#alpha-17 x reader x arc captain fordo
vodika-vibes · 5 months
*gently slides some credits over to you* spare some more Fordo x reader x Alpha-17 poly fics please my sweet vodika? 🥺🙏
Summary: You’ve been patient. You’ve been kind. But the Kaminoans have finally pushed you too far.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x F!Reader x Fordo
Word Count: 1734
Warnings: Uh...Fordo gets experimented on and Reader loses her shit.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So. So. This probably isn't what you had in mind when you sent in this request, but I got smacked with the inspiration hammer. And this was born. This Song was the inspiration.
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It’s late when your boys come to you. 
Later to be more specific. You’re not unused to Alpha’s late nights, or Fordo’s for that matter.
But generally speaking, Alpha and Fordo don’t come to you if it’s after a certain point of night. They want to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep, that you’re able to function to the best of your ability the next day.
So when Alpha keys open your suite door at 2 am, all but dragging Fordo with him, your heart plummets into your stomach.
For a moment, one heart stopping moment, you think that your Fordo is dead.
There’s so much blood, and some of his limbs are twisted at unusual angles, and it’s not until he releases a pained groan and rolls onto his side to spit blood across your floor that you snap out of panicked girlfriend mode and into doctor mode.
You tie your hair up into a knot at the back of your head and rip your robe off, throwing it to the side to be dealt with later, and you drop to your knees next to him. “Alpha, I need my kit.”
“Where is it, cyare?”
“Under my bed, the green bag, not the blue one.” You don’t turn to see if he’s following your instructions, you know that he will. “Fordo, baby, can you hear me?”
His head rolls and you swallow your panic with great difficulty. Alpha returns with your med kit and the emergency gurney that you keep stored in your closet. He sets it up quickly while you go about removing Fordo’s armor.
He looks...bad.
His injuries wouldn’t look out of place on someone who’s been thrown from a speeder. Ideally you’d bring him to your medical suite, but…
Alpha brought him here, to you directly. Which means there is some information that you don’t have. Information that you don’t need. Not right now. Not yet.
Fordo’s eyes are closed, but he’s breathing. So you push everything from your mind except the next step you need to follow to keep him alive. You allow yourself a single touch of your fingers against his badly bruised, and bloodied, cheek. “It’s going to be alright, Fordo. I’m going to fix this.”
It takes you hours to pull Fordo back from the brink. Long enough that you have to send a comm to your coworkers telling them that you caught a bug and won’t be able to work today. Long enough that you skip not only breakfast, but also lunch and dinner.
But, by the time the sun sets, Fordo is stable. His wounds dressed, and is sleeping peacefully on the bed.
You leave Alpha watching him for as long as it takes for you to shower and make some quick food for the pair of you, and then you collapse on the couch next to Alpha, your head falling to his shoulder.
Now that you’re sure that one of the loves of your life isn’t going to die under your hands, you’re starting to tremble. And it’s obvious enough that Alpha, the other love of your life, wraps his strong arm around you and presses his hand against the back of your head.
“You did great, cyare.” he rumbles against your ear.
“Alpha...what happened?” It’s a demand. It’s a plea. You’re not sure, really, what it is, but you need to know. “He looked like he was thrown from a speeder-”
Alpha hesitates and you pull back to stare up at him. Alpha never hesitates. Ever.
You reach up and press your hand against his cheek, “Alpha?”
His dark eyes scan your face for a moment, and then he sighs and brings his hands up to cup your cheeks. Slowly he pulls you into a gentle kiss, and then presses his forehead against yours. 
“You know the new Kaminoan who arrived the other day?”
“The doctor? Iza Nu or something, right?”
“Yeah. She had...ideas. Fordo-” He trails off, as though he doesn’t have the words to explain what he saw, what she did.
You consider his words for a moment, your gaze drifting from his face to linger on Fordo’s bruised and battered body, “If I’m understanding you correctly,” you murmurs, “Iza Nu did this to him.”
