didn’t she had no choice. An Omega can only be mated by their Alpha, a law made by the Targaryens long ago when Alphas in the realm were assaulting Omegas any time they pleased, leading to babies that were sick and deformed (the only reason Aegon the Conqueror ordered their protection supposedly though most people believe it was because it how much he loved his Omega sister wife). Now all of the noble houses will be praying that she will be the mate of a member of their house, she will end up spending an entire day smelling a line of Alphas and odds are never find hers…it will be torture.
By late that evening she had decided to be finished with the party and go to bed. She made her way out the servants entrance and down the halls of the Red Keep, making her way to the library to find a book for the night. She wasn’t in there searching for 5 minutes when she smelled it, the heavy, woodsy scent that filled her nose was amazing. She knew instantly what it was, even if it hadn’t been for the jarringly loud growl that came along with the Alphas scent. Never in a million years would she have expected her Alpha to just so happen to be here and yet here she is. She hadn’t been an Omega for more than a few hours, she had no idea what to do, she hadn’t even spoken to her mother about Omega mating as there was no chance it would be relevant in her life but now in this moment, the only thing she could think to do was turn towards the door and run.
It was only at that moment as she was sprinting down the corridors that she remembered the horror stories told to her by her brothers as a child. The ones of Alphas hunting down their Omegas. An Omega running from them triggered their hunting instincts and they would give chase until they caught their mate, the Alpha had no control over it. If only she had been an Omega for more than just a few hours, maybe she would have remembered that.
Y/n turned down a corridor where she knew a servants hallway to be, no one just visiting the Keep would know anything about it and she quickly moved the tapestry that it resides behind, sprinting down the hallway and towards the exit. She stumbled, nearly falling off of her heels which she quickly kicked off as she ran, not willing to break an ankle, pausing as she came to the door to the gardens the servants used to serve lunches out there discreetly. She was panting heavily, trying to catch her breath when she heard shoes hitting the stone floor behind her and yanked open the door, continuing her run. All she had to do was get to her Dragon that slept on the beach, her ghostly mount not willing to reside in the pits or be around any other humans but his rider. If she could get to Ghost she would be safe in the sky, at least until she had to come back down but it would give her time to gather her thoughts…or flee to Dragonstone and never return…yes. She liked that option.
That is exactly what she did as she stumbled onto the beach and saw her Dragons head pop up. He bared his teeth, clearly realizing that his rider was in distress and he stretched, spreading his wings. He lowered his head and she hopped onto him as quickly as she could, never happier for his smaller stature than in that moment, standing about three quarters the size of Caraxes and very slender.
Her father had loved that his daughter had mounted the Grey Ghost, enjoying the idea that she could easily protect herself from other dragons (such as Vhagar) by going unseen in a cloud bank for as long as it took for others to leave. He also suggested that if it were ever necessary that she would be a good spy in the same way, able to see what others were doing and still hide so as not to be spotted. Rhaenyra was insistent that it would never be needed but Daemon trained her for it regardless.
‘Aderī Ghost! Sōves!’ She shouted, the dragon already prepared to take off and leaping into the air quickly, roaring out a loud warning to whatever his human had been running from as he flew away. Once over the water Y/n looked back, expecting to see an angry Alpha on the beach watching her fly away but there was no one. (Quickly Ghost! Fly!)
She did not slow Ghost all the way back to Dragonstone, happy to be home as soon as they landed in the courtyard. The staff was very small as no one was currently home and so she ordered Ghost to be fed before making her way into the castle and finding her bedroom where she requested a bath.
Y/n felt much better after a long soak in the scalding hot water to ease her sore muscles, running was something she already hated and her calves would hate her in the morning. The maid had been given the night off and so she dried off and dressed herself in her small clothes for bed, prepared to send a raven to her mother in Kings Landing to tell her what happened when she heard the loud roar of a dragon that definitely wasn’t hers. She considered it for a moment and came to the realization that only Daemon could have gotten here so fast, it would have taken time to realize Ghost was gone and then Caraxes is the only one who could fly almost as fast as her small lithe dragon could. The roar didn’t sound like Caraxes usually did though, it was much deeper.
As she made her way out of her chamber and through the halls to greet her father she stopped as she turned, seeing a much different person at the end of the hallway. ‘Aemond? W-What are you doing here, Uncle?’ She had been close with her Uncle in their childhood but the night that Luke maimed him had ended that sadly, whether either of them wanted it to or not, their mothers were adamant that they no longer speak.
It was at that moment that she was overcome by the smell again and her eyes widened as she realized what was happening. She hadn’t gotten away at all, just fled somewhere that no one would find them. ‘Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to run from your Alpha, Byka Zaldrīzes?’ He questioned, her old nickname sending a chill down her spine as his scent set her body on edge. (Little Dragon)
‘I’ve been an Omega for half a day…no one has said much of anything…please don’t do this, Aemond? Kostilus Kepus?’ She knew it would make no difference, he couldn’t stop now and she knew that as he had been stepping closer since the moment she opened her mouth. (Please Uncle?)
‘I will take care of you Omega…no need to worry.’ His voice was deeper than normal, almost distorted as he spoke, moving forward a bit faster now. He moved to run just as she turned around and sprinted back down the halls. She got into her chambers just as he caught up to her, catching the door before she could shut it and shoving it open, landing her sprawled out on the floor. Moving to crawl under the bed, he slammed the door and caught her ankle, sliding her back out and lifting her abruptly, dropping her back onto the nicely made bed. She whimpered, trying to push his hands away but he shushed her and now this close she could see that his pupils were dilated, nearly taking up his entire eye like that of a dragon. ‘Omega, sweet Omega, My Omega!’ He growled, nuzzling his face into her neck as he yanked his trousers off, shoving her shift up her body and ripping it off in pieces.
‘Aemond! Please, I’m scared, please just wait-‘
‘No! No fear, Alphas right here. Nothing will ever hurt my Omega.’ It was as if he really couldn’t rationalize that it was him she was afraid of as he lined his cock up with her dripping hole and shoved himself into her roughly. The pleasure that rushed through her body as he nuzzled against her scent gland at her neck, his scent fully encompassing her now, dulled the pain of his intrusion. ‘Wanted you so long Byka Zaldrīzes, so long…pretty little Omega.’ He rumbled deep in his chest, enjoying the feeling of being inside of his Omega before he moved.
‘I’ve only been an Omega for a day…’ she muttered as she tried to relax her body that was now desperate for him as well as his scent that was torturing her.
‘I’ve always loved you, Y/n…pretty Omega…’ he growled, thrusting up into her and licking his tongue up the side of her neck. She clutched the soft fabric of his shirt and pulled at it as he moved. ‘I love you so much Mandianna. All mine now, Alpha will protect you…’ (Niece)
‘Kepus! Oh Gods! D-Don’t stop!’ The tingly feeling that was now rushing through her was euphoric, knowing that it’s her Alpha that is rutting into her was more pleasurable than she ever could have imagined.
‘Never! Never going to stop Omega! Alpha will fuck you every day, knock you up so good! Be so pretty all full of my pups! Imagine these full for me, such a good Omega, so fucking perfect!’ He moaned, leaning down to bite along her breasts and leave marks before wrapping his lips around her nipple and suck which gave her more pleasure than she ever expected.
‘Fuck Aemond! Alpha! Want my Alpha in me forever!’
‘Yes Omega! Yours, Your Alpha! Gonna fill you up so good! Made me wait for you so long, almost killed me-‘
‘I’m sorry! So sorry Alpha, I was so-scared-‘
‘No! No more. My Omega will never be scared again, Alphas here. Alpha will protect you! My Omega! Mine-Mine-Fucking Mine!’ He roared, thrusting as deep into her cunt as he could and feeling his knot expand to lock him into her as he came, feeling his Omega cum around him, crying out and clinging to him like the needy Omega she is. ‘Good girl, my good girl.’ He mumbled before burying his fangs into her throat over her scent gland and tasting her sweet blood as he marked her as his mate, feeling her little fangs in his flesh as well.
Aemond held her close as they both fell asleep almost as soon as Aemond pulled the blanket over them, sleeping for the Gods only know how long before awakening to see it was clearly night time. They were both finally fully aware again and thinking clearly, Y/n blushing as she looked up at her Uncle to see him looking at her already.
‘I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to run, I just-‘
‘Shh…it’s alright Byka Zaldrīzes, I know. That party never should have happened, someone should have helped you. It’s not your fault my love.’ He brushed his fingers down her face and along her shoulder, enjoying touching her skin every chance he got seemingly. ‘I apologize for behaving like a brute, it will not happen again, I assure you. I will be gentle with my Omega.’
‘Oh…well I liked it…maybe you don’t always have to be gentle?’ Aemond smirked, leaning close to nuzzle his nose against hers.
‘I will make my mate happy, however you need to be fucked.’ He teased and she glared playfully. ‘You running wasn’t such a bad thing. If you hadn’t we would have been interrupted already.’
‘We’ll still be interrupted-‘
‘Yes but not until they notice in the morning that we’re both gone. Everyone will have assumed you would be exhausted and gone to bed, everyone else will be too drunk to check. When they realize that you’re missing and that both of our dragons are gone as well they will figure it out I’m sure…at least Otto and Daemon will, I’m not sure about anyone else. However by then you will most definitely be carrying my pups and we will be dragged back to Kings Landing.’ He joked but she knew he was right. ‘I love you Y/n…I’ve always loved you…Marry me.’ He said suddenly and she looked up at where he now was leaning over her and smiled.
‘I don’t think I have a choice.’ She laughed but he didn’t seem to like that.
‘I want you to be my wife because you love me as I love you. I loved you before I was ever an Alpha and-‘
‘Yes. I love you too Kepus. I always have…’ Y/n reached up to his face and took hold of the eye patch that he had slept in before removing it and tracing her thumb along his scarred cheek. ‘I never stopped loving you Aemond.’
‘My sweet Omega.’ He pulled her closer and nuzzled into her throat as he heard the soft purr that escaped her chest at just about the same time that his knot finally went down and he could move again.
Aemond fucked his Omega twice more before allowing her to rest, sleeping on his chest for the rest of the night.
He had been correct of course, not only Daemon but Rhaenyra and surprisingly Aegon arrived on Dragonstone early that morning just after the sun came up, barging into Y/n’s chambers and startling the newly mated couple awake.
‘Y/n! Are you alright, my Darling?!’ Her mother demanded, rushing to the side of the bed and taking her face into her hands as they both sat up.
‘I am fine mother. I promise, my Alpha has taken wonderful care of me.’ Rhaenyra eyed Aemond but Aemond was focused now on Daemon and Aegon, the ladder of which was staring straight at his Omegas exposed chest prompting him to growl loudly.
‘If you do not avert your eyes brother, you will cease to have use of them ever again.’ And for once, Aegon listened, knowing that in this case his brother was not exaggerating in any way. He would carve his eyes out of his skull if he continued to ogle his Omega, prompting Aegon to turn around quickly. ‘You as well, Uncle. Turn.’ He warned, Daemon glaring back at him.
‘I’m her father.’ He snarled.
‘Yes, you are. And an Alpha all the same, Turn!’ Daemon looked ready to reach for his sword just as Aemond stiffened, prepared to jump onto him when Rhaenyra spoke up.
‘You wanted a protective mate for her, now she has one. Give our daughter her privacy and turn Husband!’ She snapped and finally Daemon did as he was told. ‘What happened my Darling, why are you here instead of in your chambers or even Aemond’s. You had us so worried!’
‘I am sorry mother. I…I didn’t mean to but when I walked into the library and smelled Aemond I didn’t know who it was and…I ran…’ Rhaenyra’s eyes went wide and she looked at Aemond, instantly concerned. ‘He didn’t hurt me mother. He was a bit frantic at first but it was my fault-‘
‘That is not your fault Byka Zaldrīzes, no one told you anything and you were scared. That is never your fault, you are perfect.’ Aemond assured her, taking her hand into his and kissing it sweetly.
‘My brother is correct my Darling, I should have prepared you for the possibility. I just never considered that it could even be a possibility. I am sorry…so you ran from your Alpha and came here with Ghost?’ Y/n nodded her head.
‘When I realized what she was doing I stopped running after her, I knew I wouldn’t catch her and that her dragon may just set me ablaze if he felt how scared she was-‘
‘That was a good idea. Ghost was pretty angry the moment he awoke. He always knows how I feel and he has killed 6 separate guards for coming too close to us when we’re together…and one other one for being in my room and startling me.’ His Omega explained, pointing to the wall on the opposite side of the doors to her balcony. ‘He was very quick I admit, he landed on the railing and burned him. By the time my parents arrived he had shoved himself through the doors and was taking up most of the room with his head on my bed here. My dragon is extremely protective of me…though I doubt he could fit through the doors any longer, he barely could before. Squeezing him back out was a nightmare.’ She giggled, Aemond looking shocked but Y/n could also feel that he was happy as well.
‘Good. Dragons have always been more protective when they’re bonded to Omegas, rare as it is. They’re also more protective of their riders Omegas, which means you will have nothing to fear from Vhagar as well…anyway, instead of chasing her to the beach I grabbed a horse and went to Vhagar. She is large but she could never keep up with how fast Ghost is, I arrived an hour after her-‘
‘Hour and a half I would say. I had a bath before he arrived. I’m honestly thankful for it, I felt disgusting covered in all those Alphas scents from the party.’ All at once Y/n realized all of those Alphas that she hadn’t met yet were still waiting for exactly that. ‘Mother! Please tell me I don’t have to meet anymore of them, please? They smell horrendous and I-‘ Rhaenyra shushed her immediately while Aemond rumbled out a soft growl, pulling his Omega closer.
