#team free will
venbysstuff · 3 days
Little quick cas sketch
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sucksesful-user · 1 day
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you're meaning to tell me we could have had REAL mechanical angel wings for Cas?? ONES THAT AREN'T CGI??
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humnooshop · 2 days
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Salt & burn :)
The relaxed fit t-shirt and other products with this design are available on my Redbubble
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horsewearingbandana · 25 days
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gay people can't flirt normally it's always gotta be some shit like this
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enokian3310 · 23 days
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werepires · 6 months
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Sam has had enough. Save Sam. . ref. redbubble Like my art? Support me on ko-fi ☕️
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 3 months
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chxrrylungs · 2 months
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instead of scooby doo, what if they were transported into my little pony?
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rkelspn · 9 days
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tfw in similar outfit again
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nahpkmp · 4 months
Silly silly animation teehee
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venbysstuff · 4 months
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My bbgrl
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inacatastrophicmind · 2 months
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Supernatural 12x19/ Tracker 1x12
Guys, it's the same motel and the same door 3
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winchestergifs · 11 months
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I understand. The bird represents god. And coyote is man, endlessly chasing the divine, yet never able to catch him. It's... it's hilarious.
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beansprean · 6 months
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(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Waist up of Dean, Cas, and Sam standing on a mottled cream background. Dean is in profile, Cas standing close enough to him that their shoulders touch. With a resigned and exasperated expression, Sam chops both hands in the air firmly and says, in the form of a screenshot from Reddit, "ESH. You're both just enabling each other's mental illnesses. You're both perfect for each other. Never change. Just never involve anybody else in what you've got going on." Cas squints at Sam confusedly from the corner of his eye. Dean blushes nervously and looks away, mouth screwed up in embarrassment.
2. Knees up of Cas sitting on the edge of Dean's bed in the bunker, hair mussed and wearing only plan white boxers. His hands are braced on the edge of the mattress as if making to stand up. Behind him on the other side of the bed, a bare chested Dean sits up and stops him with a hand on his shoulder, eyes large and pleading. He says, in the form of a screenshot of a tweet by user 'filledwithurine', "when i said bro and dude during sex i was trying to be romantic please don't go". /end ID
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enokian3310 · 2 months
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the bunker as a home
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Fake Dean: “I’m the real Dean!”
Dean: “No, I’m the real Dean!”
Castiel: “Which one do we kill?!”
Sam: “There’s only one way to find out.”
Castiel: *Nods*
Sam: “What’s 3 times 9?”
Fake Dean: “27!”
Sam, shooting fake Dean: “Wrong answer.”
Castiel: “3 times 9 is 27!”
Sam: “Yeah, but that wouldn’t have been Deans answer.”
Castiel: “What?”
Sam, pointing at Dean: “That would’ve been Deans answer.”
Dean, glaring at Sam after counting on his fingers before walking away: “You know I failed math, so why you asking me- You know what? I don’t have to explain, I don’t gotta explain anything to you. Get out, get out of my face!”
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