You’re a doctor. You know exactly what would need to be done to a person to inflict those types of injuries on someone. In fact, you can even picture it in your head, exactly what tools would be needed, exactly how much force-
Not for the first time since you took this position, you feel the stirrings of rage deep in your heart. Unlike the previous occasions, though, this time you don’t shove the rage away. You don’t bottle it up.
This time you let is envelope you.
You’re done.
They have, finally, pushed you to the point where you can no longer look the other way.
You exhale slowly, and focus your attention back on Alpha and offer him the softest smile, “You look tired, love.”
His eyes close, “It’s been a long, long day.”
You hum your agreement, and gently card your fingers though his hair. “Fordo is using the cot, but he doesn’t need constant monitoring anymore if you want to sleep.”
“What about you?” He asks, pinning you in place with a serious gaze.
“I’m afraid I’m far, far too wired to try and sleep.” You trail your fingers down his cheek, “Will you try to get some sleep? For me?”
He searches your face for a moment longer and then he sighs and kisses you gently, “For you, I’ll try.” Alpha stands and pulls you with him, and he brings your hands to his lips, his gaze locked with yours, “I love you.”
“Love you too.” You watch as he vanishes into the bedroom and listen as he settles in the bed. If you close your eyes, you can see him shifting and turning until he’s comfortable. If this was a normal day, you’d be tucked protectively against his chest and Fordo would be pressed against your back and their hands would wander as they regaled you with stories about the day-
But today isn’t a normal day.
You press a feather light kiss against Fordo’s forehead, and check his IV one more time, before you straighten and head for the door. With luck, you’ll be back before Alpha realizes you’re gone.
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You quickly walk through the halls, until you reach the office belonging to the newest Kaminoan. Iza Nu looks just like all of her brethren, though draped in the crisp white jacket of a medical professional.
She tilts her head when she sees you, “Ah. Doctor, you are feeling better? I was saddened to hear that you were unwell. I was looking forward to working with you.”
You hum a response, “Is this your workspace?”
“Indeed.” She gracefully motions towards the massive surgical suite, “I’m still trying to clean-”
You step into the suite, and trail your finger against the cold metal of the surgical table. There’s blood on the floor. “It looks like you had a busy day.”
“Indeed, the clones are most interesting subjects.”
You walk further into the room and pick up a scalpel that was left out. It was made for Kaminoan hands, not your much smaller human ones, so it looks more like a dagger in your hands. “Is that right?”
“Do you not agree?”
“They’re still human.” You reply flatly.
“That is true, I suppose.” The door to the surgical suite slides shut, “Ah, you like my scalpel? It was specially made for my hands.”
You hum noncommittally.
She walks over to you and reaches out for the blade, and you smile as you dodge her hand and press the blade against her chest...and then into her chest. She staggers back, a surprised noise falling from her as you twist the blade and then pull it out.
“I have been...patient. I have been kind. I have been gracious.” You list quietly, “I find that it takes a lot to make me angry. But you...in one day you managed to cross the line.”
“I don’t-”
“Stop talking.” You don’t raise your voice. You don’t have to. “No one is coming to help you.”
She slides backwards on the floor. “Perhaps...we can talk about this?”
“I spend the majority of the day trying to save the life of the man you decided would be your test subject.” You say flatly, “There is nothing to talk about.”
“Please...I didn’t know he was yours. Have mercy-” She pleads.
“Mercy,” You repeat the word, as though it was foreign, “I have no mercy left to give.” And that’s that.
You leave the surgical suite 15 minutes later, Colt is leaning against the wall across from the room. He glances at you, and then passed you at the dead Kaminoan in the room, “Doctor.”
You tilt your head, “Commander.”
“Looks like there was an accident.” He notes absently as he pushes off the wall and brushes passed you, “Is Fordo okay?”
“He will be.”
“Good. I’ll handle this.”
“You’re an angel, Colt.”
“I know I am.” He smirks at you, “Beat it, doc.”
You favor him with the smallest smile and turn to head back to your room.
Alpha is sitting on the couch when you return, and Fordo is somehow awake and talking. “Welcome back, cyare.” Alpha greets, “Get everything sorted?”