‘No my Darling, your father will make the announcement that you have found your Alpha and none of them will be willing to come near you. We do need to get back though, the party is still in effect and the King demands both of your presence. Get dressed, I will go and have the staff move your things to a larger room for the both of you here.’ Her mother kissed her head before leaving the room with Daemon, Aegon who had yet to move spoke up before closing the door.
‘I didn’t know you had it in you brother. I’m so proud.’ Aemond grumbled but Y/n held onto his arm to stop him from going after his retreating brother. ‘You’re welcome by the way, lovely Niece, without me your “Alpha” wouldn’t even have known where to put it. I’m so happy that I could be of service-‘ just as Aemond was about to lunge at his brother who was ready to close the door behind him he was struck in the face by a large book making the Prince yelp, slamming the door behind him.
‘Are you alright?’ Y/n asked and her Alpha nodded, pulling her close and roughly kissing her, loving her assault on his brother and her clear defense of him.
‘That was wonderful, nice shot.’ He grinned, kissing her again only to have his hands grabbed before he could take her hips.
‘We will have all the time in the world later but we have to get back, I promise you I am all yours all night.’
‘Good.’ Aemond growled. ‘Because you are not getting away like this from now on, your mornings are all mine.’ He teased, nipping her scent gland before allowing her to move and get dressed.
He didn’t allow her to “clean up”, insisting she smell like him for the rest of the party, God forbid one of those young, stupid Alphas decides to try his luck.
Aemond had tried to get his Omega to fly with him and while he was determined to make it happen, Ghost was not up for it today as he started screaming when his rider walked passed him with only a nose pet. In the end she kissed her Alpha and met Vhagar (who seemed to like her considering she’s the only one the 180 year old dragon hasn’t tried to burn for touching her) before climbing onto her own dragon who tolerated Aemond.
Viserys was thrilled to find that his son and granddaughter were mated, almost every single one of the Alphas would not even meet her gaze once Daemon announced the news, though a few of them still stared. One Alpha boy actually attempted asking her for a dance while her Alpha spoke to his mother, forcefully kissing her hand before having his face slammed into the table and allowing her to hear his bones crack. No male of any designation approached her after that. Apart from Peter of course, who was an Omega as well, Aemond having no problem with his presence at all. They became fast friends and Peter actually became her hand maid, since an Omega needs an Omega for such a task and most are already mated, Y/n was happy for him to have the job.
Everything considered, Y/n figured it could have been much worse had her Alpha been anyone else. She was happy with Aemond as her Alpha knowing that she was safe and though she would have to spend her days keeping her brothers out of trouble with her Alpha, it was worth it.
Aemond eventually dragged her from the party (though he didn’t have to try very hard), carrying her back to their shared chambers and spending the rest of the day and night locked inside-Peter being the only one allowed in to bring their meals.
No one was surprised when 2 months later they discovered that she was pregnant, Aemond determined to keep her that way for the rest of their lives on Dragonstone. He adapted to life there fairly quickly and became his Omegas “official” personal guard and that was where they remained until Viserys passed-Otto and Alicent not even daring to attempt to steal Rhaenyra’s throne without Aemond and Vhagar under their thumb. He took orders from a different Queen now, and it definitely wasn’t his sister.
Mandianna-I believe translates to (from what I can tell after way too much research trying to get it right) “Older Sisters son/daughter” (no gender)
Aemond T. Masterlist
#hotd dragons#hotd season 1#hotd season 2#hotd imagine#hotd aemond targaryen#hotd smut#hotd#house of the dragon aemond#house of the dragon#house targaryen#grey ghost#vhagar#caraxes#aemond targaryen fic#aemond targaryen x oc#aemond targaryen imagine#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen smut#aemond targaryen x y/n#prince aemond targaryen#prince aemond#aemond one eye#aemond imagine#alpha!Aemond Targaryen#a/b/o dynamics#a/b/o hotd#Alpha!Aemond x Omega!Niece#omegaverse dynamics#omegaverse au
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I 1000% agree that Aemond would be an amazing Alpha. I'd love a fic of him and his beloved Omega. Like meeting and claiming and heat and all sorts. Gods. It would be so good. He'd never let Aegon or Daemon near her. And Rhaenyra would want to be close to another omega because gods alphas can be a lot. And Helaena is 100% a beta. She'd be the only one that Aemond would probably let bear his omega.
OMG Yes to everything! 👏
Aegon wouldn't be allowed within 15 ft of Aemond's Omega at all times and Daemon would need a escort and Aemond would have to be present. No way he would allow his Omega to be near them or any other Alpha (his father is the exception)
Rhaenyra would LOVE to have another Omega around to keep company. Surrounded by Alpha pheromones and their peacocking causes enough headaches so she would relish the change. Also it's just nice to have someone like her around to keep her sane and to probably gossip a bit 😉
Helaena would also like the company. As a Beta she is often used to keep the Alphas calm so it's a nice change of pace to spend time with an Omega who doesn't expect anything from her.
(ALSO I absolutely love the idea of Helaena being a Beta. Better to calm down Alpha!Aegon 👌)
Aemond definitely has his hands full keeping his Omega safe. Makes his instincts even more intense and causes him to be extremely overprotective and possessive. When she nears her Heat Aemond wouldn't even let her leave their room or allow anyone but his mother or Helaena to enter.
And when she's in Heat?? Oh boy 🥵
Would spend a majority of the day scenting her and marking her with his own scent. Would keep her on his knot and growl at the slightest noise from their bedchamber doors. Would hand feed her and bathe her when needed just to roll around in their nest to get his scent back on her.
Would also come over her cunt and breasts. Further marking his territory.
#Aemond Targaryen#house of the dragon#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond one eye targaryen#aemond targaryen headcanons#house of the dragon headcanons#house of the Dragon x reader#alpha/beta/omega dynamics#Ewan Mitchell#ewan mitchell headcanons#ewan mitchell x reader#Aemond Targaryen smut#Ewan Mitchell smut#the void answers
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I am saying this in the nicest way possible.
Don’t say it’s cause you want to reach out more cause WE DO BLOCK THOSE WHO DO THIS
#thomas hewitt x reader#tj hammond x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#alpha!bucky barnes x omega!reader#alpha!bucky barnes x reader#megumi fushiguro x reader#aemond x reader#yautja x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#namor x reader#cod x reader#simon riley x reader#neteyam x reader#daniel hall x reader#genshin impact x reader angst#billy hargove x reader angst#billy hargove x reader#paz vizla x reader#mandalorian x reader#aemond targaryen x reader#winter soldier x reader#bucky barnes x reader#dream of the endless x reader#dabi x reader#prowler!miles x reader#miguel o'hara x reader#technoblade x reader#aaravos x reader#dark knight bane x reader#miguel ohara x reader
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In plain sight
Aemond x niece!reader
Warnings: AOB, swearing, HOTD things, targcest, incest uncle/niece, tension, angst, smut, sexual things, reader is Rhaenyra’s daughter (specified brown hair), plus size reader, fat shaming
Can I fix him? Probably not. I fucking love his actor Ewan omg he is a precious baby boy😭 Aemond can fucking die by dragon fire 👌🏻😂 but I will still write about him because I’m delulu
Your dragon: Another Daughter of Silver wing roughly the same size as Caraxes, looks like Syrax just different colour and size with a different shape head closer to Silverwing mix of grey body and white wings Name - Elea
Set around after Rhaenys’s death
Being sent back to the red keep was daunting, your mothers story’s of her life in the keep didn’t seem this daunting with her fathers rule and her mother when she was alive. Nobody knows you here, if they did it’d be a shock nobody regards you as a Targaryen, they see you and think of a lowlife piglet as some have said. Despite your mothers proudness of you, despite her always wanting to say this is my first born show some damn respect or suffer dragon fire, you always dressed down, made handmaid dresses, common folk dresses and stood on the crowd or to the side line. When your mother would spot you she would try to beckon you over, you always told her you were too sick to go to the meetings, party’s, gatherings whatever was happening, but instead you’d been there as a servant hidden. When your mother would address it you’d shrug her off, more than once have you snapped at her accidentally before apologising and just saying it’s for the best. You’ve never ridden your dragon, to scared too even when she came out of the dragon pit and claimed you. It scared you that day when your mother was heading to go out on Syrax and another dragon appeared, much bigger than Syrax and the colours of the moon with silver eyes staring at you. She bent her neck to you while your mother beamed proudly urging you to go on. You didn’t, you apologised to the dragon in high Valyria, ordered it to go back to its den and bid your mother farewell. Your dragon Elea did not take kind to being told to go back to bed, you were out taking a walk when she swooped you, landed heavily in front of you and snorted angrily. How you ever explained to dragon that you cannot ride her was beyond you, it took three weeks before she gave in to your demands to reside where she lived and be merry on her own before she chose you. Now with everything that’s happened, your mother has been more persistent about you riding Elea, this war turning to the dragons to take down the Queen of them all, Vhagar and her prince rider. You couldn’t though, so you snuck off.
You weren’t here to reminisce though, or think about how you left your mother without telling her or Elea. You went to the red keep, managed to get past the guarded gate with the help of Mysaria and her whisperers and got a job as a maid in the castle right under their noses. You thought all was going well till you met eyes with the prince regent and his one good eye glinted. You were pouring drinks at the council, standing off to the side with a jug of wine in hand pretending not to listen. This is what you were good for, listening, gathering information, not riding dragons into war. You see the flick of fingers and walk to pour more wine into the princes cup. You hold your breath, too many times have you caught his scent and frozen from it. You glanced briefly to his face, first mistake, his nose flared, jaw clenching his one good eye staring at you. Another gift from your father no true light purple Targaryen eye colour. You quickly looked away and resumed your post. Nothing of importance in these meetings so far apart from the prince regent taking his mother off the council.
You were roaming the halls hoping to steal some secrets or whispered when someone called your name, your true name and not the servant name you made up. You pretended not listen knowing that voice too well till you were snatched into a thankful empty room, an angry alpha prince staring down at you.
“My prince!” You say surprised and bow your head.
“Drop the act little niece” his words are venom but you keep your eyes on the ground and shake your head.
“I am of no relation to the prince, apologies if I have deceived you in that way” you bend your knees in a curtsey keeping your eyes on the floor and your breath still. He says your name and you try not to flinch at the smoothness of it. Instead you take a small breath regretting it when his scent hits your nose. Two fingers go under your chin and you’re forced to look at him, you don’t know how he could recognise you, how anyone could, nobody knew you.
“My prince I am late for my duties” you say in hopes of deterring him. He holds your chin and tilts your head to the side slightly making you frown before he leans down. Hot breath fans against your neck and your body shudders.
“I could always sense you in the shadows” he mutters.
“Smell you close by but always hiding” he adds and you try to relax your body.
“Are you embarrassed of being a Targaryen?” He asks and your hand moves without warning. You grip his wrist and tug it from your chin his head lifting up. Your hand holds his wrist tightly like you want to snap it off and you struggle to breathe.
“I am the embarrassment” it slips from your lips. You stare harshly at his top buttons on his jacket, eyes narrow.
“So you admit you are who I say you are?” You can hear his smirk and realise you hadn’t let go of his wrist. Holding it between you both.
“Excuse me my prince” is all you manage before you’re holding your dress just above your feet and rushing down the halls to the servants quarters a burning in your chest.
Next part ->
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Title: Love on the air!
Omega!Aemond Targaryen x Alpha!GN!Reader
➳You were an alpha who led a peaceful life in the capital of the kingdom of Westeros. Your job as a farmer guaranteed enough money that you didn't have to worry about financial problems, but it also didn't make you someone important in the social hierarchy.
➳You recognized that you were a nobody and you were fine with that.
➳ Living in the countryside was all you wanted and you couldn't see yourself leading a different life than you were used to.
➳Part of your job was to take merchandise to the city's central fair and negotiate with merchants, and today was no different.
➳Or so you hoped.
➳You decided to travel in the wagon driven by Vhagar and Caraxes, two donkeys that you kept on the farm as substitutes for the horses that were too expensive to keep, which made the journey take longer than it should have.
➳Absent-mindedly eating stale bread, you didn't see Vhagar break free of her halters and run down the stone road as if possessed by the devil.
➳When you realized that Caraxes was braying alone in response to his companion's flight, you reacted quickly and left all your merchandise behind.
➳Finding Vhagar was more important.
➳It was not difficult to find the poor donkey in the crowd of stallholders, as the animal left a trail of destruction wherever it went.
➳Vhagar ran fast, but you ran faster.
➳You were about to grab the tormented donkey, but a pedestrian stepped in front and was run over with everything. A crowd quickly formed around you as you tried to contain the animal alone.
➳It was difficult, but you did it.
➳Helping the victim was the right thing to do, but when a heavy silence formed around you, you thought it was too late for that and you would be arrested for the crime of murder.
➳It was as you turned that the blood drained from your face and you realized the true crime you would be convicted of.
➳It wasn't just any pedestrian.
➳You had just run over the one-eyed prince of Westeros, Aemond Targaryen.
➳The only omega of the royal family.
Note: this is the most nonsensical shit i've ever written but y'all can read it too lol
#hotd x reader#hotd aemond#aemond targaryen x reader#abo#omega!aemond#alpha!reader#I don't know what I expected writing this#but here i am
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An eye for an eye | Two
Characters: helaena (main, romantic), Alicent (mentioned, platonic), Aegon (mentioned, platonic) , Aemond (mentioned, platonic)
Reader type: Female omega reader
Warnings / Notes: NSFW / Minors dni, omegaverse au, alpha helaena, she has a penis, cannon typical incest, sister x sister incest, smut, mentions of breeding, breeding kink, mentions of scars and traumatic events, fake eye, mentions of eye injury, hinted depression
Parts: one.
