whyoneartheven · 9 months
it just hit me that Oedipus quite literally goes out with a bang
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ALRIGHHTT! It’s almost October 14, the day Amaryllis was created! And I want to host a contest!
Fanfics (Shortfics)
Any post about him!
WITH THE TAG #AmaryllisFirstAnniv and the deadline is October 14, of course!
What content is not allowed?
— anything with heavy nsfw or g0re. I want all participants safe!
What’s the reward?
— Im glad you asked!
1ST PLACE : Anything you would like! Be it 1-3 artworks of your own oc, or something else, I will do so! You will also get a follow from me, and a shoutout!
2ND PLACE : You will get 1-2 free artworks + a shoutout on my account!
Please do have fun!
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sparrow-birdie · 1 year
Mmmnn!~~ A- Alrighhtt you m muttt~~~~
*I'd start lifting and lowering myself on your cock, loudly moaning as I do so~~~*
God I just want to let you ride me all day and just be used like a dildo~~ all for your pleasure~~
*I start moaning louder and louder as you ride me.*
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mikasa-stan · 22 days
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3000 posts!
Yaayy!! Alrighhtt 💖💖💜💜
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aermuir · 4 years
alrighhtt going to bed now. gn everyone
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Its Been You | Part 1 J.S
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You and Joe have been bestfriends for a while now, you both had met when he first moved to London in a bar called. We accidentally bumped into each other dancing crazily to Linkin Park, long story short, we spent the whole night bonding over our love for Linkin Park.
You were currently sitting at home debating on whether to start a YouTube channel, Joe had been bugging you for a while now to start one. He claims it’s tons of fun especially when everyone gathers to certain events.
Your phone beeps and lights up signalling that you just got a text message. ‘Come help me!! I’m feeling sick :(‘ You frowned a bit, Joe has always told you to stay away while he’s sick because he is ‘contagious’ and he doesn’t want you to get sick because of him. He asked you for help then that means it’s bad.
‘Joe you should go to the doctor and get some medicine, did you do that already?’ You replied as you got up off the couch. You then grabbed your house keys and ubered to Joe’s flat.
Once you got there, he buzzed you up, you felt horrible when you heard his voice, it was raspy and you could tell he was in so much pain. As you walked through his front door, it was dark. You heard a groan coming from the living room.
“How are you feeling?” You say as you cautiously walked to the kitchen avoiding to bump into something. “Did you eat something?” It was about 10 in the morning, you flipped on the kitchen light then began to open some windows.
“No… I can’t moove” Joe complains. You sigh as you look in his cupboards to find something for him to eat.
“Perfect!” You said to yourself, you had found soup that you could make. “I’m making you chicken noodle soup, it’s not special but you need to eat something light.” You told him, this is the first time you are taking care of Joe and you are not sure what kind of sick person he could be, your sister gets grumpy when she’s sick, same as your brother, but for you, you are more of a careless sick person. You didn’t really care what people gave you to eat.
You brought the now warm soup to Joe, he looked terrible, “ Joe, you should go to the doctor… This definitely isn’t a common cold.” You recommended.
After you took Joe to the doctors, you grabbed more appetizing food for Joe to eat later on. He complained the whole way there and back that he was in tremendous pain, even the uber driver was starting to get worried.
“Alrighhtt, let’s get you on the couch, I’ll bring your food and medicine.” You instructed him. It was currently 6 at night, so after you would give him his medicine we would most likely pass out. You weren’t sure if he wanted you to stay the night or not, so after you gave him his medicine, you casually dropped hints about staying the night. You’ve only ever stayed the night at Joe’s a couple times, when the weather was bad, or when you stayed over too late.
“Why don’t… you just stay… the night” He said as he was slowly dozing off,  you smiled, even though he was super sick, he still looked cute all wrapped up in his furry blanket. You're not gonna lie, Joe was pretty cute and you won't deny that you would sleep with him, but you weren’t sure about getting in a relationship with him. You feared losing your friendship with him and with a relationship, that could potentially ruin things between you two.
“Joe, I’m not sure though… I have no clothes” You replied. You knew Joe liked his privacy due to being famous on YouTube, so you never really stayed there often. You knew Joe liked his privacy due to being famous on YouTube, so you didn’t want to overstay your welcome.