You hum your answer and walk over to check on Fordo, “Colt is handling the rest.” You smile warmly at Fordo and press your hand against his cheek, “How are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a bus,” He replies honestly as he leans into your touch, “Sorry for worrying you.”
You blink tears out of your eyes, “It’s alright. I’m just glad Alpha brought you to me.”
Fordo turns his head and kisses the palm of your hand, “As if he’d bring me to anyone else.” He focuses his gaze on your face, “Love you, cyare.”
“Love you too, Fordo. Get some more sleep, love. I’ll be here when you wake.” You whisper as you brush your fingers though his hair.
As he drifts back to sleep, you sink onto the couch next to Alpha and bury yourself into his side. He kisses the top of your head, but doesn’t say anything. Because there’s nothing left to say.
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hetalianskywalker · 6 months
So I told myself when I published my first fic on here that I would make a masterlist once I got to 5 fics. I have now made it to five fics.
I create and share explicit content, therefore this is an 18+ blog.
I currently just write for Star Wars and more specifically the clones.
Here is the link to my AO3.
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Nothing to Lose - Captain Rex x Reader (Monster AU submission for Pineapple's Halloween Party) (Horror/Angst with a hopeful ending) Still considering if I should write more of this
Wedding Cake Cookies - Captain Rex x Reader (fluff)
A Name Day - Captain Rex x Reader (fluff)
An Old Request - Echo (both ARC and TBB versions) x Reader (fluff)
End of Avoidance - Commander Wolffe x Reader (TBB prompt event) (fluff)
Mermay 2024 Masterlist - Captain Rex, Jesse, Kix, Hardcase, Fives, Echo, Denal, Captain Vaughn, Commander Cody, Captain Gregor, Waxer, Boil, Commander Wolffe, Boost, Sinker, Commander Fox, Commander Thorn, Commander Thire, Commander Stone, Sergeant Hound, Sergeant Hunter, Captain Howzer, Commander Mayday, Slip, Fireball, Nemec, Samson, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Captain Fordo, and Alpha-17.
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
just curious, would you ever consider writing how alpha and fordo fell in love with the reader in your poly piece? and how they both found out the other was in love with the reader too?
Communication is Important
Summary: You're concerned when you realize that Alpha and Fordo have a contentious relationship. And when you return from being away for three weeks, and their relationship has improved, you're curious, and surprised.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x Reader x Fordo
Word Count: 1457
Warnings: Discussion of sex, but this is pretty tame. Reader is easily flustered, but, like, in her specific situation, I would be too, tbh
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So this isn't exactly what the request was, but I think it's pretty solid. I decided that the reader is either oblivious, or she's just decided that anything she's seeing is just her imagination.
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You didn’t notice anything unusual, at first.
Alpha-17 has always kept a close eye on you, when he can, and it’s never a surprise when he’s there to help you with something heavy, or just some light chores that you need to perform for your work. He’s always there, after all. It’s weirder when he isn’t.
When you think of Alpha, you think of safety and a helping hand.
And Fordo is much the same way. Not so much keeping an eye on you, but making sure that you’re comfortable, that you feel safe. He’s the one who manages to get you to confess that you miss your favorite meal, and he’s the one who makes it for you for your name day.
Warm and kind, that’s what you think of when you think of Fordo.
You’re impossibly fond of both men, and you’re not surprised when you develop a crush on both of them.
How could you not?
It’s a silly thing, really. You know that they’re not going to be willing to share you. And, really, you’re a bit worried that together they might be a bit much for you.
Of course, that’s just castles in the air, really. Little more than fantasies that linger in your mind when you're hovering between wakefulness and sleep.
And you’re already so, impossibly, fond of them that you don’t notice when they start treating you a little differently. Fordo has always been a little touchy, so you’re not surprised when his fingers glide against the back of your neck, or when his hand slides down your spine.
And Alpha has always been fiercely protective of you, so you don’t really notice when he takes to placing his hand on the small of your back when you’re walking together, or when he wraps an arm around your waist to pull you out of the way of something.
It’s normal.
Natural, even.
You do, however, notice when Fordo starts making comments about how much time Alpha spends with you. And you notice when Alpha starts snipping about how touchy Fordo is with you.
