#alphabet lore Cameron
Since Tumblr has limits to how many photos you can have in a post I thought I will turn this into a video  
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fumikomiyasaki · 3 months
Monsville:  (Monsters Inc)
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Dorm Trailer
Dorm RequirementsTemplate
Dorm Chair
CardsCandies and Coffins
Monster forms
Members made by myself:
Leroy Violet, based on Randall Boggs
Henry Lakeside, based on Mr. Waternoose
Mellow Mildew, based on Jeffrey Fungus
Members from other blogs:
Mitchell Iris,
Giovanni Corno,
Sophia Adraline,
Tamami Nereus,
January Avadmine
Bellamy Beest
Wysterian Dean
Mira Lynn
Ngarra Kubbadan
Wallace Scopio
Tulip Flor Grove
Forodwyn: (Lord of the rings)
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Dorm post
Dorm Chair
Brid Rolfe (Dorm leader, Frodo)
Odel Aradia  (Vice Leader, Gandalf)
Dazos (Smaug) made by Silent-Dragon
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-Carol Ann, Ramshackle/ Diasomnia OC 
 Countdown  Adult look
Carols TWST Journey summarized
Chibis  Tsum
Arachninox Carol AU  Monsville Carol Au
Idol Au
Magical Girl AU
Romantic headcanons  Datings HCs !NSFW Alphabet!
The Dating Sim: The Apple Princess
Card Collection
Canon Students:
-Camilla Dawnrose, Heartlabyul Dorm, Former OC
-Bengal, Savanaclaw dorm, based on Bengal Cat
-Eiji Hiranori, Octavinelle dorm, Former oc
-Kumo Starwing, Scarabia oc, Former Kingdom hearts oc
-Meyra Palledino, Pomefiore dorm, former Fire Emblem oc
-Fuan Abyssnor, Ignihyde oc, Former Kid Icarus oc
Fandorm students:
-Lyla Atsuki, Zipangu dorm, Based on Wasabi
-Bolt Striker, Malihana dorm, Based on Experiment 221
-Grey Braynze, Fangulous Dorm, Based on Ghoulia Yelps
-Eve Alternate, Ectocosma Dorm, based on Tron identity Disk
-Bianca Weiss, Terrovania Dorm, based on Shiro
-Naomi Aqueen, Gracery Dorm, based on Dogora
Coffins and Candies of them
Coffins and Candy part 2
Staff OCs:
Erwin Fowler, based on Dr. Eggman
Seraphim Astrean, based on Sephiroth
Hourglass station academy
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Homeland origin  Fabios Village
Future headcanons Parenting Headcanons Oc Families Part 1 Part 2
Species Details
List of Sexualities and Poly options for my ocs Heights
NSFW Headcanons: StudentsStaff and Adults
Drunk headcanons Part1 Part2 Part 3
Fantasy AU masterlist   Wild West Au masterlist
Yandere AU Headcanons
Internet names
Idol Summaries
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omgselinabeckendorf · 6 months
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(picrew by @wervty on tumblr (hi hello if ur seeing this i love ur picrews 🫶🫶🫶), picrew link here: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1519418) GUESS WHO SUBMITTED THIS DUMBASS (/AFF) INTO the @goobersforlife COMP!!
This is my most goober ever, Roselyn Althea Jones! Or, as preferred, Rose or Ro! (Very specific people can use Ro-Ro and Rosie)
Rose uses she/he/pink pronouns (Absolutely Queer AF) and is 2012 Casey's twin and Literal Soulmate! Originally the magic-born daughter of a Fae lord of another dimension, she was transported to the wrong dimension after creation and was found by the Jones'! She and Casey were attached at the hip from the moment they met, jokes about them being twins were Constant, and well, when ya say somethin' often enough it'll make itself true. They'd been the chaos twins ever since. Their poor father, having to deal with two of them (/j).
Pinks best friend is @enthblaze's goober Hamato Giovanni
He is autistic and Barbie and the Barbie cinematic universe had been a special interest since she was like six
She can't lie for shit, Casey constantly has to cover pinks ass
His voice claim is Dove Cameron
Yes she's fae, no he doesn't know
Pink and Casey have "plans" (read: chaotic strats that only work cause they're Rose and Casey Jones) named by letter of the alphabet for vigilante shit
She has a motorcycle (Moodboard for that incoming 😉)
How pink acquires her motorcycle, how he and Casey become soulmates, and other lore will be answered via ask! Please support my baby girl, and I look forward to the comp!!
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azurefandomfox · 1 year
Oh, howdy there, sincere traveler!
