#pleasure venom
snixx · 9 months
anyway this is my favourite playlist ever. this one's for the rock girlies <3
if you guys have any songs you want to add please let me know the more the merrier let's all go feral together
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imonanegotrip · 2 years
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Hardcore punk rockers of color need more attention. Despite punk ideology being largely anti-racism, the face of the punk scene has historically been really fucking white. When you think of punk rock, your mind goes to the Clash, Bad Religion, etc. etc. -- essentially, completely white bands. While these artists get the spotlight, much of the spirit of punk rock is made up by POC. Punk is angry at institutions. Punk wants things to change. Black people faced with systemic racism and suppression at every turn are angry, want things to change, and put out really fucking good music about it. You've heard of Bad Brains. And there's a shit ton of other PROC (punk rockers of color) who deserve a listen and a cult following. From TCIYF (The Cum In Your Face, often described as "the voice of South African youth") to FUPU (Fuck U Pay Us, a kickass all-black femme punk band), there are so many black bands fighting racism with badass music and historic shows. Stop listening to the same old white dudes. Start listening to PROC.
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saturnisfallingdown · 6 months
my message to the world...... listen to pleasure venom
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lunapaper · 2 years
What if everything you knew was a lie? 
Pleasure Venom fight to be seen in their latest video amid a distorted haze of colour, the Texan band’s jumpy, disorienting punk driven by the raging fury of the brilliant Audrey Campbell as her distrust turns to defiance. 
Says Campbell (via Afropunk): 
‘Religion, sex, politics, fascism, remote work, and everything in between engulf us, and left standing in the tides to tough it all out is YOU. What is truth and how do we seek it? What if the “truth” you believe in is a fucking lie? A betrayal? Does that piss you the fuck off? It pissed me off. 
‘I asked myself all these questions as I sat down to write lyrics for this song. I usually silence my home and check in with myself, especially on writing days. Am I content or depressed? Scatter-brained from a bad ADHD day, or shitty memories, or nightmares from my past? The fucking trauma that can haunt and fuck with me at times…. 
‘“Behind Their Eyes” lyrics came to me in one of these times of reflection. The chaos of watching the news while walking through this world swim through that swirl of music. We hope “Behind Their Eyes” is as cathartic to listen and watch as it was to create.’ 
- Bianca B. 
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em0-opossum · 1 year
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a summary of my personality but it's just the last time I did the pudding.cool thing
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shortviolet · 2 months
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why did no one tell me about pleasure venom ???????
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electrosquash · 4 months
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unmattata · 8 months
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Gallery: Pleasure Venom @ Wise Hall - Vancouver, BC Date: May 12, 2023 Photographed by: Ray Maichin
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Mount Us, Eddie!
Venom: -takes over horse- "You must mount us, Eddie!" Eddie: "Oh come on man, I did that last night!" Venom: -groans- "No, I mean climb on our back! Eddie: I also did that last night- Oh! You mean actually climb on you...got it! Venom: -gay symbiote noise-
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Heroes who save the world on a near weekly basis but can’t afford on brand peanut butter
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saturnisfallingdown · 7 months
one more actually.
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devilfic · 1 year
Would you ever consider writing a symbiote!MCU Spidey? I’d love to see your take on a darker Peter Parker!
you don't understand the DEPTHS of my euphoria when I saw peter go apeshit on the green goblin during no way home. like??
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the way he's visibly shaking from rage, the unrestrained violence, the line "no, I just wanna kill you myself". there's something so delicious about a character who is usually dedicated to being a good person in the face of grief and sadness only to give into their wrath when they get pushed just a little too far. peter's a great character for that because to me, you can tell he is consciously making the choice to be a good person everyday. it's not because it comes easy to him, it's because he wants to, which makes it all the more compelling when he decides to stop
but now you've got me thinking about. post-nwh symbiote!peter dealing with the loss of his loved ones and you, his partner who's completely forgotten him. how before the symbiote, he was so good at staying away from you, letting you live your life even if it meant that you were dating someone new. even if it meant that he couldn't swing by your place anymore because someone else was living there, someone else was kissing you good morning, someone else was the love of your life
and he's so good at pretending because he loves you and you don't remember him, he's no one, so it's only right that he leaves you alone. starts a new life even though he never really could say goodbye to the last one
but then he finds the symbiote and. well. he starts thinking that maybe it's not right. he's given so much to this city and what? he's just supposed to be okay with losing everything he loves for it? he doesn't ask for much. barely anything. he's living out of a shitty apartment, barely making ends meet, getting bruised and bloody night and day and watching all his friends and family and you slip through his fingers. why is someone else taking his place? it's not fair, is it?