“Im so sorry baby” is all she keeps saying kissing your head and carrying you to her chambers. You spend the night there, tucked into her embrace as she holds you swearing to protect you from this day swearing that one day the king will get what he deserves. And praying to the gods for all her children to be safe.
It had been 6 years since that night and you hadn’t been the same. Gone was the girl that ran around the gardens with her brothers, rode on dragon back with her sister or sketched the many bugs her sister held. Now you were silent, tucked away in the dark as if afraid of what would happen should someone see you.
Like aemond you had been given an eyepatch, and a gem of your choosing for your eye. But no matter how bright the gem, how beautiful and gleaming or how much the patch concealed your lack of an eye. Nothing hid the scars on the right side of your face though faded, the lines were still visible.
You hated it, hated the sympathetic eyes just as much as the disgusted ones. You were never given a suitor, none having come forward after the loss of your eye or maybe it was that the king never cares enough to get you one.
So you sank into the lonelyness, the darkness of your room. You ate there, slept there and spent your day there. You hardly left. Hardly had visitors. Hardly did anything. It was like your joy had gone.
Aemond understood, at least at the start, but as he aged he grew angry and vengeful. Telling you of his plans to take lucerys’ eye that it HAD to be done. But you didn’t want that, that is the exact mindset and talk that lost you your eye.
Aegon also tried to get you out of your pit of darkness suggesting dragon rides, going drinking but you simply curl up refusing.
Your dragon of course misses your absence having minimal rides and time with you. You find it hard to move on, just like aemond, but your resentment lays in yourself and not a boy.
The boys, of course, weren’t the only ones that tried to bring you out. Your step mother, Alicent, had tried many times and even layed with you when she had time allowing you to curl against her for comfort as she whispered affections.
Them there was Helaena, sweet sweet helaena. Often overlooked by your family but the sweetest and most deserving of love. Often did she come to your room. Not to drag you out of it, but to stay with you. To give you some rest from the dark.
She would sit and silently embroider her bugs, pick up the ones she’d find by the window and mumble to herself occasionally.
At first it bothered you, why wouldn’t she just leave you alone? Couldn’t she see you wanted no one’s company? But today, today was different.
You had awoken to a knock and a maid had entered to ready a bath once you were washed and changed you simply sat at the windowsill watching the busy courtyard and staring at the sky when one of the dragons pass by.
Your head turns when the door opens and helaena comes in silently sitting beside you. You let a hot puff of air out and watch her hands work on her latest piece, a moth you believe, the colours having been more subdued than the butterfly she had last done.
The more you watch the more you take in her beauty. It doesn’t come as a shock. You had always known your sister was pretty, as was the way for most born as Targaryens. But looking at her now you really see her.
You reach for some parchment and some chalks staring intently at her side profile, the sun perfectly hitting her loose curls that cascade down her back and shoulders.
You bite your lip as you stare sketching her perfect features the best you can, after all it’s hard to recreate such perfection.
The room is almost silent, filled only by the sounds of chalks on paper and needle and thread through cloth. She finishes her piece after you turning to look at you and gets a glimpse of the parchment and the way your crystal eye sparkles in the sun and you gasp letting out a quiet “no don’t look!” And she freezes confused at why you would deny her such beauty and she continues to stair eyes full of adoration. “You shine the brightest and yet you confine yourself to this darkness” her words are quiet but full of truth and the way she looks at you makes you feel so brave.
You gently reach up to cup her face waiting for a sign of permission and she leans into your touch kissing your palm not caring that the chalk is now on her face and you take a shaky breath before leaning in and her eyes close as your lips barely brush hers and she lets out the cutest neediest moan and leans forward lips following yours as she chases the kiss.
You cant help giggle and you grab her hand leading her to your bed. Standing beside it to kiss her again and her hands make quick work of undressing you, as you undress her, and once your both bare theres an air of shyness.
You shaking reach for her face again and she smiles leaning in for a kiss and gently pushing you onto the bed her body between your legs as you kiss her soft hand caressing your sides as she kisses her way across your face.
“So beautiful” she whispers as she kisses your scars and your eyes flutter shut a soft hum escaping you as her smooth hands caressed your hips.
You whine in need wrapping ur legs round her hips and she hums grabbing her cock and rubbing her tip against your clit moaning.
You pull her down for a kiss and she slips the tip of her cock in, thrusting it in and out refusing to go deeper. She knows you’re unmarried and should remain “pure” but she also cannot help the need to burry herself in you.
She manages a few more shallow thrusts, panting against your jaw occasionally placing a kiss or bite against your soft skin.
“I- I can’t I’m sorry” she whimpers and you don’t realise what is happening till you feel a sharp pain and an uncomfortable stretch. She has buried herself to the hilt. Cock twitching as she spirts her load into you hot thick cum painting your walls as she groans hiding against your neck. Kissing and sucking it in between her needy whines.
Your eyes are screwed shut, legs locked around her waist silently pleeing she stay buried inside you as your own moans and whines of pleasure fill the room as your orgasm takes hopd aided by her thumb eagerly rubbing at your clit.
Its like time stops, nothing either of you can focus on but her seemingly endless cum shooting into you spurt after spurt. Your walls clenching hard around her, milking every drop.
Her hips stutter at the last drops on her load leaks into you and her hips immediately start back up, her hands coming to hold ur legs to your chest as she ruts into you.
Gone is your sweet soft Helaena, replaced by a rough pounding alpha mind only focusing on the feeling of herself buried deep in your heat her tip hitting you so deep it makes your head spin. Her warm cum dripping from you every thrust leaking down her balls and ruining the sheets.
You move one hand to her jaw pulling her into a kiss as she groans deep, both of your moans mixing as her tongue runs against yours. Your other hand moving to rub your sensitive clit legs shaking slightly as the pleasure becomes all too much another orgasm rippling through you.
This time, however, she does slow her hips imstead she quickens her pace slamming rougher and rougher into your cumming once more as she slams her cock deep growling and slapping your hands off when u attempt to push her away.
“Stop! Stop! Please hel, its too much!” Your please are ignored as she seems in some sort of trance. Pulling you lower on the bed towards her moving you into a mating press.
“Can’t.” She groans, “can’t stop.” She whimpers a little her cock past sensitive her cock blushing red as it slams into you again and again. “M’sorry” she moans breath ragged and eyes wide as you both feel her knot start growing and with a final moan she pops her knot.
It slips in with the wettest pop and she gasp yelping when you clench around her hard. Both your eyes rolling back as she gives another big load and your legs shake squirting all over her legs and abs. Her happy trail covered and sticking to her skin causing a needy whine.
“Fuck baby” you whimper as she slumps against you moving your legs to wrap round her waist her cock slipping deeper at the new position.
You both lay there drifting off to sleep contently her cock continuing to twitch and leak cum as her hips grind against you having a mind of their own and she burries her nose in your neck while you rub her back. Neither of you really taking in what you have just done..
#hotd#house of the dragon#hotd x reader#hotd imagines#house of the dragon imagines#house of the dragon x reader#hotd omegaverse#helaena smut#helaena imagines#helaena x reader#helaena#helaena targaryen#helaena targaryen x reader#helaena the dreamer#queen helaena#hotd helaena#alpha helaena#son for a son
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House of the Dragon x Reader Fic Recs
*Note: Some of these are OOC/fanon depictions of HOTD characters*
Hightower Girl by @daemonsversion (Daemon Targaryen x Reader, F!Reader, Hightower!Reader, NSFW, Smut)
Cuddle Up, Baby by @the-dendrophile-bookdragon (Daemon Targaryen x Reader, F!Reader, SFW, Reader’s House isn’t specified but she does speak some Valyrian)
A Lemon Cake by @two-white-butterflies (F!Reader, SFW, Reader belongs to a named House, Use of a love potion)
Blue Moon Wreckage by @queers-gambit (F!Reader, SFW, Husband!Daemon x Wife!Reader, Angst, Arguing, Yelling, Daemon is a dick at first)
Alpha!Daemon Targaryen Meets His Omega by @klaus-littlestwolf (Daemon Targaryen x Reader, F!Reader, Slightly NSFW, A/B/O Dynamics, Omega!Reader, Alpha!Daemon, Sex references, Mild violence, Consensual groping, Otto Hightower being a creep)
Alpha!Aemond Targaryen Meets His Omega by @klaus-littlestwolf (Aemond Targaryen x Reader, F!Reader, NSFW, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Aemond, Omega!Reader, Sex references, Descriptions of sex, Body image issues)
I Am Yours, and You Are Mine by @klaus-littlestwolf (Aemond Targaryen x Reader, F!Reader, SFW, Niece!Reader, Uncle!Aemond, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Aemond, Omega!Reader, Targcest, Jace & Luke are jerks, Threats of violence, Kinda angsty with happy ending)
Silent Passions by @eraenaa (Aemond Targaryen x Reader, F!Reader, Tyrell!Reader, NSFW, Smut, Sexual Harassment, Misunderstandings/Miscommunication)
Hatchling by @thegreengnome (Aemond Targaryen x Reader, F!Reader, SFW, Pregnant!Reader, Pregnancy, Pregnancy discomfort)
Of Flowers and Dragons Part II: Moonbloom by @aemonds-sapphire (Aemond Targaryen x Reader, F!Reader, Wife!Reader, Husband!Aemond, Mother!Reader, Father!Aemond, SFW, Pregnancy, Child birth, Trying to explain how babies are made to a child)
Gained a Wife by @writingsofwesteros (Aegon II Targaryen x Reader, F!Reader, SFW, Uncle!Aegon, Niece!Reader, Targcest, Injury, Slight Mommy Issues, Slight Parental Neglect )
The Wolf, The Raven, and the Arrow by @thesongoficeandfir3 (Benjicot Blackwood x Reader, F!Reader, Stark!Reader, SFW, Vague mentions of sex)
The Shortest Marriage Tour Part 2 Part 3 by @jacaerysgf (Benjicot Blackwood x Reader, F!Reader, Targaryen!Reader, Part 1 & 2- SFW, Part 3- NSFW)
Lady Strong by @spider-stark (Benjicot Blackwood x Reader, F!Reader, Velaryon/Strong!Reader, SFW)
Devotion by @entitled-fangirl (Benjicot Blackwood x Reader, F!Reader, Bracken!Reader, Wife!Reader, Husband! Benjicot, SFW, Murder, War, Blood, Death, Canon typical misogyny, Angst with a happy ending, Yelling/Arguing, Grief)
#house of the dragon#hotd#daemon targaryen#aemond targaryen#aemond one eye#aegon ii targaryen#benjicot blackwood#bloody ben#house of the dragon x reader#hotd x reader#daemon targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen x reader#aegon ii x reader#aegon ii targaryen x reader#benjicot blackwood x reader
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dividers by hitobaby
゚☁︎。 alpha!rhaenyra claims sister ゚☁︎。 alpha!rhaenyra claims sister part 2 ゚☁︎。 Yandere alpha!rhaenyra x omega half-sister betrothal ゚☁︎。 Yandere Rhaenyra takes half-sister from greens power play* ゚☁︎。 Yandere Rhaenyra punishes omega reader after lords flirt with her* ゚☁︎。 Alpha!rhaenyra x soft shy omega!sister x alpha!daemon* ゚☁︎。 Yandere Rhaenyra x Lady-in-waiting ゚☁︎。 Yandere Rhaenyra takes half-sister from greens* ゚☁︎。 Yandere Rhaenyra x female dragonseed* ゚☁︎。 Yandere Rhaenyra x female dragonseed* part 2 ゚☁︎。 Yandere Daemon joins Rhaenyra x half-sister ゚☁︎。 Dragonseed reader saves Rhaenyra from execution & Aegon the young ゚☁︎。 Yandere Rhaenyra x Valyrian sorceress reader* ゚☁︎。 Alpha Rhaenyra and omega Aegon headcanons
゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega sister with child together fluffy ゚☁︎。 rhaenyra and laenor x aemond (platonic) headcanons ゚☁︎。 rhaenyra and laenor parenting her siblings ゚☁︎。 headcanons of alpha rhaenyra x omega half sister parenting their kids ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega aegon x alpha daemon (romance) ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x aegon (romantic) headcanons ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent x omega leana headcanons ゚☁︎。 daemon & rhaenyra x fem!reader in charge ゚☁︎。 rhaenyra targaryen x dragonseed!reader claiming her dragon for the first time ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x yandere daemon x half sister (blacks win au) ゚☁︎。 rhaenyra targaryen x velaryon male!reader ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x daemons bastard daughter (platonic) ゚☁︎。 rhaenyra x royce-targ!reader ゚☁︎。 headcanons of alpha rhaenyra x omega half sister parenting their kids ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent x omega laena headcanons ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega aegon x alpha daemon (romance) ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x aegon (romantic) headcanons ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x son cole!reader x yandere laenor headcanons ゚☁︎。 rhaenyra x twin!reader soulmate au ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra and velaryon!son with laenor headcanons ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x helaena ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x handmaiden ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x female dragonkeeper headcanons ゚☁︎。 yandere mom rhaenyra x orphan reader headcanons ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega velaryion reader headcanons ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega hightower reader headcanons ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega daenerys headcanons ゚☁︎。 rhaenyra x omega!hightower alt ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega!sister part 2 ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega velaryon reader headcanons ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega hightower reader headcanons ゚☁︎。 politically smart hightower x rhaenyra (part 2) ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega male velaryon!reader ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x tyrell omega reader ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent (arranged marriage) ゚☁︎。alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent x alpha daemon headcanons ゚☁︎。yandere rhaenyra and haelena (platonic) headcanons
゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent x omega leana headcanons ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent (arranged marriage) ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent x alpha daemon headcanons ゚☁︎。 rhaenyra x alicent open marriage w/ laenor headcanons ゚☁︎。 yandere alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent headcanons ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x alicent (blacks win au) ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x alpha laena x omega alicent headcanons
゚☁︎。No Rest For The Dragons ゚☁︎。The Softest Love
゚☁︎。 jacaerys overstim smut, 'Too Much, Too Little' ゚☁︎。 baela & jacaerys x reader ゚☁︎。 helaena x jace headcanons ゚☁︎。 jace x reader confession prompt 11 ゚☁︎。 jace x reader prompt 30 ゚☁︎。 jace x reader flustered prompts
゚☁︎。 Alpha Rhaenyra and omega Aegon platonic headcanons
゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega aegon x alpha daemon (romance) ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x aegon (romantic) headcanons
゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x helaena ゚☁︎。 helaena x jace headcanons ゚☁︎。 helaena has peace for herself
゚☁︎。 alpha!rhaenyra x soft shy omega!sister x alpha!daemon* ゚☁︎。 Yandere Daemon joins Rhaenyra x half-sister
゚☁︎。 daemon x fem!reader steamy bath smut ゚☁︎。 daemon & rhaenyra x fem!reader in charge ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega aegon x alpha daemon (romance) ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega aegon x alpha daemon (romance) ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x yandere daemon x half sister (blacks win au) ゚☁︎。 yandere rhaenyra x daemons bastard daughter (platonic) ゚☁︎。 daemon x reader comfort ゚☁︎。 daemon x hightower fem!reader ゚☁︎。 alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent x alpha daemon headcanons
#requests#hotd requests#rhaenyra targaryen x reader#jacaerys velaryon x reader#aegon ii x reader#daemon targaryen x reader
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upcoming posts/fics
The next couple of days will be non stop posting HOTD and game of throne Fics/head cannons
House of dragon
Being Aegons favourite whore or lover Head cannons (Req)
Young Aemond crushing on his non identical twin brother Head cannons (Req)
omega Aegon Targaryen and younger Targaryen brother alpha
Alpha daemon Targaryen and nephew omega married/mated.