And you notice when they glower at each other when they’re both in the same room as you.
And you notice when they talk to each other it’s little more than barely veiled threats and insults.
And you worry. Because you are so fond of them both.
But you’re unsure as to how you’re supposed to bring this up to them. How do you have a conversation like this, when the two men you’re so fond of can’t even be in the same room as the other without it devolving into insults and threats.
In the end, you don’t have to do anything. 
You go away for something, off of Kamino for three weeks, and when you return, Alpha and Fordo are able to work together. In fact, they’re outright friendly to each other. Sure, there’s an air of smugness around them, but honestly, that’s not terribly abnormal for them, so you don’t question it.
You don’t question it as they’re standing at your apartment door, together. You don’t question it as they make you dinner, together, as though they’ve been working on it.
You don’t question it as they sit you between them at the table and you eat a meal, like a family.
You don’t question it…until you do.
Fordo guides you to your couch, and his touch is so gentle, and his gaze so warm, that you can’t help but smile up at him as he encourages you to sit on the middle cushion. Though your smile becomes confused as he steps back and stands next to Alpha in front of you.
“We need to talk to you, mesh’la.” Alpha says in his deep voice.
“Okay,” You agree curiously, your gaze darting from one man to the next, “You have my attention.”
“We’ve been talking, since you’ve been gone,” Fordo says in his quiet voice, “And we’ve come to a realization.”
You tilt your head to the side, and wait.
“We’re both in love with you.” Alpha says, “And we were going to fight about it, over which one of us gets to claim you-”
Fordo makes a face at the terminology, “But we then decided, after beating the shit out of each other, that it isn’t fair of us to decide this on our own. Not when your own opinion has even more weight than ours.”
You blink at them, still slightly reeling from the confession, “Wait…my opinion?” You ask.
“Which one of us do you want more?” Alpha clarifies.
Your jaw drops, “Wait! You want me to pick? I can’t do that!” You blurt, as you scramble to your feet.
But neither Fordo nor Alpha look surprised by your words, in fact, they look amused, “I told you she wouldn’t.” Fordo says lightly to his brother.
“Well, you’re right,” Alpha agrees, “There is another option, one that we’ve already discussed fully.”
“...another option?” You ask.
“We are willing,” Fordo says slowly, “To share you, so long as you agree to certain rules to keep anyone’s feelings from getting hurt.”
You blink at them as you process his words.
Your face burns hot and you slam your hands over your face as your embarrassment threatens to overwhelm you, “I need a minute.” You squeak out.
You hear Alpha chuckle and your face burns even more. You’re a full grown adult, you should be able to have a conversation about relationships with blushing like a teenager. Of course, your teenage years never prepared you for the notion of being…uh…of being in a relationship with the two men you care about most in the world.
Wow, you can’t even think of the word, that’s how bad it is.
“Would you like a pillow to hide behind, cyare?” Fordo asks, he also sounds amused.
You take a deep breath, and peek at them from behind your fingers, and then, shield your eyes again, “Yes. Please. I can listen without looking at you, if you want to continue.”
There’s silence for a moment, and one of them, Fordo probably, hands you a couch pillow to hide your face in. Which you do, happily.
“We don’t want to continue with the rules we determined until we know that you actually want to be shared.” Alpha says slowly, “And I would appreciate it if you would look at us when you give the answer.”
You don’t move for a moment, and then you rip the pillow away from your face, and you, red faced and flustered, meet Alpha’s gaze, “Yes please. I would like that. Can I hide again?”
He grins at you, “But then I won’t be able to see your pretty face.”
“Mean. You’re mean.” You whine, but you don’t lift the pillow again. “You said you had rules.”
Fordo has a small, pleased smile on his face, “We want to alternate days, so one day you’ll be with me, the next you’ll be with Alpha, and the third day-”
“You’ll be with both of us.” Alpha picks up the thought smoothly, “We’d like it if you let us sleep in here with you, we can arrange for a larger mattress.”