he was powerless when he lost you. that won't happen again
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mutsukiss · 1 year
I finally got my paws on mgsv (the whatever edition w both games and dlcs) and I'm feeling VERY opinated about Kaz. I must mention I am greatly spoiled but I don't know the whole story and I'm actually getting surprised by a lot of new stuff constantly so that's 👍
But man man man MAN I'm just. Vibrating very strongly abt Kaz. I'm still v early in the game but since the moment he appeared he's like centimeters away from imploding. At every opportunity he gets it's like he needs to reassure himself he's gonna Turn Everything Around And Not Fall Into Dispair and I felt really sad when in one of the recordings BB (or, well, Venom) would try to interject to I think for ask what the fuck was he doing (i think it was one about gaining intel directly from the ground by hiring local militia/civils smth like that). He just seems so miserable and like he's putting all his efforts into this one big anger wave for a Last Chance At [Task that he adopted as life motto] and he's seconds away from letting it explode into dust if he relaxes one bit
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midnightscxre · 11 months
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Emerald greens flickered with sheer enchantment. Not much could move the infamous bio-chemist, rarely something out of her own line of experiments capturing her breath and shaking the ground beneath her feet. It truly had to be something out of this world -- and it literally was, an alien creature coming out from a human cocoon as a shield.
" He is. . . magnificent. "
Ruby haired woman was not to one to offer compliments easily, but this took her off guard completely. All the speculation she had after retrieving some blood samples from the crime scenes turned out to be true -- there was something extraterrestrial in that crimson. Keeping the results to herself, knowing very well what the government would do if they even suspect a force such as this was on the table for exploiting, Clare decided to ' hunt down ' the man possessing this treasure herself -- and no danger would be an obstacle, everything was worth it to witness this. Pine-green irises finally shifted from the now empty space above his head back to the sky blue marbles of his eyes. Allowing the lungs to consume oxygen again, she cleared her throat.
" Where did he come from? How is he sustained? What does he consumes to survive? How long does he exist? " Biting her tongue to stop the rest of the chain of questions to slip, woman slowly shook her head in order to regain her composure.
" I-- I apologize. It not every day one witnesses something like him. And I did see some strange things but. . . he is breathtaking. " apology and another compliment, and above all, calm behavior without hostility, Clare was certainly shook by this revelation, since this was not her usual pattern of behavior. Swiftly she turned around the dimly lit laboratory, to check once again if anyone is there. She knew the building was empty, it was the whole point. Middle of the night and only she had the key to this part of the facility. Yet, still, precaution was needed.
" Coffee? " Like she didn't just saw a completely new form of life, she reached for the freshly brewed liquid and poured it in a mug with A.C.D.C. logo on it. Long, inked legs brought her back to the reporter, handing him the cup. The words he spoke nearly brought a smile on her face, but instead, a controlled curve of the side of her mouth was offered. " I don't fear things most humans do, Mr. Brock. Actually, what most people are afraid of always fascinated me the most. I found them unique and highly misunderstood. " she spoke truthfully, eyes dancing across his face and neck like she was searching for another glimpse of the creature.
" However, there is a matter at hand. As you know, too much reports of something inhuman, massive destruction and leaving your DNA around will cause suspicion. . . So if you don't mind, both of you, I would like to learn more about him. Find a way to keep you from the government's radar and. . . make sure no one uses you two for their benefit. All I want in return is, well, a little time to admire what he is. Which reminds me. Do you have a name, beautiful? " last sentence was directed at the symbiote, no matter that it would not be a mistake to address the host with the same adjective.
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voidrots · 2 years
translating logos into alternian is fun if time consuming
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