#alpha gladiolus
gbiechele · 1 year
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Sun Dance
Helios-44 58mm f/2.0 lens Sony A7
187 notes · View notes
woolmasterleel · 1 year
Indomitable Vows- Timeline
Finally!! I have written out how and when the events of all my ocs' stories play out! All of it is below the cut, the events are super brief, but it's still pretty lengthy! Any minor details are left out, so there's a lot of other stuff that happens between all these arcs!
Some info before you read! This story does very much contain humans, but it isn't on Earth- so the years are definitely not a reflection of the times in real life.... way before the 1900s they have fancy technology and stuff!
I am more than happy to elaborate on anything specifically if anyone is interested (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Year 500
Origin Arc
Pandora Gladiolus and Romirr Kagami are both human.
Romirr is king of Coldera, Pandora is his executioner
Year 504, Pandora encounters Galvarium.
Year 504, Ophiocordyceps Demiascareous seeps into the human realm on the Dominion of Excleorn.
Year 511, Pandora becomes ill. She is taken to rest by Galvarium. Romirr encounters Galvarium for the first time, sending him into a fit of hysteria.
Year 513, Romirr is crushed by the giant statue of himself. He was taken in by the angels. He then becomes Mirror.
Year 900
Pre-Lunar Acolytes Arc
Medlodaunious Mayonaka and Avkiran Opal are young human children.
They are raised in an angel-worshiping town, however neither of them care much for light magic.
Mirror often alienates Medlo due to his connection to the moon.
He is eventually chased out of town, Avkiran chooses to leave with him.
They survive for a few years. During this time, Medlo is visited by Galvarium.
Year 927 they both pass away.
Medlo was 27 when he passed, Avkiran was 30.
Year 1000
Abacus Linae passes away of natural causes at age 82. He becomes an Angel.
Year 1031
Lunar Acolytes Arc
Medlo leaves the underworld and establishes the Lunar Acolytes with the intention of taking out angels.
He finds Laycie while out on a walk, who had run away from her town. She is very injured. Medlo notices her white hair, so he brings her home.
She asks to stay with them. A year later, she becomes Medlo’s second in command.
Year 1042, Medlo kills a high ranking angel and is taken to Limbo. He becomes Nightmare Personified/ Red Moon Medlodaunious.
Not long after, Laycie’s life is taken. She later becomes an angel.
Empire of Hiedero Arc
Year 1302, the Emperor (Yugami’s father) is killed by Abacus.
Abacus is immediately taken to Limbo, however Mirror escapes before he can be confronted by Galvarium.
Mirror appears to Yugami to offer false support.
Yugami refuses to take the spot as Emperor, however Mirror eventually forces him into taking it.
Yugami is framed as a heartless ruler, thus his people have more trust in Mirror and Yugami.
Year 1305, Mirror meets Rukka. He quickly finds himself very fond of him.
Year 1307, they get together.
Rukka is under the impression that Yugami is abusing Mirror, he dislikes him greatly.
Mirror’s plans slow down during this time, he finds some joy in being with Rukka. However, he eventually continues on.
Year 1309, Mirror attempts to make Yugami send out his people to round up humans, however Yugami reaches his breaking point and finally tells him off.
Rukka, unbeknownst to Mirror, followed him to protect him, however upon seeing his true nature, he is devastated.
Rukka attempts to kill Mirror, however Mirror begs with him to stop, as he’d be sent to Limbo.
Rukka and Yugami do not understand what he means, so Yugami kicks him out of the castle, simply wanting to be left alone.
Year 13010, Rukka and Yugami reconcile and inform the public that Mirror is not to be trusted.
Fate’s Origin Arc
Abacus is not taken to the main area of Limbo.
Galvarium and Pandora allow him to understand his surroundings and what Limbo is.
After gaining his mind back, he goes off about Mirror.
Galvarium and Pandora just let him talk, given that they already know about his circumstance.
Galvarium offers Abacus a position in Limbo. He accepts.
The Court of Limbo is officially established.
Upon seeing his new abilities, and wanting to escape his now tarnished name, Abacus changes his name to Fate.
Year 1560
Pre-Rapid Corpus arc
Kisaki and Tagashei are well into their post secondary.
Kisaki is visited by Galvarium, gains knowledge of Limbo.
Year 1562, lab accident turns his hair white to blue, Kisaki is visited by Galvarium again for emotional support.
Year 1565, Kisaki starts to get a handle on his work and starts to lose his sanity after witnessing many being dragged to Limbo.
Year 1568, Kisaki is killed in a targeted lab explosion. He was 34
Tagashei gives up his degree due to grief.
Year 1570, Tagashei passes away due to unknown causes. He was 36.
Year 1700
Rapid-Corpus Arc
During his time in the underworld, he is taken in by Queen Lavanya and King Magyrah, where he continues to work on his research.
Evzen Roiyatsu, the Royal doctor, does not believe in his research and often criticized him.
Akyrah, the son of the king and queen, finds Kisaki’s work admirable, often getting into fights with Evzen defending Kisaki.
Kisaki ignores Evzen most of the time.
Year 1705, Kisaki leaves the underworld to look for Tagashei, yet cannot find him.
He is saddened, but assumes he had been taken by Angels when his time came.
Kisaki resumes his study into organics, going on to create a fully functional human heart.
This success grabs the attention of Mirror, who at this point is putting together a group of scientists to create the later named Rapid-Corpus disease by the public.
Mirror assumes the powers of light and dark are restricting the humans from reaching “godhood”, thus he plans to thin out the Angel and Demon population. He knows he cannot just send people out to fight, war is not favoured by either side, and it would surely grab the attention of Galvarium with how many deities were to be dragged to Limbo.
The lab consists of Angels and humans who believe in Mirror’s resolve.
Mirror offers Kisaki a place has head researcher in his lab, framing his work as “for the benefit of all”. Kisaki’s hair is still blue, so Mirror does not suspect that he knows about Limbo.
Kisaki knows there is very much an ulterior motive. Deciding to have some fun, he agrees.
Year 1706, Kisaki is in the news again for his success in creating other organs and helping in organ transplants. Tagashei, now out of the underworld, sees this and immediately begins to look for him.
They cross paths, Tagashei obviously taken aback by how intense (and tall) Kisaki is now. He is weary about him, yet they talk anyway.
Kisaki is still very happy to see him, yet he doesn’t pick up on Tagashei’s standoff-ishness.
The two part ways. A few months later, they connect again. They become very close once again.
1707, Alice Hizarou is created in a lab.
Year 1708, Kisaki creates the Rapid-Corpus virus, then kills it in front of the higher ups.
He then destroys the laboratory and the countless angels inside. Galvarium arrives to take him to Limbo, however she is very confused as to why he killed so many angels despite knowing the result.
Kisaki explains his reasoning, that someone wanted the disease created to avoid being dragged to Limbo.
Kisaki is kept in Limbo for some time before being released.
During this time, Tagashei thinks Kisaki is killed. Unable to properly care for Alice, Akyrah steps up to take care of her while Tagashei recovers.
Year 1709, Kisaki shows up at his and Tagashei’s home. Akyrah is the one to answer the door.
After he is assaulted by words and tears from Tagashei, Kisaki retreats to his lab to work on a cure for Rapid Corpus, knowing Mirror would not stop trying to create it again.
Kisaki avoids any public appearance initially, for his safety and the safety of his family.
Year 1710, the first case of Rapid Corpus is documented. The patient is a human, Charlotte Synthaelda. She left behind two children. Emergency broadcasts are sent out.
Tagashei becomes highly irritated at Kisaki’s behaviour, but doesn’t want to walk out.
Kisaki knows the virus Mirror’s team created was highly flawed, humans were not the intended target.
Year 1713, Rapid Corpus begins to infect Demons. It is now spreading in the underworld.
Akyrah leaves to check on his parents, returning shortly after to beg Kisaki to come with him. Magyrah and Evzen begin to display symptoms.
Upon analyzing the cells taken from Magyrah (an Angel), and Evzen (a Demon), he noticed an anomaly. These cells were rapidly producing new bone and muscle, yes, however it was forming on the outside and was not obstructing major airways or organs.
Kisaki identifies the mutated strain, a result of an Angel’s or Demon’s magic forcing the bone and muscle formation into an external body.
The formation of bone and muscle slow and stop, giving Magyrah and Evzen more monstrous forms. Magyrah resembles that of a dragon, Evzen a snake. Kisaki observes the formation of new eyes and hair/fur.
Kisaki continues to study the two, Magyrah mostly since Evzen is still not a fan of Kisaki. These two continued to act the same as they did before infection.
Year 1714, Kisaki creates an antidote to reverse the effects. Both recover.
Cases of Demons dying from the Rapid Corpus reach Kisaki, he and Evzen begin to research why.
Year 1715, Magyrah triggers his new dragon form seemingly willingly while defending Akyrah from an onslaught of Angels, presumably sent from Mirror. Kisaki looks into this further.
Kisaki begins working with patients who’s magic cannot mutate the strain. Tagashei begins to scold him for not being careful. He quickly learns Kisaki is immune.
Year 1717, Tagashei is targeted in a factory explosion. Kisaki immediately heads to the scene.
Mad Rabbit is formed.
Kisaki tells Tagashei much of what he’s been hiding, now that he is immune to the main strain.
Kisaki develops a strain of Rapid Corpus which is guaranteed to mutate, at the request of Lavanya.
Year 1718, Mirror’s group learns Kisaki is immune. Kisaki is captured for testing, however any machines or x-rays break upon trying to analyze his biology.
Mad Rabbit breaks into the lab to rescue Kisaki.
Year 1719, Kisaki and Evzen work with other scientists to develop an immunity to Rapid Corpus.
Mirror sends a group of Angels to the underworld to infect the royals with Rapid Corpus. Magyrah is first to go to defend the kingdom, giving the orders not to kill any angels (he is aware of Limbo).
Lavanya demands Kisaki give her the variant he created earlier. After some light arguing, he obliges. Lavanya uses her new hellhound form to defend the kingdom, and her children. Kisaki gave Lavanya strict instructions not to kill any angels.
Mirror targets Alice in a last ditch effort to win. Kisaki is able to get close enough and threatens to inject him with the Rapid Corpus if he doesn’t let her go. Mirror tries to pull the Limbo card, to which Kisaki only laughs, tells him he’s already been to Limbo, and is a LAE.
Mad Rabbit shows up to take care of Mirror so Kisaki can take Alice home.
Mirror takes his research team and goes into hiding.
Mirror Kagami to Limbo
After witnessing the massive amounts of destruction Mirror had made indirectly, she decides to break her own rules and send him to Limbo.
He tries to flee, but it is in vain.
Year 1802
Evacuation of the Dominion of Excleorn
An island (named after a family of angels who once saved the humans living there) is evacuated due to the rapid spread of the Ophiocordyceps Demiascareous fungus. No antidote was able to be created due to the Limbo origins of the fungus. The lab is left abandoned.
Eyes of Charlotte
Charlotte Synthaelda finds herself in the underworld, however due to her death being caused by Rapid Corpus, her demon form exists only as four eyes with exposed nerve endings.
Red Moon Medlodaunious Arc
After the Rapid Corpus disease is cleaned up and controlled, Kisaki turns his studies to LAE.
Medlodaunious suddenly becomes incredibly violent, abnormal for and LAE who has been in Limbo for over 7 centuries.