You must be new here. I know, you may be asking, "what are your names?", and to me, that means... You have no idea who we are yet! Sadly Firestar isn't here right now to introduce us all, so we'll do just that, shall we?
A - Andrew!
B - Bradford!
C - Cameron!
D - Dallas! (Me, silly!)
E - Easton!
F - Fredrick! (Nickname: Fierin!)
G - Gavin!
H - Hunten!
I - Isaiah!
J - Joel!
K - Klarity!
L - London!
M - Mortimer!
N - Nigel!
O - Oscar!
P - Pauline!
Q - Qin! (Nickname: Quan!)
R - Raymond! (Nickname: Ren!)
S - Sylvester!
T - Tanner!
U - Unity!
V - Vector!
W - Willow!
W - Wisp!
X - Xander!
Y - Yukia!
Z - Zero! (Nickname: Zane!)
Hopefully you know now, sincere traveler! This is a list of who we all are. It's a mighty fine pleasure to meet you.
Main blog: @crxamflavxredpxdding
DM me on my main to be added!
Alphabet Lore Cosplay AU!
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Hey hey hey! (*jumps off counter* ImGaY)
So, quick update. I'm no longer doing votes as no one appears to care what I post anymore. Which is a shame. Honestly, you people have no idea what evil you have unleashed upon this world. I've also been busy, so while I work on bigger posts, have some totally not filler.
For today's....thing, I will be ranking the 5 zoophobia chapters from best to worst. HOWEVER, I will only be discussing the writing aspects of these chapters. Art isn't my forte. If you want an art critique, I'd recommend bugging @rzphhs
Feel free to disagree with what I say here. I'm not some omniscient god who is perfect at everything. This is simply what think are the best and worse zoophobia characters.
If you'd like to request me to do something else, go ahead.
And of course, let's get the usual disclaimer in there. Zoophobia is by this fandom's Lord and savior, Vivziepop. This post is not a critique of her current writing abilities since zoophobia is kinda old. I believe that when we analyze stories we love and find flaws within them, we can all learn something and improve our own writing abilities. I also don't do this because I hate Vivz. I love her work. This is not an attack on her what so ever, so any wannabe edgelords who think otherwise can get off my front lawn.
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Yeah, I legitimately think chapter 1 is the best. It's no surprise that this chapter was the one Vivz worked on the most. She had people read rough drafts and give her advice on how to make it better, something she stopped doing for the rest of the story. Cameron has a wonderful introduction.
I know I said I wouldn’t talk about visuals, but I love the contrast of the grey human world to the colourful safe haven. Having Kay cee lurk around, hidden in wide shots where's she's barely seen is great. She defiantly sells the creepy shady character shtick like nobody's business.
 There were a lot of great character introductions in here two. You got a good sense of each character's personality. I also like a lot of the visuals here too. A lot of characters were introduced, yes, but each character got a few lines each so it didn't feel too over the top. You could argue as well that the amount of stuff being thrown at us was fitting since that would be how our audience surrogate is feeling. 
I do think, however, that we should've gotten introductions to all of the main cast. Kayla doesn't say anything, neither does Penelope, and Taylor. .basically says nothing. Yeah, did you guys know Taylor and Penelope are apart of the main cast? That, and I feel that Cam should've just gotten an explanation about what safe haven is by Zech sooner.
Apart from that, I loved this chapter.
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Ok, let's address my main complaint about this chapter that is basically the elephant in the room. Ever hear of the "show don't tell" rule in writing? It's commonly known that it's better to show something as opposed to just having a couple characters talking about it. This chapter....well....it's wierd in this regard. It's not abhorrent, but this chapter is an exposition dump where we're both shown and told info about Jack. I feel as though some of these things, like the Zill and Jack as children section could've been just shown. We don't need Jack explaining everything to the audience. I also feel that this chapter should've been placed earlier since it has info on certain characters that would've been nice to know earlier, like the context of Zill and Kayla's relationship.
Apart from that, I liked this chapter. It had nice pacing, and there's not too much going on. We're not hopping from one thing to another (like another chapter ), we stay on topic, and this feels like a nice, easy read. Admittedly, I don't have much to say on this because. ....it's just a nice, simple chapter. It gives Jack some great character depth, and his character motif of wanting to be happy despite his curse. The ending is also nice and the entire chapter just feels.....peaceful.
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Okay, this one I’d put in the middle no matter what since it’s kinda hard to evaluate something that’s unfinished.
Much like the character who stars in this chapter, I'm split on this chapter. I don't hate it....but it's nothing to write home about either.