“We’d take turns cooking, neither of us have much cooking skill, but we’re willing to learn.” Fordo says easily, “As for sex-” He pauses when your face somehow burns even hotter, “huh…I didn’t know that people could turn that shade of red.”
Alpha snickers, “We’ll work up to the sex,” He says, “But alternating days seems like it’ll work the best.” He eyes you curiously, “Ideally, we’ll work you up to being able to take both of us in one night. Or at the same time.”
You slam the pillow back over your face, “I think I’m done for the night. Can we be done for the night?”
“Yeah, cyare. We can be done for the night.” Fordo chuckles, “But we do need to finish this conversation.”
“Later,” You ask, as you peek at him over the pillow.
“Later.” Alpha agrees, as he drops on the couch next to you, and tugs the pillow away from your face, and then crashes his lips against yours.
He kisses you like he’s starved for attention, for your affection. He kisses you like he wants nothing more than for you to submit to him.
As soon as Alpha releases you, Fordo’s lips are on yours. His kiss is soft and probing, as though he’s searching for any weakness for him to exploit.
And when he releases you and settles on the couch next to you, you press your flaming face back into your hands. It’s going to take you some time to get used to this.
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
Poly relationship w/Fordo & Alpha you say?? i hope this gets made into a drabble one day 🫣
Between Them
Summary: Alpha and Fordo dote on you.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x Reader x ARC Captain Fordo (no clonec*st)
Word Count: 766
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: This is really short and really quick, and I didn't put a lot of thought into the lore, which is my explanation as to why it might not be so good.
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You wake feeling very warm, and to the sound of quiet conversation happening over you. You make a face and turn your head into the chest you’re using as a pillow. You feel fingers, feather light, against the back of your neck and there’s a rumble of laughter from under you.
“Look who’s finally decided to rejoin the land of the living,” Alpha teases, and you feel his familiar fingers against the base of your spine.
“She was exhausted,” Fordo interjects quietly, and you realize that it’s his fingers on the back of your neck. You must have fallen asleep on him last night. You turn your head to blink up at him, still feeling deeply exhausted, “You can go back to sleep.”
You yawn widely, and seriously consider it for a moment, and then you sigh and roll off of him and onto the bed properly, “Suppose I should get up.” You admit grudgingly as you stretch out on the bed with your eyes closed.
Neither Alpha nor Fordo reply, and you open your eyes to see why they weren’t saying anything. And you huff, your face starting to burn with embarrassment, when you realize that they’re both staring at your still naked body, “Really?”
“You’re very distracting, cyare.” Alpha says, not the least bit apologetic.
You huff and pull the blanket high over your chest, “So sorry that my body is a distraction for you,” 
Alpha grins and tugs the blanket back down and then pushes it down over your thighs so he can admire your whole body, specifically the marks that he and Fordo spent hours covering you in, “I forgive you, cyare.”
Fordo’s fingers glide over your bare hip, and when you look at him you see a frown on his face, “We left handprint bruises.” He presses his hand over the bruise, and his frown deepens when you twitch away from him. “We hurt you.”
“Not intentionally,” You say quickly as you shift in the bed to press your side against his, “I bruise easily, you know that. Really, Fordo. It’s fine.” You glance over at Alpha, but he’s frowning too, and you sigh silently.
Your strong men don’t get bothered by much, but seeing unintentional bruises on your body after a night of fun is something that bothers them immensely. And you also know that there isn’t a single person alive who would believe that if you were to tell them.
“You should have told us that we were hurting you,” Alpha chides as he rolls out of bed to go dig around for a bottle of bacta.
“You weren’t.” You say quickly, “I would have stopped you if there was any pain. You know that.”
Alpha returns to bed and sits next to you, and you notice that Fordo is sitting next to you too. You move to sit up as well, but you’re encouraged to lay back down by gentle hands on your shoulders. 
“Let us take care of you, sarad.” Fordo murmurs.
“You both already do that.” You say with a shake of your head.
“Then stop arguing and let us do this,” Alpha replies as he sets the jar on your stomach, causing you to yelp at the chill. There’s a grin on his face, suggesting that he did it on purpose.