He is contained by Indeterminate Fate and Nemesis Pandora while Kisaki studies him. He finds nothing wrong with his biology.
Medlodaunious begins to calm down during subsequent testing.
Pandora deduces Medlo’s sudden behaviour is a result of loneliness and yearning.
Creation of Austera, Home of the Gates of Limbo
Galvarium collects the LAE who are fit to be released, proposing the idea of a town in which LAE can safely live to avoid the ongoing conflicts of the world.
The Kingdom of Coldera, long since abandoned, is erased. A gate to Limbo is build where the barrier between the human world and Limbo is weakest. Pandora and Galvarium build it together, as it is where they first met.
Medlo aids in the construction of the homes, a test from Galvarium to see how he works with the assisting angels.
Year 1850, Galvarium gives Medlo the opportunity to lead Austera, which acts to further rehabilitate his attitude toward angels.
Upon agreeing, Galvarium introduces him to the head angel of the town- Laycie.
Year 1870
Pre- Demiascareous Excleorn Arc
Kisaki, who has been teaching for years at this point, finds his ideal student- Sophia Synthaelda, age 23.
He is absolutely thrilled that she is incredibly interested in his work. He teaches her everything. She eventually earns her PhD in synthetic biological components.
Year 1875, Sophia is engaged and is well into her work on creating human organ replacements from plants. She is residing in the city of Hardorus, a seaside city.
Year 1876, her work is sabotaged and stolen by her fiancé. He threatens her life when she catches him.
Sophia flees her home. Notifying her students that their work had been taken, they all flee to the Dominion of Excleorn. They are not chased due to the nature of the island.
Everyone is scared, most assume this is their demise.
Sophia is in a state of shock for sometime and cannot function.
Year 1877, surviving on the edible plants and fish, the team cautiously work to clean up the lab to use as shelter. Sophia begins to move again, now very cold and angry.
Knowing that they all had very little chance of survival, Sophia uses what little knowledge she has of the deities to try and summon one- Angel or Demon she didn’t care.
Charlotte, despite being a physically weaker demon, offers her help. Sophia accepts. It is only years of working with each other that they realize they are related.
Year 1879, the Excleorn laboratory is fully restored thanks to the help of Charlotte and other demons.
Sophia immediately gets to work developing the MOTHERBOARD security system. Charlotte gives her eyes to Sophia, her nerves are transferred to the security system.
Year 1880, Sophia starts studying Ophiocordyceps Demiascareous, despite her team trying to discourage her.
Year 1885
Demiascareous Excleorn Arc
Sophia successfully created Demiascareous Excleorn.
Demi is highly irritable, often lashing out at any approaching researching. He poses a huge danger given his height of 275m.
Year 1887, Demi has since learned to speak. He often speaks in a condescending manner.
Year 1888, Demi is constantly challenged by Sophia’s sternness, overtime learning to like her and her research.
He learns how to manipulate his form, taking on a much smaller one resembling an old man.
Year 1890, Sophia and Demi have been together for a while. They create Pea using smaller fruiting mushrooms from Ophiocordyceps Demiascareous.
Year 1891, Synthaelda Laboratories is visited by the government of Hardorus, who are suspicious of her work.
Sophia feints that her research is of the sea, which they believe.
After multiple visits, Sophia becomes suspicious of the higher ups and contacts Kisaki.
He visits her, quickly learning about what had happened. He already knew that Ophiocordyceps Demiascareous is a fungus from Limbo, so seeing Sophia grasp it’s properties so effortlessly leads him to ask if she had been visited by Galvarium.
Sophia declines, asking him to elaborate. Given that Sophia is already able to understand, Kisaki explains Limbo and Galvarium, as well as where Ophiocordyceps Demiascareous came from.
Demi is surprised by all of this.
Kisaki tells Sophia about Mirror Kagami, going on to say he is certain her ex fiancé was merely a worker of his.
The two begin to figure out what Mirror is up to next.
Year 1892
Pre Pseudo-Human arc- Intro of Atomus
Back at the Hizarou residence, Tagashei and Alice are visited by a young man looking for Kisaki.
Tagashei and Alice are highly suspicious, telling him he has the wrong place.
The young man tells them his name, Atomus Cogitonis, and begs them to at least tell him that he needs to see him. Tagashei takes note of Atomus holding his arm.
He begrudgingly lets him in to tend to his injuries.
Tagashei inquired about Atomus’ odd eyes, they are almost crystalline. Atomus says he doesn’t know, he just woke up one day a few years ago.
Tagashei notifies Kisaki.
Tagashei and Alice take Atomus to Synthaelda Laboratories, where he is interrogated and studied by Kisaki and Sophia.
Atomus is neither human, angel, or demon.
When given the chance, Atomus outs Mirror’s current plans to Kisaki, despite being in Limbo. He tells him about Eregarde and Evelyn Cogitonis.
Kisaki quickly pieces together what was happening. He pays a visit to Galvarium.
Year 1900
Pseudo-Human Arc
Galvarium, using her human form, visits Synthaelda Laboratories to see the progress on the study of LAE.
Kisaki notes Mirror’s abnormal reaction to Limbo’s environments.
By now, Atomus had become a valued source of information, he always obliged when Kisaki and Sophia needed to study his biology.
The alarms sound in the laboratory; intruders are located in the main entryway.
Atomus and Demi are the first two on the scene. Atomus recognizes Evelyn immediately.
Evelyn is surrounded by humanoid entities, the tallest is urging her to come home. Evelyn is not having any of it, eventually throwing the first punch.
Watching from the security cameras, everyone in the lab watches in horror as the humanoid creatures become grotesque entities.
Kisaki identifies them as the Pseudo-Humans Atomus had told them about.
Despite Mirror being gone, it is clear to everyone that Eregarde continued his wishes.
Atomus attempts to help Evelyn, however Demi scolds him for adding to the destruction of the lab. He contained the Pseudo-Human using rapid-spreading fungus.
The assailants seemingly perish, the bodies melting away before anyone can get a sample.
Atomus and Evelyn are relieved the other is safe.
Year 1902, sightings of Pseudo-Humans are common. Galvarium and co are constantly occupied trying to clear them out.
They eventually find the new laboratory used to make Pseudo-Humans.
Tagashei, Kisaki, and Akyrah attempt to infiltrate, and destroy, the machinery, however the lab is fixed with a magic disruptor, rendering Tagashei and Akyrah immobile.
Kisaki is distressed. He cannot fight.
Sophia and Demi, who had snuck into the lab prior, are quick to intervene.
Galvarium is finally faced with Eregarde. He seems to have a vague understanding of what Limbo is, however Galvarium knows it’s been forced upon him by Mirror.
Atomus and Evelyn join Galvarium, trying to get Eregarde to stop. He only pulls the “I’m your father, listen to me” card.
After the two reject him, Eregarde flees before he becomes a victim of Galvarium.
Sophia destroys the lab by overriding the power system, much like Kisaki did centuries prior.
Year 1903, Austera is invaded. Medlo and Laycie defend the townspeople while Avkiran evacuates everyone safely.
Galvarium and the others show up, attempting to fight off all the Pseudo-Humans.
Eregarde enables the device which renders any angels or demons useless, halting their movements. He is still confused as to why Demi, Medlo, and Kisaki are still moving.
After being surrounded by the ones still able to move, Eregarde injects himself with Pseudo-Human cells, immediately causing him to take on a god-like form.
Galvarium cannot use her Limbo form, giving her and the others a disadvantage.
Eregarde enables another device with eradicates the human form. Galvarium opens a portal to Limbo, Kisaki pushes Atomus and Evelyn in for safety. Charlotte is able to open a portal to the underworld to protect Sophia.
Galvarium is unable to leave in time. She ceases to exist in the human realm.
Opening of the Gates of Limbo
Galvarium had discussed this possibility with the Court of Limbo already.
Despite the repercussions it would cause, Medlodaunious opens the gates to Limbo, allowing the two realms to fuse.
As a result, many of the LAE escape. However, Galvarium is able to attack Eregarde properly now. He does not last very long.
The demons and angels in the surrounding area are able to move once again.
Pandora brings Atomus and Evelyn back, Galvarium apologizes for having to take the life of their father.
Atomus and Evelyn do not care.
Breach of Limbo Arc
With the head of the Pseudo-Human experiment gone, the Court of Limbo turn their attention to rounding up the escaped LAE.
Some LAE willingly returned, others had to be fought.
Kisaki silently leaves to go into hiding again. Sophia, who has since returned, follows him.
Medlodaunious, Pandora, and Fate are stuck as Red Moon Medlodaunious, Nemesis Pandora, and Indeterminate Fate due to Limbo’s fusion with the world.
Atomus leaves with Fate to check on Yugami.
Evelyn sticks with Medlo and Laycie to help clean up Austera.
Demi administers some sort of antibody against Limbo, which Kisaki had developed in anticipation to this event, to protect any demons or angels. Tagashei is upset and wants to know where he went and why he needs the antibody.
Galvarium gives those remaining the knowledge of Limbo.
Tagashei leaves to find Kisaki, still wanting answers from him.
Intro of Alpha Decay Kisaki
Kisaki knew what would happen to him once the gates opened. He runs to Sophia’s lab.
By the time Sophia arrives, Kisaki has already reached his completed Limbo form.
He has to sit outside.
By the time Sophia has her equipment to study him set up, Kisaki starts to run off, his emotions finally setting in. He starts to track down Mirror.
Sophia contacts Demi and tells him the situation. Demi, Tagashei, and Alice leave Austera to find Kisaki.
Tagashei is both horrified and not surprised to see Kisaki looking so scary. He takes the form of Mad Rabbit to reach him faster. Kisaki does not calm down.
Upon finding Mirror, or rather a reflection of him, both Tagashei and Kisaki jump at the chance to kill him. Demi, now in his god-like form, watches with Alice from the trees. He knows neither of them will listen.
Monarchy of Hearts
An entity known as Monarchy of Hearts is formed at the plea of Alice Hizarou.
Austera’s Second Invasion
Not long after Galvarium and co leave to locate Mirror, Medlo sees what he thinks is Mirror return.
Being a Limbo Altered Entity for much longer than Kisaki, he is able to control his emotions better.
Mirror, however, uncharacteristically berates Medlo.
Mirror begins growing mirror-like crystals to close off the entrance to Limbo.
Laycie and Medlo attempt to stop him, but the crystals will not shatter. They turn to attack him instead.
Mirror uses the remaining Pseudo-Humans and “infects” them with the mirror shards. Medlo and Laycie and overwhelmed.
Avkiran, seeing how badly the battle is going for Medlo and Laycie, uses his own crystal-growing magic to protect the two temporarily.
An entity known as Eclipse is created at Avkiran’s wish.
Battle of Heidero
Evelyn joins up with Atomus and Fate at Yugami’s palace. Mirror-infected Pseudo-Humans have already reached the empire.
Rukka is overwhelmed by the amount trying to keep them out of the palace.
Evelyn rushes in upon seeing one of Mirror’s reflections descend on Heidero.
Yugami is scared, but does his part in fending off the enemy. The onslaught of enemies halt as Mirror wishes to speak to Fate and Yugami.
Fate, stuck as an Ouroboros-like figure, remains coiled around Yugami.
Mirror attempts to convince them that he can “make things better”.
Yugami and Fate give him a vile response.
Needle and Thread
Rukka, now exhausted, tells them to kill Mirror.