omega Targaryen Reader mated/betrothed to his older Alpha brother Aemond head canons (Req)
Jacaerys Velaryon and non identical twin brother user head cannons(Req)
Obsessive Aemond with Nephew user prisoner of war head canons (Req)
Aemond with Brother user pregnant with their first child head canons (Req)
Twin brother reader and Aemond Targaryen having a really intense and almost obsessive relationship with each other head canons (Req)
Being (17) daemons twin brother and being betrothed to him head canons (Req)
Aemond and twin brother reader sneaking off on their sixteen name day feast to get married in the Valyrian way
Being the third Targaryen son of king visery III and Alicent HighTower Head cannons
being the son of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce (Req)
Targaryen reader is married off to Aegon but is having both and emotion/physical affair with aemond (Req)
being a brothel whore and Gold cloak Daemon taken a interest(Req)
Targaryen chronically sick reader and Aemond always takes him (Req)
Game of thrones
(Alpha ) Viserys III Targaryen and younger brother user (omega) head canons.
Tywin Lannister bottoming for the first time x soft top Targaryen male reader Fic (Req)
Being tyrion lannister gay awakening (req)
#x male reader#x male!reader#house of the dragon x male reader#house of dragon x male reader#house of dragons#house of the dragon#aemond targaryen x male reader#prince aemond#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen x reader#daemon targeryen x reader#daemon targaryen x male reader#daemon targeryan#aegon ii targaryen x male reader#aegon targaryen x reader#aegon ii targaryen#jacaerys x reader#jacerys velaryon#game of thrones x male reader#tywin lannister x male reader#viserys targaryen
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18+ only, minors DNI please! I do not consent to have my fics translated.
Untitled Aegond x Aegon's wife!reader (NSFW) Reader helps the brothers repair their relationship with a threesome
The Heathwave (modern!Aegond x reader. NSFW) I; II Invited to spend the summer in Dragonstone with your friends Baela and Rhaena, you never expect to meet their incestuous cousins.
Living to serve (dark!alpha!Aemond Targaryen x omega!Aegon II Targaryen. NSFW) I; II Having been teased by his omega brother one time too many, Aemond decides to take him as his mate.
#aegond#aegond x reader#aegon ii targaryen x reader x aemond targaryen#aegon ii targaryen x y/n x aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen x aegon ii targaryen
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— В Королевскую гавань прибывает Креган Старк со своей сестрой омегой. У большинства окружающих есть сомнения в том, что девушка является подоенной омегой и это не то, чего желает Эймонд Таргариен.
Метки: омегаверс.
1 часть, 2 часть, 3 часть, 4 часть, 5 часть, 6 часть, 7 часть, 8 часть.
Когда Эйгон вступил на престол, твой дом должен был поклясться верности новому королю, скорее по необходимости, нежели по желанию.
Будучи омегой ты осознавала своё положение в этом мире и не то, чтобы была довольна им. Но необходимость выполнять обязанности леди были выше твоих желаний и убеждений.
Поэтому ты стоишь рядом со своим братом, держа ровную осанку и ожидая вашего приглашения в главный зал. Тебе раньше не доводилось быть в Красной крепости, и уж тем более видеть железный трон. Сейчас же ты чувствуешь предвкушение. Хотя дрожь от волнения не покидала тебя с момента как ты переступила порог замка.
Может вся эта поездки не была столь бессмысленна. Когда твой дом приглашают, а также оглашают ваше присутствие, ты и твой брат уверенными шагами входите в тронный зал.
На вас смотрят все присутствующие. Кто-то с весомым статусом, кто-то не очень. Ты бы могла чувствовать себя немного неуютно, но адреналин и чувство, что всё внимание твоё, заставляет скорее задрать подбородок чуть выше. Тебе нельзя показывать слабость. Здесь могут быть альфы, если сдать позиции перед ними, тебя могут за человека не принять.
На самом деле пока твой брат даёт клятву, ты осматриваешься вокруг, ловя взгляды на себе некоторых мужчин. И может кажется взгляд короля Эйгона тоже блуждает по тебе.
До тебя дошли слухи о благочестии короля. Но ты не чувствуешь должного смущения и решаешь смотреть в ответ, пока голос Кригана разносится на весь зал. Стоит ему замолчат и встать с колена, Эйгон отрывает от тебя взгляд.
Остаток церемонии ты и твой брат всего с несколькими своими людьми проводить в зале, пока другие лорды и рыцари клянутся в верности своему новому королю.
Конечно, у тебя было достаточно времени для того, чтобы осмотреться вокруг и не быть замеченной за разглядыванием королевской семьи.
Королева Алисента была омегой и всем давно было известно об этом. Её считали истинной омегой, защищающей свой дом и заботившейся о семье, сохраняя верность своему мужу. Ты даже предполагала, что она умна и сильна, та на которую следует ровняться. Однако сейчас смотря на эту женщину ты замечаешь печаль. Теперь ты уверена, что она из разряда мучениц, делает всё чтобы ею были довольны и казаться хорошей. Это то, что можно легко воспитать в таких как ты, и у тебя защемляет сердце от мысли, что ты могла быть такой же.
Твой взгляд скользит к её дочери. Хелейн по слухам была бетой, из-за своих странности. Она выглядела немного угрюмой, нежели довольной тем, что её муж и брат по совместительству стал королём. Ты не зацикливается на ней, перемещая своё внимание к её брату.
Слухи о нём был такими же громкими. Одноглазый принц, жестокий, кровожадный, умный и сильный, убийца родственников. Он был альфой, и всем своим видом показывал это. Его надменный взгляд и уверенна поза, говорили сами за себя. Ты только кривишься, видя насколько много в нём желания властвовать. Удивительно, как он не прикончил старшего брата, ради трона.
Тогда ты отводишь от него взгляд и не можешь заметить, что в этот момент он смотрит на тебя.
Остаток этого "театра", ты терпеливо стоишь рядом со своим братом. Тебе начинает это надоедать. Радость от конца всего этого заставляет тебя даже улыбнуться.
Конечно же, Эйгон решил устроить пир для всех прибывших и заверивших, что они переданы только ему. Ты сменила свои брюки, которые были выбраны тобой из-за удобства для путешествия, на платье.
Тебе только пришлось надеется, что никто не попытается завести беседу о твоём замужестве что это пройдёт для тебя обычным ужином и потом ты просто рано уйдёшь в комнату, которая была для тебе временным ночлегом.
— Решила отсидеться. — Твой брат ухмыляется, когда подходит к тебе. Он усаживается рядом с тобой, ставя кубок с вином возле тарелки.
— Увы, это было бы оскорблением для Таргариенов, верно? — Ты оглядываешь гостей, быстро, но внимательно, чтобы понять кто и где присутствует. Твоя язвительность веселит Кригана.
— Нам предложили задержаться здесь, — произносит твой брат, оглядывая зал.
— Зачем? — Твои брови сводятся слегка к переносице, пока ты косишься на своего брата.
Он лишь беззаботно пожимает плечами.
— Может быть им нужно войско? Или доказательство преданности?
Твоя рука тянется к собственному кубку уже наполненному вином. Тебе не хотелось здесь задерживаться по многим причинам. Но твой брат определённо был рад тому, что считался здесь знатным гостем. Он всегда хотел проявить себя, и может ему было что проявлять. Тебе же нравился собственный дом. В Королевской Гавани могло быть весело, но это всё же повлияет на твою жизнь и планы.
Во время пира тебя тешили надежды просто отсидеть на своём месте, а затем тихо улизнуть в свою комнату.
Но всё пошло под откос, когда один мужчина, старше даже твоего брата, попросил один танец. Ты могла бы сказать нет, ссылаясь на отсутствия желания с кем-то танцевать. Но твой брат открыл рот раньше тебя, говоря, что его сестра с радостью немного потанцует.
Тебе пришлось это сделать. Чувствовать запах альфы, что притворно ухмыляется оглядывая тебя. Но ты знаешь, его инстинкты не возьмут над ним вверх, может только его глупость. В его взгляде нет того желания и похоти, которые появляются у альф, когда они видят хорошенькую омегу.
— Знаешь, я предпочитаю омег, но беты тоже могут быть хорошенькими, верно? Как ты например. — Его рука опускается чуть ниже, к твоей пояснице. Ты ненавидишь таких как он. — Слухи были правдой? Младшая Старк и впрямь оказалась бетой?
Ты хмуришься. Он хоть понимает, кого оскорбляет подобным поведением? Он наверное даже не в состоянии понять, что с ним может произойти, если ты расскажешь обо всём своему брату.
Ты хмуришься, гнев плавно охватывает тебя, пока ты стараешься усмирить его внутри себя. Но твоё тело выдаёт тебя. И вот, ты замечаешь как лицо этого мужчины искажается от неприятных ощущений.
Твоя ладонь сжимает его, пока ты не слышишь хруст, а затем громкий рык разносится на весь зал, заставляя музыку затихнуть, а все взгляды дам и господ направлены на тебя и твоего партнёра по танцам. Тебя это смущает, хотя ты держишь себя от того, чтобы не убежать и спрятаться в своей небольшой временной комнатке.
Стоит мужчине осознать что происходит, он натягивает улыбку, отступах ещё дальше от тебя.
— Прошу меня извинить. — Он быстро отходит от тебя, возвращаясь к своему месту за одним из столов.
Твой брат также озадачен произошедшем. Он почти подошёл к тебе, когда ты направляешься к выходу, быстро пройдя мимо Кригана. Хотя многие уже были озадачены и перевели внимание на мужчину из неизвестного тебе дома, мало кто смотрел на тебя, когда ты покидала зал.
Одним из заинтересованных был Эймонд Таргариен, излишне заинтересованный тем, что произошло. Он всё же сдерживает себя от сплетен и вопросов, решив узнать обо всём позже и проявляя не такой очевидный интерес.
#imagine#русский imagine#imagine на русском#aemond imagine#aemond targaryen imagine#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond x you#aemond x reader#aemond fic#alpha!aemond#alpha!aemond x reader#alpha!aemond x omega!reader
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I am Yours, You are Mine -Aemond T.
This is an A/B/O fic. You have been warned.
Everyone knew, they had always known.
It wasn’t hard to figure out from what I assume, my mothers children are all boys with brown hair and brown eyes, I have white hair and purple eyes. Everyone knew my older brother Jace and my younger brothers Luke and Joffrey were Harwin Strongs children and just like that, everyone knew that I was the daughter of Daemon Targaryen.
Laenor hadn’t been able to give my mother a child and I looked nothing like him, Daemon however…I’m told I’m the spitting image of him. So while I am technically a bastard, I’m also full Targaryen, so I was never treated like it. I was born only 5 moons after Aemond was and therefore was raised with him in a way, as we grew up his older brother Aegon and my older brother Jace got close, at least closer than they were to us and Aemond got picked on a lot. He didn’t have a dragon, and while I didn’t either, everyone knew to leave me alone, whether it was because I was a girl or because I was Daemons daughter I don’t know. My father is the only current Targaryen Alpha in the world and that made people so much more terrified of him than they already were.
Most people in the world present as Betas, it’s normal and no one really thinks twice about it, an Alpha however is a blessing from the Gods. He will be stronger, and tougher, and defend your family better than a Beta can, at least that’s what people believe, an Alphas instincts being so much stronger than a Betas, the only presentation stronger still is an Omega, and an Omega is considered a blessing from the mother herself. Presentation happens around puberty but usually you can see certain traits in children to tell if they will be anything other than a Beta, my mother believes I will be an Omega because even with a father like Daemon I’m quiet and sweet, always the most submissive in the room which for a Princess is a good thing.