“You’re so mean,” You grumble.
“Yeah, yeah.”
You yelp again when Fordo applies a layer of icy bacta against your hip, and you shoot him a wounded look. He smiles apologetically, but there’s a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. And when Alpha applies cold bacta to your shoulder, you whine, “You’re doing this on purpose!”
“I’m hurt, cyare.” Alpha scolds with a wide grin on his face, “We’re trying to take care of you.”
You try to squirm away from them, “I’m going to freeze!”
“Then we’ll just have to warm you back up after the fact,” Fordo murmurs, as he leans in and presses a lingering kiss against your neck.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you planned this.” You accuse good naturedly.
“That would be pretty clever of us, wouldn’t it?” Alpha murmurs, as he leans in as well and trails kisses against your collar bone.
You sigh softly, as you relax until their ministrations. It’s easier to ignore the cold when you’re pressed between them.
Your relationship might not make sense from the outside. Hell, sometimes it barely makes sense from the inside sometimes. But you wouldn’t change a single thing about it. After all, you love them both.
Something you’re always careful to say to them.
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
This is the Masterlist for my 500 followers event
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This is now long enough to need to be put under a readmore
500 Followers Event Announcement - Ended
Love Is Patient - ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader
I'll Wait Forever - Post-Stasis Kix x F!Reader
Time For Us - Captain Rex x F!Reader (18+)
Worth It - Clone Assassin x F!Reader (18+)
Fall Into Love - TBB Hunter x F!Reader
Not Broken - TBB Crosshair x F!Reader
Summer Love - Captain Howzer x F!Reader
Mountain Romance - TBB Tech x F!Reader
Morning Light - Captain Keeli x F!Reader
Sugar and Spice - TBB Crosshair x F!Reader
Colors of Fall - ARC Trooper Fives x GN!Reader
Comfort - Ezra Bridger x GN!Reader
Not A Question Of Worth - Commander Fox x GN!Reader
I'm Not Jealous - Captain Howzer x GN!Reader
Under The Summer Sun - Clone Trooper Tup x F!Reader
I See You - Clone Trooper Dogma x GN!Reader
Forever - Clone Commando Sev x F!Reader
Under The Moonlight - ARC Trooper Jesse x F!Reader
You Make My World Brighter - TBB Echo x F!Reader
I Can Fix That - TBB Wrecker x F!Reader
Winter Wonderland - Jango Fett x F!Reader
First Choice - Clone Medic Kix x Reader
Life Day Conversations - Ezra Bridger x GN!Reader
So This Is Love - ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader
It's Always Been You - Commander Cody x GN!Reader
Hero - Captain Rex x F!Reader
No Power - Commander Wolffe x F!Reader
Confession - Clone Commando Boss x GN!Reader
Heartbeat - TBB Wrecker x GN!Reader
Just The Two Of Us - Clone Trooper Tup x GN!Reader
Sunset Kisses - TBB Echo x GN!Reader
Pumpkin Spice - Commander Fox x GN!Reader
I Can Wait - Captain Rex x F!Reader
Trapped - Alpha-17 x F!Reader
Love Language - TBB Crosshair x GN!Reader
Understanding - ARC Captain Fordo x F!Reader
April Showers - Commander Wolffe x F!Reader (Smut)
Butterfly Kisses - TBB Echo x GN!Reader
Shiny - ARC Trooper Fives x GN!Reader
Enjoy The Show - TBB Crosshair x F!Reader
I'll Protect You - TBB Hunter x GN!Reader
Because It's You - TBB Tech & F!Reader
Silent Night - Darman Skirata x F!Reader
For Always and Forever - Clone Commando Scorch x GN!Reader
Spread Your Wings - ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader
And The Cicadas Sang - ARC Trooper Jesse x F!Reader
First Time In Forever - Captain Gregor x GN!Reader
Just Like This - TBB Wrecker x F!Reader
Better Together - TBB Crosshair x F!Reader x TBB Tech
Satisfied - Captain Rex x GN!Reader
You're Worth It - ARC Trooper Fives x GN!Reader
Safe and Sound - Commander Wolffe x GN!Reader
Beloved - TBB Crosshair x F!Reader x TBB Tech
Easier - Clone Commando Fixer x GN!Reader
Midnight Love - Commander Colt x GN!Reader
Theirs - Commander Fox x F!Reader x Commander Wolffe
Syrupy Kisses - TBB Wrecker x GN!Reader
This Love - TBB Hunter x F!Reader
Love Is A Choice - TBB Crosshair x F!Reader, TBB Omega, TBB Echo
Brighter Than The Sun - Commander Neyo x F!Reader
Take A Chance - Clone Trooper Dogma x GN!Reader