At his order, an entity known as Needle and Thread is created.
Reflection of Romirr Kagami
Pandora and Galvarium split up to cover more ground. Pandora ends up in the ruins of Coldera.
Not taking the time to reminisce, she scans the surroundings for Mirror.
She doesn’t find him, but sees Romirr Kagami staring at the fallen statue of himself.
Romirr’s words are much more emotional than Mirror’s. He looks to Pandora with teary eyes, crying that he is sorry.
Pandora does not give in.
This causes Romirr to scream at her, his form shattering like a broken Mirror. The statue of Romirr cracks, eventually breaking, releasing a very angry Mirror Kagami.
His form now is much more grander. Nemesis Pandora, a very tall entity already, is merely the size of his hand.
Truth of His World
The entity known as Truth of His World begins to rapidly grow shards of mirrors from the ground.
Pandora notes how he seems to always just miss her, never directly aiming for her. She taunts him.
It does not take long for the others to join Pandora.
Galvarium is seemingly missing from the fight.
Atomus and Demi are severely injured.
Galvarium shows up just in time to stop Mirror from killing Kisaki and Tagashei.
She apologizes for being late. Pandora holds her hand.
While Mirror is spitting his words of so-called truth, Galvarium apologizes for losing Pandora’s body. Pandora forgives her.
Love Story
Though an odd time to do so, Galvarium proposes to Pandora. She accepts.
Through the vows they share, Love Story is created.
An entity much more fitting to take on Truth of His World, she tears his form apart symmetrically. Taking the mirror covering his face, his true face is revealed- Romirr’s. He is terrified.
Love Story crushes his mask.
Romirr Kagami, Mirror Kagami, Truth of His World- all are finally destroyed from a heart-shaped bullet to the head.
Finally, it is over.
The Gates of Limbo are sealed once again. The worlds return to their respective places.
Galvarium is once again unable to exist in the human realm.
After treating Demi and Atomus’ injuries, Sophia, Kisaki, and Demi create a new human form for Galvarium to exist in.
Kisaki and Medlo gradually return to their more humanoid forms.
Evelyn and Atomus live as normal humans. Atomus stays with Demi and Sophia to learn more about their science, Evelyn moves to Heidero, eventually becoming Yugami’s army advisor.
Year 1905, Pandora and Galvarium get married.
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omegai · 5 months
[pt: glaios]
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Glaios : a term for alphas who are, exclusively or not, attracted to omegas and betas.
[pt: glaios]
based on gladiolus | symbol link
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remake of aetaen to be flower based (link)
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Oh, Love: Alpha!Gladiolus Amicitia x Omega!Reader
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Contains: Miscarriage, flashbacks containing blood, brief mentions of hospitals, not taking care of yourself, just sad stuff in general :(
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It wasn’t fair.
You lay helplessly on your side, surrounded by the nest that once brought you such warmth and comfort now turned into a horrible cage that suffocated you endlessly. What were once blankets and forgotten shirts of your mate’s now taunted you with their scent, especially the leftovers from months ago. It haunted you to your core to the point that your very bones felt like they would turn to dust should the Astrals will them to.
The Astrals.
You wept into the nest, sweat-soaked body shivering at the chill in the room as you thought about the six of them. Had you had done something to upset them so? In this life or your past ones? It was the only reason you could fathom for the cruelty that had just laid you out to rot. It felt as though you had been stripped completely naked before their very godly eyes and judged.
And you lost their verdict.
You were well out of tears, you’ve been fresh out for days at this point. Your eyes felt as though you had left them to dry in Hammerhead, tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth with the unsatisfactory taste of bile and unbrushed teeth clinging to the dry cavity. You couldn’t will yourself to climb out of your nest, barely able to even get up for the bathroom let alone take care of any of your other needs, and at this point, you were starting to smell like something really was rotting away in the nursery. You had been home for a little less than a week, your body was still sticky in some areas from medical tape and such, well-worn bandages and gauze were still stuck to your person and you really didn’t care to rip them off right now.
You squeezed your eyes shut as another dry sob tore through your body, turning your head to bury the sound into the floor of the nest. You clawed at your shoulders, nails biting through the thin fabric of one of your mate’s shirts. Normally, it was big on you, draping down and acted like a flowy nightdress, but it was bigger; Both from your stretching it as you curled up into a ball and tucked your legs inside and the fact that you were losing weight from simply not eating at all. You did it again, tucking your knees as far as they could go to your chin and trembled like you were left out in the freezing rains, inhaling your mate’s strong scent that heavily lingered.
His smell is normally enough to calm you down tremendously, but it didn’t do shit now.
It made you feel even worse, really.
How could you lose it? How could you lose his baby? How could you be so careless?
If you had just took better care of yourself…
‘These things happen,’ the voice of one of the Citadel’s doctors echoed in your head. ‘It’s not common that they happen nowadays, but it still does.’
It had to have been your fault.
How could he ever trust you let alone look at you again?
His footsteps were light, they’ve been light since the moment he could sniff out you were pregnant with his child, but he walked on even more fragile eggshells now. You could hear him descend the stairs, stilling your choked up breathing as you hiccuped softly, unscrewing your reddened eyes to focus only to close them when you heard him start for the door of the nursery once more today.
He knocked softly, the floorboards creaking under his bulky weight. His strong scent wafted from underneath the crack of the door. His scent had turned when you had miscarried, it wasn’t as strong. He normally smelled like a freshly lit campfire crackling away at tinder amongst the sweat he normally carried on his person, and it always did wonders for you. But now? That fire was put out, embers dying, smoke dissipating; Like someone - or something, damned Astrals - had taken the bucket of water to it after getting chewed out by a park ranger.
He waited for you to respond, he always did, even before you both mated. He knocked again a little louder when you didn’t respond.
“(Y/n)?” his voice croaked out from the other side. You couldn’t will yourself to speak, only letting out a pathetic whimper as freshly churned tears started to prickle at the corners of your eyes. The door creaked open as he slowly opened it, the smell of him suddenly enveloped you in a tight embrace to the point it nearly made you choke on nothing. “Oh, love,” he crooned.
Despite how worried he sounded, he had to have been mocking you. Right?
He stepped towards you slowly before he stopped right at the nest. You had built it after your heat hit unexpectedly while he was away with Noctis on a trip to an allied nation. He came home a few days later, able to smell your heat from the car before he even got out. It awoke something primal inside of him, yanking his rut into the light. He stormed through the house like a sex-crazed beast and yanked open the door to the nursery you’ve both longed to fill since the second you both mated nearly one year ago, clothes off, eyes lit aflame as he pounced. You both never bothered to take the nest apart, something inside of you needed it to stay up for as long as possible.
You could guess that your body knew all along that you’d fail.
What good was an omega who couldn’t have babies? Especially when the alpha was the shield of the future king?
Gladio toed off his boots and stepped into the nest, quickly getting on his knees behind you. He brought one big hand up to your hip, rubbing deep circles into the skin as he tried to assess you the best he could. You saw the look he wore out of the corner of your eye; Pure worry plastered on his chiseled face.
He wasn’t mad at you for losing your baby?
“How’re doing?” he murmured softly. Those two words were the straw that broke the spiracorn’s back. The flood gates reopened- no, they broke open. The cement walls you had been trying to patch up the past week suddenly exploded as you started to sob your eyes out once again. Gladio suddenly looked shocked and then horribly pained, not meaning to cause such anguish. He gripped at you, firm hands stopping you from completely curling in on yourself as you felt your entire world shift once again on its axis. “Shit- (Y/n), I’m so sorry, I- I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry more. (Y/n), baby, please.”
You’ve never seen him so shaken up until that night. You were barely into your second trimester, finally getting over the throes of morning sickness as excitement bubbled wildly inside of the two of you. Everything was so perfect until you suddenly awoke in the middle of the night to a horrible pain stinging your lower back as an unbearable pressure took hold of your core. He’d never heard you cry like that before, waking up from a dead sleep as your nails sank into him. When he flicked the lamp on, he felt as though he had been stabbed in the heart when he saw red blooming from the sheets beneath you.
Just thinking about that color made your throat tense and chin quiver, a sickening nausea rolling in as you tried to take stable breaths.
He gripped onto you harder, large hands splaying across your trembling skin as he shushed you softly. One of his hands rested on your waist, rocking you back and forth a bit to help calm you down, fingers digging in deep to the soft muscles to help ground you.
“(Y/n),” he crooned deeply. The sudden smell of campfires and nature bled into your nose despite your constant sniffling, but it wasn’t overpowering and primal like it was months ago during his spurred on rut. It wasn’t sexual- of course it wasn’t - but calming, like the nights of a camping trip gone right, a freshly lit fire campfire to round out the night, to keep you warm and comfortable in your tent. It did something, allowing the slightest bit of pain to ebb away from your heart as something fuzzy and warm settled in the back of your mind. “(Y/n), answer me,” he urged softly, kneading your body a little harder.
Your face suddenly twisted with grief again as another pitiful whimper racked your shoulders, your lips pulling back and you were left mumbling and babbling.
“I’m so sorry,” you were able to choke out before you felt yourself curl into a tight, quivering ball.
It pained him to see you this way, his senses burning with a desire to make things right by you some way and some how. He couldn’t deny the tears that prickled at the corners of his eyes and the way his breath caught in the back of his throat. He wasn’t one to cry. He’s been upset before, plenty of times, but the last time he really cried was when his mother passed when he and Iris were still young, never really being driven to up until now. The death of his unborn child and his omega taking it horribly weighed heavily on his shoulders.
The way you stopped taking care of yourself, the way you cried behind the closed door, the way you practically sealed yourself in the nursery to torture yourself even more. He needed to help you get better.
“This isn’t your fault,” he crooned. “We can always try again when we’re both ready.”
Gladio moved, deciding that this position wouldn’t do you both much good. He sank one hand underneath you, fingers curling around your shirt as he gripped at your clothed hip. You groaned in protest, fingers curling into the floor of the nest as you thought he was picking you up to take you away from this damned room, as a pitiful cry bubbled up to the surface. You only shut up when he moved you towards the edge and set you down gently before he laid down right behind you.
You found yourself suddenly draped in a blanket of safety as Gladio draped one of his burly arms over your waist and drew your back as close as he could to his front. He nosed at your jaw, urging you to tilt your head to the side as he quickly buried his face in your throat. He purred softly, pressing sweet kisses to your supple skin. He pressed an even deeper kiss to where he marked you.
You could still feel it, when he sank his teeth in your neck and claimed you as his own omega.
And he was your alpha.
Your alpha that was now taking care of you as you slowly stopped your weeping and started drifting off inside of your old nest with your alpha wrapped around you.
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We want to say a huge and heartfelt Thank You to everyone who participated in Liam Dunbar Appreciation Week 2023! We received over 30 entries and couldn’t be happier to share them all with you here. All the creations were excellent and we were especially delighted by the volume of art made for this event. See more entries under the cut!
If we’ve missed a post, please send a message and we’ll add it.
Thank you for joining us in celebrating our favorite beta werewolf, and we look forward to hosting more events in the future!