Let's start positive. Unlike the next chapter I'm talking about, this chapter stays on one central problem for the most part, and we don't randomly jump back and forth between Addi and Mackenzie doing completely separate things. Mackenzie's thing appears, but doesn't take center stage away from the central character. Autumn and Rusty's moment on the stairs feels a little random, but it's not completely distracting. The character interactions are fun too. I loved the interactions between Addi, Dame, and Sahara, and between Autumn and Rusty. Tom and Gustav were a little weird in this chapter, but they weren't the worst thing. Oh no, the worst thing.....
Was Addison.
I'm sorry @zoophobiapika , please have mercy. I will send you cute Addi pictures to make up for this.
But HOLY FUCK, was Addison annoying! I've ranted before on the problems I have with him (go see my least favorite character list to get the full rant), but to shorten it down, Addi makes a stupid decision when he blows off his friends and goes out with a stranger because. ...that makes sense, I think. He also attacks somebody, and no one appears to be worried for Mackenzie or worried about Addi's mental state.
Also, before someone says " oh he has PTSD",
I have PTSD as well. It's a minor case, and it's hardly as severe as some other cases, but it has affected my life and the people around me. I don't feel comfortable going into detail about it, but in times of stress, I'd hurt not only myself, but other people. I almost punched a guy once.
A reason, however, is not an excuse. I still hurt other people, and I had to make up for that. Just because you can explain why a problem is there doesn't make that problem go away.
I'm just going to leave it at that and move on.
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......what? Did you think thst just because Dame is my favorite character I'd put his chapter higher in the ranking? Yeah, nope.
Now, fangirls, put down your pitchforks, this chapter doesn't suck.......but This chapter is weird.
You know how the other 3 three chapters I talked about stayed on topic? Whenever people tell me Zoophobia, plot wise, jumps around a lot, I think of this chapter. There's just too much going on. Instead of having this chapter solely be an introduction to Damian, one of the main cast who'll play an important role in the story, we get an exposition dump about how safe haven works and demon politics. Characters like Bozzwick are introduced only for them to do nothing, and this chapter feels like it's rushing, like Vivz just wants to get this chapter over with.
 Damian's freak out feels rushed and out no where. Also, when he does his best Cuthulu impression, does he cast a spell that just makes everyone stand around and do nothing? No one's screaming, no one is trying to calm Dame down, nothing. And this place is apparently full of people. Yet no one does anything but just stand around and look surprised. This chapter just feels like it doesn't know what to do.
 The first book was supposed to introduce us to the characters, and a following book was supposed to go more into the lore. Why not just have this chapter be like Jack's where all we get is a simple introduction to a character? The two or three plots also keep switching back and forth randomly and it feels disorganized. Cameron (as well as everyone else during Simon’s interrogation) had nothing to do with Dame’s situation. Seriously, just shove that scene to a later point in the story and nothing would change. Actually, here’s a fun game. Count how many characters you can take out with little to nothing changing. 
 This may be me putting on a tin foil hat here, but it’ like Vivz couldn’t figure out how to introduce Dame in a way that would ensure that the chapter would focus on him, so she just shoved a bunch of other shit in.
All in all, this chapter has way too much going on, and is all over the place. BUT, at least all the shit that happened in here was interesting and kind of contributed to the story, unlike....
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Fuck. This. Chapter.
Ok, first of all, this chapter didn’t need to exist. Skip over this chapter, and nothing would change....except maybe Simon being in chapter 3, but hey, that fucker didn’t need to be in chapter 3 either. 
Second....let’s go through each character....in alphabetical order.
Cameron: Doesn’t develop, doesn’t do anything, she just goes around and does....things. She feels like a character that could be taken out with little to no consequences, which isn’t a great look for someone who we’re being introduced to the world of safe haven through.
Carrie: Feels like she could’ve not been introduced. I love Carrie, but when people say we were getting too many characters at once in this story, this chapter is a prime example of why. Jesus Vivz, introduce us to the main cast, THEN all the lovable and huggable side characters. Seriously, the entire Vengenza thing could’ve been moved to a later chapter. 
Damian: Long story short, this little shit had to turn into a sociopath for the sake of plot. I like Damian, and he defiantly made this chapter entertaining for me, but I hate the fact that the story had to have him give Kayla and Zill a problem as opposed to the problem coming about from their own flaws. Also, I don’ t think I should’ve been rooting for him to win. 
Fabian: See Carrie
Gustav: See Carrie. 
Horris: See Carrie
Jack: I liked him, but was he seriously the only one who knew about the anniversary? We see that Sahara knows about it, so clearly Jack isn’t the only one who knows about it. And yet no one brings it up to Zill. Either Zill is the most oblivious fucker on the planet, or Dame somehow locked nearly everyone who knew about the anniversary in a locker. Those are the only explanations I can think of.