Aemond and I spent more and more time together as we got older, him being shunned from the group with his older brother and mine, along with Luke who followed them around like a puppy and didn’t mind getting pranked once in a while. Aemond was the smartest of all of them, he enjoyed learning, and training, but most of all, he had no dragon. Neither of our dragon eggs hatched and the both of us bonded over that, and I always tried to make my uncle feel better when they had been particularly cruel, like the day they gave him a pig instead of a dragon. We skipped dinner that night and sat together in the library for hours just talking. He was my best friend, and my closest ally in the world, we made promises to always be there for each other.
The promises of children never seem to last though…even if the children weren’t the ones to break them.
After Joffrey was born mother moved us back to Dragonstone, me kicking and screaming, clinging to my uncle who held me just as tightly until our mothers gave up. We had a small second of hope as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me to him so tightly it almost hurt. That’s when our mothers called for their guards and we were yanked apart harshly and I was carried all the way to the ship that would take us home.
We weren’t apart for long after that, my fathers wife dying in childbirth brought us back together for her funeral. As soon as I saw him I pulled away from Jace and ran to Aemond who held me close and breathed in my scent as I did his, it was a comfort that only we seemed to give each other. I stayed by his side holding his arm while everyone spoke about Laena, saying kind words about a women I barely knew while my “father” stood in the ocean below, crying for the Gods only know how long.
Aegon was with us for some time, watching the maids and being his normal vile self and eventually we were alone, speaking as if no time had passed at all. That moment as we sat on the steps talking would be one I regret for many years to come, watching Aemond as he gazed at Vhagar. I knew my uncle wanted a dragon, more than even I did and I told him he should go, as the sun went down and people filed inside to bed, I encouraged him to mount her while he had the chance. 2 hours later I was awoken to a knight running into my room to check on me and seeing I was in bed and fine. I followed him downstairs to my mothers relief, Luke was bleeding from the nose, Alicent was angry beyond belief and my uncle and best friend sat with a maester stitching his eye up. I moved to his side quickly, taking his hand in my own and holding it tightly, allowing him to squeeze it as he got stitched up and everyone continued screaming. I didn’t care for the politics, I didn’t care for the threats, or insults, only that my favorite person sat beside me maimed and my brothers had done it. I stayed by his side for the rest of the evening, even as the maester gave him milk of the poppy to be able to sleep, snuggling into his chest and feeling his arms around me as he slept soundly and all the while I felt sick to my stomach knowing that what Jace had said to me when I hugged my mother had been completely true… ‘This is all your fault’
I was taken from Aemond’s bed late in the morning, he had awoken to eat and been put back to sleep, all the while clinging to my hand. My mother took us home immediately, we went back to Dragonstone and so did Daemon who quickly married my mother as soon as Laenor passed.
Jace and Luke were quick to blame me for everything, knowing that I had encouraged Aemond to mount Vhagar, maybe if I hadn’t he would still have his eye and I wouldn’t have had to leave again. Maybe Rhaena wouldn’t despise me for “helping to steal her mothers dragon” even if I don’t believe you can have claim to a dragon if it hasn’t chosen you. Jace and Luke spent all their time with Baela and Rhaena and I was left alone, not wanting to be near my brothers to hear about how much they and Aemond despise me, how the only person I had ever truly loved besides my mother wouldn’t even write to me anymore no matter how many times I wrote him apologizing. My mother and father were the only people I ever spoke to anymore, Daemon practically claiming me as his own even if he couldn’t “officially” do that and I learned that being alone is better for everyone, especially once I presented. Jace, Luke, Baela and Rhaena had all presented as Betas as expected but I was “blessed” to a life as an Omega, suffering through my heats alone in a locked room, only maids to bring me food and try to relieve my pain which never worked.
I was 15 before I was truly blessed with anything in my life, out for a walk by myself, having escaped my guard and stumbling upon a dragon. The Grey Ghost was a name given to a shy, pale dragon, one I never hoped to even get a glimpse of in my life and I suddenly had, his eyes locked on mine as if waiting to see what I would do and so I reached into my bag to get the bread I brought with me and the fish I planned to cook on my little adventure, tossing them to him and watching as he snubbed the bread and ripped the fish apart. I had sat down on a boulder, watching as he ate, assuming this would be the only time I would ever see this elusive creature but it wasn’t. He had laid down to nap after eating and the next day he sat at the same spot as I brought him an even bigger fish. That went on for nearly 2 weeks of me bringing him food and talking to him before he approached me and allowed me to touch him, letting me mount him after that. I kept him away from the pits, away from everyone who only saw him when I went flying, knowing he was just as comfortable around people as I was, which was not at all. I even had all of my riding gear dyed as close to his color as I could, making it truly impossible for anyone, even another dragon rider to find us in a cloud bank. Daemon was impressed, believing it was a useful skill, especially for an Omega to be able to hide like that. Life continued on like that until Corlys’ injury, resulting in all of us needing to return to Kings Landing to fight for Luke’s inheritance. I was less than enthusiastic about going but my mother forced me onto the ship.
In Kings landing once again I was stuck with Jace and Luke as mother and Daemon wanted to go see Grandfather, forcing me to follow them to the training yard that I hadn’t seen since I was a small child. Everyone’s attention was on a fight in the center of the yard and I pushed between Jace and Luke to be able to see, seeing Criston Cole fighting a young man with an eye patch and knowing instantly that it’s Aemond, and that he is winning, dodging the mace repeatedly before his blade was at Cole’s throat and I ducked behind Jace and Luke, catching a very strong Alpha scent as I did and feeling my stomach twist into a knot.
‘Nephews. Have you come to train?’ He questioned and I knew they were no where close to as good as he is, he would kill them. They had continued training but not very much and Aemond is clearly quite passionate about it. ‘Niece, lovely to see you again…or smell you I should say, and what a lovely scent it is. Hmm?’ I blushed darkly, not moving from behind my brothers until Jace turned and pushed me to walk back the other way.
��I would stay close if I were you sister, wouldn’t want to be alone with him, would you?’ Luke teased and I wanted desperately to strangle the cocky little bastard but the last time I had hit him I’d given him a black eye and made him cry like a bitch, mother made sure I knew Omegas should never be violent, especially when they’ve been trained by Daemon and could make a man feel emasculated enough to be murderous.
I sighed, rolling my eyes and following them inside, finding my room as quickly as I could and locking the doors. I sat on the windowsill and stared out over Kings Landing, seeing a dip in the clouds and knowing my dragon had followed us, it was a comfort in case I needed an escape and knowing my family, I definitely will.
I stayed in my room until my mother came to get me, walking all of us together down to the throne room where I stayed as close to my father as I could, feeling men’s eyes on me, flinching from one who leaned in to smell me making my father turn and glare down at him, the man moving to the other end of the room quickly. I held onto his belt as Otto Hightower spoke, feeling eyes on me and knowing Aemond was staring as well. That same Alpha scent was back and my stomach felt like it was quivering as the wonderful smell assaulted me. My attention was only drawn when the doors opened to reveal our grandfather looking rough…half dead honestly as he walked into the room, stumbling up to his throne, Daemon helping him as he dropped his crown and leaving me exposed with no one to hide behind until he came back. I watched on, thoroughly entertained as Vaemond shouted about Luke and Jace being bastards, and actually couldn’t contain my snort as Daemon cut off his head though as expected nothing happened to him and Luke keeps his inheritance.
‘Now, if we’re through with this useless event, I think we can-‘
‘Actually my King, if I may?’ Otto asked, approaching the throne and mumbling something to him quietly.
‘Are you sure? Rhaenyra! Why was I unaware of your daughter presenting as an Omega?’ The King asked and my blood ran cold, Daemon pushing me completely behind him.
‘She was not ready for every noble man in the kingdom to be vying for her hand Father, I was protecting my baby. I apologize if you think I’ve hidden it from you but that was never my intention.’ She explained.
‘My girl, this is wonderful! Otto is right, there’s no need for anyone to look for a husband when we have a perfect Targaryen Alpha right here. Honestly I always did believe Aemond and Y/n would end up marrying, they were so sweet when they were babes.’ I backed away from Daemon, moving around the crowd and moving towards the doors the maids use to get to the kitchen quickly. ‘My son, you will take Y/n as your wife, do you have any objections?’ The King asked and I waited a moment, waiting for him to start yelling, or begging to get out of it…but he didn’t.
‘It will be my honor Father. Thank you.’
‘Well then it is settled, there will be a wedding, right here tomorrow night-‘
‘Tomorrow?!’ My mother exclaimed.
‘I’m a sickly, old man Rhaenyra, I would like to witness their union before I pass on. You can afford me that, can you not?’ He questioned and I knew my mother would cave at that as I got to the door, pushing it open quietly.
‘Father, I would like to request one thing. Since it must be such a quick wedding, I would like to do it in the traditional Valyrian custom.’ Aemond asked and I took pause.
When we were children we discussed just this, we talked about how we would be married one day and I told Aemond that I wanted to do it right, in the old customs. Since the day I learned of the traditional wedding I thought it was beautiful and I wanted it more than anything, Aemond promising me the perfect wedding. The idea that he remembered and even cared enough to request such a thing brought tears to my eyes.
‘I don’t see why not, I leave it to my wife and daughter to sort out the details with the bride and groom.’ My mother and the queen? And they want me in the middle of that? Fuck no.
I turned, leaving out the door, quickly running down the corridor and into the kitchens which were busy making dinner, allowing me to run through quickly and out another side door. I just made it to the gardens and down the steps, hiding in the bushes when a guard rushed out after me. ‘Princess! Princess! Your mother demands your presence!’ He shouted, running into the garden while I crept out and down the side of the castle. One good thing about growing up in a castle, you learn how to get around quickly and unseen.
I looked up to the sky, hoping to see my dragon, knowing exactly what he looks like now that I’ve spent so many years by his side and on his back. ‘Come on Ghost! Where are you?’ I questioned, getting down the stairs to the front of the castle, peeking around the corner to see many guards and I quickly moved around the wall and past the gates to the plaines where I knew Vhagar rested by the water. I kept far away from the resting place of the nearly 2 centuries old dragon and whistled, seeing the grayish white color separate from the clouds and dive down towards the ground, landing just ahead of me and just as he nudged his giant head into me in greeting a voice stopped me.
‘Byka Zaldrīzes!’ I froze, knowing only my uncle had ever called me that. He had since we were kids and I was trying to comfort him when he was upset about not having a dragon. My child brain figured, I’m a Targaryen, I can be your dragon and it made him laugh so hard he couldn’t breathe. He called me Little Dragon ever since. ‘Where are you going to go?’ He asked, not yelling…not even seeming angry.
‘Going home already, and I didn’t get a hello or a goodbye. I admit, I had hoped for a different reaction.’ He stepped closer, Ghost growling but not doing anything more as I shushed him to keep him calm. ‘You used to be excited by the prospect of us being married.’ That wonderful Alpha scent came over me again and I could no longer deny that it was him I was smelling, though deep down I knew it was. ‘You can’t even look at me?’ His voice held more emotion now, upset at the idea I couldn’t face him.
‘Please Aemond, please stop this? You don’t want to be married to me, there’s no point in whatever you’re doing…’ I told him, turning to face him and I couldn’t deny how beautiful he is. I had always found him cute but he had become incredibly handsome the past 9 years.
‘You dare tell me what I want? You?! After all of this time?! I have always wanted you Y/n and I always will, nothing will change that apart from you telling me you no longer love me and that my face is too much for you to accept as your Lord Husband.’ My eyes widened and I took an unintentional step forward.
‘Aemond, you are beautiful, you always have been! No scar changes that, and it could certainly not change the way I feel for you-‘
‘Then why do you run from me? Why have you spent 9 years not answering my letters? Why do you find it so hard to look me in the face? Why-‘
‘Because it’s my fault!’ I shouted, unable to take his questions anymore. ‘Because if I hadn’t encouraged you it wouldn’t have happened, no one would have fought, you wouldn’t have lost your eye! It’s my fault! And Jace and Luke, they tell me all the time and I don’t want to hear how much you hate me! I don’t want to hear you lie and tell me I ignored you, I wrote you every day for months! You never responded and I don’t think I can handle hearing how much you hate me Kepus…I can’t…’ the tears were now streaming down my face like crazy and as I reached to wipe them away he grabbed ahold of my wrists, forcing me to look at him.
‘You think I blame you?’ His voice was so soft it actually startled me. ‘Y/n…first of all I never got letters from you and I’m realizing you didn’t receive mine either which I’m assuming was your brothers but Gods Y/n! I have Never blamed you for that night!’ His face was so serious and hard I knew he wasn’t lying.
‘Not for one second! You are the only one who gave me any kind of comfort, everyone else was either scared or angry, but you just held me. I loved you so much in that moment I thought my heart would explode! Waking up next to you in the morning, in so much pain, but you were there to make me feel better…then you were gone. My Little Dragon was gone and I couldn’t even speak to her, and now I come to find out you’re carrying guilt that has never been yours to hold! Your brother did that, not you, Luke! He chose to pick up that blade and slice my face, not you! And Vhagar was no one’s to claim, she chose me and I chose her, and yes you helped make me feel better about it but I was going to go to her no matter what you said…please let go of that guilt, my Princess?’ I nodded, sniffling as he let go of my arms and used his thumbs to wipe my eyes before leaning close and pressing his lips to mine. ‘You’re mine Byka Zaldrīzes, all mine!’ He swore, kissing me again, harder this time and pulling me flush against his chest. ‘My Little Dragon is going to be my wife, the mother of my children, my perfect little Omega…Fuck you smell amazing!’ He groaned, digging his face into my neck and inhaling deeply.
‘That’s enough!’ A deep voice shouted and Aemond jumped but I knew exactly who it was.
