#alright I'm off to bed now - cya guys! <3
livelovelaug-h · 6 years
Coma days
Day 7 & 8
Dean x reader
Characters: Donna , Dean, Sam, doctor. Mary
Btw y/h/c is your hair color.
@marvelouslysherlockedhunter forgot to tag you sorry !
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The doctor came over, Dean took him aside.
"what can I do for you Dean?"
"You can tell me that she has brain activity because she twitched in mine and Jody's hands. Thats an activity."
"we didn't see any of that so it could have been a muscle spasm from not using her hands and arms."
"no it's not!" He says and slams his fist into the wall next to the doctors shoulder. "And we aren't giving up." Dean walks away leaving the doctor speechless. The doctors used to that kind of behavior. It's grief and a way to get out some anger, he didn't take it personally.
"Dean.." Mary calls after him but he's already out of the door. He drives away from the hospital, he didn't wanna leave you but he couldn't be there with that negativity. He drove around for awhile again, stopped when he seen a tiny cafe. He walked in and got a coffee and two slices of pie, one to go.
Siting down to eat his pie, he remembered when he took you on your first date. It didn't go as planned. He remembered when the British men of letters tried to kill you, Crowley, and Lucifer. The more & more he thought about it, the more it got him mad, that you got hurt so much and didn't care. Right now you probably had no idea that you've been gone for so long.
"hey dean, wheres my last piece of pie?"
"pie? I didn't Know we uh - we had pie."
"lies you ate it didn't you."
"you know actually I think Sam threw it away he said it was too old." Dean says as he shruggs. "That's a terrible lie." You say lightly hitting his chest. "Yeah but you still love me."
"barely." You say and sit on his lap kissing his lips, It was as good as new puppy love could be, even eight months in.
Two years later
You and Dean were laying in bed watching a movie, it just finished playing as Dean finished eating a piece of pie.
"if I ever die.., every piece of pie you want will be me telling you to take a break and eat." He was a little shook at that random thought.
"well your not dying anytime soon so."
"yeah but if I do."
"no, no don't go there."
"you have to think about it."
"I don't, you know why?"
"because what if I go first?"
"what if we both go at the same time."
"look, I'm just enjoying the time I have with you okay? No sad thoughts or I'll have to kick you off the bed." He says about to push you off.
"okay okay fine." Hahah. "I love you."
"I love you too."
End of flashbacks
Dean's flashbacks ended when his phone rang. "Hello?"
"heya Dean. I'm on my way to the hospital now, I'm so sorry I couldn't get there faster."
"it's okay Donna I know it's hard with the job and all"
"... Dean when's the last time you slept?"
"I don't know a day."
"where are you I'm almost at the hospital."
"I um went to get some pie at a café . I'll send you the address."
"okie dokie hang in there sweety. Cya later"
"cya bye."
After 10 mins Donna came through the door.
"hiya Dean."
"hey Donna." She hugged him, really hugged him.
"want something to eat?" Dean asked her.
"I'll just take a coffee." They talked while she got her coffee.
"alright I'm going to the hospital, are you coming?"
"Nah, I'ma head to the hotel and get some sleep."
"good. Sleep well see you soon."
What Dean really did though was check for any possible cases. He seen about 3 that he missed already while being at the hospital. The Impala roared down the road as Dean drove to Oklahoma.
End of day 7
Donna enter the hospital getting chills instantly. She walked over to the elevators and mentally prepared for seeing you and Sam etc.
"Hey Donna."
"Hey Sam." She hugged him and then Mary. " you guys are doing better than Dean."
"Yeah he's not taking it lightly."
"He seemed a little better at the cafe."
"Yeah he ate and said he was going to go sleep."
"that's Surprising." Donna finally looked over to you, y/n.
"ohh my poor baby girl." Just limply laying there.
"Is she getting any better?"
"They say no, there's no brain activity."
"oh wow. Not good. I'm so sorry" no one said anything for awhile.
"Remember when she and Dean had a fight and then we all had a snowball fight and they instantly made up." Everyone lightly laughs.
"She was a stubborn one just like you guys."
Flashback -
You weren't having a good day but at least the hunt was over and successful. You and Donna had a great relationship, you loved her and looked up to her, she was fearless and strong.
She started hugging everyone, everyone except you and Dean. She shouted to you two: "okay you two, rainbow Brite. Come on. Bring it in."
You and Dean looked at each other and smiled, walking over to her. It was the best group hug ever, you guys werere just enjoying the now, not the later.
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end of flashback
"they said we should prepare to say goodbye. "
"oh, noo."
"we're not going to give up, but we'll give you two some time." Mary spoke up.
"alright thank you." Donna said eyes dripping with tears. She closed her eyes and just cried, No one has ever seen Donna cry. After 5 minutes she stopped and took a deep breath. "Your a lucky girl I never cry for anyone." She huffs a laugh.
"now you come back for us or else I'll have to kill ya... Who am I supposed to get gossip from if your gone? Your one of my only friends, you helped me get away from Doug. You are the sweetest girl and I looked up to you... I need my sunshine back. We all do. I can't be the only bright one here... Plus I need more sleepover buddies."
After 20 long mins Sam and Mary came back. They told Donna she should go and get some rest from the long drive, that she could come back again tomorrow.
"yeah I'll do that g'night cya."
"good night."
Sam spoke up to his mom "you can go Dean needs you, I'll stay here tonight."
"are you sure?" He nods.
"alright thanks good night Sam." She kissed her boy good night.
When she got to the hotel she didn't see Dean. There were no indications that he was even there before. She figured she'll deal with it in the morning, give him his space for now.
In The morning around 7 a.m. Dean finally reached Oklahoma. Ready to start this hunt and forget about things for awhile he turned his phone off and walked into the sheriff's office.
"here we go."
"hello I'm special agent Krisp I'm here about the girl who uh died by an animal bite."
"uh sure. Why does the FBI care about this?"
"they think maybe someone made her get attacked."
Walking out to the impala since he got the info he needed and knew Where to go next, from far away he thought he seen someone inside the car. Like a girl. With y/h/c.
"excuse me? What are you doing in my car???" He started jogging over and when he looked in ---
And that was the beginning of day 8.
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