Day I: The Sun, the Moon, the Truth / Emotions
A Little Less Lonely - fic by @wolfboy88
you’re frightened of your nature - edit by @metagalacticx
There’s So Much More to you - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
Not Psychotic - fic by @neoghoulukaku
Day II: I'm Just That Good / Relationships
A Hero can be Anyone - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
Play Me Something - fic by @wolfboy88
so i sat there - edit by @metagalacticx
Day III: I Fell in a Hole / Colors
Red - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
Yellow - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
Accidentally Yours - fic by @wolfboy88
white - moodboard by @metagalacticx
Day IV: I Can Be the Alpha... / Poetry/Lyrics
Let Me Get What I Want - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
Haven’t Had a Dream in a Long Time - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
Day V: Dealer's Choice / Alternative Universe
Language of Flowers: Gladiolus - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
a - edit by @metagalacticx
I’m Not Gonna Help You - art by @allyjostan
Head to Head with the Beast - art by @ruthless-rainbow
lil liam doodle - art by @allyjostan
Liam vs the Ghost Riders - art by @ruthless-rainbow
Liam Takes on the Hellhound - art by @ruthless-rainbow
Quagmire - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
Being Clark Kent - art by @ruthless-rainbow
a2 - edit by @metagalacticx
Liam + Lacrosse - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
a handful of onyx - art by @metagalacticx
The First Beta - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
Day VI: I'm His Flight Attendant / Fight
Friendship and Forgiveness - fic by @wolfboy88
You know, I Always Hated Mirrors - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
Liam Dunbar - art by @sceptemver
Day VII: What? I Like History... / Fav Lines
I Know Who We Are - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
Alt: Hands, Pre-Series, Foils and Mirrors
Hands + Poetry - edit by @seemebaremyteethforyou
hands - edit by @metagalacticx
AO3 Collection
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ffxvficrec · 12 days
by Anonymous With the Regalia missing and the roads closed, Noctis and his retinue find themselves stranded in Duscae. As their restlessness builds, darkening skies foreshadow trouble on the horizon. Noctis feels as if he's fully accepted his new status as an omega (it's actually more difficult imagining going back to the blissful ignorance of a beta) but his forced proximity with - and still increasing attraction towards - Gladio is proving to be a challenge more difficult to overcome. Words: 3536, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English Series: Part 11 of As Bonds Overflow Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum , Gladiolus Amicitia , Prompto Argentum , Ignis Scientia Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia , Gladiolus Amicitia & Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics , Canon Rewrite , Alpha Gladiolus Amicitia , Alpha Ignis Scientia , Omega Prompto Argentum , Omega Noctis Lucis Caelum , Secret Crush , Misunderstandings , Scent Marking , Friends With Benefits , Fake/Pretend Relationship , Slow Burn , Pining , Established Relationship , Idiots in Love , Bromance
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windwakemeup · 9 months
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“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” A stand-alone render of Eberhart from the reference sheet I did of him a while ago. Figured I did one for Vilvarin and Gladiolus, so I'd do one for him. Played around a bit with GIMP's filters and a screenshot of Fallout 3 with an EMB for the background. Something something religious trauma and growing up feeling out of place and alien in a world actively hostile to you
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leah-halliwell92 · 1 year
Gifted In Secret
Summary: The Papas have all received handmade gifts from someone. They didn't know who and their ghouls had been sworn to secrecy. The one that noticed a trend in Papa was Nihil and it all stemmed from the jealosy that he himself had not gotten one of these handmade gifts.
(Warning: Mentions of abandonment, child dumping, neglect, and verbal abuse.)
SFW: Platonic relationships throughout the piece.
There was no love lost between he and his father, all that knew them knew this fact. Among them his personal assistant and assistant to the Papa, Katherine. She had come to the Ministry a young child, almost too young by the standards of some and yet there she was. Primo had found her in a trash bin during one of his walks. Had fought tooth and nail to keep her as his own, fought his father and later Imperator for his rights not just as Papa but her Papa.
It had taken her the better part of a year but by the time spring came, she'd had managed to embroider all his handkerchiefs with all the flowers they had planted over the years. She ran her finger over the corner that had an amaryllis on it and smiled placing the item in his dresser where the rest of his collection was neatly put away.
She hoped he liked her gift...and hoped he never found out it was from her.
"Tesoro?" Primo called for her later that day as he made his way into his office.
"Yes Papa?" she replied in acknowledgment as she set out the spread of tea and its fixings. She looked up at the small huff he gave her and grinned, "Yes daddy?"
"Bene," he stated with a small grin, the old man happy at the change in title as he has always been when she says it. Even now as a young woman, he could always tell the differences in how she said his titles.
"You wouldn't happen to know where these came from do you?" he asked curiously, showing her the day's handkerchief. This one had a gladiolus on it.
"No daddy," replied the young woman, "I found a box with your favorite brand while picking up your mail one day. I had Alpha give it a check and once it passed inspection put the box in your drawer why?"
Primo shook his head with a knowing grin and approached her showing her the flower that is on it.
"Maybe whoever gifted them wants you to feel appreciated and maybe even show their gratefulness," she said with a shrug.
Primo looked at his daughter and smiled widely.
"You make your old man proud little one," he said, voice thick with pride and shining eyes.
"You have no need to do that Katie," he said, pulling her in for a hug.
"But I do," she said thickly, "You took me in when you didn't need to. You have fought for me from the very beginning despite you having more on your plate than you should have."
"You tesoro have and will always be worth it," he said and pressed a kiss to her forehead pulling her into a strong hug only a father could give.
That evening during mandatory family dinner Primo made no secret about the gift he had received.
"I will be sure to extend your most profound gratitude to the Siblings during Black Mass then," said Secondo with a deep chuckle.
Through covert eyes, or as covert as he could muster, Papa Emeritus Zero eyed his eldest as he admired the craftsmanship of the token he had received. It could be nothing but at the same time couldn't shake the feeling that there is something more to this token.
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kavvehs · 2 years
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if you enjoy any of my work, please consider reblogging! it greatly helps get my work seen by others!
requests are not the main point of this blog. i write them for fun when i have the time, not out of obligation.
you can request up to three characters of your choice per headcanon. they must be from the same franchise, however.
there are only three available slots at a time. please only request once at a time, so others can participate.
yandere requests must be requested off of anon with an age visible.
breaking any of these rules or requesting while they’re closed will result in your ask being deleted.
this page can and will be updated the more i’m introduced to different concepts and ideas.
if you have any questions or concerns, you’re more than welcome to approach me about it!
female / gender neutral reader | headcanons | fluff | angst | yandere / dark content | suggestive | various au | spoilers | familial / platonic / romantic relationships | enemies to lovers | sagau | feel free to ask!!
oneshots | male readers | ocs / canon x canon | nsfw | reader with specific physical traits | fetishes / kinks | cheating | incest | pedophilia | large age gaps
JUJUTSU KAISEN — satoru gojo, yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, yuta okkotsu, maki zenin, aoi todo, MAHITO.
FIRE EMBLEM THREE HOUSES — all blue lions, all golden deer, seteth, flayn, rhea, dorothea, bernadetta, sothis, shez, arval.
NIER — brother!nier, kainé, devola, popola, 2b, 9s, a2, adam, eve.
PERSONA 5 ROYAL — REN AMAMIYA, yusuke kitagawa, ryuji sakamoto, haru okumura, makoto niijima, futaba sakura, “kasumi” yoshizawa, GORO AKECHI, morgana (platonic), sae niijima, takuto maruki.
K/DA — evelynn, seraphine, ahri
ARCANE — vi, silco, vander, jayce, viktor
BREATH OF THE WILD — LINK, zelda, SIDON, REVALI, mipha, urbosa.
JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE — dio, joseph joestar, team bucciarati, diavolo / doppio, narciso anasui, foo fighters, weather report, enrico pucci, jolyne kujo, emporio (platonic)
KILL LA KILL — ryuko, satsuki, mako.
YUGIOH — yugi, atem, joey, kaiba, jaden (+ yubel), chazz, jesse, zane.
CODE GEASS — lelouch, c.c., mao, suzaku, euphemia.
DARLING IN THE FRANXX — squad 13, zero two, klaxosaur princess, alpha
FINAL FANTASY — cloud, zack, tifa, aerith, reeve, rufus, sephiroth (cc), reno, rude, tseng, kadaj, yazoo, loz, denzel (platonic), noctis, prompto, gladiolus, ignis, lunafreya, gentiana, iris, nyx, crowe, ardyn.
if you’ve read this far and intend to request from me, pls like this post so i know you read it!
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fictionparadiso · 1 year
Welcome to my Eden's Garden
Hello, you may call me Paradiso, and I welcome you to my Tumblr blog where I will share with you my brainrot, character adoration and general ravings about fiction. (Note: This blog WILL contain NSFW stuff, which I will both tag and write in the title, so you can be almost 100% sure you will find it). Now, to the basics:
DNI Information
Please, if any of the following groups apply to you, do not interact with this blog:
Minors - I am sorry, but I do not feel comfortable interacting with minors with a blog like this. So I would kindly ask you to interact with me if you are under 18.
Haters - I know this term is VERY ambiguous, but basically - if you do not like the content this blog focuses on OR you are not comfortable with any of my identities or styles or whatever - feel free to block me. Both you and I will spare our sanity.
I'm sure there are other groups or traits that I do not feel comfortable with which I have not mentioned. In any case, I just want to clarify that I reserve the right to block you without indicating a reason. If I do not feel comfortable interacting with you or your content, I will either ignore or block you, it isn't necessarily personal and I will not give any warning, just wanting to put that out there.
What you can expect
Now, this blog will heavily focus on the characters that I like and my headcanons or short fics of them (usually in general, other characters or with a self-insert reader). If it is self-insert the reader will be either M or GN coded (sorry, not comfortable with F!Reader).
If you want to share your enthusiasm about any of the characters or franchises you see on my list (or even don't see, but just want to scream at someone about them), I may be your guy~
When I write NSFW you can expect a listing of the kinks and such somewhere at the beginning so you know if it is or is NOT for you. Some of my kinks are pretty out there, so don't feel bad for not sharing them.