‘Father, you ruin everything.’ I teased and he just smiled as he got closer, Ghost rumbling in irritation at how many people are here now, seemingly willing to deal with my Alpha and that is all. ‘Did you take my letters?’ I asked and he instantly looked confused.
‘The letters I wrote Aemond, and the letters he wrote me, we never got them. Was it you? I am asking you despite the fact that you’re the least likely…I’m going to kill Jace…and Luke.’ I told him and he seemed irritated.
‘If they really did that, then they will be punished, I assure you. However right now, we need to get you back inside and help your mother plan a wedding.’ I hesitated but nodded my head, moving to follow Daemon and he turned to walk away as well just as I pulled away from Aemond and climbed onto Ghost.
‘Y/n, what are you doing?’ He laughed.
‘You think I’m going to mediate our mothers? Not gonna happen, by this time tomorrow we’ll be married or they’ll be dead, but I won’t be in the middle. Bye father!’ I shouted, hearing Ghost rumble. ‘Sovēs!’ I commanded before he leapt into the air and began climbing towards the clouds. ‘You saved my life, you know that?’ He screeched and I snorted. ‘Not really I suppose, but it wouldn’t have been fun…at all.’ We stayed like that, flying contently over the clouds for several minutes before Ghost seemed agitated and I turned to see the shadow of a large dragon above us causing me to push Ghost down before seeing Vhagar behind us, Aemond laughing while Ghost complained. ‘Not Funny Kepus!’ I shouted, diving after him as he turned to land on a nearby island.
‘I like it when you call me that, Princess.’ He told me as we both got our feet back on the ground.
‘Really? I would have thought you would hate it. My father does, it makes him feel Old when my mother uses it.’ I laughed and he just snorted, laying out his jacket for me to sit on so I could be comfortable.
‘He is nearly 20 years older than your mother, of course he hates it. When you say it, it just excites me.’
‘Hmm, well then I will refrain. Wouldn’t want to excite you too much, would we?’ I leaned into his side and he wrapped his arms around me, Vhagar laying down behind us and Ghost wanting to lay his head on my lap but I wouldn’t let him with Aemond here too.
‘I knew you would be a perfect little Omega, I just knew it. So perfect Y/n, and all mine.’ Aemond’s nose trailed through my hair and I loved the feeling.
‘Not yet Kepus, you need to wait to say that until we’re married-‘
‘Are you going to tell me that you belong to someone else, Omega? Because I will remove their organs.’ He threatened. ‘I’m already keeping myself from killing your brothers so save yourself more problems. If any man has dared put their hands on you-‘
‘Aemond!’ I exclaimed, laughing as he went on his tirade. ‘No one has touched me! Jace tried once when I went into heat the first time but I smacked him so hard his ears rang for a week. I love the possessive attitude but no one has touched me.’ I teased him, giggling as he trailed his nose over my scent gland, groaning.
‘Good, because I would’ve killed them. I told you before, you’re all mine Byka Zaldrīzes, Alphas pretty little Omega.’ His lips wrapped around my scent gland, sucking on my neck and making me cry out. ‘Oh, such sweet little sounds you make for me, my good girl.’ He teased, pushing me onto my back and laying over top of me, arm circling my waist. ‘I’ve waited so long to have you under me like this, to have to wait one more day is torture.’
‘You will survive Kepus, no one will keep us apart again…I am yours, and you are mine. Forever.’ I trailed my fingers up his jaw to his cheek and removed his eyepatch, dropping it to the ground and taking his face into my hands, his eyes closing as I held him.
‘Should they try, I will set this whole world on fire my love. No one will dare take you from me again.’ His voice was firm and fiery, every bit the Dragon that he was always meant to be.
As he leant down, I turned my head and let his lips touch my cheek. ‘We’re not yet married Aemond.’
‘Surely you can afford me a kiss, we will be married by this time tomorrow, don’t make me wait to kiss you one moment longer.’ I had to giggle at the way he made it seem like a life or death situation. ‘I had your first when we were only 8, I would have your last before you’re married.’ His fingers trailed over my cheek as I blushed a dark red before I leaned closer and felt his lips on mine. They were soft and warm as he held me close. I touched my fingers softly to the scar under his eye, hating that he had had to suffer so much pain and I couldn’t even be there for him, or even write to him. ‘I am sorry this is the face you must look at for the rest of our marriage, I-‘
I glared up at him and flicked his nose hard before he could finish speaking. ‘You will not speak ill of the man I love that way! Do you hear me? I care very little about a scar, I’m just sorry that I could not stop it.’
‘Little Dragon-‘
‘All this scar shows me is how strong and tough my husband is. It tells me that I will be safe in his arms and bed, and that our children will never know the feeling of danger…I love you Aemond.’ I could see the unshed tears in his eye that I knew he would never let fall and I pressed my lips to his again.
‘I love you Y/n. You are mine, and I am yours. ‘
For everyone who asked me for more Aemond content as well as those who asked for more Alpha/Omega fics.
I hope you liked it, cause I loved writing it!
Aemond T. Masterlist
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Servant to the Moon.
PAIRING: Alpha!Werewolf!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 2,316.
SUMMARY: Aegon’s unfortunate condition, had him feeling unfavoured by the Gods, until he was blessed with your arrival...
WARNINGS: mentions of ABO dynamic x human!reader, mentions of breeding kink, lactation kink, innocence kink, mentions of p in v sex, slight BDSM (biting), mentions of pregnancy/birth, mentions of complications in birth, swearing.
A/N - my beloved friend, @ilikeitbetterangsty and I have created our own little monster, that is alpha Aeg, and now there is no turning back. I need him to bite me, claim me, breed me, and just down-right fuck me. in this little AU or in general, I always thought that Aemond leans more towards being a vampire and Aeg is werewolf coded. Perhaps Helaena could be a nymph hehehe <3 credit to the artist (I need to make proper moodboards)…
Aegon was bit and turned at a young age: King Viserys had wronged and broken a promise to House Stark, that had long been associated to the folklore of werewolves.
Nonetheless, Rickon Stark had demanded and sought for bitter vengeance, and who better than to target the long-awaited firstborn son, King Viserys had dreamt of.
From a young age, Aegon was a quick-tempered and unpredictable boy: this new found “disease” [Viserys often labelled it] did not help. Upon each full moon, the Dowager Queen, Alicent Hightower sought to it that her son be secluded and highly confined in a desolate strong hold of the castle, with no light but a few dimly lit candles, beneath the dungeons, heavily guarded and armed, if need be...
As a child, Aegon relented in these periods where he was often forcefully dragged away, tearful to be locked in heavy, cold metallic chains to his lonesome self.
During his adolescent years, Aegon did often try to escape, run away before he could be taken and imprisoned against his will before turning, only to be caught.
His mother and Ser Criston had often given him endless earaches, lecturing him about the dangers of him freely roaming, had he not yet learned to control his strength nor anger.
As he grew older and mature, into the young man that he presently was, the more acquainted he got with the process, and defeatedly went along with it. No longer needing to be dragged, instead he found himself walking upon each full moon cycle, sometimes even chaining himself down.
It was blatant to say, he hated turning. It was excruciatingly agonising, often his yells could be heard bellowing beneath the castle floors if one dared to loom close enough to the dark, desolate dungeon halls.
Once the cycle had ended, his mother often found him close to unconsciousness, covered in matted, ripped clothes clinging to his heavy, heaving body. It pained her, seeing him in such a weakened state, out of his control, she blamed Viserys for his damnation.
Nonetheless, Ser Criston was determined to help Aegon in steering his carnal urges, especially when in heat. He located outcasted werewolves and appointed them to help the “heir”, negotiating in return for gold, property, titles and copious women. During this process, they’d come to realise that Aegon had a formidable power over them, deeming him an alpha amongst omegas.
Aegon in heat though, was Alicent’s worst nightmare come true. He was relentless and incontrolable, and as reluctant as she was to admit it, there was no hope in stopping him. Instead of blocking his urges, she allowed him to be, often organising whores for him to bed (not imprint), only able to perform damage control, having the maesters create and supply moon tea and other methods of birth control. Avoiding the risk of “pup” bastards at all costs.
That was until you arrived, waltzing mindlessly into his life.
Your scent was the first thing that Aegon had noticed about you [without even actually seeing you, he could smell you out], the sweetness of your aroma was intoxicating to him.
He managed to swiftly sniff you out, finding you in the castle gardens in the dull company of the royal women of the court.
Feeling his heart pace growing faster and stronger, feeling the intensity of each pulse against his chest, the heaviness of his breath, his fangs naturally growing, and the aching throbs in his hardening crotch: it was all a visceral response, not one that he inflicted upon himself, although he’d made the decision.
You would be his one and only mate.
Throughout the days you remained within the castle walls, your scent became stronger and more potent: Aegon could feel himself growing weaker, more debilitating to it, desperate to control his urges as to not hurt nor frighten you off.
Having you around feasts or in the court yard amongst the youth, he needed you far from him, but seeing the keen interest and lustful eyes of the young men you’d caught, he felt inclined to stay.
If they dared to defile you, he’d rip their throats out.
Etching closer and closer to you, he could hear your innocent laughter from across the room, and your delicate voice, it made him helplessly smile, looking like a smitten fool.
He could fervently smell your virginity oozing from you, untouched by another man, intact, your aroma remained untainted, and with no ring sighted attached to your proposed finger, it drove him even more savage to think he could be the first to renounce you of your innocence. Day dreaming of fucking you beyond the ability to walk, think or speak coherently, earning a teasing chuckle from himself.
If he could without being frowned upon, he’d fuck you right there and then, before the eyes of the realm.
The nights were gruelling for him: not a single night went by since having met you, that he did not dream of you. Constantly, the same image replaying over and over again in his tainted mind: it began with him lustfully devouring you whole, passionately making love to your bare, naked body, eagerly marking you all over, enough for other male wolves to know that you belonged to him. He bites you, imprinting himself on you, before knotting inside of you, pumping his potent seed into you, filling you to the brim till your cunt is practically drowning in him. The last thing he’d see before he’d inevitably wake, is you swollen close to full term with his pup, just lovingly caressing your belly, thanking him.
It was torture for him to carry on about his day: unknowing of how exactly to approach you.
Coming up to his next cycle, Aegon found himself wandering eerily close by to your allocated quarters, being able to smell you, hunting your exact location like some predator, he found himself face to face with your shut door.
Mustering every fibre of strength to resist his primal desire to force himself deep inside of you, piercing his canines deep into your flesh, imprinting his DNA inside of you. Whether you fought against him, would be meaningless he knew, for his strength had heightened greater than that of a human [much to Aemond’s displeasure when training with Aegon].
Nonetheless, by some ungodly force, he mustered himself away hastily, from now on having a reckoning of guards between him and yourself.
Close to his next cycle, he opened up to his mother regarding his intentions about you. She initially did try to convince him otherwise, that this was just his “heat” talking, although seeing how determined and hopeless he was to have you, she promised to make the formal arrangements to betroth you to him, before leaving him to his cell.
When he recovered from this cycle, he’d been met with the happy news that the betrothal was offered and approved by your family. In a days time, Aegon and yourself had formally acquainted, and he felt immense content like he never had before.
He was determined to keep you sated, safe and happy at all times: much to your surprise, surpass the intimidating, formidable look he had, he was pleasant and loving.
The night before the marriage, Aegon along with his mother, Grandsire and Ser Criston Cole, had initially planned to disclose his condition to you, after consummation. However, he could not bring himself to deceive you.
Hoping his honesty would be enough to compensate, he remained doubtful, convinced that you would change your mind about wanting to marry a “beast”, and had he gone with the initially plan, you would have been forced to remain in such a union.
Yet he was blessed: you were not repulsed by him, though more so grew sorrowful and nurturing towards him. Saddened by his story, you reassured Aegon that he was unfortunately a victim caught in a feud between old men, and that this form was thrusted upon him.
You were keen to remain by his side, to nurse him, to abide by him and most significantly, to love him.
Nonetheless, he did not disclose to his family that he had told you the truth, and the marriage ceremony proceeded and was sealed before the law of the realm.
The night of consummation, Aegon informed you that it would hurt, regardless, of the endless promises he’d made that he’d attempt to control himself.
Imitating his dream, the reality surpassed his expectations. It hurt nonetheless, and often at times, you had to voice Aegon to take it easy, although he did what needed to be done, imprinting and knotting himself deep inside of you, opening you up wide enough, keen to keep his thick, girthy cock inside of you all night long. Now your sweet scent was masked heavily in his musky scent, he was definite no other male would dare to smell you out.
Bite marks on your ass, is a must for Aegon.
In a few moons, the maesters confirmed of your pregnancy: your changes were rapid as it seemed to be an escalated circumstance due to Aegon’s genes overpowering yours.
Aegon felt somewhat guilty for this: he ensured that maids were present at your beckon call, instructing you to not lift a single finger, even the slightest of movement from your half, a maid came rushing over, pleading to help. He forced the maesters to keep you bed ridden, confined in the Red Keep of your shared, private chambers, although he allowed for visitors of people’s company you enjoyed, including his mother.
He made sure you were well fed, bathed and even sought to massaging you himself.
When he was forced to be absent due to his recurring cycles, he loathed being teared apart from you: genuinely, it infuriated him. It became a habit to keep guards posted outside your chambers, even entrusting Aemond to keep you safe; instructing his dear mother or Helaena to keep you constant company from inside. He would often return in a frail state, yet remained eager to prioritise your needs above his own.
At this point, now that Aegon had a mate, he was more in control of his primal instincts: and was allowed to roam at a distance, far from the walls of King’s Landing, beyond deep into the woods, where he could turn freely.
Reassuring him that you were fine, you would tend to his wounds, as he cherished having you give him your full attention.