My Choice Remains - Commander Wolffe x GN!Reader
Tell Me - Alpha-17 x F!Reader
Your Love - Captain Wilco x GN!Reader
What It Means To Love - Atin Skirata x F!Reader
Silent Night - TBB Wrecker x F!Reader
Almost As Pretty As You - Darman Skirata x F!Reader
A Change Of Pace - TBB Wrecker x F!Reader
Defying Gravity - Clone Trooper Dogma x F!Reader (18+)
Forever Is A Long Time - Rebels Rex x GN!Reader
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
I feel you with being sick lately, I’ve been sick all week plus I got the ol’ red tide happening so I’m not having a good time T-T. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the A-17 & Fordo combo, so if you want and have time and feel able could you please do another Alpha-17xReaderxFordo fic where the boys comfort and care for a busy reader who won’t stop to take care of herself? Thanks for your time and i hope you’re feeling better and having fun!
Take A Break
Summary: As a post war Senator, you've been working hard to make sure that the clones remain safe...perhaps too hard.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x Reader x ARC Captain Fordo
Word Count: 719
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I am feeling a lot better, thank you for asking, I'm just tired, so my brain doesn't want to make words work today, lol. I also do have your other request! Thank you for your requests, and your patience.
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You’re exhausted. Down to your bones.
You feel as though you’ve been going non-stop for years now. And at this point maybe you have been. And now that the war is over, you should be able to rest and relax more, not less.
But for every person who supports your Clone Rights Bill is another person who opposes it, which means that you’re working just as hard now as you were when the war was at its height.
You haven’t even managed to go home in the last three days. Though, at least, you’re not alone. None of the other Senators who are working on this bill have been able to leave either.
You caught Bail staring at a blank wall earlier today with a cup of caf in each hand and a straw in each cup, allowing him to drink both at the same time. Personally, you think it’s brilliant, but the look on Commander Thorn’s face when he gently escorted Bail back to his office makes you think that maybe you’re too exhausted to really judge that.
You thread your fingers through your hair, and you stare at the datapad laying on the table in front of you. You’ve been reading the same argument for the last hour, and you haven’t managed to retain a single word of it.
You drop your hands from your hair and press the palms of your hands over your eyes. They’re burning from exhaustion and strain, and you really should dig your glasses out of your desk to help with at least some of that, but that sounds like work and you’re so tired of work-
For a moment, just a moment, you consider taking a break. And then your datapad dings as a new message crosses the screen.
It’s from Padme. The subject line simply reads, “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
You open the message and it’s a message forwarded from Senator Burtoni. The basic idea being that she’s claiming that the Clones are Kaminoan property and so they should be returned to Kamino for repurposing and decommissioning.
And that sends a shot of awareness through your exhausted mind, and you start typing rapidly. And you note, absently, that you’re not the only one.
About an hour later, you notice that Bail is no longer online. And then neither is Padme.
And then your office door slides open and you blink, blearily, at the two men that enter your office. Alpha looks unimpressed, and Fordo doesn’t look much happier, actually.
Alpha folds his arms over his chest, “Do you have any idea how long it’s been since you’ve been home?”
That’s a silly question, of course you do. It’s been…uh…
You blink at him, and decide that it’s a dumb question and ignore it, “This is important.” You finally say, “Senator Burtoni wants to decommission-”
“That’s normal. Senator Burtoni has always wanted to decommission us.” Alpha says with a roll of his eyes, “Have you slept at all in the last three days?”
