#alsike clover
netsurikigaku2 · 2 years
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Tumblr, I’m back!
(Kind of. I don’t know how active I will be there, but at least managed to login. I will probably be mostly on Mastodon.)
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spooninabowl · 2 years
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I found this alsike clover growing just beside the mailbox. This photo was taken in my home in Quebec during the month of June 2022.
Prints available: https://bit.ly/3HxvlGx
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adachimerica · 3 months
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put together a reference sheet for Clover! this was surprisingly fun to do, yee haw
i need to do one for Csej too, but my honey and i are doing em for Clover + Archy first cos we want to... maybe commission some art of them .... everyone's favorite normal heterosexual couple
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patchworkmelody · 1 year
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New girl just dropped I made her literally fifteen minutes ago
She's a shy but spirited little clover mite, and she wants to prove herself!!! Which is hard when she's small, cute, and everyone thinks she's some sort of dainty little softie. Which she sort of is. But ALSO, she likes to get her hands DIRTY! Machinery-wise especially! Nothing like finished putting something together to give you that warm, fuzzy feeling in your shell.
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homeofhousechickens · 5 months
You should be mindful about what your chickens are eating in your pastures or backyard especially if your not familiar with pasture management. Lawn grass isn't very nutritious to chickens and can actually be dangerous if they consume to much of it.
If you are in the midwest and you free range I suggest a pasture mix like this. It's much more safe, nutritious and more drought resistant than your lawn. If you don't free range and are still interested in providing some sprouts for your chickens you can also use this to make sprouts or grow boxes in their run for them.
The ratio of seed is this
20% White Dutch Clover 20% Alsike Clover 20% Red Clover 15% Alfalfa 15% Field Pea 10% Common Flax
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w3w · 1 month
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Clover Cookie ID Pack
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alsike, autumn, berseem, brooke, clive, clover, crimson, deli, fortuna, hare, leaf, lucien, lucky, olive, rose, trefoil, zigzag
adven / adventure, bal / ballad, bli / bliss, clo / clover, enthu / enthusiastic, fai / faith, fa / fate, fo / forest, for / fortune, fou / four, gra / grass, gre / green, ha / happy, he / heal, jo / joy, kind / kindhearted, lu / luck, mu / music, poe / poetry, pur / purify, sing / song, so / soft, soo / soothe, soul / soulstone, sto / story, stru / strum, sup / support, tal / tales, wild / wildlife, wri / write
[x] who rests by the brook, the naturalhearted musician, [x] who plays the lute for those around [x], storyteller, the poetic lute player, the inspired writer, [x] who weaves tales, [x] who plays a ballad worth travelling for, [x] who lays on the grassy field, the bard of the cookie world, [x] whose songs spread luck far across the lands, [x] with a heart of gold, [x] who narrates the tales of old, the peaceful wanderer
cloverful, cloveric, cloverique, evenfonssettan, floranopoetic, gradewsunic, grasgevoelis, luckdigital, meadowpreciparomic, mouanipre, ravenpoetic, teamagus
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anskupics · 3 months
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Trifolium hybridum — alsike clover
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1. Chicory (Cichorium intybus), 2. False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides) 3. Alsike Clover (Trifolium hybridum), 4. Virginia Springbeauty (Claytonia virginica), 5. Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa), 6. Dame’s Rocket (Hesperis matronalis), 7. Queen Anne’s Lace (Daucus carota), 8. Common Star-of-Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum)
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luckycloverfield · 9 months
art? WRONG! Triple Cloverfield attack ☘️☘️☘️☘️
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Sorrel is Clover’s Husband
Dutch and Alsike are the son and daughter of Field, somehow getting the powers of Clover (Field is definitely cursed /hj)
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Welcome to the Cloverfield Family!
These are the members you can ask/interact with:
Clover Cloverfield - The First member of the family, the Creator of the universe of HoH:TVOS, Mother to Lucky and Field, Grandmother to 4Leaf and Weedy
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Lucky Cloverfield - Clover’s son, Field’s brother. The Lucky Unlucky clover, known for his luckyness and unluckyness. A Pilot and Journalist.
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Field Cloverfield - Clover’s other son, Lucky’s brother. The outcast of the family, as he didn’t get the god powers. Only talks to Weedy and Clover. Very Country.
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4Leaf Cloverfield (He/She) - A self aware clover. Weedy’s brother, Lucky’s son. The one who turned the family against Field.
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Weedy Cloverfield (He/She) - The Druggie of the Family, always smoking weed and the such. Lucky’s son, 4Leaf’s brother. Only got the immortality part of the powers, and is one of the two people who talks to Field.
(ref for weedy soon)
Sorrel Cloverfield - Clover’s Husband, changed his last name from ‘(last name unknown)’ to ‘Cloverfield’ when he married Clover. Doesn’t talk to his grandchildren much, but talks to his children and Clover. Stubborn to everyone except Clover, where he becomes completely different, being very kind and silly. Originally was just a flower boy, making flower bouquet, until he met Clover.
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Dutch ‘Angel’ Cloverfield - Daughter of Field. Got the powers of Clover, and is very very kind and generous, and too trusting.
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Alsike Cloverfield - Son of Field. Also got the powers of Clover. Often known for getting really sick. Is considered the second weakest of the power-holders, only slightly above Weedy.