In the months to come, closer to the birth of the babe, Aegon became stupendously possessive over you, with the right reasons though. As irritating as he could be, being constantly on top of you, refusing to leave the bedside to fulfil his princely responsibilities, training and duties, he was simply smitten for you.
He even grew infatuated with your pregnant body, how your hips grew in preparation for the birth, your breasts swollen, tender, occasionally dripping with the warm milk for the pup, he drank to give you relief [his bright idea], and would teasingly bite at your nipples. Reminding him to keep the supply ready for the babe.
Your belly was swollen beyond relief, often struggling to sleep or lay still, he hated seeing you in such discomfort. The maesters were certain, it was either twins or simply just a physically big babe [like its father].
The time had finally arrived: Aegon promised he would be present at the birth regardless, and he upheld it promisingly. It was a torturous experience to say the least, what felt like days [12 hours], nor could milk of the poppy sustain the aching contractions for a prolonged time. At one point, Aegon grew pale, fearful that The Stranger would make an appearance, and take you from him: he couldn’t bring himself to see you pass in his arms, growing quiet and distant. At one point, he noticed you growing drowsy whether it was from the milk of the poppy you or the constant blood trickling from below, his mind refused to make coherent, logical thoughts. Gripping your hand firmly in his, his deep, soothing voice flowed to your ears, drawing your attention, like a moth to a flame, he whispered, tender, encouraging words into your ear.
“I have asked for too much from you already, my love, my sweet, sweet wife. Yet here I am, to plead for more. I need you to stay with me,Y/N, promise me that you’ll stay with me. I cannot bear to live with myself in this ridden state, no more if you are not by my side, promise me you’ll make it.”
Justice to his words, you pulled through strongly. A healthy, baby boy was born in the dawn, kicking and screaming vivaciously, holding him warmly and gazing upon him, made every agonising second of his coming worth it.
He was a split image of his father, as Alicent softly decreed, the sight of the babe bringing joyful tears to her eyes as she reminesced.
Aegon smitten over his son, was more relieved that you were alive and well, now determined to have you fully recover until the next babe.
The next time Aegon would organise for maesters and midwives with more preparation and experience in birthing pups of his kind, Alicent also advised “the first is always the hardest, eventually it eases on the body”.
Aegon slipped into fatherhood with difficulty. Fearful that his condition was thrusted upon his son, without choice just as he was, he grew wearisome that his son would eventually hate him, as he did his own father, for his own reasons. However, despite the outcome you reassured Aegon otherwise.
“Our son will love you regardless, Aegon. And so be it, if he bears the same fate, he has his father to guide him, where he had no one else. He will be grateful for you, I am certain.”
general taglist - @evenstaris @chompchompluke @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @ilikeitbetterangsty @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @teamaemond @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires
Aegon taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter
#aegon ii targaryen#tom glynn carney#TGC#aegon ii targaryen imagines#aegon ii targaryen imagine#aegon ii targaryen fanfic#aegon ii targaryen fanfiction#alpha!Aegon ii#werewolf!Aegon ii#alpha!werewolf!Aegon ii#aegon ii targaryen smut#aegon ii targaryen angst#aegon ii targaryen fluff#aegon ii x fem!reader#aegon ii x y/n#hotd#house of the dragon#hotd fanfic#hotd imagines#alicent hightower#criston cole#aemond targaryen#house stark#house targaryen
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lost in the fire – house of the dragon
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader, Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader (tho no threesome)
Warnings: Smut (18+) ! A/B/O dynamics (just the heat aspect there’s no official alphas or omegas), Unprotected sex, Bareback riding, Public Sex, A little dub-con (the heat making her decisions for her), Incest (Uncle and niece, Step-dad and step-daughter). You have been warned!
Even though this is pure smut I can’t help myself and wrote in romance. AKA I’m a sucker for intimacy and pining.
Synopsis: The Targaryens is a special kind of house. The reason for their advancement stems from a family secret. Unfortunately for you, the mystery comes to light in the most wretched circumstance – while in captivity.
(Basically reader goes into heat while in imprisonment by the Greens. Reader is a Strong bastard, but won the genetic lottery of inheriting silver hair. Daemon is not the reader’s biological dad! But Aemond is her uncle.)
Word Count: 4.4K
Your visits to King's Landing were rare. The few times you went, you were always accompanied by your brothers or Daemon. As the only daughter, your mother, Rhaenyra, is awfully protective of you. Though, you understand your mother's protectiveness. The Greens weren't exactly kind to your family the time you lived there, especially now that you're just unofficial visitors to the palace the moment your house left for Dragonstone.
But this time, you went alone, and the one time you did by the Gods would have it – you were captured and taken as prisoner.
It was your fault, really. It has been a while since you've met with your grandsire. You shared a special bond with the man. To everyone else, he was king, but to you, he was just your old man who enjoyed telling his stories for hours at a time. Until he got too weak to speak. The last time you saw him, he wasn't well, and it broke your heart to leave so soon. You wished to say your goodbyes before it was too late.
So you left on dragonback unescorted, only intending for a short visit. You had an inclination it was soon, but not this soon.
Now you're trapped and alone in King's Landing. A tool for the Hightowers to bargain with your mother. The only thing keeping you sane is the secret trips Daemon managed to sneak in every fortnight.
Daemon ascends in his black cloak. He sheds it to greet you with a soft smile as always, and as always, you embrace him. You savored his presence. He had to travel in secret, leaving Caraxes behind, making the travel time painstakingly longer. Your rendezvous with him are the only time you experience affection in isolation. Something you regret taking advantage of.
Daemon knew the secret passages hidden in the Red Keep, and the only place he could safely meet with you was a hidden chamber deep within the kingdom's walls at night.
"Please tell me you're here to take me away now."
He pulls back from your embrace to cup your face in his hands. You frown at the familiar apologetic look he gives you.
"I'm sorry, princess. As per your mother's orders, it is not yet time."
Dismay spikes in your chest at the thought of being trapped here for other days at a time. Rhaenyra has kept you here for her plan to take back the throne. You know it hurt your mother more to leave you here, but with the persuasion from her council, her plans now involve you and your stay in King's Landing. They somehow turned your imprisonment into an unexpected advantage.
When news broke of your capture, war nearly broke out. It took great effort from the council, your brothers, and even Queen Alicent ensuring your safety to hold your mother and Daemon back from burning King's Landing to the ground. You trust your mother; deep down, you know she would never let harm come to you. And as her kin, you would do anything to support your mother's claim to the Iron Throne, even if it meant playing the role of the lonely prisoner.
"I've brought letters from your brothers." Daemon fished them from his satchel, offering them to you as a small comfort.
You fight back tears as you read the letters. Not a day passed when you didn't miss your brothers. Worry crept into your heart about their safety, especially now with the brink of war. You cherish every written word, for they always end up burned and destroyed to eliminate any trace of evidence.
You flip through the papers until you reach a picture.
Daemon peers over your shoulder, chuckling at the appearance of the illustration. "Little Joffrey wanted to send you something as well. His writing still needs improvement, but he did his best with a handmade portrait just for his sister."
You clutch Joffrey's portrait of Tessaryon, your dragon. Ever since you've been captured, they have kept Tessaryon chained in the Dragon Pit, never to be seen again.
The hole in your chest grows deeper each day, and it finally rips through you in salty tears.
Daemon comforts you, rubbing circles on your back. "Shh... I know, princess. If it were up to me, you would be long gone here and back home already. Even burn this place while I'm at it."
Amid your tears, you laugh at his constrained threat, and the sincerity gives you comfort. Daemon holds you a little while longer. Despite your want to stay like this until his leave, the need to speak about the growing concern that's been troubling your mind breaks your resolve.
Speaking of, you peel yourself away from your step-father, gathering the courage to speak on it.
Immediately, he senses your apprehension. "What is it?"
You clench and unclench your fists before finally muttering, "There's something wrong with me. Something's not right."
Daemon advances toward you, and instinctively you take a step back. His face dims at your retrieve. "Are you hurt? Do you need the maesters?"
"No, no." You shake your head, wincing at the thought. "All I need is my mother. I need to go back."
Daemon sighs, uncertainty dreading down on him. "I can't help you if I don't know the problem, princess."
Chewing on your lip, you contemplate the best way to say it without painting yourself in the worst picture possible.
"Something is burning inside me." You begin to speak despite your voice coming out shaky. You rest your palm on your stomach to steady yourself. "Mother told me about it. If the fire inside me grows brighter than I could take, then I am to run to her. It's happening, Daemon. I feel it inside me, and I don't know how long I could hide it."
Your voice breaks at the last sentence. Head hung low, you dare peek at your step-father's expression. You fear it would hold fear, disgust, or even pity, but it only kept concentration and calm. If it was a mask, you could not tell.
He was quiet for a while, fingers toying with Dark Sister. Finally, he breaks his silence with a question. "What do you feel?"
"Hot." was your immediate response. Even now, you feel your temperature burning.
"And what more?" He adjusts his weight, hips shifting.
Now you're the one who doesn't speak. If Daemon knew the extent of your symptoms, he would surely leave immediately.
"Tell me."
His tone was urgent but careful. The look he fixes on you is something you don't recognize anymore.
You swallow down your fear. "I feel hungry… for something I do not know."
"This hunger, show me where you feel it."
Unsure of what exactly he meant, you touch your heart. "Here." Then came next was your neck, "sometimes I feel it here," and lastly, your touch travels south to your core, "but I feel it most here."
Your hand only hovers over your clothed core, but even that is enough to produce slick. The thing you've been trying so hard to avoid for days now.
"You're in heat."
Daemon speaks decisively, taking slow, cautious steps toward you. "Chosen women in our family have them. It's nothing to be afraid of. Those who experience them birth the best of us. From them came our family's greatest kings, the most fearsome warriors. Your heat is a blessing."
With every word he speaks, your mind spins with the revelation.
He settles right in front of you, a distance smaller than usual. He reaches for your hand, pressing a kiss on your knuckles. "It's been decades since the last one. We thought they died out, yet here you are."
Confused about your purpose, you ask, "Then what do I do?"
"Do whatever you want." He drops your hand. "Whatever you think would help."
Daemon assumed you would use your fingers to alleviate the burning in your core. He'd watch and make sure you were doing it right.
But what he did not anticipate is you taking his face in your hands.
Heeding his advice, you did the one thing you'd been craving for weeks. You touch his face. The feel of Daemon's skin gave you a sense of relief. The fire burning inside made you hungry for touch, and the skinship immediately made you feel better.
Your eyes flutter close at the contact, ease setting in your bones at the feel of him.
Daemon's breath hitched at his throat, but he did not pull away. "That helps?"
You faintly nod. The relief was nice, but it didn't last long, and soon you were craving something more.
Taking notice, he presses his temple against yours. A loving gesture he thought to be innocent. It was his little way of showing his affection.
You open your eyes and come face to face with Daemon's, and you’re overcome by the itch to touch more. Delicately, your thumb strokes his cheek, tracing his eyelid, which closes at your touch, the slope of his nose, and his bottom lip; you find yourself lingering at his lips.
"Do whatever you want. Whatever you think would help."
And you did, so you leaned in to kiss him. Stunned, he tugs away, but you wrap your arms around his neck, blocking his escape. You slip your tongue inside, yearning to taste him, to feel him.
Daemon presses back until your back hits a wall, but you cling to him, kiss unbreaking and never heaving. His arm slams leaning on the wall, and the other finds its way to your waist. Any fight he had before dissolves at your determination, your heat affecting him as well.
He bites your lip, from tasting your mouth to your neck. He licks a stripe underneath the slope of your ear. "Feel it here too?"
You nod feverish, back arching to give him more access. Impatiently, you grip Daemon's hair, take his hand, and lead it where you need it most.
Taking the hint, he ruffles your dress up, and soon his fingers slip inside your undergarments. You're a mewling mess now, moans escaping your lips willfully. He circles your soaked bud considerately, causing another strip of slick to wet your thighs before finally sinking inside you.
You hold on to his shoulders, legs shaky. He plunges his fingers in and out your cunt, and embarrassing sounds of wet flesh fill the empty chamber. You moan with every prod.
With your release nearing close, you decided to reach for the stars – and you grope his cock.
A decision that proved to be a mistake.
With your touch, Daemon withdraws his fingers inside you and pulls away.
You cry out at the ruined climax. You were so close, and now you're back to zero.
Both breathing heavily, Daemon's actions still. His hands remain frozen. Confused, you lean in to kiss him again, but he only pulls away. You don't understand. He remains hard and, until now, willing to bed you, but now he can't even look at you.
Instead, he grabs your wrist, and you wince at the tight grip. He puts them at your eye level. "Use your fingers to help you with your heat. Like what I did."
He led them to your mound, urging you to try yourself. Hesitantly, you touch yourself, trying your best to mimic how he did it. It helped, but it was nothing to how Daemon's fingers worked for you.
Frustrated, you whine, pulling out. "It's not enough. I need you, Daemon."
You reach to touch him again, but he backs away, putting distance between you. Your heart breaks at the space. Did you do something wrong? He turns his back on you in an attempt to collect himself.
"Daemon?" you called out, concerned.
He let out a mountain of curses in high valyrian before facing you again. He flips his black cloak back on his head.
"Come." He holds his hand out, and you take it immediately. He starts walking, and shortly, he's picking up the pace, and you try your best to keep up.
"Where are we going?"
He doesn't answer. Soon you're somewhere away, but it wasn't somewhere new. Dread filled you at the sight of the familiar door.
"No. I'm not going back, not right now." You stop in your tracks, refusing to enter the room once more.
"You were gone too long. It's time to head back."
Daemon opens the secret passage to your chambers – your prison. You resist, but he tugs you along anyway.
He settles you on your bed. "I will return soon. For now, use your fingers to get through your heat. Do not leave your room. Do you understand me?"
