#alright im going 2 tag all the band names look away i'm shy
marsdemo · 3 years
punk bands of color recs? if you could also rec your favorite album by each band so i can listen to it first it can be overwhelming to sort through them ^_^
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[image id: a tumblr ask from an Anonymous user which reads “i’d love to hear [about] any punk bands of color that you like!! as many as you want ^^” /end id]
totally!! thank you for the interest, here’s a list of bands i really enjoy, an album (linked on spotify), and a blurb about each of them!! 
pinkshift — rainwalk — okay they only have 3 singles out rn but they are my favorite !! theyre from baltimore md and have an angsty pop punk / riot grrrl vibe and their music is perfect to fuck up your hair to 
ho99o9 — cyber cop [unauthorized mp3.] — pronounced “horror”! industrial hip hop / anarchic hardcore punk blend with a sickening horror inspiration. their live shows are fucking nuts and they’re based in LA!!
nova twins — who are the girls? — LITERALLY ICONIC love their style love their music and theyve been using their platform to uplift other marginalized creators! check out the voices of the unheard playlist!
turnstile — nonstop feeling — hardcore punk metal band from baltimore md !! they have 3 albums out rn and each of them rocks
the muslims — gentrifried chicken — self-described as “all-queer, Black & Brown punk band that’s politically and punklitically ruthless” !! their music revolves around sick lyrics and sicker sound. get into it
le butcherettes — sin sin sin — experimental genre-bending mexican garage punk band with teri gender bender as the main vocalist/guitarist 
big joanie — sistahs —Black feminist punk band from london’s diy scene! their start stems from the frustration with the scene’s lack of intersectionality & establishes that woc have always had a place in punk 
krimewatch — krimewatch — hardcore punk band from new york city! killer energy and vicious lyrics in japanese and english. 
death tour — blood pact — i dont even know where to start with this one tbh!! aggressive music with engrossing genre blends and an unwavering anti-authoritarian worldview
drinking boys and girls choir — keep drinking — punk trio from daegu city in korea! they have a great range of musical styles and their spirit is so fun it’s infectious 
letlive. — the blackest beautiful — no longer an active band but they’ll always have a spot in my heart. sick post-hardcore stuff with heavy-hitting music and politically inspired lyrics !!
skatune network — ska goes emo (vol. 1) — a must-listen if you’re into ska!! skatune network mostly does covers, but check out their other works with we are the union and their solo project JER
rebelmatic — ghost in the shadows — fresh noise and gritty vocals; their sound is reminiscent of classic punk rock with hardcore / funk / hip hop inspiration
pleasure venom — pleasure venom — huuuge fan of their voice. they emphasize heavy riffs, high energy melodies, and sharp vocals!
meet me @ the altar — garden — pop punk trio from the east coast! they are thriving rn and recently recently got signed to fueled by ramen
the OBGMS — the OBGMs — short for The oOohh Baby Gimme Mores!  sickk rock band with a bunch of recent releases to check out
otoboke beaver — itekoma hits — punk rock garage quartet from tokyo, japan. totally crazy energy and super lively performances !!
the kominas — the systems are down — south asian, subversive, inclusive, cathartic punk. they make it a point to challenge their listeners expectations. love their sound 
the punk scene is incredibly whitewashed and white punks love to ignore the racism/fascism running rampant in their circles. do your part to support artists of color and make it clear that bigots aren’t welcome! here’s another list of poc in alternative music, but the post is from a couple years ago at this point ^_^ please feel free to add more recs if you have em!
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