My F/O list
While I would not label myself as Fictosexual, I do tend to develop feelings towards characters in media and think up a lot of different scenarios. I also do not get jealous about my F/Os, so if you like any of the one's I like, feel free to rave about them with me! (if you're comfortable, of course)
💖 Main Romantic F/Os 💖
Iwai Munehisa - Persona 5 - #I call Shotgun
Maruki Takuto - Persona 5 - #No more Tears
Harumi Takeda - My Senpai is Annoying - #My Senpai is Lovable
Diavolo - Obey Me! - #Deal with the Devil
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - #Under your Scales
Unabara/Neptune - Heaven's Design Team - #In Heaven
Alistair - Dragon Age Origins - #Be my bastard king
🌹 Other Romantic F/Os 🌹
Gladiolus Amicitia - Final Fantasy XV - #Shield for a Shield
Rengoku Kyojuro - Demon Slayer - #My Heart is Ablaze
Bryce - Jock Studio (NSFW source) - #Party Teddy bear
Derek - Jock Studio (NSFW source) - #Gentleness personified
Uzui Tengen - Demon Slayer - #Flamboyant Party Animal
Dojima Ryotaro - Persona 4 - #Dad and Idyll
Leon - Pokemon Sword/Shield - #Champion of my Heart
Archie and Matt (poly) - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby - #Waterbound Trio
Lysandre - Pokemon X/Y - #Whatever Boss says is true
Lt. Surge - Pokemon (he's in too many games) - #Sparks are Flying
Lucifer - Obey Me! - #Prim and Proper
All Might - My Hero Academia - #You are my Hero
Gentle Criminal - My Hero Academia - #Gentlemen Bonding
Rider/Iskandar - Fate/Zero - #Conqueror of my Mind (purely aesthetic, I have NOT consumed any Fate media yet)
Clive - Final Fantasy XVI - #Raven-haired heartthrob
Hawke - Dragon Age II - #Hawke Fever (purely aesthetic, I have NOT consumed any Dragon Age II media yet)
Hjalmar an Craite - Witcher - #Rage of the Islands
Jacques de Aldersberg - Witcher 1 - #Burnt Rose (very morally incorrect)
Siegfried - Witcher 1 - #Ideal Knight
Graves - League of Legends - #Mutual Coin Fever
Sett - League of Legends - #Kneeling for the Boss
Garen - League of Legends - #For Demacia's Hero
Dion - Final Fantasy XVI - #My only true Emperor
Akira Konoe - Persona 5 Strikers - #Heroes don't wear capes
Fatgum - My Hero Academia - #Bubblegum dreams
Zayne - Jock Studio (NSFW source) - #Fanclub for the king
🍀 Main Platonic F/Os 🍀
Kanjori Mitsuri - Demon Slayer - #Mochi Breathing
Kocho Shinobu - Demon Slayer - #Butterfly in the Night
Bayonetta - Bayonetta - #Let's Dance on the Moon
Cynthia - Pokemon Diamond/Pearl - #Domineering Companion
Kirijo Mitsuru - Persona 3 - #Two in Harmony
Yennefer of Vengerberg - Witcher - #Obsidian Star
Geralt of Rivia - Witcher - #The White Wolf
🌊 Other Platonic F/Os 🌊
Triss Merigold - Witcher - #Magic Allergy
Ahri - League of Legends - #Nine-tailed Charms
Lux - League of Legends - #Prism in the Rough
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jennytomlinson99 · 1 year
Summary: Prompto is eight and a half months pregnant, and he goes into labour while Ardyn and Ignis are at the Citadel. His two alphas rush home, and they help Prompto deliver their child together.
Notes: Ardyn Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia/Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Ardyn, Alpha Gladio, Alpha Ignis, AU, Beta Noctis, Childbirth, FTM Prompto, Labor, Mpreg, Omega Prompto, Polyamory, Pregnant Prompto, Trans Male Prompto, etc.
Note: Prompto identifies as male, but he hasn't had any top or bottom surgery because he can't afford it and the Citadel doesn't cover gender affirming care with the insurance they offer to the Crownsguard. Also, this is my first FFXV fic, so please go easy on me.
"We'll be back soon, I promise. This is just a standard meeting with the council." Ardyn says before he presses a kiss to Prompto's lips. Prompto clings to him, but Ardyn forces himself to break the kiss. If he doesn't leave with Ignis soon, they're going to be late.
"Please don't go." Prompto's lip quivers as tears well up in his violet-blue eyes.
"I wish I could stay Prom, I really do, but they said the meeting was important. We have to go." Ardyn says sadly.
"But what if I—" Prompto starts to say, but Ardyn places his finger over his lips.
"Shh. You're gonna be ok, I promise. The baby's not due for another two weeks." Ardyn says as he caresses Prompto's cheek.
"O-okay. I-I love you." Prompto sniffles. At eight and a half months pregnant, his emotions were all over the place, and he can't help a tear from falling down his freckled cheek.
"We should be home in an hour or two, okay? I love you sunflower." Ignis walks over and gives Prompto a kiss.
"I love you too." Prompto says softly. He cries as Ardyn and Ignis leave, the house now feeling empty without his husbands.
Prompto groans as he gets up from the couch to grab something to eat, and he waddles down the hallway that leads to the kitchen. He's a little out of breath when he reaches the kitchen island, and he breathes deeply as he rubs his pregnant belly with one hand. He rests his other hand on the counter to ground himself.
His once skinny frame was long gone, now replaced with a large and prominent baby bump, and his almost non-existent breasts were now a B cup. He certainly hoped that his body would just 'bounce back' after he'd had the baby, but it was wishful thinking at this point. He also really hopes he can get some top surgery done after he doesn't have to breastfeed anymore.
As Prompto stands at the kitchen island, he feels a pain in his stomach. He gasps as he holds onto his stomach and does the breathing exercises he'd learned at his lamaze class. Doctor Gainsborough had told him that he'd start to experience Braxton Hicks contractions the closer he got to his due date, and this wasn't the first time he'd dealt with them.
"No, no, no, c'mon. Not now." Prompto pleads. He's not supposed to have the baby for another two weeks, but this pain feels different than the other Braxton Hicks contractions he'd had before. It hurts more, and he feels that something is wrong.
Prompto waddles back to the couch to grab his phone, and he speed dials Ardyn. The phone rings a few times before going to voicemail. Ardyn must've turned his phone on silent while they were in the meeting.
Fuck. Prompto thinks. Fucking council and their dumbass meetings. His anxiety rises as Ardyn's voicemail message plays through his phone.
"This is Ardyn Scientia-Caelum. I'm not available right now. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can~." Prompto feels a few tears falling down his cheeks when Ardyn doesn't pick up. The message tone beeps, and he struggles to find something to say.
"Ardyn, i-it's me. I think I'm in labor. I need you and Ignis to come home, please." Prompto says before hanging up. He decides to call Noctis next. Surely his best friend will answer him. Unfortunately, he gets the same response from the prince.
"You've reached Noct! Leave a message!"
"Dammit!" Prompto swears. He doesn't even bother to leave a message. He hangs up and calls Gladio, but Gladio doesn't pick up either.
"This is Gladio. Leave a message."
"What's the point of having a phone if you're not gonna fucking answer it?!" Prompto groans as he sits down on the couch. He dials Ardyn again.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up." Prompto chants. Ardyn's phone goes to voicemail again. "Ardyn, it's me again. Please, you gotta come home. I think the baby's coming." Prompto says worriedly before he hangs up.
Ignis. Ignis will pick up. Prompto thinks. He quickly dials the number. The phone rings a few times before also going to voicemail.
"You've reached Ignis Scientia-Caelum, royal advisor to Prince Noctis. I'm unavailable at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep."
"Gods dammit!" Prompto thinks. "Iggy, it's me. I think I'm in labor. Come home, please." Prompto says before hanging up.
Ignis and Ardyn are still in the meeting, and the councilmen are getting nowhere. All that's happening is constant bickering over what bills and laws they should or shouldn't keep, and if they should introduce new ones.
Ignis knows it's rude, but he can't help looking at his phone to check the time. His eyes widen when he sees a notification that he has three missed calls and seven messages from Prompto.
"Grand councilman, I do apologize, but I have to take a moment to call my pregnant husband," Ignis says as he stands up and walks over to the corner of the room. He leans against one of the pillars as he calls Prompto, and Ardyn follows him. "Prom, is everything alright darling?" Ignis asks.
"Iggy. Thank Astrals." Prompto says with relief. After trying to reach him and Ardyn for two hours, one of them finally answered.
"Prompto, what's wrong? You sound distressed dear." Ignis says, and Prompto starts to cry. He's so terrified in this moment, and he needs his alphas.
"I-Iggy, the baby's coming." Prompto sobs as he places his hand over his stomach. He's had five more contractions since the first one, but his water hasn't broken yet.
"Prompto, are you sure you're in labor?" Ignis says, and Ardyn's eyes widen in shock.
"Yes, Ignis. I've already had a few contractions." Prompto replies, and he hears Ardyn saying something in the background.
"Holy Astrals. How far apart are the contractions?" Ignis says. Ardyn continues speaking with one of the high council members in the background, and he notices that they seem a bit angry at their meeting being cut short.
"About twenty minutes." Prompto answers.
"Our child is more important! We're leaving!" Prompto hears Ardyn shout.
"Prompto, we'll be there soon." Ignis says. He pulls Ardyn away from the councilman before their argument can escalate further.
"O-okay. Please don't hang up." Prompto whimpers. More tears fall down his cheeks, and he sniffles.
"I'm right here darling. Did your water break already?" Ignis asks as he and Ardyn start walking down the corridor in the Citadel. They pass by the botanical gardens before reaching the elevator. Prompto always loved the gardens. They'd always find him there after their council meetings. He wasn't of royal status, so he always had to sit outside and wait until they were finished, and he'd taken a hobby in photographing the flora and fauna.
"No." Prompto says.
"Okay, that's good. We can figure out how many centimetres you are once we get home." Ignis says as they take the elevator down. Ardyn grabs the phone from him then.
"Prompto dear, I know you're scared, but it's gonna be okay. Just focus on your breathing. We're leaving right now." Ardyn says. They quickly reach his red Vixen, and once he and Ignis are buckled in, he speeds off to their house. Ardyn hands the phone back to Ignis, and he puts it on speaker.
"Prompto, can you hear me?" Ignis asks.
"Yeah. I can hear you. How far away are you?" Prompto says.
"Considering that Ardyn's speeding, I'd say about ten minutes. I just hope we don't get pulled over." Ignis replies. He places his hand on Ardyn's shoulder, trying to calm the older male.
"The Crownsguard and Glaives know better than to pull over a royal." Ardyn quips as he takes a sharp right.
A few minutes later, Prompto hears Ardyn's car pulling into the driveway. He feels another contraction start, and he yelps in pain. He grabs onto his stomach and breathes deeply as the contraction ripples through his body.
"Prompto!" Ignis gasps as he walks inside with Ardyn. They quickly make their way over to their husband.
"Y-you made it. Agh!" Prompto groans, and he reaches for Ignis' hand. He squeezes it as Ardyn sits down next to him and rubs his shoulder.
"Shh. You're ok. We're right here honey. Just breathe." Ardyn says as the contraction passes. Prompto catches his breath and he leans against Ardyn's chest.
"Ardyn, help him undress. I need to check your progress Prompto." Prompto nods, and Ardyn helps him stand. Ardyn pulls his joggers and underwear down for him as Ignis takes the first aid kit out of the hall closet. He sanitizes his hands before putting on some medical gloves and coating two of his fingers with lube.
"Are you good baby?" Ardyn says after he's helped Prompto. He's almost bare naked now, and he blushes a bit. It's not the first time Ignis and Ardyn have seen him like this, but he can't help feeling self conscious.
Prompto nods in response, and he tenses a bit when he feels Ignis' fingers inside him. His body is preparing to birth their child, and everything hurts. He grunts a bit at the feeling.
"Sorry darling. This will only take a few seconds," Ignis says, and Prompto feels his fingers spread a bit. He soon feels Ignis' fingers leave his opening, and he lets out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in. "Okay, you're at four centimetres. Did you want to stay out here, or should we move to the bedroom?"
"I'd rather be in the bed. It's more comfortable." Prompto says.
"Alright, we'll move to the bedroom." Ignis says. Ardyn helps Prompto get up, and they head down the hall to their master bedroom.
Twenty minutes later, Prompto has another contraction. "Ardyn, Ignis!" Prompto yells, and Ardyn comes into their room and sits down on their bed.
"I'm here, sunshine. Ignis is in the kitchen grabbing you some ice." Ardyn runs his fingers through Prompto's golden locks as he breathes through the contraction.
"I'm here," Ignis enters the room with a plastic cup of ice. "How are you feeling?"
"Like my insides are being ripped apart." Prompto groans.
"It'll pass dear. Remember to breathe." Ignis coaches as Prompto squeezes his hand.