“Cor, just stay the bloody night, you can borrow my clothes, it doesn’t matter which ones.” He fought back. You didn’t fight him anymore, you could tell he was tired and he wants to rest. You then turned off all the lights and quickly went up to Joe’s closets to borrow some clothes. You picked out his white ‘Sugg Life’ T-shirt and a pair of his grey sweat pants, then changed in the downstairs washroom. As you walked out you heard Joe apologize, “I’m sorry for sounding rude, I just wanted you to know that you’re always welcome to sleep here sometimes, I know how you feel about overstaying you visits” In your head you were freaking out because he just read your mind but he was probably waiting for you to reply so you answered,
“It’s okay Joe, I know you like your privacy sometimes,”
“Well just know from now on you can stay here anytime” Joe reassured you.
“Thanks Joe, I’m glad we had this talk, but now you have to go to bed, you look exhausted.” You got up and headed towards the spare bedroom where you then slept that night.
The next morning, you woke up at a reasonable time, it was 7:30 on a thursday morning. Joe still wasn’t up so you started to make some food for yourself. You made eggs and toast, you didn’t know if Joe was gonna eat some, but you make an extra egg for him just in case.(HE MAKE THE MISTAKES THAT I DID sorry I had to)
“Y/n, that smells good, I want some.” You heard Joe say, you offered him his egg but warned him that it may hurt. Yesterday the doctor had told him his gums were infected so he had to be careful what he ate.
“Remember you have to take your medicine after you-”
“No, nope” Joe whined, “I can’t eat that” He had taken a bite out of his egg but spat it out because it hurt too much for him. You sighed as he put his head on the table.
“I’ll make you a smoothie then” You said as you began to make it. You added all his vitamins that he takes everyday and grabbed his medicine for him to take with the smoothie.
After Joe drank his smoothie and took his medicine, he was kinda feeling ‘woozy’ if you know what I mean, the pain medicine made him feel that way because he couldn’t stand the pain.
“I love it when you take care of me” Joe smiled. He was now back on the couch watching re-runs of ‘Prison Break’, he loved that show, you both did. “Why haven’t I asked you for help before?” You chuckled
“You didn’t want to spread your sickness to me remember?” You replied. Joe laughed remembering the last time he was sick, you had called him to tell him that you are coming over to bring soup and he refused to let you come because you might catch his cold. Suddenly Joe sat up making you jump a bit.
“What day is it?!?” Joe somewhat shouts, his throat was hurting so he couldn’t yell as much. You turned to him and you saw panic written all over his face.
“It’s Thursday Joe, why what’s wrong?” Joe quickly grabbed his phone and going through his notes.
“I need to think of a video idea for sunday, but I’m all out of ideas” He explained. Joe is a hard worker and you know that he shouldn’t be working while he is this sick, he could barely talk how is he supposed to film a video?
“Joe you can’t film a video this week. You are too sick to do this. Just take the week off, I’m sure your fans will understand” You try to reason with him.
“Oh but I don’t have a back up video for this week, I used it last week.” Joe sighed. You moved closer to him and massaged his shoulders.
“Joe relax, you need to get better before you start to work again. Everyone will understand.” You say. Joe rolls his head back, but jumps right up as his phone rings. Your mind was jumbled, you were so close to Joe. “I could get used to this,” You thought. But the thing is that you would never admit something like that. Again, being in a relationship with him is a risk that you don’t know if you would take. Joe then got off the phone,
“Mikey said he is going to drop buy to bring some stuff.” Joe informed you. You nodded and moved to sit a bit further than you were from Joe a minute ago. Joe must have noticed because he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him.
“I just want to cuddle and sleep..” Joe mentions,
“Joe you’re needy when you’re sick aren’t you?” You comment. He chuckles a bit, not really disagreeing with you. Soon both of you slowly fell asleep.
A/N - soo that was kinda an intro part to this story... Sorry the ending was a bit weird but I had to split up the parts some how. I don’t know how long this is going to be but send me ideas for this story if you want to ! :)
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Needed advice: My best friends ex is starting to like me and I think I like him back. He's been real sweet to me and I don't know if its alright to start talking to him.. I'm pretty sure she's moved on. Yesterday she brought him up.. I don't kno if it'll be alrighhtt??
nooo.  idc if she's “over” him. don’t do it. find another guy
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theysimplycantbebeat · 10 years
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