Jackie: Not terrible, but she kinda annoyed me. I’m not sure why though, so I won’t say too much on her.
Kayla: For some reason we follow this character even though she got no introduction, and we have no context to her relationship with Zill, and we learn almost nothing about he. Great. I don’t agree that Kayla is a mary sue, but this chapter makes me know why people see her that way.
Malcolm: See Carrie
Percy: See Carrie
Sahara: See Carrie
Simon: See Carrie
Spam: Despite being apart of the main cast, he does nothing. He doesn’t contribute anything, he’s just there for no reason.
Vanex: See Spam
Vagenza: See Carrie
Zech: He’s barely in this chapter, and he feels like a complete none presence. Why was he here?
Zill: Ohhh boy....Now we get to the meat of my issues with this chapter. Okay, despite this chapter revolving around him and Kayla, we learn almost nothing about Zill. What is his character motivation? Dunno. What is his personality outside just “he’s a good guy”? Dunno. The chapter revolves around a relationship we have no context of, and this chapter feels like a fucking soap opera. The problem doesn’ t come from a fault in Zill’s character. He needs Dame to give him a problem, which for me cements how boring of a character he is. And him getting back with Kayla isn’t something he causes to happen. A vampire shows up and Kayla just happens to have a change of heart. That’s it. He doesn’t. do. anything. 
Finally, like with ch. 3, the topic of the chapter jumps around between Cameron and Zill’s “plots” with no cohesion and no connection. Overall this chapter sucks. 
Thanks for reading, and tell me what your favorite or least favorite chapters are!
I apologize for wasting your time.
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wazafam · 3 years
Netflix's original new sci-fi action film Outside the Wire is poised for release on the platform Friday, January 15th. Anthony Mackie stars in the film as Leo, a futuristic android and expert drone pilot given the most dangerous mission of his life when paired with a new partner and sent to a hot warzone behind enemy lines.
RELATED: 10 Strangest Movie Robots, Ranked
Directed by Mikael Häfström, the film joins a long line of cinematic android stories, which often differ from that of cyborg lore. In most cases, androids are humanlike robots while cyborgs tend to be half-human-half-robot entities. For a clearer distinction among the best of the bunch, these cyborgs are the best to check out.
10 Maria/Futura - Metropolis (1927)
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Since Fritz Lang's groundbreaking sci-fi spectacle Metropolis inspired the rest of this list in some form or fashion, the 1927 masterwork is a perfect place to start.
The film is set in a future dystopia in which income inequality is getting worse by the day. As the workers and city organizers fight for power, a terrifying robot doppelganger of Maria (The Machine Man) is one of the very first cinematic robots of all-time, and one of the first with a human likeness.
9 David - A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)
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Based on the short story Supertoys Last All Summer Long by Brian Aldis, Steven Spielberg's A.I. Artificial Intelligence features one of the most heartbreaking cinematic androids of all time.
RELATED: Steven Spielberg's 10 Biggest Movies, Ranked (According To The Budget)
Haley Joel Osment plays David, a lifelike robot in a distant and dystopic future who wants nothing more than to become a real boy. On his Pinocchio-like quest, the "mecha" David encounters a slew of unsavory characters en route to finding his adoptive mother, Monica (Frances O'Connor).
8 Gort - The Day The Earth Stood Still (1954)
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The only thing more alarming than an alien invasion is one involving a humanoid extraterrestrial robot. Such is the case with iconic robot Gort from the 1954 sci-fi classic The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Directed by Robert Wise, the film imagines a Cold War-era alien invasion on Earth from a friendly alien-race led by the diplomatic Klaatu. While Klaatu is kind and curious, his mute robotic sidekick Gort is anything but, making for a hilarious counterpoint between the two characters.
7 David - Prometheus (2012)
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Along the same lines as Ash, Bishop, and Call (all alphabetical, mind you) in the Alien franchise, David (Michael Fassbender) from Prometheus and its follow-up Alien: Covenant is one of the most devious and duplicitous cinematic androids ever conceived.
RELATED: 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Prometheus
David is so lifelike that is hard to determine his artificiality. He uses his humanlike qualities to trick the crew of the USCSS Covenant space vessel for his own grand ambition, which could lead to the end of human civilization.
6 The Gunslinger - Westworld (1973)
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In both Westworld and its 1976 follow-up Futureworld, Yul Brynner plays The Gunslinger, a cowboy robot who goes haywire during a computer malfunction and attempts to murder the human guests attending his fantastical theme park. Ed Harris plays a version of the same character in the HBO hit series.