"Ugh. This sucks. Why does labor have to hurt so much?" Prompto huffs after the contraction has finished.
"I'm sorry darling. I wish there was something we could do." Ignis says as he sits down on the bed.
"All that matters is that you're here. The first two hours by myself were so scary." Prompto says as he leans his head on Ignis' shoulder.
"I'm so sorry dear. We should've been here." Ardyn apologizes.
"It's not your fault. Baby decided to come a couple weeks earlier," Prompto says. "I will be giving the grand councilman a stern talking to though. Alphas need parental leave too, dammit." Ignis laughs softly.
"Yes. They really need to add that." Ignis agrees.
A couple hours later...
"Prompto, would you like to walk around a bit? It should help your labor progress easier." Ignis asks. They've been laying in bed while Prompto goes through his contractions, and he can tell that the blonde is getting restless.
"Gods, yes. I need to stretch my legs." Prompto replies, and Ignis helps him off the bed. Ardyn follows close behind them as they head to the living room.
"Did you want to try eating something?" Ardyn asks as he places his hand on Prompto's back.
"I'm okay for now." Prompto replies. He places his right hand on his stomach, and Ignis holds his left while Ardyn rests his hand on his shoulder.
They walk around the room for a while, but nothing changes. Prompto's contractions are still twenty minutes apart, and he starts to get frustrated as the fifth hour rolls by.
"How long is this gonna take?" Prompto whines as he leans his head on Ardyn's shoulder.
"There's no way to know for sure. It's different for everyone, dear. Most first time parents have said that their first child usually takes about twelve to eighteen hours to arrive." Ardyn says.
"Eighteen hours?! I don't want to be in labor for that long! I just wanna meet our baby." Prompto cries.
"We do too darling. They'll be here soon. Either later today or tomorrow, we don't know. They'll come on their own time." Ignis says as he rubs his hand up and down Prompto's arm.
"I'm tired of walking. I wanna lay down." Prompto says.
"Back to the room then." Ignis says.
A few more hours go by, and Prompto's still in labor with barely any changes.
"Prompto, I think I should check you again." Ignis says as he snaps a pair of gloves on.
"You need help sweetpea?" Ardyn asks. He's laying down on their king sized bed next to Prompto, idly running his fingers through the blonde's hair.
"Yeah. Help me sit up please." Prompto says, and Ardyn gives him a hand. He sits up straight, and Ignis spreads his legs open before pressing two fingers inside of him to check his dilation. It's quicker than last time, and Prompto lays back down when Ignis is finished.
"You're five centimetres now dear." Ignis informs the omega.
"Seriously? It's been nine hours, and I'm only five centimetres?! This fucking sucks!" Prompto groans.
"You wanna walk around again?" Ignis asks as he tosses the blue gloves into the trash.
"No. Actually, yeah," Prompto responds. Ignis and Ardyn grab each of his hands, and they help Prompto stand. Prompto feels a sudden pressure when he gets up, and then a clear liquid runs down his legs. "I think my water just broke." Prompto says as he looks down at the hardwood floor where a puddle is forming.
"I'll get something to clean it up with. Don't move." Ignis says as he walks over to the master bathroom. He quickly returns with a white towel, and he kneels down to wipe up the puddle.
"We should change your clothes." Ardyn says as Prompto looks up at him nervously.
"Y-yeah." Prompto says softly. Ardyn pulls off his pants and underwear, and he steps out of them. Ardyn hands Prompto's clothes to Ignis after he's cleaned up the puddle, and he puts them in the laundry basket.
"Do you wanna put on another pair of pants, or are you good like this?" Ignis asks.
"Just some underwear, please." Prompto answers, and Ignis takes a pair of boxers out of the dresser before handing them to Ardyn. Ardyn quickly helps Prompto into them before they head to the hallway.
"Okay, now that your water's broken, things should start moving a bit faster." Ignis says as Prompto starts taking laps around the living room again.
"Gods, I hope so. Ignis, I—agh, fuck! Fuck, it hurts so bad!" Prompto grunts as another contraction courses through him, and he grips tightly onto his lovers' hands.
"Breathe, darling." Ignis says.
"I know, Ignis!" Prompto shouts, and he immediately regrets it. "Iggy, I-I'm sorry."
"It's ok. You're in pain darling. We won't take anything to heart, right Ardyn?" Ignis says.
"Of course not. Would you like to sit down dearest?" Ardyn says as Prompto's contraction finishes. He rubs his husband's back a little, trying to help ease his pain.
"Yeah. My feet hurt." Prompto says, and he waddles over to the couch. He sits down slowly, and Ardyn sits down as well. Ignis decides to sit on the floor.
"Prom, you're doing so well." Ignis says as he brings Prompto's hand up to his lips and kisses it.
"Thanks Iggy." Prompto breathes out. He's been in labor for eleven and a half hours now, and his face sure shows it. His blonde hair and freckled cheeks are covered in sweat, and he knows he looks like a downright mess.
"Prompto darling, would you like something to drink?" Ignis asks the omega.
"Sure. Water is fine." Prompto replies, and Ignis stands up to head to the kitchen.
"Ardyn, care for an Ebony?"
"Sure. Thank you love." Ardyn replies. Ignis grabs two cans of Ebony from the fridge, and then a water bottle for Prompto.
"Here we are. Some water for you, and Ebony for us." Ignis says as he sits down next to Ardyn. He hands the omega a water bottle, and then he hands a can of Ebony to Ardyn.
"Thank you sweetcheeks." Ardyn says. He kisses Ignis' pink lips softly before pulling away.
"Tis my pleasure." Ignis says, and Prompto smiles at his two alphas. He's usually the center of their affection, but he loves when they have a moment of their own.
"So cute." Prompto whispers. Ardyn and Ignis look at him, and they both blush.
"You think so? You're pretty cute too." Ardyn says before kissing Prompto's cheek. Prompto tenses up a few seconds later, and he doubles over in pain, gripping his stomach. He cries out and grabs Ardyn's hand.
"Another one?" Ignis asks, and Prompto nods. He watches Prompto's face scrunch up in pain as the contraction rolls through his body, and he places a comforting hand on the blonde's knee.
Prompto whimpers as the pain subsides, and he presses his face into Ardyn's chest, a few tears falling down his cheeks.
"It's okay. You're gonna be okay." Ardyn soothes as he rubs Prompto's aching back.
"I just want it to be over!" Prompto sobs as he clutches Ardyn's shirt. Ignis' heart breaks at seeing Prompto in so much pain, but he knows it will all be worth it in the end.
"Prom, look at me honey," Ignis says, and the blonde turns to look at him with red rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks. "You're doing so well sweetheart. You're so strong, and I'm so proud of you." Ignis comforts the omega, and Prompto wipes away his tears with the back of his hand.
Prompto sniffles. "Y-you really mean that?"
"I do darling. Every word of it." Ignis replies. He kisses Prompto softly.
"Ignis is right. You're doing great dearest." Ardyn chimes in, and he rubs the back of Prompto's hand with his thumb. Prompto leans his head on Ardyn's chest, and he sighs as Ardyn plays with his hair.
Three more hours go by, and Prompto's now seven centimetres dilated. His contractions are still twenty minutes apart, with each of them lasting about thirty seconds. Prompto's opted to laying down on their bed again, and Ardyn and Ignis are laying down on either side of him.
"You're so beautiful Prompto. I'm gonna miss seeing you pregnant with our little one." Ardyn says as he traces little circles on Prompto's baby bump.
"Maybe we can have another one in a few years." Ignis says. He's propped up next to Prompto, his hand resting on his cheek.
"Mm, maybe. But this hurts so much, you have no idea," Prompto says. He tries to sit up a little, and Ignis helps him. He's then hit with a contraction, and he whimpers. "Oh, fuck! Fucking astrals, fuck!" Prompto yells, and Ignis offers him his hand. He squeezes Ignis' hand tightly, and he loosens his grip as the pain starts to lessen.
"That was ten minutes. They're getting closer." Ignis says as he looks at the timer on his phone.
"Stronger too. That one really hurt." Prompto breathes deeply, and he places his hand on his baby bump.
"One through ten, how bad was it?" Ardyn asks.
"S-seven. Oh, gods." Prompto says as he feels a wave of nausea come over him.
"Prompto? You're looking a bit pale." Ignis says worriedly.
"Think I'm gonna be sick." Prompto says with a groan, and Ignis places a rubbish bin in front of him. He throws up into it, and his alphas share a concerned look. Prompto's morning sickness was quite bad in the first trimester of his pregnancy, and they didn't expect him to get sick during labor.
"It's alright Prom. Just let it out." Ignis says as he places a hand on Prompto's shoulder.
"Ugh. That was horrible." Prompto says after he feels that he's finished puking his guts out. Ignis places the rubbish bin on the floor nearby in case they need it again.
"Here darling. Drink some water." Ignis hands Prompto a water bottle. Prompto graciously takes the water, and he takes a few sips before handing it back to Ignis.
"Thanks Iggy. Ardyn, can you take off my bra? I'm hot." Prompto requests as he wipes his mouth.
"Sure baby." Ardyn replies. He unlatches the clasps on the back of Prompto's bra, and the omega breathes a sigh of relief. He absolutely hates wearing bras, but they're unfortunately necessary now that his breasts have gotten bigger and wearing a binder isn't possible. It'll be much better when he can get his top surgery and have them removed.
"Thank you. Kisses?" Prompto says, puckering his lips. Ardyn laughs softly before cupping Prompto's cheek with one hand and giving him a chaste kiss on the lips.
"Mm. You taste good." Prompto says after he pulls away from the kiss. He then leans over and kisses Ignis as well.
"Prompto, what's got you so worked up?" Ignis asks.
"Nothing. I just love you guys." Prompto says. He grabs a pillow from behind him and places it between his legs. He repositions himself so that he's sitting native style.
"I love you too." Ardyn and Ignis say at the same time, and Prompto smiles. He couldn't have asked for better husbands.
"Iggy, make it stop!" Prompto cries out. He grips onto Ignis' arm tightly as he goes through the most painful contraction yet.
"Shh...it's alright darling. You're doing so well. Just breathe." Ardyn says softly.
"Easy for you to say! You aren't being torn in half!" Prompto yells. He collapses onto the pillows behind him with a groan as the pain subsides.
Ardyn sighs as he sits down on the bed by Prompto's feet. Prompto's been in labor for almost fourteen hours, and he can tell that it's getting to him. Ardyn and Ignis are tired as well, but they certainly won't tell Prompto that unless they want profanities screamed at them.
"Prompto, I think I should check your dilation again. It's been a few hours and I'd like to see how you're progressing." Ignis says as he stands up.
"Okay." Prompto says, a little out of breath. His contractions are five minutes apart now, with each of them lasting about a minute. He barely has time to breathe before the next one arrives.
"Darling, you're ten centimetres. It's time to start pushing." Ignis announces.
"Finally." Prompto says.
"Ardyn, I want you to sit behind Prompto and let him lean against your chest. It'll help give him some leverage," Ignis says. Ardyn nods, and he shifts himself and Prompto until they're in the aforementioned position. "Prom, push on your next contraction, okay? You've got this." Ignis instructs.
It isn't long before Prompto's hit with another contraction, and he bears down, gripping onto Ardyn's forearms. He groans as the contraction works through him, and he feels the baby moving slightly lower.