“Uh…I closed my eyes for an hour yesterday while listening to a speech?” You offer as an answer, and then you squeak when Fordo crosses the room and gently pulls you from your seat, only to pull you into his arms.
You slump into his embrace, the exhaustion becoming almost overwhelming now that you’re not actively staring at your work.
“Have you eaten, cyare?” Fordo asks, his voice soft.
You nod mutely, because you have. The Senate Droids have been bringing you meals, which is part of the reason that the senate has droids, honestly. 
“You just haven’t been home…or sleeping.” Alpha says, and you can feel his fingers against the back of your neck, rubbing soothing circles there. 
“...’m sorry.”
“Shh. We’re not mad. We’re worried.” Fordo lightly squeezes your hips, “This isn’t healthy, cyare.”
“You need to take a break.” Alpha interjects, “It’s time to go home. You can take a bath and curl up in bed and sleep until you’re not tired anymore.”
“And maybe we’ll cuddle with you.” Fordo adds with a small smile.
You sigh softly, and rest your head against his chest, “What did I do to deserve you both?”
Alpha chuckles and presses a light kiss to your shoulder, while Fordo drops a light kiss to your forehead. “Come on, cyare. Time to go home.”
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
This Masterlist is dedicated to Alph-17 (Because he deserves it)
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Blanket Thief - Alpha-17 x Reader Opinions - Alpha-17 x Reader Convenient - Alpha-17 x Reader His Choice - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Challenge - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) (smut) So This Is Love - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Wallflower - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) His Flower - Alpha-17 x f!Reader (Request) (Smut) Rainy Days - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Firecracker - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Content - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) A Moment For Us - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Misunderstanding - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Sweet Nothings - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request)(Smut) Ice Cold - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Doing It Right - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request)(Smut) Happily Ever After - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request) Demonic Love - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request) Eyes On Me - Alpha-17 x Reader (request)(Smut) For Them - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) You're Enough - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Forever - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) All Mine - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request) The Devil's Luck - Mand'alor!Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request) The Edge of Dawn - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request) The Gambler - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request)(Smut) So You're Going To Be A Dad... - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (Request) Together - Alpha-17 x F!Reader I See You - Alpha-17 x F!reader (Request)(A/B/O AU) As You Are - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (Request)
Not That Hard - Maze (Alpha-16) x F!Reader (request) Between Them - Alpha-17 x Reader x ARC Captain Fordo Take A Break - Alpha-17 x Reader x ARC Captain Fordo Communication is Important - Alpha-17 x Reader x ARC Captain Fordo Ruthlessness - Alpha-17 x F!Reader x ARC Captain Fordo
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
This is the Masterlist for my Magic and Knights AU, listed in the order they were written
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The Prince’s Wizard - Prince!Wolffe x Wizard!Reader The Hand You’re Dealt - Knight!Jesse x Princess!Reader Ner Kar’ta - Prince!Fox x reader The Mermaid and her ARC - Knight!Fives x Mermaid Princess!Reader The Witch and the Warrior - Prince!Cody x Witch!FemReader Wonderland - Knight!Gregor x f!reader Little Red - Devil!Hound x Detective!Reader Pen-Pals - Sailor! Tup x Reader The Merry Men of Mandalore - Prince!Boba x Outlaw!Reader Neverland - Captain Howzer x Reader Another Happily Ever After - Knight Captain Rex x Reader Eternity - Kix x Vampire!Reader The ARC and the Monster - ARC Knight Echo x Reader Aliit Ori’shya Taldin - Prince!Fox x Reader The Snow Queen - Knight!Hunter x Reader The Weaver - Knight!Dogma x Reader A Healer’s Touch - ARC Knight!Alpha-17 x Reader Our Choice - ARC Knight!Fordo x F!Reader Once Upon a December - Captain Keeli x Reader The Golden Thread - Prince!Bly x F!Reader Worth Fighting For - Prince!Neyo x Reader Trials of the Goddess - Merc!Crosshair x F!Reader The Sphinx's Riddle - Clone Commando Fixer x F!Reader The War Chest - Clone Medic Kix x F!Reader
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