Written and directed by Michael Crichton, Westworld centers on two patrons (James Brolin, Peter Benjamin) who fight for survival when the chief robot host at the adult-themed attraction goes on a kill-crazy rampage.
5 Police - THX 1138 (1971)
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Before unleashing the Star Wars saga on the universe, George Lucas wrote and directed THX 1138, a stark sci-fi depiction of a future dystopia in which android police officers and regulated drugs control the minds of the growing population on Earth.
RELATED: George Lucas: His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDB
The film is inspired by the aforementioned Metropolis, and in turn, inspired Star Wars a few years later. What makes these androids so memorable is the lack of personality and the bleak uniformity as they work in tandem to keep humanity in check.
4 Ash - Alien (1979)
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With all due respect to Bishop and Call of Aliens and Alien: Resurrection, Ian Holm's Ash has one of the greatest robotic reveals in cinematic history.
As if the Nostromo crew didn't have enough to worry about with the slimy facehuggers and drooling Xenomorphs, the leader Ash turns out to be an evil android out to capture the alien monster aboard the ship and keep safe for study. The conniving android motif is continued throughout the series.
3 Alex Murphy - RoboCop (1987)
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Despite the underwhelming 2014 remake, Paul Verhoeven's original RoboCop features one of the most brutal and badass androids ever committed to celluloid.
RELATED: 10 Movies Like RoboCop (That Came Before It)
After being murdered while on assignment in post-apocalyptic Detroit, Alex Murphy (Peter Weller) is brought back to life as a humanoid robot and exacts bloody revenge on the bosses who set him up to fail. While there's some confusion as to RoboCop's true nature, he rides both sides of the android/cyborg fence.
2 Roy Batty - Blade Runner (1982)
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Since debate is still being waged over whether or not Deckard is a replicant, the number one android in Ridley Scott's Blade Runner goes to Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer).
Set in dystopic L.A., Blade Runner Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) is tasked with finding as many replicants as possible. His search leads him to Roy Batty, an android with as close to a soul as non-humanly possible. As Roy waxes poetic and philosophical about the beauty on Earth, Deckard takes no prisoners in an epic confrontation for the ages.
1 T-Series - The Terminator Franchise (1984-)
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Rather than rank all of the various Terminator models, consider this one all-encompassing salute to the entire franchise. Whether it's Arnold's iconic T-800 prototype or T-2: Judgment Day's T-1000, these are the best cinematic androids of all time.
One of the brilliant aspects of the franchise is James Cameron's decision to make The Terminator a scary killer in the first film and a likable protagonist in the sequel. Through this evolution, Cameron is able to show the human qualities of the robot as he learns how to harnass compassion, sympathy, empathy, and even love.
NEXT: Recasting The Characters Of Terminator (If It Was Made Today)
Outside The Wire: The 10 Best Cinematic Cyborgs Of All-Time, Ranked from https://ift.tt/3swYdEY
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Alphabet lore HeadCanon names
A: Aaron(male,he/him)
B: Bailey(demiboy,he/him or they/them)
C: Cameron (male, he/him)
D: Dylan(male,he/him)
H:Harlem (genderless even before death, it/it’s
J: Jonas(he/him)
K:kretos(genderless, any pronouns)
L: Logan(male,he/him)
M: Maxwell/Maxi(male.he/him)
O: Otis(male,he/him)
P: Paris(mtf,she/her)
Q:qabil (unlabeled, anything but she/her)
R:Rory (male, he/him)
U:umer(male, he/him)
W:winne and Winona (both female,both she/her)
X: Xoán (male,he/him)
Y: yuna (female, she/her)
Z:zoro(genderless,he/him,or it/it’s )
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azurefandomfox · 1 year
Me and @judith-the-leaf's Alphabet Lore Cosplay AU: Masterlist!
Here is the list of current cosplays! 🔥🌟🔥🌟 Aaron as Andrew!Byron as Bradford! Caleb as Cameron! Din as Dallas! Edward as Easton! Finn as Fredrick (Both letter and planet form!) Gabriel as Gavin! Haunter as Hunten! Igor as Isaiah! Jake as Joel! Kenya as Klarity! Larry as London! Mike as Mortimer! Nick as Nigel! Oscar as... Oscar! Peggy as Pauline! Qier as Qin! Ron as Raymond (Ren!) Silver as Sylvester! Tim as Tanner! Unity as... Unity! Victor as Vector! West and Westley as Willow and Wisp! Xavier as Xander! Yasmine as Yukia! Zack as Zero + Zero's counterparts! 🔥🌟🔥🌟 More links will be added as soon as the cosplays come available! -Firestar
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