"Good Prompto, good. Take a breather and push again." Ignis says from where he's situated between Prompto's legs.
"Agh! Shit, shit, shit!" Prompto yells as he pushes again, the pain returning tenfold.
"You're doing so good Prompto." Ardyn whispers as he brushes some of Prompto's hair behind his ear. Prompto nods weakly, and he grips tightly onto Ardyn as he pushes again.
They go through the routine for about ten minutes, and Prompto falls back against Ardyn's chest as another contraction finishes.
"Iggy, I can't do this anymore." Prompto says, exhausted from pushing. Tears fall down his cheeks, and he presses his face into Ardyn's chest as he sobs from the pain.
"Prompto, I know you're tired honey, but you're almost there. It should only take a few more pushes." Ignis says. He's starting to see part of the baby's head.
"O-okay." Prompto stutters. He grits his teeth as he pushes again, and he accidentally scratches Ardyn's arms, but not hard enough to draw blood.
"The head's coming darling! You're doing great!" Ignis announces.
"F-fuck! Holy six!" Prompto groans. "Gods, it burns!"
"Breathe Prompto." Ardyn says as he rubs the blonde's arm soothingly.
"The baby's crowning! Just breathe through this part, it'll prevent you from tearing." Ignis says. He looks up at Prompto, and he can tell how tired he is. His hair is matted, he's sweating profusely, and he looks like he could really use a nap after everything is over.
"Oh, gods. Are we almost there? I'm so tired." Prompto says as he closes his eyes briefly.
"The head's almost out, Prom. You're in the home stretch, don't tap out yet." Ignis says as he taps Prompto's leg in an attempt to keep him awake.
"I-I'm okay, I'm fine." Prompto says weakly. He pushes again, and he feels the baby's head emerge.
"Head's out now darling. A few more pushes should do it. I just have to check for the cord." Ignis says. He moves his hands towards the baby's neck, checking to see if the umbilical cord is wrapped around it. Once he's made sure everything is good, he gives Prompto a thumbs up.
Prompto pushes again on the next contraction, and he feels the shoulders start to slip out. He moans in pain, and Ignis places his hands under the baby's head.
"One more push Prom!" Ignis encourages. Prompto gives one final push, and the baby slips out and into Ignis' hands. Ignis clears the baby's airways with the suction bulb he'd kept in the nearby kit they made for the birth, and their child lets out a cry shortly after.
"Prompto, we have a daughter." Ignis says happily. He then clamps the umbilical cord before handing their baby over to Prompto.
"Oh my gods. She's beautiful," Prompto says. "Hi honey. I'm your daddy." Prompto whispers as he holds his newborn child in his arms, and a few happy tears run down his cheeks.
"Ardyn, she looks like you a bit." Ignis says as he walks over with sterile scissors. He and Ardyn cut the cord together, and then Ignis sits down on the bed next to Prompto.
"Aw, she does. She's got my eyes." Ardyn says with a smile. He was hoping that if the baby was his that she'd at least inherit one thing from him. The rest of her face is all Prompto's features, and her hair is blonde too.
"Are we still going with the name you chose?" Ignis asks as he caresses their daughter's cheek.
"Yeah. Freya Liv." Prompto says.
"I'm gonna get her cleaned up. I'll be right back." Ignis says as he picks up their daughter. He carries her over to the bathroom sink to wash her off.
Prompto looks up at Ardyn as Ignis walks away with Freya, and Ardyn smiles at him.
"We really made a baby. She's actually here." Prompto says, astonished.
"You did amazing dearest. We're so proud of you." Ardyn says. He leans down to kiss the blonde's forehead.
Ignis comes back in the room a few minutes later, and he sits down on the bed with Freya in his arms.
"Here she is." Ignis says as he hands Freya over to Prompto.
"She's so tiny." Prompto comments. He's already delivered the afterbirth, and now he's resting in Ardyn's arms.
"She'll grow up big and strong though, won't you angel?" Ignis coos at Freya. She just looks up at him with her big amber eyes, and then she yawns.
"I think she's getting sleepy." Ardyn says.
"I guess being born is just as tiring as giving birth." Prompto says.
"Hello little one, I'm your dad," Ardyn smiles at his firstborn daughter, and he gasps when she grabs hold of his pointer finger with her little hand. Ignis wipes away a tear from Ardyn's face, and Ardyn looks up at him. He hadn't even realized that he was crying. "She's really here Ignis. We have a daughter."
"I know. She's perfect." Ignis laughs softly, his green eyes also brimming with tears. Freya takes that moment to let out a shrill cry, and the three men are startled by her sudden outburst.
"She's probably hungry." Prompto says.
"Guide her to you, Prompto. She might need help." Ignis advises.
"Okay, here we go baby," Prompto says before he moves Freya's head lightly until her mouth is near his chest. She easily latches on to his nipple, and she begins to feed from Prompto. "Is that good, sweetpea? Daddy's got plenty for you." Prompto says with a soft laugh.
Freya feeds from Prompto's chest for a few minutes, and she releases once she's had her fill. Prompto lifts her up and rubs her back until she lets out a small burp.
"That's my girl." Prompto says. He repositions Freya, and he rocks her softly until she falls asleep in his arms.
"We should let her sleep. You need to rest as well Prom." Ignis says. He carefully lifts Freya out of Prompto's arms and places her in the bassinet near their bed.
Ignis' phone vibrates in his pocket a few minutes later. He looks at the caller ID to see that it's Noct. "Noct, how are you?" Ignis says as he answers the phone.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that Specs? Did Prom have the baby yet?" Noctis says as Gladio climbs onto the bed, sitting next to him.
"Yes. A little girl." Ignis replies.
"Congratulations to you three. What's her name?" Gladio speaks up.
"Freya Liv. She's got Ardyn's eyes, but the rest of her is all Prompto. Blonde hair and freckles included." Ignis says as he places his arm around Prompto's shoulder.
"Is that Noct?" Prompto says tiredly. Ignis nods, and Prompto holds his hand out for the phone.
"Hold on a second Gladio, Prompto wants to talk to you and Noct." Ignis says before passing the phone over.
"Hey guys." Prompto says softly.
"Hey Prompto. Congrats on the baby. How is she?" Noctis asks.
"I fed her earlier. She's asleep." Prompto says with a yawn.
"You should get some sleep too Blondie. You sound exhausted." Gladio says in concern.
"Yeah, I will. I'll talk to you guys later." Prompto says. He hands the phone back to Ignis before shutting his eyes and getting into a comfortable position to fall asleep.
"Would you two like to speak with Ardyn? He's here too." Ignis says as he places the phone between his chin and his shoulder.
"I don't see why not. He's the baby's father too." Noctis replies.
"Ardyn, it's Noct and Gladio." Ignis says as he passes the phone to his red-violet haired husband.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, your highness?" Ardyn drawls teasingly.
"Ignis says the baby's here. Congrats on your daughter." Noctis says.
"Thank you. Prompto did very well. He and Freya are resting now." Ardyn says as he looks over at Freya. She's still fast asleep in her bassinet.
"I'm sure you and Ignis're tired as well." Gladio says.
"Yea. We've all been up since seven this morning. You're welcome to come by tomorrow if Prompto's up for visitors." Ardyn says.
"We probably will. Goodnight guys." Noctis says before hanging up.
"It's time we get some well needed rest too Ignis. C'mere love," Ardyn says as he brings Ignis over to him. He kisses the brunette's lips. "I love you so much."
"I love you too. See you in the morning." Ignis says as he moves over to the right side of the bed. He switches off the bedside lamp before snuggling Prompto, breathing in the omega's sweet scent. Ardyn also snuggles Prompto from the other side of him, and they drift off to sleep. Nothing could be better than this.
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howdydarling · 2 years
Long post. Super long post. Super super long. Almost certainly not complete, but I ran outta steam like halfway through, so this is what you get.
IRL MEN. → men i would currently let absolutely wreck me
Ted Raimi - i do not have a single limit or boundary that i would not break for this man.
Lance Henriksen
Josh Brolin
Oscar Isaac
Jason Momoa
Christoph Waltz
→ men i have formerly been interested in who could probs still get it
Jeff Bridges
Robert Knepper
Andrew Scott
David Anders
Zachary Quinto
Leonard Nimoy (if he were still alive)
Karl Urban
DeForrest Kelley (if he were still alive)
Gaspard Ulliel
Paul Bettany
Adam Driver
Domhnall Gleeson
→ men i would probably fuck but not necessarily bc of the usual reasons
Tim Curry
Willem DaFoe
The Skarsgårds
Jack Black
→→ Outer Range
Royal Abbott
Perry Abbott
Rhett Abbott
Wayne Tillerson (it'd be a really weird fuck, i know it in my heart)
Billy Tillerson
Luke Tillerson
→→ Doctor Who
The Doctor (Nine / Ten)
The Master
→→ BBC Sherlock
Jim Moriarty
→→ Firefly
Hoban Washburne
Jayne Cobb
Simon Tam
→→ Torchwood
Owen Harper
Jack Harkness
→→ Heroes
Gabriel Gray / Sylar
Adam Monroe / Takezo Kensei
Peter Petrelli
Samuel Sullivan
→→ Dollhouse
→→ Star Trek (TOS)
Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock
→→ The Walking Dead
Negan Smith
The Governor
Darryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
→→ Tron
CLU 2.0
Kevin Flynn
Alan Bradley
→→ Jurassic Park (franchise)
Robert Muldoon
Ian Malcolm
→→ Zombieland
→→ Star Trek (NuTrek)
Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock
→→ Priest
Black Hat
Ivan Isaacs ("Priest")
→→ Dredd
Madeline "Ma-Ma" Madrigal (Mama's not a man but she could get it)
→→ Pacific Rim
Herc Hansen
Stacker Pentecost
Newton "Newt" Geiszler
Hermann Gottlieb
The Kaidanovskys
Hannibal Chau
→→ Hunger Games
Haymitch Abernathy
→→ Alien (franchise)
David 8
Dwayne Hicks Xenomorph
→→ The Lego Movie
Good Cop/Bad Cop
→→ Guardians of the Galaxy
Yondu Udonta
→→ Star Wars (franchise)
Armitage Hux
Kylo Ren
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
Cassian Andor
Poe Dameron
Phasma (again, not a man, but Oh Boy)
Qui-Gon Jinn
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Tobias Beckett
Dryden Voss
Literally any Stormtrooper (not just the clones)
Any/all of the Knights of Ren
→→ Legend
Ronnie Kray
Reggie Kray
→→ The Devil's Carnival
The Agent
→→ Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Hector Barbossa
Davy Jones
James Norrington
William "Bootstrap Bill" Turner
→→ Labyrinth
Jareth, the Goblin King
→→ Ferngully
→→ James Bond (franchise)
Raoul Silva
James Bond/007 (Daniel Craig)
Ernst Stavro Blofeld
→→ Inglourious Basterds
...am I allowed to say Hans Landa? Hans Landa.