He spoke with such force you felt fear of being left alone again. You frown, not responding and not looking at him, either.
You know you don't have the luxury of time. Daemon's treading a fine line; you could be caught any moment now.
In distress, he grabs your neck. "Do you understand me, princess?"
Shocked, you nod, tears swelling up again. Daemon's resolve softens at the sight, guilt weighing his heart down. He’s a fucked up mess now.
He removes his hands from you and gently wipes the fallen tears away. "The next time I return, I'm taking you with me."
He sealed his promise with a kiss on your temple, and just like a flicker, he was gone. Disappeared within the walls of the castle.
You lie there dumbfounded, abandoned in the dark. The throbbing between your legs grew more prominent with the unfinished business.
He really left you.
The disbelief turned into frustration and shame and soon festered into anger. You knew your fingers wouldn't be enough this time, and you'll be damned if you let Daemon tease you for nothing.
Despite his warnings, you leave the bed and wander the halls looking for the man. At this point, Daemon would be by Blackwater Bay about to board his boat, and getting through the hidden passages would only get you lost, so you settle on getting there through the main route.
The darkness of the night cloaked your disheveled state, and your bare feet masked the sounds of your hurried steps.
Frantic and mind clouded by lust, you find yourself in the godswood occupied by a lurking patron. You hardly noticed the figure hiding in the shadows until you collided with its solid chest.
You wince at the impact, holding out your hands to steady yourself.
The familiar deep voice reels you back into the present. Aemond stands tall with his hands clamped against his back, as usual, face annoyingly stoic. His intimidating stance makes you feel small in the dark.
"Uncle." You manage to greet back, caught off guard by his presence.
You should have known better. In addition to the dozen guards watching your every move, Aemond took it upon himself to personally keep you in your place. Always looking, constantly checking.
Despite his constant presence, you find it hard to look your uncle's face in the eye. The one eye is usually filled with contempt, but at this moment, it searches your face with intrigue and skepticism until it strays down to your bosom.
"Pray tell where are you off to at this late hour? And in such a rush, you forget your indecency." He tsked mockingly.
Your face turns warm, and you quickly cover up your exposed flesh with silver hair. In your haste, you carelessly left your quarters with only your night shift, the thin fabric barely covering your figure.
"I… could not find sleep. I fancied a walk. That is all."
You don't look at him as you say it. If you did, he'd see right through you. Instead, you stare off in the distance with your arms crossed, a piss attempt to somehow protect yourself.
He hums at your answer before stepping forward, invading your space.
"You're lying."
Without warning, he raises one hand behind his back and grabs your jaw, forcing you to look at him. You gasp at the sudden contact.
He leans in, sneering. "If you're going to lie, at least have the decency to say it to my face, or don't say shit at all."
You grasp his arm, clawing to get away from him. "Release me." You grit out.
"I'll ask you again. What are you doing?" His grip on you only tightens. It irritates you greatly that he can keep you captive with just one arm. "What is it that you're planning? Is your traitor mother here to get you? Planning to take the crown, hm?"
You continue to struggle against him, concern increasing at the realization that the wetness between your legs is growing from the harsh touch of Aemond's skin.
Thinking fast, you recall Jacaery's training. You flip Aemond's elbow and quickly follow it up with a shove. And just because you're rarely presented with such an opportunity, you also hit his nose with your head. Hard.
He stumbles, startled at the ambush. Still, a hint of a smirk plays at his lips.
You manage to get away, glaring at the imposing man. "Trust me, the crown is furthest from my mind right now."
Before your mind is wholly overturned by your heat, you turn to flee, but with swift feet, Aemond seizes you.
"You're not leaving."
He pins you against the large tree in the middle of the garden, wrapping his hand around your neck to keep you in place.
And with that, you all but lost control.
A moan escapes your lips. The pressure of his palm on your neck, coupled with his body weight leaning against yours, is enough to give your touch-starved body pleasure.
Aemond freezes at the sound, the noise echoing in the quiet garden. Bewildered, he pulls back to study your face. At this point, your eyes are fully dilated, breath coming uneasy and legs clamped tighter than a mangled knot.
He presses on your neck once more, and unwillingly you let out another needy moan.
"You're in heat." He realizes, disbelief painted on his features.
"Yes." You hissed out. "So either you do something about it or let me go find someone else who will."
For a moment, his perfectly practiced mask falls, and his grip on you loosens. Just when you thought you'd be free, he slots his thigh between your legs, pinning your bottom against him.
"Aemond." You gasp at the sudden pressure. You grip his thigh, unsure if you want to pull it away or ride it.
He leans down to take in your scent. "I thought they were only legends. A child’s tale. I read about them, the things the heat does to the woman and the greatness that comes after.” He presses down more, and you almost buckle to your knees. "You're never going to find someone who can properly take care of this, sweet niece."
Daemon. The thought grows more distant the more Aemond floods your senses.
With both hands, he lifts your face towards him.
"Allow me the honor." He whispers, breath fanning your face.
The pressure was too much to bear, and you couldn't take it anymore. You make a move and lean in to take his mouth into yours. He receives you immediately, tongue already slipping inside to greet yours.
Like him, his kiss is unrelenting.
Panting, you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders to pull him closer. His mouth traveled down to kiss your jaw, settling on tasting and nipping at the skin of your neck. Your back arch at the sensation.
You pull away just enough to mumble in a daze, "take me to bed, Aemond."
He lifts your legs to wrap around his hips, and you revel at the feel of his cock straining hard against his breeches. You nearly humped him right there and then.
You expect him to carry you into his chambers, but he turns the other way and settles you down to the ground underneath the shadow of the evergreen. He discards his coat and lays it beneath your back, protecting you from the sharp prickle of the grass.
He leans back to take you in.
You lay there sprawled open to him. Only illuminated by the moonlight, you look ethereal. Your silver hair shines despite being scattered on the earth, and your skin glows with fever and anticipation. You look unworldly. Inhuman. Like an unclaimed dragon.
Aemond had never seen something so captivating.
"What are you…." You reach up to feel him again, desperate for his touch.
His hands caress your legs, lifting your night shift further until your bottoms are exposed to him. He grips your inner thigh, blood pumping with excitement.
"No time. You need release now."
His slender fingers find you, and he plays with the wetness he finds there. Aemond's manhood nearly bursts at the feel of your supple skin. He wastes no time exploring your heat. You whimper at the intrusion, grateful for the sensation but yearning for more, for something bigger.
He leans down to kiss you once more. "Patience, dōna mirre."
Before you know it, he dips down, head in between your legs and mouth on you. You stifle a scream that would surely wake the entirety of King’s Landing. Aemond groans against your cunt, mouth lapping at the continuous flow of sweet nectar. A taste no man could resist, driving anyone to addiction. It did not take long for you to reach your first release of the night.
Aemond only ascends when you push his head away, skin still sensitive from fighting his incessant tasting.
He makes quick work of his trousers, taking his cock out. He strokes it as he watches you come down from your high. Slender arms cover your face, chest heaving at the impact of your release.
Gently, he brushes a nipple, and instantly, it hardens.
With a tug, he reveals your breasts, ripping away at any fabric that dares cover you from him. You yelp at the quick removal, skin shivering at the cold air. While he's distracted by your naked body, you take the opportunity to take hold of the flesh poking your thighs.
He groans at your touch, hips thrusting for more.
"So needy."
You bite your lip, wanting more. "Please, uncle."
He leans back, gaze fixed down to where his cock slides between your folds, slick coating every inch of him. "Is this what you want, sweet girl?"
"Yes, yes." You preen desperately.
He remains sliding his cock on your glistening pussy, bud nearly aching at the little friction. He could do it. Slide right inside you so easily. With your wetness he wouldn’t have to fight any resistance. Just tight slick heat waiting to swallow him.
But even with the sheer desire radiating off him, you sense a hint of hesitation holding him back.
"Aemond?" You call out to him, concerned.
His gaze snaps back to yours, face suddenly serious. "Once I break your virtue, no husband will take you. No husband means no allies. No allies mean no crown. Is that what you want?"
He speaks sense, and you should likely listen for your own good. But you find it hard to comprehend the future ahead of you. It might be your heat making you delirious, but all you want is now, and all you want is Aemond.
You take hold of his hand, placing a tender kiss on his palm. "Then wed me. Make me your wife,"
Aemond's heart sputters at the proposition. Everything his family has been building for would come crumbling down if he said yes; the war he's been fighting for would be for nothing, but all that didn't make the offer any less appealing.
You sense the pause your words had on him, so you continue speaking. "or just fuck me and forget me. Aōha iderennon, issa prince. "
With a curse, he makes his choice. He presses at your entrance, plunging deeper until he's satiated inside you. "Fuck."
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as satisfaction finally seeps into your bones. Aemond's thrusts start slow and careful but soon gain momentum, until he's relentlessly pumping into you.
Aemond lifts your leg to hook to his hips, pulling you closer. Holding each other, your hands never leave his skin. His back, his behind, his hair. You were always touching him one way or another. He rests his weight by his arms, face buried in your neck.
"Aemond.." you moan his name, wanting to see him, you lift his face from your nape.
For the first time, you faced him, and his eye held no contempt. Your breath is taken away at the sight. The once harsh lines of his face turned into something delicate, and the fixed frown he wore every day no longer tainted his handsome features. At this moment, he is beautiful.
You trace the prominent scar, mindful of his trauma. You remember the night it happened so vividly, and never would have thought it all would lead to this.
He flinches at your touch, head rearing back. He was still within reach, so you coax him back by stroking his jaw instead, coupling it with a flush of your hips and light kisses. He relaxes, and this time you reach for his eyepatch. You lock gazes with him, silently asking for permission. You wanted to see him in all his vulnerability.
He only closes his eye, face stilling to let you remove the leather. And with a flick of your wrist, the veil falls to the ground.
In all his glory, you see Aemond Targaryen for who he is.
The wounded eye was stripped of any skin on his left eyelid, leaving a bright shining sapphire eye in its place. You heard rumors of the one-eye second son and his sapphire eye. Only a few saw it; the majority that didn't deny its existence, but the ones that did spoke of its haunting beauty.
But you did not see it for long. With only just a few seconds, Aemond hides his face back into your neck.
Flashes of insecurity pierce Aemond's heart. He's never been this intimate with anyone, and he certainly did not foresee it to be with the sister of the man that maimed him. He's starting to fear he'll find himself far in the deep end, unsuspecting of the waters he plunged into. He plans to make you cum quickly, determined to distract you from his shame.
But you don't allow it. With a shift of your weight, you roll over, pinning him against the tree's bark. Now you're the one on top, and you hold his shoulders down, making him look up to you. Aemond's throat dries at the sight of you mounted on top of him.
"Look at me."
The power in your voice makes him obey. Once your eyes lock, you search for a hint of trust, and once you're sure he's not to pull away again, you start riding him. You roll your hips, moving to hit the spot inside you. He supports you with gentle touches on your back and tweaks to your nipples.
Aemond watches in awe, letting you chase your climax. In your state, he is clearly reminded that like him, you're a dragon rider. A rightful Targaryen. You move like you ride a dragon — confident, strong, and in control.
It makes his cock hard.
Your movements grow frantic, the familiar high nearing close. Aemond starts meeting your thrusts, cock plunging deeper at the new position. You feel your cunt produce one last slick of wetness before constricting around him, body spasming with pleasure. Aemond quickly followed, capturing your mouth in one last kiss before finishing inside you.
Satisfied, the fire inside you subdues, and you feel your body grow light, at ease. Exhausted, you fall into slumber.
Not Aemond.
He lays there with you in his arms wide awake. He clutches you in an embrace, shielding you from the nearing sunrise. If he could stay there buried inside you for the rest of his days, away from the war, all the scheming – he would. But reality is creeping up on him, and he's reminded of his choice.
"Make me your wife, or just fuck me and forget me. Aōha iderennon, issa prince.”
Aemond has yet to grow old and wise, but even then he knew one thing – even if he tried, he could never forget you. He could conquer the earth and back, claim the mightiest dragon on land, and win the greatest of wars. In the end, he knows you'll still plague his mind, body, and soul.
So he made a choice, and this time, he let the Gods decide his fate.
dōna mirre - sweet thing
Aōha iderennon, issa prince - your choice, my prince
Fun fact! Tessaryon is inspired by Tessarion, the goddess of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, prophecy, poetry, beauty, archery, and booty — A god of old valyria.
#daemon#daemon targaryen#daemon targaryen x you#daemon targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen#aemond one eye#aemond smut#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen x you#daemon x reader#daemon smut#hotd#hotd x y/n#hotd fanfic#hotd fic recs#daemon targeryen x reader#smut
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Master List
Aemond Targaryen
Wedding Dress (Finished) - Modern AU!
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Final Chapter + Epilogue
Dark Desire (In progress) - Modern - AU!
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Next Chapter (Coming soon)
Little One (In progress) - Canon Divergence AU!
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Next Chapter (Coming soon)
Political Rivals (In progress) - Modern AU!
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Next Chapter (Coming soon)
Summer Isles (In progress) - Modern AU!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Next Chapter (As soons as possible)
Family Sins (in Progress) - Modern AU!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Next Part (As soons as possible)
One Shots
Family Sins - One Shot || Modern!Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Sneak Peeks
Spin the Bottle | Modern Au | Aemond Targaryen x Reader | Sneak Peek
Everything Changes | Modern Au | Alpha!Dark! Aemond Targaryen x Omega!Niece!Reader | Sneak Peek
#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen x y/n#aemond targaryen x you#aemond x y/n#aemond smut#aemond targaryen imagine#aemond targaryen x fem!reader#aemond targaryen smut#aemond targaryen modern au
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