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Otter Cloverfield - a lost brother to Lucky and Field, half otter, half fish tank, half clover. Also related to Fishbowl.
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Crimson Cloverfield - Info unknown
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sorrel-minis · 9 months
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Finished the 02 tamers
Copying this directly from my 6:00 am reddit post
So this first set is for 02. They're cousins currently doing the whole foreign exchange student thing. They're pseudo punk kids who have kind of plain names but prefer to go by Puck and Loki. They're also really into music
They notice the main kids having their club meetings a lot and think they seem like a neat bunch. Puck (blonde girl) is the one to suggest they actually get to talking to them instead of just watching. Loki (boy who can see with all that hair) just wanted to wait to be noticed.
Puck is extroverted, always ready to try new things, and makes friends very easily. She's an early adopter of new trends, but abandons them if they feel too mainstream. Her voice is soothing, and she's at the age where she's obsessed with scented lotions and sprays. She always has some to spare. Her main problem is that she talks before she thinks. She thinks out loud a lot, too, and has a habit of unintentionally offending others. It takes her a minute to figure out why. She gets pretty close to Yolei and Kairi, and often initiates "girl days" with them. She likes bonding with them through shopping for clothes and music. She and Daisuke mock each other a lot, but it's all in harmless fun. They really do consider each other
Loki is introverted and quieter than his cousin. He's shy, and wants to say things, but can never find the words. Loki likes the alternative scene because he thinks emulating his heros will make him more outspoken. He's a fan of stuffed animals, sugary food, and any hairstyle he can use to hide his face. Loki gets alona best with TK. Kairi. and Codv. Don't get him wrong. He loves being around everyone in the group! He just sometimes prefers to stay closest to the calmest ones.
Their Digimon are Serpentinemon and Houndramon. They're both named for songs (Serpentine Fire and Hound Dog, respectively), and have opposite mannerisms. Serpentinemon tends to always screw towards happy, and screams when sad or mad. His emotions are big. Houndramon cries a lot. Tears of joy, confusion, sadness. She is sensitive.
Anywho, their Digi eggs are two halves of a broken one. Something happened with the egg of enthusiasm. It split into the eggs of pep and cheer.
Pep turns Serpentinemon into Jackmon (or Captmon...I just really wanna keep the music theme), cheer turns Houndramon into Alsikemon (Alsike Clover...like... The Clovers...it's a Bring it On reference, you see...)
I got tired of working on this after inking Serpentinemon's evo, so this one is pretty flat.
Let's see how long it takes me to draw the 03 Tamer
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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09/06/2023-Lakeside and home 
Pictures taken today in this set are of: 1. Some of the many dog roses and other roses enjoyed again today, a wealth of colour. 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9. Views on a sunny and scorching day, the weather really showed in the landscape I thought with brown grass and bright green vegetation. 3. Dazzling grass vetchling. 5. Some of a fair bit of bramble flower I enjoyed today. 7. Meadow crane’s-bill shining in the sunlight. 10. A Large Skipper I was thrilled to see again this evening. 
Two of my favourite birds the Buzzard at lunch time and Jay this evening were Lakeside bird highlights today, alongside seeing and hearing Song Thrush, Blackbird, Swift, Moorhen, Great Tit including hearing the pleasing trills and possibly seeing young and hearing Ring-necked Parakeet. It was a delight to follow a great number of Meadow Browns on the walks today, summer gems of the grass and harbingers of the season. Common Blue butterfly seen well, Emperor dragonfly, I believe a Black-tailed Skimmer dragonfly nearly flying into the adult Great Crested Grebes I saw with chicks as a post I did about this specifically today just now mentions and of course in a strong few weeks I’ve had for seeing them Swollen-thighed beetle were other insect highlights. Deliciously coloured alsike clover, a strong summer flower beautiful purple knapweed, yellow rattle, bird’s-foot trefoil, bird vetch, oxeye daisies, viper’s-bugloss, ragwort growing in a dry area by the steam railway station another heatwave image of the day, red valerian, hogweed, nightshade, dock, plantain and bird vetch were plant highlights. A gang of Woodpigeons on the roof out the back at one point, Collared Dove and Magpie together at one point with Magpie seen on the green out the front tonight too and Goldfinches were highlights at home today. 
My post about the Great Crested Grebes today: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/719674601461956608/09062023-great-crested-grebe-chicks-at-lakeside 
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themundanemudperson · 20 days
Top 5 flowers?
ooh once again a difficult one but i'm gonna do my best!
Clovers (more specifically alsike clovers)
Roses (basic but they're pretty)
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adachimerica · 4 days
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i exclaimed out loud “oh shit what song lyrics am I gonna put under this” and @moombastation looked at me in utter bafflement… sorry babe it’s a tumblr dot com art thing!!!
anyways here’s Archy (au ra, she/her) and Clover (viera, he/him), they are my hyperfixation at the moment, they are my wife and i’s ffxiv alts and we are GAy🫡💕
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spooninabowl · 2 years
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I found this alsike clover growing just beside the mailbox. This photo was taken in my home in Quebec during the month of June 2022.
Prints available: https://bit.ly/3kIkn89
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Hop Clover – Trifolium Aureum: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Yellow Clover of Wild Plants - Song of the Woods
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