Sgt. Donny Donowitz
Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz
→→ The Black Phone
Albert Shaw (look, sorry, don't @ me please)
→→ Scream (franchise)
Ghostface (but like?? the concept of him, rather than any particular actual iteration of him)
Dwight "Dewey" Riley
→→ Venom (franchise)
Eddie Brock
Cletus Kasady
→→ Dune (2021)
Gurney Halleck Leto Atreides Duncan Idaho Stilgar
→→ Final Fantasy X/X-2
Auron Jecht Seymour Guado Shuyin Baralai Nooj Gippal Isaaru
→→ Final Fantasy XV
Ignus Scientia Ardyn Izunia Gladiolus Amicitia Regis Lucis Caelum Clarus Amicitia Bahamut
→→ Resident Evil VIII: Village
Karl Heisenberg Sturm Soldats Lycans Varcolac Urias Brothers
→→ Kingdom Hearts (franchise)
→→ Borderlands (franchise)
Mordecai Handsome Jack Fl4k Zer0 Krieg
→→ Boyfriend to Death (franchise)
Strade Lawrence Oleander
→→ The Price of Flesh
Mason Derek The Auctioneer Jack Komodo Dragon Machete The Demon The Lich
→→ Overwatch
Jack Morrison (Soldier 76) Gabriel Reyes (Reaper) Jamison Fawkes (Junkrat) Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) Reinhardt Wilhelm (Reinhardt) Siebren de Kuiper (Sigma) Cole Cassidy
→→ The Quarry
Travis Hackett Jedediah Hackett Chris Hackett
→→ Fortnite
The Jonesy Collective Midas
→→ Left 4 Dead
Bill Overbeck The Hunter The Smoker
→→ Dragon Age (franchise)
Zevran Anders Fenris Alistair Iron Bull Krem Samson Solas Varric Hawke Cole
→→ Death Stranding
Heartman Higgs Deadman Sam Cliff
→→ Fallout 4
John Hancock Nick Valentine
→→ Detroit: Become Human
Hank Anderson Connor Gavin Reed Nines Simon Ralph Karl Manfred
→→ Star Wars
Sinjir Rath Velus Cardinal
→→ Shade's Children
→→ InkHeart
→→ A Darker Shade of Magic
Holland Astrid & Athos Dane
→→ Dune
Everyone included in the movie list, plus: Shaddam IV Hasimir Fenring
→→ Naruto
Gaara Zabuza Sasori Deidara Itachi Kakashi Iruka Kabuto Kisame Shikimaru Kankuro
→→ Trinity Blood
Isaak Fernand von Kampfer Dietrich von Lohengrin Abel Nightroad Cain Nightroad Radu Barvon Leon Garcia de Asturias Tres Iques Hugue de Watteau
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Sol Fertilis Holidays: July to December
Third Sunday- Father’s Day/Day of Peach Roses: It is to commemorate fathers.
28th-National Delta Day/Day of Green Gladiolus: It is the day of celebrating Deltas. Deltas would get gifts from their children, spouses, and siblings. They would go to attend sports games, funfairs, ski resorts, and theaters. Some Deltas would even get promoted to a higher position by their Alpha employers.
1st- Harvest Festival/Day of Grapes and Grains: It marks the beginning of the harvest and the stockpiling of food for the upcoming autumn and winter. The most notable is the large-scale carnival when people would go to parades, block parties, festival shows, barbecues, and dances. Alewives would be in churches giving away wine on this day to all of the ranks. Families would make a large loaf of bread to eat with either salt, spinach artichoke dip, marinara, garlic sauce, beer cheese, whipped feta, or dipping oil. Couples would handfast as they go to parks or gardens. 
8th- National Omega Day/ Lillemore Day/ Day of White Carnations: It is the day of celebrating Omegas and the birthday of Lillemore Rosário, an Omega who was assassinated after the election when the PNP won the majority. Families would take their Omega spouses and children to gardens for picnics or go to funfairs. Many people in Olympia would go to visit the Lillemore statue in front of the Royal Perfume Conservatory to pay their respects. 
24th to 31st- Celebration of Champions: It is a week-long sports festival where young athletes compete in different sports, such as soccer, triathlon, shooting, rowing, boxing, tennis, and fencing. The winner would be given a golden olive wreath and can represent Sol Fertilis in the Olympics. 
Second Sunday- Fest of Elders/Grandparents’ Day/Day of Amaranths: It is to commemorate grandparents and Elders.
Autumn Equinox- Fest of Wine/Day of Gathering: It is the first day of autumn. Alewives would give bottles of harvested beer and wine to start the day. Families would attend church to give offerings to Mars Sol and his family, along with his sister, Vesta Luna. A Delta Plus Lar would then sacrifice an ox to mark the end of the Mars Sol half of the year.
12th-National Beta Day/Day of Blue Hydrangeas: It is the day of celebrating Betas. All of given gifts from their employers and spouses. It is then split up into three categories depending on rank. Beta Pluses would attend theaters of performing arts or opera and formal restaurants. Beta Neutrals would attend dramas or comedies, go to ballrooms to dance, and eat in standard restaurants. For Beta Minuses, their Gamma Minus spouses would join them in a mass dance, similar to this. Then, they have dinner in communal restaurants, parties, and watch plays or musicals. 
31th-Fasting Day/Day of Fast: It is the day of fasting and abstinence. The night before, families would eat meals and would not eat for one day. They would attend mass in the church and pray. Babies and toddlers would be exempt from fasting. As this is a day of sexual abstinence, Mating Ceremonies are postponed and the Pleasure Venues will be closed on this day. 
1st- Fest of Offerings/Day of Folklore: It is the day to commemorate those who had passed on. The families would have a large feast to break the fasting. Alpha pups would gather around a bonfire in the evening. They would play games, wear wreaths, and crowning of the Pumpkin King, or Pumpkin Queen. Children are given sweets to represent giving food to Mars Sol’s children. It also marks the end of the harvest festival.
20th- Children’s Day/Children's Celebration/Day of the Blooming Daisy Sweet Peas: It is to commemorate children and grandchildren.
Winter Solstice- Fest of Midwinter/Day of Vesta Luna: It is the first day of winter. It is celebrated with family gatherings, feasts, gift giving, Midwinter shows, singing, and attending church. In a church, a Delta Plus Lar dances on the ground, usually barefoot on snow. Then an Omega would wear a white dress with red flame designs and a veil and sit on a curule seat. They sing a hymn commemorating Vesta Luna’s gift of the hearth, home, and prosperity. 
31st- New Year’s Eve: The celebration of the end of the Gregorian New Year.
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ao3feed-ignoct · 1 year
Could There Be An...Us?
read it on AO3 Here
by nychus
Having to accept his dynamic during the night was tough, but Ignis managed it the best he could while searching for a way to keep Noctis alive.
But when Noctis returns, a barrier is suddenly between them and Ignis feels a whole new pain in learning he may not be a friend or guardian Noctis wants anymore.
Words: 1915, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Noctis Lucis Caelum, Omega Ignis Scientia, Love Confessions, Episode Ignis Verse 2, IgNoct Gift Exchange
read it on AO3 Here
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thedarklordmegatron · 7 years
Of Pups and Wayward Omegas - Part 1
Thank you @rkcart for creating such a wonderful AU :D! I couldn’t resist doing a thing, hopefully I get the details right! All hail the wonderful creator of this Werewolf AU! 
Also on AO3 
The love, comfort and safety provided by his pack over the last four years had done little to quell the fear Prompto had felt every day for the past nine months. The fear that one morning he might wake from the beautiful dream and find himself once again chained at the foot of Ardyn’s bed, that the pup he carried was nothing more than the desperate delusions of a broken Omega. Eight years of torture and numerous miscarriages could not be so easily forgotten.
Which was when when Prompto was woken up just after midnight by a painful cramp, he quietly crawled out of the bed without waking any of his mates, a impressive feat when he was the size of a whale, took both his phone and Noctis’ from the bedside table and relocated downstairs.
From the moment they had discovered his pregnancy the pack had been nothing but attentive, ensuring he had everything a pregnant Omega could want. Except for sand he thought bitterly. Gladio was the worst offender, physically dragging him away from anything remotely sandy, literally anything. He’d even gone so far as to throw away his wheat bag when he’d been scenting it too often. Prompto would never forgive him for that, even if Ignis did promptly go out and replace it with a brand new one the following day.
Following the advice provided by Regis and his own pack, Ignis and Gladio had gone about converting one of the relatively empty ‘cupboards’ downstairs into a ‘safe room’ of sorts. (Prompto silently noticed that the room was bigger than any ‘room’ the Omegas in Ardyn’s pack had ever been given.)’ A quiet, warm and comfortable little room for Prompto to escape to when everything became too much. Prompto had silently decided that this was where his pup would be warm, safe from the outside world and most notably away from the midwife his pack and Regis’ had insisted he should see. To be fair to her she was a kind older Omega, one who apparently had seven pups of her own, seven! But despite how kind and gentle she’d been with him he still couldn’t bring himself to fully trust her, and certainly was not going to allow her anywhere near himself or his pup when they were at their most vulnerable. And his little ‘nest’ was the perfect safe haven. With no windows and a newly installed lock courtesy of Gladio, he could hide himself away with the knowledge that no one would be able to get to him unless he wanted them to.
As he reached the bottom of the staircase Prompto put a hand on his lower back and took a deep breath, holding onto the banister as a contraction started up. The pain wasn’t any worse than one of his heat cramps but he knew that wouldn’t last forever, the books Noct had ‘borrowed’ from his father had made that quite clear. When the contraction finally finished he let out the breath and rubbed the side of his bump, he received a harsh kick to the ribs in response. Prompto chuckled softly. So long as his pup was still moving everything was fine. Content in the knowledge his pup was still ok, Prompto strolled into the kitchen to collect a few bottles of water, Ignis had taken to making sure there were always plenty on hand in recent weeks, and as many apples and bananas he could carry. It turned about to be quite a horrific challenge to juggle his spoils and open the door to his nest, but no one could ever accuse Prompto of being a quitter. After what felt like forever he was able to get the door open by some form of hip magic, unfortunately he did have to use his entire body to open the door wide enough, especially as it kept catching on the ridiculous amount of blankets and pillows he’d accumulated.
With a fair amount of difficulty Prompto set his snacks down against the wall and flicked the single light on. Immediately the room was bathed in a warm light and he was immediately set at ease. This was his space. He was safe in this little room, surrounded by the scents of his packmates, he absolutely had not been stealing their clothes. Nope. No sir. They couldn’t prove anything. Stepping further into the room Prompto shut the door behind him and sliding the lock into place. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his mates, he would put his life and the life of his pup in their hands, it was everything else he feared. There was always the chance that someone from his previous pack would find him, that Ardyn would find him. It was an irrational fear, one he’d desperately tried to overcome through numerous sessions with a lovely Beta from Regis’ pack, yet it was always present in the back of his mind. However, the creation of his nest along with the security of a single door settled those thoughts.
Huffing Prompto tore himself from his thoughts as he settled himself among the blankets. As soon as he was settled in a comfortable position the pup made itself known again, once again lashing out with a hard kick to his ribs.
“Please stop” He muttered softly, all too aware that he needed to keep his voice down lest he attract the attention of his mates. “Let mama sleep for a little bit.” Thankfully the flurry of kicks stopped allowing him to relax. With a wide yawn he grabbed the nearest scented item, Gladio’s favourite top - Prompto had desperately tried not to snicker when the Alpha had gone searching for it, muttering under his breath the entire time. He buried his head in the soft fabric, inhaling Gladio’s scent as he drifted off. It was going to be a long night.
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raccoonium · 4 years
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Same than the last post!
The polycount is the same as before. Hairs have been retextured and made split color compatible!
I'm not removing the other ones. You can have everything at the same time, it won't conflict!
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